THE COLWMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PAl A PRESIDENT'S WIDOW DEAD. TUB, WIVK 01' TUB TKSTII 1'HKSIIHCNT KX flllEfl l ltOM A CONHUSTIVK CtllU. Tho widow of ox-l'rcsldfiit John Ty- lor (lieu ni tiio ii,xcliniiio hotel, .union- no jowelry. ) nover llke1 jowclry, yet I always wnro a diamond star on my forehead, with ti ulotulur yolil chain cnclrellnc my head. It was called tho 'Fotonln" After my father's dcatli I ruplaoid It Willi n black stono. Wo lift for Wailitn(;ton tho antno day wo TIIK ANCKST0I13 01' TIIK A88, TIIK TIIK, IIOltSK ANil TIIK (1003K. muuu, yiiK1hi, uii umy ivui, irum woro irmrrled. i Iook oit my wetiiiiiig congcBtlvo ohlll. Mrs. Tylor had only ,ircs9 Mlt put on n dCcn black travel- been rtt tho hotel slnco Sunday even- n 0WI, 0f baizo, ami woro no orna- Ing, lmvina oomo from a visit to hor mtnU During my tlmo in tho Whlto son, Lyon G. Tylor. at Williamsburg,, H0usr, I woro black during tho day, nnd was. to have left hero on Monday nm wnjtu or black laoo over whlto in 6n n visit to another son on tho James t1(, evening." Hivor, but, feeling unwell, she kept hor jtr. Tyler had eoven children, of room. Tuesday, nt 11 o'clook, sho was whom four of her five sons nro living taken with n chill. Dr. Edward Mo- all,i ono 0f i,cr diujjhtcrH, lVarl, now auiro was sent for and ho was soon jirs. V. II. Ellin. Mrs. Tylor nover joint;.! by Dr. Hnnter McGum-, hut woro niMOi, j()w,.ry. Two great soil- medical okill proved of no avail, and tt,M Ppnrklol in her cars in oompetl- sho dtod nt nuartor past 5 o clook that im w, ,i, p uklo of her great gray afternoon. Mrs. Tyler loaves four ohil- cy0!li slllli nt lur iiront( B,o always dren: Lyon G. Tyler, President of Wlh wor0 omi brooch. Sho has worn It eon- Hani and Mary College, Va. i Gardi. Blalltly 8inco sho received it ai a pres. nor G, Tyler, who lives in Charles City ct from a stranjzer whllo sho was in uoiitny, v n. ; ijt. jjiiukikii j ucr, ui i Yas Washington City, and Mrs. William Kllis.iOf Montgomery County. Julia Gardiner Tyler, second wlfo of John Tyler, tenth President of tho United States, win born on Gardiner's htnctoii. It is a painting on ivory of Lor husband. QEEAT FLOODS Of FORMER YEARS Lnekicl montions that in tho Spring Island, near East Hampton, N. Y., in of 1771 ihoro was n groat flood In tho 1820. Sho was educated at tho Che-1 Susqueliauna, wh'ioh oorapollod tho gary Institute, Now York City, and Indians ot Wyoming to loayo tueir aftur a short tlmo spent in travelling homos and tako to tho hills. through Europe, sho oamo to Wash- In a moraorandum on filo at Harris . I.I . ! .1 ! loll A t 1 :J I... Afa.lln nn.l mgion who ner iaiuor in j.o'i'i. ii. juw i uurg, mgnuu ujr nun .nin weeks attor tneir arrival they accopteu Jonn I'ranKiiu, inoy stiuu unit oa mu an inv'tation. from President Tyler to 15th of Maroh, 1781, tho Susquehanna attonil a pleasuro excursion down tho rose into a flood exceeding all dogreoi river on tho war steamer Princeton, over known boforo ; so Budden as to Tho.festivit'es on this ocoasion wero give no timo to guard againBt tho mis- sadly marred by tho explosion of a gun chief -, that it swept away ono hun- on tuo vossel, oaus-ng losi ot "to. urea ana I1Ily, nouso, wun r.u mo pro Among thoso killed was Miss Gardi- visions, furniture nnd farming tools nJi fntV,.,r Ilia lwvlv wn tnknn tn I itml nattln of thu owners, and cravo but tho White House, and Miss Gardiner littlo opportunity for tho inhabitants .. ' . , - I. il t l.-t- 1i.., M tl,A,.d(,.,,l was mrown 8 creai ueai inio vub sociu- iu iiy wr iutu "to iumiuu ty of tho President, owing to tho pecu- persons woro loft destituto of provt liar oironmstances attending her fath- sions, clothing and every nr's dpith. l'rRident Tvlert first wifo life. hi MvA nftnr hn entered tho The next (Treat freehet was on tho Whito llmmn. and tho President Daid 28th of June. 1829. and again in 1847 Miss Gardiner marked attention, which on Mar.;h 12. Tho caual was broken, resulted in tneir marriage in jnow maMS stoppea, Mtiwn Dnago injureu, York City, June 26, 1844. For tho tho bridge on tho north Urancti, at n,l!.,,. mnnihi nf Pi-joiMonr. I N nrl li 11 rnhprl nnil. carriBU aw.1V. as Tvler's term, sho presided oyer tho- well as tho ono at Duncan s Island, "O?vio TTntian with tact, craco and die- and at Harrisburg. in pirt. Ojtobar nit.v. AftHrtho4th of March. 1845. 0. 18 18. the rivor roso vory high. It J ... . . . i ,. ,! i . . . r i 1. : : .. airs. Tyler retnrneu wun ner nusoana i was saia 10 do ouu iooi, uiguur wn m to tho RRoliinion of their, I 1847. "Sherwood Forest,' on the banks ot Un duly la ana vj, iboi, a norm- the Jamei River, Va. She remained oast storm raged for thirty-two hours, in Virginia until after tho civil war, Tho flood of 1784 was called tho "Ico hnr luiabfcnd havintr died about the be- Flood." Tho winter hat been ono of ginning of tho strife, and then went to I unusual severity, and it became resido at her mother's residence, on I donly warm and rain poured in of Oastloton Hill, Staten Island. Aftor several years' residence there sbo re moved to Richmond, Va., where sho died. Mrs. Tyler was a Roman Cath olio in religion. Mrs.Tvler was a tall.cracoful woman who last winter passed much of her timo at Washington, whoro bIio intrO' duccd her grand-daughter, Miss Julia Snenoer. in society. Sho has not re sided on the old tTylor homestead, on tho James River, sinco tho war. .Mrs. Tyler, like 'Mrs. (Cleveland, married a President in ottise, ana a corrcesponu' ont who visited her last October, do- eoribes hor appearance, and tolls the atorv of her marriage as follows : 'Mrs. Tvler's heavy black hair, sprinkled 'with a few gray lines, was Darted in tho middle, and tho thick sud- tor rents. It resembled tho tlood ot loOo. The "Pumpkin Flood" was in Octo ber. 17' G, and less in height th in that of 1784. An iramenso number of pumpkins woro swept from the fields and aaonished the inhabitants below. Tho Hood in October, 1847, is stated to have beon threo or four feet higher than was over known before, and the Juniata was thirty feet above low water mark. Tho flod of 18G5 was four feet nine inches above the mark of 1847, and tho'flood of 1889 is now stated at threo feet above that of 18G5. In 18G5 tho highest point was reached on Satur day morning, Marob 18. Tho ao counts ot itiua snow tnat ino Dnages suffered most Farrandivillo bridge half gone, Look Haven and Liberty Eanea in mu iuiuuh-, auu tuo tutu e - - - t raids covered the back of tho head brdges, also Jersoy Shore, Pino Creek whilc: one rested on tho top like a aqueduct, all gonej illiamsport half; ORIGIN Or DOMESTIO ANIMALS. OAT, In studying zoological distribution tho raiigo of tho domestic animals is not to bo taken into conildetatlon, for man has beon so long engaged in scat tering them over tho world that it is now impossible to trace their original homes. Indeed, any attempt to assign thorn to wild progenitors mint to a large extent bo simply guesswork. Tho tamo oatllo of our farmyards nnd lUhls may perhaps be sprung Horn the urns and other wild oxon whioh at one tiin- roam ed through tlio vast foresH of Europe, and tho sty-living pig from tho ficico hog whioh still hold their on in many parts of tho continent and in the thick, ots of Northern Africa, in liko man nor tho cat is suppocd to bo descended from a Persian ancestor, and tlio various dogs of different barb irous tribes can with somo conhMoneo b-i considorcd merely the tamed wolves, fixes or jnok- ... . Li.l. .1 I.!. alS 01 tno regions wium uiuy inn.iuu. Tho a's is evidently a civilized torm of tho wild ass of Abyssinia, aamus toeniopus, but It is doubtful whether wo havo yet mado any progress in tho search after tho progonitors of the horse and the camel. No doubt tho so oalled wild horse has boen found in Central Asia, nnd wild camels aro not unfreqiient in tho samo region, unt who'her theso animals are not tamo speoies which havo esoaped from do mestication long ago and re-established their freedom Is a question to whioh a favorable answer might quito ai read ily be givon as to the oontrary tWis. The turkey, it is crtain namj from Americas thopoasookis an Indian bird; and tho guinea fol was originally from Africa. Tho domestic goose is regarded as de scended from tho groy leg or omraou wild gooso, though all tho species aro capable of domestication, whtlo the dne.k in our ponds is in its wild stalo known as thi mallard. But tho domes- lio fowl has b;on so long a servant tor man that it is now mero speculation to attempt to assign to its progenitor any exact horn, tho Bankiva fowl of Java and other islands of Malaysia having no bettor claim to thi distinc tion than tho iunalo fowl of India, which for a timo was proclaimed as tho barbarous anoestorot the tarmvaia nen. Much the samo reraarki may bd made regarding tho honey bee, the silkworm and tho Mexican cochineal. For though thoy havo all beon traced to wild forms tuey navo oeen Kepi so long under the control of .aan that their exact origin is either lost or at bt doubtful. . I Miinni. nun a, ion. TJailrnail liriltrfA Ht crown. It was an oiu iasnion, dui very i juuj ..v. ,, i I was Struck with her com- iuonigomery ono Bfrnu; nnfuwu .t,ii. m. nlnnr anA tho tdiee spans: Milton, an gone. j. m cheeks wore so pink that a 16-year-old Lawsho lost a house on the dam where lcol;on9- An-aido AU0V6 ail I UU W3l UUC tUID JCWf . .Linn. Meioisburg jsievss. NE&L D0W8 LONE AUVANOE. Wo havo forgot whoro thin ojnsndo of tho war took place, and tho gentle man wno related the story to ns sev eral years ago is now beyond our reach. But it is good history and ought to be recorded. Perhaps some reader may bo anio to supply the names and dates which wo omit. Tho Federal and C-infodcrato forces wore preparing for a battle Tho Fed eral commander and his staff, seated upon' thfir horses, woro consulting near the right ot the line, drawn up in the the edge of tho woods. General Neal Dow was staoding in front of his oom mand, a vory small man, with a tre mendously big hat on his head and a monstious sword dangling on tho girl might' envy the tint. wero hor wondrous gray eyes. JIRS. TVLEU'S ItOMANTIC COUItTSIIir. " Won't you tell mo how you met President Tvler ! sho was asked. " Well, to begin at tho first. I was born on Gardiner's Wand, three miles from laud. I was a descendent of tho first white child born of British parents in tho state of New York, and tho child of tho first white child born in Connecticut. My name, as you know, was Julia Gardiner. Tlwro I grow up ... t ,. ' r. .i.j until ray scnooung was umsueti uuu A Glimpse of Her Future. Flossio is sir yoars old. "Mamma" sho asked ono day, "if I get married will 1 havo a husband like Va T "Yes," replied the mother with an amused smile. "And if I don't get raarriod will I have to bo an old maid liko Aunt Katef "Yes." ground at his side, a picture such as one 80ldom sees ontsido tho comio col told General Dow (perhaps he was enly Colonel Dow then) that, tho commander wished to see him. General Dow strodo down the line, the soldiers laughing iH the sight. "(icneral Dow, said the command er, "you will inarch out into that opo ing yonder, take a no-ution on that knoll, and hold it until further onlere something to that effect. In sight of the entire right wing of tho array Geueral Dow went marching into the opening, his long, hev sword olanking on the ground belnn uir .. .f. ..T.I. - thenmy'father took ray sister and me t0UgU world for os women, ain't it !" P ' i'SL" Th to Europe for the finishing touches, as . a a grasshopper under a toadstool. The Perfectly Satisfactory. "Havo you any work on punctua tion!" she asked at tho book store. "Sorry to say wo are Just out." "Well, perhaps you could tell me what I want to know. What does a mark under a word signify!'' "That. a tn nmnlinuizn thn ''That is to emphasize tho word.'' "Oh I see. Thank you." her whisper to herself "And James put live marks under the word 'Dear 1' " it were. Whilo we were in l'aris we heard of tho death of President Har rison, and wo American girls all woro crape around our wri3ts in mourning for a longtimo President Tyler wo know was tho successor, and I had a littlo oanary.whioh I brought back- with mo, that 1 had named 'Johnny Ty,' in honor of President John Tyler." " Did Vou not-know him then V " No. But on our return ray father took my s'gter nnd me 10 Washington. Wo met the president and became great friends, lbnt I never thought of loving A Tramp Philosopher. him then. I was not yet 20 and ho First Tramp "Ere oomes a benevo was -easily 85 years older than 1, but I lent-lookin old chap, parj. Let's thought him very nice, and 1 was very, tackle 'ira for tho prico of a night's gay auu irivuiuua, mm, ui course, was I lodft'Il . flattered by his friendship, 'lhere was. Second Ditto (something of a philo a grand, reception held in tho Whlto gopher) "Don't you think of it, Bill i House on Washington's birthday. All let's wait for somebody that's half POOpIo of note were there, and i was fl Them tinnnvnlnnt-lnokin' dunks' very lirilliaoL I had been dancinr with always wants to organize themselves a young mau who was not pleased with into a society, eloot a board of direo tho attention the President had bem tors,, and 'ire a orfico afore tley gives payiug jue. w u iuwj juot stuiipeu amf i yon a cent, wero waiKiim iiuuut wuun mu i resiuei l i fr,r came up, uuu uiuwiug uiy arm uiruuuD his, said to the young man t 'I must claim Miss Gardiner's company for commander heard tho army laughing, and looked tor tho cause. "Who is that walking across th' opening!'' ho asked. ''that is liencral Dow, said every body. An aide was sent to bring him back "General Dow," said tho command or, "why did you go ont there alone! And as she pasbed out a clerk heard Why did you not tako your command VYIU1 yuui "Dear me, Goneral," said Dow, beg a thousand pardons. I didn1 know ynu meant for mo to tako any body with m. You didn't say so, you know. Washington Fost. Poor, Foolish Men. TAKE A WOMAN'S ADVICE. Tbl U only tho Mcond time In Ubt weoVs tht I hAT tuu) to pollth my boota, and yet I bad hard ork tatting my hoiband to jtlra tip his c4d blacking bmah, and tho annoyineo ot hating the paato black big rob off onbii pacta, and adopt Wolff'sAGMEBIacking Amatniflcent Deep ninrk rot Uh, which litti on Mn'a boots n wceU aad onWomen'ii amontht WOLFF & RANDOLPH, PHILADELPHIA. M. C. SLOAN & BRQ. BLOOMSHURG, PA. ManuUMurers ot CARRIAGES IBUQQIES, PHAEfNS SLEIQHS, PLA7F3SV! &I Flrst-clospwork nlwsya on hand REPAlBlJWxVUA 'JIil' DON k. Prhei rrducrdta tuit iht timet: TOCONSUMPTIVES Tho undersigned having been re stored to health by simple mem, nfter suelTring for sovonil years with a novero lung altoution, and tliat dread disease Consumition, U anxious to miko nown to his follow sulTerers the means f cure. To tho-te who dsire i', ho will olieerludy sand (free, of char o) a copy oi tno proscripuon u?od, winch they will Dud a -ure euro for Oonsumi-tios, Asthma, Catakuii, liitoNCUins and all throat and lung M.w.umks. Ho hopes all sullerors will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Tho-io desiring tho prescription, which will coitthem noth- ng, and nny prove a u omg, will please nddres-", llr.v. Edwauu A. Wil son, Williatmburg, Kings Uounty, Now York. A-&-oo.-Jeo-7-ly IKK INSURANCE CnRISTlANP. KNAPP.ULyOMSBCKa.PA. iiuMu, ur n. x. MKllUHANTM'.OP NKWAMK, N. J. CLINTON, N. V, I'KOrLKS' N. Y. ItBAUINO, 1A. (IKltVlAN AMKI1ICANINS. CO., NEW YOltK. OHKENW1U11 INS. CO., NBW YOKK. JKKSKY CITY rlHK INS. CO.. JEUSBY CITY, N. J. ThpaA ni.n rnrfiiKATrnKS arn wnll RPflAnnM hT A26 and FiRBTHsTKiiand have never ret bad a loss BClLlca oy any couri. oi law. lueirasueiHaro iiunvestea in solid sscorities are uameioiue iizardor HKEonly. Losses pkomptlt and honestly adjusted and ald as soou as determined by CnBisniM r. tNirr. 81'ECIAI. AOKNT AND ADJ08TIK ULOOUSBCKO, ,1'a. Tbenconieot coiumcia count t anonia ratron- izetboaKenc.4wbero losses It any are settled and pail oy one octnerown ciiuds. ruuui iniKO. buuii ii rant uiuunu, J.R.SMLTH&CO 'L151ITED. MILTON, Pa. 1) BALE 113 IN PIANO By tho following well known makers; Chtckcrinc, Ivnabe, Weber, Mallet & Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at nianufacturerri prices. JJo not buy a piano foe fore getting our prices. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. sest.p.u. awhile.' Tho young man drew off and looked as if ho would like to say: 'Well, you aro impudent,' but ho didn't. I walked around with tho President and lio proposed then. 1 had nover thought of love, so I Baul s 'No, no, no, and shook ray head with each word, "John, wako up 1 I hear a noise in the kitchen, There's somebody jn tho housor ( Juraninc out of bnd V "Don't bo afraid, Maria. I'll drivo him oull Be calm, darling." "Don't co down that sleep stairway with your revolver cooko 1. John It T'other sort is the sort to might go off before you are really.'' ( urawnng uacu into bed ). "dlrs. Billiis, if you haven't any confidence in ray management of burglars, you can taice the rivolver and go down your- BOii. uuicago iriuune. A Thoughtful Fhieni). "Who was that you bowed to on tho car?'' sho asked of hor friend, as thev stood in a store door on Wood ward avenue. "That's Katio " "How sweetly sho bowed back "Yes, we lovo eaoh other dearly. When hor father died last year I was Morris Parko "Thora is Franklin do Belleville. I3t's turn down the street." Madison Squeer "I thought thn which flung tho tassel of my Greek cap tho only friend sho had thoughtful you and he wore great friends." into.his faco with every move. It was I enough to count tho carriages and tell Morris Parke "Sj wo are j t umlignifiedi but it amused mo very j her thoro wero forty seven." moved into the suburbs lately, much to see his expression as ho tried to mako love to mo and the tassel brushed his face. I did not tell my father. I was his pet, yet I feared that ho would blamo me for allowing tho President to reaph tho proposing point, 60 I did not speak of it to any one. " How wera you dnssed tho night the President proposed t" "I'woro a white tarlctan. It was very pretty and very becoming. On Lead I woro a crimson Greek cap. I was very gay and young or I nover would havo dared to toss the tassel in a President's face. " After I lost mv father I felt differ ently towar'ds tho President. Ho seem ed to' fill tho place and to bo more agreeable in every way than any youuger man ever was or could bo. IIo composed a very pretty soug about mo then 'Sweet Lady, Awake,' At last lie proposed again, and I wroto him I was willing this time, if my mother would consent. Sho told him that sho would never consent to my marriage, but if I was determined sho would not obiect I was in deep mourning. So U19 Prosidout told only ono member of Ills farailyj Genera) John Tyler, and I told my irapteuiatq (amiiy. Wo wero rnnrrieu very quietly on tho 2Uh day joiJunc, 1844, in tho Church of tho AsoeD8lou, New York. I was dressed iu' p'urb white lisse, with a v il of tho earne. which was not oven hemmed. woro a wreath of orango bloasoms, but Exi-atmatep. Particular Hoarder "This fish, waiter Truthful Waiter "Was killed this morninir. Particular Hoarder (approvingly) "You did right to kill it.'1 Truthful Waiter (infiuuincly) "ies, sin' Particular Hoarder ( hrmly ) "lio- oauso It had becu nsUoro so long it had forgot bow to swim and would havo drowned if ever it went to sea again," A Private Uull'riglt. A rich Mexican lately had twenty hulls turned loose in his yard, and singlo-handed nnd alono he enjoyed tho spectaclo of contests bo! ween them until they wero tired out nud could fight no more, Dyjpepsia Makes the lives of many people miser able, and often leads to self-destruc tion. We know of no remedy for dys pepsia more successful than Hood's Sarsaparilla. It acts gently, yet sure aud emcteiitly, tones tno etomaoh and other orgaus, removes tho faint feeling, creates a good appetito, cures head ache, and refreshes the burdened mind. Give Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair triaLl 4 will do you good. but hi and I don't want to hesr anything about hi) garji:n. j.'uck. THE GREAT m IfGerman Remedy! m TRUTHS FOR THE SICK.n I III Vor tlitido death I) III Utlln,i8Siel.(lciton I lonSiiLriiimUiriEUfr flft win euro vou. o wu eullvr 111) tliattireilauilaUftoiir feeling; If to,' use swrrmitt UrrrEna; it wm euro you, i l.ooi i 1U bo 1 'ft id for a ca.f.s where fcUL- PHUlt IHTTEH8 Will not assist or cure. 11 never full. Sijclobely amtlncii in IH tho mills ami work nopt; cierkB.wnouo not procure Buiucienll exercise. anl all who' arerominetiinuoors, staouM useKuLi'iiiTit ltlTTKiw. They will not theu bcvcunutl An Attack of Gravel..) TbTcrrtMe HndHnc ot n. Wiau al 00. , new Ska wu ll.ppllr Oared. 113 ' i Tfctw U noltlar I co-w a)o7 tht Idasotmrtto yln na Pr. PtM ZtasMrt Firorlt llml. BU44 .t BSDd0Sl.M.T. Mr iirm),lA. I. Udotri 1 ronj which J MTr ipuM4 t ror. ! L ... w T ci liTcr. lu. with no .ppettt. tad could not iltp, I wu oom. l-liej to UM .C4na. mA r.r.ill .. l i . . i t onMnotitindtlono. TUdlatxualn mrUekvu l7UTerlui(Mlcold. MrphnlcUntMld I HAD BRIGHTS DISEASE. which w ilinaliur lnonntlon. To dd to mr tf . SkUon IW(IUlU.nlU .bout two Tn. I KM Pd HUclf (if Ortyel. When UdM nud Iti rroir. inc. mr phyalcUn r dp r cms, n4 I tuM mj-nelXtodlo. IhdourdMk)Mtteiidnie,tholict to too country. Tt I cowUntlf tw won. Six ycMiolutJiin.howwllIrOMmler tho timet I " fr. Eunod;-! FT0riU Btmadj adrertlmul la our wu. XSlve mica on LotU. I throw wr mr cant and want to Kw Tork oa a yUlt. aad throe hot,. Mm cured rao. I hare nertr had a return nt Oniel, nor of the rain, or weaknew la the back, and though I am oyer aUI jaara ot It I am Now VJgorpu and 8trong rarel; ciuaiuim noil.. ... . .. . . , . I .7 . " ... .. .u HIT VIMIUC, It JOU llO lUt Wtbll to uner froiu Kticum fttlem.iiBOnlMiUto of SULI'HUU ItlTTEnS; It never fftlli to euro Cleause tho Tltlatetll looS when ou see ta Impurities hurst nirtlircnicU tho t'klu in rtmpled.lttutches, mi cores, ueir on ini iieaiui win fol low. M'j.rmm mni.ui? wilt euro Mver Coin- plaint. Iion'tlKitUs -ouragcU It w 111 cure MJLl'liril lUVfhllS will ImiM you upitnd main you t-trouuuil ur-aiiiiiy. M;u'iirn l.iririis alhm t l.o . lUiout aiwui iniihojour huhjuj i.nMif. Trv it vntJiuire.i1ehftilri)n2.CJ Iw 111 not regret It. 4iui ournesh Imnl. ri Ladies lu ileUctite Try L'lailln Jlir-I henlth. Uq nro jill n-:iti to.ul.ilit, niiill I runilon-n.ithoiild m you will fltt uelll I HL'f.rnru HirrKHM. .ml feel hetter forlt.m s THE rntST GREENBAOiJ. Oaddi?, a Cinclnatti hack-driver, trnasnrcB a ono dollar bill of tho first greenback Ibsuo. The Enquirer of that oily tolls that Salmon P. Cliaac, whilo Socrotary of tho Treasury, visited Cm olnattl. "Shine, uir?" phoulod Gaddin, then a bootblack, to a stranger in tho Burnett Home lobby. "Do your prrttlcM," said tho gentle man, with a smile, "and I'll glvo you my photograph." Tlio boy did not fall in very heartily with tho proposition, ns ho had no par llculnr iiso for photographs of his ciif tomeiv, but after a littlo bantering ho took tho job. At tho tlrilsh tlio gentleman handed tho boy a brah l.nnw ono dollar bill. "That's my photog-aph," said ho walk ing away. Tlio hoy glanced from his customer to tho bill in mommtary perplexity. Then I ho strong rcsemblanpo which his customer bore to the viimette in (me corner of tho greenback caught his rye and hu know that tho Secretary of tho Treasury had been having a littlo fun with him at his own expense. A Woman's Strange Taste How much ato slate pencilsl'' asked a woman as sho stepped into a station cry storo yesterday morning. "Ten cents a dozen." "Give mo ono dozen." Then unwrappinc tho nackaee. she deliberately began to oat tho ponoils. Yee, oat them, not just chip tho ends with hor teeth, as do school children, but biting off substantial quarter-inch pieces and crushing and swallowing them with infinitu relish. This was a reinarkablo achievement for a staid, matronly person, such as she appeared to be, and naturally was questioned concerning this strange prjpensity. From what sho had said in renlvinir it seems that this unusual system of diet was by no means confined to slate pen , -i , . . ... i uiis. uravci is a stanio artio o ot looa with her, properly strained and assort ed; oyster and olam shells and friablo sandstone sho masticates as a man eata soda cracker, and nskj for more."---Auburn Me.) Oazetlcc. Grapes for Wealtly and Siokly Persons. Manv persons who am weak and sickly nro at a los to know what will restore their health.- Sneer's Port Wino and Unfermentod Grano .Tuioo no tho best restoratives known. It is tSPCciallv recommended fnr ira mirit.v. exquisite flavor and healthv iironertie's. .... .. i r. . . iticuicai mon ccrtity to its valuable medical powers and blood making property. Mr. Specr has been for years engaged in preparing and per fecting this wine, nnd it requires a four years process before it is fit for mark't. N. Y. Jiaptist. Sold by druggists. Marriago In Madagascar. When a fatbpr in Madagascar aets a notion that his daughter ought to marry he puts a ropo around hor neck and loads her forth, and tho first young man ho offers her to has got to tako her or pay a forfeit. Tho father thus aves tho expenso of light and fuel in oident to two years' courtship, and the young man also saves on opera tickets and ice-cream. But the spectaclo of young raou aarting up alleys and climbing over back fences when father starts out leading his daughter with a ropo around her neok must bo a very common one in Madagascar. Omaha Chief "And when tho shooting began you ran away from tho meleof Proud Polic-mm "Yes." O. C. Did you not know you would Do caned a coward all your life! ' P. P. "I mado a hasty calculation to that efTiCt, but I thought I would rather bo a coward all my life than oorpo for fifteen minutes. Omaha Woild. Do vuu want tho licet tliilloul Work imtiiuhcil? Fond i 2-rcut ttninpa to A. 1. (Jhuwav & Co, postou, liana., nuU icctlvo a ciy, fire. ue eod enelt to m VrdVhil 3S SI ITV0SV?'a. useneter I can. "What : uh cliai 5"i! ff .oil rwaedlee I tad tSki 'i ,?ou dSSl FAVORITE REMEDY, rrioeOae dollar. rrennd.tlloodonLir.T Dr. Kennedy's Favorite (My. rpu4br PK- BATID VXHXKBTj KOKBODT, K. T. HptaUMM Hrnmm. Mllfmteta Morristowh, Tens., July d, i8S8. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Cenilemen Five years ago I was so un fortunate s to contraft an cstrcmely pad case o( blood poison. My bones ached and my muscles began to swell and contract. I was under treatment of the physician from the inception of the disease until I found that be could do me no cood. Then, through the advice of a friend I began tak ing S. S. S. Vour medicine seemed to have an immediate effect. I took six bottles, and to-day am sound and well. That was two or three years ago, but I have seen no evidence of the return of the disease, and I late this opportuultyto think you for what It has dmc (or me. It saved my life. You can refer any one to me. It. II, Wall. Farmfrsvillr, Tex., June 2;. 1883. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.s Gentlemen The mother of a member of our firm was afflicted with a cancerous sore on her face for about twenty) ears. During the past few years It troubled her very much by continued pain and Itching. She used vour S. S. S., and the sore has disappeared and Is apparently well, Should It break out again, will advise you. Very truly, PeNPLLTON, VEAttlV & IUlXY, Druggists. Three books mailed free on application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Ps-MNrft. AlWu. til. AJ"voler in Rutland, Vt.. recently repaired a watcli that was 250 years old. iutnougli not largo ill circum lerpaco it was an inch nnd a quarter 1111CK ami very Heavy, it was made in Switzerland and valued at $500. Maud "So you aro going to marry your latner s easiuer." Isabella "Yes. Pa says that if bo runs away with tho hank ai funds, the money will still ho in tho family." Munsoy's Weekly. He "Will you lie minol" Sho (curtly) "No." 11" "Jlay 1 b ) yours I Sho (graciously) "Yes." Puok. Kui tune 117 nil drllCRls and grocers throughout the united States and Canada. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTU WATER ST., PHII4 PENNY UOODB A SPKCIALTY. soli As.xrs roa F. t. ADAMS CO., PINS CUT CHEWING TOBACCO sole agents ot tho fol lowing brands ot Cigars. HKNRT CLAY, LONDltES, NORMAL, INDIAN rillNCKSS, SAMSON, B1LVBH ASIL CATARRH, Catarrhal Deafness and Hay Fever, A NEW IIO.MJ5 TREATMENT. Sufferers nro not generally aware that these diseases nre contagious, or that they nre due to tho presence of llvlnc parasites lu tho lining membrane ot thu iiomj and eus tachian uiues. juieroscopic ri'searcu, now n.... I,n. ,.rn.....l flila tr. La font attil fl.i result is that a simple remedy has been for- Iiuuau'U s ucreuy cuinrrii, caiurruai ueainess nnd hay fever nio peruiauently curpd h) from one to threo Mmplo applications ninna nt home by tho patient once In two weeks. N. 11. For catarrhal discharges peculiar to females (whites! this remedy is 11 srjeclflc A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is bciu uu rei-eiiti. in it-11 ceiu-t uv v. n. Uixas Sox, S04 AVest King St, Toronto, uanaua. ociniiyio imtncuii. Sufferers from catarrhal troubled should 10.000 AGENTS WANTED at once to Ball iue onir AuriiBXTiu i.oKrl.nTi ana UBiruio History oi Ills lkm Flood, Profusely Illustrated, with views of all sorts connected ulth Lha ttrriblo s ines 01 the Uilsrlny Inundation. Hrao. 40) pages rru-o ji.w uix'rai iirmi. Tnousina? want it. 1) KM AND IS 1M K N.i It bend quick' y 30c (or out lit to J. W. KMSLWt fi Co , 5ii Chcstuut street, f ERRINE'S I'UIIK 11AULKV MALT WHISKEY. I)iiTiM.n from selected llirler .Malt nnd iruarantofd ?M.P',,S!fir Pi? find tree, from Injurious oils and acids often contained In alcoholic 'Work .It opccialljr adapted to pcreons requlrinfr A itlmn !"'!! .9?Hn.PlL,JS.'Jf rreatlf benenfted by Its nw. lieeommended by leading PhJlclans u a IWiKtjr NerTlno, Honlc nnd ti Itcramo. Vot consumptives It ft Inraluable. PJ'"""" I'UIIK lUm.KV MALT WIIISKEV Insures a return 0 I vigor to th Wmacti, good appetite, n rich and abundant blood and Increased flesh and musllr "..( stlruuliintmlldnndirenileln crfeot. Dyspepsia, Indlirestlon and all Bg ail cases can be entirely conquered by the use or I-errine's furs Barley alt Whlsjeys It Is a tonlo and diuretic Bnd a powerful sticngthcner to the tn"re Tm. rait illNR'S I'UIIK 11AHLKV MALT WI1ISKBI has proved a medicinal PiMecUen to those who pnraua their avocations In the open air and whoso dally worltpaua 11 exceptional powers nt endurance. Asic rnji nearest druffglst or grocer for for I'KliltlNK'S I'UIIH IHIILBV MALT WlimKKV revives thy energle 1.0 1 thoje worn out with excaffllvo 0 jillly or mental effort and acts a a aJeguard jepft "P0"1 lnwetaninorou weather. Hwllldrireallmalarlousdlfcasesfrojnmyswm. Hard workers of v stt vooAtlon and pwsons whom a wlentory Hie rtndera proneu) uyHcpnia una 111 i-crrine-H i-ure iinnej Malt Whiskey a powerful Invlgorant and helper to dtgestlou. rKltltlNK'S ri'UK llAllt.KY MALT WII1HKKV without unduly stimulating the kid leys lucre isos their flinttlng activity, nuo'ertcei t eeiTuts or (atlgui, lin ens eonralej nee nd u a wuolo4fi-n i pro up .HU otto .Vatch Wioltb'l I Nono (,'emiinou les.i bearing the algnn The analysis as It appears by the La belon every bottlet I bare carefully an ilyzcd thercai Ubiit Maw vrau I sr made by M. J. K rerrlne and nnd it entirely tree from fusel oll.lururol, metals and acids and Is absolutely pnr." SlgnfO, CamUla Arthur Matrr, Hfirnt nnd WtUHoton fOlHALE 1IY UliUUOISrs AND AXL USALSI18. ((HOW THYSELF. Hcii'iitHio and etaou&ra I'opular KodiCll I rtltlie ) tbeKrruro( Voutli, 1'rcrDature IJpcllut'.h't'rvuu anj liiyelcal DeUmy.Jmpuriueiol theHlon'J, ( uitio troni Folly, Vice Ignoraucc , Kiivuhh or ).urtaiutlon. EuenaliPfrand un tilt leg the victim (or Work, Uuilm-g, the Married or Hoc 11 lUlatlou. Avoid uonkllful jirttenderi. roiuu thU (rrciit work. It contain SO) nagts, royl 8vo. JJf autiful bludtUkfi vmtutftkid, fall Rill, Price, poly JH.") tf luaU, i-opaU. (Joncea!i4lqpUlu wrAppr, Jllu ro l'toectj Free. f ou apply now. Tbo iUtlnguUbpd author. Wm. II. l'urUr, JJ- P . ro WuiTlbaCOLO AND JEWELLED MFDAL rom the Nntlonnl Medical Aesooln'-n, 'or ihe lrZK ESSAY on NERVOUS end PHYSICAL DEBILITY. PM'arttvandacom a AuUUnX J'bylcUo may oe eonull?J, coatl. JenllAlly, by malt or lu person, at tho ffire ot TIIK 1'1:AIU)1IY MKDICAU IMHTITDT Nu,41tulfliulibt.f IUMtoa,MaM.,toIwitli jrdr tot booki r M4mf lia0 tbwiid W VII mm? Kin? at u I l , 1 I M IV. Ill I LUI ll V-JI VV V'M WIIULKSALB DBALKtM IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, FRUITS AND NUTS. SOLE AQKNM FOR HENRY MilLLARDS mc INDIES. FKESn VERV WEES. Bloomsbuvg, Pa. AttV OltDRIt ?On PK3TIVAL will be 8UPPLIKD WITll LOWEST AS FOLLOWS : ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, , ENGLISH WALNUTS! CREAM NUTS, ALMONDS, POP CORN I BALLS. C. B. JB0BBINR DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. IIIUCIIIITS -IN- d; n nan IX J lllillUk A .ns Sewin Mine -AT- Music - - - - Warerooms BXoomsburg, Fa. BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITH OUT TH C (VA LABEL Ma nurd ur Ww. Anita t. tson. I'hllada., who malo Uio timoua Uorvu Uraud llalicr lilaukcta. PATENTS, vai'.j ui Trill MimovitQ-l. iu-1 n Fateot 61 m mduted tor tfjiiKUVTK FEES. ou. 07IOK is oi'fisrrE u h ihtent F1QE Wdlixfooo aub.ionoies, all bullous lrit, naBoaoan trirmct pueai bmiuesi lu leaa v wji m-tu luoae ruiuoujirom wastilDsrtou. soad inojet. drawlnff, or photo, with description. He advise If patentable or not, Iroo ot cbarL-e Our re not due till natcut U KoourMr vurk'-. A ooolc,"llow to oouilu Hau.uts.-with referenwa o actual Clients lu your State, county, or tows, dntrrte. Address ' C. .A SNOV & CO., Ovpodu Patlnt OS r, WaUln(rWa ao Ti..; 118 JblM . 0 ROD. i,. ftoli br na or tllt Fim lBforTMtton frM. nr. f r.nuK vuf Feb 8i-o o wiau 4 laftU . , I mW'mm. 1 IlKKUUmBaBff.VIP UHKHH tUfhBMttU ret) ft MBiMtt llt. Isrttsiniwtfttktki7 W WHI W M. H Will mutt rtor knu.Mnn n it tn on. witk tk ( itthvsnit, 4 iw miu rr . tapiiti nsirM. rmia, wi. writ. I. a. Met ... M. narhl.a 1. tka wtia. d Ik. ,teMtiia..rrMh.raifk art, awatrthria Am.,ia. WMtlK (1U ats , Anemia. Maaaw. Janif9- STATIONS. NORTnCMBIRI.lXn, i 40 uamernn. fc , a ra Chulaslcy c w Danville s 08 ltupert.. 0 su luoomsourK . o so Kspy. 42 Lime llldge. ...... S M) Wlllnwflrnvn Km nrlarcrceli. .... e 69 uerwicic 7 OS lieacb Haven 7 11 lltlr'aVArrv 1 ,fl fihlckshlnny 7 0 HunlocK's 7 43 Manucoico 7 V) Avondalo. 7 M nymoutn 7 9 mnnt.h .ritnptlnn n nt Kingston 8 08 Dennett tt ig Maitcy 8 17 Wyoming 8 S3 FltUton Lackawanna ....... aHA.TBFUfi COMFOIITINO. EPP'S COCOA. nilEAKFABT. "By a thorough knowlodee oftho natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the nne properties of well-selected iJocoa, Mr. Epps haa provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may Bave ua many heavy doctors' bills. It Is by the judicious use ot such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradual ly built up until strong enough to resist every ten. dencyto dl'easo. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there ts a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortlfled with Dure blood and a Droivsrlr nourished franm" rtti HrrvUx Qaittte. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Hold only In halt pound Una, by Grocers, labelled thus s JAMES Errs CO., nomcoopathlo Chemists, mihu tAjaaon, ttngiana. KAXMLOAD TXMCS TAKS JQELAWAHE, LACKAWANNA AND WJtSTlUtri UAlliitUAU. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Taylorvllie... ueuevue. ,, bOBlHTOK., 27 8 33 8 40 8 48 8 54 0 00 r H r u X 85 1 68 i 14 S 19 9 S4 8 29 9 48 2 54 2 59 3 09 3 19 3 90 s'ss 3 89 3 49 3 53 3 it 4 01 NORTH, a. if. a. w 10 to a is STATIONS BCBWTON . s 10 TaylorvliicC'.'."!.'.".!. s so uLcxawanna s 28 Plttston 8 38 WestltttBton I 42 WrnmlnCT a . Maltby s ei IKUUClbMiw.t.tM 0 DO Kingston a 8 Plrmnnth .lnnrtlnn riymouth 7 10 a TVituaia T 14 Nantlcoko 7 19 Hunlock's ... 7 25 8h!ck8hlnny 7 47 Wrtrrv Beach Haven 7 ss 8 01 Uenrlck s 07 Bnarcreck. 8 18 wuiow orove. ... s te T.ltnA TM(.n a nn o....... . u Kapy... 8 St muomsDurg .. 8 89 Kupert. g 37 Catawiasa , 8 9 riftnvllli, o Chulaaky, 9 03 uameron 9 07 C1uaTllUHBSaXAHD..H.... 9 82 ti.J- .. v" .""E?11" w,lu ' ui'aucipnia Heading; Hallroad for Tamanend, Tamaqua, will, lamsport, Bunbury. Pottsvllle, etc AtNorthum. f XV, .7 "iv. J-. ii. ib lor iiarnaDurg, Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, corry end Erie. "V. F. HAL8TBAD. Gen. Man., Bcranton, Pa Pennsylvania Railroad, 4 99 r u AM 9 50 55 10 00 10 08 io ia 10 29 10 J7 10 80 10 34 10 83 10 42 10 47 10 51 10 55 11 09 11 12 11 92 11 98 11 37 1148 11 52 11 59 12 05 12 10 19 II 1! 80 ii40 II 5) in . 10 29 10 36 10 53 11 00 11 07 11 It 11 S3 11 96 11 SO 11 37 11 44 11 48 It 08 13 08 13 15 13 90 13 36 19 80 13 37 13 41 11 45 13 50 18 5b 1 03 1 It 1 19 1 95 1 80 r u 80 6 M 8 40 e is T 05 7 18 7 90 7 97 7 81 7 85 7 43 7 49 53 8 OS 8 It 8 23 8 88 8 4t 8 49 8 53 8 18 a BOTJTn. r h 8 OS 9 14 8 91 2 98 9 34 8 47 2 50 t 54 2 69 3 03 3 06 3 19 8 99 3 89 8 45 3 f 1 3 57 4 01 4 05 4 19 4 18 4 24 4 99 4 46 4 64 5 00 5 15 M r a t e so 6 87 n I 5t 69 7 03 7 07 7 18 7 II 7 21 7 35 T 43 8 07 8 13 8tt 897 8 81. 8 81 8 41 8 47 8 53 9 67 9 18 9 33 9 38 9 41 r M J H- WIM4AMH, AUCTiONEKH. 4 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 , i-x. Heal E3tat? Bsught and Sola. T'dttlna .1, ....... .. I a ' i mi mr Miiiiva, FRAZERqr3& 1 - A by 5 pJffdSthMM. Mircba.ti . uiA,wl OutraHy. July I9 d-4t. P Amu it mt a "" MAID 8CAI S A U I Promote, a luiurtjni ro.(. A m ai M.i iagfjwl HINDrnftnaiiB Philadelphia & Erio R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. Jxlh - TIME TABLE, m eaeot may is 1889, Train leave BunBurr EABTWABD 9.40 a.m.. RAK HhIM 1-11- . ... arrtvlcg at Philadelphia 3.16 . m. : New Tork. J.60 p. m. i Baltimore, 8.50 p'm!; ' WuSilngton Shore points. Throueh llunnmt nnanJi rniiadeipnla. - m .. 1.43 p. m. Day Express S t'. JeT.Tork ,SB P- "M Balfimoro MS p.m.: Washington, 8.10 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coackes tnrough to Philadelphia ana Baitoore. E0,K;", ...IT. J?v m. Kenovo Accommodation (dally RiSf 22?? " Intermediate ataUons. arrtv- i?fttnP,hilMilllhla4-IB m- i N6W York 7J0 a. m. Baltimore. 6.16 . m. ; Washington 6.80 a. m. j pnla and New York. Philadelphia Daaaeneera oin remain in sleeper undisturbed until f a. m. I.ul a. m Vru, Ual l . i .-v... y. intermediate nations, arrvtng at PhUadelphU ii2.M?".?ew Yoi'I M tn.i Through PuUm phi a voMengor co acnes to rnuaaei- h,f;?.'VmrSanth.',rn Express (dally) for narrli. SJ''iS ("'''poedlaw statloun arriving at Baltt more i.o, and Washington 8.45, and through pull. K,4n.?l0'p,ng cre t0 Baltimore and Washington, and througp passenger o jachei to Baltimore , WK8TWAH.ll. 6.10a. m rt n van i a 1 1 xt ... . . Canandaigua i d InMrmedlato' atattona, lloches ter, Bultalo and Niagara Kails, with through Pull Kocnerter passuuger aoaoues to une ana . -.Vrf6" aKipreaa ( dally ) for Lock Haven aad Intermediate stations. . p. m. magara itxpress (aauy except nun. T1IDT lfnnn liiai.l.lmi. an1 lnbMwal..a ... !L5i' 'i lister, Buffalo and Niagara Kails with thrcugbpasaenger coacbestoKaneandltochMUr and Parlor ear to Watklns. 6.80 p. m. raat Line (dally except Sunday) for Re. novo. Waiklns and Intermediate stations, with "uuuu paasenger coaches to ltenovo and Watklns, lions?' 'r wu"au BPort aud Intermediate sts TmtOUOU TltAlNS KOKSUNBUBY yitOMTHB JiABV &I41J rJUUTll. NOWB EinTMH 1a1TPB Thl1.ilAtnn. i n . M Baltimore. 4.80a.m. IlarriRlir9. RIn. ni rf.tlv arriving at Bunbury 9.68. a. m. ... , w, Niagara Kxpress leaves Philadelphia, K.60 a. m. j Washrngton 8 10 a. in. BU ttmore a. m. Man u..r.nw ?.i?,-lirjr' r-.3 p,m" wltb through parlor oar from l hlladelphla andtnroughpasaengerooaches from fiuioucipuia ana uaitlmore. r.fti'i.HS 0 leaves New Vois 9.00 a.m.; Fhlladel ESJi'Mi?!."' m' I Washington, 9w a. m, . mm. S?!,!?'5 ??? (aM1' soept Bunday) arriving at sunbury. 6.3o p. m. w th throunV passenger w!tZ '""a ''""al'lPnla and llalilmore 11 .'A'Vf3?0 K'P.'ss leaves New York 8 00 p 5?.,ii!1"alt;,pSUlLP-m Washington 2.50 p. m Baltimore p. m. (dally exept Sunday) airlv IngatlSuiiUury iai8 p. m. ouuuay; un' ,Srte.'ya"lettvesNew York 8.00 p.m. 1 Phlladel. puta.ll.wp. in.i Wa8hlDgton,i&p.m. Baltl. .l'.'!J'.m.,'(dalIy) arrtvl'ugat Sunouryfcio phiftl-iltti . ,hv10U(lJ lm" Bloeolng cars from ,.!Sat.lphla' Washington and Baltimore and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia KI'.:?.,.".K.y'.!,.A:,',tT"N WILKKMBAHUK UAII.lUIAIt ANU NOllTII AND WLnT KVaMIIIUU.WAV. wni,.i,.J,VilJf.e?5P. . v si mi si v wm ouiiuurr iu.du n. nit timm VtAut. Ida v Diink,,.. . a.. Ing st Bloom Perry i2.STp. in-.Kunburr 1.80 D. in Express west leaves VVllkes barre 3 p mtVaf vlng at Bloom Perry 4.50 p. ia!, Bunbury iMf. mt BUNDAY TIUINS. yPin2 mS" l!aTe Bunbury 10.00 a, m.. a I!l oa.Iri. m., Wllkes-Bare n 01.JLl??mm.??aUon leaTe Wllkes-Bairs 6:10 Fis?pl m ' m ,W P' ln, unc,lttr' tiiUB. i. prjdii, j, k. wood, lin ban Rpr wt! r,T,wvr trrt fSxrCOWSUM C5?AM' c 1 K o TasiTi A.,.er,,"r" bT addressing Geo, 1. . "ivvu Co.lOdpruoebT Na.v York ingood faith, aiobUla all needKl litir roaUo u aboot any proposed Una of ADVKitT UIMW U AsocftcsA Newaapers.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers