OV,ERNOA'3 MESSAGU. rd rvh , Ta - P Lkbrefit. Tp ,the, Sengsb anJ House or.Rwesenta ti Ga pf,thq Comar.itiwealt.h of Pennsylvania • GivrTs.qapor -No ordinr.r4 reasons of thankfulness to the Great God crowd them- aelkelkupon the Itekeaentati. es of the l'euPte at•this annual meetit, Abundance during the past year has been the reward of honest industry in every pursuit of the citizens—an mated 4,4,t1t health, end encouraged by suc cess, they have stcailiiv progressed in the ac• complishment of their destiny, and while en kerprise haa been highly favored in the (level pemen: of our great resources, the eleyating (purposes, and life of social organization, reli gion, morality, education, refinement and civ lizetion have been cherished and advanced Although' pence and tranquhit_y have 4 pre vailed within the boundaries of this state, we I are identified and deeply interested in the war with Mexico in whielt the Nation is engaged —a war which the prudence, forbearance and discretion of the people to retain friendly re- i l laden., could net ovoid, melee tie) was eyent- ' ually forced upon us by the du that rests up on-every well regulated Govern tent to pro tect thq rights of the citizens and maintain 'the honor of the nation. Our Religion, our interests and our institu tions are essentially peaceful. The people hold iu their hands the Sovereignty 'of the Nation, and exact from their rulers obe lienee to their will. By their controlling influence they maintain one preserve the cordial. pol icy of pursuing amicable. relations wi t h all other nations. ' By them, the 'rights of American citieens, In all parts of the world, anti i the honor of the nation are held sacred. Yioletiens of their'im , tional rights end intim:al honor appeal 'to the justice, jnvoke, the powers of the whole,peo pie,. in. their jestification, ._ ' e The wateof 1812 with England and the ex leting war with Mexico arei illustrations of this dietingeishing feature of the character of the American polite. Patient of injere while wrongs are staerahle and reasonable hopes ot a•return to amicable relations upon equitable principles. Yet no nation may with impunity violate obligations of treaties, or break faith with the United States. - Ilt defence of .these jest right, the power. of the peoPleis resistless. Every citizen holds leimeelf responsible, and the army spriags into exietence, not by conscriptions or ceterects for enlistment, but by the voluntary impulse of independent freemen, animated by patriot ism and urged onward to deeds of personal valor by the approbation of the whale-nation. This invincible spirit, guided by the science and skill of the utlieers has led our army in Mexice, from one victory to another, and from oneegreat triumph to a greater, and will lead tknt Atilt enwurd, until en honorable and per - m,anent peace is l•ec tired.. %Virile the honest, pride of every American is gratified by the great acitievemetits of oily solliers, his c,ititi , donee in our free institutions end in the Means to !le feud and preserve them is strengthens 1. In the support and prosecution or the war iu which we are engaged, Peintsylvehia. he , : given token of her ancient arid uniform ti-leli ty to , liaerty and, the honor of the nation.— lier i vOunteers were among,. the first to ten ler their services and iwevery imcomiter with the enemy, have maintained the militury' fame of the commnnwealth by deeds of romantic chi valry and noble dative". In their great achieveinente many of our heroes have fallen in !a foreign 'land. The moans of the winds oliteaven in passing -trrotigh the long grass on their graves are re-e hoed by the stuns of their friends iu the fath rlatel and the sad re quiem is a just tribute tit-their sulN•ing,sllll.l their valor. The finances and credit of the State, the 'amount and condition of the public debt rind the means of reducing it, are among the-oir• jecte which claim the first attention of the re presentatives of the people. The amount of the public debt on theist of Dec. 1846, wa5540,789,577 00, of Dec., 1817 it, wee, according to report of the auditor gen eral, as follows, - viz: iiideo drikt 0 per teat atocio, 45 4 .. ., 66 6• ~ F.ur and a half e " Nimbi' pima in circuhnon lOstsst cortficate, oan.emunig , 0, I 4 un a * I Literest onounitsuchua to takatss at arm ' attrar trot lat of Antial,l'.4:), touts of 1 fujlttiog '271,45 i PI - itortioatte ott4ttoc,t , . OM, , ! 17 k.;xtenty. 43 , . Being $160,672 49 less than it was on the lstof December, 1846. : The payment - or, reduction of the debt with ' in the last linancial - year, was elrected by the . caneellatien at the treasury of one hundred r and ay ' th omuipti dollars of the relief issue, strtti b y the receipt of state stocks - in _peyo te' , i qtold debts, whicleis allowed in certain caste, .I by law. 1 , , There would . i,ve let $::00.001 of • ' the Relief issues cancelled within the year,i ii, accordance with the requirements of i tie hew, but the payment of the interest which fell , ine on the Ist of February last, wft the treasury eo much exhausted, that - the ailment which ', should have been cancelled on the 31st of , March was not then ee hand. It will he , re collected that if'becaure pecessary to tintiei „ pate's portion of the merles of the )ear, b) a loan of $200,000, to meet the interest which , fell due on, the let of. February. ')- The ltaloce in the Trieoeiry on the Ist of ; 'Reeerpher, 1846, was t, - '331,678,70. The re- ; ,I ceipts into the Tree:miry denier the filatncial 1 f year ending:the 30th ot Nireeirdier, 1847, iron all 8011TCOsp including tile loan of , - ,'...:1 , ,)t),()(,(), above referred te, were $2,977,h23 89 rushing an aggregate of $1,361,704 69. The 1 .. ) - • „menta made out of the Tire:Airy dining the / sante period, including the re -ea) met t of the ( lean of $200,000, were $3,636,813 74. fray- I ing the balance in the Treneury on the let et ', December, 1817, $13.1.81) 85, 5 .iii,r. $.113.- 2,12 15 more than it was tfilthe Ist ol Decem ber, 1846, thee.stimate,l4!miniiii of I, ri,i ' a :d e Outstanding taxers on the Ist of , november, 047. ie548,881 CO, and the esti/Woe:1 amount ' t-uf the same of the Ist of pecerniterel 846, w in , $542,688 64, which exhibits nut iticreasi‘ in this item of $6,192 36, to which add the in crease of the balance in the I'leasary. of $286,2111 15, and we hate the sum ot e 302.- 404 pl, as the aggregate metease of the led • ance i:n the Treasury, and of oinstendieg loxes on thp Ist of December, 1817: on tlti.! • same items or/ lite isl of p reere t e r, 18.16:. The calculation 41,tyN that the rot eniteetes screed, and accritioet within the ileatictal - eearendine on che 30th Notember last, were not only adequate to meet the demamis til (.11 the Treasury within the veer, brit excieeled , - themby the sum of 8301494 51. ti: ehove . Meted; and if to this stun be alled the a fit , illll . of the debt pnid within time year, to wit: $160,- 627 c 9, we have the sent of 13163,032- 00, as • r the excess of the reventres +termite! eithiiz t he year, over the payment 01 the interest set the , Public Debt, and,eltre expense,' of the Gerrit -1 merit, and other leathery demand,; upon the ' !Treasury, This 'int Rents a very etmourtiehig %jew of l ii i . e , iii;pcoying condition of tI4 liminess or t he State. It is the first time since the com- - mencernent of the ittlermil iniprovement Ays- Tem, that the permareetit reeeripe necriiing within the year, inieided from any other source, have exceeded, or been equal to the , Oman& upon the Trensury. ,It is true, the interest mon the funded debt, and tither claime ppon the Treasury (luring the preceding years, ineliiding the pay them of it port i in of the pub • - lie debt, by the cancellation of Relief Notes, , Were punctually Paid, 101 l in doing this, the . balance which had tier:imprinted ituthe Treas ury on the Ist December, 1844, by the previ ous suspensive of the payment on the public debt, for 2i . years; ns the amount a meg mit -, standing. , diminished such year, until the hies, .• as is particularly explained in my animal , Messages In 1845 and 1846, to which you . are respectfully referred. _ . An estimate of the receipts - ohd ' expend;- )urea of the current yea; made with much are, end upon consultation with the other of- Y ale ition or that which is na.essed. continues a ) competency has been fairly discus:sedated gui- loutI out fices of the government is hereto appended ; sulij•ct of just usurplaint 1 not %%elk await+ there ded by the unerring demenstratione that these 1 user'. .acing' dependent upon thoee of tle .teas y which it appears that thepstimatea atnount ate inherent diificutties connecoet with the sub , enterprises• are most successfully and beneti- lt errors or omissions exist, in the Tieasu but still di s e enr o le e e e t be operation ot ' ti!o ei`utry conducted under the control of milt td J 1 • • r•• the Au liter General's books should dulcet of receipts imp the l'ressitl , y from all sour- i dl3l ces, in the financial year, ending on the 30th system and the detects wine.' have become apps' , , npi tin the Noy Ember, )818, is $3,92"1,901) I I I tent, will point out same remedy ter Owlet art.v. oat responeibility, the public opinion has been ! and collect them; and this is not the case on ,' ',relent otgernzation and ,ulede of so p which exist , units vs leer, should be rider; ed exprepscd, in the spirit ot the nee in which we 1 der the , live, Against that pokey. mg business in the tivo otliees. ' ( 4 estimated, amount of expenditures ter the I therefore in,lsl, respeetiutly invite the ;Menne' ssme period including, the enncellation of el the Oaaeral Assembly to a thormt4l (rttlllllll 1 Vi'fille all the great depaltinents of bust- It also uceins to Inc the* greater seem Ity $2OO 000 relief notes, 'is $3,816,390, which tioa of the salsisto. 'W ha over j" , Cl l O Olll l l . 1111111 1 nests in th e Co" mmonwealth are proeperottely 1 ag,o nst the tuisaepfication et the 1111Inied ill exhibits an °sees's, of receipts over ex tr. tux Mon one man escapes , y iva ,i n n, a , to mer i conducted under tree and equal competitiun, j the Treasury and en deposit in the llaulte,to en ,i. . , yet who a icredit• I , 'l' I mild he provi t tires of $A45,b10,F to w hich add the estimate ice; levee lee 0) the law is an trio p e e me and / there are dt.llito [nee seem 4o Rtano the th tat. - reastuel, D.i tor the cancellation of relief tunes, which are itaud',uptitt fits ne,gi :bor, who (liaises a lull reto'n , still whsle the tvDri,l is going on around them, I dud, by the inetittittim of sonic checks, upon 01 his properly and pays his tax upon a fair tut- i an.l who cherlsh ihe antiquated notion that i hot drafts and poymeno. l'ho moni e s o r th e a part of the public debt 200,000 . dollars find we have the sum of $545,540,00 ns the esti- outdoes • the „mid contractor and selfish aggregration ' C o mmonly eafth on t h eusit to the etedit of 1 hoc are no s u b more in homely connect 1 the'l' asurer sat In i in amount for softie mated excess of receipts of ho current finan- ed olds 0, yy Men have more d treut tontit:nee up to I under the protection of carpet ate pritdeges ' te ~ ,3 eittl year, ending on the 30th DE NOVenlber Me tatt.re.ts oi du: ummt v, than ,„11.e11 ronev and tis preferittde fur the transac t ion 01 besitiese to ' months in the year how *3, 100,0 JO. to near a i ' s of ' tritllioa of dollars, we subject to his delft nese. our pnyteteut of the interest on the pub- banhole :1) , ltoill. 'fliers is ;font) (~auto', 0 bdi.r.t,te 1 the tree, ardent and bounding capabtiole 1 vinte ho is only required to give ,- lietectir debt, and the, es erient demafitle upon the That the pm:pertly 431 the people of the U, i ad ' in ittul•itil enterprise. A 'power which, sins° , lone, Trenenry. sea t s s paracteaity tause coattected uli it 'lie at , t• \VIII. Penn arrive! on the shores in 1682, has' 1:y iti the emu of 880,000. ' These estimates, when taken in the agere- " I ,'"' ' 1 l " l '''''''''' '''''' been promo e'l fi the 1 ° 1,1 " changed an intilienste wilderness into 11%1111A j Tim Is a se'). great and dangerous power is gate, I con-i4er entireit safe and • rtliable.— "14 on the par of the lit flash Suv•trom • it, ~f the 1 p l a ins, and has in this match of civilization = confided to one 'nut. I therefore suggest the Mee duty upon out .2,p m ts of arum ao el other (1 la nd Auditor General to During the last live years„ the. nasal results imerovement provide I fur the wants, the proptiety of legitl l Ing the to.utitmq piudttt ttua 4, and time in.fditt.; won 10 t 1 cowl ii t the education and iclineinent of countcfprn ail drat; fur payments or own } been m ire fay te•abld to the 'fivaeury, our toile, by ultieta the eutosneit lid 4 XII In !.!...,, of , ' . l, is, ii ,.. iii n ' by the ,ricasuroi on, th e d cdezete . than eas antieieeted by the estimates. Not- ~,,t , „ , „ me " 1,46..1,, a 5, r ,,,, ii „ el , „ Tie it ,,,i , 1 tf,oi.oooo of tiee people. withstanding the extraordinary flimids which about illi .114111(.13 1111 . X 1 mi, s , tar a 4 I ni ,, in 1 1:1711 it li ire expectations 1 in Clone this gre.t.t ' , ties, for tiansterring monies floio one depos occurred during the last sear, flit' eonsetprent tootle i, tine of the great Le of 'dc on to, I , in t.:s e sta, i :Irbil.% comet. %V he Italy aro the tropleee 01 the'r i Italy (0 a not 'Delo tin Binge tti the public works, and the inter- la 011ie , matt fatal p•irsttit4, til , far or petyle, trenerotte spirit. their valor or t lett ability?-- 1 Tne're t fort • of the Adjutant General gives the ruption of the prude epee them' for about two let hai catis.-s, in unmet e eioll with those allm •4 1 ; needier of the in luta of the Commuust ealili, us l'hey, are helmet the tune.; they belong to a, I 1 ...„ 7. i ii nll/11 11 1. , , the toils taken by the Collectors d' 4 -;l i to• L h' v e l'r'"l'lV'd e 141 ' 1 1" 111 11 1 0 1 0 1 'I" d'e Pi trees th it Is pa , ..e,1. Th, tone wa, in e uttl "l" c ., i "r! •; 1 7. 4 rind 4.l z 4. ear i nl s s te s 71,e ii ele 3 :11: I ti o t r s• e O . 1 s iren ell ry within the year necording to the report of the t int. I l ' eti l l4 ll , t‘- c 'i l i rcu u t i t e t' s , 1 11 r th" 4 ; Ye h it 't " 1 , 11 1 11" ru r tZ t, ' ,l l l:4 ' eu int ' ics w i ne," 4 , 1 l ' ll , lP g„ hts tit. t " c , P P ',P ' ' poem of idle t;outitiotee edits and thegth of Canal Comtni...iotiers lonely - lied In the L--11111 a/ ,a ? / / / L i u ",„.. ~ , a , !, .: r :, -- ,,, t ,: ' ., • , : ' : j i t ) '''';!'. 1 i ecru tt,til'peti by Oteilante gtlyOrtlf item t, MINI Hr , , , a pi toot n Coe ilineul.—notl the experience tit ei L 81,575,3 Iteitig 8.38(3,081,s I more tha n Lie ~,,:o r „h .! p, , ,,„u •i1l , A . ,..„ 11 1,, , i,,, ; lit d i ., ft ;!r ant ny the Kim!' to a p triton of 1114 "IlL'' 'of the 1 a .% few year: has added proofs I,Q the s4l ae we., „then le the preceteling year, and ex- 1 ,,„,_ ,„ a „„.. el e ~,,, s ,„l, ~,,, „,,,„ t I , , 1 ,,,, ~, i jeety of corporate pot lieges t a entry on tracke r - o r 1 , tots institute, 1. and preseot4 the su l itj.t.t da ono Cert.littg the ettoinoile for the ina year, near „„,,„,, n-as e l , „d e „., 1 , ~,, ~, is ,. e, Ii r t,„,,,,,,,•, 1„ , lor fur tonnicipll pnipo-e i, Wati ap 0 tial en- 'of .rein itnuort ogee to thee it eau :1 liUlt...rsitoott of $100.030. II id no miesual Liierriip 3 •11 of ills . in 'al.: 01 tli tli I ilti oe;re 1 111011 uses!.— ft tineltf-ont, nt an linl le ',no Innis, tit te-atot- • the 1.,• ,, ,..1.11 me. I . bll-1110-4 eceurred, the nuitemt t a ken, won t , i ,to sir st to wet,: I, if ..it, 01..1 r tl, will it •to ifig Hullo of thou (1%11 • 1 ightt., Tile!' and' 'l' elt • 'Tort 01 the &men itemt. .eut e,l C ,o anion certainly hat of I $1,80'4.000. pi uno t• -it tol t'litn Lurid are 10.10 i i.) , %4.) yde thee t orinnatnin 3he I merits and siert , ehei - ' 81 '"'" Is eft,: b '''' a f,,,11 uteuu of di- profrre,s and • e it of nor ,i I it r i'd • su -de rt 01 Connit i ❑ l The c.•pnitte of Como till I It'll' Ron I toile, Ili" 'lt " " "" 4 "es'. ° 1 " 1 t '"' "is 'a ll' ' I" , -•"t ish , sl by tee II tend , if !Amity., 41 if in Cite a '',""ein • • • , 'a .11001 ii,slrue ~,, 1, nlll/.11 in (b l / 1 1 ,1 111 . ... 11' • 1/ I, ` S • ultua Llal tow-, w• 11.1 01 11te: firm,' • 1 i t ine to., -a for mai mit tens, is 8%,700.000 which, there , 0 4,41,44 4 , ~•,/,,..: 41, - 444 i , ii • 444., t o 4 , 1 , 140 4 , „ 4 a!e ;I' l 1 cottony tin kr our fie- system, yelp •,,.• , is._, 10 the r,coi r reatitatto t, 10.133 to sit oitrllte,l 14 '„cad reae" ll ti tithes to rather below than i t ems 01 Te , , et, •:..iti'itt t'i 11 : I re ... tot, t be •11 el' u I ' l ' 1 " •'', e . 1 •de• are ""yele'lZ ils, to giant c• perial 4411 „,,, I , , ~,,,„,„„„ ~ 'pi, mu , ehollev4 -., , le; above the austient which will be receitord.--- ~ „t a e t • 4t Leos , it I„.ots do ill iin `f9'l\ t'g'''' ts " C hnt '''''''” °I Ide ,ilt'l of ll ' '' "`• es.,•,s,itilet tin) i ow; • d helohil • ills el 01 eel; 1' h„, es p en .t e i tit N.-pair:fig the thi , llll.le.-1-t4l-111e -1-ita.—a.,----t1 I l e /, A i ,/ , „ ,• ,. , , t ,, „,,„ It 14 nu[ t lO feature hat to take asua' no . tit 1 0 I Il•Ill; /1 t.,,,' 11l ea Oil, 11:1(14 I , .1 1.1 . 0 • . .1 011 1111' r.lO - eorlis, by the noels o f the l east rear, 1,,, ,1,,, ~.., ~,,, i o , . 1,,, 1 • , i1 ,1, ~ ~,,,,, .., t oo 0, t ~t gird", their euliltlioll rights and else I 'wet ti e we•, fat el Tilt chtilren of the lieu ttoim t 111 1 1, %%ill ptinciWy fall uptct thy• en, rent year.— 'odd:. 0 , f....' Ili 1 ,1 .1/1 4 J ( 111,14 / 1 ' lll ° l -7 I hi n ii) 1 1 1 a Ices. It is to go hue, t ) the ,irk age's In' nit tit I. tf .nut! them will, it t0,%1 t.tc'tta I pow- They are how. eyer, inedniled in the estimate e r dec o r ithi, Ito , s aid moose settee,. to mice lie in teeetton In the t.tuenee 01 gorea n•nr - •nt or, I er, ted let' lie them ler lit leentilltle the ra k and is l/04 lul L'l . lld onu ids:: tat •10,114 ,ind other du t ••• h a t, I tug t ut u) l an ex • me s e t o w e e .," ,I ' lee , ht , dietitty of it s titre, 1 tut ii On. , , steet et , the e,ste,,, the e.xpenses of the vent, and st, ill it a :effect I'hr ,I" 0 ! ' l -' " s'" "'I • i t; ' ' i.:;' , " 1 ''" - It•"? test/mai purdose and to mike it hue lustre- , 1 ;7 , 0 11., ~1)1,-101.1,,,, it 1 _ , '1,1110.1. ft ' I the re•oilts , resented in the preeeeditto ca leu s, me e mu m i tte tit l ,la • .2,1 - i 1 111, , ,i , 111( .1:1 )1 • u •• b•l s w i 'tole S•Me catty and emilititted attettioins 01 11111,1114. mentality et 1 estoluer the me etaltte an I ice--' s in. Genet ti Assembly. In: SN "It .IZ 18 0141tI ha,a 11 , ial, skit It 1.. not (lie: 'ille ametint of relit f homes in eirettlnnon us. .l ;,, i , , t ie, ~,,, s td t • ~, 1 , „, , ~tt in •,1, .1 P Ai i n "Ine'l "^ Intro lnet; In was to ` o ' ll ' t • I 'ion are're-p-etful,y r •ftre Ito the flepnr i t of on the I ~.t of December last, was ce1331,66t, of 1 ta states ii ty let tnu • t ',, t 1 '' , Tlll . , i tilacy teat stlicit la ree, ins b-t itictE s 'ha 411111, II 101 sl 1., e i ,. ,Z,l l . ok , r Getierd for tolor.ll Ilion to r , •1,11011 ts bleb 50,000 duller-, were cancelle I at the or paint' et, Lola', to 1 - i are received to carry on a mule thte i besets,- te ~, ~,,,, , ,e , 1 , 0 „ , ot t h e 1,,,„" se„,„ 'ln i ~, sh„ Trensto y. on the 31st of December, ItelY big stoics,nti e dt,Lria 1t',...t.: it i its, ult . ) a caul I (an I C1)1 plirat./r, (10 nuta , soviato th,o, t'. he 11 ' l ee 3c. 1. its \duce ti w ill b • seen that ti k e re 881,00t dollar , , still Inut.truntiog. The Inc a 4m , Lll I° 114 111111 ell ti 01 • 1... 1 , e••• .••• nait to ,s• b 1- unprolitable) aril el I.vi ht 0 tot au- I his le I ; ,•no, tom tit • I reasury ti en abet source dat e of the Tresttry, it is belt v eil will be ntletinute I Rear I•'11 ,t-i oie nom ti 'nod icc,d by c otit is... for (1111 t ~ 13 01,e1:t %Allele retest-11 Irl Oil., 11 ' ,.0 / ) . . , li'• ii Iltr /r , 1 1. to the eaneellution of the et, hol e a rtmen t not; aCO Ill) 1)3 a Ilse t Ott • j j 1., -ft ot, ... o, 1 ;hot at t e„,itotry. I 'fits 1.,..f Cl,O l O +teal Itep•irt, nee fitn-lirdrini 1 111 CliCillalltol, Is, 11111/1 ilia present and sue- '''`' ' Hr• ii' sad ".1 1". g: ' 1 1I " '''' .l' "1 ''' ''' "Id' ; re vie itti tee tre•at I, 1- been de ostted b • I e sly .`a, titer. be elto,,s'eng• rosy pa, te filar bust- t , • I ) I ads aut., ii, ss al h i ~11 du t ea Ind a ti• I i ill in pi ne . en i ~„„ , , j 1 lU. Verso I., 1 , the State (..00fogist, ss oh the ceetling )r.ttr."''''''"l` n g , Is ' t ''" 'l'' - 'l' ' l'''''' . 4s, , rt.! its' of 11 t. Coutintoso , lo ll l. pe, cur ele i • opera eto 11 111 lor il ••• ono' fat an d 2 A:11 , 13, isf them ere so def a c e '? n , t o by !l i ttle st te .tot• aepa - r.„. e hut &Move molest 3. leees, the natter:l'l,ov %SIVA oet 00 e- 1,..; any t . e ,„,, , it , i , er , 1 „, te1e ,,,,,,, I , 0 ,„„,,,,, e 0 ,,,,, r•I I t illeglolts an t are unfit tor cfrei l lat ion, touside4 •.•,i ~,11 111 4 ostit ~,„t t . 1 1, , t ,,, ~.t ) mot I, f,, I k r In ,j„.; t i n In c" . h of h'lslth , si I te ttl'enf In I 'to 1 4 /e'` i l l I :,; 1 . - , , 1 , ( 1 0-4.0.0 1 1. e siew 01 all tip- irnels% -ar i a .111,1 cite„ they slthele the cerreney an • l ltirnish in excuse seas :"l "'tlt l ' . t P' ( ‘ - i ) 11. V '. l .' . 1 1 4 4111 au: r‘i t 10 .nat al I I'Lln a il, Is yialalvd. LI it to t'll. I ..., i•r• Ite . 11••3. 11,11 11111. rta .111.1111_111'.11. .1,111 111. re tor the use of small notes front oilier litates.l,l;s• Ihein-sti 41 , 14 IS ‘ll Liu fondue' lot •0' . t 1•II 1-• ; 1- ,111liv p• Uli I,' Iby Bali 011 ) role, ill '•1 1,, . ,, lo ,of , : ,ciao': 111(1 (a L op, , a Kit• ;:r, eett ine to in t julat ton of the Ivy, and Ip. , ell Ihe riretea eeetit !ten rLipitt ea 1.t .. t h e t,, , .t,itt , 0, In t-it ut tut any le. thitio it ,tat, unttatnint.fted it t h e co,- tfl •,,t1 tar -to. toe. 101 4.1( ly I.l‘t• r •l i coal, r%, t} 1100, ill got 1 1111•1 ',Over erreme , the ' , Ne s e ) nese' i I-• 11' . , , a It r y 11 0100 her lnk «I 1 I. tV ill(I at' - 01 11 ' 111 _in e:e melt, gilded bt los 'II 1 1 11 P "." 11 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 " " 1 "" /1 ore l " i d '11“‘" " Ilwr "de ' •1 insides to the wooje crt,iitor :• who , n re, coq L 1 i • e slut la et, weld , tra a 1,-0,••1 H.,: VII 1 1,1 % ~11l 11,1/.lltlel ial ;WV, ilr, ant hi. 1 e,i; . i J.l pi ill- i ( L. l'u'il of Ul'ill Y "" "' " ,'“ . l t , dl'.. 1111 , 11'01.. 4 •-•• t4)a 11 a 11.0 lyre, 's'l,; el es eitd ,,, ,, ad , 10, , L ~ iii„ , i, „ i i 0,,i4p104 , iiii i hi., I I i i , ;,' no. h.., e‘i,.. 0 , •,I ~ 0 oLo• foul, in coil , et [mile,' to rt•et•itt• them in internee( of their tit- I. " iite he eau, d roin her if .., :tot i o -,,fil 1 !Intl, I ' i it i • • in ftl • I lite] ,f 4 ail 111,10 , ,(111.0111 • 0 trailed to th s tersst..., yt lien they are helms , par, as sy ell as 1 1. e 4 , t eon I t t i n. and taus t o aspeasele), it 1 1 1,, us, :- , ~ I , , • , , 1 , ~ p.... 4 -, ,i• .•,,to, t. t.., am :Ha sO, ,a, t Low,, ,••• •• nur• e‘tettra se us( ow', vat aauso o • in tat the etettelo at large, tin serai 0. sly dein In te ~,,, ~,,-;; ilo- 0 a itilth le :to ••• are ..1 , 11 'll,lxe a- l ' f ''' of "I f '''-' I' l ' l'll°l ' W I'. ' l° ':' '-'"'' f t I ' ''' ''. t „ft. t d p.e.• to• I u le-4 it 100,11-10,1 1, that llicy :dio iht he token out (It el ult rella 1 I.tiou its i y 11 ,roc , r. II? Iseo , I, ,: to 0 )111.. ,n .td. 1 1 1 1: or silo; tot III:. 1 . 1 1‘ el t.„1,;t1 I .ss, uy pi , -.t. , ... ; I, ,• foie, I,voimurn) tl,. , c' Tel 01 inoiii,ailon soon as practicable. I therefore recensnstel ei s re, ••,• t 1-,,t in Et 111 •,1101 p e , w I, % ,1 ; .,,, Citl see, plot ens • -len- in ;iodine-, tie 3 sit lit• to Cl u e e) . 1 alto:ono, 0, I Is. 1., ~ i i OW,. the illte,llee of a luxe, e.% elit tug snub of the I there Is all .1 . •11 Isla t•• 0 ,t,,1 1 lid !'leerl I (',l' Clllll rot, 11 •s hither - Ith and sect elI, Ill '• ant 'file r, ets ei mo d el setlaor el a./ let t, p r -- ba ti k., u 5 1,,,,,e_ ~,,..,,,,A th, „, hill CC, t, 0 1,, I C At • vr!, to 0 f er c a deter o'ol • 1 tlTit to two , i-. other tem go: satin. be ;feet% welt•• of gees. , slut, et uts 001. On, the lit niter bull •( 101 1.,,...,,. Olen: at a rate ol 'merest not (ewe , tele 6wr , 11, t 1 col ~ to ian 1 4 tu , o 1 1 11 p plot 1 1 , e (far- 1 ti our free in•it „eviler ale re s et. L 1 1 ,fit It' se C" l '. '11". I• 11 1 • ( ftin 11 ' '• th , 't a - I tad. cent. par a„tottn, pa „thlt/ ~,mi_a„nualiv,.",„,l! r'''''). t e ll.," t ,''' , 1 tt .." 1 " " i 'St ti" in i "::' I C' ull" that all 111 , r11111111 Iho hrl L I c `P" l ' , l " t ''' l ' °' '''" l "/' l "' '''' ' ''''' t 's : ' 'lt ' 1 u \ l ''"'' i't' ''''' 'l dles nil the tone he, menes in the 'l'reaeilry ' , C oy= ..,1 ( i )1 11 : 1 1 , 1 ii , ,, , , ,, ~,e e, el i te ,; -la 05 pr0y,,,,,,,, . 1 , , , Ino 1...55• of our neture • , anal state' ) tt , by lien ~ the a )-0 so h teem I 0 tar ilel^t)II I , C , OIIC 01 II .. beyond 11.0 rn v moat of the interest on the e Po d. el' til I n -I •, " ;,t " tt (),,;* rI . r, s', l oll } lil ' s r l ' : a ,din t t t ,' ll Wt.lo made Ll'', then 1 . 1 les e r •Y ht 1 1 „" '''' ky ' " lIR II :' \ Ina. rl. ' " I t ' e y ili i ii:..... i ,l l ll l. -, ' ' ' ll os k s 4 t i t u i r i . ) :l ) . - lop, - u' i'it a ,V i el ‘ t ' sr l i " ;. " . ll t l- ti N debt, nail the ctlrttent seem- oen-os of the t , ss sele V I , Ae,,,•% of if 10 0 10.1( 'I .i11'..1 ty eX I.ly tlta I , IIS equauty, is ha le atty..% hi Ist ,n-I- 1,. 1, 3 . a , 0 : at 1, , d e ,,i, ,, t,,,,,:1 1 , ' , ' ,,,, to. pl ea ., ..}, ' ;ill, gos erste mt. be :re v iled to this rettt•titiaien or ,He and men be len:hit to• 1,, 1 r els, alai too ,taittol t ills — Vi I Wig'. I I ; • Ilse I , titlt '...;• ItV 1 ,'t' 01 r.(11,01111. 11. , WV ( ..I.( C. C4111( . 1..11.111011 of th , )-e that may renill 0 in eir- aili; It stile. Toe teems of the Can .1 tine "•" , -1 •c• 'et i 4, et . et 3 eeve,4 d ti , b.. ip...,1111.'•(11t1 11,r lq I I t citation, as they come into the Treasury, a n d (mince oil • gib Ow fi r•e of •I'•• ra•• t or• ler 11 1 W'll tuf twat it-flat-ammo to artail, 10 ice ed t., en,et I il ,•m soul! lentitle...loot, she its elili,lefi then to the pestilent of the esneut funded by 'ti -+n'• 1 ant ( • mt ,I c• I 1 ti • l ,)), i•vrol , .. 01 l'll OW i rlbllis 11k)11;1 N.,t11. ILL: 1,111 ( 111,1. 111( 111 10•;01.0 1 ((tilt. I' 1 11111 J WW I, Leal Cz.1.11.0 01 Wh to it • the barths. u I etino s 1 n 0 ill has -• • 11- %slit 1.• nits IS Will 1,1. , I • ••It I iti•,,i,ott et lettere- s ex t ett tete c', tio ilie tit I " ("I te s's•h - imeelt t; 41.111 rt. pef fully tc ( i lllltne til t hat.l, • ~.,, ir i i,... ~, 0 , 1 ,. ! , ~ re ~. i „. ~,,,,,i t ~,t • ' , , , , i ite eta. hoi no e 0 ore) of 11 , •1 own ;et-soul The resonrces of the Tr3asure \mil he site t . ,,,. soy one ne th • L ‘l-ttit , i 11 in% I. l• (1101014'd i„. ' , ' . ''' : 1 7 I I : 1 ,,,, ' ,I* a les ):,,,' 1-I I e nun that 01 11W 11 , 14,0 ill (111 I• • 10 ) •Lt ficietti. to cancel all that may be rec eyed to I 1., ae tit. lin: 4eriti iris. be iii-tirlred two tit, afr.tr. .i .-1-1C ' flen ''"" "' ' ''''" ''''' ""; '''''''' '"'" -1 mil • -s it h r an eslorlett 1111.0a0,..- cu r ' llel, e ," •••• t t h rk i t••:, pot mem or does to the Cotrominooairh, and , itsitti loas ten 111, 11 , 1 erstlit aek ita in , . in i, ant it •Y''''''s Tlic.imica-ed and int reaeing yalao to ~,,,,, a, 1, , r ~,,, I , „he his 00 rower to ,i,„,,,,,,, of t „ pay the Bunke the anemia s ni d e I with ,„ i I tel i turd di it 1.1,.• spiv, hay,. lit e Istilr red to b. • those great wor t: -, tcntlet then i l • aril oly t t teal „,,,, h ~,,,,, h,.. 0 ,, 0 1,,„ a ,11 , 1 ,,,, o w ' „,,,,,,, pftt t 1 th tf . to •cf It n t • lt If-. h t% he. • o u;of Illy of peculeit care and pto tf. lb 11. ,It I t 5,1„,,,,, Is. / 1 / , / 1 „,/, „ 4 1 . I , , , , IWO Scars. Ily this process, should the Bente.; I d'l li , /to - li V.I. May IPII - ...00,,,, il km( 0 I • • oti I (,' 11l II tr ,ttf - ~, • it•• t r 4 old intt-,I 10, es er neeettte tee i d ea o „so 'it le . ; i - agree It) foot) .1 portion of the arnoteo, env ~ ' .' ". ''' , , , I L' ," ' the '' , " ''' L'lei-r•r •1 , 9 t .troa• ifs , ( • 'sutras too , ti, • br- v. ithotit eoe „ .ideruide preport , ,m, tiioi,eoitoroiv be arisen ei ti ,tt IS 111 Moot li, In 1e..,i o. ii. Iliz, 01 111-, CI will ••.! ',III reit teens (emote user ter to a (.01 . Zll4. ella-f. 11 01111 , s (I."---(11411.11(0 ill 14 (1101. , zul. ( - in 1 letalt• -,a • I. li, ',it •1 , I'l t 111 4• 11 / 1 ' At -I I . R . i'oll2/.0) till', :tie IS oats • eolith,) tit the vile ill la fat d o out. of (etc tlatem within the present }ear. t . I,•1 •• h' ' - 4 ' ' It may be tirg,e,l met as the moss do mit l ' e t t' l l u at i t t:1 "° I ."!.‘1 ''''t 1 u- ' ' ' Y t '' " e tc . ' The Penesylvania itaill tad Cenr e ene le„ e posceett (sone , anti i lilt t•-•lztle in et.o-11t,ra tit Ine 0 1,1er oppressJ i ri , ) IV' , 1011119 ry hy thelr eral , nenee I the consitinti n tti 1 '' ' „ , / - 1 , ,_ teat esalste, tot, • 1 the t trine' t (doll the debt • • ,ind now bear utterer'', they ought not to lie con- j Cu, 111 11111111. , in 1 1141, ' , all. Ills i 111011.1': 4111) • i 1 . 4 , nn i the , 'j i , o , ( IL I t , '' : ~ ; 1 for elalo . '. / , .101 Stiltlelottl to 1110 i 1 . t t pried into n debt en who'll ititerest will b e fa 11 ile'l L'io felt 'e :'•s ~,,, i J cl.nni• I i • n • 0 110 t'Ac" this t hd-- , --i * - - c s t. o " ' "''',,,... " I t_, 4 " (the debts she 11,0-e.; all. Bill the 0 if,! ' el l o l t i t l : i t: l t.:; ), payable. l'lns, bowel er, is Imo a soperficeil 1 h•e,l hi for, (tit iti nod jtdirileli Man lifeinottl, t i Tsiel. y e' -Y Int'"' a u te " ll 'l' ll* ` - ''• rt ,' he ----";""" 0111111N' the real r o t(ft. , lie Itolil, 111 her 00 It ',gilt, view of the•etibject, Th ere 1, 4 no b,,,,, er en I a , • s ten ,Itali t 1 hen o i our t '.l er' s'oulii he sill ,tiston 111 note tutder coot:eel a s f lu as Lott- u„ ,l „,,,,„ her death t „. „I„,k, ~,,,,,,,, is. t h e h e ,. pu b lic i Lreti tot•51,11e1" to k r o ,. vilfttutat.lttit. Tee di ' , sown, iind it ts expected teat tie lent I meg 1 1 , 11 , 1 ) / 1,,,,,„ h„, 'natur a l hie. ' excuse for a continual violation of the , c .11 b.Li •lii , • 0 1P, ItC. 'mil il , , iti'n, will promote the 110111011 (it It, 115 lal as Hensley-4111111dt, Is tette The pisses n-, troll as the ja-tiee of tlos di- - raith Ise the payinent of• the public credo's, in a depreciated aiiirei av, a . , ,, ri i ow aaird ' i t reel, emit tvitl sill Ile It ;11111 111111 up yr hut . licl pil!. u n de r cu m, act timing tittesn s toise spine,. linetioneame elt the Lox in las of of the lei-- in it th se. oh,) 11 ist for priva.ti autti VR 4, 4 /011 1.41 1111 S givat Iplllllle. W oils / bawl- aLtaiwa Ilio W do, 11115 , well tie tinc--tio,t,l -- notoultt of Intereet u loch will hate to he 'd "! '•• n Lich ' - 1 rhe c(11111)tui par ~ ewe , tem e s • likif,(o-1 vl a tie!, 0 I -I et I. i•I ) even te Ilollidatelhirgli, is ill 1 eutimero 'the I hel I, I -41 And t tdt.:l , o•lled 4p,r,t 01 the ~,2 „, . 1, , it the batiks agree to per n portion (31" these j le, eel: e , , t ale an I „ate( upon the lOoltetelplea ate, d ' d "l' d ond s' e "lad Iho t tothis et man, .01,1 has notes it ill be more than \ c , lmpensatt•dt by re- I I ht, I.o' it ycoj' ej toward, the pelilie, %%I'll 1 1 I c• 1 , 11018 1 run L. . 1 lee 1 ,,,,,, peei , 0 i1ie1e4e4044 , 1 le ,eetner. u,oinao anti elqjtred hot Irrlfil the 0,.- lies iner the charnetenof the lOnie from the Cll3l l . I it late, 1.14 11111. i 1)'..1 oVoill dun% .1.1'1,,, tyre, graded po•., tion tate occupied, and placed her kis ness, in. es the nevus-sty to eonsiill'lllte ti ie lot mil of tine Oct ill' injost ice and ilie peo•I c' , ' "' '" 0 L'''''`ll"tl 1 1." II v 111 1- .'1"-11°."1 - - ' ' 'Y. %%tit-re ,tte ;duos c should it 1... e 1f....”1--b‘ 11l ~- de 'lllll t o 111 r • • t, les andi i, , 1 the best ;means ill avutding 1110 litlined plane " • ple Iron, the lo•oteti ilieident in a deprt•sitried nl.O n I 1,..c.t ill toe( , I 0,, , r ~, m o t lat tin; I'-rellll% lkill. , e'rettlattort. This curl - se m , / let 1 its e r ie lo i n f ''' r ''''hlY 11°T ilfdt, 40 1 property be e >olio:1 , d :),, 111,. rti- A 4 the l'ittladelphia and Collinika l'eultseel en evneron of the eon•litutimi, and On e, It 1 • 11- L."' " 11Y 0 " " L '''''''' II "' P "' Il '''' e m- I" 't If te • o amt 11 , 11w1,11 etatotmcill • , ol an two abort g, It to i , 1 , : Li tI,, at ),ni • t it y l-st 'tit 11 , 1 II ~1,0 I, 1 it -41 tio IS the 11111101111111 hold W11: 11 11 connects the wain I her 11,0.111 ml ss,o. 110. r lord, an .he Int4lit ell estst • be Wetted ma of remetphi.::,4lCe. hill tent fir uo or to, esr 0 ' rts •r II a 'lt .0 ‘t • r'i•••• lirr , ot nor l'ilblie latiplot eii,cht , -, as-us ell a- 1 her b% I s•s os If ...lir , arse a .-i 1 i ant ()or 1 011. It may 1 10 W be ,slob 11.‘ , .111111`11 that svv hiss 0, gOn 1, dens • .1 ir fan f i lm tan; ee, st• ,nll ,r "I th f tenth and we o lit I one.) c iii 11, uWI tite 1 , 1, t ry r; fretfully pros ale. that the 11...shand iholl not, reached a pet to lln our tittailmal history olive "l' 'il °' I'''' l'ui I .2 :"' .1 I. i• I r: '' ' 111 " I'd ilia,' -4 1 It i '. e 101 , 1 , e totem Ote term cottc'utt 01 lip suite, twist.% 1 s hy t 1 • a lot, ... 1 • ,I, .„ 1 ~. .I„, I•': „, po ll, e i .. Ilit, r..po le 0 tic' "late, 11111„ Ilpt i Il , , the permanent resources Ilf the ett thermos:ea ti 0 ' '..'', ` , I - ', ,' ' ' ,lmi 01 111.1 , CtiltellL of 0 Well the It dud c t t le; real estate te deed, raf as to lair h, r riglti ~,,. exec, tt untinally the iteereet on the p Alm, 1 II I ? " `"'"'" "'" ',", I" (II l_ I , It r sect • perrill two , . i ,`" , . • , t ' ' t i I out) I de , et, at ti fl 111 , sou-cut el not I:lsett, nor r,..ttit th• I o •tta tal s‘ : t h. •Itt l'a,l•teefaell t S 10 .1.. 1 ' , ''' tnals nidln 'Y cl'll'ul't n" '3' I •I "g "Inc" 'e - 1 t• .1 'debt. no.l the orilins-v riterineds tt is pm ( t td alike 111'1 (Rath agates!, ihe slum, 0 Treasury, by to. least ez:o'J,ooo. An I tie 1 ' lii " In "1 ) " - r, ffla ' ''' I I ' "" Its ' v ' t' ''. 1 1 I I 1 his es Imes. Pm; .the ' s ,, . • . II• ~ ,; . . I I . 1 Hes to it v. of the hieliset tunel to the (1- -.1 t, ,as•eot . t tx tte-,11,4, or el • t,, • ie t 12.0na , I toe _Oltilli JIM ea il. 11 '1 'to 1111 , fs, exce , s, It, is confident s helt •ted, tents he e •III e 1' I •o ae et see, ele ou 1 110,1y:el, en . the. I el, , , measte es to t bongo a s „lute s 1 as to reaeti 1 •', ~ I . oe, II 1111 lae.aa Doond !frit:tick a of tip. r-aleinti .Thsetion it Irs•. it veise, i t ottelotts res, it ion and jat,se...-aneitt ril the rev- , CIVIC ta a st, u pro,lent So •1 eeteitenicol course j ileitde e te cat ti " , ' 1 l al I" n ' 4l e... 1 ' a i ' , ate „lrleatest cuettineeectien and c tie . litnilsl I's emer•tle•l S' ) 1 . " I ° Ire 1. c 10 Ili ° % on 111-0 part of tea L • r ieeleise an .l ° l,xecotj,,e t te, fat it, I 411 Z , 0 11111'1 'I. I I l 114411 010.101 lii. . , 1 Ile•un-sey e 1 to ) emu the beat tocatien plate " I "'‘er 1 " 'II '''''''''' "I.'re 111.1 ' 4 i '''l I' do, art tomes of the go% erm ke , l it, and Eh° 1 . ,„1,_ I ~...,...... Hid • ..1.• .1 ~.. . t J... 11, 1 . 0 1„ ~=, , ,- .1,, {1„,!, but by other noo c tat tutu. ti I ta.tak, and to protect the 1•••ta e moon t te - but maunereincia I f the pll , lllc. uorli., ~, a lig (I' -41 " 11 ' l ' , I tv he sot s of th minted , ts•tit a (111 11, b 111) L . . ' . 111,110,1 , 1101 11' , real c tate v. tillolll Met 1 hems MI damage-. No &tenet , el Illeuted Ili it leis Sense to 5e1,(. 1 03,000,i8 11 It.lk- " ;;;: I' i .11 I , , aelll 0111 (.. 1111 , . II the Inn -b on' en lii flit Sit, h e 111 'tire 0%1111..0 i n the imp; into 1 'col 1011 to Ile hanctfotte I I ntal the ss its le t i ~/ r ,„ / / (~/ 4 . ~,, . log' tou t, t, /dime ifterea.ing the bortlett., fat -1 , ' t ‘ ' s 4.11.0111A1% irtn-fi r ~,, ~ ~, i ille , , i ~,,, , Ida , ~ , „ e l „. t h .„ I „I ,„ q metion i• cot ;dell sex mimed, lc' , le: ei le ee i . ' • ' 1 1 ? i , ~e, be li, • I , - 4, ois creditm s its if It th,,,,„e "ho 'toss riny their 1,0,L , 4 on 11 fit!' re- isi t •d t l at e ' I ''' I•' ott ic t • l:' •'— •. e. a . 1111.1 ti I 1.111!1; ( 1 iIR Il ls wit , kil a U 1 101(1:. ( QIIIIK 1,,,et ele„nsets whit ate i •s*Ls fll ily &CA seam the eo lt.eitt fat'l tura ant lair sultiatioti or tht•tr taxable Drop- ~ tI 1 lki 101% 110( (It • 111.11 11 111 , / iOl 1 , •11 41 (11 V . 11" ()lithely' hoe limn all intetest iii the de( i. ion. 1 1 ,1 .' Itt t tee nosy at preeita rlahl..s the lo erty. This stun upshed semi-anent:Env was t lea in nes of k I 001 k 100 will 01 0 Ill` 1111.11 ''''''l ' ' liti • Ulltlet 110 TM Cane-WI - lee, 1,11..)t1+1 arty pi in to , le tae Il' ol lieu-ter. le b it . in- m. ttn't...zb us eccraping Hite/ t 6 :,, to the iedeintit'irin ,f , ,s er m a ~,,. el in / ll 4At 2•111, el 111 •• ,111 l e •Cu td • the 5 per toot. Suite steel; tat per, emi ts I ~:a 11 , 1. 11.1 01 arkvi., ,•i I •-- at's I, 0.. t ~ •,,, 4 „•,,I 4 " III,I .1 " 111 lii he al tell 0 1 103 I liY ‘ SII IC I I the 1 4 1 11 - 1"1 Con-'eels " 11,1011 I telcc . 1 her r tat, IA ol' , . 0 . , ti Ito a ln,k. ututt,ntt he Intl. Is; ti 1 l'o• 12,1 -0 :1 .1, t 1/7 Ilnelle ,fide II 411. , no tit-••Cillirge tywar e e ~i 6,-- 1G 400.000 ~f the debt I ei vr o iI (I 01_ , tit. e et, .1 ,d me ty it e'.lt• sp • I , „ In toe u s. n u she, at , I Ul t . , I II s lilt II 111. el. ti Ille a 100 e.... r0,',1 of dot i ll i„ 0 1% 0 3 e o r s, an I re ~,,, i t a, ho end 01 i t...,, t' , .ot 11 nn h' •r 411111 01 t ta•ot .14 I ls • le, Ila o. 1 ' 1 lit 43 1. ' ll -' - : , Meal '' d 1 to Del ca.es 1 II 11 " 'lOl 1....% .1 .111ItIO i, 0.1 , 4 .-,..,,. le Q 23,0004004 it 1,4 hodiet ed ,e 4 ... a 111 co ~. tit, io,. tit th •1 ; ',pi. us ‘2, 41 nit 00 1 1 1 , -, rues 0: Ili , nI; "t lel Illy ' • '" ' "'" ' I 1 1 1 1' ff' el Ii I its .11 te ft" .1i 1 Il e' .I. a . 1 • Tile ile,ealti of the Audit, r General add , t ;', el ;, ` ' • " l'"'' r that all tile relief iseues eal he telt emotl end 1 11 T;' t t 1 '.. , It ,0% Ij he 4...a11 , 1 11 , 11 1 I 0 01101 1 / 1 i 11 itior:lttte 1.1 il • r ill 111 1 I'll ' • 1- 1I I '',..' ( 1 e . -'lll. lin( 01 pre.,ll - 11 its di. t. ,Il the lotanel,•. , ) LL' 1 ' I - L ' c lulL 1 ite ` i fi ) Ib e Year f•i s tit a" 11 : 11 lite ' , Sent- mnt slot itti Jon let tit . i Pt , ' in ol a. tot • 0 ~• „: t,' •, -t •,.. 1., , ...true ~,e , tit tt 1I11( II I II 11. In ZI '.( 3 . , r 1 1 • 1 , . tin n.: fat the toe ,ing het I tire then tatime:teed it'd et 1 , .1 Set, t 0 :II; /l L ' The II r ". ' ' U °1( ' a ' 1 I li " 1 -a.alia' 111 "'lit ' . 11-''a'al'-1 ' '1 i'''''' '.l'.' 'Ultj. Oa the 11111 .ed debt-, the Iseult tl u, unites ~,- to I, j,I , • ' ,„ l its t 1.• „t tee e ' unity lid's a , • l ' l e , ' l'' t ii ' 9.!. 11 ' 11 fIIP 1" 0 : 1"' , ". 'r :,,''" l ,i'Y a"" .a lga 1""I ' I ' 'I ' ll e" Icl r ' ' "p" l'' tit, toll u fit Le realthed il k ; the Soar 1 Se 2, at e li l leh I a • 'le 1 - 0 4 1- 1 1 lit( k. 1.1 1 she loop e 0 Olt a ..,,i -1 tro l ' .l "A'' s‘'l'Cil thel d i ''''" z nr l nt. i 4 11'". •_,.. 1. l'" ,, '" .' I r•::'1 I'''' :u' I I, ':1 . ' ll'. r' I."'" nPdi there is gitod reustn In belles (• tile not iheome '-"'r ptY la "I ( " 1 Pl., I , t. 'it"' lull b .) l '' L's " I'll" t 'nun teU d' arrl et-er \ i''L (11 t to l'!--Ilt's eulits ''''''' ''' n Lot 'el ‘f ring ") alders " trout the pulree Is of isa rest he more ;hair sof- , 4l ' l l "1 i " 'II d " I 0 " , "'" 11 ' " "' ';'" II lok - I '", "I lilt ndull". r got oi soccer t r 10 011 4:11('S 11.'1 re tit ' 1 ,, ~,,,, l,le 1 1111'11.01 1 •• e rr natt.t r,....,1 after tit heie„t to ~,, y I ilk. interest „,, t h e, b alalle , ~ i t et , t tt.y tul.lll I , : 1111 (.. ill ilkol.pi .11:. +llll 01 14 U. .I . IIC C numoneealtil lots Itetet ~ st ...,- I i , t4,4 , , 14 4 ~ ~ the 'titbit,' drill, n 0 thereby relieve Inc '''', 4 , 44 It V 11.1'1103 111 (TIM ~ ,1 1.01 111 Mlle- 0 /eh I i) . Cored many tutees , tl , t, l ' u (II 1 1'Y of 1,11(' deltic- ' l•rill, s :;% " l ( i i i,l ' o ' Fe s s r - I il l,"1 1 ' , ‘ I c l,: ',I I ""r ', 1 pie limn 11.1 terther dirge[ texatton for rti„, .., t „,,,,,,. „,,, b,,,.. 3 a l I . o c d e 1 ae‘ h, t , a li a, me meet of arcoan,s an ,I le one, ton 4 , teente 1 ,, ~, , ~,, ,. „,, P , 'i ~, ", ~,. . and 4, o i tle tie sa e , ~ 1 1.1 lif :..C. I inactive. lir st in: et , il ee' t tt„ , s, c Ills Ettillf t' a r2 1 11 ‘v It enl of the bel,"lscs lucid "no " 111,1 ' • .o„joet Or. 10 111.03 I/ “01‘ lite l'. 01/ LI kVIt-1 ‘1,6 It lb leteel In pact 'men specie aell'o I. I traet, 11i.% 4' C1. 4 1/1.,....0.1 1111' 01001011 , 111 0111 in pelt so zet tie stocks Benoit et. te,l % . "4 Shin the last few years marry chi :Le- 1 , fat crltit 1,,t,t Ie:L.IW% e di‘orce. 4. 1110 us 1111 6%1 onteltilliail t 111 411.111-1 Wind. ham, Count- have been Mildly settled, anti touts 'l4 tse heti) streneillentel 1, 3 , molter ref tocetaite 1174_ , eied,lolb 1.11 the t'ef !tutu .0„e„Ith b.ottelit and Ines. cute 1 Ili.jiefgint ntan,l ex, I f.itaii milit re to dun,. I y plt c ,a-ing l i ce - b, on 14, T-e- - ate thee s- 110 " , sot; b , t owes et lime side, nn,:, emh,,,rfo? TO.. pi, at pfirpo-va for wh ett the 1 ited te ith the guwintu(•rit and the i oyes n- tee teims t_ f t.e%chd turtimlitillit'uns. Tin s power \ tt''''' l t' f ' ll `t bell ' , YIP' C" 01,0°,1 meet end atsce, and Relent; to the bat I, notes 1 1 ,1 `, in nit nv trod:owes prodpieel cases r f ex-• i t i wc. ' n" r ilil -Ided ' 11.; '''' 1 " 1 I '" L ''''''' ' prelate,' liar circulation Lo all squ if simaiet, trete° hattiehe s up' n balls: men situ has; 1 c i d ,: i n , P l d i P r, e ,,', e , t ,','," l ' il ed il i ' " ' "PP"' i b l l i '''' I eon potemye no grounds for conti I nee in t"t 4l comer lied lo I -',.'• cite h a l l ant • "•' 11.1111,1 due. 1 r ii..?l , , ,, . ) ::i ' inti .i ' die ' P e l :' ,)2 • Y e i r ' ' ' ' ,e r n "um' t ilt 1 :.-,:••tetti It must explode iisa. woolly with the accumuktee, inteica , totes the in them ~,,,e ipt.ition, p u s,e,-1,1 [mil I St here It i i adoptcJ to any It no d ert l e fl‘_ 11 IVeney Of their is inni ile- awl co stilt t -4. 01 ••• I • I pirt e ev, aidel t ,e iitit,ol 011 le tent. u nenesti a revulsion tit curs to test its I au) gravii,.l in k I,t_t: atflf to say t i t. I the ran, s•-. The Inlinflationdolun6rl gos 4, et uhrld s',. for it I:3 a des:aeon f l ou t t uts pri net _ bustles:, Imposed tiesn tee nelcountine eff errs I mg inns 11 , d, the li n k ei the Leeiria isle-. leteliel in I sole hankmg can •, uly be l'3' Itet "a sr ts of , 1t entiblS • , li:leeilot ite r Ott a I """'"( ice '^"st 's l u t es eccu l' i lu 110 , 0,1 end centtuelad en nit nes, close an d el 1 debts, ha" me only bet hrtloutiv p re Pyt C l 3 1 . 1111 ellse ill t he eteStoss ot si resets Neither irel s'idliele far hit lis a .in formed, but Ili It the on iebt litismese has ', l ''''' '" 11) "' l ', lI,P "rg 7 "e I e"'' 'I 1,„,,,d that a 1 31 0 1 t h vy Lave ti t, and it tiics beep 1 atti , e,lo,l to a l eil hept op. To v iL y u, r i e ti , l , e ianc i e ,o t r o s i n ie ue olit s t . u t i r o s eD l a s c i tti l t , e n n t i len I etc iit in the:ltalie of hank notes witheut tenable tip . Attilitoi tient ral, i lloo (atm, to eon- tame a 'urge num er of local Inn , the means to 'sidecr' them in gold a d telt er, ,t'nue to do full jll ere to the infei este t;f the i elate rd. The tendency set mem be they commit a/f, and usen (he collet, inity as l'''tste, *MI all eotiveined in t "le prone 1 t-ct the.- Ell elni ter 1101101 11.....1 practice Vl'lit 11 they lend an .1 put in t Iteulatlnn that vliirb es Clint of accounts, libe•al pi Ot!-ion !!multi be le, , arsleti as 01 ea Atoll uttle3 , , end net uterus y, nor the ieptesent ,t Ve ot money made to pay reldotoral (Nell, Iri 0. que.tion %%1111.11 11l my opinion ileSer•tis gi aye con- It this syattm of coneet tine- ;State }Seeks t` line on this seldeet, I Woeld tesheetfully seferation. General Irma ,nll't I. lint_ the whole Into bittiong capital, and hyprithecating it as 111110 atteetion to the Oienllizatton of the of- ""'"'"""' Teee ''''' '" ! In '" • di`e''B'"" . the d''- , titillate consideta l tioti et elf 01e people. 'llitti a seemly for hank issees, %%.„1 0 Ito, a el e i n _ fires of the Auditor Genciat and State 'Vies- blie attention old Sc• :1011, 1110; tgz,gca ep in real estate might be; serer, to nseertain w helr the regulat ems I e si „ l ,.”,‘,, lm i l i ,: ) . l ,: i r ,":, l , B ,,, n i l t i m nit e ' ls ' Is e• of all—lowee aittl fur the same purpose which wou ld of rautehechs exot op arc en, tricot in all res- I genii il loos hare 111 . 44,4 . u-sell 011 them the ssislont, all ell MI If flat hatter security fur the pay- reels to Fecure a proper aecountahilitv al el the experience und lite judgment of eSerl: member meet of notes; and by this process tto whole Protect the interests of the Cammonwealth. of the Leg,slature. flatt nig recett et( :ins tfeltb "able of the real esa e ate of the euunier might It is tone that the public h i res for mal l s , years elate sant linn, they Lt.-natty meet tLIII the npino ha converted into banking ca pit a l, an , th e su-teined no losses; but I rtoprchco I that the hattnq of the people, mid hecome p e l t hrteeto rules to mit , into a lotion of bankers. Ti is propo- faithfulness of' the events tooting charge of ''' nen""' This reasonable lane (multi ,und situp' lies the !petitions auhniftleil for legislatl% e Silil/11 goes to show that the whole scheme is these departments; ,'," I net the checks provt . , in t is calculated to shortee the se•stott, illusory and uneotind, ' fled by the lay, Iran imidliecil thin reside— d ""ss4m— reduce the expenses of the eovertin Crll, 'lllil glee Flee benhing, in its legitimate sense, is the !This is a propitious eerie& fer in;tittitiner, en thettsiv (Old importance to the pros ,dings of the del; which any man enjoy's, to lend his own examinajton of the subject. particularly as the ge i (rat assembly. money to tstliom he pl e a ses . I t is t h e ex _ ,present w9rthy officers bold sii large a share On the other hand, local lersislion recites no change of inonry for securities to repay with of Public 6oriffileni'e• I I interest. A fee. menthers'only wlt eepresent the interest. It involves no tiutttious increase , Sinee the cstahltslonent wef the present sys- eminty,•townelop, or borough in ullch the change of circulation, bin may be carried to an mild- tens the finances of the State have increased of the la le proposed, and coneer led Ili arrane trille extoPt, without affecting the curroncY from a few hundred thousands to $4,000,000 1 m g ° l e Prnt remiss,. Those ep tint nets; me and being to "f i e" Pas , " 'l'his is the free tanking which has at all cranially. Of the retselations shish were 1 tlinl 1 t he ir eur tortirwtth ell the imperfeett its which the times supplied, and dues now the t 'ants of a !hell considered sufficient I:ire' now Inadequitte '1 tvisdom and d 4 berate care of 0 e whole lowly large portion of horrowerss anti elm mends it. le nroteet II • t ts'of the Commonwealth 1 l'isould • le in etes 1 la se in goneral laws. Thu direct tenden self to general confidence and m proval by in its cidartreirrind inerenstno finances. Icy of this Intact ce le in multiply he demand for its simplicity and adaptation to the wants of The Auditor GererPl'n" °free, to be on efe i local laws . A deMand which ha increased Irmo the people. , — • •fleient cheek open the Treastwer, shonlil be so year to year, tone alarming emelt , and which no The policy of incorporating mini g, mann-- organized that the Auditor _Gerinral Mieht 1 industry of the General Asset - obi will he able factoring, transporting, and other °Meanies, know at all times the condition of ti'e Treas- l i withM the limits of no ordinary s ssion, to amis• for purposes appropriately within individual t try from the bel:s of his b un o ffi ce, with ' i fY. If the practice ie continued i it not imprac. si 752,515 04 f2,90',() 9 co 03i, 4 op . 4.1 4,,1 . - ,i , c:il :nn 11 1V11,,!i. prupl) i 'Lilt tis ifi-I.;nary liol , 1 lii ly., I ,r. ra I 1, t, - ,1 1 .is 4 ntiLly 1 ,1,14 1 11 4 , 4 1 1 .) 4 4 41 4 4 1, I a o j,k , :1:111 1.1,U•11 it i"101101-1.i.111, , n 01 ill, ;,,C„,lgt3 it tile 4.t , .'. I .0 , 41 - 1141iIt•.‘ I,IIU ''l ir,(l, Ili WI 011, I) Ault Wk/11,1. and 11111 Cti.l-cil ‘9l lii C. co-c fit ti,o4tioss t I tilt ( Imo) rel .1 awl to ,o, IJctu.i.l2: Cole-, awl to.i ii 3, and .fic flit:wit-4i if p.,;c41.4tt t 0 aful t0..414, p, 4,1,4 r 3,1%111,1 IVW J:111ii. C11.1..4. t.,11, 1 . 1 14 l i , r 4 ~,, , i,r c4l 4) , , lii ,ot of 111 e ,t v 4 tap 1.1%‘,F . , In 1141 .o the me los CI lite ric.isti . ry rvel3 3 vitt.. . It, hotvcver, tl.i3 z' 4 at. 0 1,1. (4 ,. j : , 1 .- 4 1, 4 4,,, t ,,r, it,: 1 ,-,,,r,„, It.V.e.llice.tall-1 nut be 414vei 14.41'19 0 1:i!, ptlll.l. Z.-,‘, Llltl the ill it 11,1:1 I ecolooty nil Ille :Al .ill , -I l“4 -, 41 ,, ,a;li.li,) 4,1 11. e 041.bie .14,4 . 411 s rots!. lie 10411. to 1 :lAA ciitoite 1. .It IS aill.)114 t'tz! 1 . ",,, 4.4 i M... 1 :.'.i .14 It . t. , iii t!10,• e.itril-iced t, Ilk t,:e alimi:ll.l a.i,lois k/I 11:0 ;Z0%111 111, 10 , {l/ 1111 , fia OW 144,. 0.11;•VI4 111t.1111e., Volliess ..N.:. , W . .: ptie oils au c4 s, Li 1114. r, a.. 4. 1111.1 ill: 41:111,6.1 4V , ..:, lit L.end .1 LatiaNl Isle :.:11.d 1.11;1101 1 ' 11e . :',4 lit: 0,4,114: I gel i , :;.141 ... , ,ti !..!.1,111 g.. 4.41 4. to It &ICC 111. , 11111)14: ii ii,, uttil it. Iti-1 hit: I) , 1,.!:. 1 . .., :/ ili•ti/Ulli•il lIX 411.41 01•,1y i Illltlt IS , I owl, .oire ivel itopill 4by a srti...l ~, 0 11 , 1 , ,„ ' ,lwo Il i! teeowouoid.oi,a 1,,,, tjii)ef: 11l OW 1.0 , 1. 1011.1111 W. es Vl . , lt iile'l IS to I.lit. , ±..l%clres: 111 cow cultici wait this sill . ) Cl, l icrinoLloil itccu 1.,11 hi . to the Likni , ,al, A.,:e.iihty Ow p 44p r;t 4 IV .tut i el.ey of loop 0 , i,t,: to lot people. 11.1 ..4441c,,,0n, to o 411,i1..:0ti- till ion of the &state ty,locr Ile hi' td of fhb 11:th Nrtik la 4 I that Liszt 'uncut,- liy ivioili ..ithe iitcolite lion the filth is improve il.e.ltl, iloiCr acittictiot: ,the - i i, c e, bar y e x p t . ligni , 14,1 .41 , 41 r. itirl suititi:i'auttilence, Lite it.ventle ail ' ,111,. bout lee ti,ttic tax oil real and p-iiootal prop - ' ti ty, dor a cur till pc; tOd, find -stelt other it Illi , 01 111LoIlle . a.1 I. tu.ty be deeded isdiuitati tiittylutie, bilait b ••t.t iiii.iit and sitc.eilly I,lefigi 4 for the p,) .lent of Ow noel es; 'upon hie public debt. and tbag,o.loat ,opibta ion ul' the priityiltul. . Spelt at, totteltdoteto, josfluitau±ly al rani!, tr” 94'0, I awe helot, oleo o'lto the decided approba ion ul die people of lief Cl!1411104 . 0%, , i1 b. It would consult. Li a u poldp.: t , cit itrueul upon it fixed oil, set, remove all dot 1/1 the fitilni ss of the public ,creilit, mill lay the foundation our the final exinguislinven- of the tittbld: iltit . lj. would give un uittlitiiihutre (dull and atuettrtutva 44.) the pet? . .,lle, 00410 the piddle crecli ors, thot in no event rOuld stir 1111 lit' reyontie he' Ilivet led num i,. wei.1,..1..01,i,et, & l id puold !units!) conclosivo reusoipi'fiq the prompt land cheertul pt anent id' th. taxes," 'I !I'" itnliihlity of lasution nriiiing from large fittitatitivs of property, tittlij , e: '0 tux under '7( 44 ' ' 1 _1! i'l'fi Tteeptt!E ilteteinent, arid the unequal IMO rtml (feeble, in n great State like Pennsylvania to P rovide epecial acts to meet tall the different and, changing views of the citizens of every lliiirough, lownship, all county, and If this were prardwa -1 tile, would no! the Policy 'of e a itliblashing no In& I , I ate yari..ty pf different r if , le s for the rams: people , e exceedingly questioa a I-, and introduce great motaisitna and uncertainty 7 Would it not delcat ' one great smd beneficial. ohj-eit of mood I?tista tion, which 'Of permuneney of the laws? Is thefe not true wisdom and sound policy In strenetitem. IMg aid preserving sho n e Of the Cottaftumwe : ittli, I and maininitaing unifom r , custonas anillhatot 7 7 It is true there- arc iii ides of difference in the condition and local circuinganc•cs of the citizens ''of setaaraie distracts of the State, but ill' an advan- I eing and improving country where intercourse a's en il.reet, and when the social Haim as of lily are leo generally ilitilascal they are gra fatally am! cer tainty' , tusappearingmtader the India Arcs ad general 1 laws. We are one periplc, without refereaee to ancestry, or the phiee of our birth. We are ail Vennsyhannians—we have ihe Fame constitution sff Gocernment—the snore common rtglits_thin 1- why shoadd we not have the saline fmtaimote-Ftwa.! I In conclm ion, permit i me to assure you, +4. 41,- , 1 tlemeti, that I slam most heartily eo- operate %yid' you in all, your (forts to ad:nace our belm:e.l ICommonwealth, and lob prnamte the welfare of the people. . FRANCIS R. VIZZCIT(V/: tinc.rt, MIRE THE '0 USE RVER. '•Tha \Voila is Governed too Mttch' I•1' It 1 B. Y A . flnten• ny .rannn: y M •• E 4 0 - 71` 110 , j, dt.tly to - pif , c , ll , : t•r- \t. Int% e I'll I I ~ ‘ llll' ft) r Ilsel r , rp r ) , Pl i;; 1.4 . 10 unt trfl h . r, t the Par' nultbrnit, (10v. ::_ 4 l/.1i , !;•:. Me- UV CASs oN WII.IIOT 1.7't,i411` of The 3'. 1 111. cow aim - a letler tnm ) , , written in "r+-i,!y ton l;itcr of in zol,lic,:w 1 to hitn try a nninber hod - . in ielntion to the * It i tit nt, iu %%hie l r r•tninr• groirnn 1..•11- J . . iPZain't Prilx ;in..' nil rno'tr rili.-ttnr- in it. Tin•ii•lt , J;eioritori Tilt' ...11.4.1-101 1 to \V;:-11,t..:— , i 1. `.rtio 1 ;1:0 Cw:‘. v,l f rr r+f Oi•-• ME , . Tli , . c'..ir!; iti , -, u iou v. I;:cii r C,•II..C:t•-• HOW , bi11,...t r f• i.ri... 1/;: , 11: ,. .1i , ! i:t1; ! V I I Pry Ifl , 1;/.1- I.tr %‘l , ll a !atgo p. iti , •ti ( r thf• 0, , ,;:ii:/. IL ai,,, uccu r , th t. A , !( ! ,i, i, , lzoniii “r, In• 1 ifli ,, ii tilt.. ‘‘ar tin( -anti—` 11,:t 1-, lir. wic. in I ,r1:o: !• try s ,ch Dart- 1,1 :‘, l O N . c.i a. , \\ r r ‘. i.c ,,, ) - lintirr 1 i;h (1 ;:z, v I . ll?Wi.ql. and :‘ , . r:ft , r: :au IttP..c ,u: -, yin 1 , il , k•y!“;.ii! tilt. ~.% 1 ,, rellt.c.! I t ) neitial inilt'ary , %V ev. ill fr , 1 r..1 ,, ,q firit in ~,,,' i,,-0, A II T.3lk Th.- i - :11!eui,•ts ;0 (a „ lia‘f 4 11(.1 f.r -;tr), h 11.:--ent the r'ite,•.- (': I(•rnr,l to 'ow, on ten Dill C•ntit orlur to h. l i t .h ;ray the es,; etc,e, I f the \\ nr, That pal er fIL at tempi- to im‘Le it U_ ear !hal ur file Int"0:1 tiocp,ll.o \\ - e ol,Mt the mkt' 111(1 of Gem Irl itt rein 1,,,x 1 , 1111, tr!tcles Ina lime ~I !( co. It We arc rtnft ‘ , l,mc.p. , I we itittm.trimlsly t te:CM‘lll , .l ti, C.,\ el.ll tipmi ( irtt. !rk 11 . `e - ;111,•• t• iho it r„. } • -1,, • {!..," ‘„ 1 : !. ) . 11; , (11%!; ' 141 ;11l to undor-iFola I , ta lion, I When the Pie-Hout of t 1)01:0 '..C.;,12:1, cfl fit‘orab?ki to it. tVe Lay' , tint tha: our We r - C ; ;hip r; J unhke tt ;;1" : v. DEE • -. dry the snr;\ , . now tin.t. they X\ ere 'Own tl.at the rrople'w( nid not tit in,ir wntpn ioa of t -itch thttiezi f, r:-,.eh a i nri SVe hotieie tl.at t.;•l;her ihe re m - heir 'Fla• r( ace there itrtitle,,, v.lr tt ,t)l,j, ci 1 , ) t:tiv and p ia sc-rtreely perre:tible. 1.4-; the thti!triue of v.iliirf:ty ib er4 t. ,I;fi'erci:(.6 : tierce the (itt: - ,et it t Ile 1.2-,;hti t conatr ; t ht.'ar . t. ,;) for iheir idipathien, ir it urtli v Goan tii. Id it not ` quo; h •r 11 0 hv • I 6nual co act; dobts, rod by ihr tr .‘ ';' , tatv;. hig in favor of tLciriniorite p,Lev of pi we aro told b,v 11V- litor4 pt . thr's Ga• back , - 1 by nil I:leir kx cannlnfii, Jolt 11:c pro;b:rer: z: 7 16 , 11j MEE it",•:— übatia, by ,tli, Irko 6 , 1 Ifocci t le% ful it IK .'i b ~. , t li.• f,icUuci,u: •~ui,!, tfi I:r•~l:,n~~.;riil ih~~ Inog , , • ,ii t tt'- ) , 1•1 i lid I ll^ ri•- i• in 1, • it- Irc!t•.v b'y c::+•,! ly en rim+ , r.n.! 1111.1 ; r, 1101 no ; 1 roff. , e bo cep:4:ly it ;)::1t it tic:111 .i; yo ;11'; . : 1. fitt.'t!l iltc other, on.l )ott can tl C. , 21.1 of the Cile,nia yi,nl ehoo:e.. tl the r 1/1 i9l9sdgC i f ilire at Ow =MEE 'lie 1 ,...,,i„, „i . tea and cof: , e Lt ti , : . time .! Cr. , l le% it) toted Gtr it, all I now, i , Tli , e a dif 1 fermi thing. Then thoelllipt y wa , in a state of prOrpllll,l 'Jena', :111 I it wa , ii , l. ncet. , ,:ari. Now it i:= enira , ;red to a w.tr, no 1 the tnezts - o IC I C,N , T:IO, nVee,:qtry, .11,11 the (1:1:, - .1•tte_s.1 she did not v , .te for it. 'l'hi. i, all idh l .. 'lle ed itor of the palette 1:nov.:;. he Noted 'for it,t and (that, top, ),hen, l i wlei v.t‘' l lenoc.i! ‘k.iiii all th0,1,, , ,00,1. ,Ti y loafakt -, thr• NN'hi; . 1 , , t 1 . 011gre:S• 1.1 . 'sit'. fun I 1,1`... i:111 (ht - ICI pasFE•il so hi ply pro',l , Cfit - C, tirit it. ‘1%1,1 not raise the req 1 . 1: , ;,te aino.ini. of re% cH One to defray the ex :oen-P , of the '' l , ,overf` went : hence they appended to it a seettru ley) tug a i duty of:10 per et , nt. t‘x i , th:;:k ) WI nit tlttit'll ,,, i ' n o t named ill thlf.'ho,ly of the EI:11,"n i l a.1)ng• vk 11:cli —l,va , tea anti coill- 4.: For 'ha...CIL lk. ;'l'VinNt/Tel. 01ro'g, C ill., sub cy meld Nr-maion2 Ivealtlt have !wen enot-- al the pen -11611) and protecting l'o i r wtt ilw arr,, at its I lie tonna our utlitir, is lotct.tect O: lIIC LeV.- ev• gener.il, Irive been o substi my well he t presents Ver . Oloot has dee — tecd Ih^l it at:yllcl ler, carry anti - eller for !..a:e, aoyfl - ated . or gil ded wore, jewelry, t% at cites or nny E nteral mud ic.tte. the coloposittott elv,h;cll is Itet.t secret from the politic, he tnost f ,, r a yearly ; Th e cLlzole, cif lust tvt-ek, rcs.7rrnmen (led the (•aliiiig of a - Whig 'inevlin , iti o;') Con to the but the'Corntnei ci;3t, of t hin weelr, opposes tlie,.. proporAtion, tind s 4, hiuks it e \ will r Flew we' in no good to the Marty . j Fle we' htive‘ .(Insit•teney • striving to ntterits opin: - ions, n bile 4 expechencyli eq anis ready , Ong in hand,, t 1, Cram them 'down ,its throat. l'he • • ,______ , bare 14onmition of the Gazette, call :4;ti , fy 1 r„,„„, t .., , , 8,,, the .4iinsisteticy ' portiim of the-party, it bile ! „f sating down , the nesative of the Commercial will make it; s atur d.j v even i o rill straight 4 expediency .' ny the by w h o 1 ~,,,,,t i„. NT„i,„.B it:malaise fhonlit a pa per that ha, denounced 1 Thr• sapper was this us', Polh'e: War tor the e::tension of Sin- l u g ) I very; w o uld now oppme an unti-ttar meeting. and [minion) - Verily, is put this paper ti 'fink of cuneirt- I• f act • ory • , "7. •1 • W.V. l. ' ' . 1 • tide 1, and mirth • ' ' 11,:e ~;., __ ME tloPar, tvit the atticles. nod, pat it i Vw ;I'll :~~~t•. ~I I~n~ ; irll.','.l I,v 1110 ri lIMI .. ' COivs/STENCY.-IVc are amused, not a h t e ti et the twistiog and torniti; itt" ths ' exi•e.hea-I cy' portion of ti! NY big f%rim; in rPgariti % ) the War, WII .t they say t .tin}-, tlyy as nrsce'r e . . 1 rI , lionioii-li unsay to-inorrol, en I tl e 1%1, : ... they ad% itcte this month, will lie ma , lc to z i.„ .. , place to one diametrically (Ipp,,,,i te r .,,, x ,. 4 more palpable illustration oi l this than is fx!,:. I kited by the Cion'tnerci3O, v.e think we !I " saw. Last spring, in silealcing, of an ettettp; to• raise a Colkipany of vinitrite - n.s to o 7 t, tiMexico, it made use nt_ the fiilloving la rt7.: l „ : . Th e f a ct iS, "Wt. have as linanirtro,i,j,‘ , , for,o goad ctrusc in pl. p ot tf wn t o Q . 1,. ry e 1 tn in bs a n y ,oilo.r colr:r: - .unit:i., but fir a t .,... ud rouse, like Polk's 11 - ,:r. A i r the e.rterair..a o r . Nlrt: - .ery, tie °pity that st iretf„cree.4rte ter,,lt • k.ul t ,t , mn of a large cityi avic,i h : , i t , / 0 , 4 e murals, tchisiling-, [ drunim ng unit d I, i till a corps of minor .tirs rts - ,. 2c::-L e ,3 I numbers," 1 i 1.1 W , •,I -t c•litsilliy, in i. Gaulte . a pr(vo. ,t ion to tnrc:ing - t the pal er t lint ii: I:Jrigutige !Far hi t. party ithmai ;:t by u z the :an tr,r• .11: I iwird Ci9:ol 1 ry, tt (t ttcl , ic• *hLt ,;_;!ril. or :11 - .2:1, 0:e V lir 1.• ot - Sav‘r Tiled rliu tit f.,) j ai' War tjtr -ucl. ❑ •a:,.—n,o.t it i SITI) /1111 =I .•N; edit`, eV i.; , 1' de% U." Al'Lat t1C:1,1; c. w. re inregar I \V •L£,? r.re l~nu . ~~,tr• , I`ua~rr , 14. Y/ i 1 EINEM It (*!11...;"'t 1. 4 ligiEllE v ifs 1 a •• : 11,•.:1 f::: , : ;: l'i . • ll . ' , f. , : . =II =MEI • .c't I .Io 11,1 =ME 2-7'y i rlllii. i '. tiA, 1.. t., 1. , V. 11.',1 d 111. c r; t • i vin f.r tfir„l,l, 111 n . I Li% Mil 1~ ti. C t i • I c b., BIM II r• innt in a lea -ir' car II tt ith. 1 i-. 111•11 c r iil, .t .1 ik •, • bi 1 -4/ fl 'l:Anr;t+,:• h in nn ' ~~rt~r, ~\l'e• :.;! t jr, Butt onii, , n t;.c 1, t r:ma Inns .h I,:ys c.t ;17 0:: c bcre f tit ‘t :it 11.11 t i ti, \ they tr.it titiLr v. lion it I'a.\\•s P.iil S:criilar I . .1 a-t w"r: and.. ur lf fla,f 'l' ;PA i fly? rul)lic ortgifal,(• ofik..., 11 time for 1 1" , ert - qttntl I • for = BY I>tic...‘;‘) k.filee,l l l lore 1 :,1).t.1141 OP tui-e) f tl f. 1 , i it ti,( ; > . i,,, ;1 , ..t.: n-ciet eielit Soc let i. I,cre!eirre notic.: \,i l -. aei. g MI . : 111'd to recorti imother cf F. ' 1 - Cite:l or oi2 lit dei ;ars hy the (41 Ilan i:fah:„ l'i , , ' l ( f...... t. tiltr:c il ef this city. i itti,i•leriii , •the circi.: st':it.ces c f this c:',-liirO, that. it 1., aluin:, c:: i41 , e , l or IL...re wh9i.i , ve Cxpentied the,itlV , ; rl ;1.:•' , ie 1 I hh, Coitritr; l ‘ , the krill lof thei,r t':- . ,I ~ ) t..o;,—;i::. ‘.‘ Le aro cqi i;:;:ratr.ery zs•trae.geil. • _1: (Tit'C MI I 111 t, 0 i , ,_ "2 rll . t•r:a::1-.!:,.1 111 =ll (do =I 10 t' tit t r 11,•rn lclt 111.' I ci tl C ntcllniti ii %%1 Cict A'-,cciate 1 . 2'1;4 Srrnion. firs nt),l Oct the 'el( le-tio,rrotv. Vt'e fa-t git atfl not b. thiii i• 1 their mitrii that. if o to t 1•,. ‘l, ii 11,1 iti- Cot- • .1 t oi her 5'.1, itig 1,73 glt” , t e by, cl'}rtalh, our insuul miter onor oats Clir'We bee that tire not in ij i t‘ry -erne other points however. mi t e.) hat :• • •pjleticy, alai :dm di , count, u;s we Corhiur of the in' nn ply Eotritsient it l al:,lith>s. • • \V: karn M r. lionary o.ldier; enlist:wed „,ty fir owner %%it!' it. 1 ing with him' is tl.O ho!': 4.;keb the fol. 1(11 . . it ICA rrCe,;!:- .V." 1.1 rite or Cr ' . 4. r Utl.f.rt Ifif Pt' l'te tl,lr of f. ! Li p‘ "1:.9•111i . ‘Vl,:lir,> r 11;, •• ," ..o•.r ...e SC 11;t. hid • , L•u(' the ..c.: z s ce—i. e., "117,-.1 C, t) t!lt t C'nr*-C'ef ME on 4 l iv%s In' IhET of t - :•4c,citLusi,Pent.,. , I .' , =I , and t' had cau s ed u. evcr, [lnd ti s .h7r ccw-.. 2 ! P t i.: it-• I I.;.ust? e; - . P. nil it r In,rr, thr ,::.; ~ r4,~`~1 I Ltr,fit-via•Te!,-, a fvrioos an—beenti 11:, led by in the ma,: t stolTing tii IL: lavtz li:0 fa:111 re. • i)t s;tli-,tied u lot ell a [z. 00,1 ~a7v. t+l,:cl: gr,il .ta [Le Wc;lcrnit!. cinvt to reply tat;.: nri Er = MSC c(l,-or 11'63 rr.a:,es ul \, ^. it WI (id ,i,no r.s.cliaLf,cs. -are 1::A in ti l ie n, it: IS not onioinints ‘‘er,:•7, cC Alastor, to s:' that tiw r talth k the trot:6!e it; m the bag tit:lb U? n'Lieh lie ft utoily ost et or (t:4l. ninny, that be:c4,. raking the Nets tr,:v Was G,,'l'i: ere youMre. time ! cvm ril'unons to . f our mpub:;can t i er,- are matte Larch ain it th•.:4l -‘- by ()flat . contril, j u'ion, 11'!' a iibc ;al tmc." vilest dto tate that Ss. , feelip7Lf t *- nmtlers a lilt! ch his !,A„lecn'ter..' :NPR. Plit•Lil • net] Church, that church; on Ilection be t3ke: .7rei that We were nor ;:. !. the fact, that we 1- 11 1-1 - We hope, how e‘rt.aurc t 1 hurkward in rAtt41.471. I nn:1 we can asE.u"C: 4 : it the pleasnre ofhott; ,+'!0•11.11 . the ocCasion 1 .4 •1 11e.1'n hearing a gJo:: ildvet:- ) ) i -)- "---1-----'—. ) ; i I)reFs of new 11(31E1 , rt i reluctant:ly cornr?v liMOUIII, Of, MiSC011s::: i/e. the'notes of the E'M l ud repute Cle‘e'Ar , • On the Ittlie'. ; " BEI no fears h 1 regnrd i n • lifq not part with tiler 'Mve been asFured Si Aitution that there *of its vaults to meet 31c! flint recently the ltt'si • of Cheraw, S, C. 3fe ,gel nearly 100 ye 3 .6 , and horrid to ref. Er. Brock hod no fo . ):! ept his negrees. f• pvtt.—We had the pi o a plentiful repot, P: prepared for %W I)? I‘,l of the Eagle fir' 6xcenent; l os the.goid 'that prevlailed were 0 u rge ar,d happintl.,s pTe6Ol/1'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers