Beginning one mile west of the head of the Calops canal, in Canada, and extending for ever two miles, a chan nel, has been cut. 300 feet wide. By the use of this channel the largest vessels now navigating the St. Law rence are saved the* tortuous and den gerous passage by the south chann- 1 through American water. The Farmers' Telephone Co. at An •derson, Ind., has adopted a general signal of distress for its patrons on party lines. Following the general alarm the exchange operator will give ihe number of rings indicating the house from which the alarm came, so that the neighbors may go direct t>» the place where assistance is needed. The 4,000 telephone girls in Ger many are government employees. Kach must be of good character and live in a respectable family. The pay is 33V;. cents a day. with an ad vance of six cents in two years, and those four years in service secure VI cents a day. Applicants for these po sitions! usually wait two years for au opening. Patchouli, known for its penetrating •odor, is derived from the leaves of the tropical herb, pogostenion patchouli. The plant in its wild state is found in East India, but is now also cultivated. The supply of leaves for the perfume Industry comes mainly from Java and different sections of the Malacca penin sula; also from Coukol island, near Singapore. Probably the first case of its kind— -suit by an insurance company to re cover from an electric lighting com pany on losses sustained through de fective insulation—has just been de cided by a jury in the supreme court at New York. Damages were awarded the insurance company, as several witnesses told of having seen the burning electric light wires. At a recent examination of young men in England, three of the answers to the question, "What is the Mon roe doctrine?" were: "The religion of America taught by Dr. Monroe on the transmigration of souls." "The ■doctrine that people may be married Kcvcral times." "One Jliat has to do with vaccination and smallpox; it -was brought out by Prof. Monroe." An ingenious contrivance lias been invented by Tom Tod. supervising en gineer of a railroad in Buenos Ayres, for use on his official trips of inspec tion. As tne company is too poor to .•apply a locomotive and train for its .fiicials, the inspector has to content himself with a poor handcar. This lias been transformed into a boat on wheels. It is rigged up with a main sail and jib. Mr. Tod lias attained a -=l)ced of 40 miles an hour. After a series of experiments with •arrier pigeons for conveying intelli gence. the German naval authorities have decided to erect permanent pig eon stations on the coasts of the North and Baltic seas. Bvery war ship. except torpedo boats, leaving Kiel or Wilhelmshaven will hereafter carry a consignment of pigeons, to lie re leased at varying distances from the land .stations. It is estiniattd t lat the birds have sufficient endurance to fly home over a distance of about 180 miles from land. 112 "L'lg'LU Business Cards. H. \V. QUEEN, ATTORNEY-AT-L A W, Emporium, l'a. A bur'ne«srelating to estate,collections,real ites. Orphan's Court and generallaw hnsineei •ill receive prompt attention. 4i~ly. J. C. JOHNSON. J. P. MCNARNET JOHNSON & MCNARNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW' ESIPOIIIIIM, PA. Will give prompt attention to all buainem en; rusted to them. lfi-ly. VI'HAEL BRENNAN, ATTORNEY AT-LAV7 Col'ec'ions promptly attended to. Real estats and pension claim agent, 85-ly. Emporium, Pa. THOMAS \VAI.)I.)INGTON, Emporium, Pa., CONTRACTOR FOR MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. All orders in my line promptly executed. All V bids of building and cut-stone, supp ed at lon prices. Agent for ninrblo or granite monuments. Lettering neatly done. AMERICAN HOUSE, East Emporium, Pa.. JOHN 1 . JOHNSON, Prop'r. Having resumed proprietorship ot this old and well established House 1 invite the patronage oi ths public. House newly furnished and thor oughly renovated. 48ly F. D. LF.F.T. StTTORNEY-AT-LAW and INSURANCE AG'T. EMPORIUM, PA T) LAMP OWNERS AND OTHERS IN CAMERON IND ADJOINING COUNTIES. I have nume-ouacalls for hemlock and hard wood timber lands,also stum pnge&c., and partiei desiring eithertobuy or sell will do well to call pn ine. F. U. LEET. CITY HOTEL, WJI. MCOEE, PROFBIETOB Emporium, Pa. Having again taken possession of thisoidand popular house I solicit a share of the public pat. nonage. The house is newly furnishedand is on# .of the best appointed hotels in Cameton county, 3°-ly. _ 'THE NOVELTY RESTAURANT, Emporium, Pa. 'VLLLIAM MCDONALD, Proprietor. I take pleasure in informing the public that ] have purchased the old and popular Novelty Restaurant, located on Fourth street. It will b« my endeavor to servo the public in a niannei that shall meet witli their approbation. Give m« n , all. Meals and luncheon served at all houra n027-lyr Wa. McDONALD. ST. CHARLES HOTEL. THOS. J. LYSETT, PaopniEToa Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa. Thi3iiew and commodious hotel is now opened Tforthe accommodation of the public. New in l 1 Jtsappointments, every attention will be pah t» the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17 ly MaY GOULD, TEACHER OH PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY Also dealer in ali the Popular .-.heet Muuc, Emporium, Pa. TVholurstr.uglit either at my home on Sixth reel or at the homes of the pupils. Out oft OWE scholars wilt be given date? at my place. r t\ RIECK, l). D. s , DENTIST.; Office over Tagnart'* Drug store, Emporium, I'i\ Gas and other local anaesthetics fcd- fur the painles*utruclios . I ] - of teeth. -fIPECIALTY:--Preservation of nttuial teetU Is «iudu« Ciwv.u kiiJ iki.'ui Wrriu SIXI'KOI'LK KILIiEIi J'.vplosion in the Dickson SquiL Factory at l'riceliurjf, Pa. TIVK FATALLY IN.II'JJKI). Iliilldliii; MUM Hralroyrd ( ari'lm.tri ol an ICmployc- Cuimed lllt.ut.ltr- Adjoining lliilldiiijrs Wert' Also Ilcalrojrd. Seranton, I'll., April ].- Si\ persona nro known to have been killed and live fa'lally injured l>y an explosion in the factory of the Dickson StjuiLJ Co. at Prieeburg 1 , near here, Thurs day. The dead are: ltrav, I'rieeburg. Iteckie J.ewis, North Seranton. Lizzie Matthews, Oiiphant. George Callahan, I'rieeburg'. Lillian Mahon. Teresa Callahan, Prieebur**. Those fatally injured are: Mamie Gilgallon. Martha Haybrown. Ca.«sie Poultz. Mattie Hevron. Oscar Ayser. Twenty girls were employed in the factory. What caused the explosion is not known, but it is said that one of the girls threw a squib into a stove and that the force of the ex plosion was so great that it wrecked the building and set it on fire. The equibs are used in coal mining. The Dickson Squib Co. occupied only tlie first floor of the structure, the Callahan family having rooms on the second floor. It was here that the two Callahan children lost their lives. Thomas Callahan, the father, was at work and Mrs. Callahan had just left the room when the explo sion occurred. The children, aged 3 years and (> months respectively, were playing on the flooiv- Iloth were instantly'killed. The building caught fire and the flames communicated to two adjoining buildings, one occupied as a hotel and the other as a butcher shop. Iloth were destroyed. With one exception all of the bodies have been taken from the de bris. The bodies of the dead em ployes were so badly burned that it was with great dillii ulty that they could be recognized. TO HAVE MUCH POWER. A FJill Civilly < oiitr». of Olilw'K Public Sfrvlcc Corporations to u Hoard oi five rilll>vr-> CiuN Hern Framed. Columbus, ()., April 1. —Announce- ment is made that the bill to provide for the appointment of a board of five members by tlie governor to have control of public service corporations will be forthcoming within the next week. The members shall draw 000 each annually. The board of control of public ser vice corporations will have power to regulate the rates of fare and other charges of such corporations a.s street railroads, interurban railroads, artificial gas, electric light, beat, power and water companies and re quire such companies to make on nual reports giving full information as to en.pital. indebtedness, otlieers, rates of fare, incomes and expenses, dividends and such other information as the board may desire. In the granting of new franchises the board shall li\ tin? terms and con ditions. Where street railway fran chises are asked the consents of property holders is necessary for the company, as at present. The board otherwise is absolute and city coun cils are relieved of any voice what ever in such matters. SOLDIERS' EXTRA PAY. XII! All <TI TIIONC Wliu Served in lt»li-American or I'iiliiiiptue War* ure Untitled to It, Washington, Api¥l 1. Soldiers who served in the Spanish-American and Philippine wars have been misin formed as to Iheir rights to the two months' extra pay under the recent decision of the comptroller of the treasury department, h is not true that every soldier who served in said wars is so entitled. The decision gives no additional rights to soldiers who enlisted instate organizations that tlicy did not already possess, nor to soldiers of the regular army, the latter not being entitled to the said two months' extra pay unless they enlisted after April 21, Jsiis, and before October :!<), ls'.is, and who were discharged prior to January 1. HiOO, and whose service was honest and faithful. So that, as a matter of fact, those j-oh'iiers only who cnli ted in the United States volunteers and served in the Philippine insurrection, "hon estly and faithfully," and were mus tered out of the service with their organizations, come within the pur view of said organization. SiniiKUlcrtt Arrested. Chicago, April I. An organized gang' for the systematic smuggling of Chinese into the I'nited States by way of the Canadian border is be lieved to have been disrupted by the arrest Thursday of three Chinamen who it is said were active agents of the organization. The arrest, of an American, the ringleader of the gang, is all that is lacking to make the breaking up of the smugglers com plete, according to agents of the de partment of commerce and labor at Washington, who have been working in Chicago for several weeks. A Notable Kvenl. Chicago, April I. An event unpre cedented in the annals of fraternal societies occurred here last, evening at a monster union meeting in the First regiment, armory, when Il.tOt) candidates were initiated into the Royal Arcanum. The occasion was the celebration of the twenty-fifth •anniversary of the establishment _of the order in lllin.iis. Never before, it is said, has such a large number of men been inducted into any fra ternal order at one time. Ily this ac quisition the membership of tha Roval Arcanum in Illinois now num bers 37,00)> —— CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APR 11, 7/ 1904. DeWitt IDeWltt Is tho name to look for when jrou goto buy Witch Hazel Salve. * DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve Is tho original and only genjlr.e, In (act DeWlf'tls the cnly Witch Hai-I Salvo that Is made from ths unadulterated Witch-Hazel Al! others are counterfeits —base Imi tations. cheap ar.d worthless even dangerous. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Is a specific for Files; Ellnd, Bleeding, Itching and Protruding Piles. Also Cuts, ■ Bums. Bruises. Sprains, Lacerations, ■ I Contusions. Boils. Carbuncles. Eczema, ■ M Tetter. Salt Rheum, and all other Skin n r Diseases SALVE H PREPARED BIT 1 E.C. DeWitt < Co., Chicnf# I REVBVO RESTORES VITALITY a Well Man THE "> ' %•> of Me. D-HJBA.T JFIIEKron XiX3IVS3!3X3" , Sr produces Iho übovo ronulta In 30 days. It aci< powerfully and quickly. Curoa when all others fall, loung mou will regain their lost manhood, and old raon v.lll recover their youthful vigor by uolnn REVIVO. It quickly and ourely reatoroo Nervous COfcP, Loiit Vitality, Impoteucy. Nightly Emlsalonn, Loßtl'owor,Falling Memory, Wastlnor Diseases,and I all effects of solf-abuso or exceua and indiscretion, which unlltsona for otudy.businoßs or marriage. II Oo» only euros by starting at tho seat of disease, but Issgreat nerve tnnlo and blood builder, bring log bacis tho pink glow to palo cheeks and r» esorlrw the flro of yonth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having ether. It can be can led In vect pocket. By mall Ol.OOpor package, or el: fo-. Ss.Oi), with a post tlve vrrlttou smarantea to e-aia or rf-'tuul Uie ir-ocrr, Book awl advlsi? free. Address ROYAL MEDIANS CO.,''US'icaoolTLLT I '' Sold by 11. C.Dodson, Emporium, Pa 50 YEARS' 'J^^^^^ t£XPER!ENCE Designs ' : CoPVRIGUrS &c. son'Ung n Rketch nnd doeorlntkm tuny quickly us'-ertuin our opinion free whether an Invention is pmbnhljr pnlt if;ib!o. Communion tlonsatrictly cuntlilcntlnl. HANDBOOK 41,1 Patents sent froo. Oldest nirowy for Homring pateiitn. PxtPhts taken through Munu & Co. receive tpecial notice, without flinrtfO, ill tho Scientific American. A hnndson-.ely lllu*trnt«d weekly. Lnnrest rir culHlion «112 ntiy H' tcntlllo .lournal. Terms, fil a yr-nr : four months, $L fcjolU by all Tiewudealers. MUNN&Co 3613roarfway, New York Ilmncti Uflli'O, H25 F HL. Washington,l >. C. vvvvvvvwvvvvvwvwv ' ( V.•• (lir'.'uii r. K. Hf'l j ( Send model, ske'.ch or photo of in veil tic li for 112 r freereport nn jmtentabilitv. For free t<ook, ' | a!iXS^ j 4- X'VWv -v v -V--V niaflain *«»:«■«. Dean's I ft A safe, remain relief for Suppressed H 9 Menstruation. Never Isnown to fall. Safe! H ■ Sure! Speedy! satisfaction (iiwiran {<'<•(] 0 |('t' money Hefuu'.oil. Sent pjvpaid for ■ 1 £I.OO per box. Will send th<»mon trial, to 9 g be paid for when relieved. Samples Free, H H UN ii EO MEDICALCO., Box 74, Lancasich Pa |B BB*astßw*n ,M nfi ii HI m i|i huhhphi Sold in Emporium .by; L. (Taggart R. C. Dodson. EVERY WOMAN ! Sometimes needs a relinblo wP&i x monthly regulating meiiicitio. ® Dn - PEAL 'S PENNYROYAL piLLS, Are prompt, safe nnd certafn in resuit. The genu ine (l»r. Peal's) never distippoioC. 81 .Co per'bur. Sold by It. C. Dodson, druggist THE EMPORir.II Bottling Vi/orksi KIWUV KRAI'T, Prop. Is prepared to serve his patron with tho Finest Domestic Wines and Beers, Embracing all the pop ular brands. Fino line of light wines, guaran teed absolutely pure. Celebrated Erie Beer AUVAYN RF.AHV. Send letter or 'phone early. 44 ly I PILES R^supnSSl I <;ra-Ifii St'hoola, «' . uritc* : '• I cam J»./ D thr/ ds» all j«u rl*lrn f.»r ibeni." l»r. H. M H J lUrcu Uuck. W. Va., wri Urn '■ The wivp uni*er»*i nails- »1 { foulon." l)r. H. li. W rfJill, <"larkil,orf. Trnu., m itei: p{ 1"In a praotic* of 73 jrar,. I hare 112. ..1 no rrmciv *o HU | Mjiiiil Tourj." Pan *, 50 Cumts. Saa.pln Free. Sold H t bybrig*ists. MA nriN nuov, uncastcr, pa. pi Ho d' ii»2 GniporiumJ by) k au<l & IIEIjI) I I' A TKAIN. Oaring K«)bh«>ry by liandits on Soiitliorn Pueifie Itoad. AX KXPRESSMAN * KILLED. 'l'll* ll(ibbi'r« lljiiamlK-d (lie Shlcn Mi ll»e Cur niitl KpiMired ■'art «>■ lt« <on tl'llto. Sacrainpnto. Cal., April 2. —Three masked men held up the Oregon ex press, southbound on the Southern Pacific* railroad, :it Copley, near Kes wick, killed \V. J. O'.Neil, the ex press messenger, and carried off the eon tents of the express box. Uedding. t'al., April 'i. -It is evident that the three men who held up the Oregon express were novices. They took human life without provocation and the methods they employed to open the safes were so crude that the\ gained but tittle plunder. 'I he particulars of tlie robbery I were obtained when the train, minus I the cxprc>s car, reached Iteddiilg. j When the train pulled into Copley, the highwaymen emerged from the | | brush. They lirst encountered a i J Iramp, who was attempting to steal j a ride, lie* was forced at the point ' | nf ,i ritle to enter tin* smoker. Mean j while one of the robbers knoeked on | t!:o door of the express car. W. .1. O'.Veil, the Wells-Fargo mes senger, asked him some question, 'l'he reply was evidently satisfactory, I because O'.Neil slid the door back I about IS inches, when a ritle bullet ] was sent through his body. It passed near his heart and the messenger fell dead. O'.Neil was not armed. Then while one robber remained on | Ihe lookout the other two inarched ! the engine crew to the express ear. ! The robbers all the time used vile language and discharged occasional I shots from their rillcs. This ap j prised (lie passengers of what was j going on, but tlicy remained in the ; ears and were not molested. Colford, ' i helper to Messenger O'.Neil. was arm- : ed with a shotgun and tried to shoot j ! one of the robbers, but the cartridge failed to explode. Colford pluekily ! | stood his ground and started to put ] ! another shell into the gun, but the ! | robbers leveled their rifles at him J i and commanded him to lay clown ids ! gun or be killed. The robbers then compelled the | ; two firemen and the brakemati to ; j climb into the smoker. When flie bandits found that Col-I j ford could not open the safe they j ; used dvnamite, liivl removing the i botlv of O'.Neil, which lav near the safe. I here were two safes in the ear. a j heavy through safe and a smaller i I local safe. The local safe was blown | , to atoms and the top of the through i ' safe was blown off. Tiny pieces of j greebacks and twisted coins covered ' the floor, il is certain that the rob bers did not get a great amount of plunder. REVIEW OF TRADE. it. I#. Dim A Co.** Weekly Summary <>! Sliimeicxk Condition*. New York. April It. (!. Dun 1'11.'.-. Weckl\ IJcview of Trade says: Much deferred Faster business uas i transacted during the last few days ' and some sections report very satis- i ; factory results. Manufacturing re- 1 \ turns continue conflicting; iron and steel plants gaining ground, foot wear exhibiting the natural reaction | from tin unprecedented production j in 1!»«;;. while textile mills have much | I idle machinery and little forward j business to encourage operation. I 1 I,umber and building materials are j in belter demand, lloods at lite west nnd labor troubles at the ; east retarded structural work to j some extent. " Transportation is still interrupted j I by scarcity of ears, although in the j ! coke region there is less congestion. I [ and railway earnings thus far report ed for March are bur 1.2 per cent, i i smaller than last year. Agricultural | l prospects are unchanged, better weather conditions at some points j : being offset by less favorable news | 1 from other regions and the price sit uation is extremely irregular. ; Further progress in the right di , reel ion is reported in the? iron and | '-teel industry. Commercial failures this week in the Cnitcd States are 2US, against 17: i the corresponding week last year, i Failures in Canada number lU, | against is last year. HOMELESS HOOSIERS. People In Central Indiana are Driven from Tlieir ISesldeiice* !>.> I'looUn. J I mlianapolis, April 2.—While Ihe liood situation throughout south | western Indiana is considerably im proved. the heavy rains of Thursday night have almost duplicated the flood stages of last week, throughout central Indiana. White river near this city has risen I'.i feel above the low water mark and is still rising. Manuafcturing in terests and many homes in the river district are menaced. At Portland only three or four business houses are above water, and at Delphi the Wabash railroad is washed away in two places. The suburbs of Alexan dria are threatened by the high water and the inhabitants have aban doned their homes. Kockville is iso lated. At Marion, Muncie and New Castle the situation is almost as bad as la*t week. ■■'inallv Agreed ii Scale. Altoona, Pa., April ;:.---Afier a week's stubborn fight, the operators and miners, late lasl night, agreed upon the scale to be paid in the cen tral Pennsylvania field for one year. The basis of the settlement is for (52 cents for the gross pick mined ton, which proposition was offered by the miner members of the joint scale committee. It is a reduction of ti.OS per cent, from lasl year's rale of (1(5 cents for a gross ton. The same re duction effects the machine cutters, loaders and scrapers. All other la bor will receive the Indlanapolis cut of 5.55 j; cent. I BUFFALO & SUSQUEHANNA R. R. Time 'fable taking Ell'eet June 23, IS>0» E V?i L-j * Buffalo and Susquehanna RatlroiiJ ..a "The Grand Scenic Route." READ DOWN. Uailr I I I I A. M. P. M. P. M. IA. M 1 LvK'tingSmt...! I' 2 40 7 .10 a 10 ! Austin 6 35 1 05 8 00 9 50 1 ....Costello li t| 1 11 ....Wharton « 58 1 26 .1 10 Cross Fork Jet. 7 :i.l 2 09 I 21 Corbett 8 00 2 38 5 15 Oermaniu, I 2 17 5 15 Lv. ) Oaleton. ' 5 J-J / CtninesJet. 8 3« 3 Ofi .... ...Westtleld 9 13 3 43 ■.. Knoxville... 9 2c; 350 ....Osceola 9 3B 4 OS ! j —Elkland 9 41 4 11 ! i 1 *r..Addison 10 13 4 43 ' ! |A. M.'p. M.| | | | HEAD L'l*. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M P. M. ar.K't'ngSmt... 8 45 7 10 12 25 ; .... Austin 800 6 13 . .. 11 58 845 ....Costello « 34 ... 11 4!) 8 3(1 ...Wharton 6 24 11.39 8 21 Cross Fork J'ct, 5 40 .... 10 58 j 7 40 Corbett 5 15 .... 10 31 7 15 ...Oermania 5 07 .... 10 26 j 7 07 dp..Oaleton P.M. 5 00 1 ar. " .... 7 00 I 00 10 20 7 00 ... Gaines, ... 6 47 12 47 9 49 6 17 .. West field, ... 6 11 12 11 840 1 611 .. Knoxville ... 5 55 11 55 8 22 555 ... Osceola 5 46 11 46 8 04 5 46 Klklanil, 5 41 11 II 8 01 i 5 41 I.v Addison 5 10 11 10 7 15 j 5 10 P. M. P. M.|A. M. A. M P. M. I I I I I I -0 itead down. Read tip. P. M. A. M. P. M«l {A. M.jP. M.| ■9 21 7 00 lv.. Ansonia . ,ar 9 10 7 00 911 . Manhatten... 951 6 41' 907 South (iaines, 957 6 10 p. M. 859 6 37;..Gaines June.. 059 638 i 8 15 B '25 ar I rjoiptni. 1 lv 6 V 5 630105 lv r' on ;nr 10 10 155 1 6 47 1 24! Walton 9 51 4 39 I 7 13 1 50 Newfield Jet...i 9 27 1 15 ; 730 '2 06 West Bingham,. 9r9 101 ' 7 11 2 18 Genesee.... 8 58 3 52 i ! 7 40 2 21 Shongo .... 8 53 3 471 | I 8 06 2 46 ar Wellsvilleldp 8 30 3 30 STATIONS. p. v. p. u. A.M. nr dp A. M. P.m P. m. 3 55 2 00 7 15 Cross F'k June. 11 00 6 35 3 00 l ! 3 05 1 00 6 15 ar Cross Fork dp 11 50 5 45 2 10 |, PM. I P. M. I I A.M. I A.M ! 858 I 100 Lv Sinnamahoning, Ar 300 11 C 5 ' sOS I 1 40 I ar Wharton lv | 1 40 I 9 65 All trains run daily except Sunday. onlv. , CONNECTIONS. At Keating Summit with P. R. R. Buf. Div. | for all points north and south. At Ansonia with N.Y.C.& II It. R. for all points north and south. ( At Newfield Junction with C. & P. A. R. R. I' west for Coudersport, c*ast for Ulysses. At Genesee for points on the New York Si j Pennsylvania R. R. At Addison with Erie R. R., for points east I I and west. I At Wellsville with Erie It. R. for points cast ' anil west. At Sinnamahoning with P. R. R. —P. A E. Div. II.H.GARDINER.Gen'I Psss'r Agt. Hutl'alo, N.Y < W. C. PARK. Gen'l Supt. Galeton. Pa. S M. J. MCMAHOV, Div. Pass Ag't., Galeton,Pa Hf j j You I are not familiar with the excellence of the H ! Cameron [ I County Press I I as aI H AMILY news- | paper, why not sub- | scribe for it now. We are certain that g you will be pleased. The cost is nominal, I $1.50 Per Ycm - I G.SCHMIDT'S,^ HEADQUARTERS FOR FRESH BREAD, 4 PODUlar FANCY CAKES, :-V<s ICECREAM, ' # - CONFECTIONERY Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt and skillful attention. fl BANK BY MAIL "Tl j 112 J I get 4 per cent annua ' i nter cst and ! B absolute protection of this strong bank. J fM3g£g&ffl I Assets over $7,700,000. Lr. liJli&Js: TrJsKmlimc* HSFRM4NIA P&A&llf h£gLail aH kspnv Ka^iJi^Umi [ WOOi) AND DIAMOND STREETS PiTTSBURG. PA p>ennsylvani& RAILROAD. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD DIVISION. In effect Nov. 29. 1903. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM EASTWARD 815 A. M.—Week days for Sunbury, Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg 8 ndintermediatcatations. arriving at PhiladeTp lia 6.23 P.M., New York 9.30 P. M.. Baltimore 6 00 P. M., Washington 7.15 P. M. Pullman Parlor car from VVilliamsport to Philadelphia an Ipassengercoachesfrom Kau» to Philadelphia and Wiiliamsport to Haiti more and Washington. 12:25 IM. (Emporium Junction) daily for Sun burv, Harrisburg and principal intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia, 7:32 p.m.; New York, 10:24 p. m.; Baltimore, 7:30 p. m.; Washington, 8:35, D. m. Vestibuled Parlor cars and passenger coaches, Buffalo to PhiU delphia and Washington. 3"0 P. M.—daily toi " Harrisburg and intermediate stations, arriving at Philadel phia, 4.23 A. M„ New York 7.23 A. M. | Baltimore, 2:2; i A. M. Washington, 3:10 A. M, Pullman sleeping cars from Harrisburgto Phil, adelpliia and New York. Philadelphia f»i>. aeugerscan remainiu sleeper undisturbed un til 7:30 A.M. 10 25 P. M.—Daily for Sunbury, Harriv burg and intermediate stations arriving at Philadelphia 7.17 A. M., New York 'J.33 A. M., weekdays, i 10.38 A. M. Sunday;) Baltimore 7-V> A.M., Washington 8.30 A. M. Pullman sleet ing cars from Erie, Buffalo and Wiiliamsport to Philadelphia and Buffalo, Wil'iamsport to Washington. Passenger cars from l.rie to Philadelphia and Wiiliamsport to Baltimore. l~:lo A. M. (Emporium Junction ,daily for Sun bury, Harrisburg and principal intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia, 7:32 a. m.; New York, 9:31 a. m., week days: (10:38 Sun days.; Baltimore, 7:25 a. m.; Washington. 8:18 a.m. Y estibuled B.liTjt Sleeping Oars an I Passenger coaches, Buffalo to Philadelphia and Washington. WESTWARD. 5:10 A. M. -E npo.-ium junction— daily lor Erie, Iti lgway, ana week days for Du -8013, Clermont and internediatestations. 10 3.1 A M.—Daily for Erie and week dayj for Diißjisand ntermadi ate stations. 623 P. M. W:;ek days tor Kane and intermediate stations. RIDUWAY AND CLEARFIELD R. R. CON NECTIONS. (Week days.) SOUTHWARD. Stations. P. M A.M. A.M.| V. M.P. M . .M. j j u 00 1 02 .... Renovo ' 500 11 15 .... 950 4-11 ...Driftwood j4OOll 05 .... 10 25 5 10 Emporium June 32310 35 8 25 U0 i 0 001 Kane 112 25 3 05 8 2S 3 43 11 21 6 22 .. ..Wilcox fIJ 05 S 15 8 04 3-fiti 11 38 6 3(5 .Johnsouburg..| 9 50 2 83 7 49 41012 10 700 . ..Ridgway,.... 930 215 73C 42012 20 710 ..Mill Haven... 920 2 oi'Yai 43012 30 721 .. Croyland ... 910 1 51 709 —— 12 33 7 2.) ..Shorts Mills.. 9Ot 7J5 437 12 31! 72S .. Blue Rock .. 902 147 701 4 41 12 10 7 33 Carrier 8 57 1 I S (i 57 4 51 12 50 7 4 i .Brockwa.vville. 8 49 1 31 (i 17 45112 51 747 ...Lanes Mills.. 8 II 1 U8 843 751 .McMinns Sm't. 8 lu fi 38 502 103 751 Harveys Run.. 835 1 19 635 5 10 1 10 8 00 ..FallsCreek... 8 3" I 15 6 30 5 251 25 8 10] Dußois 820 12 55; 810 I 5 12 1 15 8 0". .. Palis Creek., t 6 53 1 15 BJ3O 5 27 1 29 8 18 Iteynoldsville.. I f> 39 12 52 0 15 (i 00 1 59, 8 45... .Brookville... j60512 21 539 6 45 2 38 9 33 New Bethlehem j 11 17 4 50 7 25 3 20 10 10 ...Red Bant:.... 1 11 10 4 05 930530 12 35 . ..Pittsburg... j ft 00 130 P. M. P.M. P. M. |A. M. A. M. P. It. BUFFALO & ALLEGHENY VALLEY DIVISION'. Leave Emporium Junction for Port Allegany, Oleun. Arcade, East Aurora and Buffalo. Train No. 107, daily 1:05 A. M. Train No. 115, daily, 4:15 P. M. Trains leave Emporium for Keating, Port Allegany, Coudersnort, Smethport, Eldred, Brad ford, Olean and Buffalo, connecting at Buf falo for points East and West. Train No. 101, week davs, 8:30 A. M. Train No. 103, week days 1:40 P. M. Traiu No. 103 will connect at Olean with Chautauqua Division for Allegany, Bradford, Salamanca Warren, Oil City and Pittsburg. LOW GRADE DIVISION. EASTBOITND. STATIONS.ijj 109 113 101 105 107 051 } A. M. A. M. A. M. P.M P. M A. M. Pitt ihurg...Lv 16 15 v 9 00 °139 *505 ; 9 00 Red Bank ! 9 25 11 10 4 05 7 55 11 1«» Lawsonham 9 40 >1122 4 18 8 07 11 2:* New Bethle'm 10 1 5 11 17 1 50 8 37 11 55 Brookville is 05 11 00 12 24 5 39 9 22 12 41 RevnoUsville, 631 1. 32 12 52 6159 59 1 14 Falls Creek 651 11 41 1 15 631 1005 129 Dußois 700 ill 55 1256 10 1010 { 35 Sabula 7 12 1 37 1027 Pennfleld 7 30 1 55 1045 Bennezette 8 01 2 29 1119 Driftwood i 8 10 13 05 1155 via P. & E. Div Driftwood.. Lv. '9 5'J 13 45 Emporium, Ar. 110 30 |4 10 A. M. A. M. I'. M. P.M P.M P. M, WESTBOUND, i ' STATIONS, j 108 106 102 111 110 '9D2 | | I Via P. &E.Div A. M. A.M. A. M. P. M. P. M P. W. Emporium, Lv t8 15 13 20 Driftwood. Ar (9 00 11 00 Via L. G. Div .... Driftwood, Lv. 16 10 11110 f5 50 Bennezette 6 15 11 45 (125 Pennfleld, 7 20 12 20 7 00 Sabula, 7 2.5 12 3s) 7 13 Dußois 'II 10 7 52 12 55 15 05 7 ".5 .'I 10 Kails Creek 6 17 8 05 1 15 5 12 7 42 I 17 Roynoldsville,.. 631 Bis 1 29 527 758 13d Brookville 7 05 8 15 1 59 6 00 |3 3J 5 CO New Bethle'm 7 51 9 30 2 38 II 15 5 4,1 Lawsonham, .. 821 95713 06 714 . . . 618 Red Bank.Ar.. 8 35 10 10 3 20 7 251 30 Pittsburg, Ar... *ll 15 *1235 15 :I0 19 45 JUi - A. M. P. M. P. M. I\ M. P. M. P. M. •Daily. IDaily except Sunday. JSiinduy only! SFlag Stop. 1 Daily between Pittsburg mi l Du- Bois. On Sunday only train leaves Driftwood 8:29 a. 111., arrives at Dußois, 10:00 a, 111. Returning leaves Dußois, 2:00 p. m.; arrives "at Driftwood, 3:40 p. m., stopping at intermediate stations. For Time Tables and further in formation, Jap ply to Ticket Agent. „ , J. R. WOOD. Pass'gr Traffic Mgr. ' ™ W. W. ATTERBURY, GEO. W. BOYD, :il General Manager. Oen'l Passenger Agt. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers