311IIDICIAL TRZATZIig lierliaellteal Mir of illiarthlis. -, my E. LA CROIX, N. D. ALBANY, N.Y. Ma Flne Plain and Colored Li tbocra ph and Plates. woe ()tar rirEirrr.fivx CFNTS.J . I Mi k an. ,*re of postage to all yens of the totoit..o - boot ever publittie , l. and eontaining nearly dnu 1111Wttua_atIty of reading mailer Is that of the FIFTY air.DULLA llt PVEILIt'ATIoNt, it trea ?son the Pii:siul iorritillarriage and the secret infirmities and thsnrifersot ;Q..01 nall=ta ta inr innelting front excenes which destrcn the phisica I an powers, all drseases arising from inilii.cretioti. with plain and simple rules kr which all persons can cure theinsel% es without mercury. with the au that's observations tni in yr' lye us duties and disqualifications, and their remedies t tilt colored Iltli. 711jpaIllastratIr4 the anatomy and physiology:and diseases oaductl ie organs of both sexes, their etrileyares, uses • inst. It contains many turionai-t limb , to thie-e eon teMsirr insitrisiony which will overcome object ions'agaitist •, lime however, should take this important step %Vial ,Slit lidti eon:tilting its pages. It treats ol all d a in.ea of letnele whether married Or single. Dints to those who desire no mote 411611Weit. alwaugers who require medical aid, before consulting, may due earsto know whether their eases are properly un literisloct.lby those whom they employ. and theis guard again., the lasposttitsis of quackery, so prevalent in populous elites. ft eti , e the &assuage of a popular knowledge of oneself,such as is given *kis work. ,14119mileal authoriam be the teat of talent. and enliihtennient lie Illatlylk from books.letcommou sense tilt-criminal e Lett Cl' ri truth. Ail miabeity and outrageous rpee tonsil( ES and hOltlba'i. lir. La Cro ix is Illegally qualified nli3 sue lan, and rt.d the last twenty lows ban been daily consulted upon the different diseases upon which his book treats. personally as hell as by leiter. An per -116• Onsding twenty-live cents in a leiter, post paid. will receive manly hy snail, free of postage , or fi ve copies for 8 I .00. Ad tita. N. B. LA CROIX; 5011eaver•at. , P 0 . . fox 573 Albany Office open ou Sunday from 4 until 3 P. M. 12' RECOI.I.CCT.—No. SII Beaver-st., (Clinton Iloiel build tar.) Albany N. Y. - VIIOTICE..—The .. Brarteli OlTree" in fturtdo Is discontinu •eri, all letters should he directed to Dr. M 11. I.n Croix, Albany, X. Y., where they will acct with prompt attention. Feb. 19 1833 I 41 raahionable Tailoring Zatabliohniont. TIE Sitbseriber, in gratefully acknowledging t he lib ecal patronage w htch he has retched from the citicens Of Erie for the past fi ve years, would most respeotrely . call their attention to his presciil location. flaying erected a new ...hop on the east side of Stat. street, trio . doors North WWI, and ciiijoilliTrif I 11. R 'Wet & Co s •4 Cabinet %Wave ROOMS, he is Kelm ted again to wait up• on end accommodate his old patrons and friends. and hopes that by his usual suerms In making "rood fit,t,' not only lo continue in their confidence, but alsa,thro' their luguenee.•nd by his own inlegrity and attention to !inst alls* tosetsmrelf liberal share of the public patronage ri hich he =fully solicits. al sad MilttaryClothing made to ordctr and Cutling for oth ers to Winkel tIP, dine with carc r aild prcanittness. Etle, July 29,1832. 1 .101 IN COALDING. itEmoveLl ,T RAVE rernoved Block of Clocks. %Vetches, Jewelry and '4. Fancy goods. two doors above the stand lately occupied by isaiisnis dr. Austin. to_Williams' Block, where 1 shall tie pleased donee my old and new friends end attend to their %smuts as usual. relive my sincere thsinks to those who have ril vof (1 the with their riationage and shall endeavor to affil merit !heir confidence andaupport. Wiehing tc reduce my present sloe). of Goods to make room for the new in the Spring. it ill give it n min el bargains Solar prices to any in went ofortirlc. in it line. Silver spoons indiewelry on hand or made to order. Chick., and %Vetches re paired. Engraving In any style at abort not ire acid in is orl.mati- Ulse manner. Er.e. Jan. 13 '33-•26 '1 110 S. NI A 1 'ST I . . N. le.—Tbcome indebted to the late firm of G. Loomis L. Co., oust wake lamed i te payment—long , ..r indulgence cannot be ,71% - N. The Boots for the prevent can be found in my bandit. 7'. M. A. • ALARGE n nil varied a.p0;11111e111of Trikoen, omtirncing all the late impre • a hatterne.auiied to all acre and er Tel , nod will be protteri y fed if retverred wittiouf eltargo..liltildrf aer:eelandsuppoitemof VatiOU< kindsaticf chick ‘1 No .0161 at left than New York retail prove, 10 all him may want atly of the above ankles ae ray it wilt mod) to your Inictect belbee buyiagelsewhere. Dec 4 1951-3 o P. WIPIDOW glass of all sizes and qua: t ea, wlrra !if NI and, ill be sold at a Igo t!I wirrE.se aOYe tir- t cost. grrot lodlieeereats for parchasca to bu) at Lbe City Drug Lore. Ede, Dee. 4 Ina. P 1141. n. 1211ANDIES, Wines, Litittare. Aicultol an,} eve:1111111g in ete trade warranted good ;Intl pure 'III I r FoIL to itte moat ttat• Isfaetery wanner. k:r11114e. 4 P. 11,11,1... • Trail Toss Tnits!!! THE bell and ehe.:pestiot,of ff teen and fliackl'ea in this city eau be found at the grocery ft , '(' C. T. W. MIOR Erie Pee. I-3U. frost [l's v, fir, tri aLar t. 'hRUSHES. 11111111. du.org. half. fie-h. Nnt. horst', counter. scrub. seouri no. War VI teeth, enamb,eatuel hair. peticii, I , lttlrr, 14,0 v, ‘1 hem!' and marklag brushev of hilt qua.: IR :1111.1 ff :hill! to suut..r thnes.cali and rt spent hargrutt. Cnrirr, 41-;,!-4u 1' HALL PFM , ER, Spice, bitttnee. ("Jaye., Mustard, 'ltton, 'orn Far rina,Gellattu and a thou.and artialt^s too nunir•oivt tu eau 'aerate which pease ea! I a nd ex,- nnt.e pr.re cpm to, nt Erie Nov. 1e.54-25 rr.itr.t:TT,L GRAY' _ MOUTH A Mg• Patent Pei 1"-adjuEtin: eu , tairt fi stores: a nice aril; eW OM Brass band., liras and Glassrinis. at net. i OULAIN YARN—A lariP and good at4ottiiiintOrWoole;- y.,rri, fur sale at the score cf Rik, Nov. 'VINCENT. 11151110 D IcCO. WINTER Strained lAN oil and Lk:ached I tepnnut Oil at Erie N0v.20 1'52--'1" , J. 11. BURTON & cu'd. MATs—Graar, Manilla, and Wool limp of r:11 size. indrol Mt for snip cheap at Dye. '52•30 . MOOR vs. Buatuati GooDe—A large nmout on hand,. o bleb will he ,o 4 it tow rates at July 17 IFSI-11.1 ' JB. COUKII. - - - • le NJMEB fresh Raisin,, also fresh Fits and Citron for sale by dile. Feb 3'33 - l 3 STERRe.TT & (:RAY. ....-.....-.--- . NEW WATCH, JEWELRY, AND 41100Ds sToRE. shag St.,opposile Bruizs's Ilatel, Erie. Trill sUbscriber, (late of the tint] of t:. Ironn is & ('0.,) comes Lefbie The Eric public and %ieinity. stilled': g a .liare of mamma*. confident a large and well , elected:.lock. of the choir ear tad most reabionable COul)S al n a % ii at low prices, together with the manufacturing of Slicer Were and Jerelry, and clip, utteutlon to business will Insure a ren.dn:ble support lln, ;I , c been for the past Ithaca 3 Card a re, i de., t of ['tie. and ilitemlitig toreniainlise rest of life. the ;mid le IN ill and me no ••liird of l' ,l *- NIIIP";" but always on hand tr% it.g o ith the .. rest of maid. itid" to SOotain wrioelfand family. In (he wortrt.a nil 1 1 ,4 , 4, n. xe;clo en doom kl ma into in the reputation eclia% ecl by int old firm In et c , l pasiliculat. Thsnkfut to a generous put.l le for my success thus „mu in life. I shall endeavor t, forma eCtrillitilattee et their f ...ors. 7 1.832.-. 13 Tltrid. M. Art 4 'l IN. _•. .111.1 -Watches. Clocks and Jewelry r artfully repaired ..-.......____„_:__ 1 . 11100 Z. I WOOL :: WCOLII: T. Wasted at the 31;:lereek 'runt ou Fact r!, errsubscriber having taken Mr. John /04 ett IMO pa rtiiership i l i r s the Pilanufnetur i n 7, Business, at his olii *tied ii, Miliereet, nahip. where they are prepared to manufacture co, qualitilv of 00l into cloth. eassitut re, blankt Is. li-i 'lnt I. &e .i ii shirrs or yew yard, as well as na r y °there-411.'101in. lit in the country, ha inm as good cards as can Le got up in Western Pennsylvania. rding and spinning done fidr F. tents a run of theiroo n Wool. C ding Rolls I cents per lb. e:Otb dressing done in any sty lethal Is tinted on short notice. arpetswnsbed and colors retained fur curs pay. or washed WI soap at the owners risk . .. R-4'ersonsles ring Wool at John lii 'lag's. F.agle Vlllarr. to . w ill have it taken on tiaturday and rimmed the nest. or the same. Mereek , July 3. I . 7 5'.1 8 Vile! seer. JOH 4 . dowivr• -.........._-______ ____ ___ ItENIERT BLOA N, TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. M..Breiaddis, between nee el.{ Fallon street, Nee' York. GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Goods of the latest steles consort nt ty on hand. Naval. Military, Youths' and t.thildren's Cloth tagasside to order with neatncrs aud despatch. irj_OLD and Silver %Vatehrli. rich Jewelry. er Vol'are,.‘ lcks, l.Looking Clones. Cilt Portrait rind Picture Prattles. So'n r ennapbene and fluid side and suonendung Lamps. lass Lanterns, waned mad Nam (:,ass. Musical Instrument., i lrirca , &c., Walking Sticks, Fietteh and Ceram° To” , , pot pnrehn.rd in New York. and reediting. and opening new and fresh, at vt hole ssidatand retail. Catl in and see the stock. Buy n rlrrnp clock or aorneth;fig else. yuu like, at AUSTINtrz, Erie Aug. T le. S 2 1:1 Opposite thou n's Hotel, NAILS AND IRON. TAE AfANUFACTURER'S PRICES. MeEiblron Iron Co. have taken a.tore In 'own, where they Jr' Wend keeping a POI ennply of to the different kinds aan re anofieentheymake,anda:.oa et a1p . ..4e as.ortbiritt of Na ils. rteroeno who have used the Nadi nttISSSI %is Ctatspanyk do not seed so be told that none better are m1E321110 .east of elsewhere. to e. Sept. 1.—17 Laud !or ilale Ste. sobseriber Pas two farms to set,. Loth elielblY Inealed for A armimgpurporest,andconvenient to tat rltet; well timbered. watesed mad adapted in proper portion. , to grain and grafi.: per- Nal desiring to make good locations had better call before the ehapec Is gone. One of them is a small place containing about Mind the other 110 to HO acres morn or less. mat paid for Bounty land warrabts or located by me West Sprier/Reid, Eric Co.. re., May 16th 11.32. in GII.BERT BURI/. Keystone Paper mills, FR/F.. PA. • MR. tufty ?*I.IRVIN baying disposPd of trent In the aboreettablistauent. and in the htminer.ol rcln & Per maim° Samuel Belden. the husinesb will hereitOrt b mdue ted by akillialMtibers.underile na ine of Perk ins & belden. 0 w ill get ile all aesounu of the late fir W. Oet IL. 5 1.. MAXIM. PAW - Li rl.nria LIGHT ! 'AGIT ! ! LIGHT ! ! ! 3111111,361 r DISCOVEMLIC) CARBON =L. oXICot the greatest discoveries of the ace. which we do out Imitate so announce as the EAPP.etT men na of at - Ili:cud lfehiever yet presented, produe in, a titutt) LIGHT 1. thaw one quarter of a Cent per 'Soar. Boa Oleo the SOFTEST, PUREST. sad lowa RRILI.I4 r LAO ir ever yet produced by lamp and at 0.1%12 FOURTH the alma 02014. NOR CAN IT BE EXPLObED, *Mb( col Trimming of the wick is sufficient for a month. and a oink wick will last a year. nor does the steadiness of the light asesease as long as there a sufficient oil in the lamp to keep the s ip r o r asoist—lt will !Arn longer than Lard oil. and will not tatt le fbecoldest weather, and the price i. only eighty seven aad a-b•lt COM per gallon—to be used in Fluid toe. e 1833. J. 11. lILIKTI/N k CO. Sugar Cured Zarns. A LARGI6 he of very flier sugar Cured llama on hind and for ode by Jan. •13-37 CLARK & McCARTI:R. . - ViiSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Now °peeing. •a exten.i7e assortment of Guitars. V.ollns. Areartleons. Banjo". Tranhori net. Flutes, Piles. or e % - M price att4 quality. also, Btrirga for Guitar", Violins and Via leatteilicof the very best k i tido, nil eery cheat) at iteiellept hr. Minx's, tlpficalle Brown'', Plate et BOLEMAr i P.—The subscribers areagents for (be follon Patent Metheanes, which they aikil Frit by tbii dozen at IlLensreseturers , ttz J--iynes' Expeetora n I. A :tern fiseni r- Intrana. Venn I rilgO, Hair hiss and Sanati%e Pills; Os. ipsaaya Chotaeoeue; fitistol's and Townsend's Sarsaparilla Illetsases and Panne-stock's Vernairuge ; Trask's. Tanner's, Me- Aflame'. Bloan's and Dailey's 4' lintio•ry: Perry Davis' Pain Par.Ayees Cherry Pectoral, Barrel's Indian Liniment. Barry's Trinloinennia, Brant's Indian Medicines and Kier's Petrolenta , Birk Kon.llo - 01.11-48 J. H. BURTON tCO. BC!9111' nod Plums of all iteserlptions closing out w Ithout a prof it. Call and ate at Jan. 13-36. BI M NETT t Co's. 2b11111 . 1M. all grade , ' or Recrwia Bu it Gar sale by Erie Nev. STFARETT & GRAY VICTIM KR'S Knives. Saws a ad Saw blades at ' Cdr. . —4O RUTCTS REED'S. AWN of nearly every variety al the cheap hardware Pore. &ie. ran. 92 AUFts REED. Syrup. Ponealeosind Sew Orleans Melanges fbe LZ , ask clean al Dee. 4 IfeS—.3ll. MOollEllOrneery. - 61 vi - pall• ever, variety and aq.le frerWilleanie SOW eta. sr }utist . -New • s =MB JACLIK)I4. 111 'MI , DitetWit w i , a fair, ter - • • 11111111 SHERMAN iv happy to toes* all whoa *lsh DA017211111M13- TV' pp; LIKEN I.ld E.er. wbbare all particular what kind of pictures they base. to hisnew Woo swhieb hare been built ex- PrenlY fur the Art. 1.1.:L1T is the at agent of the Artist. and it her beer) the Constant sutrly of nig worthy Of the name since the Art was discovered, toemploy a II control It In the meuner best adapted so produce the E.ltert fa °rabic results. The result of thilvtody and 011 hotuanth of el riments is that there Is Del 1 respeoah e permanent Caller) In te U Stares where the pic ture. are made by a common wind() , and be who says he ran rrodute superior picture+ by cur h a ,iodow prvver Ins ignorance a the An. The su:iseribet therefbr bey leave to say th at by hla superior LIGHT. and with an app.ar I tus worths': tlenesany oth er in this en) , he is enabled to produke pictures which cannot be eciuered in li)14 part of the country,.l ad oaersto excel& any thing i which Call he produced in other root i... 11 Erie.ixforfeitoue hun dred dollars. lie has also a splend Quick Working Camera. is ith which lw ts key children of any ogr! Let ii bedisunetly un der+tnod his pictures will not fade tiltroPeflY kept. h. IL —The "recent improvetncutt' way be seen at the above room.. W. H. SIIEJLMA h. Llr,e„ Rep., 10,1051. is —____ Park P 01111021111.0. 1 11‘3101.78.‘1 4 i 11S of parents who tise Vertnifinge eornposed of A c'a•tor oil, Calornel. are octal% are. that while they 'n ye - it' to benefit he patent. I he) are actually la) Ing the 'bon (latloLs In a wealof ,tuck us iiniivatiuti, lova of right, eah • tires of I tuan , ,, tz.c. In anothercultnnti will be found the - ad vett (gotten t of Hohen sack's Med.c loco. to aloe h wr n.k the gIiWtHICITI of all directls interevtr.l in their own a• %ern as their ehildren'• health. In Liver Com pia 'DI. and nil chrome, s,lllfltitig from those of sholdd laake use ot theemfygeouine medicine, Hoben sark'i Livrt hll4. ' FR' '• Ile tot dm kW," but nt.k for llobentaeleriWortn Plytup rind Liver PlllO. and oh nerve that each has the siinattere of the Proprietor. J. N. I.IOBENnACK, ao , none else are genuine. _Aug /11.5.5 - 2. WS . LIGBTX!2 CI RODS. V 7 C are n-,w• prepared to put up the Premium Rods and Poino for soy auuld lkke to he protected from the dangersrnr the 'l.:inning. Remember the maa that !Octet! his barn after him hrree waeetolen,and do not wait until rout hoose Jr bnra vcts a oke before yo' set rods to your buildings. A tecrd to lite WISC u sudc kcut LIPDFII.I. t Co. S. g . _,thorde, s f r o m 8 Jirttn•e auendet to.— Rod.. and poitae at It bolesalf March 111g1 - 1. till it *lit pofIIIR. BROADWAY, N.F.Tv_vint4. The most extensive and varied awortment of Rosewood Piano Fortes. Mali' •36 1 and ornamental. elegant patterns, elaborately carved. and Newly finished with Pearl keys, all of our own manufacture. and war ranted in every particular, can he found at our MI tvrootus. MI aßostmeav, MKW-1011R. !Cpl. 23--I)VJ. RENNErrr k cf.,. TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON N~MURPHV t,ould respectfully i nP;Ktn hit friends and the public 7,"n.rally that lie has loc.:teti himself VI/ if L the NCI rtapdof Mid , itctoi & Murphy:4lo . 4e Park Row n iih large r and beuer aaaorithentof Tin (Nap _ per and Sheet Iron Warr, manufactured of the best iron. nod of fered at the tno-I reasonable rates, wholesale or retail. lie has on hand Stove* of all prices and qualities constructed with rek.r.. eller 10 11.efol;,eHo and cutivenicater, and Vine most durable ina ,erial: Also *foetidly nnd elbow. And an aiwortanent of J ..4 P Y WARE. Which lie datter.ltirurelf uncieeled. if eNnaled. in thiscity.— M ilk pans of all sites and Cheese vat* of every deneri pt ion eon. :.taiivla on hand. Determined to pursue the busioera with encray and fattlitul nets. and to spare no effort to render satisfaction, he hopes to reteive and inert% it liberal share of public patronage. Eric May I it , sl. Si. _ PITTSBURG LIFE 12/$U AU 013 COSI loArglr!!! Capital 11100.000. sicluAL AND JOINT STOCK RATIDI COMBINED. ' Offire seder Marcum //aII.SIII SI . Pats . Pa. TT instirb on the Joint block and *Anal principles, thus has log two distinct department., combines the privtleges of tuo ,te ft:WV:Mit.. a t the ekp , •nsr only of conducting a smile i r.thnt ion, mei eunrrolied hy one board of three tons, &Lwoccur ti harmony, irugutity and safety. OFFICERS. James E. (loon. President. J. C.'.l.eretc. Tress. L 4 ..lll.lorltan, Vile Pfeil. I'. A. l olton, beey. DIRECTORS. ' J. . noon. Joseph S Leech. Jolla ' , roil.. l'hArles A. COllOll. , 14 111121atken, Wm. Fhillres. BOARD OF FINANCE. iionj ik*ln Wilkin...l.Me florretary of War. ibm. tValter Forward. Late Ste retar} of T 'floury. John 5i,:,.1er,1:.41 . Ca+lner of Pittsburg hank. SidiCntin Leer-11.1.'4g , Wholesale G'ocet. NIEDICAL HOARE), CONSULTING NTSICIANS. J. C zzam. M Ii , 3.13r0010, M. rt.. W. A,lkti-on, M. I) .E. G. , i rAirin mite . At I). 1.. BRAINARD. General Agent. G. The n..Seraitoe4 agent of the company at Of, ptace and viola ii .la aw pr.-tuned to rive lve application,' for ineuranee.alkis to (untie hooka awl etreuLars explat.ing the prtaeip'es or tho tot pa ay any . S i a43 May 111.1). A. B. Cti ANN. A;arnt. Cr; Oct. I Fs'4 —25 N. It-William,' Blork 11A lamp Eu: Oil for sale at thelonestuiarkethnce,bytheptl Lorre! •arraated pule fish oil, also; a nice article 0(1041 it and milling fluid for saleat the city drug store.state tit Dee. 4 INK. P. HALL War with ipain: suhar.riher. Grateful to Art friends:lmi the public for the I, r ai i ru rai i a estenriail to him Jilting. his short career in seaut le bust Ile4P, takes this method of informing them that t continues to sell G Jock at his unusually low prices, for T" the tit he ..1.1 iv, i lig that snial I profit and qiiiek sale- is the great DEM . , .., of ;riom; busine-s. Among lila pret , e'ut •wek Ina) be found ,I cloths, enfaitucrett. Patillellf, ve.llngs, taoelta all wool. It're. rlllll Icor, •ilk and stranddla long and 14.0.1 re char Is. letta.. nter '110(1.. dela Ines. gingham*, under•lreves. en,1,r0,- collar,. mu.ltn ed,:luar, 1 ti•ert ou,7•0•:11.: and 1111E11 II,Ik(*• Petit" limo. cash Mani cleref Olin and embrrt.leml, g;orp.s , a , l! hosrery, % vt:t ribkmo, gittiv r ami get.crat a marline nt or d rebbtrituln up. alert swat and other, prints, brown and Mraelicd dialing. and licel 0, all of w•h lel+ will he bold r !temper than any other hou•c lu thee It) dare ffer Itterrt.rae qualm orgoOdz. Iret. JOIIN SWEENEY. A. 14 ezi. , n,141. a , ortwent uf davorin; extracts the hest in ma r -I,et. extraets for the liandkerchierof every kind, Colognes. hair ILo. pomades, nniandine a certain flare for chapped hands, lips i l‘e,i.hat ii.gsonps and creams of first quality, bay rum, hair dee.t air reitOrative, depilatory powder, in short we constantly keep on hand 4 comntetc haSorttnent of every kind of Perfuniery, fancy articles and Yankee Motions of almost every description. Perri., Wahine to toy, are respcctfury invited to call as they nisyrersend upon g eat ngrev hat they want at the lowest price , at the e ty drug store state-at.' Erie Oct. 4-34 P. HALL. lir 1:460iv Gr,ASS.—The largest wow/talent ever L:ought YV[ into this eh) eankt fonn.i at - Uei.'J CARTER et. BILOTTI ER, No. G Reed Ilouife. PIIiCKE .1 had Til de Cutler), also. Will t Eltons plated table ten fawns, a good asscriinent this day rresised at So. 3 Reed House. Erie, Jn.t.V--...19 RUFUS REED F Iktociafty.—Tl:r rp•st .teck, the Lest ware, and the ••—/ eat price. thii , City ie at F.rie. 1,1. ARBUCKLE& KEPLF.RI3. 98-0 TVILS. Lko.llls, Cashmeres. Persian Cloih4. ete. 'fr Thrlse we guarantee to pelt for leas money than they were Jobbed for ts o %%eta 4.:0 ed Tian•Ls & If A Trll. r o,;wuon g rcunti, ellalNer, • u lc, nit ood.ecpptras..eream tartar. ektmet of frg*ootl, eochtneul, tin Trutt r, earowoOd, iudiago overy other WITICIV of dy miffs requard, uricdenle nod retail at the lot , e.d pos.tb:e filiure at the c Ity drug *Lac slate 4—;30. P. HALL. Every family should hair* a Copy. .4 catirebl4 book t tie 13 rU. per repp—Mene tear Ikvself. nR. •IrusT calf !lied manual and hand Look for the af -1.-/ Owlet!. Contrpoingno outtthc cf the origin. proces., trent tuent ani cure nt rte •} fortu or ttlteoke.cottirachd by protutscu cit. se.otal Intercoutse. l y self-abote.er kekiral etcese. wait advice fog their pretierifUlt, tri - rittt it Ina fat:»lltar rl.t Ic. a voiding all imeljeal technic alit CVI . I" (114 %%01 , 14 uireißJ ti.e ear of tircr.o , y. f:e,in tic result orronte irtchiy 3earssuceeslul practice. rteltistrc!) din Otro. tU ttc core of direarc of n dettcate or. prirme nhture. lieu' ir r.etted. reeeillis for the cure of the above AL,!..t.c., apt! a treatirc on the eautes.l•}lnPlOnta nod cure of the Freer 117.,i Ague, for IS rent.. eou t.tx copies $1 ; tit ill he Meyer e!ed tn any art of the l'n Iced tilatrr. by malt, free of pootnce. Ad , frerr port pa al, Post fflhce.or the Author 1 , 1 North tael - rtith Ptrr et Plulndelittia. Kept 4 1831 ity li T.7.15-rr ros.l roitri IT.—ltr. II tinier •tt 111 for7cii SOO If failitig .1_ to cure any career occret dista*e ittoi tooy ecine under Liu care. on twitter hou standlog or atticting. Lather sex are invited io 111. private ru^uu.3i Matti Seventh strcrt. Without fear of interrupttou from other patictitp. eirongoto and °there. vole) 1.4% r rcen a wortuo.ty to thP selection of a Phr siciao are trivit , .! to call. IMP(Yl'l:Nul'—‘ll.rough unreal/aim d Indulgence of the pass ions. i . y excess or seif-abuse. the cysts arc numerous Premature mtsgeocV, invoiuntnry sCa..xia I discharge", wastingof theoremic, of nu i.for), a 41stonie ear trait/Is sue rely. general dabt lit y, or cnortttlii iPtla I deratWelaent. ire -ore to folow. If necessary, tonsvlt the Dotter is ith rollindencc ; 6e offers a tterfett cure. READ•ID R Mar f —The afflicted et culd do well to reflect be fore posting their health, happiness. and in mauy cases their lives. in the hands oft .:inns tgporant of tit `s% elan of maladies. It is certainly Itopos , V. le for oue man to understand all the' Its the httmati family nre subject to. CS Cr) respectable physician has his peenliar it% xi hie h he it' more successful than lita brother professors. end to that lie devotes most of his time and study. fear • of'practice.etclositclydevctedtothestudyand treatment cf dtseases of the sexual Crgan",logether With ulcers upon the hod). ihrr , al. 110se.er let". pains In the head, or bones, asercurial rheoroali,:a, strictures-rare , . irreVilorif kV. dittellres arming front yontlifil rice ses. cr impurities of the blood-where by the conmitutscu has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to offer speedy relict to Jll who may place tltentselvesnitd hls en re. Medicine fqrscr.rded to any pan of the Dotted Fates,—rrice Ace and len dollars per package. Eept 4 1P54 4,17 -SFAE4D ' — rws FRerwr Tia4lll '3l'3 IRON MAINX To MEXICO." DOUNTY LANDO. 1.„`3 - ERT °Meer and Soldier wbo has nerved as hang as "one Li month" in any v ar (of the United States) since 1799 is now entitled to :and, of he has not-received it.) PENSIONS!!! Errre etfirrr alt f Soldier n Ito has (at anytime) been wounded or in any way disabled while lb air service of the United SLUMS. •• In the line of his duty." in rat 'tied to a pension for life, accord in! TO tlu derret of 474:011E1y . W 'Jou $ (WOOL of them) of the °Steers and Soldiert Of the Mei ican war are emitted toy years pensiod. W Woo s of Revolutionary tiotitie.M" ifwearried helm Janu art Mb, nee entitled to a penrion for Parties in errry part of the rutted States and in the Canada harmsclaims for 1-and, l'entions or pay of any kind will bai their eta Ims promptly and properly atiendeCto by addressing th Subieriberp. post paid. We have permanent :mil energetic agents at Washington, and make no charge In any ease unless the Claim Is established.- - Many claims for land, &t., that have been rejected for want o. proof. ate., can be established by the Subseribers. Write to us and see. C. S.—Bounty Lind %Yarrows are cot - Jun(ly bought and sold by OM subreritors ni the hem rates. Dart les wishing to buy or sell will And it to their interest to advise with us. Every branch of a Banking and Coehawse business is done by the subreribers. • DAVID PRESTON Ir. Co. yl I Est haw Brokers. Dem; t. Mich. Not. el IRY: 3: Z. ZIVII TON It 00., 7go. 5 Itmod EOM.. ARe Pas receiving a large and well selected stock of Drags, Medicines, and Chemicals. dye Woods, dye stuffs, oils. paints, painters articles, varnishes, window glass, puny. glass. ware, perfumery, fine soaps, One hair , tooth and paint brushes, gardoi sceds.surgcal and dental Ins trutnents. teeth. gold and 1313 OA I, tobacco, sauff and Cigars, putt wines and brandies Ow Med ic loot purposes, fancy articles, Artists tools and water colors.— Ws make our purcluars for cash, awl oCet goods as low as can be bought in this section, CT Warranted to be fresh pure and genuine. Orders film the country promptly tilled with satis. Car i toe and guaranteed. Physicians Prestript,ons wilt receive pertleutir attestke at alt boars of the daY sad night Erie Nor. II 181 MI II pit iimeti llostierr and - Ammorreao prints, at whokiole or retail cheap at Erie Now./ Ind-1M JACKSON'S. IT NTI3-- At Smart & Oo's &ass !bur ma pa yard upwards. Nei* Dee. 4 Mak al eitTittititobUl A sew eapplyibis day I .i sttl cheap ilardware wan. , Jas.llElPllll REED. 1. 41 141 4ri l it i inks = - : LAIR AltaiMlK 1L . e.114:N I L O l a i . INA& anis, fiDissivaatia SkeesisoN MR. having tweed th ealeasive G awnsista's Cktenn .1. , / sad Faasassulas taitsitaaast elm, at the Move &ore, it is bin determination to pay excluat we attention to the CUSTOM BUSINESS. From the tr tronatte which he has already received.from lZcnOr Men. Mr. H. recto assured that the mode of doing buoy- uclts. which he has adeptrd. and %V $ll give cio.re i,all-faciiOti Lll 41.o.dr.ige to Lace titer wa d, n p j u GOOD T.itir F.ll out use fir.t q'tll,t7 cf A1AT161.13 6. MR. G. W. r OLTO Will ithrays be in atiend.lnee to wnit upon Customer!. mut Ws: orden• of reatleman nishtoe n genteel flt and a fa.hlottoble ;4- r/sent mark up in h Is hem style Cleutlemeu's Furnishing Goods, or the I...ntpst Style.convionilv on band. YOUTHS sad CHILDREN'S ' ctori•imG nada& liffbr triti NE.11111.66 AND DESPATCH. Jane 121E31. D URAL:CB Puking Powder by the gr.;;; or doz.for Sale by 3. 13. fr. W. I. MIN. Jane No. Wi Mains Block, rrle, Pa - - - - HATS, CAPS AISrD FURS FOR THE MILLION Clear Mae track fo SMITH, No, 3, Cheipside!! wO,„ luta on hand thelArge.tstoek of Goods. in twr r offered in flun mari.et. which were pur e hared A.r I:Ar.-11 I the Eastern entre. or manufactured ley himself: h, wh,eb 1 . enabled to 'tell them so low that people do say they matt 2 ,, t by the Custom Mope wtthout pat jog ditty; Well, wll4l if they were smuggled, so that ttw people ran buy Beautiful Silk H %Is foe *1,50 MUNI° Robes for 6•1 SO. Mexien,i flats Ar .30 eeals, and all other goodg at like lov. prie!c-‘. For prwf of %N hich, all in:e; . ert eti can call and examine for thein.rierw. rirDon't forget the ;dace, Suatit's Cheap Hat Stcre, X. 3, Cheaprille. grie November Et, IS _ pENTISTRT. DR. S.C. BROWNE:LI.. th ankful far tits liberal patronaroeT LI tended to him by tho citizraft of Erie and TIC laity, svmdit say that be is permanently located to tISSOId Stand on thine :it.. where be may be found at all times ready Plereeute Dental am* in the best possible manner. lie will also keep on hand an as sortinentorDeidal Flock for the accommodation of Dentists from the roontry. Dealisrs arc invited to call. .lune.S. HERE IS YOUR REMEDY, HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. A MOST maaruLocs CURE or pit) LEGS, AFTER 43 Y KARS MATURING:. Lgrad of a Leifer frost Mr. Ws//sitas Galata, 070, St. Marie' • . .51rect, Wirgroirr.M. dated .May hibt, I'sl. To Professor Ifolloway,Plr—At the ace of IS my-wife (who troll) caught a violent cold. attic!' settled to her len. nod ever since thnesnue they have been more or less sore. antgn..itly in. flamed. Ileensontes were tListraeting. and for mouths together sbe was deprived entirely of rest and bleep, Every reined) that medical Met) accursed was tried, but without effect fier health suffered severely. Ind the state of hit legs d.. 1 terrible. I had often rend your riclvectisetnents, and ad) i-rd t.er to try ter rdis And Oluttueut ; aud. aka In.i reeouree, after every miter remedy had proved useless. she consented to do ea. chic comV. , 'uec wtek• ago. nod, strange ro'relute. Is now in good health. tier ler are painless. without sewn or sear, and steep it round mid undisturbed. Could ymt hate n [messed the sufferings of wy ife during the 43 years, and edit ran them with her pleasant en. joyment of heilfh,!,ou would thcleetl frel C.elighted in ha% in; Leen the 1111C21111 Of WO gre..tly ihr anTerinp. of rt feE , Av creature. (Signed) , WILLIAM GALPIN. A PIER3O:I 70 YEARS OF ACP. CCRII'D or A BAD LI.O, or THIRTY YEARS .slANDhi,, , so Clry of is tatter from Mr. it Latam Ahhe. iiakder of (:s Oren', of limakelkt ',leaf Ile ride rtsie id; deed ,31aitalat,I•r•I To Protector Ilulloway, Sir-1 sane:red fora iNad at 30 year,. from It bad leg. the !pint of 1%% or tsiree 141 tr reat\aceirients at ' Gins Work*: ac.-oitipante.l I y I hat coot/FL - to a %ariCtr Of medleal ntle.er, ce;i limit leirany hew 'era, .nd was even told that the leg H.:J.4 I e anii.utaied,y s el. in OepOrttiOU to that opinion. )(sir fails and Ointment have etreet ie,l a complete cure in so io:lott tune. that few who had nut wit ' nessed it would credit the for r, (Signed) tV.tal A (IDS:\ tem, oossr. %A .1.1. ••• 1.0 tof crd Mr. IN P. Yost and, Chemist 13 Market-Pt. II tad dersdeld. A bit.RistittiL BAD BRRAST CURED IN ONE 114oNTii. Lairad fiats a Lairr from zilr Frederiet. Tarner, of Pen:curie, A ear, Siotcd December i'llh To Professor Ileilowny. Dear stir—My vt ice ha I suffered f on" bad Ere:rids fir ii.dte ifi rhi 9,t hlolllhl, find Burin: tlic whole !u -trod had the best medical attrn.i.ince, all to no :3•C. haying before healed nil annul wouwl lit Tu . , own leg by your ,rentiii• .1' tried to we. I extc•rtit 1 - zi Ott l'lll , n , ll l) lntiVelit.alui therefore pre than a tri ii to her case. and fortunate it was i did ro, for in less than a month a perle:t onro teal elro , led, and Ric benefit Own varlet) , Ol! , cr bra, - I.tm el lay (rarity bare dente from their use to he ill) asteno...lt I I,cir u-zOint.iecit 111.111 to all lay I ieud , . („-•.vir.l) FEEDER 10F: I - LI:NEE. The Pills should b- need COilj,ll`TlN with the of the (01;ot% .5 4 Bad legs f",iielo-foot Itiitui_s • i re ' !lad Breasts Gout Duras Chapped hands &ilia u dular grin-diseases Bunions Corns teuti) t svel4ugs ek trey Bac of kfosele- Cancers f.unitiago .ore-heluls ton and Saud Contracted and Inlet Tumors Flies .••••li id' Joints Rheumatism Wanirds Coco..•iay • Elephantiasis ticalds 'h aAn Sold st the ostablreitutent of Profesvor D. - gran at , '2ll,'Nira ntl, (near Temple Bar. I.ondon,l and by all respeetal leiltuegists and dealers in Medic mes throug bout the tint ph Empire, arid ofthure 01 the United States. in boxes ed 377,cti.., Sill I Strums, each. %Whole-sate by the principal drug houses in the Union, and by Messrs. A. E. & U. tramps. New York, TS There is a considerable oat !y Taking the t.i , grr N It. to reel tune 11l the gdidaur cut pnt:ente in ei,t r:s Co't are affiNcd to earti Dot. W Y by the LW, al tri pet 011, j ai t irl . o 6„ i.tood v r Is t l e a t No. 3, W illiams Block. Erie. i'a. MEE Durrzerfs BOOS or ronzaa/ 24.1 v Zditi U. EC k. I. noldlc. No. U r , oirth DlOl-44.. Chlladcleh,a. Lac e . pist puti!istied a Boot of Foram cony:11111T MORE 'IVAN TWELVE iit.NORLo For practice in the Courts of l'elitigyk ail la and ei the rutted Buttes, and for Convey anc tag ; also lA' the ttfC Officers and ?ten of Itut.inet,. general:). Adapted to the recent acts of nitocrul I) of retto.):‘atita, u lilt explanatory remarks ati./ nn tnerOu• prcCCdentn and frieterlCCO to ft:lilt/art] 111.010,1'1C1,. To tt tttch are a iivesidcd a t;.t.i,niary of Law icrins and a copious In - de x. B y dame. D. Dunlap, CGJl.ellor at i.. 111", &C. rreeoud frke—Four Dollars. The ptih!ishers Late atread) received frcm r.earhy an of the Vrecideut Judges of our St de, and flout other grtitletintii eminent in the legal prole...ion. their opinion. of the stork, w b•C it are of a hued', complimentary natiire. The fullou ,or are At lected frog, a large'Lltal/lher or au eq ,atty iaeorabte cha rac ter— Weldd oroint:i. A lint 61812. Gentlemen ; The collections of court forms ter convey:111(.111g, &C•. Which had been n, Mae precitAlh 10 the VUbtlC44Oll of Duo-- lap's work as 1.1.-ta, needed ret I: ;01 IC ill, he Them convenient, and to adapt them toehanxe. n Inc It led I.la t ion hall readered DOC e.aary iii the practice tti *lie court. in Pennnlvan Your edit.on of that Work ihei clam received, as it merited, the appeobation of the legal profestion. and euplated a want Wl , tett by business men rt Derail y throughout the Str.te. After the numerous testirrin mt. n bleb you have received (tom eminent judger, in respect to the d eteelience cf that n ork, commendation of it frill ertho tic I may he pertained. however, to reni.,rk approve or the general charorter antLirrotigc.iieut of the work, one, having elt• aunt ned a portion of the new edit, In w bleb 'on are publoitaing. I may add that the author ha. great:y Vl:largeti iinprrt ed Mss first edition, and that. %slum put.ll..lied, I/t LC the enOal contcutcot and u=cful one ot the kind etta at. Vim) truly . Most,: E. C. lc J. ni 'rlle. Ft. C. WHITE. Centlernen: "Dunlap's Conveyancit.g and Fort" n. a worker decided tner.t. I atugt4 to find that it i to be repra.tocej.witlt tnany valuable addffloi 3 It !•111111.1 !Is in the bawds rot only of lawyers and tuagi.trate, but of the 1,1 i um. cutnenunity general /Y. There" 6 Carrai a PO , IIIJU PI lue to »Lich a wan waft not oecasiottal;) find howelf iu need (..1 - e assistat.ce ague!' a suck. I hope the author way I.e abutulatat:y rettuweratel for the - earning awl iudtv.try beatow cd upon tt With great rcsl cc t, youre, &e . Alcarra. C.C. & J. LlWthe. Li ALT UR FORWARD. Gentlemen: You have favored teen t.ri tiled sheets. front page 41 tD 133 itielostre. of tl'e second e.lition of !qr. Duttlnit'p Book of Forms. lam pleated to Icaru t h at a recand ctlittnit or his wort: as about led g ts.ucd. It hto hem!. and how is, one cf Pic best w otks of the kind in the hands of the protecrion. and is evidently muc b unpro%ed by the author's rev, ton and additILITIP. 1 hate the pleasureof an acqoaintat.re with %Ir. Dunlap Ito lin gentlemen whose rcsnertalde i profoisional Mt:liniments and methodicalhandofnnoi fit iii a tt ell fo I e tfie •.tithor of suet) a work. 1 shall not hesitate to recommend i: 10 the gentiemen of the !tar in the I,oth iiiA let. Va ry re-;:ectUiv,. &e.. Messrs. E. C. & .1. Etildle. J. M. BURRELL. C.itoiNtdon. April (P.n. Gentlemen : Inport , nt dunces In our naruice, since the puts lifatiOn Of" Dunlap 's Conveyancing, and forint," scented to call for tome enlargement of that ereclient highly useful ork.— The edition a bich yon are abnia to ptilil,sh, enabod)iiic as it does a very largeamount cf new and varied malice. and bean so well adapted to generaltad present canuot fail to be greeted with a cordial welcome by the profeasion. A familiar acquaintance w WI the work. nod. a careful exam i• nalitm of the FIRTIS of the forthcoto log edition, chat le me to rec. ommend It, with great cotifidenee. :19 a boOk which slinuld I e the hands of every scrivener. and have no early place m the li brary of every vial:mar. engaged in the practice of the law. Veryyti.srmctful:S. )oireb.e. lkieFirs.l: C. k J. Biddle Oct. 30 A LARGE supply or fre.lr Uruts end enentieal4 warranted .(1. Pure. offered for g4le at it,e towcit price% by P. if ALL. City Drug Store State-tt.. Erie l'a. Ike. 4 1P32-34' Pela: and extra white lead, dry and ground in oil by the pound keg or ton. Lmaeed oil from Ohio n,irranted pure, boded and unbolled. by the ha rrel or gallon,rpirita Turpen t ine in abun dance, varnishes of refl. kind, chrome green and yellow, Amer. ican.Chineee, vermillion and venition red, yellow ochre, french yellow. Paris green, lamp black of every quality, Priirsinn and ultra-marine blue. whiting, red lead. lithrage. Turkey under and every other kind of pa nto and materials in the trade whieli are nfferrif as low as can be bought in thii latitude. Erie Dec. 7. 11 A 1.1.. 50 130.tep rum for Cavendivb l'onaccu (daft gracSe,, ritro pure natural leaf Tolvaeco for vale 1.1. Eels 110v.6 1841-25. Sr clutarr t GniT,Claearaide. CHAIN, Wall and elttei; Pampa. all Mu, and price" at MURPHEY'S', Erie. May 13th, IE3I. on I'll rk Row. Wrapping Pap•r. ATIRST It ATE arliele oir Wrapping Paper. Just received and for sale at No. 111. grown's Hotel. Erie. Dee. IP. 18.14.-24 DURLIN Ir. SLOAN. M()LEY SAWd.J4 ill, )0! cut and Circular Saws at a small adva net , . Nov- 6-20 FiIMROD L CO. IFE. Bar. Sherri and Ptg Lead, also Zinc at Oct, f 1052 RUFUS REED'S. . Er G Wood, Amulet and colored Bracelets, pet reeei wed at At!riTlN'S. Erie Annum 7 1832 13 OPPovile Brown's Hotel CAlitillitlit4 Bombazine. Brotada and Alapaeay. very etreap at 8 eP4115. 8W LV,EY'S 100 nu§ aggo e ,„ lambed. powdered, Granulated and Re fined Sugars. at Nov. 4-26 sireiturrr GRAY 111111111LIC I a NG TIL&D11. C4IIC s METCALF are , reeeivisit sew moods. cad take their old peonies of oaring the ben btrpains in Mete. so more ex cepted. is denionatrattos of this [ filet they - eget , DeLaler. new and beautiful melee. at one shillin per yard. Mite saes twill ties ens be benah Is t tows at less than two abillinss they GMT to sear sees wrest to the buyers. Cusenthers piano cell and see whotherthere es any beasemq at games& about Wake, anytkiag else that nay of= h as Man our pre.ent Peek. We, March Pia. I boa Moile. 11111.111111.1 1 111 11 1 1 1 1 . 1111111 . 1 sat• 0111 -111 ra i rrxit. • ma t iku.) ii.i.spalletietpre to the prolluartbeCampas e yor i beyond the premium paid: Risks upon the Lakeraudaraallamireelon the moat favorable terms. Lowe will bel betally and promptly adjusted. F'ireriotsootnercbnidize,buiidinisasd mberproperty,in taws oreanatryjar a limited tern) permanently. D/RIXTORB. Joseph H. Seal, James C. liond, Edmond A. onder TheoptillusPauldiug, John C: Darla, IL Jones Brooke. Hobert Burton, John Gaffiett. John H. Penroae, ninth Craig, Samuel Edwards, Geame Barrett. Henry Lawrence Dar id D. Stacey Edward Darlington. Charlet Kelley, franc E. Div's, J. E. Johnson, William Tolwell, William hlay, John . Newlin, Dr. B. Thomas, Dr. K. M. linaton, John eller.Jr. Spencer Mellynne, It icharild. Newhould. Seca; %Vizi. NartinTrcel 1.7 Application can he made to ' J. KELLOGG,Erie Agent. Erie, Feb.' 10, 1852. Thollitrio County itutual Insurance Ocraspiatry , p HIS Cetnpany divided their Jial.s into two el.isses, ' l . First Class oz Farmers Cos:piny. in which farm property and detatchel handing. may be insured. No riot, taken in this tines to exceed E•Nsott, Second (71•Iss or Commercial Department. In winch various kinds of Intildinis. merettandixf.. &e., In Vilia6 , es .end mw Ire insured. No rick takt nin this Class to exceed 61,594 The funds in one Class will not he taken to pay tosses in another. YO RISK TAKE:, TJ EXCEED 10,500. Disecl•re. Pmlth JaeksOn. James D. Dunlap. " I. 11. Fullerton, J. C. Marshall. Wm. P. Rindernecht, John Zimmerly, • Win. A. Galbraith, Peter P., Barton, Jot. M. Sterrett, J. P. Clark, U. 31. Titthalr, Ceo. Belden, J. H. • OFFICERS. Pmith Jackson, Tres'(. J., U. Williams. Trees. JON GUNNISON, See'y. Office Ant door west of William, k. Wriglits Drokers' Office, (np stai-u.) %Mee Mart from IS to If!, A, M., and font ball pasi 1 to I. P. M. May 22. 1552. S - 1113 FISK'S PATENT METALIC BURIAL CASES. 1 - IIIR Undersigned basing secured the eseluaiee Agency far I. the -ale of the abase 'Limed Burial Cara. for Erie Count). and deeming the article one which depend' solely upon its own meina tsould respectful') :pitch an inspection of the same at his Ready-made Coffin l'Arareßoom. East side of State Lciweett 7 and 8 PIP over the tthaton Iron COMIKII/:, shore at here V3lisfaetory references and testimonials 2.2 to their practical utility can be given, tablet, weedier wilts a personal inspection cannot but recommend them to the favorable cmisideration of all those who in the dispensation of Divine Pros biotite base occasion for the use of a Coffin. The under signed would here add that these cases are of a classic form, and correspond in alt ipe, to the outlines of a human body. arc highly ornamental, and regarded as Je-s repulsive more beautiful and on vv.,- earance, than any other article used as receptacles tor the dead ; they arc made of the most nutierislialite materials. are enameled invideand Ont.'s° as not to rust or corrode and when cemented together are perfectly air-tight. preventing the exhala tion of - Whit:sive gave% so that.% tirn di-aired the remains can be heat for weeks before burial, awaiting the arrival of absent Mends; they ate light and portable. at the rime time being mate or his curt illnrar, the) j stria more than sufficient strength to resist all the prei-ure of gasses from the body, which they are stit j ect to while in it-e; mid Lalier may be (hindered even after a lap.-e of many tears. and removed to any part of the country. without Gm stiLthtest disagrreabie odor Writing from them. In Elio use of these Burial Vases. the grittily mg reflection Is af footed a o sort is in: ir lend-, and rebut,tea. lhal the mortal contains of those one(' di arlY cd are enclose,' and detio , iied where they vial , remain in peace, tree from the irruption of water, the iepre.latialis of VCIIIIIII, and comparatively beyond the love !desecration of di-sectors, and will he permitted to undergo , a trrintoorniat iria, or return to their native elements, froaanaiu: rap causes alone. ar The tinJerslgnrd has constantly on bond-400 for vale at his %taro rooms as ahov.! RGFC.WO(.I, n boron y.loNe..k alnut. cloth covered, amid all 1•11feS of rherwer roffo t0z....%11 rut in-meat:lto . ; nuncios of all niter for both sexes, N. R. lie is prepared to take the general siiperiritend.mee Of Ritter:Bs. and furnish Hearse and CC:friar! , if desired. Erie Juts 17153_2. ID ALLEN A CRAIG. t'' Xlirrlrt MART. 1. . Apr 11 Ml 9 r, :t: Crfrn,burgh. April 9.11%12 GEoRGE .TAYLOR. :I'l3 DR. C. J. FOX. of New York Coy, has heated reerranne•ally in the off:rie,f,r t;,c LrPlinitto an,: cure of iiieea-ee of the Eye. in nll their varie: ice and uz.ra. !laving nesieted and lento Deuce practi , e Lir !TV ern: %Car.; in Urn tar:Q.4s depart • of tlir •cienee of Medicine, he 11 ttr N that nil ii,seacce of cure li,ae I,e accoui;dished under hie )Litt:s. - rl..—Pra. Volt and Faculty of New York: Prof. ou,ll".ici.ltv of Albany 3letiscial Ccllege; Dr. Leach, Lye 411rata ry. •ra. N. V . 'Jake a iili Or 1:cowonell, No. 3. II ogliebi . Block. Enc. June .. 4. - - CALII S OII4IA STOIIII LooNi re inol ed to No 4, Bourn's Mock. TM is now opening a nets• and one of the most rich and .Inlendi I at , ,)rtn,eiw , of I'm(' Watches. Jewel- SO% or Wm' that wa, er otrg•rc.ll in this city. embracing a great warietzt o(W:riches of dilierent I:FtapenteniN both gold au:l+ilttLandthr i•vedt style of Chaerte,Frals, and Kcasto match tcer:ber n ill. the met fashionable Jevt dry. construing of fine ,Tuld diamond, ruhy, pear/ and topazFinzer nifty rind pearl Broached and Ea rut infants, eraceletts, ice. Abo,Gold Loekets, gold and /liver l'enc its. gold l'end,slessert and tr,a among, Sugar Tongs' and Scr-,o;ui, Nankin Rills and Portinonitx. an **sort or tcli 1 , 111;t1 Ware, U,rns. 'Fen Setts. Knives, Fork,. ht;,oonp, LaJIM, Candiertie its, ancLa - mai variety of Fancy and airier Good,. I oi;i arn-nneati': Llc.cii-vf all dese ri, win s - fr el 23 fgn, all of which n he roll as Olean as li . te Oivia)ie,l :RI a little cheirer for ready ray. The tateution Of the fur:oei ru,lor.lers cfG. Loomis and tbe pnl , lie gencrali) is i n cor I to this notice. Juno 5. TIKA Mtn'. Rum, Port. Modem ami :Merry Wines of all LI grades and prices. Now just receic ed C.1 , C5 Caret IVtue for rale lov. at J C. & W. 1. Mlle. Juice .5. No. 3.Wi1l Mina Block. le.ra. Livery and Sale Stable. r itt:+whecn'ocrstea•.ink I,o , lglit out 'the interest of 11. G. Sex. Pions in r..tatiliviiment on rwilft street Letwcen State and French, vron!d notice Chit V.ey arc now fully and am ptyFappl ied %jib lwropo,ana different varieties of carriages. or the s very best devcription. l'beir stock is ntincsit entirely new. and conFequently of the ti rat rate character- !Public patronage is revpeetfully invited. Person■ torrohlnte to purchase horses %tat Gad a full supply fa that purpose constant), en baud. Erie, July 21. EiS2. BOOK =TAB IN BUFFALO. PHINNEIY & CO 1 MAIN S,TRILL T. BUFFALO. - - - (At tbeoW Muff of F. %V. Breed, who continue*: n the new firm.) U AVM; been long extensively engaged in the ;manufacture andaale of BOOKS, and being the only mannfac turanglauti 'lifters itt 'antral°. are ntepared to furnish every article an their cane. at the /scut vireo - , ai:ng to exelinitre for the.r own. publication.. most kind. of Msfec:lancousafftl School stork from the Eastern Pit j,tnrrr. ;hey are enal led to tell them, lake their own n rmlll nay:thee on co.r-t ntria tau iaeiu re. Vanacullr atte, is invited to their new eitwon of QUART() FAMILY BIBLES, Ie rartour at)lies of binding; and also to •heir assortment of Iktbool. and School Library Books, Which is probahly the large-tin .tie state. haring been selected to ph este imni Minor.% ci - cry 'tools mart in the Union. Ned inn. CC ;p rind Lefler Papers, Obtained directly trout:the hre.viett manufacturers in thesountry, AND BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, &Lc. l'rat cling: Agents will find a stock suited in ortyle and prices to their %ants. Er %TESTERS DEALERS. can generally duplicate their New York hills of pure hate hero, at same pr ices or iris. tlitwas \ n the entire cot of transportation from New York to ButfalO, and frotto ten to twenty da)* delay in the tratismiosion of goods. 111 order* tilled with I.romptilesp.aud at the *nine hir es as WC rurshascr were pre*ent. PHINN EV & , Cook NM i-hcrE, Nos. 15... f Main. and 5 ts."e*t FM. Oet 1111 1552-11. 1l CiTAI.O. N. Y. NEW GOODS TOE ant.teriber, would again call the attention of the public io the 11.. el that they are receiving a large and well •elected as sortment of Dry good.,Gmerrie., Hardware. Crockery and nails. Our 'lnc k eompri.es the greatest variety of Dress Goods Prints. 'Shawls, Hosiery, India It i;hher Shoes and domestic goods which n 0 hay e at any previous time uttered, and for quality and stylo cannot 1 c surpassed in this market Our old custmners and the public reneratiy are rest ectfutly invited to calf and examine our flock. as we feel confident that we can otter our ;06c1+ at as low rates tin arc ntrr red in this market. JA L+. HUGHES & Eric fret IS3r! LARGE GLASS. f'e► hAsto Cases Slurs aid SAnp Wisdom N a , rortruent Frrnch Engt tali nd Auteriennetas. miltnble 11 for the above purposes by US CARTER & BRO. SlLKS—Brocade, watered, black slid figured Silks, Gru lie Af rigve. Fatal De Sole, Kra Ile Nalu, changeable,barred and Ft I ped Florenecs.Bonnert.silks nild Salim., Silt Velveta, black, Wile black, green blue. bran n,pfnk and figured. Erie Nov. 1143---19 J. U. COOK. SVG A of every (Ina lily from 6d to la per pound, Coffee ami Teal , green and black for salc as cheap as the cheapest and cannot F. d to suit purchasers in qua/ iiy and price, by the pound chest or sack. For vale at the city drua store. 30 P. HALL. UgT nrrived nt the entifotnia Idiom a few more of thole splendiJ heavy ensett Patent /AVM 'taming Watches. The nocetoest. are of bnperior workmanship and flnish, ordered and ir.q.ortedeciars.ly for G. LOOMIS, i:r le N0v..27 /..5:2 No 4 Brown's Block WAKED UP AT LAST!! a fluidfirm of V ',trent, llimrod &Co., Imving been diesolved T on the tint of Muth last, a new Partnership bar been en. turd into between the sulmenbera under the came name. to tnke Kee( from that date. thee therefore notify the paddle and "all the rest of mankind." that henceforth out motto shall be Cash prier. and prompt payment. At our store may be attn.l a large and well selected clock of Dry Goody. Groceries, Hardware. C:ackery. and Tin ware. and at our Foundry almost every ire r ivty of Machine casting" from a Steam Engine in a sleigh shoe. min Mill gearing being proverbially superior. As fbr Stoves we can't be beet in quality or Klee. neltbertip street nor down. our Keystone and Lion are favorably known and our new Farmers Favorite for the kitchen and Lady Franklin and severe for the parlor throw all others in the shade. Remember Cava peters arid peony"( pripmel. XL R. VINCENT. WILLIAM HIMROD. DAVID HI WROD. JOHN D. VINCENT. F.rie 0ct.23164311-i-fi . DAVID SHIRK. N. B.—Those Indebted to the old Firm are noticed to tall attd pay up and that noon. 1 853 Afilirmot NNW TONS AND NRIIINDMPX INSURED.-1 , 10 7/14/413HIPMENT. TU IS line eon Isis of (oily first class Canal lkiats on the SOO River. and Erie Canal—running in connection with liner on the Olno and Illinois Canals.--alro, with liteasiboatiated Propellenion the Werteru hakes, and daily Honor dreamers on the llliaoia , bilealaspoi and Ohio Rivers. • PROPRIETORS : lIICCTI ALLEN, & CO.. - Weir York, ALLEN, OATS! AN ca Foot of Main-Bt., Buffalo. FOR FREIGHT APPLY TO R. L. Howet.L. formerly of We Weet'e Lake soot LIDel . C. 11. Cannel" N. Y. & 0.. W'm States Lioe. Braid J se. V. Ormrses, " • err York 4r. °Weisman Use. .H yew Areas,'Eekibrd Liee. Mask °sods *. N. Y. dr KIM. LIN k," Ibip Deny, Piot 4, Foot Broad Street, New York. Jam. 'JP, ISID-311. 41110. J. MORTON, A.m. igric ifrllMMlllt PEED. a anertier ankh, at Theatal liiii - CC, Wale. March 12 'Si- 11 We. 1 Strife's 111 est. ' OIVII • %EN irWsk I J. U. 1! • I" 1.0 t WOULD. mot tespeolisily • fre to return his sincere thanks Whig teeny Mends, , d the pubile in general for the very liberal petroaage herthafbre ended to biro, and would halberts them that he has Just received t Istriast and host Ito •of Goods to his line that has ever been.oircred In this ity, canvist Jug of - CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, of the choicest kind, which lie will make IT to order. Gentle men wishing their clothing made to order can have their meas ures taken and clothing tunde. and lf not pleased with them n hen done. tbcy will not he asked to take them away. Also, ou band at all times. a large and well made ash orunent of .A. 3) 1t7.. 0 T N G Of our own Manufacture. consisting of pvercovo of various stylcs.Frock. 'here aria Sack Coats; Vests, Shirts, Stock Cra vats, Drawers. Undershlric, Cloves, silFpend , ril, {cc , which will be cold at the very loweq prices fir CASD. Persons in tsant of anything in our line, are turucd to call and examine good* and prices for thetatekcs. Erie Oct. t 7 /F 32 21 inueens• Stack of Clothing and Cloths! Tobsomoblat room' No. 7. Ileesrlioßoc. ths Yreprictor, Jacob Noca.ecitb kimost•dispaki. WINTFIR CAMPAIGN OPENED. flaYinit a tho3ttungnificent match'ess mitmrunt 111 of ctoth ing of the chcimet.t tmexectitmuam:, cu t, ant i Riade in the shop (hot stop) by eNt,crit need workmen in the best tuanacr,afier, I;lllp:terns. ll c do, with perferte.opfideneP. challenge a cetapatison cloth . goods and Ntees ith thcaket of any other establiAment bet‘‘cfm the city of 24tit Yerk and hbe city of Erie. We iturehaeed these good+ and made Wm up to sell—aud—and—rod THEY MUST nic: Any MIN Or bey for a c• u. D eft or p^nt•, by rnahine his wants , known to me, tv 01 he accomino•lnted wiih an article that will suit l a m—at a price that ti di MI: —and if yoo do not drpart a richer and a hal p r niati—my lane IS liot Jacob. i Traveling Shirty. l'nikr Eliirts.and Drßen Collars!. Silk Handkrrehlefs Cravats, Giovcs, en...pent:nor cheap for money it Ng. ;, Recd l!ca,c Wile. Nov. VI Attiiteition at RoseraweiFicieo:Ts CHEAP CLOTHING STORE, Feri.z.trs Block, %tate wren. f rie. Pa. TILE Ptoprietors of Atilt c,tabliblime“t, beg leave 10 an nouve e Mat they Lave now on Laud z Ivrgc vani:d rind elegraut (a butment of • ;PALL LTD WirrerTZT2 CLOTIE=O, TO which they invite the attention of the public, confident tbal in etyle and fiateh it cannot be excelled. Onr 'dock CettliellA In part of t tic TolloV, v : Drell. and Frock Contr. Sack• and lialf Sacks ado! carromere.; and t V.A.. all of 11 , •w .1.2.1 e and at. very low prices. OverFrckis and Danznp• of black, brown, bine:Hid drab BeayoeFclt. Pact and Flu-to or, Cic,th VESTS! VESTS!! VESTS!!! A rich and most beanti Oil assortment ever c red, Satin I,laa and faney Mertno,Valentsa. Italmn (Toth, Satined, dou bla and single brraed of every variety of inatertal and pattern, Under Ststru an Drag,ers of every rier.c ript lon. Boys' Clothing. Cons,4iing of 1303 E and Youths' sack. Dock ned Rody Coats. Over Coals. rams apd Vests of all sites and qt.allues and at vcry tow priers HIRT'S! SHIRTS!! S:IIIRTS!!! nue n lute Shirts of Linen and Colton, cf die lieu est titles and make, fancy check. hickory and blur Witted Shirt: , of el or) kind. In tact, yoly wilt And every igtiele le our line at No. I. Wright's 'Clock. Call and exatulue (vial nod !glees. (lc( 16 Ital.. ~IQABF. G rceer ler, Fie les. Pie ke!rd oy.tets, Lobsters. Fo r• . 4.J Olga Pratt and Nuts. J. G. & W. 1 m 11411., eta. 3 Wits, I.a.a's Block. OpirOsite Brown's New Hotel, Erie, Pa, time j..st opened a Nets Bstaldishinent. where tl‘iv. are prepared to 4.11 all Articles I n incir 'Meat thr. IVlsokssale anti Retail. The dtoe I: Consists in ' , art of the fulioSejt.,l4rtielt.r. %Vines, Oranges. Preserved Pruits, IVlcecaronia. I.:quota, I.emons, Viittnaciitv Faibl i tr.rs. I 12 it., it;: , . Plain Picts:rs, in iiclic.t ics, Portcr, raisins, Mx' il Pickles, Cat.iiiiii ' Ale.' ?Cunt, Pickleit 03 ....ICTP. Cqrrarts, \ IL7ider. Cocoa. Pickled LUI,IICIP. De Orgeet. Cordials, Piney. Pickled Claws. Curl, oa. F.x. Absintlia, WHISKEY Br" TILE 17.41iRr1... em. Roma. CoTee, Tol , reo. Grztir4 St,terst.Confeettottary by the flux. i 4 0e.:1 Puce it. Cu:ch.-I'. hp tilt Itatrrt. att.ltonny other Article.: too nurnercol to ntehtton. I 11r(lEtT El/ CIGAR: , —IA c Huil , :rt our 1.,1,1 CI: ar.:, and c• scl I hetter on:Vitt' of eigrrr, at it,: satnc pr,ces than : t.) t.uusi‘ ,n the cltv Pure and (t name Wit.es. cf ere y dercrlp t ion cif:ill:m.lly on hand. fo: Sale: Wholesale at low rt ,o—Botticd Wines and Liquars L,r Medicinal or other purposesl on 1:a1,1 hn the Llocen or tit nz.le Lot tle Is hitch arc pure. Aot:.+c) . FOR 8U1T.11.0 AI.F.•-31rdr..ta aid Gilman & I Barton's Al^, for sale 1 , . the barrel. at Bufralo Pr.ro.adr•rm.^ tratisporta!ion. Also tlwir :44.(1t. Ovotere to fzhell, Leg and Can. from J G..llills eo Co., of New 'float. for Sale ‘r1t. , 1 , -..tle at Low Price.. J C. Mitts, New York. W. 1. Arrtip.Tturfalo. A. C. JACKFON. Agent. Erie. Pa. Y. B. hotel.,svnmßoau.prlvare Families and Derilers gen eralty s.irp:ied with all articles in our line. at Buffalo priers.— ()MIN front City and surrounding country resneei fully ollc. ;1 cd, and e ta, dge ourselves that all goods shalt Le as faecal ulenJed,-, Erte.`May . 22, 194'1 . . rl'illE subscriber* len leave in infortia the eitieens of this and 1 the adjoining counties, that they are reteidn: al:noit daily in: Odium. ro their sinek of rzoo 'P. the largrst and Put ataort irmni of GrOcertea to to r01111(1 RINI of Nei , . York City. 'lliank• I ful for the liberal patronage received since on r conimet cement i.i tliiseity. we noidd moot re.ir rethilly call the ntionticn of met. chants and others ii i,triri: goe•ls in our line. to an evlirbinon or vie stook before limn: to Buttilo or N. w York. We wish it d iE- ti hat y underetocd that we will sell :ca'.. for Ca...nb . r Ready Rae. as cheap as ean Lc ratha•eJ itriiiltf,ll , 7 cr in New York, Tr iili the addition or expenses in getting:n(ls to this City.' _'l he loltowine comprlkt• a -mall I art dour stock -30 Ilhd.N. (1 . Mirs'd .and P. E .. Sugars, 100 Was. Crtished Potv'd , Gra ty.lat'd &Coffee do. 10'1' ierees Initc It Crushed:Me:sr, 20 Doles, B Griot; Loaf do. 211 Illid 1 s.c'd,. an I P R l'ihdasscs, 20 Time do, do. do. • , - 71 Bid.. do. do. k. S. 11, do. 14 do. Ft art's:, rug, - . 19 .do. C Ilona , . 14 CLeFts. iid ImIll . '1 . 1e!-Is Yonne 11511On.11,isca ISsiu , lm• a ' perial, unt.owder and Slack 'Peas, 109 RI. from 4 to 111114 nf Blaek and Green do.. 74 Bags Rio. Laguir- and Java Col.e, i 20 Boxes Ground Coffee, 73 do, raven dieh Tol.aceo. all quell ies, 30 do. i lb lump do. superior qualities. ' Rids. J. A ndenron's rinsoking Tabereen, }. ik lb re*. Several different brands hue Cot I hewing. 73 Pack. en Mackeral, No's 1,2 &3, is v. lt,le, j,4 sad Kitts, Wl4 Roses lie Tioß, No, I and Sealdea, BOW Pie Cod Fis' 25 Rills, Rtflu2p Winter Strained Oil, Also. Nuts, Rasa' ii, Prune... Pepper, Pimento. Cassia„Nirt megr, Cloves. IS.i . pi -it% der. Shot San ty Prise, IVrippir, r,.. 1 , and better .r: N1114;14.0, and Pickles. of an excellent quality and cheap--Liesitles a great many other articles too numerous to mention in an advertr.oinent of On , kind. We al.o have in rid dition to the goods aboie mentioned, A 1.11:e .tO:4, of PCB E ' SVINF-.4 and LIQUORS,.n-hieh can tie had I.S per cent. (obeli et for the atunienualitv„ than can he purchased west of Neu. York. notwithstanding the :teat alliance in honors. I.nijuir and Phil adelphia Porter,: retch Ale, arid %Vines of almost all .le-cril-I11,1'• Ple ice call and el - intim , for )i: , ..irscli e 4, and ton n ill i.e ;-atti•f ed that von enn do better than tiv going to Run' ito or New York. Erie. Dec. 4. 1=52, 00 1 J M SM !Tit et Co. ' A. F. NORCROSS, E. T. SITANN ([1 4 5500 CHALLENGE..ZI) • T HAT EVER concerns irk. henlili ond n ferric. V is at all ttutes of the most valuable iiiiportatice. I take it for granted that every per•nuwtlldoall in ibt ir pcmer. 'twit the hves of their clii itten. and that et erl hcr.on ni ill mitigator to promote their cwn hit nhth nt Snl . r c e I P.m it to be my dutyto solemnly assure you that IVbili MS; according totheopiti lon of the most celebrated t•icial.S. are the primary came% of a large majorit i t of disease. to o hicti children nod adult' , arc lia ble; if } cu hate an appetite C011111.U1'1!* chart 2• rdde firm on, thins to another. Bad Breath, patti in the stoniarh. Picking at tire Now. Hardiness and fulirres , s of the hell). dry rough. Pintc Fever, Fleee irregular—retneniLer that all tbegedonate WUII.IiS, An article founded upon Scietitine princii let!, reontrounded wit!) purely vegita blc subbtatict F. per Iced} safe «her ta ,ken. r.n d can he given to the inte.t ;ender I nt•int with described ;beeericial effect. where ihrscrt Ll•mptaiett and Iharrhea have 'nide them %eak and dcl , ilitatod the Tonic properties of INtrin Sprup are rielionat it rtatuk n WIWI( an equal in the cat a logue o f medicines. hi ciVirg tone nlid FUT: etli to the Stom ach. which inn ken it an Infallible rented for -th• •e It4eted with It) speptia. the anonifiliing cure , perfortue.l by thin s. ,rupnfFer l'hp.ocsansha , e titled. 1$ the bent e% ideLce of its SlJl•Cilt.f ettica t y oler all others. This i t. human sys h. so coded and a. health 'o sadly . s , afflicted seldom e them to an early e. energetie treatment In 6. er to Lake to Sofmy 1, that the Worm Syrup 111. • mutt he taken in does of- . these direeticu.s followed have .t ing the most obsttuate cane ol 7 t • L • 't• r t . 1 No part of the system is more liable to isease than the 'fa WED, it serving as a titterer to punts 'the tllood. riving the proper se cretion to the bile tPO that any wrong act' of the Liver diet t4l the other important pans rat the syitem. and r nits variously. In Liver Complaint. Jaundice. Dy spepsia. &c. should. there fore. watch every symptom that might indicate t t rong action of th.? Lover. These Pills being composed of itnnra AND Pf.Vn fUrnished by nature toheal the sick ; Namely. 114,, an ssegem- RA MT. which augments the FCC retion from the Pulmonary mgtus membrane. or promotes the di scha rge of secreted matter. 2nd. au Ti• 'Arms, which changes in come inexplicable and inscngibt r manner the certain morbid action of the system. Ord. a rosie which gives tone and strength to the nertons ty gem. rotten in, health and vigor to all parts 01 the body. 4th. a cs. - rukaTtr. wllleh nets In perfect harmony with the other ingredients. and operating on the Bowels. and expelline the whole mass of eorriipt nnd vitiated nuttier. and purifying the blood. which dtlitICYS dis ease and restores health. You will find there Milan invaluable medicine in many cum. pia intl. to which you nre tubjeet. In obstrnr tion• either toot or partial. they have been found of inestimable benefit. restoring their functional arrangeuwnts to a healthy action, purifying the blood and other fluids so effectually to put to flight all complaints which may arire from female irregularity. at headache, giddi ness. dimness of sight. pa in in the side. hick. &e. None genuine unless signed J. N. liotaciume k, all others being base Imitation. TS Agents winning new ruppl and Store * Keepers ilcsiromi abeeamlng Annts must address the Proprietor, J. N. Ilobensack, Philadelphia. Pr'. 18.53 :mint Sold by all aterehantwand Brunists in the IL S. Ca rterk 44. Brother. Grit, Wboirivale nod Retail ,►genre. Porker, Mercer ; Fiat & Hell, Cleveland Ohio. Price ear li 2.1 cents. G. W. Keyeter. No.llo Wow, Pt., Pittsburg. Wholesale Agt.. who will supply Ageism at the Proprietors prices. Auk•»t 21 ias SOAPII.—A very great variety oraonpv fur the Toilet nud purposes, including all the latest awl most eleanut and highly perfumed kinds. 112 Caarsa t PROTR7II6 No. 6 Reed Home. TANNERS tail, Laird oil and Neatipfiyoi nil by Erie Dee. 19—al. CARTER is BROTHER CidARS-40,00n Genutqe PrinciPe and Pavans Clear+ Just received at Erie Nov:111 t9ll-13.. 3. 11. BtAtTON & CO'fi. PER1;.1502 Y.—The kilo , " i, r elettzot extracts end scents by Lubin. Basin. river zOld others. viz: Jockey club. Jessa mi Jena, Lied. liar MIAs, Owl no glower,. !Wm res. Fatah. only. It • • Vicki*. Tee hose. tomb Gezellieel. New 'Sewn Sty, • ft, 11110THEII. IVINEIB. LIQUORe. J. M. sawn! a co.. - w liiV,ESALE GROCERS, fro 7 noire!! I?toe4, Stahl Spat. Erie. To. 110.BENSACK'S WORM SYRUP. THE TAPE WO11.1! the most difficult Worm to riestrot of clI that infests the it -rows to an almost indefin rte length beeomitta \CasteLed in The tnlcsUuCsaudStonw eM e Gro ttnmthe to cause et. Vtius fiance. Fits, &c.. that thrt.e \ever suspect Ulat at is Tape ,forst hastening In order to destroy tills Worm, n very at be pursued. ti would therefore he prop- N(er rills so as to remove a i l olotruetionr - act direct upon the Woram.nhleh Taltlettpoonfulls three times nfri "eyes been known to fail in cur- In - arta. HOBENSACK'S 17tKER PILLS. TO F E ,N 1 A LES. 1 Oirr 3ll : 'ea f fie _a lt fe ll b 11 & WATEIIII°. JACOB - KOCIT 1- - .._ _ .r i, t0 444 .0. 1111141 ‘.4 4 . 11r441- „„ ind Ali iiiffrimi ll i t i r swan a ., Ones as will trot bins whitetail, at N 0.1140011, Front h street. nearly Opjaltsita his old stand. Tay angc" l . l ll who boys elont* that MY motto is to tki a /;;1 0 4,,L1EN5L/.4. /Lb OTHERS' IN TEE nth, There are some in the Clothing trade who ca p ta"'" men and they is ill tell you that my c lothing is east ern a,...... -- "N and baud. 6ze.. or I could not sell so cheap. I t is the , r - , edate. say so. But the people 130tet believe them. The his a n ake; they havebeen galled long eacargh and can't itaZi 4 : 1 / 1 longer, and the universal cry 13 go to WIJOI) & co • d - Laity store. he ts in town yet and if you want to ta.4 he ha i 4 e ,„,,' 113 11 you want In the clothingline. )0 1 11 east ( *Pend UPOr whatigN if coo buy and don't like the goods after you ge t 1,,,,e br a es back and VI YOUT ;Mae?: be won't saytl don't ams y&", link you bought that some °ter place." What he 94 31 4 1 , 1 C] truth 111U31 end will prevail. A word, our good, are a cult ad made by the most tirrsettC4l WO ramen and under oar 04 1141 4 vision. All I task ur a look before you buy, an d h e eon , „ Nag. In di vrll an et cheaper than any house the La Zelllitlis t v I : e all, particularly the mechanic, taborer and farraer ask 1 ' their Interest and can save time n.pd expense. k t o Don't forget the ahmker. No '2 Need House. on Fren c h opposite the bowl district, for Wood defies the world to e „,. - "' 1 . with hint in mites, quality and durability, so come 0 ,, i 11 1111 all and give him a vial, that is all be asks. : fi ned by 5,47: deed Citizens. N. 8.--411covs Clothing of all sizes always on hand". Erie. Feb. 19 1 c.13--I I . A l . WoOD k (1 ) .• _ _ BOOT .t.ei D lIIELOII ZISTA,IiI ripnE WI aad well tom vn etablphrzield of th ms s ' .11; on trench pt ,in the city of Erie, has been remtdedte7w. three story brick huildin", recently erected on the . 4 "...7 one door north bf the old " stand, where the pidd i e w i n t e a"; acts. L'xiiifs sad ..5./wrcs of all desert pitons whit prompi n ,„„ . 7 , 11_ lon est ilussible rates consistent iv oh the cost of tilt Thankful fur the liberal patronage heretofore extended to u.,,.. one. determined to spare no endeavors to give sat isfaclicm ee,",, score L oi ll oh tlii iio l ly and price - , they hope to , neat 11'4 reti rch ' tot ea support and encouragement of the ceiurtrani,y. Erie. r 5 4 tl ta:r3-42. / J. dr. J. WILLIAIIt ItElszt Clover Seed. Inn ,k, Gra. , seeTt, l r-, ----- ;z - ; - 11 'eh 26 '.53-41 CLARK MrvklltTra" A --- L'l IIASI Carrot deed. this comes to I:3 h;c in, :di] Et.gand as a held Carrot. ;r:..'wa 14, 1 geoe ' .., , rioter, deep yellow. . "" I'al-4i • CLARK & MeCAITLIL OUNTRY — D ZrAid — ifilt — , :$ AND FANCY DRY GOODS. !COLSON .Sz. W RIGHT, , . Impf+ters nal Jobbers 'lf Silks akd Fa. , Y bey n e ,a, HA V 1,.` , .t.: winos( d from Al Cedar direct , to the pr e . E RL. nu i;l,ling, 93 Liberty .Ire el. (four doors wrst of BroadW, -pi would instre the attenticm of dealers in distant rules midlevel to a very,exte mot e and rich stuck of exits and Fancy conslstitig of . RIBBONS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES. DRESS TRIMMINGS. WHITE GOODS, GLOVES, ' SILKS, DELAINES, ' SIIA ‘VLS, PARASOLS, ' MILLINARY ARTICLES, k g . • :In i r , ation of our Goods and prate. a ill. se dusk, giit . luntry Dealers that we can offer them tufty les i va. tilts nanny house in New York—it not better. 1%44 ,fir attention to the asylum oaks, and if goods me tear rices than they can he imported—os is sometime* e,,ltifll re,, that our customers will realize all Melia* 11 1011Willueb sales. Vt e areal all times withal a l raw, ht, buyers, whether they purchase or not; se dens It any trouble to itto* oar good.. and i• Erie, An ez i vince C. Volts le Witt ul. p Stemma our Moe Coflol4 rir Cash uvid close tnne purchasers art esprciaiii urtteta give as a Cali From cur facilities, c are con. apcgd th a , can cell them plinth wee an Intuit !wove saii.farlory NICUI,SON Jr. VaII:FIT,SLI Libettyketr. 5,1953. =I 8it,0011 , 11 GREAT EXHIBITION PRIZE THREAD! THIS Siicord Thread, made print many from Ant,hisseli ton. is tor prranted not to kink or knot to sett owning StrOnZeSt and ranootliest in the world. It ii now tatlai toy of all other tnakes FOR SALE BY Tweedy. Moulton dr. Plytopton. Hunter. RUC kley k. CO., Calhoun, Vsnderhurgh lk. Co., Lee, Fenton & Phelps,. Avery, Hillard & Co , lien rye, sor 1.11 & Townsend. • & J Morrison & Co., \ John !!fart n It.. & (3 0.. \ Free: rut. Stuart & Co., mein. Mellen & Co., I I.ed, Warren, Sarre, & Co.. Grinnwar, Brothers& Co., Ccorm oors & Co., 1.. & V . Zslirrhy & Co., I.atlrrop Ludington. Hurlbut. Ainsnotth & Piersep, Johnt , tewatd Jr.. & co., Smith, Carey & Morreig Brooke, lircthera. & 4 4 d, &c . e lending jobbers &e., ni New York, Boesch, 'ltaltintote. • Feb. 'A ISS3-3.e. Anetl all I adelphin tin - LIQUORS. lII4VE on hantithrbest assortment of Liquors in tiva4, from the he , t Co, - m mei Jots nlo 2.5 cent Wri.ter, Elle Ike. 4 tl-3u T. W. 110014.ftieft. Rockingham Wax e. ALA Yu: aSSOFIrren kat received and fcr sale by Erie Dee. 4 7 30 T. W. MOOR!. Wooden Ware. A . vo A. ' LAUGR avrtment of the above ware elaii.niti h Pail.. Tutu. Churnf Duster Ladies, rant.., dteat _ SNone. Rollin, Potatoe Maybers. Lemon Sq ON' Mk FL cite Towel Boller.. Sugar Voice. Mop atrc kl , CkAtes No. N. Covers. 14rnsurrs, Ate Helve., Keelers, 1101 , 6) Barret. 1 / 2 1 Tr/tFa. aillt attrriftp. ete..ete.. twig he found nt Sum 'WS ; Uric Dee. 4 19.31-33 Opposlue Iftrowu's New IlotN,alt * Nll-. r for tale n lot et' real Ma at prime ea... 4 to Ltctout of the btt.intp , . 4 smirk Lrre. Jan. 13 '1.833-38. BEN NF:TT k CVO GZ.A II 1 C~Trrerit•tda lar:te supply of Treath. Enaltrtt &DX ADM V 4 . a n Gfa, , elng , sriNg, of all the ditlerent 5)....s trots l•I7I5 ft.{ by 41, static!' rti be, Fu:d by the box or single heti 3f tie RI7 OTte4: prizelt, Glaw , tut to any size WI ih , ) , 11. extri chlree brie, Nov. 48 J. 11. BURTON t CQ 17.4.4 t SALE Vr.itY large and powerfit Telmer% eetliog Entsland Twenty Poonal. to be rbbl cat calm( itEreft—u rr Ik t perfret to every rer•trert, irt•iire of Vait Sent 4-17. T. 'M. Art , IN, Or KJ!. ite Brown's tltntrt rrgiiiUACK6IIITIIS.--1 amu now receismvg a lieasJl. Imn and Steel er: . ,111.1n,1 , and size. 10wF. stook and Dies. :Siedire. Hammen., Horse s 4 Mataldr Castings. Ilra , s, Hut: and sand Bantb". olke ke . . - yv it l be sold ni 11e I,nresl 1,7 n r e. ,Qiiiek SiefeYernie awn!! Prof tr.' The rify nryg More I. 'rill! II Suhsc n I et rel.;rn , ll,:•l ki la his nuwerouA Clol. IL the I ihera I pro rot., o.e receL‘ed, and trit-ts from the Er ell,!ernent, tan% °Lim: it win de ct_ntlntied an,! inerevei 1.. i. t list received crom Lead quarter,a large supply aridly in III• line of tra It , . ha , icht at the lost e-t intro., and of ezn quality, Warrante . :nod and o ff er + to aupply him engraver the moat I,t. , eral I, RIR All arc in% lied to call and elm f0re ,,,, .. ill el , es here a- r;reat chances arc ott•red ex be! good ..rileie. nu ITV ptieerl. P. HALL. Erie. Nu,. 27 1 fi:.; '4 2 _ 7----- onthe Subject. , but a coed as•ortinent or nubi.Oilando o. Jug erre' ted at prices tweniyAine p eel , slit in the e ity. sTnotTom t Fra.ri IJOT ex-rtlrr. Wu: Qum can 6r i Fe b. 19 A SC lIELX IX of II Co...in ht•laod a 47.5. - ,,, Eric, Jan. WI A few of superior quality, and age quasi" axes warrants d at el.nO each. AWN. 0 not warranted at the Cheap Itardiraw Mtsn gums Rem • New Arrangement. nett /melba aseoetated Or the etutOteci Storage, Commieston and i•liipptoe L. N. 'CHID ALS & CO.. would respee# 4 o oo .ave of this eteintty awl the reibitegeoetaels trolls:le. No phtee. ehnlT he ',fated 03 Prt iVatCh to any business eotruete.latt then L. N. Ttessu.V THE Undersi dietin2llm ucrthefirmof of ofthe %Irre tharref their K rompttiess and AT 31 RT 7 KF Eric Jalt.49 Ir .—Lul.in's eatetets of Jocky flab. Rom. sly, He.l.t esinta, Helotrope, -Violet. Wet, .PW mown Hay. Jenny Lind. eitroarite. nn. Clematis. ColOnne. 313e2.11f lit II 'Fair, Cachort Aromatiee for till•fira: , ~P .`":1 1' l articles for lA6 •• P? , 11 Gent* 2c. 19 32 J. H. Ill • RT011 k PI:RFC:MI:RI tam, Patch() toto..Nlttetluer,, :11atechate. Vert Marrow for the itrc.:lll, and alt al Lite. TA ra.t: urn a- - net. 423, FR by the lb. at 32 —33 • Clothing Zstablislantat, 4 have connected with their gore a Itrees o4 • clothing. of home manufacture. to atirtor (mita] of the public. their -toe% cortytt. o t 4l elack and over sack Coats, Punt and test! tl trl•Ille Or the best mater al. cr lih tr.. 011 antsql p• lc es ao low as to astouith tl.e beholder" rell los you rt.elves. VINC'ENT TIIMRnf t IJo . 1 THE eultt.eril,.: of rendy tin would cnil the a of Frock. litess, endle , s tii,Nurp:igec-4 tali and oxamizl Er tr. l)cc 4 I. e of tine Silver Ware on ha td of hip etu ofaciure. Silver Spoons. t.ndle .3ar 'they' Silver Work thade to oritit r. done in superior att le. Corporation 1 and die finking done equal to ant ill f-'l l G. LOCO Nov. 1832-21). AA 14 ab47ndan Eastern Lit anti Scoops and T:r gogrn•in ty Seats engrav . 40 A PAIR Domem te So for sale be 10,% ral V- Erie. Jan. 13 I-33--313 :7 . rr CO ,11)0. oL NEAR THFDEPOT. PTACI ST GEORGE W. FOX, PROPRIETOR. TIIIS House is situate but a few steps from the fawn "" Wes'ern Railroad depots—has been resit' fuisute.' S , Guertin) for the accommodation of nil ANC ERS AND TV 61. ER S. and as a pleasant and agreeable stepping 04" "A ir passed by any in the City. Attached to i r is a t !it! 00 14. and other accounnodations for teainsiers and Ott Imo,: country. Passengers and Baggage carried to and frocidg"" free of charge. Charges reasonable. Erie. Dec. IS IS3:1 20 - nir ALS. Molasses. also 16 bbor, Sterrart's t.e,l for •al'• • Nov. 6-96 STERRETT a u." CROVER E`:.—A StiP ;dy 'and as cheap a.Can b 14 ... - "T the city. tz he had aL 11ec.11. ARISUCILLE k VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. 44 TAE Snlarc rater offer. his farm curate on thelevaS t ov el jo g three mile. from Girard, Erie county, for rale ,r t ,ovirr Sll iteres of Land. 64) of xe are under a good ore went ham erected thenvonhf a h good two 'ter% frame cevvary rut.. Pbcda and without., ; a good orchard?! 75-0 fruit ; well watered, and the uncleared land SaArlna. Umber, and there are two raw-la ‘‘tthina a tittle Tenna made eavy, and title indiatiutaNe. Pq esubveriher living in the village of Girf.r M Ala re h 3 I YlS—drn ' Seeds I Beeits 1: riELD,Crtriten.nik FIOWCT Seeds it large Forr 1 - of which we have received from a reiebrat Fn g 1 hhd. Dia mock of Peed Iv too numerous to teen' oJt ! '" .- Cardner'e ant/others nre invited tacnii and E.:amine .4,01 Erie, Feb 2 1833-41. CLARK k Almanacs. Whig Almanac, • rifts, ," Mag. .. . a. Farrneris (German Form.) d gi,oo. Ai No. 0, Brown's note. DURLIN is it Erie Feb. 19 1833. .....> - .- _____ T. - ---- ~- libli max ditto THE Carrel"! the late Samuel gam deed. situated oP il "d ob 09( I I miles fruits Erie is (reefed for mot 1 : 11 of tMO yea rsor tonger.—powessiort g i wen Offtol A Pul•— r in a good state of cultivation. there are about one h o w. of i ...rhos at. good buildings and e dne :tetra . Pretn'or further particulare elkouire of the p si_ dins or of • MATTHEW R. 11 ,00 , Pk. Feb. IS 1!W -4I. • Erie/Hess Gaut r s eopytt. CM GEF.I.r.Y'S Loco's' MIIM a ...i BO lin
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