AMiittf 1 nwurui t - " n( me buRiih..nn; r.'r; "p the option long coiiunuedcrediuw ill i,n"fR? "PI, but All papers sent out of tlio 8Wto or toSii,f onlccs must bo paid forlnndroncn unwff. .nt posl llblo porson In bolumbla Sou5tSci,,.21 r3'n' tno subscription duo on demand. a lu JOB PRINTING ob ITIntlntr llcnartment int.. tunnies furnished Sn lairgo jobs. racll"les. Ka- U ATTOllNKY-AT-LAW, OIllco over 1st. National nant. "'oomaburg, ra -pg- U. FUNK, ' ATTO HNE Y-AT-L A W. fllcoln Rat's Building, 1H.OOMSBOKO, I'A J OHN M. CliAHIC, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW. AMD JUdTIOK OP THE PEAOE. ULOOMiBCRO, I'A, u jic over jiiuyer urus, urug Htoro. p W.MILLER, ATTOIINKV-AT-LAW omcola Browor's bulldlng.socond No.l Moorasburg, Pa. B. FItANK 2VKR, ATTO 1 IN K Y-AT-L A W. Bloomsbui'g, l'o. onico corner of Contro and Main Streets. Clark i uuuuing. Can bo oonsultcd In Gorman. Q.EO. E. ELWELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Bloomsduro, I'a. OIUco on First floor, front room of Col ombian Building, Main street, below Ex change Hotel. JpAtJL E. WHIT, Attorney-at-Law. omce In Columbian Building, Hoom No. 8, second noor. HLOOMSBORQ, PA. S. INOKR. KNOBR u g. wnmasTiiN. & WINTERSTEEN, A ttornoy s-at-Law. onics lu 1st National Bank building, second Door, Outdoor to tno left. Corner of Main and Market Btreota Woomsburg, Fa. tSfPemiom and Bounties Collected, J H. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW Offloo In Maize's bulldlJK, over Ulllracyer's grocery. F. P. BILLMKYER, DISTRICT ATTORNEY.) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. WOfllco over BloomsbuTg, Pa. Dcntlcr's shoo store, apr-30.80. JOHN C. YOCJJM. YOCUM & C. E. (1UY211. OEYER, Attorneys-at-LaWi CATAWISSA, I'A. (Offlce front suit of rooms on second floor of Niws Itiic building.) I-CAN BK CONSULTED IN GKItMAN.aJ Members of Sharp and Alleman's Lawyers and Banker's Directory and the American Mercantile and fTiiipftinn Afixw inUon. will irlve prompt ana carelul attention to collection of claims in any oart of tbo United stales or Canada, as well as to all other professional business entrusted to mem K. 09VVALD, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. Jackson Building, Rooms 4 and 5. BERWICK, PA H. RUAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. C&tawlssa, Fa. omce.cornerot Third and MalnStreets. H. V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office In Browcrs' Building, 2nd floor, may 1-tf jyj-ICHAEL F. EYEBLY, Conveyancer, Collector of Claims. AND LEGAL ADVICE IN THE SETTLEMENT OF ESTATES, 4C. Ionico In Dentler's building with F. I'. BIU meyer, attorney-at-law, front 1001ns, and noor liloomsburg, Fa. apr-s-se. E. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, licrwiok, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS ' B. McKELVY, M. D.,Surgeon and Phy .slclan, north side Main atreot.below Market A L. FRITZ, Attorney-at-Law. X. . Front room over Fost omce, Office QR. J. 0. RUTTER, FUT8ICIAN t SUltQKON, Offlce, North Market street, Bloomsburi, Fa OR. WM. Fbystclan. )t. M. REBER, Surgeon and Offlce corner of Koclc and Market JR. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon and . .Physician, Offlco and Ilesldence on Third treet. pIRE INSURANCE. CfllllBTIAN F. KNAFF, BLOOMSBUI0,FA HOME. OF N. r. MIKCIIANT. OF NKWAKK, N. J, LINTON, N. V. I'EOFLKS' N. Y. ilEADINU, I'A. These old coiii-orations are well seasoned by e and riHX txstbu and have never j et had a 'Jm settled by any court ot law. Their assets are u invested lu solid bkcobitus are liable to the huardol rim only. losses fKOMiTLv and honkstlt adjusted and pua as soon as determined by Cukistiah r. Arr, trxciAL Agent and Adjostib Uloomsbubo, . T!6 people of Columbia county should patron, ue the agency where losses It any are settled and PIJ by one of ther own citizens. FKOMlTNESa. EQUITY, FAllt DEALING. g V. HARTMAN BBraiSBKTi TBI roixowiNO AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North American of Philadelphia. Franklin, Pennsylvania, 11 jo, 01 Punnsylvanla. llanover, of N. Y. Steo'Lohdon. North Srltlah, ot London. oct Mj - ' Btroet' No Bloomsburg. Cmtl Hotel BLOOMSBURG, Pa. AURANDS, Proprietors. S. P. HAGENI5UCH, Clekk. Tals well-known hotel has been furnished new rom top to bottom, The proprietors, who took possession April 1st., Le gTen tue pla(;e. a compieto renovating. Tho travelling publlo will receive nret-class attention, "PIUCE8, AS USUAL, apr.iwms. Conjmu BmooniT, m or tn n..n ..J luk.ia.5, conioifaatM.r ' B1 C0 lamed Weekly, eery Friday JH.rnl.. BLOOM8UUKQ, COLUMBIA CC ",Vt ' AtI.M per year. , To subscriber out DBnrrPBInUn . . , i nun i .i- m m mm - - J K BITTENBENl)EB1Pr0Pr,,t6' yyAINWRIOHT .fcCO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, 1'lIlLADKI.PItIA. Pi. TKA9, SYHUl'8, COFFEE, tjUClAlt, MoLABSKS, IOB, SHOES, lllOAHIl 80I.A, KTO., ETC. N. E. Corner Second and Arch sts. irtcn i wmccelvejirompt attention. ace nSS5 inP' 10 post vSl iSKinUJ'1' !"! 'ree, a royal, I" ""'?. sample tax of iroods ti t in I jou in the way of mnnm. mnm It money fnn.fcw days than nnv nWS"" Utpllnl not rVaulrcd. 'oucvcrthoueiitiKMsl. allthotlmo in Y,r"u?."n.nwqrK in snare t mconlvlnr 1UU I " iucceSful 4!1 i WhiSSSSm. evenmJ !Mft Jj,M.ifi l.T earned cverj for the tfSJb o ort 7 w.f. w,?fnAt?.Pay . n,'.'?f"u 10 pay .us. Full particulars. lr sure ior an'Ji.n'JlT; 'ramense pay absolute: directions, etc.. nt 7 C ''"".'.'a". Address ST.NsoVor:offia0nMalr', (dccis. yy a. house, DENTIST, Bloomsiiuiui, Columbia Countv, Pa AU.?i!s.?t yo"t aone In a suporlor id without I'ain by tho use of Has, and free of charge ft hen artincial teeth are Inserted. Ofllco 111 llnrtnn'a l,nll,1l,.n Ml K,... ijuiow juiirKct, iivu iloois bilow m's urug store, nrst noor. lo be open at all hourt during the dai NOV 331 J M. C. SLOAN & BED., ULOOMSHUKG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS) PLATFORM WAGONS &C. First-class work always on hand, REPA111INQ NEA TLY DONE. Price) reduced lo tuil the timet. BLOOMSBURI PLANING MILL :o. Tho undersltrned iinvinc nut hi inninn u on Hallroad street. in flrHt-cmtiB pnnrtttin. iZ-n nAPflll tn lift nllMnrlo nA.1,1. ,.- FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber useo o vtcii wjtwuuuu aau nuuo oui sKuiea workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS Urmshed on ftDDllCiltlon. PtanR and nnnninra CIIAflL.ES HRITGy Bloomsburff, Pa KEYSTONE John II. IlAiu:ie, ACADEMY Ph. D. PitiNoii-AU EKIIITEKNTH YEAR BEGINS AUGUST 24, 1886. Property cost JW.OUO. campus, SO acres. Library, oer S.OOO volumes. More than in apparatus. Superior facilities for students In Physiology. Location healthful, Instruction thorough, dis cipline strict, expenses moderate, experienced teachers, small classes, personal attention. Prepares for business, for collego ;and for teach ing. Mudents prepared In Keyatono have entered Yale and Harvard unconditioned. Separato building of brick, heated by steam, for tho use of ladles. Students travel on thel). I. SW. and branches and on the Lehigh Valley at half rates. For catalogue or information address tho prlncl. pal at Factoryvlllc, l'a. m. ss-Sins. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! Gr. W. BERTSGH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. Gonts Furnishing Goods, Eats & Caps OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Suits m.tJo to order at short notice and a fit alwaj s guaranteed or no Bale. Call and examine tho largest and best selected stock ot goods over shown in Columbia county. Store next door to First National Bank, MAIN STREET, liloomsburg Pa. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OF CAST CR WROUGHT IRON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds :o: The following snows tho ticket aothlc, one of tne several beuutuuislylesof Fenco manufactured by the undersigned. .1 . i.1,1. ui For Beautr nnd nurablllty they aro unsurikss ed. Bet up by experienced hands and warralted to give satlslactlon. Prices and specimens signs sent to any address. Address of other do BLOOMSBURG PA- May 4-lf FRENCH'S HOTEL. Cm HALL SCJUAIIH NEW Y01IK, Opposite City Hall and the Post (mice. Tills hotel Is one of the most complete In Us ap pointments and furniture of ANY llul'.SU lu Nutv York City uud Is conducted on tho EUROPEAN PLAN. Itooms only One Dollar per day, Half minute's walk from Brooklyn Brldgo and Elevated It. All lines of care pass the door. .Most couveuleu hntRl In New York for Merchants to ston aL Din ing Booms, Cafes and Lunch counter lepluto with au the luxuries at inoderalo prices. 8 July 81 yr lu presents given away, bend us cents postage, and by ma II ou wig get free a package of goods ot larg value, that will start you In work lit bat will at onco bring you Inmonoy luster than anything elso In America. All about ihefcxw.iioo In presents with each box. Agents wanted ev. erywhere, of either sex, of nil ages, for all the time, or spare time only, to work forus at their own homes. Fortunes forauworkeia ansoiuieiy assured. Don't delay. II, Hauxtt Co.. Port land, Maine. dcciubs. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN, lie RW0 p i -THE BEST TONIC. ? This medicine, combining Iron with pura vcnetablo tonirs, quickly anil completely Currs Ilyiprpila. IlidlKritlon, U'rak ncii, Impure lllnoil, Malaria, CIilIU nnd Fcvrr., ntld Ncnralftla. H la an utifiilllnir remedy fur Diseases of Iho lCldiicy and I.tvcr. It Is imaluablti for Dlseawi peculiar bi unirn, nnd nil Mho lend kedentnry lives. ltdoesnot Injure the teeth, cause produce constipation other Iron medicines tio. it rmiclt. and inirlflca the blood, etlmulatei tho appetite, nlds tho nuliullatlon or food. relieves Iteartbuninnd Kclchlng,and strengthens the muscles and ncrvci. For Intrrnilttcnt l'evtn, Lastltudr, I.acV of Kncrgy, etc., It has 110 equal. IV The genuine hai ntiovo trndc mark nnd crossed red Unci on wrapper. Take no other, IU4. 0l; b B HOWS CUEIKAL to, SUTIBOlt, ID, CURES ALL HUMORS, from n common lllotcli to tho worst Snrnf 11 In. 'I 1?. or i;rniitlon I'llrlflcr over discovered lira nest ill i Hy Druggists. ci.tfi PRICE $1.00, OB 0 JIOTTI,rs roil $0.00. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM tho popular f&vorlto for dremlnt? the hair, Restoring color whn f ray, and preTentlntr Iiandrutt. b cleanncB the ft!p, ttopa Uo utur ituiiiiK, Riui in mire to pienso. fioc &nd iLOO at Drucirliits. Tho best Cough Curo you can use. And the beet preventive known for Consumption. It cures bodily pain, and all disorder! of the Stomach, Ilowels, Lungs, LIrer, Kidneys, Urinary Organs and all Female Complaints. Tho fueblo and sick, strug Rllng against disease, and slowly drifting towards tho grave, w ill in most cases recover their health hv the timely use of Pabker's Tonic, but delay Is dan gerous. Take It In time Sold by all DruggleU la large bottles at $LO0t HINDERCCRNS 'lao carert, trarcirt, quickest and bent euro for Conu, Bunloiu, Warn, Molea,Calouses,c Itlndenthetrror tberftronth. StopsnllrAln. Glvesnotrouble. MoVestho f ect comf ort&ble. Hlndercorns cures when everything elwblH BoldhybruKKlntsatlSc. lIn.coiiCo.,N. Y. nuir. 1-4-1 y XlliUr4 This double esitle, the.Katlonsl emblem of sll tho liusilaa. app;a fn this connection as tho tiwclal trade-mark of the RUSSIAN RHEUMATISM CURE which Is working Buch wonders with all XUioumatlo dufferera who uae everltrled It Jr COMPLETELY CURED J. F. Newtom, 813 Broadway, Camden, N. J. Who nays: "I was bo severely afflictetl with rheunia. tlsm that I had to carry my arm In a fdlnir. My bauds were swollen, my hnwers BtitT and tho pain no intense that for iwnteen uitrhts I wax unable to sleep. Doctors did me no trancl. I tried everythlntfi notliintr helped mo. A friend migKestMtheltusflian Iilicumatism Cure. I tried it. Insldo of one week I had full use of arm aud hand, aud havo beea well ever etuce." It has cured every one aflllcted with rhcumttlani Who has given It a fair trial. ONK IIOX HOKS THE nUMINI4M. , nj.. &n Rn t If mailed lOc. additional. rtlCO 3a,iOU.t If reglsteretl luc. inoro. As yet It Is not to be found at the stores, but can only be had by enclosing the amouut as above, aud addressluK the Amerlcau proprietors, PFAELZER BROS. & CO. 810-SJIl Market Street, BhUadelphta. march a-ly.a Invalids' Hotel ano Surgical Institute 663 Main Street. Buffalo. N. Y. Staff of 18 Physicians and Surgeons. Hxperloncctl NpeelalUtN fur every cIuhm of DifcoitNCN treated I nlnu, ruined, experienced uud obllirliiir NiirM-k. I.I tin, well vcnllliitccl, eleemitly furiiKlied prlvuto room, lor 11a tlenth. lluiiko furiiUlieil ivllh niovator. Ntejtni-hfUit, Spenklntr-plpes, Illec trie llellN, mid all modern ini- lirilVI'llll'llla. TlllllO AVCll NllllMllcd with tho l"'t or fond. Ih not a Ilonpitnl, but a pleasant Iti iiHHllul Homo. Open day and night. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES, whctlior roqiilrlnp; for their euro niedlcnt or aurglcul aid, kklllfull) ironted. THIS INSTITUTION Ih llliillcd wills TurlcUh llalli., AnierUaii niovemrnt Trcatineiil, or median, ical iTlasaaBO niaehluery, Vltall 7UII011 anil Vaeiinm Treatiuent AiipnratiiN, (ho inont apiirovcd lllei'trlcal ITIaclillleM and Hatter. Ii u, llllialatlon Apparntua, and all the moat valualilo remedial applt. niieuN known to medical aclcnec. Call, or aeiiil ID ioiiIh lu Htaiiijis iur our iiivaiiua' i.uiuo.isooh iiua la" uKcs), win rii iriven all pariicu- iru. wiiiurena an auuve. IVorld's BUpCDsary 3fMlIcal AshocUtlon. Vrops. BIVEHWAY ! Ten thousand bullies are given yearly to tho grave by not having I)r. Hand's Teething Lotion on their gums whilo teething. SOMETHING NEW ! SOMETHING WONDERFUL I SOMETHING MAGCAL ! To batho tho baby's gums while teething, relieving all lniiamnia tion, swelling and jiain. LOST I A good ninny night's rest by nothavingDr.l land's Coliu Cure, for it gives baby comfort and sleep without stupofying or in juring it. No opiates. No con stipation. Sold at ivleini s drug etoro, general agent for Dr. Hand's remedies lor children. Labora tory at Scranton, Pa. docicw. iui 121 m ij 1- m-w l-l bm BLOOMSBURG, PA., SELECT POETRY. YESTEPDAY, Yestcnlay, darMotc- 5n!y yesterday. Tho heavens wcro bright nnd all tlio earth was fair; Ixivo's Roldcn rndlanco fell upon our way lovo'a dreamy Inusio filled the Bcented nln A thousand wllJnoweis trembled round our feet, 0 saw tho lliao boughs alwvo us sway:! And heard tho woodinrk singing1 high nnd sweet. lcslcrday, darling-only yesterday. Yesterday, dnrllng-only yesterday, With Hps apart and hair of russet brown. You came, dear heart, across tlio iloner-dccked way, Sweeping tho grasses with your tralliug gown; upon your cheek thcro was a wild-rose glow, And In jour eyes there was a sun-set rny: You came with annsoulst retched you loved me so lesterday, darlingonly yesterday. Yesterday, darling, only yesterday. A soft brceo stealing from tlio sunny south Blew from your brow the tnngled frlngo away. And wooed Iho kisses from your crimson mouth; The boughi caressed you as you camo along, The red sun kissed you with its parting ray, Tho wcodlark praised you in his happy bong, Yesterday, darling -only yesterday. Yesterday, darling only yesterday; Ah, mo I ah, mo I but yesterday Is dead: Tho sun still shines across the llowcr-decked way, And still tho woodlark warbles overhead; Hut In the shadows ot a great despair, 1 weep, dear heart, upon tho weary way, l'or hue's blight dream that made tho earth so fair, Yesterday, darling-only yesterday. .V. .V. Fwrestn SELECT STORY, LOVE OH A TOBOGGAN. . UI tu'l you, 011111; man, you shall not man j m nii'ct'." 'An 1 I till you, madam, I will, if I oar." "Sliu is ui'gaijiil lo my sou Tom.'' "Sliu ia unjiaLrt d to mo, and I don ca'i' a snap ot my linger for your urn Atiiii. 'Sir, your language is ungentle manly. "Madam, bo is yours.'1 We were b .th at white heal; Mrs. Jiipi, the aunt and legal guardian of my adored Julia, ixxiiively trembled with rage, and looked round the room as if in search of soino weapon with which to attack me. She was large and stout, had a deep ban voice and hideous wiry curlii, and wore glasses of such an intense matrnifjiiig tiower that she seemed to be always glaring at 0110 hko a hungry Cvorgon (by the way, what is a (ioroii T), and coulu drive men awav from the vieinitv of her niece my dear Julia by t-imply favoring them with a stony stare, as fixed and awful as that of tho fspbinv "Leave my home, sir," sho said at last, rising and pointing to tho door, with a very line dramatic action. Auger is mote U( coming to a large, stout wo man than tn a small one unless Mic gets red in the face. 1 will not co until you give mo some better reasons for the stand you tako m this turner. "I have told 011 once she is en gain d to my son." 1 don 1 believe it, I said boldly. though perhaps ruilclv; but my lovely Julia was rellected in a distant mirror, smiling at me and shaking her head, and 1 was reckless. Mrs, Jupp gasped and if a magnified glanco from her glaring eyes could havo killed me I would havo died on thu spot. Mr. Juicenon, it my son wcro here " "Confound your son 1" said I. I really used a much stronger word, for getting for the moment whero I was. 1 am not quite certain what hit mc, but think it was a footstool, as I after ward found a gilded claw common to that article of furniture in my coat pocket. A man servant, whom I had often fed in other days, picked 1110 iij and escorted mo to tho door, murmur ing sympathetically tho whilo that ''To bo sure, Mrs. Jupp was a lectle uncer tain at times." Uncertain I There is nothing uncertain about her. I am a small man, and a tremendous bump on my forehead is conspicuous, nor is one black oyo becoming to any one; so I slunk down tho street like a criminal, vowing vengeance against tho old ty rant in ptticoats, who only wanted Julia to marry her son in order to keep her in tho family, for Julia was quito an heiress, though of course that fact had no weight with mo. Business of somo kind had brought Mrs. Jupp to St. Paul, and there sho took a house and established herself with her lovely niece for tho Winter, fn tho first stages of my acquaintance I was of much service to tho lady and ran about and did her miserable er rands for her liko a born idiot. I also had every opportunity of falling in lovo with her niece, and this I did as rapid ly as possible aud with such success that in two months from their arrival I announced our engagement to her aunt with tho above described result, though it must bo understood that I havo only given the termination of my negotiations tho preliminaries bo iug tamo and uninteresting. Tho next day I spent in my room trying experi ments with raw beef us applied to a black eye, and nursing various schemes of veugeanco and tho lump on my forehead at tho same t!mc. Tho day following I ventured down to my ollice, and from thero sent an impassioned note to my darling Julia a note filled with despair, vows of eternal love and appropriate quotations. My nolo was returned by the grinning ofllce-boy, who said tho old lady had opened it in his presenco and roid it aloud, and told him to take it back to that littlo fool meaning mo and added that sho would box his tho said boy's oars if he ever brought another, puring the day a friend called lu, and, alter soino stupid drivel which almost drove mo crazy, said, apropos of nothing: "Hy tho way, I called on tho Juiips last night. Old lady says they leavo hero Saturday and aro going to straight to Kurope. Didn't seo tho fair Julia; always thought you were a littlo smitten there, you know." Smitten 1 Yes, by both of them, If tho fool ouly know that ho was sit ting, so to spoak, on a volcano ho might go away, llo did go away at last, but I relieved my feelings by throwing tlio inkstand into tho fire place and kicking tho waste basket all around tho room. Leave Saturday. Good heavens, nnd this was Fiiday l I began to wonder if tho water in tho Mississippi was very cold supposing one could cut a hole in the loo or if poison were better; and had really worked myself into a conifoi table sort, FRIDAY, AUGUST J3, 1886. of gloom, when in camo that Infernal hoy and handed mo a noto which looked as though it had been klckoi about tho streets for about a month 1 know tho writing at once it wa hers; nnd in my iov I cavo the la fifty cents and told him ho might hnvo a holiday next week nnd go to his grandfathers funeral having n dim idea that ho bad once or twice asked leavo of absconco for that purpose, "iuy dear ueorge,' ho ran tho note -i nm looked ui) in my room and am crying all tho time. Aunt comes to the door and shouts yes, shouts through tho keyhole. 'Ifnvu you heard irom UeorgoT You ought to too him with a black eye. lie is so lovely it s so becoming,' and other horrid things liko that. She is going to inko mo away to-morrow nnd carry mo cif to Kurope, and 0 George, I shall die, I know I shall. Hut I must tell you how to seo 'mo onco more, She has promised Mrs. Smith Jones (that horrible woman) to co with hor pndseelho toboggan slido to-morrow at 11 o'clock, and sho is afraid to leavo mo behind and nll bo obliged to take !.t. t "!-. . . - uiu wiiu iter, jvo vou understand This is our last chance, but what can we do? Wo leave at 4 o'clock and mv cousin lom win arrive hero at nuoitt 1 trt ..... . to go back with us and act as police man on tho lournov. . Susan, tho housemaid, is to take this note to you If it is a littlo stained and yellow don't mind, as 1 havo to send it out in tho cofTeo pot with tho breakfast tilings, for mint is tho only person who comes into the room she brings all my meal lierself.Good-by, dear, dear George, i our unnappy hut loving Jui.ia. -i . o. ut courso tnero is no nossi bio uso of my thinking auytfiing could happen I wouldn't run away if I could, but I will tako my jewelry with inc. "P. P. S. I havo promised Susan through tho key-hole, that vou will give her 85. 1 rushed into tho outer office, and tnero sat lausan, a pretty girl, whom had often seen flirting desperately with ono of tho vountr clerks, who is really incorrigible, and has been caught making love to the ecrub woman. He blushed on seeing me, and dipped the wrong end of his pen into tho ink. I called tho girl iuto my oflico and gave iicr5m instead of go, and heard all tho particulars of Julia's imprisonment. and how Mrs. Jupp was abusing the wholo household and raising Cain Gen erally, ane had deposited a pale of water and a broom in the hall behind the door, nnd had given strict orders to tho servants to summon her instant ly should I present myself acain at tlio house. Susan suit! it was ou to seined mat tno old lady should go to !. .-1 .I"'.. . iuu luuugguu aiido tno noxi aay and tako her niece with her, and that they ciu puuiiinu iiu uvurvLiiiuir ana would leave in tho afternoon. "Tell Miss Julia, Susan," said I, that I will be thero without fail. aid wear my lobogcan suit, as the old ladv i mean inrs. jupp may not recog' nize me in it at first.'' T -r t . "Very well, sir;" said Susan, "and if Miss Julias a-goinc down in ono of them things Id best tell her to put on thick stockings." I looked at Susan and Susan looked at me, and then I burst into the other ollio and borrowed S5, with which, in addition to her capital, the maidon de parted smiling, liright cirj, that Su san; I shall not forget her. Wo were in tho height of tho much-talked-of "carnival," so next day I ap pealed in tho uniform of tho club to which I belonged, painfully conscious that my legs, particularly tho lower half of them, clad in red stockings, wero out of proportion to tho rest of my person, which was much enlarged by tho blanket bu'u, sa'sh, etc. As to my feet, thoy had nover looked so largo and clumsy, and I was distrusted at tho effect. The first tiling 1 did was to go to a ivery stable and make unvato and confidential arrangements, which had to do with a fast team, a good sloigh and an inlolliceut driver ono who new tho city well and his business. then got my toboggan and started for tho slide, whero 1 found hundreds of people already congregated, some looking on, others dashing down tho hill at railroad speed, ono toboggan loiiowing another as last as they could manage. It was a long slide, over a mile in length, and a walk back to tho Btarting point was a slow and tedious matter. I drew my toboggan on ono hido and, keeping myself pretty well screenodi from view, watched tho vari ous parties as thoy came Blowly up the hill, laughing and talking, and occa sionally pausing to enjoy the sight. It as a Doautiiui day, cool and clear, lib a bright sun shining on tho glit tering snow, which How into tho air liko diamond dust boforo tho toboggans as inoy sped down tho sleep luclino witii tueir merry loads. Suddenlv I Raw llin lmtnil nnrlranrnur curls of Mrs. Jiipii as sho sailed into view closely watchiug my dearest girl. who looked more oharming than over in spite of her confinement, and tears. The meddlesome Mrs. Smith-Jones was with thera and ovidently in tho secret for her lips wero pressed tightly to gether and sho glanced about her with tho self conscious nir of ono who has a duty to perform and is icady for it at any moment, and prepared for tiio worst. Tho party passed close by mo, aud I distinctly heard Mrs. Jupp say: "I assure you, my dear, tho little wretch abused mo beyond belief. lie actually called mo ." 1 heard no more, for Julia recognized mo in ono swift glance, and first blmhcd, and then turned pale at least I thought so. I touched my toboggan with my juisshappoti feet nnd tried to look lov ingly and iiicaniti ,ly nt her; but, ono oyo being black nr.- swollen, tho effect was probably spoi'd, for bIio smiled slightly and turned away her head. Just then somo ono bumped into Mrs. Jupii with great force, and tht.t Irasci bio lady immediately roso to n whito heat of indignation and poured out tho vials of hor wrath upon tho offender's head. lie, tho offender, was a mcok young man of tho blondo type, with an enormous toboggan in low, with which ho was trying to forco his way through tho crowd in order to reach tho slide, Now was my time; I rapidly took my positlou, and before vou could say "Jack Robinson" Julia jumped on and away wo went. Hurrah for tho now stylo of eloping I How tho snow How and tho wind whistled 1 Julia lost hor hat at tho very first start, and ono of my moccasins followed it. "Gooc heavens 1 shrieked Julia you could hear nothing less than a scream "thero comes aunt after us 1" I glanced back, and my heart froze with mc. Not fifty yards behind us camo mm. .Hipp, lining tier touoggan in mo lasnion ami with all the abandon of n schoolboy, her curls Hying wildly in tho wind, her highly-magnified eyes ginung at us .over tno curve ot tho to boggan liko tho exaggerated orbs of soino unknown monster. Her bonnet was still attached to her head bv ono string, nnu uanood in tno air behind her hko n Chinese kite. .! , I t, . It Bcons that her caglo glanco fell on us itisi ns wo slimed, nnd. rea z inrr tho wholo thing at onco, what docs that woman do but knock down yes, aciuany kiiock uown with nn um brella tho blondo young man. soizn his toboggan and hurl herself after us boforo nny ono could stop her. Mrs. bmith-Joucs fainted dead away, and almost camo down tho slido on her own account, but was caught by tho unfor tunate young man just as sho was dis appearing over the edgo. one is not steering nt all," J screamed to Julia, who would have been crying it sho had had breath to spare, "tsho will upset to a dead cer tainty." And truly tho old lady's to boggan was wobbing from side to side in wnat, nu export wou d havo known was a very dangerous wav. Suddnnlv I heard a wild shriek, oven above the roar ot tho wind, nnd, glancing back, saw a coniused mass ot drapery about twenty feet up in tho air. and annnr. ently still rising aud closely followed by the toboggan. I assumed at onco tho entiro outfit belonged to Mrs. Jupp, nun my ncart grow light again. Wo reached the bottom safely, and abandoning tho toboggan to its fato I helped Julia into the sleigh, whicli was waiting for us, sprang in myself, and away we wont at a speed most surely forbidden by law. "O. George, said Julia, who was frightenrd now and citing to mo in a charming manner, supposo aunt, is killed T And 1 am sun she i. Did you seo how high she went t I must go back again iudeed i must. "Nonsense, dearest: vou couldn't kill Mrs. Jupp if you tried. She has probably stolen a sleigh and is after us oy tins time." 'O, driver," cried Julia, bracing up at once, "can't wo go faster? Wo seem almost to crawl along. And vet," ouu biiiu, teanuiiy, "i am sure sho is hurt; Bho she " and Julia bogan to cry in earnest. But when wo arrived at a friend's house, whero everything was ready, Julia stopped crying and began to blush very much, indeed, and kept on blushing until bIio was mado Mrs. Edgerton, when sho said, in auito a matter-of-fact way: "Now vou must go and seo aunt at onco. And, loaving my wife in good hands. I went to tho Jupp mansion, and rung tho bell with much inward fear and quaking. John, tho footman, camo to tho door, grin ning, an! I, trying not to grin also. asked if I could seo his mistress. No; Mrs. Jupp had como homo "upside down," John said, and was in bed with three doctors attending her. Sho was in nowiso injured, but insisted that sho had swallowed her front teeth, as theso useful articles wero missing when sho picked herself up and took an in- entory ot her belongings. The doc tors all agreed that she was mistaken as in fact the teeth were found in the snow somo days afterward but sho called them a pack of fools, and always insists they wont down her throat. My wife and I, after much effort, opened negotiations with tho old lady, which resulted in a sort of armed neutrality being proclaimed, but wo never daio to say "toboggan" to her, and tho sight of a uniform or anything per taining to tho sport has tho same ef fect on her that a red Hag has on a bull, and at such times sho is not safe. but considering everything we get on wiin ner very wen. He Settled the Business Thoroughly. rom tho Chicago News. McCov, when ho camo to Scott Co.. went to work for a farmer named Ilitt, who had a very charming daughter Emma. A young man who Farmer Ilitt had repeatedly driven from the placo continued to como around, pay ing his addresses to tho daughter until finally the father, despairing of keep ing him away by any milder means. hired McCoy to thrash him every time ho camo near. Onco or twice, or maybe more, tho young man came, saw tho girl, took his thrashing, and departed. But ono day there came tho end of this sort of thing. McCoy, returning from town, whero ho had gone as driver and escort for the daughter, approached tho father, saving: "Wen, Mr. nut, rvo settled this usiness of that young fellows com ing around hero to eco Em." "What do you mean ?" asked the farmer. "I moan that ho won't como any more, an' you can bet on it." "Why, Mac. vou haven t ki ed him. ...... t. havo you ?" asked tho farmer, fear- luny. "No, Better than that." "What then?" "I've married Em." Tho old farmer How into a dreadful rago, but -McCoy had tho girl, and thero was no getting her nway from him, so farmor Ilitt, liko a scnsiblo man, mado the most of it. and trnvn his soil-in law a piece of land which ho is now tilling, while "lira minds tlio babies liko a dutiful wifo. f3urohard'8 Famous Kemark, l.lWATia IIKPKA'M IT AN1 STAItTI.KS TIIK IIUVKHKKII OUNTI.KMAN. Among tho patients at tho Now Jersey Lunatic Asylum, nt Morris lains, is a man who is subjected to very littlo restraint, nnd whose insanity is only occnsionally manifested. Sov eral dnys ago, says tho N. Y. Jhralil llov. 4Jr, liurchnrd. whoso ndvoonov proved so disastorous to Mr. Blaine, visited tho asylum and was shown through tho building by Warden Mon roe. Presently thoy camo to tho mild- mannered lunatio alluded to, and Dr. Burchard recognized him as tho son of former parishioner. Greetings wero oxohanged in a hearty manner, nnd w doctor askod i "We i oil, what brings on hero t "Hum, Homanism and Hebellion," as the solemn response of tho patient who slyly witikod nt tho warden. "Ahl" said tho doctor, aud passed on. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XX.NO 83 COLUMBIA DKMOOIIAT.VOL.Ii NO St mm . m m i ui. Sketch of liss Life. annuel J. '1 ilden was born at New Lebanon, in tho county of Columbia and State of Now York, February 9. 18M tno year which ruined tho for tunes of tho great Napoleon. Ono of his ancestors, Nathaniel Tilden. was Mayor of the oity of Tenterden, Kent, England, in 1623. Ho was succeeded in that ollice by his cousin John, ns ho nad ueen piecuiled by his uiiulo John in l."8.j and 1G00. Ho removed with his family to Scituate, in the colony of tn..,nnl,,i.,nllH i IT' 1 -I iu-.aaiiiiu?3i:iin in iuoi. ins uroinor Joseph was one of tho merchant ad venturers of London who luted out tho MajHower. This Nathaniel Tilden mairicd Hiiinah Bourne, ono of whose sisters married a brother of Governor Wmslow, and another a son of Gover nor Bradford. Governor Tilden's grandfather. John iilden, settled m Columbia countv. The Governor's mother was descended from William Jones, Lieutenant-Gov ernor ot tho colony of New Haven. who in all tho history of (Jonncctiout is represented to havo been tho son of Colonel John Jones, ono of tho regic'u'o judges of Charles I., who is said to havo married a sister of Oliver Crom well and a cousin of John Hamnden. Tho Governor's father, a farmer and merchant of New Lebanon, was a man of notcblo judgment and practical sense and the accepted oraclo of tho country upon all matters of publio con cern, whilo his opinion was also eager ly sought and justly valued by all his neighbors, but bv none more than bv the lato President Van Buren, who till his death, was one of ins mo3t cherish- 1 intimate and personal friends. From his father Governor Tilden in herited a taste for political innuiries. and in his companionship enjoyed peculiar opportunities for acquiring an enrly familiarity with the bearings of the various questions which agitated our country in his youth. Young Tilden entered collego in his I81I1 year. Tho fall of 1802, when ho was to enter college, was rendered memorable by tho second selection of General Jackson to tho Presidency and Martin Van Buren to tlio Vico Presi- ency of tho United States, and of William'L. tho Goveruorshin ot tho State o New York. In that contest an effort was mado to effect a coalition between the National Repub licans and tlio anti-MaBons. Tho suc cess of tho Democracy depended upon tho defeat of that coalition. Samuel heard tho subject discussed in tho fam ily, and was especially impiessed by what fell from tho lips of an uncle who deplored his inability to "wreak his thoughts upon expression." Samuel disappeared for two or three days, and in tho seclusion of his chamber pro ceeded to set down tho viows ho had gathored upon tho subject, and in duo timo brought the result to his father, at onco tho most appreciative nnd the least indulgent critic of his acquaint ance. Tho father was so highly pleased with tlio paper that ho took Iuh son to seo Mr. Van Buren, then nt Lebanon Springs, to read it to him. Thoy found so much merit in tho perform ance that thoy decided it should bo published with tho signatures of a dozen or more leading Democrats and it shortly appeared in tho Albany Argus as an addiess, occupying a half pago of that print, aud from which it was copied into most of tho Democratic papers of tho State. The J-Jeenitig Journal paid it tho compliment of at- tributing it to tho pen of Mr. Van liurcn, and the Albany Aryus paid it tho greater compliment of stating "by authority" Unit Mr. Van Bureau was not tho author. Mr. Tilden had not been long at Yolo Collego boforo his health gavo way and obliged him to leave. After somo rest ho wns onnbled to routine his studies, nnd in 1831 entered tho University of Now York, whero he completed his ncademio education. Ho then entered tho law ofllco of tho lato John W. Edmunds, iu tho city of New York, whero ho enjoyed peculiar facili ties for tho prosecution of his favorito studies of law and politics. Upon his admission to the bar Mr. Tilden opened an oflico in Pino atroot, in tlio city ot Now York. In 1811, in anticipation nnd prepa ration for tlio election whicli resultod in making James K. Po'.k President and Silas Wright Governor of tho State ot Now iork, Mr. Tilden in connect ion with John L. O'Sullivan, founded tho newspaper called tho Daily News, lu tho fall of 1815 ho was sent to tho assembly from tho city of Now York and whilo n member of that body wns elected to tho convention for tho remodelling of tho Constitution of tl.o Stnto, which was to commonco its sessions a few weeks after tho legisla ture adjourned, lu both of tlitso bodies Mr. Tilden was a conspicuous authority, nnd lelt n permanent im pression upon tho legislation of tho year, aud espooially upon nil tho new constitutional provisions affecting tho flu aiiocs of tho Stnto and the manage ment of Its system of canals. Ho built up a reputation in n few years at the bar of New York city which gave him a loadiug jilaoo in tho profession. In the noted case of the BrudollCuiiiilngham contested will whero apparently insupornblo proofs of tho marriage of Mrs. Ciinuinghnm to lTES op DVeTisiNq. . 1 W 3 W I M 78 1 85 I M 1 60 3 00 s a 2 00 J 13 .1 SO DM 3 50 4 60 3 85 4 60 6 60 SM IV All IT 160 8 00 4 60 7 00 4 00 4 75 7 60 It 00 6 00 60 10 00 1 M 7 00 BOO 1 J 00 19 00 8 00 V 60 14 60 S3 00 14 00 1700 20 00 40 tn 1 Inch 3 ' 3 ' 4 " Vtol coi 6 60 7 00 8 00 column 8 00 is 00 16 00 35 00 80 00 40 00 80 Yearlr advertisements navablft nuarterlr. Tra- slcntndvoitlsementsmtistbopald for before In serted except where parlies hato accounts. three Insertions, and at that ruto for additional Insertions without relercnco to length. lifnl ndTertlRomentH two dollars tier Inch for Kxrcutnr'a. Administrator's, and Auditor's no tlceathreodollar?. TranMcnt or Local notices, ten cents a line, ref utar advertisement shall rotes. card. In tlio "Business Directory" column, n dollar a ear tor each line. tho murdered Btirdcll wcrj presented Mr. Tilden's n sources as n lnwyor wero brought into conspicuous iiDtico. llo succeeded in defeating tho claim of Airs. Cunningham and removing nil doubt of her participation in tho Bur dell murder, notwithstanding the pre vious ncquittal. Till tho war caoio Governor Tilden mado eveiy effort tonvoit tho rebellion. When his ellorts, combined with those of other prominent pntriots, had proved nbortivc, bis convictions of duty wcro perfectly decided and clear. Thoy wero to maintain the integrity of our territory nnd tho suprenncy of the constitutional authorities. During tho winter of 18G0 01 ho at tended a meeting of tho loading men of both patties iu tho city of Now Yoik, lo consider what measures were neoessaiy and practicable to avtrt nn untied collision between what wero then termed iho fieo nnd the slave states. To the north ho urged recon ciliation any forbearance, appreciating as ho did more chnrly than most of those around him tho fiarftil and dis astrous consequences of n civil wnr, whatever might pioVe ils ultimate re sult. To tho South ho urged a defer ence to Iho will of tho majority aud a respect for tho provisions of tho federal constitution, within which they would ue suro ol adequate protection for themselves and for their properly ; but ho warned them that outside of tho constitution they could expect protect ion lor neu hit. When tho war did come, Mr. Tilden associated himself with and was tho private adviser of Mr. Dean Itichmond. then at tho head of tlio. Democratic paityofNew Yoik, and who was accustomed on all important questions to seek Mr. Tilden in his retirement and seek his counsel. At a meeting held at tho house of Gen. Dix, just nfter the first call of President Lincoln for 75,000 troops, Mr. Tilden was present and participat ed ill tho diseusAions which took place, lie then and thero expressed tho opin ion that they were on the evo ol a great war, nnd maintained that instead oh 75,000 troops Mr. Lincoln should havo called out at least 5110,000, half for immediate service and thS other half to bo put iu camps of instruction and trained for impending exigencies. Unhappily that generation had seen so little of war and had such limited means of comprehending the rapidity with which tho war spirit, once liiht. ed, will spread among a people, that it was not competent to appreciate the wisdom of this advice, which, if adnnt- ed, would probably have prevented the neeesity of nny further iucrease of military foice. To Secretary Chase and Mm frinmla Mr. Tilden iusistcd that tho war ought to be carried on under a system of sound finance, which ho did not doubt tho people would cheerfully sustain if the govorntnent would have tho cour age to propose it At a later period of tho war ho was invited by the govern ment at Washington to give his ndvico ns to the best methods for ils fnrthnr conduct. His ndvico was not taken, hut ht, had the satisfao-.ion, within a year nfter it wns given, of hearing tho Sec retary of War acknowledge its wisdom and lament his inability to seeum im adoption. When tho peaco camo wo find Mr. Tilden figuring as tho fiiend and com panion ot William M. Tweed in run ning tho Democratic pnrtv in New Y'ork State, he being electe'd Chairman of the Democraliu State Committeo rm tho death of Dean Hichmond. Mr. Tilden acted in close union with Tweed until tho war ou tho ring was stnrted. On the eve of his downfall, Tweed be gan to fear that tho alliance could not bo maintained much longer, and in 18G9 ho mado an effort to Mr. Tilden ns tho head of the Stein Committee. Mr. Tilden promptly no cepted the coutest, nnd was sustained uy nearly seven-eighths of tho conven- tion. Kaily in 1870 began th n p.pln. bratcd controversy concerning tho now charter of tho city of Now Yoik. Al though standing well nigh a Tilden went to Albany, and lone Mr. on April .), toiu, mado n speech m hcalhimr i enunciation of the charter which r., tored tho Tweed dynasty to nouw. not by tho voto of tho people, but by tho vote of the Legislature. Bribery, however, had b(on so successfully ear ried on that the bill passed almost unanimously and under it the notorious 0,000,000 robbery cccured. In 1871 ho had led the revolt of 10,000 Demo mocrats against the ring, and openly announced to tho Democratic Stntn Convention that ho should epposo tho Tweed nominees, nnd endenvor to crush their power iu tho Legislative uuuies ot too otaio. I'liat autumiu ho was elected to tlm Assoinbly for tho express purposo of purifying tho judiciary. His success iu that direction is too well known to bo dwelt upon here. xty his bold acts agnnst tho Tweed ting -Mr. Tilden mado himself Dromin. ent in tho work of reform, and iu 1871 was strongly urged to accept the Democratic nomination for Governor. iiu wns elected over Governor John A Dix (HepA and Morgan H. rilnriV (Temp.) by a majority of 38,510, out of a total vote ot 701,233. His war upon tho Canal ll!in nn.I his efforts to secure a reduction in State taxes wero so successful and so consistent with the pledges mado dur ing the canvass, that in tho election of lain tno candidates identified with his policy wero eleoted. But nlth on a)i tho State was retained by his party at tho election, his magnificeiit majority of 38,519 over all opposition iu 1874 dwindled down to a Democratio major ity of 3,707 in 1875. Notwithstaud ing the consplcious manner in which ho figured in this warfnre ou tho Cnnal Hing, thero wero prominent Demo crnts, even in Now Y'ork, who did not hesitnto to declare his wholo courso in this matter a sham. But throughout tho whole of bis administration Mr. Tilden was a great trouble to iho worst, as well as to a portion of tho l est, clement of his party in New Y'ork. Among others ho offended tho lato John Kelly, then tho chief of tho Tammany organization. Ho did this whilo contemplating some reforms in the government of New Y'ork City, and Mr. Kelloy's feelings intensified very much as timo passed, aud thero was no truco between tho two up to tho timo of John Kelly's doath. Iu 187C he was nominated for Pro- ICtmlhiticd on ourth W,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers