The Columbian. O.B.ElWill, luiii... BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, JANUARY i, 1889. No More Vote liuylng. When Mr. Holman's bill, introduced in tlio IIouso of Representatives Dec. 19th, becomes n law, overy honest man who lias tho right to roto will 'col that ins vow cannot easily bo otUot by somo boodler buying tho votes of corrupt men in bit district. Tho bill Is entitled "A bill to preservo tho rmritv of tho eleotivo franchise," and reads as follows: KO ASSESSMENTS OK OIKTS. 'Bo it enacted, Ac. , suction 1 that it shall be unlawful for any person to solicit or receive, directly or indirectly, or to be ! any manner connected with or concoraed in soliciting or receiving any assessment, subscription or eoutn buiion of money, or of any thing of vaiuo lo bo expended, used or employed in any manner whatever in any election lor eleotors for l'resideut or Vico-l'resi dent of the United States, Rcprosenta tlvcs or Delegates in tho Congress of WO united states, or in the political canvass ltntno liatnly preceding tho same, or to control in any manner or to otherwise influence any such election or tlio result thereof. "Snc. 2. That it shall be unlawful for any person to k'ivo or to offer to any other porson, directly or indirectly, any money oi tiling ot value for the pur pose or with tho intent tint tuo same shall be nsed, expended or in any man nor whatsoever employed in any elec tion for electors for President and Vice-President of tho United States, or for Representatives or Delegates in the Congress ot tho United states, or tho political campaign immediately preceding the same, or to influence in any way snch election or the result thereof, or to aid, prnmoto or assist in tho election of any person at any such election, or to avoid or assist in tho de feat of any person therein. WHERE MONEY CAN BE USED. "Sec. 8. Tho foregoing sections shall not be construed as applying to any money received or evpendd in gcod faith under the laws of any State or Territory for the necessary expenses of any election, or to monny so subscribed and expended for the printing of tickets or in tne publication ot any newspapo or other publication or the distribution tuereot. "Sec. 4. That any poison who shall be cuilty ot violating any ot the pro visions of the first or second soctiont of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by fine not exceed ing $5,000 or by imprisonment tor term not exceeding three years, or by snch fino and imprisonment both, in the discretion of the tbo Court. BUYEB AND SELLER BEWARE. "Sec. 5. That it shall be unlawful at any olection for eleotors for Presi dent and Vice-President of the United States, for any person to reoeive any mouey or other valuable thing as a oonnderation for bis vote at suoh eleo- tion, or to reoeive any money or other valniblo thine as a consideration for his vote after tho same has bono oast, "Sec. C. That it shall bo unlawful at any election for electOM for Presi dotit or Vice-President of tho Unite States, or any Delegate in Congress for any person to pay or offer to pay any money or oilier vaiuaoio Mine another for a consideration for his vote ot such election, either before or after - .,.L .L.ll 1.- ... -1 whTFtiik ouiltv will suffer. "Sec. 7. That any person violating nny of tho previous two preceding sections of this act, eha'l be deemed miilty of a misdemeanor, and on con victinn thoreof shall bi disfranchised and rendered iuoapiblo of holding any otlico of trust or pront tor live years, and shall Ih lined in any sum riot ex ceeding 85,000, and bo imprisoned for a period uol oxceeding tliroi year finid and imprisoned buth within th lini't-t afxrexaid, in the d scretion o Court, provide I, however, that in !th thi discretion of tho Attorney of tho dis trict, the persons bribed, or charged t have been bribed, may be required to testify in tho trial ot the person charced with bnuini; mm or the at tempt to bribe him; and in tuioh caso that such witness shall b exempt irom prosecution for lb') offence relation to whioh h shall teHilv. "Sec. 8. That in auy indictment under thn firt and secen i scct'tnns o this aot it shall ba deemed a sufficient. statement of tho tn!sdemeanor in tho indictment to set forth that the party charged with tho olTonso solicited or received from any other persons money or other thing ot fame, or give handed ovr to any other person money or other thing of value, for th purpose and with tho intent that the Harao should be used in the election tho olectors for President and Vico- Frosidont of tho United States or Rei nsentativo or Delegate in Congress to influence the vole theroof, and that the same shall havo boon reoeived and ex needed, or intonded to be so expended, for tho persons expressod in tbo third I ni tUia AM, WASHIHQTOB LETTEB- if mm nur itcorular Correaiiondent. Washington, I) to. 3Ut!1888 MrCJoveland has onoo more shown that he haVnic'rarainculty of saying the ncht thine at tho right time, In a letter of rocret from him nt a bammot civen by the JJoston Tariff Reform League last Friday night, ho blazB the way for the weak-kneed members ot tho party to uphold the principals votod for by plurality of inoro than 100,000 in tho total number of voters in tho country hut November. After expressing his renret ut not boiui; ablo to nltond th bannuet Mr. Cleveland wrote: "Our institutions were constructed in purity of purpoee mid love for humanity Their operation is adjusted to the touch of national virtue and patriotism, an their remits under such cuidence must bo tho prosperity and happiness of our people) and so long as tho advocates of tailff reform appreciate the sentiment in wlilou our institutions havo llici origin, so long n thoy apprehend the forces which -alono can guide their operations, so long as they, in a spirit ol patriotism aro consccroicu to me servico of their country, tomporary do feat brinus no discouragement. It but proves tho stubbornnees of tho forces of combined selfishness and discloses how far tho people havo been led as tray and how great is tho necessity of redoubled efforU in their hohalf. To loso faith In tho intelligence of the people I a surrender uid an abandon intelllgonco and froo it from darkness nnd delusion givu assurance of speody and complete victory. In tho track of reiorm nro oiton iounu tho dead hopes of pioneers nnd tho despair of tlioso who fall in the march. But thero will bo nolther despair nor dead hopes in tho path of tariff reform; nor shall its pioneers fail lo roicn the height. Holding fast their faith and rejecting every alhirinrr overturn and overy con- coptlvo compromise whioh would betray . , , . . .i , i. 1 1 ineir sucruu irusi, muy luuiusuiyeo ramu regain nnd restore tho patrimony oi their countrymen, freed from tho tres pass of grasping onoroaohmcnt, and safely scoured by tho genins of American justice and equality. lirnvo words, these, lot a uctoatea oandidate. and very badly ncoded too, for many Democrats in'Congress havo recontly shown a. very decided weak ness ot tho spino on this subject ana havo talked about compromising with the enemy to the extent ot passing a bill making largo reductions in tno internal revenue, leaving tho unjust import duties to remain as they now are, cto. Tho indications now are that Mr. Cleveland's lottcr will furnish the necessary stiffening for tho wobbling back-bones and that wo shall hear no moro Ulk of compromise. The Demoornts of tho IIouso will handle tho Sonato tariff bill without gloves when it goes to them aftor its paasago by tho Senate. They propo?o to show tho country what a one sided and unfair moajuro it really is. They aro now busy gathering facts and statitios for the purpose. Th President ha ordered the dis missal of Edward Cushing, Collector ot Customs at Bath, Maine. Reneosentative Crisp. Chairman of tho House committeo on contested eleotions. expects to oill np this week tho eaes nf Small vs. Elliot and Sul livan vs. Felton. Michigan has a handsome statue of Wen. icwit Uiss to bo placed in aiaiu sry mil. At tho Capitol. A new and very lino crayon portrait of Speaker Carlisle, has been hung in tho lobby of the House. Tho lilaino war gies apace. Every where two or three Republicans are Katbcred tocother you aro certain to hear the name of the grea' gentleman from Maine mentioned. His enemies are bitter and his friends stanch, and the battle is sure to rago continually from now until four vears Irom next Maroh. w'th what resn't only time can tell. Mr. Harrison probably wishes most homily that Mr. Blame had never been born, but if he had not, the neon .. of this country would havo misled lots of fun. As if there were not already a surfeit nf candidates for Speaker of rho next 'Tonso three more were brought out last week. Thoy wero Representatives Lodce. Bavne. and Farnuhar. I do not supposo that either of these three men havo the most remote idea of ever boinsr elected Speaker, but they proba blv hope that their being mentioned for th? position will causo them to get better committeo assignments irom toe man who is eleoted. And judging from oast experience they are right It is proposed to have tho takers of next census make a schedule or tne surviving ex-Confederate soldiers. Thi idea has been very well received, and will be considered at tne next meeting of tho Senate committee on the census Tho bill already passed by tho House provides for a similar schedule of Union soldiers. Tomorrow President Cleveland will hold his last Now Year's reception in the Whito IIouso for somo years nt least. Amendment to tbe Oonstitntiou. Bloomitrsnr, Uol. Co. Pa. Jan. 1 1S-9. Today tho friends of oonstltu tional prohibition resolved that the legislature of tho stato should be petitioned to submit tho question of amendment to the peoplo at a special election. It was thought that the issue ought to be put souarelv, without aocompany ing issues, aud that work in behalf of the amendment ought to be non parlizan; though it wa alxo suggested that the mere ourying ot tho amend ment would not be a victory for tem perance. Prohibitionists, they who believe in the doctrine of rohibition as opuo-ied to the doctrine of Iicohko, may pn-sibly bo brought to work to gethor f r the success of tho amend ment, whf ther or not they belong to tho party of that name; and, in this special work, party Prohibitionists cau aid without at all conceding that the amendment is the only thing necces sary. In order to carry this year, tho niLt-ndment must be submitted in pro uisely the same form in which it pomi-d tho legislature in 1887. Tho constitu tion providi s that tho flection shall be at lea-a three months after the act of mi' mis-don by tho legislature; but more timo is desirable. The meeung elected a committee lo effect permanent organization, nnd in Htructed the secretary to telt graph its resolutions to tho l'hiladelptiia i reus, and to send a brief acoount of its action to tho county-papers and to The People an! The Voice. Newton Walkeii, Secretary, News Items, Every dollar sent abroad for what you cau buy just as well at home is so much money Inst to the community whlub will never renin. Tho biggest man in the world livis iu Iowa and ho weighs 702 pound, measuring G feet -ii inches in height This car load of flesh and bones was born thirty-two years ago, and when ho goes to Church ho puts $1 into the collection basket and lakes a whole seat to himself. Tho latest sensational story gotten out, says tho Ashland Advocate, is tbo report that Jack ivenoe, who was sop potd to have been hung at PotUvihe, is still alive, and is living in the west, As tho story goes, Jack's neck was not broken in the hanging, and after his body was given to friends lie came to ., I. ! ll 1 and lieu me country, it is an uosu howover. As the oold and biting days come on the praotice of allowing horses to stand in the street uecomes moro uangerru as tho animals are growing moro restive with tbo approach of wintor weather. The cnstoin is contrary to ordinary prudence, because it Is always attended with uanger, yet it is quito prevalent. Jlitoh your bonus and yo may save daraago to your own property and perhnpi to that ot many others as well. A perfoot town is that in whioh yo seo the farmers patronizing the home merchants, thi laborers spending the nnnov thev earn with their own trades man. aud all animated by a spirit that will not purchase articles abroad if they can bo bought at home. Tho spirit of recinrocilv between man and the me chanic. tradesman and laboror, farmer and manufacturer, results every timo in making the town a perfect one to do bunlCf i ID. COLUMBIAN AJND Bohtiylklll Oottntjr Easoali- shenandoah tkkror' UNimn a "rrion OF A ROllOER IIAHP. OF Siienanpoai! Dec. 29 This town is again terrorized by a gang of burglars. Last night they effected an entranco lo tho basement of tho residence of Miohael MonagliAn, a prosperous liquor dealer and blow tho door from a smalt safo in ono of tho rooms. A small holo wan drilled through tho top of a Bafo and a obargo of powder strong onough to blow tho door aoross the room was put in. The burglars sccurod bnl 8!20 in cash and a silver watch. Monaghau has boen robbed five times this year and the famous Flynn and Kline gang of burglars aro charged with all tho crimes, but they havo never been oonvictcd. The gang is composed of a numbor of tbo most do gradod aud doipcralo young men of this town. Thoy range from 10 to 30 years of ago and havo left ovidenoo of their work in every part of the county. Flynn, ono of the leaders, was caught on a ooal train bound for dis tant parts on ono occasion. io pro tested his innocence, but a pair of pantaloons found on his porson proved to bo part of tho stolen property. Ho was placed in the lockup to awntt a hearing, butnt Co'clock the next morn ing was rescued by four of his pals, who smashod tho thrco six-lever locks on the cell door with n crowbar. Tho irani? then visited and robbed several distant places nnd kept away trom this placo until about two weeks ago, when they took up quarters on the mountains South of tho town. Last Sunday eight officers started out to captaro them. Ono of the gang was on guard and saw the approach of the othoer with the aid of a held glass, yesterday the gang was quartered on the mountain North of the town. Two expeditions of police and constables went out In different directions to cap- tut e them, but failed. Last night, inaoh to the chagrin of the police, the gang increased tho list of their orimes. Tho police seem utterly powerless to cope with theso outlaws and the populace is praotioillv terror stricken. It is belioved the authorities will soon offer a large reward for thoi cipturo and invoke tho aid of somo of Pinkcrton's men. Steam Heating of Railroad (jars. Alhany, N. Y. Dee. 27 The rail road commissioners of this statu will send their annual report to tho lcginla turo early i nthe coming session. It is und-retocd that it will recommend leg islation requiring tbo railioads ot this stato to adopt a unform coupler for steam heating pipes. This recomen dation may be accompanied by a bill empowering the commission to select suoh a coupler. Many inventors stan 1 ready with devioes for which they seek recognition. Conversation w'uhpiuini- ncnt legislators leads to tbo belief that suoh a bill as the above will not be adopted. It is moro likely (hat the steam heating law will be repealed. fho impression seems to grow that steam pipes in oars aro a failure. Nine-tenths of tho recent delays in fast trains have been attributed to loss of Bteam from tbe locomotives. Tho op ponents of the oar stove will demand tnat the law bs given a longer trial. Govrrnor Hill would probably veto a bill effecting the matter in any way. Thero has recently b en adopted on all Russian railroads a, device which might well be intiuduced in this country, on ordinary railroads. It consists merely of a tablet conspicuously displayed in each compartment of the train, bearing tne name or tho next stopping-place. A simple bit of mechanism enables one of the train-hands to make the necois siry change for each station. Snsh an arrangement is comparavvely inexpen sive, and it is of very great service to pawengers. The United States ought not to he behind Russia in railroadi g. Salt Rheum Tbe aconles ot those who suffer from severs salt rheum aro Indescribable. Tho cleanslag, healing, purifying Influences ot Hood's Sana parllla are unequalled by any ether medicine. "I take pleasure In recommending Hood's Sarsaparllla, tor It lias done wonders for me. I had salt rheum very severely, affecting me dcr nearly my entire body. Only those who have suffered from this disease In Its worst form can Imagine tho extent ot my affliction. I tried many medicines, but failed to receive benefit until I took Hood's Sarsaparllla. Then tbe disease began to subside, the Agonizing Itch and Pain disappeared, nnd now I am entirely free from the disease. My blood seems to be thor oughly purified, and my general health Is greatly benefited." Lyman Allen, Sexton N. E. Church, North Chicago, III. "My son had salt rheum on his hands and the calves of his legs, so bad that they would crack open and bleed. He took Hood's Bar saparllla and Is entirely cured." J, B, Stan ton, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. From 108 to 135 "I was seriously troubled with salt rheum for three years, and receiving no benefit from medical treatment I decided to try Hood's Sarsaparllla. I am now entirely cured of salt rheum; my weight has Increased from 108 lbs. to 135." Mrs. Alice Smith, Stamford, Conn. If you suffer from salt rheum, or any blood disease,try Hood's Sarsaparllla. It has cured many others, and will cure you. Hood's Sarsaparllla SoldbjaUdruRgtitl. UlllrtorSJ. Prepuedonly tj O. L 1100D X CO., Apothecarlei, Lowell, Mui, 100 Doses One Dollar Look out for this space next week. You will hear of something to your advantage at D. LOW EN BERG'S Clothing Store. DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA I HAVE YOU BEEN DISAPPOINTED buying tho ordinary ready madu Clothing, that cither wears badly. Iopcs its color, and hai no stylo t or DO YOU OBJECT paying excessively hlizh prices for made-to older Clothing, nnd want its equal ready made f ODR LONDON READY-MADE CLOTHING Will Bilit you exactly. It is Perfect in every pdrticulat. SPECIALTIES t Full Suits, $13.50 and upwards. Thompson's Patont-Cnt Trousers $3 5 and upwards. EngiishBeaver Overcoats, $12. and upwards. 'Our Famous" Cape Coats and Ulsters, $12.00 and upwards. E.O. THOMPSON, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET (Opposite the Mint) Philadelphia. H. 11. Our Fa'hlon catalogue milled to any address, frco of charge. P LECTION NOTICE. Notice Is hercbr given that the annual meeting of tho Columbia County Agricultural, nortlcultur al nn , Mechanical Association, ror the election ot omcers aid tie transaction of a y finer Proper misuses', win do held in tne court, nousc, monms burif, Saturday January 19th, is9 at s o'clock p. m. II. v. WHITE, secy, jan 4 st WHY DO YOU BUFFER when you can be cured by using Bpilepticmra the KTCMcst remedy yet dlscovei od for the ouro of FITS, KPILKI'SY Oil FALLING. SICKNESS. FRICK TWO DOLLARS PRR BOTT1.K. To guard agalost counterfeits and imitations, send direct to i 'SSIN1NO MEUICAt, CO , sing wing N T. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers. Jan 4-d-4U 9Cords-IO"r! Buns Ktif NO HACKACUB. flmail tmniwtvtvl. Alia TOOL BY ONE MAN. xorflUnir aftw whl fcw wherabr thou loaat xperteacd on not maka ft mwaKe. Sent frt with mat-hint. T, . , . u.. h. Hat! oa. Hnn drvdsllATe tawed t U V COUDS lUilr, We want all who barn wood and all lntsraittU In tb Umber bualneie to write ror oar llluitrated rrt Catalomie. Wo hare ei aftlr what on want, tbo greatest laborarerand beit MllliiK tool now on earth. Klrnt ortlrr from your Tlolti Itr McnreiaJrentT. tOLDlSO BIWIIU aUlUISS CO., SOS u 111 S. Caaal Street. Caleare, U. S. a. Jan 4-89-t-eow h & T A ftPWHO WANTED.-Permanent em AUJWiN X u ployment and good salary or com mission. Address A. 1). 1'IIATT, Nurseryman, Itochcster, N. Y. Jan 4-d-4t. PARKER'8 HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promote! a luxuriant erowth. Navir Fails to Ratior Gray ni riDin Tonniui uonr. Prevent PeUidraff a,nd h&lr faUlnf Jan 4-d-4t. WANTED ! A good man to represent us as local agent. Can give control ot territory and steady work. Will pay good wages and guarantee success. Write to J. AVHTIN KHAW, NurHerytnaM, BItOOKLVN, N. V. Jan 4-d-4t !" - '''ir'lWWVWMfMM')IHJMW!U KNOW THYSELF, A Sclent ilk nnd titADdard Popular Medical 1 realise on mo ftrroraor 1 oniu. rremuiuruueiiice.rrvonb nnd l'J.ylcii. Debility, lropurlilfsol the Blood. I!t.'4ultiokrtrum Folly. Vice, Ignorauce, Kx.-iea or Oerm-i,oii, Kumatlnirnrd uullttlng tbe lclUn for Work, lilnf m, tho Married or Poclal Ilelatlon. Avoid unaK.iiL'l preienuera. rom?aa mi j;rci. work. It contain CM patt, royal 8vo. lU-autlfai binding, ?rntoed, full tilt, riirc, only $l.'u ly mall, pont-pnld, concealed In plain wrojijKr. IMu t rathe Proepectun Froe, If ou apply nov. Tho dlbtlngnUhfd mtthor. Win. II. r.irkcr, M. 15., to eelved tho COLD AND JEWELLED M ft HAL from tha Nutlonnl Medloal ARflro!ntt-;i, for tho Pa.ZE ESSAY on N ERVOUR r.r.d PHYSICAL DEBILITY, Pr.l'arevenmdncor,. of JUalitdnt rhylclana may be eonsultinl, foiill. dcntlally. by mall or In person, at tho eilkv of Till. 1'KAItOHY Mi:ilCAr INSTITUTH. No. 4 llulJlnfh Nt., Hoaton. Mna., lo whom nil Order fof ooka or lottora for &JUo should be directed aaaljqe, Vi'C 91-d-4t LADIES a week and you have tba finet-ptllhed atora In tha 'Vi 4 flu s,im?. rrssssssr- 'awawawawawtm . . Tawawawawawaw ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real Instate ! ny vlrtuo of an order :of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, tho undersigned executor of John Conner deceased, will oiposo v public sale on tho premises In Benton township, on Saturday, January 20, 1889, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following described real estate, to-wlt i ill that certain real estate sit uate In Benton township, Columbia county, Pa., described as follows, to-wlt i Beginning at a stone in line of land late ot Joshua Brink, thenco by land ot Itussel Karns north 6sx degrees west 107 and -to perches to a post, thence by land of Emily Itobcrti north 1 degrees csst 1M and 0-10 perches to a post, thence by land of Catharlno Conner south 89V degrees east ill perches to a post tn line of land now or lato ot Thomas Darts, thence by the same and land ot Joshua Brink aforesaid Bouth Six degrees west 1M and 5-10 perches to the place of beginning, contalntcg 102 ACHES and 133 and 4-10 perches, strict measure, located about one-half a mile from the town ot Benton, along the publlo road leading from Benton to Jameson City. About forty acres cleared and:tho balance well timbered with pluo, oak, fto., all lerel land, on which are erected two DWELLING HOUSES, barn and out-bulldlngs. There la also on the premises a saw mill with good water power. TEH MS OF hale. Ten per cent, ot one-fourth ot the purchase money to be p M at tho B.rtklng down of the property, tho one-fourth less tho ten per cent, at the confirmation of sale, and tho re maining three-fourths In one year thereafter with Interest trom confirm ttlon nlsL EMANUEL LAUBACII, Executor. A. L. Fritz, Mfy. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate! Ily virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county tho undersigned executor of Isaao Dower late of Urlarcrcck township, deceased, will expose to public sale on tho premises In Ilrlar crcek township, Columbia county, on SATURDAY, JANUARY f, 1889. at 10 o'clock a. m., the following described two tracts of land Bltuato In Drlarcreek township aforesaid, tbe one being bounded eld descnov as follows : Ileglnnlng at u stoo" '.a line of land form erly James Adams', theic north 10 degrees, west 8, and two-tenths perches to stone, north M de grees, east IS and seven tenths perches lo stoue, thenco north 10 dt 'trees, west 61 and one-tenth perches to stone, Lorth degrees, cast "9 and four-tenths perches to Btono. south 10 degrees, east, isl oi three-tenths perches to stone, south 5x degrees, west 108 and three-tenths perches to stone, the placo of beginning, containing SIXTY-NINE ACRES and twenty-two perches of land, about all Improved, with FRAME DWELLING, BARN and outbuildings. Tbe other piece of land tn same township, adjoins the above and Is used with same as one farm, bounded and described as follows to-wlt: Beiilnnlng at a stone In line ot N, Stout, thenco north 5t degrees, cast W perches to pine, thence by land now 0' formerly Jacob tltler north 0)f degree), west 37 perches to a thenco south 50 degrees, west 93 perches to a pine knot, thence by tho first described, wulh lOtf degrees, east 3 perches to place ot beginning, containing TWENTY ACRES of LAND. TEliMS of .hale. Ten per cent, of one fourth at the striking down ot the property, tho one-fourth less tho ten per cent at tho connr. matlon ot salo, and tbo remaining' three-fourths In ono car thereafter, with Interest from .confir mation Dial. ISAIAH BOWER. Jackson, Atty. Executor, Deo 14 Berwick l'a. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OP VALUABLE Real Estate! By vlrtuo of an order of the'. Orphans' .Court of Columbia county, tho underelxned admtntitrator of Joseph It. Pntton, late ot Greenwood township, said county, deceased, will ox pose lo publlo sale on the premises near Itohrsburg, on THURSDAY, JANUARY 10. 1889. at 10 o'clock a. in., tho following described real estate : No. 1. A certain lot.or pleco of land situate In tho township of Greenwood, Columbia county, bounded by lands of the heirs ot Samuel GUlaspy, Jacob Oerrard, Joseph 1" Hewitt and tho public road, leading trom liolusburg to Mlllvllle, and containing ONE ACRE, MORE or LESS, No.'.'. A certain lot or pleco ot land situate In the said township of Greenwood, adjoining tbe abOTO mentioned lot and lands of Cyrus Faus, Jacob Oerrard, Jacob 1-eir.oo, Joseph 1'. Dcwltt and the aforesaid public road, containing 4 ACRES and 21 PERCHES, more or less. Tho said two r leccaof land, though purchased separately aro used as one tract and to enclosed, whereon are erected a good t lied Two-Story Frame Dwelling Souse, new frame barn, wagon shed, and other outbuild ings. Thero is a good well ot .water, fruit trees and vlues. TEI15IS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth nt tne sinning down ot the property, the one fourth less the ten per cent, at tno confirmation ot sale, nnd tho remaining tnreo-rourihsln one .year thereafter, with Interest from confirmation nisi. 0. 1". I'ATTOM, IUhslet, Atty. Administrator, Dec 14 Itushtown l'a. EXECUTORS' SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate ! Thero will bo exposed to publlo sale on the premises in Flshlngcroek township on WEDNESDAY. January Dili, 1889. at 10 o'clock a m. tbo following described property owned br tho estate of John Laubicb, deceased; Beginning at a post along the publlo road to corner, to lands surve ed for lilcuard Bright, thence along said llrlght'a survey and adjoining lands of Lemons & 1'ealer nirth 20 degrees, west 10 perches to a post, thence by lands ot Whl to night Bros, south 3 degrees, west forty-two and three-tenths perches to a hemlock corner, thence by lands of J M Laubach south 29 degrees, cast forty-one and Boven-tcnths perches to a chestnut oak, thence by the same south SIX degrees, east one hundred and two perches to stone corner, thenco by the same north el degrees, cast 87 perches to place ot beginning, containing S3 acres more or less. TEIlMS OF SALE: Ten per cent of one-fourth of the purchase money 10 be paid at the striking down ot tbe property ; the one-fourth less tbo ten per cent at the confirmation of sate ; and tbe re maining three-fourth in ono year thereafter, with Interest from confirmation nisi J. M. BUCKALBW, Deo I Executor. -JO-OTIOE IN PARTITION. in tho matter of tho partition of tho real estate ot John Johnson, late of Madison township, Col umbia countT, Pennsylvania, decoised. Notice Is hereby given the heirs of said dece. dent, that In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, n writ ot partition has issued from said court to tha Sheriff ot sa'd county returnable on the First Monday or February, A. 1. IB.iv, and that the inquest will meet for the pur pose of making partition ot th real estate ot sld decedent on Friday tho First day of February. A. U 1W at ten oVlock a. in of said day upon the premises, at which time and place yuu can be present It you see proper. Bald promise being situate In Mrdlson township Columbia county, aforesaid, and containing ninety-tour acres and ninety perches of land more or leas. riAMUKLSMlTII, O. W. aliLLiH, Atty. bherirt, Jan 9 1B09. MADE WITH BOILING WATER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH Jan 4-d-H DOIUNQ MILK. GET YOUK JOU PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OKFIOfi FARMERS! FAR A lorgo putronnrro hns already uioomsburg nave not yet. learned MAMMOTH 1 auvortiso purposely to make Known tnat 1 mivu m '";r"T Youths1, Hoys' and Children's Clothing, Hats, Furnishing It is now after the Holidays. LARGEST LINE OF SPRING CLOT That can be shown outside of New York and Philadelphia. As said before, our aim is to sell lots of goods and at small profits. RESPECTFULLY YOURS. L millB, Miafil foiftl. The Isirgcsl Clothing House in Montour, CoRuui bisn on jor3huiiiberlsiiill eounties. 1. BARGAIN I. HABTMAN To begin to-lpy with .3ilie$' Misses' sfinri Children's Coats a ISIG eut in uriees. With short flength in Dress Goods of all kinds, with a big lot ot remnants in Ribbons, with a woiMlerfully cheap lot ol rem nants in broideries, Laees and While Goods, wilh white and eolored Blankets and an extra good sissortnieut of Shawl. Our store will be full of customers looking up bargains this month. Wedding and Birthday B. W. MART Colombian Eiiiliii lias just received a tlno lino of BUverwari'.Ladles' and Gen'lonicn's Watches, alto a com. pieiu unc 01 jewelry, wiocks, c. Uoods Repairing Call ami examine- my slock beforo purchasing One ol tnu lineal lniproveniiniB is tlm NEW SOFT STOP ATTACHMENT winch enables 0110 to play without disturbing anyone in tho Ueinily urnl with little wear to tho ini-lrurucnt. WE ARE OFFERING BARGAINS ON THESE INSTRUMENTS. THE GEORGE STECK & CO PIANO, aftor thirty years of severest tett are used, on account ol unequalled durability, by CG colleges and many oihers in tho United States. THE ESTEY UPRIGHT PIANO, with now repeating action, best in tho world for unright piano, and tho first and only perfect repeating action introduced with upright piano.'. THE OPERA PIANO has a reputation of 38 years. A warrantor) of fivo years is given with eaoh instrument. It is tho lest raediuui.priced piano in tbe market. Our LINE nf ORGANS is verv comulete. ESTEY, THE MILLER, WORCESTER, maKcs, SEWING Wo havo tlm celebrated WHITE, STANDARD ROTARY, ROYAL NEW HOME. Piiinrs, Organs and Sowing Midlines snld on installment plan. Wo havo also binjon, guitars, Gonna ncconloons, blow aa)onU'on, flute", lifer mouth organs, drum", ifco. Five, hiuidre. pieiwis of ten cent sheet music, &c, ifco. Secood hand pianos, organs and fewlng mauhiiies 011 band, mid received in exchango for new ones. Agent for Butterick and Domostio paper patterns nnd fa-hion books. Sowing maohluo needles, oJU and attachments ior nil maohlnus always in stook, Bloomsburg Pa, been received from farmers, but ot tue now uuu CJLOf MW s -OF- BLOOMSBVBS PA. Goods in now offer great bargains in clearing out Winter Goods to make room for the SONS CORNER. presents for sale all tho year. MAN A- SONS. purchased of me engraved free of cliarne. a Specialty. elsewhere. All (roods guaranteed. J. U. WKLLS, Bloonulmrg, l'a. Wc lifivo in Flock a finer Hi c of mupica itir-trtiments tlinn has ever been bought in Ins eectiou, and wo aro making special iiiduct'ihiTiis to itircbatcr8 for the holiday caioii. We get our iiiKtrutneiils lir ot firm the iiianufactoritF, and cau ofi'tr otter teims than can bu given by any other liarltei", THE IVKHS ,t POND PIANOS btand at the head. ONE HUNDRED OF THESE NOW IN USE at Uo BOSTON CONSEUVA TORY of MUSIC. wo havo THE CELEBRATED UNITED STATES, and othor MACHINES. NEW DOMESTIC. NEW HOME. ST. JOHN, NEW DAVIS, and J. Saltzer, General Agent. J'EWMMBM, many living wtlmi -0 miles of HOUSE lime $25,000.00 worth of Men'?, p" 1 Caps ami 1 I BLOOMSBUKG MAKKliT. Ataindanc Wholesale. Itctail. 1.00 no CO 70 33 45 0.80 20 28 22 24 40 fiO 12 10 03 05 07 10 00 12 7 10 10 14 20 !i0 75 1 00 07 85 0 to 7 Wheat per bushel..., llye " Ccru " " Oats " " .. Flour "libl Uuttcr Keci I'otntoi'S Hams Dried Apples Side Shoulder Chickens Geese , Lard per 11 Vlnecar per cal Onions per lmslicl Veal hkins Wool pur lb Hides Coal on Whahf. No 0 42.00: Nos 2. 3, & Lump $3.2T No G1&3.00 B!tumirju $3.25 A DMINISTHATOU'S NOTIC15. Kttatr of Alive SI. Kmns. late ttf Benton township, Notice Is heicbv elven that loiters of adinlnls- trailon on tlio eitaiu ot AUco Jl. Ka ns, Into ol the township ot l emon, cr.untj nt columDH, and statu 01 rennsylvatila, deceased, liao bicn grant ed to A. C. KarnE or Hrnton tonnMilp coluinhla county Co., to whom nil persons lnd btca to sold i-niiim uru reiiuui-ira loninko pajments, anutno&o haunir claims or demands will make known tho same without dolny. A C. KMtNS, DeeUC" Administrator, e. I. a. DMINISTHATOU'S NOTICE. Kstate of Ktreeniarin Hess, late of Stt'jartonf toicushli). Kotlco Is l'.erfbv Riten that letters ot adminis tration on tbe estnioot Eltcein.irla llcss, law ot tbe township or f-uc.irloat, countj- 01 Columbia, and state nf Pennsylvania deuced, havo been Krantcd ti Jesse Hess, to whom all persons in dented 10 said etato are requested to make pay ments, and those liavlLtc cl-ilrni or demands will makv knonn tbe samo wlibout delay. . Hurz Atty. Jlh-iUlIESS, Uec 11 ow. Administrator, e, t. a. DMINISTHATOU'S NOT ICR KstaleofJ. finimstetler of Orange twp. .NotlielshciebyKlVfii mat letiera ot admlnlt. tratlon on tho estate ot ,1 lirumstctier, laieotthe township ot Oinuge, county ol Columbia, nnd btato or rennsj lvnnia. deceased, have been granted to 11 Ilrumstetter 0; orange llle, county ol Colum bia l'a., 10 whom all persons Indebted to sa'd es tate 1 are renu sled to make pi mehts, and those haviig claims 01 demands win mako known tho samo without delay. . 1!. V. 11HU.MSTE1TEII, Artrar. Vec7 orangertlle. DJlINISTItATOH'S NOTICE. . .. . '"' of Samuel Sungesser, Mitlco 19 hereby given that letters of ndmlnU-" tratlon on the estate ot hamuel NimneBser, lato or the township ot Heaver county ot Columbia, and stale or I ennsjlvanlj, deceased, havo been granted to II w Nungetbr o( Heaver Valley, epuniy of Columbia I'u., and Win. Veager of i'"21"0", lu?t'rBec'1'my! ''a, f hom nil per sons Indebted ;o i-ald esintit nio requestert to n ako ESf,mi'n,,8',nnd ,uoso h'Vlng ciHlms or demands) will make known thobame without delny. II. . PtLU Kit, N0T30 Administrators. j-OTICE TO STOCKIIOLDEHS. TbOra Wlll't nn MPIInn rf 1, .in i.. I m ... Ll,",e "'00msbu-g Hanking C'mpany, at their hanking house, on Tuesday, .latmny sth, 18SD, at 2 0 clock p. m., to serve for tho ensuing ear. Dee li tf 11. 11. llllOTZ, uco 14 " cashier. FHuE OK THE WTHlt COMTANV, iiL00M6nci:a i-a,, novemiiki: 23, 1888. SrEClAL NtrriCK TO .STOCKlIOLPEnS. T,f!S lm'a P'. '"lectors ot this company havo 1d,llpecLa,1 " a steckho deraf to be nnia5minlci,he8e"crj "mco " ie com- Moomsburg, on l-aturday, Jmuary andloar (4) o'clock r. si , tor tho purpos. of votlmr iur ur ugainst an luciease ot tho Capital block. ntA.Mv 1' illLI.MEYEK, Socy. ELY'S Catarrh Cream Balm fIV'Q Cleanses tho Nasal Passages, Allaj head FrlAVFEVEn'Qi I'alu and Inflam tvr- mation, Heals the Bores, Restores the! Senses ofTastonnilL' Bruell. TEY THE 0TJEE.M AY-EEVE E? A particle Is applied into each no-tiil. andu agreeable. 1'rlco w cents at lirtiggists; bv mini registered, CO els. ELY UltOTUHw. M i'.S oireet, jsew York. ueo tuftt AOIIINd KIlH'q AVIITIini.- ,,, ,.i,.... XJterine .l'alns, ltlieumatle, rtliifa hn'ifn SS i ,fnS?in?n.i K"cyel 10 one minute by tho l utleura Antl.l'jln I'l.utpr 'n.n Instaneons naln-klllli g, strengthening plaster, si Wasnve St druggists, or of I'oVtkb UHVU AKI VUBMICil. CO., IIOSIOH, PTM lP'os.hlackhfadj, chopped andQT VG iZtli&i iu curcd hy cutleura Boap, rhuO CHICHESTCR'S ENGLISH SIS C3CSS mKl'S I5A15S. Urlaiaal, l,.t, enlj f.ale, an.l SUmond Brand, In red w lo. At llrusil.ta, A,tir,l no other. A:ru iu,.f. ouavuuulerl.-lt. Mi4ft ,lniuL.r Iur j.Uo;at, a 1 It,ll.rf,.P LaJit,,, ltUr. tlW MlllVi Italia aT . 1 1 Ctachutrti.tiiiicaltu.i31ailUoubij.,l,linV. eu4 1 4i n HINDERCORN8. k S t.-'i' V "S "' " t I eiunli 'M all UU arUlii tiutaaiMUraiiuuiUoa, laaelawltto. iw, aid SlSl Jn 4t Mont oi me BiniHHie. m oi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers