SAMUEL J. TILDEN. sidenl by tho Domccraln. Tlio campaign was ona of tbo most notnblo In tho history uf tho country. It was under Governor Tildon's direct Jon, ami up to tho closo of tho polls wns wltliout n mistake. Its events nro Bnftioicntly fntnillar not to need re counting here, nnd tho question in volved by tho final setllemetit nro too complicnted to bo stated in detail in lha lime and ppaco nt our command. All honest nnd fair-minded men it! tho country boliovud and maintained that Mr. Tililcn was fairly elected to tbo l'resldenoy of tbo United States, nnd that ho was cheated out of it. Sinco tho closo of tho famous Presi dential imbroglb, Mr. Tildcn lias lived in retirement and almost in scolusion, lit falling health.prcvcntlng him from taking an active part in public nffairs during a greater part of tbo past eight or ten years' Ho did, indeed, direct more than ono subsequent campaign in an unobstriicllve way, through tho agency of devoted partisans who re ceived their inspiration from him, but thero was always more or less question as to tho prcciso psrt which ho had taken In tho political movements of tho day. In 1880, his name was, of course, brought forward in connection with tho Presidential nomination of bis party, nnd there were thousands who clamored for his "vindication.'' Ho declined, however, to permit tbo uso of his aamo tn tbo convention of that year. Again, in IRB-f, his warmest adher ents demanded that ho bo placed at tho head of tho tiokot,but on .Tunu 11 of that year ho wroto to Mr. Daniel Manning, then tho Chairman of tho Stato Com mltteo of Now York, reiterating his declaration of four yenrs boforo. Sinco then his only notable appear ance befnro tho pubbo has been as tbo writer of a letter to Speaker Carlisle, under dato of December 1, 1885, in which ho urged that tho surplus in the National Treasury should bo devoted to tbo improvement of our coast de fenses and tho construction of a great navy. Seven years aco Mr. Tilden deter mined to enjoy that repose which years of arduous labor in pnblio and pfivato affairs entitled him .to havo and which an ample fortuno enabled him to find. His physical strength was impaired ahd bis health, nover robust, was, with increasing age, becoming precarious. His vital organs were, however, sound. Ho needed and longed for uninterrunt ed quiet. Ho had always a fondness for tho country. Horses, sheep, dom ostic fowls, and even dogs wcro to him something moro than useful and orna mental appendages of a country estab- iistimcnt. icey wero objects of study and Bources of intellectual recreation and enioymont. Tho funeral was held at Groyetone on Saturday morning and tho remains were buried at New Lebanon. The body was attired in full dress, and it reposed in a double casket the outside ono beintr of Spanish red cedar cover ed with black silk plush, and tho in side ono ot copper liued with tufted satin, with a full length glass cover. Tho caskets wero placed in a solf-lock ing water and bnrglar-proof gravo vault, and this is incased in a marblo vault Mr. Tilden's fortune is estimat ed at S25,000,000,and is disposed of by win. nc was never married. A Husband's Neat Bevenge THN WAY SOME JEALOUS RIVALS EVEN WITH A MAIlItIRD 11EAUTV. Long Branch Corr. New York Herald. Husbands aro not always so blind as they seem. Ono of them nerformed a very clever act on Saturday afternoon. A young and handsome basso singer uC.uUlu iu uuu oi uio comio opera companies in Now York had been re- cuperating hero for several days, be devoted rather too much attention to a ,"'lu.'' "uurovo inner earn- age, walked with her on tho porches and Bat With her M the SamQ nlaco Until tho moon went to sleep. The flirtation grew very tiresomo to other married women who- had nothing of tho kind on baud. Somo meddlesome person ...uuufj ujcou "uuio iieanea puiinnuirop- IStS drOPPCd tho hUBband a nfltn fell, ing that if ho didn't want horns upon Ilia tiniwl l..M 1,(. .1 1. I Jus head lio'd better como down hero and look after his wife. Ho was not slow to tako the hint. Ho sent his spouso word that ho would be down on the 0:47 train, but instead of that ho came early in tho afternoon and bad tho extreme pleasure of seeing the equipago he supported for his wife drive up to reeeivo that lady and tho basso singer. When they had entered uio viciona no caned a public cab and iouoweu, uio road led toward l'leas- uro Bay, and when a long sunny stretch was reached ho Jiailed his own coach I J n,i . . . man uueau. i no man Knew his voice and pulled up tho grays. Tho hus band discharged tho hired cab and sent it back. Then ho stepped to his who s carnago and ordered her com panion to mount upon tho box beside the driver. Thero were signs of insub orainaiion nut no words, tor the hits uanu iiuieuy put nis nana into nis hm pocket (whero he only had a silk band- Kercniei, uo declares). Tho pretty Dinger iounu nimseit undone barred cut, as it wero. Ho took tbo cuo and mounted to tho box, and I sa.v tho party return, having been apprised by a mutual friend as to what was likely to ocur. Tbo husband ordered tho coachman to drive slowly past, in full .1 i.i i . . . I view of tho hotel, and everybody who knew tho young nitshcr saw hira seat ed on tho box besido tho Bletk driver IT. .1! i r iiv uiHuppearca soon alter ana every- uvuy voieu tno nuHuauu a pmiosoiiiier, It beats a kicking all to pieces. Blood Transfusion, A I.AWVKlt IN VKNTd AN IJtl'OltTANT MKI IQAI, lNaritlJJtKNT. " A series of experiments worn nrr. formed Tuesday at Milan, a Binall town in uio southern part ot Alicbiernn. that aro thought to make certain a great advance in ono branch of medical treatment. Mr. Kue-eno Allen ban nnr. fected an instrument which lie h.i I ,.!...... r' ------- iicuu ivuiKiiig at ror a numuer ot vears. for tho transfusion of blood directly from ono animal or person into another. ikuiuo ir vo uvi-tooiiio tno oniv !,,-. ... , : , r . .7 ' , ol! , eJ"81" b3 ?0l 1 10 mol cess of this operation, tho clotting of fllft IllAril ntii-l i nnnnni ffillAuiinx i . ... r ti. t i w .1 n 27, iii U 1 , "P"" meata a aiokabcep as placed at ono end of tho instruinent and u lll.-.lllliy I ono at tho other, and a very visiblo . . I chaugo for.tho better was the result in tlio sick ono. The other was then al lowed to bleed ns long n blood would now, aim was resusciatcd by blood taken from tho calf. Thero wcro pros- nr.r irfoart r,1(.t i t in' f VH IWUDDUID LAULIIJI1 UI1U J Ilk II lilt! U I I Ilm mwlionl denerhn.nt f lwi otnln I university, and four or five local phy slciaus. Tho professors took an instru ment baok to Ann Arbor,.-,. It will probably bo introduced in tHNiospitnl tnero. mo inventor is a iww vver liv .i rnfoaa!n n,l n.-n.,n.l n fnt, .T-nn,!. V i.niii ill i,ni.i,nJ...;ntin.i i.i Ilnllu ln .... u,,l,' - UbUUII VUdllftillVU VU f'itl I A Tho Patal Lightning Stroko. Tho casualties by lightning strokes havo been unusually frequent this sea son In tho destruction of both life nnd property. Tbo electrical disturbances iiavo been urcntcr thin is common, and tho larger percentage of fatality is uiuh lugiutiuy uxpiniiiuu I um uio inui that nearly every day reports a start ling record of fatal results from light ning, should impress upon pcoplo gen erally tbo necessity of employing every re.monnhlo precaution against sueli casualties. It is hardly possiblo to ' pcifectlv guard person and property from tho disastrous results of tho lightning stroko but n large majority of tho cases reported could havo been pre vented by tbo exorcise of common sciiso precaution. Tho man who takes shelter under mi isolated tree in n thunder storm, docs his luvcl best to cxposu himself to tbo fatal stroko. Nearly or quito half of all tho casual ties by lightning nro invited by tbo victims by taking shelter under largo tiees, which must attract a discharge of electricity if it comes anywhere near them. Mnnv people at work in fields or traveling on tbo highway, are unable to find shelter from sudden thunder-storms ; but when rcfugo must bo taken out of doors, let it. bo in tho smallest bushes or trees wlu.'ih can bo found, The Indians had a tradition that tho beach tree was protected by tbo Great Spirit from tbo licbtninc stroke, and tho con of tho forest al ways took rcfugo under tbo boughs of the beech i but tho only protection tho Great Spirit gave to tho beach tree, wns to causo other trees to grow larger and attract tho electrio dischargo to themselves. At best a treo affords but little shelter from n thundor-storm and in most cases a bush or a fonco would afford equal protection with greatly lessened danger. Tbo proverbial lightning-rod man is responsible for tbo loss of many lives ami much property by lightning, bo sides cheating tho sufferers out of their money. A very largo propoition of tbo lightning-rods erected in the rudest nnd most unsightly manner on country bouses and barns, only aid in attract ing tho deadly lightning stroko without affording any protection to either life or property. Good lightning rods aro very useful and in most cases will fully proteot both person and houso ; but only tbo beBt, erected bv a thor oughly compotcnt operator, who fully understands causo and effect m dealing with lightning, aro worth anything. They must bo made of tho best materi al ; tbey must bo put up to diffuso tbo electrio current as soon as it reaches tho conductor ; they must cover every vulnerable point, and they must end in tho earth at a depth that will bo cer tain to proffer moisturo to scatter the deadly stroke. Tho present cheapness ot copper brings tho best lightning conductors within tho reach of all who can afford any protection to their buildings Tbo copper wiro cable is tbo only rod that should bo used, ns each strand of tho cablo presents a largo conducting surlaco and a small rod is tnus equal to a much larger solid conductor. In stead of high rods running up nt one or two points ot tlio root, each vulner able point of a building should have a manv-pronged point, and each should connect with an encircled conductor around the base of the roof, with two or moro escapes to tho moist earth, or into a cistern. A building thus pro tected, will be safe from all ordinary lightning strokes, and persons in houses thus protected need not take thn pre caution to snut windows and doors or tn nltiHn draftR of .lamti nir. an liritmnrr will never leavo a good conductor to'ily on to a Dad one. it will como in on currents of damp air if it can find no better way to reach tho earth, but will always adhere to a properly con structeU liglitmng-rod unless tho con ductor is insufficient to con vnv tlin p.linvrrn nf nWfrinitir The possibility of an overcharge sug- costs tho wisdom of tbo Conner cablo with its immeuso 'conducting surfaco in a small space. When in "buildings not protected by conductors, windows n.,,1 .Innra uliniilil l,r CilUr nlnou1 during thunder-storms, and inmates . .? , ... . . . Bhould avoid proximity to chimney;, as they arc most likely to bo mado the improvised conductors of an electric digebargo ; but being bad conductors the charge is liable to lly off with any moist current in other directions. Lightning, with all its alleged freaks, scrupulously obeys tho laws of naturo and of common sense.. In point of fact, what aro often published ns "freaks of lightning" aro no "freaks' at all, but simply the electric dischargo following the best currents of attract- ion within us leach. It is amenable to all tbo laws of common souse, and common sense precautions only aro necessary to protect lifo and property lrom its lata! stroke. Houses aro much lees exposed to lightning than barns. Especially at this season of tho year, whon the heat ed gases lrom now crops invite light ning for many yards beyond the" at tracting power of tho building itself, unprotected barns aru much exposed to lightning, nnd, in most cases, tho barn is instantly enveloped in flames. Thcso facts emphasize the necessity of lightning conductors tor every barn that is mado the receptacle of crops ot hay and gram ; but it tho average peripatetic lightning-rod man is allow- l'uil'tu:u Ui!lliuiiii;iuu man jo iwiuw- ed & do til0ob,as a rule, bo will only expose the barn to greater danger than if left without conductors. Thero are intelligent and rt-sponsiblo men who erect lightning rod, ami they should be sounht out and employ ed to tho exclusion of all cheap clap trap operators eniaircd in tlio trade- in short, farmers should oxcrciso tho samo iutcllii'cnco In protecting their barns nnd houses from lixibluiuir that tbev exercise in tho selection of their implements and machinery. Thero is no special science in erectiui' Hinit- "ig conductors, but thero is room for tho employment of at least average comruou sense, nnd if that wero done. thero would bo verv few casualties to 5 , euner person or property irom tno lightuing stroke. Times. riu. nna ,,n;,. i, vver uttc million IypeIa Tablets tw'0, - vo' niontb . I t!H of Ackers Bold in tlio past purely upon their miviiid. ,f liy nuuut wiui vuiutiiu vuil stipalion, Dysneimia, Sour Stomaoli, Si'k Hdaollc. lear bum. and l-'cmalo trnuli r.o ivlinn I II nfl nn MIV IJ ST II W II u a 1III.IULI UIIIL1D you relief and positive cure in tho Dyspepsia Tablets. No sells them on gitarrautce. j. it. fiercer wisnes io mako an assertion, which Iio can back with a . . . POSIllVO gliaraUieO. Jl IS all about Acker's Blood Elixir. Ho claims for it superior merits over all other reined ics ot its kind, and guarantees tor it a positive nnd sure euro for lthuuinatism. Svlililllitl. ruwt nil lilnn1 iliunrtlpra it -:" CCS 1110 SKIII ITOIll 81)018 nild UlSCaSO, and loaves tho comploxioii clear ASK IUIH BOOUt 11. I I t 1 . . THE COLUMBIAN tVNDJDEMOCRATBLOOMSBUJlG COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. hay fever catarrh if atttnani ov an In jtamntcotittlm of tin ItnlnginembraHeoftlu livflrllt, tcanliirU nnd IhrouL An acrid tmic-j on It nvreteil, arrow- jnnnl iffft a Inirntno tentatlnn, ttrtrt tpannt of wetting, Srvpicnt attack nf heaitacht, tcattrv ami Injtnmntiiio. Cream liatm rim tit (IrwuiVil, ' to viw ivnv "'utv.trurD nnct n ml mn ft JCJBsT d f A piirllclo Is npplloit Into fucli nostril nnd la nsfiwablo. I'rlco mi cents nt ilmugtali; lj iimll, tvKlitcml, en cents, circulars ireo. Kl.Y linos. Drusrghts, owego, N. Y. Jy-si-lt-a. SCOTTS EMULSION OF PORE COD LIVER OIL Almost as Palatabloas Milk. Tho imlj r"Tfllon COI I.1VK11 OIL tint run bo taken rmrilly auil lolcrateil for a long Unt6 1t dcllrato kloimith. ixn as t iiKvrnv rott fnvsrMrTtnv, SI I10H1I.IU S ,Ul4,t NOV.. A.AHIIA, (II, . Hiu, nuiil.iii. col (ins ami 'union' At'. H.CIIIIXS, unil til HAMIMI lllMllilll.HH (If (llll. Illll X It l inmrllnni In IN n-.uln. i'lrgcribi-i) and rinlorac-tl liy tho best I'hyBlclann 111 lha coutittli of tho world. For sale dy all druggists, oct-ss-ir. I'pmiof Irunla (or THE I..YKI-. HIKIItr. MASONIC RELIEF ASSOCIATION of Krlo. Pa. Tor particular wrlto with references or call on Wll.lllMKon, General Atictit, Krlo, Pa. UfcTjy301m. RAUGH'S $25 PHOSPHATE mmF - tiAQlf Contains the Ufa and Iwnco of rRhUt MRni Animal nones. C1IKA1, II"1 liKl.iAitr.E. 1.ASTINO utflPBAUGH&SONS JrK LLbT Manufacturers. t I Ti PIHtADKLPHlA, PA. WA",i-kv ForSuloliy C.W.I.OW, miiiLisiir.u isss. Ornnr.evllle, Pa. nOIVr.jYTlR pays for LIFE BUUOli Aliailip In BUSINESS COLLEGE 1709 CbtitiDl 51., I'kiliddfbij. Positions for Ornduatos. Time roqulred 3 to 4 mos. Tbo Best Kqulppod. Host Course of Btudy. Best Ev erytblnc. Write fur CircuUra. J 0 Cms. p c. BIDPATH'S Cyclopedia ot Universal History IN 3 IMPERIAL OCTAVO VOLUMES ; CONTAINS fi.4HS1 Tjiri-n. lloilblf--Collllllll Pni-f-S. 1,'tlO lloatitirul Wood As Sitoel DiiKravliigs a Utilored lllsttrirai jhhh. O ColorPtl Clironulof-lcal Charts, ni fletienloclrnl Dlntrrnnis. A Coiilotis nml lUeRiuitly l'rotiaroil Imlcx. It Is Klegantly I'rlntcl "nil lfnmiil.nml Is Tlio Heat Illtiatruteil hook on mo .Tiuriict A HISTORY OF ALL 1TATI0NS. AGENTS WANTED! NIWB90X. LIBISAL J!IS!3. CBCICS IIBBIIOW, FAULKNER & ALLAN. 1S10 lrllbort btrect, l'lillailoliilila, Pernio. fcb-20-0m. PROPRIETOR OF Exchange Earlier Shop Bath Aoom At the old stand, under the Exchange Hotel, BL OOJISBURG, FA TO FARMERS ! Any ono In wont of tlio BUCKEYE lyiHiY Glass Feed Fertilizer, Grain Drill, Gider Mill or any thing Manufactured by the Company, can get them of AARON SMITH, HUCKIIORN, PA. npr. 10-Gms. LANCELL'S ASTHMA AND CATARRH REMEDY. . SOLD BY MA, DRUGGISTS. Having struct'lcd iw years between life ana death with ASTHMA or -IITIIISIl1. trented hi- viutiicui. pu , Mi-lulls, urn ri-ufiviu iiu ueneni, J was compelled rturlns tlio last 5 years or ley lit- ness to Bit on mv choir dar and nlvht. o-aMiiup fm- breath Jly mrrcrtneawcro bejond descr'pllon. ... a va,,ciiiui;iili.-U UI1 1I1JIH.-U VJI UU1U- poundlnc roots and herbs and lnhalinir tho mcdl. clno thus obtained. I rortunatelirrii-bnvered ttii M)N1)KHKUI, CUItE KOU ASTHMA AND CA TAltllll, warranted to relieve tlio most btubboin casoot ASTHMA IN FIVE JUNUITS, llmt the I.ul.vui uun uuuuwii iu ii-bt uiiumLVtJcumioriaoiy. 'lease read tho following condensed extracts from unsolicited testimonials, nil ot recent date: Other v. It Holmes, Kan Joso, CaL, writes: ! iinu uiu mueuy an ana even more man repre tented. 1 recclvo instantaneous relief." K. 31. Carson. A. St.. U'nrrcn. K'nnenct writes: Vas treated bv t-minenr niivkioinnn nf this country and Uermany; tried tho climalo ot different states nothing nilorded relief into your jiuiiuiauuii." WIS3.. writes: "llao used tho llemedy. Would not live without It. i:erv ono Hint tnj.q ir. rp- L. 11. I'helps, r. St.. Ciilggs. Ohio, writes: "Suf. fered with aMlima to year?. Your medlclni) In 3 uiiuuii-a uoi's more tor ino t mu tlio most eunuent Iiuybiciau Hid ror ino in inreo jetirs." It. C. rilllnnton. .Inllf t. III., wrlten- Keml nn. tarrli Itemcdy at onco. t'annot get ntong without It. 1 llnd It to bo tho most valuable incdlciuo I havo ever tried." !eo. W. ilradv. Nelson f'n . l.'v. u-rltnu- tt m using the remedy. (lalnedH pounds In 3 weeks, would not bo without It." Martin Fox, uttlo Falls, N. V.. writes: "Find Itemcdy excellent. Could not live- without It." V elia0 Uianv Other ltejlirv tt Imnnlnlsinr purn or relief, nnd In order that all sufferers from Asth ma, uumrrii, nay rcver, and undrcd diseases may liaoau opportunity ot testing tho value of the ucmeuy a win send io any address T11IA1. 1'ACK. Air4 r ju-.r. ur i.-ji.itui-.. Aautess, J. ZIMMUItJIAN CO., Proprietors, t liolesalo Druggists, Wooster, Wayr.0 ca, o. Full sue box by malt f 1. muyMy. DVHlaiiHiA. its Nature. Causes, l'rcven tlon and Curt), llvdohn II. MeAtvln. Itwel jtiuss.. n )eurs tax coiiecinr. Kent. rnn mnnv nn dress. - Iuly,si4wd moro money than nt anything elsobytaka Injf an ot't-ucy for tho bebt belllni; book out Jietftuners bueceed t-rnndly. None fall Trims free, tin i cti-Itnnir fn lvntrf.u Maine. idccl8 65. Tho Jobbing Dopnrtmcnt of 1 VIP OFJICE is well Blocked with material for doin all kinds of printing. Calling Mi in great vurioty. All kinds of kept in stock. Siieeiul prices on Jnrtjo orders. OJIico iintl door below ISxclmngo Ilotol Main Street, jji.ooaisuuita, pa. 10 D. EXHAUSTEDVITALITY ILLUSTRATIVE Snmplo FREE KNOW THYSELF. A Urcat Modlcal Work on Manhood, Nervom ni Thecal nebllltr. rrcmattiro Uccllno In Man, Kthanitcil Vitality, Ac, Ac, and tho nntold ml - cries reuniting from Indiscretion ot cxccmcs i too pages, ubttantlatty bound In gilt, muslin. Con Ulnamoro than US lnva.lin.Mo prcsctlpllona, em bracing every vrgctablo remedy In the pharma copcola for all acnto and chronto dlaeasea. It la emphatically a book for every man. Trlco only 1 by mill, lKt paid, concealed In plain wrapper, ir.t.tJMTItATtVi: HAMI'I.H l'ltl'.IS T( AM. Vonng and middle-aged men for tho next ninety dnya. Send now, or cnt this out, as you may never fco It again. Address Dr. W, II. I'AllKKH, 4 Uut finch street, Boston, Mass. feb.5-d. ly, raw bone Mmm& A."l.1IO?(IAowwincirociilf&T fertlllxinirrroi'cr. which, without It, woiUtl lack (hit tlciocnt lucvt neoleJ to tunMMn runi mt tiiuititiiif rri Al ill u in inti HtngMiiftron Mltnani ol all trowl land. Thp toil f nrulMirii lOatiti with rhoapborlo Actd n! they in tnn jlfl t It to RDimtU, to be unoil In formation of tliftr tnf . No fertilizer li moro Tahuhle In H ptTnt than one which contalni Ammonia and rliom-horic Acta dcrlvod from Autmal Dodo Uaio, Tho tare ot BAUGH'S $25 Phosphate Is Animal Bones, and It Is a rest Ammonlalert Done Mmir.rilioer.hati!. which pmlncs by means of Hvclal advantiutcs In inanufacturltif. Srnit fur llnuali'" rhoitilinlo (Ilildo nnd lurtuer inntrmnim" THE ORIGIN At- Manufacturers of RAW-BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE BAUGH & SDNS Manufacturer & Importers PHILADELPHIA, PA Use the Original Baugh's $25 Phosphate. (Feb 20 15 CENTS FORSAMPLC COPY tf THI 111 Mi l IFIII. HOIIK, UctveMlieURGUACC nnd Sifltlmtit ot Cvirf Flower aid Ihrvk, ;iuimi illll rent kinds. Aim hi thn Known fUliiQl Ftlrla tlon ulth Clove, Ptrnol HiirllfirckUl rirta. 1 in the matt conplilmorlc or llie Kinu epr pun Centwn Rtaimii for a ttniiiplcrnpy, uho our prlci'tonKCiit-1. Agents wantra ivtnwniri. au, 17 North TinlhStrtit.Phllitl'i.Pi SINGER OA J A t .DAIS' TKIAIji ID A I'utl Net of Attncllltlpiil M WAI1RANT11I K "5Z"orvl'ia. Send for m virviiiiir. E. C. HOWE CO, '123 N.Otll HU, Villi., l'tt. Apr. S 4w. f IBSt PREHIDM, Pi(ILAD.'.JS76. Oranil Prlio Meilnl, Paris, IS78. Askyonrdrocerforlt. 'm. Hreyiloppel.Mfr, Ml North Front Street, fHILAUKH'lIIA, l'A, June 4 80 ly. Adams' Patent Metallic PICKET rcNec $1.75 per rod and upward: SPECIAL QUOTATIONS. All kinds of Iron Fence!, Gates, Fire Esc f IJDktinc MtBICAN PUS. CO Mm,, IRA fmJkJ PAT. IRON A M. R 3 piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii TKCC CUARD lion Work in all styles- Coal Screens a specialty. Iron Ladders, Wheels & Cresting. Blstksmlthtng In ill branches. Estimates furnlitied. EAGLE IRON WORKS, Cor. Union fc Canul Sts. WILKES-BAHRE, PA march 12.80-ly. Wnrrnnteiltliomost perfect Force-Feed lVrtlller Drill In existence. Send for circular. A. B. FARQUHAR. York, Pa. augoBOiyald. N.W.AYER&SQN ADVERTISING AGENTS dtSKg PHILADELPHIA t-'or. CIli'Htllllt mid I:IhIiU m.-. Iteeelto AiHcrlLenieiila for Uila Purer. ESTIMATES Sf TOViffi FREE B.gfflft,','AYEB & SON'S MANUAL flelJi arc acarre, but thona hn writ to SUoSOn A CA..rorlIlttd. Mtln.lll tnemiwn free, full Inrortnitioo about work which they ran do, and iv at home, that will py thorn from 5 to 25 Mr dar. Home hare earned owr $.' loamy. Kithenei.yourjcof old. Capital not require J. Vou are itarted Trea. Thosu wUo start at oac are aUglutclj mit c( luuv Utile fgrtuoca, Ml I new, Nov. SOW ly. cj with: vi miles iin c. siioinxiixiirs acahkm v, Oil YOUNG MEN AND IIOYB. MKI11A. l'A. miles from l'ulladelnlila. l'ixeil nrlco co era u.i-ij even uwhL au, iueMra euarkea. No incidental expenses. No examination ror ad mission. Tvrclvo experienced teachers, nil men, and all graduates. iJnccIal onnortunlllcs ror ant btudcntH to advance rapidly. fecclal drill for dull and backward boys. I'atrons or btuilcnts may m. leet any btudlea or cliooso tho roirular Kngllali, M- cuiiui. iusiite&s, i-iaisicai ur i-ivii;inecriuir courso. students tltted at Jledla Academy are now In llaivard, Yale, l'rluceion and ten other CoItcL'es ami l'olj teclinlo scliools. 10 htudents sent to collepro In 183, 15 In 1BSI, 10 In ln-j, iu In 1K-.0. A irraduatlnir class iterv nnrln llm mm. merclal department. A I'hytlcal and Chemical i.uuuruiurj, in mnasium nnd nail (irounil. isuo VO.S. added 10 llbiarv In 1kK.'1. 1MivsIc.iI nmnmliK uuuuii-ii iu ioa. icuiu iius seven cuurcucs nnu a temperanco charter wlilcli prolilbtts the sale ot all Intoxicating drinks. For new illustrated circular uuv.t v .l.v , lUllj'lll U1IV. 1 .Uj'.lC.UI, & 1 i 111 IV V.. BuiJiui.iuuts, A. -vi., (iiarvaid urauuate,) .Media, l'ciin'n. (AuB.(i,h(i,iy. PATENTS L btalned and all natent business ntrended tn rnr mode-rut o fees. our onice la opposite the U. 8. Patent Otllco, and wo can obtain Patents In less time than those re- uiuieirum vt asmngion. Bend model or drawlnir. Wo advlso astonat. entabllltyfreoofcliarso, andwociako no cUarae unless patent Is secured. We refer here, to tho Postmaster, tho supt. of , uu, j "luei j'n., aim iu uiut-iais oi me u. o. Patent Oltlce. l'or circular, advice, terms and references to actual clients In your own blate or fwuut, nitiuiu C. A. SNOW & CO., M Oppositn lUtcat onico, VsliingtOD, u 0 an 9-ti EXCHANGE HOTEL, W. It. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BL09USBUE3, FA, OrPOSITKCOOHT UOUSB, Lari: cf and convenient sample rooms. Hath rooms hot aud cold water and all modern conveniences Piu:s oh miMOHiuioins.-vi.cKits llbsiire, Itching, fistula, Ae.,cuml without pain by tho Iiuinkeuiioh' Thkatjikm'. Illustratnl papers explaining thusvstein and iontniniiiL.ri.r. ereuces scut free. Address J. W. GOOLlBQJi. M. J) 208 Wyominy Ave, Scranton, J'u, Tini (ikkat IS:; i! tho an aiisoi.uti: ctntr. rou CATARRH. nHM tnt flnhbnrn riws yield remllly to It I nn,l I, in not fulled to (fun, a Mnjrlo eno -V where directions nro followed. ItAfucr-oM 1ms been rcinnrkabloand Its cures wonder ful, It Is tlio ino'tsurocstrul prepnratlon In tlio timrketfor fJATAltltll ntut tlio only una Hint proiiiiFri. mi .i,Kiiiiiie, i-i,uiro mire, ll is tl ruly a blcffstnir to tunnklrut. A Trial la all llacil. It lfl nlirnvi that Is ncki'it fur It. Once used, It Is altrars rrcoiutncndcd. cures. Kond for testimonials of actual IT HA no i-qtfAt. ron MALARIA. A POSITIVR CUKE IS ASSURED. Ono bottle Is ncncrally sumclcnt for a cure. Stop taking (lulnlne. A trial only Is asked for Km. I.mi's (Utaiiuii ItkMunr, It Is a srnciFIU for nil il (senses nrlslng fromnii tinpuro blood and drives all eruptions from tlio skin, for Syi lil lltlc complaints It Is superior toany preparation In tlio market, (Ino bottlo will euro must of tho rollimlnK complaints and a continued uso will rosmvELY euro. Havo doctor bills and try It, HHEUJIATISM. SCROFULA. SKIN KHUPTIONS. VKNKKKAI. DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA. LOSS OP APPETITE. PEELIKU OP LANUOUH. HIMOUSKESS. I.IVEK TUOUIU.ES. NERVOUS 1VEAKNESS. FEMALE 1VEAKNESS. KKttcn'H I'ATAimii IIkmkiiy is no patent medicine, but a saro nnd pleasant prepnratlon to take nnd surely tlio irrcntcst modlcnl dlscov. cry of tho nice. Ono bottlo rejuvenates thocntlro system and poessci moro virtno than a half ilorou bottles of ordlnnry patent preparations. Wrlto for testimonials nnd other Information. l'or sale bydrmrirlsts trcnerally. l'illCi: M1.00 A IIOTTI.K. SIX HOT TI.11S roll !r00. On receipt of 85.00 by tho manufacturers. Hamitkt. !'. Ivwr.T.ien Sl (!n.. Itarrbliiiryr, I'a., six bottles wilt bo sent oxprcss '.IIU. 1 wnrn-niil." " riiiil,ui-ii. ,1, 1ilt!tiHi.,1 FOlicol tcncli"i-s, inllllni-i-s, wutiivtit'ssi. Iiousp- klui'i rs. inni nirr-woiKCd wotnen c;elicrilliy, Dr.l'lomi'n l'nvmlti) riiwriptiou Is tbo best ol nil ifstmut U a tun iiu. 1 1 U not n " Cure-all," but lulinlinlily ltilillin u elnirlciKws of pui-io', lielntr n most isitcnt Sp-eltlo lor all thoso Cluouio Weaknesses nnd DisiMses jioctillar to wiimen. It Is n iMwinful, ircncinl n well as liti'ilne, tonln nnd nervine, nnd Impaits vlrmr nndstictmth to thowliot(sv8tcni, Itpromptlr elites HMikness of stninncli, ImliccM Inn, blnat. Imr, weak back, iicvviiiis pmsliiillon, debility and slecplctsiiiws. In I'llherscv. l-'nv oi lto ln. scriptloii Is sold by ilrtisorlsu under our (fee (tutrriiifn. Sco VMiiiii, ii niniind bnttK I'rlco iJl.tIO, or his buttles lor $.",.()(). A laiu-o tixiitisn on Dlsensm of Women, tins fuselyllluitratiHlwItli eolouil plates mid nil Inenius wocsl-ctits, sent lor 10 cents In etiimps. Address, Wonui'8 Disi'k.ns miy MlMiirvi, Association, ik Jluln stmt, llutrnlo, N. V. SICK Iir.AlsACIIt:, lllllnus Hradatlie, and Constipation, promptly cured by Dr. l'icico's l'elkts., . by driirKlsts. RAZIjROAS TIMS TABLE. ELAWARE, LACKAAVANNA AND WESTEItN 1U1L110AD. BLOOMSBUKG DIVISION. NOltTII. STATIONS. SOUTH, a.m. a.m. p.m. 10 9 15 2 05 0 15 9 20 2 10 6 20 9 20 2 15 0 27 9 ai 2 22 0 31 9 41 2 30 p.m. p.m. a.m uu la au 8 04 12 art 8 48 is as 8 40 18 15 8 3:) 12 08 8 27 12 01 8 2-' 11 58 8 II 11 51 8 12 11 50 8 08 11 47 8 08 11 47 8 0.1 11 42 7 59 11 38 a so, 8 so ..wanton. ...Hcllevue. .TavlorvlHn 8 It 8 111 8 10 8 03 7 S8 Lackawanna.. 1'iusion ..West l'lttston. ....Wyoming.... . . ..Mnltby".... Bennett. . ,, ....Kingston.... ....Klnirston .... O 40 9 47 2 0 45 J 52 2 41 7 51 7 60 u 49 U 51) 2 0 51 10 00 2 7 47 7 47i II 58 10 05 2 50 0 58 10 05 2 50 7 4: Plymouth .Tunc 1 02 10 10 i oa ....riymoutn.... 1 31 ....Avondale. . 7 3D ....Nnntlcoko... 7 07 10 15 3 00 7 12 10 20 3 05 7 15 10 25 3 10 7 54 11 31 7 50 11 30 7 43 11 2.1 7 30 11 12 7 18 11 dO 7 11 10 SI 7 05 10 47 6 58 10 41 6 51 10 as 6 60 10 31 2J,llunlock's creek 7 23 10 82 3 7 12 shlckshlnnv 7 37 10 44 3 aa 7 00 .Hick's Ferry.. .Ucach Haven,. Uerwlck .... .Hrlar Creek.,, .Willow firove.. ...Llmeltldgo... Espy ..llloomsuurg ... ... ltttnnrf 7 su 11 11 a 0 51 0 41 6 41 7 57 11 Oil 3 58 8 01 11 134 05 8 10 11 20 4 1 8 14 11 25 4 16 8 18 11 29 4 20 8 25 11 3114 27 0 34 0 27 0 21 0 10 6 42 10 27 6 30 10 21 6 30 10 10 6 25 10 11 6 08 0 6(1 0 00 8 49 8 30 11 44 4 34 8 30 II 50 4 40 8 41 11 65 4 46 6 ll'Catawl'a llrlnVe 5 5oi. ..Danville 8 DJi 12 13 5 04 5 49 ....Chulatky.... 9 05 12 205 12 5 45 .... Cameron.... 9 08 12 255 11 5 32 Northumberland 9 25 12 406 35 5 55 9 45 5 40 9 32 p.m. am. .iu.i ia.m, a.m. p.m W. P. IIAI.STEATI. Sunt Superintendent's onico. Scranton, reb.lst.iss Pennsylvania Railroad. dl Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divi ion, and Northern Central Railway. IWI TUt TAP I C In effect June i:ithiR.i Mr, trains leavo Sun uury. EASTWAHD, 9.40 a.m.. KCa Minrn rmrwia Mnflv nvr.AT.4- Klinitnv. fr 11-irH.I.IIn, nr.., I if. ! n.J,n, ' . ... ., J . v "ulu-n"ieuimuHUllluils, aj.i,iuti u. 1 uuimcipuiu ti. id p. m. ; kcw york, 6.20p.m.; lialtlmoro, 4.40 p.m.; Washington o.wp. m connecting at Philadelphia for an sea uuiuvs. iiiruugu passenger coach -i 1.10 p. m. Day exrircss aai y except sunday),rorlIarrlsburg and lnterme- dlate stations, arriving at Plifl . lull adolphl 6.50 n. m, New York, 9.35 "oS'p. in, ; lialtlmoro 0.43 p. m, vvusiuugion, . m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches i . b "i.iiv.Hit. uuu uaiiiuiore. 1,1-1 p. m. iienovo Accommodation n. (dally for llarrisburg and all lntcnnedlate stations, nrrt v. irg lei us iiuuui-ii'uuw w u. m. ; isew iorK7.30 Ualtlmore, 5.25 a. tn. ; Washington 0.8O a. New York 7.30 a. m. sleeping car accommodations can bo secured it HarrlsbunrforPhlladelniiinnniiK'pw vnri- .w. days a through sleepfugcar will bo run; on this train from WllTlamsp't to Plilladelphla.Plilladelphla 7 aTm moitciiui-unuisiurnca unil to a. m. Erie Sf nil (dally except Monday. for llarrisburg and Intermcdlato stations. and lntermedtatn arriving at Philadelphia 8.25 a. m. New York, 11.30 a. in. ; lialtlmoro 8.15 a. m. ; Washington, 9.: o-m. Through Pullman sleeping cars aro rune this train to Philadelphia, lialtlmoro and Washlni Ington. 9.2: cars aro run on ton, and through passenger coaches to vvasninii Phllade: puiu ivuu uaumiuru. VVKN'l'VVAWIl. &.10a. m Erin Mnll Mntlv ...... ki,..., A Erie and all lntcrmedlato stations nim ivmintu' lrua and Intenneritntn stnllnnu l.niw.cir.. nnnit Mlni.nrd Valla xuit I, , 1. . ...... I. i,..,,.t . uttia auu passenger coacnes to lirio and Itoch- 9.5:1 Nows Express (dally except Sunday) for l.OU D. in. Nlui?flrl t-'xnrpMS (l.illv pv.nn, j..n day) for Kano aud lntcrmedlato stations and Can- unuaigua ana principal intermcdlato stations. HOChester. lluffalo and N'lae-nrn. IVnlla L-iti! throuuh Das&eneer coaches tn ivAnnnnri iinni,..,.. 5.30 p. m. Fast Line (dally except Sundayjfor Ito nov 0 aud Intermediate stations, and Elmtra, Wat kins and Intermcdlato stations, with through pas. scnger coaches to ltcnovo and Watklns. .u a. m.-sunday mall for ltcnovo and lntcrrae- THIIOUQU TRAINS l'Olt SUNIlUlty yitOJt THE ACiU BUU 1 11. onuuuv mail leaves I'niinneiniiin a sn n m llarrlsburtr 7.40 en n m u.1,1. iuiuuu sieepiucur irom 1'uuaaeipuia to Wit llamsport. News Express leaves Phlladclnhla a.m. Itarrlhburg, s.10 a. m. dally except Sunday arriving at Sunbury 9.5J. a. m. ' ' Ntntrnrn TTvnrpoc, Ion... uuwiufum, i,u u. iu, ; uunuiiuru a. m. taany except bunday arriving at sunbury, l.uo p. in., with through Parlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from Phlladel. rui.Huuuaaiuuic. , Past line leaves Now York o.oo a. m. ; Phlladel more, 10.45 a. m,, (dally eicept'sunday) arriving at u.uu ,,uu iuivuuu passenger rnnrhfs (mm I'lilln.tinl.t.i , n....! -kl ciiujiuuieuvusnuvv 1 orK o.uu p. m, ; Phlladel- puia. I1.2UH. in. : woshlnetcn. uluin m aw p. in, more, i;.2U p. in., (dolly except.Saturday) arriving at bunbury 6.10 a. m., Willi through Pullman Sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and Ualilmoro and through passenger coaches (ron? UllUUCll'UlU, HllNlllIItV, IIAZI.1CTO.V it tVII.KI!Mll tltH); IIAII.UII.VU ANll Ml It Til AMI W'KHT UV M1I ltill.WAV. fDallv exeenr. stin,iiiv.v WTlkcsbarro Hail lenves Kiinbtirv mm a r. iinlvlng at Illoom Ferry 10,63 a. m., Wllkes-barr'e Express East leaves Sunbury 6.35 p. m., arriving i UlOOm Ferrv IL24n.ln.. WllLpu.lM.rr,, 1 KS ,, BUnbliry Mall leaves Wllkpsti.irrn in dun n'rrlv. Ing at Uloqm Ferry 12.05 p. in., Huubury 12.65 p. m nxpress west, leaves vi iikes-barro 2.45 p. m., ar. riving at Dloom Ferry 4.15 p. m.,bunbury'p.m SUNDAY ONLY. tsunday mall leaves sunbury 9.25 a. m arriving t illoom Ferry 10.11 a. m.. Wllkes-llano lino o.ui. Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkes-Uarro 6:10 lop' arrlv"1 81 Ul00m i'err'i P- w-s sunbury, ciIaJk. PUOII, J. 11. WOOD. uen.Maiiager, ocn. Pas&entcr Agent rRENon KiNaa First Charlomngno did rctgn, Then IaiuIs DoTjonnalre And Charles tho Data succeeded htm, Whllo touts was Clmrlo's ltclr. Ahother 1mis on tho throno, Willi Cntlonmn wd boo, llut Charles tho "fat" soon takes their place, ltulcr of ricrmnny. Ami then tlio Franks cliooso IrawCountenden, Then ' Simple" Charles comes on, Then Ittutolpli reigns for thirteen years, Then Iuls firth, Cltarlcs' son, And next in order, King fitlialre, And Ionia nftlt wo trace, Theso were tho Init of what It called, Tlio Cnrlortnglan race. And next nrlso the Capet line, Tho nistwns Hugh, I ween, And ploui ltobert follows ot, With ConsUnco hh proud queen, And Henry first, and Phillip llret. And Louis sixth wo nco, And Louis seventh, called "Lo Jenne, " A treacherous king was ho, Philip Augustus now comes on, A monarch fond of strife, And Louts eighth next takes the throne, With lilnncho his royal wife, Then Louis mutii "Tho HalnC appears, And Philip third, "Tho Hold." And Philip fourth, "Tho Fair," Is next, Among tho kings enrolled. And Louis tenth reigns for two years, Then l'hlllptltihwespy, Fourth Charles "Tho Fair," and Philip sixth And John "Tho flood," pass by, Tlireo Charles, Louis eleventh, and Another King Charles toj, And Louis twelfth, tho wiso nnd good, Then Francis comes to view, Then Henry second, Francis second And cruel Charles comes In, Tho Henrys, thirteenth Louis nnd Then Cardinal .Mngarln, Louis fourteenth, then Orleans, Itegent for seven yeari Iouls fifteenth, sixteenth and next (ircat Iionaparto appears, Louis, Charles tenth and I.ouls;phlllppe, Aro with tho times that wcro ; Napoleon third then ruled tho land Tho hapless emperor, The Aujournmoiit. must hi:shion or tiii; poiity-ninth OltKSS. CON- i ho first suasion of Coiicrcss which ended last Tlmrad.iy covered a period of sovon niontlisnnd twenty-eight days. yji tins timo 1110 oenmo was 111 eesaion 101 days and tho Houso 18.r) days. During that timo there wero introduc ed in tlio two houses 13,203 measures, of which 10,011 were IIouso hills. L'U House joint resolutions and 2,891 hills nnn tfj joint resolutions of tlio Senate. Tho mcasuters proposed for en act men I into laws exceeded in unrulier by 2919 those introduced at the first Bession of tlio 48th Coiicrcss which sat for seven months and four days, or ICS days of actual working time. Thev covered all sorts of subjects, from tho payment ot a lauorer at tno capital lor extra services, to complex questions of tarih" legislation and legislation with respect to tho railroad finauces. Of the entiro number compnitively few wcro of what ,, ;! l.n ..1 . : 1 . MKiii, uu itimtu iiuuuuui importance. Tho greater number wero measures of a private nature or of merely local im portance, sucn as relict and pension bills j for tho erection of public build ings ; for bridging rivers j for grant ing right of way to railroads through military or Indian reservations : lor tlio removal of political disabilities; for changing judicial districts ; for tho es tablishment of new land ollices j for changing tho names or location or in creasing tho capital stock of national banks ; for printing tho public docu ments, itc, Ac. A very small percen tage of tho wholo number of bills in troduced of either a general or private nature become laws ; comparatively a small number succeeded in wnimr through tho committees to which thev .nr ....r 1 v . . luienuu, ami reacmng tno calen dars ot tlio respectivo houses. Some secured passage in tho house in which tnoy originated but failed of action iu me omcr urancn and a very largo miuiuci ui iiii-asure1) mat, passed both houses was 1,101, btinir 231 Senatn bills, aud 8G0 which originated in the House. 1,09.) of these were received by tho President, and of that number 811 wcro approved, 157 became laws wiinout tlio signature, 115 wero vetoed, and nine failed, for want of signatures at tho timo of adjournment, 10 days not haying expired since they readied tho President." Ot tho now laws 7-1G wero Honso measures and 241 Senato measures. Tho laws that became such by limita tion were, witlr two exceptions, private pension and relief bills. Tho except- iuijo cie uiu uiu to auiiioiizollio Kan sas City, Fort Scott and Gulf Railwnv Company to construct a railway through tho Indian Territory, and that to retiro Jiieutenaiit mndall. Of tho measures vetoed by tho President 30, wero senate bills and 77 bills of tho Hnnsn Twenty-eight of tbo Senato bills vetoed wero private pension bills. Threo wero for tho erection of public build ings at uayton. Ohio, Sioux Citv, lnin ' 1U r t , ' un .vim ..luL-ov uiu unio. ono wiw to grant to railroads tho right of way through tho Indian Itescrvation in iNOiincin .Montana, One to make Bpnngtield, Mass., a port deliyery. wnu m iH uviuu mat uio bodies ot paup ers, ciiminals and strangers, dying muiiu um j-Msinci, 01 uoiiimbia un claimed within a specified timo after death shall bo turned over to tho medi cal colleges, aud 0110 to quiet titles to ouiuurs on aes Glomes river lands, and oro to provide for thn of a bridco acrona Lake Ch,i Of 77 IIouso bills disapproved by tho Presidont, 71 wcro ptivato pension uwn aim ijtreo we o lor tlio nrnnf mi nf public buildings. Tho proposed imhlio buildmcs wero for AhIi Duluth.iMinn. and Springfield, Uo. Tito iiumucroi measures vetoed during tho session, liy. While neatly all tho vetoed bins of tho Senatn wno i-niinrt. ed back from committees with rccoin- inemiaiions that thov nnsa nntmin.. standing the President's objection, and .Tunu cumuli- iiuuon was taken 111 somo 01 tno iiouso bills on v onn. l ist granting a pension to Joseph Homaser, i'uobuu uy uio two nouses over tho veto. Tho l)cs Moines river bill n.... ed tho Senato over tho veto hut failed to reeeivo the reouisito two.tbirda vm 111 tno nouse. Motions to pass bills to jjirtui, tieiisions 10 iiiary Anderson and iu iVlHirt'W ,1. tvi son nvnr I in lri dents vctowero defeated in tho IIouso. onaiuuraiioii ot tno other veto mes sages nas been postponed until tho 110x1 session, There aro scores of nersons whn nrn sufferintr from somo form nf hi rruor or skhi disease, such as Scrofula, lJOlls, etc., etc After a foot M?rcor asserts that Acker's Blood jKinir win certainly euro all such dis. eases, including Syphillis and Rheum atism, Itts not a natont nostrum, lmt n meiemiuo preparation, no guarantees it. J. II. Mercer would csncciallv mend to tho Indies Acker's Uvsnensm ablets. As a laxativo thev havn vt uiu. anoyaro guuinnteed to euro Chroniu Uonetipatlon, Dysjiepeia, and all diseanes niising from a deranged stomach. With a free uso of tho Tah. I mi . . icie, &ick lleadacho is impossihlc. for Infants Cm torl Is so well adapted to children that t recommend 11 as superior to any proscription known to me," li. A, Aftcnxa, M, D,, 111 Be, Oxford St., JJrooklyn, N. T. PERRINE'S I'UHK UAH LEV li !!' r . HisTit.un from selected Hnrlcy Volt nnd guaranteed to bo thtmlcnlly nuro nnd free from Injurious oils and t elds often contained In nlcohollo llquots. It Is nnrt.flln n , n.l stimulant mlldnndgentleln effect. Dyspepsia, Indigestion and all wasting ills, cases can bo entirely conquered by Uiu use or Perrlno s Puro Hurley Malt Whiskey it Is n tonic nnd diuretic nrd n powetful stiengthener to tho entire system. Pliti. lll.NHVS PUIIH HAIILEY JIALT W1IISUE has ntoved a medicinal protection to thoso who pursuo their ntocntlona Inthoopennlr nnd whoso dally work calls lor exceptional powers of endurance. Ask tour nearest druggist or grocer for It PKllllINK-Hl'riimiAHI.L-Y .MALT IHSKhV levlves tho energies of thoso worn out with excessive bodllv or mental effort nnd nets as a safeguard against exposure In wet nnd rigorous weather, ltwlll drive all malarious diseases from tho system nn,, nu,i..iaui uiuij ,uim ion urn, iit-i auun mini it si -in -in my ii iu renneiM prone to Dyspepsia nnd In 1'errlne's Puro ISnrley tpanmmmammimmmmmai: .uaii vvnishcy a powctiui uuu uvii'i:, n, lugi-Quiiii. i I'l Kl'i 1IAKI.1V1 AI.Mty vvunoui. untiuiy siimuiating nejs Increases their Hogging activity, counteracts tho crrccts or fatigue, has. tcnsconvnlesccnco and Is a vholesomo and ptompt diuretic. Watch the label I Nono genuine unless bearing tho signature ror sale by oil druggists anu grocers tnrougnout. tlio united Stales nnd Cnnadas. 37 NOltTII FRONT ST. "8 ECOMOTflY T.II.K PRACTICAL UESTIOrV OF THE HOUR. EVERY THING THAT IS NEW AND STILISH 11 THE SEAON, CAN BE EOUGHT (CMIAPIM A Large and CLOTHIHG, JUST RECEIVED. ALSO A LARGE AND STCLKiTT T.miv no Call and be Convinced that you have the UEffiT SELECTION OF GOODS OF THE M LATEST STYLE, BEST QUALITY AND AT - f The Lowest Possible Prices AT THE mmm mwmmmmm CMAIN DEALER IN Foreign and Mammtie WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BL00MSBURG, PA. JL IftftaAeaiev & AVholesale and Iletnll dealers In ' WAOOIV MAKEJR8' AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES. Headquarters for MERCHANT IRON & STEEL- Storo and Warehouses, Nos. 120 it 128 Franklin Avenue, No. 2 Lack'a Avenue it 210, 212 Ss 211 Cen ter Street, SCRANTON, PA. and Children. Ctutsrl cures Colic, Oonrtlpntlon, Hour ntomach, Diarrhoea, Knicutlon, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promote dl WltEouibljurioui medication. Tm Curaicn Courixr, !B3 Fulton Street, K. T. iflALT WHISKEY. lilnn.1 nh.l IIacI. h... B . tnvignrnniB j no analysts as It amicars by tho La j,iinii-i r, hik i un every uuiiii. i in iet on everv liottle: 1 finvncnreriiltv m- VVlllMvi. alj7eil thel'niB lUM.Tsr JIalt Wilis kkt mado by .M. ; J. K Perrlno and nnd it entirely free from fusel oil, furturol, metals anil acids nnd Is nbolutelj pure." Slgnetl, Camilla Arthur Maler, tno khi- in uuumr 41 wir t. fin,-? eitira tij jiunwn. ucic in finit Mci-iurut-n NORTH WATER ST., PIIJLA roil SALi: 11Y C. II. HOllUINS, 1II.OO.MSI1U110, 1A. J I) cms. THAI EYMH Varied Stock of -OF- For tho Celeuratetl Clilekerlne, Ivers & Pond, nnd Voso& Bon I'lnnos. AVorlilre nowncd Estey OrKan9. Violins, Aeeortleons and Sheet Sltisic. Celehratcd White, New Iligh Arm Davis, Now Home, ltoyul St. John, and Light Ittinning Domestic Sewing Maehlncs. Needles, oil ami attnchracntB for all makes of Sewing Machines. STREET,) li
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers