Jews by Telegraph and Nail. WAsIIINGTOP. April 21. Tile following proclamation was issued by ttie Presi dent this morning. The President has with deep sorrow received informs tios.that the Vice President. Wm. R. King, died on the 18th inst., at his residence In Alabama. Is testimony of respect for his eminent station and as• s luld character. higher then this sad above all, for his saner of public service and devotioito the UP0400; which feederation and neefoleires. is &load wit bout a parallel is the history of this Republic. The labors of the several Departments will be ass pooled The Secretary of War and Navy will inns cr iers that-appropriate military and naval honors be m oonlit to the memory of ono to whom such a tribute will " i be formal. but heartfelt from a people whom the de - cooed has so faithfully served. • The Public Offices will be closed sod badges sof mum,- o f pieced ea the Executive Mtoai.u. aorof all the sae , cativo ofrisss is Washington. John M. to be Marshal .f the Northern District of Now York. Thu morning the body of Col. Amass smith was found It Charles River, near the Railroad bridge from which be au drowned en the night of the 25th oft. Coalmines, April 21. Tho Noon! of Via Preoidoot King took plates yoator by looming at it o'clock. The remains wore deposi• 04 among his kindred and noarAhia tats rosidoncii. Arrival of the Steamer Arabia. The steamship Arabia arrived early this monist, abe Made the qeickest 1111 M et the sessea: - -She_ brought eye blared aid les passengers sad $14.000 is specie. Weirr.—The rates of the last markets supported. Flier pressiigly offered at 23s per barrel, sad oast or 'les parcels is store at lb. same figure, which makes a doelisa of Is per barrel ore. this deseriPtion, while ether sera ars 6d cheaper. Bat hula business doing io India. corm. %Vhito re- Wad 6 per quarter-29 being accepted. • The Austria. Embassy at Constantinople haepreseet ,oi soother complaint to the Divan teething the mal 'tssatosset of the Moldatioas. The report or Mrs. B. Stowe's illness coined insets 'axial'', it hating hoe. understood that nos object of her rot was to attend the May siseitiogs at Exeter Hall. • As Avost deputed from the Cseadion Uooor.moat is is tbo north of Ireland commissioned to istrodeco the growth of fiat lithe former ?melon.. Fasscs is ttaiet. The &scenic. on the budget elms ed es the 6th. ' The (amass political prisoner Blanqoi had escaped from prig's, at &hal* hut was arrested by gem* peasants The shares of the Imperial Trams Atlantis Steam Co. 'nail eat es the sth. IrAii.—Ait oolistooot .of 25.000 mos hu boom 'ordered HOLLAIID.-;:The ['misstating have pretested against the re-estaltlishoset of the Roman Hierarchy PlClSlA.—Diocoverisa made at Berlin prove that the west csaspir7 wear in _clone connection *kb that in Wee. - no King of flramin has offered the Medial as`uyient it his domisiesio. It ie theight that they a ill take ■p Heir rssidsoce in &island. Further Nero by the Pacific. ?kw Year. April.l43. The Leadenblaming Advertiser says N.esisi iona4 eel nay be expenlieel in England in a fortnight The Sardinia Chamlaro had two Julia anderidiitess• Oa for the sepprosition of the ears trade. Oise; doclor. mg a slays frit. an touching Sardinian WI or Ole deck of s Sardinian.ohil. and the other enacting peneltirs gIaLY.—A Swigs iteldiwr was fused assassisatit& to &attest. with a poioard atiekiag in bin breast. to lihiels wis matched a card, with the wards•—••Tbe veagoaacto The Gererloriad assay respieiese pereene arrested mishit. - H• threateeiet tense the et:tiee to the greyed , ueliirs thew into plowed fields. Rees —Bix political offender, of 1818 were ezeeeted. Li. Geo. Nelson has been ordered to quit Rome. ; liirt.m.-300 pawns had been arrested and 3 ems. Wei ter as stumped revolution at Palermo. . The Russian Seat in the Black Sea his been placed Wet Ihe command of the Grand Dike Constantine. Lwaaroot., April 6.—.Ezeggerated weennte of the af kir at Palermo hid. been *imitated on_the Vienne Ea. chap. Stoonors from Constantinople reached Trieste. Pa- Mn attaining **thing now New Torii, April 18. Aprivate letter frets H states that the ship Cla n Ala of Bath had been Bred into and everhasted by Eaglish steamer Bogard off Mittman'. Capt. Hatch in aid* affidarids of the Incur. It ems rumored at kismaita that the Spanish G 111,11711. mei hod kotheriud the payment of $300.000 for losses e demotion of the Crescent City. the sem to be paid the Revs**** of the Island of Geo. Law. - W•eptroros. April 18 - Gm. Seymour. of Cone., has boon offered the cam amen to Mexico is ash eyed that he hoe accepted. It tea boos doterm*od to appoint IN. M. Mott, as Merthell for the northira district of New York, and G W. Chime, of Buffalo. United States District Attorney hr Is same district 01ILICANS, April !lEL' Gee. Arica had arrived from Vera CIIIIIZ, where they 61 4 t great deal of detatertetreties ins the advent of Sim. AUL A grand banquet was giros bin by the cilium Hi bad netted a proclamation to the fdezicona fell of Punetiam Wasatsalos. Braator Borland boo doeliaod 411ro govoroonriaipof N Ihritc kb. Seale will leave for Bpai• is abort a orfth. Tle Post Oillso Dsparlassat bas adopted a rogalac redaction of Postage on Wars to Coatinsi A CARD. willptsiw en ens Lamws.—Mrs. Winslow. as old and es :Naomi and female physician. would call the anemia ' " th e , her Soothing Syrup for children teething. I taimediately relieve diem frdatt pain. allay all spasmodit 'often the runs, reduce intiamation. and is sure to men t Rev e l l. Depend upon it Webers. it will rive rest ti ,lies and relief and health LO yOUT children. Price iScent rule. have cold very large quantities of Mrs. Winslow's SoOlh rrop during the past sixyears. over ".9°U reptilesllw tat We Whet e it the heat me dicine in the world for IL - VW/het or for the 'core of Dysentery and Diarrhea in Childrer It amies from ureih,na or any other cause Ityi yea u tisfaction—never beard a comptaint from any one usi ter sold a medicine so universady successful in !They, id %fretting cures In all eases above stated if taken ?thefts isskniera and •111111.,CTELY rECTAIS. triS ki PERKINS, Druggists formerly of Bangor, Me. No 40 Courtlandt street. New York. Agents are nc aahlisbed in all the principal towns in the state or Ni • ckAlip AN,. PAIN KILLER The world is adonis knit wooderfui cures performed by the Cramp and Pain K lisepared by Curtis Sr. Perkins. Its equal has never be fur r emolihk pain .0 all eases: for the cure of spinal col in, cramp in the limbs and stomaeb. rheumatism in all biltious cholie, chills and fever burns, sore throat., a " 1 " decidedly the best remedy in the world. Eviden most wouderful cures ever performed by any medicine : cactnars in the hands of Agents--you may be positivi )( relief if you use it Millions or bottles of Ibis medic i ..eeit sold in New England the past inz Or eight years—it ktthe firittne being introduced into an the principal tour York. sure and call for CURTIS & P ERR Cir Cramp liner. All others bearing this uame are base ItrlitlltsOnl ti t I S. Til. ern , ' per buitle according to size. Also ots pure 'IS (LB CHERRY BITTERS, for the cure of tad Jaundice complaints, and general debility. T the blued and give new life and energy to the whole I rice only 77 , , cents in Pint Bottles. Boyd & Paul, Nc Idt street, New York, wholesale agents Go all the a Appl I C atoon for agent ies or orders for the above uteri scat be directed to Curtis & Perkins. No. 4411-ntilitJ !ear York. Al6O (01 . sale by the following agents —Cat otter. / IL Burson & Co. Erie. Pa ; Parsons & Wbii " . 'lnfo'ld; .1. 8. Borg. Ilunk . irk; A. Sexton, Forrestving IV ells* Co., Ashtabula: Lewis H. Kelly, Pal aim ille r a Moods & Co., Cleveland. I yll3 hi. H Tr 888 will be in Erie on Wednesday and Thu/ 1, 4 :Y forenoon, I Ith and Ittb of May, at Brown's He Oily be consulted. Poe pertieulgra see advert isean I.lCOltimn. April 9 1141-4; L. N. TIBIiALS & (L 414 Co of ule Fires of Wenor ribbigg.) I Lmmiseloo sod Igefehi n ti * I del i " Y4 ' , Fug'. alit. Watts Lime. Plaster. Public t h. Poetises lotapdo4 kw out cue should be so mei hilloolif h , ntatiogiery. „ow, b., aft, obeel es le. Iriirspe pen. theld . ie. First doom weer of Lbe lied aseee. Eine, Nsw Yost. April4o ssows , s wsw seirat. COMMA OF slurs STRIP AND PUBLIC ;QUAIL XIIIIc TA. H. L. BROWN, J. i•onw open Ibrtbesecoamodatkreoribe Both house and furniture are entirely new and of a quality unsurpassed by any house Weft of New York City. sod the pro prietor hopes to receive a liberal' share of patronage. Paulsen yen and maw...carried to and from the ears free of charge. Southern storm leave this daily— Charges reasonable. Erie Nov. no teat TO PRINTERS. JUST receive." at No. II Brown's Block, by the subscribers. • large assortment of Mather's superior Pies S oot- Sob. and lisms Zak, in 211.13•44 NI lb Imp, and la cans of Ilb eaelt—Alsol tea Greets and Blue Ink. Those la want cannot and a better arOcte. Erie July IT. Ifet. la DUBLIN & pLO4W H JARECKI. 3 UPI FociwitY, west side of State Street. Erie. Pa ERIE SCALE WORKS. T &G. 11111JOKS respectfulli inform all / • persons wanting SCALES, that they -ontinue to 011111Mfilttilne Hay, Platibrut Pd Counter Sealing of various sixes and 'rafts of the most approved Fairbant's A therns, all of which arc warranted east teel Bearings. All persons wanting .eales w ill do well to glee us a call sad .samine our stock, all of which can be \ bought SO per cent under the southern oar ket. All Scales warranted. J. & G. BROOKS. Erie, A Aril SI, Ists3. 104. French Street. TARRIED. In North East, April sth. by Rev. ). Uncles, Mr. CALVIN rillatlt v Of Horberereek. and Mule Hamad, H• 71414. of North East. Ou ths 21st inst.. by Rev. Coeliac Mr. GUSTATEJ•II - snd Min DORATUR.,II Elloll.lllklll. both of this city. On the 6th. by Rev. Mr PrOrlior. Mr. Joni E. Imps sod M MAILLORT, both of Girard. - On the 12th MC.. by Rs•. W. B. Lloyd. Mr. EIfLAS CRURCII. of Oiseliek, Shenseyo Co . N. Y*l and Mia M•PO•iiT SYILIGY. •f Union. Erie Co. Oa *middy evening' last. by ti.m. Jahn Galbraith. Mr. EtlirAltU CAtarHOWSOI. of this city mod Mile SUPNI• C. Zs . of Miktreek. DIED. At Coon Creek. Ramsay County; M. T.. o■ tho 17th mast Gamma Wasatitorua Yuma n% aged 28 poan. In McKeon township, oft Monday the 11th inst.. Et.t Bumm, aged 40 years. Ou the 26th ult.. its Waahingtea township. has MID- Dumpy, in her 24th your. Ou th• 7th toot . at Roston 111.. Mr. FRANCIS Bess. late of this city, ia the 39th year of his age. Writ or Paiiitios. Is the simmer of the Partitive of the "Estate of avid ifuldietois, deceased. , - ERIE COUNTY, U. . N THE commolkweahh . .of Penn. sY/vania to the Sher iff of Erie • - • Connty, Greeting: At an Orphan's . Court holden at Erie, in - and for the County of Erie, on the twenty-sixth day of March, 1853 before the Hon. John Gal braith, President, and his Associate Justices, the petition of Sarah Lloyd, late Satah Middleton, now intermarried with Watts B. Lloyd, and daugh ter of David Middleton, deceased, late of Water ford township, in said county, was presented, set ting forth that the said Da', id Middleton, on or about the 11th of Nov.. 18:4, died, leaving him surviving a widow Phebe Middleton- amid 4.Ssi ehlt deem, to wit:—James C. Middleton, Sarah Lloyd, late Sarah Middleton, Isabella Johnson, late Isa bella Middleton and widow of Robert Johnson, deceased, Jane Mnlvin, late Jane Middleton. now intermarried with Robert Malvin, Emily E. Wood, late Emily Middleton, now intermarried with Benjamin Wood, and Eliza Drake, late Eliza Middleton, two of the children of the said David Middleton having died previous to the time of the decease of the said David, to wit Phebe Middle ton, intermarried with John Middleton, leaving surviving her three children, to wit, Pbebe Jane Middleton, Emily Ann Middleton, and David S. Middleton, all of whom are now in their minori ty, also Samuel Middleton, who died, leaving him 'arriving six children, to wit. John M. Middleton, Ilintilde Middleton. Phebe Elvira Middleton, Jas. Murray Middleton. Jane Eliza Middleton, and Nancy Elizabeth 3liddleton, alt of whom are yet in their -minority ; that said David Middleton, some time prior to his decease, to wit, on the 18th day of February, 18.12, neide and published his last will and testament, duly proven and regiiter ed at Erie, in said county, wherein and whereby he gave, devised, and bequeathed—after the pay meta of certain debts and specific legacies to be paid in money, as will appear by reference to said will, (for copy of said will see petition on file)— as follows, to wit:—`• I give and bequeath unto any wife Pbebe one-third of all any real estate which I now own and possess, during her life time," and then after Making some specific devi ses in goods, chattels and money, he disposes of his real estate as follows., to wit: the-residue of his estate to the heirs of Samuel Middleton, de ceased, James C. Middleton, Sarah Lloyd, Jane Mulvin, Isabella Johnson, and Emily Wood, to be equally divided among them. The said David Middleton died seized in his demesne as of fee of and in the following pieces or parcels of land, to wit: All that certain piece of land situate in Union township, in the county of Erie aforesaid, and bounded as follovis, viz: Beginning at a post in the north line of-the whole tract, the northwest corner of land foimerly contracted for by Harvey Burrows, thence olong the west line of said land south one hundred and twenty-nine perches to a post in the road, thence along the same south fif ty-eight degrees west nineteen perches and six tenths'ofa perch, thence south twenty-five and a halfdegrees west thirty-three perches to a post in the road, thence by land contracted for by Wil liam Clark north twenty-nine perches to a post, thence by the same west fourteen perches and two-tenths of a perch to a post, thence still by land contracted for by William Clark north one hundred and twenty perches to a post in the north line of tract No. 134, thence along said line east sixty-four perches and two-tenths of a perch to the place of beginning, containing filly acres of land be the same more or less, being part of lot No. 135; also all that real estate situate in the borough of Waterford. in the county of Erie aforesaid, de scribed as follows, viz: In-lots numbered in the general plan of said borough of Waterford three hundred and five, (303) three hundred and six, (30f; ree hundred and seven, (307) three hun dred and eight. (308) three hundred and nine, - (309) three hundred and ten (310) three hundred and eleven (311) three hundred and twelve. (312) bounded as follows—northwardly by an alley twenty feet wide, eastwardly by Che.tnnt street, sontliwardly by Fourth street, and westwardly by Cherry street, and praytng the Court to award an inquest to make partition of the premises afore said to and\emong the said parties in interest therein, to wit, the widow and heirs to whom the said real estate was devised by the said David Middleton, deceased, in such manner and in such proportions as by the said will and by the laws of this Commonwealth is directed, if such partition can be made without prejudice to or spoiling the whole; but if such partition cannot be made thereof, then to value and appraise the same and make return of their proceedings according to law. Whereupon said Court, on due proof & consid eration ofthe premises, awarded an inquest for the purposes aforesaid. We therefore command you that taking with you twelve good and lawful men of your bailiwick you go to and upon the premi ses aforesaid and there in the presence of dirtier ties aforesaid by von to be warned if by being warned they will be present, and having respect, • to the true valuation thereof and upon the oaths , and affirmations of said twelve glad and lawful men you make partition to and among said par ties in interest therein, to wit, the widow, heirs, and devisees, in such manner and in such pro. portions as by the said will and by the laws of this commonwealth is directed, if the same cab be done without prejudice to or spoiling the whole. But if the inquest by von to be summoned as aforesaid to make said partition or valuation shall be of the opinion that the premises aforesaid with the appurtenances cannot be parted or divided among all the parties interested and entitled there to as required by law, or that it cannot be divided into shares of equal value, then you cause Abe said inquest to value and appraise the whole of said real estate or the several shares or purparts into which they may divide the sum, having re spect to the true valuation thereof ; according to law; and the partition and valeetions so made you distinctly and openly have he ore our said Judges at Erie at an Orphans' Conrtthen and there to be held on the first Monday ofMay next, under your band and seal and the hands and seals by whose oaths or affirmations you sbal Imxke • Pooh Partition or valuation. Witness the Hon. John Galbraith, President lodge of our said Court at Erie, the 31st day of March, 2855 SAMUEL. PERLEY, Pro. By . 8 arm. Notice is hereby given to the widow, heirs and devisees in said will named, and all others trite rested, that I will proceed to execute the above Writ of Partition, on the premises, on Friday, the 29th of April nest, at 10 o'clock, A. /11.; et which tine aid Owe all interested eu aimed if they think proper._ THOS. H. rNCEHT,SkseiIg, rnia, Hank 41, less ; . • 47 a:71IOT laid San dial NM a amount lavaboes% KIII fWA DOLLAR, per Whin* Is Ortaapiad Moil of the atp a alvery and ga l be doe and tbe alke of .the Oosapanal tiirOefiy, la tbe City PaltsdelPhia•yable on Tuesday,. the lab of May next, PHILIP IC PP IC E. April 1111. 1E33-40t1. Treasure,. REMOVAL. Tile Subscriber would give notice t" hi■ old friends Lad- castottom that he has removed his Oarria6• and Wagon Shop. To the Corner of Ninth and French streets. where he will lie hap al to serve all that may call upon him n ith any article in his liore of bootees, with promptness and in as good styles@ it tan be done in the city. nr- Repairing done on short notice. • &le. April 11. I Stla E. C. BEMS Err. To Tarsuersl CHOICE SELECTED SEED BARLer—issr QUJLITY. ING bushel. at my Malt Goose. Erie, 800 " •' John Ctarke's, A iblolll. 1000 " " Pettit & Catighey's, Fairview. John Dodge's. Ilarborereek. " Charmer' Clark's. " " John Millman's. North East. MS" JiMr. Pickett's. Girard. B. F. Baird's, Gainey. Which will be loaned to the Farmers Cl Erie and Chainasque counties, on favorable terms. - A. KING.. Erie, April 111 0 covartne rs hip • E undersigned have entered tub:, • co-partnership wider the drat of Beldea & Ely will do busttress it the PIMP balled/ occupied by Geo.Beldtu tr. Soo, No I etwapeiiie, Tracy's Block. JrtßN C. 8E1.1)E1(. , Erie Month 113. te.S3-48 JOAN 8. 'ELY. Noose to Boot. inpflE subscriber , —ers for rent his house situated on fifth rimer, 1, wrest of the canal, possession given immediately. Enquire K. U. LANDON. Erie, April 0, 1853-1119 Fourth-Pt. That Wall and Window Paper 1 HAS ARRIVED , and it leaver no excuse for %Vitae-trashing. Ladiev, you nee I run alter colored gentlemen no longer. bat juin call at No. 9, Brow w's Stock, and buy some of our beautiful cheap pallier Mr your kiteben and nave money thereby. We have the weed, dealing arid Ike largssl assortarert et er otTered in this city. DUMAN Ic SLOAN. Erie. April 181511. 49 R. FAULKNER. Denier is Groceries, Pristruiimes, Pure Wise, waif Lilw►a, nist a gad Cigars. WO. s, Porry Sleek. Ude, P.. 111AVIC lOW opened and will continue to keep on hand a Oat sad ocher& assortment of rAMILY catocEs I Gs •of the bear tpuJity, which I offer to the citizen, of Erie and •i- Cihity at the ton eel cash price. My friends and all others are respemtlatly invited lo mill and examine roods and prices. Erie, April 19 1931 49. TTTTTTT ji " qualsoityoftine Fresh Teas. flack and Green sellin al front 3 cents to $1 per lb.. at Erle April 11. QUG A Ueffee., it see, Ginger, Pepper. Spier,. Ctrs kJ Ramon. Nutmeat". Clove., kc., at 1. r AULK NEWS - April /4, MU. 19, A rixr. assortment of Wooden Ware. consisting in part of A Palls. Tubs, Railer+, Bate Roses. Brooms, glop sticks, wash bawds, Ladies, Rolling pins, Potatoe smashers, Rutter Prints, Ckulnes Pins. Pealed Measures, ik.e. , Cheap at April 11.—Ill. R. FAULKNER'S nAiTICIEII4 —A slew lot of Willow rloiher,voteled and open. Market. Fancy Work and Cigar itaakets, Indian made corn and - vplit Market Basket', aellpig very low at April IL 1833-111. FAUI.IiNER':4. WINES AN Is I.l 4 Uoßs.—Fine old hummed Brandies. Nu perfor Cherry rind Amerman Gin. Croia Rum. (71,1 .WO - and tAcolrh 'Whiskey. Pure I'on. Malaga. Muscat and Champaign Wine. selling 'Tr) cheap for each or magi,/ ppsv, at April lg. 11t43-19. FA ULEN grs Arvi.t. supply or Bed Cords. Cloilies gins. Chalk LIM% Fish Lines. tr.. at April 1.6.-16. FAULKNER'S WANTED.—t'a•II. Hult.r. Em. and all kiwi■ of Produce in exeliang. for GnaNIA. by April 16. R. FA 1.71. EN F:106, EATS :Oa THE MILLIONS! SPRING QMITfI has received a few dozen of Beebe k CO's ra , hlnsts ‘3 for the Ppt maul IrSJ. Allo. a fresh supply of Kossuth and Magyar lials. Gentlemen call and examine. 444. 49411 44.4h4._ _ DtTrATO st di find at J. Ityrton ro'• au araioennirill Or Dental inqsEnnenta. toanufae tired b!, Kern of Philadelphia, also.Tecthof all ki udc, Gold and rod from Jones. White Ix Co. April IC 08.'3 49 32 la 0 It A z. wm. ha• removed Ms LAItIVF.T SHOP to fifth street in the rear of the Reed House. All orders for Fur. oiture prompuv attended to, at lbe lowest eat h priers, All kinds of Cabinet Ware eousiantly on hard, and manufactured in the best manner Ere April ltl 'Sl NOTICE. THP:undersigned having associaled J. 1.. Sanford la partner. ship whir bun fur one purpose of earrying on a general P 110 1 71.910 ..d.VD GROCERY STORE! Would say to the public that they have taken the diore on t h e cornet of dtate and Eighth street., where may be Found a general! Asliefllnent of articles usually kept on like establishments Thankful for favors heretofore 'revived. I orlon the PAMe patron age will bera tended to the new firm, and lhol by baring on hand al all Ilona choice variety of every thing in our love, and by fair and honorable de am; Ise n oil pert ou continuance. Ent. April 16 11%13-49 AZRO GOFF. azacoveLl XEIr sr iND. NEW GOONS. A v 1) LOW PRICES -rug subscriber would Inform his old rummer. and all oh ' en who Ike , to buy fool Goods eheap, 'hit hr h 3, removed to the north room of dbe Perry , :lock. n herr they will be able to Purchase everything in his line. ealeithied to pleaper the ere. and make comfortable the body. at excerthilelt low pricer (or cash, Erie Aprli —III JulIN --------- Zhie atone Waro rilanuf.Actory. -- WE:. the owler.igned, Irtviwz purelrt.e.l the Mame Wire .Vrinitariary lately en lied and oce . pod by R. J. Chiales Siblf.vy. would n. 0 41 re.imre I nally inform tin Iwhite That ne are manufacturing evert description of ell sN t; WARE to 14111 e AO* women,. Our Manufactory I. snuatcd between Fecund a nit laird .tr.etr, near the canal. Tim ett Wittig to porch is.e Ware are reqiwwed to :AI and ea - num," cm: .10 , k Jild prices. All order. *rut too• by mill or other.vme will f teeny pro.upt atuntton %Vares,will be delivered on canal I Ml}, WM111.411 Ulfl , ant pan o the City or cuiintry. %vEna a 'I HAVRE. N. IL—Wooled to eot.traet for 530 cord. of Soft Wood:4l4i s. &lel April IS, It• W-10. & C.;2llEllCTlNGS.eth.rtonits. stripe Shallow. ricking Cauton Flnn tJ Del ace... at No Tracy's flock ehedpside I:rit, April l& 1917. 49 Sitl.l)F.l o l k A LA Kti t. and lteautotti lot Komi.% esbbotts tog lan and trade.seteciell will, due regard to slie ions 111 krlc Aptiliil 11 1 43-19 PIELIiEN k ELY. L44s and Latches. AI.4IGC asponteseset'just 'Keit ed red from the uga nutlet oty for sate usoally low. Ede, April 15.1.1-16 BELDEN & ELY. EXECUP )11:8 NO i'ICE NTOTICS: is hereby siren that letters te.i.ithentarr on the en /A talent Peilant Barker late of Lockport, Erie Cr', Pa., hare beta created to the Subscriber. all persons &bled to ...aid estate are reqaesied to snake niuncrliale p,t Inca. and tbore harirg claims against. trziti estate are request•-I in exhibit them rnmerly suttees( icated. JAMES C. MARSHA 1.1., FAN?, April It leS3-3i49' Intretlierr. Valuable heal relate . or Sale. sulinitriber otters Gtr sale a largr gaahiety of rral Waite. T situated on gime street. Erie. Pa. The location be vrry de sirable and &rumble for I.mile-a pitrposes. nod will be sold in qu twitter forth purclia.ct• who wish to to , r, with that 'wow. The vaitl pjimperly from on Sante street Dud f. oan MI to 163 feet deep. 1+ 1 3 ' term. further lotz.rutatioo etutute of April i --Ai 19 WILSON LA 4-3 " .11 4WA R ENI =Mkt and Pornishing Store. TN full btaAt again for the Spring and :tumult( trade with a lame racek of uem and fre,th goodA. which have been 'elected at tih area( " 11. ' 1 " " l'nue , " any rely upon(hiding theta of ttelat eat midmost appro%ed ttyles and beg qualities (.toad In the e-st ern market. sets. A large riesOrtment evreerly to order Obr this market and are superior in stye, quality and 110,11 to any thing of the kind to he found in this put of the eouistry, and warranted to he what they are represented. A new kind of Wilt fur We a 'cr. the Me troputitun or Platiters lint a night and dark color. tor rents and boys. Citizens and Koesuth Hate of all qualities in shundltier. ?lea' sty ks ritCAI'S for (crag and hot e, a heat/taut article in at Ic ani quality f'*r children. rust NI:4111:SG GI witS—Surprsclng an)thing ever offered in (hi. et() its randy, rty!es and titillative If you W3lit a tart rate article and a good aa•ortiewnt to rc'ect from. call at No, r Brow , 'a Block Gloves in a great vtriety fur :Spring and i ummer, KRIM 0(21/ colors. 1.i.1e Thread, Silk, Linen. Colon. Goat, Duck and nrar Akin, also that very desirable article for Ladies wear the cel el.r.ited Indian Rubber Gloves. with Shirts. l'ollars, Cravats, Etarfs, trandkerchte‘ new style of linen for summer, •Iso, Me rino. Wool and Couott Hosiery, in abundance. TRUNKS and VALISE with carpet mbar' and patent leath er traveling bags. /nitric's, umbrellas. etc., ete. Hata. Cape and Trunks made or repaired to order at No. El, Brown's Block. State Street, Erie. J. II WARREN. April 0. len THE CONTRACT OF INSURANCE, OFFERS an expedient. by means of which prudent men es. cape losses. They transfer io others the risk' which inevi , tably cause them. For a small consideration. these risks, which 'night in an unlueky event, rain individuals, are safety assumed by Companies well organized and judiciously managed. Such an institution is the I, .44 46),..1 , - 1 1 , 1;f ,L.) , 11.)•• •g• HARTFORD, CON N EuT I CUTT X3T4.131.1.5HED 1943. Capital 11300,000.- TM/I Company bases its operations upon such a perfect Matra cash Osmium., well scattered risks and long experience in es.l - hazards. that the interests of all concerned are protected. The Cowphpy receives from almost innumerable sourres. and in small RUMS. It large annual deposit Front this fund. held as a public trust. lenses are paid. This is the only plan of inturance which can loncideserie the public confldenee. and ih. under signed Agent coundently invites his friends to secure themselves at hui Agency. again ft rira or Lake Risks. The advantages of thin contract need scarcely be urged upon wealthy nien, or merchants, Ibr they rarely neglect it, and if they do bre leaves thorns other reknirees. It /tr evpeeially valuable to laboring men, mechanics andothers of moderate means—who, Perhiltir , have little less than a home and as content,. intim world. These should severneglect to insure; a tire which may ram them at any hour, would leave them homeless, and with no cap ital but their labor, to begin again the struggle of life, and years of Stril and watehlng mew pow, before they can retain what they have lost, if indeed it is ever done. Toltoch, insurance im a duty. If tits individual is worth little, the expeirse a less; if he owns taueb property, still the @teepee is Rabin,, and by investing • kw dollars he is nab. If be is overtaken by ds.fortune, and his all laid In receives a reetimpense In a carrb capital equa to his loss, and nay soon restore, splint has been destroyed Applications received, and Policia.. Wooed at all time' anon April 111,1Pial. 3w ta amebae tenon, hi ALIPIED April for Erie and •klnytg. finniaasy fer - t - oung Ladies. Mils all, r•. WI Al. SHARMAN Rats greet pleasure in announcing lo her Meads and the public that she aspects Miss S. Mom to be as aseneisie le her Attune School duties. The Wiest. as a teacher which Mir Wight has weeds shows la this city besides the general teepees la whirl' her aleflletrf held are too welt kneva is aced any tratiosity to her quallilea tie's. ThoSprarresses will aea>•auea ohs I Ide otApill wish illeftl*. sera~lialdll. his It SOW ma sad gustaid Oteriissiesiso. A rp, Vlr. ass: a 111021111 SLIM SAM 21041i9v IMASSIMMEIPERNIM KEW Altai% outlasts's. THREE DAILY EXPRESS TRAINS. ro and after Monday April 11. 18:13„ Trains wit: lease Eris V going East daily. und o •eseepted. as Fotiows. No. 1. Night Express a: 100 A. M. Y. Day Express arid Mail— is 03 T. N., mops t all stations, 3, Freight " 3 W " " stopsatall statt.sue " 4, Telegraph Express "t3O ." Trains lease by E.:istero Railroad time, vrh;ch is about ibiny (30) minutes faster ihnn Erie Time. J. F. TRACY. Erie, April 9 1533-48 8.4 t. NOTIt; E. 'VIM Copartnership of Gm. Belden & Bon is dissolved by lb? 4 death of Joseph Belden. I would reque.t ail those hoeing smelt et accounts It 'tit the late brut to can and settle 'without delay. UEU SELPEN. Erie. March ii, 1€33.---03 Surviving Partner. Ilrowia's new Soda Mundt and Croaker SAKI:11t?l THE Subscriber would respccitully 100130 his friends and the citizens of Erie and surrounding country that he has opened Oast luscious BAKERY on the PlibllC soitarr i two doors nest of the American Hotel i and having r blamed a lease for the term of five years, he has lined it up in such a manner that lie is enabled to manufacture ran') thing t u his line, which mutative the great est satisfaction to all who may give him a eon. At his establish ment may be found at all times Bruit Liat-cs. New rusk Twists. Galata Loaves. Fritari Spriis. Wheat. labs*. Rye aid sal ktUSk AND BUNN* OF' ALL KJAL/S. CRACKERSt Bakes, Boston. Wass,. Surat. L• 1111011. aai NC. sic Crackers, Sada asentit. Abreact/4. Wins and agedip Biscuit. nr Groceries supplied at the very lowest wholesale pries. *.• AI I orders lend! his Establishmeat will „be delivered at your residenee, if required Erie April 0, 1F.53.-4.3. H naowri. BBD POTATOES.—The subscribers bare just received a lot of White Mercer Potatoes for seed. Yieshattock do. Also. n few barrel. of Guano on bawd and for sale by the barrel Or Ira, q 'wittily by CLAIM & Erie, Alxll9 trlgt. 47 ifI?PP. NOTICE is hereby gtvea that letters of administration on the *stale of Mary Ann (.acrd, late of Krie deceased. have be m granted to the subscriber. Ali persons knowing themselves in debted to the said estate are reqiii pied to make imtnediate pay ment and those claims against said estate are requested to prevent their claim, legally authenticated for settlement. Erie April ft VMI-41(4.9 lIARTTORD rise ilifilVit•2loll NO. 16 ITATM STREET. HARTFORD, CONN. Oapdal SOOO.OOO. 2 1 / 1 117 YOGI CITY INSUIRANON CO., 289 BROADWAY, NKr, YORK. Capital 11500.000. - • rrIIE undersigned Ita irt lig received Ilse appointment or ageneyof the otiose reliable Companies, having also fully eoniplted with the Insurance laws of this Butte. a now prepared to t.lte Fire and Mantle risks at the lowest rates. Losses in either Cour patty adjuticd and promptly paid at this agettcy. J. J. LINTA. Agent, Erie. April, ISM a 3 Oftlec in J. O. Gutiau..on' • Hooksore. The northwestorn Mutual /anomie* Poinpany of Pennsylvania. HAVE ppeiwd Books at the Other or J. ID. Duhisp. and the eteeretary is now prepared to feeelVe SNOW , IllOti• for hillliftillte to Accordance with the Irrtn , i.ious of their Chanel. 11111A;C:TOXS; Henry Cad wet,. K. B. Lowry. fkrdwriAletiiiirtt. J R Gutittiaon. N'in. A. Gaibraith, Writ. C. Eiirryr. T. G. Colt. J. M. Jimiih. J liner riktutter. W. 16. Makin*. A King. U. W. 031 ton. G. 3. Morton. OFF/Ct.:RS: HENRY CADWELL, W. C. CIAILY, Treas. Erie. April it 18.13—10 0. 111.'1R181.1, Secretary. HAY Koires at the Chei — pliaidtiare Store. Erie Dee. 4-30 RUFUS REED. GbottloUS NEWS AT THE EMPIRES. O F all the news that ha, attracted the wonder of the world and rrytr t Wyrr j ei44Srftkl%flrafteVsatt to receit e their large importation of Spring and Suminer good., tiusurpassed ut be.suly. 1 , 41 c and low prices. comprising in part change able andßrocade Silks, Berates. !tel. - wits, Berate Del.-mins, GingllPlns.lPiitits. French work of all kinds and a host of other goods too 17111/ICrOUf to mention will be sold for cash cheap er than ran be bought west of New York Erie April 9 l c53-4e CA DWELL It BENNETT. ADNIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NTooTici: is hereby given that letters of administration hare 'gen tram •d on the estate of It. 1. Brotro.late of Erie.dee'rl. All persons knowing themselves indetted to said estate are re quested to make immediate pa3titenll and those haring claims nenanst said estate are requi..sted to present their Claims duly au• thentleaned fsr settlement. .1 1 511tiliA F 1 )1.1.A1112,BE. PrltS IfE.ARN. f:rl , „ At ri 9 15.53--fltle Adruinistratoes. A DA! I N ISTRATOICS NOfil 'E. NICE is hereby riven ihnt letter' , of adinini.trailoo have been grouted Oti the mate of Rickard Rrawkl late of North East. &reared. All persons indebted to raid ',i n i t . a " rrque.4.l to matte immediate 14.yntent, nod nit 1 enions hiving etain ratdestate are requested to itersent thew duly autbeutt ca ed setUetuettt. PHI!! BR ) EBKIDGA LIR A INLEV. ; Adtu'rs. JOHN GREEN. April 11. IXO, 618 3110V011PATICTI rirß Institution at Holstead Ilatt, Rochester, N. Y.. is now in pie/meet...fill treatment of Chronic, by this at stern of Therapeutics, wlttet i. Pimple, rational and tritahle. Wised upon slew paitookglea! I rinc grlrr , t.Y n Melt the sorm forum , of rant,r,n ether Mt...noun! and organic rieranr. meats are cured without supporters. or any of the usual (rem. fluent ails , di.. It contrut■ is iih ease the roost it ti ageable and Img sis tut, nut isease., n ittront pain or inconvenience the :line lines oi 3futorpriiii) have Wen 010mill:tit) tested in the treat • meta Of 'owe five thousand eases of fettiale diseases. noose of u hrch Havel re f , cured ru a few .M e, miter• .0 a few si ceks. MO • ORrATU' Sive. vitalaY nod f.rcr to Il functional g,ou cr. or ail the on IN. It ri , i,,roo Ilic con i ill (ion hour the abuses of dp,%ipation atm sell'indn'aenec. and is the mih :igen; ninth will cure spinaldrlhi^_ulnc•s.prcventnbnnlullandobvlatr.rerllrty. it is equally efrielen t nt tlteenre of inn. tootle Nal ffeCitooP, l,a ralysra, tirrvoins derange/manta. lit tr comp!.,int, a nd all troubles arising from organic weaI.IIC.I.M. or torpid circulation, as dyspepsia, scrofula, parrods. k e Thar t , eatitient ha. also been rsteceesfill in epilepsy, heart dis ease and dropsy. In all emirs of Me,lilrlf nervous PleltAhlitty. lOW of InOry, or id i .lit ahem: /011 P of mind n here the fmnatm Asylum is foibiding. the 411 , /eCPS4 In this Institution is truly grat if)inz. There i an ezien.ive <+l'.ar , tt COI/. attached. with girders, lawns and spne toils accommodn t ions. where kindness Ind pleas ure arc among the remedic al !titans to secure buoyancy of spirits and ehieerfol enjo, , lnont A work on Motosiinthy, and other panic] Inc.. ran belted, (tee of postar. by enclosing ten letter 'tongs, directed to 11. HALSTED. M D . Rochester, N. Y. April f 1843-1ul& may Appointments. 888, astal)tira I I'll mot lan. from the city of Vivre- II he in rii tend lure a 1 fur rooms as rolloo ir : nR.II. TU land. tyll I s uc —llleo I lila anti li , hl I.ululMay.' •n'tt Ilotcl, IVettnetulne n.jA Tlttirmlay forenoon, ,of Ma) Conneaut, U , Ttetuout Howe, Ilaturoay LIRE EXTRAORDINARY. rr•led per.on• are it the halm olden) in; the eor• ifitate-A pnhh•he I Ilelow tr. frit rut imeot the notwi le lumber, and with it an pier of fire en.h for iou• or err,. rilgerrutrul. %Ve boast no triumph, •irr that plain truth may he rreoguized e 4 to enjoy exceliebt health wlitu situ it Allyn uuae It f , eeing int rectriessof er Incredible of plumb, g it tie b it simply Mr../ contin suite. RaCrtr.sTr R, neaVer ea.. Pa.. Fen V. I'3l. •• For thin n }ears I have livvis suhket to il,eki•ptie mad other symptoms let ie h hat e silt anted upon me each plat CC•ii i.eo/011: Heartburn. P in in the ratoniteh. Vomiting. Coldness or exireua nits. ete., acne almost dal!) experini end. The 'kin wn• so in- active and dead that although an engineer. a ndexporied Ulric e rne beat. particular in simmer. perspiration Was An elleet 4141- ki ow n ft,/ t ears. I have been most of the tine tillable to perflrin any tailor. and suffered beton(' ant thing that is impo.sittle to de scribe. Neither food 'tor drink el any kind could be taken WllO.- 0.0 producing limn, and much n ere the kidtteco adeeteil that very o(cit eudy fi.virseLlp+Pd ti Ithatit voiding untie Front the first I hid cramping of the howek. much gra malty became 11100! Y 1014.111 Iliad Wsulitii the past t no)ears the .pvms and consequent Irvin were full% equal to the A.sit Cliolera. These pa rut) sans returned oncelu altott tno days and so intensely revere it tire they that complvie pro•tra ion succeeded them My mind bad cry much depressed. strenatli and flesh Were wasted. and my countenance was sallow and death-like (Amen phs s te " Reztlar" and llonnepatt le, and one •• Water IlvelOt" had reseribed fir me at ditlerAtt Ind with little bevel. All milted tit sayttta that a cure was imln-sible anti give medi cines for present relief only. My last ph) in treated till de rision the Idea of het ng restored. I first saw Pr. Tutitis in Sep winter 18.10, and notwithstanding the slehder elleoofAgelllCll4 given, plated myself undo, fuse-re. Three weeks front MAI lithe improvement was quite perceptible, after which blood began 10 flow freely to the surface and extremities. food to relish and flour tall the system, and the spasms became less frequent and lighter until they erased entirely. Ileretanre. winter weather has in variably aprivated my eontlition. yet I have not experienced the least of my former spoof:pm, since they were lint subdued early in the season. My appetite. digestion and strength are all excel: lent. extremities warm, skin healthful and moot, and weight in creased nearly forty pounds. In every particular I feel as well as ever before iu any life. WM. )AV ENS." We. the undersigned, have known Mr. livens, I are known his frightful sufferings and apparently hopeltin condition. and ebeerfullY testify 10 the Duilifillnera q( the above statement.— John Stiles. Wm D Johrion. W. 1.. Dickinson. F. Steno, G. C. dunes, Jesse Nannab, S T. Trimble. Israel C. ray. J.C. Clark, Tho. Javens.” April 9 ts33-4e WILCOX & NORTON HAVE RFMOVED TO NO. 10, 'MOWN'S BLOCK. STATE STREET, ERIE, PA. EY have received and are now opening their first important shipment of Boots and Shoes forth:, Spring trade. Be arson ed it opens rich. • sight of which can only give an adequate idea of its varied extent. its richness and its beauty • Every variety of new style, both for ladies and gentlemen's wear is flatly rep- resented. suAkient to satisfy the most fastidious tastes ; and the abundant supply And vast variety of the staple and substantial ar• tidies of Omni and ohoes of Kip. ('alt. Kid. Morocco and a siring of electras, suited to the want* of both city and country. may be truly said to be unprecedented upon the Banks of Lake Erie To say to our customers. we sell great bargain, is merely as. artting o trneism with which they are now familiar. They hare practically learned that to buy Boots and ghats of as at half the price they bare been accustomed to pay others, which will Mg twice as long, is equal to saving three dollars out of four. which considered as • prottt on the sum invemed.•nrouis to • saving of three hundred, per cent ()Ur BOUM and Motu are made up for I our cumoruei front a seise :ed stock, and by practical end skil ful workmen, and are not at ill like the articles brought from N. Yorks called in common Darlanee Eastern said perhaps made by apprentices and gold under the hammer, and after pav ing several commissions, finally reach Erie or some other point through dry goods merchants. who-know little or °Miring of the qua l a y of a Boot or throe, and care hem. or perhaps some other - chinnel equally dotibtfJl and uncertain. Now frienda, ifyou hare tried us, we thank you, and trust you will continue torrid yourselves of the benefit, to which you are not stranaers, If you have not, we cordially invite JOG ado yourselves the Justice and or the pleasure meow in and exam ine one goods fresh from the imputation?, hand, and let your Judgmelashe convinced try ocular demonstration of the farts as represented tied to which many can attest, lostrucied hy Oat best of tesehermeaporlebee. fineen or meaty per cent is generally regarded as an item of logiciebt Importance to arrest attention. but the mein of Ulfell fad fired per cent or any thing approaching it makes the matter ere ltf still more vital importance, Air after supplying all your watidisAt leaves a large asirplets of goidattales Omagh tht later @Wee araim silken purse to cheer you On the way so you' Imeree, and rant:: 6 0 say , truly the Muses its weinatehat Marmots* Delay account of We general tusk. a• from was an al. wa reaarral lass lie aad radium s ILCUZ at ilsbea POltTONmpap meow • Sr* Apra 1114/11, , • w ass* 4011011iiiiiriag 001111PAIXT1 ar sAarroao coma:roam Oapital 111111.:11“6--Ali paid in. Tita Sabwribee lowa permed to Wiwi lasawwe la the mbar* well known respeasilae company. TM slOtaa has bees la operation over 23 years and its eapi.a I Is awned and unimpaired. Maria, promptly aejasimi and pail *Asir Immo *waned at *ha late fry ta Skis Cap. they hope ibr a cootionattan of Wm/ tram the businessman/stonily. They wal ever !hut them prompt and honorable in the aduernent at )sacs. Wks In Wright's Bitch with J. I/ thir.lap. Lag I rarehri flit day tie assault I bar ixsorrest is Mx* fasaraw Caota*ll, 0414 raw 14141 alias lalafre as Funds street, GEORGE KEI.LOGO. 0. U. 191311, General iflittlallee Agent. Erle, March IS 1P33. 44 - - New Goods by rzpross I T AM Freehling a new supply of dress goods and trimming* alp embroidery of the very latest spring style,. Thrmeit and It Raton', Gloves And Ilo.ders, Shawls ; al.° 1 large amount of staple goods which vi ill be offered at unusual low Mies. lam de termined to sell goods at such low tattling wftl roduee all so buy at Meekest) ea-h store of !NO. IL CUORSt. Erie March id igSt. 43 FOR RENT.—The Room now in the occupancy of C. Soib. nee Barber Shop. II the basement of Jacob Koch's Clothing :Awe. is for rent. Gas Snores have beets introduced. Panora 'ion given Ist or April Apply to Erte March 26 P.S3-46 1. EOM?. Per Rent. TtIE Ettore Room now occupied by the rarer is now Offer ed for rent. possnesion given the Anti of April. For terms etc.. enquire or the sutweriber on t he premises corner of fth and State st.. Erie. March IS 153.1—t6 AZRO GOFF. T HE vocal music Instructions peen by W. WILLING to Children nod adults, will be continued and et tt,n , leil so far a. to include Piano. MelotP•on or Cuter aceompan) went for the mate price. two dollars n terut of twenty lessons, to 'advance. each ruinl furnishing his own Music at pleasure. Time fray li to PP. M Monday and Thursday. at niy Music rooms. op 4 ta ears. COlntneneemetti of the new quarter ,Monday Ith of April nett. All nelsons wishing to evilness she manlier or In otrue tion. are respectfully in sited meal{ at anytime. W3l. WILLING. Erie. March Ynl 1h33. New Spring , Goods! WE arc in rceetpt by I...tpreas from Neva York, nom' 'Print atyleir of Muslin 1M 141 n. Poplin+, aiilk Warp Idisturca, Ciririmaio. Merrimac miXothico Prrnts :1111.0, 34. 5-1. 114, 74. $34.9-i and 11 lards btcacbed alicatinaa and .h ICI. Irish ',memo. &e. 1'11111AL:4 & HAYES. Ell!. Mardi Yfi 15.53 , 46 No. I Ilsown'a Mock. Another Arent Discovery. Arossuß GWM flair Compound. for restoring, betutify ing and softening the Mir This valuable Ore;Antler' cleaners the hair and removes tlw dandruff. stops the hair from coaling out. renders a so* pliable, moist, glossy and en ',Wel the hair to retain all these beautiful qualities longer with lei., trouble and at less es. pens. than any other nostrum now in existanee If one bottle should not have the desired effect try another which will rf rump erly applied pnartuer the woaderfol Keel. So'd by CARTER at. 131RirriiER and J. 11. LIC ATUN Jr. CU.. Brie. March !vest 43 WILS'JPI LAIRD. Acintittistraior Vol Gardening. bowie cleaning. or any out of door vi ork.whieh A wool the handy. They are made al! length. to protect the orrieta and arms from exportirr. By nearing !nese gloves the hands ire made soft and white. May be worn while ' , err ing Or sleepini to prevent the am IMg dres,m4 under the arm• by hemp' rat iO7 l For sale. wholesale by (Moth caistra Chestnut at.. Philadelphia J. Pitieburgh and a, retail by all country weretuinie March IS. It 3. 3u11.1 Tlig &ablieriber to prepared to elm ate all descriptions of en. gni tnf oa wood, leSeflot Spoor'''. R e.. Fig nres.t/tanips of oteel as brags wade lo order. Orders from abroad iteecmipanied by drawtri,To and full di ree Lion', promptly diatidieh• ed. and on the root liberal tenon. M $ rerrir. FrerlOnia. Much 19 11.53. 45 Store to Let. ATim ER 'tory brick store to let. mitt ire of Erie. March IP 1451—LS CLARK AL MeCAILTER Writing end Drawing. Ma ALFRED GRAY reopeetfutly announces •te the etilzens or FAIN that be W. engaged room No 31 at Brown's Hotel. for the purpose of giving instruction in the Arts of tVriti ne and nounnw - v , mnstertc Deere - int. Letotons of tat) hours each will be gglicu Rona till IP. M., C Onittir sic Ing Mominy Slot inn Millie? Or lesotonr , wr•olnr, efrfitreti. Ttut ion. ill ver iehnl ar. I n'dratving the pupil w ell have an opportunity of executing three piece- at a tuition of 83 The two tirat wilt ti • eon. rnou stye, the tutted will he oflny nze that the pupil way dictate. liret'unurn. of Mr. Gray's dfa w in: eau he seen during the week at Loottuste Jewelry etlore. Erie, March 18 I vt9 43 •I 114 1 1TIIY t 4 E,EI). a gaperlot atttcle at Mit re h 16 13-411 TIUU/ I q & IIAYEB rooms over the Jewelry Store of We sub amber in William's Block oil Stair street. hem; in he ern tral and business part of the city, are well situated for ofilt.e pur poses. I March 26'4340. THO'S. IN. AUSTIN. TEAlubscribers y• happy to inform the r ernstontern and the public that they have removed from I'iate 5t..40 the above store. Where they are prepared to otter their Cusunuers and the ellltemtof Pennst Ivania best assortment of goads and the lowest prices west of New York Coy, the system of low prices adopted and carried rum be us front the commencement ot our hnnme.sto the presenttime. has been of great benefit to all who bare had the wisdom to reap its advantages. and the paironnge which has been bestowed upon us by a discriminating MarliC, has assured us that our etfurts have been appreciated. having from the first pursued the titan of reducing prices to tke lowest living rates, we intend to follow it imp, and to furnish Our custom ers. with the most varied rind extensive stork of the best and cheap* roils west of New York C:ly. the decree has gone forth and the proof circulated among the people that the New York store is the place to purchase your dry goods. our futilities are Poch. that we shall know no fOIKICOIIIOII Ili business. We shall be in the receipt of new and durable goods neekly, through the season. Please remember that you can but more goods, for the same money at the New York More than at any other store west of Sete York. 1111.71RIUK gr. 11AVIrt, Erie. Iltrch tG le3l--111 3.lours front, Brow n's SAFE INVEStMENT AND NO HUIIBUG. r 1 11F: plaee to parehase G meet i.!l,lVonden and WRrt. Wipes and Liquors, Oils, rbap. Condles, Fish. Candies, Fruit act, is at M(l4 RE'S Grocery Fiore. Erie Ike. 4 '4140 Opposire Erna n's. New Hotel thaw Si. PSIRZTNII AGAINST TBEI WOrtLif Candies—?rash, Palatable and Cheap. TOE ittibseriiire is still eni , ..niml in Vie ininutieture of Candv, for wholesale and ret.til at his establishment on elale•ri.. immeffialrfy opposite Wrmhre !Hoek. Ilia facilities for the prosecution of the business are not sarpat•Ped An nny of the Lake Cities. while he is dctrrmine t 11.4 A on t h e score ofqu,lity arid prices be r hall rank tool, ilieJirsl and best Indeed he wilt not be treat. Ile knows Ilia Cam!) IP PP ;rood and nr cheap as any manufactured east or si est. If yOn don't believe it. call arid ex amine for your,elvrs. Yen hot be , fisoppoi wed. fkin't be hashfol. bur step in. and John will welcome you M lih his b:aild est smites. and restiond to )on even w ash. Ile will furnish his coalition Candies at the rote of Eleven noilore re'r handled pounds Ly wlKilesale, is as low as they can pOwsibly Le af forded. Top and n'lnTure v2riPtt• of riey Article* arc consinntly kept on hand. Ope<ial attentooto is peen to thou department of I* busint,s. The bil.ifie is eolilue , cil Pt rie I y upon the endli principle. without reference to eha rac ter. ei re n In-I a Iteelor eonditron The system I, the hers in the long run for all ruin ie.. and the rootlet it 1.. a &littera and carried out ibr helmet for the intereWe of the com munity. Erte. Feb le te4l3 41 .14/11:‘ R. )1 & REIVCRIX Ilk REELER are now receiving their Winter fl stock or /Rorie and Fancy Dry Gocklc, consisting in part of the Folbris ink %nods French and English slcriooes. Paratricttas. black and colored Al ipleas. Itounbatities, plain and figured Persian Cloths, plain and loured I>e Lanus. leauli and figured Velvets; Ray State, F.m• pier. Waterctiel and S.:at:lllone and square shawls; Sferriniaek, cocker°. thinner, Globe. Allele , . Union French and 'tingled; Prints; Sulk. (a shincre and Cotton Itosier.;Kid 111crino, Thubet and Silk Alores, Silk and Linen Hulk& Velvet, Bonnet. Bailis and Tann, Ribbon.: plaid. striped, hook, Svc, uss; spot and toull Mustins, French narked Undersleeves, llulkts, Collars. Inserting and Edgings. For Men ' s near, Itrold Cloth. Cassitneres, Tyr. eds.Satincos. Kentneky Jean* and Sheep. (trey. ab.o, a good supply of red:mil white ril nets. I n•fer , 7orr, and Drawers. I 0 Ng:4'l'lCS —I& 44. 5-1, In-4 an I 1.1-1 ['learned Shift Ines and kllteetines. brown Sheeting. , and ()fittings. seaneess Bats. brown red 1 . 4111011 Flannels. Tie kunit- 'griped 3.11 ,V.OOl - Finiinels. cotton yarn.. carpet warps, halt waddiuss. rue •at prices 11. low a. can he finny! ,0 the city. All we ask of Oros* topttitttat to hay i• nn trannt , of our good. and priees, and we shall be satisfied with the result. I•liie 'let. 4 IFSI. 30 WINI ANI) LIQUORS. PURI, AND UNADULTERATED; rMrL'lt E Wine" arid adulterated Liquors. each as are too gen / erall t i sold by and those rUpplt ink thetn. famish tM stock in trade of moon of the Maine Law advoetner hence to 'doh their months. and at the wimp tune to enable thaw using t be ^ e ratter," tort a pore ankle, the aub.crolter has laid in • Kock of Wines and Liquors, Which he ennfidently :assure* the nubile areas Pl' RE AND UN- L.TERATI DOP purity itself In the striek nine he found Ottard, united Proprietors. Pellevoistn and Seism:He nrandirs: Champagne. Old Port Juice, Sherry, Madeira, MA:lg, and churn Wines: Scotch, Irish, Ptlonongihela rind obio Whirkey : Scotch Ale, London Porter.lke..k.e.; all of which Will be sold nsehenp, it not a little cheaper, than any other est tWislitnent in the city. gels. ban 13 IrSl-3111 T. %V. Moon DitUstit.6—H;Tr, tool h , na d,efutlie... wit tieivatib. scrub. tior.e, JJ Mackin', stow, connive., .itoe, piano. dn.tina. tanner's. scowl mg.-black nit. Pope'. eyes. Pope'. head.. n n d. w and news brushes and hearth brooms. 2S J. II . RIAITt iN dr. CO, Et ZITIMOVAL. NviLcox .kN IRTuN have remm ed to No In ("pawn's Bloek. But e street, one door 4111,0% e Cadiven do Bennett.. Empire Storrs. They are receiving their new stock of Boots and Phocs. Erie April Y, Iffil. 47 sifthricrntrrilLto VARIETY STORE! 2141 Mous sister. sezt soar b 0 G. Sled, Rookster• Niflrt C can he round the moat romp/me assortment of ran. V eg Comb, Tays. 'Witten aid Irowlax Ware, Fret W o w, /bed Cafes. Stub. Resat. Cash.. Cwaery, F..skiter 7 *rile, l'sr. framer, Ply., Needle.. Peressstos Caps. Sleet Gouda. Jewelry. Brookes. fiststekseptus Artieles, relate .stases. ke. From the nature of this lut.tnesa it is impossible toe-numer ate every article to an advertisement. As new goods. are being added daily. and this kind of li•iness include" almost every thing. the prices at this establishment shall lea. tow ns the lOW est, the stock will be continually replemplied a. new roods ap nea, In the market. Having eonneci ion with a !tense in New York City, I can offer Inducements rarely met a Mt. Grocers. fancy dealers and others will find it to their interei4 to give me a Mill berme minting purchnies, and et mpare prices. Attentive .and MAIO g assistants will he in attendance and every tnitnee tnent offered to dealers. The store being the largest of the kind in the city ample room is given to display the "ands at the best advantage. The Motto it .• large gates and rtmiall Pr.ths." Fartientar attention paid to Pedters goods. „• Fire worts at Manufacturers prices. flntlkito, March If 18311-3nitd WM. V. keNDAI.L. a:al Music. INDIA RITBDER GLOVIIII. Ladies' Bleaching mitts, LADIES' DRESS PROTECTORS, ZINGRAVIIN. XI M ' IC STORM 11.111110V1272: TO * O 4 Ric ROWS DOORS f'ROSI ERomr s ituTEL. DRY GOODS FOR THE MILLION. 171CAZIA.TIID TIZCZTEGIUIINT NEW 000DS! .1 0 3. PF.RI2I* BLOCK. Ire 0 A a ! CMINH ED. Pulverised. Loaf; Granulated. Porto It leo And !few Orleans supra by the hbi or Dom nd. e pea p he e ben pt."' at he Keystone Grocery. Dee. 413312—0. T. W. MOVY M. ONLAZBUTI WOULD soy to horse owner, Om he has there. ern of Beath the entire race of mint rensedirs lea bosses. and with a number of rears woe tiee VIII he able to give satisfaction generally either an a farrier or Burgeon. BT Plow* can at my office at the Canal Plaid, near the outlet It 2 lock rka, of MB el Knonsion Ousel, and kedge fir your...lnn. E April aL 47 Illse ri and Amara Peres ix }es.t re. ri l eliteedllielele at Aril 10 1:TAMANLIIIII. • , 2 01 ira _ . 1 • • • '7lllt I ClirEkief VECTOM !is Mac Core 44' - 001701111, COLBS, R0A152111111111, SZONCEITZIII I lATZOOPINO-1110110E, •ILOVP ASTIEBUI and agligtrigrriOW Of all the numerous medicines extant, (and tome of the* td? noble) for the cure of pulmonary complaints. nothing Inn ditiar been fduitd which could compare in its etreeta with this preght adios. Other, cure contemner , . but at alltlnnes and in all eaves of the lump and throat where medicine can give nellet.thhi will do it. It in pleasant to take, and perfectly sok In areaalv dance with the directions. We do not advertise kor the New mat ion of 'bore a Ito have tried it but More who have inal ?a ales that have known its value will not be withoin it, any Ir timely use. they nrei , eeure from the dangerona convequenee• Coughs aid Colds I% Inch neglected, ripen into fatal consamp. The Diploma of the Massathusetts furllOU lews awarded to nue preparation by the Dowd of - lodges to September 1847 ; oleo, the modals of the throe groat how 'litotes of Art, in this country ; alao the Diploma of Mats Ohio In•oture at Cincinnati. has beam gives to duo CINKRRI PltteoßAL, by their Govern 'nowt io considers: tiou of its extraordinary exceliance rod osefolosas is est. jug offeetions of the Longo a ncf Throat. Read the following opinion founded on the long emeritus's(' the eminent l'hysielan of die port and city of Dr. J. C Ayer.— Br. Joon. MayB, VOL }car+ trial of your Merry Pectoral iu my practice. MK proven wh..t I forestry( from COMPOf WWI. moot he true, that eradicates and cures the colds and coughs to which we, is ibis son ion are peeuliarly liable t throk its equal has not yet been dis - ccered. nor do I lisew how a better remedy can be wade for the rfisictopeor ache Mist and Inert._ 3. J. BURTON. M. D., T. R. B. Sec what if has done on a warted Constitution, not only it Use following ease, bur a thousand Mort ; Jan.Sietigit Dr. Ayer :—ln the month of 104 last 1 it, attache4iPykyloor tent dlarrtima in the ins itel of Catirurnia. re futnert itiSad'Ffark.: ca'eo in hope of reeeivine benefit from a change of etiolate and My diarrhoea ceased, but war followed by a severe cough —and much soreite.s. I finally maned for home, but received," benefit from the voyage. My cough continued to grow worse. and ,when I arrived in New York I was at once marked by fry acquaintances as r, victim of consumption. 1 must took.= that I saw no sutfeient reason to doubt what my frieads tilt believed. At this time I coition lived taking your truly in valuable medicine with toils expeeMlloll ofrlerivina any benefit from its use. Yew would not receive *elm tears did f not regard it my duty to stall' to the afllk /rd. tfrrough you, that my health in the .nate of eighe months is fully restored. I attribute it to the nee of your Caws, Pcdoral. Yours truly. WM. W. SMITH. WAtisixorov. Pa , April It, lee& Deer air,—Peeling that I have 'Teo spared from a premature• rave. through your instrumentality by the providence of God. will eaket he liberty rcrrt prem. to you my gratitude. A Congli And the alarminas3negmmentot COnanrention had re. duce,' Me too lOW to leak N.e nail thing like hone, when au pby slam brought me a bottle of your " Pectoral." It seemed to name immediate relief and now in a few weeks lime hoe restated me to round health. If it weirdo Ibr bitten %hat it has dorm Gar sm. you are eery' telly one of the benefactors of manikiod. diucerely wishing you every Idessin;!. f am Very respectfully youry JOHN J. CLARK E., Rector of St. Peter'• March. With such oesuranee ud from such men. no stronger pipette" , be adduced unless it be (rain its effects upon trial. PREPARE:II4NI) 801.1) 111 JAMES C. AYRR. Practical and Analytical Chemist . Lowell. Mawr. Sold in Erie by J. U. Burton & Co.; In North East by S. a. fawn & Cl.: in Girard ny J. A. White: in Craness Watts& larentisrmno, and by Drugyists eimsyn bete. 107 AA . of r i choo l l i nookojuct i & T elted Block. embracing afujo t every variety used ist the ihthellib °fiats country, via hi , c,sst*Fs , readers and tfoctler, Saunders' do dcr Town' do do Clark's. Kirkhatu's. Million's. and Weld's Grammars. Davies'. Senttb's. Stoddard's. Colturu's and Adams' Arians,. tics. Mitchell's. Olney's. Swiitl.n. and Goodrich's Gecarraphiel. Ben Writing Books and iVritingyaper. Ink. leos and Tes 1101detP.I.cor,etlier with ninny °the/ articles used to beach Me '•.youse idea bow•to shoot." LWR LIN & SLOAN. Erie. Dee. IS I k3l F!IDOZEN Wooten flocks'and children. hosiery at a low fie. II ore at our store. /VINCENT. NIMROD lc CO. Erie Nov. 6 11 , 3*-6111. Ben. ern 11111 non 14th Plate street FOR. SALE. FIVE acres of land adjoinsag the enlace of Mbion, on wide! la a good houie - anh barn and some fruit trees. and well wa tered, also. t scent -two acres of land adjoining the same. tbe babe or each part w tit Ge sold separately to suit the purchaser. • Terms of psyllielli will be made easy. if not sold before the aettl t will he for rent until mid. For terms apply to C. W. Cetion, Al,ebt. in the sill:fee of Albion Mbioa. Feb. lt, ISM PirtrißUßGll ALNAN.AVS.—A large supply Just receive/ Ai Erie, Feb. 12-10 DURLIN t aiLUANV. New aittutic Store. rpllESithacriher informs the public that he has opened an eit. I tire new stuck of music and musical Instruments at he formerly oe-upierf in larebe's Week. Thanking the pa= the favors formerly bestowed upon him he asks a eontinuaneeof their patronage hoping that he will be able to give satisfaction.— lie has on hand the rely best of Piano Fortes, Melts - Um and so called Seraphim.. Violins, Flutes, Fifes, and all kinds of small string and wind instruments, instrument trissailwirt. and fission every thing usually hand in a mimic store Instrumeats laced and repaired—old instrument: taken In esehaage for new. also. parlor organs. and melodians.with two key hoards and six stops. and ari.) other iit.trunielits colon band will be furnished to order. Pianos to rent. A:l persons Wattling Inns le Or musical triStrtilliCSH4 will please gibe him a cal: before purchasing elsewhere. Mr. W. continues to gibe lessons as before. Erie Feb. Ibt 1r.13-10 %V!lf. WILLING. Bibles and Prayer Hooks. UST received from D. A ppletou tr- Co.. the best assortment ./ of BRSIc. and Prayer Books ever °tiered ra Lila market.— Can anA rxDtriii,e them at lie. 3, Elcowies Eric Feb 26—11. DURI,IN is SLOAN. Nattfoid Tin, Insurance Company! OFFICE NO. 16. STATE STREET,- HARTFORD. CORN. NCORPORAEED ISIS Charter perpetual. Authorised I capital etSamoo. Sub.eribett Capital 41.10,000. Real sad Personal property of all kinds, insured as IoW as lAA tisk trig adtuti. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 11. Llcs•muros. Pre:Went, Calvin {Jay, Job Allyn, John P. Watt'. Chi riesi J. Ruaa. A F. %V IL:MARTO, Ilkley. CJILISTOPLIn C. LYMAN. Assist. Bee'y. J. J. LINTS, Agenl, Reis. Tik 37 Nike in the leading Roots, In Gun Wanes reb.le, 141 Albert Dal, James Goodwin. 11u:tries Harwell, Henry Kelley. Notice • A I , IIY renal having claims aping Recker k. Rust. or ehher. 11 of the firm will plea., present their bills to Vm. S. Lane. ISECKER 11 RUST. Lod Rik. Feb. IRA Minpiros are Awake. «C are just beginning to receive our first purchase of spring good/. the first goods ree'd in Eric this spring. This mu , . triunity has been g sed long enough about buying old noeka elf rods at i 3 to 40 per cent lower than new goods eould bench! this year. any one Cllll soon be convinced by examining our pekes ler new goods that dry goods can and n ill be sold at the Empires this year at less pricey than were ever sold before 151 any market: of domestic goods an have the agency of a number of manufactur ing cstahitthu.euts a btc 6 s it l enable us to job gouda to the Leads as low as any jobbing house in New York. Feb. 26 11,:i1-3.1 k DFACNETT. Brevrri's Now m otel for Bent. !ring riTyr.Clur sit lie abuse lucre situate on the corner Of 1 staie street and puhile situate. proposes to for • hens of tears. The house nax new built of brick expressly for a 800 sit Inlrand his all the modern improvement., with rood barn. entirely new from crow. ao tie. insureaciured ex pre,ly for the huuPe. The trott.r ha. aloention iinsurpa.,cd by any in the United states To any person mit.tilrig to rent. an opportunity is her, otrece.l seldom heard 01. The n hole of the furniture will be sold with the lease on favorable terms. Apply to the subscriber es the preneimit. p.a./ paid. H. 1.. ssowb, F:rir. klareh.s Proprietor. 36172611111111. Scomeribers will ray Cash and make contracts kw ski C9i111112 s.d.on, for the following description of Lumber -- tviiiir%% hod board. fS-tt and 4-4 inches thick. Plank I 3-4 awl Inches 'funk. eea fitl Inc 9 by 4 awl 4 by 4 $q un re, Colum 7-7. 4-2, 9-9, 19-I9 and 11.11 &Oars', Sycamore Boards Is• Band Inch thief.. Ash Boards and Ytauk from I tog inches thielt.eber ry Seatoling and Collate. Whale Oak Boards and Plank. Wi, 'telt nil c 3) camore and Cherry Lumber shonld be nitro Moog. Ash from It io 141 feet long. GEO. BELDEN As 80X. Erie Der. 4 INS - :. 211 DRY GOODS. A Grotto; assortment of Dry Goods for cite on tea/enable lerros by Dec.. 130 G, PELDIEX t HON. Curtain Piaittrtea. T day received two gross of rutaasn's Patent Stetrad 1. lug Curt.' to ti Mousey. also a good assort/new of Coed a aal Mogi pt.'s Erie Dec. 4-10 R IMMO. (IIP.O I)Al'f4 —We ha%v rreeried oils day by tapiebs, ■ taw 0 hi.shels Of POLIAD 04 TS. IVestiyulti like to have fono. err can atild "WOE, what ts 0/11/. al n , ir On Piste otteet. Ap•tlnlftl3---0 CLARK & 111eCARTNA. e.t.a./5.-140n T. u )uu mire ecru tbse armee ♦ nieni nod a.eertained the prices at the Cheap Hardware 'Wit Erie Dee. 4-3 P RLTPIYd 1621). LA'rE THAN NEVER." Tp. subiwr ov r . are non. offering to the puhlie a geaerallasid wolf •Meeir , l rtoek of Pry Geed.. II rueerie.. Crockery. liciptal and :1110e0.1 1011‘p. enrol nieres and Vefo i no. alt of Walleh wIU be told nr low a! at any 'tore in Eriefor Care or ready pay. Ilre 4 ISII-10 ENts ETT - at CO. Rt )IVPi SI/ 44:TiNGS. In quantiliew to pull pureilasers. sitia AP stare in the Sennett Block. at riess which canna" flan to. &pm., I . 4-30 SCIIPIETT & (.1111. C m:lttl.—Neerived this lint. by rallma4l. Iran Melts, Pm" new .tt le. n most h•niiii rut article Ibr the parkw, vet, cheap. Jan. 1546. T. M. A wog:mite Ilroweisifeeet, H . %FIVER AND PIITN A In—Tha %larch n imberol a> ran aft found at No. grown. Frie IltlneTh S-rt DURLDIF t PILOAW. KIINCOTAL. TAP v:iit..eriber has removed his stock of goods le Co._ I Peery titoek Slate tuet. two doors north of Arbuckle where he will continue to sell goods as hencusfore fe Cask. sheds . lower *lon 2110/ other man dare to. .1011111 i "air. April!. IEI3. lichWeiTesetters Wanted. qui r. 'elms] li,ree tars st Mille reek tit , will meet at theFeltOrti ilotete in riarie E dlaan oa Saturday the ninth day of Aprll Pert at 10 o'clock A. IN., for the 'rain irialiem of School Tesetrate. all tatemited It is hoped will ;Mend. fly order of the URA - Millerefk, April IN3—ttli. 1. lr. LtrWALL,2IWy. To nett. j e t l a v in t i v e l; . mo r t;4r iit :n or rotai . h a =4 ... i.oesettem . eim i lv TZA Cifr - il . ll ICU '1 1 - 1 C UN a 'INA J. H. WILLIAMS, Presi tent. TEM' Notes of this Ban.: are redeemed in Walt stmt. New York. nt p-r cent diSeOUCIL. at j per emu disetrunt at Nan Bank: Buffalo. st par in Cincinnati. and gold and ether N lOW CO4IIFIWN orate Bank. The Notes will MOO he rherived *MB WS time funs:eft striate nut of Neer York anti Ehahera RUM IMO tx lkha. at the. lihskios Odle, et w/14-WVa B 41,911411 Wis Erie, Arid 1 ism, vs , , 1' ' , I 12=::1 =:::
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers