nrrro ruwrrumr ltc a xm iMJirnrmirr tt rrscTi .rmn nnr ttmdt a nrtnwnr tA 1 The Columbian. BL00M8BURG. PA. FKIDAY, JULY 12, 1889. After this year the Chairman of the Democratic County Commlttoe bo- ooraes ex-offlcio a member of the Stato Committee. Tho term of Judgo R!ee, of Wilkes- Barro, expires nuxt year, tie has mado an able and upright jtulgo, and though republican, it Is not improbable that the domocraW will endorse his nom1 nation. Politics should be kept off the bench. v Mr. Cleveland's views on tariff re. form are thoso of tho groat majority of the Democracy. The ex-Preside ut is the most conspicuous reproiontatlve now in sight of the Demooratlo side on tho greatest living issue between the two great parties. Rochester JferaUl Mr. J. B. Agnew. of Pennsylvania, who waii offered tho position of super intondent of tho dead letter office, pos t offioe department, has deolined th e appointment. He is the only republican of the kind in Pennsylvania. A repuolioan who hat declined an office should be a great curiosity in a dime musoum. It in announced through a Wilkes Barro dispatch that there is under con sideration a general scheme having for its object the amalgamation of all the autbractte coal interests, it, was re ported that two plans wero under con sideration one involving tho control by pnrohase of the entiro anthraoite production and the second contemplat- imr the formation of a syndicate whioh should control tho stook of the several anthracite mills. A good many well posted financiers gave credit to the story that an attempt is being mado to organize an anthraoite coal trust, and bv a unanimous voice the moving spirit in it was declarod to bo Austin Corbin. It is well known that Mr. Corbin started in with the idea of con trolling the trade and he has never given up nis intention. Must Boguter Too. Under tho law passed by tho recent Legislature, Veterinary Surgeons must register at me x ruiuuuuuiry b uuiuu iu each county. The law allows them six months space.. After tho time shall have elapsed no person can advertise or nolo himself oat to be a Veld inary physic ian or surgeon unless be has graduated at a regularly incorporated institution having the power to issue a diploma and a decree. Within six months from tho passage of the Act any Phy ioian or Surgeon who has been pract ioln2 medicine or surgery for five years n intitled to registry, bat alter the ex piration of that time he will be shut out. There are about one thousand suob sur geons throughout the Stato who will register. Excliange. A Centennial Tor Thirteen States- The governors of the thirteen ongi nal states have during the past two years held several cod fore. ices for the purpose oi devising some plan to ooui memorato in a fitting manner tbVgre&t events in the hrst 100 years' history of - the United States. It has been agreed that the best method would be to se oure from congress a return of the $1,600,000 loaned by the government to the centcnnai commission in 1876, and afterward returned to the national treasury,the money to be used for erec tion of a suitable memorial in Fair- mount park. Last week a meeting, presided over by Govonor Beaver, wai held m independence ball, at which re presentatives of the thiiteen original states were present. A committee was appointed to prepare a bill, to be presen ted to congress, providing that the Sl. 200,000 be appropriated for the purpose above indicated. Smoking by Proxy. In Tripp, a retired coal operator of ooraniron, is one oi me iew men on record who enjoys the luxury of smok ingoy prory. Twenty years ago hi pnysioian torn mm that smoking was prejudicial to his health, anu that he must stop the practice. Although he was a confirmed smoker, be obeyed the doctors injunction. Since then he has never smoked a cigar. At tho sama time he has not totally denied himself nu culei luxury. To indulge in it with out disobeying the doctor's injunction he employes what might be called his "smoking vault." It is the duty of this man to smoke a Havana cigar when ever Mr. Tripp feels like indulging in little tobacco dissipation, and blowing the smoke in his employer's face. The latter eagerly inhales the fragrant oloud and then exhales it through his nostrils and blows it down through the meshes of his long whito beard. Mr. Trip declares that he enjoys this second-hand ed smoke as keenly as when he did the puffing himself. He never travels without his smoking companion. Otar and Detective BZIHO AH ADVKNTUBK OK 1118 HUSSIAN UPNESS AND A TOI.I-TAKKU The emperor ot itussia, when upon a tour oi inspection in mo provinoes, passed tho night in tho simple but of a toll-laker; before retiring he was pleased as head ot tho church, to seo tho old man tako up his Bible and read a chap tor. "Do you read ofton, my son?' ho asked. "Yes. vonr Maiestv everv ilav "How muoh ot tbo Bible havo you read. my son!" "During the past year the Old Testament and part of Matthew, your Majesty. Thinking to reward him the Czar placed 500 rubles betwren the leaves of the book o. Mark on the following morning, unknown to the toll-keeper, whom ho bade farewell Several uiontbs passed away and tho Emperor returned, upon a second tour, to the toll-taker's but. Taking tbo Biblo in his hands he was surprised to find tbo 200 roubles intact. Agan in terrogating the toll keeper as to his dili gence in reading, he received an affir mative answer and the statement that tie bad fin'ihed tho chapters of Luke. ,(Lyiug my son, is a great sin,'' re plied His Majesty; "give me the Bible till I 800." Opening the book, he Iiointed to the money, whioh the man tad not seen. "Thou hast not sought tho Kingdom of God, my son. As punishment thou shalt also loose thy earthly reward. And be placed the roubles iu bis pocket, to distribute afterward among the neighboring poor. jZondon Standard ORPHAN SCHOOLS- THOSE AT MOUNT JOf AND WHITE II At.!, V18ITKI) 1IY TUB COMMISSION. Messrs. Gobln, Skinner, Holnochl and Kauffman, part of tho commission, whioh are to havo ohargo of the soldiers1 orphan sobools, visited tho institutions at Mount Joy and Wblto Hall last week. One of tho commission said that at both places tho children aro without proper night clothes, the bath-rooms aro de fective, tho veuliiation bod ana mo bu'ldings in nood of repairs. On tho 28tn instant tho commission whioh is visiting tho eastern schools and that whioh is visting the western part of tho stato will meet here jointly and report. It is thought that four of tho schoo's at least will bo abolished. At this meeting a femalo inspector will bo elected. One of the comisslon said that a sister of Representative Walk, of Philadelphia, will be chosen for tho place, it is now held by Mrs. aiuokb, of llamsburg. SULLI7AH ABD ULEAD) Tho great event for whioh the world has watched for woeks past has taken nlaoe. and tho fight between John L. Sullivan and Jake Kilrain for the championship of the world, and for S20.000 stakes, ii over. They met on Monday in Mississippi, and alter Ugbt- ing sovonty-fivo rounds Kilrain s sco- ond throw np tho sponge, JJOtn meu were badly punished, but unfortunate ly neither of them was killod. More attention has been given to this pair of human brutes during the last lew weeks than to any action of the most distinguished statesmen of civilized nations. Uolumn alter column nas been dovoted to tho expected prize fight and tho participants, by the daily press, and the slugger has been elevated into a god. Thero is some thing to admire in a well developed form, and teals of strength by cniturea muscle are admirable, but when men use their strength to pound each other for monoy they put themselves on a lovoi with brutes. And yet tho fight was watched with almost as much in terest as that of a Presidential election, OEKERAL 0AMEE01T8 WILL- rnm.ic akd private bequests in THE DISPOSITION OK HIS ESTATE. The following are somo of tho be- Juests in General Uamerons will, larrisburg hospital, $10,000; Home of friendless, Harrtsburg, 910,000; bis lib rary and $5,001) to the young Meo.s Christian association of llarrisburg as the foundation of a library for journey men and apprentices; Mrs. James Unity of Marietta, $.5,000, in grateful recog nition of her uniform kindness to his a Simon, German Reformed churoh of Mayton Lancaster county, $5,000 and u parsonage; John Campbell, his serv ant, $2,000; Uld .uonogai onurcn,$z,wu Harris Park Front street, $1,000. A legacy of $5,000 to his sister.Mrs Cebbs of Indianapolis, has laspedby her death The Home for tho Friendless be quest is to be invested and called tho Margaret Cameron fund in memory of General Cameron's wife, the interest to bo applied to the support of the insti tution. The Maytown church bequest is to be invested by tbo church trustees and the interest to be applied to the support of a pastor. The will directs that the collateral inheritance tax on all these bequests shall be paid out of the estate, so that they may not be di minished. Among the private bequests are the following: His grand-daughters, Mrs. Divid Watt-, Mrs. S. II Chauvene, and Miss Janet Cameron, $60,000 each; bis grandsons, Simon B. Cam eron and Thomas Burnside, $50,000: tbo two last named of the latter also being given a farm each. The BUte Tewhers. THE ANNUAL MEETING BEOUN ATALTO0NA. DR. HIOBEE's ADDRESS. Altoona, July 9. The pedagogues of tbo Commonwealth assembled at 10 o'clock this morning in the Eleventh Avenue Opera House, this being the occasion ot tho tuirty-ntth annual meet ing of the State Teachers' Association. Mayor Turner delivered the address of welcome, superintendent u. a. Keok, of Berks County, made the response. Superintendent Berkey, of Somerset, addressed tho convention on the sub ject of industrial education, and Super- miouaenb omitu, oi unaware muniy, and Luckey, of Pittsburg, made ad dresses. In the afternoon Dr. K . Higbee, state superintendent, delivered his in augural address. Speaking about the school ourrioulum be Baid : "It should embrace all studies whioh form the necessary foundation of intellectual life, and which belong to mau as man. referring to all, not to some, and, there fore, excluding all trades and proft ss ions as having to do only with particu lar pursuits of life." Language, he said, was an absolute ly essential study, as are also geography and history. In alluding to art in the school be said : "1 am convinced bow- over, that music is tho most general lorm ox art in mis modern world. Hence I do not hesitate to say that it should be in all our schools, as it is in all our homes and in all our sanctuaries; yielding its sweet, refining and inspir ing benediction." Continuing, be said: "Wherever tho homo life, either by neglect or by tho force of circumstances, as in our larger centres of population, and among tho extremoiy and almost uomoless poor, proves to be inadequate, pro vision should do raaao lor practical in utruction in the general domestio in dustries of both sexes. It is not the trade, however, on tho ono hand, nor any great measure of pedagogic value on tho other, but the general usefulness in way of social oconomy, whioh must warrant and characterize all elforts in this direction. "So also as regards religion, tho most profound factor of our existence. Home and the Church must in the main at t nd to this great interest, while tho school co-operates by its moral care of the children and as part of (be Htate, by its reverent acknowledgment of Al mighty God and His divine guidanoe of the world. The schools can not for a moment antagonize the Christian home lifo and church-life of tbo Com monwealth, but must do all in its pow er, under the law, to advance it." In speaking of the teachers he said: "Tho salaries of the teachers are such as to requiro a spirit of great sacrifice upon the part of the young if they am to spend muoh time or much money in preparation. A change iu this respect is impoiatlvo." The address of Miss Sarah M. Row, principal of the traiuing school at Read ing, followed. A dlsousslon embracing all the pha ses of praotioal training was taken up. Ail the superintendents of the State and many of the teachers took part in tho discussion. Prof. Horr delivered an oration on the subject of labor in its reUUc to capital. Johnitowa Deserted. 1 OENERaI. HASTINGS AND STAtT LEAVE THE TOWN SCENE AT TUB DEPOT. Johnstown. July 9. Tho officers about headquarters wero np early this morning and they began paoking their grips and trunks, and boforo breakfast all hands wero ready to start for home. James M. Auter, tho messenger at tho Adjutant ucnornl s ollioe who has not ed in tho satno capacity to General Hastings, packed up the General's goods and shipped them over to tho station, and James is perhaps tho lmp- me.u man who went out of Johnstown, for ho has been yearning to get homo for two weeks and when ho first heard that the General was going to leave to day ho went into oxcoutiye session with himself and had a good timo. Generat Wiloy and Major Greenland who have been in obargo of tho De partment of Public SafeLy and have rendered excellent services, went homo on au early train. General Hastings and a number of tho other officers started to taku the day express for Cresson. At tho station General Hastings held a sort of Iovco. Tho men and women crowded about him to shake bis hand and bid him good-bye, and one man presented him with a small boquct, in whioh was a card saying : "To General Hastings: For kind word, from the workingraen on Pros pect Hill." This man also presented tho General with a lloral wreath. Not a few of tho men and women wiped toirs from their cyos as they shook tho General's hand and told him they were sorry ho was going to leavo. Those who ac companied General Hastings to Cres son wero Quartermaster General, Assist ant Commissary General Spangler, Colonel B Frank Eshleman, Colonel Paxon, Major Horn, Mainrdluidekopcr, Major Evans, Colonel Gray and Major James Hastings. Tho members of the local Finance Committee also went to Cresson to meot tho commission. All tho tents wcrojitackod at head quarters this afternoon with the ex ception of those needed by Captain Hamilton and Colonel Pottt-i, who had been left in charge of tho State work by ueneral Hastings. Tho place seems vory lonely, indeed, to-night. When tho members of tho 14th depart the town will lose all tho life that has been put into it by the military. Somo of the citizens dread to see the military leave and they are alraid the civil authorities will not be ablo to cope with tho disturbing ele ments that still exist io tho valloy. lho officers of tho Grand JiOdgo of Odd Fellows of Pennsylvania wero hero U day and left $30,000 with the officers of the local lodge for distribu tion among Ub members ; $20,UUU more havo been contributed, making $50,000 in all. Tho membership of the lodge here is xm. Those Intel iial Dangers. The most noteworthy thing said by President Harrison at Woodstock on the Fourth was his declaration that "it is not in the power of any pt opto upon earth much to harm us, except our own people," and that "all the more, exempt from thoughts of foreign assault, ougnt our thoughts to turn to dangeis which aro internal and from which alone we can have serious barm- It wo jld have given additional value to the President s remarks if In had indioated, however b lie fly, what ho considers the internal dangers to bo. The World has steadily pointed out certain plain conditions m pol'Vics and evident temleuuies ltigovfrmii'.'iit which history teaclu-g to be di"g!rou4 to Re publics. Arn these tho dangi r-4 which the President had in mind 7 Is it not, for example, an "internal danger," menacing "serious harm" to the nation, when a Presidential election becomes mainly tho contest of two enormous corruption funds? Is it not harm for and from "our own people'' when a pivotal Stun like Indiana carried by organised bribery, and the man who incited and directed th? cor ruption ii saved from punishment through the intervention of a Fi'ddral Judgo who reversed his own rulings to protect tho culprit T Is there not the sort of danger described by tho President in the praotical salo of high offioes for money including the Vice Prsidonoy and PostraastertGeneral ship f Could there be a more serious menace to the people's interests than is contained io tho increase of Trusts and other monopolies for controlling business and fixing arbitrarily thu prices of the necessaries of life! D ;es President Harrison class with tho dangers which he had in mind the wid carnival for spoils which follows every election, and the nepotism and favorit ism which regard publio office as a private perquisite t Or doe tho President seo an "inter nal danger" only iu tho effort of tho Democrats to repeal unjti-t taxation and to lift from American manufactures their hind"ring handicap T Mr. Harris in m-xt spnks will he not de fine what he cono -ive to hi the only dangers "Irom which alone we can have serous haiin T" World. Lucky Northumberland. HOW THE ANC1 KNT TOWN WAS I1ENEKITEH IIV THE LATE I1IO FLOOD. The Scraitou Truth is responsible for the folloing publication : "Tho anciont and venerable town of North nmberland, at tho confluence of the North aud West branches of the Susquehanna, profits latgely by tho flood, and a good many of iu citizens have been enriohed by tho ruin of oth ers. The logs came floating down in thousands from Williamport and vi. cinity, affording profitable work for a number in Northumberland, who, stim ulated by tho priz of fifty cents pal vage on each log, captured a ast quantity of the runaway lumbr. It i-t estimated that the town has aided fourteen thousand dolhr to its wealth in this way. Tho bigsaw mili at North umberland was so fortunuto as to save its pntire fleet of raits, ami alrenly it has sold every stick of timber on hand to the Pennsylvania Railroad Companj for thousands of dollars. This gives employment to two hundred men. From Cbillisquaque creek, three or foil- miles above the town, down io Northumber land tho low lands bstwu. n Oio uaimt and rivei were covered with log- wlnti the watfM recided, Suvtial of ihe farmers had thr cropi itiiuul by the flood, but the mop of logs it li ft them at fiftv cents cauh will Ijnmlv unmm-. sato them for their vegetables." A party of engineer aro now sur veying a rew route between William- sport and K'miro, it is believed, for the .Northern Central Road. It is cluimod that by following the mountain ridges twenty bridgos oan be avoided. IP TJt'CITlSoll Climate and BKtSJ, Location Id IfceBoutil J. V. KANCU A, Claramoot Va WASHINGTON LETTER. From otir Horn tar correspondent.! Washington, July , 1H89. Mr. Harrison has apparently bent lho kneo to tho Republican Senatorial com bination, and tho fact has moated no little gossip hero. It has of course been well known for somo timo past that quito a number of more or less prominent Kepublloan Semuois wero aggriovtd bcu.iuto of real or fancied slights thoy had received from the nd- intnlslraiioii, and many people predict od open hostilities bum eon llainson and the Senate nuxt u inter, A num ber of Republican Senators, Including Allison, Culloui, Chandler mid Dolpu and Ingalls, consulted over this and other matters and deuidtd to hold n caucus of Republican Sonalors in the near lututc. 1 hoy called on the 1 res ident in order, ns they expressed it, "to know wlicie ho sfiod." Thoy wore surprised to find that ho "stood" just where thoy did j licliuving that no im portant move or appointment should ho made without consultation with the paity leaders mid that tin ir wiches should be coniiltod in nil nppoin'ments in tneir rcspeotivo stotions. Senator Culloui expressed great pleasure at what ho considered the President's chango of heart. Some pooplo may accuse Mr. Harrison of weakness, but for my part I think ho was very shrew- cd to "mako up' with tho oenators. Ureat is tho foroj ol example tJom- missioner of Pensions, Tanner, a short time since, mado his daughter his pri vate Seuretary at a salary of $1,300 a year, now the new Comnvsoner of Indian Affairs, Tlios. J. Morgan, of Khode Island, has his wito lor private Secretary at n salary of SliOOO a year. Seeing tho action of theso officials, Dr. Dorchester, superintendent of Indian Schools, had his wife appointed Special a?ent. This enables her to travel around with tho Doctor, when he visits the different Indian schools and gel her expenses paid and a Balary of 5G.OO a day from kind old Undo Sam. All this time tlioro is a law against the em ployment of moic than one member ol the saino family by tho sanio depart ment. Attorney General Milhr has dieoov ered a rare curiosity. It is a Virginia Republican who declines an office. Mr. O. A. Hecnnans, who was recently appointed assistant U. S. Attorney for thn western district ol Virginia, has written declining the office on the ground that he should have been ap pointed attorney and that tho smaller office was given him as the result of n compiomise between certain parties, which ho refuses to reeognizo. Here's innocence for you. Doesnotthi young gentleman know, for he must bo young, very young, that in politics lung Uom promise rules the roast. Seldom in the history of the country has a President or oven a Governor of a Slate been nominated without the assistance of the all powerful compromise. Had this gentleman effected a comproinie with his temper tho foolish letter would probably never havo been written. Mr. Cleveland vetod two bills pass rd by Congress to quiet tho title of the land granted to the Des Moines Kiver Navigation Company, and now the Attorney Geneial of Iowa is here ak ing the dopartmont to bring snit to set aside the title m the name of the United States. Secretary Windom only receives vis itors by card now, and he requires tlrm to stato their businrRS, so that ho may decide whether!! will grant a personal interview. The innovation is not pop nlar. The department of Agriculture has iue I a circular to railroads and trans poriation companies regulating the shipment of cattle from Texas and Ar kansas during tho continuance of the diseaio known as "lexas lever. It will also locate inspectors nt all the big stock yards to see that tho regula tions are properly carried out. Senator Harris, of Tennessee, is said to be vory solid with Postmaster Gen eral Wanamaker, who is said to have inlimited to the Seuator tha lm might mine tho postmaster at his home, nt Memphis. Of co'irsu it was stipulated that tho man named should be a Re publican. I understand that General R, F. Patterson Ins been na.ed. Among the applicants for a foreign appointment nuder this administration is: A. O. Hill, of Texas, a first couin to tho late Ben. Hill, of Georgia. It is needless to say that his politics arc not those of the distinguished Guoigian. Thn paragraphs of the American hu morist have proven too much for the seneilivo naturo of tho Persian minis ttr to this country and lis has deter mined to go back to the Shah. He carries with him a scrap bonk filled with clippings from tho press. His master, the Shah, is not w sensitive, or ho would not now bo again vi9iting 4.u;iaiiu. Tho resignation of General Jos. E Johnston, Railroad Commissioner, has been accepted, to tako effect on the loth iiit. 11ns rcdignatmi has been in tho hands of Secretary Noble since uirly in Alucu, uul it Iial baen goner ally understood that General Johnston would remain wnero ho was, t-ijuerni Sherman having made a personal re quest of tho Pi evident to that effect. The Chief Ilruion or t'io great uc ccis of Hood's S.irsapaillla Is lound In tho article Itself, It Is merit that wlna, and tho (act that Hood's Harsnparllla actually ac complishes Mliat Is claimed tor It, Is what lias given to this lueillclnu a popularity aud sale greater than that o( any other tarsapo- Mprit Win5 rllla or bl00d IVICIll VVIII& tier bctoro the public. Hood's Barsaparllla cures Hcrolula, Bait Itheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Hcadaclio, 11IUouih-h, overcomes That Tired reeling, creates an Apjietlte, strength ens the Nerves, builds up the Whole System. Ilcul'a Hareaparillu Is sold by all drug gists, lljslilorts. Prepared by C I. Hood ft Co, Apothecailei, Lowell, Haas. mux Mnlia fl!.l W.l.k 1 Mlwrtuu. iitfiui.l, I FaifMl tla.kMMf. W.r. alio, bund i.nid iiviusr im. u.m Udica- n4 u.i of aqutl ,tlu. One lrrii la mcS l. Mill ! M.U. fr. Ur wllk r lim tnd.l- SWm 1m ,! Imp. for iMBtba llHwi U Io lkM IIIM,ki tud. Ih.1 1 ii iw yw w ,wprty TImm w mm .1 mm um U w Mthfar lk Wat MiwVk Co.. sSa svt SV J rtUiui, lilu. J kwwmg 17 Mil FA Lwmmm fllA.rtCET RjaPOTS. 11LOOM311URG MARKKT, os. Wholesale, ltetnll. r,r, ir; 82 10 0.00 JO--,. 18 M 10 ia ir, 0:1 ti OH 10 8 10 10 12 20 !)0 07 ao fito7 Wheat per InnliM.i..,. Hvo " '.' Ccru " ,T .... OalB " " Klour " bl.l Huttcr Krks Hams Dried Annie HUlo Bliouhlcr Oeesc Lard per lb .", vinegar per gal Veal skins Wool peril) nines (Viai. nt Win lie. No (1 I2.00i No 2 a. le Lump 3 2' No n :i.mi uhu.mimhi. s w unrroit'd no hog. I!sUil o Tlu innn h. Ihtll, fl.wi.wil. ThunnierMirnrdnurJ'tor appointed by thn or pnan'suouituf Oolumhii county to mako dMrl- Ul'tlOn Of IhO fund In llin linn-la nf thn fi.ittni ot said divoleni ns Bhown by 'lie first, and final nc count, to nri t among tho pnrlhq entitled lli-reto, nu. mi, ma uinr-u in I'lTonnnurjj on i rinjy, AUiust 9, ltt), nt ten o'clncK In the forenoon to pe.form tho dutlei of hh npaoin!.mMii, wnen and whso nil per.oni hnvlnir clalmi against iald tumi must ftp A'ar and profs tho same, or bo toroter dcbirred from any sharo thereof. Julrit-lw. Auditor. UDiToira Noncu. In Jle-tl2ttlc of James Jucptiv, lute rf Hrttji of r.Tittck, rtwTOjpf, Tho tnderslirneo nnnolntfvi ftn.iitnp m . on tho exceptions filed to th confirmation ot lho account, and alio to m -ko fstilbutlnn ot the fund In tbohandaorndtnlnlstr.itn-, to nr-1 among parties entiled thereto, will rac 't tho parties Interested, and attend to tho dutle! ot hli appoint .jent, on Mond.iy, vu'ust la, dn'clocfc a. m, at ma onico In th Town ut IUoomaburg,. when aud where all person haUng cltlm-i against said lund must appo ,r aod provo the mmo or bo forever debarred from nny share therof. Julyn-is,!), Auditor. TO ADV "liWlS E RS-" . ti3,ui iiMiiiuiTiuiiitra uiviue'i into siatki AND HEUTIONd will bo sent on application v vnu-513 niiu wiuii, ivrir uuvenising to pay, wo can orror no better medium for thorough and ef fectlvework than tho vai.ous sections of our Mflcrt l.nenl l.tat. UI-.U. 1'. KOWIil.I. ck CIS.. Newspaper ndvt'l. Ming itureau. . . . 10 spruco street, Now York. .tulylS Mt. DMINISTHArOIfS NOTICK. I A'safe of Daniel llmcer, late of Pine Imp., Coluin. btacounty, decaased Notlco Is hereby (riven, that letters ot admlnls trat'ononthe rmai- ot Daniel Urewi'r, latent Hi e township, Columbia county decoi -cd, havo been (trained by t ho itelster to I.ucritla llrowcr nd Wm. kaso West, to whom all persons indebt ed to tho said estate, aro roipiestea to make pay ment, and thoso h ivlng culms to present the same without delay to LL'CKKTIA IlltllWBll. Wallor, Ta., I or Wm. KASK WKll', Danville, l'.i. Juno 23, 18S9. 6t Administrators. DMINISTK.YTOU'S NOTIOE. I Untitle of JVitllp Sprtwjrr, late, of Madtsm Urp. Notice Is h"rcby dven tint letters of adminis tration on the cstetenf I'hlllp sprlmter. lato of Mpdlson Township, lino been granted by tho It jlplerot Wills roMariraret Springer, to whom a" peisons Indebted to the estate are required to i mane paymi nt : and to whom ull claims uro to bo preoeuveu. prop iny auuienuualoa tor KClliemeut. Or to MAWIAHET Sl'ltlNOlir Admlr'strattlx. Jonn o. FittEZE, ISa. Jereytown, l'a. Atty. n. D.MINlSTKATOlt'S NOTICE. Ktttile nf Umiwn Fahrtngrr late of ImusI tirp., Culiuabta Cu. Jt-iruwd. Notice is hereby given tint letters of a nlnl8 tratlon In tho estate of Ucrmon i-'ahringer, lato of Locust two., county of Columbia, nnd Ntnto of Pennsylvania, t'eeenscd, have bjen grtnteu to ltachae' l-'ahrlnger and Jeremiah I'uhrlnger, of Locust Township, Columb'i county Va., to whom all persons lndbtcd to silt, estate aro reipjested to miko payments, nnd those biVlngclalmsordemtndswll msko known thu enno without delay to or to ItACIIAtL KAlIIt.'(l&h UkBKiNU, Adui'nls'ratrIK. Atty. JEUEMIAII l'AIllilNdLl,, Adnunistutor. UDITOK'3 NOTIOK Kslale of John Conner. of llcnlon townslitp tlrcrtLiftl. Tho underslgnd appointed auditor to distrib ute tho bilance In tie hards ot tho executor of said deoedei will mcet pirties Intsreated there in at hla onico In Uloonisiur. on Saturday, July 21, 1 'J, at 10 o'clock a. m , where aud when alt persons having a claim or el .lm j against pal- fund win appear and pie-itt );n simo or Iw forever debarred from comln t la f ir a sli iro ot said rund. It'JIil. UUCKlMJIIt.M, Auditor. JuneHta. UJIIN'IiU Il.VTOll'S NOTIUK. Hatnle of Daniel Sinjtb-r, lale offlni Icicnslup, tlrceueed. Notice Is her jby given that letters ot ndmlnls. tratm on the estate ot l)anll Snyder, lato ot Illoora township. L'otuuibl i c muty deceauM, havo bueigr.Jifd by tho Kegisfr to Menjamln 1'. Hart msn, to whom all persons nu-btcdto thesitd rs wu nroreiiuo-tcd to make puunent, and those having claims, to present tho Hame wp hout delay. or to n. V. HAKT.MAN, JonN O. Pksezc, llloot.iburg. Attorney. Junoll-bu SHERIFF'S SALE. OF VALUAKLK By vlrtuoof awrltotn. l'j. Issued out ot the Court ot Common I'leas ot C'olumbl t County and to mo directed, t'terj will ho osposM to public sale at tho court Houso, llloomsburg, l'i, on SATURDAY, JULY 27th, 18S9, at 3 o'clock lu thi afternoon, tho following real estate, viz : All that certain lot or pieco of land situate In wishing Creek twp. col. Co., Pa., bound ed and described as follows to wit : on tho South by publio road, ontha Wostbr land ot John J. Hess, oa the North b7 land ot Jllohacl Wenner, and on the Kut by land ot Michael Wenuir, con taining Ouo-half. Cere, more orlosi, wheieonnro erected A LOG HOUSE, frimos'ablo, wlih gool well of witer and fruit trees. Solzed, taken In execution at tho suit of tumuol K Wearer, vs. retcr J Weaver", administrator of Anna llusa, doc'd. anl to b-j sold as tho property nt Anna Uuis, des'd. JOHN I). OASKV, 4t, Sherltr. i LIQ'JIO rtOOOILING EASILY MADE THISPACMCE MAKES FIVE CAILCNS The moot APPETIZINtl and WHOLESOME TKMPEKANOB DIHNK In the world. THVJT, Ask your Druggist or Qrocer for It, C. E HIRES, PHILADELPHIA. luno Sl-d-4t. - - ffl! In H HBs HSH mmW i I I I B Mba A iSt I I1IICS' IMPROVED 51c ROOT BEER! mm 191 iione i- crtuizcrs, lor tlic work done, always as low in price as the lowest. If you ore going to ignore quality and results, do not buy our Fertilizers FOR SALE UY DAVID LONG, MUX GROVE. NATHAN MILLER, MAIINVILLE SPBIHG L MAIEE'S, fill Miallnle Cloiiiier. AVliy aro wo doing (ho largest Clothing mid lint trade in Hloomshurg ? Good reason for it you may bo cure. Wo keep the best and most fashionable goods, and prices are ALWAYS THE LOWEST. Our store is spacious, cheerful and well lighted and a model in all its appointments and equipments. Our stock is NEW, BEIGIIT and I. The Largest Cloth ing and OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AJiB HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatabloas Milk. So ilUgnldcil that It can lie taUeu tll;eitetl, and nsiliiilliiteil by the most sensitive stomach, when tho plain oil rannut be tolcrcil; nnd Uy the com btnntlon of the nil with the liypophos pllltcs is mocv. inure efllracloas, Bemirkaiile its a flesh prodnrer. i'crsous gals rabidly while taking lit SCOTO'SEMULSIONIb acknowledged by Fhsicians to bo tho Finost and Best prepa ration in tho world for tho relief and euro o CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, CEHERL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUCHS. The great remrdy for Consumption, and IFostina in Children. Sold by all Druggists. KHOW THYSELF. riiii sczxiiTCzi of Xjxar'ir: A Sciontlficand standard Popular Medical Treatiso on tho Krrorsof Vouth, rrcmaUiroDcclinctNcrvoua ami Hi yn leal Debility, Irapurltlca of the Illood, i7 ffl&fi U. l..V Msi. iM liuAultini; trom Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Kxt-ctpes or Uu-rtaxutlon, JCncn-ntinennd untUtlne the victim for Work, Uuslnms, tho Married or Social Relation. Avoid unikilful pretenders. ToBacss this trrrut work. It contains 300 pageii, royol 8vo. Ilcautlful hlndins, cmboucd, fall flit. Price, only $1.1 0 by mail, poat.patd, concealed In plain wrapper. Illus trative l'roepccttii Free, If you apply now. Tho dlitln(p1flicd author, Win. H. rurkcr, M. I., re. uivid llio GOLD AND JEWELLED MEDAL from the Nntlonnl Medical Asooolntlen. for the prtizE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr.l'arkcrondacorpa of AtKl-.t.ant Physicians may be consnllcd, ronti. dcntlally, by mall or In person, at tho ullico ol THU I'laiKIIIY Jli:i)ICAI. inhtitiiti:, Nu. 4 lliilflnrh Ht., Itoston, Slass., towliomall srdcrs for books or letters for adtlce should be Jircctrd as above. OR, T H EEL CQO Aortli Fonrth HtrecU Wiow pOO Oreeu, rbllJJib!, l'a. Ith UAsrar (iicnulnc) prut tlcul ezperl 'iio' iruMraiitti'ii to cur you mora quiekly, tltjlT n4 irtnneoUj tbkn nr ntilrtrtlilnn i-liyilrian, no niatur who Ii 1 ma; La from litt College lie BridmteJ. or what he may claim to doi I)r, Thfvl fffttm SOOO ta idt a.lvi rtliTnis r,hetAl.n (o-calit4 jciHJK who eao (iril him Id tba correct diainotlDir and aurtMirut treatment of all 4'u ruble SPECIAL DISEASES AND BLOOD POISON, o iisti x at n v t.c r.n s, ni-orr u en. ritiipfnixs, 1'iMPi.Ks, sui:i,i TSUS, IN1XA3IATIO.V, Lont Vllullly, Knrly IMtjij', I'liyMlml nnd Montnl lroi(rntloii. Melancholia, Jiladdcr and Ji ill i icy Diseane. (Acuto cases 410 Kellef at onco. MY JffflTIIOD eoDiblntoK tbe Ahopathto, ITomoiathIe, Eoleetia k Iiota<j rilem of medio. tte.lucludlnf Electricity, tbeonlj one known tnut rurra prrnntni-ntlr iba wont oaare. J-rut lloapltul mnd 1'rU ute I'ractleal Kxperl. rnrrlta erery remedy and meant ktinwu totclcnca lr quIikeitreeoTerr and rermaucnt curt, Tlie moat dan. rrroua pairs eo1li'Itcl. Yaunf, mMdle iged aod old men write or call for took Truth tijwatnf fraud, their ebemea ta tlcitmlie intTereri. ' bounuil arc dint pointed by quacki, claim In i IS to 60 yottrt eiperlenct abloli tbey do not iriien,tbelr lacteratfajaod Irlac adTertliemeuta In wbluh they picture din-tie ia a mot horrlable furm, tbulrinf the xvT aufferen f. tie Idea depriving tbem of all huix uaklnf tbem victim ut mutoeboly or lnaoliy. Hell (kill Id the beglonluc 1 I money, aufft-rlug and deity. Honf,t-J, 6-l. Wed. A at ! re'u, till 10. Hun.tlllL WOMEN & CHILDREN'S a'i'VJ' a mlneut ijoiauiU Ilia Jiuuri aru IruU 10 to I W hen I say CnnE I do not mean merely to stop them for n time, nnd then have them re turn njjain 1 mean A ItAlXCAX, CUltU. I havo mado tho disease ot FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A lifodonp; 6tudy. I WAItltANT my remedy to Cmtu thu woi st cases. Ilt-rauso others havo lulled is no rcuson tor not now receiving n euro, bend at onco for n treatiso nnd a I-'kkk liOTTLU ol my Infai.liulk Itl'.MKUV, (Jno Usprcsa nml l'ot Uulce. It costs you nothiuir tor a trial, and It will cuie you. Address H.C.P.OOT, M.C., 1 83 Pearl St.. Heh York Will the FERTILIZER you Intend purchasing so act upon the soil that it will produce BIG CROPS, and at the same time maintain and buildup the fertility. To put price perton ahead of quality and producing power is nodr economy Fanning profits arc too small to ad mit of any but judicious purchases, t Aller quality, and in proportion to It. comes nrlce. Vnn d.n r;.i ' I ' - ""Mil nuu UUt scorn EMULSION TV7- r OPE11HG -OF- -AT- and comprehensive, and always wo will maintain tho position of "FAIR DEAluIWCr" RESPECTFULLY YOURS, MAI Hat Store in Columhin and Montour Counties. For PRING go LOW ENBE The Oldest Merellnmrat s TsiiilDriimg EstalMiisIliiiiiieiLiiit fun COLUMBIA COUWTY. Bloomsburg, Pa. A CHANCE OF BASE. NEW Cummings $ BAKESS AMD CONFECTIONERS, 15LOOMSHUHG, PA. hnuF'imm!.ni1An,?"0lT?? iupplFtho puuiirwim U""""SU announce vim nil.-July 1st, i, they will constantly FUESII BREAD, CA1CKS, jl ji FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS uti.l NUTS. isssff tm " " auTK . r" ' " wu nsK a snatss CO.ME AND HAVE YOUR .Wells, WHO IMS .IUST COMPLETED A THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL COURSE AT imCKLIN'S OPTIIALMIO COLLEGE, NEW YORK. JSOj Bxtra' Charge 3H:AB,2 for Bxa ruining Byes, 1M2RPE(T FIT G h AR ANTE ED. Kino lino jcl blo tmtl wliitc erystiil 1 o n s o h constantly i n .stock, also tho Finc watch wmk and iol.lm.,. , ailteod to irivn Hiitmfnfltim CARPETS and MILLINERY. g Canton Huttings, cheap, to closo them out. From lScts.' up. RAG CARPETS. LARGE ASSORTMENT HANDSOME PATTERNS. vm'iffMiTv(fef tlMlu ua malco them. ASIhGIALi y-OUIc ruM RAG CARPET. A LARGE LINK OF Wl gu,H atflOota NEW ART SQUARES. at K,ei-S'. Noi .'oor n I. y. Hart.imn X- SonV, Illojinsburg Pa. CHICHESTER'S ENftl icru PENNYROYAL PILLS Ilrlirlaal, Ut, aalj ataala ami rrflaUi . ! fur wl. ttr Fail. A AaL fur cUra JtoglUkt ID)niond Brand, IowhIujii ituut i w-aiwlUifcH! rib Al llrusitUta, Accrot ho o titer. Atliiiu lu a.U- V lHud buiea, ink wrapper, araaditpgfr. Tj uu.auairruri,dut,j; JunaTt. 4t I V"V Ba ilMl Your SUIT to l-'IHM erdy, lliUnsrnnl nontoctlonerv ji -, SG'St- HOII,S, 1IISCUITS, J5TO. ) 'VOI'' EVERY VAIUETY. PAUr'0US ATGIIKD- or public pitronaffo. EVES EXAMINED IJY the Optician Finest lino of wutchcH, clocks, iintl jewelry in Blooinsbtirg. -:o:- 1 J o"a' MADE WITH BOILING WATER. EPPS'S GRATErUL-COMFORTING. OOGOA MADE WITH BOIUNC MILK.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers