VOLUME XtVIII. THE OBSERVER LS PUBLISHED. EVERY SATURDAY, AT ERIE, Palo County, Pa. A. P. DURLIN &13; F. SLOAN PP priefora and publishers. OFFICE CORNER OF STATE TREET AVID PUBLIC SQUARE. OPPOSITE 111 Y, r.AULE ifuTEL TERMS OP THE PAPER. City aubscribers Hen by thesrarrier) $l. 00 By mail, or at the oilier ,in tolstapce, , 150 far If not paid in atlvance,t or within three months from the time of subscribing, two dollars will be charged. No derlatiosin tts these terms. . . •.'No paper discontinued until all arreareges are paid except at the option of the publishers. - IL,V"AII communications mtuit be post paid to secure attention. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. One square' one yenr, $S 00 Three Ku irem, I ipar, 810 'do d i mix months, 500 do do 8 ino, Ft do do titre° do 300 do . do 0 do 0 Transient ativertisemeutm :di ern!. per *tiii.iin tor the first insertion nod ...tr . , cent. fur eneh .iiiist (went trimertion. rearly ads ert kera have the priviledgeori4Linaing at pleasure, but at no limn urn ailloweel to occupy morn than three squares, mind to be limited to (Amin sliniedia'c b u tt n ell. Advertisements not haring other ilireetione, will be in rented till forliblonol elinrireil accordingly. irV Cards, not exceeding 6 Nes, inAerteti at $.3 per year. l'aiT.U'.il Z4l,l.'LTO:.:is-T L. WARREN. Sish. Blind and,Docrr?lantifacturer and Dealer in Glass, we side of state st, between 7JI and SI fist 4, T. %V. MOOR Dealer in Groceries, Proviainaa, Candicti, Fruit Ste. No I. Perry Bloch, i titatc 'street, Eric. Pa MARSHA-LL Rz. LOCKWOOD, Attorney's at Law! (Mike up stairs in the Tani many Hall build intr,nortkult lorProtlionotan Office. - 9 SMITH JACKSON. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, II ard Queens Ware, Littio, troia, Nails &e. No. 121, CloaNitie, Erie, Pa. - - JOHN 11. MILLAR County and florou t zli Sun e' or; office in Exchance litfil fi • n !.fg„ :4! , Er - E. N. 111111.umwr a.- cu. uurrm.o, J. Y. STORAGE, FORWARDING AND PRO- DUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND De:riffs in . Lehigh and Erie Coal, , and Produee generally. Particular mien tioa.paid io he sale of Produce and purehaQe of Merchandizri.=;, N 0.3 tk 4 Coburn Square, South Wharf. E. N. HULBERT, U. IMIGGS. Buffalo. N. Y. BENJAMIN GRANT, Anorney and Counsellor at Last• ; Cake No. Stale .t.,rwposite the halo H 0; Erie. Pa. • GRAHAM THQMPSON, Attorneys St.. Counsellors at Lau, ettiee on French street, over S Jackson $ Co's. Store, Erie April '21,1947. 19 I. ROSENZWEIG k Co Dealers in Foreiun Domestic Dry Goods, Ready Nicole Clothino., Don S and Shoes, ke. N. 1, Flemming_ Dioeli, State Stieet, Erie, Pa, • GALBRAITHS & LANE, Attorneys anti Uoun-ellors at Law--etliee on Sivh street, nest side of the Public. Square„ Erie, Pa. 12111110=11 G. LOOMIS &. CO. Dealers in Watches, .lewelry, Silo r , Clerrnan Sil ver, ['Wed and Britannia Ware, Cot ilary and F.iney Goode, N 0.7 Ite . ed I loose, Erie Pa. • WILLIAMS & WRIGHT Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hry V.loods,Gro cerie!9, Hardware, Crockery, Cilas,v%are, Iron, Nails, Leather, /ils, etc. etc. corner of State Jtreet and the Public: Squa,)phsite the Gale Tavern, Erie, Pa. WILLIAM RII3LET. Cabinet .Maker, Upholster and Undettaker, State Street, Erie Pa S. DICKINSON, M. 1). rhyqician and Start:eon, office on .t , eventit Street n(qt gr the Nlathodi•rt Erie, P.i. WALKEIt C. COOK, .eneral Forwardintz, Contriti;-sion, and Produce Merchants; Red Ware House, east oflke Pitb• lic mirtze, Erie. • JOi3EPp KELSEY, Manufacturers of. Ttn Cum' air Sheetctron 'Aare corner of Prenet; and s reets, Eric. LESTER, .S . I:INNETT St; CHESTER, Iron Founders,lulesale and deale, sin Stoves ' ['follow' sore fie. State street, Erie. P. • JOAN 11. BURTON & Co. . vlalesilvandret.iildeafert in Dri.w.m, Dye Groceries, &c. No. a, [iced t tease F:rir, Pa. C. M. TIBBALS - , ' , tier in Dry Goods, Grum Ni:;. theapside, Erie Pa. _ GOODWIN Ili) TIWESDAIL. eaters irk Dry Goods, Groceries; N.c., No. itunnit Mock, State :4.,Eric, ['a - - - CARTER Rz, BROTHER. eaters' in Dra!rs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye„ ' Glass, .S..c No. 13 geed (Innen, B. TO.NILINSON>a Co. orwarding and Coininis4ien .'lrc h;tnty; 109 French Street, Eric, and at. 6th Street Ca!llk "a son, also dealer= in (;roterie9 kind HENRY CADWELIL I ealcr in Hardware, Dry Goods, Groceries, s4e. cast stile of the Diamond, and one door cast of the Eagle Hotel Eric , Pt EAGLE IIOTEL; v'lliramL.Brown, tniner or 6iate street nnd thoPublics(inare, Erie, Pn. Eastern, Weston, and Southern :Sinae Wan. LYTLE 1:4 RA MILTON. ionatile Jlerchant TailorA, on the Public uare,l a few doors west of State Street, El ie, • JOEL JOHNSON. rin Theological, Miscellaneous, Sunday Sehool Book; Stationary, etc. etc. 111 , French Street, Eric, Pa. P. A;LR. BRACE, ney and CouKsellor atlaw, Piairie du Chien, T 1• practices in the counticsi of Crawford, mind lowa, W. T.and in Clayton county, _Territory. • • , '(II7FFEILS' series of Books, I, 4 and 5. for able at No. 111, French St. e, May 6, 1647. 51 . NEW ESTABLISHMENT, lot Street, nearlyopposite the Eagle Hoot, LOON4S 4;CO. are now receiving from New York and openine at their new store lAnsWe assortmenz of,Rich and Fashionable EIAY, (ernbracinzihelatest style of work rket,) Clocks,' toted and Briliania vn..,,v Cutlery, Sled wings, Campliene solar Lamps, Lartking GI sses, Gold Pens, her with a general variety of Useful and Or ntaf articles. Call and see what you will see. ne 260847; - 6 Cash For Flax Seed. • Sg willibopaid,ibr ono tit usand bushels of I.l kSerd by CARTER Imo-mut.. 11 Z- 47 . ISM ;Litio. 0, Reed House. M IRS. , -Loal; Crushed, Pulvbrizerl, Clary Pcuto Rico, Havana. Nets Orleans Su or sale atiNo. 1, Perry Block. u g•T. W: MOORE. , IN -'t I 11 •-.. • . • 1 I , '4 • , . , -• :,:l ''‘ To ~ --,1 -`,14 • ..N 11 t :-. —. c - ..:''' -,,, .r. .:4, ~--J, , ....# _•. ~ ~.,. ~ , . , , • ..., •, ...„, ,-..„, 4., ~...., ,: ~,,, ~., . „., ~ , ,• i ... . :,, . :.•,,, ~ .....,,f v g , e,.'i ....4 ~,, ~., , , 11, 44 ktf - - • ' z.ss ' . " i •- s4; 4 i i:,....i.: : : " :ix Y., ‘ , 4 . , 1.„: ,:f tA- AA.,- , -.1 yi r ' - -,.. _ s 'F ' 7', A '.l , ;7 \ ,•-f, ~,,, . . `"r, t. 44 , e , . ...... . „....„ . 0 ..„, ~ ii . =-;' D i ~,,::. ~, i -t,, - 4, ~' "7 1. 'it; ' , 4 4 7 :e .4. I .4 ' ‘ ';'3 '''., 4 ' ,t v .'". 1 ~ , - i 1 ",:t 4' '. , 7.i 1 , -...., '-;,' G ~. 44: . . 1., 's4; ' j . . , \ •L: ' .ri - .?-, . , I ' - , ...S 4 ' t '4 . i.• ' ) .1:,,,,, ... . d , I . . . : i . , I • At No. 1, Perry Block 1 " TW. mOkAtli is now receiving his Fall • and Winter stock 01Groceries which will he sold 4litile cheaper for dash than at any other establishment in ihe city. Among his stuck may bo tumid: -• Imperial,•Gunpoteder, and Young Hyson Teas; Java, Rio, Laguiraland St. Domin go Coffees; Loaf, Pulverised, Porto Rico, and N. 0. Sugars ;,Pepper, Spice, Gin ger, Cinamon, Nutmegs Mace, Clove. 4, Rice,, Pearled barley, Candies, Pecan, Brazil, Madeira and Pea nuts; :Ilmonds, Filberts, etc.; Fruits—dpples, Raisins, English Cur rants, and Figs; SpermandlTallow candles; Sunnite , and Winter strained Lamp Oil, , superior article, Salad oil, Fancy Shaving," rariegated and Bar soap. Dairy salt, White Fish, Mackerel, Mackinac Trout, • Codfish and Herring. 'all and examineN Lioods and prices at 0., 1, Perry Block. Erie, Nov. 6, 1817 25 New Fall and Winter Goods. THE sith, l cr!bers are now ryceiving their s ock oof Nall Winkr Goods consistin. of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, IRON,(NAILS, &C. &C. Al4o a. large assortuitur, of i aper Hanging and WindOw Paper. All of %filch were'pltrehas'ed in New York at for lowest market price. They do not boast of bat ing the largest sock of goods ever brought to t hi, place, but will say they have as,good an as , oitineut, and n ill be sold as cheap as the cheap est, and in% Ile - the public to call and exanune goods and prices. G. SELUEN & SON. - Oct. 93. 1817. . 23 e- The Celestinls HAVR arrived atid in all the taste of Oriental Ciod tone are lococate I at rite store oldie 'Pe• kin company's agooey,' to hold up a paper of and in all their "Hem te.prniiice , tre to aci as tan• ding witnesses to the fact of exclusive superiori ty in the I lumbng they are designed to nod into notice, l'he cifillotu4 nior he taken in by such fancy images. hut intelligent persons will he - Moire as , eel! gatislitoi by PHA tvivc some of nor limb Teas Ind imbibing the delicious beverage as they would be tvi h any 'lethal. of 'Vankee' invention to decoy them amongst the various raps which toe pu. in requi,itin t to gob the unsu.peeting vicint of Pa eat 1l ed icines nr China IllttsiOns• Nov. 13, 1917. , 26 Jus l' received at the New Store 'a fo e assort morn or Ladies cloak and dress goor s, such as all wool French "Teen, black. blue, crimson, and dral Ihibets plain and embroidered; rich dress and peli,se silks; black visite do., cashmere. plaid alpaccas and lustres, plain do.; children's polka coats and hoods, lacier WOOltql boa., childrens do Math lace demi veils, rich Tartu Ion; shawls; avai crewels, hosiery, 21oves, and other rich roods ion ninnerou. In mention—which thedadies (Or are !he only jod4es of rich goode) are invi erl to call and see at Dec. IS. • ALLYN Sr. Great Reduction of Prices ALLYN 111' will •sell aft,r this their en• tire .trick of Dry good., at 22.5 per cent: less than they are sold in Erie. Those pin - chasing are invited to and prove the truth of state• merit. T!ni ti•llciivinz are a lea of their !loods; Fine Ginzhams, from 12 to 20 ens. per yd. Chezon Plaids, richest style 25 " " M. De Lai ne, " 25 Plaid_Alpaceas and Las•er 25 " " Plain " at 50 Calico , : from Gto 12 c's per yd. , All Wool, Red, White, Yellow and Green Flannels, Lin ns, Diaperc; Bro. n and Bleached Cottons very low. and all n:her' , .m.ds tonally kept in well art anged li,ores very low prices ;o "us;oniA the na;ives" Dec IS, DissoLuTloN OF PARTNERSHIP. , ri111e: c • p.titneisiiip hew ofbre • CNl.lillZ be tweenthe subscribers, Roder the name of J.' Zminierly 4: Co , is his day dissolved by mutual eernsent. All the books. thstounts . and papers aro in the hands of At U. I iiithemelt, at the old stand where all those tut crested ore .ermested mean and settle. •J. 7ANINI ERIS, Erie, Nov. 2, 1537. A. 11. I-IITC!ICOCIC. Lil. fIITCHrOCK" would s\y to hie old friends and customers and tlw pub ic, that he old l 1w happy to wait tot th mat t. cold stand; and hell them thocerice, as , mid in cheap as u , trat - - P!NTS, OILS AND GLASS By the small or large quantities No I extra white lead, red led, Veni ran red, chrome yelliw; lithrai!ti MIA and turpentine, and assored sera 1 :.lass. bought at the 1 . 1. m est pi ice.. and for i4.11t: a vortlin;:ly by ''VILLI,A\ISStV Oct 29, '917. 21 COI L.,eg\•ird, JAVA a Ilf very reduced pi ices, 'at:No. Dec I I 6 Dairy Salt salt: b ; lice. it. TINNERS Uil aml Larliphhek fir sal.• by BURTON &r. Nov. 20 vurtiTEvisit, Nkekinae Troia. I riql) her. vv ring. Nor , . I and 2 S,lnekerel. are din e 9, and I larldock. just rcceived and 1)r sai nt No. I; Perry Black by T. \V. NIOOII.E. Erie, Noy. 6, 1317. 25 DENIN Company ottsoone! We* can show I - and sell as fine fresh Tea and at as low pri cos as any One who claims any connection with flit Pelt in 'Compa ny LESTER, SENNEfT 4. CHESTER. Oct. IG. 22 CAIIPV.TING. —lOOO yards parlor, hall and stair carpetin, at prices varving from 3 and 6 viten to 5 sitillitws per yard. Also, Floor Oil cloths,-at the usual lo'v rates of Alf/i•IE-3 KO,CH, No 2 Conuntrcial Exchange, French St. Oct. 2U, 181' t 21 CA -LE eitains ofiiiirerent sizes, suitable for dratighqchains or saw nuts, and will be cut to any length to suit' purchasers. Nov. G GEO. SEL.DEN & SON. R A EvOLvi NG wAFFLE i RONS.—This val. uabfr article is offered fur &dojo' the Joie price of one tollar,rby ' i)..ESTER, Skt4NEIT & CIIE§TER. Oct. id \ ' 22 FEU:Nett Nl' ktilNB.--43lack - :lid stone color of the best cin..lity, for sale cheap by s , pt. 25. ' - S...PIIICgO:g. WIN I' :: - perm Oil, a pure uraele, for sale at No. 1, Perry Black by : T. WI MOOgEI prie, Nov. 6, 1817. '25 ALAPACA —Silk and cotton warp, from twe to eight altilkingi per yard, Bl.tck, Brown, drab, plaid, plain and satin striped, tor at+ lC by 25. S. GjAI PS AND FRINGES, in 4,yrest7 , variety, for "Ile I).Y LESTEE, SENNETT & PAESTER. Nov. 13, 1817. - •. .. : 26 FOR SALE.-100 Tone Plaster, 200tbbi . Silt cliepp at - OADIVtI.I 'S; , AILS; - STEEL, &c. —Rtisain, S vedes rcrican Irun,"flat, squaro and rou id, O. xis„rotind and squuro rads, Ban Iron, .. —.,glieli; American and Spring Steel.lslai4 Anvils, Vices, Eze., Eze. . 'Nov..6 GEO. SELDENA S N. COFFEE, Tea, Sugar, together with a geheral assortment GIG roceriee, for sale by ' Nov. 6. ' G,EO. SELDEN.4. SON. Another Arrival of Groceries I.,Es rrR, SENNE rr CLIESTER FISH!t iisu !! FISII !!! TEASi FRESH TEAS) Something New. TIIE subscriber takes ideamire in announcing. to the public the arrival from New York of on extensive assortment of Goods in their line, embracing WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Plated ..nd Britannia, Watc, tiirandoles, Solar and Campltene Lamps, Looking glas,es.. Flohe mi an glassware, speetacle- , , fancy goods and i ,thousands of useful and "mat ten al article?. for the llolydays, which 0r...1 - Erre at reduced pi ices. Hoeing . selected Wit cites %lib IttMenal care from late importations those wisttin2 a good Tim e piece for li,tle Money v ill do w'-Ii to- buy. Our thanks arc due our patron, for iityor% con ferred in times past, especially litr pattimago re ceived in our new store 011 State street, and hope by attention to business to retain our old and make many , ew f.t114011107f.... .N. H. Particular attention given to the repair ing of all k inds ofWatches. Witt , h work, re • quiriiig Engines, which ge'nerally i+ done in the larger cites, attended to on short unit ice. . Goods received by Express every tow clays from New York during the winter. G.' 1, 1 )(INI IS ..s. c o . . . State street, nearly opposite Eagle I lotel rind next door to SpafEtld's Bookstore Nov. 20. 1817 . NEW CO(.;;. , :ii,N. ' . HCO' )li. be2.'s leave to call the attention of • the public to a large and well iselected stock of FAMILY GRQCERIES, ' which have hich have been purchased for cash and ‘,%il positively he sold lower than articles of the sat in quality eau be puri.lia.cce in town as all can sari isfy themselves hy callimz at No. 5 Bunnell Block State State Street. 1 Erie, Dec. 11, 1817. 30 Wines and Liquprs. JUST received at N. I. Pei ry It'ocic, a good „ assorinieqt; of Wine, and Liquors, for \ fedi ein, s, Sacramental, Meelianicat and .er 'ptirfiuses, among wllielt•iii,ky be Iniind the ing; Pale Brandy; Otani Brandy, Co. , niac on, St. Di nix Icom ' Jamaica_ [tom, _ N. England do Hell:mil Gin; Pine .11,1)43 Gin; Port Wine, • Nl,okria Scorch Whiskey. •-• Irish ‘Vl.isltey. Monongahela do entrilaon ilo. Dee. H , T. \V. Ut It IRE SAVE YOUR HOUSES BY PAINTIN THEM. 167 0 7L85. Brooklyn, Buffalo and Pittsbur2h White Lead, d.y and in oil, pure. 400 lbs. Red Lead, I 350 lbs Glue, , 450 " French and yel 250 " Pap. Lampblack, low Ochre. 40 " chrome 1000\" Spanish whitima 200 gal. sm. impentine 600 "` Venetian red,l 150 Linseed oil, 250 `l l LitharLfe ' 55" urniture and ISO °• French Scelironiel coach varnish, Green, I 200 p?int and vai nigh 72 " . -.American Ver ' For sale very low :it SO 0,11... ed House, by CAR L'ER &ORO _ _ N0V.27, 18.17 TOBACCO, CIGARS AND SNUFF B.- CRA IN. would respectlblly inliirm the cititens 'of Erie; and vicinity, that he has opened a Store for the sale of TOBACCO CIGARS AND SNUFF, -• on French 7-{treet. hetWoen Steire4 and Obhorn's, directly opposite the need I louse, wh,-re he of leas for sale n larze and „superior Stock of tine a b we articies a !Ole cheat - Ter - for Cash than ever beim e o(ered in, this Market. Por prool call .ind examine quality and prices. Erie, Nov. 6, 1317 Fresh Groceries. ius . r received by latest arrival, at the old stand Zimmerly, a well seleemd ot FRESH GilttWe:itl CS, of every des cription for moldy - use such as t'els„, :sugars, culne, ice. Pepper, Alsilice,Cinnaniaii, loves Nutmegs. Ginger, %lulas,es, Uil3, Fis , Flour, Cheese, robdeco, Fruit, Nut , , which are of lined on icons that cannot tail to suit our Cusco tiers Plea:e give ua a call, N. B.—All I.iilds orcoubtry produce taken in eichange lor groceries. Dec. I I. A. I-1. IIITCTIC.7OCK. PAINTS. 3500 lbs. White nod 'ItE4I Lead andtitharge. 1500 " Whiting 300 Ind., Venition - lied, " Izieneti VeHow, 150 " Puriti Green, 100 ' 'Clown's Yellow, Green 4. Vermillion. Indian Red, Utica-Nlarine Blue, Pruqvian Blue Drop Black, Virdig, is, Lampblack, enl g Spirits T'urpen'tine, Linseed k.lll, Varid It, etc., for sale by BUR 'T'ON sL Nov. 20. Old firm of .1. I lr llinton & Co. 4A BLS. Dye Wi)ods, 4- 1 1 B A) lbs.-uoppori.iii, L+oo " Alum, 600 nadder, I i f bOO " Blu VI ti itl, 200. ttx. Loatvond, 700 " cat ‘tuoil, N 0 oil vitriol, , NO •` AI gape Acid. 30 ' Indri , o, Beligitl and Carnreae t 20 " tiol unit 011,10 coulicrieal, . 10 '• AA fg.CO, i C. For :alu 14 y CARTEL?. 4. 8110 CILIA. N0v..27. ISI7. , 1.2`3 (,ROUND I). l .weod, fustic, cantwood and l_31" Btuzil wood,' gladder, extract log stood, salpileric acid, coclunti.d. cudbear, 1,,, %%Liter, etc., at Wholi - Palt: :111r1 rend!. by Nev. 20. BUIL I'ON PEltkil BRUSHES H‘,:„`t, bp'..ites,:i.'e-s, 4 .;).,' rv..air:ie, t,;,7, rt,.(,chpc'iioctiisic , :efellal: , a 14 I 1 1 :: , ,viisbV:9ertibbilig, blitelmitc, wlntlow, heat th, coal to old bottle brushes for axle by Nov. 20. ' ,„ VitittTON 4, PEAKINS. ' LIVE OLLF., 4 -A superior urtick; fur family use T!...../ ier •ule vetilow by 1-I. 0( lthi.. 7 Q.JuiAlL—Pulvelizedi I.:rug-lied, Muscovado, Porto taco and N. O. Sugar.i totter than ev• .1, at No. 5 ItonuLll ' occ. 11. IL. TOOK. - porAvs-.% good sussortmein or boggy, gate doorWats fur sole cheap by oce; =1 )1 I. z Li. COOK. • •N On I land Amdud, supply of Salt, vidgter, IVilite Fish, Linde and Sole and Upper Leather, lor sale as cheap is the cheapest by Eve, Il WILLIA\IL& wfuotrr , . Cash! Cash!! xx - p? wish to purchase the following articles Vl. for which Mu highest muilse t price will tie paid: 5'3 toed Pork -, 20 our of Lard. 20 do 'fallow, delivered u‘ our stow or Oil Factory. W. C. ..S.• it. P, WILMA F. Dec. II , - , . "'k J , 1 ARKINti —Um' Pay 114.11.03 and iLdn's Indeliable Inks, for muriong lur sale 'by. vt Nov. 20. BUR ['ON tfr [ LUMBER WANTED. • wood AQuantity of b-d, 3-4 and I inch Whitil Hoards—also, Cht ir and liellona Pianka,, for which the highest market price will be paid Deti.' I I.: GEO. SELIJEN az. SON.I Toys! . Toy 4! A NY quantity of fogy suitanle for Christmas XI, and .e.by„,4ear presents, id s be had at No, Perry !Meek, 'P. \W. A10013.1i, ' ,brie, Dec. 11, 1817. - • 29 1,E4,1J1.1ED W hula and Sdkphunt till, bops B rior to Lard oil fora inner use, for piliA by ) Nov. 30 BUlt I'ON 4. PERKINS. /11 . LASS AND-PU rem winnow N.X Ghiss of various sizes and inantirucOire. Nov. 20. , BURTO,N & PERKINS. "THE, WORLD IS' GOVR , RiNED TOO if U-dIH. Brushes, tioLI!::SAL.E ANL/ It E ['AIL DYE STUFFS. El=l SA.TURDAY, JANUARY /8; ,18481 1410"1 YISAIII TIMM SOMPED TO /US PATRONS ay TKO OARRIE II or Tun \ • ERIE'OB S DER.V A strange old mewls father TOie, For though hiclocks aro Win and gray, Yet lithe as boyhood's glorious . prime, No trembliugstiips his ego betriy. Ile b•IIV the sun 131 St ope his eyes. ' The sun and motto begin their rule, And e'en the 51oraing Stars arise To start their infant singing school.. His rye uilluirqd tho earliest flower • • In nature virgila lap that smiled; Ms lend was lent in Babel's tower, Ills foot its shaionful toms pdfd Ile helped ulibliiger the "hundred gales",, Of Theo, 'a old and rusty town; ( And where his hunger Ilatae Ile oiled let-Turn and Carthago frown. Ile led you, Water by the hand Along Illis us' shady shore, And at the blind old bard's cominand Still lugs his fame the wide WOI o'er. Long nun he itreil,.thus hard boa Auld yet he steps as quick and light ' 1 - As ollen—tho plans of Chaos foiled— lie got a. Earth ' divorced from Night, A strong old man In father Time:l What "dust" wheiever he han "swept:" NVhere now broad mountains tower nubllnie, "Crabs, long age. and Inlanters tcrept.' There, too, the rea-nower ptily Gleamed Beneath 'nine mermaid's eemeless care, And fiat. of buxom cod perfumed When visiting kin scaly .iltur." I ,- NVlsere mackerel nhtue in rlans•ie hauls,4 And simple clams just learn Iti ;ett: Where N11)10111: breNS his hasty quills, And whales like politician,' Ito Fur age, stood the fitter gray, Ere birds were boric to warble there, While Solitude kept Sabbath-Jay, And D, avail Sllenee Ird jet prayer. The hand of Time Les torn away The ntrongent dam, by Folly 'buil!, And neettus stint of kingly on ay Like little cans of"enitaitte" spilt! A wise old man id father Time; 1 lie h , •ll m Paradiie u scat, And lie rd the ' , limy Snake of crime can mug lies M Euve git out. Aiiii wheiithe "pair," fur •in nccure ' fl, T heir bower of impii.4 hli,.e furboult. ThC r '•ctirtniu lecture*" (woman's 6.0 li e heard, which panel, t 1101/1131k the rich and copion% lore Of Druidnglity and ancient metre,. flora Socrates Ina wi . dam tour Into tho lutht of Athoott' ears. Ho oft convoraeil with "gran' air" Ere Printer 7 lpavill yet hail been Or “t! pc," the world 'a dhop "shad Aud made Orin beatrifully thin: Time, hand in hand, with adthe gre,i Ma hurtle each learned I.to I No wonder, then, that his old pato A heap of knowledge should conta, I: A plod old 11)1111 is fAtile; Ville: how LIVIA of his laughing 'll[nu! Awl if our song with thoirr 'loth chit No••miih of It uniutiVildnessi" soure Ile teaches us that if we taste 4•Forliiilden fiulit" on Ple.miro'n ti Ohr madcn joys rill! run to "waist" - And_ all our thought, ill•shapott be! That . ho thin watoil of tin ife wild rid Will get hi* rigging ' , lolly rent, ho who Ltd/. where l'Pace Wth:havo s cargo of coutt4p. TOOO holds of 1111rIllr the leu p, ,And steadies CI111(11101 I' s cureless Conduct', the buy to 31. !hood upl, And ylits :nehmen 's flaring bran Them keep The lug Truth 'e 31cAllst to eint 51arlicd • uel. by 1 11.C.150106- "filler 1 1 Mitt bears, in Age, a pleasant 'lnat Anil Midis, atitieuth. I bis hopes uull A swift old man is (ether Time: . I Though all the welhi for freight he carries, 111. I•ell keepS lip u merry chime,: And "wooding" I ye, he never tarries. • Ilia "car" to us m re rapid runs • , A, burning yeathe steam Increase,, And since with huge few more suit! . Our journey !Tim by roil will vete, For cuakinned seats we 'II wrangle Mil As f0. , 11.1, folks hare madly striven, ' Withlhonor fdrthe one we've got, ; And .ttikr it ticket through.."—TO lIK , AVEN . • *Mackerel, No. 1-2 etc, wore known lutforu f . furrier Boys A STOitY OF THE COTTAGE. From lb° Journal of Con4motjan In one of the pleasant rides we have had a bout Saratoga, we found one day; a! cottage, . whose appearance, tinder a noble, qlm, and by the side of altrook whose prattling was for ever musical, led me instantly to suppose it was Iworth visiting; more especially!as it was veryLold, and had.ahout it the lookof the,llth century. I took a couple of hours the other day to visit it, and having made tip my mind that it had a story connected with , it, I goes tinned the old man whom I found in it so close ly, that I at !Mgt!) gathered of the life of man, that I thonglit worth repeating to the Volcric aforesaid, and which may be worth writilig here. • The widow Johnson occupied that cottage sixty-five years ago, and with her livbd a son, a noble boy of fifteen, Who was the pride pf the country around. None was so beloved as he, except his adopted sister, Kate Harden. She was indeed a 'fairy. Her golden hair seemed to be akin to the winds on which cit floated so freely, and her eyes had won their deep hue from the sky into which she was so often gazing. "Why gazed she thusl" She had a 4nother beyond the blue above her. A mother who, tlying,diad left her to the care of Mrs. Johnson, and until her voice failed, charged her to edt• her in heaven! Nay, after she had cea l ed to speak, she hb l d her daughter to her breast with heri ef t arm, an d Pointing up with her thin, white finger, smiled' 'a' h/ily smile, and !sought her home. 4lrs: Johnson was not rieit in this drorhts gooda. The few acres which she rented oftorded a mere subsistence,itt'd ICate and Edwin assisted her in her labors: It was . not strange that these two Children, when the one was 'sitteen I:nd the other sever teen, should love ens an other: Kate was a trange chid: ''hey seig she talked with the whom others ceuld not see—:and tdo not oubt it. I have no doubt she held high Coninionion with het; Sainted Mother. At all events her voice fell On her ear in dreams of day as well as of nigh‘fintl I she could no lcingerlresist in earnest call: She faded.. One by one the bonds that hSld her to her cot inn one by, one her ish affections were Mastered and slippiessed, until one only remained, nod then , she was' ready. That one, love. the mi ghtiest of ally She did not rush that, for she wee I JAMTUAIIIit 11. 'NUJ. am w 8" crds 'd lIMI 1 — . ---- k Fi t thoughtful enough to -now i t int t utt might live when deatii hxd passed; lfor there are tI af fections strong ,enough to retch from earth to heaven. ! - ~ l The morning of her departtire, came. with its sweet spring flowers, and atmosphere la den with the odors of the country.' All things seethed to be strangely solemn. .The sun Steered curiously in at the lattice, 'and fell across the fjot the bed on which the slender form of the ding i girl lay. Iler bird sank doubtfully in ' s cage, and the very cat by the earth looked ; up and seemed to feel that' there was something sad going on. , ; ,The moment of agony at length came. She had parted with all but him, and now she held Itislitind between her two, and smiled on his face, (as \pale as here,) omit spiike in a low, sweet ltone of all the past and the foture. l —' " You will Miss me when yoit go after the cow in the evening, Ned, and the lane will he lonely will it,Mat ? And when you sit down here by the hearth with mother, and my chair is empty—you'll miss me brother. You'll sit at the table with her, and have no one at the side of it;" and her voice,,bruken andlaint its it was, fell to a lower tone, as she continued "go, in the twilight sometimes, Ned, and si down under the tree by the spring, on the re seat, come there if I can." " • ' A' moment pissed in silence as ho .leaned over toward her,—then suddenly throwing her' , arms around his' neck, she said, "f love you, love you, love you, brother No];" and draw ing.his head 'down, pressed her,lips to his, in the !alit long kiss of life, and laying his cheek close against hers, smiled a smile of serene and joyful hope, and—Kate was 'an angel ! Iskhat all our story? did you ask. • lot by a considerable, 'my dear friend. There is more love to come yet. "What! another love affair after his promised trist with Kate on the green bank brander by the'spring?" Yes; another; but not such an one as'you imagine. Don't you suppose at man can love, any thing else but a woman a year or two his junior?— Remember that Elward has a•motker, and now be patient and I'll tell what beciime of her. •, Mrs. Johnson timl Ned i had a lonely life. af ter they had - taid their darling Kato in the graveyard over by the church at Milton; and as misfortunes are said to come in crowds, sot in their case they were not exempt. That very'yMir the crops failed, the cow died, and a dozen other troubles followed; and the result was that Mrs. J. gave up the cottage and ac cepted the offer of a home with.a kind neigh bor, while Edward was to go and seek hi§ for: tune:' He; went to New York to a brother of his father, who was a sca-lcaptain, and who took him across the Atlantic After this voyage and tivo years absence from home, he return ed to his mother's side, "and," said the old man, my informant, "1 saiv him the first night he was at home, sitting under the elm tree, out there where yon _see, that green bank, end I heard that before dark that afternoon he had been over to thechurch and the grave yar l d, A few days only and he left hi-f hotne again His mother, gladdened by his nevertheless, much inure reluetan go than when he first went. 'PE increased as the day approached' begged him, if it were possible, het; but he had promised his and not forfeit his'wordp . nor would sl I "I shall see you again soon—verl er. Why tto you feel so badly? board," Ern ago is not to be a long.one,.andfif my Miele does all he prbmises, I will buy you the cot tage when I come back. We I shall meet gaita:very 'soon, mother." "We 53ha,11 meet a aga in when your father: and Yon, lind Kate and rmeetyonder, my son," saidl tip mother.— "Why, mother, what makes you speak so?— It will not be a year before I shall kiss yob standing just here." "Never agitin, my son, I know that this will he the last liiss your lips will impress on mine until the Rtisurrectidu." And,so'that mother and son parted. They met live years ago in. Heaven: ti j it 'till then; not till then. He was older tha)t she as we count years here on earth, and I r is hair ‘Vas silvered and thin, when i he lay 'lowa to die among the sounds of The mighty i metropolis. Every year a pilgrim came in the'arly spiing When the first flowers bloomed, and sytyed in the cottage 'here. - The afternoon he passed it the grave-yard, but the twilig h lit always fdimd him seated on a bank by asi ring - . He grew rich until his but over owed. He bought the cottage did not co oto li ve in it. ;He seemed to have conceived an attach ment for businessaMi The city.,is animal pilgrimage was the only relielteh, dfroM his II counting room. He grow old, old r, until he carried the weight of three scortriyeara and ten. to keep the solemn tryst of liiii boyhood. Ono winter day he had been too unwell to go from his lordly mansion, and as eveliti,o; came on t he lay on his bed and looked intA the grate listening to the roar of carriages Thlthe street without. A young man from his (A o entered and conversed With !not in regard t the day's Nusiness, and left hirelying Oils ttlinte . He ail sent his house-keeper and sepfants out liimself. r ? . .. • 1 ' Who Sh l all say ti.duit Were the tlion t ghtS that filed the mind of the,weary old nuttfti,at Right, r What communion he had with the past the far but unfortunate past? Did hd hear the %vimd rustling the leaves of theold Out tree? Did th's gurgli•ie l ok the spring; the fill tiT the brook; the song of the birds fill his earittith o'd nitisici Did' his *nfother's hand tire's coolly r, do - iiii forehead, and her voice i wooi ,him to sleep with one of her old Mountain ngs?--7. What fairy (anti was A.hatl Did is angel Kate hover around his bed, mid didliher lips press his, and was her kiss new on, his brow? Were those her arms around his aek once 1 more in the embrace of girlhO od, and vas that melodious voice of hers again mum; ring fo his oar "I love you, love you, brothr Ned?' t And did her cheek, her velvet cheek, I o warm ly close to his; and did she draw hi closer, closer to him in that holy clasp. andrivns th 4 all a dreaM of earth,' or was it Heavib? -- It waif }feared, for he was there,: " 1 • return, was t have him is reluctance Then she stay with and wu'id have hint. • soon, moth- to This voy- MI i ;~~ FORUMS OF AN ORPHAN. From the Nov Orleans Delta It was twenty years ago yesterday! The golden gleams of the royal sun fell with rich lustre on the yellow bosom of the Mississippi; There were then not so many plantations in the vicinity of New Qrleans, and where now waves the long green leaves of the sugar-cane, was then an almost uncultivated waste. The banks of the river teemed with cottonwood trees, and the long gray moss swung lazily in the soft breeze of autumn. The "Dirch- Woed" a noble ship from Amsterdam, slowly made tier way up the river. She had on board some forty or fifty immigrants. The old Ger mans, in their/ long-tailed coats, decorated old itlynany g! brass buttons, smoked, their ipe4 co M plucehtly, and every nut aml then grunted, "p.m ! raw!" in I assent 'orN:rerly to Some qUestipti. I'fit3, yoUng girls dill layMf thentselVes in th e ir brig*st kirt!e,Ciati I?ol -11,1coi, ai/d IHlc4 theii• hair in or4r to l make it Smooth and bright. There was not one on hoard that vessel who did not have 'a thousand thoughts melted into one as the ship reached, the levee. One thought, and his meniory . travelled like lightning, of the little cottage on the banks of theßhine, around whOse porch the honey-suckle grew and the bees hummed 1 ,—sillgiti,g, as it were, an insect sung of praiSe li. to Heaven for its bounty. Th en across the mirror of the heart of the immigrants there came the Shadow of a sweet, paW face; with eyes moist with tears, and lips as soft and \ crimsom as the leave's' of the mrs-rose.— Dint stolid Switzer—he smoked his pipe in lilence—no , one saw his tears, for they were Wept inwardly, and the eyes of his soul look ekt upon the green Murders of his own blue Rhine, and the sweet face of the pale, tearful girl he left behind him. Standing on thd quarterdeck, there was a woman who seemed to be almost lost in thought. She was poor an frier Mess, and had come to the land of lib 7, ert to eels a long lost brother. Ten years of rwa s that poor Dutch maiden was the wi i a member of Congress. •I , Now let's to • the ste,erage cabin of the "Dirch-:%Voed." In a miserable cot there lay a man who was dying. His wife stcod by him, and ever and anon bathe. his temples with vinegar, and in her own language whis pered to him some words of comfort. At the , fout•of the bed of the dying man a little girl, with bright blue eyes and flaxen hair, was playing with an apple that had been given to her by one of the cabin passengers. [Meow scious of the situation of her father, she toyed with her little- present, and every now and then a slight laugh would escape her lips.— Just as the vessel touched the whlirf of the First Municipality, the wife of the dying man sat down by him. She thought that he had sunk into a sweet slumber—that he would re cover, and' that in the "new ,1 country" she would have his stalwart arlh and able jUdg— ment to protect her and the little child, the oll;ipring- of their. love: His face was very pale, and she thought for a element that the dilation of his nostrils had ceased. Her heart thrillilied wildlfr in tier boson), and going to a little wooden Bhest; she took out a biloken bit of looking glass. Placing it before his month, for he was very still, she endeavored to 'find - . out if he-kt ‘ ill breathed. There was no mois ture on the glass! There was a slight tremor of the heart of the dead man, that, like a bird, unwilling to leave its nest, gently heave d his snow-white bosom, and then all was at rest! The widowed woman clasped herhands be fore her eyes, and thought, but dared not look upon her poor little daughter, - who still sat playing on the bed where her father died.— It was all gene! The, home that,she had left —the friends that sh; had seParated, from— the vision of the blue wav{Os fringed with sil ver laces that she had crossed over—:he hopes of wealth and happiness in the land of Liber ty—the pleasant thought of sending on, %%hen, they had got rich, for her own aged mother and the gray-haired lather of her husband!--L I hler husband! She wildly withdrew the thin, white fingers that werylasped over hereyes and saw the placiffeatures of her husband who was cold in death; and het daughter still playing with her little apple! The tides of her heart rose with such velocity that she fell upon the planki rig, - and when sonic of her'com panions picked her up they saw that the blood' was gurgling Rom her mouth, that her fin gers were clinched and thfit her Wan bosom heaved with tumult. A few moments more, and her pulse ceased to qtiiver, and het glazed eyes looked upwards as if to God! She was dead—he was dead, w and -still the little, flaxen-headed, blue-eyed' girl sat! smiling by those who were her parents. There were two inquests that day, and two rough coffins conveyed the dead wife and hus band to the grave! The little orphan thought it a gay thing to take them away, for some one had told her that they. were asleep, and then she laughed and clasped her tiny hands. In a little however, she .commonced crying for her:pother, and little tears as bright as pearls trickled down her pure cheeks. A bread-sliouldred man, at the time that he was lifting a bos,tint of the saw the little girl and naked Who she was. He learned her his tory, tied with his horny hand•wipinge tear from his eye, asked if he ceuhltake her: The Captain and those around, glad to get rid of what they considered a burden', assented. •He took the orphan by the hand fled led her to his horng. , /*Mary; dear," said he to his Wife initooes that told hi had come from the Emerald "it ' s no Chiller ey'otir own that we have, an' since I've been out I'Ve gOt one for ye! Oh, Mary, she's tin orphanshe's like the-To-btid torn from the stem, an' lee me and your own dear silf that will take Caro of her!",-.... . The godd wife of the Poor longshoreman dirtalle care of the-little orphan and brought it iip as her ov.911: Time made it forget who its i s *Mitii were, and in a little while it loved lie fester mother and father dearly. • Fortune - NUMBER 41. 11 was prosperous to the kind couple, and in a few years the long-shoreman had inoney one ough to set himself up in business. • In a few years more the neighbors whispered that - he was getting rich, and it was true! By indite-, try and economy he accumulated wealth to live in splendor, and he now, if wishes, might drive his coach and four,-1 What bedame of the little German girl? She k grew up to he a beatitifill woman—a blessing to her foster parents and an ornament to her sex. A few nights ago a marriage took place in this city, and after the ceremony vias'pet- - fortneth a ta'l, handsome young than and , a lovely worroß might hate been seen going oit board a steamboat that was bound up tho riv er. The young man wash Wealthy Merchant of St. Louis, and the lady was no less n per: sou than the little Gelman girl, who, nearly twenty years ago, arrived in New Orleans is. desola e firplmn! A lIORRIBLEI STORY. We copy the following ° from Donnovan's . Adventures in Mexico: 'On the evening of May 191 h, two American uffiectrt4, helon l ging to some -of tke solimieer corps,j attended the Cathedralviiere certain servic'es were held appertaining to the nuns the Convent of San-Francis, situated in the Western part of the city. The Cathedral was tilled, as usual, with a large crowd of the faithful, and at the conclusion of the ceremo nies, when they St ere•disper i si ng, the •thro 'of& cers lingered is the church, gazing at the ex pensive ornaments. As they were also in the act of 'retiring, a nun; who remained behind the rest of the sisterhood, made Amiga to the , officer whiiwas slowly following his cornratle, tkat_shelle'sired to speak to'him. Returning to the nun, a dialogue ensued, in subitance, as follows:= "You are an American?" "I am, madam, and but recently front that land of Yankees."' , 61 presume, sir, you area manof iiOnor and - • discretion?" • "'I hose qualities, aided to courage, make up the composition of as American soldier.". '•Are you willing to render me an irnportitnit service!'' "You have but to command me." •• "I will not conceal from you that the ser-. vice I ask from your hands, requires not only discretion, but extraordina'ry linowrit this, are you still willing to assist mer "Yes,., Data determined." "Very well; wheh you heat, t bell strilqi _twelve to-night, be at t I shall bel there to open it, and'ait in? three times, you shallilearo I require of ydu. Will you be f , rendezvous?" "1 shell be faithful if I jive." "Well, I will depend upon you They parted, and,- the otricer companion; and as they pursued the American quarters, related to had transpired, and asked hirnif h hi the appointment. The other to do s• by all means, sack fur 'fear ;tiered to accompany him .t• the uppointed hour. Supposing the in one of those innocent'adventul, man in Mexico, and taking it fur the lady had been suddenly stru , personal appearance, the officer w• panion, repaired to , the gate, a agreement, and upon giving 'th signal, the entrance was ppened The chorea officer entered, with° apprehension or fear, and was f Iffl "You are truly a man of count e 'ftnti or, and are entitled td my warritept ratitutle." After conducting him to her ce I, where a lamp was bOrning, the politely in ited him to sit down, and producing two bott eo; reqUes tell hint to take a glass of wine ith her-La. request which a man and, a soldle , is not alit to treat with indiference. Filling im a glass out of ono bottle, she took a little herself out of the other and after he had 'finis ed Ins, she told him Co 'go tollie opposite cid of the bed from herself. The officer, stil innocent; obeyed, when the, nun addressed him we'zi're pYI aloneis niy door itoleod • And at the same instant, to hit horror and amazement, she discovered to . ,l+n the dead boky of a Monk, %%hose clothes were stiffami matted with blood while she continued: r. "The favor I require is that you take Wit body on your shoulders and conveY it beyOnd the gatCs of the first court. Obey initantlyi; or.youx life shill be in peril, for if you attempt to escape I will shoot you though the head: know," she added; "that my own life will . be the forfeit, but after dispatching you, I hare a poinard for Myself—the same with which I stabbed that nkerable Monk. • Seeing no other means of escape, the Qtly cer took up the body, and accompanied by the nun, who Carried a dark lantirn, prikeeded to the gate by'which he had entered, and on is:- suing from it, threw down his horrible burden at:the feet of his comrade, Who was waiting , to enjoy a laugh, at what they both supposed would terminate in 4 love intrigue. After recounting' to his friend the almost incredible adventure in which hehadlieen On-t - gaged; they both resolved to communicate the circumstances to Gen. I, y9rth in Orlon; but they had proceeded only a short distance froth the Convent; when the officer whO had brought out the body, began to comPlain'of the midst 'violent and _excruciating limn fell upon the pavement and expired: j• , .l Cg° It ia noted, as iiingular coincidence, that jusihirty-eight years ago; Massacku tit setts - gave * Speaker to the • LT, S. House of Representatives; and in thd Statue year, kr: Winthrop, the present Speaker, was' born. -. ; I or_7-The New Orleans - Picayune Says :the olive brauch has beeti thrust into the face of Mexico si often that all the . ledves are Sha ken off. ' tim> ' a, he Convect ho aide grad; your Ir t npck t hAt ithful to the adieu!" l e•joined hie heir way to him all that 'should col:• civised him of accidenta gate at the flair to end es se coin 7 ranted alai k with hie ith his corn= cording to concerted y the nun: t the least tell by the
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers