VOL. 33 COMMENCEMENT WEEK AT THE NORMAL k Large Attendance—Pleasing Exercises. The annual commencement exer cises of the Bloomsburg State Normal School began Sunday afternoon with the Baccalaureate sermon by Rev. Henry L. Jones, of Wilkes-Barre. The reverend gentleman took for his text Luke 6 1^9 —"For there went virtue out of him, and healed them all." It was a fine sermon, delivered in a scholarly manner, full of helpful ad vice to the many students who have completed their studies at the school, and cheering words to those who are just entering uporl their school life. FIELD SPORTS. Monday was an ideal day for Ath letic sports, and a large sized crowd lined the Park on every side. A great deal of interest has been mani fested in this department during the past term. Following are the summaries: The first event was the Broad Jump. Seven men entered. The winners were, Ist Hayward 18 ft. 4 in., Appleman 18 ft., 1 in., C. Derr 17 ft. 9 in. Next came the Running High Jump. Six men tried, the winners being Ist Appleman 5 ft., 2nd Hayward 4 ft. ix in., 3rd McGuffie 4 ft 9 in. The new bicycle track was tried for racing purposes for the first time. It is a quarter mile track, the men rac ing against time. The winners were Brandon 32 sec., Bean 33 sec., Klingaman 33 2-5 sec. Bruce Hou sel then tried for a track record mak ing the distance in 3 1 seconds. The 100 Yard Dash followed the bicycle race. The best - previous re cord by the Normal boys was 111-5 sec. In the trial heat Hayward broke this by a generous margin, his time being 10 4-5 sec. In the final heat Hayward won at 11 sec., Wylie took second by about a foot from Bashore who ran a close third. The 16 lb. Shot Put was won by McGuffie 34 ft. 5 in., Artley took second place at 28 ft., Klingaman coming third at 26 ft. 9 in. The old record of this event was also broken. The Pole Vauit record was held by McNertney of the class of '97, his record being 9 ft. The first five minutes of the contest to-day raised the hopes of the spectators for a broken record and they were not dis appointed. Pealer won easily by a vault of 9 ft. 4 in., Roberts came second at 9 ft 1 in., Appleman third at 8 ft. 9 in. Pealer then tried the vault at 9 ft. 6 in. and cleared the pole in fine form. The Three Legged Race was won by Hayward and Stevens. A Bicycle race of four laps was the next event between Bean and Bran don. On account of the narrow track the race was run on time, Brandon winning in 2 min. 32 3 5 sec. McGuffie won the Hammer Event at 63 ft. 7 in., Artley took second place 58 ft. 4 in., Appleman third 52 ft. 3 in. The mile run was won by Stevens in 4 min. 53 3-5 sec., Bashore took second place, Klingaman coming in third. The silver cup for first place as win ner of the highest number ot points was given to Mr. Hayward. He won 'Si points, McGuflfy received a foun tain pen, winning 11 points. Bran don and Appleman were tied for third place. MONDAY AFTERNOON. A treat of unusual interest and merit was given to the lovers of music by Misses Brader and Hicks of the graduating class assisted by the orchestra and chorus this afternoon in the Auditorium. It was an entirely new feature of the commencement season and re flects great credit upon those in charge of the Department. If the perform ance of the afternoon is a safe criter ion these young ladies who are about to graduate from the Music Depart ment have the qualifications that should insure abundant success in the field which they are entering. Their work shows the patient effort with which the past year has been filled and speaks volumes for the painstak ing care of their instructors. The work of the orchestra and of the choruses was of the usual high order which has made these organi zations so piominent and pleasing a feature of the school life. The obligato solo by Miss Bowman is worthy of special mention. The following is the program which was rendered in lull. PROGRAM. Beethoven, Andante Op. 28 Laura Brader. Barnard "Minnehaha'' (Duet for Flute and Clarinet with Orchestra' Accompaniment.) Messrs. Quaranta and Foulke. Beethoven Op. 2 No. 3. Allegro con brio—Adagio—Scherzo. Elsie Hicks. Moszkowski. ..Thema, Op. 10. No. 2. Beethoven.. Rondo in C., Op. 51 No 1 Wollenhaupt Etude in A flat, Op. 22. No. 1. Laura Brader. Chopin-Vogrich.... "Ring out Wild Bells. Male Chorus. (Obligate Solos by Miss Bowman and Mr. Riffo.) Vogrich Staccato Caprice. Schumann,.."Grillen," Op. 12, No. 4. Gounod,."Faust Waltz," (arr. byjaell) Elsie Hicks. Goldberg,. .Serenade, "Good Night" Ladies' Chorus. At the conclusion of the program all adjourned to the Park to witness the last base ball game of the season, between the Bloomsburg High School and the Normal. It cannot be said that the contest was a thing ot beauty, as errors, of a very rank order were numerous. The High School boys could not gauge the delivery of the opposing pitcher, which is responsible for their down fall. Score : Normal 2 o 1 2 o 1 1 o x—7. Bloomsburg 00020020 o—4. Batteries, Williams and Aldinger ; Williams and CoA'man. DECLAMATION CONTEST. The Judges tor the Junior Decla mation contest, which took place in the Auditorium at 8 p m., were L. P. Bierly, Principal of Hazleton High School, Hon. H. M. Hinckley, of Danville, and Enola B. Guie, of Wilkes-barre. There was a large crowd present, nearly every seat being occupied. The prizes were awarded as follows : first, Elmer Wilbur, second, Miss Blanche M. Conner, third to Fred F. Moore. The program rendered was as follows : Overture—"Barber ot Sevilla" Rossini B. S. N. S. Orchestra. "The First Settler's Story," Louise Curtis "The Invincible Minority," E. Prosper Gager Extract from "Quo Vadis" E. Blanche Fry "Our Flag" Lindley H. Dennis Piano Duo Misses Besse and Stump. "The Sufferings and Destiny of the Pilgrims" Lillian Church "A Leak In the Dike" Blanche McCabe Conner "The Pleasures of Knowledge".... Guy Davis Gold "One Niche Higher"—Mae Hankee "Let our Voices be Glad"....Lecocq Junior Chorus. Thurston on Cuba... Elmer Wilbur Selection from 'Hyperion" Bertha Stackhouse "Washington's One Thought—The Union" Fred Clinton More "Cutting the Cables at Cienfuegos" Bessie Kohl Simplicius Waltzes Strauss B. S. N. S. Orchestra. The class of '96 held a reunion on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. CLASS DAY EXERCISES. The 1898 Class Day exercises were held in the Aud' brium Tuesday even ing at 8 o'cloc 1 Following was the program : ' ' PROGRAM. Address W. H. Williams, Pres. Oration,.... True Greatness, _ S. C. Withers. Capriccio (for guitars), Delano Elizabeth Jewett, M. Rachel Corcoran Class History, Minnie Shepherd Class Prophecy, Maude Giles Polacca Brilliante, Op. 70,- Carl von Weber Edith Wolfe Class Will, Amos E. Ships Recitation, Eleanor S. Kimble Marching Song J Free Life I Abt. Ladies' Sextet. Essay, Frances Rowland Conner Class Statistics, Arthur L. Wylie Petite Symphony, Op. 109, No. 3. (Two Violins) Dane la Harry Harman, Elam Frederickson Presentation of Souvenirs, Gertrude Miller Class Memorial Blanche L. Dawson COMMENCEMENT. Wednesday morning the Audi torium was filled to overflowing with an interested audience, to witness the last program by the class of '9B. We herewith present it in full : BLOOMSBURG, PA.. THURSDAY. JUNE BU, IS9B. Prayer by Rev. B. C. Conner. ! Overture—"Morning, Noon and Night" :.. Suppe. B. S. N. S. Orchestra. Presentation of Certificates to gradu ates in the regular Normal Course. Presentation of Certificates to gradu ates in Teachers' Elementary Course. Presentation of State Certificates to Public School Teachers. Soprano Solo "Happy Days" Strelezki. Miss Bowman and Serenade Club. Conferring of Masters' Degrees. Presenting diplomas to College Preparatory Graduates and gradu ates in Music. Flute Solo "Fantasia Brilliante" , Hughes. Mr. Quaranta. Commencement Address by Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer,Ex-Presi dent of Wellesley College. Subject: How can teachers prepare themselves to meet the new de mands in education ? Overture,'' Barber of Seville'' Rossini B. S. N. S. Orchestra. Benediction by Rev. M. E. Mc- Linn. GRADUATES OF 1898. REGULAR NORMAL. Appleman, Chas., Welliversville. Bobb, A. Cameron, Paxinos. ♦Bray, Wm. R., Wanamie. Brodhead, L. 8., Old Forge. Derr, Chas. W., White Hall. ♦Gilchrist, Jessie, Hazleton. Hart, John C., Hobbie. Keefer, Chas. M., Sunbury. Klock, Harvey, Heriulon. Knapp, Mary, Bloonisbi.rg Moycr, Sara, Center Mills Kiffo, Marion. Bloomsburg. Robison, Martha, Espy. ♦Wilbur, Harry C., Blootnsburg. ELEMENTARY. Aldinger, Harry E., York. Armstrong, A. Marg., Edwardsdale Armstrong, Marg. B.,Wilkes-Barre ♦Bauchman, Flor. E. Wilkes-Barre Balliet, Blanche P., Wm'sport. ♦Barley, Maude C., Harrisburg. Barrett, Margaret, Wilkes-Barre. Barret, Nora, Archbald. Bashore, Charles F., Shenandoah. Bennetts, Katharine Ivy, Danville. ♦Bentzel, Flora Bell, Harrisburg. Bernhard, Lillian M., Bloomsburg. Bevan, Mabel, Catasauqua. Brennan, Eugene A., Edwardsdale ♦tßrenneman, Harriet, Harrisburg. Broadbent, Henry, Stoneboro. Brooks, Ximana E., Sterling Run. ♦tßrown, Anna A., Wilkes-Barre. ♦tßurke, Margaret, Shenandoah. Butts, Henry T., Plains. Callendar, Asa, Clark's View. Cherrington, Ira C., Bloomsburg. Coleman, Katherine L., Harrisb'g. Collins, Margaret V., Mahanoy City Corcoran, M. Rachel, New Albany Coxe, Geo. W. (State Cer.), Alden. Cross, Magdaline, Wanamie. Cunningham,Bridget M.,Nanticoke Dawson, Blanche G., Mt. Carmel. Davis, Hannah E., Shenandoah. Deets, Bessie C., Askam. DeLong, Eudora, Lewisburg. Derr, Mont, White Hall. Dieffcnbacher.D. N.(St. C.)Danv'lc Dillon, Frances A., Honesdale. Dougherty, Elizabeth M., Shen'd'h Easton, Bessie, N. Mehopany. Eroh, M. Franklin, Dorrance, Evans, Martha D., Hazleton. ♦+Eves, Edith Yeatman, Millville. Foresman, Elizabeth C., Allenwood Forster, EmmaAlta. Williamsport. Forsythe, Jane Curry, Northum'd. Fredrickson,Elam A.,Susquehanna Geist, Verda, Mt. Carmel. Gibbons, Agnes, Avoca.' ♦tGiles, Maude, Hazleton. ♦Goodman, Theresa, Tittston. Groschke, Anna M., Wilkes-Barre. Hagenbuch, NettaEletha, Light St. Hankee, Nora Elizabeth, Pittston. Harman, Henry L., Hazleton. Hartline, Mary M., Philadelphia. Hawke, Mabel Lucile, Nanticoke. Hayward. William H., Plymouth. Heffernan, Mary E., Goldsboro. Herrold, Thomas G., Chapman. Hilburt, FredF., Plains. Hill, Mary J., Hazleton. Hostetter, t. M. (St. Cer.),Danville Howarth, John, Wilkes-Barre. Hower, John S., Catawissa. * Ikeler, Irma Beatrice, Millville. ♦Jewett, Elizabeth E.,Williamsport Jordan, Mary Monica, Scranton. ♦tKass, Charles L. A., Marysville. Kelly, Margaret V.. Dunmore. Kempfer, Amelia, Beaver Springs. Kimble, Eleanor Sears, Honesdale. Klutz, R. Daisy,Org'n Church,N.C. Knaus. Walter M., Zion's Grove. Kreisher, Oren, Lewisburg. Krum, Grace, Bloomsburg. Lamoreux, Louise M„ Huntsville. ♦tLandis, Laura 8., Rock Glen. Lawrence, B. Grace, LaPorte. Levan, Elmer, Numidia. Lewis, Deborah M., Wilkes-Barre. Lynch, Ruth A., Vfafkes-Barre. ♦McArt, Mary, Piti&ton. Marshall, Eva S. IT., New York. ♦tMaue, Gertruda Hazleton. Miller, Edith,, Bloomsburg. Miller, Gertrud* Bloomsburg. Miller, Oliver#, Lochiel. Millington, BAie A., Nanticoke. Morgan, U. GBnt, Trevorton. Mulherin, Dan® A., Glen Lyon. Munroe, Edna lllen, Hazleton. Nicely, Ralph A, Dewart. Nichols, Carrie*., Wilkes-Barre. Noss, Gertrude L?j. Rock Glen. Oplinger. Galen L.,Vjanticoke. Parfitt, Oliver A., Nanticoke. Pealer, Samuel Robert,ir., Asbury. Penman, Mary S., Mt Carmel. Poole, Anna 8., Scranton. Pursel, Josephine, Bloomsburg. FINE SHOES. -£s—M —=3' OXFORDS In Black, Russet, Patent Leather. Finest Hakes at Absolute Cost. WOMEN'S FINE SHOES. Hundreds of pairs at one=third to one=half off regular prices. Gidding & Co. Rcchel, Lillian Osman, Catawissa. Redeker, Lillian A. Bloomsburg. •tßeed, Clara E., Mahanoy City. Reynolds, Nellie M., Wilkcs-Barre. Richards, John H., Wilkes-Barre. Rinker, Gertrude M,, Bloomsburg. Robbins, Auber John, Shenandoah. Rorer, Mary Louise, Philadelphia. Russell, Sarah H., Dewart. Seaman, Anna Grace, Honesdale. Seely, Bertha Viola, Beach Haven. Sheehy, Kathleen Patricia, Shen'd'h. •tShepherd, MinnieM.,Wilk's-B'rre •tShipe, Amos Elmer, Sunbury. Simon, Anna, Freeland. Smith, Laura Ellen, Drum's. Smith, Steward Samuel, North'm'l'd Snyder, Harlan Roscoe, Hi'k'ry Cor. Snyder, Laura Jane, Fisher's Ferry. Steinbach,Mabel Berta.Mt. Carmel. Stevens, Benjamin M.,Wilkes-Barre. Stumpf, Catherine A., Hazle'ton. Styer. George Rufus, Danville. Swank, Clara M., Hobbie. Taylor, Edward S., Duncannon. Thomas, Cora Smith, Hazleton. Thomas. John M., Edwardsdale. Tobin, Mary Beatrice, Edwardsdale. Truckenmiller, Mary, Allenwood. •Tucker, James C., Jackson. Weaver. Charles H.. Danville. Weir, Henrietta, Pittston. Whitaker, Mary R., Shenandoah. Wilcox, Howard J., Honesdale. Williams, Joyce, Edwardsdale. Williams, Watkin H., Scranton. Wintersteen, Nancy, Plains. ♦tWithers.Sam'l C., Union Deposit. Wolf, Edith, Wilkes-Barre. •tWylie, Arthur L., Sterling Run. COLLEGE PREPARATORY. •Conner, Frances R., Bloomsburg. Fox, J. Sharpless. Oxford. Graydon, Esther M., Bloomsburg. Grimes, Byron J., Lightstreet. Milheim, Elmer M., Bloomsburg. Moyer, Martha L., Bloomsburg. Rude, Judson R., White Valley. Seesholtz, Sarah, Catawissa. Shuman, Warren, Mainville. MUSIC. Brader, Laura Adaline, Fowlersv'le Hicks, Elsie Ethel, Bloomsburg. •High standing in scholarship. tHigh standing in practice-teach ing. The following graduates have passed successful examinations under the State Board of Examin ers, in the branches named, and have had their diplomas endorsed accordingly. J. W. Burke, —Calculus, Analy tical Geometry, Mechanics, Ger man, Physics. Mark Creasy,—6 Books of Virgil, Moral Science, Philosophy of Edu cation, Froebel's Laws, Geology. Sarah Diseroad, —Moral Science, Philosophy of Education, Ento mology. Every Dollar's WORTH OF GOODS In this establishment is going to be CLOSED OUT COMPLETELY, as we are positively go ing to close out our busi ness here. Of course FOITY THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, &c., cannot be closed out in a day. or week, or month for that matter. It takes time, but early buyers alwjaysget first selection. Gidding & Co. Sarah Ernest, —3 Books Caesar, 3 Orations of Cicero, 3 Books of Virgil, English History. Adda Hayman,-Chemistry, Geo logy, Astronomy, Moral Science, Froebel's Laws. Louie H. Johnson, —5 Orations of Cicero. John B. Landis, —Moral Science, Philosophy of Education, English History. Elizabeth Love, —Zoology, Geo logy, Entomology, Advanced Psy chology, Philosophy of Education. Edward Roth, Entomology, English History. R. W. Sands,-Chemistry, Astro nomy. W. W. Swank,-English History, Moral Science, Philosophy 01" Edu cation. David Wiant, —Astronomy. C. H. Albert,-Moral Philosophy, Philosophy of Education. S. L. Smith, —4 Books of Caesar,, English History. William R. Bray,—English His tory. J. C. Hart,—English History. Harvey Klock,-English History. Martha Robison, —English His tory. Blanche G. Dawson, —Solid Geo metry. Annie Groschke, —German, 5 Orations of Cicero, 6 Books of Virgil. Harry Harmau, —3 Books of Caesar, 3 Books of Virgil, 3 Ora tions ot Cicero. Laura Landis,-3 Books of Caesar, 5 Orations of Cicero. Ruth A. Lynch,—3 Books of Caesar, 3 Books of Virgil, 3 Ora tions of Cicero. Gertrude Miller, 3 Books of Caesar, 3 Books of Virgil, 3 Ora tions of Cicero. Maud Barley,-Solid Geometry. Flora Bentzel,-Solid Geometry. Clara E. Reed,-Solid Geometry. Charles Kass, Solid Geometry. Edward S. Taylor,—Solid Geo metry. The Fall Term will open Septem ber 12, 1898. One hundred and sixty-five stu dents have been admitted to the next Senior Class. ALUMNI MEETING. The Alumni Association met in the hall at one o'clock, Dr. J. P. Welsh presiding. There was a large attend- NO. 26 ance. An essay was read by Miss Jessie Gilchrist, '97, and Mr. Leslie B. Seely, '97, delivered an oration. All the officers of last year were re elected except secretary, as Miss Powell asked to be excused. The matter of a subscription to raise money for the erection of an Alumni Hall was presented by Mr. Withers, and supported by Geo. E. Elwell and Mr. Creasy, Mr. Elwell moved that the action already taken in the matter be endorsed by the Association. On motion a committee of ten, including Dr. Welsh, will be selected by the- Executive Committee, to take charge of the subscription. The Alumni dinner was ready at 2 o'clock. After all had partaken of the good things provided, Mr. A. Z. Schoch, President of the Board of Trustees, called for order, and presid ed as toastmaster. Excellent music was furnished by the orchestra, and responses to toasts were made by Frank Meyer 'BB, Frances Conner '9B, Richard Thomas '93 and Dr. J. P. Welsh, and then the commence ment exercises were over for 189 S. In Reference to a Call, There has been no end of talking as to whether or not the Volunteer Company recently organized in this town will receive a call to go to the front. The following letter will be interesting : WILLIAMSPORT, PA., June 24, 1898. MR. O. W. ENT, Bloomsburg, Pa., Mv DEAR SIR :— Your favor of the 21 st is at hand and noted and reply ing to the same I have to say that while on the trip visiting the soldiers with the Governor, I suggested to him that he ought to take a Company from Bloomsburg, as I had learned from Lieut. Polk and others that your county was not represented in the army. He replied to me then that Columbia County was one of the places he had on his list for the for mation of a company. ' I will write him again to day on the subject and hope I may be able to serve you. Yours, very truly, J. HENRY COCHRAN. O. W. Ent is First Lieut, of the Company, and is working hard to get the boys in shape for an inspection in case one should be made.
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