doltunfe&n. ATll.M peryoar. To subscribers out of th'niv,,,,, tirth8 terms are strletlrin n,!;;-' O'lnOCOUn- tv-No papor discontinued except at thnnntinn tnno publishers, until all arrearages are BaSf im long oontlnuod credits will not bn 5in Pa,dOtit All papers sont out of tho Htato or to tifM nn.t 011004 must bo nam for In advance, unlcs, a rc.SJnS nlble person In Columbia county assume? t ?Pr? tbo subscription duo on domana. " 10 psy JOB PRINTING. ob Prlntlne Denarttncnt. ...... Tlio.lob Printing Department ottlio Coitwuuu s jerycoinpicto. It contains tho latest new trnS nl miehlnerr ana la tho only omco fat SXtfSg rot sos by power, giving us tho best f acuities. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. r B. WALLRK, li ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, im nm i.r. Mnnn.i Bloomsburg, ra N. U. FUNK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Uloohsdubo, l'i. mco In Ent's uulldlng. J OIIN M. OLA.UK, ATTORN K Y-AT-L A W, AND JUSTICE OP THE PEACE. llLOOMSBCRO, l'i, Office over Moycr Bros. Drug Storo. n W. MILLER, ' ATTOIINKY-AT-J.AW onico In Brower's bulldlng.second No. 1 Bloomsburg, l'a. B. FKANK ZAHB, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. omco corner ot Contro and aln streets. Clark J Bulldtog. Can bo consulted In German. Q.EO. E. ELWELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLooMaiimto, Pa. Office on First lloor, front room of Col- BMMA.H Uulldtnc, Main street, below hx. chango Hotel. PAUL E WIUT, Attorney-at-Law. omco In Colombian Boildino, Koom No. 3, second lloor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. , iNoim. KNOBB L. B. WINTSKSTKEN. & WINTEBSTEEN, A ttornoy s-at-Lnw. omco la 1st National Bank building, second lloor, nrst door to tbo lelt. uornor ot Main and Market streets Bloomsburg, l'a. tG8Pensions and Bounties Collected. J II. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW 'Jfflco In Malzo'sbulldlig, over Blllmeycr's grocery. P. BILLMEYEB, JilSTllICT ATTORNEY.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. WOlllco over Bloomsburg, P. Dcnlltr's shoo store, apr-30.80. JOlLtf C. YOCUM. C. E. UEY2K. YOCUJI & GEYElt, Attorney s-at-Lawi CATAWISSA, I'A. (onico front suit of rooms on second floor et nkwsIteu building.) tlTCAN BE CONSULTED IN OEltMAN. M embers ot Sharp and Alleman's Lawyers and Banker's Directory and tbo American .Mercantile and' Lpouecuor T Association. Will glvo prompt and careful attention to collection or claims m any part or tbo United states or Canada, ns well as to ill other professional business entrusted to them K. OSWALD, " ;attorney-at-law. Jackson Building, Rooms 4 and 5. BBUWlCK.rA w II. BIIAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Catawlssa, ra. Offloe, comer of Third and Main streets. H. V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Ofllco In Brewers' Building, 2nd floor, may 1-tf jyjICUAEL F. EYEBLY, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims. AND LEGAL ADVICE IN THE SETTLEMENT 01' ESTATES, 4C. rr-onico In Dentler's building with r, P. Bill meycr,, nom. iuuhjh, Bloomsburg, l'a. apr-it-so. yy. E. BMITll, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Berwick, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS JB. McKELVY, M. D.,8urgeon and Pbj . slclan.north Bide Main Btreet.below Martet L. FKITZ, Attorney-nt-L&w. , i'rout room over rest omco, Office D B. J. 0. BUTTEB, ruYsiciAN abukqeon, Office, North Market street, Bloomsburp, ra YM. M. BEBEIl, Surgeon and byslclon. Office corner of Hock ana aiuriu'v Ireet. JR. EVANS, M. D., Burgeon and .Physlolan, omco and Residence on Third street. JIEE INSURANCE. OfllUSTIAN P, KNAtr, BL00MSBU Q,PA, HOME, 01' N. Y. AlKHCll ANTS'. OF NEWAHK, N. J. I' LINTON, N.V. PEOPLES' N. Y. HEADING, I'A. Tlicao nLD corporations aro well seasoned by ago and firk tkstkd and have never yet had u lossBettledbyauycourtof law. Their assets are all Invested In solid securities are Uablototuo hazard of hiik only. ...... ., Losses fromitlv and noNESTLY adjusted and fiald as soon as determined by curistian y. tNAPr, BFKCIAL AGBNTAND ADJl'STKH BLOOUSBUKO, l'a. The people of Columbia county Bhould patron, lie the agency where losses If any are settled and pall by one of ther own citizens. .,.., PltOMP-JNESH. EQUITY. PAIK DEALING, T F. IIAIITMAN tirKSKNTB TUB FOLLOWIKO AMEIUOAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North American of Philadelphia. Kranklln, " " renasylvanU, " " York, of Punnsylvanla. Hanover, of N. Y. Querns, ot London. Northllrltlsh. ot London, prace on Mirkot stroet, No, t, Bloomsburg. oct. 84, l- EXCHANGE HOTEL, UT. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BL001ISBURO, FA. OlfOBITKCOUltT nOUSB. Urg esand convenient sample rooms. Bath rooms hot and cold water and all modern conveniences more mctoey than at anj thing flsebytaKa lag an agency tor iuu ucsi. duu,ub liwiriiineni succeed grandly. None fall Teruii free. IUluttUooi roPohtmx Maine. iATENTS. But small perccntogool fees In ad. vance, balance when patent Is ob. :alneu. Sena lor ciicuwriiivu;K i ..rnnr nttnn mill tnntaliilmr list of references. M. J. CLAGLTP, Wauhlnglon, 1). c. I'acino Building. (eplT.m. J K BITTENBEKDETi. Kroprletcn. "1 v "yAINWBiailT &C0 WHOLESALE GROCERS, PlIlLADEU'IIIA, Pa. TEAS, E.YKU1S, COFFEE, bUGAll, 0 LAPSES KICK, Sl'lCKS, 1II0AW1 601U, HO., til'. N. E. Corner Second nnd Arch Sts. tr-orJers v,lll receive prompt attention. II. HOUSE, DENTIST, I5i,oOMsnuito, Columbia County, Pa All styles of work dono In a superior manner, worn kd wiTnocT Pain by the use of Gas, nnd froe or charge when nrtinclalteoth are inserted. UUIce In liarton's bu kl hur. Main street. below Market, live door3 below Klelm's urug store, Hrst lloor. lo be open at all hours during the rfai Nov S3 -ly ffl. C. SL0AI1 & BRO., BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS &C. First-class work always on hand. R EPA 1R1NQ NEA TL Y D ONE. Prices reduced to suit the limes. BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL :o. Tho underslened havirnr nut his Planlntr mi on Hollroad street, In nrst-ciass condition, Is p'e pared to do all kinds ot work In Ms lino. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnlsned at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS urnlshcd on application. Plans and BpeclOca oca prepared by an experienced draughtsman CHARLES KRUG, ElIooniHlnirp:, l'a CLOTHING ! CLOTHING O. W. BERTSGH, THE MUKCIIANT TA1L0K. Us Furnishing Goods, Hats & Caps OF EVEKY DESCRIPTION. Suits mndo to order at short notice and a lit alwa)s guaranteed or no ffile. Call and examine tho largest and beet selected stock of goods ever shown in Columbia county. Store next door to Kirst National Hank, MAIN STREET, fSloomsburg;, Pn. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OF CAST CH WROUGHT IHON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds :o: The following Bhows tho Picket Oothlc, one of the several beautllnl styles of Fence manufactured by the undersigned. ed. t't up by experienced hands and warranted to ivu suiibiucuun. Prices ami specimens of other do- signs sent to any address. Aiuiress BLOOMSBURG PA. May-tf TRENCH'S HOTEL. suw vouk CIT HAfX KJUAltK, opposite City llall and Iho Pust omen. This hotel Is one of tho most complete In Its np. polntinouu and furniture ot AN V HOUSU In Iew Vorlt city and Is conducted on tho EUROPEAN PLAN. llooms only ono Hollar per d.iy. Half minute's walk from lirookljn lirldfo oni' Elevated It. All lines of rare pass the door. ott contenlen hotel In New York for Merchants to stop at. Din. Inir Hooms, Cares and Lunch counter leplete with oil tho luxuries at snodtralo prices. In proaontH Riven away. H end u eenw poetajs. and by moll you w X '"n , I"", lil.-Slurir liu in woik hat wlllalononbilnif yon In money "tJ'n anythlDt' elso In Ameilca. A' J about the fc0 ,i a) inpresents v,lth each box. Act Ms watile. ey. Wvffhere, of f Ither wx, of all ages, for u) the time, or tparo time only, to work lor us at their own hoineH. Fortunes for oil workera absolutely assured. Don't delay, II. IUU-ctt 4 ; Co., Port. awJ.Walno. 4ec8 89. lilii plffif; lie BLOOMSBUHG, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER EXHAUSTEDVITALITY. ILLUSTRATIVE Sample FREE. KNOW THYSELF, A CJroat Medical Work on Manhood. N.rvous and fhyilcal Debility, rremstaro Decline In Man, Exhausted Vitality, Ac., Ac, and the nntold m! ctlci resulting from Indiscretion or excesses! 300 pages, substantially bound In gilt, muslin. Con tains moro than 125 Invaluablo prescriptions, cm bracing every cotabla remedy In tho pharma copoeia for all acute and chronic diseases. It Is emphatically a book for every man. Prlco only It by mall, post paid, concealed In plain wrapper. iM.L'sTiiATivn n.van'i.r. i'iti!i: to ai.i. Young and middle-aged men for tho next ninety days. Send now, or cnt this out, oi yon miy never see It again. Address Dr. W. II. PAllKKI!, 4 llul finch street, Boiton, Mass. feb.,5-d. 1y t .r"T" 2I4S iini i in l, itnnK. ltgtVMllii- LANGUACC nnd Icnttnunt cl Cveri Flower MA Shrub, ItOOl) (11 11 e rem kttid. Al-mtll I lip Known Ruleicl Fllrta- kv5! lion wlih Clove, ftraiol, ttr fv Hindkcrct.letindrn. l un h 5 Itilipmcit cnmplitaoik AND nr the Kl nil tyi-r into- CURTING rViitn in fitnmin lur a KnmplL' ropy, himi our price KinKcnt. AgciiM untitrd ivtrvwhira. At). IMIlPU.rTSCIHl IrlHL't'I1 rCStCt.t FU3. CO., 17 North Tenth Strict, Phllad'a, Pi. SINGER A p .BAYS' TIIIAL. TJ t A I'ull Net at Ji jt Atlacliin.Mils. fc VAiitA rr.i) pn S2"onx,(3 Scud for nj tlrculur. 1 C. HOWE A- CO., IS" N. 0 tU H C, i'Ullu., Vtu Apr. S 47w. fIRST PREMIUM, PHILADAI8.G. (Irniul Vrlie 31etnl, l'arli, IH1H. AsksourOrocerforlt. Wm. Ilrrilopitpl.Mfr. tM North Prout Street, PlIILAUKLl'llIA, I'A. June 4 80 ly. CHAMPION vosmvEiY Non-Bxploslva Patent Safety EXTINGUISHER Will notroJf. "Cleanly. the A liDnlrflSi "a or OIL. Gives a. Lighi Tilt CHAMPIOM Is tho llest. Cheapest and Safest Lamp for Churches, equal In Unlllancy iodu uanaieSf or 2lA Gas llurncn. 'Ihitlsthe most Powerful and Perfect LIGHT ever made linns, or Family Uso. Send for Illustrated Circular. rno.H OIL. old Gas or Oil Chande used on voi A. J. WE1DENER, liers or brackets, and will Increase your light a. 2i St., riiii.A. Sola Owner of I'atent, oct 8 Cms, AGENTS WANTED Adams' Patent Metallic P3GKET FENCE. rrNcc r m -inf EBB 3 i SI.75 per rod and upwards. SPECIAL QUOTATIOI.S. AH kind, of Iran Fences, Gates, Ffro Esc pes, &c. jj i PAT. IRON XI 3CKCCN i i. l .t.v.t;i.,i;,i,it7T7 rg, GATES M, riHC CICAVC TRCC CUARO Iron Work ia all styles. C:al Ecreons a specialty. Ircn Ladders, Wheels & Cresting. BUckir.iIthlng In all brancssi. Estimate furnished. EAtJLE IRON WORKS, Cor. TJxsion Sc Caunl Sto. WILKES-HAnRE. PA march 12-80-ly. IRON ROOFING 00. Manufacturers of COHlinUTEn, t'BIMI'KD K0QK, CllOWL'S PATKNT, Iron Si Steel Roofing Siding. Tliese looilngs wo lay on solid sbcatlilnff, on piir Ujih, on linn uoik, ororer old shlok'lea or tlaia. W o bave in our employ cood and experienced roofers uliomwe will bend out us instructors to t hno wlio marulsb to lav tbelr own roorinir. tmr- chasers paying nun's railroad faio and tlmo. Wo welnlit. mimatesBlven and contracls taken for rooilntrs and hldlncs, laid and completed. Satis faction cuaranteed ou all worn dooo by ua., Cala nrned fron and steel rootlncs raado to order at bliort notice Pl'lTtiTO.N KUtiriKli LU., l'nT8T0N. l'a. wofllcoand factory near Leblsli Valley depot, ckbt, Telepbono connection. (augiiam Dock t btalncd and all patent bublness attended to for moderate fees. our omco Is oppoblto tho U. 8. Patent Offlco, and wo can obtain Patents In less tlmo than tuoso ro mote from Washington. bend model or drawing. We advlso as to pat entaoillty free of cbart'e, and wo mako no cnarge unlebs patent Is secured. 0 reier lltu', iu mu l uaiiuuaier, lua oujiu ui Money Order Dlv., and to oniclats of tbo U.S. Patent onico. 1'or circular, advice, terms and icferonces to actual clients In your own Mate or county, wrfls to opposltn Patent anjee, Weh'iTtoii, U 0 an 0-tf pays ft liIi'Wrl(JUOI,AltJJIlMn Ii09 CiiiliilU.l'tibWl. Positions for Oraduates, Time roquired 3 to 4 moi. Tho Dost Equipped, I3e( Courieof Utudy. Dost Kt srytblns. Nriw fa uiouLir J 0 cms. p & a. 0Mi tr Ktrce, bat tboi wbo writ t KUufcon k Uu..l'aitlftud. receU free, full iurortnalioa tboul wotk which tb cm do. oi ii t iiom,iiiftt iii ri ' Leaiff()irillWf25Hi,dt. Buid hv urnod otm lu i Uiy. Kltbtt hi. youu m t-pl sol rwulred You nniiirttid fr. TbOM bo;lrt ftt oac jftUolutcl7IUfi.BUUlrortM. 4JlUuf, nnTTi liULU OH! MY BACK Eurr atriln or rotd tUicU tint ytttk tirk una near if pnmrnfii jpa. BESTTQHIC HtrcnRihcns Iho Ilusclcf MtriullcR llio NtTTC Knrlrlirs f ho ItlomK (Itvrn New Igor. Dn J. L. MrtRB. KnlrflcU. Iowa, mm: ' Drown'i Iron Bitlvrs is iha lPt Irnn mwllclne I hato known inmy:!sj)ptitV practico. 1 hiiTefotinil ii Bpncl&lljr trcneliclal tn nerTnus nr jhyiral eilintml ion, una In all debilitating Aliments that lenr no lifnrlly ou th PjBtcra. Upo it frw-Jy In my own family." M. W, I' BltonM.tW Main Bt , Oointftn. Ky , fari. "I wbh corailctt-ljf t'l-cken down in liealth and trtmt.lpd with tialua lu my bark. Iiruwn'a lroa Bitten entirely rmtorrd mo to boaltli." Genuine hat tboTTrodo Sfark nnd crosoed rpd line ou wrapper. 'I nlin no ultnr. Mnde onl by IlKOW CHEMICAL CO., HALTlJiUKL.MU. 1 CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Illotcli, or llniptlon, to tho worst Scrofiiln. 'I'lio 1cm lllood I'llllflcrovcr illicovcrcd. llyDrufriflsta. PRICE $1.00, OR 0 run 1 JIOTTI.rS Sa.oo, Si FOR STEEP OR FLAT ROOFS CAN 1JK PUT OS BY ANY l'KHSON. T1IOUSAND3 OF nOLI-S SOLD ANNUALLY 1U11 BUILDINGS OF LVEItY ULSOKIPTIO.V. BEND FOIt NEW CIItCULAll. CONTAINIKO I'ltlUE LIST AND UEFEItliNCES. ACENTS WANTED. ffl. EHRET, m. & BOLE MANUKA CTUltEKS, 423 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. sept.iruSs.3ms la other aJvutL-umenti uuhave snU Hint tho Tl.tM'ittn Ithtii,mitl.if t""'wtsnvieci(iclir Ktu:mnUMii, an 1 .,11 fit utiuinliua m tic ami t mi hi. Tliu.-i in- -imply I'l.iin fittlu. Wf now present ;uniu l'o.ltlvt I'rcnfki I'imM iii ita,vantiiint;ui'jrjtalH,rKjintvlmn thu troia Mk. II. 1. umll, h iivmin nt ni" cU.nit uf hi.Mkiii.Ml, 't . whu wiitc- ur.M: "".hiju lu I iKni p, t au nrfHun,l hitLilimlto l-'ii t'i- txtt;i, UuiVL'ryrviiiMly. liUit'.KU.'ul. lm. U. hi tJ -it .t tii ul.utiht any juitu , tint I Uhurof u. MK.' j, niiulf, Mifluitl villi fur tai tiTnl i citt tituulit iii nfcUl. l4rt. lint uffi ytut auy ivriuunoi t rclkf until I lr.ul tlit-i. I'iiKtj tiirut'o,r two j i arn wi, 1 hmo r uuitu'a !ijUmm. 1 Li oh it i4 n icxij tliuk'. It s I tikv lilt - MiMilru. sott I waht tlw urtiuy f r tli Htttv-- " Here lb jiiiuther fiotn nenrcr liomo, Jin. J. I), u 1 1: Is a luiiitiiuiiiMutiiiimunnl nioomsljurs I'.i. His nr.i:i'lt itlicr, uvui tfi j aire old, lias been iijjicutMiiljicrr.oni IlhcuaiutUtn,, wit. niTK unichU-: cf i-ait'iit huintiU'ilt iliarxl to mule i-eui If Ir1ko Hiiyieniea 1ms meiit until it iHtut-a MytmiLd. mid jemr circular. 1 i-l Kllcil II hllllt'r.'P 11 -it 1 i.i uniiM vlmllv nfte taiiftriitj ten t'lm-H jfur 1 11' for a lllli'r.'P ti nt lli, uiniM irln.llv irv, cure. UL-wlUtryituiiyttay.UcuiiLt'liiiilon'ttbitik join li.uw wuiul k.p auytliliiff withuut merit." 1j.c. -il.lieMiijgj ".My irramUtilher iiroiionm-ca t lm l(uBiftii ltliuumatiin Cuiv a hri-t-cla'H fiiccu. Ilo h i.ut rtlioul ono iUy only, but aH'fetfttr," W)ou doubt either of theo hUitemtnts, u!to thepruilev. they'll iflfldly anucr uuy inquiry. Our i-piiec di'tb noi permit fuither testimony. Viu havo p'.uity u" it, however, it wakes nulla a lltllo book. We J.en.1 it fue to nil who ask. JL yet It in not to jm fouml at the Htort'H, but fun only Iw luil by iiiclviuK tho priu'.uiia aililnwhlntf the Amuiiau prorrivtotH, PFAEL2CER BROS. & CO. t til 11-821 .Mnrl.ct r-lrort, I'lillmli lpliln. D,a ten frr I Ilinsllccllfcaddltlonul. BTICO a.tW. lj rtin-trml Inc. more. O.NU UO.X DOIM THE IlL'SLNESH. march Ihvalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute 063 Mala Stroet, Buttnlo, jN, Y. Staff of IS Physicians anil Surgeons. Kxporlonrpil SpeclullHtH ror every clahi, of !lH0iiHtN Irmiled ; nUo, trulncil, oxporlciicctl tlllil obliglni; Nui'heH. l.lKlit, well vontllateii, cIi'Kinitlj' f iiriildliott prlvuto rouins, lur pu tlcntM. Iloiiko fiiriilNheil with r.lcvnlor, Sleiun-lieal, MiH'aklnir-llioa, Illec. trio Hull, uinl nil iiioiloru Im lruyvinoiU, 'I'nblo Wi iilnHl'l vllli Iho liint ni food, I not n lloniiital) l)ii t a iileiiMint Kunieillal Home. Open tiny ami ulglil. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES, whether requiring for their euro ineilleal or nurclcal alii, skillfull)' treutecl. THIN lNSTITCJTIOV In nipplied with Turlduh llallm, Anierleuu njovomeut TrcaimeiU, or lUeehan leul aitukuao .ilaililnery, Vltnli zallou unit Vaeiiuiu Xr almeiit AnparutiiHy thu most uiiprovctl lileetrleal ITIaelilliea ami llutler len, Iuhulntlou Apparalui., ami all thu most valualilu remeilliil applU nurcN known to ineilleal krtviieo. .'all, or neiiil 1U iein In maiiiix for our InvalliU' liulUe.llooU (108 iiucea), which trivcy nil partltu lurw. AdilroKH as nliovc. M'orH's Ulsrcutrr Jlulkal Auodatton, Prop's. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PORE COD LIVER OIL Almostas PalatabloaslVUIk. Tho only pnTtlon of foil I IVKU Oil, lUst ran bo taken rcailll anI tolerated for a lung tlmo lirUclicilo tlonncln. iNii is a iiumkhy you fovirMHrny. KdlllH Mils Um illl. A.Ntl.)ll4, lKi mi, nuiii.ia, toums ami 'inuitVr av. I MTIONS. all AMIH llTsillllll IN (It (Hll.llllr'.ai It U Iii IH lttaHif lroiicribfiI aud biiilonea by tUo best 1'liyslcUmi In the countries of tbo world. FOR 6ALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. noi-va-i)- RAUCH'S S25 PHOSPHATE r" IHnK OimAlailhllil.andI'..iuiiti -OnDt M"'rv AnlroU lionet tllUAl', ' wrf H1SI.IA1ILIS, I.ABT1MJ BAUGH&SONS, PIlILAlliai'lllA, 1A, Ksir Sulo ! V, W, I.tV, WTtLiuucn ikik Oranaovllle, pa. Dl 1 1 I tP,W THE SELECT READING. THE STATUE OF LIBERTY. HOW IT WAS. MAIiK ANI PUT IN 1T.ACI'.. Tho Now York Tribune thus ro vlowfl tho history of the great work of M. Bartholin which was unveiled ou Thursday of last week in tho Now York hnrhor. Tho history of tho Ilartholdi stntuo from iiri"t to last is a checkered ono and goes back through nil sorts of delays and difficulties lor almost twenty yoaw. It was, strangely enough, just at tho closo of tho disastrous war with Ger many and while tho horrors of tho Commune wcro still raging in Paris that M. Lahoulnye, tho founder of tho French-American Union, first definito ly broached his jutriotio project of building in this country a joint memo rial of the struggles of tho French and Americans in tho Uovolution, and sent tho young sculptor Bartholdi to thu United States to find, if possible, Homo suitablo and happy idea. Tho first suggestion of tho statue, perhaps, dates still further back to a dinner given un der thu Empiro by M. Laboulayo at his country house, "Glavigny, near Ver sailles. St. l.AIIOUt.AYll's IIOI'KS AND I'ANCIKS. It was at that dinner nt Glavigny in 1885, as Bartholdi himself says, that his mind was first turned in tho direc tion it was afterward so devotedly and enthusiastically to follow. The after dinner talk of 31. Iaboulayo's guests had fallen upon gratitudo between na tions. Soma ono said that such a thing as national gratitudo could not exist. Italy no longer felt grateful for tho good officers of France in 1859; even with the Uuiled States Franco could no moro count on tho remembrance of the past. This 31. Laboulayo stoutly protested against. Whatever might bo tho case witli Italy, he said, with America Francohad still a greater sympathy than with any European nation. Amer ica's feeling toward France, too, was not ono of simple gratitudo. It was based on tho lemenibranco of a, com munity of thought and struggles and aspirations. And when hearts had oneo beaten together something always remained behind among nations as among individuals. This, ho contin ued, was tho basis of tho sentiment felt in tho United States toward Frauce,a sentiment honorable to Amer icans as well as French, and if a mon ument weio to bo built in America as a memorial of independence it would bo most natural to havo it built by a united effort, to make it the common work of both nations. Fivo years after, in tho midst of tho war with Germany, Bartholdi found himself recurring again to this con versation. The war was soon over and his uative province, Alsace, shut against liim. Ho resolved to travel for a year and visit the country in which his in terest had been so sharply aroused. In a month or two ho found himself again at 31. Labotilaye's house near Versailles. With him were 31. Lafa yette, Henri 3Iartin, Bomusat, Volow ski and DeGaspariu. Tho talk turned onco more on tho feeling of America for France. 3L Laboulayo took up his old viows agaiu and declared that without a doubt by 1870 there would bo a strong pavdotio and French inovo raent in America. 'Go to seo that country," he said to Bartholdi. "You will study it, and bring back your impressions. Pro pose to our friends over there to tuako a monument in commcn in remem brance of tho ancient friendship be tween France and tho United Slates. Wo will take up a subscription in France. If yon find a happy idea, wo aro convinced that it will bo successful on both continents, and wo shall do a work which will have a far-icaching moral effect. '' Bartholdi tells all this in his modest little sketch of the work of tho French Committee. And in thepo two convei- satinns at 31. Labotilaye's the germ of tho French-American Union's project may bo found. IlAUTIIOI.llt's VISIT TO AMUIIICA. Tho sculptor thought over noma plans for the proposed monument on tho way out, but only hazily. Suddon lv, ono beautiful sprinc morning, steaming up through tho Narrows into New x oik my, tho moment ot inspi ration oamo aud tho soulptor saw in fancy tho maiestio figure of Liberty towering with her torch over tho bas tions of old Fort Wood, lighting thu crowded harbor, with its tributary riv ers aud tho vast, blackhued cities on their borders, tho very imago of a teeming, populous miniature world. With all his travels in America that niipressiou grow only snarpcr anil moro ueiineii. noioru returning to Franco ho inado a water color drawing of tho Statue of Liberty on liedlow s Island.and showing it to various prom inent men iu America, in tho Union League Club in New York moro par ticularly and in Philadelphia to whom 31. Laboulayo had given him loiters of introduction, ho soon disoovercd that ho could look for support in the United States that, as ho says, the draft drawn by tho French Committeo on American sentiment would not ho pro tested. M. Laboulayo had had somo correspondence already with John Jay and others respecting tho monument; hut though tho interest which Barthol di mentions was no doubt arouset', no formal nction was taken until tho soulptor's second vis'r, here, TI1K rltKXCI.ASi:UIU.VN 1'NlOK. Going back to France, Bartholdi run over his impressions lo 31, Laboulayo and his friends, and laid beforo them tho plan for a stntuo iu Now York harbor. Thoy udoptvd it with enthusi asm, A committee was organized tin der tho name of tho Fronch-Ainerican Union, and Bartholdi set to work to mako his first models. Tho full plan of tho Union was made public at tho and of 1871, and subscription lists wp0 soon peculating throughout Kiaiice. A good ileal of money oamo in at onco mid moro was promised. Tho actual moulding of tho hugo cast began in 1875, Tho birth of tho stntuo was celebrated on November Oth of that year by a dinner nt tho Hotel du Louvre, at which tint Aaicrioan Minister, 3Ir. Washbunu', and all tho prominent memhets of tho French Amerioan Union wcro present. Tho ritrht liund of tho goddess was struck off in its colossal proportions nnd Bent to the Centennial Exhibition at Phila delphia iu 1870. 5, 1886. Bartholdi himself camo over in that year ns one of tho French jury for tho eihihitlon. Tho unveiling of his stat- no oi littayette, which was oruorcd by tho Fronoh Government as a gift to tho city of Now York In acknowledg ment of the rolief sent to Paris after tho siege, nnd which now stands in Union Square, gavo him an opportuni ty to push matters among ins Now York friends. A call for a meeting nt tho Century Club was issued by William 31. Ev arts, John Jay, W. II. Wickham, S. D. Babcoek, William II. Appleton and Kiohard Butler. There tho plau of tho French committeo was talked over with Bartholdi aud Hocharabcau and an American committee was organized. .Mr. Evarte was its chairman nnd Rich ard Butler its secretary. Sub-committees wero appointed and weekly meet ings wcro held for a tnno. Tho ques tion of procuring legislation from Con gress was tho most important. After somo drawbacks and delnys, a joint resolution was introduced accept ing tho statue and setting apart n silo on either Governor's or Bedlow's Is land for tho statue, and on February 22, 1877, it passed both Houses. Gen eral W. T. Sherman was sent on to do cide between thu two, and wisely con firmed Bartholdi's choice. Fort Wood was given up as a military post and turned over to the uso of the Ameri can committee. TAnnv mtowTii ov the statuk. Bartholdi went back to Franco in tho fall of 187G Tho political crisis that camo toward tho end of 31ac3Ia hon's Presidency had bad a disastrous effect on tho affairs of the French American Union. Subscriptions had almost ceased to come in nnd word was sent to tho American committeo that tho work on the foundation and pedes tal of tho statue bad better bo post poned for a year or two. It was not until 1879 that money enough was raised in Frauco to pay tho baro ex penses of the work on tho statue. Iu 1878, however, Bartholdi, san guine nnd undaunted as ever, executed tho head for tho Paris Exposition. The other parts followed at intervals, and by July, 1880, tho French com mittee saw its way clear to report sub stantial progress to tho American com mittee aud to fix a probable date for tho completion of tho statue. On Oc tober 24, 1881, tho anniversary of the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown all the pieces of tho framework and of tho baso were put in place, and Levi P. 3Iorton, then United States Minister to France, was invited to drive tho riv et of tho first piece which was to bo mounted. Tho statue was nearly fin ished in 1883, but tho work on the pe destal here was so backward that it was decided to leave tho completed goddess on exhibition for awbilo iu Paris. Finally, on July 4,lS84,Count Ferdi nand do Lessops, who had succeeded 31. Laboulayo as President of tho French Committee, turned the statuo over iorracrlly to tho Unitod States through 3Ir, 3Iorton. It stood six months longer waiting for tho comple tion of tho pedestal. It seemed for a tlmo that it would havo to wait torov cr, and tho work of taking it down was beguu in January, 1883, with many misgivings. Tho pieces wero packed carefully in 210 cases and stowed on board tho French man-of-war Isero at Rouen. Tho statuo was insured for about half its value. Tho Isero had an extremely rough voyago nnd had to put back onco to Rouen to escape a storm. Outside tho harbor of New York sho was met by the French North Atlantic Squadron, under Admiral La Combe, and escort ed into tho bay with flying colors. The Isero reached Now York iu June, 188.). Tho pieces of tho statue wero lightered over to Bedlow's Island and wero stored thero until 3Iay last, when the work ot setting up tho great cop per goddess for the last time was begun. Till! AMERICAN COMMITTEE'S TKIAI.S. Tho American committee could do nothing, of Course, after obtaining tho grant of a sito from Congress, but wait for tho signal from 31. Bartholdi and his friends to break ground for tho statue's pedestal. In 1882 somo pre liminary steps wero taken. A publio meeting was held in tho Academy of 3Iusio on November 2i? of that year, and tho taking of subsciiptions was pushed vigorously. Iho Mow York Legislature passed a bill appropriating $."0,000 for tho work on tho pedestal. But Governor Clove land vetoed it, to tho great disgust of tho managers of tho Pedestal Fund, as unconstitutional. A still greater disappointment camo with tho winter ot lH84.ii. A bill appropriating SI 00- 000 was introduced during tho short session of Congress, nnd failed through the neglect of tho Committeo on Ap propriations to insert tho item in their mat report. Work on tho foundation inside tho old fort was begun in tho spring of 1883, an. I the loundnttou itself was finished hetoro tho end of that year. In tho spring of 1881 tho corner-stone of tho pedestal was laid, aud a fow tiers of granite wero nddod now nnd then from inonlh to month. Tho first bit of enthusiasm was over, and tho subscription list hung fire. Statuettes and photographs wero slruok off by tho committeo and offered for sale, but tho returns grow smaller nnd smaller. One hundred aud sovo'nty-fivo thous and dollars had been raised by tho summer of 188(, and tho committee's persuasive powers wero apparently ex hausted, Its run of bni luck could not ho broken. In 3Iarch, 1885, when tho statuo was almost ready for shipmeut, and tho American committee, in a state of thickening despair, tho Now York World unexpectedly undertook to raiso tho $100,000 Btill needed, and opened a subscription list of its own for that purpose. By Julv a total of S102, 000.30 was turned into tho Po- destal Fund. This tided tho commit teo over tho fall and winter of 1885, nun sorvoit, indeed, to hnUh tho mas sivo pedestal in April, 18S0. I ho iron framework nnd braces lor tho support of tho stntuo wero put up in may ami June, and on July l'.'th tho work on tho copper plating itself was begun, 3Inny of tho huge pieoos boxed up so long, shaken about in so many handlings nnd exposed to a great variety ot temperatures, had flattened out of their original shape. There was a great deal of delay from tltno to uniu in reiuriuuig tiiciu, anil uio sum , rner was nearly gono beforo tho god THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. JCX.NO 44 COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, VOL, I., NO 31 dess' skirts oven wcro fitted fairly to her waist. For tho last month or moro almost dally nolo has been mado of tho slow progress of riveting tho vast copper shout hi r together and tho gradual softening of tho heavy lines and sur faces which looked so coarso and vague aground, to tho easy, graceful, airy symmetry of tho splendid figure as it now stands. Tho statuo was practi cally finished on October 1G. From that day, at least, tho Amoricnn com mittee will always dato its first mo mcnt of relief. THE SITE AND TUB POUNIIATION. BjrthoHi himself choso Bedlow's Is. land fifteen years ago for tho sito of his great monument. No spot, in fact, could havo been n happier ono for tho purpose. From tho shores of the Bay tho level islet looks like tho mere natu ral baso of the vast statuo and its solid-faced pedestal. Cut away from any rival objects largo or small, dwarfed or dwaifitiir. tho colossal figure stands clearly against the freo back-ground of water, land and sky, bletidiug with them easily nnd simply, liko an imago drawn, as tho goddtss is, on their own scale. And if tho great bronzo figure Ills, liko ono of its own rivetB in tho copper sheath, into the surroundings of sea and sky, tho granite pedestal finds aready-mado support to tho double star-shaped inner walls of old Fort Wood Tho base of tho pedestal is almost hidden from the outside behind them, and when tho old parado ground is filled in, and tho sodded tcrraco slopes gently downward from the crown of tho foundation over them to the sea wall below, thoir tops will mako an easy break halt-way whero Iho stair cases will broaden out into spacious platforms, and benches will bo ranged for loiterers in tho pleasant weather. Tho outworks of tho fort have disap peared i so have tho powder-houses and tho sally-ports. Tho baBtions themselves will soon bo buried in tho dirt. Only the small sea battery with its guns freshly polished for display, net use, will be left to remind one in a year or two that Bedlow's Island was once a Govortiment post. The bulk of tho pedestal's founda tion will, of course, be out of sight when the landscape gardener has fin ished his work ou the approaches to tho statue. It starts, in fact, beneath the old parado ground, at thirteen feet above tho mean low water mark. In shape it is something liko a truncated pyramid, with a gentle slope. It does not rise, however, with a continuous wall, but with a series of , , . greav layers oi concrete, each one a trifle smaller than the one it rests up on. Tho top reaches up above tho fort walls fifty-two feet ten inchos from tho baso. There is no break to the very top. The whole thing is a vast mass of concrete and rock, which measures on its upper face about sixty-fivo feet square. A WELL 11UILT PEDESTAL. Tho pedestal proper at its baso is sixty-two feet square, and begins at an elevation above tide-water or sixty-fivo feet. In the middle of each face, just on a leval with the proposed terrace, is : doorway, fivo feet wido and thir teen feet high. On each-side of every door is a projecting disk of stone on which tho arms of the United States and of Franco will bo cut in lelief. Abovu the doors is a broad band of stono running around tho pedestal and broken into forty smooth faced medal lions, ten on each Bide, on which the coats-of-arms of tho various States will probably bo placed. Still higher than tho medallions aro four largo nanols. twenty-threo feet and six inches long and fivo feet and three inches from top to bottom. Theso will also bo covered with appropriate inscriptions and de signs. Whero tho walls io:n again thero s a jutting frieze of plain L-ranite, crown ed with a low open balcony on which lour aooi's open again Irom the shaft within. Hero tho third section begins. Tho walls contract several feet, though tho balcony rail breaks tho sharpness cf tho effect from below. It is but a few tiers now to the top of tho pedes tal, hid from viow by tho rich drapery of the goddess's tunic. Tho topmost platform is thirty-nino feet and four and threo eighths inches squaro and io leoi nuovo low-water m,rk, Tho pedestal is in its way a most graceful and modest structure. It, is neither monotonous or heavy, and has been raado to look smaller than it really is. Tho goddess, in fact gains n point ot elevation by this suppress- ion, and towers over everything else, but tho effect is in no wav forced or stilt-like. Tho soft gray shado of tl o pedestal blonds well with tho reddish brown of the copper, nnd the whiteness of tho rough quoins shows far aoross tho water in the slanting rays of tho early morning or lato afternoon sun Tho granite used is from a quarry on Leete's Isl.tnd in Connecticut, and tho size of the blocks mado tho building of tho pedestal ono of tho heaviest piooes of masonary over undertaken about New York. Gonoral Charles P. Stono was tho chief engineer of tho work. Richard 31. Hunt tho arceitect, and David II. King, Jr., tho builder. Tho pedestal cost in all about $250,000. COLOSSAL SIZE OF TUP. KIODKE. Tho Goddess of Libertv is tho larg est work of its kind that has over been completed. Tho legendary Colossus of lvhodcs could not possibly havo had tho shapo of bigness attributed to it. Tho colossal statuo ot Arnuntus, iu Ba varia, is about ninety-four feet in height : that of St. Charles Borromco, on tho shores of Lake 3Iaggiore, sixty six feet. Tho Virgin of Puy comes noxt, titty-two tect, aud statue of Ha vona last, scarcely moro than a foot shorter. All ot them shrink out of countenance beside tho gigantlo oopper .!..... I!.ll I..1.V.l ' 1 llllIU Ull i.UlUUVV Q JBIUUUt Tho oolossal m art, it is gcnorally understood, can bo used to express only a limited number ot ideas, it must represent, if possible, somo vast ab straction, nnd carry with it always tho suggestion of power, maiostv or infin ity. Its peouliar effect is that of tho physically sublime touched and height enod by tho idea of moral Bublimitv, And so it is not tho mcro legendary goddess, with moro than manly strength and more than womanly statclincss oloar-ojed nnd wiso and patient, liko aitnerva, that tho soulptor means to rep resent. Tho flguro of a depp-broivod woman Is there, wlioso tichly-plcated robe hang in soft rounded folds about her , shapely breast and limbs, tho pure, 1 W 8 W 1 ;s its 110 IW 2 00 9 75 1 M 1 ttO 3 2.1 8 W 4 50 B (0 SH S 50 4 00 5 00 t 00 IH III IT a ro 4 do 7 co 4 75 7 W 19 CO BM 10 00 10 00 ltncb a 8 " 4 " tol t M CO 8 83 4 60 BEO 7 00 8 00 19 00 19 00 BOO 14 fO S 00 I 00 COI 8 (10 ii rm iron sn (0 40 (0 column 8 oo 19 oo 16 oo 2.1 OO tO 00 40 00 SO 00 Yearly sdve rtlscmonts payable quarterly. Tran sient advertisements must bo paid for before n scried except whero parties havo accounts. U(tal advertisements two dollars per Inch lot three Insertions, and at that rato for additional insertions without reterenco to length. Kxecutor's, Administrator's, and Auditor's no tlccstbrcodollars.' Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, reg ular advertisements halt rates. Cards In tho "Ilustness Directory" column, on dollar a year for each line. clear hair and tho luxuriant hair ciown od With a spaikllng diadem of light, but through it nil shines, as it ought to shine, the suggestion of that eager, proselyting passion for liberty for which the men of tho Revolution spill ed their blood in Franco and in Atncri co, and which, if iu modern days only ono of a sheaf of memories, is for both countries the most prized of llum nil. This, nt least, is tho inspiration Bar tholdi has striven to put into tho great statue. It is on litis that ho and 31. Labouloyo have counted for tho figure's "far-ieaching moral effect." DIMENSIONS OP THE STATUE. Feet. Water level to top of ptdestal MO Statuo proper to top of totch. 151 In. 10 5 Total height from water level 301 5 Tho statuo weighs 450,000 pounds, or 225 tons. Tho bronzo nlono weighs 200,000 pounds. Forty persons can eland comfortably in tho head, nnd tho torch will hold twelve people. Tho total number of slops in tho temporary staircase, which leads from tho ba.o of Iho foundation to tho top of tho torch, is 403. From the ground to the top of tho pedestal, 195 steps. Tbo number of steps i.n tho statue, from tho pedestal to tho head, is 154, and tho ladder leading up through tho extended right arm to tho torch has 54 rounds. The cost of tho statuo is estimated at $250,000, tho cost of tho pedstal and tho erection of tho ttatue $350, 000. Total cost of tho work completed and in place, $000,000. Bunflay School Convention Convention opened at Derry church Oct. 23, 188G, with devotional exer cises by Rev. G. A. 3Iarr. Prayer by tho Pres. 3Ir. A. Girlon. Prayer by 3Ir. 3IoVickcr. 1. Relation of parents to tho Sun day school by Rev. 3Iair. Tho duty of parents is to havo their children attend the Sunday school. Their attendance should bo mado compulsory by tho parents. Tho parents should insist on them learning tho Sunday school lesson just as much as they do their week day lessons. Rev. Guldin said that voung men and women should not drop out of llio Sunday school as soon as they aro married or a whilo beforo their siuglo lilo ends. Rev. Hunsicker then spoko of tho necessity of all tho members of tho church aud others, attending thu school just the samo as tho church. Attcr which the convention adjourn ed to meet at 1:30 p. in. 1:30 o'clack p m. An anthem by tho choir. Prayer by Rev. 3Iarr. Rev. Hunsicker then mado a very thorough address on subject assigned him viz : "Tho qualifications of a good Sunday school teacher." A good bnnday school teacher is ono who prepares tho lesson thorough ly, teaches it well, aud is at the to.iool every Sunday. A good Sunday school teacher must bo a person who is at ptaco with God. A christian. Somo teachers talk of tho fashions etc, etc. if they have neglected to pre pare their lessons. Just as soon as ono lesson is finish ed tho noxt should bo commoneed. Somo parents take good caro of their horses, calt'e, aud even their pigs and let tho moral character of their chil dren take caro of itself. Rev. Guldin continued tho discuss ion "Tako the best people in tho place for tho Sunday school teachers. l'rot. JNtt'tling, 'u ho work of tho Sunday school teacher is to lead chil dren to Uhrist. Scholars should go tho light road the Biblo to bo their guide. Wo cannot havo perfect teachers therefore wo must take tho best wo can get. Wo want christians, thrso who nro apt to teach and willing lo work for Biblo school-teachers Rev. Guldin. What should bo tho character of sunday schooi music. The sunday school music should bo adapted to tho lesson. Iho sunday school should sing part of tho time such tnusio as will bo snug in the church survieo. Prof. Ncetling. 3Iusic is intended to impress religious sentiments. Sing sometimes such pieces as will interest tho children. Tho words should irovrn Die tunes. After which thu following uniumit- teo wero appointed to nanio time and place for tho next convention, namely : James Lowry, 3Irs. Cyrus Demott, jus, T. J. Jswislicr and tieo. IJeagle, After wh'ch tho convention was formally closed by Rw. Guldin all feeling that thoy had speut a ple3sint and profitable day. UEO. 3lASTF.I.I.i:n, Secretary. MEN AND WOMEN OF LETTERS. Miss Clovcliinil's inagazino lias changed its cover threw times In four months. Justin MdCarthy lias ivalianl SXi,0u0 f rem tbo salo ot hi "History ot our Own Times. " Allen Thoniilvka Hieo has armnsrwl for tho publication by Jihwkwood lit Loudon of UU collection or "lu.tmimn.'iiuM Miss Ulancho WiUU Howard, tbo writer, will spend the coming winter lu Eurojio, remaining nt Stuttgart, where bbo ii nt present living. MUs Kathleen O' Moara, the biographer of Mmo. Jtobl, bos written a novel of striking Intcrett, hieh U now in tb band of tho Harpers. M. l'aul du Cballlu, who for several years has tieen living in Uio north, chiefly Copen hagen, has Just flubbed a work ou tlw wanderings, religion, culture and conquests of tho curliest tjcandlnavlans, entitled "The, VlkhigAge," TURF NOTES. '"" J Vlcksburg gives a running ami trotting meeting on Nov, 3, 8, 4 and S. Lucky llaldnin pays Jockey Vet f 5,000 to rido bis second colors next year. Lucky Ibddwin thinks bli 2-ycar old colt Oollah will be ouoot tbo good ones next year, Horaco Drown says ho exports to mako Delia Ilamliu trot lu 2:10 lieforo tbo fall ot 1687, J, I. Case says ho firmly believes that Jay-Eye-Seo will break bis record ot Si 10 next year. The English crack Ormonde has won all of the eleven races for which bo started, und in ono year bo has earned 21,730 for bis OHiier, the Duke ot 'Westminster. Recently Jobu Murphy drove Maud 8 an exercising tnllo. Mr. Doimer offered liliu (20 it ho could guess witbiu ono second of tho tlmo ot tbo last quarter. Tho tlmo was S0K tooonds. Murphy gticssod SO seconds, and jiockvtal tbo inocey, .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers