tfhe Columbian. COtUMtA DEMOCRAT, 6TAH OP TnKNORTB. and rn. ldmbun, Consolidated, ' a eo iMtieil Werltlr, every l'rlilny niornln. nt 11L00M8DUUO, COLUMBIA CO., Pa. ATll.W por year. To subscribers out olthoeoun ttrtho terms nro strlctlyln advnnco. ul,,uucoun f-N0 piper ttlsoontlniioil except at thoontlon totho publishers, until all arrcarnos are paid hut loot continued credits win not bo Slvcn. ' All ppors sont out of tho statu or to distant cost o now must bo pa d forlnadvancc, imloss a rospo" slOloporson In Columbia county assumes to i n tao subscription duo on domand. w JO B PRINTING. TlioJob Prlntln? Department oftho CotDMBiAx s rcry complete It contains tho latest new tim nl m.ulilnerynnd Is tho only omco that nmiioS reuses by power, frivinjr us tho best facilities 1 matos furnished on largo jobs. 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I r K. WALLER, lU ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 0,Tlco over 1st. National Bank. T U. FUNIC, L ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW. Ur.oonasuna, 1'. nliola Snt's Dull ding. J OIIN M. CLARK, ATTOKN EY-AT-LAW, AND JU3T10B OF TUB I'EAOE. BLOOHSDURO, PA, OJlce over Moycr Bros. Drug store. - W. MILLER, ATTOHNBY.AT-LAW omco In Browor's bulldlng.second No, 1 Bloomsburg, Pa. i) FRANK SURR, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. Offlco corner ot Ccntro and aln stroctB. Clark i Building. Can bo consulted In German. a -1 EO. K. ELWELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, H1.00MS11U1S0, l'A. Olllco on First floor, front room of Cw. DUBtAN UuiUlina, Main street, below ,Lx change Hotel. pAUL E. WIRT, Attorney-at-Law. offlco In Columbian bcii-uino, Room No. i, second B0r" nLOOMSBURO. PA. KNORR L- B' WIHTIKSTKM. KNORR & WINTERS I'EEN , Attornoys-at-Law. O.Tlco In 1st National Bank building, second 1 Boor, nrjt door to tho lett- corner of Mam and Jlarkt streots Bloomsburg, Pa. ISB" Pennons and Bounties ColUctid. J 11. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW Offlco In Maize's bultdUg. over BlUmeycr'a grocery. "P I. R1LLMEYER, 'DISTRICT A TTOENE Y.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. r.srOmcc over Dcnltcr's shoo store, Hloomsburg, Pa. rUpr-30.Su; john c. yocuii. c- & aEY2u- YOCUM & OEYER, Attorneys-at-LaWi CATAWISSA, PA. (Ofilco front suit ot rooms on second floor of MkwsItku building.) . IWCAN BE CONSULTED IN OEllMAN.aJ TIT. II. RUAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Catawlssa, Pa. omce, comer ot Third andMalnStroeta. JJ V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURO.PA. Office in Brewers' Building, 2nd lloor. may 1-tf jypOHAEL F. EYEHLY, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims. AM LEGAL ADVICE IN THE SETTLEMENT OP ESTATES, ic. twornco In Dentler'a building with F. P. BUI me?attorne? Iront iooinv nd lloor Bloomsburg, Pa. npr-p-sc. E. BMITU, - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Berwick, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS ' B McKELVY. M. D.,8urgeon and Pby .slclan'north Bide Mam atreetlbelow Market L. FRITZ, Atlornev-al-Law. Oflico tront room over ruoi-viin-v, D ,B. J. 0. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN ftSCROEON, nninn. North Market Btrcet, Blcomsburg, Pa ,imt ir ii?iiw Hnrnrpnn and Ull. )YJU. ill. liuuuii, "" v:. Physician, omco corner of ltocu and MurKU ireoi. r i infAMfl M n. Kiirvpon and t) .Physlolan, omce and KeBldonco on Third airuec. JIRE INSURANOK. rnmsTiAN f. knapp, bloomsbu "lKltcilANTS1, OP NEWAItK, N. J. I' LINTON, N. V. PEOPLES' N. Y. IIU'AllIN'fl. PA. Th mi couroKATioNS are well seasoned by all invested lu solid skccbiiiks aro Uablotothe U and M0NK8TLV adiustedand Bald as boon as aetermiucu uj y," NAPP,BCIAL AOKNT AND A WU8TKU BL0OU8BUUU, r..!..),. AAiiniv ehniiiii nnirnn, Ize the agency where losses It any are settled and pau oy one oi iuvi- unn ,n PUOMPTNESS. EOUITY. FA1K, DEALING B F. HARTMAN lAIPBXSBNTB TUB F0LL0WIKQ AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North American ot Philadelphia. Franklin, " " Pennsylvania, " , " York, of Pennsylvania. .Hanover, ot N. Y. Queens, oi London. SortuBrltlah. ol London. oaica on Mirkot wtreet, No, 5, Bloomsburg. oct. 84, 1" ; AGENCY. Moycr's new building, -Main street, UUUIU1.UUIB, a. Asset Jtnalnsuranco Co., or Hartford, Conn J."jJjJ LaaeMUlru. .-v.-V ' ?,&?in FtroAclaUon, Philadelphia J'.'SS Phcenu.of Iindon ?';!r,'5 I-ondon J: Lancashire, ot England ,. Uarttord ot llarttord J'nJ.I'si Bprlngncld Flioand Marine... ti?,7vv' As ths agencies ura direct, pollc les "0 written orthe Insured wthout delay In the onico at iiioomsuurg. ' EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BWOMSBVIIO, PA, OPPOSITBCOUUT I1O0SS, Lare wand convenient sample rooms. Bath rooms Ktandcold water and all modern convenlencea I more money than at anything clso bj taka ins an at-eucy tor the bast selUug book out Terms free. IUllbttUooi ro,,roRiLiN a, JJ, SIjWEIiIi, & JJ1JISHBENDEH, ""friom1 AINWRIOHT it CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS. I'lllI.ADKU'IlIA, Pa. TEAS, tYIll'l'S, tol l EE, tVGAIt, OlAtSES KICK, Sl'ICHE, lllCAlill fcODA, ETC., Lie. N. E. Comer frecond and Arch Sts. worders will receive prompt attention. II. HOUSE, DKNTIST, Hi.oosisnuno, Columbia County, Pa Allstylesof work done In a superior manner, wcrk warranted as represented. Tkbth Extkact kd wituoct Pain by tho use of oas, and free of charge when artlflclalteeth aro Inserted. Olllco in Barton's building, Main street, below Market, live doors below Kleiin'a drug store, lirst lloor. Jo be open at all hours during the dai NOV23-ly ML C. SLOAU & Bull, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS &C. First-class work always on hand. HErAlRlNQ NEA ILYDONb. Prices reduced to suit the limes. BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL Tho undersigned IihvIdc nut his Plnnlnc Ml on Railroad street, In lirst-cmss condition, Is prc parod to do all kinds ot work In his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. turmsned at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned and nono but skilled workmen aro employed. ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS umlshed on anoltcatlon. Plans and sceclflcd ons prepared by au experienced draughtsman c8JAits,n:s k nu, IllooiuHburp, l'a CLOTHING l CLOTHING C W. BERTSGH, THE JIERCIIANT TAII.OR. bis Furnishing Goods, Sals I Caps OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits mrxdu to order at fhoit notice and aiitalwa)8 gu.iianteed or no enle. Call and examine mo larpcst ana uest selected stock of goods over shown in Columbia county. Store next door to First National Bank, MAIN STREET, Bloomsburgf, Pxi. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OF CAST CH WltOUClIIT IKON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds :o: The following snows tno ncuei uoinie, one oi the several beautimi styles ot Fence manufactured by the undersigned. For lieauty ana uurauuuy uicj iju.ih ed. bet up by experienced hands and warranted to give buiiMueuuii. rrices and specimens of other de signs sent to any address. Aililress BLOOMSBURG PA- May-tr E. B. 8R OAS FITTING A STEAM 1IKATINU UKAIXU IN STOVES & TINWARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof ing and SiiouUno; juoinntiy attended to. t-Sttlct attention given to heating by tteam. Corner of Main & East Sts., Bloomsburg;, Pa. Iff mm BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, NOArEMBER 12, 1886. EXHAUSTEDVITALITY. ILLUSTRATIVE Srtmplo FREE. KHOW THYSELF. A Great Medical Work on Manhood, Xenon, and Hiylcal Debility, frcnutnro Decline In Man, l:xhanteil Vitality, Ac., JLt, and tho nntold ml, cries ri suiting from taillscrctlon or ctccbics ; joo pase'i substantially bound In gilt, mini In. Con tains moro tlian 121 Inralnnblo prcscrlpllonj, cm tracing every vegetable remedy In tho pharma copcela fr all acuto and chronic llso"c.. It Is emphatlcaHy a book for every man. Trlco only $1 by miil, post paid, concealed In plain wrapper. IM.VUTItATIVK H.V.Hl'I.i: I'UISr. TO ALT, Young and mUldlc-agcd men for tho next ninety dnys. Send now, or cut this out, as you miy never see It azatn. Art1rcs Dr. V. II. I'AllKLl!, 4 llu! finch street, tli"lon, 51fts, fcb.,B-d. ly GENT?) FOR SAKPLC C0PYoiTKI3 It irlvrMliv LftSCUftCE ntid Scntlmenl ct Cvirv riower Md Shrub. :!()()() illllcrritt kind-, .Mon!l Hit' Koowi Ruleicl Fllrta tlon with Glove, PruioI, HindkcrthUf andfan. H lntiif moil comple!ooik or tho litml v r pub IMirtl.Qciit) l'lttt't'll t Vnlt in wtanint tor a winnile ropj'i ulMi our price lo nst'tin. Agt-nii uiitih (1 tvtriwbiri. Ail. fth'.4..;iCAN PUB. CO.. 17 Worth Tenth Strut. PMIafl'a. fa. flaari5? MS TKIAL. i nn Net or Atlncliiiicuts. Vortl'?J. ficml for Clrcnliir. '123 N. Oth Hi., l'Ullu., l'a. Apr. 5 1 w. PHILAD.1I6:6. Jrniiil rrlip?lrlal, I'arU, 1S71. AskyourOroccrforlt. lVm. Ilrcjilojipol.SIfr I'JSKorlhFlont Street, rlULADULl'lIIA, l'A. Juno 4 80 ly. CHAMPION rosrrmxY Kou-Bxplostre Patent Safety EXTIMGU1S1IKII Will not BKEAK ."TCIeanly. HD DnlrrlNb tho or OIL. CHIMHET. Gives a Liciti THE CHAMPIOM equal In IJnIIiancy Is the llest. Cheapest and to ou ianaics, or Milosc i.amp for Churches, This la the noit y uas uurners, rowerlul anil 1'orfcct I. Hi I IT ever made Halls, or Family Use. Send for Illustrated Circular. l'UO.U OIL .an he used on vour old Gas or Oil Chancfo 11. J. WEIQENER. 36 S. 2d St., tiers or brackets, and increase your ngi AGENTS WANTED Sola Owner of I'atent OCt 8 C 1113, Adams' Patent Metallic mm jl.75 per rod and upwards. SPECUL QUOTATIONS. All kinds of Iran Fence), Gales, Fire Esc prs, &c. A FCMCE PT.IBON UlilJMilM tit lien Work In all style.. Coal Screens a specialty, Iron Ladders, Wheels & Cresting, Bladimlthlng In all tranches. Estimates furnished. EAGLE IRON WORKS, Cor. Union & Cnnal St.. WILKBS-BARRE, PA march 12-80-ly. P1WST&M IRON HOOFIWG GO. ilanufacturers ot CoiiufoiTEP, CKUirtn Knag, ckowl'b IMtest, I'MIW AHDIUUMINED Iron Si Steel Roofing Siding. TliCM) looflnss wo lay on solid ilieatlilne, on pur- un iinvn sn nur 'finnlnv trooil anil experienced rootera whom wo will semi out as instructors to A. .en.. ..... I,w. .nl.n'u tftlltn.irl t Vft IWili Illlie. WO mA KUn Iniiv '1 in lav I lit ir OVU luuuuu, I'ui. y,,a. '".. "' l'"" ..''..r. lSSiU nnrS wil.'ht. lillmitessUeiiaiHl contracts taken tor roonnes aiiis hiuuiis iuui "u ivuii'itnu. ""V r..fliin mmrintn,l mi nil work rlono by US.. Cala m'wd Iron and steel rooilngs inado to order at short nonce. .., I'irirslUH licu. Iiuuri.iu lu., I'ittston. l'a. nr-Ofilee and factory near UlilffU Valley depot. Dockbt. Telephonoconnectlun. auguam' I btalncd and all patent business attended to tor " ou7offlce U opposite tho U. 8. Patent onico, and wo can obtain Puientslu lebs time than those re mote tiom Washington. send model or drawing. Wo advlso as to pat entaulllty leootcharne, and we make no charso unlt-Ni patent la kocured. Wo refer heie, to tho I'ostmister, the Supt. of Money order llv., and to officials of the U. U. references to actualclleuts In your own btatoor county, wnieiu C. A. SNOW & CO., opposite l'atent onice, Wshlnston, d 0 an v-ii DHLTjAHH pay. for PALMS' 1IUB1NKSS COLLEGE 1703 Cbtiliil fl.rkiliJdpiii. Vosltlons for Graduate.. Tlma ronulrod U to 4 mos. Tho Dost Hqulppod. lleBt Course of Btudy. Dost Kv- erythlnte. wra for urcuiuiv. J 9 Cms. p & c, l rl.lila trs s(srit, bol thai, wlio vrlU t. ISUnsoa .t Uo.,rorlltDll, Msut.wm tsccii. fret, full iLformslloa nbuut wotk wbicb SbejrD(lo,kHilllfltSI)iimslSliitSlllp r.An. Mft d.v. horns t. Klth.r tel. .auna of oil. L'sPlSsl olr.fliiliiJ Vourtilsrl.l fre.. MoMwkMlMic. Wt WUS IlUt VI uu4 uw, - 0V.SS0Sl5". ! ElRTINC t:r J mmm It mar nil I m 1 1 If llf'ttt'lff ttt ComMnhiff IIION nllh TClir. TEOKTAntB TOXICS, qnlfklj ami romplcttlr tLIUNSKS and K.MUUIKS Till: 1II.OOU. Oalchrns tli action of the Mrrr and Kldufjs. Ctrars tho complexion, niikca tho skin Rtuooth. It does not Injure tho teeth, f ame licadachp, or r rod a re con-atlpatlon-ALli OntllK IROX SlHUCtNLS HO. riiyslclani and Drucs Ut f Torjwtoro recommend It. Tn. N. fl, TlraoT.ra, rr Mnrion, Mks.. Myst "I roocimmnnj Ilrown's Iron 11 it torn an a Taluabla tonlo for rnrlc hi tiff the Mixxl. and rvmnTlnff all iljfpoiitlo ejTnptoni!), It iloen not hurt tbe toetti.'1 . Dn. U. M. DfiZPLt ItcrnoW. Ind., sayat I hTe prcscribM Ilronn't Ircn Hitters In cbbti of tih? ml and blnod disenwu. bm whon a tonio wm needed, and it his proYed tnonmghlr ant!ifactory.M Mti iVm, RtnNfl, 6 St. Mary St., New Orteanfl, 1a., ijsi " Brown's Iron Bittfra reliTed me in a cami of Mood l-oimminc, and I heartily commend it to tt)io noiriff a IiIchkI imrlfler. Mb, W. W. AloNAHANIuBcumbla, AU . rny- " I linve Irfcn trouhleit from cbiMhooct with Impiirn illood and ernptinti on my face two tattle of I rown'a Iron It it tern ctTocted a per (oct enre, I cannot ppoalt too highly of this valuable modicineV Genuine has aloTnTrado Mark and crosnM red lines on wrepper. Tako no nlhrr Made only by ltltOW.N t'JIKMll'AL lO.tllALTlMUltlMU. .mm. 'in... ' i s i FOR STEP ORFLAT HOOPS CAN 1113 PUT OS 11V ANY l'HUSO.V. TIIOUaAXIM OV HOLLS SOLD ANNUALLY l'OIt DUII.UINT.S OF urcuY DI.bCIilPTION. send ron m:w circulak, coxtai.mno PKIL'C LIST AND ItEFcnuCES. AGENTS WANTED. BOLE MANUl'ACTUHKKS. 423 Walnut streoL PHILADELPHIA. ser t.lTais.31113 A Philadelphia Lawyer Prominentia hU profession, says: "Don't put my namo In print but rcterany one you wl&h to mo, ana 1 will Rtadly loll what tho Jinssim JlUrumnttsin Chit hasilouo tor me." T1H3 gentleman was so Urao one would havo t'aount lilm a cripple, and 3etTJirfe Dnj-a' UbO otour remedy straightened tihnout allrliilil. Mn. O. W, 13 iKFIl, a leadintr minafictnrpr ot Wli minzton, Uel., wnttM IKhj. lTtli '6: "trom the Prut dir I twRnn to tno tho Huinn Hlicumati-m (Jure, re lift followed and my comfort ditty tncreaattl. Hie ucn of my limbs txMJime more nnd more n&taral until I felt no discomfort either walWina ur working. Iknowff nothing which his bj quick and wondrous an clfcct." Onef ThilidoIpHK's oldest merchants, Mit, C, G. nocKina, resldmn 4 U" -Mala Mrcet, liermsntow n, ajs: " riio Hussian Ktietunitlsm Cure has tiken all tho pain out of my daughter's arm and neck, bhe hod buttered greatly with it for moutha. Wo havo testimony of this fifrt isutT.clent to Ritlsfy tho most skeptical. Hut it i ou havo tho Klieum ittstn you want relief rallier than tpsti mony. You can j,ret It iiulok, suie, permanent, RUSSS RKEUtVIATSS CURE DcHCtiptlTO nuiiiphlrt. with trottmonlnR Tree Dvlnn t't no t " mailt d. 10o. fidditional. rTICO 9!uUii U iiidstcre.1, more. PRUSSIAN One llox ilc h tho bunlnosrt. Nono lifiiulno without thU Trado-Murk. nUEUMATlSM CURE. As yet It It not to t found at the Ptorcf. but ran onlvbt ha.1 In' riii'lnHliurthfl amount as above, un-r tddropslmr tho Amcrlcau proprietors, PFAEI.2ER BROS. & 00. HID.'iSi ,1Iarlrt Strrrr, I'lillntlcliilil.i. nnrcfi u.lj'.a cures all mmm, from n common lllnccli, or llrisixloi, to tho woift Miissiila. Mi 1 l-r h '! in, 'I'es'cr-sorcw," Ncnlyoi' Slonuls Sltlii, In blioit. nil clH iims cniiM.l hy tiatl blooil nia conquoieil bj' Oils powerful, imrlfylnjr, and lnrlKorntliitr nipiliclw. iicnt Cnlliiu II. rcrts rapidly linnl inulcr 113 licnlsn liillurnci'. Espoclnllv Inns It nmiiiri Hiil llu iioU'iicv In rurliitr 'Ii'lli r, IIooo lintli. llollv. Our biuiclt'M, Soi-o 11'(', SfrolnloiiH soi'cm ami siivclliiicx, llfis-Joint 1Uiiii', isiiiio nsviMitiisri., s.inirt', tii- -jiiicst. Neck, ami lliilnrKt'il (iliiinU. Send ten cents In fitninpa tor n Inrtre tmitlsc, with col oreu piaies, on cum uricust'it, or mo buhio nmomit lorationtlu' on horofnlmn AIItcMotis. Tiii: iti.otti) is 'i ics: 1,1: r" Tliorouulilv clcniiio It by nslinr Sir, I'ii'iTi 's (islilosi lesllonl DlM'oi'i'rs , ntnl vonl illKC.ilon, a fnlr stlElii, biiojniil i-pi I' ll., vltnl Ntl-ClSlMll, ISlSlI MSIIlUtSlC'nl. off COII.Illlllloll, Will 110 Lst.lbllsiKd. which I. Soiiif illniiH DIm'iisi' f tho Limits, 14 promptly and (t'ltulnly ai-rcstctl and uuu'd by this (lod-nhcn lt-nit'dy, H tnken beforotho lastetai'.fsol thodlscasomo rtaclicd. 1'ioin its woniloiiul power over this terribly fatal disease, when Hist olteriiiff this now ceK ehrated rcmcily to U10 public, I)r, I'innCB tlu'Aialit icrloiiily of calllni? If Ms "C'011. fill nipt lull tin re, " butiibaiidoned that namo as too limited for 11 uiullclno which, fiom It. wonder! ul combination ol Ionia, oi'Stu-nsrttit-n Inir, alterative, or Hood-eKausing.imtUbUlous, pectoral, and nutritive piopeitles, is uneqiialed, not only 11s n icniedy lor consumption ot tho lungs, but for nil CHRONIC DISEASES or the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If you feel dull, drowsy, debllltatod, hare (allow color of skin, or yellowish-brown .noli on faco or body, frequent hcadaelio or dull ness, bud tabta III mouth, internal heat or chllU. alti rnutlnif with hot Hashes, low spirit, and Bloomy borebodlnss, lrretrulnr appetite, and coated tomrue, you aro puirctliiir from 1 11 ill. KCHllnii. Ij Npepvin, nnd 'J Hrpld or, or "1II11uiisiiioki.,s in uiuny euses only pnit of thesu symptoms. 1110 pxptrlinecd, M n remedy foe all uiieh inecs, lr. l'lerco'j (Jolileu .llcilleal Ulacovory ha. no "Vor'lVcuU I.ssiKf., Oplltlnjr ol Illood, Sliorlno.K of llreiilh, llioneliltl., Severe Cosieli.. C'oii.iitiiptlou. ana kiudrod ftUectlons, It Is 11 sovcielgn lemody, bend ton cents In stamps for I)r. l'lercss bookonCousuiupllon. Sold by Druggl.tB. PRICE $1.00, World's Dispensary Medical Association, VroprMor., 063 Main St., UVTtxto, N. V, lGVCG,,S LITTLE o a s awt t.t viJ.n V3V V3 iT Jflljjja. ANTl.UII.JOI S mill CATIIA11TIO. Mold !)' UriiKiilat.i 'M cent, a vial. yi ' w w " mm m Is oifcroii by tho proprictora ii of Di. bago's Catarrh Itemedy ' or hearing, wntk eyes, dull jmla or pressure In UpoJ, you have Catnnh. Tbou llr. Satre'. tUiAitnji lluiij.iiv eim-s tha wnr.t oases ot Ontitrrli, "Cold lit II10 Vleiul, ami f'litnrrliitl i'ilnvlio. hi cents. RAUCH'S S25 PHOSPHATE .r UKntf Ooiiuln. the lite .Qtllbcnil ItlCl.lAlll.i:, I.AhTIM BAUGH&SGNS Aliuufsctnren, l-IIILMIiai'lllA, l'A. Vol- Isulo ll' C, V, LOW Ornnconllle, Pa. LbTiUUblllll loiS. 1 AieW.W"jSy 3 I'"' JfK SELECT READING Present Condition of Ungraded Schools. TI10 following arttulo In lclntion to tho ungrndptl scliools of Nobr.tskn ai' pcareil in tliu Ncbrmka Signal utb lishi'd at Fnirniouiit, Killmoro county, Nubr.iakii. It may iirovo of interest to our numerous rvadurs. "Whon wo consider that tho rural schools of our county provide elemen tary instruction for more than one half of our school population and all the formal education that the majority ot tins mill ever receive, nntl luilher, tho diversity of condition represented in this population,, it seems strange that a people so fertile: in expedients an our own should have adhered ho close ly as thoy have dono to onu typo of niral school. The typo is familiar to us all. A school composed of both sexes, ranging in study anywhcio from tho primer to tho languages, housed in a school house of but 0110 room and provided with one teacher, upon whom devolves all discipline, and instruction. Possibly tho teacher changes every term ; probably no systematic record of studies, classes, or progress is kept, nnd each teacher takes up the woik as if nothing had gono before and cuds it as if nothing wcie to follow. One reason of this 1, that in many school districts iho teacher finds as many varieties of text books as ho has pupils, and tho question that confronts him is what to do with them. Tho difficulties arising, in many of our schools, fiom a variety of text books upon the same subject, will pro bably remain as long as copyrights and a free press is in existence, unless tho State assumes tho burden of publica tion aud supplies them at a nominal cost to tho consumer. Whilo this might add a few cents to a man's lav, it would materially lessen his bill at a book store. The teacher may bo a person of ex cellent education, wise, conscientious, firm, loving and versatile; but a school may be favored in this respect ono term and the next pass into the chargo of a callow youth, a crude gill, or a man or .1 woman of inferior mind unsym pathetic nature, who, for a considera tion, makes "confusion worso confound ed" in juvenile intellects. Of super vision there is little, ot inspection less, and of standards of scholarships and tests of work none but those the teach er has wit enough to supply. Since the school board havo the powtrto say what books shall be used, to piovidea couise of Btudy, to classify and grade tho school, and contract with tho teacher, much responsibility rests upon them" The school board are tho educational, lepresentatives of tho pa trons of our t-chools and havo the power to make the schools much more effective; but if they, as such repre sentatives, lemain inactive and allow tho teacher to continuo under so many disadvantages, there will continuo to bo much unsatisfactory results for which they are, in a great measure, re sponsible. Such is tho rural school as it exists among us to-day. Somo of tho best minds of tho country have bvion fos tered by this instrumentality, some of tho noblest poweis aroused nnd tho highest aspirations kindled, but it is impossible that a high average of re sults should be attained under tho pres cut circumstances. If this bo evident upon tho survey of the shools them selves, how much more urgent appears tho demand for their better organiza tion and moro illieient conduct when wo turn our attention to what is going on in other communities. When wo consider, for instance, that in England lural schools are subjected to an in spection as thorough as that which is applied to tho city schools; that in 15el gium every country boy is trained in hawing, 111 the use ot weights and measures, and surgeons instrument!.: that in Germany and Switzerland only well fiualilied teachers are emnlovcd even in tho most obscure distiicts. Whenever tho education of the masses is attempted, tho problem chielly discussed is how to secure com- ctent teachers. It is indeed no longer nsisted that n competent teacher is tho solo retpiisito to a good school. The best teacher, it is allowed, cannot over como the effects of bad air in tho school room, unsightly premises, apathy and selfishness in the community, nnd ignorance auti obstinacy in superior officers. Experience, however, indi cates that all external conditions of efficiency aro moro easily secured when ouco their nature is understood, than well qualified teachers." Tho President's Residenco. II DOP.S NOT 1NTI1N11 TO AI1ANHON II1S CIT17.K.NaIIU 01' NUW YOIIIC. It is said at tho Whito IIouso that the story from liulfalo, alleging that tho President has given up his rest dence 111 that city, is not true. As published, Mr. Cleveland is still a pror erty owner and taxpayer in Uulfalo. lus temporary rosidcnoo in Washing' ton does not hurt his citizenship 111 Now York at all. So long as ho does not volo eomowhero else, ho has tho right to renow his privileges in Buffalo whenever ho returns totliooity. When there was uuffrago in tho District of Columbia a number of residents from tho States forfeited their citizenship claowhero by voting there. It has not been customary lor tho President to go homo to vote, Un to the end of General Grant's second term he had nevor voted for a President but once, and that was for Mr. lSuohauan, in IS.'S, at a place, too, wliero ho had, as ho said, no right to his vote. Ho had been into bt. JiOius, was re turning homo and stopped just outsido tho city at a polling precinct. llo was asked if lie had a vote, and whon ho said ho was not likely to roach homo in luno to voto there- ho availed him solf of tho privilcgo of voting where ho did lor tho liuoliannn and Jircckcn ridgo olectoie. President Cloyflant' will not again, probably oxerciso tho franchise during his term as President IIo certainly does not ititcud, however, to abandon his citizenship in New Voik to bocomo a citizen of tho Dif triut of Columbia. Piicycling begins to tnke rank with baso ball ph a destroyer of personal beauty. It is even becoming an ob- lect ot interest lo the lilo insurance companies, It is easy enough to t'oklo a man vanity when yon tint! out where it is. Tricks to Bell Mines nnd Deceive the Pur chasers Oard Playing and Digging It is not strango that there is gamb ling in theso "camps," for to most of thoso engaged in it mining is simply gambling. Miny a man tolls me, "I liavo put into tho ground overy dollar I could save, but I novcr mado a dol lar from it yet. My turn will come some day." It seems no worse to them to risk everything on tho throw of a card than 011 the thrust of a spade. Uy night thoy repeat in tho saloons their occupation by day in tho mines. Gamblers in cards claim that theso speculators might as well loso their money to them as to other gamblers in stocks. It is hazard everywhere, and tho air is impregnated with speculation as with ozone. Only for tho few who havo tho capital lo purchase nil know ledge, to compass all risks, to furnish all machinery, and enduro i.ll dolays, can it become a legitlmato business. Such ones may possibly, ho as safe in this mining business as in any othor. Yet tho keenest may bo imposed, on. An old California miner told mo of an expert assayer, who had avoided every snare. IIo had tho habit of tak ing into tho mine ho was to test, bags in which ho carefully deposited tho specimens lie found, tying, labeling and sealing them, then ctrryiuc them in the cars to his own homo His re ports gained implicit belief, henco the greater desire to deceivo him. A man onoe followed him to tho train with S.'iO, and bribed tho porter of tho sleep ing car, into whoso charge tho bags had been committed, to leavo them with him for half an hour. IIo then, by means of fine metallic syringes in jected into tho bags certain solutions, chlorides, I think, of gold and silver, and returned them unopened to tho porter's custody. Tho assayer, unsus picious, tested every samplo in bulk to find tho amount of silver and gold.and mado a very sanguino report. On tho strength of this tho mine was bought of thoso whoso agent tho injector was, and placed under ohargo of tho assayar. As soon as work was begun tho latter found, with horror, that he had been imposed on. For weeks, as my inform ant told me, he drove on, with his hair standing on end, determined to striko some now lead, which should justify lim report. .At length, much lower down, he "mado a find," which exceed ed his first claim, and then ho was sat isfied. The gamblers, liko tho miners, nre not nnfreqiiently of college education from fine Eastern fnmilies. They are not wholly bad. Their plans have mis carried, their capital is gono and they aro cast on their wits for a living. Other men havo preyed on them, thoy turn nnd prey on other men. Hut my friend, who is pastor of the little church around tho corner, tells mo that for the last two years ho has had from two to twelvo gamblers at his Sunday ovening lectures. "Why don't you come to us some timo to help pay your salary?" said ono of them to him. "I never ask any ono to help pay my salary; that is a purely voluntary matter." A few days later it was found that the little church needed repairs. "Wo want new paper and fixtures," ho said to tho gambler. "What can you do for us V "Draw tip a paper and leavo it with me." In a short timo the pa per was returned, with $22j pledged liy tho gamblers and $2.r added by a .Tow. When all had been paid in and tho improvements were mado tho con tributors turned out to seo their worlc. They may havo bnilded better than they knew. Salem (Jiws.) Gazette. Benedict and tho Contractors. Tho PiUsburg Dispatch says that Mr. Uenedict, the now Publio Printer, has already got into a row with somo of tho paper contractors. Heretofore whenever thoy had bad paper rejected, they would go to Washington, obtain hearing, uso all t heir lnlluenco in va- lotta ways, and ottcn end in getting their paper through, when it obviously id not como up to tho requirements. Mr. Benedict is determined to put a top to this, Recently, according to lie Dispatch, several hundred reams f book paper were passed by tho office board, but attention was called to tho fact that it was not up to tho grado. An allowanco of threo points made tor varying thickness or weight and this particular batch ran about nine points. Tho Publio Printer mado a personal examination uid ro- octet! tho whole. Ho ordered it im mediately shippod back to tho con tractors, and ordered a fresh lot clso where. I'lie contractors were notified 'of the rciection. In accordance with their custom ono of them immediately camo to town and called on Mr. Benedict. IIo said ho was sorry tho paper was not up to tho required grade, but tho loot was they had had somo troublo with their boilers, aud tho paper had run unusually uneven. Mr. Benedict BMd ho thought it had, but ho had not timo to talk about it now. Tho con tractor blankly inquired if ho could .in . .11 not uo nuowcii 10 piCK out, wnai wouiu pass and average things up. Jlr. Benedict said ho had held court on that paper yesterday and had decided the caso and ordored tho paper return ed. "Why, you havo not sent it back " exclaimed the astonished. "I ordered it shipped bacU. If it has not gono 1 11 disohargo tho man whoso business it was to do it," and ho pressed a button. A clerk nppeared. ".nr. JHiinson, was tha, paper snip ped back, as ordered 1"' "it went last night, ' replied tho clerk. "Good morning, sir," said Mr. Bene. diet, "lour most direct way out is through that door. When your paper (ioe not como up to inu contract it will bo rejected, and when it is reject' ed you need not bother about coming down to Washington, it stays reject ed," This is refreshing, oven if it is vigor ous, it certainly is about timo that decided stand was taken against tho men who imposo upon, or rather do traud tho Government in their oon tracts. In this respect, nt least, Mr. Benedict begins well. "Does your husband gel a salary for taking up tno collection in ciiurcn overy Sunday. Mrs. Deacou V "Well not exactly but I never need to buy I...... r .i. .. iii. " uuy uuuvuis iui mu cuiiuiciid ciuiucs Mush rooms Cheap restaurants. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XX.NO 45 COLUMBIA DKMOCItAT, VOL.t, NO 3S ODD ITEMS. Beauty is often sin deep. Church-going people often meet by chants. White blackberries grow near Bron son, Mich. Fresh too martyrs Tho vouths who buy tight boots. . , A icceot comic sonc is called "Soap." nt . comes in bars. Capital punishment Being obliged to sit with tho girls. Tho old chaos who woro armor were the lirst man camera. To hit a man in the oyo witli a chest nut is a blinding joke. Tho blacksmith is uo politician, but ho is always making bolts. Girls who marry coachmen ought to bo stable in their affections. Fools mako feasts and wise men know better than to cat them. The cool wave When tho girl's father waves you to the front door. There aro four Turkish ladies nt Con- stantinonlo who aro ntihllsliinc noeti v. . . ,, , . A rnlllnir slnnn frnflinra nn tnnau litit I ;-.. ,.M ...v.j. , , a roil in Lr-pin win earner consiuerauie , . - nair. I'roc legs aro said to bo unusually high this year. They always were on tho jump. T I nt.l ut r..AM nnnn . in. in !,-, :.. c..:.. ...i.. i... I lb 13 Billll tUtllf ilUIll UUUl IU 'IUUU uuipcs uiu ittuuu iu hji'diu vi-auv uv I bull fighting. Tho ages of spring chickens and women nre most doubtful subjects on this little earth. In tho wholo world there aro 291, 622 miles of railroad ; in tho United States, 123,110. J. no man who slips up on an apple paring at this Bcason ot the year sliows tno correct lall styles. An Indian idol has been discovered in the West. It is a petrified whiskey bottle with tho cork out. . - i Instead of theso being tho piping times ot peace they aro tho piecing times ot pipe stovepipe Duko Ernest of Coburg has killed his 1 000th stag, and now thoy want to give mm tbe iwmrod s medal. It is becoming fashionablo to cable proposals of marriage. This will savo tho knees of a fellow's trousers. Thomas Garrett, of Alabama, lakes tho demijohn, llo has been voting the .Democratic ticket lor 1 1 'J years. There is more Liberty on Bcdloe's island than anywhere elso in tho known world. lKasiinon Critic. "uoiossai ' is said to bo too small a word to uso in description of the bic goddess. "Bartholdiau" iB suggested. John E. Owens, the comedian, is al most himself again, lie is able to on- joy bis apple sass as well as ever ho was. Ono irreverent editor calls them Psalms Jones and Small. Seems to us Hymns would bo a better namo for them. The Empress of Japan has ordered tho ladies of her court to array them selves in European garb, and tho Yum lums iveep. Tho nose of Battholdi's statuo is over threo feet in length. What a terrible thing it would bo for her to have a cold in tho head. A harness consisting entirely of brass and steel has been invented by Judgo Albion Tourgee, who has ob tained a patent upon it. "Bah," ho said, bitterly, "all this that wo call lovo is scant." "Say 'wou t, rather, she answered softly, and he lett her lorever. "A Canadian farmer loses his life.'1 Some men aro excessively absent-mind ed. Wo presumo it never occured to him to advertiso for it. A Canada woman proposes to start a society lor tho prevention ot kisRing, Sho is probably homely enough to warp tno bottom ot a tin pan. No wonder tho interior of tho earth is disturbed. Every pie-eating New ii.ngiander knows that tho cruat is often very hard to digest. "Miss Madge," of tho London Truth, has como to tho conclusion that it is tho duty of women to buy as many bonnets as thoy can auord TllO CllinCSO UOtioC Of England is said to be that of "a tribute-bearing nation of men without pig-tai s, govern- ed by a lady with largo feet." Lucy Larcora, tho pootess, asks llow will it bo when tho woods turn brown t" It will bo extremely cold for poets, Lucy, extremely cold. A pen-wiper is not to bo despised. ino pen-marKs which n receives aro ottentimcs moro lasting than thoso whioh are mado upon tbo paper. Dos ton uranscript 13-year.old girl in Michigan has been sent to prison for horso stealing. i tiero are very fow uinimwuus ,u which women oven with ot tender years cannot competo men nowadays. A Business Revival in Erin's Isles- By Cable to tuo New York World. Very encouraging intormation is coming in lrom Ireland. There has been nn unexpected subsidenco of dis turbances nntl thoro aro many evi deuces that the peoplo aro dovoting themselves moro to tno ordinary busi ness pursuits oi mo man tney navo been doing for many years. Many t, . r i-r . .i .i i purchases of land are being mado uu der the ABlibourno act and there is an increaso of a peaceable and concilia' tory feeling on tho part of tho land- lords towards tenants. Another good sign is that tho country fairs held this fall have been better attended than for n long timo and tho exhibits moio numerous and of a better character than usual. There is an abundance of farm produce and fair prices aro ro ceived for largo quantities of cattlo and sheep soiit to English markets, Straugo ns it may appear, there is a genuine I for $-11.20-business roviyal in Ireland and this is I to bo helped nloug by the government. whioh is workiug very hard on the question of supplying the Irish pooplo with the means ot more general em ptoyracnt, tjTS Of DVEfVpSN5 1W SW I 75 t 85 J M 9 00 S 00 S 5 5 S 50 a M 1 H 1 50 S S5 S 50 3)1 3 50 4 m 5 00 T CO 8m CM It J ()0 4 50 7 00 4!5 7 50 12 CO B60 10 00 10 CO ltnch " 8 " 4 4 50 5 50 8 00 13 00 19 w 1)60 It 50 21 CO to 8 35 4 50 5 60 7 (K) IKJ (column 8 00 li 00 16 00 S3 CO 80 00 40 00 W 00 CO I 8 CO 14 00 17 00 XO tO 40 10 Yearly adTcrtleemenU rmyable w&rtcrlr. Tran . Blent advertisements rniint bo paid for before 11 scrtcd except where parties have accounts. Legal advertisements two dollars per Inch tor three Inseitiiins, and at that rato for additional Insertions without reference to length. Executor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's no tlces three dollars. Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, res ular advertisements half rates. Cards In the "Business Directory" column, on dollar a year tor each line. How Ants Live. TIIF.IK t.OVK OF Ct.tiANI.lNKSS AND T1IF.IU MOUKS OF nuniAt- In spito of the multifarious duties and tasks that aro imposed on thoso tinv burnhcrs. they still find timo to plc!l" nml n,,or.n their worthy little, per- sons, says a writer in tho Losmopoiuan jor V7UIUUK1. 11U riiui, 1H muni ui , iin,, tafl ,,nipnv will UllOl UI MIM t""'li Vm ....... j ..... ,u,nl ,,; i,n,iira Thov t ri,l of tho dirt with tho brushy tufts on their feet or with their tongues, lhoy act, lor an mo wouu, hko uomesiio cats when they clean nnd lick them selves i and thej assist ono another at tho toilet precisely liko monkoys. Their senso ot cleanliness goes so far that tho naturalist often finds, to his unpleasant Biirpriso, tho colored marks that he had applied with so much care on nis "trial ants" removed by their dirt-hating friends. They keep their dwellings jtiBt as cleanly. Hut tho conveying away ot tneir de ceased brethren, whose dead bodies thoy appear to regard with tho great est antipathy, gives them moro troublo .t . r , . in than anvtliinc else. When somo mem. hers of rfn ant community, which Mr. ijook Kepi imprisoned, oieu aim count 1. ' . . i . ...... . jsi: i i i.s ls I man Ctmln tiff ...fim. .i ., .i ,, it I'll illLUUllu Willi tliu "wiivii ,,. .., .. i,, -t,i I A' ui liun mu iiincum inn tiuvjitu cvuiiug a way out, and ceased only when com pletcly exhausted. Tho aids belonging to tho camponotus species seized tho dead and threw them into a water ., i , l . pan, wuicu iiioy cotiverieu uiiu ep - , , r . , . i .t , aro said to treat their dead with moro reverence. They even possess their own graveyards, citnty of their nests. They convoy their deceased companions thither, whore they lay them down in orderly littlo heaps or in rows. It is only tho corpses ot their lellows however, that they treat in this manner. Tjeaa 8trarjgcrs thoy throw out liko somethiiiL' unclean, or tear tho body in pieces. Even between the master and slaves of tho same community Mlsa m . i. . , i . i : : ireai says sue nas uupurvcu a uissiiai lar mode of burial. Whilo the masters find their last repose in a special grave yard, side by side, tho slaves He liko heaped-iip reltiso near tho nest, despised equally in death as in life. Iho ant cemeteries aro olton thickly populated, for their lifo is short. Tno malo lives only through ono summer; tho females live somewhat longer, and the workers die of ofd aye in tho 8th and 10th vear. . Fon Tin: Coi.umuian.J THE POWEE OF INFLUENCE. Everywhere is tho power of influ ence a rr eognized fact and a potent fac tor in all business relations and of all enterprises, whether of a publia or pri vate nature. It is no less a power for agents to introduce and sell to tho pub lio new schemes, patent on art and mechanism, new woiks on scienco nnd literature4, or, tho hundreds of other means for opcintihg upon an unsus pecting aud a confiding public. 'Along they como I Prospectus in hand ! Ob ject recommended by tho leading 'dailies,' lodges, attorneys, clergy aud other leading citizens I Heady to swoop down and sooop up all the rest of mankind wo only mean their littlo ohaugo and nickels, iivo and ten dollar bills and lrom that on up to times, ow ing to tho claptrap, blinding and de scriptive fingers, and whoso only object is is to "bag tho gamo" whether man kind is benefitted or not. Moreover, they care not whether mankind is ben efitted or not. Tbe general publio aro very largely dependent upon tho press, judges, attornoys, clergy and other leading citizens for their safety against the encroachments of masked frauds, 'littlo or big" henco thev should bo very careful what they recommend. It often leads to a suspicion that thoy aro hired agents, and rewarded for their influence to cheat tho lower classes whose every energy is strained to tho utmost to keep oven with tho world. W. Home CurlmiH l"iiiitl'H of l'aslilon. rrom tho New York World. Some cm lotis new fancies arc to bo found in fashions for women, nnd in the course of a scasou of shopping one's Idea's of tbo luxury ntnl the striving after novelty of women whose lives are given up to dress becomo very much widened. Ono of theso extravagant fancies is to Uavo bed-room slippers covered with feathers, cither tuo strippinga from ostrich plumes in soft French prnv nr wlillp. nr nnln-nlnlc unit hi,,,, Tlu-an fi-nlln-ra urn smvpil rnrpfullv. lapping over each other upon tho satin of tho sl,ppe, nml lvo aD clVect of crent sott ness and warmth. Hut they nro suited only for the possessors of small, slim feet, for they materially increase the 6lzo ot them, in appenrnnco nt least. Others havo tho downy breasts of birds or tho metallic sheen of tho ucck.fenthers of wild ducks, laid smoothly upon tho slipper, as carefully and beautifully dono as tho famous Mexi can feather-work. Another fancy is tho embroidered white cants do Suede, to ho ...nrn ntl.nlla nn,1 ittl. .,.,-. -l.l.n.nln n.S.Tln ,!,.,,. .t.s. ,i .,.in t ii....ii. The80 uro i0mowUat llcavyi nnd nga,.a omy women with slender extremities daro show ,h fr(mi,a of fttDCv unon themselves. But tho cilcct in a littlo slim hand is very rich and add3 a certain tone to tho whole costume. Hotel Kcciicr'H JtcHniiiHlllIlty. An Interesting point of hotel law was re cently decided by Judgo Finlcttcr, of Philadelphia, in tho suit ot Charles A. Poland against Thomas li. Green. Tho plaintiff boarded nt Oreeu's Hotel aud had n vallsa full of clothing stolen from his room, lie Bucd to recover us valuu and tho defendant claimed that ho was not liable because ot a provision printed at th& top of tho register that "noods" must bo checked at tho counter (o mako tho pro. prletor responsible. The Judgo held that tho proprietor ot a hotel was always re sponsible for tho goodwf his guest unless there was au express contract to tho con trary. Tho printing of such a provision at tho top of u register without calling It to the. guest's attention, was not such an I oxpress contract, Tho jury accordingly I reudcred a verdict In favor of the plaintiff I "Where la the ideal wilor nsks n I prominent lecturer. Wo dhdiko to I creato any unnecessary jealousy, but - 1 candor compels us to bay that wo lett I her sately nt homo this morning. aiae, tuw.- .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers