2 THE ENEHY IS REINFORCED Twenty Thousand Men Have Been Added to Linares' Foroe The Attack Is ft- "J* Delayed Washington, June 29.—0n the receipt jresterday of definite information from General Shatter that the enemy's force slow entrenched behind the fortifica tions of Santiago de Cuba numbers not less than 30,000 men, the war depart ment sent out hurrv orders for send ing large reinforcements to our army of invasion. By this time nine thousand troops may have sailed for Balqulri from Tampa, and if they nave not gone the tranaports will sail at almost any hour. Late last night orders were sent to the camp of mobilization at Chlcka mauga for the entire First Army Corps there, comprising 30,000 men, to be got ready to move at once. This large force probably will sail from Newport Newi as soon as transports can be provid ed. It Is not expected here that General Shatter will wait to assault Santiago until the troops from Chickamauga can reach him. It Is more likely that the movement from Camp Thomas Is made In contemplation of the attack on Porto Rico, which Is to be made, probably, With conquered Santiago as the base. The total strength of General Llnaree at Santiago before the arrival In Cuba of General Shatter's original force, was set down by Lieutenant Blue and oth ers of our scouts at not less than 10,00(1 men. Yesterday General Law ton learn ed that 20,000 reinforcements had reach ed the Invested city. This Information was quickly com municated to the war department by General Shatter, and In a few minutel there was the utmost activity In that branch of the government service. It was decided after a hasty consul tation by the war board that a con siderably army would be required to take Santiago, with such a large force defending It, and with perfect lntrench ments constructed by General Linares to overcome. l_ WILL BRING ABOUT PEACE. The President Believes That the Expedi tion to Siotln Will Bring Desired Kesnlt Washington, June 29.—President Mc- Kinley believes that the dispatch of a strong fleet of American warships to Spain will do more than anything else to bring the present war to a close. He Is of the opinion that as soon as the people of Madrid and the general Spanish public hear that a half dozen powerful men of war are on their way to their coast a sudden change of pub lic sentiment will occur. The Spanish populace have very little real Idea of the wealth, resources and power of the United States. They have been fed for months on misleading statements from th- rabid Spanish press, and have the Idea that we are a third rate nation made up of cowardly people. Weyler has bolstered up the war party at Ma drid with his lies about the strength of the Spanish army in Cuba and the ease with which the United States can be defeated. The fake dispatches to Madrid from General Blanco about re verses that our forces are meeting with and the wonderful Spanish victories havo added to the feeling that Is gen eral throughout Spain that It Is only a matter of time before we will ask for mercy. The administration believes that the only way that this false im pression can be dispelled and the Igno rant masses of Spain forced to realize our power Is by giving them a practi cal Illustration of some of our re eourees. With the arrival of a fleet of our ships 01Y the Spanish coast and the explosion of some 10 and 12-inch shells in the cities of Cadiz, Valencia, Carthagena and Barcelona, the Wey lorites and the supporters of the war party will receive such a rude awak ening from their Idle dreams that they will be glad to ask for a termination of the war. Such a move on our part, President McKinley bellsves, will give the balance of power in Spain to the peace party and that thus strength ened there will be speedy overtures for a close of hostilities. r Michael's Fact Time. —— Boston, June 29.—Jimmy Michael made a ten mile record In his training at the Walitham track that ranks as the most wonderful ride In cycling history. It will stamp Michael as still the great est rider of the age in all probabil ity. For several days the riding was but of the ordinary sort, but Monday, when but three men were at the track out side the team, Michael let himself out to an extent that sent records tumbling one by one right along up to ten miles. Michael did his ten miles in 17.20. Michael's ten miles In 17.20 is 27 1-5 seconds lower than the world's record • against time, hgld by J. W. Stocks, and Is 44 3-5 seconds faster than McDuflfle's wonderful ten mile competition record of 18.04 3-5, made at Berkeley oval in the race with Hoyt. Around the World. Newport, R. 1., June 29.—Flying the Stars and Stripes, the Spray, Captain Joshua Slocum's thirty-foot lugger rig ged craft has arrived In Newport har bor after a trip around the world. She was seventeen days from Antigua, West Indies. Captain Slocum, alone In his boat, left Boston on April 24, 1895, and since then he has sailed the world over. The Spray- Is a twelve ton boat thirty feet long. To secure seagoing qualities she was given considerable breadth of beam. Captain Slocum says his trip has no equal In history. The Bankruptcy Bill. Washington, June 29.—The bankrupt cy bill was passed by the Houee yes terday afternoon, as was expected, by a large majority. The concessions made ' by the conference committee to the j Populistlc element were so generous, that, as in the Senate, the vigor of free sliver opposition usually exhibited against national bankruptcy measures was very much abated. Some Hindoos wear moustaches and beards; but all wear whiskers, which are shaved off at once wihen an adult relation dies. The shaving off of whis kers is thus a sign of mourning. f .. The War in Brief- A Succinct Diary of Recent Event* Full ol Internet. Splendid for Your Scrap book.— Here I* a Llet of things that Many Persona are Constantly Calling Up the Newapaper People and Inquiring Abeut.-Keep it for Future Reference. February 24th, 1898—The battle ship Maine ordered to Havana. January 9th —The De Lome letter published. February 10th—DeLome resigns and his resignation accepted at Mad rid. February 15th—Destruction of the Maine in the harbor of Havana. March 5 th—Spain seeks to have Consul-General Lee recalled. March Bth—Congress votes unani mously and without debate for a de fense fund of $50,000,000. March 28th—United States Board of Inquiry reports that the Maine was blown up by an external mine. April nth—President McKinley sends his Cuban message to Congress. April 20th—The government sends its ultimatum to Spain, and the Queen Regent opens the cortes of Spain with a warlike speech. The Spanish minis ter at Washington asks for his pass ports. April 21 st—Minister Woodford asks for his passports at Madrid and leaves for Paris. April 22nd—War opens with the Nashville's capture of the Buena Ventura and the New York's capture of the Pedro. Havana harbor de clared in a state of blockade. April 23rd —President's call for 125,000 volunteers. April 24th —Capture of the Cata lina by the Detroit, the Canada by the Wilmington and the Saturnina by the Winona. April 24th —Spain declares war. April 25th —Congress declares that war began on April 21st by act of Spain. States called upon for their quota of troops. April 26th—Chairman Dingley re ports war revenue bill to the house. The President adheres to the anti privateering agreement of the Declara tion of Paris. New York's militia call ed out. England publishes her neu trality, dated April 23rd, reciting that "a state of war unhappily exists," etc. Spain appeals to the powers. April 27th —Matanzas earthworks sheiled and silenced by New York, Puritan and Cincinnati. Steamer Guido made a prize by monitor Ter ror. Dewey's Asiatic squadron sails from Mirs Bay to Manila, and the Spanish fleet leaves Manila to meet him. April 28.—Congress agrees to a naval appropriation bill of nearly $47,000,000. Tampa made the point for massing troops for the invasion of Cuba. April 29 —House passes bill for popular issue of $500,000,000. Naval bill passes senate. Spanish fleet leaves Cape Verde islands. April 30th —The Paris reaches New York in safety, and the Oregon and Marietta anchor at Rio. May Ist—Spanish fleet demolished by Commodore Dewey in the bay of Manila. Eleven Spanish warships completely destroyed. May 2nd—Commodore Dewey orders captain general of the Philip pines to surrender all his forts. This was refused. Manila cable cut at 6 p. m., when Dewey was bombarding Manila. May 4th —The fighting ships of Admiral Sampson's squadron sailed from Key West, after preparing for a long stay at sea. The Oregon and Marietta left Rio Janeiro. May s—Arms for the Cubans were landed by the tug Leyden, the gun boat Wilmington assisting in repell ing the Spanish. May 7 th—Commodore Dewey re ported via dispatch boat to Hong Kong that he had taken Cavite fort ress in Manila bay, after destroying eleven Spanish vessels. He reported the Asiatic squadron uninjured, and that, while the Spanish loss was very heavy, no Americans were killed and only a few men were slightly wounded. May 9th —The President asked congress to give Rear Admiral Dewey a vote of thanks and commendation, which was made unanimous. May ioth—The Spanish cortes voted the war credits. May nth—Major General Meritt was ordered to the Philippine islands as military governor. May 12th—News was received of the arrival of the Spanish Cape Verde squadron at Martinique, West Indies. The gunboat Wilmington, the torpedo boat Winslow and the auxiliary gun boat Hudson, while in Cardenas bay, were attacked by Spanish batteries and gunboats. Ensign Bagley and four of the Winslow r s crew were kill ed and the town of Cardenas was shelled. An engagement was report ed at Cienfuegos. May 13th —Rear Admiral Sampson reported that he had btombarded the forts at San Juan, Porto Rico, with a loss of two men killed and six wound ed, the American squadron being un injured. The flying squadron, under Commodore Schley, sailed under secret orders from Hampton Roads. May 14th —The Spanish fleet was reported at Curacao, off the Venezue- THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Lan coast, and Admiral Sampson was on Puerto Plata, Hayti. The first Amerjfan report of the Cienfuegos affair reached Key West and told of the killing of Reagan, a marine on the Marblehead, and the wounding of five others, while cutting the cable in Cienfuegos bay, in small open boats, under hot Spanish fire. The Marble head, Nashville and Windom took part, razing the Spanish defenses there. May 15 th—The flying squadron reached Charleston, S. C. Rear Ad miral Dewey reported the capture of the Spanish revenue cruiser at Manila, and that he could still hold the bay. May 16—The Spanish fleet left Curacao, and Admiral Sampson's fleet was reported of Cape Haytien. The Spanish cabinet resigned, and Senor Sagasta was charged with the formation of a new one. May 18—The Oregon was announc ed as safe by Secretary Long, though her exact location was not revealed. May 19 —Spain's Cape Verde fleet was reported to have reached Santiago de Cuba. Commodore Schley's fleet, which reached Key West Wednesday, was expected to leave for a secret destination. May 21 st—lt was announced that the monitor Monterey would be sent from San Francisco to Manila. May 22nd—The cruiser Charleston sailed from San Francisco for Manila, via Honolulu. May 23rd —Troops were embarked on the transport City of Peking at San Francisco tor Manila. The Brit ish steamer Ardanmhor was brought to Key West as a prize, but afterward released. May 24th —Admiral Cervera's fleet was reported bottled up in Satiago harbor by the American fleets. The Oregon arrived at Jupiter, Fla. May 25th —The President called for 7 s,OOO more volunteers. The transports Australia, City of Peking and City of Sydney, with 2,500 sold iers, left San Francisco for Manila. May 26—Commodore Schley re ported by cable that he was off Santia go and that he believed the Spanish 1 " fleet to be in the inner harbor. May 28—The cruiser Columbia was damaged off Fire Island by colli sion with the steamer Foscolia, the latter sinking. May 29th —Commodore Schley re ported fighting the Spanish fleet or part of it in Santiago harbor. May 30th —General shaffer was ordered to embark r 5,000 or more troops at Tampa. Santiago was thought to be their destination. May 3rst —Spanish reports were received of the bombardment of San tiago forts May 31st by Commodore Schley. The steamer Florida re ported landing in Cuba on May 26th, 380 armed men with large supplies. June 1 st—Details were received of the bombartment of the Santiago forts by Commodore Schley on May 3rst, with the Massachusetts, lowa and New Orleans. Morro Castle was in jured, and the Spanish flagship, Cris tobal Colon, which was near the mouth of the harbor, was also damag ed. No American ship was touched, nor was any American injured. June 2nd—The house of Represen tatives passed an urgent deficiency bill, carrying nearly $r 8,000,000 for war expenses. June 4th —Admiral Sampson report ed that Naval Constructor R. P. Hob son, with a volunteer crew of seven men, had on June 3rd sunk the coll ier Merriraac in the Santiago harbor channel, shutting in Cervera's fleet. Hobson and his men surrendered and were made prisoners. The senate passed the war revenue bill by a vote of 48 to 28. June 5th —Capt. Charles V. Grid ley, of the Olympia, who was on his way home from Manila ill, died at Kobe, Japan. June 6th—Further bombardment of Santiago and the landing of 5,000 American troops near Santiago were reported. The house sent the war revenue bill to conference, non-con curring in senate amendments. Tune 7th —Admiral Sampson re ported having silenced on June 6th, the Santiago fortifications without in jury to American ships. The cruiser- Charleston was reported as having teached Honolulu May 29th. The monitor Monterey and collier Brutus left San Francisco for Manila. June Bth—Spanish reports came from the bombardment of Caimanera, Cuba, by five American ships. Cap tain General Augusti, at Manila, re ported to Madrid that the insurrection had assumed enormus proportions. June 9th —The house agreed to the conference report on the war revenue bill. June 10th—The senate agreed to the conference report on the war revenue bill by a vote of 43 to 22. The house set 5 p. ra., June 15th, as the hour for a vote on Hawaiian an nexation. Admiral Sampson report ed that since June 7th he had held Guantanamo harbor. June nth—Six hundred marines from the Panther, who had landed at Caimanera, Guantanamo bay, Cuba, June 10th, under protection from the Marblehead, were attacked by Span iard!, four Americans being killed and several being wounded or missing. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS tOUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD t'CASTOHA," AND ••PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear on every the foe-simile signature of wrapper. This is the original "C A STO RIA " which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought J* -on the and has the signature of wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. Do Not Be Deceived Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. TM. OINTAUN COMPANY, TT MU.AAY STBirr, new YORK OIYY. ✓ You will realize that "they live well who live cleanly," if you use CADA! i STOVE NAPTHA, the Cheapest and Best Fuel on the market. With it you can run a Vapor Stove for one-hall cent per hour. Give us a call and be convinced. W. O. Holmes, Bloomsburg, Pa. Eshleman & Wolf, " L. E. Wharey, *' W. F. Hartman, " The Spaniards retreated. June 12th—It is reported in Wash ington that 29 transports, with Gen eral Shafter's troops, left Tampa for Santiago de Cuba. June 13th —The President signed the war revenue bill. The Santiago expedition of over 15,000 troops left Key West convoyed by warships. June 14th —Continued fighting at Caimanera was reported, two Ameri cans and seventeen Spaniards were killed. It was officially stated that the last transports for Santiago left Tampa.— New York Mail ami Ex press. Popular Soience. The eyeball is white because the blood vessels that feed its substance are so small that they do not admit the red corpuscles. It has been found in Switzerland that in building a railway, laborers could work only one-third as long at a height of 10,000 feet as a mile lower. Great differences exist between the Arctic and Antarctic regions, and while there is a polar sea at the north, it is believed that a continent exists at the South Pole. * By the use of malleable steel cast ing for buffers and frame work cast ings, the Erie has reduced the weight, added to the durability and improved the appearance of its freight equip ment.^ Race has a marked effect in deter mining forms of insanity. The Teu tonic and Scandinavian races are more subject to the morbid and melancholy forms of mental disease, while the ex citable Celts are more liable to acute mania. The new ligbf house at Eckmuhl is of csfndle power. During the last decade lVance has construct ed eleven lighthouses with Ihe average power of 8,200,06# candle. England has eighty-six firstjklass lighthouses, which average orJy 20,680 candle power. The so-called fliver," or pyloric creea of the common starfise, has been found by Miss Ellen Stone to be close ly related in function to the pancreas of the vertebrates. The work was done in tlve laboratory of Brown Uni versity uufler the direction of Mr. R. W. Towdr. It has been computed by geogra phers that if the sea were emptied of its waters and all the rivers of the earth were to pour their present floods into the vacant space, allowing noth ing for evaporation, 40,000 years would be required to bring the water of the ocean up to its present level. Scientific men have calculated the number of hairs on a square inch of heads of different colors, and by esti mating the total area covered have arrived at aggregate numbers. A head of fair hair consists of 143,000 hair Dark hair is coarser and con sists of only 105,000, while those who boast a poll of red must be content with a total of 59,200. • Professor S. P. Langly has now carried his delicate heat-measuring apparatus, the bolometer, to such a degree of perfection that it will regis ter a ten-millionth of a degree, centi grade. In a recent description of this device he says that for a certain part of it, the dampening mechanism of the galvanometer, he uses a dragon dy's wing, on account of its lightness and rigidity. An Explanation- The reason for the great popularity of Hood's Sarsaparilla lies in the fact that this medicine positively cures. It is America's Greatest Medicine, and the American people have an abiding confidence in its merits. They buy and take it for simple as well as serious ailments, confident that it will do them good. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. Mailed for 25c. by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. None Needed. As the agent for the phonograph paused at the door he felt a friendly tap on the shoulder. "You can't sell any talking machines in there," said the stranger. "Why not ?" asked the agent. "They already have a United States Senator in the family." o S%. IS 1* o *¥~l T* _/\_ . Bearithe _/p KM You Haw Always Bought Fine PHOTO GRAPHS and CRAYONS at McKillip Bros., Bloomsburg. The best are the cheapest. TID-BITB FOR MA' HONEY I and tender little juicelets for the chil dren, are all right, but papa and "the boys" want a good, big, juicy steak, roast or chop when business or school duties are over, and we can cater to them all. Our stock of prime meats is unexcelled for quality, and we send them home in fine shape. J. K. KEIFF.R. THE MARKETS. BLOOMSBURG MARKETS. 00BHI0T1D WIIILT. BITAIL PBICIS- Butter per lb $ ,14 Eggs per dozen .14 Lard per lb .ro Ham per pound. .ro Pork, whole, per pound ,06 Beef, quarter, per pound.... .07 Wheat per bushel 1 .00 Oats " " 35 Rye " " .50 Wheat flour per bbl 6.00 Hay per ton 9 to sro Potatoes per bushel 1 .35 Turnips " " ~5 Onions " " 1 00 Sweet potatoes per peck .35 Tallow per lb .05 Shoulder " " .09 Side meat " " .08 Vinegar, per qt ,05 Dried apples per lb .05 Dried cherries, pitted ,ra Raspberries [ Cow Hides per lb 3I Steer " " CalfSkin Sheep pelts .75 Shelled corn per bus .60 Corn meal, cwt i.ae Bran, " I<co Chop " x oo Middlings " 100 Chickens per lb new ,r a " " "old ro Turkeys " " tal Geese " " .14 Ducks " " .08 COAL. No. 6, delivered 2.60 " 4 and s " 3.85 " 6 at yard 2.35 " 4 and s at yard 3.60 The Leadiig Contenraloq of Amsrioa Cabu Fablten, Director, fillllvl Founded 1 a 1853 bf - foil information. W. HALB, General Manageg. ~ ~ !; i PNEUMONIA. | PATENTS" Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted tor MoDKKATB OUK OFFICE 18 OPPOSITE THE U. S. PAT BNT OFFICE. We have no Bub-agencies, si business direct, bence can transact patent bust ness In less time and at Less Cost than those re mote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo, with deecrtp tton. We advise It patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not duo till patent Is secured A book, "How to obtain Patents," with refer ences to actual clients In your State.county. o town sent free. Address C. A. BNO W A CO,, Washington, D. C (Opposite XT. S. Patent Office.) HAIR, BALSAM Clttnses and beautifies the IMb. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Cures scalp diseases A hair failing. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN.
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