THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 111 The Luzcrno county fair will bo held at A narrow guago railroad from Glen Wyoming on tlio Slst, 22d, 23d and 24th Mawr to Hlll9grovo by way of Eaglcsmcro 01 ocptcmucr. Co illicit Irnct.'CtlliiK Is now proposed. From wbat Is reported It Is safu to Bay that a railroad from somo point on tlio W. & N. 11. It. It. to Eagles- mero will bo constructed In tlio near fu turc. This will do nway with tlio six miles of Btaglng now necessary to reach that Tho commercial men on ttm .t t,i m popular Summer resort, which will mako ,., . ,,, inln rr,ntmet with Ccntro street will bo arrayed aaalnst those 11 mucU access and dd greatly . .. to build n culvert on tho west In a gamo of base ball at tho 10 118 Prowitie popularity with pleasure ncros9 SoTCnt, nnt, Calharlno Btrecls, also Dr. I. L. Habb U9es Dr. Clark's. .Tnnnnt-sn King of Pain In citractlnir teeth. Ho has good success with It. Teeth aro extracted with scarcely any pain. Ili.ooMeDum), August 0, '80. Hegular meeting of Council called with President U, Prnnk Zarr, and Messrs. Clark Corel), Btcrncr and Sterling, members pros, ont. Tlio commltteo on ditch from Iloyt lluo 13 jail, via. Hnrman & llasscrt shops and Bovcnth and Calharlno streets, report Park Friday afternoon. seokers. Sullimn Ucvtta. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vailes. A marvel of nurlty strength anil wholcsomeness. .Mora economical man ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In compo tlon wlttattae multitude of low test, short wclnht. alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In cans. HOV1L IUKIHQ I'owdsu Co,. Wall BWN. Y. OPERA HOUSES ! ONE NIGHT ONLY 1 Wednesday, Aug. 18. AN EVENING OF JOY With tho celebrated Comedian, JOHN THopsofi, A eamo of tmsa ball was tilavcil Wwl lira. day ntternoon between tho Amatucr club and tho Exchange nlno rosultlnj: In a Bcoro oi wu to 7 In favor of tho amatucr nine. A gamo of base ball was played at Sun. bury Wednesday ol last week between the Sunburyclub and tho Hcllanco of Ml Carmel resulting In 12 to 0 In favor of Sun. bury. J. L. Glrton has built a largo black board along tho side of his rcslaurnnt fronting that his luck was no worse, on ucntrc street. Tho board will bo used for a hill of fare for his restaurant, and ns a bulletin for small advertisements. Mo mlay morning ns Prof. Chas. J. Mac Henrv and lady wcro returning from Eagles Mere, when about three miles from that place they found n huge tree ncross tho road, having been blown down by tho storm of tho previous evening, As It was Impossible to drive nround It Mr. Mac Henry rcturnod to Eagles Mere, procured nn nxc and chopped oil tho tree, but as his' avoirdupois was not sulllcicnt to enable him to roll It out of tho road ho drovo over tho log and proceeded tol)ushoro,rcjolclug Sullivan lie. Notices havo been put up by the Town Trcnsurcr, Wm. Chrlsman. that ho will be at his ofllco In Moyer Hros. building, pre uoyanco If nit advertising ngents could follow tho example of Geo. P. Howell & Co., 10 Spruce St., New York, publishers and others could bo saved a great deal of nn- Tho 8th of this month wc rcn pared to receive town taxes for 30 days, commencing Thursday, August 12, 1880. V. D. Dentlcr and J. V. Peacock havo become tho managers of the Opera House. Tho Beason opens on tho 18th. Inst, with John Thompson's troup In "Around tho World." It is fun from beginning to end. dcrcd bill to tho nbovo named firm It was marked on bill received August 0 and check dated same day, which wo received next day, August 10. This Is not nn ex ccptlon for this firm but Is tho way wo al ways have been treated when wo render a bill. Our only complnintls that wo ennnot send more frctjucnt bills. Supported by tho gifted and talented young act resses, vocaUsts and musicians, Miss DOTIE NAGLE Samuel Neyhard was confined to his bed several weeks from being severely pois oned. Ho had been on a surveying tour and contracted It from tho Mercury vine. Miss MOLLIE THOMPSON, siLodsMc'kncss Tucsday forllienrst IN THE Original and Only Musical Extravaganza, AROUND THE WORLD ! Being a Flood of I'lcasantrlcs In two acts, AW .V ITS TESTH SUCCESSFUL YKMU Admission, - 25, 05 & CO. WTlie choice of scats can bo secured without extra charge at Dentler's store. The Columbian. bloomsburg,"pI FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1880. COBIILCT RilLKOlD TMK TAHLK. Trains on the Philadelphia It IS. leave Hupert as follows : M0HTU. 80CTI1. 6:36 a. m. 11:49 a. m. 3:42 p. in. 0:13 p. m. o Trains on the D. L. VY. H. It. lcavo Bioomsburg s follows: NORTH. SOUTH. :15 a. m. 8:'."J a. m. Kb") a. in. 11:41a.m. iXi p. in. 4:13 p. m. o:3o p. in. 8:17 p. m. Trains nn the N. V. 11. Hallway pass Bloom Ferry as follows : NOHT1I. SOUTH. 10:53 a. in. 12:05 p. m. 0.23 p. in. 4:15 p. m. BONDAV. N0IITU. SOUTH. 10:14 am 0:41pm I'UllI.IC HAI.liH, Skit. 4. N. U. Funk, administrator of tho estate of Lydia Spoucnbcrg, late of Mrlarcreck township, deceased, will sell valuable personal property consisting of ninety bushels of old wheat, beds and Rev. L. Znhncr has tendered his resig notion as Hector of St. Paul's P. E. Church, and It has been accepted by tlio vestry. Mr. Zahncr has accepted a call to the par Ish of All Saints, Omaha, and will enter upon his new Held of labor on November 1st. A good substantial bridge lias been built across Seventh street at Catharine street, and tho ditch along Seventh street to Har man & Hasscrt's jhns been deepened ; as well also tho cross-dilch on East street at Uarman & Hasserl's. This will now make a good drainage for East street. Jonathn Chromls of this town received on the Gth Inst, ono thousand dollars from tho U. II. Mutual Aid Society of Lebanon, Po. in payment of a policy on tho llfo of his wife. The policy wa3 taken out five and a half years ago, and the amount paid in by the assured was $109.50 This Is cheap Insurance. Skating rlnks seem to have had a short durullon. The last sacrifice was at Colum bia, Lancaster county. Tho rink there cost new about $0,000. It was sold last week for $710. Besides tho building the pur chaser received 17 dozen chairs, 287 pair of skates, 3 Seaman gas lamps and tho steam heating apparatus. E. Ii. licishlinc has been appointed store keeper and gauger at 11. F. Edgar's dis tillery In Flshlngcrcck township. He had several competitors for tho position, all ex cellent men, but he succeeded iu capturing the prize. He Is a young man of sobriety John Thompson will appear at the Opera House on the evening of tho 18th. Tho Preis has tho following to say about his play : Tho musical extravaganza, "Around the World," may bo classified as a dramatic gem. 'lho performance Is remarkably pure In tono j musical, both instrumental and vocal. The characters arc all natural, being taken from every day life ; the artists aro experienced and finished. There is no play hko It nn the stagu lu construct ion, plot and purposes, and tho entire per formance Is ns successful ns It Is original. bedding, and a lot of household furniture I and Intelligence and will no doubt fill the at lu a. m. Acciust 12. Mrs. Lavinn Hendcrshott will sell personal property at her residence on Market street, nt 1 o'clock p. m. Acouar 20. Jncob Geisluger, admlnis trator, will sell vnlunblc personal property at tho late residence of Ell Penlcr, dee'd, in Pcalertown, Flshlngcrcck township, nt 10 o'clock a. m. place with cntiro satisfaction. For Bale A good farm near Light Street containing over 97 acres, well fenced, and in a good state of cultivation. Also a timber tract of 75 acres lu Jackson town ship. Also 1 whcelbarrow.l Scotch harrow, 1 cutting box, I Bet buggy harness, and numerous other things will be sold cheap. Apply to O. W. Haktcu, tt Woomsburg, Pa. Foil Sale. One now Sloan sldo bar buggy. One bloan jump-seat carriage In good condition with shafts.pole and brake. Ono old buggy Ono double heater. In tiulre of L. E. Waller. julyO Fon Saw. Tho undersigned will sell 4() or 60 acres, more or less, to suit purchas ers, from the south sldo of his farm iu Hemlock township. Three good springs of water, good ouildlug site, public road through the land, about 5 acres of timber, small stream of water through land. Price 10 per aero In payments. For particulars inquire of Heubcn Bomboy, lluckhoru, or Geo. E. Elwcll, Blooinsburg. J4,0 mos. Foil Sals. A yery dcsirnblo property, on Market street In tho town of Blooms, burg, Pa. nearly opposite Hev. D. J. Waller. Lot 01 feet In width and 198 feet In depth. An alley on tho north and cast, lot of D. J. Waller on the south. Market street on the west. Tho dwelling houso is a largo two story brick with Mansard roof water, gas and sewer drainage, a good large stable, good fruit, and good well of water. Also a house and lot In Catawlssa front ing on 3rd street, above Pino street, n good two story frame dwelling houso with two story kitchen attached. Michael F Eyeiilt April 7. "80. tf. liloomsburg, Pa. Some of our exchanges arc printing the law of the road lo the effect that In driviue should one see that his horse Is liable to be filghteucd by a bicycle ho can, by raising his hand three times, ctuso the bicycle rider to dismount. This is a very easy way to avoid n runaway, to bo sure, If the bicycle mail only knows tho law. A meeting composed of the publishers of the Wilkes-Ilarre papers was held last Wednesday, at which tinio n resolution was passed to hold a plc-nlc. M. E. Sanders, Itobert Huur and Dan Hoytwero appointed a commltteo to get n location and fix tune for holding the picnic. At a later meeting it was resolved to hold the pic nic at Glen Onoko, Thursday, Sep tember 23. Pelcr W. Cole of Greenwood township has purchased from the heirs of Nicholas Cole deceased, a tract of land in that town ship containing 151 ncres. About forty acres aro cleared, and it Is fluu land. There is a large quantity of plno and chestnut limber on the balance. Mr. Colo desires to sell It, and It is a good chance for nny one who wants to buy. Wrlto to him for terms. The young peoplo of the town held a picnic Iu Oak Grove, Tucsday. Tho ladles were tuken out to tho grovo In the after noon by lluckalcw's largo band wagon. Tho young men went out soon after sup per. In the evening tho party Indulged In dnnclng. Music was furnished by Meth erell's oichestrn, and ull were delighted with It. Tho strolling German band, of seven pieces, also furnished music. List of leticrs retnainlug In the l'03t Of rlcuat liloomsburg for week ending Aug. 10, 188 U: Mr Cvrus Jacobs, Mr. C. F. Kull, Miss Clara It. Shaffer. CAIUIS. W. E. Durham, Johu W. Gardner. Persons calling for thesu letters will please say "advertised." GsoiiaK A. Cubic, P. M. Plymouth, in Luzcrno county, can boast of the roost pro) 1 lie family perhaps In the State. The wife of a man by the name of HrlTVrson has surrounded him with a numerous family and all at live births About thirteen years ago Mrs. HelTerson gave birth to twins, In two years from that happy event she again presented her hus band with twins, again with triplets nnd a second time with triplets, nnd on lust Sun day evening she gave birth to lriplcts,mak. ing in nil a family of thirteen. The children arc nil alive and well, and the happy mother Is getting along nicely at last accounts. The father is doing as well ns could reasonably be expected under the ciicumstanccs. Wyoming Jkmocrut. An inyesllgution was made into the clinrge against an engineer of the I). L. & W. IS. K. of blowing his whistle just before meeting a four horse team in the Hupert narrows two weeks ago, and resulted in exonerating him from nny blame. Ho stated that he did not sec the team, and as ho blew the whistle at a point where It was necessary iu order to notify tho switch engine at Hupert of his npproach, so that it would bo out of tho wny, his action was simply In discharge of his duty. As soon as his attention was called to tho fact that the horses wcro frightened he ceased blow. Ing lho whistle. Our (list information cnnio from a person who was in the bus, nnd our present informant gives tho en ginccr's side of the story. Since so much attention has been given to tho "Uluc Law" the Mauch Chunk Don. ocraf publishes nn old English law in regard to suicides, which has ucver been repealed, and suggest that the advocates of tho "Bluu Law" iu reference to Sunday, should also sen that this law In regard to suiclaes Bhould be vigorously enforced. The law is as follows: "Any person taking his or her life, the Coroner shall take possession of the body, and hold an Inquest thereon, re futing to deliver possession to the relatives or friends. Following tho inmiest, tho body 9hall be impaled In tho public high way at a cross roads where it shall remain for a space of twenty-four hours. From thence it shall be taken nnd interred in nn unknown and unmnrked grave." Tho Wymnltuj Democrat, published at Tunkhannock, referring to the Auditor's report of the llnauces of tho borough as advertised in Its columns, says: It Is well worthy of careful consider atlou when wo tako into account tho fact that tax-payers are now burdened with taxes aggregating a Utile over 3 per cent, on the assessed valuation of their property, which is more than the Interest paid by the general government on some classes of Its bonds. At this rate a man would be come binkrupt in time who depended upon Interest upon bonds for his Income. No community can be prosperous that is bur dened with such high taxes, and there cei- talnly must be leaks some where, and per haps In many places, to fasten upon tho property holders such nn exorbitant lax rate. This Is nearly one.fourth moie than tho people aro taxed in this community. will for thelbulldlngof a catch b.isln on south sldo of 1). Ii. & W. It. It. on cast sldu of E nt street, for tho sum of $85, less tho amount of stono ho used, which were taken nut of nn old culvert across Seventh street, near Catharine. Tho culvert and catch basin nro now completed so far ns relates to tho work by Mr. Baclunan, and as to tho balanco of the ditch the commltteo reports progress. On motion a building permit was grant ed to O. H. Martin, In accordance with his application. On motion a commltteo was appointed to dispose of tho deep gutter ncross Fifth street at Calharlno Street, with power to act In conjunction with tho town surveyor. Messrs. Clark and Sterling wcro appointed a committee. Motion made by Mr. Clark that thu com missioner of highways cobble the gutter on tho east side of Iron street, from Fourth street north ns fnr as It washes. On motion It was ordered that tho super intendent of sewer enforce thu newer ordi nance with referenco to butchers and oth crs discharging Improper matter into the sewer, such as entrails of animals, vegeta ble peelings, &c, ho shall servo each butcher with a copy of tho sewer ordinance and notify them that a violation of said or dinance, by them will subject them to such lino as may bo Imposed upon them, und further that lie notify the butchers of the, not to slaughter nny animals within the limits of the "built up" and suburban limits of the town, contrary to ordinance No. it. A petition was presorted by 28 mer chants of thu town nsking that an ordl- nanuu Im parsed pieventlng thu vending of goods, .to., on thu streets by non-residents without a license, contrary to law. That council pass an ordinance prohibiting all pernios from exposing to sale In any street or alley, or in any part of town, as hawk crs, puldlers, or traveling merchants, any good, wares or merchandise. On motion the nellllnii was received nnd to bo sub mitted to the solictor for hU advice, and acted u.ioii at next meeting. The Commissioner of highways made his report for the month of July, which shows labor done to lho nmouut of 110.48 nnd further reports that he has leveled off tho streets over nnd along lho pipe of the Electric Light und Steam Healing Con1 pn'ny, according to resolutions ot May 7th 1880 said work amounting to 74.05 in cluding 20 per cent added. On motion the report was received, nnd Secretary directed to issue orders for the amounts due, nnd the Secretary was fur. ther Instructed tn chnrgo up the amount against the Steam Heating nnd Electric Light Co., and present bill to said company and demand immediate payment. On motion tho following bills were pre sented and Secretary Instructed to draw orders for tho same: l'rniu MihIIhoii. Tho now railroad seems to bo all tho talk. Contractor Cohlll has upwards of 00 men working on the now road about ono mllo cast of Jcrseytown. Thoy nro opening up n deep cut through rock. Tho distance through this cut will bo somo 200 yards nt least. Tho workmen started in on thu northeast flldo of tho high point and havo worked their way pretty nearly to tho contro or half way. At their present posl. tlon tho cut Is nearly 40 feet deep. Tho depth nt the highest point will be over CO feet. The rock Is being blnsted with dyna. mlto nnd with good effect, tearing It out In lnrgo bodies. The rock nnd earth nro carted back quite a distance, filling up n largo ravine, In which is a Binnll Btrcam of wat:r and over which a substantial culvert is being built. This road tho Watson, town and Wllkcsbarrc rail road has been contracted to bo completed as far as Mill- vlllc by tho 1st. of December next, and tho balanco of the road, to the town of Shlck shinny, will bo pushed rapidly along. Tho Madison peoplo nro highly delighted with the Idea of having n railroad pass through thr-tr township. Hundreds of people visit the work every week, thinking It can't bo posslblo that the "Iron horse" will ever como so nenr them. Tho Hungarians nil seem happy In good cheer and receive their S1.25 per day promptly on pay -days. It is reported that a large portion of this road can bo very easily constructed and with comparatively light expenses. The peoplo of Washlngtoiivlllo and Jcrseytown feel really more Interest In the rond lhan tho farmers through whoso lands It must pass, but then tho lanvy land owners, while they are loath to give up their broad acres say, "go ahead and build the rond." Our old friends A. K. Smith, B. F. Fruit C. Krnmcr. Wm. Jingles, Drs. Swisher nnd Fruit, and others, renders of the Col. umuian, nro all moviug along In the "even tenor of their way," nnd ranking money All the farmers of Madison speak highly of their crops aud tho good success they had In gathering them. The corn yet prom ises well. OnSEKVKII. Blooinsburg Water Co. Jackson & Wooden Mfg. Co , Iron pipe. Moyer llios., cement, Elwcll & Hillenbender, tax notices, Charles Krug, lumber, Frank Sloan, asstlng in leveling, I). Laycock, chief of police, Wesley Knorr, assistant police, G. B. Mai tin, smithing, John S. Butler, lumber," Hnrman it Hassert,iron sewer pipe M. C. Woodward, constable and serving tnx notices Fi eight on sewer pipe, Samuel Neyhard, See'y's Ealury, malting tnx list, " " engineering, Jonathan Baehmnn, build'g culvcit 75 00 30 2 15 J 50 18 43 7i 7 00 2 00 3 85 0 39 33 00 14 17 5 SO 10 00 15 00 29 82 90 5438 00 l'or TIiohc WHo Sleep in Clutrcli. A physician who was asked for reasons why peoplo become drowsy in church, and If there was nny remedy for chronic cases said that the drowsy feeling In church was often duo to bad construction, to overheat' Ing and to the general quiet and composing surrouudlngs. "1 havo often," Bald he, "advised patients of mine who aro troubled with insomnia to try a quiet church where the preacher was not too energetic In his manner, nnd In most cases the result has been gratifying. The poor man who has become almost wild through want of sleep generally obtains relief and falls oil into a gentlo and refreshing slumber. Many peoplo suffering this way take a ride in a railroad train for relief, and often get it but nothing has succeeded so well as the Sunday morning service in a quiet church It these people, howover, who do not need to sleep in church and do not want would drink very strong tea or coffee be fore going to tho church they might find It effective, but by no means healthy. Why do you sco the bald heads nodding most In church? Bccauso the old arc more sus ccptlblo to the Inllucncc of such surround ingV The women seldom go lo sleep, be cause they nro so dressed that to sleep would be almost impossible. If tho men would lace themselves up tight they might keep awake, too, but lu the words of Gen era! Knickerbocker, "They cawn't do It you know." l'.llHt IlClltOII. Thompson's "Cure for tho Blues' administer at tho Opera Houso on Wcdnes day night the 18tb. To say tho cure Is a "sure oue" is putting it extremely mild, judging fiom it3 effects upon tho audiences clsowherc. I'crHoiuu. "Around tho World" Is a splendid suc- Tho Benton Agricultural Society will cess, and John Thompson, In all tho varied hold lis Third Annual Fair at Benton, Oc- characterizations which belong to thu pro- tobcr 0, 7, 8 nnd 9, 18S0-Weilne3day, ducllou, Is inimitable and without a rival. n.i a.,., i'.;,io.. nml Kniiinlnv. Lnst Tn ai'n lilm Is to smile, and to hear him .. , V,.(ira exhibits were better than tho lnltla1 and be with him throughout all his maicii Miss Hastings Is visiting Miss Eva Hupert. Mrs. S. Henderson (nee Jennie Wells) was in town Tuesday. Miss Clara Kuhu, of Easton, is of Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Kuhn. Hcv. F. P. Manhart Is spending part of his vacation at Asbury Park. I. B. Kuhn returned Tuesday from a trip to Buffalo, where ho was lookiug after cat tle. year, and It Is expected that this will bo 1CS8 dellueatlons of French, German. Irish, better lhnn last year. Thoro Is a good Chinese, Italian, English aud Dutch rcpre- rich farming community about licnton, sentatlou is to laugu anu grow iui w.o.u and there U no rosson why they should not make their exhibitions a grand success. Consumption in mostcases is not heredi tary, but results from protracted colds which induce catarrh, n disease which surely leads to consumption. Keller's Ca- tarrh Hcmedy Is tho only sure cure in the market. Clieaiier Stumped UnveloiicM. A c'ucular was lately received by Postal Inspector Barret from 'third Assistant Postmaster General A. D. Hnzen which states that n contract has been muilo at greatly reduced rates for furnishing tho department with stnmped envelopes and newspaper wrappers for four years, begin nlng October 1, 18S0. A corresponding reduction will accordingly be made, to tako effect on and after that date, In the price of stamped envelopes Issued for salo to the public. A number of new styles and sizes of envelopes havo been added to the list to meet tho wants of tho public and tho new schedule of prices will be furnished to postmasters early In September. Meanwhile postmasters arc urged to use every effort to exhaust their present supply and to mako requisitions on tho depart ment only to cover actual requirements to the closo of thu present quarter In order that the public may have tho benefits of the new rates everywhere at tho same time. In CU9C3 where tho supply of stamped cu vclopcs now in tho hands of postmasters Is found to bo more thau sufficient to last until October 1, the surplus may be sold to or exchanged with neighboring postmas ters who may need the envelopes. Such sales need not be specially reported to tho department. Exchanges must not, however, bo mndo bv liostmustcrs for pilvato parties. No abatemeul In prlco will bo allowed cu stamped envelopes remaining on hand on September 30, nnd tho return of such en vclopcs to tlio department will not be per mltted. Tlio reduction In rates will ouly effect largo quantities and not slnglo pur chuscs of stamped envelopes. to Tho B. & S. Hnllroad ha3 passed from wind work to a reality. Our people now hnvo faith In its speedy construction. Tin Wntsontown road seems to be a ilval for lioint nt or nenr Benton, but the latte company appears to have been outgeneral by tho former by the grading of their road, at and near tho crossing, above Orangevllle, We believe both roads will be highly bene' flclal lo our commnnlty, though they may bo detrimental to somo Individuals along tho lines. It is thought by many that th Wntsontown company will yet tako tho Iluulock's Creek nnd Muncy route from point near Stillwater. No doubt it would facilitate a larger population, open greater resources and have better access to tho lumber trade in the vicinity, both north nnd east of lliuveyyille. Expensive luxuries this season of the year: trout; delicious though they are. Lauo Headden's horse died from lung fever last week. J. C. Tubbs drovo it a trip up tho river and it was taken sick on the home road. Hie corn crop will bo a partial failure. Other crops are abundant. The berry crop on tho mouutaln was tol erably good aud rattlesnakes overly abund ant. A party from Cambra killed two monsters und brought Id that place for ex hibition. .Many did not go for berries for fear of these serpents. Tlic licHt lu tlic Market. Wc would remind our fricuds and former patrons and tho public generally, that we are still handling D. M. Osborno & Co's Heaners. Mowers and Hinders, ot wuicn wc havo on hand a full line, covering all the latest Improvements, wulcli nro aducil to tlieso excellent machines every vcar. Wo keen constantly on hand a lino of extras for tho abovo machines nnd make specialty of rcpalrlng,not only the Osborno inacniucs, um an amus oi muwiug uuu reiiTiiiiL' machines. Wo have always on Hand n tun lluo oi knives for all makes of machines. Wo havo a laruo stock of tho very best ot bluu- cr twlno.whlch we nro offering for 15 cents per. pound, lnvltlug uu to examine our macuincs ueioro purcnasing c suwocru wu aro respectfully Hahman & Hassmit. Tlio New Muuuy Order Schedule. HerwIcU Ceiitcimlnl. On Thursday of next week Berwick will eclcbrato her Centennial Anniversary. Tho veteran association of tho (Iro counties will hold lis annual Camp Flro at Berwick on that day, nnd hundreds of other soldiers 111 bo present j tho association embraces tho counties of Wayne, Susquehanna, Luzerne, Lackawnnna and Wyoming nt this meeting Columbia county will bo ad mitted Into tho association upon applica tion. Organized bodies of Masons, Odd Fellows, Bons of Veterans, P. O. B. of A., Ircmcn nnd other organizations will bo present to usslst lu making It a great day In tho history of Berwick. Gov. Paulson, Ex-Govb. Curtln, Hoyt, Hurtrnnft nnd Pollock, Hon. C. It. Buckn- lew, Gen. Osborne, Col. A. Wilson Norrls and a number of prominent public men have been Invited. The parade will form at Mi30 sharp and tt Is expected to bo one of tho longest parades ever seen l. this section. A gamo of base ball will bo called at 4 o'clock between tho Berwick nnd Hnzcltou clubs. Slate Normal Hctioul. The State Normal School ot lho Sixth District, at. Blooinsburg, will begin tho tall term Tucsday, August 31st, 1830. The new building containing twenty-six lcclla- tlon rooms greatly Improves tho facilities for teaching. The steam heating apparatus has been much Improved and connected with lho boilers of lho Blooinsburg Sleum and Electric Light Co. For the seventh consecutlvo time it Is true that "the num ber of students Inst year was larger than over before." Although tho Senior class was larger than ever before It, all were up. proved by tho State Board of Examiners. Candidates for the Senior class will bo ex amined nt the opening of tho year In the Junior studies, nnd that examination in those branches will bo final : thus the Sen iors will bo relieved of much uuxlcty, and undue pressure. Fivo students of last year havo already hi en admitted to college- Students haying a card trom the Principal get half faro on lho L. V., Heading, and D. L. & W. It. Hs. Full professional stand ing as teacher is given by the diploma. For catalogue address Hev. D. J. Waiikr, Jit., Principal. Tlic SuHqueliiiiina River. The Susquehanna river, which forms the southwestern boundery of Lancaster county, has no superior in size from the gulf of St. Lawrence to the Mississippi's mouth. It is 422 miles long and drains an area of nearly 27,000 squaro miles, 19711 In Pennsylvania, 0,207 in New York and 255 in Maryland. Col. Taggart, of Nor- thumberland, who has been giving somo attention to statistics of this kind lately, finds thnt tlio Susquehanna at Otsego lake, is 1,193 feet above tide water. At To wandn It Is 700 feet; at Wllkcs-Banc 521; at Northumberland 420; at Harrisburg 298; at tho State line G9 feet. In tho last 59 miles of Its course it falls 200 feet, an nv erago of 4 feet to the mile, while In the other 303 miles the fall is but little more than 2 feet to tho mile. This reverses the usual order, nnd is not favorable to navi gation. Tho average rainfall In the basin of the Susquehanna Is 39 or 49 Inches n year, 10 iu Spring, 12 In Summer, 0 or 10 in Autumn nnd 8 In Winter. Ilarritburti Iriependent. Coal t coal 1 1 Coal ! I ! Now Is the time to purchase your Fulj and Winter coal, as we propose furnishing stove coal, in car lots, say five or six tons, tho same as furnished on the D. L. & W. H. It., 2240 lbs. to the ton, each ton to be I weighed by Fairbanks' scales. All coal I from the Lcc Mines White Ash. O. A. Jacohy. Port Noble, August 13, 1880. St. The First Sign Of falling health, whether In tho form of Night Sweats nnd Nervousness, or In n senso of General Weariness and Loss ot Appetite, should nuggest ktho uso ot Aycr's Snrsapnrllln. This preparation Is most cffcctlvo for giving tono aud strength to tlio enfeebled system, pro moting tho digestion and assimilation of food, restoring tho nervous forces to their normal condition, and for purify ing, enriching, and vitalizing tho blood. Failing Health. Ten years ago my health began to fall. I wan troubled with a illitrcsslng Cough, Night Sweats, Weakness, and Nervous ness. I tried various remedies pro scribed by different physicians, but liccnmo so weak thnt I could not go up ntalrs without stopping to rest. My friends recommended mo to try Aycrft Sarsaparllla, which I did, and I mil now as healthy and strong ns over. Mrs. K. L. Williams, Alexandria, Minn. I havo used Ayer's Sarsaparllla. In my family, for Bcrofula, and know, if It 14 taken faithfully, thnt It will thoroughly eradicate this tcrrlblo disease. 1 havo nlso prescribed It as u tonic, ns well as an alterative, and must say that I honestly believe it to b tho best blood mcillclno nvorco!iiKunded. W. F. Fowler, M. 1)., I). 1). S Greenville, Tcnn. Dyspepsia Cured. It would bo lnmosslblo for mo to de scribe wlut I suffered from Indigestion ami Hcndiwlio up to tlx) time 1 licgau taking Ayer's HarsnpnrUla. I was under tho caro of various physicians, and trlod n great many kinds of medicines, but novor obtained more than temporary re lief After taking Ayer's Sarsaparllla fnr a short time, my hcadacbo disap peared, and my stomach performed Strt duties moro perfectly. To-day my health Is completely restored. Mary Hurley, Springlleld, Mass. I havo been greatly benofltcd by tho prompt uso of Ayer's Sarsaparllla. It tones and Invigorates lho system, regu lates the action of tho digestive nnd assimilative organs, nnd vitalizes tlio blood. It is, without doubt, the most reliable blood purifier yet discovered. II. 1). Johnson, &ej Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayi r fc Co., Lowell, Mi. Prlco 81 1 six bottles, S3. LOCAL NOTICES. "Hello 1 Hello 1" "Well, what is It ? "What did you uso on your oats llils snrluir ?" Moro Phillips' soluble bone. Did you uso the Baiue on your potatoes ?' "ISO. What did vou uso t" "biiarpiess Carpenter's No. 1 bone, it makes them get. don't it 'r" "Yen, sir." "Hello 1 there is some one ringing In on us. what do you want ? ' Will it suit you to bring me a load of fertilizer up to-morrow ?" "Where do you want me to get it ?' Down nt the Formers' Produce Exchange. "They don't keep It do they f" "O, yes they do, why vou can get anything vou want there." "Is Hint so V" "Yes sir, vou can get Lister Bros' ammonlatcd bone. Lister Bros.' U. S. E. bone. E. Frank Coe's Knickerbocker soluble. Pacific guano, Allentown complete none phosphate. Jioro runups' super pnos. Dlmte oi I line. Diamond hone, .Moro rim lips' soluble bone Oermnn potash, John F. Orlh's Heading bone, Sharplcss & Carpcn Icr's No. 1 hone, sliarnless & Uarncnler'; acid nhostihate. M L. Shoemaker i!S Co swift sure. All the above goods arc sold nt Irom 20 to 30 per cent less than any oilier fertilizer sold, nnd all kinds of grain taken in exchange for them. Before pur chasing your fertilizers call and give tfem a trial nnd save lime, money and trouble. June 25 1 in. Farmers lu wnnt of grain drills can save money by calling on mo, as I will sell IJie best drills at nearly cost; also Lister Bros, phosphate, as low us cau be bought in the State. Oivo me a call. P. C. SniVE. 3t. NATURE'! A RELIABLE B EXIST CURE FOR Terp4 urn, CONSTIPATION, 'WSSST' Tarrant's Hiiervesoeni Mcltr.vr Aperient. It Is certain lu Its effect. It Is gentle In Its action. It is palatable to tho l&Ble. It can ton relled.upon to cure, and It cures br assist ing, not uy uuiiit"s, "7 turc. f)o not tako violent tttinritlvca rourselves, or nllow your children to take CinV-Hoaflanrin . 5Ay!."r.f.l ! Uiun liuuuuwnu AND gnnt plinrinaccutlcal prep srnllon, which has been for mnin than lorty years a nVODCDCIl public favorite. Hold by U I O f t r O I R. 'ill druggists everywhere AATANTKll.-I want you lo do parlor wort for W m it Ttinr own linme: nlenty work: good p.iy; 11 per piece; all materials Irep, A. Ixjvk, llei clarnl, O, auglsNl Ncwppaper Advertising liurcau, lo Spruce 8UN.V.' DICKINHOIS SEMINARY. Thli tnilltntlnn lK(d tWllllmirorl.r.,cloMi II. IhlrlMlelilh jrer Jun 17th., nsijn'tlnr a c'au o! twenfr-nlne. It U a lln school Ijrbolh m m, abreast ot the act. and urnl.lifS the belt faelllllea forthoronih Imlrnrtlon In Untusirti, literaipre, flelrnee, Malhematlci. Mnllo and Art. 11 profldea fUMrenlarconneaotitndr and confer! derreef. Hi bnlldlniri are larire and healed with "team. It ulrei discount! to minister! and teacher!. llJfi year fin tor board, si aihlne, llsiij, heal and fully tiirnlibed room. Fall term beglni August 50. Lata, louue may be had byaddresslnn . " nEV. E..UIIAY.D. D.( Frisldent. anginal-abb IRON HOOFING CO. Manufacturers of CoiiuroArKP, 'MMm Kdok, ciiowl's patknt, 1'I.AIN AND CAI.A1IINKU Iron & Steel Roofing & Siding. Then; lootings wo lay on solid sbeatning, on pur ilns,on ironwork, or over old shingles or Rlaw. Wo havo in our employ good and experienced roorers whom wo will send out as lnstractora to tiinn u-i,n tnnv wih tn lnv their own roonng. pur chasers paying men's railroad tr v and time. We ..... ...... Z n .n ., . HM. 11.1(1 weight. Kstlmitesglvcn and contracts taken for rooflngs and sidings, laid and completed. 8atla f.ictlon guaranteed on all work done by us.. Caliu m ned Iron and steel roonngs inado to order at snort notice. . l'll lbiul lliul luiunisu w.. PITTSTOH. Pa. fOfllce and factory near Lehigh valley depot, Dock bt. Telephone connection- auga am SWAISTII.MOHE. l'A. Opens Dth menu, 14th. Thirty minutes from liroadt-t. Stntlo:i, Philadelphia. Under the care of Friends, but all others admitted. Full college courso for both scxe,': Classical, tscienimc uuu ui ernty. Also n Mauual Training and a preparatory BChool. lleallhtul locetlon, large grounds, new and extensive buildings snd apparatus. For cat. aloguo and full particulars, address EDW A15D II. MAU1LL, A. -M., I'rea't. JiO-9t. mo THE HOLDERS OF THE BONDS X OK TIIR MOOMSBdin STATK NORMAL 8CU00L, BF.Cl'KXll 11V HKST MOKTOAIIK, IIATKD SEITAMBKR 1, 18HS: , . , Notice Is hereby gl en that tho principal and In terest on bonds Noa. Jfl and 50 and the interest on all other of said llonds outstanding up to bept. 1, lssD. will bo paid on presentation ot the same to t ho Treasurer, at his onico In liloomsburg, at any tlmo within nrteen days from September 1, IBtt. It bonds are not presented by October 1. iss, the Interest win be defaulted and applied on pay ment ot principal debt. II. J. cLAltk, augu tt Treasurer B HIDOE LETTING. BUSINESS M0TICES. Exiicimlsje Trout. vent in, lot nt rim fntnmisslnneni office on Fri day, August 27, A. 1). lSKfi, at s o'clock p. m. A new bridge to be erected over Hilar creek, near tho residence of Wm. Hoott, In centre township. To bo a wooden brace covered brhlgo 30 feet long between abutment, is feet wldd trom out to out. Abutments to be built by contractor so as to admit of bkewback three feet from lop of wall plate- and V feet high above lower water mark to top of wall plate, w ing wans 10 ueo leet iuub uu nuin uml to be three feet above grade ot road. All nn- luir to be none oy conn aciur. iuo wiuintiaoiuutia inrifl !lr rltrhl. tn relect. linv or all bids. and applications can bo seen at the offlce of lho County Coininli-Joncrs, liioomsDU .Sl'Ul'HKN 1 .1 Plans Pa CO. ComTS. ouil WAMIINUION l'Altlt. I'M MKS11KNUAIX. I Conunltloners onice, liloomsburg, l'a., Aug. .3, no. Attest John 1). Casey, Clerk. 5 RIDGE LETTING. On information laid by E. P. Albcrtson, of Benton, h warrant was issued ono day last week by G. V. Ilirleman, Esq., of that village, for the arrest of Hcv. D. SI. Klclcr, the charge being that he caught trout out of season. Before the warrant was served another ono was Usual by M. McIIcnry, Esq., at Stillwater, against the same party on tho samo charge, and Mr. Kluter was arrested on this, and Saturday afternoon was llxed for ti hearing. On Saturday morning Mr. Kinter was arrested on the warrant Issued by Esq. Ilirleman and ta li en beforo him. 'Witnesses were heard and among them n lady who testified that slio cooked 20 trout for Mr. Kinter on lho 10th of July. A line of 200 was imposed by tho Justice, with costs. Wo are In formed that the hearing before Esq. Mc IIcnry wn3 postponed until Borne day this week. Mr. Kinter claims that he caught all the trout but one on tho lSth. The Voice of the People. The people, as a whole, seldom make mistakes, and the unanimous voice of praise which comes from those who have used Hood's Sarsa parilla, fully justltlcs tlio claims of the proprietors of this great medicine. In deed, thoso verv claims ure based entirely on what tho people say Hood's Sarsaparllla has tloiio lor them. Kcad tne uiiuniiiini ev idence of its curative powers, nnd give It a fair, honest trial. E.MIOIisKXIKNT OK Sl'KEll's WlN Faculty of N. Y. Wc. lho com; physicians requested to examine into the merits, and report on uio wine oi Aiircu Sneer, have given our spi cial attention to his Port crape und Burgundy and report upon tlieso wines made from the Oporto grape In his own vineyard us follows: The wine is strictly pure, acceptable In llavor, palatable and has n rich body First Wo are all satisfied of lis puiity. having been through his vlneyurds, and waiehouscs and cellars dining Ibc grape seasons, und seen the method of Its pro duction anil preservation. Second It is ciiunl to the best Imported foreign wines, unit wo ure nil satisfied that It can. with safety bo recommended lo in vnlids ns nn urticlc well calculated for their uso where wino is needed. Alex. B. Molt. M. D.. 02 Madison Ave, Professor Bellevuo Hospital Medical Col lege. N. Y. Citv. E. II. Janes. M. D ot the Board of Health, N. Y. City. Charles Sherman. M. D., Medical Super. intendenl, N. Y. Association for thu sick poor. Wm. H. llayncs. M, 1) , House Physi cian, Presbyterian Hospital, N. Y. City. in im let. near tho residence of Peter Fisher. In Ileal er township on Saturday. August 2S, A. U. 1S8U, at ono o'clock p. m., a new bridge to be, erected over catawlssa creek, near Peter b lshera lu Heaver township. To be a woolen Uraco cov ered bridge, ISO feet long between abutments, 16 feet wide from out to out, Abutments to bo built by contractor so as to admit of svewback three feet trom top of wall plate and u feet high above low water mark to top of wall plat. ing walls to bo 8 feet lung on south sldo and 10 leet long on north sldo ot bridgo and to be three feet above grade of road, l'lcr In centre, 18 leet attha bot tom, 10 leet at tho top and 6 feet thick. All ailing to bo done by lho contractor. Tho commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Plans ana specincations can uu seen atuwuHaoui w NK ii v tiikI county Commissioners, liloomsburg, l a. ,.,!,, .,f KTEl'IIKN POHE, ) immlttce of Washington l'Altlt, J-co. 151 J JUKNUK.N ners' oniee, Ida lohn 11. Casey, i 1) ULE ON 1IEIUS. Com'rs. VI I MKNIIKNHAI.L. I Comnilssslonera' oniee, llloomsburg.l'a., Au. 13,'Sfi. Attest: Joun u. casey, ners. licttcr limit Vacation, This Is pre-eminently the vacation month, when thousands seek rest and recreation. But to thoso who suirer the depressing ef fects of Summer debility, thu disagreeable' symptoms of scrofula, thu tortures of bil iousness, dyspepsia or sink headache, there is more pain than pleasure in leaving homo. To thoso wo say, give Hood's Sarsaparilla a trial. It will purify your blood, tone up and strengthen your body, expel every trace of scrofula, correct biliousness, nnd positively cure dyspepsia or sick headache. Take it before you go, and you will enjoy your vacation a thousand fold. Teeth 1 All babies who uro cutting teeth crv for Dr. Hand's Teething Lolion to bo painted on their gums, so no auuiis niter tooth extraction, for it removes all pain and soreness. It relieves toothache tit once. Try It. Aycr's Sarsapatllla Is designed for those who need a medicine to puriiy nnir uioou. Ko other preparation so well meets tins want. It increases lho appetite and rciuv- cnutes the whole system. Its record, for forty ycuis, Is ono of constant tiiumph over disease. SOAIII.ET FEVEIt ASU Dll'HTHEltlA. are spread by contagion, by the transfer of liv ing mailer. These panicles come irom tno skin, lho membranous lining oi uio mouiii nosu nnd throat, and from thu intestines ESTATE OP UCMrllKKY M. l'AKKEU, DKC'D. COLCMUIA COl'NTV, SS: To ltaenei.i. l'urker, wm. u. i-arKer, uuiu a. I'.iiker. Uuclna. Intermarried with Jonathan It, Conner, Samuel K. Parker, Mary A., Intermarried with Daniel Asneunan, ana imeo gruuu euuuicu, ltuchcl Hoyt, barau Hojl and John 110 t, children ot Itebeeca Iloyt, dee'd, nnd Phebe Manning, Uiclna Manning and Gertrude vanning, J. Manning, dee'd, dneal descendants of Humphrey ,M. Parker, rteceosel, and to all other persons Interested, Greeting: Vou and each of you aro hereby cited to bo and appear before the judges ot our orphans' court at an Orphans' court to bo held at liloomsburg on the fourth Monday ot September n-xt. then and thereto ac cept or reiuso lo laso lue real suiw ui oaui lll'iaitlliej nuhl'r, urtcau, ui. mo u,.miio.t valuation nut unou It by the lmpiest duly awarded by the said court, and returned by the snerirr, or snow cause why It shall not be sold. And hereof fan not- ,. . Witness tho llonorablo WIUlamKlwell.l'resldent of our said Court, ut liloomsburgi the seienteenth uay ot June, a. n. inm. WM.ll. SNVDUll, Clerk oto. C. augia bamuel Smith, Sheriff. BI.OOMSBUUG MARKET. ' Wholesale. Kctail Wheat per bushel. Uyo Corn ' " Oats " " . Flour " bbl Butler Eggs Potatoes., Hams Dried Apples Side aud shoulder. Chlckcus Geese Lard per lb Vlncgur per gal 78 80 fill 50 as 4 111 M no ii 03 00 l'J CO 45 to 5 80 18 10 CO 10 05 10 12 . I 1 1.!t. more. Thompson 13 a largcsiicu untiv, and his "Around the World" Is replete with wit. humor, song, duiiclng and con- iinumia lmiirhter. Thero 13 suushlno an The superintendent of tho post ofllco moucy order system has Issued a circular to the postmasters of money order olllces, giving tho new rates which went Into onurallon on Mondav. Julv 20th. Tho act Tho Directors of the Bloom Poor District I nrQVtilea "lliat tbu fee for each domestic llluoin Poor Tax. have placed their duplicates lu the hands of the tax collectors of tho several townships . t..... n ...nlnnrntnirlal an Vfl I llftt OHO Clarence Fltzpatrlck of Harrisburg has ' Morm por,.,u of 1890 will tlirougu, nnd fun to last until tho next embraced In tho district. The full amount :en spending a fow days at the Excliango con)nuo tm l0 27tlli ar(juniK I)on,t fftU t0 8(!0 ulm, of tax hi charged to each tax payer, making been Unlo! Judge Elwcll returned homo Wednesday evening from a trip to Eaglcsmcrc, Tow. anda and other points. Admission 25, 85 and 50. at Dentler's. Reserved scats .inrtn.f v.hleli this crcat drought will completely broken by heavy rains, hail nnd tornadoes. A tropical Hurricane will pre vail on the southeast Atlantic coast be tween tho 10th and 20th. Thoso storms will ho general, und Iowa, Illinois, tho New England States, eastern Cannilu, und Methcrell's celebrated orchestra has been Labrador will bo iu the danger path. engaged for the Berwick Centennial. of Tho Messra. Brown Bros, have placed a the Mountain drovo Association commenc Bodalo alul i,rolher, Mr. Elt Barton A largo fish-hawk was shot at the Iron dalo furnaco Wednesday morning. At ft meeting of the Vestry of Bt. Paul's church last Mouday evenlug lho following was adopted: Wc, the members of tho Ycstry of St. Paul's church, Blooinsburg, desire to place on record an expression of tho loss which wo have sustained In the death of our ns- no allowance of 0 per cent. If paid within 00 days, as provided by the Act of 1885 In this they aro guided by lho iidvlco of their couuscl, Messrs. Ikclcr & Herring, who are of tho opinion that as tho Act of 1800 providing for the crectlou of a poor houso In Wllkesbarro la inado part of the act Incorporating tho Bloom Poor District, and as that net provides that tho taxes of sold district shall bo collected "lu tho man- ncr and by lho same process as poor taxes aro now by law collectable" namely, uuder new sign In front ot their tailor shop. ed Wednesday of last week. Tno follow. ,, reprcsented a family which has long the general Act of 1832, that lhl3 Is n spc i ,.i nersons from liloomsburg occu- . ,,, '.,,, .vllh ut. iaui.a nailsh. Ho c.ll lw, ?'"LJ thereforo no t rercnlcd by A new canvass awuing was placed H nted tents durlnc tho session i Mrs. Fred ,rvC(1 f ormanv years in tho honored po. , tin tho other hand, other law. front of tho Now I'deal storo Monday. - I (jra0rc, Peter Bruglcr and family, Mrs. 1 llInn of vestryman; ho was constaut Iu yurs aro of opinion that tho Act of 1832 Is rT T77,a nn tho Creasy, Mrs. Bobbins, Al. it. Appicmau w BtUnilanC0 Up0U tlio services of tho repealed by tno aci oi too.i, uuu mat we fi. M. Vandcrs co ha3 put a bus on tlio .,,,, ,,iiv ( Mvcrs. " " . .... ..i.i.. .i... taxes must bu collected under tho latter , herwnen liloomsburg and Hupert. ' " . . ' : .on. s ..ou.v, . BC. wIllcU flllow8 a jucount of C per cent, Ilcbecca Carman, of Benton, has received family, Caleb Barton and family, Q. S. 0f ciiriat lie was Just and upright In all her new Fall shapes lu hats. Call and see Bobbins and wlffl, and O. O. Peacock. ,jU ,111,9, (ulet and peaceable, a good them. K German band, of seven pleccs.was on our streets Tucsday. Thoy rendered somo fine music. Tho&itnfilewitrtcurisayaif ft bottle of HCOTT'8 KMDI.BION OI' I'lllll! Cod Liver Oil, With Hypopao:pliHos. For ll'iulins VUeaset 0 Children. Where tho digestive powers aro fecblo 1 .1...,ia,v fund docs not seem to UUU 1U VIU.U..J . . . . nourish tho child, this acts both as loou citizen aud slnccru Chrlslhu mau, 1110 parish feels his loss but wo trust that our loss has been' his gain and that ho Is now awaiting In Paradise tho resurrection of the just. "Them which Bleep lu Jesus wH monov order not exceeding In amount S5 shall bo reduced from 8 to 5c. Tho sclicd ule fees to bo charged tho public for domes, tic money orders will bo as follows 1 For sums not exceeding $5, 5 cents; over SlOnnd uot exceeding ijlft. 10 ceuts ; over $15 and not exceeding 30, 15 ceuts ; over i?30 and not exceeding fc-iu, cents 1 over $10 and not exceeding $50, 25 cents ; over S30 and not exceeding 00,30 cents ; over SCO nnd not exceeding $70, 35 cents ; over S70 and not exceeding $80, 40 ceuts ; ovor $80 aud not exceeding lyiiw, 40 cents A IllHcovcry. Ex-Mnvor Daniel ft. Clvmcr. of Heading. announces the following valuable discovery: unions inhaled cause sleep, rest and re pose. Tlio soldier on his march and lho exhausted iron worker gel great strength from eating the otilon. Tie a fresh union around the neck aud bruise it to make its odor thorough, and you secure sound sleep from Its nightly Inhalation. and urinary organs. Disinfect and thoroughly with Darbys Prophylactic Fluid, the great germ destroyer. Prof, II. T. Lupton, of tho Vtuidcrbllt Uuiverslly, Tcnn.. snvs: "As a disinfectant and detei- gent Daruys l'rophylactlc t lulil Is superior to nny preparation wuu which 1 am ac qualnted," Iu tills ngu of adulterated goods It Is u pleasure to Hud an article that is absolutely nure. Such an articlu 13 Drcydopiiel's Bo rax Soap, and the prlco is so reasonable that there Is 110 excuse for anybody using common adulterated soap. jyuu. Puro blood Is absolutely necessary In or der to lmiIov ncrfect health. Hood's Sarsa parllla purities tho blood und strengthens tue system. lli.r features tun not refflllar. vet wbat .Had breath; a bitter or nn nttractlvo fuco she bus I" It is her bad taste in the mouth; beautiful hair. Onco it was thin, grayish . . . . ' I I 1 .1 I ft r..r Inn nF l.irl'i.1.111 UUU JUlllUili iV juw uutnts i lainuo Hair JJalsam wrought tlio transiormnlion, It will uo aa mucu lor anyuouy. ju . nhvbintic .J"al.8Wns.' LIVER COMPLAINT the oil of pennyroyal is left uncorKeu in a """","!- , ,, ,,. , Resolved, That tho Bccrctai bo ro. room ut night, not a mosuulto or any other anu mtu.,. - M lea t0 8Cnd a copy ?f this inlnulo to blood-suckers will bo found thero In tho onco, the family of the deceased. for prompt payment. "Who shall decide when doctors dlsurce ?" It H probable that n judicial proceeding will become necessary to settle tho question. Tho nervous, braiu.worklug type oi peo ple, such as lawyers, clergymen, buslne3 men and students aro tho principal vlcl'ms of hay fever. Bulla era may bo certalu that hay fever does not arise from an Im puro state of the blood. A local treatment Is the only way to euro It. Judgli.g from results, Ely's Crcum Balm Is the only spc- clno yet discovered. iTliCWyumliiK HciiiliifaryamI Coin uicrclal Collciic. Kingston, l'a., U a classical, scientific, nnd business school. Specialties: College pieparatlon, teaching p.nd business. Su. potior advantages lu music, art and elocu tion. 18 Instructors. Degrees given to lu. dies. Improved steam heat and Edison Incandcscint light throughout the build, lugs. CiTFall term beglua September 1, 1880. For calaloguo, address, Hev, L. L. Bi'itAOUK I). 1)., Principal. augl3.0lald. I'.cllpMU ol tlic Hllll. Thero will bo an eclipse of the suu Au. gust 2'JUi, two weeks from Sunday. It will bu visible lu this section from U to halt past 0 u. ir. About one-twelfth ot tho suu'a disc will bo covered, us observed here. Ull 1 Ull vain in the back, sides or joints, ojlen mistaken for rheumatism ; sour stom aeh; loss of appetite; bowels alter nately costive and lax; headache; loss of memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done; debit' ity; low spirits; a thick; yellow ap pearance of the skin and eyes; a dry cough, often mistaken for consump tion. How Guredd I have been amicted many years with dyspepsia, sick headache and affection of tho kidneys caused by torpid liver. 1 liaio tiled a great many remedies and physicians nrcscrlutlous without success, health fall. lug alllhu time. During last Fall and Win ter I was obliged to suspend the most ot iny lauor in my neiu 01 uuiuu jiissiuuury work on account ot my health. Early this taring 1 was Induced to try bliumons Uer IteguTutor, and have bad more real good health since then than (or jears before. 1 uso tho medicine to itllvo 1110 w hen, by ex posure or oier-exerllou, I dlscour tho suiptoins of uiy disease returning, lho Ktgulator relleies me al once, and Is moro satisfactory Iu Us effects thau unj thing of the kind I ecr tried. Iliaie also used It w 11 li good success in my family to ward on bilious attacks." Jos. K. Wutki.nK, Cum berland 1'ics, .Minister, Lebanon, Mo, OS 10 20 30 bushel 40 CO , 07 Wool per lb 35 Hides 5 to 7 Coal on Whaiif. No li $2.00; Nos 2. 3, 4 & Lump $3.25 No. 5 $3.00 Illtumlnus, $3.25 Philadelphia Markets COUItECTED WEEKLY. FEED- Western winter bran, spot. 14.C0 3 14.75 VI.OU1I Western extra's 3 10 A 3.5(1 : l'enna family, isTjit 4;lW Ohio clear, 4.S3 e 4.S0,wlnter patent 4.75 ( B.O': l'enna. roller process. 4.11) 3 4.i wheat l-eiinsylvanla red, no, 1, S7tf ItK-W. coliN. 17 is 51) OATH. No. 3 white 40 NO. 8, 41V HAY AND kthaw Tltnothy-Cholco Western and New no. fair to Kod Western and .cw ion., uuu 14 is no; meuium western ana .-mow York, V ll .: Cut hay as to duality 13. 15. ityo straw 15a beat straw. 10. oat straw V l IU. 1 ota TOES. New .vo ffll.oo per bbU linos. Pennsylvania 14; western 13. llU'lTElt Pennsylvania creamery mints 85 creamery Extra so, Western extra Hals, fair 10 a 1- LIVEl'OCI.THY.-Vowls, .IS 1111ESSEU roi'LTKY.-Chlckcns, 13 9 11 XbTbrower OAS FITTING iV STEAM. HEATINU UEALElt IN nrnrvim.t o rnrvMvr i nra 1 had clvcu myself up us lost because of W II I V IUi iT. I I VV A lYIV ll..,.!..Y c.l,;in Trlod i,..rvlli 111. fnr I w . ' 11 ""l purifying the blood wiliiout uciiciu uiun 1 used ranters 'i onic, ami can iruuiiiiiiy sav that It has cured me. 1 still uso it lor its splendid clfect ou my gencial hralth. 14. IV X.. Ull, W..lwt.v. lll!EIJ viirroitiA'a CKOMN. The ciown of Oueen Victoria consists of diamonds, pearls, rubles, sapplnrcb und eincrahU, set in silver und gold. Its gross weight Is 3D 11.. 3 ilwt troy, 1110 milliner nt diamonds nru 3.352: pearls. 273: rubles, 0; sapphires, l"i emeralds, 11. It Is an .old Baying- Uucasy Ilea the head that wears a crowu, 11 is ucuer 111 wcur uiu rrnwu of nerfccl health and licnco of mind through thu curative elfects of l'cr yrhm Ilaby waa tick, gv her Caatorla, When aha waa a ChlM, aha cried for Caatorla, When aha became Ulaa, aha clan; to Caatorla, When aho had Ctdldran, aha gar a them Caatorla, All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Hoof nig and bpouting promptly iittt'iided to. ivstrlct attention given to healing by steam. Corner ofMflain & East Sts., XSlooraiburg, Pa. rluo'a l'uro llarley MUt Whiskey, tor. I0 0 lbB woikeis, absolutely buic, sale bv O. 11. llobblus, Dlooiusburir, l'a. I dress, Tush Co., Augusta, Nalue. bend Mx cents for post and receive freca cost box of gixids which wll you to inuru luuuey away than amtliUur else tn this world. All, ot cither sex, succeed irom tlrsthour. The broad road to fortune opens be. AV uuee au iPRLl.1 Tako no other. morning.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers