MflFSSlONAL CARDS. L. FIMK! " ATTOUNKY.AT.LAW, Office Front Room, Over Postoflloo. DLOOMSI1UHO, iA. J II. MAIZE ATTOKNKY.AT-LAW, INSUltANOK ana UEALEsTATE AOKNT, Office. Room No. 2, Columuian building. ULUOMSUUHU, PA. Jan. SOth 1888, tt ' jaT U.FIMK, ATTORNK ST-AT-LAW. llLOOMSBUUU,!'! Offlco In tint's Uulldlng-, J OIIN M. OLAltif, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW JU-sTJOE OF THE PEACE. ULOOH8BUSO, Pi Onico over Moyer Bros. Drug store. c ATTORNBr.AT-I.AW. Offlceln l) rower's Ko.l nioomsburg-, I'a. B, FHANK ZARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BloomBburg, Pa. Offlce corner ot Centro Ana Watn streets. Clark i Building. Can Ira oonsultod In Oorman. G EO. E. ELWEIiL ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, llLooMeBtiita, Pa. OlUcc on second floor, third room of Cot ounuN Uulldlng, Mitlu street, below Ex chsngo Hotel. rr H. V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURQ, tOfflco in Wlrts may 1-tf Building, PA. 2nd floor. j 8. WWTEUSTEEN, Attoi'noyat-Law AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Ofllce lu 1st National Dank bulldlne. second noon nrst door to tholelt. Corner ot Main and Market troeta Uloomrt urg, Fa. DWI'eruiont and Bountlet Collected. F. P. BILLMEYER, (J)IHTJUOT ATTORNEY.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Dcntlcr's sHrOftlce over Bloomsburg, Pa. shoe , store, npr-30.80. ty. H. 1U1AWN. ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW. Catawlflsa, ra. OBco.oorner ot Third and Malnatreots T 0BE11T It JLX, ATTORNEY LITTLE, AT-LAW, jw-oniee, coldubiah front room. ULOOMSUUKU, PA. Building, second noor, G HANI" HEUIHNO, . ATTOltNEY-A F-LAW, 11I.00MSIH11MI, PA. OMco ovt r ltawllug's Meat Market. D It. HONUUAA. ItOUUINS. lie JK BITTENBENDEB, "rejr!etor. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1889. NEWB IN BRIEF. Tho Army Floral Association, lost organized In London, propose to set tip disabled or poverty-stricken vet crans In tho business of selling flowers on tho streets. Tho veterans are to bo provided with glasa-covcrod bar rows liko green-houses, on wheels. Tho very1 latest attack of jewel nun- la czporiencod among certain English men of rank is tho weatlng of brace lcts ruado of hair fro In tho tip' Of an elephant's tall. This portion of tho i - leicpnams tan. a ma portion 01 vuu THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XXIII.Nob elophantino narrativo has under tho COLUMBIA DKMOOHAT, VOL. Mil, NO II "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST." "IWrANY persons are tinder the impression that Ivory Soap is ex pensive, and intended for the use of the wealthy only. The fact is, the price is lower than for ordinary soaps, quality con sidered, for in the "Ivory" no " cheapeners " or "makeweights" arc used, so the buyer gets all "true soap" for her money. Its harmlessness, durability and efficiency admit of its being used for all purposes with equal satisfaction and economy in the families of the rich or poor. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good ajthe'lvoryY' they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting It. CopyrlRht, 18flC, by Proctor Oarablc. ESTIMATING FLOOD LOSSES amounting, to $1,400,800 that arc not uiuiuucu iu uio iormai report, ai an WHAT THE RETURNS TOR LYCOMING AND OLINTON 00UNTIE8 SHOW. Even thoBO aro not givon as oomplotely supplementing thoso in tho report. Tbo lumber losses in logs and manufactured work uro put down by good judges at A correspondent of tho J'ress has four million dollars. Tho boom koep- ruado an estimato of tho flood losses on e,r " IV901,1, 18 qu,olGa M BaylDS ,,, ,n , , . ,. ,. that 300,000,000 foot of Ions wont ovor tho West Branch. Below Is tho result U)C boomi 'u oarou,g Judg0B BaV) of bis investigations : ot tho tirabor mUBt hftV0 noatod Tho dwellers along thu West Branch down with tho wators from up-country of tbo Susquehanna from Sunbury up crocks, as, iu thoir judgment, thcro to tho region round about Konovo have oould not havo been so muoh timber in only now contrived to cot a clear no- tho river. tlon of their property losses by tbo What peroontago of value will bo freshet of last month. They put them saved by the box sale of part of tho at $10,000,000. Tho estimato is re- logs and tho bringing baok of another garded as conservative, even low. part, all under tho guidance of tbo Tho great bulk of theso Iobcs will Lumberman's Exchange, at William fall on Clinton and Lycoming counties, sport, is an uncertain matter. Mr. though Northumberland loses much. Prior, of tho Exchange, in loply to What the counties beyond Clinton have tho question as to whothor ho thought suffered has not even been included in 25 nor cent would bo saved, rcpliod this computation, which covers tho only, "It is quito possible." Tbo territory in which the flood wrought its gross loss of only one of tho leading greatest wreck. How tho counties will lumbermen is said to bo put down by stand tho effect of theso great blows, is himself at $365,000. It is thought what none venture to predict with con- that tbo loss to farmers along tho riyer fidoncc. A fow business men have gone and creeks has been very much larger nnder. Prudent people look for a few than tho sworn figures in Mr. Georgo's moro lailurep,' but tliey hope that with icport would indicate. There is no in HUMAN BA0R1FI0B IN AFRICA, I ATR0C10UBI.Y CRUKf. IIURlAt. UITBB AT TUB QRAVF. OV A KINO. i Tho steamer Congo brings news froin Now Calabar of most revolting sacri fice. It seems that a fow months ado Opie and the Butoher, MARVELOUS 'TRANSFORMATION SCENE OAUSEU BV A $10U CHECK. tho rccuperativo resources which tbe suranco against loss by flood carried in or walk nor crawl. In this state, aiid nttuuuuii uiu mum, uxuruoiaunir paiu. tho unfortunate creatures were placed at tho bottom of tho grave, seven of thorn lying side by side. Tho body iof demand assumed an almost priceless value. Tho oirolos aro most exquuut.'. ly mounted in gold arid silver. An eccentric Oorman has created a sensation at Mount Holly by announo- inir that ho hns offered his will for pro- bato in order to havo hiB cstato settlod rtntn P I?o,,1 ll.n. nnnii.a nf (l.n Ar. UP (lUrintT 1U8 IlIO timO. A CiaUSC in kansas Traveler, is so very oxoollenti a tho Instrument provides that one-balf lion r. flnnmo that n fintzr mnnlha a.n I tltiflnnnp ttinr. tin Matin Itt mnntlCVPa In I ia CDWIU Dual, w uio Tvt.w, wo tho old King of Eboo died, and, asjis end each month a little deepor in debt long as sho remains his widow, and oustomary in that part of tho country, than ho began it. Yet nobody over when sho marries again tho othor half tho traders from Now Calabar went tip loses by him. In somo manner, though shall be paid her, "as it costs moro to fco jmy meir reapccie 10 me new mon-1 nis general maeuincftu Keeps piung up, i v t)t stand long, wo snouiun 1110 cor(1 ha8 bg0 found ncar Lako pkeo uo pressed tor a lomoai oxpianauqn i,m, tvi,- f.,,i il r,,. kuuv MIUUK" VUVBU VVOIU UVCri 1UV Ul HIIB UAiauUAlUDI WIOVI.IV'U, wuw i. I An,nn .....I fl, tnab a nta 1 Irt mti n t n deceased monarch's namo was Imphy, Beems, novdrtheless, to be truo that ton foot ai:trator. and was th'oroforo anu lo tno honor of tho H-ngllsh tradors wlills liin aggrcgato inuootedncsa keeps nnabIo t0 mak(J hig IIo wag tho "lulu ooremomcs woro at thdir growing his individual debtors are ..,- mUh ..,, .iintmiUi-' ind niirnnor mnnn ihai nntnifi irimA rwrrn i m n tr inrtmtii f n irtan nnrtiiiiiff I . 'Kvo it via kitujr VIIVVI Wl AJlLfUU TV 1 1 IIUI VI 1 111 M M 1UJU HllJVIUUfji Tho rites had been in operation for Ono morning Opio oamo Into tho about two months, and already aboht Chicago Press Club rooms, whero a forty had been slain to appeaso"In IU" number of tho members were seated gods, Tho old King was tha lying Jn chattering. Opio did not tako part in a grave which had beon dug for him. tho conversation, but Bat by ono of tho The hole was a largo ono' and deop. opon windows smoking his hugo pipe LyinR in tbo samo trravo woro nino bf and evidently thinking profoundly. tho King's youngest wives, and thdir "Something on your mind, OpioT' deaths had been brought about in the asked ono of the boys. most cruel manner. Each of tbe poor "Ifes. My butcher is on tny mind, oreatures had. both thoir wrists and and ho s tbe biggest butcher you over ankles broken, so that thoy could neith- saw. If I didn't havo a ponderous only "gavo up, tho ghost" after receiv ing twenty-sovon shots from a Win chester ritle. FRESH HOPS, HCMLOCKtQUM AND flnC BALSAM COMBINED Spread on white mouin. The Popular AND RELIABLE PLASTER. MM fl EVERYWHERE I f I 2SCTS. 1 r r su r Sold Everywhere 25 CTS. 5 for SI .00 or mailed Tor price. Apply one now fbr Sackachs, 81deaoh, RheamaUmn, Kidney WsAkness, Tender Lur-iis , Bore Chest, Bttcr Uaeoles, Femei rune, unoA, upreuna, eio. ItcureseTtry tort of Pain, Ache,orWeakces5t and quickly, too. look for tignature tf HOP PLASTER, CO., Proprietors. BOSTON, nlApenuinpoot. omce and realdonce. Woat First street, Ulooms- bure, i'a. do?2 S3 ly. Jll, McKELVY, M. D.,Burgeon and Phy . slclan, uortb sldo Main Btreot.bolow llaxket rK. J. C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN BCIIUB0N, omco, North Market street, Hloomatrarfc, Fa rvll WM. M. HKI1ER Burecon and LlFhyBlolan. orllce corner ot Kocfe and Jiarltet treet. j j. imowN. SOfflce and rosldence 3rd Street, West ot Market sear M. K. Cliurch. Ofllco hours e?ery atternoon aod evening. Hpe ctal attention given to tho eyo and the lilting of glasses. Telephone connection. JQR. J. It. EVANS. Treatment of Chronic Diseases made a SPECIALTY. Oflioo, Third Street, Bloojisiiiiro Pa QUALITY, PRICE region possesses, and with patience. economy and extra exottiou, every thing will come out well in tho end. Men who lost tho savings of years In tho rush of water, and saw themselves in an hour thrust far back in the race for prosperity, were naturally for a timo dopressed and blue. But the old spirit begins to reassert itself and all about this region ono hears men, who only a fow weeks ago wcro in despair, now unrolliug plans, which they" confident will wipe out the past and build them up onco more. It is a good sign. It is halt tho battlo for recovery. THE CLINTON COUNTV LOSSES. Aftor dwellings and houses had bsen put in such order as might bo when the flood had gone down, and private affairs had been adjusted there natur ally was a wiah to know what tho ag gregate- losi bad been. Tho relict com mittee, with Mayor George Mason, an old Girard College boy, at its head, having attended to the immediate needs of tho. sufferers sent out all through the county blanks asking for a return in figures of the extent of tho damage. Tbo returns, according to a request con tained iu the form, wero sworn to. They woro summed aud tabulated by S. D. Ball and C. D. McCormick, who compriso a sub-oommittee. Tho report shows that tho sworn Mosses in the county amount to $900,622. ho report runa : We don't starve Quality to throw a bone to Price. In other words, we don't slight our work or use inferior trimmings to tempt you Avith a low price for poor goods. None but the Best Clothing for Mqn, Youths, Boys and Children. A. C. Yates & Co LEIXIKU r.UII.DINd, SIXTH AND CHESTNUT, rllllADKLrillA. DlSTItlOTS. go Near Philadelphia. School Opru Sept. 10th. Yearly ISxyenae, SSOO. Quarterly l'ai u't,S145, Admllt nd tl.nlfie. youmr men .nd rv It ny lime I (1M them for rtuslne... tny Collert. 'olrtechiil School, for West Point or Ann.polls. Alcel cliwi In I' Chemistry, Surreylnf, F-'ee"'"1 ti s Allison, $400 $850 $905 $1655 Bald Eagle,C27 $250 7,712 11,885 19,074 llccohcrecK, 14 z.zuu v.vii Caetancn, 4,210 10,075 11,740 32,670 ChttpmRn,2,6l7 9,010 5,140 10,767 uolebroou, u3 uiu l'usu ,isui o,iuu Crawford, 00 15 2,428 1,005 4,186 UunstableD.uuu u.uss sv.uiu zu.oua oi.wa Gallagher 400 1,050 1,450 Urecne, z.uou i,vsu 4,yau Grugan, 735 0,057 3,110 8,003 Keating, aou i.uuu v.uaa o.aao Umar, 4,034 8,819 39,830 15,623 63,003 IiO'kllaWaOSO 187.026103,0.5789.510454,450 Logan, 57 0,854 1,078 7,489 Loganton 4,840 2,870 7,210 Mill Hall, 3,035 5,400 5,482 5,634 20,691 Noycs, 5,344 4,480 22,665 11,643 44,182 'ine uric, o,uu i,iva ou.uut iu,uoo va,ooa orter, 1,852 18,205 6,123 26,180 Kcuovo, 60 1,819 100 1,009 Wavne. 2.0S5 89.768 7,488 50,241 Wood ward7,000 1,072 13,888 8,614 80,557 Total $930,622 J. IIES9, D. 1). a, a ' Civil fcngineenny, urate., M.tnemaucs, etc. une 01 in. dtsi eui,ii ;, -r--,. ,r" , M douLU irudenuWrtt .ftn the Htnclpil. Te.clten .11 men nd ur.dii.te. of College.. Fine bulwhnf.t.lnfftf JJ" tooni. treiy room hi. In It .te.m rdl.tor .nd I. lompletely fmnished. Croindl J " 'V .iltlfarblck. ;Sletlc..elc.'cyn,n.sli,m. SecUloppo;tlinitle.for .p. undent. to.d,.nce..p,dly. Frlvjte Y;, .rd Uiy.. Pt,o.. or .rodent, may Klett ny .tudie., o. Holiness, ''eiwl'rep.r.tory. WectMtjl, M .StiJJ'J,1'' course, nd Clieinie.l Lbor.toty. fracucl nn.lne.. Deuartment. with Tejejmpby, . tin.. r..llv .,.(H.1.I w,,l. niMdritu. than knv other Colleee-tiltinsr hool. Medl. Acwlemy .Bord. .eenf nomm w raliuttte of the rhiladelnhla Dental CoUejro, UaTlQg openeu a aemai uiucu ia LOCKAUD'S BUILDING, corner ot Main ana centro streets, BLOOMSBURG. PA., 8 prepared to receive all patients requh ng pro- rtttUUUUl OKI Tilt,, BTUKIl. OAS, AND LOCAL ANAKST11KT1C8 admlntatered for the painless extraction of teeth tree of charge when artinclal tooth are Inserted. ALL WOUK GUARANTEED AH ltKl'ltKoENTKD. OCt 26-1 y. 11. UOUBK, -DKNTI8T, Bi oosisuuito, Columbia County, Pa fcllatylesol work aone In a superior manner, work warranieaas repruftenieu. xanTii ni"ui n wunoui Paim By tho use of Gas, and Xreeof charge when artlflcl&Hoeth arelnserted. Offlco In Barton's building, Main street, below Market, livo doors below Klelra'a drug store, first floor. lo be open at all houn during the rfat Noyss-ly T F. 1IAHTMAN BirBisiNTS ih Toiaowma AMEUIOAN INBURANCE;OOMPANlE8 Worth American of Fhlladelphla. Kranltlln, " " yennsylv&nla, " " York, ot 1'ennsylYanIa, Hanover, of N. Y. queens, of London. North British, ot London. Otnoa on Market B treat, No, I, Bloomibarg. 1- Bloomsburg Fire and Life InaAgency. ESTABLISHED 1B86. M. P.XUTZ (snccessor to rreas Brown) AND UKUhEU, ukl frtviietof, Media, V. CirtuUis at thiswllke. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING CS-. W. BERTS GH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. .;o: Ms' Furnishing MiUi i I:;: OV UVEKV DKSCItlPTION. Suits made to order at short notice and a fit always Guaranteed or no sale. Call and oxamine tho largest and best selected stock of goods over shown in Columbia county. Htoru next door to First National Bank MAIN STREET, sBloonisbiira; Pn. EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS. PROPRIETOR 3L00HCBUUO, PA. OPPOSITE OOUllT HOUSE. Lartre and cmvonlent samnle rooms, Uatb room I hot an c jM vtiter, ana all molern oonvonloncs AsaetB f 9,628,!1S8.9T 6,!SS,CM7 .K8'469 IS 9,019,903. US 4,11!,7S.9 0,W3,i3.71 B.B-24.D&1.49 1,(UV,1U5.00 4,853, W4.00 1,SI,SM.83 jUno!!W-4t AGENT CourixiEs BtraisixTin: 4tu Vlrc Ins. Co.. ol narttord,.. Hertford ot Hartford 1 lioenlx ot Hartford. ir-riDHnelJ ot SprlDgfleld. , ytie AfJ.olatlon, Ptalladelphta (itinralan of London - 1 1'enlx, ol London an.afihlreof EnglandlU. B. branch) Kjyal or England " ' Mutual Benent Ufe Ins. Co. of New. ark, N.J..... .... Losacj promptly adjusted and paid at this office. FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY OF J. H. MAIZE, Otllco 2nd floor Columbian Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Liverpool London and Globe, largest In the world. iIMPEIIIAL ot London, t9,GV!,47V.0O CONTINKNTALOf NeWiOrk, 3,S3V,Wl.tS AklltllKlAN Ot PlilladelDhla. 'JiIAUAHAOtNewYorx, ti,W,47V.8 nine 1, 1H83, tr. Exchange Hotel, BENTON, I'A. Tho nndereltrned has leased this well-know tiouso, and Is prepared to accommodate the publlo wltn ail toe conveniences of a nrot-ciass uotet. 4TW1 CBHUBb DiUKB,rroprletor ltnulUng from the Errors of Youth, r oily, Vice. Ig norance, ic, mr he cured it homo without fall or riooiure, loriilllble and ('onntlentlnl. Iri:e Treatlee, BOO pace., only fl by in&u, aealetl, iin.i paid, flinnll luinlr. with endomemeuts of tho liriihe. free. Bend now. Address the Pealxidy Mctllral Institute, or HT. arfc-er, no,, jjumuu. nu,iioiluii,aia.a. t.rmU Tho WONDERFUL ifLUBURG OM III, KtClllllf, r lllllll lnnin. I.0UHGC, BCD, nrt'H r COUCH. PHci 9UU ill. Adimtiin; Hiciiiin. rkviiclui' Rllli. Tuk, Qlci Oiitiilii ' Ii.iiK ,iiirr. it rucyCarMl rllii, Ri4 Riltn CHAIRS ana All KINDS OF APP11AHCES FOR INVALIDS. RABY COACHES Orer 00 different dtMlgoi Our Piliil Aitma.le Brihi oa til Car rbolMtJlrtf i bj pUcLn jrour order diivct with tua iaAkr 700 ctu wm -fruJ pro. Our tiuhimg pnet cad NoiAl UrjalPB wUl uuanitibJ fua. uood&tuJtl BntW guarauU4 &nd tUiwAntt! tria ta ui Dutnt la 1 f bie.1 i.t..lM M T" Kdiiil aif cir.ik . UtUkcv tuad tut im wi ixxi4 10a iut V km; LMBUNC MFC. CO. tpW tTljPcfV iWBffW' Wffp 4V BMeWPinWl JFRV .yAlNWmGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS. I'llILADBLl'Uli, I'A. JKAS, SYRUl'S, COPFSE, BUQAH, MOLASSEb ltlOB, Sl'lOES, IilOAIIIl SODA, ETC., ETC. N. S. Corner second and Arch 8t. aworders will receive prompt attcntnoi CBOWN AMJE THE BEST BURNINQ OIL THAT CAN BE MADE FROM PETROLEUM. It gives a brilliant light. 11 win not smoxe ine emmneys. It will not char tbe wick. It has a high Ore teat. It win not explode. It is pre-eminently a family safety oil. WE CHALLENGE COMPARISON With any other Illuminating oil made. We Stake Our Reputation As refiners, upon tho statement that It Is THE BEST OIL IN THE WORLD. ABk your dealor for IANVIIXE, PA. Trade tor Blootnsburg and Vicinity Bupplfed by MOYER BROS., aopj-ly. Bloomsburg, Pa. LOOK "8 o 0 u 5 o 3 a The ligures are exclusive altotetber of tbo losres in lumber. Besides, tbe commitUes, iu their report, say of thoir figures : "They give considerable eti iriice of the trreat losses sustained bv our people, but they come far short bf ly to tho extent of this region. IN NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. Milton was tho worst used of any of tho places. Although it is now booming with its accustomed go, its people do not hesitate to say that they feel tho burden of their losses, and expect to feel them moro" keenly later. Ever sinco tho floo i the town has beon endeavoring to foot up its losses, and although day after day now losses appear that at first escaped at tention, substantially tho wholo is now known. Estimates of careful business men whom I saw do not vary widely. Ono of tho moat conservative and judged, aftor wide and careful inquiry, one of tho best, is given by R. F. Wilson, chairman of tho Executivo Reliof Committee. It is this : Merohaudiso loss, $2500; furniture, musical instru ment) in private houses, etc., $20,009 ; repairs to buildings, dwellings, foncct, etc.,. $15,000; lauded property in tho nature of lota below Market Street swept away, $50,000; driving bridge across the river, $75,000; total, $185, 000. Tho loss in lot valuo is a curious outcome. The river bout in just at Market Street, and for a distanco of two blocks BWupt along in oblique di rection, carrying away tho back part of lots upon which rows of houses stood. A bend a little further in and the bouses must have gone, too. To day tho houses Btand almost on the edce of the newly created bank. What tho future fato of these dwell int may be will depend on tho next caprice of the Susquehanna. Tho buildings wero mostly ownod by tho hard-working and thrifty people who occupied them. Tho stock of the toll bridgo referred to in this estimate was all owned at Milton. WaUontown did not Ruffer much The lower end of Lewisburg was und- or water and the damage to household goods was considerable but not severe At tho pretty little yillago of Whito Deer Mills the nrst floors of tbo two village stores wero flooded to a dis tance of two feet abovo tho counters, They lost about $700 each. Over at Allenwood, H. P. Allen, who has a larm ncar tbe bank as well as a store in tbe village, had his farm buildings damaged, and lost somo ag ricultural implement, amounting alto gether to about $500. Tho village stands back from tho river and was practically uninjured. Montoursvillo, a pretty villago of 500 or GOO lyintr at tho mouth of tho Loyal Sock Creek aud tho West liranch, Buttered in household goods and buildings probab- S30UU or isiuuu. mind I uovcr could hold that butcher on it. Look at me, said ho, standing up at full height, showing a form moro than six feet tall; and massive in its proportions. "Look at mo; I'm a A rumor oomcs from tho Dead river logging oamps in Mfino that two trout ifishermen recently resurrected a curious relio of antiquity from beneath tho placid waters of tho Carrying Placo ponds. Tho story goes that they had Gnishcd fishing and wero about to start for their camp' when they fouud themselves unable to raise their anchor from the bottom. The rope was strong, however, and, re doubling their efforts, they pulled to tho surface a rude shallop, partially filled with stones, which had caught tho King was then laid on them in' a prottv big man myself, but, sir, as 1 1 upon ono point of the wooden killock transverse direction. Tho two remain-1 came by that butcher shop this morn-1 Tho boat is supposed to bo ou6 of mgwomon wero laid down by the Bido ing the butcher was standing out .in I thoso used by Benedict Arnold in his of tho King, lyintr exactly like the front, and I walked right between hs I darinc but fruitloss effort to capturo , . v - - m r I , I m. - , , . I . ' n.rrtnn'a . .. mh ....... n . I r r i I . n n r . r,n . , annan'- nn , ........ was givon to tho poor creatures, who high as his instep. I should have lo I tr wero lolt in that position to dio. It is I reach up to unlatoh hismhoe.' said that death did not, as a rule, take I "How much do vou owo your butch' plaoo for four or fivo days. Four men I or, Opie V asked James W. Sooit, were stationed round tbe grave, armed the president ot the club' and business with olubs, ready to knock back' with manager of tho Jleraia. Ucn. isoulanger now occupies a bouso in London formerly tenanted' by tho Austrian millionaire, d Arcoy aud evidently furnished by its origina- - w . .1. - .. . i uwmr. vjui. ruins. uv hliuul'u ouiuui reaay to knock back with manager ot tho iieraia. , ' -r,A j - n-:i , - , . , I I . . - - 1 . . . t I UUUUU, BiVVD JJ.UU1UJ1U JL UtUB 111 th 1111 iuuo wupuus any pi mo women wno, a auuuruu unu vweuiy uottars, ir, . ,,. n roa( Unct nt vnlor,n tmtwithstaniiinrr tlinir moimurl sat n. Air. Tlp.n.ti. I.. , .' P .. - .. a 1 I I tmmivliatii ti tnrtaa thn ft. Ihn , : t . 1 .. . 1 ... . 1 ! 1 . f I rpu-. -I. T.T- T .1 . I imiutmuiwi . l.wv-.j wu. 'J . .uu the grave. check for $150 to Opie, 'saying it was In other parts of tbo town other an advanco on a story he wished him human sicriftcen wnrn t.iltinn nln.n.. I to write for the Jle.ralil. Suspended from various trees were the The next morning, when Opio strode uuiiiua ui Buvorai men. xuese noor I mtu tuo uiuu, sumeuouy bskuu: lias your ouicncr grown yosterday 1" "Urownl No. air. This mornins I walked into his place' with $150 in gold clinking and jingling in my fellows wero also endurincr the most agonizing death. In most instanoes holes wero bored through thoir feist just by their ankles. Through tho boles ropes were drawn, and tho men were then tied to a Inch tree. Their I pocket.' hoads woro of course, hanrrinn down-1 "Whoro'ft that butcher t" I askod. ward. Tho men wero there left to die. "Here I am,'' said a faint, timid Tbo traders, as they were proceeding I uttlo voice that seemed to como up along, wero unwilling witnesses of a I trom tho cellar. frinhtful Baonhoial oxecutlon. Thev "Whero 7 said 1. saw a number of natives in a group, I "Here, right here by your left foot. and went to tho snot to seo what was won t move or you'll step on me. taking placo. There to their horror I "I got down on my hands and knees the real loss, for wo know that tnady Northumberland wa not muoh da of our citizens who lost heavily hate maged. At Sunbury, tho losses ac cording to umei uurgesi v-iaawauaa-er did not aggregate muoh ovor $1000. not as yet made out statements of their losses." "As a matter of fact," said Mr. Ball, chattiugof the matter, "those figun ss represent in the main, at least as i o Look Haven, the losses of tho poor ir people. Few of the more prosperous and tbo rich filled in the blanks or would make any statement at all. Per haps it was because they neither do t I 1 . I. ! 1 T.. 1. L i sirea nor wuuiu ana niu Perpetual Guests. Buddhist priests, in order to confirm the faith of tho lower classes in China, aro in tho habit or inserting into the shell oi tbo vouuir pearl oyster minute From what I representations of their deities, whioh I know personally, wo micht safely are, in process of time, completely oov dottblo the ticures hero civen as to I cred bv tho formation of tho shell, so Lock Haveu's losses. In tho remaiji-1 that when it is opened, it oontains the der of the county, also, immense losses features of tho gods indelibly fixed in havo gono unrecorded; because those mother-of-pearl. who sultereu them did not care to uu Horticulturists produce similar last- t Un lOnnlru Wliftln lilMllilma Af I ' IV .. . I . ' .,1 . . A 1 111 VUO ULUBBi II iiwm DMWivuvn I lUg UULUIB Ull VUC1I 10llv. J. UUIU, farming land have bceu ruined at least I while younc and green, is tied at a cor- for this season, and in piaoes the de-1 tain point with a ribbon, and wbon it You want a good situation write MAY imiiiiu.K.-i, riurtwryinen, itocneuer. ti, ., an mey are in want of lioneut and uprlpht Bales men to sell their cboleo am lardy varletluiof Nursery block, either on salary or ooinmlaslon. 11 any new and valuable varieties to offer. Wrtto them at once tor lenna. UKLAY8 AUK UANQBUOU3, July 2-d-lt, GET YOUR JOB PRINTING struotion- has been- fo complete that property has been wiped out of exist- once and tho very taco ot tno country changed. What many of tho farmers will do tlie-o coming months is a mat ter for serious consideration. Tho losses in lumber logs iind manufactured tim ber it is thought by conservative men, who havo had years of experience in tho business will amount to $100,000. Ono firm figures out its gross loss, it is said, at moro than $50,000. Of course a part of tho gross loss will be recover ed. What tho per centago of recovery will be, will depend altogether on cir cumstances, and will, it is thought, vary from 20 per oent. to 80." lycoming's i-ossks. 1 City Controller-George, of Williani sport, took chargo of--tho "work of as certain thu loss of Lycoming county. Tho work was also couduoted on thu system of blanks fillod in and sworji to. Mr. George's -report to Jutlgo Cunimiu, prosidont of tbo -lleltef Com mittee, is as ioiiowb : Claims, From vyaterTillel Oum- mlngs-and Urowu 33 Muncy knd'Muncy Creek; '45 NlflanriMe and Autestorte 41 MonLromerjr and Clinton, 40 Jam-yShbro and Porter's 121 MHllin ami Balladnrsbury, 80 BoutU WiUUmsport, 65 Ehellsb Centre ami I'lae. 89 hUlscellaneoui, mostly dama- rges to tarms lisi VYllllamsport ..1190 hard and old, still retains tho unnatural Bhape thus civen to it. A few drops ot a drng aro poured about tho roots of a young plant, and its flowors- henceforth bloom with a color unknown to any of its species. Precisely the' same process goos on cut or boy in tbo lorraation ot tho white men saw a native tied by tho teet and neck. Tho rope attaahed to the neck was thrown over a tree in one direction, and the ropo attached to the feet was tied to a tree in the opposite dircctiou. Tho ropes wero then drawn tightly, and when tho body was dis tended to itn utmost length another na- tivo with a batobet struck the neck and severed the bead from the body. Tho head was taken to the grave where tbe King was lying, while the body was eaten by tho cannibal na tives. The white men could ,do noth ing to stop tho barbarous praoticos, as to interfere with theso "religious cus toms" would not bo tolerated by tho natives, and the lives of tho traders would havo been In peril. Thoy, therefore, mado as quick a rctroat' from the town as thoy could. Tho traders learned that for each of the following ten irontht there was to be a sacrifico of seven men. London Stan dard. A Queer Bit of History. HOW TUB URITI8U FLEET WA8 THREATEN- ed WITH A COWHIDE. During tho war of 1812 a Montauk cattle keeper gained a signal victory of the English floet, then lying in Gar diner's Bay under command of Admi ral Hardy. Montauk was then a com mons for tho towns of East and South ampton. The town people pastured, lOOU or 1200 head of oattle on Mon tauk during the Summer. These cattle wero in charge of threo keepers who lived about three miles apart. I think the name of the keeper in ques tion was Pain. Ho conquered the English fleet with a canoe, a rawhide and a crow of Indians. It camo thus about : Tho English had como oshoro on their boats and killed one of the cattle in his charge They wanted fresh beof and they got it. Mr. Pain did not proposo that his herds Bbould be ravaged with impunity, lie armed himself with a raw-hide. Next he found an Indian, no impressed tbo Indian with his rawhido and forced him to paddle off to the Admiral's ship. Mr. Pain was hailed from the ship and asked what ho wanted. Ho said ho wantod to como on board. Ho was allowed to como on board. no was then asked what ho wanted. IIo wanted to seo tbo Admiral. What did ho want to seo tho Admiral for t To bo paid for ono of tho oattU in his and examined a spook on tho floor. was the butcher. General's study. Figures 6f Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette adorn tho over-mantel, and in the drawing-room tbo lirst things which meet tbe eyo aro tho features of Napoleon III and Em- i."- . I T7-il ; , . i i press iuguuiu. viuiuuoi jmiis buuuib ui y si pe i jlftyo tjOjgn a benevolent interest in French history, and tho General's French visitors insist on regarding the relics in tho light of a favorable omen. An exhibition of nerve that's rarely excelled was given recently' by a Tren ton woman, ohe made a' tour of the offices in the Stato Houso there, ask ing subscription for a bicycle for her son, who is very fond of bidyolo rid ing. Sho said that "sho could not very well seo how sho could attord to pur- I cbaso one, and as her son 'was of noblo A Startling Discovery. According to reports from Paris pub lished in tho Courier ues M,tata-Um3 Dr. Brown-Sequard has formally an nounced to a French scientific body tho discovery by himself of what appears to be an elixir of life as potent as that which liulwer dallied with in".anoni and iMargravo used in "A Strange btory." Tbo discovory is of a medicament which, when administered by hypoder mic injection, restores tho aged and dcorepid to youthful vigor and sets lingering convalescents upon their togs again', as so man nostrums are alleged' to do bnt do not. We fail to grasp with clearness whether' Dr. Brown-boa tlard hopes to prolong human life indefinitely or not, and probably his experiments have not yot enabled him to express a confident opinion' on that subject. But if his elixir can make the old young again there seems to be no satisfactory rea son barring accident why anybody who keeps his bands ol tho electric light wires should cease to live. At first sight tbo nows of such a dis covery seems altogether good. It will remove the cemetery factor from 'water supply problems, settle tho cremation question and exterminate the raco of undertakers. But there aro other as pects of tho matter which aro appal ling, ibo pressuro ot population up on the means of subsistence' is1 very great, though not so groat as Air. Mai- thuB anticipated, and if tho safety-valve ot tbe death-rate is to be Bhut down this little world of ours is going to be verv uncomfortably crowded. A more dreadful thought is that all tho objectionable persons wc know are sure to bo tho. first users of tho new elixir. Objectionable persons, aa tho reader must have observed, aro tbe very ItJj birth, ho should enjoy tho advantages that moro tortunate boys enjoyed. Sho could not induce the "stony-hearted" State officials to put down their namos, however, and sho leit the capi tal building lamenting tho fact that people generally wero loth to give for a worthy purpose, The story is going the rounds of a retail dealer who obtained a rare bar gain in ladies' hemstitched linon hand kerchiets, which he designed to sell at a lair proht at 25 cents each. On ex amination of the goods ho determined not to givo such value for so small a num. Taking one-half this lot, ' ho marked each handkerchief in the' cor ner with a lead pencil, 25' cents, and tho other quality, ho marked in tho same way, 30 conb, and displayed tho goods on his counter Bido by side. Imagine bis Burpriso when he found that two out of three of bis lady cus tomers," selected tho bargains at 30 cents, loaving him with the larger part of those marked 25 cents on his count er. As it was impossible to alter marks from 25 to 30 without soiling tho goods, bo was actually compelled to purchase another! invoice or the eamo lot to oblige tho fair buyers, who preterred to pay 30 .cents for tho ar ticle rather 'than 25 cents. A remarkable discovery has just been mado at tho Cathays Yard of tho Taff Vale Railroad Company. A largo elm treo, grown in Gloucestershire, was being cut up into timber, when right in tho very hoart, a cavity of 8 feet long and i A inches wido was discovered. It contained a comb of tho honey bee and a squirrel s ekull. "iN o means of access to tho hollow wa9 discoverable, neither was decay anywhere apparent, and a. round tho cavity itself no leas than' 50 rings, each ring denoting a years growth, were counted. The hollow was of uniform sizo throughout, and presented the appearance of having been Will, nn 1 M i i 1 " .ml r. fji n . ,t,nnl. .!!-- .1 .11 1 L-l ".. 3 " I uuku, Blll fUUUUU larmcsi oi bi i numau neings .n dying, iUj a,meU8iooa were, it was practically and as a rule they obs inately refuse tor I filled witi tho comb, intimating that niirn n 11 tha ri ra f until it 1 a -- Inta tVir I . . . . . - a givo up the ghost until it Is too late for their departaro to relievo or comfort anybody. Armed with Dr. Brown Sequard's elixir they would never con sent to die at all. No, life is distressingly short and we often wish for a longer lien upon it, tho bees were in possession for several years, now tho beos got there is a mystery. It is surmised that a squirrel once occupied a decayed hole in tho treo, cleared away tho decay, occupied the cavity as its own, and there died. Then the boos took possession and filled , , , .."" r '1 I iivii wuw iwua uuaocaoivu nut but the prlco exacted oven for prolong- tho holo witb J , b V1 ftYlal ftnrtft. with mtitti nnrl rtnnlth fnr I .. . . . ' in a girl, or boy in habits, trood or bad. .?, 5,Dut " onwne caro wbioh bad beon slain by the Ad- "X unorkllir'BayB Poyntz, "and that is miraVg p(!oplo what waho , ffM,1 Losse. 944,125 22,594 74.U10 , n,15'J 50 83,872 :25-,929 43,005 82,030 132.181 3: 029,089 cau habit." "Grace," said tho old preacher Bos com, "can co.iqucr tho dovil in you. JJut your bad habits conquer grace. No matter how trivial or slight the custom acquired in youth may be, thou i-li it bo'but tbo mispronuuoiatlon of a word, vulgarity at table, or tho use of-slang, it will oonie baok in after me, at tor years ot schooling aim strug- gling'with it,- fresh and vigorous; just as old men, in extreme tllnoss, speak tho languago ot their childhood, for gotten througu an their mniaio age, A habit of ueutle boaring, of low. ploasant intonation, of universal court- osy, is worm moro 10 11a possessor throughout Uio man weaitu or great talents. It smoothes one's way at every turn, aud creates friends who tako pleasuro in ministering to ono who Ih nnlito and considerate, not by elforl, but beoauso habit has mado ft natural for him to be so. od existence, with youth and health for appurtenances, may bo too hich, and unless1 a considerable proportion of acquaintances can bo en- use of tbo new elixir to do about it in caao he was not paidt they inquired. Well, ho was going to tako it out of tho Knglish fleet. What was ho going to tako it out with 1 With his rawhido. Tho Admiral was informed that a Yankeo was on board threatening to lick the fleet with an armament of ono canoe, ono Indian and a rawhido. The Admiral was not alarmed, but he was amusod and interested. Ho camo on deck 111 his oocked hat and epaulettes the public will not reaard Dr. Brown- bequard as a benefactor. World. Tho negro-population of Mississippi is increasing at a much faster rato than tho whito. In 1870 the numbor of negroes in tho Stato was -145,080, and of whites 381,540. Iu 1880 the nogroe numbered 053,550, and tho whites only 481,028. According to a statistical document lately publishbd iu Paris, thuro aro in means tho entrauce, which must havo been small, became stopped, tho large quantity of grub and fly being taken as evidonco that tho nest was not vol untarily doserted. Then for 50 years tho growth of timber wont on. Tho entrance being hermetically sealed, tho oomb kept in good condition until tound. The Wyoming M&ssaore. 11 it. Etll.K TAKES SOME OF 11IE ROMANCE OUT Ol- THE BTORY. Tho 111th anniversary of tho battlo ana : bratdd , massacro of Wyoming was cele tfd at Wllkda-Barre. July 3' liv a and all tho glitter and glory of tho SiaoooMb largo gathering at the monument at Fo- titled British tar of eighty odd years Srara lSoe P P ' rtyFort, which commemorates tbe mas- go. . . ' . sacrc. Colonel Charles Dorrance, whoso DONE ATTnK COLUMBIAN OFFICE A habit of prayer, formed iu child hood, though iieglocted for many years j 1 -t- I Will ouiliu uauB. iu mm buiiuw nuu U'V uo ,,ww ? peruana bring a blessing from uoayen 'Ihcao figures, similarly to those of I with it. tho committed at Loolc Haven, am to I Our habiu, in short, aro tho alien bo taken -rather- ai rmoro suggostious guests Of tho Scotch suporstitlon which than as bottom facts. A vorv larrro I ouco Boated at our hearth only go from jiroportlon of tho peoplo notrloctod or it with death. Lot us take oare, then, declined to fill iu tho blanks sent thoral how wo opon our doors to them. In Williamsport alono I havo seen pri vate and trustworthy figures of lossos .to storekeepers ant) manufacturer I not ino Admiral and Mr. I'aino con fronted oaoh other. Mr, Paino did not back down. He repeated his de mand and his throat. "Woll," said tho Admiral, "you are tho bravest Yankee I've seen yet." IIo ordered him to be paid. " Mr. Paino reoeivod tbo value of tbo slain beast in hard, shinlnc. vetlnw. British gold. Then with his force ho rowed ashore, having gained a bravo but ui ooaioss victory. New Jersey Wine Bent to Europe. Mr. Spoer (of Now Jorsov) tho Great Wine Man's Suoceis has arison from the strict purity aud valuable propertioj of his winei for invalids and i feeble iieraous, and his reputation ex tends around tho world, UW Port A new occupation' for womon is that of superintendent of a visiting list. fiho arranges names in alphabetical order, with marginal notes of "at homo" days. "Hunger is the Best Buoo." As a rule, a person who has a good appetito has good health. But how many there aro who oujoy nothing thoy eat, and sit down to meats only as an unpleasant duty. Nature' anti dotes for this condition art so happily combined 111 Hoods Sarsiparilla that ft soon restores good digostion, creates an appetito, and renovates and vital izos tho blood so that the beuofi oial effect of good food is imparted to mo wnoio ixxiy. Truly hunger is tho grandfather perished in tho fight, opened tho proceedings with a brief ad tires?. Mr Philip Myere, of Brodklvu, a descendant of another of thu victims, read it poem. Dr. l'gle, the stato librarian, real a paper which caused cousidirablo flutter 111 it ho rovlowod the masaoro from tho standpoint of a pennamlto m opposed to tuo view generally taken by the x aukeo sottlcri. HeroadoxtraoU from docum ents in tho StateLibrary, showing that this laud had been set apart by Ponsy- Ivaniaa uovonor tor theusuot tho Ind ians and thesottlemout of it by omicrau ts prohibited tiuder heavy penalties. in dotiauoo ot this prohibition, however tho Yankeo emigrants invaded the vall ey and thulndlans tookup arms iu dofe- obo ot what waa justly theirs. Ho H you uoto all tho details you havo Grano Wino U now beiuu; ordejed by I boat saueo, and IIood'4 Sarsaparilla in- (also aocusod local hlatoriaiw of porvorU t Been tho whole faimlie In London aud Paru. Iducoa Imngor. Jiug and misstating tho facts.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers