THE COLUMBIAN AJND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. pOYA POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pure In strength and wholesomenesi. Moro economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude ol low teat, snort weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cam. Horn. uaiino 1'owdkr Co., 106 Wall 8t, N.Y, The Columbian ivrubllshod every Friday, 11.00 n vear. Subscription price, Entered at the l'ost Offlce at Bloomsburg, !'&., BLOOMSBURG, PA fMDAY, JUl7YT9ri889." rOUaUT RAILROAD Till TABLE, DLOOMSBUHU S.BULLIVAN IIA1LR0AD Taking effoct MONDAY, NOVKMI1KU 80, 1839. S0UT1I. NOltTIJ. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv.' STATIONS, r. u. p. u. A.u. a.w. r. u. r. u. nioomsburc,.. t 88 1 03 8 09 8 35 J JJ e 40 Main street S 18 1 M 7 S8 8 46 S 39 6 01 Irondale 6 10 12 50 7 66 8 48 2 41 6 64 Paper Mill 6 08 IS 40 7 48 8 58 2 62 7 01 Llgntstreet. 05 1 35 7 4J 00 S 57 7 OS OrongevlllO 5 67 12 0 7 33 10 8 80 7 16 Forks, 5 45 12 00 7 20 9 23 3 86 7 31 TubbS 5 42 11 63 7 15 30 3 42 7 86 Stillwater.......... 5 37 11 43 7 10 S 37 8 50 7 41 Ilenton,.-- 6 28 11 31) 7 OJ 9 47 1 15 7 63 Edsons, 5 23 11 20 t 56 U 61 4 SO 7 66 CO'ei CreelC. 6 20 11 15 6 52 9 56 4 24 H 00 SugarlOlf, 6 13 11 10 6 44 10 00 4 2S 8 03 taublChS,. D 12 11 03 6 43 10 01 4 83 8 10 Central. 6 09 10 67 8 38 10 12 4 40 8 13 EChO Park. 6 03 10 62 6 Ill) U 4 41 8 19 Jamison City.... 5 00 10 45 6 89 10 20 4 60 8 23 Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar P. if. A H At 11. 1. If, r. si. r. u. -o Trains on the 1'. follows : It. It. K. leave llupert u north. sooth. 7:3t a. m. HrW a. m. 3:31 p. m. 6:23 p. m. o Trains on the D. L. & W. It, Il.leave Bloomsburg as follows: HORTH. SOUTH. 7:19 a. m. 8:32 a. m. 10.57 a. m. 12:06 p. m. 2:24 p. m. 4:18 p. m. 2:3ft p. m. 8:47 p. m. Trains on the N.ftW. B. Hallway pass Bloom Ferry as follows : NORTH BOOTH. 10:48 a, m. H37 p. m. 6.26 p. m. t-30 p. m. BCKD1T. NORTH. SOUTH. 10:48 a m 6:39 p m HAI.r.S. Jolt 20. Margaret Springer will sell personal property on tho premises in Madl on township at 1 o'clock p. m. For Sii.K A desirable and commodious residence on Main street, supplied with water, gas and steam. Apply to jan20tf. L. N. Moyzr. Jolt 24. The administrators of Daniel Brewer, deceased, will sell personal prop, crty on the premises In Pino township, at 10 o'clock a. m. bheep, pigs, farming utensils, &c. Fon Balk. A lino farm containing eighty-six acres, situate In Columbia Coun ty, about 250 yards from D. h. & W. It. B , and having upon it line largo buildings, a never falling spring of water, Is offered for sale upon easy terms. Address to GEO. It. HEIMEN8NYDER, 7-19-tf. Bunbury, North'd. Co., Pa. Fob Salb A valuablo vacant lot on MarketSt., seven lots on Eighth Street, ten dwellings and a good store property in Uloomsburg. Six farms, two grist mills and two store properties In Col. Co. A good farm of 307 acres with good build, logs In Virginia and two farms In Kansas by M. P. Lutz Insurance and Heat Estate Agt., Bloomsburg Pa. Pct'Hoiinl. uharies W. McKclvy is at Hotel Ray mond, Eaglcsmcro. It C. Williams has been appointed post master at Orangevllle. Ex-Sheriff Smith of Stillwater, spent Wednesday in town. Miss Eva Schoch, of Bellnsgrove, la visit ing her cousin, Miss Mamc Schoch. Miss Lizzie Schuyler and Mrs. Bimpkin arc visiting their father, Dr. Schuyler. Rev. W. C. Lcveretfd address during July and August Is Munro & Co., Bankers, Paris, France. Miss Lilian Barton returned on Thursday from Hazleton and Mount Carmel, whero tho was visiting friends. Mr. John Sutton of Bllllwatcr la prepar- Ing a volume of original poems for publlca. tlon. Ho has written some very pretty verses. P. K. Wirt has purchased a lot on West street, and will erect thereon a dwelling house which will bo occupied by A. II. Bloom. Paul E. Wirt and family are taking a trip which will embrace Canada, Thousand Islands, Watklns Glen, and other points of Interest. Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Bloom returned from the west last week, and Mr. Bloom has entered upon his duties as assistant in the Bioomsburg Banking Company. Miss Mary, daughter of Judge 0. O. Mur phy, of Centralla, recently graduated at Bt, Mary's Academy, Emmtttsburg, Md., with honors.- Bho Is an accomplished young lady. II. P. Carter, ex-Bheriff of Wyoming county, and moro recen tly agent for D. M, Osborne Company, bis district including this county, is now tho proprietor of Wall's Hotel at Tunkhannock. John Sutton, John M. Buckalew and Levi Belshline, tho viewers appointed by the Court to view the proposed slto for the new bridge at the Red Rocks, melon 'Cues. day to pei form their duties. O. B. Staple!, who ha ( beeu Collector of Internal Ruvenuo for this district the past four years, vacated the offlce on the 11th Inst, his successor Thomas F, Penman then taking charge. Mr. Penman has le Coined and reappointed all of tho old depu ties, including Robert Buckingham Esq, of this town. Mr. Bucklnghsm tiled new bond and was sworn In last week. The trout fl'blug season closed on day. Mon. Frank Lafountaln, at the Bloom Kerry has boats to hire. The Sunday Bchool of the Baptist church occupied Oak Grove on Thursday, An electric street railway is to bo built between Northumberland and Bunbury, The Daiwille Intelligencer entered upon the sixty-third year of Its existence last week Gradid Jirscy cow for sale by Dr. Skat tuck opposite the Grange store i will take pay In good timothy hay. The Sunday Bchool of Chrlit Church Danvllic, had a plcnlo at Oak Groru on Wednesday of last week. There will be services Iq the Lutheran Church (Sunday July 28th, morning an evening to which all are cordially invited, Ed. DlelTcnbrich appeared on llio strcc ts Saturday last with a now delivery wagon 'or uso In selling tons, coffees, spices, .tc. Tho many remarkable cures Hood's 8ar. laparilla accomplishes aro sufllclcnt proof that It does possess peculiar curativo pow en, Ancarthquako occurred at Charleston on tho oycnlng of tho litis. A slight trc. mor was felt at Wllllamsport at tho samo time, Nearly two hundred llltlo orphan chll. dren from Qlrard College, Philadelphia, havo gone to jsaglo's Moro for a two weeks' sojourn. Ashland Is trying to ralso $85,000 to so euro a now Industry, It doesn't tako Uloomsburg long to get over a llltlo thing like that. It Is said that owing to tho break In tho Pennsylvania Canal, nearly 100,000 tons of coal are lying at the Nantlcoko wharf awaiting shipment. Do not fall to attend the Inwn Festival held by tho Orchestra of M. K. Sunday Bchool, at Mrs. llruglcr's, 3d street, ou Sat urday Evening of this week. Wo havo seen a picture of llaby McKcc. Notwithstanding tho fact that ho Is a grand son of tho President of tho United States, wo know of many prettier children. Creasy & Wells have purchased land on tho south side of Seventh street and pro poso to build a planing mill soon. This will bo n good thing for Uloomsburg. Tho members of tho M. E. Church at Ituckkorn will hold a festival In tho church yard on Saturday evening, July 27. 011- moru's Hand Is expected to furnish music. Miles Comstock, o' Bugarloaf has :been granted a pension of $2-1 00 n month , with back pay amounting to $1473. William 'hrlsman Esq. was the attorney in tho case. Mr. Lloyd Paxton gave a delightful moonlight lawn party at his homo at Ru pert to a number of his friends from Uloomsburg, Hupcrt and Danville, last Friday evening. Tho Young People's Social Club of tho resbytcrlan Church realized about $180 out of their entertainment at tho Hink last week. Tho Italnbow festival was novel and pleasing. John Kramer died on Canal street last Fnday, at the resilience of his grandson. He was supposed to be over 100 years old. Wo publlshid a sketch of Mm several months ago. Ho was burled on Sunday. The Wyoming Democrat Is booming Tunkhannock as a summer resort. It is certainly a very pretty town, and there arc many points of interest in that section, including Lake Carey nud Like ylnola. Rev. Win. E. Fischer, of Centre Hall, preached la the Lutheran Church lufet Sun day morning aud evening, The people were very much pleased with his sermons and manner of delivery. lie made u good Impression upon llitw whom he met. When, by reason cf a cold or from other cause, the stomach, liver, and Milne) '3 be come disorder! d, u lime should be lost in stimulating tbem to uctiou. Aycr's Pills act quickly, sufi'ly, uud surely. Sold by rugglsls mid d' ltlers in medicines. A game of base bull for the champion ship of I.uzirne and Columbia counties was plaxi'd ut Athletic Park between tho Anthracites of WliUclSure and Blooms. burg l ist Saturday, being the third and de ciding game. llkcsb ine won by u score of to 7. Words cauiiol express the gratitude which people feel fur the benefit doue them by tho uso of Ayci'j Sara iparllla. Long- tandtng cases of rheumatism yield to this remedy, when ull others fall to give relief. This medicine thoroughly expels the poison from the blood. Teaohers' examinations will be held as follows : Minilnville, July 20-, Jerseytown, July 23; Buckhorn, July 23; Slabtown, July 31; Franklin, Clayton school house, Aug. 1; Briarcreek and Centre, Granger Hall, Aug. Malnville, Aug. Oth. Oak Grove Park has been put In good condition, and is now ready for engage ments. Churches, Sunday school organi zations or private parties can make satis factory terms by applying to W. R. Tubbs or Geo. E. Elwell, managers for tho Board of Directors. 2w. Persons who have a superstitious dread of Friday, will not be pleased to hear that this is a year of Friday. It camo in on Friday and will go out on Friday, and will have flftv-three lllomened days. There are four months of this year thtt have Ave 'rtdayseach; chango of the moon occurs v times on Friday, tnd the longest and shortest days of the year occur on Fridiy, Tho Philadelphia Record says that tho Wllllamsport and North Branch Railroad has passed into the hands of capitalists In the Interests of tho Pcnna. Railroad. Tho road runs Northwest from tho Reading R. R. at Hall's station, ai.d gives access to Eaelc's Mere and nelizhborlnz resorts. Tho intention of tho purchasers Is to mako connection with the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. List of unclaimed letters remaining in tho Bloomsburi!. Fa.. Post OOlco for tho week ending July 10, 18S3. Miss Edith M. Biett, E. II. Crevcling, Jno. R. Cromley, Miss Aggie Glrton, Miss Lydla Kester, Julian Lalby, Mrs. M. May , Page. Persons calling for theso letters please say, "they are advertised." lKOHUK A. CJlihk-, 1. M. Friendship Fire Company will give a fes, tlvul in Musto Hall on Friday and Saturday August 2nd and 3rd. This Company Is tho oldest In tho town. It has always been ready in timo of tire to savo the town from destruction. By means of festivals they meet their necessary expenses and thus avoid going direct to tho peoplo for money They should be liberally patronized, as tho money will be properly expended to meet necessary wants. Prothonotary Walsh will bo a candidato for the rc-nomlnatton of the Dcmocrallo party for the olllcc of Prothonotary, Regis. tor and Recorder of Sullivan county. Mr. Walsh baa made an excellent ofilclal dur. ing tne past thrco years and It is conceded by all that no better choice could bo mad by the Democracy of Sullivan county. Mr, Walsh In his pleasing and accommodating manner In liU olllctal capacity 1ms won fo himself the friendship of a large perccn tage of the voters of Sullivan county. Ex, l'urced to i.eavo Home Over CO people were forced to leave their homes yesterday to call fur a free trial packago of Lauu'a 1 ami ly Medicine. If your blood Is bad, your liver nnd kidney out of order, If you uro constipated and have headacho and au unsightly pomplex Ion, don't fall to call on any drugzUt to day (or a free samplo of this grand remedy. Tho ladles praise It, hveryono likes It, Large-slto package 60 ceuU. Apr, 2J-0m. John F. Peacock nnd Sherman F. Pea. lock have purchased tho hardware Block of Geo. W. Sterner at tho corner of Main and Market Mrects, nnd took possession ou Tuesday. Thoy are both gentlemen of business experience nnd will no doubt con- duct their now enterprise with energy and success. J. P, Peacock has been tho teller of tho Bloomsburg Banking Company for seventeen years, which portion hn resign, cd last week, nnd B. P. Peacock has been clerking nt I. W. McKclvy's storo for sov. eral years. G. W. Btcrner was compelled to go out of tho business by 111 health. , Tho Manor Rest Inn property nt Jamc. son City consists of moro thnn an aero of ground, with a four story framo hotel nine ty feet long, wllh verandas, water, sower, ago nnd all modern conveniences. It has cost tho company nearly $8000. In order to furnish tho house n mortgago for $3450 has been placed on tho property and bonds of $100 each liavo been Issued nt six por cent, paynblo In ton years or sooner. No better security can bo obtained than this, and persons wanting a good Investment should apply at onco to W. It. Tubbs, Geo. E. Elwell.or A. L. Fritz, Uloomsburg. 2w Tracklaylng on tho W. & W. R'y. Is now completed to Greenwood Summit, tho new lino over the trcstllng at Mlllvlllo is finish ed, nnd n number of ties nro distributed along tho lino to Rohrsburg. It Is hoped that In a short timo Mlllvlllo And Rohrs burg will bo connected by railroad. Pcoplo along tho lino will npprcclato tho great convenience. They can in n short time, and with comfort, bo taken from Rohrs burg to Watsontuwn. They will not bo obliged to haul their coal nnd llmo up those Btcep hills and they will not bo oh llgcd to wait two days for their mall, pro- vlded tho mall route can be extended over the road from Turbotvlllc, which at pro, sent seems very probable. Tablet. A djmonstratlou was held nt Drlfton last week Monday evening to tender fare well to tho Hon. E. B, Coxe aud wife on tho eve of their departure tor Europe. Tho lino of parade, composed of cmployeoa and headed by two bands, marched to their handsomo residence. D. S. McCarthy do- Ilvcrcd a farewell address, to which Mr. Coxo responded. In the course of his re marks he said : "I propose attending bov- ral meetings of mining and mechnnlcal ngincers at the exposition in Paris which will be composed of delegates from all parts of the civilized world and in which matters of great interest nud Import will be discussed. Among tho most Important of which is how to prevent accidents In itles. It has always been my highest am bition to make accidents in mines nnd shops as rare us humau foresight can make them." I5AST IIKNTON. We copy tho following itemi from the Gazelle, Cedar Falls, Iown : "Judge Isaac Kiickbaum, from Cimbra, Pa., Is visiting bis friend of early days, Charles Hnydcr. Ho is taking a trip of pleasure and obser vation through tho West. ' "Judge Krickbaum from Pennsylvania, who Is vlslllug in our citv, says there have been forty-ulno murders committed In the past ten years, nnd only two havo been bung. These murders arc almost exclu sively among the foreign clement, Italians, Hungarians and Polanders. Their plea is generally, self-defense." The above number have been tried before the Luzerne County Courts whllootheis are either in custody, or at large, evading the law. Last Thursday afternoon nnd night nnd Friday forenoon, wo had an almost con- nuous thuml'T storm, during whirh lime William Doty's barn was struck by light ning and a cherry tree between the house ami bam of Wells Liubach. Tho continuous wet weather has retarded the gathering of tho firm crops. Much of the corn will have to go through with little tending. Every farmer has his hands twice full and plenty of water to spari. Miss L lura Btlno was the guest of Miss Rebecca Wenuer last Thursday. The Hillman sisters, Alice and Susie, have again returned to spend the summer soason with their nuni, Mrs. Judge Krick baum. Tho business men of Ronton nro painting the board fences ulong the public roads and advertising their business. Evidently newspaper would thrive at Benton. ItcudliiK'H lliiililsouie l'lmriuimcr CarH. The Reading Railroad yesterday receiv. ed and placed in service another Inst nl ment of tho new passcngei conches built by the Pullman Car Co. of Chicago, for use on tho Atlantic City Division. Theso cars are of special design, exceptiomlly hind- some, and cotubino the latest improve ments In construction nnd appointments. hey are 60 feet in length, and each carries 00 passengers. They run on p iper wheels with steel tires, tho body of the car resting on a combination of elliptical and spiral prlngs, so arranged as to secure great case and smoothness of motion. The Interior Is finished In quartered oak, carved and polished, relieved by French walnut pinel Ing, and tho seats are upholstered lu silk plush of old gold color on heavy oaken frames. The latter are of the sliding and adjustable pattern, said to bo the most comfortable car scat yet devised. The overhoad racks and chandeliers are of solid wrought brass in artlstlo shapes. There tiring rooms lor ladies and for men arc situated at opposlto ends of tho cur, nnd are provided with marble-top wash stands connected with largo water tanks. The fittings of these rooms are silver-plated. Tho general ellect of the Interior, owln to tho style of decoration, tho wide nlstc and tho unusually largo spaco between scats, Is to give an impression of coolness and roomlniss, A total of CO of the new cars will bo running on tho Reading's At. antlo City Lino within a few days. PuVa. detphia North American. Open Your YV'iiuIowh nt ?Ii;iit. NO 1IEASON TO II U AF1EAID OF THE All! WHILE sLKsrixa. An extraordinary fallacy is the dread o night air. What air can wo breathe at night but night air? Tho cholco Is be tween pure night air from without and foul air within. Most pcoplo prefer tho latter an unaccountnblo choice. What will they say if it Is proved to bo truo that fully one-half of all tho diseases wo suiter from are occasioned by pcoplo slcepln with tuclr windows shut ? An open win dow most uights in tho year can never hurt anyoje. In great ciths night nlr ts often tho best and purest to bo had In twcnty.four hours One could better understand shutting th windows in town during tho day than dur, ing tho night for the sake of the sick, Tho absence of smoke, tho quiet, nil tend to mako the night the best time for uirlug 111 patient. Ouo of our highest medical au. thorltics on consumption nnd climate has told me that thu air of London Is never so good as after 10 o'clock at night. Always air your room, then, from tho outsld; air If possible. Windows aro mado to open doors aro mado to shut a truth which uecms extremely dlfllcult of apprehension Every room must bo aired from without every pasngo from within. Smilary World. HV Itlft HTUONO WII.T.. TIIK RISE OF A TOUNO MAN t'NDKIt AIIVK1IHK ClllUU.MSTANCRS. Tho following article wns written by Wil liam Burgess, a former resident of this com ty, for tho National City Jlceonl, Of California t Incidents sometimes occur In the lino of our experience wlileh nro wnilhy of note, and frequently thu review of simple facts lends fresh courago to us In meeting tho practical duties of llfo. Iu Illustration of tho power of tact, application nnd perse verance, I will stato n s Inglo case, not as the only ono In store, but as appropriate for my present purpose. Over thirty years ago when In charge of a Seminary in Pennsylvania, 1 had an np. plication for a pupil, then perhaps 10 years of ago nr more, who desired tho advan tages of a school moro ndvpneed than tho district schools of tho vicinity which woro open pcrhnp six months of the year thrco months In tho summer and thrco months In tho winter. His parents wen. well-to-do larmcrs, a few miles up the valley, Indus, trlnm, thrifty, nnd very respectable, but adhered so rigidly to antiquated customs that they could not tako much.stock in nn expensive education, at least beyond what was then aftorded by these public schools, for many then as now would fain cut down tho school term that moro labor could bo exacted from the children In tho work-shop or on tho farm. The Seminary, a boarding nnd day school combined, for both sexes, was well pationlzcd, however, from the neighborhood and from dUtant localities and our young friend, whom all called "Llje" for short, was an ambitious young man, and ho caught tho Inward desire for mental Improvement nnd a bettor educa tion. Ho obtained permission to leave homo for n timo In pursuit of some scheme, If he could manage the card without Incur ring parcntnl expense. He saw an opening and applied for the position of choio boy, hoplug by faithful scrrlco tn work for boird and tuition, and thus secure tho ad vantages of tho school. The offer was accepted, nnd "Llje" took hold of every department with n vim. Tho stable, tho wood yards, the fires for the family and tho Fchnols, besides general janitor duties, occupied his spare time, but he was nlwnys at his post of duty,always up with his class in school nnd never behind his comrades at games or sport when leisure permitted. That year's servlco probably laid the foun dation for a life purpose. Ho was an apt student in every grade, and gradually ad vanced In his course of reading and study, taking a special Interest In history, biogra phy and n knowledge of the world in gen eral. The time at school was too brief to advance very far in speclnl or scientific brniches of literature, but ho acquired the determined purposo to educate himself af ter gaining au Insight into tho modus ope randi. He might not become n3 proficient oratory us Clay, Calhoun, Webster or hilllps, or as noted iu scieuco as Newton, La Place, Huxley or Agasnlz ; but with such great lights before him he could bend his energies to the task and do something for hlniselr, no matter whether the rc9t of the world around him should stand still or move onward. To do tills he must husband his resources and improve his leisure hours, no matter what might be his vocation for a time. On leaving school ho took a position lu n large flouring mill near by to learn the nrt, nil tho time keeping within the reach nnd influence of the Seminary, nnd wai an nc tlve participant In tho Literary Society there, open to the public, and took proml nenco In debites. About the lime he bo came of age, he was enabled, with the assistance of sorao relatives or friends to buy an interest in tho mill, and In that na other pursuits, being Impressed with c foiclblu adage that "whatever is worm doing nl ull is worth doing well," he be came a skillful miller and drew patronage from far nnd uear. To go back lo the school n moment, Micro was a certain young lady in tho Normul Department who was preparing for the teacher's vocation, and between theso par ties un Intimacy grew npice. The myste rious workings of those sympathetic cords of attraction, even If observed by others, as it were by the twltclilngs of an electric battery, are not nlwnys understood nor very readily explained, but when once charged, the current continues unless ob structed by some Inharmonious clement. Tho said young lady, however, Was also ambitious Culture seemed to bo one of her elements of character, nnd she passed an excellent examination. Shu was soon a ist-class teacher, and after ward taught In tho country for u number of consecutive terms. As kindred elements, however, will gradually mingle unless separated by mountain barriers, her bewitching smiles wero too resistless for the attractive radi ance ot the young miller's affections, and soon by that Indescribable union of hands and sympathy of hearts they were united ly hymeneal bauds and swept into the vortex of mitrimony. Those who havo not trayeled so far may not understand, but they may live and learu. It was a suitably mated, nnd to ull appearances a happy pair, well adapted to each other's wants and necessities, nnd In scholarly gruco nnd refinement, the young man as a ready stu dent, received many usclul lessons In tlulr fforts of study and mutual self-Improve ment. Iu force nnd brilliance he, perhaps, took the lead, but In Intellectual culture, up to this time the medal was hers, but they sought to equalize their burdens, uud n Intellectual growth and power their progress was steady und harmonious. Tho young miller being fully aroused and self-confident, now commenced tho study of law. He leased his Interest the mill, became a disciple of Uluckstonc und foon uflor figured conspicuously as an1 attorney of much promise at the bar. Bo. log temperate in his and shrewd in Ids purchases und speculations and dili gent In professional application, ho soon acquired a competence, and became noted both as a counselor and a pleader at the bar, That youug man had stamina, pluck ami perseverance. He permitted no sell- ous blunders, or Haws of confidence or con duct, to Injure his character, and if mostly successful In his undertakings, It was be cause he planned ahead, nnd so ndupted means to ends that ho accomplished greater results than many who wero not bo cool though moro confident. Ho thus became not only a practical nnd successful business man, but also a useful citizen, taking part In the progressive movements of his town and county, and lu those public and private enterprises calculated to build up a comma nlty upon an Independent, growing, yet self-supporting basis of prosperity. I often think of that youth and some others might name, us blight examples for the en couragement of tho young nnd persoverlng In the line of We'd promotions. Our fnml. lies havo held Hie most friendly reciprocal relations for years, nnd a recent letter from our old friend, bearing date Juno 17, 1880, reviews some past affairs, as it were with pleasant recollections, and I take I ho lib erty lo make a brief extract. After refer ring to a recent promotion, ho says , 1 1 am still encouraged nnd held to labor on with renewed energy, greater skin and graver responsibilities, and my chief dcslro is for stronglh, fortitude, judgment and knowlcdgo sufllclcnt to perform my dutica and well. And whllo I feel and know that my Held cf labor is unite different from what it has been lu tho past, yet I hopo I shall never hcsilato to point with prtdo to my norvlco In your employ n rdablo boy, wood choicer, and flro builder, nt tho "Greenwood Seminary," und to grntetully acknowledge the full and fabulous remu neration I received nt your hands In tho careful, sound nnd efllclcnt Instruction I got at Mint school," That person, my friends, Is now tho Hon. Elijah It. Ixclcr, President Judge ot tho 20th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, com posed of the counties of Montour and Columbia, on tho North Branch of tho Bus quchanna. This, howover, Is not so much for a per sonul commendation, ns it Is for a word of advice to young mon of mind and strength of will, to mnko thu best uso of their oppor tunities, that their lives may In consequence bo moru satisfactory to themselves, more beneficial to others, nnd useful to the world nt large. Respectfully submitted, W.M. DUKCIKSS. i,i;tti;iih i'hom int. and aniH. Tho following Interesting letters from Dr. James B. Ncal nnd wife, who aro In China, wero received by friends hero recently i Piiizkko, 215 Miles N. W. ofCiiefoo, Tuesday Morning, March 13, 1880. As 1 have n quiet hour this morning, 1 want to resume my regular weekly home loiters, by telling you of my trip out here, 1 having arrived at my Journey's end only yestcrduy afternoon, As you doubtless know, I left Chcfoo two weeks ago yesterday morning, In company with n Mr. Btooke, u recently nrrlvcd mem ber ot the China Inland Mission, In order to tiring out 13,000 taels of silver for uso In famine relief. Wo cncli had n cart, with about half tho silver In each aud kept close together nil tho time, being accompanied by four soldiers armed with muskets nnd under the command of a small ofllccr. We' usually started as soon nftcr daylight as possible, and avoided traveling late Inlo the night ns a precaution for safety. I nl. ways kept tho silver in the room with mo nt nieht and slept wllh a loaded revolver nt my head, tho soldiers not being fur away. It was very interesting to Lil'ie and me to notice tho system of changing horses which prevails here In going from Chcfoo to Wei Hleu, by the great road, you pass through parts of tlx counties or Hleu, nud each of these Illcn had to furnish a change of horses to our escort. In speaking of tho Hlen heretofore I have usually referred to them as corresponding to our townships, but tho moro I think of It tho moro I feel they should moro properly bo called coun tlc, for tho principal town in each Hlen Is a large walled city corresponding In somo degree to our county scat, being tho rcsl dcn"o of the principal magistrate of the whole district, which is much larger In area than our small townships, nnd much moro important. Tho village, perhaps, might bo eaidti correspond to our township as it lias no organization of Its own. We really have nothing to correspond to a "fu" or prefecture, unless n congressional district might bo said to do so. Well, to return to the horses, each timo we camo to a Hlen the olllocr lu chargo of our escort hud to send to thu yamen and await a change of horses, nnd lu case wc were to spend a night inside tho walls, a special guard was sent to watch over our safely. Sometimes, too, tho magistrate sent a couple of runners to awcll our escort up lo tho next atagc, though not always, some times sending only u hostler to take back the horses. This arrangement wns not a special one for this occasion only, but is constantly In force for the transmission of messages between the various yamena. Once on tho great road wo did not pass near the Hlen city but only across ono cor nor of tho county, but we found a horse stable established on the road and changed horses ns U9unl, no ono officer sending his horses ucross tho territory of another. When wo left tho great western road ut Wei Hlen und slructoff toward this famine region, wo ulwnys had to go to a Hlen city to chango horses, even though It took us out of our way as it did onco or twice. Wc had a very comfortable journey out, lludlng It pretty cold tor a couple of days but after that quite bearable. Wo reached Wcl Hicn Saturday eveniug, expecting to spend Sun day, but on receipt ot letters from Air. Laughlin, urging the speedy sending of money for tho starving people, Mr. Stooke and I got out our carts again and traveled 10 miles on Sunday afternoon, leaving Llllle to follow In company with Mr. Frnul; Glial funt on Wednesday. After n tedious trip of three days wo reached this station on Wednesday afternoon and delivered half our silver to Mr. Laughlin for the uso of the Presbyterian distributors, and also 1S00 tnels for uso of the English Biptists ho adjoin us on tho west. The next morning we divided our escort, Mr. Laughlin nnd Mr. Siooke taking two soldiers with them to carry a lot of silver to a city somo twenty miles uway, und I having two soldiers and the officer to go with me to Cnlngchowfoo, two days' journey distant, Thursday morn ing I started oil In a slnglo cart and reach ed Chlngchowfoo Friday evening about dark without mishap, whero I delivered the remaining 5,000 taels to tho English Bap 'Ut Mission, Here I dismissed my escor t, and after a night spent nt Mr. Forsyth's started back at daylight Saturday morning , hoping to be able to reach here, whero I hud agreed to meet Llllle, some tlmu dur ing Saturday night. But alas for my pleas lire, I got up in the morning lo llnd it drlz '.Hug und miserably raw aud cold. How ever I started, hoping wo might be able to pull through the 140 II before midnight Outside the city walls wo found the wind blowing a gulu from thu northeast which made it very disagreeable traveling. After struggling along until 3 o'clock It began t snow, uud tho wind increased to almost a hurricane bo that 1 thought It too bud to ask the carter, who had to sit outside, to drive, uny further, so ordered him to turn into thu first Inn he camo to ; unfoitunatily that proved to Uo a Utllo bit of a country placf , wllh great cracks in the doors of the room I occupied, nnd in general most cheeileas aud desolutu. Never were my Babbath Jtecpuig principles put to so haul a test ns when 1 turned into that wretched place, 00 11 from where Lllllo was to spend Sunday It was uo cold I stayed in bed Sunday morning until nearly 11 o'clock to keep warm and also to get rested, 119 I had been up long before daylight every morn lug except Suuday for two weeks. Hi fore I got through my breakfast and devotion, visitors began to come in and I had a chanco to do a littlo talking in n religious way. This, with a walk und my eating nnd reading, managed to use up the day which was a very raw cold ono and by half past seven I was again In bed. Monday morning I got up to find It fpit ting snow nnd thu further wo went tho worse it became until It proved one of the hardest storms of the scusoa, My carter, however, persevered aud by halt past two in thu afternoon landed here to llnd Lllllo all alone, Air. and Airs Laughlin being away at 11 stailoti 2.1 11 distant. They ill nut get hick until Tuosday morning so wo had a nice quiet timo together and 1 had a chance tn take a much needed bah, To day, Wrduesnay, Lllllo und I got to u place called Shungkla Tnnko, 35 11 from here, I to assist Dr, Hunter In Ids relic! work and Lllllo to work among the womeu Mr. Laughll'i has now ou Ids list about 100 villages including about 20,000 peoplo who are receiving ono cent each por day, Not all tho persons in a villain aro enrolled, but only those needing help very badly. Dr. Hunter is enrolling 10,000, making 30,000 In nil fur thu Presbyterians, while the Bap tists are working up to the sahlu number so ns to mako 00,090 In nil. If tho contrlbu lions warrant It, this total number Is to bo further Increased to 100,000. Wo nro great ly lu hopes orders to cnlnrgo may como soon for tho dlsttcsi Is very grcnt nnd many aro unrelieved. As I h ive been hern so short n timo I can give few details of the stato of affairs, but I shall write moro fully hereafter. Dr. Hunter expects to go back to Wcl Hlen In n counlc of weeks nud I presume wc ehnll then take chnrg' of his work. Wo found when wo got hero that tho station which we had been expected to open, lind already been begun by Dr. Hunter, so It wns unnecessary for us to begin another. Wo are looking for Dr. nnd Airs. Alattcer next week or the week alter nnd If they como wo shall have a meeting altogether and decide then upon the ultimate distribu tion of wotk. James il. Nkal. I'rntu MrM. Ncnl. SlIANO Kia Tao Ka, 225 Allies N. W. of Tung Cht- ' (In tho Famlnu District April 9th, iS39. JlV DkAI! FllIBKDl I wish I could picture to you some of tho scenes I Sec from day to day lu my village visiting nn1' yet they would only harrow your feelings. Old men and old women worn away to shadows of their former selves or, In the last stages of starvation, swollen so much as to be almost past recognition : llltlo children In arms almost Invariably very, very thin and wnn I. okingj half grown 'children, wenk and colorless and so worn looking ns to tell their tale of utter misery without a word, aud faces generally on men and women that need months of privation and hnrd ship to bring to them the famished look they have. A passing look at the faces of a family almost always gives a pretty cor rect idea of tho depth of their poverty. Then they tell you how this ones' baby, that ones' father or mother, this man's wlfo and daughter, that woman's only son or lur two or three little children have starved to death ; how so and so sold his Utile girl or boy to mako sure of their having some thing to eat, nnd so that tho money might provide for his other children for n month to come j how another mau'a wlfo hung herself to get away from the sight of her hungry, famishing babies, (one door keep er's wlfo nto arsenic because sho couldn't bear to sec her children suffer so,) how still another man has taken all he has left of his tamlly and lied in the hope of being able to reach a land where ho can get work or plant his grain where there la less fear of It3 lulnf m'.acd before harvcat time, and th -j will show you the deserted house with Its locked door and a9k you to peer into tho window and sec the colUIn there with the unburicd starved mother or father In it, and on your way you aco a man pulling lowu his hou9o, nnd nsk him why he is doing It, he'll tell you to sell the timber so as to buy something for tho little ones to eat always tho samo reason, for some thing to appease this eyer recurring, knaw Ing, hunger, or ns they express It, "to paste these Hps shut." Of all, tho littlo babies look tho very worst : it would wring your mother heart to seo tho littlo skeleton like Indica and hear tho weak hungry cry and to watch them ns they try to swallow tho n ess of clulT, roots,bark of trees and grass mixed together and mado into a cake, (which is what tho peoplo arc mostly living on now,) that their mother's chow up and put Into their gaping littlo mouths. Tho Doctor is still hard at work enrolling thu sufferers and you would bo pleased If you could see tho energy, nromptltudo aud llio systematic way in which ho la carrying on this good work, not sparing himself any weariness or hardship in furthering his work of relief. To-day ho was off before nlno o'clock and will not be back before to-morrow evening. Note Tho Chlneso authorities through tho example of the mlssionatlcs were at last led to glvo so liberally themselves to famine relief, that the missionaries found they could give up the work of famlno relief to them and Dr. and Sirs. Nenl returned to their homo at Tung Chow the last of Alay Fino Cabinets In vignette or scroll. tf M'KlUlp Bros. A I'jilutlal HcMlclcucu. Tho Suubury Democrat recontly publlshod an intcrestlnrf biographical sketch of tho great lawyer and statesman, lion. S. P. Wolvcrton Toward Iho close of tho bl ograpky tho following description of his elegant mansion, which is being built in that borough, was given s In Apiil, 1E03, tho Senator bought of Henry Hartley of Philadelphia, tho stone house, corner of Arch and Front streets, which was built by Win, McClay, In 1773 Last summer ho commenced "repairing" it, every thine tobu finished by Christmas, Hut tho repairing consisted ot leaving only i small part of tho front and ono end wnll standing, lust enough for a sentiment, Christmas camo and went aud the timo fo lluishing waa extended to February 1st, ibon to July Uti it is not finished yet and thu architect 1j now given to September Ut. There are tweiity.two rooms, besides two bath rooms und closets without nura her. Tho Ilnlshlng Is being done without referenco to cost. Hath room wains, cotlng of glazed tilo, ceillugs of paneled wulnut and oak, mantels carved and linlah d In tho highest nrt, tile facings to grates painted by artists of note, the onyx of Mexico also coming to aid in the decora. tlon of this palatial homo. Tho stairway is probably the finest in tho Btate, outside of Philadelphia, costing itself somo threo liousaud dollars, llcsidca this one tho Senator hns a handsomu summer rcsidenco nt Wildwood lleach by tho sea, a pluco in which ho is Interested with several others, and which blda fair to become a largo nnd fashionable resort. CoiiHiiiiipllou Hiircly Cured To tiik EniToit Please Inform your rend- crs that I have u posltlvo remedy for tho above named disease. Uy Its timely ubo thousands of hopeless cases havo been per- inanently cured. I shall bo glad to send wo bottles of my remedy pkkb to any of your readers who havo consumption If they will senil mo tuolr express anil post otllo address. Hespectfully, T. A. SLOCUll M. C..1B1 Pearl St., New York. sept.31.1y Life size crayons in gold, frames only U IPKlllIp Uros. mn i.hiIIch Wantoil' And 100 men to call on any druggist for a free trial packago of Lino's Family Modi cine, tho great root and herb remedy, ills. covered by ur. Bllaa Litiu whllo In tho Hocky Mountains. For disensos of tho blood, liver nnd kidneys it is' a positive cure. For constlpitlon and clearing up tho complexion H does wonders. Children llko it. Everyone pulses l. Largc-slzo package, CO cents. At ull druggists.' Apr. 20-0m. Delinquent Subscriber I don't llko the "Spread Eaglo" as I usod to. I think tho paper Is rather dry. Sarcastic Editor I don't sea bow it can bo dry. There la considerable duo on your copy, Kr. A IIOIIKl Ot IlCltllll MlHKllNtCtl Trouble is brewing iu tho local Hoard of Health of Wllllamsport and several of tho members threaten to resign. Ever slnco the flood tho board has been actively on. gaged In Improving tho sanitary condition of tho city, although continuously hamper, cd by indifferent members, whose absence prevented meetings by tho lack of a quo. rum. Tho board asked Councils for an ap propriation of $10,000, but undor tho plea of OLonomy only $2000 was appropriated. This Is not considered sufficient to con tlnuo tho work already commenced and tho members aro about disgusted. linu'l ntvn V benaitsn vntl ffnl litifn anil nrn fmiihlml with that tlicd nnd nll-aooo feclinrr. Do . " ' - " ..uuu.v.. 1 as 1 did, usn a bottle of Sulphur Bitters, it will mako you feel llko n hew person; It did me. Jennie Holmes, SSi Tremont street, Boston. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When nbj was ilex, wo girt her C&storta. When she was a Child, the cried for CutorU, When she became Mlas, she clung to CutorU, Whtn the had Children, tbs gave them CutorU. wanajiaker's. riiiLADKLPuii, Monday, July is, 1SU9. Closed Saturdays at i P. M. If vour bttvinrr thontrht U Dress Goods, write to us stating the kind of fabric you have in mind, or the purpose for which you desire to use it, with the price you wish to pay, and we will promptly place in your hands samples of the best we can supply at the price. That should mean the best anywhere, lor the Wanamaker stock of Dress Goods is the largest and best selected we know of in the world. If you do not know the technical name of the goods, no matter; tell us how they look to your eyes, or how you suppose they look, and we will find them. lust so of anything elser set- tie on what you want, as near . . . I as may be and write for it. bporting things, Fishing tackle, Furnishing goods, Toilet articles, Millinery fixings, Books of every sort, and the thousand other things lor home use or wear or house decorating that we have a store full of. tf. John Wanamaker. LOCAL riUTICES. BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits only $3- doz. Life size Crayons only Sio.oo. Viewing, copyincr and enlarging. Instant process used. tf. Bananas 15 for 25c at The Oieat Eastern Tea Co. Tablo linens, towels, tablo covers, coun terpanes, ccc, at uiarK son's. Lemons 20c a dozen nt The Great Eastern Tea Co. Tho best lines of corsets. Corset waists for children only 2i)c at Clark & Son's. Bananas, wholesale antl retail at Tho Groat Eastern Tea Co. Clark & Son aro closlnc out lots of Sum- I mer urcss goous at remarKaoiy low prices. Dress ginghams, seersuckers, batiste, chal. lies, esc Picnics and Festivals suiiD'tcd at tho I closest poasiblo pricea obtainable at THE UltKAT EASTEUN. Silk mitts. 2 pair lisle thread cloves fo r sic. (uiicK oniyj. uiuuons, laces, hosiery of all kinds, underwear, pocket books. hair ornaments, jewelry, &c. at Clark & Son's. Just received to-day 10 boxes of Kecblcrs line assurtcil cakes anil crackers at The Great Eastern Tea Co. Now is your timo to buy an embroidered White Dress. Clark Ss Son are closing out lliu uaiance ol tuelr stock or loo season. Soaps at Tho Great Eastern. Tho best makes In tho market. Gold Dust for scouring and scrubbing nas no eipui. ios. ior vac at THE G. E. TEA CO. Pure ten and coltce and spices a special ty at me ureal eastern. Also 'llio U. . Tea Co. urand liaklng Powder is guaran- teed and cannot bo beat, 00c with hand somo presents. G. E. TEA CO., lllocmsburg, Pa. Sunbury Pa. Iilooclccl l'owls, Pit Games. Grist Shawlnecks. Heath. woods, Ulack 11. llcds, tha will stay to win. ttggs, in ior $i, oausiaction uuarantceu. WIlXIAM DENNIS. tf. Uloomsburg, Pa. t,Jieniion tuis paper.; BUSINESS NOTICES Dr. Thoel. the renowned specialist has cureii more cases oi special, Kiuncy, blood sua nervous diseases man all others com. btned. Tho power of hcullng that tho Doctor possesses is no doubt duo to his complete, practical knowledge ot the alo. pathlc, homtepathlc and eclectic systems of medicine. We advlso those suffering to consult him-in person or by letter. OtUco Gas North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pf I. W. HARTMAN & SONS. Wo are trying to feed and clotlio a part of the GO men who are at work on the High School JsiiuuniK, n part ot tho 25 men who aro cutting and laying stone on the new Presbyterian Church, a part of the hundreds who aro milking brick, working in iiunuer yum, on xno run roacts, in tho car shops, in tho lounu nes, in tho Desk lnictory, the Woolen Mill, m tho Silk Aim, in uio wusning machine lactones, at the lurnaces, and a part of tho army of men who are excavating ground at tho normal ocnooi, ior mo now buildintr. Wo do not forget fhosooutof town, who como by rail or in wagons. Our great murk down pricea uro drawing pcoplo from yds. yds. yda. and lard, potatoes ham, should luer, sides, lemons, oranges, bananas, sugar, colTcc, tea, &c are in de mand. Tho farmers know where they can get good groceries, good dishes, good glas9 ware, good dress noods, Eood muslins, good shirtings, good ginghams, good calicoes and all other goods cheap, Uood butter and egi . . . . fire lOOklllE UP IHlU Bell WC The farmers arc about done with the harvest and will come to town for a rest. I. W. HARTMAN & SONS. Sowing and Reaping, a new song book for Sunday Schools, by J. U. Kumenknabe author of "Gates Ajar." Prof. Kurtzenknabo's" books are so well known by all loveru of sacred songs, as to need no recommendation from us; hia songs are sung in every home at every fireside. In his last effort he has outdone lnmselt and gives a collection of sacred songs unexcelled. The book in point of workmanship is beautiful, bo- inS printed on heavy paper outside of front cover being lithographed, the subject taken from our Savior's parable of the sowcr- Send for sample sheets, Single copios by mail, 35 cento. postage, uo eacii. Pcr dozen, '.30 " 1 er hundred, SMU.UO. If yur Sunday School is in need of reward cards, class books Sift hooks, or a library como ad examine our stock, see what you get before you buy it. You are me saver. y e sen as low as you can buy elsewhere and 8ave you the Ireight ITT XT T W. H. Brooke & Co. Bloomsburg, Pa. B. F. Suit PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, DEALER IN m pumps, mines, t Tin Roofing a Specialty. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door in Bloomsburg Opera Hoot?. Ul'Itillip Bro, Blooiiisbui'g. Photographs & Crayons. Correct Styles, Perfect Finish Copying, Enlarging. Viewing, aud Frames to Order A MISTAKE OF YOUR'S far and near to buy. 12 nico Challio for GOc., 12 India Linen for 72c, 12 Crinkled Seersucker 84c. remnants lower. Butter, If you fail to examine our stock of "Speowl Mado Clothing." Don't purohoso until you b&vo seen otira. WE GUARANTEE All our garments to bo of Superior Fabrics, Correotly Styled, Artistically made, and much lower priced than any othsr hrst-olass clothing. Uomembor, wo are praotioal Tall. on and Ulotuicra doing a largo business. Wo aro diroot importers, Wo sell to tho consumer at FIRST COST Clothing may be ordered from tho Samples oj cloth and full mamtciwns "Jiow to lake measure - obtain a perfect fir sent Fret of Charge. When writing Jor samples please mentlon this paper. 1 0. THOMPSON Special Mado Clothing, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ( Directly oppcuito tbe Ulut,
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