THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. SB5& 0. E. Elwall, Ivju... J. S. Blttentonier. J B4on. BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1880. Speaker Cnrlislu's sent in congress will bo contested. Tho Republicans carried Pennsyl vania, but tho Democrats won in a majority of tbo states. Col. Quay linn announced bis candi daoy for United States Senatorbblp. Ho was suspected of this long ago, but bo kept quiet until after tho election. Tho statu having been carried by tho Machlno Ring, Quay will no doubt bo elected. GaliiBha A. Grow also wants to bo Scnator, and J. A. Scrantou would liko to bo taken caro of since his defeat for Congress. Quay will cook their gooso for them in tho first round. The G. O. P. aro great admir ers of his Pardon Board record. Good for Wisconsin, Gov. Rusk, republican candidate in Wisconsin has n plurality loss than 14, 000. This is bitter information for tho Republicans, who have claimed not less thau 25,000 and from thnt up to 00,000. Taking the figures as correct tho Republican loss as compared with tho vote of two years ago is fully C, 000. CONGRESSIONAL EETOBNS, Tho Return Judges appointed by tho several courts of common pleas of the sovcrnl counties and parts of counties embraced in tho Eleventh congression al district met at Mauoh Chunk on No vember 9. They return that tbo en tiro voto in tho district was 19,358, of which Hon. 0. R. Buckalew received 18,337. Tho combined voto for other candidates was 1,021, making Mr. Buckalew's majority 17,310. Tho re turn judgo for Columbia county was J. B. Robins Esq. of Catawissa. SENATORIAL RETURNS, Tho Return Judges of the 24th Sen atorial district met at Danvillo on Tuesday afternoon. Tho voto of the district was as follows : Lewis R. 8.894 Metzger D. 12,440 Noble, 413 Gerard, 131 9,438 9,438 Metzger's majority 3,002 F. P. Billmeyer Esq. was the return judgo for Columbia county. FA0T AGAINST FICTION. Wo givo below several statements from last week's Republican, in con trast with actual results at tho late election: Republican: The latest returns as sure a probable Republican gain of two Congressmen for Pennsylvania. The Fact: There i no Republican gain on Congressmen from Pennsylva nia. Politically, tho delegation stands exactly as before. Republican: Tho latest returns would seem to indicate that the Democratic majority in Congress has been wiped out, giving tho Republicans a working majority. The Fact: There will be a Demo cratic "working" majority in tho now Congress of tioenty-jiue. Republican: We have, undoubted ly, maintained our control of all the Legislatures of the States that choose U. S. Senatois, now Republican, and probably Indiana. The act: Too Republicans havo lost control of tho Legislatures of Now Jersey and California, and havo not carried Indiana. In each of these States, Democratio Senators will be elected to succeed Republicans. Republican: Tho Republic a n s claim to havo gained control of New Jersoy,by tho election of Capt. Howey, (Ken.,) lor uovernor. The Fact : Green, tho Democratio candidate for Governor of Now Jer sey, is elected by a majority of over seven thousand. Republican : A most notablo ro buko for Cleveland baa been the de feat of bis lieutenant, Scott, Congress man from tho Erio district of this State. The Fact: William L.Scott, do mocrat, is reelected from tho Republi can Erio district, by a majority of 1500, or double his former majority in tho district. It is tolerably plain that in prognos ticating and reporting election results, our neighbor of tho Republican is not an eminent success. THEY WILL GET WHAT THEY WANT. When Gov. Pattisou was inaugurat ed, the exponso to the otato was noin inal. When ho took his scat as tho chief executivo of this commonwealth, tho legislature consisted of threo houses, the third ote, tho lobby, being the most powerful of tho threo. During his administration tho corrupt lobby lias disappeared, there has been no Pardon Board scandal, thcro ha been no bribing ot the legislature and no Democratic Kemblo has Lcen convict ed of such a crime Tho stato has had a clean administration, on an economi cal basis. Every possible effort has been mado to entorco the provisions of the constitution but without avail ow. ing to Republican opposition. Tho constitution demands an apportionment of tho stato every ten years, hut a re publican scnato refused to permit this to bo dono in 1884, Tho sarao jnstiu- inent prohibits discrimination by cor porations, but for twolvo years repub lioau administrations havo neglected to comply with its plain mandates, Tho result of tbo recent election seems to indicate that honesty and economy aro not what tho majority in this state want. When a governor is inang. urated they want tno treasury drawn on to thu amount of $15,000 to pay for senseless display, and a plentiful How of champagne. Tho constitution is to them a (lead letter, and tho efforts of tho Democracy to enforco its pro visions nro laughed to ecorn. Cast constitutions to tho dogs ! They aro of no account, but the "tariff must and shall bo preserved, though it tako every cent in tho treasury to inaugurate llio Beaver Quay Kemble Magee ung. Under tho cry of "tariff" tbo labor voto has again been deceived, and by their help an honest economical aif- tiiiiiistratiou hms been repudiated, and the majority bus declared in favor of thu extravagauce, tho corruption, the djKobedienco of tho fundamental law of tho state, that has characterized the republican party in Pennsylvania for twenty years. This is what tho major ty have asked for, any wo have no doubt they will got it. NOT SO MUCH OF A DEFEAT. Tho Republican press last week ev erywhere heralded tho grand vlotory of tho Republican party. Now that tho sraoko of tho batllols ovor let us soo how much of a vlotory it was. Bea ver's majority is 42,980. Quay's ma jority last year was 43,510. Tho Dem ocrats havo majorities in 22 out of 38 states, whtoh givo cleotoral votos ag gregating 210 against 182 for tho Re publicans. At present the Indications nro that Democrats will succeed Re publican Senators Jrom tho States of Now Jersey, Indiana, California and Virginia a gain of four making a tio in tho Senate. Thoro will bo a ma jority of twenty-flvo in tho next Con gress. It Makes a Difforonco- Although a wbito Democrat was coldly murdered by a number of color ed Republicans in Texas on election day no outcry has been raised by tho bloody .shirt organs and even John Sherman has failed to denounco tbo Outrage. In tho light of events wit nessed by tho last generation this is singular, to say tho least, but it may havo been duo to tho fact that tho tar iff was being saved. It sometimes makes a difference, loo, whoso bread falls witli tho buttered sido down. limes. Can't Afford to be a Judge. A Bellefonto dispatch says: For 8omo timo pat a vaguo rumor has been circulated that Hon. A O. Kurst, Presi dent Judgo of this, the Twenty-sixth Judicial district, composed of tbo coun ties of Ceutro and Huntingdon, was about to resign bis position. This rumor was confirmed recently by somo of tho Judge's intimate friends, who said thnt as soon as Governor-elect General James A. Beaver would bo in augurated Judgo Furst would send in his resignation. His object in waiting until then is to onsuto tho appointment of a Republican as his successor. Mr. Furst was eleotod in tho fall of 1881 ovor ex-Judgo Adam Hay, Democrat, and since ho has only held tho office about sixteen mouths his reason for resienine ms position auu resuming tho practico of law is becauso there is moro moncv m tho miter, ms salary ns Judgo is $4,000 and bis law practice will yield him an income ot irom 000 to $10,000. The Next U. S. Senate. A POSSIBILITY OP THAT BODY TIE. 11EIKO A A Washington despatch says : It begins to Iook as if tho United States Senate, after next March, will bo so evenly divided as to render its political complexion a matter of some doubt. On the 3d of next March tho terms of 1G Republicans and 9 Democratio Sen ators will expire. Tho llepublicans whoso terms will then end aro : Messrs. Williams, (recently elected), of Califor nia : Hawlev, of Connecticut ; Harrison of Indiana j Hale, of Maine j Dawes, of Massachusetts ; Conger, of Michigan ; MoMiian, of Minnesota ; Van Wyck, of Nebraska ; bewcll, ot iNew Jersey; Miller, of Now York ; Sherman, of Ohio ; Mitchell, of Pennsylvania : Ald ricb, of Rhode Island ; Edmunds, of Vermont: Mahone, ol Virginia, and Sawyer, of Wisconsin. On the Demo cratio side tho terras of Messrs. Gray, of Delaware ; Jones, of Florida ; Gor man, of Maryland ; George, of Missis sippi ; Cockrell, of Missouri ; Fair, of Nevada; Whitthrone, of Tennessee; Maxey, of Texas, and Camden, of West Virginia, will. end. Of the 10 Kepublicans who will re tire, 12 will certainly bo succeeded by men of tho samo party. Messrs- nner raan, Aldrich and Edmunds have been re-elected, and tho Legislatures of Con necticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michi gan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Mew York, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are Re publican, Tho .Democrats lose ono ot the nino whose terms expire Fair of Nevada and aro seouro in the remain der. So that if tbo Legislatures of California, Indiana and Now Jersey provo to bo Democratic, tho result of tho ohango in tho Senate, after tho 3d of Maroh, will be a net loss of threo to tho Republicans, a Democrat having been chosen to succeed Maiiono Jrora Virginia. Tho present Senate Blands 41 Republicans, 34 Democrats and 1 Readiuster (Riddlebergcr). But Senator Van Wyck comes back from Nebraska as a people's represen tative. Ho made his fight before tho wholo people, and won on an issue of opposition to corporations. During his present torro.he has not hesitated on occasions to antagonize his parly, and, under tho couditious of hi re-election, he may be moro independent still, Leaving Van Wyck and Riddleberger out of tho count, the next Senato will stand provided tho Democrats secure tho three doubtful States mentioned 37 Republicans, 37 Democrats. Thus Messrs. Van Wyck and Riddlebergor would hold the ualanco of power. In connection with this probable sit uation, it is a faot worth mentioning that both Van Wyck and Riddleberger havo giyen evidenco of a kindly feel ing for tho administration, "in tho event of any conflict between tho exo culivo and the Senate, tho two voles from Nebraska and Virginia would detcrmino tho issue. Van vVyckand Riddleberger would have it in t(ieir power, by co operation with tbo Demo crat6, to organize tho Senate, or, should Van Wyck voto witli tho Republicans and Riddleberger with tho Democrats on the question ol organization, there would bo a tie, and there is no Vice- President to throw tho deoidi ng vote. WASHINGTON LETTER From n'ir Itegular Correspondent. Washington, D. O.. Nov. 0, 1880. Tho recent elections havo oauiod great surprise in political circles in Washington. It will be necessary to go back to tbo year jal to find any thing comparable in interest to tho up lieaval in Congressional districts in many of tho states this year. Tho con trol of tho fiftieth Cougrcss should have been secured by tho party oppos cd to tho administration, according to the law ot political forces, and follow ing tho almost unbroken lino of pro cedent in our political history. But tho fact is that tho pemocrato "ih ppjto Ol iouhi's Bumcieiib lu imvu icii inu Ropublioars tho majority, havo yet made gains in such uulooKod for places as to retain control ot tno Jiouso. Tho orderly and peaceful manner too in which tho elections were con ducted in the Southern Statip, with hero and there Republican gains in Congress men in that section, ought fo bury lorovcr mo last littered remnant of tho bloody shirt. Not a single com plaint of intimidation or violence has come irom any uigtript ifrju uoesre, Blaine's and Sherman's occupation s oouseiiuontlv gone. Politicians hero are Kill talking about thu ie4ult of elections, and !t is interesting to hear their various com ments. They all agreo that politics aro uncertain. Soma nttributo Demo cratio losses to tho fact that Democrats havo not enough offices under tho Ad ministration, whilo others bold that if they bad gotten fowor offices thoy would have elected moro Congressmen. This last idea is upon tho ground that it is impossible to disponso patronago to tho satisfaction of everybody. Tho only way to bo without oncmics is to bo without power. Tho man who has no favors to givo makes no enemies ; but lie cannot bestow patronago on tho few without making cnomiCs of tho many who oxpoot nnd aro disappointed. Another common explanation of the apathy among Democratic voters is that tbov thought thoy had so sure a thing of it that they abstained from voting. Tho latter is Speaker Carlisle's opinion with regard to Ills own case. I lo says ho has frequently warned his constituents that thoy would waken up some fino morning and find somo ouo olso elected to Congress in Ids plnco all on account of their staying away from tho polls. "Thoy scom to think. lie added, "that I am euro to bo elect ed whether anybody votes for mo or not." It must bo gratifying to tho Spoaker to know of tho sentiments ex pressed by Kcpulilioans ns well as Democrats when it was believed that ho had been defeated. Even ultra Re publicans hero acknowledged that his loss to Congress would bo n national calamity. Ho is such a broad, high minded statesman that his political enemies cannot fail to respect and re vere him as an cxamplar. wnilo he is a straight out consistent party man, ho deals honestly and fairly with his opponents and all they lievo ever dared lo charge against him was tho crimo of being a Democrat. Although a spoaker for tho fiftieth Congress will not bo chosen for moro than a year, tho canvass lor it will ac tively begin at tho approaching session and consequently it is a subject of im mediate interest. As tho Domoorats will havo a safe working majority in that Congress it is certain, Tom Reed the Republican leader from Maine, will not nanio its committees as was pre dicted before tho official counts camo in. Amid their losses the ft lends of "Free Trado'' tako somo consolation from tho fact that ono of tho most emi nent of all the revenue reformers has receivf d an endorsement at tho hands of tho people of New York of wbioh any man has reason to feel proud. It to bo regretted that such a man as Abram Hewitt should bo lost to tho IIouso of Representatives. Ho was especially distinguished for his clear and practical viows and for his readi ness to accept reasonable concessions from opponents. Mr. Hewitt will not resign his seat in Congress until somo time in Jan., and ho hopes even before that timo to accomplieh something towards much needed legislation. Tho result of tho election in Now iork. ho says, impos es upon tho Democratio party to talk up tho subject of labor grievances and inaugurate such reforms as will re- love the working people ot the umust burdens that result from reduction in their earnings. Ho proposes to do nil he can to bring about an amelioration of these ovils, before he resigns. It is largo contract tor him to undertake in a little less than a month, but if Mr. Hewitt can sow some healthy seed where it will tako root and induco Con gress to deal with tbo labor question without allowing tho methods ol tho Deraagoguo to prevail in what it does, ho will have dono excellent work. Harvard College celebrated its 250th birthday thia week, with appropriate ceremonies. 1 resident and airs, uiove land were in attendance. Under a Democratio Administration, The following dispatch from differ ent points aro a tew of tho evidences of returning prosperity under Domo- cratio rule: Danvim.k, Pa., Nov. 7. Mr. Cox, of Reading, President of the Montour Iron and bteel t!o.. formerly known as the Waterman & Beaver works, of this place, came hero last Ihursday morn ing nnd gavo orders that tho puddliiiL- furnaces should be arranged to start immediately. Ihey will givo employ ment to about 300 men. Tho greater part of tho works have been idle for about tour years, though tho company has been considering tho advisability of starting up for tho production of muck, bar and skelp iron. Itie wages ot the puddlers havo been voluntarily advanced from $3.50 per ton to $3.7o, and those ot tho other men in propor tion thioughout tho mill. Siuiiojf, Pa., Nov. 7 Tho Clare 1 urnaco Co., at oharpsville, has com menced building a largo furnace at that place. Iho new shaft, when com plcted, will havo a capacity of 150 tons daily, and will bo tho largest in thobhenaugo Valloy, Reaping, Pa., Nov. 7. Tho Maiden Creek lion Co., at Blaudou, has in creased its puddlers wages from S3. 50 to 3.85 por ton nnd advanced all other employes 7 I er ceut. Ono hundred men nro affcclod, Carmsi.r, Pa , Nov. 7. Tho Carlisle Manufacturing Co. has just received two moro large oontricts tor cars, which will keep their 300 men employed nil tho Whiter. They expect several other contractu. Maiianoy Cri'Y, Pa., Nov. 7. At Silverbrook has just been oompletod tho largest and most finely equipped breaker in tho coal region. There is nn immenso deposit of excellent coal in thu violnity. Opcralious will be bo- gun tho coming week. Ono hundred houses have be in erected for the miners and within two years a good sized town will bo louud there. Absolutely Pure. TUU powder npypryailes. A marvel of purity, strength und wnolesnmeiwsa. Moro oronomtcal than ordinary kind, und cannot bu bold In comive tltlon with the multitude of low tebt,t,hort weight, alum or phosphate powdeis. sold only in cans. JtOTAL 1IAKINQ I'OWDiU Co,. Wall St., N. V. mmm Three Peculiarities Hood's SarsnparUla, tho Brent Hood purifier and regulating medicine, Is characterized by threo peculiarities, namely i 1st: 2d: 3d: Tho combination ot tho various remedial agents used. Tho proportion In which tho roots, herbs, barks, etc., aro mlicd. Tho process by which tho acttro medicinal properties nro secured. Tho result Is amcdlclne cf unusual strength nnd curative) power, which effects cuics here tofore uncoiallcd. These peculiarities belong exclusively to Hood's Sarsnrarllla, and nro Unknown to Others Hood's SarsararllU Is prepared with, tho greatest skill nnd caro, by pharmacists of education and long experience. Hcnco It Is a mrdlclno worthy of cntlro confidence If you suiter from scrofula, salt rheum, or any dls easo of tho blood, dyspepsia, biliousness, tick hMdaclie, or kidney nnd liver complaints, catarrh or rheumatism, do not fall lo try Hood's SarcapariJIa "1 recommend Hood's Sarsaparllla to all my filer.di ns tho bcrt blood on tarth." Vm, Oaff, drugrht, Ifai:..llon, O. " Hood's Barsnparllla has c ui cd inu ot scrof Uloi,.. humor, nd dono mo worlds cf good otherwise." C. A. Aiuold, Arnold, ?Io. A bock containing many ttliittonal state ments ot cures will bo cent to all who dcs.rc. Hood's SarsapnrSHri Bold by nil druggists. 1 i six for $.1. VaJo only by C. I. HOOD & CO., towoll, Mi-J. IOO Dosos Ono Dmllnr. WAMPrxOOT HEDIOAL VICTORY I On ! Itrlshhs' Dlsraso, Catnrrhl of tho nimbler, Torpid I.lvcr. HI ujssoiYcs uoii-Dioncsnuu u nirci. WittvtH SYMPTOMS and CONDITIONS! Ut U 111 11) till IT IIIVI1 AILU1VUJ I NHOU1U WO IIH.VI1 Rrnldinff Rtoppnpro Plooit-llnflrcd l)I.ibetio jUbumen llrlelwlust I Propsknl Dribbling Mllky-plnltl Hcailnrho Frequent rostlvenesFl lloncflcho Nervotia Itodlsh-dnrkl Uric-ncld Fettling Cntnrrhachcj Ifaickncho Ncrvencho Phosphate 1 UtuMasto Foul-Urea th Gall-colorfl ITISASPKCIFIC. ZJciru doit re to the vot. KellevrNfind (hircsinttmnl RHme-fmrrC Cunker, Iyspcii?iri Anicinia, Malnrln, Fever 'inn wmm.KPi ruifr n 11 iinnmniiRin. i n lnro-n-B Mtnentoruiurrostiuo uinnti, sexual wcuk-i iipjw. SnnrrnnrnrrlH-pji nnd limit. at Litmmuteaiiioou impurities, tSorofum,a nrysliielas, Halt-Uticum, Syphilis, Plmplcs,0 It In r tuoNt Woiitlcrftil Appetizer Iniiids up Quickly altnn-rtown Coimtitutlon. tfiTell our neia-hbors nil ntinut it. iPmcn 25o, 61.000 bottles 5.00. rxi'repnrcu (it JJr, Kilmers i)isnensary, j.mtjunmLon, jn. x., u. o. j. InvalUW Oukle tn Health (Sent Free.) soi,oiiir,ii,i, intirouis-rN. Jin iciiHnini inniurr nmmra it ftniwrmi. loctly. UDITOIl'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP JOnN J. STILES, TJKG D. Tho unrtffRlf?neil Auditor, nnnnlntcrt hvthfi Or. Chans' Court of Columbia county, to make dlstil utlon of tho balance In tho hands ot Lewis A. stiles, ndmtnMrato- do bonis non of said estate, to and among tho parties entltled.'wllll meet all parties Interested, for tho purpose of his appoint ment, at his office. In tho boroueh of Herwlcl:. on Sat lrday, November 20. issc. at 10 o'clock a. m., when nnd whf-rft nil narlles Interested are renulrcd to make nnd p.'OT their claims or be debarred from o'Jtnlnc; in upon Bald fund. C, II. JACKSON, UDITOlt a NOTICE. The underslened. an Auditor anDOlnted by tho Orphans' court of Columbia county, to distribute tbo fund In the hands of Aaron fuss, administra tor of tho estate ot Louisa Nuss, dee'd: a'so, tho balanco In tho hands of Aaron Nuss, trustee ot Daniel Nuss, deed, as appears on his final ac counts In said estates, to and among tho parlies entitled tbereto,-wlll attend to the duties ot his appointment at his office, In Mo er's building, In thn town or Illonmshurcr. on Mondav. Novennberis. IShii, at 10 o'clock a. m., when and where all part ies Interested aro requested to present their claims or be forever debarred from coming In on said fund. octM Wi. CIIK1STS1 AN, Auditor. A UDITOU'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP W. St. DEWITT, LATE OP GREENWOOD TWP. The undersigned, nn Auditor nppolnted by tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, to distribute tho balance in tbo hands of tho ndmlnl-trator, to and among tho parties entitled thereto, will at tend to the duties of his appointment at theoftlco ot Slessra. Ikcler & Herrtng.nttorneys-at-taw.ln the townot llloorasbi'rg, on Saturday, November 13, 1S80, at 10 a. m . when and where all parties In crested aro requested to present thelrclalms before iuo undersigned, o. do roruver ufuurrcu uum uuui lng in upon said fund. OUANT UKHUINO, UDITOU'S NOTICE. KSTA.K OF A. L. DAVIS. KBWlur, 1 "I Thn nnfteri(7r.fii Auditor, nnnolnted bv the Or- peans' Coart of Columbia county, to make distri bution of tho balanco In tho hands ot John s. Kline, admlnl-trator, as appears Dy nrs inai ac count, will fit at his office in Woomsburg, on euncsaay, r,ovemuer n. isso, uuuu l-iub. u. m., toperrorm tho duties otbis appointment, when and where all parties halngcblms against said estate must appear and prove the same or bo for ever debarred from coming In on said fund. OCIS3. JOHN jl. CLAulv, AUUllur. DMINISTRAIOK'S NOTICE. Estate of Emma M. lSmUcr.late of Centre'.Titp., deceased. Tittern nf administration on the said estate having been granted to the undersigned ndrnr., all rersons indebted to said tstato are hereby uo tltled to pay tho same, and those having claims against haidebtaio present, tno Biiuio iu ( N OTICE. ESTATE OF ItENJAHIN C. 11 EES, A LUNATIC. TO Slahala U. Hess wile ot Benjamin C. ness, Jero- mian s. liens, jonn r, ness, sarau ji. jhjisu- ltnn l,rf Umnn wlfrt nf K. T. Ijmnn. and Harry I., ilesa children, and Francis V. Weav crnnd Harvey II. Weaver grand children ot bum ucujuimu u. ut'ba. Notlco Is hereby given, that as commltteo of the said Uenjamln c. lless, I Intend .o apply to tho rnnrt. nf Cnmmnn lMfins nf Columbia County. Pa. on the sixth day ot December nestt, tor an, order authorizing a sale ot such part ot the roal estate ot said Uenjamln C. Hew, as said Court shall deem expedient, for the psyment of tho debts and for tho support and maintenance of saw Uenjamln lies unu uit laiuiir, Oct. !9, 1680, 4w. DAVID YOST, Com. jyj-OTICE IN divorce" IN THE COMMON PIXAS OP COLUMBIA COUNTY. Clemantlna I.llley, by her next friend, c, vs. uuiiii-s uuvf. our iiuvi I" upvi vv In .lamps r.tllpv. rpsnnnilent above named: w hereas upon tho libel ot tho said clemnntlns Lllley a mipoena was Issued out of tho said court commanding you to bo nnd nppeer at tho next regular term ot said Court to show cause why tho fcald libelant should not be divorced from tho bonds of matrimony, contracted with youj and whereas upon return of said supoena due proof was made that you could not bo found In tho ballwlck of tho Sheriff of said county, whereupon an nliia subpoena was awarded by said court rnmrnniiMlm. nn tn nnnpnr at. ttin tnnn nf.xt term of said court to answer ns aforetutd to which tho saina return was mado by the sheriff, You are luervrore required to no ana appear on uw "nn day of the next term or Raid Court to lie held at lilooinsburg for said county on the first Monday ot I'ccetnuer next, a, ij. inso. to answer said uuiu plaint. SAMUEL, SMITH, Sheriff. Oct.tB SILER1FFS SALES. Hy virtue of sundry writs Issued out ot tho Coart of Common l'leas of Columbia county, and to mo directed, w 111 bo exposed to publlo sale at tho Court House In Woomsburg, on SATURDAY, November 13, 1880, St o'clock, p. m.. all that certain messuage and lot of ground, sltuato In tho town of moomstmrg, In tho county of Columbia, and stato ol Vnnnsyl yanla, ljoqndcd and described as follows, to-wlt pn the north by a lot of Jacob Schuyler, on tho east by an alley, on tho south by lot of Alfred Wanloh and on tho west by Catharine Btreet, whereon are crectod a dwolllDg liouso and out buildings. BeUoJ, taken Into execution, and to ba sold as tho property ot David lleers, with notice to terro tenant. Kkobr 4; Wintbrsteen, Atty's. Ley, l'a. ALSO, All that certain messuage, or tenement and tract pt ground, situate In the totyn of llloomsburg, In tho county ot Columbia, and stato ot I'eunsylva nla, aforesaid, bounded and described as. follows, to-wlt; Ucglnclng at a corner ot an alley, on south aide of Fifth btreet, thence along said Fifth Btreet north Blxty.four and ono-etghtb degrees, east Utty. Ilvo and one-halt feet; thence by land ot Isaao S. Kulin south twenty-nine and a quarter degrees, pait ono hundred and (tfty-nvo feet to rearl street j thenoo along ilio same boutli nUty-ons degrees west , lllty-slx and one-halt lift to the alley aforesaid, and thence along said alley north nine degrees west one hundred and ntty-elght feet to the place of beginning, whereon are erected a dwelling house and out buildings, scl.ed, taken lu execution, and to be bold as tho property of Charles AhloTjan, with notice to Charles Krug, tcrre tenaat. KN0KU WlPTEBSTESN, Att)'S, LOV. Fu, BAMUEL BM1TH, Sheriff. , llntS? A BP 9 a 1 SHERIFF'S SALES. Dy virtue ot a wnt ot Vend. Ex., Issued out ot tho Court ot Common l'leas ot Columbia Co., I'a., and to mo directed, will bo exposed to publlo Siilo, at tho Cross Kcya Hotel, In Berwick, To., on SATURDAY, November 27, 1880, fit 8 o'clock a. m nil that certain pleco ot land, situate In tho liorough ot Berwick, Columbia Co., ra., being lots Nos. 81 and ss, In tho plan ot iierwick, situate on corner of Front and Chestnut streets, bounded on the north by second street, on tho cast by lot ot Mrs. KUzabclh Chamberlain's hclraion tho south by Front sfcot and on the west by Chestnut street, said piece of ground bo lng two contiguous lots, ono hundred and eighty ono nnd one-half feet on Chestnut street, and to gether ninety ulno feet on Front street, on which are erected a largo two-story Mansard roof framo dwelling house, largo fromo Btnblo and outbuild ings. ALSO, Lot No. 19. In BcrwIckMsltuato on corncrof Vino and Third streets. Beginning nt said corner, thenco by.Vlno street forty-nlno and ono-bnll feet to lot No; so, thenco by lot No. SO, one hundred and forty feet to Grant street, thenco by Orant street forty-nlno feet to Third street, thenco by Third street ono hundred and forty fect to corner, tho placo ot beginning. ALSO, Lot No. m, sltuato In Berwick, between Chestnut and Walnut Btrccts. Beginning at corner ot lot No. M, on second street, thenco by Bald lot ono hundred and elgbty-ono and ono-halt fect to Third street; thence by Third street forty-nlno and ono halt fect to lot No. kw; thenco by said lot ono hundred and clghty-ono and one-halt fect to sec ond street; thence by Second street forty-nlno and one-half feet to place of beginning, being a vacant lot. ALSO, Ono other pleco of ground, being lot No. 103, and one-half of lot No. 10a, sltuato In Berwick, on second street, between Chestnut and Walnut sts. Beginning nt corner of lot No. 3, on second street; thenco by said lot ono hundred nnd eighty-one nnd ono-hal f feet to Third street; thenco by Third Btreet scventy-four and ono-fourth feet, moro or less; thence on a lino parallel with lot No. m, ono hundred and elghty-ono and one-halt feet to sec ond street; thenco by second street soventy-four ana ono-fourth feet, moro or less, to the place ot beginning, tho samo being vacant ground. ALSO, Lot No. 20, situate In Berwick, on vine street. Beginning nt corner of lot No. 10, thenco along vino street forty-nlno and one-halt feet to lot No. 21; thenco by lot No. si, ono bundled and forty icci w urant street, thence by Orant street forty- nlno and one-half feet to lot No. 19; thenco by lot No. 11, ono hundred and forty fect to comer, tho placo ot beginning. ALSO, Alt that certain piece ot land, sltuato in Briar. creek townshlp.sald county, bounded and described ns roiiows: On tho north by land of Joseph Thomp son, on tho east by Luzerne and Columbia county line, on the Bouth by A. Lockard nnd Garri son, nnd west by tho eastern boandary lino of borough of Berwlck.contalnlng four acres of land, more or less. ALSO, All that piece ot land, situate In said norouehof Berwick, bounded on the north by land of Joseph luuuipson, on mo east Dy uorougn line, on tho south by an alley, formerly Hudson Owen, and on tho west by Walnut Btreet, containing nvo acres, inure or less. Seized taken In execution nnd to bo sold as tho property of A. S. Phillips. Also the following described real estate ot Daniel Itccdy. to-wlt: All thoso threo lots ot ground situate In the Borough of Berwick, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Being lots No's. 131, 124 andlS3, situate on Front street between Oak street and western borough line, beginning at tho corner of Oak and Front streets thenco one hun-1 drod and eighty ono and one halt fect to Second street, thence by second street ono hundred forty eight and one halt feet to lot No. 132, thence by said lot No. 132 one hundred eighty ono and ono half feet to Front istreet, thenco by Front street one hundred forty olght and one half feet to cor ner the place ot beginning, on which are erected a large two story frame dwelling bouse facing Front street, also a largo two story frame building used as a tenement house, built tor the use of threo separate dwellings, also a largo framo stabie,wlth uhed.attached, coal house and other outbuildings. ALSO. On e other lot of ground 'situate In Berwick on Front street between Oak street and western bor ough line, beginning at corner oflotNo. 147 on Front street, thenco by said lot ono bundled eighty one and one half feet to Second street, thence by Second street forty nine and one half feet to lot No. 139 thence by said lot No. 139, ono hundred eighty one and; ono half feet to Front Ettcet thenco by Front street forty nlno and ono half feet to corner tho placo of beginning, being jot No. ope hundred and forty (140) in tho plan of Berwick on which are erected a two story frame dwelling house with kitchen attached facing on Front street, also a two story frame dwelling house facing Second street, and outbuildings. ALSO, All that certain lot of ground situate In tho borough of Berwick, on Front street between Market and Mulberry streets, beginning on Front street at corner of 11. Berger, thence by same to an alley south of Front street, eighty feet more or less, thenco by said alley toward Mulberry street twenty five feet to Jane Frantz land, thenco by samo eighty feet, moro or less, to Front street, thence by Front street twenty five feet to tho placo ot beginning, on which aro erected a two story brick building used for store and lodgo room, with outbuildings. ALSO, Lot of ground sltuato In said borough ot Ber wick on Front 'street below Oak street, beginning on Front Btreet at corner of lot No. (57) fifty seven, thence by Front Btreet forty five and eight twelfths feet to borough Uno, thence by samo two hundred sixty five feet to an alley, thence by salo; auey torty nve and eight twelfths feet tq l(ne of lot No. 67, thence by same two hundred sixty six and ten twelfths feet to Front street tho place of beginning, being lot No. (58) fifty eight, or us much as described. Aim All that piece ot land situate In Brlarcrook township Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bound ed and decrlbod as follows ; Beginning at a stone In publlo read leading from Berwick to Blooms burg thence north eighty tour and threo fourth degrees, east twenty and three tenths perches to stone in road, thenco south twenty six and ono eighth degrees, east Blxty three and eight tenths perches to sttmo In line of B. L. H W. It R. thence by same south fifty nlno and ono hatf degrees, west eighteen and Bovcn tenths rerches to ston west soventy two. and live tenths porches to tho place ot beginning containing eight aires more or lebs. ALSO, All that piece of land sltuato In said township ot Brlarcrcek, beglnlng nt a publlo road leading from Berwick to Bloorasburg at corner oi Agri cultural Grounds, thence by same south, sixteen nnd ono fourth degrees, oast, twenty seven and se en tenths porches tq a corner, thenco north 74degreos,eastl8perchoatooornor, thenco north twenty four and one fourth degrees, west twenty six and soven tenths perches to corner, thenco Bouthelghty seven degrees, west eleven and four tenths perches to the place ot beginning, contain lt.g two acres and fifty two perches, more or less. belzed taken In execution and to bo sold as tho property ot Daniel lleody, SAMUEL SMITH, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Lev. Fa., Issued oufc ot the Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia county, and o mo directed, wll be e5poseo; to publlo sale, at fiie court House n uioomsburg, on MONDAY, December 0, 1880, at 3 p. m all tint certain lot and pared of land bltuateln tho township or Flshlngcreek, Columbia county, and state ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt; Beginning at a stone, at tho publlo road leading from Stillwater to Ben ton, thenco by said road by lands ot Mosen ,Mc- Henry.south twenty-two and ono half degrees east twenty-ono and thrce-tentns perches to a stone at said road, thence by land ot Mdthlas Kline south tlx and a half degrees west thirty and ono-half perches to a stqno on tl(Q oast hank o( Fishing, preck, thencq by said creek by landot Daniel and O. B. McIIenry north twenty-three and ono-halt degrees west sixteen and three-tenths perches to a hemlock; thence by sail creek by land of helm ot William Ikeler, deceased, north four and one fourth degrees oast tlx and one-tenth perches to a hemlock; thence by land ot Joseph Meyers, north sixty-one and ono-halt degrees east twenty-eight perches to tho place of beginning, containing four acres, more or less, It being part ot tho samo lot of land which William Ikeler conveyed uuto Charles Coleman, and by said Charles Coleman and wife to Maria O. Hess, whereon are erected a two-story frame dwelling house, stable and out ings. belied, taken in execution, at the suit of Geo. vy, Cose vs. Marja A. Hess w Asa Y. Ilea., and to be sold as tho property ot Maria A. Ueas and Asa Y. IlObs. nAMUKL SMITH, Sheriff. Administrator's Salo OF VALUABUt Real Instate ! In pursuanco of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, tho undersigned, admtnlstra. tor ol William sitlcr, lato ot Brlarcrcek township, county aforesaid, doccasod, will offer at publlo sale, on Saturday, November 13, II, at 10 o'clock a. m., on tho premises, tho following tract ot land, sltuato In Brlarcrcek township, bounded and described as follows: On tho north by landot William Schuyler, on tho oast by land of C. A. Lamon, on tho south by land of Georgo M. Bower, and on tho west by land of II. J. Ed wards and William Hlppcnstect, containing 25 ACRES, moro or less, about so acres of which Is cloared and under cultivation. TKI1.MSOF SALE. Ten percent, of one-fourth of tho purchaso money to bo paid at tho striking down ot tho property; tho ono-fonrth less tho ten per cent, nt tho confirmation ot salo and the re maining thrco-tourths In one year thcreafter.wlth Interest from confirmation nlsL oc, WILLIAM LAMON, Adm'r. Orphans' Court Salo OF VALUABLE Real Estate ! Tursuant to an order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, there will bo exposed to publlo sale, on tho premises, In Brlarcrcek township, In said county, on Saturday, November 13, 188G, at one o'clock p. m., tho following described real estate, late ot Lydla Sponcnberg, dee'd, to-wlt! A Valuable Farm, sltuato In Brlarcrcek township, on tho publlo road leading from Uloomsburgto Berwick, about threo miles from Berwick, adjoining lands of Emnor Bletcrick, Hannah Sponcnberg, Pennsylvania Ca nal Co.. Baniel Purscl nnd tho heirs of Leonard Sroncnbcrg, dee'd, and others, containing about 53 ACRES and 20 perches ot land, more or less, all In a good state of cultivation, on which nro erected i a largo now bank barn, stable and outbuildings. TKBMS OF SALE. Ten per cent of one-fourth ot the purchaso money shall bo paid at tho striking down of tho property, tho ono-fourth less tho ten per cent, at confirmation absolute, and tho re maining three-fourths In ono year thcreafter.wlth Interest from confirmation nlsL Purchaser to pay for drawing deed nnd to give approved security for complianco with terms of sale. cl5. N. U. FUNK, Adm'r. ORPHANS" COUltT SALE OF VALUABLE Real Hastate! By vlrtuoof an order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, tho undcr-lgncd, administrator of the estate ot Ell Pealer, deceased, will expose to publlo sale, at tho bomeslead, lato ot tho said deceased, In Flshlngcreek township, on FRIDAY, November 19, 188G, at 10 o'clock a. m., the following described real estate, to-wlt : A certain messuage and tract of land, sltuato In Flshlngcreek township. Begin ning at a corner, nenr the south side ot Flshlng creek, thence north thirty-nine degrees, forty-seven minutes west, two hundred and two perches to a stone; thenco by lands ot W. W. Miller (lateE. Unangst) irjohn Pealer, north eighty-eight de grees, eighteen minutes, west fourteen perches to a stone; thence by land of Hiram l'ealer Est,, south four degrees thirty minutes, west fifty-eight perches to a stone; thence by tho samo south thir-ty-nlno degrees forty-seven minutes east ono hundred and lltty-nlno and six-tenth perches to a stake, thence by land of the heirs of Daniel btuck- er, north Blxty-one degrees and thirty-threo mln- utes east nlty-two perches to tho place of begin, ntng, containing 57 ACRES, more or less, on which are crcotod a good I- lsxss ft., and a wing loxlS ft., a framo barn, buggy shed and other outbuildings. A well ot water nt tho house and ono at tho barn. Also, a lot ot good fruit trets on the place. ALSO, A certain tract ot land, situate In said township. bounded on tho north by a publlo road, leading from Flshlngcreek to Hohrsburg, on tho east by land of John l'ealer, on tho south by land ot E. M. Laubach and A. W. Patterson, nnd on the west by land ot Ulrara realer estate, and containing 19 ACRES, more or less, about one-half of which Is cleared, balance, good wood land. ALSO, An undivided halt Interest In a certain lot of ground, situate In tho townsrip aforesaid known as tho "Old Hotel Property," bounded on tho east by land of Ell l'ealer Est. and west by land ot Ulram l'ealer Est. and north by publlo road lead. lng from Orangovllle to StUlwater, containing about 1-4 of an ACRE, on which Is a good shed and 9 wells ot water. tehms OF SALE ; Ten per cent, ot ono-fourth of tho purchaso money to bo paid at the striking down ot the property, tho one-fourth less tho ten per cent, at tho confirmation of tho salo ; and the remaining throo-fourth3 In ono year therealter, with interest from confirmation nlsL Oct. 29. JACOB QEISlNGEIt, Adm'r. Orphans' Court Sale OF VALUABLE Real Estate ! Pursuant to an order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, thcro will bo sold at publlo satg on tho premises, In Flshlngcreek township, In said, county, on Friday, Nov. 26, 1886, at. 10 o'clock a. in., the Qllowlnn described real e ta'to, hue ot lteuhcn Hess, deceased, to-wlt: A valuablo farm, bounded by lands ot John Ithlnard Polor Oievellng, John Croveling, Frederick Hart man, uenjamln C. Hess and others, and containing 143 ACRES, more or less. About thirty acres of this Is WOOD LAND, well umucred, the balance Is under a good stato ot cul tlvatlon, whereon io erected a large framo DWELLING HOUSE, a large bank barn, with straw shed Mtoohed, wagon sued ana otner outbuildings, A good APPLE ORCHARD and other fruit trees on tho premises, a well of never falltngater. Tho location U healthy and within two mites ot tho proposed llloomsburg and Sullivan railroad. TEUM8 OF SALE: Tho widow's dowcrot ono. thlrd to remain a lien ou the land and tho Interest to bo paid annually to tho said widow. Ten per cent, if cno-tourth ot the balance of the purchase money to bo paid at the striking down of the prop erty, the one-fourth loss the ten per cent, at the omttrmatlon ot tho salo; and the remaining threo. fourths ot the two-thirds in one year thereafter, with Interest from confirmation nUL At the death of tle wdow tho remaining one-third to be paid to tho legal representatives of said deceased. l"urchaser to pay for drawing deed and to give ap- pruveu swuriiy lor compliance wun terms of sale- novia OaOAU J. HESS, Trustee, ULE ON I1EIH8, S8TATS Of CiTtUHIkB PiKTKB, DKCIiSID. TQ 1'cier I'arver, Urli Peter Farver, Brlggsvlllo, Luzerno Co. l'a., Hester Helnhard SaUaditsburg, Lyconilog Co. l'a. Sarah A. Hoss, Kansas Centre, Kansas, You and each of you are cited to be and appear before the Judges of our Orphans' court at an Orphans' Court to be held at Uloomsburg on the secoud Monday ot December next, then und there to accept or refuse to take the real estate ot the said Catharine Farver deceaw I, nt the appraised valuation put upon It by t.ho Innucsi duly award, ed hy tho said court and returned by the sheriff. or show onuso why It shall not bo sold. WiTNE B, the Honorable William tlwelL l'resl. dent 01 our said court at Uloomsburg, tho Mi day of Nov. A. D. 1WW, W. II. SNVDElt. 4wnovl?, CiBSKorUO, DRY GOODSJOITEES. DRESS GOODS . . 1 I T rfnn.ta 91, so. una nil ine bivich ui aii-m uu. DRESS SrLKS. Tho best values in wnrrnntrwl. frnm. Si.nnn vd. 1111. Also, damep, wliich nro unusually clieap. Wo ' . . - T IT -1 1HM nf tUn t,n.w1anninflf ltnn4 nf tllPNfl trnnila , had) embracing Armuro Cordo at 75a a yd., worth 81.00) I'ino Luollsh Serges, C5&, soli' cleowhoro at 8O0.1 dO inoh Bfack Cashmere, 83u equal to any at $1.12) 40-inch Black Cashmere, COcJworth 7Co. C-4 Bouclo Cloths, C0a, worth $1.00; SC-iuch Cashmeres, 2Go. a ytl.j Sobastlpool Cloths, $1.00 a yd., worth LAJN JN Ji-Lo AINU JJJUAmvJUJLO. Trv our 25o. All-Wool Red Twills, extra fine, at 10c., worth CO; Scarlets, Flannel NL in tho countv. n pair up, in both white and colored, savo money. . from 20c. a vd. nnd urn Whilo l'lanncls, lOo. a yd. and up; Silk s, colored, lor shirting nnd skirting purposes, uuu u ujy ?8, full lines from So. a yd. to 20o. Tho best a nud luc, Uotton J . liLANKMTti. Tins stock is iuh ot good numucrs, irom SI COATS, JACKETS AND DRESS CLOTHS. Wo continue to show f nil lines of these goods, and' at tho Greatly R. duced J'rices, or rather, Slaughter of Good Bouclo Jackets, S3.GU, worth so.uu; uoou vraps, mr irimmcd, $4.60, wcrth SC.50; Plush Coate, $21.50, equal to nny $25.00 eoat sold; Plush Coats, at 29.50, worth S10.00; French unri daoKcis, iju.uu, cueap at ai.uu. innest lino of Garments in tho county. Call and bo convinced. Children's coate; full lines Coats at 59c, cheap nt $1.00; Good Ilayerlocks, Sl.25, cheap ni $2.00. Dress Cloths, all Greatly Reduced; 50-inoh All-Wool Twills, 55c, worth 80o.; Stripo Cloth?, C5c , worth 80o. Now is tho timo for Genuino Bargains. FANCY GOODS, &C. Full lino of Brass Articles for fancy work. Also, Plncqnes, for Painting; Hemstitched Linens, for Tidies and Soarfs; Tidic, Doyles, Stamped Linens, Outline Cottons, Silks, Arraseno Chenilc, full lino Columbia Wools, best made, Fancy Cords, Plush, Brass and Steel Ornaments, Banner Rods, all kinds Banner Stsnds, Silk Ponto Tidies, already stamped, and a full lino of goods for all kinds of fanoy work at lowest prices. Elegant Plush, in Light Bluo aud Pink Cord, Gold and Gendarme at $1.00 a yd. UNDERWEAR. Wo show full lines ot Ladies' Men's and Children's, in Whilo and Col ored nnd Scarlet, nt prices which defy usually sold 50o. Our 40o. Men's Goods at $1.00. REDUCTION REMINDER. Do not forget tho Great Reduction of Prices on Coats, Wraps, Jackots Children's Coats, Dress Cloths. Bargains for all. Call and seo. Goods going out freely. CLOTHS AND Full lino of Astrachan Cloths, in of Fur Trimmings, Muffs of all kinds, Velvets, fnll lines. Plushes, all colors. II. 1, GLAffiK 4 SOW, Bloomsburg, Pa. FALL AM0MCEM1T ! :o: When you want a new suit of clothes what do von rln ? Why. go where you can be well the lull worm ot your money wnen you get your suit. Do you know of such a place in Bloomsburg ? If not, let us tell you of one. it is at tne corner ot Alain of a Mr. C. Rhodes, have been secured, and we will guarantee satis faction as to fit and price. Should you want a READY-MADE SUIT, We can show you a large stock to select from. If you want SUITS FOR YOUR BOYS, Here is the place to get them, also (eit tfuiig Good, 8kt& It is about time to get measured for a new Fall Suit. Call and see our goods and examine our work. EVANS & EYER, Cor. of Main and Iron Sts., BLOOMSBURG, PA. Aug. ST, 3ms. U N 25 1 H r-r? ' ;;;; . 2 nm " tzzzzzzz S f 1 n Tr - " 1 m s :::-r I I ' K s n e 44 ! " R C J , 4, I " D H, V 9 All I I " - c, a a 2 V j, 1n M K 51 S II Z.. , Tp r 4 ' v . i IJ U p 7-N Sr-E Lzzz G. A. CLARK, Agent, filoouisbiu'g, Pa. OCtIS tf. ' BLOOMSBUHU MARKET. Wholesale, Hctal Wheiitjicr uuslicl 78 80 nyo Corn ' Oats Fluur " bbl liulter Kkus Potatoes C5 45 to S60 25 24 00 10 05 12 Hums Dried Annies Sid o nnd shoulder., Chickens 0 uecso Lard per lb 03 10 Vinegar per gal 20 SO Oulona per bu9liel 00 03 Veal skins 07 Wool per lb 85 Utiles Q to 7 Coal on Wiuuf. No 0 12.00; Nos 2. 8, & Lump 3.25 No. 5 $8.00 nitumlnug $3,25 ATENTS. Hut tmll percentage nt fees in oil. vance. balance when patent U ou- raclUo llulldlus, ($?pit!wn. SUBSCRIBE FOR TUB COLUMBIAN, AND SILKS. Tt ..-ill nnv vrwi In nnll n ml . rv ",,, " D;- mo Mnok Dress Silks, every yrml fully full lines of Ulackaml Colored Una. ask comparison for quality, color and - r - k ir 1 -.-rT7-rvrir! Plain : Warn FLA&. .'lanncla .00 Do not fail to call and sco. You can Prices. Thoy nro moving out rapidly. competition. Our 37c. Ladies' Vest is would bo cheap nt 50c. Elogant Scarlet TRIMMINGS. all colors. Cloths for Coats. All kinds Bead Trimmings, Ornaments, Loops, fitted, get good cloth, and have and Iron streets. The services 6 Cf ; 20 27 ,py 8 H 3) 8 $t-0 16 JjJXECUTHIX'H NOTICE. Estate of James ftirrv, late of Germantotm, CO' luvMa rouiiti, ra.. dee'd. Notice la hereby (riven that letters testamentary Saldestate are ronilPhtpd tn mntrn hnmnllfltA nav. ment, ana thoso having claims to Immediately pre. bent them to mAIIY JANE UAltitY. octw. Executrix, Germantown, J'a. JjJXECUTOH'S NOTICE. Estate of Samuel Ash, late of Scott Tuip., dee'd. 1jttcrs testamentary in said csta.o having been granted to the undersigned executor, alt persons Indebted to said estate aro hereDy no tined to pay tho samo, and thoso having claims J. TKKWlLUUKlt, KIICCTOK, Ugl'tstreet, fa. novs N' OTIOE IN DIYOHCE. IN THU COMMON n.EAR OF COLUMBIA. tUUIITV. LtalQ Arner, by her next friend, Ac., vs, Milton T, Arner. Sur libel in divorce. To Milton T. Arner, respondent abovo named: Whereas upon the libel ot the said l.lzzle Amir a suupicna was Issued out of tho Bald court com manding you to bo and appear at tbo next regular term of Bald court to show cause why tho said libelant should not be divorced from the bonds ot matrUnony, contracted with youi and whereas upon return ol saw subpeoua duo proof was mado that you etiuld not be found In the bailiwick of tho eherllt of said county, whereupon &u alias sub piena was awarded by said Court commanding; Sou to appear at the then neu term of said Court to answer as aforesj id to which the samo return was made by tho Mierltr. lou aro thero. fore required to bo and appear on tne first day ot the next term of said Court to bo held at lllooms. burg for Bold county on the first Monday of De cember next, A, V. 1830, to answer said complaint. Oct. BAMUEJ. SMITH, BUCrUfi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers