From Washington. Correspondence qf At' Erie Ohserrer. WASIIINOTWirDEC. 26, 1847. Gentlemen.—The duties of my office pre need me Ink week from complying with my ; . r tial promise, made : some time ago, to write wee kly; Indeed, I fear that I shall'often occasion to ask to be excused fur non _ •rformance of duty in this . respect; Congress has not yet begun to do business, nd nil! not until after the first of January. he holidays, as they are called, Seem at this ime, to be extremely opportune; they afford the great political combatants nn opportu ity of cooly taking a survey of each other looking at the size and dimensions of an egonists. and speculating on the endurance nd tenacity of the foe—when and how to trite those; who, 'having the superiority in umbers, must take the initiative on perplex,- r g questions. That Mexican war is a hard int, but it must be, got along ‘‘ith. The Vhigs have concluded to be very liberal in sting supplies of men and money to the army, cd- then by way of equalizing the matter, base the war, and thus give a little "aid and emforet also to the Mexicans. This Iti ill be he course of events—mark it. All that wilt e asked gill be voted: but they, if nor Mex can should happen to be killed, it will he de annoted murder on the part of our- country 1. doing her duty after being forced into war. If the consistency of this policy I will not retend to speak. Ilistor3 place upon it just commentary. I have conversed with revere! sfreers just rota Mexico who uniformly mention the fact hat the wealthy and respectable j ortion of Ile population of that country are universally 'lposed to peace with this cmintrr ; and their casco. freely given, that they acl , ire the ry to be conquered and;annoxu:l !lithe United ',date.. This I have heard Inm • nicer, fi'mn %%legs of the army. Thh , clan, of pen say they Let er had protecti Lefuro, and sever lived a day bat in toiror of personal I ~ / ry or eonfi,cation Of ptoyer!v. You may it stran,zo, Lot ' ll.lVe My I eti• ons for 1 111 M Ile 1:e, ;`.lllVier.., "imam zt old tt6in-x ikelf to morrow if we . ' rOlllll n , cei r her. 1r: hat the courze of the In""iv on Ow Pubject of pence, i t e hit tr. c0:..j.•01- Itire. Ile is lor.v, o to I) , 'S. -et.-'3. fr::`:1,11y to4t orhs thd I 'tt;tft(l,ll:tat: ,,, . It i-,:itt;rtt kir enutigt, but the foi:t :-0. oho c , fGett. it. 11:.2 Ii It Ct . Itr:catv , . The 1 . :1v0r . ..1,P; of ti-o_ rettlar:;i:bie rArt, cm poctlith; ri'%. or ;.es with tho !Topic.. A rtccilt Texfo, Gen. ll:oisten. raol the pre , e!A Pret-i &11l of Mexico, both c:,.; iyed touch of ilk per mai co»f;eort.7.. I now bLlievc ti. least) are s rutmi it, fir President. Tl,l-, vet y, gen. raily feeling among them. Geo. !or hisoselt i. 1.,s Judge McClaner-itt:At to himself, I one. lbw this suit the northern :hilts e nit experienced the foga v,ion communicable by the Washington attnesPhefe, I am sure I cannot : l ay. I' v e:, they will like this sonthein slave-bid ler, nail uhether they is go him slaios canl a!!, time plane will demonstrate. I can imagine, host-- ever, that tbey v ill have fen- qualms of c<tn science ,provtdoil the candidate is avnilande. Congress still undoubtedly raloni the - ass! office Init• in regard to post:ige on newspapers. In consultation %,‘ ith your tneinber to-day he tarifie it was altnott imiterfally determined on. Perhaps Judge Bally, of tote against it, as there is not a !duele news paper printed in his di-tAt. The death of Gov. Fairileld came upon the community here like nu electric shock. Ile had been in tailwind good lit atilt. but had been Foine afflicted %N W) Ilse knee joint-., and on Friday last conclud sd to hairs att oiler ; ation performed. Inciwit i t: ere made and water let istitind sulphate of copper into iitysetel the wounds. Shortly thereafter he was sel7.- es.l with the most terrible pain which in than eight hours produced death. It tea , a most melancholy and terrible end. 'The Sor geon had abight reputation f•sr skill, but there was a mistake, fshould suppose, semen here. Gov. Fitirtield had been e pramiment lino in the slate of Maine for a numher of years.— lie btsgan life as a .i.eamaTi and rose to the cam ns.:ad of a merchant vessel, when he quit the era for the More agreeable pursuits of the lase, nhirli attained groat eminenee. publislustl a valuable set of Repertsot the Su ptena Court of the Statc . uf Mai, ;alder the title of -Fairfield . .? Reports:' 11, teas times elected Got ernor vf Maine, scaled foots }cart in It:I - ingress and fear yet:rs in the Sea ate of the Udite I States front State.— When Mr. JitiUcas was nominated tin the tn eratic candidate for Vitm it ic A h k ,t, Gov. Fairfield had 113 rctes F r th..t oi:'ne, but nas withlrawn. Pre% to the operatitm being, on he had ‘v ritten his wife expresin7, great confidence in the success of the operation; his sPeNIY reenvilr Y' and intended visa to his home; butitthis! lie' fore the bout' arrived to dispatch it lay the eve ning train, poor l''airfacld was himsctl about departing to that "bourn from xcj euct nn tra .veler returns." What a r•hoch the genre will be to his family. -- • I hate had the gratification of an intro:loc lien of the Heroine of Tampico, ISlre. Anne CLasd , . I was pleased to ob-erve that popu lar aPplzuse" had not spoiled her. he is aI lady of medium size, nod I would emppoie a bout or near 40 years of nget'is a natise of Ireland, and a full cousin to the brave Goo. tihields. Her fidelity to her adopted country richly entitles her to the appellation of Hero ine. Her life was greatly menaced and the I Greatest probability existed that it would he taken. She represented herself tot lie author. hies tee a 'British subject and had a brother in England to whom she had communicated her situation, and that in thereat of her death,, ) they would be obliged to ans‘s or t o th a t gov ernmentfor the outrage. Possessing IL tal ent fcr drawing, by some means she became acquainted es ith the soundings of the chan'nel to life harbor of Tampico, and made out a n d furilardea to Com. Conner a chart by %shied' he r tifterv..arde sailed into port without the eligh.est difficulty, finding it in every respect "curate. After forwarding her (Craft she ex to flit authorities a copy, telling them she had received it 'from Washington .where, as they could see, all the" defences ofthe city and road-stead were Will and necuratelY known, and that the American fleet would cer tainly be there and avenge hrr death if sacri. (iced by them. When the AMerien squad- run came in eight h tlii; heroic I woman'hoisted our national ensign on her hintie and with her arm round the flag strifl'i.esolutely determined to maintain it or die. The flag Was an impor tant 'signal to be made by her;und sihe - brnrely determined to maintain it,—several thowand Mehican troop-, with Cannon and oilier arin3, surrounded Una threatened to demolish her house, but all failed to intimidate her.. The fleet arrived and in nn bour,after the landing of Cum. Conner she 6110,1 on the . G..vernor of Tampico' and acted n 3 interpreter between him and the conqueror's of the city. Take her all in all bhe is n glorious woman. Long ninv she life to enjoy her welt earned renown. I had the satifaction of seeing Gen.lienrny last evening and was much disappointed in him. - Ile in. in outward appearance, not much the warrior—is a nand amiablelooking, man, rather under the medium size. You will re collect that he overran Mexico, marched across to California, and cornmanded at the battles of the Bth and 9th of January,lB47. at San Pasquil. Fur alledged disobedience of orders he arrested Lieut. Fremont, who is at present on trial here! - 'You will seldnrd meet a more prepos,e,sini Man tbaut the Ontle man last named. Ile is very youthful, in op rcarance, of very Aight per-on, aml certainly as wide-t and diffident a wan a• - .; I ever saw of :toy note whate-ver., I t-incerely hope that he may be enabled to es:cape censure; as such a . • rmilt tt culd at une.e„ mum c all suspicion of in6roner conduct and roliore a brace luau from tr.t.,rt iticat .1 have ha I many corivcri....atr,;33 with the herele. Col. Dal is, how a Senator front 111 is . You tvil.l remember he cointnnthled the valantetsr4 elate at thiena Vit•ta. '1 he Colonel':: or.ler of 'sat them •Mis=iss:ippi an,' v. ill lone.-44b Irene...llllll , rd. It was en at the motoent when all leake,l discottrag iti'r an I the day seetne.l greatly in doubt . bi..;ve lumps ha I been tut ler lite for i.-ev e;sal hairs, when eokmn alter column of the enemy Irian thorn, idler having dri% 1: ; ,(•: ; a p.)rt io n n1'11)0111 a 11:1 ollinteers. "At. 'kohl Nlis-issippi ins," was the Colonel's or .F.r, an I ‘,. t lorio , t , ly was it nbeyel, as the reet- jug ,it . cat , . t\a, 110 :tl[l , . in the foot oncly in tlio 11C ii,m, au I the ,11,t.1111t i.f the foot soon mialtl boat el(-to,ac to-intop On. 1)1. , ( , ..1 411 , 1 in re:nal:n.l an itorne hack IiII 3 0 . c.',0c1; i.t 111 e eveni•r_ , . when 11:e was renv.oed by e'itt log it frnm the lout yet very Limo. .%;, a 1101;1 Col. .1).1.1 , 'A :it ruillt%vitli any °nicer in the ;truly. all I fur sei‘ice . at 111iiiterey Vir•ta lie by none. Ile a ',hoed at \Nes; hut after.v:iris ii,si ,vas the tialy,...hter of Nen. T“) 10; ant hai been ibTea,ed 6.r sfq er a] 1 ear-. Ile %%as u lu.t Con .,rees but resigne,l lIL. ~enito take eumniand of the molente-er- from Last lii:•ht ‘l,l?:it , e'a a an I Slide! is ar rived in city. The former com:win.led at i•lntticrel , Cor i ro and at alVtbe bat tlesfir,iiind the city .11eNico, and after the ' .1' i I (;,1 C:CPiltl`1,11i011 WdS GoNentor.. Goa. Sil;p,l:, l‘ourvivtl evrro Gordo by bt:i.,g tbor.:gil t h i holy by a grape shat, and his -ecover!,- is a iniricie. 'rho report is on file in the %Vat. D,Tartriielit that lie was innr laid; wotindel---tiil lie lives! 114. , greatly ,li , tinguit,lottl biros -Ai' at Corro Gordo and ut all he battles sob , etittent thereto, awl receiv e,' r =ceere'.VO•rt! 1 in the airin at the storming of lletpoltapi tt. lie i, the 'll,ll of the arniv. "" "e7 l timY be, fah :Imre glortan.; let 10% ' 1)1" tt bri%er ie er livid. Cnt t iy. miev, E.ll (4,130 D. I)v23,acratie CAA tonyelition. ArN mr•eiina it the, I)etneeriiie. Central Cwon,c,ie,:. • thi:z connty. hPI I On , eteni. , ..' at the nirtee of !In.! , cletury in thi:4 Cur rug!t. f.df..%% to, ri• , f)hit;l , ll ,t n: a lifpiefl: • R , eol:Vd, That the Drtnoeratic Erie ( : 041 o 1 Y , be oritnitry nn ct 1 1.4 , in er,rh vi, , ct ion net, at the place i( lip• line, their t!'"ner , tl :iatnr .l;ty th, :Ail of rebroary, 1616, nt 6 o'ci.n•lt P. :11., fir the Intro-e i ut chote•ing Pelee-au-4 ti a ('nnaty C l\‘'rati•in, to he held at, the I 'oral i Inti-e intlri.linrurwh oil Ihe tir,t Mon chty if Pete part next, at 1 o'clonlk. P. NI.„ to appoint I) , otwate4. in the DentOratic Sft.tct In 1,f1,1 nt liarrittg 'in the Ith of M.)01) ::c-it, 10 notaioale a entnrolate Con,n3;,,,ioner tint aponint Dele gates to c Nfklinhrti SMITH lACK_scs, ii:vi:l CA Al 1). :. p,i An; RS ON C.ftAlgA3l, 1 1 . W. :1111,1,11R1 .1.A.1.111.:t-1 NORTON. / . .-zA.‘C R. TA Y 1.01?, Committee. Ftce. ae. 1811. rt;E - Ii- CA CANAL COM Ai I:,,SION,Ert 1l r. sta. l.:nirtin.::—%Vtliie the citi7.eni in tiillerent parts of the f onuu tntctalth ;ire re:wctivc favorite+ to be put in nomination. bit the 4th of March tier, to he tifilee of Canal C o mmis_ sioner, permit toe to recommeial ousos, of All'eglieny; to the lavotable con'-ii,leration of OK , 1),-amcracy 'of tile Key ,tone State', [l. a gentleman for that station, nil ‘vorthy of •public coitti tlent;e. Where Mr. Fero:l/son is known, it is only necessaryto mention ItiA name in con nection with that office to mot the public ap probatin. Ile. practical I:nov:1(0re, tm,:perience oil the public works, his jitisine., hn l )i awl strict integrity, strongly ' recorn toe.el him to the favorabte nctioro of cai.t Convention. 1..1i.11: COUNTY, Ar tllt3 I:4 W AstnywroN.—Ciil. Rowan, ef New et“,:y n of the former C. S. Sonatur, ea'; hoininate.l charge' ta Naples r to;day, iu place uOll6. Polk. lionstnn has been re-elected U. S. Semler from Tetow. ' • Shi t Als aw l Quitman visited the Cap itol to-day, ilea tvete reeievetl with nowt) at • tention by inNnbers of both Houses of Con gre-ts., They linve heel/ in el to a iniblie ttitttier on l Nearly all the Senators present, a6a twiny of the ltepresentativeA, sill) the mayor and- others, are suberibera to the dinner:• , It is hOlirii jlllli the Ilan. John W. Davis, Intr speaki r ~r the Elmr.z, vira.,nomitiatel to day, as Mkiiisierto China.—Drc. 199. W.-4,d1 0 . 11 . IP .414.1' to'ontr eyo. “V.'lllo rigti , sWickg 1 eN t. A tr-e 00 a I VA, Wr Ml.'. 11l mi AV....‘ rur • 1, , ,uzi.,, , ,. I. t 11111 i iptv 310(11110 11 r1 . 1111 ,, 1y, DOW 111...• ,14111 lit ror 111.111 thy paur.CLIA o illet lii.ov , r bth•tt itar . .s Nerd 19 thA A 0r1,... ' . AV /...iiricrr le. r.,,....•Cotitily,l)lttn. 1)r , 29 le I•. _ 5 i r (i. C. VA CI .S —%Vrt ',tiro .. , I all tilt. ma .. .iu,(5 1, - 1 Willi U. ”. ~..,, : i. ~,,,, ..,,,,hi ..01 ,10 .. Ti 0,...1 t •,.. i i,.. Mind -hod.• ' W e h it „ b" , n . i t....1110 I) 14140 It. 'icier 1,4 . " 640.1 ,AA churo.t. r —lt 11111 .dre'd :/,'1 ,, (1t run, or clutsPr. 11.tvii ree f ...10 1 0041 to olltsr. sill oV.*O 11 ,, c0n0 ty awl invy .tru this t‘tomo•il w.i‘tiett. to buy. . You 100-1 runt -pr In ~/1“.1 114 telt, 111/111, .14 situ its ito . s.allln. Wo hope )(nt Will 00t.51P1.y, .4, uur tt ' .l.Atiel •rF sire eel . MU. 011)0U/ OM eruct, Wm.', mud 111 10 ku, ifyuu can tend huutedi.stely Yn tr,. REID tt& sivnetts," itmttlerenll upon the Acento whose u lilll, .411* found 1111., rier 0,, Gr.r.Ar t milt col tie MEDY Advrrttectnunt. Get a the why ;nil wherefore. . . , 1111 those who are ainieted with Eicroinoilir Af- P:recColti: ulcers. r otaneou.t eruptions .ecoudary eYll'lltio. fioolticrbototottions &c.. ore itecoolmend.d toffy 6, W. 510rc00t..0, totproved trrriptlnt lid $ tt.npral , t• 1 !. I! I. r.01e0.1c.1 by ever X ti e . Wh 1..t.,‘ 0.0.1 It to ho tho Inot ol rinlft of, itto kilo! 110/1 114.i ., 1 fl %lin J.11411c It i 4 preomo d w I hoot lbe ni,l tor Itn.ll, wit itli rtrUrt , ,all Ott t. irtun. of On Ca 4:llutt lilt in a L inoro!ro 11l :ley other pro co •. owl roofers, it ,01.0 or tile ,too3l clfic4loll 4 fenl.mtie• of the a iy,l` the ibovit i1i,,n , : , - AfARKET . SI , —No chtnge from la4t week. MARRIED—On the 4th inst., by Rev. J. IC. Barry, Mr. GRAHAM Gums, of Jamestown, Orlutituque county, N. Y., and bliss A2o: M. WA• nat.s. of this pike. On tliebtb inst., by Rev. 3. IC. Barry, Mr. TWAT. ABEL 011134115 E. ELIiABETH BLAIN, nil of his eh v. --- - DIED—On the 30th ult., Mr. lip.-vi t y % V AR - El 11„ of Al illcreek township. aged about 60 MEE in Anyercoh. on the morning of the • 30th nit , I{onEa•r LtsrmasTort \VI:LW?, in the 13th year of his r ige. On Friday morning the 7th inst., Csonan DA ',LAS, sun of W. t •lV. and Marietta Luornk of this city, aged 2 years 11 months and 17 &VS. By Express ! EviiruiL e ,t v . j ) .t . s t v (100; one ince • I.l:tin. of c titanin'atii , e of POl4lOllll Si. Mall ill; pi e9s.Feliett I)nLi skin c•ntsitn-re, for pans ; :1 V.iiietv of PI St; i ; pill ; If% 0 boxe-i , of Pleneili Cra• rats.; Wail; cow p.Werns; hi le% .0.4 11, nn I w•nsted ' 4 1.1". , a.1. ,- ; , Icli 1..;11 ltle 1100V1l Cr itle4 qua %Al iEI tbia city. - G. rt Cr 3ann'Ary S. 19,15, 431 Administrator's Notice !ivieby 1!1%1•11 thal i.1%,e been _morel( :4) (kV subsei iber, ,c c \na T. %di% insioo. (reeecs, ‘ll p t LI:I 4 1111 r tr to in etc se , - bon anti peu.oo4 h , tviort cl.riars, will pre Stitt. thorn 1.1.111"11t. LANSON WILK NSON, Adn.ini,trntar, la mar. ts; ISiS. • • .‘ .6:31 EIM cill•ltAy C o te to the flint of the siiliseriboi lil to A thy I iNt of :sl•eveittlier.rt r'ewl tWO ye +rnhl I , (moo i.IT tc lett C:11". and t 14111 . c1. 4 1) ,, r !he rite w% eq.1,..1! I to Come, KOVu proptlfy, !my;,.e. and inltn it /11111 V. .1 111 N 1V11... .;(IN. Recc+.tit Id, Januttry 8, 1919. ~131 .11.7.1 c; )1.'7 ' lON ()P P ,ptr•tter.:s.i i i ht-retql'ekiv , h, im 11 , tel) .111) . WI i /1199 i hv An p , 'II In In, will solle fru). •O w?foin all 110 a) (.111111t..1111(1 d11):111lIS n,iil,ll beCII I d1...41 i•intr”v c , TF;':4 fle I.l.lll , ll'able rt (if et., i• ler Sessions (Jot/illy, t it•tik it. or L. C. II Itna r.. ilo. C .I.lof It a uttuh , oft It,:t"e n•-o.•. 00,1-, l tm. he 14 will pros l'o.l ..ish 10 , 00.0 rann null 00,1 ,, re. .hr 10 nl'IJ .013 •11`n0111111 11 OA' I if a • I Ira% 0 0 5 . pi ilia :pope henu v 00, ii Pc• id r tot , CAA \Var.l, Sir pr ill.. 0 al,l Co ill to • gent urn a for It p .•ro, att.: he, an ul ..fity 611nud, n ulpr iv, : 0; 1'.,1111.1 '1 1V. \V,• the o "h.. 1:.-t,r,I ;le 0 F. Ir 11, • •,05 .1/ • ilt,4 0 .1 iv 100 1,0141 I.'ll • hr., r I 1 , 1., hr k..pi, do tify t 4 , 1 1 %, Ilthtoe e It, i• 115 1,0 I 1 , 1,1.11 , Glr 111111 r.-11/ •Il i t vitte I s i!ith latt.e n. n a t I e a.vo tie.lee• f r t i• le•.lnron) 1103 - it .1 ' sir . aid Iris ler, lit I 14 tt 'lto too Or I sr U /, „•,,,, „ nun Ile I llre 111101r11.7 T.d ruler 11111 01. 1111 11 tr "'Oars. II I'l - 4 I. kVII A. W. FIR E‘v - i • rotL, . .1111 1 . CI t: M KOMI, 5.•. 111 KiiCII, 'l'. 11)1. C. El; F 1)4; i'LING Ric. J. C. Intl /WV. TllO. Ni..t; Lit 1 4 E4t. • \V .N 00WNS. S IL. i.r.w it. m. Ls- iLcilitt r.tio J in. P. To tie llottorabtr-Court of Quo eter ,S,r.ssionB of Erie Cotin , ii, l'a: ..f Au :oi•mi 1L1.% tof lb , E,t t ' R • ard of tio•stboou;o tlrto t 0 r tor c ,totty, ro+p, , ,ttl.lll!. lepro.olitn, ill it he IS will pr t bb•J u ith bou•e 1110 II .1111 i euovrniriu•e+ for Vol forgioF %not nrcnm.n boom of trrvrh•r•.•lt the tomb!, now oceupool by I11111 , ,Ilf.C:I11a I the Luca„ tee Hotel lo raid En•t ;War I.— Ire tip•rerore pray. the llo•lorobb• Court to aroOt hint a I,Leoh • for It•oplwr a 11111)1k ilia or tit urn, au •I ho, to , to dugyLoc•ll v, lit pray, &e, AN:prtEw tol,te ;tort. eilizenc Of thorr, t• 1 W I^;1 0 Ifni 011.21110 Ertl' , 11 %%1111'111hr Ulu Or lily fit prove I lo • hr,.-c1 .• prep,-e 1 4. lid 'CPO, •ritry t'i it 111 .1 07.' till% 1111 tie .11.) WV' , 114, 11 Of 11113 tpanto lot -ty to I leollier,•ilro, ao I in •'e l 11111V1i11111 WWI 10.40 re.tvii a iil 4,1111,111 , 11, A 10•1g 1, 1-1 .1•1 711,0 • 1 1111/., ,,, ol t: tt ..0.1 en 1 tliareoch or I'oll rnt 1 . [WI u•euu..ea.ltite the publut r.lul • eu t rt.on olzor , I 'I 1r..% eke, " 011: 1,11'711+1. - R 1). C'T 1 : 1 1140)/.. 5AN1171..1. Arlli M. 1111'1.:11. t.11111:1. Ii 11S, M. CAE11)1VCII It 1s•III-1. 111111S5. A. tY. ItrICIA'SfEII., .1 C. • • S. 110131 V IN. .1(11IN S. BILOSY.N. • l;rie, JAWS', ISI . ' I 3C14 T. Cie Honor 1 1 p of e. rot.rt 6/1t 111 r S "'S'oS of Prie ro41)111 -rho of:tau - I , s B as,rl' of On lnrer••rtt town-hip. r,• , frc 111)14 ripr ''ts, iriat,ho ii wot ;„„, j‘ll,l hone t'oo't ',rid (111141 . 4 fur 'II- the 1%, '•%%14 nod ,teeolump jou s• r try , rs mil :rave !I la %voalii therefore litrail%ty pra'y tour itnanra I• 1 gra . a! tint a I ief.nao 1.0 ritlilp a Vali., li.• hav t .,. at his %Oft stand, SIX til. Ell', Oil the Bufra4 road. • i 1111,,N‘ 3' 7 1.P.1". We, The tradersi%med, eit izrn4 Of i 1101 fIWO4f)f p 01 I ufboriffefol, do eer,ify that iftineslßrutil. , y, he 44110% 0 ‘lllfli. lot. is .% tutu nf'rool retutftatiun for Imar4 V and imtiparance, and that ha ii n ell pr"vi,l , . I wi h houal rooli nod eouvelfiefilfes Gtr enli•rtainit viratWer4 anti travelere,-1 that such inn or invent 41 nece.sary for the publiycoriveni eine. - nIT tl.\lll,of{.. MO( STILLMAN. 1:141.1la II 1114/IGFAs 41: 1 / 1 1 Of I, I) %UGH, A1.1t1) , Ft'LL.L'lt. Dl4 FITWEIt, 1' 11141.1. A %RCP: Toll I'Clliad.. ,T Atryll AIL rt:EIT It. 0111 AVE Lliit J 'U. l', W 11. VI CALDWELL. ' " lAtlaary ;1 ' I . I • fiwtor.inlr c , -,+(et ..f Q t feta a ssruits of ('aunty. The petition of Lino , Ltrnpmri of Girard .otlrl.-11 . 1;) in !44111 1e . 11111, 1 % . 4 Et.. 10.0 tnliv 10111,4011 hitjA s, pi o% oho! with h t+c loom otot vcori t 1. Ityl./i PZ and oevom n 0.1.1 lint of f•ti...0 , 0 is nod traVolol . ,l nt. the (U. 11),! (1111, 010 ~( 01 ohe 110‘,. 40 . 0111.10. 1 in • :lid 1,80:10.1111.1. I it , II) pravg the h•tioo.thto emu I. 0) Iraot. hint n lit/n. l. fOr 1.01.111...1; ;I 'MlOlll'l ll ll or love' n; notl he as li.)oncl, trill proi, L.INUS we, Or eitiv-tts of Girard town .1111) in said rout 11, in ‘vilich the ;pore inn or tavt:tti priced to no Ito .0.;tol is proposelti to h,. I it% do r, • lr 6' lit 1.11i11 41 101111111141) the a'i ,v 4. mo w ( ' 4 g out t repot,• for hone Iv and nottp. once. and n t.ll pr.n,lL,ll with Imo., fo,nra al I cw,venivne , s Co, tile toknot , nn (1”t) , 1111- ‘11,41,) 11)1) or sl r,i• !zt•tns an!' rai eh.cß, nod Ht.a. or 14'04 it is nave 9• ry o act•ormuot tit , itotito utl.l enler tin ttratt.,!,n :oil tra 711At ' F.IIN GrIII'ITEY AVM rut-.:Er, - A . It IC • Mr. 4 1,'r. lIP.NItY .Isa) 1,1:VIINPIPITI.1,1 1; riivd: ut,st.' AVtOV ttittiGtm, 11t1 ; ..5, ‘lll-*.s Clt Udi. MCa ANI.W.ItHOV. J umtty 8, IS le. 3t .I `l l O ihe .111(1 "I`.l nl 111VC. , 11 l ut 005.1111..i* of .he t'll• rnq ity 01 p•• (Ilion 01' 0r 00.' I:0,00:zil Edintioi, 1.1 0 0 . o.ooov 0 , ', 0 14 till, 1111111‘li V She wi! I that, yo.n. peti 10 t . .t pimided t% itl •nnade tiVeollllll./rl.l' ions for IceepinLr a 1100-0 0 (public entel tainin 411 at OW 4tn 01 or Gnu=e vane and otrupi hiswielf. hr sa;(1 Imronl,h; en therefore pray, yniar lionots In ,_rant him a Ii cense fur the saute; and will ever praV, • -JOH •ii••;Pr )S, We, the iinder4ittned, the e,ibt t ut roottlt of Edinboro, (to ye. tiry that R tavern ur ' ,abbe t,ri4•• of enter arlillaitt la IWeel ,, try r.r for ttr. t'n lertailliit.• of K r,te l t.o.l an,14...ve1...r , iit acid IP) ontet; tstui jtjt) err, Jo'dt `i+9'l.•, fa it per. , ot • 1.011 , 11 for hotiony orr,l to m p or ., en i+ pcovida 1 ndt'l house: room and i-onV..t.h-n. n 4 for the aceittnined.ktion s rant!ere and sveli•rs. . •tv r311 44 4 0 rt, Simeon Meacham, Cleo .to-teph Hort, -311,10.11art1.4, Fortnl !List, C P rtohor:p. N.(; Ati•tir!, Niortin Illuspie, 1' Ha no,lris, Cleort!. F.v ins, • • A. C Qulbertfon, Joh t A c:inhprtAnn t• In/more R tR IR filo he t it•twrithlit Cuiiit 01 Ctivirivr S"'SIORS of EriOconnty.—The petition.if Dmiiel Shryuck or the wed ward of the burough of Erie in said coin v, reNtectlitafrapreaen 16 4 well provided widt Itintata room and conveniences fur the lotkilsz and ocrotrojunitaJon or state;, and travelers at the In• ti ow oectipies, cal ed the ' (Mr in said neat wurd. lie there-' hire prays the honorable court to grunt him ulli ceoao for It eepirt. a ()milts inn or tavern ; and he as in du y bound, wall prey. ,Ve DAN MI.. SIIRYOCK, We, the otthAeribors, citizens of the west ward or itie boron: , 11 or Erie. in witiels the above inn ur tavern muyeal to Ito licensed is proposed to be kept, do certify that Daniel Shryock, the above applicant, is of good reptile for honestiand lern• perance, awl is well provided' with lonise room and conveniences ler a liolodginti; and accommo ti ttion of swingers and travelers, nod t at such i on or tavern i nece , piuly to ;ieeovinnodute the public and citici Lai , . Et IttligUra auul IniVrlera M !teed, inh • I Inultes, F. liabLitt. Alrenrlur tinglte9, , ,leo. A Elliot, It I)'lnnon V.'i twin Kelley, John Coantnintts, Oliver, 11 V. l :it Erie, January 8, 1313. ,r 1 c) the 110I1Orabitt Court of Clicirter :41essitias Erie colony, Pa. -The petition of t 1 ,u the tot% nsiiip of 11 al tiorerei!t county. respectfully repre,en•B that he t• tvilll plovided with house room and comictitettcPa . tar th • loilgina and avetionmittOon itram. , ers ntid travelei• mi the h itt , tr Mr now ialattpir• m tti.1 4 tt.ty.t..4lir. tie th,refele prays the 11)110f //JO, e, in te irrf ot him a license for itteptile int riv " ern; and he, as in dray Mai .d will evtr "p, •-e. 11 ' 11 A. 13....."-L y. e, the subscii . .ters, ci.irms 01 th to..siliA:tip of Iltoborett:el; in r, inch todn• d iva 4.1` pi`Ayi d iu 1/1: lire:ll.-4.1, I t pro:),ped 1 , h e ,de vertoy tll It %c m, .1. 13e-',y th..! .11 011 ap id , c,tiit, is ul t.notl roIAUr itlr 11',1111• a oti .taeo, and i 8 W. II 111i.V!Iirli WWI 11011-e to WI 111111 ( . 1111VC111(''Irtn1 ton 1111.• 1..141111;f ;1.111 /.IC.A./q11111,14L11,111 I/f .drao , rer• u , al Vt'lel I itp iCi t ecti‘‘, tied, Fragltlin Worm, • • f 1 lonay.l 1 - Oilman, Chas 1. Kam!' • Jolla I.l‘..aLtrta. Ch s' •Ktlidrie ' a, (luny CM: laid, 1 4 olumon Nit:Cumber Win flaring:. PO:, Jannary S. IS 3i3 rro The 116 , 1mabl • knurl of Cluarter Se.sions or Elie t;onaly. — . rho pe.ilion of 11.ober , or town-hip in said county, re sp,ondly rep: con , :lit in is :1111 p ovitled I.olen: loom on convenient:4 for thelodoily u d a e nu nr n ' dation traVele , r., at boo-n: v occoltio, in . ati I 7*/14 . 4i 4 . 1 i it. Ile thewbre Nuys 'he bona ahla :our, to ,rent him a licen,to lor pubic ion or tavern; mill he, in duly 1%111 ever pray. 4 . -c. 12f 41:::117T Int. the sub-eritis-4, . cifizons I.,`Csou sou n 014', is h is h thst vshovu it!‘ tavern 1113% rd u 11.. been:4l,l pr,i;;;;4•4 i•er;ily Jlal Robr.t mils y. 11; • above 111111e:I r ~ 11 m 4; nl. ;y :1111t telni l Cl'lll l .! ,. . 11 , 10 ii well ruyssl t sc,l i illl ty.syse molt stss.l c"tive;ve it s hr bogus_ 44:1(1 neesisuntoslatiuss ui ht 4111._01'1'S and scar. 5, /1. rl t ,11 1 -111:11 It Imu fir ats•l'll Isty. .I , lltV to .11:C41111 , 11 , 111 • 11 1111.1 I,nblic , nod enter 1,1111 F•it111e...e . ,-0 11 . 2111 1111V,•11`1%.1. AVA C. LAN: DON • F. hid Shelmidtnr, ,Ittntem lie ,nett, Win 11nyti -Id, 11. my dlory, I 4,atel Thottets diam (Y. A. ;Item S•ltti' , l. 1). 141 4aun, (:. Ct. l3ioan l \. Dunham, A. l'otirtellots, : , 1,1t.€.11.11 . Nile.; V, tn. :tint:ley. Union, „Linnet). S, 18 Id- :4 3,C•' To Cie Ilonoi..tbt • Court of Q viz. , t. swans of - ,ounty, P 1: Th ., pet! 101 or 1.. A. t tau 7 or the Iva 41 of the bor otlllol Eas , ti t.i soLid.cqu nap lepleaell 1., that lid 18 Weil provi leo ith hot, o rooui and Convenie..e.k t l lr (1,11 ueeoln -11..;11 fir and trayeltlit, ui ihe Extelt=ion lilou.e in said sera %vita (1 Ile there:ore. pray. the honqrai.ll. cow( to era•li bun a liei•ns • for het:pin.; a politic in t or lave. n. and he, ua In duly Ikomil, will V A Nr2. We, the the salpiesiblr.. - eitizeit. of the west War I ut Erie. in wine') th t aim or laVerti p, ny,.d t., be lie, n.intl is priipo4i.d t'l be .1.1 CI rt.Cy tt. A. t h ut T . 0 1 , above applicant Ia r h Ines y IC priwitled st 01110.1 a., room and i:ollyen le lethi for the locluitig amd aciairomortaiort or lr•Vigr Cs and tr veli•rs, and - that such an ion or tavern is Inaceit.ary to at,e0:11.1194 do th.t public and on:Fr tain strviagers anti tauvekri.. '.l. itme.l, J. it LYi limas. , 001 A. Elliot, B. F. Sloan, 'Rob . caeleatt, Par e; toy, A. William K. lloy, S Jr. K corer; \V. \V. , - G.eo nertiinan, L. Q. Reno, A. P. Dniusi. El ie, Pa., Jalmary 6, 1818. • 33/ lESEI Tv Use ItuaoreUt Court of guider S.sskins of - Eris Cono'y, Po.: The "petitinq of _lobo Arlain Wil 4 , or the Gnat Word . of the Lio.ost.rh of Erie, Erie _coon; y, to stinvennis,dild Re ig well prort,le4 w i t h hals.4.• room ;sell ceozeniences for the hel,rl;yr and a , _7eol)l'n Wan zers and traveless, at the ViatslC in 1 lin kept by hint io val4l hn ou• , l]. 11e Ilier4;lore prays the I loner ;Isle' t to ttesist Ison a licep4it for kits:ping a public ion 0: lases n, 511111 Ise, 114 iu ,1111) bound is 111 • .1 4 )40; A1).k.11. We, the sith , os ibers. citizens or ;he E,;•,,.4, v at ,' of i'vvi,f,r,t, , l) Erie, is which the al) see inn or tavern !payed to Is t lietwe 1 is proists.ed to be her, do cer,sfctsat Jolus Atl oil Wald, tho above adplicant, ail report. sir tam. per,{Q . 2 . ,:e., 1.4%111 pr with house room and cuovenieoces ter the lodgi otr end accooto 411 ion of stran ! rer., and travelers. and 11114 ,5411 4 ) an inn or tay..rn iii ne4:e.isury to ace9Minod sits the public and enter,aie strange.? and trov4:l4•rs. • C. Sictr, .1, ll. 1,. Tlfown, -- C. P. 1)o•felib tea, (i, Witter, johoSiusov, Ft nut .zelloeider, c:kii..tiannosrollll,ll. u's•mon, Jr. I'. ICieshl;seh, Ines 11.01:11, Jo'ln GAO, Daniel 1./obbins, ,C. Tad) ds, F.:yin. JnonarV c I ISIS 3 31 To nc fhwirableV:pr el of Quttrter Sessions of flri, eau ,ill. Ia: • The petition iir attitipierr y i•!;•••.dt. of Girard lowiliditti,.in .i.iid tioririly. respretrolly repreBent4 tit it he ii welt proxid al with Win ;.• rtoitit anti Coo yenieto: Fr fer ilie loriL!irir.f arid aii ~,, iron et aloe 111 sr! no s nod tr.tveter4, at the ittlit=tl he now oe -livii S ;iis,litt mm:l.4'o. .1 le l tlierelore prays the I tozoirahle (.1001 to gr.tot hint it i iel.4! 1,,r I:eep islz a ii•shtli: ide or ( mere, nod he us in Owl helm 1, will pray, &e. 1 i Ilf3NlWillt:li SCOTT', 'We, the .ithseribers, citiZot'w of Girard to No ship in said ettonly. in - Which the above iota or tavern ptayel to be Iteeti4ed 1 14 proposed to 'he kept, tin: cutely -tier I I titnpitri.y Seel, t he a 1, 6 %.,, ap i di o alo, is 0 1;p0'. I rept( e lin' hnnesty and tern p .ewers, awl 1: act' in .w.(l- . (1 with ; loot -e -010011 ;Lail culiVeiticiici-; for ne ito*iwz rind ' 11401111110- '.lO 011 111 $ r a ntrer, awl travtilers, arid i frit such :le jell or I iv.•lo is iit•ce ,. ..itl'llo nevoitmoilate ill, public ,i O ,l . 0) o n •n in 40 :loge (s 00 , 1 IF iv,. let s. J‘Mr.- 1 . 1is(;111.0 , 1 3 i tIIIA viteyrlA, - OLIVER Cit , )•o4. 3Nt) DEVINP(M.T. A It %WI 1t... i.O ritrdtc,t‘rittt.n Hi; vat' OfiVl Verna. .11) , It:Pli I' It ' , JCR, IfirFAlttiitr: Tito!! ir; .1,% 1 i i ...y mil , i ,. 311 41:1.11 CI V( 110:, J At It.-31t1' %VA. sll.ll.:ltriftlit N. "flirriol,J emit y C. i V. LIST OF LP' Remaining; iri the Post 1 January 1, 1848. . for letters 'rot this list • . trf"PersopS caning will ploa.;e say they are . a Ivertizel. Two ; coots (the . rost of a ivertittun lot elvirled on every letter itl'addit ion to he regular postage. I llexan icr, %U. glary i I C„lri'sl I . 54. " , !!' .Ind .e.on Jallie4 ' K.1 , 1 1 . 2' .N not y A .. Anihngort Prof it ICnovlt! il idi I) -'; . Aden SiLl 4 Keller NI a.fri Aurniley 1: ' Ke , lley Inn •rt A lAion Oiler li.ine'lle Andy Ititt,•y 'tary ,IColly P. r. • {latter Leonard %lig. ,Woltha 'Knapp:Vito J'fary 1 13 11 1;.i t,,io .hilir, : . : 1 : 1 a .,2 01a.trno K-41 1 .itrz L. l .the Pat, iel: .1; ; • Itiewer D.odol. L.oril Barad lil, Bro•1 1 / 4 . , s.ili , wr Len ' l 3llO - • ~ Brmrvit it ,lit;e11 Inichfilti e; ; tl7 .1 Itoo ‘llBl e);1110tte 1.1114c:to: J vii Brown Joh n G . , Lint John ' El roan t) • II -4 1...2;nr00, Is Inc , 111.dr James . Loraan ‘iii....-rely An Itrindlo,Chiolotta LaWl enee Julia A , Breen Hiram • Lee Lm ranee : , -Blake It nethl • Ly le Somitet NI Rived Cliinoiltt La cook tlntth ' Breed J II Ninnmhrr Miss Ida Ann 1101 ‘if Edwin .. Attnrecei J t.,V ' • - tiardwell Bei' I P • \•'‘;`-'aylen ewe J Itairthridle Wm 'l' IMCConnoll itPhort, ' BealsAV Isl, hicKnolty Hugh . : 0 En , LV TaLrz:trt, Ilrov‘ell, dice at. raiz!, Pa., neruliol 1 Gea 7 ..** - ..'" 41110:101r Jaineic / Biichaul Delila 2 McNair 11 ,, dicri , .. ni , orer Joseph El .- Mellinnittinei Rehm!) rillb•rt • Meciinlowianra Rorie p oi ") 2 • • NleLan:zhlin theinaii Bennett John VI IMer.litrit Samuel ; li Bishop Stephen L Maui!! Jamea Bni ley Richard . A"alltiliew John ' ' flu ler Frrderielc- - Ma2lll Charles :3 Ifluld,ein Mrs Ahbitgaij, Makin John It Reverirlast Rev J' ..,, -, '. Molten Franklin Bean Wm A . .. May Jolla Bortholoinaic John NV Nlnv well Shelden fisreri Richard , ' Miner 4/4 . ri , ilterWin ,1 - 1 Malinny Nihnel Baker Leonetti Miller-Lidia J r- . Barton 1 h. Li• AIM, Thotnyi , . ~ ll'irrirt James Edwin Mills Rieflard ' 2 Moll J W - ' Mahon, Willi a m , flompini.J P. :Martin Hold ih' Pine , s 4 ARM'S Mills John . , Powers lonue. I 111e'eall Philanclee Ilnyne Jelin ' . INI flier Mille llary I Barer Plietip Al gni re.Pai rick .Ratter J n 2 Marshal .iarnes nu, dick .Tohn N Michel Wm ' Clark Miss Nancy A MAY "Misis - Jiltyal" Clarke lathes A Alarshall NV , ' . Cooly Pierze - Mills Thomas ' Crimeh. Mr . Moran Win - CralyTa•rick 2 Moore P W 2 Cintk Isaac A . Merles Re!bara Clark AM. 2 Murrey J • -.1.".1ut..'5. Mini Mary hi n r i n \ I errerrot Clime!. Antos Monre Mary L• Crunn It'iltinin Molly Rooer Of oft Mrs J P Vora'. Elf mit 4.. .'rodlrey Miss EEzi Meese John 4 !Mire!' Che•ter 1 1 Moore Len isn Clark I V 92 111 miser II enry' P.. ('race A I W Mooney James ' Chipman Fdwar-I V. 2 Um pity Pairek Celdwell J am e s 13, Nto,r, t r i Mrs thhnlina ('aril I lenry C Nellie/ Nit's Sdrinio C•ttit-t rdiLla Nichols Mary 2 Caliion't An-r leans .1 Rea cionell Ell I lilies M athias '.- raldw ell 1 fart iet Nermin I S Carter Waltor Fot.ratlin esimrn James Curry ‘'fary J, • - O'finire ll • Colt '‘‘ngeline Oberkireir NI ichael tin.per Sarah Malrina Plain Dr 2 I i'o! on jaMr•a B . -Coon Rev W J . , Power' & en Me.urn '2 ' Cooper Win , Pr tidfit flithett I r o l e , E 1.1 2 . Pease Fideiia - Dean L P I Pad•an II L. Danels Mrs Martha . Rimer (Glum/ A rinvio'cl port:a • Pinney folly • Ilcan Le o nard NI 9 . Meter Ilitriin ' Day W•r it -- . ,• Parker Ed catd 2 - Doane MS ' , I'ott- Freiman . Do P•eth V i Pope Nathaniel Dorn Simeon Pitt Bear Dennivil 'rliotifts. Penve thicid Dunn llaiecvy ,Parmater Mid Lyriit Ibis in LI. A. Parkerltiehard A Dunn Povii Pinney 4 henry - 11 i t. Ilaoi 1 IV Parker fro 1 Iltotran Alr'd Ma...caret Patton John P. 1 Ilitnit his liobeit . , Parke Mrs Miraetta DMielier y . Thomas ' Pe , er4 .laic ri, iii Hervey - Plea ener 1'044 I ttrrobl 11 irney Rowel .1.;',“ - pil 4 ) 7),111.0.11. It is, dary II einor Elite I POI Commit Dime ' , runnel A ' flee I \lids Onitha '• lived John Fran: Joshon ' Pat' Info 1 3 Fc'.. ea Zi.p . lC 'ialr . nipky Edward Eppie t iitl'e`v -Richard , . ('apt L F Ely I I 13 ; Rod's Mrs Elliot , Maro'ef Ito telt `, IN Mary Ed kir , ls D.uliel Roberts I,vimin 2 riliot Jon 4 ,, !fold-icon .10'm N. \Via El.:: , olonion R ti.sidl 'l' Ir - ' Vol well I I Mil tit , It tiers lntnst Pales M i' . 4.1 -0 in y it ~ Uols mii., A A Pal .. ner Win Ii Robinson .at mine Fisher John d Rod. rs.Ajritev A F. iday In.eph ' Russell '1,11 , 4 Rliz ibeth Penh' ittii story J Siortraleit Beikibud Parneswnrth 11 A ' incS h Mr.s.(tll Ida Vf antis .I.lYla Swerve) ,14,,hrt . Forsyth I) C . - Smith 'llloinaa A Frey vai lin Pipit!. NI iii+ Susan Poster Itohert r Smith Jr, se - _ Fink Jat•ob fdtermati tV 0 2 Filley , 'l' - 1 Si-tell Wm L Fe' tie 1 John ' S. hir wri"(l • Alansen P. ener Samuel Smith irti ,f iriel S 2 • I'iey Isit.le Seonller sliss Mary Fhts er I inrrison St:aro - telt Pattick Raley Joo•ph , Snyder 3 ti-id. f '4..10.01 Mi a , Slocum 1 ewis dilinan Althrt , • Senn Jni n s'iolitil I) A ' Sprigun l'l 0 S r it ta in cam. John Ssokap As drew Jr David S Smith A B Gillet. I :liester IV Smith I) avid ' Gk. lEVIII WM B . Stet') Tot tea . Goiribr Joseph Stott' D J 13 Gordon Parine'ia Nl ' Stuyvedant Chrislan 'ioiliain Elizibeth •L Steearr Aieli'd :rah!, Alicia Stone •A'''' 0 4 . Grubb Mr ' S teven , w in Cray /Welk M - - Sorrily ',tonal° Grimi. Srow - Set . ! I K Gunnison E 1) Shoulim El it 'both Gre , mlear It nsit Sufic .i) John I 1-trferill John . Se•vell Ilhiniezer Dayes Leste: .9 ridler Benjamin I turper Saillttril Sail-lo i a• Sainsirilm ' 1 I tie'ss Robert I -- . tiontherlaiiil,Perinelia 2 I I I ecer y Gillen Shear Itisper I tamps in Roben, . l'henta i t ‘Vin Hannan ilebt Tracy A sale , ' Il l tla il,iw Catharine Trubs Ja.fliii 11 , -N• 2 110 barant Nturear t Thom ,a Chlietiiln , I laney Michael Tomplsins Inn F ' damp on John Tur r a Manlius lisittp , on !legit Jr Tolle Ebenezer 1 Dm:tidy Michael T ho mas elitist bur -- I tayt Mrs Mary 'Vandyke Wm ' _ 1 Ilium) :Mrs Olive Va., VI TO: Doreee [lnserter Ann Whitley Lnui-a (.> I ludis Edward \V hi•e l'iloinit4 .' How ,N,-w:on . Whitcomb firs Small A iliimel 'llll,;inas 'Weight Petor . ilayrt Alisi Arminda Wril , lit Freil'k Atne P WhiCOoth Josiah 1101oisS Eli P Walker Lviiia L Moire. John F 'We terberr'y Geo S I 1 MI Lew is A. Weloael Anne - II cla nilrii '''-' I Warren Aluain E . I lihrsh• ! . Ten Abram Wei.el,Blllll i loleSP'opliia A. '',., Wearer Win .1 , ,[11.5. JII•E:Lt , 'Warren llberl J ia,-.1...,,, Andrew W WatQon James Jones William ' %Valk Isaac C • Jourdan JIIIIIII.A ' Wiliiiilllq !hnoy li,hosoll Win or Weeks P S .• , Idinel Booth 'llrairen N aney Jones Brittliord 'Williams Samoa.; Joh:lwo' liar ha •W'n'iter Atigii. - nd I le!, - , eni Catharine W i nog it Rinij 'min Jewell I).r-vi , 'l l .`ehs er \ lia,y .10 WS Joto4 j _IV ohs er NI iss Anna. Inviting IV t- - trebs•er I.a , C. ' jollf. 0, o Wm•low Miss Marti Jones Etiltram It'll nn .1 osi - Oi F JMins , m William R. Wail-worth Mr , • iniincon Miss 'arolinell frii•mer Maly ',lnhit.on J nines Warmer Ali:ahem liweliiiin It. I) '2 ' Wagner Jo it ' Eilinran r :=uganila • II onlbridgc !krill E Ki lloe ,, 11.1401 • GERNIAN LETTERS. Kircher Tatrb, ' 1-'ra•-z Mei z • Jahn R Desch 3 John Gen Keiser Lea iara ( let Fillip Smith I-146100r lloffam Philip Bieck • Jai.4.11 Hir-eh P lain ' Arf.of tl'ill Jaeoh ..1.1 ,, 1a , lo')It.1, Piisibnan .loin Cmne , ther , rer , li',un7„Spiith , Aligns" Papu +- tlweele W011,11%1 Barlmea Run4er llariarerei Pri.eleriehy - )rio -go 11 , a 44 ilitnsmer gr. Runner Georoe Mellor Peraivlt Selmer Clirio.jan ' l ,lllltr. - .111ani Praliek__ 11 ondleap Flea ley tits ffem am (thin Wien ints'Sivoz, - I:sent) Gortoillo ' Johann s Stotler \ lti: id -hell , - 'Aiiil.w. Royer ' leinridy'r)ei-tinger ' Peter Lich i • s l ee 1n : 4 4 1.4.-Ithcr (;et ga 'Pieter . • - .4 wove ' ire tiler bo'l our blur '10i111i0:1 Kll , lillo, It Mil ":11eigler :winch i Ricker ' Sainit , •ll 11drzet F' Oieo't ' Merge Driller Fran stidilrieer :10 . 111 - ':4:'4 jfulL , TO'll Kuhn Jr Putter R. reamer R ill ha on Schmitt John Ei ktirt Franklin . f , e.*Sittidar - Jevrit'r Ititstim . I 1 Xtruitz Kole(', „., Erhart! Shi;tz r'arl Dips Wilhelm Meyer la/1111r P/ rat R')fir.R.T COCITR AN. P. M ''' BM liiit 51 etltAirt.,, I -'_ I,Vole , n'e krizril 1 leder in ctirop wet nil , Dry 1;' , itiurlyaroceriv:., at No. 5 ponneli 131 ,en, ,t, czt. ri" ph rjl 114:: twit lON rOild CQ%I y Co: rale by r..• , I . I I •:3 - 4. 4, 4; 4 4111 Ail V , y,iiieJl,l.4,x ur :might No ; 5; Bootteli -Block, IP oto P:rert. m r n Sri by the beg or lb . and t‘iu ur,iele to Iteti,l -it away, At No 3,Areerithte , • - 1 1(1 3 - X O r- t V" (( ri Ir „ ; 1 1 ; A - _N.. tvcorrunN nr.u - vonii - COLLEGE OF itEALTIr, " SO? Mints Kt. 10. . " DR . Q. O. YAUGLIN'S Vbgetablb Lithrontriptic Mixturb Tlllkcelebratal 'me ly isco'wvintly incrcrsin 1 . .4113411v no i o many cures It s to.tkinZ IUVEIC 71111: WORLD. It Iths now b , conto old idly tdediciwo fur Cuddy u•e, and ikpart.culatly'rieuudueuded tor' DitOP4Y: all stagen of this eouttdnytt'tutinednonly Intim:nil, no mat ter of how tong nt.tudin :I N e plln, leAda inv. Ibli, 11 Tied., nod 311 di.efterp or th e or iL.ry ...gall.; Pnr th so; complaint. f stand:gab, ii; no othnr .ittit le eau vo'ipve sun, and illi• cure. C,tt yno o In tit COIIVITIO• the most ...knot. i cdi ste pittitph . d. "Live contot dot. billow.•s, • IliftVE i AOlll.O )114}VIZ. To the great West n. mei Illy.nint wheruwer these earn &tuts provull tin. Intniteine li. oiled ..,-. • . ' 1W 311114:111111• ACENT, to debbri :US Whiptmel i,:a par! , fltismirtmr, it e urr 5 htdelP 111.4%1.1, VI WI Ctritlllll%[ not 1 o..iity,,llld duce nut {cut We nyttetti torpid. lino Ott Le[ lAEA, n cottudnine.oin ma., painful chiracter I. ::1/. " .. 1.1.1 1 rD•A.T1611.1' 114,11.11EVEU.; m! n cure r 4.114.%,. by al fel•V - daVt 114 , Or t Jt110 . 01; it it fir t'for ran j, oller prryvirutj Itior Mt] ti;:eati• or ru r,a V olll• origiu.rn"iv .ml uro 1 ' 1 ". If chilli,' of the Nyoterti, • ' IVejlii 1114 k, Wrii W ., :b id VW k•O or. P. c. i rmr , tion W' *Arno 1.1 italltraicatkrVicrfa &Fa claw ear ti.xf ire (1;am; Llll3 11 la +II , V i t .n 1 /l 14 A CP. tain lictuedy Air atmil cninplui He, mid 10,0 ul.4anieli la of {he fo. nralu rt - . 111.1. ' a r Golnristra, viripp , cmsearpt. ) - painful men rner been offered %rite:W - 4 . .1mM touch in'. l,ta,t of tier It may he lobe I - epee - t.4 a bore nuA ate 104104, und 4ul loin p e a VO c ul l giVa A l'hqsaierntsd fliattnra r as pm, of citron an detrenzitip el 11. r of enmplaints.-. p itoplilei. All brake,' ale aa, ilj Crum Oa .11 .2 ..3 of 111 , ri . .ary, a . . 11 nul tle. br turu,r Ta ta a t t a ck C' net I,ffirf ty, au the uiQuu.ini miner, iil eradicated bum the sp.' am. • Iltruiptive 111)i -ogriegi will find the altrrnative o rrorrtir. or I I.k Art icl rujify ib.• ID (Pori, end drive such , 1101 , tl•th 1 ttll• 11 , 10111 i SP. pem;il;irt fur te-limnuJ °rye., In nil ills 140111111(. , 01 An eiheril-voiela nii out pvrtott to lir .411 •i 1 e. 4 n A - gout: gill', thion two i the) toAmu 11,1 w , ,•• of certifi cate.; uflogli characti;r, tool n ...roost; r 1 of Proof of the virtues 01 . 11 Up 1.11111 , , tier• 1 ~pp• lard. — It is one of the po•enit sr fectures 0 thot tackle thot It ee vrr t+• tteo , fit in any east., ,r tome a ol are (01111.111 1111011 1.11 the euttteotte•l hod hogrrantr 1110 11011: O\; will keep taking the ansatcano j `•s 10Sig U 4 CAP, I. all 103- 'llte pt tpril tor wwild CAI? I IoN T 711•: PC I: tgainot 2 iltahlree Ur art lr lrn vt Welt coate Lau under head 0f Sarmap•trillma. hyrtip., &c. a.,,,lkrea-for thop , y. tir •siit, ..k.e, Th y are g , crlif,,r r, h i , g. awl emit:of:tell to girl , the ti,i , s ; 'IOINII ,T111:11 NOT. Their lose obf.. iien. , :r • lititiglit iii i uxo, ,V..•. 1 rii•- iii till till , VI 11,11 hail 1ii3.111. it. .1 p .ti..lkly ii: thi• pamphlet i. ti.iro....ili, grineit.•.l. Ag.i.ts mid ;at %lip mill I 101 It, ii,le aro .:1..1. It I 01 IltellIATF: i!r ,tolttiii•lN . rut up 61 :I,i oz. 6 0.0.4.'1it fp:, 1 , :. "c it SI etwli—ti.. I .i,e4 i,i.14,.. 1, 0 . t mori• t i.tii Iwo am dl bottle.. Lt..• 4 MO Wl', wit art hip ed ~p 41. E , C "V bottle li.i. • V 111 g i.,', VeLteit ilile L00t.% ,I t4' iIICI.I il,° I,li, •it ii pot. lilt• iti•i.S. t',e 0 riff,' • , Kl! , tii '•or Gi l e V .ug tui. nok,to.,t imp,...,1„,, 6 , 4 A., A ,',V , ltteats i- an. F , (l//rtiti Prep, 4,1 iii, lir. (it' V illig,'l9.' Ina a{•l.l . ..t!,. l'r,o, kt..,1 dtli •••,•.!0 - M ,6. ••1.• et. i l Itogri6.. i‘i w I olc, hi , 3130. r. tail. tiiiii iiiiiiiilipi pip, io 1•41.4,4 110.os iiii-1 . p till-rorfirro rriiiii i iii,,ii.ii ' , I, ckiiHi ir. ii.d Aiciii,j; ii)ii Ili •I t 4.11 i put letiel -, Or Viiripi eiiiii• iil tii , . 1 10,1.•iiii irons ,,, a Wit-, promptly iitiitii aiii to, it'.Aiin. (MR o ti , %0t0 , 1 tOo 111, % 111V.Io , I, •kio if the. firth 10 I ti: N•.- , 01 , 41 , .. , . N.. i Y.irit I 1 \ ; ttli C.,. x wt..-til to 1 1 t--. find by the priiii•ip il 41rOltihop I lir.oiteokUt OW G lit. i.l Si t..- mot Ciiiiii In, a- Ai!..• in, r.., ,i .by .t. 1 ,„0„.„ ~ , „1 iturp. & erlitll•. rii . ; C. It'. nortiiii - t-'i II 11.1; Dr. C It ,kor. ,, i)ilt .; It C To., ii 5, Cu , No Ce C , t; * 1: I. 100- ...{., CoCil litr.iiii; lt, Si , iiiii,i, II ill:- w pie.: It :ti ivii:rip. MCIC. qll i , •• • iiiiii, Piiti-Grovi ; M WiNi.ii, Grim, 1 Itub.l &. Vim .-iit, %Vaterl.r.t 13 .51 William. nil Jit Squititerto 1, Wareeo. , I.“. 1 WZlllted. rp r .:N Thbvsandk 111.1,1101 a Corn, ' .L. 510 I . " le, - , 100001 r, (,);itri, , 6'/00 " llarky, ' , J 5000- " Wli , 1.0, 5:160 ',' i.le.inn, 5000 Dco,l,irs in C Anal 11,11ds, nt tt.c, store of . Dce. IS 11. CIA 111 V ELI . ' Arrival No. 20. JUST reetivei by Es res.; Cie elileo?t of' (3 iin I's. Prin4es, Ribbons, anti Roneett Satins off..leti t. A 3 Season. Dec. 13. FI. (f.A.mvELL. New Goods and Good News! , , • `t • ' 'VP ..r. :N . I „..._,• , 1 V 1 . FIRST A PPE ARA NCE. Nolo is the Time to' Buy Cheap!, :1E -4 0 )scriber btlen but a 1 -litiktitrte. ~Tii)b.l,Ple4s hs4 DOC belo4e (wind cot jo,. in Tinyilis a geni rat ft I. L I tirenaolit. I I. 11,14 WA j t-i re it tto tt lir( in tto eltstnru ies with a sp!endi as.r.ortturnt of Fre:l imd Client) Grne , In hie rtronlyntav bu fottuil the chnizet Tong vet ;,fraud ibr sate, bout to S Itillintzs per pound, Jaen, Cnhd, tetuttira and thluptwo, tee, c ,eaper than the cl.elp..C• ; I vo ., :t Port/ ()11,•anA. Clarified, P.t.verised and Maple tt , 8, cheaper th to eve,; l'ur,ct It -en Syrup, ( tr:e.ins loInc , :og ; pepper., c nnanani, twee, ntitineus b.uley.prunes,c.tcut mite. ;duo, ult, 11.1.t -ileir.i. f3ra7il. in 1 pet nn•s; I lavamt eimmmneanleonntantl`;catoti dish, its .1:1(1 !Zerowln Tutnyee,, ; oli‘e rose:,„ t..ts:or, an I hair (hi ; ail or e..hieh a-e of Ow very hers qn dry, and will ho c!:e, t .), at .No. 3 American it I. JOHN I' Er PE R. Nit. G. tPI7.• r ri - black, I,rah and lima n j_ ulwap far ready pay at the .4•0.,1. or qv, p 144 nicP-Pwil 131 ttil,ets uni Lalica fier atusitq, for elle lum by COO'. T 1 stthr;cather ffets for r,J.e the hoproven hunt on tkltich Le now irs,tles, about two tittles south of t 1 stet lota, on the l'to omit'. k i d in, taunt Fri, 1.. t Vitt-but ult, containitt,,T acres of I it GO ittoier totem: , own', coo{ hatao, a w:11 t holt. v. t‘alt, For !: ut:r , it 110 Writ the - lialattee upland no O w premises_ 13 .1 ;lc) tit tr.tto- lot! Itiolt,-tt o't3 td orciartl at tipple :111.1 cherry f recs. 911,1 a 9. 6- 1 - 4 11h_ atyr. For tot her par lien Lit 9 enquire of the sultorriber WI the premises, at of C. C.. 10,1 s, LtiL. JV.F.S 131 G G ERR; v 1 7,1 crfor4. Oct 15. 017. 31%1'2! Fall I:hions For 1547 T"': t-41) , eriber nuts prvi.arecl to forni.)l his IlicaciA and etiFl,liners HA l'S o f a -u -,rior (0 4 11 v; 11:0 a:.•nfL _a 4 gartirPtll CaC , APS, MUFFS, PFAU) . which'a ill •leer F:) , l,4,wi.hint!to pure nt , c wit; plcysc c ill and ex amine goality an I pi jei.. Ira Itamasc.'ve4, It. S. 1 1 L'NTEIt, Prac je I I kttcr, Come' of late and Fi atect.. Oct. ,18 {7. , Ft)11-'1'111:. ii! !t: C`,lll:,(z . . MESSRS" P.M —Allow llit.titro•nzli chr mrdunnof :simr papvc. `vt.rz,olo; till+ vii in Iy . that lam iv hi, a owl well=, It e 4 (I - 4 , 414 ttt Fallnii,l lA'io to. lily .7 ;mid.. el orvi Cto•kvsy and I Hui 'arc, o loch I .00 llaa , ;a t (3 11 at in ord.. i . ;a p i p; I r,trl.pi4(1.1111111, 1111. Itahlrl(l4 'applied 11) 01.1.111:11)1, IttintoSeS. rov ilotlivr par titml.lre apply at Nu. met ic37l 11ilA VEIL Elie 'C t. IG. 18:7. CIC 1.•\i'!•:1 I 1) theA Teel y aid ver =I iii fr.'nitui 1-o• ut;lttAlretl ilp.l' L ihe'rliret tr.p'lhy. anti 8, iltan lan season by WILL r•itiv<•ll. 1817' 11 , •%.+ in the H, 111 - YIIIIIIIZ 100410 _ and po iper ilian Canton tea Nn Bon raell Block. Elf,flPIR, Shorts and' Brun, cormtntly 'tele on r hand at PEPPER`:S, Nov 11, At ::0 3, Amerknn FARM FOR. SALE VEIL.— A new lut ul reteiveti e.New ,S-, ,re. I LLY'N Ind (Lim!: )t. flrrnea;)y, la (n zr my, jukt .ling 2 . 3 'per 'eepl.' lees LINTS &-. WRIGHT 014 h‘-on skin, wetionj• or black tea, cb.opany dare to sell, nt 11. cf)nti. *WA: I3EMI NOL , PArt Ai/VIDICSAM44III - IIVirULM: CEO: NV, MERC H ANT' 6 7,7p•t -_ _ _ _ FOR:HORtt A N invaluable retneily for linrucs, Cum? and Vl_ It' her doimatiq animate, ig the cure (..1 the t.q.yy, i tie' tii,ez.ti:et•: . ~, .. .. . . . Pets'i Il1conilt,• . ,• F aide, S:tfliat, Gatis of aft Little,: blraht 3 , , /AMC/Stn. Sprains, lhonis.s, S mu. ('rat ks, - Crat /:,1 !kris, , rOPll , rrci Pet, -- Mit g0b00.., tin /galls, * rate/tie or Grease, Pool Ertl C.ollua, .AI inge,, I....a,riits, Sirrenty, /turn Dist,mprr. ' it I. alto u C lit verpal Flintily Ett.blovation fer, , di.e42e, et Unman 1.1e,h, such as 1111•wn;112,n, ,Ca baltal Poiaolis, `.. /;.te a of .I. , :invt!:, P•oi;'.il'i Xavous 4Ote' F. ast Bars, • lions, Re.l.i, • - . _ Corn&, ll' . hillows, , lion nt anl &all:, I_ , Cl.ll6Bins. Cr.,ips, Isknped Hanle, Cealrarta kr Ifie .11 . 114:If a. talkings, Wounds', IV ( ql,n. as If ( 4e Jein!a, ./Cak.4 Li.., , asts.' .- NI 111 . 0 - 2114N1 . 8 U AIIC LING 01L.. - - - [t it %witty or , Trek; setiimk, that beside- the _rout and carer.. ordinary powers in the yule or di.eases'of the' 'torse in which its vir nos first uttiaeteif the mien ion of the . forri.r and f .rot• r, arid the iimider or he public. Qt.., tally, it has been surce.Mully em. ph,red to a zreat vat jel y ci the maladies-which' ,tinct the human race; and kiwi+ 1 navel b. the; won.lorkill CM' PS. it ha , petiormed onThe low ran tat,ii,.., that it is end.iweii %vi h curative iqoin ties • horseot timed in other oil.. which has estab h.; ) ith3 ed it. claim+ to Irrenerai voqiidence. 1 . 130% , are of to u - cntill trick article, and be he' [ t qie aw, df the .1“11.1' 14Orsie.-ert, o G. W., Mer chant. Lock port,, •••• bleu n in Ilif bottle. tri-'l',. t r tea: i on iJ 1 ,, , s) tifiliii: efahtea3cs, anti ' matte or t.m,t meat, ace painplitet..which accompsi-N. Hies teach lira te,, Sold hv .1. H. liorlsn &. Co. Er:n; S. S.: &FL As'itatoild:ol:io; and D• - N. Webster, • 1 50 PUREE Ir VOVU,IM 046 110 G MERCHANT'S IMPROVED comporiND FLEID EXTRACT OE SARSIpARILL 4 rc f ,. lf,eyloving Diseases of ITie ,*1 1.1,, 11410 !rvni cife .C 3 a TajoV•l• , r"• • Fe iv - obstirtat€ ofd idrtS - , • Che,, , ,, z, - ,-lenns!ilell.) , al Disi ' s±s" all iioils , g tat he id :A/ Rheum. :kr... rad or A i ,j'sl2r , l S eJ , I ILi ,g l{',. Ili a 1 , 1/40/ . Difikti• 0,i,, ,`,llllli 1( r vent, I. I. es stri , i • - s front an i.ritri Ct e. ”ti , ,,, a 4 C "-rest os , f, a* .te. r,f the /{food; Wits. , the 71,,.,,t1 Nwe, t ht - elo Mthit. , ta t: sticenes.. Pihea, - /ape, n,,(/ ofLer paPts Chr,rtei , aln diOUS I, Lunge a .iltdo4 on the 4> e .14,2e1 and :Wu, (rthet avri other eo• Niabi .`itreate. Av. do , IL? in, 1:11111 , 11-?..3!inio:h rerommo... B o id. iher &a- did a‘ a Cie.:m4,l9 Bring Nidir;no, in genera ds• Male -hays. rui . `t :•itl.e rio.v. • • ThsArciiivelvprepared nein tlicierst. drinnteria theact i Ftropertie.3 01'whiFh ate ex-raottl'hy an itnprt.ved proce , s. icitbout heat; un ae , :olitit of witi&li it is preferrtd by Yhysiciana az be in, inure uniinrin than any other now ill fore the public. A full :wrongr of the remarkable cflicacy of I entetly, in a vdriety of cases 01,111 e lITIOSI riZara : rated tidtt,rn, rusty he tseen by calling on the Inc," pnetur`frnhiau As nio,: ~ 0 0d. medicines arc ccnintt":rfetrod, hot ..tcrt.c. and cal! t tr "Nttrch ant's San aparilfrit,nanti tine t !tat 11ette words are blirtivn on I be Maas, "From Otto Labor.ttnry 61 Geo. W. Alereltunt, Chemist, Locknorr, N. Y. \bnost mere pedlar in the country is 'now tvo ini dp and inipn,inc on the - pfnlic. nn article they call sars:i pa rilla.hereriqe .. , intiAnEf! SOt 1 by J. H, Burton ::co. Erre; S. 5..4.; 'IT. Fla.:tett, 'Ashtabula, Ohio; D. N. IVebster, enll•,_ neitu , Ohio. _ _ DISEASES OF THE URINARY QRGANS- . . DI:-..1.:',ASF.F.' 01 the I:rinaTy Organs cnred by .11'0 r.x - rrner or Ercno, It:VA rnsi, 'and ru.•st!..:ll us chronic and acirc disea4r4 of the MI I hr, ...11so, chronic - ' . lird', Conon lta, ` 'lJrnstrui; Cierd, Gle tta, I V hitte, Kt la tp.;', and. - I SWclttre.t, . i, ,, ;,isn DjahrteS, 4.e. This It doable metlie;nn is prepared only by 1,0, \V. Merchant, Operative chemist &c. Locl:. port, N. r. . _ arts testitnonialli, &t.accomiiiziy s.)hl by J. I. Boron & en. Friq . S . : S. sr. Ohio; D. N. Webbte- !Con,' Iy3o TO RED 1TEA1)..3 AND GRAY. TIVUI \ ilAftt ' I ) VE, artiln'ed nit hair a he 'mind brown or j - t bbc,!!„ it %rill nal \Vett: . oil soil he linen, or color :h- a's.a, ea hu eaci tes I a!'.) been it..,ed .sueee . se:hilly In Coloring fiu+a. 11 , 5% are of ‘he co.;nterf. i: and he sure 'yen get tbe, nni In , parud only 1)y . Geo. \V.'llertbant, Lock port, N. Y.- Sample.. of [lair may 1),:. Fen, at the &tore of the prortfietur or his ageute, Priv; .°,a centS ;--1,4,1 by Bunco S; ee,Eriel S. S. & IT. As',Libuta, Oho; and D. N. Websvr, I ys4:r rot It ALI .`I7N t.") )1 1' low .nn 11,11,1 several stylow 111 1.0 1 •tr..0;,;(1 Cif halt andPqrty Drtts ti; .1, aril light thib ,-)+ mti,inn, band) ,zint F 01111 0h,p4009, 0,14 do. nna arwr chi!: rniborhiered nut fibs, white plain and 141.11e - 10d gloves, very plenty nod N,t' p.' - _ Jtoi. 1.1919. To the -ilouorable Court'of Quarter Seisions of Erie County The petition or I I. 1.. Blown. artheT.ost. Ward of the onrotigit et Erie in stud collo: 3 -, respectfully ri•Prn , Ll) r Chet he i: udt provided wi.h house loom and conveniences for the lodojne and be• o.nete , ,ial ion' of s:ritnet rs and travelers at tho hetii, he now tic..upies in said ea-t ward. He, her cts,.,rr pr,.sys the honnislite court tiig4ent hirn licence pill: : : a pattlie inn or tavern, and he as in duly bound ill ccci pray, ' ti. L MOWN. WWI, ihp sub:crihets. diizons °rube East Ward ttf bar carr.:ll of itlitk, in which the abnfe inn or. to. era il to be , lira ased is proposed to be !:p pt, do cerr4 1.. Mown, the above op• yorcant,'L• J ord reptile I'or honesty and temper ance, and is tteli provided with Itouse ; „iroom and c..nrea 1. fur Ow lodt!igi. and accompodation of St I ai‘g. tr.l Ira% lcre, and that:such an inn or t tern is neces:iiry . lo.aernimnodato the public arid carpi:urn strungErs and travelerrr. Nt. tl.Otily n, John 'Flitls G.-1 'Or. It, Larnherton. P. D. %volt:et, Rl, W ;lotion, 11. Call .‘,•11, w, 11, Knonitony M. V.'. Chlrles Lynch, Cl ie Ltirpra\n, 'Henry Ilechtman. 1 - I,•r 15 1517. 3132 ADM i NTSTRATOR'S . T E k etniti rlrnlion hIIVE Heart era n .L.4 tcd.ti) .1).; s4l) , vribils 03 this esiute of /Wil liam S. Oi Mitt, Venati.m township.- Erie, co., ileceis , eil Persons iiitietat'd to said estate,, or leiviniz claims au4nst ;he s.tme, • arc requested t• Ball n i i ,l p rt , Rent d o 0 ., prope r ly alithenocated cur Fs. cern, and setae iii 1, inlieblecinesil. D.NE.V Vrocthieo, ) E.• (IVFOrt.D, North Enat s A \ IoS WILLIAMS, Amity, 5 3211 ST f.' s'l's' ..ERR.-.lcatne 10 the farm of the 'aotrgerritr& is Greeiti.!toWrriiiff, about the Lcl of Irvt c.1,1t , ..r, two red yearlina awe: s. one with a' white be 1.--no artili Lit marks; he owner or cnt a r- aro lep, a et' your, prove properly, pay charge:t and take thern awa ' Greene, Me ".1 1811 T HREE th ll 000 d, noti:ing at No 6 Ree,ii Dee 25, 1847 irIItASS assu J-P Ir.lvt Ilk Si ' 4O I S.J. Etti,ACE. 3t33 naca to be bad for .)nee. ogißin C Sr. 39 itell .617 es. ind Arse VrST i. CIirSTMIC II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers