PROFESSIONAL CARDS, a l. Fiurz ATTOUN K Y-AT-LAW, Offnik Front Room, Oror Poatoflloo. nLooMBiiunu, pa. Tll. ItAlZK " ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, INSURANCE and KKAL KiTATE, AGENT, Omoit Iloviiv No.- 2, Columbian building.' l)LUOMSUItO, I'A. Jan. otn 188, tL JS. O.JfUWtt, ATTORN Iil'-AT-LAW. qweemtof tiulidiiig. """-"co, Pa J UHaN Ji. CLAUK, Al TORN E Y-AT-LAW AND ,)U VICE OP TJJE 1'BAOE. BMlOMSBC-RO, Pa Oilicv over Mover Bros, Drug storo. W .vilLLKK, Vri)IINBY-AT-l.AW ITC'iid lirowei't. buliUlng,se(.oudUoor,tooii n, rllOUIUSDUrg, I'd. 1-HANK Z-VKiC. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. OlUe corner ol ( ruiru ALd Main Mtsets.tiatl . miming Cad hi conmiltcd In German Q.EO. K. ELWELL - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ltL00M8HTJlll, l'A. OHIce on second Uoor, third room of , Col dmman UuiUHnu, Muin struct, below Ex change Hold. pAUL E. W1KT, Auornoy-at-Law. Oaln. lb UoLlkUUH Mrjiuusa, Third Loor. liLUOMbBUKU, PA. V. WHITE, a i nvMiTmr Am T A T 1V1 XU-LVii'jX-.X-XJiVYY, BL OMSBURQ,PA. Olllco In Witts' Building, 2nd floor, may l-tl I ENORB. L. B. W1HTIB8TK. KNOKU & WIN TERS'f EEN , sAtlornoys'ttt-JLuw. oniuo lu 1st National Bank building, second floor, nrst door to . he left. Oornsr ot Main and Market strretBBloomfturg.Fa. IgrfcrwaHt and BouniUt Collided. p. BILLilEYEH, (BI8TJII0T A TTOHN12Y.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. st3"0fllcu over Dentlcr's shoo store, Bloomsburg, Pa. rapr-3Q.8Q. w II. HIIAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Catawlssa, Pa. O :ce,oorner ot Third and MalnStrMU tyj 1CUAEL, P. EYEULY, Conveyancer, Collector of Olaimrj, AND LEGAL ADVICE IN TIIE SETTLEMENT OF ESTATES, &C. IT-omco In Denver's building with F. P. BUI merer, nttorney-al-law, front looms, 2nd noor Bloonisburg, Pa. apr-e-8. I) It 1IONOKA A. BOBBINS. Ofllce and residence, West First street, lilopms uurg, Pa. nov288ly. T R. McKEIA'Y, M. D .Bnreeon anil Phj O .piclan, north sldo Main strectbelowMarKet 0 R. J. C. BUTTER, PHYSICIAN ABUKOKON, Office, North Market Btreet, Blcomsburg, Fa rsTi int. M. HKHEU Sureeon and I .Physician, omcorornerof Rockana Market t rent. ESTABLISHED 1870. J J. BIIOWN. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofllce and resldenco on Third street near Metho dist church. Diseases otthe eye a specialty, JQU. J. Ii. EVANS. Treatm:st f hr nic Diseases macs a SPECIALTY. Ofi"ic', Third, tittcet, BmoJisiniito Pa UEsS, D. D. 8., jrpduato of the Philadelphia Dental College, Having opened a dental otllco In LOUKARD'S BUILDING, corner ot Main and Centro streets. BLOOMSKURG, PA., s prepared to receive all patients requli ng pro eulonal services, ETHEIU OAS. AND LOCAL ANAESTHETICS admlnlsierod tor the palnieta extraction ot teeth jreo ot Charge wuea uriiuviui iim iu ii,ociit. ALL WOH1C UUAHANTKKU AS HEPKESENTED, octas-iy. w n. IIOU8E, DENTIST, Bioomshuro, Columbia County, Pa Wllstylosot work done In a superior manner, wori w arranieu aa rufiuauuicu, .laiujuiiHui' D wirnocT Pain by the use ot Gas, and treeot obargowhenartlflclalteetb larelnserted. nnirnin Tlnrinn's bulldinc. Main street below Market, live doors below EJclm'B drug store, first floor. Jo be cptn at all hourt during the rfaj riov'i!ij B Y. UABTMAN BlrRISlNTS THI rOLLOWINO AMERICAN INSURANCE. COMPANIES North American ot Philadelphia. Franklin, " ' Pennsylvania, " " Torn, ot Pennsylvania. ;uanover, of N. Y. Queens, ot London. North British, of London. (Office on vui-im street, No, o, Bloomsburg, oot 14, 1- ESTABUSnKD I6C8. m. p. iiUTZ (Successor to Freas Brown) AGENT AND UKUKKIl C'OUrANIIS BtrKXSENTSDl Asset A'Aot Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, llnrtford ot Hartford Phooi t ot Hartford xprtngrcld of Hpilhgneid. , VIpa ALnnlntlnn. I'titltLdelnhlR.. 9.52&&S8.DJ s,ns mi v7 4,7TjlBfl 13 4, 812,78!. U (limnlmn or Iiidon C0.Ki3.!ll Phoenix, of London d.UM.MMS LanoaHhtrf of Kneland(U. 8. branch) l.Mt.mra Itoval of Kncland " " ,8VJ,iM W Mutual Iienellt Ufe Ins. Co. of New. nrk, N. .1 - 4I.SI9.W8 S3 Losses promptly adjusted and paid at this ofllce. 'PIKE INSURANCE AGENCY OF J. If. MAIZE, Ollli'fSnd llonr Columbian llullillng, MLOOMSHURG, PA. Liverpool London and Globe, largest In the world, 1MPHUIAL of London, CoNTI.SLNTALot New oik, AMBItlCAN of Phl'adelphla, NIAGAHA ol New Yctk, June l, ItbS, It. i WO 00 fj,40,te it l.',ttO,4TV.6(! EXCHANGE HOTEL W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOOUSBUna.PA. OPP091TBO00KT HOUBB Large and oonvenlent satuple rooms. Hath rooms hot ana ooia water) ana ui ujojora coaveaieao J S B1TTENBENDEB, cj rletors. CHAPPED hands result from two cmi;n. Tnn niurh alkali in the soap, which draws the natural oil from the skin, leaving it harsh, dry, and liable to crack, or the fats, from which the soap is made, are not properly combined with the alkali, so. from its greasy nature, it is impossible to rinse off the soap after wishing. Prof. Leeds, I'll. D., Stevens Institution of Technology, says: "The Ivory So while strongly cleansing, leaves the skin soft and pleasant to the touch, instead of harsh, uncomfortable, and liable to chap." A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, each represented to ba "ust as good as the 'Ivory1'," they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. CnpyrlEht WO. by JfocQT it IlimWo JSW m AND RELIABLE f ' M JT PLASTCR. ' novo ti EVERrWHERC 25CT8 6 rort f $1.00 loot Jar ttgw far price. f . Proprietors, I or nulled for CLOTHING ! CLOTHING G. W. BERTSGH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. Ms' Fur&ishing lloob,I... J. Caps OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits mado to order at short notice and a tit always truarnntepd or no sale. Call and examine tho largest and best selected stock ot goods ever diown in Colombia county. Btorc next door to First National Bank MAIN STREET, Bloomsburg Pn. WILLIAM HURT BLCCM-EURG. PENN'A,, AGENT FOB THE KEYSTONE DYNAMITE POWDER CO. tnanufactruers of tho celebrated Kejstone Dyna mite. This explosive Is giving universal satlafao tlon Quotations cheerfully given, (Aug Iff J. R. SMITH & CO. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa. O EAKi: IN PIANO By the following well known makers: Chickerins;, Knabe, "Weber, Hallet & IIavis. Can also furnish any of tho cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano be fore getting our prices. .o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. SeptS"! t. D! RS.J.N.&J.B.HOBENSACK M.diesl nd Surgical Offic., 206 NORTH SECOND ST., PHILADA. KSTAHI.ISUED 40 YIIAKH For the treatment of Youthful Imprudeneo, I,ois of Vigor, Nervnu. Debility and Hpeclul IMnrasr. Consults! Inn by mall free of charge. ll'ifilt H.'llt Free Offlco hours from S a.m. lo 2 v.4i from 0 to u r. 8. WILLIAM", AUOT10NEEH. BLOOMSBUltO, TA. Heal Estate Bought and Sj'.d. Parties desiring In buy liorsrs and wagons "ould do well to call on tbo nbovn. AimVWGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, , T I, ' I'llfLADEU'lUA, l'A, KAS, pVKUPS,,C0rKEE, HI OA It, ItnUHIr YUH 1 Oil 'VOOi CltMIIS 'W33I.K 'X0IU N. E. corner second and tb St s. ir' orders win receive prompt attentsoi GET YOUR JOIJ PRINTING DONli AT TIJE ( OLUMDf AN OFI'K K BLOOMSBTJRG, PA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, fresh Hops, h t mlockgum no PINE BALSAM COMBINED Spread on white muslin. THC POPULAR AND RELIABLE Apply one now for Backache, 81deacta., Bhoumatlsm, Kidney Weakneea, Tender Ludjth, Bore Chest, Btlff Muscles, Female Paine, CrtCK. Bprama, eto. t every sort of Pain, Ache, or Weakness, and quickly, too. sfjnaliireo HOP PLASTER, CO., CROWN ACCffiE THE BEST BURNING OIL THAT CAN BE MADE FROM PETROLEUM. It gives a brilliant light. ll win not smoKO me emmuejs. It ill not char the u lek. It has a hlgli lire test. 1L wtll not exnlnde. It Is pre-cuiinenlly n family safety oil.; W3 CHALLENGE COMPAUISON With any other Illuminating oil made. We Stake Our Reputation, As refiners, upon tho statement, that It Is THE BEST OIL IN THE WORU). Ask ycur dealer for l ANVIL, Ju 12 PA. Trade for Bloomsburg and Vicinity Supplied by Bloomslmrg, Pn. Bep2-iy. "tTTVrC ltHVOI.ynue. Send f.tamp for price list u u i, u o juiir.iu & cu.-n, iiiisuurif, I'eim. sepiui-u-ii. Prevents Limer Fever I Cures Distemper, Ilea ves, Glanders, Loss of Appetite, ft'ounucri overs, tic 1 lb. In each package. Sold by nil dealers. i Cures Dysentery, nnd Diarrhoea. Cures Wind ?BABY" SYRUP Clio, &o, itclioves Griping and Summer Complaint. Facilitates Teething. Regulates tie Bowels! Sold by all druggists. Prico 23 cents. "THE TEOPLE'S IU5J1EDV" For tho euro of -jaCOUCJIJfl, COLLS, miii m ni Astlimn. lloarsenoss Croup, Whooping Coush. KiSPontaBnts sumj-tion and lor tho relief ot Consumptlvo psr- puiigi 4- L. IU SJJ Mil MX druggists. SSccnts. V' sao& r 3 C" rs CtQARCTTES for t?- Pn jlOPf. AtalldruggUti. Oil SttwInsT.Uachlnf1 lrd im ill puti, y ihin. w will Mod free im 'MtMA Ifl Mb !M.tJit7,lfa sV7 Mil MWlDaF'BBcklBs. IlAaula 1st h world, with til lbs ttUcbBttsia. W Wtll lUNMRdfrfei COMAfiltl Mkafftf Our cotUijr CDd lubL tsrt ! nwra wi im iui j VtT tviill irsj HIM, IV LOOM Wl hnoAttsifclltlMll btetn your sw ad ftfUr ik Hliisrrr miuu. hlch hat a Mot ttu( l krfon iiiia . runoulllMtdfof U:i, wtibik iackiunu, bviwI cow Mill j 'SAO, Htll.ltfOBffMl.niOM Ua iltuftrktBi lb wtxid. A II I ! Na cadIuI rauirsd. Flsi- ttttf inM.ktii u (pfon, liTo.u wbo wrlia l ut tl tmitiDM mrt ikt btij MHlurmihlu la lb world, and lk fl, tu jf urVi. bb U tot abM it tofulbcf in Amarlc. 'r4lLl;CU, Httx 7U( kUMuM Xlulu i i- v y DAY'S HORSE P0WDER4& RULUS PI OTP BgasntPrwr oWUl3Jlf SMI mm, iw . i. KL L 1 rULH IILL1 rillL a yms mm. Peace and Prosperity Together Rule the World. AN AVERAGE TWELVEM0NT1L 1888 Did Not llrlng Any Great War Upon in Earth, and, Thouaii There Were Crimes, Disasters and Convulsions of Ntttnre, end the Hand of Death Hal Not Dcon Idle, Mankind's Progress Gen erally Has Heen Onward end Upward, Tho year 18SS has been comparatively un eventful, and yet au em of continuous progress and almost unbroken prosperity throughout the world. True, tuere have been local troubles bere and there an Inter national dispute in Bamoa, an Imbroglio In Haytl, quarrels in eastern Europe and small wars In Asia, raids by American Indians and Insurrections among West India negroes. Truo, also, there have been more Important disputes in more Llghly organized societies; cabinet crises In Franco and Spain, a change of rulers In Germany and n continuation of the long and wearying contest In Ireland. But all have got through tho year with less trouble thnii any oxpected at its beginning. Ui calamities caused by great natural forces there have been comparatively few: the greatest were the floods and earthquakes In China, hleu cuusod the death of at least hundreds of thousands of persons and reduced ten times as many to extreme poverty and suffering. In Japan occurred a most astonishing phenomenon. A lake on a mountain broke through iuton volcano, the whole upper balf of tho mountain was blown into tho air by tho steam thus created, and in its fall buried a number of small villages and Mveral hundred persons. In tbe United States there were terriblo snow storms early in the year, causing groat loss of life; and in the gulf states tbe yellow fever caused some loss of life late in the seasou, Bu ticking the year as a whole thcro has been unusual ex emption, there has been no blight upods the grain, no murrain uku the cattle; no general pestilence bos auy where fallen upon mankind, and the civilized nations have had no wars. In the line of inventions and publio im provements the year bos been a good one. In every part of tho civilized world railroads and telegraphs havo extended, all tho indus trial arts have flourished, and tho finer hu manities have dcvelojicd unchecked. In short, tho year 1SSS must rank in history as ono of thoso in which mankind are fairly happy because thoy are not making exciting history. Following will bo found a carefully com piled nnd classified record of tho more lm jiortant n cuts of 15S3. Of course it has been found Impossible lu the space available to In clude everything worthy of note, but it Is believed that tbe truo relative values ot the year's doings and happenings has been ob fcerved with tolerable accuracy. THE FINGER OF DEATH. JAXCARV. 2. Gen. Ibaau 1L Trimble, at Baltimore. Born 1803. Joel Parker, ex-governor of New Jersey. Born 16W 8. Gen. Edmund B. Alexander, at Washington, Born lt!ia . Professor Bonamy Price. Bom 1808. Gen. Washington Seawell, at Ban Francisco. Born 1601 14. (Jen. Ailiu. B. Underwood, at Bostoa Born 1S!7 15 Georgo Walker, ex-United States consul gen eral at Paris, lu Washington. Bora 1633. 31. Walter 31. Ultfeon. ex-preinier of the Sandwich LslaoiK at San Francisco. Born 18J. Kliza liiillou Garfield, mother ot President Garfield, at Mentor, O Born 1803. 2L Frederick a Brightly, at Philadelphia. Born 1812. xd Rear Admiral Clark II. Wells, t Washington. Born 1HS). 10. Professor Asa Gray, at Cambridge, Mm. Born 1811. FEBRUARY. 1. Henry Straus, colored, at Monroe. Sussex county, N. J Aged 100. 2. Mrs. Mary llowitt, at Itome, Italy. Bora 1804. 13. Archbbthop Baptisto Lamy. in Banta Fe, Kew Mexico Born 1811. 15. D. It. l)cke (Petroleum V. Kasby), at Toledo, O. Boruisat. 17. A. S. Barnes, In New York. Born 1817. !1. George II. Corliss, in Providence, R. L 1818. 21. W. W. Corcoran, at Washington, D. C. Bora Born ires. UARCn. 8. Sir Astley Cooper Key. Bora 16J1. 4. Amos Bronsou Aleott, in Boston. Born 1800. 0. Mrs. Prootor, widow of Barry Cornwall. Bora 1800. 0. Louisa May Aleott, In Boston. Born 1833. 7. 0. G. Meininlnger, secretary of tho Confeder ate treasury, in Charleston, S. C Born 1803. a Gen l.II.Strother(PorteCrayon),lnCharles- . ton, W. Va. Bom 1818. I A WlUlnm I-Frederlck William Ludwig Von no- henzollern, emjieror of Germany and king ot l'russla. Born ITW. 12. Henry Bergh, la New York. Born 1823. 'ID. Senator I-aiaro Ulppolyte Carnot, In Tarls. I Born 1801 18. Hoiaco Fairbanks, ex-governor of Vermont 10. John P ICing, ex-senator of the United States, to Atlanta, Ga. Horn 1709. S3. MorrUouR. Walte, chief Justice of the United I States supreme court. In W&bbtngton, Born I 1810. St. John T Hoffman, ex-governor of New York, In Wiesbaden. Bora 1823. Commodore Robert B. Hitchcock, In New 1 York. Bora 1801. fa. Joseph W Drexel, In New York. Born 1833. SO. Hx-Lleutcnant Governor Dorsheimer, editor of The New York Star, at Savannah. Born 1832. K. Felix O. C Darley, artist, near Claymont, . Del Born 1802. I Bey) Id Bargbatb, sultAn of Zanzibar. Born 1833. 80. Cardinal Tommaso Martinelu, In Rome, Born 1827. Aran. I 1. Dr. EmUo Bessels, Arctic explorer. Bora 1847. 4. Benjamin Uarrls Brewster, in Philadelphia. Born 1817. 5. Jacob Sharp, In New York. Born 1817. 7. tlaj. Gen. (juincy Adams UUlmore. Born 1823. 14. Joseph B. Alkmnny, archbishop of San Fran I Cisco. Bora 181 L 15. Elizabeth Arnold, colored, Lynchburg, Va. I Aged 118. llatthew Arnold, In Liverpool. Bora 1823. 18. Dr. Cornelius It. Agnew, In New York. Bora , im Eoscoe ConkUng, In New York. Bora 1623. It. A. B. Abeu, founder of The Baltimore Bun, la i Baltimore. Bora 1807. 20. William B. Dinsmore, president of tbe Adams , Express company. Born 181 L It. Brig. Oen. William Dwlght, In Boeton. Born I 1820. I Thomas While, Canadian minister of th. In terior, In Ottawa. Bora 183a 2. Rear Admiral Charles Stewart Boggs, lo New" ' Brunsnlck, N. J. Bora 1811. 'CO. Mrs. Clemence B. IL Loiter, M. D, In Vew I York. Bora 1814. DAT. Is. John Henry Hobart Brown, In Fond du Lao, Wis., bkhop of Fond du Lao diocese. liora 1832. 1 Professor Edward B. Dunster, lu Ann Arbor, Mich. Bora 1834. C. Laurens Perseus Illckok, ex-president ol Unlou college, In Amherst, Mas. Born 1798. T, Thomas Eggtoston, near GrimthsvUle, W, Va. Aged 111 years. lie smoked dally for ninety years. 8. lTofessor Leone Levi, In London. Botii 1821. IL Commodore Kittson, la St. Paul, Ulnu. Born 182L 12. John Joseph Lynch, archbishop of Toronto. Horn 1610. 19. ltev. Dr. William Ferdinand Morgan, lo New York. Bora 1817. JCVE. s, Thomas MacElrath, the first publisher of The Tribune, In New York. Bora 1607. 7. Marshal Edmond La Boxif, In Paris. Bora 1800. 8. ltev. Dr. James Freeman Clark, In Jamaica Plains, Mass. Bora 1810. la Stephen QleAson, la Fall River, Mass, Aged 103. Rt. Hon. Edward Robert Klng-IIannan, under secretary for IrelamL Born, 1838. 12. Mrs. John Sheridan, mother of Uea. Sheridan at Bomersut, O. Born 1801. ' 14. Mary N. Prusoott, near Newbuiyport, Mass. HornlSIO. t ii. Frederick III, Emperor of Germany and King ot Prussia. Born 1832, Rev. George Trevor, canon or York, England. Bora 1800. Dr. Charles II. Zukertort, the chess player, la London. Born 1843. i t4. Rowland dibson Haiard, In Peacedalo, R. L ' BorolWL 13. Sidney Ilonard aay, In Staten lUand. Bora 18lt to. Oen. Washington L. Elliott, In San Francisco. Bora 1821, Francis Ueory Temple Bellow, artist. Born 1827. jclv. 9. John MaadiVlUe, M. P., la TulUunora all, Ir-Usd. IL Rev. George Robert Olelg, formerly chaplain general of the British forces. In London. Born 1700, Oen. Jesso C. Smith, In Brooklyn. Born 1808. Ii Vlnoent Colyer. artist. In Darlen, Conn. Born 1823. Hiram Sibley. In Rochester, N. Y. Corn 1807. 19. Sir Johannes Uenrlcus Brand, president of the Orange Free Bute, Africa. Bora 1824. 19. Rot, Edward Paynon Roe, lnCornwallon-lh- nudaon. Born 1637. 50. Gen. Thomas L. Young, In Cincinnati, O, Born 183a 8L ChATles Theodore Eugene Duclerc, senator And former premier of France, In Paris. Bora 1813. S3. Cotirtlandt Palmer, at Lake Dunmore, near Brandon, Vl Born 184a C8. Ex -Oovornor Thomas Carney, In Leavenworth, Kan. Born 1823. X. Bartley Campbell, In Mlddletewn, N. Y. Born 1843. 11. Dr. Robert Morris, poet laureate of Masonry, In La Grange, Ky, Born 1810. ACQ VST. 8. rhillp Henry Sheridan, general of the army of tbe United States, at Nonquitt, Mass. Bora 1831. 7. William P. Davtdge, actor. In Wyoming Terri tory. Bora 1814. IL Richard B. Spofford, at Amesbury, Masa. Bora 1633. II Lawrence R. Jerome, at Sharon, Conn. Bora 1819. 14. Charles Crocker, the railroad millionaire, la Monterey, Cal Bora 1822. 3d. Beth Green, "rattier of tho Fishes," In Roch ester, N. Y. Bora 1817. tl. Right Rev. Samuel B. Hsrrla, second bishop of tho Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Michigan. Born 1841. 24. Mrs. Anna Seguln, singer, In New York. Born 1814. 51. Sir John Rose, Canadian statesman. In Caith ness, Scotland. Born 182& SEPTEMBER. 5. George L. Perkins In Norwich, Conn., aged 104 years. C John Lester Wallack, In Stamford, Conn. Horn 1820. 12. J. Newton Ootthold, Actor. Professor Richard A. Proctor, In New York. Born 1S37. 21. William Warren, uctor, In Boston, ttl Ex-Marshal Bazalne, of France, at Madrid, Spain. OCTOBER. 4. President Rutter, of tbe Insolvent Traders bank, at Chicago, o. Tom King, ex-pugilistlo champion of England. IB. Long John Wcntwortb, In Chicago. Born 1813. ig.jEx-I'ra.ldent Salomon, of Haytl, In Paris. Born '816 2a R. IL PulJsfer, Ute of Tbe Boston Herald, at Newton, Mass. 21. Liyudoo, New York Chinaman and former general of the black flags, In New York, it Is claimed with grief over the,passago of, tho anti-Chinese bllL 22. Vicar General Maurice A. Walsh, of Philadel phia. Born 183a 27. M- Uertenstom, president of the Swiss Repub lic 23. Mrs. Ellen Ewlog Sherman, In New York. Bora 1B21. NOVEMBER. a Dr. David IlostetterJ at New York, Born 18Sa 14. Brig. Gen. William IL Browned, at Brooklyn. Bora about 1840. la Duke Maximilian, of Bavaria, at Munich. Born 1803. 18. Dr. Henry B. Sands, famous Anatomist, at New, fork. Bora 183a 21. Nathaniel Currier, publisher, at New York. Born Iloxbury, Mass., 18ia 22. Tho Very iter. Maurice A. Walsh, LL.D., At Philadelphia. Bora Ireland. 25. Commodore Cicero Price, U. 8. N., at Troy, N. Y. Bora Kentucky, 1820. 80. William II. Foster, oldest bank official, at8A lem. Mass. Bora Salem, 1797. Mrs. T. T. Pitman (Margery Deane, at Paris. Clen. Thomas J. .Power, at Rochester, To. Bora 1807. DECEMBER. 1. Rear Admiral Edward Simpson, at Washing ton, D. a 2. Judge Thomas Settle, of North Carolina, He presided over the Republican nattonAl conven tion that renominated Oen. Grant. 4. Maj. Gen. Romeyn B Ayres, At Fort Hamil ton, N. Y. Bora 1820. a Henry John Trotter, English member ot par liament. 7. Frederick A. Moore, at Nashua, N, IL 1825. Gen. William II. Blair, at Belief onto. Fa. Bern Bora 1812. ia Rear Admiral Le Roy, In New York. 12. Colorow, the Indian chief, la Oen. James 0. line. In New York. Born IBM. ia Mrs. Timothy Merrick (Professor Bralslts), At Ilolyoke, Mass. Bora 1838. AS THE WORLD WAGS. JANUARY. 4. Bark Alfred I. Snow wrecked off Dish coast J 25 lost. a English steamer Maude foundered In Block sea; 13 lost. ia Thirteen killed at naverhlll bridge over the Merrlmao on Boston and Maine railroad. 13, Blizzard In the northwest. Immense damage done; many frozen to death. 17. E. C Walthall re-elected senator from Missis sippi 18. Norwegian bark Freldas sunk In collision with British steamer Toronto off Ireland 18 drowned. Court Clerk Irion, of Birmingham, Ala., de faulted in $20,00a 19. Hatflcld McCoy row. 22. Fourteen burned to death at Tower, Minn. 8a Charles O'Brien, cashier, and Elmer E. Morse, bookkeeper, Albany First National bank, de faulted In $200,00a 2L Colliery explosion at Wellington, B. C; 23 killed. 25. United States Senator Wilson, of Iowa, re elected. 2 2a Oreat storm on the Atlantlo coast. 27. Deficit of $350,000 alleged In the accounts ot the late government of Manitoba. FEBRUARY. I. Twenty-two drowned In wreck of the British bark Absacom near mouth of the Columbia river. a White Cap outbreak In Indiana. 7. Failure of the Metropolitan National bank, Cincinnati, President Moans, Cashier Harper and others ar Jested, a Murder of Amos J. Sneli, Chicago. (Tascott cose). Henry Reece, cashier Continental hotel, Phila delphia, defaulter lu $00,000. II, James Albert won six-day go-as-you-please walking match in New York, breaking world's record. 17. Two American ships ordered to Tanglers, Morrocco, to settle row between the sultan and the United States consul. 19. Tornado at Mt. Vernon. DU.; 21 killed. 1. Twenty-Sve killed by explosion of boiler of steamer In the United States or Colombia. 22. Mackay and Flood quarrel over Ions", in wheat and dissolve partnership. S7. Forty lost by explosion of a ferryboa'; at Val lejo, Cal. UARC1L I. International railway connecting Mexican Cen. tral with Southern Pacific opened for buslneka. a Discovery ' of graveyard Insurance scheme, Charleston, 8. C. 4. Erastus J, Jones, ex-treasurer of Dauphin eounty. Pa., defaulter In $01,ooa II, 12, 13. Famous bllzzardalongtheAtlantio coast. Great daiuago done, railroads blocked, many frozen to death, man) shipwreck A ta Oen. Adam Badeau brought suit against Mrs. Grant 'or compensation for assistance In pre paring Gen. Grant's Memoirs. Bettled late In theyeai 17. 19 killed en Savannah, Florida And Western railroad, near lllaksheor, Go, 11 Confession by a member of the Missouri Bald Knobbers. sa State Treasurer Tate, Ky., defaulter In f 250,00a S3. Blizzard In the northwest, sa Tornado destroys town of Ninnescah, Kan. 27. Terrible floods In Germany and Hungary) floods In many parts of the United States; mauy lives loat and much damage done. President Close and Cashier WTUte of the State National bank of Rolelgb, N. a, defaulted in J75.000. 23. SO miners killed by explosion at Rich nili. Mo. Capt, Taul Boyton adrift all day In the Ice of Lake Mlchigau. APRIL 1. Diss Debar-Marsh spuituallstlo sensation, New York, In full blast. Secretary Bayard expressed dissatisfaction with tbe conduct of Oermany In Samoa, a Twelve killed In railroad accident at Newbamp- ton, Ohio. 6. Oen. George Crook nominated for major general In place of Gen. Terry CoL John It. Brooks made brigadier general In Crook's place. 13. Failure of the American exchange In London) Henry F QUlig general manager) liabilities, Hoooooa 11 Eighteen burned to death At Celaya, Mex., by tbe burning of A stand for spectator of A bull fight. Seuator Stanford's racing stables burned at Palo Alto, Cul 2a Thou. Tunstoll of Mobile, AK, made United States consul lo Ssu Salvador, 31 John IL Murphy, confidential clerk of Dr. Daniel Oray of llohnesburg. Pa., defaulted la ttf.UOa OT. Oen. Joseph E. Johnston admitted to contribu tory membership by Oen. E. D. Baker Post, O. A. Ik 29. Bhlp Smyrna sunk In collision with steamer Moto on Isle of Wight. Thirteen drowned. MAY, 1. Assistant Cashter Ie Baun, of tb Tark No tional bank, New York, defaulted in (93,000. a Ten thousand dollars stolen from registered letters near Harrbburg, l'a. 1 Fifteen banks failed lu Buenos lyre, a Cloud burst near Maize, Kan. causing flood whUh swept the houseand entire family to A watery death. Exploalon of a carload of dyssmlte at Locust Gap, Pa. Eight Lilted. 13, Train robbery at Aguatarut, A T ia High water along the Missouri and Red riven, Several Uvea lost, tl Jat41il esjral trti4 u vUt I 1889. of deaconesses Tor 'cliaHiabtt Work. S3. Rev, John 11. Vincent and Rev. James M. Flts gersld msde bishops by the general Methodist conference. S3. Rev. J. O. Joyce made bishop by ths general Methodist conference. Randall I. Gibson elected senator from Louisi ana. 94. Dr. John T. Newman and Rev. Dr. Ooodaell mads bishops by the general Methodist con ference. Corner stone of tho new Roman CathoUo uni versity laid at Washington, ta Rev, J. M. Thoburn elected bishop of India by the general Methodist conference. Exciting discussion of the negro question at the general assembly of the Presbyterian church In Philadelphia, sa The southern assembly of the Presbyterian church decided against Dr. Wood row and his fivolutlon theory, lestructlve storms throughout tho United States. Enormous losses. S3. General assembly of ths southern Presby terian church decided against organlo union. 80. E. D. White elected senator from Louisiana. JUXK. a White Cap outrages In Indiana. a Oen. William B. Froncklyn named commis sioner of the United States to the Paris expo sition) BomerrUie B. Tuck, assistant commis sioner. Eighteen killed In a railroad accident near Tam- pico, Mexico. Eleven burned to death at Rockdale, Tex. IE. 1. Uchtensteln, Wilmington, Del., de faulted In 133,25a & Steam yacht Gleam run down In the Patapsco river by steamer Joppa; IL T. HarTlsOn Gar rett, of Baltimore, drowned. Rev. Dr. I-aiton Coleman made Protestant bishop of Delaware, ia Train robbery at Muscogee, L T. 17. Train robbery near Junction City, IL T. 18. Mme.andGen. Diss rbarsenteaced to the pen itentiary for six months. 53. Disastrous floods In Mexico. Many hundreds drowned. 54. Holbrook, A. T., nearly destroyed by fire. f3. Paying Teller Pitcher, of the Union bank of Providence, R. L, Is a defaulter and fugitive. JULY. a John F. Van Loan of the Second National bank of Jersey city, defaulter in (15,000. 4. Mrs. James K. Polk, widow of President Polk, at Nashville, started tho machinery of the Cincinnati Exhibition by electricity. Wm. R. Flack lost his life trying to navigate tho whirlpool rapids, Niagara, a Col Thos. L. Casey made chief of engineers of the army. 11 More than 500 killed by rolcanla eruptions In Japan. 17. Ilronek, Chebouth, and Chapek, three Bo hemian Anarchists, arrested In Chicago, charged with conspiracy to bum the city. ACQCST. 1. Blinky Morgau hanged In Columbus, O. Twenty-one Uvea lost ia a Ore on the Bowery, New York 4. Terrible tornado In Cuba, neavy loss of life, a Yellow fever well under way at Jacksonville, Flo. 10. Ten persons burned to death at Chattanooga, Tenn. Hugh M Crooks, alias Maxwell, hanged at St. Louis. 14. Woman suffrage declared unconstitutional in Wyoming. ia Collision of steamers Oeysersnd ThlngvaUa. More than 100 Uvea lost. 21. Bill Miles, anti-Bald Knobber, shoots and kills Capt. N. Kinney, Bald Knobber chief, at Ozark, Ma Severe storms on the gulf and Atlantic coasts. 33. Olgantla opium sinuggUng scheme unearthed; Frank Gardner and other guilty parties after ward convicted and Imprisoned. Thirty-four lives lost In steamer collision In San Francisco bay. v Sa Fourteen killed by boiler explosion at Neemah, Neb. sa Quarantine ordered against Jacksonville, Fls. Robert Garrett reported demented. 8L Charles IL Lltchman resigns general secre taryship of the Knights of Labor. SEPTEMBER. a Battle between outlaws and vigilantes near ralladora. No Man's Land. Seventeen out laws killed. a Sarah Altbea Hill Jailed for three days for contempt of court Judge Terry,, her hus band sent up for six months for brandishing a knife in the court room, it Floods In Mexico. Many lives lost, ia Disastrous floods In Georgia. 90. John Q. Parkhurst of Michigan, appointed U. S. Minister to Belgium. 34, The lone highwayman of Texas klUed by Mrs. Lizzie Hay. sa J. H. Obcrly appointed Indian commissioner. V. W. R, FoBter, of New Yvrk, defaulter in 1108, 000. Old nutch's wheat corner begun hi Chicago. 21 Sioux Indians decline to accept the terms of tbe proposed treaty. OCTOBEA. L Traders' bank at Chicago suspended. liabili ties, 11,000,000. a Bevere storms on the great lakes. Many lives lost. 10. Seventy-eight killed in a railroad collision. Mud Run, Pa. 11 II. B. Brlggs of Rochester, defaulter In 114,- 00U 19. J. ft. McClure and nugh Flannlgan robbed ot 1)1,000 and murdered near WUkesbarre. ' Train roobery At rem, IndT " SX Thos. Axworthy, treasurer, of Cleveland, O, defaulter In UO0.O00. Sa Daniel Hand, of Connecticut; gave 11,000 000 for the education of , , the' colored people Id the former slave states. ' 80. Lord Baekvule given his passports. Iff, Steamer Haytiaa Republic seised by the Hay- NOVEMBER, 1. Serious trouble with oyster dredgers on Ches apeake bay. 4. Sixteen killed by mine explosion at Cook's Run, Pa. 9. One hundred klUed by mine explosion at Pitts burg, Kan. Thirty-seven killed by a fire In Rochester, N. Y. 13. Marriage of Joseph ChamberUin and Miss En dlcott. Failure of the bank of Durham, N. O. Liabili ties tioaooa Involving other failures aggre gating $1,000,000. 17. Perry Belmont appointed minister to Spain. 20. A. SU Colquitt 're-elected United States BenAtor from GeorgtA. 53. General Master Workman Powderly of ths Knights of Labor re-elected. J. E. Bedell, mortgage forger In New York, sen tenced to twenty-fire years and four months Imprisonment. 54, 3, 20. Terrible storm on the Atlantic coast. 27. rhk will case decided against CorneU unlver slty. Jacksonville reports a clean blU of health. 80. Calumet and Hecla copper mines fired by In cendiaries. Treasurer Chas. O. WlncheU, of Spink county, Dakota, defaulted la $100000. DECEMBER, V Frank II. Bates, employed by Old Hutch, de faulted hi ?30,00a 7. Wholesale arrests of White Cappers In Craw ford county, Ind. a Mob attacked tho Jail at Birmingham, Ala., and attempt to lynch a murderer named Hawee The sheriff fired ou the mob, killing ninoonl wounding thirty ia White Cap outrages becoming prevalent In many parts ot the country Rear Admiral Lts-'o ordered to proceed with two war (hips to lldytl and demand the release ot the steamer Ilaytlan Republic Soiled ths 12th. 14. Fifteen burned to death at a fire At Neumuns ter, l'russla. 17. Beginning of trouble between whites and ne groes lu MisslsslppL ACROSS THE MAIN. JANUARY. 10. M. Floquet elected president ot French cham ber of deputies. riot to assassinate the czar discovered. New Year's festivities susneuded. SO, William O'Brien released from Tullamore Jail w. tiociansta wno were holding a meeting In Lon ' don dispersed by tbe police. Louise Michel shot by a crank at Havre, France. 24. John Bright wrote a letter denouncing Glad stone ana nis pouucai metnoas. IA, Bismarck refused to see Lord Randolph umrcnui, on tne ground or overwork, VTBRUAAT. a Prince Bismarck made an emphatic statement in ravor or peace. Callan and Ilarklns, dynamiters, convicted Ana sentenced in ionaoa1 to nrtesn 7 ears im prisonment 4. AUBtroOermAn treaty of 1879 published, causing mucn excitement, a Riot of miners at Rio Tin to. Snoln. a A military loan bill providing for an IncreAss of 700,000 men la the army And exchange ol 280,000,000 marks passed th. Oerman rslch- stag. Lord Landsdowne appointed governor general ot India. Lord Stanley appointed to Canada. 9. Operation of tracheotomy performed upon th crown prince of Oermany. 10. Verdict of the coroner's J1U7 In th Mitch el- vown, ireianu, eviction case set aside. Lord Dufferin resigned the vice royalty of inuio. 11 Riots at OuyaquU, Panama. Several klued, many wounded, ia The English reported to have seized a rich por- uuu 01 v euezueio. Douglas I'yno, M. P., seatenced to tares moutns imprisonment 11 Memorial window in St Margaret's church. London, to John Milton, gift of George W, imius, unveueo. MARCH, 1. Daniel Wilson, son-in-law of President Grew. of France, convicted of s ladling la coaaae tlon with th. sole of decorations, 17, Prince Oscar of Sweden and Miss Monck mar ried at lioumemoutiL 90, Oen. Carfare! convicted and sentenced to pay a One for complicity In the French deooratlon acanuai. aime. uinousin unnriiioutHL 25. Trial of Oen, Boulanger by court martial de elded against Uu. X. Will lfsvkt tA . tebeol U.s&oaAo. THE OOLUMB IAN, '01 XXIII NO 1 COLOMBIA DRMO OlIAT, V( 1 lit, M 19 n"Tn7ihe FfencriMWbratlon'frnuas. 8a IL Tirard, premier of Franco, resigned. APRIL a German frontier poUco Increased precautions and refused admlttanoo to tbe Alaaoo-Lorraine ot Any persons not provided with authority, New French cabinet officially announced. M. Floquet, primo minister) M. Goblet, minister ot foreign affairs) M. de Freyclnet, minister of war. a Riots In Ireland at Kllrush, Ennls and Lough' rea, at meeting of the league which had been proclaimed. a Oen. Boulanger elected to the chamber of deputies from tbedetartment of tbe Dardogne, He declined to sen o. ia MaUetoo, king of Samoa, left a prisoner at Catneroons, Arnca, by tne ucrmaos. la lloulanger elected to tho chamber of deputies from the department Du NortL ia Insurrection in Routnania. Peasants killed by troops and villages burned. Boulanger took his scat In the chamber of deputies. 50. Many strikes reported in Germany. Demonstration by 1,600 students In Paris against Boulanger. Serious riot) many In jured. 8XX Much comment In England and Ireland over the pope's decree against the plan of cam paign. MAY. a Wullani O'Brien sentenced In Dublin to three months' Imprisonment for violating the crimes act. An uprising of SociaUbt Democrats feared In Berlin. IL John Dillon, IL P., sentenced to six months' Imprisonment, without hard labor. 11 Tho BrozUian senate passed the bill abolishing slavery which was possod by the chamber of deputies the previous week. Lord Wolseley having declared In tho British house of lords thst If s bostUo army of 100,000 men were to land In England, she would be at Its mercy. Lord Salisbury repUed censuring Lord Wolseley. The discussion was caused by the result of the British naval maneuvers. 17. Irish CathoUo members ot the English parlia ment Issued a manifesto docilntng to recog nize the right of the Holy Boo to Interfere with the Irish people in tho management of their political affairs. 51. Autl Chlneso agitation In New South Wales and New Zealand assumed an alarming ten dency. 23. Much trouble from bandits reported from Cuba. 27. First train passed over Trans-Caspian railroad to Samaracand, causing serious riots, 15. Dom Pedro of Brazil reported recovered. 23. Two French Journalists expelled from BerUn for libeling the royal family French senate passed a credit of 470,000,000 francs for war preparations. 34. A papal encycUcal under this date reiterated tbo former decree against boycotting and the plan of campaign. JULY. a The Jury In the O'Donnell-London Timni libel suit returned a verdict In favor of The Times. 7. AillaBRZi reported between Oermany and Bel gium. 9. The electors chosen June 5, formally elected (Vn. Porarlo Diaz as president of Mexico, ia Gen. BoulauRer. hi the French chamber of deputies, told tbe prender be lied, and left be fore bo could be censured. 11 Boulanger and Floquet fought a duel Bou longer stuck through the neck. 20. Dr. Ridley, wbo attended Mr Mandevllle, M. P., hi Tullamore Jail, committed Bulcldo 21 Ninth centennial of Russia'a Christian izatlon celobrated at Kief. 8L Mr. Parnell charged that Mr. Chamberlain dl vulged state secrcta In 1685. Lively row In the house of commons In consequence. Oreat strike on In Paris. ICOUST. a Italy notified the powers that she had token possession of Maasowah and surrounding dis tricts. T. Riots between French strikers And poUco At Amiens and Paris. 11. I'arneU took steps to sue The London Times tor libel In Scotland. 11 Strike among glasu workers In Lyons, France, ta Count Von Moltke retired oa chief of the staff of Germany, and was succeeded by tbo Count Von Waldersee. 14. Two thousand cotton mill carders at Black burn, England, on strike Steel works at Londaur, Wales, shut down. Thousands of men out of work. 15. Revolution reported in Haytl. President Salo mon left tbe island. ia Boulanger riots at Amiens and Abbeville, France. Emperor William at a banquet at Franklln-on-Oder, said 46,000,000 Germans would die rather than give up Alsace-Lorraine. 17. Close of the Parts strike. 20. Honors conferred on all the British members of the fisheries commission, excepting Joseph Charnhcrlaln. SEPTEMBER. 1, Diary of the late i'iperor Frederick of Ger many pubiisneo. 4. Gladstone hissed at Wrexham, Wales, 14. News received of themurderof Maj. lUrttelot, leader or the Stanley relief expedition. SI Publication of further extracts from Emperor I'reaenca's aiary forbidden by the uerman government. 27. Bamoans rebelled against King Tamassee, de- reatea nis army and declared UataUa king. OCTOBER. iaDr. Mackenzie's book ordered seized by the Uerman government. sa Oreat excitement In Wurtemburg over alleged control or tne king by Hendry and Woodcock, American farcritca. 24. The marriage of King Milan end Queen Na- moue aissoiveu in a poetoroi or tne ttervtan metropolitan. 93. Accident to the czar's train. The czar and his family narrowly escaped death. NOVEMBER. 11. Rioting In Madrid. Premier Canovas mobbed. 14. Prado, the murderer of Marie Agaetan, con victed and sentenced to death In Tarts. 19. Empress Frederick arrived In England. 27. Arrest of Dr. Tumblety. an American, In Lon don, suspected or being the Whitechapel mur derer, OECEMBER. t. The Jubilee of Emperor Francis Joseph cele- oraieu in Austria, and by Hungarians an I Bo hemians throughout the United States and Canada, 10. A now 8)iantsh cabinet formed. 11. The French chamber of deputies adopted the cxiraorainary ouagets ror ivtfJ, tne estimates being fixed at ie8.800.000 francs. 14. The Gorman relchstag passed the resolution for the suppression of the East African slave trade, IL Clemenceau. the French statesman. In jured in duel with 11. Maurel Advices received from Cairo that Stanley and ftuln Pasha are the prisoners of th. Mahdl, who demands the it lease of Suakim by the British as their ransom. DOINGS OF CONGRESS. JANUAnY. 4 Meeting of congress. 12 Senate bill empowering tbe president to ap point a commissioner or usu an 1 turneries, passed by the house. Boutellu battle flag resolution adopted by the house. 16. Resolution of Mr Dlogley calling for an Inquiry Into alleged discrimination on the WeUand canal luis&cd by thH house. 17, A message from the president dealing with raclilo railroads 18 Tbe blU to refund tho direct tax of 1861 passed ny tue senate. 1110 agricultural experimental stations bUl passed by the liouso. 19. Resolution to appropriate J-'AOOO for tho Mel bourne exposition passed by the house. 2a Resolution of Inquiry Into the Jackson, Miss., election passed by tue aenate. 91 Senate passed tills granting pensions of 13,003 a year to tne widows or liens. Logan And Blair. 91, Constitutional amendment extending the term ur mo resident untu April 80 passed by the bouse. FEBRUARY, 2. Pension Dill for helpless sailors and soldiers ,iossed the senate. Special seaatorial committee to Investigate 1 he Pocltle railroads appointed. 7. BUl to auiead the Internal revenue laws io&sod by house. 1 Consideration ot the British extradition treaty postponed by the senate untU December. 11 Blair educational bKl nussed by the senate. sa Constitutional amendmeut extending the presi dent's term to April 80 rejected by the senate. 31t The president transmitted to the senate the fisheries treaty, accompanied by a message and protocol. 21 BlU to provide for an Inten tlonal marine con gress passed by the senate. The United States laws extended over "No Man's I-aud." 87. BlU to Incorporate the Maritime Canal com pony or Mcoraugna passed by the senate. 29. Senate passed tho bill creating a Natlcual Art commission, inn authorizing tbe secretary of the treasury to uu the surplus for the pur chase of bonds, passed by the house. MAIICU. 1. Resolution requesting the president to nego tiate a treaty with China providing for tbe ex clusion of Chinese laborers passed by the sen ate. Mills' tariff blU presented to the house by the ways and moans commlltoe. a PociUe railroad telegraph bill (tossed by the bouse. & Dependent pension blU passed by tbe senate. U Bill authorizing the issue of 15,000,000 of frac tional sUver certificates passed by the house S3. IliU to provide for a commission to investigate the liquor trafuo passed by the senate; also bill authorizing the presldeut to provide for A conference with Bouth American republics. 97. Tbe president transmitted to ths senate tbe new Chinese treaty, with an explanatory let ter by Bucrelary Bayard. Th treaty prohib its the coming of Chinese laborers to the United States for twenty rears. 8a BUls granting ienslous to the widows of Gens. Logan and Bialr passed by the house. APRIL 4. House began the famous direct tax bill dead lock. ta Deadlock In the bouse over the direct tax bill broken by a vote of 14d to 137 after a duration of eight days, It UvUls ou th Mills tariff bill opened lu th 11 BUI to create a department of labor rowed by the house; Also a bill providing for boards ot arbitration. 19. BUI for the Admission of Bouth Dakota passed by the senate. 90. Pension and Indian Appropriation bills passed by the bouse. MAY. 7. Chinese tresty ratified by th senate In execu- - tlve session. River and harbor bill passed by th bous un der suspension of tbe mica, 9. Cboce International copyright bin passed by the senate: Also railroad land forfeiture U1L 10. New treaty with Peru ratified by tbe senate. 17. Pension appropriation bUl Amounting to 193,' 000,000 pRMod by the senate. IL BUI to establish A deportment of Agricultare passed by ths bouse. S3. Bill to establish a depsrtment of labor passed by tho senate. 29. Ths president authorised to confer the rank of general of th. Army on Oen. rhillp IL Sheridan. JCIY. la Ford resolution for a special committee to In. vestlgate evasions of the contract labor law passed by the house. 17, BlU to provide adjustment of accounts of gov ernment laborers under tho eight hour faw passed by the senate, ga Nomination of Melville W. Fuller n chief Jus- tico of the United States supreme court con firmed by the senate. 81. Froedman's bonk Mil passed by the senatu (appropriation 11,000,000). Mills' tariff bill passed by the house by vote of 101 to 149, throe Republicans voting for th. measure and four Dsmocrats against It. ACOCBT a Chinese exclusion bill passed by the senate, without division. ia BlU to regulate Interstate commerce by tele graph pnased by the senate. 11 Fortifications bill passed by the house, with out division. 9a Chinese exclusion bUl passed by tho house? 91. Fisheries treaty rejected by senate by A vote of 80 to ST. SEPTEMBER. a An ontl-Chlnese Immigration bQI passed by the house. 7. The Chlnora exclusion blU passed. I The Canadian retaliation bill passed by the house, only three negatlvo votes being cast. 14. Resolution to appropriate 80,000 to guard agalnat tbe spread of yeUow fever passed by both houmss. 25. Joint resolution to provide for an International commission to settle Mexican boundary ques tions iassed by the bouse. OCTOBER, L A message from the president wtth his signs nature of the Chinese exclusion bilL a Substitute for tlu house tariff blU reported lu tho senate. ia BUI to pay to the widow of Chief Justice Walte his salary tor the remainder of the year passed by the senate. 19. Both bouses adjourued sine di& DECEMBER, a Lost session of Fiftieth congress opened. A message from President Cleveland trans mitted. a Consideration of the substitute for the house tariff blU reopened In tbo senate. II Congressman Butterworth Introduced a blU providing tor the Annexation of Canada to the United States. LABOR DISTURBANCES. JANUARY. I Forty collieries on tho Reading Railroad sys tem are Idle. rEDRUAUY. a Riot among miners at Shenandoah, Pa. II Eviction of twenty two families of stristng cigar makers hi New York. 1). Riot at Hillings, Montana Territory. Sa Work gcncraUy resumed In the Reading col lieries. 23. Chief Arthur, of tho Brotherhood of Locomo tive Engineers, ordered tho engineers and Ore men of tbe Chicago, Burlington and Qutncy railroad to strike. MARCO. 1 O., B. and Q striking engineer fatally shot at Springfield. Mo., by a deputy uiarshsl 7, The a, II an,'. Q engineer strike extended to the Burlington and Northern railroad ia Engineers and firemen on tbe Santa Fe sys tem struck In a body Result of the C, B. and Q. strike: Broken next day. 29. Riots among C, B. and Q. switchmen at Chi cago. 8a Strike on the Chicago, MUwsukee and St. Paul railroad. 11. Strike mi tho Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chi cago railroad In progress. 81, Trams stopped on the St, Paul railroad near Chicago. ApaiL a Strike ou tbe Michigan Central at Chicago. 9. Strike of Boston paper hangera succeeded. 12. Brewers meu struck in Chicago. 1 1. Strike of bakers at Chicago. ML Brewers' lockout began lu New York, Brook lyn, Kiwart, Jersey City, Peterson and Staten Island. Fire thousand men out of employ ment 20. Andrew Carnegie opened his great steel works at nttsburg w 1th non-union men. 29. More shooting reported at Golcsburg, Ills , on me uuicago, uuningion ana iuincy rallroad. UAY. a Strike at tho Edgar Thompson steel works de clared oft by the Knights of Labor. JUNE, 11 One thousand flvo hundred cotton operatlvea on strike at Haritz, Austria. 15. AU v, indow glass factories In nttsburg and tho west shut down. 11 Miners In the Connellsvllle, r-, coko region out on n strika 81 Conference between the Iron manufacturers and tbe Amalgamated association resulted In the closing of tho inilU, 20,000 men being thrown out of employment JULY I Division Chief BauereUcn of tho Brotherhood of locomotive Engineers and three others ar rested, charged with being Implicated In a plot to wreck property of tho a, II. nnd Q. ia Chairman Hogo and Murphy of the "Q" engi neer's and firemen's grievance committee and Secretary Kelley and McOllvery arrested In connection with ho alleged dynamae con spiracy. 17. George Clark, brotherhood euglie-rsrrrwU:d at Ooleshurg, Uls., in conuectloa 733ti)rSd dynamito eomvptracy on "Q" road. II Unconditional surreuderof the Iron manufact urers to the Amalgamated association AUOUST a Street car strike in Brooklyn. EnJ.vl next day. 11 Largo rolling mills at Chicago shut down. Fifteen hundred men thrown out of employ ment 24 Fifteen hundred hands thrown out of wo.-k by ..hutting down of mills In Delaware c-junty. Pa. Railroad einployos on four Indiana lines went out on strike. OCTOOER. 1 Striko ot ship riggers in Philadelphia. Twenty-nine window glass factories la the Western assoclatiou resume work. 7. Street car strike on la Chicago ft Rioting betwucn tho Chicago street car strik ere and th wllca II Thomas WardeU, wealthy coal operator at Bevler, Mo., killed by striking miners. 14. Strike among the streetcar men In Chicago practically ended, fl. Street car riots in Chicago. SOVEMUEIL & Strike of switchmen on the New York Central and Boston and Albany railroads at Albany, 22. General strike of switchmen at Indianapolis. DECCUOER. a T. B. Barry organized a labor organization, in. dependent of the Knights of Labor, a Tho trial of the aUegod "Q" dynamiters begun at Oenevo, UL 1 Fresh trouble at Bovler, Mo., necessitated the calling out of the troops. THE YEAR'S POLITICAL MILESTONES. APRIL 4. Rhode Island election. Carried by the Ucpuo licans. 17. Louisiana election. Carried by the Democrats. MAY. ia Union Labor convention at Cincinnati nomi nated Allison J. Streotor, of Illinois, for presl dent and Charles E. Cunningham, of Arkansas, for vice president 17, United Labor convention at Cincinnati noml. noted Robert 11. Condrey, of lUinoli, for rreslJcnt end W IL L Wakefield, of Kansas, for vice president 83, Equal Rights National convention In Dcs Moines, Ia nominated Belva Lockwood for president Jl. Prohibition national convention nominated Clinton R risk for president and John A. Brooks for vice president James a. Blalno'e famous Paris letter received In New Vol k. JUNE. a Oregon election. Carried by the Republicans. I Democrotlo notional convention nominated Orover Cleveland for president of tbe United States and Allen U Tburman. of Ohio, for vice president 15. Republican national convention nominate-1 Benjamin Harrison, of Indiana, for jsWdont, and Lev I P. Morton, of New York, for vioe president AtrorsT. II National convention of American party At Washington nominated James fl Curtis tor president SEPTEMBER, ia Malno election. Carried by the RepuMicoiiJ. NOVEMBER. a Presidential and congressional elections throughout the United Stoles; Benjamin Har rison and Levi P Morton elected respectively president and v ice president THE WHITECHAPEL MURDERS. April 3 -Body of Emma Elizabeth Smith found. Aug. 7 Body of Martha Turner found. Aug. 81 -Body of Mary Ann Nichols found. Sept 7 Body of Anua Blevey found Sept 81 Body of unknown woman found t Qateshcod, In north England; had boen dead some days; mutilated like those lu Whltocbspel and on of same class. Sept V-Just before mldnlghtbody of EUzabcth Stride found, still warm and bleeding. Sept 8a -Jusl after midnight, and but a few minutes after preceding And, the body of Cath erine Eddowcs was found, ovldently dead sola bourn Both killed ou the 29th. Oct Corpse of uuknow n woman, mutilated and decomposed, found on Thames embankment Nov 9-Bodyof Mary Ann Kelley found ll her ewn room lu a low tenement house cut to pieces, nii-Kliili) Hint,. AkuIu, Wabiukqion, Dec. 8U.-SUJ. McKlnloy's frtoiuU deuy that there is any truth in the story tuat Oen, Harrison is oonsUerins J,lu for the post uf secretary ol tho treasury It 1 stated on uutboi dy iuju u lw a being 10 considered tbe uiaji tiuuso,( knows nothing about it. lhu 1 uinor, ,a) Tlw WiuliliiKtou l'cst, l.utpimsjo t lave on .uiaieil umoug totnuoi tb- fru-m 1 01 tun otuer candidates forth bv,.kuslup, w.. .vwuij i.Uj toUuve 11. MuK n'v uu uf pm race tor that oQlc.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers