• 4 1 1 1, ,, , , A. ?. DUIBLIa & CO, Pr•pri•tors. ' VOLUME 23. Erie illtislitti Obtruer. DURLIN & CO., PItOPRIETORS a. r. SLOAN. Naito?. OFFICE, CORNER STATE ST. AND PUBLIC SQUARE, ERIE. . . TERMS OF TILIE PAPER. Cay subscriber , . by the carrter. at "Oh 'by mail. er at o*o:rice, an .2 aVante• LoSD -- rli not paid itt advaace,or within threemonthe frogs Alietitue idiuk•cribulit. two dollars will be charged. ' ;;TAllcontanitocattoite past he poi.* pa id. - RATES Ot' ADVERTISING. . Cards not tileeeti mg •1 lines, one sear. $3,00 Om: square CI GO Imo - - do. do. six monnie. Los 00. 0. three months, U,ell Thanwpt advertisements,Nleents per sepfore. of arteen lines or k -p, for ins first insertion: ili cents for each sub. iqueur insertion. L, 'I, emit 4 dverti,eri. hax c i be prirdleee of ehauging at pleasure. Dalai lit , liive , arc allow ed to occupy more than two by dare•, mad g• is 1,,,,,,,d to ticir impialcdsato business. Vii.enisenieniesiot lia v mg other drrectloni, will be inserted Lill tbrl..d : - .o.lCliarr.ed aceurdiogly. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1) D. WALKER & , ro ltwAtroin, produce and Commission Merchants, fourth Ware . %Ve.L of the Public Hridge, , :ric Pa. Alro--Lc der. in Coal.Sa It, Piastre. Stucco, Fish. LI me limit I.lme r'iune, Iron, Nat If. P.:l,Am*. Cast t ace.. with istturp:viati • rd for whipping cattier by :Steamboats, Proiseticrs. • kochooners, or by Ittil !load. t • P. D. WALICk.It, L. VORIBLIS. CARSON tiliA H \ M; Arroe.ot •Iga Cotuct.colt Law, in Georg'? A. LiTionvornep, Nest !NC of the Intik. Erie. 34 JAMI.S ROSS SNOWDEN, Arrnarrr Axu Corsazu.oz &T Law, No. 133, Third Siren l',ltatyurgh. - - 31 JOHN W. ItIDULLI.. ATTMLNIT £1 LAw.--Whee. 1 6 .11 h Vkreet. between Smith Geld and Grout /Streets , . ritubutsb. Fa VINC0111111411011) dr. CO. •nt of Stoves, Hollow Ware. Engines. apubluery. sail Road Cart. eta . etase Pa. ~,, THOMAS, M AUSTIN. . - (Lois of Out ft el G. Lownii, iir Gr.) -Dr...T.te in ClOCkss. WRICUMACWeir). elliref nponns, Maidtal I n,trnuotni.. Loot Ing Glasses. Laintia and Faut y Goon,. whole . sale aud 'Mil. JOHN GOALDING )IiRCELIIT TAILOI4 and (tent Maltr.r—Ahop en the east side Of ci ir•btreet. tato door,. north or Eight. and InilohtinJ. 11. /U l,- fc (VP t 'shine' Ware-boom. tirir; Penna. CLARK & N 1 ETCAUF. W 11615143.0 and r,Aatl dealer!' Ia Dry Gcoods. Carpus, and Dry troceries I►o. t Kcal WILLIAMS& BASSF RS, COIreCIOSS 44 4114 DeAlert i u Guld .11d•ZIIV4V etin. onettr - reta 3ione)..l..and Warrant. and errtiticatc*nt ik-poiste. Also. ..ran- on 11* principal chip.' of ibc Uli lOU. and aH parts r f the 11444 4'04m4 ry (Ur pate. Othcc, Wiil gain.' llweit.cotuer of and Public Square, TA. V.1.1.•11111 J. G. ik W. - I. MILLS. /31' 3 3r FRP 3114 W bolrsnlr Ira len in . Groeeries. Wines. Liquors. , ercirs.—A Po. Eoreuu N ric Ides and Pickled oys ter.. Lot , -ter,. Prewer,re, and llertnetricatly Seated arti-les 01 de ,, eript Inn always on halal. No 3. Willt..uf a pluck, opposite Brown's New (Intel. Erie. J ti LA. New York. - Ms. I. MILLS. Itulttlo. + ALM , . Tftt . l3 , llll in their reafoll. Oystrts its shell, r,,,„, mu, be) t , New York, which will he .old Wh.ir.ate at low prices A 1 Joi.rx,nsw. Agent, grip, Pi. OURLIN & SLOAN Dth.t MS in elaaaital. &hoof' and lifistailaneOua nook+. alatik . ra :Hymen', and Printer's Cards. Nu. V. Brown's new Wock. I.rie l'a. 1 A. r. N. F. et 21411. T. %v. h101)11E, DLLfI u.G rOCe ice. Provision.. I,lr mes. t.igoors.Grio Flll kr.. the Door below Loomis & State otreei. Erie. aotis B. COOK. D„,, in k Sauey Dry Good.. and the Greatest variety • u+ an) :ktore in the f'ity. Chem. fide. Kra.. STERAETT ar GRAY': larrxrt'er, Jobber- nod retail Dealers in %Vet and Dry Groceries I Pr , ‘, te.nt., Prattler. Foreign and Dometdie Fruit..lVisoden, It dioa and Stone %%nre. Flour. Fndt. Salt. 'trot., Nails. POW.. at4.1 , i)01. Cap.. et3(ets Fuse, ke,.. ke. Freurit Street« °pito ire tl.e Reed Ilcuae. Erie. l'a. X nnd Canal Baaa. Vegorto, lletelr. nn I rrirale Fa.l , Ole< N.N.fird itkt anyof the above articles with plump'. nt... and ten rhea!). ,W M. 8. LANE. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. OFFWE over Jaek•cat'a More, at North-Ea - at earner of the ?ab be Squaw. vocToßs Ili EBE t STE WART. P 11) sic inns nod Aurgeotti. Office awl Residerucer-- 1: Fri I'lllll t P,.opovros ' ottre trout* flow 7toP. A. )11; 110 and ato 7 .P. M. 1. 1t...8t. x. n. J. 1.. lITIEWaIti. it. JOHN HEARN & CO Foiter.louro and l'osamismion Merchants, Seiler In (oat. Flour. Fish. and writ for a daily line of upper lake SSteamer•. P,,i.he I but k 1-.1 , sr Pa. Li [WELL lk CO. krIEP TM.. Manufacturers or Iron Fence. Railing. Steamboat Bc”lett., Stair. i+• , w•eeu 7' It and till,. streets. Erie; 4 '---- A SIViiICAN EXPRESP; COMPA.,iY. 41 ilrr:ct. Removed co No. A Reed Block. Sync etrect. Fa.Lern fis prowl c lures st . Ili ticlock. it. M. ..; %t cmeru 4.4 r• 341 o'clock. P M. 4 D. D. scarronik•Agent. GI.OIIGE i, meaToN. __ (Lek vf tie jinn of J. /*Amor er Gr..) Pace ‘IPMCI and ethtunihrocon Merchant. Public Dock. Et e. Ph De.4let to Coal. &di. Irish. Flout and etalter. W:fi7Kiv - owLTON. Watehinaket and ffeyaires. Peaky 1 0 VIIMr-10e Cloek..3eweliY. Musitai I atrtneuts. Look sag Girusts and other False, 'Llassla. Runt one door uluu of the Reed 'louse. 17 ARBUCKLE & KEPLER. West, in my Goods. Groceries. Hardware, Crockery. Ike. No terry Muck. State street. Erie. I'3. DR. C. B 1 ANDES. rltrikiAll and Boaiiiatti—tillie,e at ha. re.idence on Eighth Strip( between Preach an,l Erie. Pa. M. SANFORD Sc CO.. 1 : 421,1 1 m Gold. Silver, Bank Notes, l'raflo. Certificates of nt rota. ri.c Sigh' Ezehlingeon,the principal eittev constairtly o' rale ()nice IU Bearty'ii BMlek, Puhlre Square. Erie. T. 11EILON STUART. k24).0 , 1 1111 PO 1r Firl A 74-otrue. corner of Frettett and Filth wen.. orii)doarri Koch'. store. Residence ou Fourth *Mel, are doer toUtol the old Apothecary Ilan. 1111FUS -REED. De, eut in Entli.h.Gertuati and ittoefitilit Uardwareaud ctateryt NalIN AUTON Vice*. Iron and titccl N 0.3 Reed Howe. Enc. Pa. CADWELL Sr. BENNE. I' f. l aroririts,Johhers, and Retail Dealers in Dry Goads. Groceries, ('rocker), tiiwws are. Carpetitin,llantware, Iron, tlteel, 1 ' 44 ". kr. Empire Storrs Mate Street. fear doors, below ' arose', [hart, Erie. Pa. Alra—Am ices.llet low s, Axle Arms, Springs.alld a general awomnent of Paddle and Carnage Trimmings. S. MERVIN SMITH. Amossrr Ar 1.4 w sod Justice of the Peter. and Agent for the lie) Stone Milord Lire Insurance Conipauy--tXbcc 3 doors sew ut Wright* Wore, Erie, - Pa. GEORGE H. CUTLER. • A T "'"'" ar LW. Girard. Erie Comity. Pa: Collections and Other ttuataerlo attended to with proininness and 'Jamaica. Jut3lAll Kgi.Ltit.;(l. Forwardinr. ar. Commission Merchant. on the Public Dock, eaatof Mac street. CON. !tall. Plaster and Wh,tr Fish. constantlY for sale* 1. kOSENZIVkaG A; Co. WiroLasm.a rMa Rarau.DicaLarui lu Foretign and Ikaueslie Dry Goody. ready waue Ckulisue, Doo4a and 1311004 he.. No. night's Blue k. thaVe 'Um. Erie. • MARSHALL & VINCENT, Anwoirr. LAvr—Otbee up mire In Tammany Hall budding meth of tee Prothonotary's office. Die. MUItRATW HALLON, Arromerr• CornsALLon AT LAw--Otfic,e over C. B. iVrighel err. ent rance one door west et 84/110 area. OU 141 TIBBALS. & HAYES. e ntry.. in Dry Goods, Dry h'acene‘ CM". aralvii""' 1141- 0. t. Brow leP New MO. • • EthilTfiJAC K CIA, i u m , De.cas In Dry Goo e.. Wl ds, , Che Groceries:Hardware. 'L o rca. Ware. Liras. N 11,1, , Gam oide . , fat'. Pa. ILLIAI4I CACKLT Maims Gishoisitt, and Ledertaliee. canon of &ate iMI beVelith wens. Eric. CARTEIL & ISItUTII Ea, anu.sv r v and Rana I dralers k UruP• Pith" °ill" bye - ottins 1 :14$11. 41c;... NO. a. ; 4• ed lioude • """:" JAAIE3 LYTLE. _ FiatrummiLe Merchant Tailor. On We public - .4are.a few .Iken Wein of &ate street, Erie. • /I. tiultToN at CO. W NlNzuks MID UTAH. stealer, n Drugs, Medicines, Dye Sus& Groceries. Ike. No. O. Reed House. k:tie. • M. CIIAPIY, RESIIL NT DEKTIOT--Ottleeon tia.a.*4 R the z ueb th u s a t b ee b. of i t . tte ribe. Dt ; :msontl b tr e e . du of won artaneed ate June Le UM. 111 . DR — . O. L. ut,Liorr. Resident Dentirt: ittliceavid dwelling on the I South side of the Public liquate. lit dioOf &lot hie Se of me Erie Nang Building. Teeth intertedon Gold ?tate, front mew an eatireseu. Curl ew uiled with pure Gold. and restored to health and oat • Teeth cleaned with instruments and Denalbett so as to " W M' ter ilolluald cleavages. All work wansausi. .vurroto Na I e,:iIMMOWION ' V`"'+' P+Aeitei 4 A , A.- _.; 4 . 41- *- .31 12i ... :4 Jai. 1...e2.11`04.t; - • , - r1 , • • lil poetal and 311i5teltanti. THE DAY DREAAL. They both were hesbed, the voiee, the chord.. I beard bet eisa that ;rniteltier lay: Aed few the ernes, and fern the words. My spell-breed eternity breeght 1 , 11)3 Traces remembered hire sled there, Like echoes of some broken strain;--• Link's of 4 sweetness lost in air, • „ That nothing now cciald join agaie,- E'em these, toe, ere the morning. Pod: And. theagtithe chorea stilitmgered ea. Theta's...amt, were. bet sang bad shed, The fens itee:f was faded. genet-i Gene. like the these, thetwnee were oars. Oo simmer days, ere yeeth haw; Thoughts bright. we know, as summer flowers, Though what they were, we now forget. Is vain, with hints from nther strains. flmier! this truant air to As hil ere taught, en sestera To turelitair Wilder kindred homU. In (mint—the ao that Sappho gave. lo dying. to the orafel sea. ; • Not muter sleptheseakthe ewes Then this within my mimory. At length. eine molting.. as I to Is thauhalf.walkiet mood. lliterillingly at last give wiry To the fell truth If daylight's Seams, 1 N A fees—the very Jim motheight. From whieh had breathed. es tram a ahrise Of sang and soul, the noteal nought— Came with its music elves to mine; And eons the lons•leet measovo o•'r - Each nem and word. with every l leito: And loeY. that lest it life.lodoptew f All perfect, all again my 011111: Like parted souls, when, Mid the blest Thpv meet *dein, each widowed sound Throne % memur)•• realm heti. Winged lOoseet Of its sweet mate, till all went foood. • Nor even in 'stoking did the eine. Thee etroisiely cooed. weals halo; For never Nat its matins kin* So well as oow t know,tlsis stt•sis. And oft. When utotwort's wondrous spnil Is milted of in our tranquil bower. I lino this lady's swag. avid so The ♦isioo of Putt 'Stunting' hour. 'OUR BEST _SOCIETY." [cfctcLublw.] '"Why," responded our friend pith mire of sad- iess than of satire in his tone, "why are yolo 00 i exasperated? Look at this scene! Consider that thi s is, realy. the life Ilf thee girls. This is what they 'come out' for. This Is the end of thoir am• bition. They think of - it, dream of it, long for'it.— Is it amn.emeoll Yes. to a few, possibly. But lis ten, an i gather, if you can from their remark. (when ' they make any) that they have any thought beyond thii and going to church- eery rigidly on Sunday. The vigor of polking and of church-going are pro portioned; as is the one so is the other. My young friend, I am no ascetic, and do not suppose a ,into is damned'because he dances. But life is not a ball. (ttiorea the pity, truly, fur these butterflies) nor is its sole ditty and delight, dinciog . . . When I eon, sides this spectacle—when •1 remember what a no- . h!e and beautiful woman is, what a manly man, when I reel, dazzled by this glare, drunken with these Pier filfllefi, confused by this alluring music, and ;reflect upon the enormous aunts wasted in a pompous pro fusion that delights noorie,:--when I look irmins) up on all this rtmitut velgitsite- in tinsel inl Brussels lace, and think how fort/unis go bow men struggle and lose the bloom of their honesty, Inior women hid* in a smiling pretence, and eye with caustic glances, their neiilab telt newer It lust., diankunds,. or. pirce lain, and observe their daughters, such as these— why, I tremkle and tremb!e, and this scene to night. every' crack' ball this winter will be, not the Opts ant society of Dian and women buts...even in this young conutry—an orgie such is ratan cornith saw, a fernzied festival of Rome in Its' decadence."! There was a - sober troth in this m t4ierness, and sing we tamed away t a the sombre thuught of the moment. Addre n eof the panting II wris, who stood melting in a sardow, We spoke (and ein fess how absurdly) of alas Dassellirf Gallery. It was merely to "'Mid sating how warm the room, was, and how pleisant the enmpiny was: facts up on which we had already sufficiently enlarged. "Ye., these are pirttty picturei:, but, la! hole long it must have taken Mr. Dusseldorf to paint them .all," was the reply. By the ?Amgen Remotes! no Roman sylph in her city's decline would ever have called the sun gtid, Mr. Apollo. We hope that Hauri nteltial entire ly sway in the window,' but we certainty did not stay to see. Passing out toward the stepper-room we encoun tered two young men. "What, II 1," said 000 "yen at Mrs. *Potioar'sr It seems that Ilal was a sprig -of one of the "old families." "Welt, Joe," said Hal, a little confused, "it is a little strange...— The tact is, I ditrot mean to be here, but I conclud ed to compromise by coming, and not being dewed to the host." Hal would come, eat Potiphar's - sapper, drink his wine., spoil his carpets, laugh at his fashionable struggles, and affect the puppyism of a foreign Lord, because he disgraced the name of a man who bad done some service soniewh?re, while Putiphar was only aehonest man who made a for tune. The supper.room was a pleasant place. Theta ble was covered with a chaos of supper. Every thing sweet and rare, and but and cold, solid and liquid was there. It was the very apotheosis of gilt gingerbread. There was a universal rush and struggle. The charge of the guards at Waterloo was nothing to it. Jellies, custards, oyster-soup, ice cream, wine and water, gushed in profuse eas• cedes over transparent precipices of toile, muslin, genie, silk and satin. Clumsy boys tumbled against costly drowses and smeared them with preserver,— when clean plates failed, the wurents of plates El ready used were quietly "chucked" under the table —lml-taps of champagne were peered into the oys ter tureens or overflowed upon plates to slier the glassee-.whes of all kinds flowed in tenets, pante- alert) , dwelt the throats of very young men, who evinced - their manhood by becoming noisy, trouble awns atuLdi•gostiug, and were finally either led; sick, into the hat room, nr carried out of the was drunk. The supper over, the young people attend. id by their matrons deacon led to the dancing-room for the "German." Thi,i its a dance cimmencine usually at midnight or a little after, and continuing indefinitely toward daybreak. The young people were attended by their matrons, who were there to supervise the morals and manners of their charges. To secure the performance of this duty, the yotteg people took care to sit where the matrons could not aesthete, uor did they, by any chance, look towards . the quarter in which the.matrons sat. in that Tier ter, through all the varying mazes of the prolonged dance, to two o'clock, to three, to four, sat the be• diamond dowsgerr, the mother., the matrons,—. 'against nature, agairist common sense. They bah-. bled with each other, they droWeed, they dozed.— Their fani fell listless into their laps. In the ad.r lining room, out of the waking sight, even, of the 'then sleeping mammas,: the &righters whirled In ithe close embrace of partners who had brought clown! lbottles of champagne from the supper-room. and put theist by the side of their chairs for oce.asional kefinshment i during the dance. The dizsr hoO k re staggered by. "Azalis, yet mast come new," bad 'been already said a dozen times, but only as by the seri'tes. Finally it WCrt declared with anthority.... Anti, went—Amelia Arabella. Thermic followed. There was a prolonged cloaking, and lingering fare wells. A few olrltie were- in 4he an pper -roots , sit ting amang the 4edris of game. A few young non &ninth,' sha oda eat beneath gas unnaturally bright, reqing whatever chance book was at band, and thin — g of the young .child at home waiting (M. mamma :to was danertg the Klierman" below. few exhaust matrons sat in the rebing-roamorred, sad, wishing Ja would e•-me up; assailed at inter. while; won tering !to% 't was they need to have smoli good times at balls; ya;/.;•ig, a ri I inking at their ! WatcheA * ; while the ropier t t.f thelmosic with sardonic sweetness coutiu At last, Jane came up,_ had hal the mostgluriunt • Me, and went iliwu with mamma to the earriagy, ao drove bonne. Even the last Jane went-.-the t naitiy youth was eitaelied, and Mr.. and Mrs. Po • iliar hieing duly performed their biennial wait! d dismissed tit* music; ordered the sereant. tb C6arrt the spoons, and en lea tr,crr two after dayli ig'j!, went tubed. Eatfiable Mfr. and Mr.e. Potiphir! ' We are nolyr preoarld for ths.great moral inli nation' of the friend who saw its eating our ditle mix !rules in that rtmarkable supper room. .llfe are awaiting to hear lliiin . ray in the most modeta;e anti "geutleuiatily". manner, that it is all very wOll to select flaws and pres-etthelt us 4ipecireees, aqd todearn from hint,-prresably wititiudignant publieitY; that the prevent coalition of parties ie net what the h've intimated. Or, in iris qoiet and .poioted way, he maY smile at eur fiery assault upon edged fllurt eels and nuga pyramids, and the kingdom of Lith. .pet in pet general. ' Yet, after all, and despite the youth; who are led Out, and c iriel home, or who s•uttable through the r'Germait," this is a sober Mhtter.. My friCnd told t . we should see the "beat society." But he it i a ir odi g iuus wag. Who made this country •? ,Frona tedium is its character of unparalleled enterprise, liiiroitm, and success derived) Wbu have givendt iki place in the respect and the fear of the Who, annually, retieuit its Pnergiea, confine its pat.. iters and secure itti triemeh? Who are its chimes ! ieireetic•children, the pith, the sinew, the bank of s piosperity? Who • found, and diret, end cOntinim ire manifold institutions of mercy and educaidon'f— I%into ate essentially Americans? Indignaut fries d, there classes, wiloeier - they may be, are the itapiety," because theyalOne are the represemaiires of its character and colGration. '['hey are the "best ,inueety" of New York. of' Boston, of Baltimore,of Si. Louis, of New Orleans, nheilter they lire upon elm hundred or eixti thousand dollars ;year-. witether they inhabit prineelyi,aouites in faihionable streets; (which they often 6) or not—whether their tarts have graduated at Celarctis' end the' Jardie Arabilte, or have never been wit of theirfathei - 's sliops—wlicherthee have 4 ‘air " ant "style,", Mid are "a geutlemanly" and 'iso aristocratic" or nit!. Your .h iemaker, your, lawyer, your butcher, Yuur "clergymansif they are simple and steady, and whether rich or punt, ere nnseduced by their sitens of ettravaganeo and ruinous display, help make up the "lioat. society.", For that mystic communion is net compsed of the rich, hot of the worthy; and , is "pest" by its virtites, and not by its vices. When Johnson, Burke, Goldsmith, Carrick, Reynohia, and their friends met at supper in -Goldsmith's rooms, .t Where was the "best society" iu England? When Georgia the Fourth outraged humanity and decency ik his treatment of Queen Caroline, who was the Brat scoundrel in Europe? Pause yet a moment, indignant friend. Whose habits and principles would ruin this country as rapidly as it hat been made? Who are enamored of a puerile itnitatinn of foreign splendor.? Who strenuously endeavored to graft the questi mable Aims of Parasiautociety upon our owe? Who pass a few years is Europe and return sceptical of republicanism and human improvement. longing and sighing for more .harply emphasized 'eclat divine lions? Who squanders with profuse reckleanerethe bard..esraed forturiei of their sires? Who diligently devote their time to nothing, foolishly and wroneiy aopposing that a young Eag'ish nobleman has no thing to dot Who, in fine, evince by their colleci,ye conduct, that they regard their Americanism at a misfortune, and are au the most deadly enemies of their country? None but what our wag facetiously termed "the best society." If the realer doubt., let him consider its, prae:i. cal results in any great emporium of "best society." Marriage is there regarded as a luxury, too mete. tire for any but the s-ns of rich men, or fortunate young men. We once heard an eminent divine.sa sere, and only half in sport, that the rate of living was advancing so incredibly, that weddings in his experience wire perceptibly diminishing. The reas tons might have been many and various. But we all ackhowledged the fact. On the other hand, and about the same time, a lovely damsel (ah, Clerics!, !) 'whose father was nut wealthy, who had no prfm pasties Weans of support, who could do nothingbut polka to perfeetitin, Who literally ham almost noth ing, and who constantly' *bodied every fairly %te llies& person by the giving igsoranee betrayal 17 'groat w A se n...aei SATURDAY AIORNINO, APRIL, 30, 1853. her remarks, informed a frieetat otie of the.Sarete ga balls, whither he had made haste to meet the 1" boat society," that there were "not more than three good matches in sccietyl" La Dame aux Camellas, Marie Dublessis, was, to our fancy, a much more feminine, and at:nil:able, and moral, and human per sun,'than the adored Clorinda.- And yet whet she said was the legitimate result of the state of our reshionable society. ft worships wealth, and the pomp which wealth can purchase, more than virtue genius or beauty. We may be told that it has al ways been coin every country, and that the fineso ciety of ail lands is as profuse and flashy as our own. We deny it flatly. Neither English, nor French, nor Italian, nor German society, is so unspeakably barren a s that which is technically called "society" here. In London, and Paris, and Vienna, and Rome, all the really eminent men and women help make up the mass of society. A party is not a mere ball, but it is a congress of the wit, beauty and fame of the capital. It is-worth white to dress, if you shall meet Macaulay, or Ilallam, or Guizot, or Theirs; or Landseer, or Delaroche—•Mrs. Norton, the Misses Berry, Maclaine Itecamier, and all the brilliant wo men and Gluons foreigners. But why should we desert the pleasant pages of those men, and the re corded gossip'of those women, to be squeezed fiat against a wall, whi!e young Doughface pou►a oyster gravy d o wn our sti f irt.frnet, and .Caroline Pettitoes wonder& at "Mr. busseldorf's industry I" tf Intel igent people decline to go, you justly re mark, it is their open fault. Yee, but, if they stay sway it is very cer i tainly their great gain. The el derly people are orways neglected with us, sad nosh• tog surprise• intelligent strutters more,.thissr thety• rennicsl supremacy of Young America. But we are net surprised at , this neglect . If can we tre if we have our eyes open ? When Caroline • Pettitoes ft.:pests from the floor 'to 'the sofa, and instead of a " ;mike." figures at parties- as a matron, do you enp. , , in to desert the young Caroline upon the fluor, fur Madame Peuitoes upon the sofa 1 If the pretty young Caroline with youth ,bealth, freshness, a fine, budding form, end wreathed in a iemi-transparent line of flounced and flowered gauze, is its vapid ;het we prefer to accost her with our eyes atone, and not with our tongue*, is the came Caroline married into a Madame Pettitoer, and fanning herself uponeyufa en !nnger particularly fresh, nor young, !lir pretty, sulfite flinger budding bet fully blown,—likely to be ' fa s ting in conversation 1 We cannot wdeder the ' e whole comteetion of Pettiluer, when ell- ;nticeetrs the matron state, is entirely neglected.— Proper hostsge to age we can ilk pay at tonne, to 1 our parents eltd grandparents. Proper respect for, 'some persons is st--preserved by avoiding their neighborhood. 1 . ... 4.4 . bat,.thiukyou, the influense of this tx navagairt expense and se eels' Thew' tope these ' same young men and women 'V We can easily dig.. l ' cover. It saps their noble ans'ollion, assails their healthelewees their estimate of tnen \ end their rev. erence fur women, cherishes an eage, an aimless rivo'ry, Weakens true feeling, wi e ns away , lie bloom of true ntsiesty, end induce§ an ennui, a sati:ty and a kind of daettantemisanthropy, whichlis onl he more monstrous, because it is undoubtedly real. You shell hear young men of intelligence and cut ovation, to Whom the unprecedented circumstances of this country offerlpportunities of great and ben eficient career, complaining that they were born within this blighted circle—regretting that thet were not bakers arid tallow chandlers, and under nu! obligation to keep up appearances.;eiellintretely surrendering all the goldeu.possibilltres of that fit ; ture u•loct this country, beyond all others, held* he fore theme—sighing that they are not rich enough ,tn.marry the girls they love, and bitterly nidereiJing 1 fortene that they are not millionairee--auflering the rvigor of their years to exhale in idle wishes -and pointless regrets—disgracing their manhood by ly ing in wait behind their "so gentlemanly and "aria ' tocratie"-mannere, until thee can pounce uphn a "fortune'? and erisnarran heire's into 'matrimony; f and so haying dragged their gifts, their ' horses of thersen, into • service which shames out of 'them all their native pride and power, 'they sink in the mire, and their peers and ementurs exclaim that they have "made a good tfiitig of ie." . Are these the pruemes by which a nnb'e rice is' made and perpetnatidl At Mrs. Pontine§ we heard several Pendenuises longing (Jr a similar lux ur y, and announcing their fine perpstee, never to have i wives nor bOusee, emit they caned have thorn a§ lepiendid as jeweled Mrs. Potiphir, and her Waco, 1 -thirty feet front. Where were their head., and their hearts, and their arms? flow looks this cra ven despondency, before the stern virtues of the ages we call deck? When a man is 16 voluntarily imbecile into regret be is not rich, if tint is what he wants, before he has struck a-blow fur wealth; or so dastardly as to reyounce the prospect of love, because, sitting sighing, in velvet d r essin g g o w n and stippers, he does not lee his way clear. to ten thousand a year; when young women coiffed a mar. veille, of unexceptionable "style," who, wi t h or without a prospective penny, secretly look down upon honest women who struggle for a livelihood, like ,wb'e and Christian beings, and, es such, are rewarded: in whose society a man most forget that he has ever read, thought, or felt; who destroy in the mind, the fair ideal of woman, which the geni us of art and poetry, end lots their inspirer, hse created; their it seems to us, it is high time that the subject should he regarded not au a matter of break ing butterflies upon the wheel, but as a fed and so ber question, in whose solution, all fathers and mo thers, and the state itself, are interested. When keel, observer!, and men of the world, from Europe, are amazed and spelled at the giddy whirl and frien zied rush of our society-. 4 society 'levier in Ws wry, for the exaggerated prominence it assigns to wealth, irrespective of the talents that amassed it, they and their possessor being usually bustled out of sight—is it not quite time to pander a little upon the Conn of Louis XIV., and the "eserele days" of King Charles. IL? Is it not-clear that, if what our good wag, with caustic irony, called "the best so. ciety;' were- really - such, every thoughtful man would read upon Mrs. Putiphar's softly-tinted walls, the terrible "mew, mess" of an Imminent &antic -4 tionY Venieth in her purple prime of luxury, when the famous law was passed, asatiog alLgoodolaa Wash, that the sobke geoid •ot solnaoder fortone, apoa Abets, woe oat loots Notations thinikiis York to=dal. Oar hotels bare a superficial episode', derived frost a profusion of gilt and paint, wood and damask. Yet. in not one of them can a traveler be so quetly •comfortable as in an English Inn, and nowhere in New York can the stranger procure a dinner, at once so, neat and elegant, and economical, as at scores of Cafes in Paris. The fever of display has consumed comfort. It gondola plated with gold was nn easier that: a black wooden ooe. We could well spare a little gilt upon the walls, for more cleanliness upon the - public table; nJr is it worth while to cover the walls with mirrors to reflect a want of Comfort. One prefers a wooded bench to a greasy velvet cush ion, and a randed floor to a soiled and threadbare Carpet. An insipid uniformity is the Procustee-bed, upon which "soc:ety" is stretched. Every new house is the counterpart of every other, with tbeex-; ception of mere gilt, if the owner can afford it. The intetior arrangement, instead of being characteria tie.-inatead of revealing something of the tests and feelings of the owner, is rigorously conformed to every other iettrior. The same hollow and tame enmphisance rules in the intercourse of floc ieti.— Who dares say precisely what he thinks upon a great topic? What youth ventures to say sharp thing., of slavery, for instance, at a polite dinner table? What girl dares wear curls, when Martell. p;escribea puffs or bandeaus? What specimen of Young America dares to lira his trowaers loose or wear straps to them? - We want individuality, he raisin, and ilnece.sary, an uncompromising persis tent. in difference. This is the present state of parties. They ere wildly extratragent,, full of senseless display; th:y are avoided by the pleasant- and intelligent; and swarm with ieck t ess regiments of “Brow,;: own.'' The ends of the earth contribute their choicest pro ducts to the sopper,"and there is every thing that werlth can pi:retrace, and all the spacious splendor that thirty feet.front can affdi.l, They arehoti land crowded, and glowing. There is a little weak seen emtrvertorntrue, not nifty, an.l a stream of we/try platitude,murtifying.to every sensible person. / Will any of o4tr Peodennie friends intermit their 0 / dign it s • thin , fora moment, and consider how Many good things they have said or heard durin /he season? If Mr. Potiphar's eyes should chanc to fall here, wiII he - reckon the amount of satisAtction and enjoy. meat be derived from hire, ll'uttphar's ball, and will that lady candidly confess wbit she gained from it beside weeijoefe and difigna l it Chat eloquent ser mons we remember to hive heard is which the ;ties andthe sinners 6f Babylon, Jeriolui and Gomorrah ways scattered with holy iiidiesse den . The : cloth is very hard upon Cain, and completely routes the erring kings of duclsh.. . The Spanish Inquisition, too, gets friglietul knocks, and there is much clo ve:it exhortation to preach the grispil in the interi or of Siam. Let it be Preached there, antt r aoll speed the word. '.Butalao lat.ua have a text or two in Broadway and the Avenue. The best sermon ever preached upon society, within our knowledge, is "Vanity Fair." 1s the spirit of that story less true of New York to cf Landon? Probably we never see Amelia at oat par ties, nor Lieutenant - George Osborne, norgonri gal"- lry Dubbin, nor Ara. Rebecca. Sharp Crawley, nor old Stay's°. We are very mach pained, of caorsc, hat any author should take such dreary views of h tan nature. We, for our parts, all go to lire. Poti..ar's to refresh our faith in men end women. Genet • 1 , amiability, a catholic charity. simplicity, taste, sens high cottiostion, and dls• inguish' our attics. Tne statemin - seeks j their stimutating iud nc-; the literary man. after the day's labor, desires to repose of their &eget,' con versaticm; the proles 'oral min and the merchant hurry up from town to ithuffla off the coil of heavy duty, and forget Cie r".rudze of life in the agrees , • hie picture of its amenities an iraceipresentad by Airs. Potiphar's ball. -In this a mint of theimit ter, or "Vanity Fair" the satire? What a 4 the prospects of any society of which that tale is the true h:storyl There is a picture in the Lozembourg ga ry st Paris, "Dedadence of the Itionsits;' Which mar e fame and fortune of Couture, the painter. I rep resents an orgle in the court of a temple, during the last days of Rome. A swarm of revellers okcupy the middle of the pictuire, wreathed in elaborate in .artoaey of.luzurious posture, men and - wooten hater. mingle i; their facee k in which the old Roman err scarcely eiders, brutalized 'with - excess of every kind; their heeds of disheavelleti haii bound with corona -1 a of leaves, white from giblets of artiene grace, they drain the fiery torrent which is deatroy - ing them. Around the bacchanalian feast Stand, lofty upon pedestals, the statutes of old Itase, l look: ing marble enlace's and the severity of a Sebuke beyond words upon the revellers. A youth boy ish grace—a wreath woven' in his tangled hair, and with red and drowsy : eyes, sits listless upon one pedestal, while upon -another, amide a boy, !tisane with drunkenness, slid erupting a dripping goblet to the marble mouth of the statute. In the Corner of the picture, as if just quitting the court—Rome finally departing—ii a,group Gfßomans with care worn brows, and hands raised to their faces in mel. anchuly meditation. In the very foreground:of the picture, which in painted with all the sumptuous splendour of Venetian art, is a stately - vase, *round which bangs s' festoon of gorgeous flowers, its end dragging upon the pavement. In the back-ground, between the columns, smiles the bine sky tat Italy thing Italian not deteriorated by The careful student of this picture, VI has beer. ' lung in Paris, is some day startled by es pecially in the face" of the women represen.ed, a eurpsising likenes to the womelt "ark, aid f or ' ceires, with a thrill of dismay, that the models for I this picture ot decadent histrau nature, are Cornieh ell by the very city in which helices. MARRIAGS CERIMOST ter Sotrrn CASOLUITA.A case of bigamy was recently tried in Chesser coun ty, South Carolina, and discharged. In the charge of his honor, lodge Frest, to the jury, he remark ed that there was no law la the,State of South Car olina prescribing a marriage ceremonial. If Mr. A. and Miss G. jump over a broom, the former say ing I take this women to be my wedded wife, and the latter, I take this assa to be my wedded husband, and go to boaee•heeping. t:lty are l irgldly married, have ',teetered littered into a bond of onion Which cannot be annumta, so long as they both de live. Q r Why is s lady's dress so extrsitapst Because it is made with svc& s waist. a has isloauel $3. SO A TX AX,Ia Advs,!ides: I WAIT F:O.R"TRZIe: The hearth is swept. the 6rit is brisirt, The kettle sings for tea: The cloth is spread, the lamps are light. The het cakes smoke in Rapkias wbite. Aid now I wait for thee. Come home. love. honte—thy tuk it hen The clock tick, listeoictty; The blinds are shut, the curtains dews. The warm eluar to the fire-side draws. - • • . To boy a os my knee. Come home, lore, home—liiideep fiid on Look. round him wistfully. And when the whispering ley. As if thy welcome etep.was nigh. He crows meltingly., In vain; be finds the 'antennas vain, And turas his glaneatn mine, Ile.earnestly that yet again Hie lona unto gay bout nit eine. Is so liko thini. Thy twt. is dens—we miss the. Mrs; Where'sr thy footsteps roam. Ns heart will spread such kindly otter. Ns :besting heart. no listening ear. Liks these will wait thee hams. At last, along tho crisp walks rase e That well kuowo step doth COM.; The bolt is drawn, the r ite is past, - The balm: is wild with jay at last— A that:sand welcomes boat*? Tile Dead Wife In comparison with the loss of II- wife, elf *awe bereavements are trifles: -The: wife ! Itha who fills so lore" • space in -the domestic; hernw...ebe who is so busied, so unwearied in laboring for the PM.' liorsownes around her—bitter, bitter is the tear that falls upon her cold You stand beside her cof fin and thiuk of the pest. It seems in amber-cot ored-patLwey, where the sun shone opus beautiful (Inver', or the Stars hung glittering overhead. Palm would the soul linger there. No thorns are remem bered above ,that sweet clay, save those your heed may have unwitingly planted. Her noble tender heart, lies open - to your inmost sight. You think of her now as all gentleness, ill beauty and purity:— But-She is deed: The dear head that laid upoe your bosom, rests in the ftiii darkness, upon a pillow of clay. The hands that have ministered so Ontiring ly,, are, foldel white and cold, beueath the gloomy ponele,. The heart, whose every beat measured en eternity of bye, lies under your feet. The Bowers she bent over wi;h smiles, bend now above her with tears, shaking the dew from their petals, that the verditre around her may be kept greeaond beautiful. Maar a husband may read this in the silence et broken home. There is no white artn over poet shou:dsr ; no speaking face to look up in the eye of lose tie trembling lips - to murmur—" Oh it; is no east.' The Tittle one whose nest death has rifled, gams iit'vronderat your solemn face, puts up his tiny hand to stay the team and then nestles back to his father's Weirs', half conscious that the wing that shotten4 it moat fondly is broken. Thera is so strange a hush in every room! no light footsteps. No smile to greet you at nightfaN. And the old clock ticks and strikes sad ticks—it Was such 'music when she could. hear it! Now it seetits to knell the , hours' through which you watched the shadows of death gathering, upon her sweet face. It strikes one! the fatal time when the death war rant rang out—"there is no hope." Two! she lies placidly still—sometimes smiling faintly, sometimes grieving a - little, for Attie young to tread the valley of the shadow. Three! Ttie babe has been brought in, its lit le lan laid on her bosom fur the last Thee. Pour! her 14eath becomes ifainter, but a heavenly joy irradiates her brow. Five! TIM* is a slight change-0! that she might lire Father awe her. "Til V Will be clone." It Was her soft broken e4ents. Yes! Beavist ly Frieod, who gayest her bless mt—Thy will be ‘weet lir band yet at old house relve—solemn The lips are ind has fallen , ne. She will 'on must beer led..and you fill weeping by her side. And every day that clock repeats that° story... many another tale it telleth4no—of st—ef sorrow shared, of beautiful words and deeds th are registered abo‘e. Y'u fee!—O! how- often, that e Bravo cannot keep her. You know she is in a bap pier world, yet that sometimes she is by your side, en angel presence. You !lok at your innocent babe ana think that a seraph is guarding it. Cherish heJe 'muttons, they will make you happier. Let uer holy presence be a charm to keep you from evil. In all new and pleasant connections, give her spirit place in your heart. Never forget what she hal to you—that she loved you. Be tender of her .nemory—so you may meet her with a soul await'. ed..* bright anti beautiful spirit-bride, where no on, shall - sty any more forever, - 4 wheis arc Branch. Dusty IN Cen.rinoon.,Few things appear so very beautiful as a young child in tbelbroud. The Tittle innqcrin face locks roblimely simple and can- Minz amidst the cold terrors of death. Climates' and fearless, the little mortal has-passed aloes on• der the shadow, and explored the mystery of disso lution. There is death in its aublinaest and pure image—no hatred, no care for the morrow ever darkened that Mille lace. Death has come lovingly upon it; there is nothing harsh or cruel in its 'act.. ry. The yearnings of love ladled cannot be Stilled, tut the prattle and smiles and the little world of thoughts that were so delightful, are gone forever. Awe, too, will overcast us is hie presence, fur we are looking on death; but we de net fear the lonely 'fri ary—far the child has gonts,,simple sad ironing. tido the•preselce of its itll.wise father, Of sash I we, Imes' is the kingdom of Heaves. .1 a . H. 1' 3 NUMBER '5l. 'ming friends 'ilat murmurs, pi gather up. ur. she lias BE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers