VOI,. 33 EPISCOPAL GONVENLION. The Annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania, was held in Altoona last week, Tues day and Wednesday. Service was held in St. Luke's Church on Tues day evening at 8 o'clock, and Bishop Talbot delivered his address, which was listened to attentively by the large congregation present. Excel lent music was rendered by the vested male choir. The procession started from the Parish House, adjoining the church, and was composed of the choir, the standing committee, the lay deputies, the clergy in vestments, and the Bishop. Fifty clergymen and -fif ty-two lay deputies were present. Af ter service the convention assembled in Library Hall, in the Logan House. The Bishop presided, and conducted the business with promptness and marked executive ability. Lieut. Col. C. M. Clement, of Sunbury, was re-elected secretary. He is stationed at Camp Alger with his regiment, the 12th, and came on a furlough for the purpose of attending the convention. Coi. J. G. Freeze was re elected chan cellor of the Diocese, a position that he has well filled for many years. A large amount of business was transacted, among which was the ap pointment of a committee to report on a division of the Diocese. Wilkes- Barre was selected as the place for the convention next May. On Wednesday evening a recep tion was given at "the residence of Mr. Shepherd, for Bishop and Mrs. Tal bot and daughter, which was attended by a large number. Altoona is a city of about 30,000 inhabitants. The immense shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad give em ployment to 5,000 men. Among the residents whom it was our pleasure to meet, were Mrs. Lewis, formerly Miss Rose Vannatta, and Mrs. Ew ing, formerly Miss Alice Smith, and both former residents of Bloomsburg. Rev. D. N. Kirkby was the guest of Mrs. Lewis during the convention. Commencement. Commencement week for the cur rent year, at the Bloomsburg Literary Institute and State Normal School, occurs June 25-29, 1898. The pro gramme for the week is as follows : Saturday, June 25, 8 p.m., An nual Reception by Literary Societies. Sunday, June 26, 3 p. m., Bacca laureate Sermon. Monday, June 27, 9 a. m., Grand Exhibition of Field Sports. Monday, June 27, 2 p. m., Recital by Music Department. Monday, June 27, 8 p. m., Prize Declamation Contest by Members of '99. Tuesday, June 28, 2 to 4p. m., Class Reunions ('93) and ('96.) Tuesday, June 28, 8 p.m., Class Day Exercises, ('98.) Wednesday, June, 29, 10 a. m., Commencement. Address by Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer, Ex President of Wellesley College. Wednesday, June 29, 2 p. m., An nual Alumni Meeting and Banquet. Stamp Tour Checks- O Fifteen years ago on the first of July the use of revenue stamps on checks was abolished. Under the new revenue law the tax will be restored on July Ist. next. On and after that date checks, notes and drafts, not bearing interest, must have a two-cent revenue stamp affixed ; while notes, drafts and certificates of deposit bear ing interest will require two cents worth of stamps for SIOO of value or fractional part thereof. The penalty for failure of the maker of the note, draft or check to affix the proper amount of stamps is SIOO for each and every offence. Business men will do well to make a note of this. John G. McHenry is a very effi cient and active chairman of the Democratic County Committee. He had a hard task in putting the new rules in operation, and conducting the primary election under them for the first time, but he performed his duties to the satisfaction of everybody. His arrangements for gathering and publishing the re turns were complete, and his efforts are highly appreciated. We heartily join with our cotenporaries in ac cording to Mr. McHenry the full measure of praise due him for his faithful performance of his official duties. Captain Charles King, the well known novelist, has been made a Brigadier General by President McKinlev. f>lje Columbian. HIB SUFFERING EN DEB- Baltzer T. Laycock died at his resi dence in Wyoming at 4:45 o'clock p. m. yesterday .(Friday), the immedi ate cause of his death being paralysis. The final stroke, which resulted in his demise, was sustained on the Ist inst., since which time he has undergone severe suffering. Mr. Laycock was born on Sept. 15, 1829, near Spiingtown, Warren County, N. J. His boyhood days were spent in that neighborhood, where he assisted his father, who ran a "smithy." He subsequently settled in Easton, Pa., and learned the car penter trade, which vocation he fol lowed for a number of years. His marriage to Catharine Dougherty took place on April 23, 1856. He was a veteran of the War of the Re bellion, having enlisted in Co. I, 31st Regt., New Jersey Volunteers. He saw service at Fredericksburg, Chan cellorsville and participated in Burn side's famous "mud march." During this time he contracted rheumatism, with which he suffered more or less since. The past five years he sustain ed four strokes of paralysis, the last rendering him entirely helpless. The deceased was postmaster at Wyoming during Harrison's administration. He was always patriotic. Mr. Laycock was a cousin of Col. Laycock, who died about a year ago, and also of R. K. Laycock of Wyom ing. He has made his residence in Wyoming the past twelve years. His wife and four children survive. George W. and Mrs. J. W. Fox, who are married and reside in Wilkes-Barre, and Sadie A. and Harry D., who live at home.—Wilkes-Barre Record. The remains arrived here on the four o'clock train and were interred in Rosemont Cemetery. A large con course of friends and relatives follow ed the remains to its last resting place. Fight Over the Judgeship. There is a very bitter fight in Col umbia and Montour counties over the President Judgeship. The term of Judge Ikeler expires this year, and he is a candidate for re-election. Robert Little, of Bloomsburg, is also a candi date and has carried Columbia county by a thousand majority. Ikeler has carried Montour county, which makes a deadlock in the caucus, and the chances are that neither one can be nominated, and if either name goes on the ticket, the fight has grown so bitter that the Republican candidate, whoever he may be, will be elected. Under these circumstances the politicians are looking around for a new candidate. Judge Sitser, of Wyoming county, and Judge Bucher, of Lewisburg, are being talked about as compromise candidates. The chances are that the Democratic candidate will be taken from outside the district.— Northumberland County Democrat. The two literary societies of the Normal School held an interesting debate in the Auditorium on Mon day evening. The subject was: Resolved, that the interests of civilization demand an Anglo- American Alliance." The debaters were : Affirmative, W. Shuman, M. B. Riffo and Miss Shepherd. Negative, Miss E. Kim ble, Miss B. Higgins and Harry Wilbur. Miss Kimble was unable to take part on account of illness, and her papers were read by Mr. Bashore. The arguments of every contest ant showed research and careful study of the subject. The first prize, $25 was awarded to Harry Wilbur, second, sls to Miss Belinda Higgins, and third, $lO .0 Warren Shuman. The Judges were H. A. M'Killip, J. C. Rutterjr., and J. C. Brown. George Brooking was drowned in the canal out along the cinder tip Friday afternoon. He was.in bath ing with a lot of other boys, and it is supposed that he was suddenly taken with cramp, as he made no noise of any kind, and went down before any assistance could be rendered him. His body was recovered shortly after ward. He is a son of William Brook lng, of East Seventh Street, and was about fifteen years old. The funeral was held from the house Sunday after noon, services being conducted by Rev. J. W. McNamara, and inter ment in Rosemont cemetery. The American and Cuban flags have been flying to the breeze from the top of a handsome one hundred foot pole 011 the campus of the Nor mal School. BLOOMSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1898. KILLED IN A WREOK. The following account of a wreck in which two lives were lost and several others wounded is clipped from the Philadelphia Press. Char les Ebner, one of the dead was a ton of Ellis Ebner, who it will be remembered was killed by an acci dental discharge of a gun while out hunting above Millville last winter. It says: ' 'At the point where the accident occurred the Central and Lehigh Valley tracks run parallel to each other, but the Valley tracks are elevated 7 feet above those of the Central. Passenger trains were run ning south on both roads at about the same speed when the accident occured. At Penn Haven Junction a Central train stopped and the Valley train ran ahead. Later, how ever, the Central caught up and maintained the lead. What caused the accident is not known. Either the rails spread or else the engine broke. Whatever the cause the train suddenly left the track. The engine ran against the wall upon which the Valley tracks are laid. Engine and the baggage car were instantly a mass of splinters. The smoking car rolled down the embankment into the river. There were twenty passengers in the other coaches, which remained on the track. When the engine ran against the wall Engineer McHale was tossed out and landed on the Valley tracks ; at this moment the Valley train came along and cut off a leg. He was also badly cut other wise and was killed. The body of the newsboy Ebner was also found 011 the same track, but whether he was struck by the Valley train is not known. Baggagemaster Taylor is badly iujured about the head. Fireman Yeomans was taken to his home at Easton 011 the train which passes Mauch Chunk at 7.30, and was un conscious. In the smoking car, which went down the embankment into the river, were many passen gers. Fortunately the river at this point is very shallow, and all suc ceeded in getting out safely. Harry Fuller, of Mauch Chunk, who was in the smoker, was injurrd at the arms. The car took a complete turn and landed with wheels down in the river. The roof was toru off. Fuller says he found his hat hang ing on the gas jet. Roeder and Smith are both severely injured about the shoulders and arms, and Meyer at the hands and legs. Two brakemen were bad ly cut and bruised all over the bodies. Conductor Heath was bad ly cut. The rest of the passengers were slightly injured. Debris was scattered all over the Valley tracts, and the train which came along plunged through it successfully." While returning home from the show at Danville Monday night Irwin Snyder and Stephen Reice met with an accident. They were about one mile this side of Danville, when a rut in the road upset the carriage, turning it completely over on its top, The two occupants were unab'e to free themselves until assistance reached them, which fortuuately was near by. Snyder had his arm sprained while Reice escaped with a few bruises. The top of the vehicle was smashed to pieces. It was a very narrow es cape, for had the animal attempted to run away, they would have un doubtedly had a serious time of it. J. R. Fowler's barn, at Pine Sum mit, was totally destroyed by fire Sat urday night. One cow, a lot of chickens, about forty tons of hay, be sides corn fodder, farm implements, and a steam thresher, were also lost. The tenant Edward Patton, discov ered the flames, but not until it had gained great headway, and saving the building was an utter impossibil ity. The flames were fed by a shed and several other small buildings standing near by. The loss to both Mr. Fowler and Mr. Patton will be heavy. There was a small insurance. If a mau comes your way claim ing to be an agent of the govern ment in quest of horses, wants to buy two or three and gives in ex change a check for an amount larger than the debt and wishes you to pay him the difference in money, run him off your premises. He is an impostor and is trying to get away with your money. Charles Hassert drove over the bank while returning from Danville Monday night, fracturing three of his ribs. SALE AT*— ABSOLUTE COST of the entire GIDDING & CO. stock, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS AND FURNISHINGS, is now going on in full force. Everything is to be cleaned out without reserve. Hundreds of buyers from every section are crowding the store daily, taking advan= tage of these Exceptional Prices. REMEMBER-Upwards of 40,000 dollars worth of goods must be cleaned up, as we are to close out this business as soon as the stock is disposed of. Gidding & Co. CELEBRATION AND RACES, JULY 4, BLOOMSBURG. Extensive preparations are being made for the celebration and races here July 4th and sth, and from present indications Bloomsburg will have gala days. We present pro gram : JUI,Y 4th. 10 a. m. Grand Street Parade of Fire Companies, Lodges and So cieties. Two prizes are offered, one of sls for the largest body in line, and one of $lO for the body making the finest appearance. i p. 111. trotting and pacing races. 2129 class trot and pace, purse S2OO. 2:50 " 150. Free for all " " " 300. Bicycle races interspersed. Novice, prize S2B. Mile open, diamond 60. 3 mile handicap, " 65. TUESDAY, JULY sth. 2:24 class trot and pace, S2OO. 2:40 " " " 150. The D. L. & W., C. P. & W., and B. & S. railroads will sell spec ial excursion tickets good to return Wednesday. All lodges, societies and organi zations are cordially invited to par ticipate in the parade. Young Leiter, the wheat gambler of Chicago, who was the direct cause of creating millions of hungry stomachs within the last year be cause of his many wild plunges in the wheat pit, has at last encounter ed the wrong end of the market and collapsed. As a consequence the cereal has taken a big tumble, and the world is glad. Every time a gambler attempts to corner the market on any of the necessaries of life Providence or an indignant public should remove him. The fate of Leiter ought to be a warn ing to the many other reckless ones, but it won't be. The other gamblers of the country, who are going the merry pace that kills, will attempt the same game, but will, like Leiter, come out "busted." Strawberries are down to within reach of the common appetite. Al most every gardener at the curb stone market Tuesday morning had the delicious fruit for sale. Naval Code Signals. "Some newspapers," says a naval officer quoted by the Philalelphia Re cord, "have published pictures of a string of flags purporting to signify in the international signal code 'Remem ber the Maine !' This is not right, as it is impossible to secure the official signal letters of the lost warship or any other vessel of the United States navy, because the government refuses to divulge such information. The Maritime Exchange telegraphed to Washington for the Maine's letter some time ago for use in a flag display and received a very prompt refusal. All code books carried on warships have leaden backs to them to make them sink if lost overboard. The letters in the book, moreover, are printed with a peculiar ink, which fades away when it comes in contact with the water. To make things moie safe the letters are changed every few months by the navy depart ment. Even on the warships few officers know their vessels official signal code." The Largest Flag in the Country. The citizens of Mauch Chunk will shortly fling to the breeze the largest flag in the United States. It is to be 54 by 75 feet, and will be attached to a wire rope between two mountains and suspended over the Lehigh river. The rope needed will be two inches thick. The flag, when finished, will weigh 265 pounds and cost S4OO. The material required for the con struction of this flag will consist of 774 yards of bunting, 100 yards of muslin, and 19 yards of 12-ounce duck. Every star will be 52 inches in diameter. "This room is very close " re marked a guest to a waiter at one of our hotels the other evening, ' 'can I have a little fresh air ?'' The well-drilled automaton raised his voice to high pitch. "One air!" he yelled,after a pause,adding "and let it be fresh." A very interesting program of Children's Day services will be ren dered in Trinity Reformed Church next Sunday evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. The church will be prettily decorated. The public is most cordially invited to attend. NO. 25 Kaiser on the Stand- Charles O. Kaiser, Jr., who is under sentence of death for the mur der of his wife, was on Monday tried by the commonwealth as a witness against James A. Clemmer, who is on trial at Norristown charg ed with having been an accomplice in the crime. The prosecution de cided Sunday to resort to the unus ual proceeding of placing a con demned murderer on the witness stand to testify against his alleged accomplice. Kaiser was brought into court handcuffed to the jail warden. After consulting with his attorney, George B. Carr, of Phila delphia, he took the stand, and swore that Clemmer killed Mrs. Kaiser. Costly Cablegrams. Sixteen thousand dollars is said to be the record price paid for a cable gram, that price having been paid for a message sent by Henniker Heaton to Australia in behalf of the British Parliament. Reuter's account of the murderer Deeming's trial, 4000 words, cost sSooo. An 1800-word dispatch from London to Argentina cost $7500. The most expensive private message so far is that sent by the King of Italy to the Duke of Abruzzr at Rio Janeiro, imforming him of the death of his father, the late Duke ot Aosta, which cost $2670. Three homing pigeons, numbers 7, 11 and 12, were freed at Cham bersburg Sunday morning at 8:25. They reached home at 11:25, cov ering the distance, which is just exactly one hundred miles (air line measurement), in three hours ten minutes. It was a bad day for fly ing, it being dark and' stormy, nevertheless it is considered excel lent time. They were from the loft of Boyd Evans. Blanco refuses to exchange Lieu tenant Hobson and his brave men who sunk the Merrimao in the en trance to Santiago harbor. In con sequence of this Attorney General Griggs has given orders to hold all persons captured on Spanish prize ships until further orders. No Spaniards will be paroled until Hobson is released.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers