~:~.~ A. DURLIN & 00., Proprietors. yoLumil '23, erit `l7ertl4 (I)lmeruer. A. P. DUR LIN & CO.; PROPRIETORS U. to 0,A,5,, nittorj OFFICE. CORM ft STATE AND FIFTH sra (FOURTH STORY,) ERIE, PA.; TERMS OP THE PAPEtR. C,ty aulacribera by the earner. at ' e 3.0 41 8,.. I‘ 4%11. or at the utriet.ii advance, 1.30 1.. II ntA paid in advance,or within three mouths from the LIMt pj.bb.rill , ing, two dollars will be charged. 7_, Ail coalman icatioitp mug be mat paid. RATES OF ADVERTISING. 1 rard• no exceeding 4 Wool, one year. 4ll61.1) (1 - the square CI *4 , 10.00 co. do. six months, 41.00 do. do. three months , . 0.00 ilia n, tent adttertoements. ".iti cents per square, of fifteen lines or 1,. f ., frx thi , II re c insertion ; IS cents for eneh billsequent itarrtioii. 1 :1 er.rl) adt ertisen.have the privilege of changing at pleasure. C a t : 1 , i ,, t l l , u ,i ti It , liar 11 . 1 i ous. a t s in e g i f;.;• i u . a. a. mArs. than it.w.5....1.!..........11.• Vveru.nriwnlts trot bat itiother threctiOns, will Ge itscrted till {Ur lad and charred accotdittgly. :1 1 1Z) k I Dr*B 0I ;A D(111 (0 WA D. D. WALKER. AI, CO.. ToewientNo. produce and Coiiiiiiitown 11erehanta, fourth Ware We,it of the Public Bridge...:rte Pa. in Coal. Salt. Plaster.Btueco, F ish. Li roe ndLime eictie, iron. Nails. rtiove%. Crit.titieiL. the.. ate.. with is 4itroa+s oi faciliiies for whippilig either by 23tealtaboats. Propellers l_ behothiers, or by Raißoad. 1 V. D. IVAI.DkR, CA - 11 - 8 - 0 - 11All .% NI. ATIORTI Y AID COUNRELLMI... - r L.m. in Georg* , A. Mick's office, nc.t aid. , of the park. Eric. 33 JAME:9 ROSS SNOWDEN, A Drolls ET •1111:1 COVIIOELLOR AT LAW, No. 153, Thin triffsbureb. • JOHN W. RIDDELL. Arrouirs LT 1....w.-41T. Fifth Bircet , between and Grant Sweets. Pitt. urgh. Pa. ---- YINdi:INTII M ACID & CO. o4rricr: MIL of Siost..lloliow , Ware. Engines, M , Bud Road ram etc , e ate et._ Erie Pa. I " 11-11/4A6 1 141' AUSTIN. - t Late of as firs of G. Lwromis 4 Co.) DcAt cm itillutcc Ks. Watches, Jewelry, Sliver ,eltnons, Inotrtlibenis. Looking Glasses, Lamps and Fancy .. ' Fair anti ;Tim!. , • -- JOHN GOALDING. lltaCn•HT TAILOR, and flab,' M,ker—Shop on the en stale street. two doors .rth or Eight. and adjot matt J _let St. Co'sn Cahtnet.-War .ttootu.Lt Penna. & - ETCA LS. !era iu Dry Goods, Carpels, • ure. CLAR Woe: FiALE and retail de' Grrerivi No. 1 Reed 1 ' IVILLI MS & [Lox rrp. Colleetora and /eaters to (; , )!ti and Silver coin re.t•MetteY. Lund Wnr tits and certificate:. ofl)cpolit tliv.ht tt• on the principal eiltes of the Union. and Country fur x;hle. tut,'ee, Willtatut' rohlie Etitmre. I, J. 11. WI! lAA XS. .1. G. I. Nl — ft:Ls. 4 PlMRTlaskitntl Wholegale Denierc in Groceries, Winns . t tr,nrT. Forenzn Fruit. Nuittt, l'icitice and •lick Pres/. rveri. rind llerinctrie-lily :k.....1 dc.erintion 01w43% on hauci..No. 3, Vt . iaiLM' . oppo.itellruulu's New Betel. Erie. I'a. i G Mu! s. New Volk, N'.[. I. 31i1.1.5.1t A , au. irceiv IN+ in their Alison. flyntt.r. in sheil.fruan J. Dey-st , New York, which will lutoolti W . ti - 41e.ode at i A. I'. licirs..v. Arent. Er ; 7 DUBLIN & SLOAN. nt•,fßi Jn ' Clan:cal. School and Mitcpli,incous noo'k Stationery, and Printees Cards, No. 9, Blow Lkoc ETIO a P. %V. .".IUO:L E. I^ra.ra Carocerici. 8 (Inf. Door below Loomis& rm's Suae .treet. Grp, JOHN B. COOK, • Dir.t.:l: in Staple & Faney Dry Goor:.i. And Greniest lCha • Slue in Vie City. Cheap Erie. !'n. STERRETT & GRAY. . TwOßTEr.p..Jol•ber,nnd retail Deniers in %Vei and. Dr: (1. 1 r,, r1.14413.. Produce. Foreign and Dena atic 11:0, and Stone Ware. Boor. Ftah, Snit. GI -Ina, Nat'l ?digt, Cans„ Safety Fine, 4c., ace., French Street use the Reed itoinie. Erie. Pa. tic —st r um shit * ' nal fic..c.ts. VeSteN, llolra, an] - Fair s•ippliel u, or the al,u%c articles with ss D I A er) cheap. ' W5l. S. LASE Attornoy and Counsellor at Law. • OFFICE o , crJack , ou'm store, at Nortit-Eut corner of t - lArr, 3 DOCTORS BEESE & STEWART. .rgArrivi.o Pli)sietnius And Burgeons. °Alec aod.leootl Seventh k. r.assatras Rivets. ; lace hour& Ira:l7 to 8, A. 114; Itb 2, and 4 6 to 7. P. Itf. eaßr. II D. J. L. •5.T. JOHN HEARN aTto. and Coannistion . Merchant,. • deafer, in agent kir a duly hap cif upper take Su.: Uocts I.r in ra. /ADJ./ELL t.V. Cu. • 114 4, it , pitit.. Mlnufactu rei,,s of Iron Fence. Railing; Stel t niboat leio Do.. . :gale. I.o:wren 7 awl r,ireer.S. 1 ie. AMEIIICAN EXPRF.S.3 COMP:I, 4 ).IY. 1 c .4 lip Of. RCtitClitd to Reed Meet.. Fqatrri4nt. t F3prti F%;•reall elLsev at - I:. A. 1. " • •• k. P I. • o. D. 1,1 . .01113D, ittCllt. GLOIWE J. NIOIVIVS. (Late qf Ili jinn of J. 'learn 6 Ca..) tro , "•Raa‘n and Corunn.eacnr Mcrenanc, Puiatte Linea, Clic. Pa vr in Coat. S ill. Fish. 'Flour and Pia4Cr. ° VistaissAer and Repairer. Mater as %Vag hes. Clocks. Jewelry. !!. , sisal I ustruniesua. Look i-ng Glasses an.l other Fa/gritnods ilt-os cue drs - ar rstefthe Reed House. - 17 ARRUCKLE S. K ils,,,trs. m Ury Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Crockery. o 3, Psii) tlltek,Siate street, Erie. Pa. DR. -C. RRANDES. to.:riAN :-.nd soros—office of his residence Op Eighth s between french and Holland, Erie, I'a. "' . _ N. SAN FORD & CO.. 4t)t..v, , i in Cold.Stiver. Dank Moira, Drafts, Certificates of (le i iris.,..o, kr. Sight Eachen,ce on the principal cities constaotly ! iv I,oe Olhce in Beatty's Block. rub'acfiaare. Eric. • S'l'uAa k r. e6LeCOII AID Pwr•drissi—( /dice. cornet of French and Fifth Moses linch's store. Residence on Fourth street, P.11:4 of Cie 'old A POI hecary RITFUS REEI). ' FH,ll,bll, German and American flardwareand Cctlery; Na.is..llllc4/ I P, VIM., Iron and Steel No. 3 Item' Douse, Tr.., pa. • ,C.ADWELL & BENNET - I', (m trri.,ldbliers, and Retail Dealers in Dry Goo.isi Crreries. -••• ken,. tlm%swan.. Carpeting. Hardware. Iron. Steel. Nails. s, Le . r.rufure Stores State Street. four .doors, below ' litcw 'l's I Imid, tale, Pa. ViceP, Bellows, Axle Arms; Sprinr, and a general "`crtim•in of Saddle and Cairiage Trimmings. - _ S. stravm smitn. of the 'Peac Lilt' and Juice e. and Acent fbr Sum. Mutual Life Insurance Comany—Office 3 doors 41Nest uttV_ribis store; Vrte. 7:1 •IigORGE H. CUTLER. in, Lsw, Girard. Erie County. Pa.' Arm Collections and ;other attended to with promptness and dispatch. JOSIAH KELLOGG. l'sr . s.ardtn; Commission Merchant. 00 Lbe rublic Mock, east of Mate ,1111.1. ( bit. Salt. Plaster and White Fish, constantly for sale. _ 1. ROSE.NZW — EIG & Co. • vont 18.1. t AV n Rr:stt Diluting in Foreign and Domestic Dry -Goods, ready inane Clothing. Boots and shoes. /cc., No. 1 It rights Mixt, State streets elm. • MARSHALL & VINCENT. Arroessts Ct Lssr—Olfice up stairs in Tammany Hall building of tile Protitotnitary's office. Enc. ' WOALLUAs • AVX.rtaxpeocurt.coit AT LAW—Ogrife OVET C. B. Weigher ettuance one door west of State street. OA the DtartehJt TILIBALi3, & !HAYES. 12u in Dry Goods, Dry Groceries, Crlilcery. Hardware. Le fie. I. Jiro% Wm New Dote!., , ----7- SSIITH JACKtION, DlALts.if i Dry Goods, Grocerke, Ilardiwar irun,Nalls ice 1.21 Cbeayside. Erie. ' WILLIAM hull. C4II:XFT MAKE& eitholster, and Lladersaki IetPI.IIIFIttVLA. Erie. ILLY. tivoLesais and RetailCAlLTElt"& dealers i 1 B )rup. i7*-tquils Glans: ite . No. 6, Reed II lota JAMESLYTL Pi flioutor. Merchait Talk:n..oo Ow Public . arc. a row dmea ,st of State street, Erie, 1 JOHN H. BURTON & CO. w0nti..1. 3 Awe R rrAit.denter.in Drugs, Medicines, Dye Dadra!' trceeries fee No. 5 Reed House. Erie. - cliArcv. RESIDENT DENTIST—Odkeon the south side of the Diamond Are doors east of the Erie Dank. Pfleell reasonable, atd all wort warranted Erie June 19 Wad. 6 • 1)R. O. L. ELLIOTT. Repiplent Dentist: ()Second dwelling on the Souttiside of the Pahlie Square, ltu door Baal 14l ~~aft~~ r of -the Erie Rank Building. Teeth ingertedon 4,, e. A Utni, GotO Mit, from neat° an entlnelett. •••• with pure Gold. and restored to health and 0we "..."5. Teeth cleaned with tottnancoto and Dentine* 80 as (0 to iliem ,of immucid durum.. All work warrealia . , , , • t . , . . . . . • ;7 . • ~I ; , _ - _:. . , , ~, _ 1... .., ; • ..,,,,,! iy,. 1, ,,, ,-1 ...t11045,,,,...,, „..,,,,,,, : • -.. ~... r . Ai. -.eilk-- ,, 7 49M:1..% 0:0 1 ,.: W Wllriirt.l. l, l7 "r,'",.',r-110LiliOritlfr....1 4 3#1141*14%;t*24 k* 2 loPlPillLllt', hr.l*SEWthrAS.e` ritriV.:' . v • ...- .. • ,_ .... . 1 , . . . . _ . . I . E.. , .. .. :..,..,...,..._.,„": E .,,,, : .. ,: y-• , ~ . ~ i -: ----4. • .. ~...„ . . •. , . 411 . . t . . _ . „ . . .. . : ~., . . . . , . . _ 7-- =I Sire ci 31 itlifilld hinery. I lu.l al whole- side of . hib• nd Dry Mill . ,Al.O I 11 part+ ortier of DEM EEEZ , j 1110?.. rd ofe. Hes of plod., 1 Plnnk new EII2E EMIE sotsliNs " , lon. Pc .- opp, OEM MEM SIM =I E2E OE3 = 1:31E1 OUR NEW I= MT DIKAR CA early, this year, that 'I via new bonnet a lfetperairies . Paris soon enough. But fo, in'titrie, sun I had the patio' the pride of Mrs. C,ce bejhe only stylish bat' She cauld not keep her 111 so uotnoveil and'so that she was (Wits turnei away; I ran rn'y gatiurcand — WoultrPt an exception, people hat er, I siippotte they forgot ing. As Ines passing out' sus.brushed by me: "Ahr' said she, "good oining. Why, 4lt as mel you've gut the pretty hit I saw at Lawsein's. Well, now, it's really gisitt4r pretty; Lawson !has 'softie taste left yet;'--what it llovely sermon the doc tor g.sve us. By the by, did you know that airs.' Gnu haslactitally bought Ott blim velvet? It's too bad, becausE? I wanted to cower My prayer-book With blue, and she sits so near, ill elrlet of.raly book rill be quite spoiled. Dear mCf•tlte site is bee:aiming tome: good-bye, do come if nd I see US; Tuesdziya, you know. i Well, Lawsoktreal(y doss veco,welt," I was so ;road nith the oHlitiig, that I could .hot helu t csiching lTtir by the ;Mantle and holding ion whife I w!liq.ired, loudettongh for every bodyl ti I.nr: 'lts. Citaestii, you see I hava just kot my 40-• ii, net from Purls . lis made site the Empress's.' If youi would !Ike to have yours ma e over in the faill ion. dear qrs:CrceitiF, I than ' glad to lend ylpi . - • L, 4.1..w,5..1. woeit . t mine." _ "110, char I:* yo', dear," said s' du fir me, Bye-b)e.". , . 0 ti l l And so she blipped out, and! - 1 e no donlit o t a Mrs Gnu, that bhe WO seen ni r y untie' et Latva.in's. Ista it toqba%'.? Then \ shf is s ahom'utably e l ool. Somehow, whets I'm talki,pg . ‘1,411 AL s. Croeetss„ ..vho has all her own th.o,l`s ma - e a't home, I dOn't feel as if mine came frump Pari at all. She talt, such a way of lootiogat 3tou;t t it'ii . ,rptite dlea.l 7 ice. She ruins to be t , sal hg ii h-,rr min.!, "La! n)w, we:l time, littie. dear." find I " ant .kind . of iht t ental . ite,lfilliloll (I think t what they call-ii) isanittstiPporlablel plain It.r.‘ etre!, I di.tt't care,.da .y...tt? I I've so many thiozei!o toll yflt HI It 1 l' rill:: v:lo.re to twgin. . The ,fieer.tlt 4 l trg is 1 he 10!y, ipo I %rata to c , :rnereg . 4 l .rlyit,l i to tliat, and fl,rket 1 r.te.:.ing.by ;tie way. I 8 a= nd...,rlaia r ot .8 1.;:g , :iraq hots 6 have my rft:,(tr I l let.k b..m.d. Fins l y, a: etthi.lki::g a',:out it a gretit;deal, I c r moli.Ldlito have it done in puik. hiie ve:ve:, wiih rold_ el:1404, and st . gol I cro, , F upon,4lo t i :I+. To le ere, 4'.3 Lotion: vt ry t,.w. 1; - :t i'ultd . t i.; ne-;:-.7-tio‘.vilaysl Sally Shri . tup has ha,li hc;rs 43 , 413 is emeitilJ, on,l i k , ,ow Mrs. (;-oesa; AO 1 bas's, eririisari 1 , 4 r hers, ald thcise pe,3)43 viho sit next u; hi plireli (I won der who they are; it's very ,itoples,a - nt to si next, t,, people you Ai% ku3w: cod posiriiely, dlik•haired one With large i.ye,r, care m al' she did . last . ea r; . its tfik enntigh hate a kind of brown --ttf(42fcco bind tell you one re.aion why I tixedu;olti I Von liaosv that aristocratic-loekin,i yo white crav i at and black pantalosms! a4l la ai.itcoat whom we saw at Saratoga a year agn,latid w4o al ways halso'dh e beautiful' sanctimun+us look, an I such small white hands; well, he is 4 , "minister, as we.suppose I. "an unworthy,c ind datei able huibandman," as }tercel!: h nisei clone voice of Vs." He b:.4- ; bee TA among or. Ile has been asked a gi ner, and there was hope of his toting eMeJ as col • league to tie doctor, only Mr.l'utiptia' (who can Le stubb, , rn, you know) 'insisted jhet the Rer. Cream Cheese, though a very good t•nung ?flan, be doln',l doubt, was addicted 4, ctnd,esticlv. , I au;spo.,e that's something artul. 111`,;couici 3:oir be any tiiing awful of I int? l• naked Mr. d'oti what he meant by sa3t'eg sit," things-r` : i k"I mean," said he,' flat lie'i a,Fueseyite, atm nO ilea of being tied to the• apron:strings ol f Scarlet Woman " Dear CiroNue, %h 9 is lie Scirlet Woma Dearest, tel ma , tportOgir heard any scandal of Mr. Ploliphar. . , "What is it about enoillestick47" said I to Mr. ese ii t ids gas tou b , *ght Is rotsfurtanet not, is who will eau me I ky vulgar, "ptense not n't understand. You inner as lameh as you 'min the pulpit of my„ Pail!)liar. "Perhaps Mr. (31i for his eyes; arid that's h fault." '•Polly,' said Mr. Putipha ly, although it sounds so • to meddle with things you d miy!plive Cream Cheese to chunti, but I Will not have church." The same jay, Mr. Che Lunch-time, aid I asked him weak. • "Not at ill," said be `"vi Then I told him thati bi of candlestick+. Aid Caroline, you should .tre seen hut then. He st?ppe ' in the nt't,Listof , .uring- - coil ti glass o Mr. Pi'. best oid / pon, rand —Wog the aikantee i, one hand, and the glasa in a other, he loisked • beautifully sad, and said l in at sweet low Vbire: " Dear Mrs. Putiphar,"tbe . told of the i gl i s4rtyrs is the seed of the church." th abe 6tled up it s gloat, and drank the'irine of wit .; such a Mous ful, re, signed air, and wiped his li so gent* With his i cambric handkerchief (I. s that it' Wei a hem-, stitch,) that I bad no voice t ask him t calm I bit of the cold chicken, which h did, howev r, without my asking bits. But'vflen said in the same low voice, "A tittle mare , tikes dear , fir.. Potiphar, • I was obliged to rue into tb drawing-roost for i moment, to recover nvxsdlf. 1 ' ' Well, after he bad runchedi I told him that I wish ed to take his advice upon sotriethiqg connected with the church (tor • prayer-book is, Jon know, dear,) and he looked so sweetly at tie, that °old you,be• hews it, I almost wished to be a tboliO, and to Confess three or four times a week, .'d to are him for my confessor. Bogies wiry wi • . to' wish to be a Cathelie, aid it watt teal • you knew: o LIVERY, THINGS aria cazikwic retrrroca, Nair nti come 'oe fr ghtfully tier much o raid my w„ ould not be out from tl t unately it orrivedjust fiction of taking down ho, fancied hers would O rch the first Sunday. away from me; end ; r looking at the doctor But, whebever sue wet' 111 Whole contrre'• that, Almost- without r old things? . Howes, aeon Lent eom f Mrs. Cr re 1:12E iu C Gm 111 eiced .eyes .etiev the 111 lantlairl,•the the oetne 'r a fam4 r ) 0.. I must le•ple .ink mitt', in an uuproiit n that deli up to din !! EMI i 1 e happeoiti in about his eyes b ete feint. 1,-- , • - y dolpu •,k1" bear Che V.. so fon but somehow I thaiught so. When 1 asked him in what velvet he would advice me to have my prayer book bound, he talked beautifully fair 'about twenty minutes. 1F wish you ca - tild have beard not sure that a r ` l in ac i of what be said—. bows.hwild I 1-”abut'it was very bea.itifok.,Don't, laugh, Carrie, but there was One thing 1 did ulader stand,. and which , at it came pretty oteu, glut, helped me through:it wary "Dear Mrs.Putiphar;" you can't tell how nicely he ssyi it. He began by-tellieg me that it:was eery important to consider alt the details and little things 'boat the church. He said they were ail Timbales or Cymbals-6r somechilig ef that kind; and then he talked very prettily about the stole, Ind the violet, snl scarlet capes o 1 the cardinals; and purple chasubles," and , the' lace edge of the Polies little syortguivq.and4-tio you know it was very fan ny—bat it teemed to rificliaistieltaiw, as if I wasialk ing with Punier of Florine Lef4vre, except that he used Birch beautifot wurdi. Well, by and 'by, he said: i. —;. .-. • "Therefore,. tisar . M -s. Potip`sw, as your faith is so Ptsfa an/ childlike, and aa I observe that the light from he yellow panes hsually ratite across you pew, 1 wo r ld athise that you cymbalize your faith, (wou n't that be n3isy in church?) by biodiug your prayer-book.in pale blue: the color of sk:tnquilk, dear Mrs. Poti,thar, which is so foil of pastoral as siiciat inns." • ... . Why did he emptiest, the word "pestoralr : Do you wonder that I like Cream Cheese, dear Care.' line, when he is so gentle ael religious—and such a pretty religiun tee! Fur he is',Oot only well-dreis• ed, and has such aristocratic, hands and feet, In:the parlor, bat he is • so perfectly gentlemanly in the II uever rises his voice too foul, and he has sucht wavy ges.tires. Mr. I'ol4:at says thst may be all very true, but be knows peered); well that he has a hankering fur artkficial Sowers, and that, for NS par, he prefers:the Doctor to any preacher ha ever hearS; "bacause," he says, can go-rptcrty-rowterp, that might not,hz. preac'ted from every well regula ted pulpit; whereas, if ueshould let Cream Cheese iota abet der.k, 1 should have to keep awake to be on the look out for Foote of these nr fainted id.datriest and, Ifsoily Put phar, for °let, o o ibterminel to Nora t.i do with a Selfili - - Darlinz Car(i!ile-1 don't care trolch—bnt did he e er hate any thing to do with a Scarlet Woman? fier ha said that about .aitifieial fi , werr, I nr thh ed from Martel;e the sweetest sprig of ent.n 11-1 lull in hit shop. and saw it anonymous:y uo , St. V t letxtine's day. or et:Mrs", I aide% ttit!l to da any th ng sPcnot from iny . lsibeni, (hit might make L ote—"lt*vorett3 Cream Clseete; ,his 'gr.:A.4lu! Skins .31/I.o' I reruerkesi the 143 eta it .pt tte understood thou! to.,tent to es. press my thank's for hi 4 a idee..ab-Itit the pile-Wne- Ytu don't think it was too ro mu:is:44opm' _dyer? 1t• f i nce. En l'utt can imazine lwa• p'easant'.;.l.rsit is ~ ,as,in.: i - si..e.el s-e so m lei , t; him; nn I th-o i: is so appro.. i prig-e t. 1.-'at to 'us iotirna:e wi , li 4 o'l'lo !!c-ter. il 1 gO2l witli tote to church a great d.:al, for Mr. Poll- pitu I", or f, 3 ,7:0, !in? 3, !I:3- fir Om, exc: l l. of Siiii—i days; and it is really de!iiiitful to see. such piety. Ile nilkes the r. spottses in the most musical ma n oeft• a . n.l when-he h: sees upon entering the pew, he l, the admiration of t!.e - vildo church. lie burieal his face entirely in a ciuu.l of camt.ricrpocket-ltand kerchief, pith his initial et;isruidered at the corner; ; and his hair i•beaottil . .illy pCrted,dowa behind, which cis very fortunate, as triherwise it w mid look.solbad• tly When Only hail' his !wad shoWed I feel so good when I sit by his site; and when the Doctor (as . ,Sfr.P.. says) "blows up" those terrible sinners in 13.ibt Inn and the other B.ble towns, I always find the Rev: Cream's eyechsed uFnon mt., with so toticli sweet - sadness, that I am very, very sorry for the 1 'naughty pro;•Ie the 13 +or talks about. Why did they do an, do you ',oppose, deer Caroline? How thankful we uugh to be that' we live now with so many churthes, aI six!' fine one., and_ whit such grntlet4n'y min fliers 43 Mr. Cheese. And how nicely it's arrang d that, after (hoeing and dinhig ii f , r two Ur th , ee 1 Inthi c .nstantly, -during. which, of coutiie, we coo only go to church Sundays; there comesa 4tue fur l stopping, when we're bred out, l Audi( tr Oil to church etery day, and (as Mr. P. , say4)"Astriking la balance ;" and thinking about being good, athl.all-thitste Bungs. Wu don't lose a great deal, yon know. it makes a variety, and we all see,, each'othei., jig...the saint', only we don't dance. I do think' it would be better if we took our lorgnettes. with us, howet.er, riot it was tool lig WedoeidaY,. at nine o'clock. prayers, that I aw. Sheena Silke i ‘ across the church, in 4heir !title' ew at the corner, and I am sure that she has a new bonnet on; and yet, though I looked at it all the time, trying to find out, prayers were fairly over-before I discovered 1 whether it was only new, or only that old white one made over with a few new power.. New, if I had my glass, I Could• have told in a moment, and ' shouldn't bare been obliged to lose all My prayers. Rot, es I was saying, those poor old people in Babylon and Nineveh! only think, if they bad had, tke privilege of prayers for six elf seven weeks in .I,reot, and regular preaching the rest of • the year, except, of course. in the summers (by the by, I won der if they all had some Mad of Samna or New. iron to ko tot—l' mean to ask Mr. Cheese)—tbey might have been good, tel all have been-bappy.-- lEequite awful to hear how eloquent and earnest the octet' is when he preaches against Babylon.= 14 . P. says he likes to have him "pitch inte those oldf 'sinners: it does 'em so much good;" and then Ore loo# quite fierce. Mr. Cheer* is going to read Me a sermon be has written uporl i the maidenhood of Lot's wife. Hess's .that be quotes a great deal oteostry Ia it, and that I must dust ulithir fount of my tears,when be seeds it. it was en odd expres sion fur a minister, wasn't it? and I was obliged to say, Mr. Mena, you fo'rget yourself." Ile replied. "Dear Mrs. Potipliari I will explainr and he did so; I "$3 that I admired him mere than ever. ei.e liar I've the ea Dearest Carvline, if you should ouly like hip! He asked one day about you; and when 1 told him what a dear good girl you are, he said "And her father has t worldly posseasions, has he uotr I snswerd, yes: that your father was eery rich. Then be sighed, and said be could sever 'starry an heiress unless he clearly saw it to be his duty. Isn't it a beautiful -resignation? ',had no ides of saying go much about bier, but you knot" We proper, when writing a letter in Lent, in talk *Mt fefigiooll.llll4llll4 Aide I a s set ON. ..a.— lar-0 N NIM It D .4IEI - SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 7,1853, fessobera is somthing cotnfurtable In havtng to dq .with euch th lags. ain't you feel better, when you've been dancing all the ',seek, and dining, and going to the opera, and flirting and flying round, to gn o church on Sundays? I do. It seems a , mehow•, as if we ought to go. Buy Ido wish MT S. Croesus would sit somewhere ease than just in fiunt of us, fur her new.butitieto and splendid collars and capes make rae quite miserable: and thin she puts me out of • • neck of my thingi by talking about Lawson, br s Embody, es I told you in the beginning. M . Potiphar bus sant out fur the new earpets.—p Iba only two Atpuiled at asy ball, you know, and diet •ta very little. .One siarays expepts raciest- Ike t least, two cstrpeto _upon the occasion of ere i g iise's friends., ' shat handsume otte in the sup - om was enAtely,tojned.' -Woull you beiiare , at hlr.T. 4 wb ' en biwent down stairs the tient t i r °ming, found our Freitand -.his causin boil . ; it with their little hoed It was entirely mitred with peseives and things, and the boys said they were sofraping it clean-fur-breakfast. • 'Ole otliisr spotled c rpet was in th e gentlenien's ifresaing-roons.where t e punch-bowl. Yousag :Ctriuche Boosey, a very ; gentlemanly ,fellow, you know / ran up after polking, slid was so singoafhi with the light and heat that he what quite unsteadily, and as he was trying to tills glass with the sitt*r ladle (which is rather heavy,) titi somehow leaned too hard upon the table, and tlits n'weut the %hold thing, table, bowl, punch and 134osey, and ended rho Pudr carpet.' I was tarry for Or; and alsui for the bowl, which was a very hand• ratite one, inifortNl from Chinaly my father's put= vet—a wedding gift to me--arurfor the, table, a del irate rose-weed' stood, which was a work tibia of fl; serer .lex:its—whom you never knewOuni who 4446:ig nud;long ago. . However, 1 was imply re pinio by BJezeY's drollery afterward. Hears a very witty young man, and when he got up from the tliot, iaturated,with punch, (4is clothes I mean,) t i elki,i4ed down at the carpet and said: wwwm sue a pone it n a want io recover." M2M I suppse he had setae idea Omit lemon -acid la - - king out spots. - But the best thing wis what he Said to me. He is Ndrollthat he is sisted upon - coming dean' till fintstaing the dance)ust as -he was. The funny fel -1 rw all the dresses in- hi" way,'lnd flos4, said to me, as he pointed to i lemon-svd opa l ,ts coat; 'd lee; so very feeton tidy for.what ' havedone. ficglied very muchhou were in the.uther room) butAlr. P. step e ed up sad ordered h'etto teats ibe b )use. ELoosey said be would J.. nit each a thingpind, haus,no doubt, we shutild Anse had; a ocenkif Mr: P. 144 net mare md him 'straight to the door, and put*nritite a curare, and told the driver where to tette him. Ililr. P. was red' enough when he : • ''No man shall t r my pests, higetiing dru'u'e. in my noti , e," , aid Ire; -and ho has since ask. ed n not to invite . Boosry nor. itany ill",bis 3S he es!l4 them, to our house. Llowever, I thitik it will pa%sove•. I tell hi,n that all yOuag melt of, spirit get a l c ittle etched with IA jibe ,soinetitnes;a4 he mum n't be too hard upcM them. • "Maditme,"said he to me;--flie first time I ventur ed to say that, no man with genuine self-respect ever gets drunk twice; end if yoti' had a manifest flea of-the misery which a- little itttniicaeinn has leo !need in notes of fagwilies than you knoW, you woultrnever insinuate again that * little excitement from wine is an agreeable thing. There's your flett d M. CreetUs (he thinks she's thy frie4-j, be cause we call each other "clear".); she is delieiTed to be a fsattitteitble . einmst4 and to be described as the "peerless and accomplished Mrs. C-ce 8," ad li f tees from the 'Watering places to the Herald; 'bat I tell you, if env thingi, of the woman or the mother is left in the-fashloilab4e-Ifts. Cfsaanta,Litould wring her - react - as.trti wrung—lad never sin I be by me—by ihowiti . g - her the pl cgs that n Timm Crimsus bat:tts, the pewit with oh m e associates, and tl e diuttikubss, ;a Ailing, and ' e dissipations of wit7cli I e is guilt , "TiLn3ii Cecesus is eighteen w .oi nineteen, or, per taps, twenty years old; end , P.,1y,,1 tell you, he' is actually blase, worn nut' with diasipatian, the cum pettion of black !eke, the chevalier of Cyprians, tip sy every night, and haggard every morning. Tinton Crtuatia is the puny caricatura , of a man, mentally, morally; and phyeiceily. .lie gets 'elegantly iatog irtatete at your parties; he gnel off to stip with GuichelLmeey; you and Mrs. Cumin, think them ,1 young men if spirit—it is an exhilarating case of ...owing wildcats, you fancy—and when at twenty, five, Timm) Crcesus elands ruined in tits world, with Out aims or capacities, without' the esteem of • sin= - gle Inert or his own sett-respect-a-youth health, hope and energy, 'all gone for ever—Ahen you and your dear Mrs. Crustal will probably prouder at . thelto . r. bible harvest. Mrs. Potiphar, ask the Rev. Cream Cbeese to omit his sermon upon the maidenbonfuf Lot's wife, and preach from this text: 'they that iow the wind shall reap the whirlwind.' Good hen- - , Tensl Polly, fancy our Fred growing up to such • Ufa! I ' d -rather bury bits to-morrow!" • e • I never saw Mr. P. • so much excited. Us fairly plc bis handkerchief to bis eyes, and I really belivie he cried! But think'he extggerates these things, and as he had a Terries,' friend who -went worse and worse, untithe died frightfully, a drunkard, it is'not strange he should speak so warmly about it.' But as Mrs. Croesus says: ..What can you do? You can't curb these boys, you don't want to break their spirits, yea don't-watit to make them milk-sops." When I repeated the Speech to Mr. P 4 he said La me with a kind of solemnity; - “Tell Mrs. Cruasna that Jut not bens to judge nor dictate; but she may be well amored, that era. ry parent is responaible-forevery rshild of his to the utmost of the influence be can - exert, whether he chodses to consider himself se or not; and If not now, in this world, yet somewhere and somehow, he mast bear and heed the /olio that (Ailed to Cain in h. garden, 'Where is Abel, thy brother? " I 4an't bear to hear Mr. P. talk in that way: it souriirso Ilk,' preaching. Net preciaely.likr *bat Ibear at ehurch,.but like what we mean when we apreaching,' wßtbont referring to any particu lar person . Hawereir, be grants that young Town is an extra case; but, be says, it is the result that prover die principle, and a state of feeling-10MA ant sway ellowa, but Indirectly footers, that result, itirigidel to 1144 01: - -"B.sail think of it, then, Mr. P.," said I. lie look edkat ine.tora manteut with the iterneit scowl I ever sew upon a man's lace, thee he suddenly rau -up to me, and kissed me, on the forehead (although qty hair we. all dressed fur 111reetnu's dinner). mid went out of the house. lie hasn't said much to me since, but he iqealts vety gently When be does speak and sometimes! catch him* looking at. inns in such a singular way, sri . half mournful, that Mr. Cheese's eyes don't seem so revs sedofier all. However,. to retests to the 'pa rt y. I believe nothing else was, likktred- except the Curtains h the troht &major-swim, which were so smeared with ice eriins •trystergravy, that,we must get new ones, and=the cover of my porcelitin lumen was broken I y the SerVant, thotigh the men said he really,didn't mean to tra it, and I could any runliii.;; and tipu'rty of young men, after the German Cutillon, did let hill that superb cut-giasa Claret, and shikered lt, ter a dozen of th,e delic ttely engraved str3vr-stenis that stood upon the; waiter. Post was- all. 16E44re:— obi except that fine "Dresfieu Gallery.," the most splendid brioit t ever saw, tilt of engravings of the great Piottiree in Dresden Vienna, mid the other Italica towns, aad Which al old fiietnl r in aniet, othom b he wet eery poor', Boole ewer a bintle of claret that I ant meet I ilan't knew/ low says Glue llmsey knows, to the book, so tharatmost rot stainoth'eh 'nuke El I ' ol I am sure; but, an I tell /41 fur spiltmilt. was trllin the Gnus' dinner.. He laugh tsaid that a good many of stained, be maid in hie droll L'oPera di B3rdeanz; L suppose it waif r teething fu deal. Ho said to me later.' 14 Shlinpoui a • little cli mean into your glass?" Want it e - pretty- ban-n}o Ibtft you think we are gl this cou aryl I believe there WS was nothiog else injured except thehed-hangings in the baOk raratn, which were somehow badly burnt end very much tornin pulling down, - and a-few of our hendsemest shade. t rat were cracked by the heat, And a fe4 plants, wb'ch it at e hardly fair to expect wiald'i:t be broke t; en'l the colored ;isms dour h my en/fierce, against. Which Prattle P,niget fell a+ she wore dancing with Gahche thesty;': blithe - ea:if itaVe ben a little excited' you . Ei know, and she, poor girl, c pr tumbling. and as hor head hit the glass, pr miurse it broke, and cut her'ltead badly, so that the blood ran down and nattirally spoiled her dress; st4l g 'whatiittle escritoire !amid steed ugliest Fettle P el So that west, . ' war In! r end MI rife t hatrrontriiir. - 'lll3 — ti all, I think, except that the next day Mrs .t_7roestrs sent ' a note, saying that she had lost her largest diamond from her necklace, and she tea sure that it was not . in the carriage, nor iii her ow house, nor upon the sidewalk, fir she had earefiill looked every where, / and site rea:4ld bi,rerAglad if would retool it by Lag branie. ' ; ' Thilk of that!' 1141 re Well,.We hunted every a , sad found sae dia. t mood. .: I rank mit-titular psi* to ask the eervanto, if they he foundlit,. tar if they had. they might give lit up at o co, w'kthoot expecting-any reward from Mrs. Croe us. who waais't'ver4 generoui. Hot they .1 I all said at v hadn't found any - emouir; and our man John, wkr you know, is so guileless,— . --altiingli it was elm e ; mysterious aburnithat -emerald ;,in of ' tnlne,—bri right me a bit of glads hat had been n'ek i ont of my large custard dish, end ;irked ml if that t was not Mrs. ernesris"s diaMond. I told him no, r i tt end gave him a trold dollar fur his haneety. - John ; i:i an invaluable servant tie 1? ed - guilelere. 1 1 f).) pa know I am not so sore *hut Mrs. Croe.tu 4' diamond. . Mr. P. male a great growling about the ball.— But it was very fOolioh,-fir .ho gut rifely to bed by 'Fix o'clock. and he. need hare no tritit'e about re plac;eg tlbetmttins, and glass, I shall do ail that, and the sum total wt ill be rent to him inalutnp, so that .he can pay if. Men are su unreason l abie. Farey na at se:on o'cloOt that morning, when I retired. Ile _wasn't *sleep, But whose fault was that! I+Fully.',"-saii he, "tbat's the last.". "Last whatr.rail I. Last ba.:l at a►y 'unite," sni4 he. •+Fiddle•dee-dee," said I. "I tell yoir, Mrs. stn not going le opeu tier house for a' crowd of people who d•M't mu away till cleylight; who e:3oil my books and furniture; who involve me in a fooli-h expense; for a gang of row dy boys, who drink my Margrox, and litfit.e, an I Mareobrunner, (what kind of drink : r are these, dear Caroline?) ,and who don't hlow Chamberlin from liquorice -water, fora swarm of persona few of whom knew. me, fesver still care fur me, and-Jo whom lam only 'Old Putiphar,' the husband of yon, es fashion able woman.- 1 am 'simply resolved to have un mom such tomfoolery in my &woe." ; ‘Dear P." said t, 4 y0u 11 .1. feel muck better when 'you have slept. 'Beeiiieri why do. yots say such thing's! Mu tet we are Or friends, J should like to know; and if we ("nowt are going In let you: wife receive theni in a manner inferior to old Mre. Podgier Mrs. Cronus! _People wilt accuse you of meanness, and of treatinrme ill; and if some per lens hear thit you havereduced your :•ty:e,of living. they to suspect the pate of: yoUr affairs. Dort% make any lamb vuwe,,Mr. P." avid I, “but go toAlsep.* . , . (ba you know . thlt speech was jaat. wbsLilre. Csoesus ' told as she had suit to her husband under "sistitar stinumstanacs!) . Mr.P.fitirly groaned,snd I heard that slinri,strong, little **wd that sometimes inadvertunlylrope out of the best regulated months, as young Goosebtirry Doane says iviben tr o t - swears bekw,e timber.' Do yo know itrie4Settum Monne? Charming worna4, but satirical.' Mr. P. groaned, sed paid some more ilinstured things, until! the ; clock struck nine, end he was obliged to get up. I should be , sorry to say to any body but YOU I dilated, that k was rather glad of it; ter I. could then fall Weep/it my este; and these coottuldal felicities (I think they cell tbers)• arose tiresome. ',Bet every body *greed It Irmo beautifel bop; and - tbe great gralittcatiou of hearing - prom Lord *oust Ague , (you bow pro danced as sent to Mr., P..,by 'an • 'had helped skint when unfortunately tipped :ood upon the table, (I t "t there, tho Mr. P. ) 'and it lay soaking in; .vary pictiire hits e . trfa ny. I ern verreorry, . i-t's no use crying Mr. Booloy of it at !,1 ',/try zuhtb, 11111 when the faces were sadly , riY, "You ~ u ght to call • Domino rostge." I my, so I laughed "god. into your book—l tting Very spirituel in i 31 50 4 - IeXIAII, in Adis' • 111•••• NUMBER 52. with him,lon) say that it was quite thealome thing as a ball. at buctio g ham Ps,lace, except, of course, in size, ,and the numbei of persons, and dresses, and j3wels. and the plate, sad glass, and 'supper, and Iwines, and fdrniahing Of the rooms, and lights, and Boner the+ things , - %hieh - arta naturally epos s larger scale qt a palaell then in a ptjvate bettse.— IBut, he said exceptingrlch things, it was quits as fine. I** afraid Lord Mount Ague flatten; juit it little bit, you know. -, ,i Yea: and there waiYotteg Major Stagger?, who rail that "Decidedly ii "-as the - party of the seuotW i 1"11. , tv otid,','. raid Mrs. Cretans, to whom I told it, i and, I conies/i f with a little pride. "What a aym ' pathetic man; that furs military man, I moan.- 1 6 1,Would . you beliete,deat hlrsirotiphar, thathisaid t preelely,the mime •thing to me is o days after my blur Now, Caroline, dearest, perhaps he did! With all these Flea's' things said Ghost one's party, I cannot see that is such a dismal Meg as Mr.:P. tiles in make owl, Atter ass of his aplemn tall o, !asked Mr. Cbee's- what he thought of balls,' whether it was very wic • , to dance, and to go is -parties, If one only went to Church twice a day :co Sundays. fie patted hi lips a moment with his handkerchief, and then h 'said,--and Caroline you ein alwa3s quote the ' • v.. Cream Cheese sis au- t hot ii v,—. "Dear Mrs. Potiphar, it is ridarded Scrip. , tnro that the Kinkdanced b?fore the Lord." Darling, ( mix thing t • aiiiii i happett,l•tioa't, ber. iiere he would object much to your clueing. What gossips toe are, to be oure!! , l mast to write you abotit our new livery,ttnd I am am. afraid I hare tired you out already. You remember when you were' ber . c, - 1 said meant to bays a, livery, for my sister Idargaret 'told me that they Used to datosp-earterseirsnrrtnurver mer mattraiedr . Mem mon, it was always se delightful to bear him say, , •Al ! there is a Ladr Lobster's livery." It was so aristocratic.: And in countries where certain colors distinguished certain families. and are hereditary, so to fay, it its so convenient and pleas ant to recognize a coati.of-arms;or a livery, and famous family is passing by. 4 •That's a 'lowan', theirs sattuvell, that's a for .set, that's do Colique, tliatla Mount Ague," old Mammon used to ssi , as the caniages whirled by. 'He knew Lone of them personally, I believe, except de Colique and Munk Ague, but then it was an agreeable to know Meat. Now why shouldn't we. have the same Osage inept? Why not have - the Smith colors, and • the Black colors, an.l the ,Potiphar collars, &sc., so glut the peop7e might say, "Ahf there go the Peziphar . • erns.' • . Thet is is one difficulty, Mr. P. says, and that is, that he fogad five konsired autivisty-omen-:akektue in the Directory, which might lead to some confu sion. But that was absurd, As I told him, because every body would know which of the Smiths was able to (Keep a carriage, so that the livery Iwonld be recognised directly the moment that any of j ibe fam ily were seen in the carriage. Upon whit he said, in his proruking way, "Why have any lir y liken, then!" rand ;he -persisted in say ing that ao S ith was ever Me Sinith fur three generations, an that be ko'w ?Or 14 , taerity,tach of Ahem Was a !at to set up hiSicarr age and stand h his culp us. - ' Butt awn it livery is-so elegant and aristocratic," said L "awl it shows that a Servant lea servant." Th t last was a rtrong arutnent t Cud I thought Mr. P would hate nothing 40 say against it; lint he rattle on fur some time, tring tie what sight I had to be aristeeratici or, i n , aet, any body elin-• went ter his eternal old tiltabout spirtsfor eign habit, , as if we hadn't a ii'ht to adopt the good 110 / , usages of all nations, and i nally - said that the use of liverles arnntig us was ' only absurdity," as lie called it but t American would ever ask - in thent isl badge. • Whyr''said I, 'is not in Americ vont still?" • . 1 4hlost undoubtedly,"l l e , snide "and when a man is a eirvant, 'let him "se e faithfully; and in this c ituttry especially, wl erto-morrow be may be the ry seed, and not the serve t, let him net be ashamed ti of serving. Bet, Mrs. Potiphsr, I beg you tWal.- serve that a servant's lively is 9ot,'like a Gonotare uin ifur7u, the badge of honorable service, but of men ial service. Of course. a servant may be acboaar. stile as a General.. and Ills work finite as neceinary and !ern done. But for all that, it is not so respect .eil nor coveted a situationo believe;:anit ia social estimation, a man TufTers by wearing it lively as be never would as if he wore , none, And while 'n 0,1: 0 1ria in which a 4130 is proud oe blatli l Set - . %ant (as ( very man any well_ be of being a good one) arid never looks to any thing else, Wee dasirei any chat - Tr.& livery may be very proper to thn suite of society, and very' agreeable to his qwn feelings, it is quite. another thing in , a society mmatitnted up n a!togetlier di ff erent prirciples, when: the ser tint of to-day is the senator of to morrow. Be sides that, whiCh I suppose is too fine-span Jae yea, livery is a remnant t.f a 'feudal state, of Which its tesolieb every trace as fast as we can. Tbat *bide is repreintesi by Iftery is not consonint With our pi inciples." -. , . 11.3 w the man runs on, la hen.hegers going this way! -I said, in answer to all this flourish, that I comidered a livery very Ouch the thing: Act Eu ropean families hid liveries, and American fami.:- lies inigist. Dice, liveries,—that there Was se ead of r it, and lea nr, to bare one. Besides, if it ilia Mat-. ter of ran ily, I diould like to Imo; who has ghetto. right! here wits Mr. Potiphar's grandfater, to ho , In sure,;was only wiskilful blackisith tad a good citi zen, as Irfr. P. says, alto brieught •up a family in the fear of the Lord. i Mow oddly he rots those th l ings! But nip ancest6rs, as you I f.:now, are a differeet matter. Starrcite, who interests himself in n ealogierr, and Ito ars the family - name end crept or call. the English ohility, has keliobed . our family tree,"'as Stagg er saYs, and mods that lam lineally idraresided from tr e of those tiro brothers who elixir ;over in • tumor t 'owl old linktf. in some those iships, and mile in same of Goss old places softie , where. So you e, deir . Caioltior, if btrtbstiiis any one a right ko coats of 'irms and livariee, and these things, I _feel_ myself l iotisciecitly eatltjed t te . hare thew. 1 . , 1 . tessiet.avae on ries. recast-ratut4 II _~ Ell II 'a pure peteock lat ho raging I assures IL icrvanti tee- -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers