THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. u ire- THE COLUMBIAN. J, X.Blttnben4ir.,f E41lfl"' BLOOM8BUKG, PA, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1.884. DEM00RATI0 STATE CONVENTION. The Democratic) State Convention of rennsylvn . nU will M9ombl In the Opera Houao, AUcntown at 10 A. M. on Wednesday April s, 1881 U nominate a candidate forcongrcssman-aHarge, six delegates at-Urje to the National Conrentlon and six elcc- iorsaUlar?o; to confirm and ratlfr the choice ot tepreMntatlra delegate. to the National Conven. Hon and reprcaontatrrs clectora by the members ot the stato conrentlon tram the respective con. grcstfonat districts and to transact such other bu atneas as the convention may determine W. tJ. IIivsxl, . , Chr. Bern, state Com. J. D. I.Kioiirr, Clerk. Educational Matters. SCIIOOt. MIlItAItlKS. Tho grammar school life of the aver age boy or girl ia the mo9t critical In tho educational career. This is tho time when tho fever for all unlilcelv things runs high. So, too, it is the timo when tho full oncraies of tho wise tcaoh. er aro bent to teaching his pupils to joraaico idc uaa and looiish, and oleavo U) tuo good and profitable. This can not bn done by lecturing ; for moro do .poods upon tho man behind tho word Ithau upon any thoughts that ho may Utter. Teach morality bv hlstorv and biography. Tho reading hour is one of ma mpsi nseiui Helps in tho grammar chool oourso for this true tcaohinir. ,Right reading will stimulate the best inougnts and leelings in our nature. Character is .moulded only by converse with character. Tho best books should introduoo us to the best thoughts of tiiu uesi men. Happy aro tho children who havo ireo access to a sohool-librarv. A sys tern of free libraries connected with the schools should bo established, and tdese plentifully supplied with working tools. in tho shapo of referenccboolcs This would effect a reformatory work whoso valuo would far transcend all other agencies. Uhannlng has said, "Books aro tho trno levelors. They give to all who faithfully UBethera the society, the spir itual presence of tho greatest and best m our raoe. A good school library would do ranch to neutralise this baneful piled o flash literature, and go far to inspire tho pupils with a desiro to read a healthier and moro nutritious olass of books. Tho gorai of classical litera ture, when suited to the comprehen wit oi mp pupu, can oo made very .valuable. The individual tendencies of pupils must be suited by the teacher, and, when, this is done, ho will not bu at a loss what reading to recommond. avvry veacner should bo a library di i-eior, "Next to having knowledge .iv unow wnere Knowledge is. METHODS. In witnessing the almost suneihu man efforts of teachers to contiol and . l . .. . train mu uueasy, active and nervous children, tho question will arise, "Is there not some way in which all tbi superabundance, this wealth of energy, mai now worKS on in ways of annoy auce to leauners, can Ut utilized In modes of culture t ' Wo fully beliove mere is suon a way, and that tho teach ier is. gradually coming to a better un aereianaiiig ot this way. A characteristic of children is their unceasing activity, frequently showing incn in u uuiiaiaut cu-ure to no some- wing with the hands as well as with the eyes., This will bo turned to oourl account by the wiso teacher; tho training of the hand in writinc com plete and carefully prepared statements upon the important subjects in each tudy. There are several advantages in thU method ; tho pipils become bet ter writers ; mey prepare tho lesson uiuio nwuiwrijr guu rememoer it ion ger, they are quieter during study bour. Another characteristic of child life is their walking by siht rather than by faith. Hence tho interest manifested by the young in museums. They like to see and handle objects, and aro always ready and delighted to bring mj mo sonooi room collections of min ,crms, pianis, relics. The civil war eeins more real aftei they have handled -IT P . . reno jroni mo oattio held ot Wet- tysburg. wins seems nearer when the loss stick has been seen. Distant cities and beautiful landscapes are brought to them by means of the stereoscopic views. But in doing all this we must bear in mind that entertainments. picture-gazing and picturo making do ' not constitute the whole of education. Unlike harp study, theso things fail to .aeveiop me powers ol the mind an irengtnen the memory. Like sweet ..meats they must bt taken with proper moderation. Whatever methods we employ let us keep in mind the oft repeated adage "Education is a development it is, iu uu auusv, a ureauon. Amelia Aumstkong. catawissa schools. ' pohools here aro moving very pleas antly j have 420 pupils enrolled. At ticridanco not so good owing to sick ness. , ,, We are now making a little prepara tion tor closing exercises on Auril lUth can t you bo with us T O. II. Bakeless. J VIUNKUH TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS. .Local institutes are unknown hero "and repeated attempts to have them have met with as many failurrs. Di rectors and teachers meet once each month when reports aro examined salaries paid, and any trouble existi.: ih 'the schools reported. So far no trouble has arisen in any of our schools and we hone tho future report will bo as tavorunie as the past has been eu couraciiicr. We havo four schools, with an aver go attendance o forty pupils for eac sonooi. uur school term is six mouth ono montn longer than any previous term, itiu extra month and tho f urn ishing of one of tho houses with im proved furniture necessitated a high tax, winch caused considerable "crura 1 I! II . ... . . . . a uiing; out tins suosiuod alter our schools got in operation, and now all quiet. It is a great drawback that no reserve fund has been provided for tl support of our public schools. Ha such been the case, it would have moved a great burden. In many calitics it is not felt, but in others where the soil is thin and agrlctilturo is the only dependence, it is a heavy uuraen. uur children must bo cduont cd, and in order to better their corn! lion a wiso plan should bo adopted to support uur senoois. Countv Teacher. THE CINCINNATI MOB. lllOT AND IIL0011SIIF.1) IN THE STREETS 1IEOAUSE A JUItV till) NOT UENIIEIt A JUST VEUDICT. William Ilcriicr, a vomiir man, hnd a hand in n cold blooded murder last De cember at Cincinnati. Ho was employ ed by a man named Kirke, who fre- uor.tly carried Iartro sums of money about him. With Joo l'almcr, a negro, Berncr killed Kirku with club, and thov divided tho money they got. After dark they hauled the body to a creek and dumped it in. When Burner was arrested no confessed tho murder but afterwards lecanted. His trial resulted n a verdict of murder in Iho second loaree, which was received wilh sur prise and indignation by the court mid peel at ore. I'eople argued that it a man like Berner could get off so cosily, tho law would havo no show at all gainst most of tho murderers confined in tho jail. Public sentiment ran so high that an indignation meeting wns called last Friday night to discuss tho - r ?- . i i provuiciiuo oi crime. inuring tno uny Berner was sentenced to twenty years mprisonment, tho utmost limit ot tho law, and was secretly removed to Col umbus. From the mass meeting tho people surged towards tho jail and an attempt made to break in it to lynch tho pris oner, and the riot alarm, which .van quickly sounded, brought thousands of peopio to tho neighborhood, i. iio mili tia was called out and after being at tacked fired indiscriminately. The fight between the police and military and the, mo! lasted tor three hours, rivo men wcro killed, and manv wounded. The crowd around tho jail reached 10,000 persons, and there seemed to be about- 200 mcu leading tho mob. Alter strong ruaisiauuu tuu uiuwu ijioku imu uiu jau but were driven back by tho militia, who killed two of tho sheriff's officers and wounded soveral of their own mini her in tho excitement. Tho mob out- sida acted liko demons. They got a barrel of coal oil and poured it into tho front entrance of the jail, and set tiro to it, and when tho engines camo they cut the hoso and would not permit tho firemen to throw a stream of water. As tho building is fireproof no great dam- ago was done, iiy this time it was af ter midnight and tho mob broke into the armory, and sacked gun stores, thus securing arms and ammunition, with which they returned to tho jail and fired at tho militia through tho windows. The latter returned it and peopio drop ped right and left rrescntlv it began to get light. The mob had dwindled down, and all were worn out, and by the timo tho city awoke to tho new day hey were gone, and quiet onco more reigned. During Saturday there wero no dem onstralions, but at sundown there were indica'.ious of more rioting, and by nine o'clock a great crowd had assembled about the jail. The ofiico bf tho county treasurer was broken open, and the place covered with coal oil. Hand grenades were thrown over the jail wall and burst with violence. When the in flammable substance was thrown into tho treasurer's office the troops fired on the mob and drove them back, but sub sequently the court house was set fire to and burned. 1 he records of th court, tho auditor, and the recorder were destroyed. Untold trouble will be caused by tins useless and malicious destruction. iiy Monday troops from Uolumbus and ether points were guard ing the city, and the mob spirit was en tirely quelled. The leaders m this ter rible movement were wild spirits who only wanted an excuse for their incen diary proceedings. it is strange luto what excesses an excited crowd may be led. Because a jury failed to do its luty by hanging a murderer who de served it, tho per pi o of Cincinnati, in order to show their disapprobation of the jurv's conduct, brought atiout the death of scores, many of them iuno cent spectators. The Mission of the Journalist. MeClure, of the Philadelphia IHmet. gives in plain language his status on political questions. "He is a journalist; nothing more, nothing less, and when men make departures in politics or in anything else he looks tho truth in tho iace, stuaies it dispassionately, meas ures the ability, power and purpose of the leaders and presents everything to the public" A newspaper that can take a position like that has nothing to fear. It becomes a power, a wholesome re straint on any party that hopes to 'win by qupstionablo policies and methods. it the newspapers of the nation wero a little moro tearless in their discussion of preliminary contests belter men rould be brought to the front and the people bo the better served. It is tho business of a newspaper to present facts, no matter what the result may be. In form tho peopio correctly and they will take the decision of political questions into their own hands. Greensburg jivenmg wress. It is pleasing to noto that Ex-Gov eruor IIoraMo Seymour sits before his cheerful lire place in Utica, pulls a peaked cap ot black silk down upon ins venerable head, bridges his nose with oyegiasses and scans the great journals ot the country in thorough ap preciation of tho political movements passing across those minors of events Thus a visitor from the office of the New York Mail and JSxpress found the sage, happy in the consciousness of life well spent and in the passing of sunset full of peaceful charms. What tho ex-Governor said was, in substance. that he advocates a low tariff and that ho is sorry to see extreme measures ab ruptly forced upon the party. He be lieves, moreover, that there is coming great contest between the West and the East on industrial questions. As for Mr. Tilden, ho regards that comrade in tho battles of the past as too feeblo to enter the Pi esidential race. Randall he regards as a good mid earnest work er and McDonald as a capable man, but uenerai nuiier he thinks should bobot lied up under a sealed cork. The peo pie are glad to hear that such a good old friend as the ex-Governor beams jpou them with kindly eye Times. Tho Great Kistern is to be brought to Antwerp during the International Exhibition there in 1885 and used as a floating hotel. Minister Sargent was offered the ap pointmenl to St, Pi-ttrsbtirg, but he has declined this, and has alo tendered his resignation as minister to Prussia. Tho Supremo Courthas granted a rule on tho Judges of Lackawanna county to show cause, why a writ of mandamus should not issue to compel them to count tho votes for Ira J. Burns for addition al law Judge, returnable to-morrow. Tho action of tho Democratio Con gressional caucus last week was so much of a viotory for the Protectionists that tho Richmond Dispatch believes there is no longer utiy need for tho nomination of Mr. Tilden in ordir to keep tho tariff isauo out of the canvass. royai Win POWDER Absolutely Pure. This Dowdor never varies. A marvel ofnurlty strength and vrholesomenoss. More economical thntne ordinary lnis. and cannot be sold In competition with tho multitude or low tost, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Bold only Cans. KOTAL DtKINU POWDIR Co , 108 Wa!l-Bt., N. Y. aurll-lv. Cures' Scrofala, Erysipelas, Pimples and Face orvtbs. Dlotches, Boils, Tumors. Tct- tor. Humors. Salt liaeun. scaia ueaa, sores, Mercunar, Diseases, Female weakness, and Irregularities, Dizziness, Loss ot Appetite, Juandiee, Atectlons ot the Liver, Jndi gastion, Biliousness, Dyspep sia and General Dobility. A ctMirtc ot Burdock HltM BUter, will latliff tkl nott ,Lf ptlcal ttut It Is the Grcttftl Blood Purifier certei. Sold l, medicine deelerl cveijr- here. Dnectlon, In eleven Unffuecet. PltlCB, f 1.0s. FOSTER, MIUtnN k TO . Prep'i. Buft'o, N.Y. THEASUHEIt'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. nr virtue of Sundrv nets of the General Issem- hlr of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania rela ting tn the sale of seated and unseated lands In the county of Columbia, etc., for taxes due and unpaid, I will offer to public salo In the Court House, In U10 town of Dlooinsburg, on Monday June 9th., 1884. at ten o'clock a. m., tho following described pieces of land, or such part thereof as maj- bo necessary 10 sausiy ine amount oi mxes uuo ana unpaia against me same, ana continue ina same irom day today as the same may be found necessary. TKIIMS OP SALE. The amount of taxes and costs must be nald wnen ine tana is stuck on, ormu gaiomar oo roia ana ine property put up ana resoia. BEAVER TOW.NSIHF. 83 acres Brockway, C 11 l lot Beaver, Charles s " Beaver. Jesse. 1 40 1 06 3 18 115 acres Brockway, c 11 5 51 8V " UIuCKWliy Om auuull... j " Brockway cV Abbott, 52 1 03 118 " Brockway & Abbott,... 1 31 M " iirockways AbDott .. s lots Brockway. CD 87 3 18 400 acres Baker, Jacob, Br. 18 SO a lots uuib csunKiT, 1 " BogarUMary 2 '" BojerTS , t Croslng, Tatrtck. i " Cantnor, William 1 " Canon. Mannas 3 15 68 1 82 1 13 1 07 1410 acres Columbia Coal Iron Co.. 75 57 129 Cox, o 8 Ejc. of Trench Cox 97 12 T4 237 " 273 " 367 " 14 68 19 74 49 " 2 65 150 " Davis Isaac Est . Davis Anthony... Ecroth, Peter 13 44 115 " 6 10 S3 " Slots 1 86 3 Oil 3 IS Flanlgun, A 3 lots Krr. r, w a 29 acres Fisher. Sarah.. 1 10 acres oearhart, Daniel 3 lots oearhart, Wm 60 acres Hauck, Jonathan 75 " Ilcnderllder, SAtJS 50 " Hoatz, John Deo'd 15 llatz, Charles John Slots Harner Jester 5 " Hoffman, K(l 3 " Hunt, ElL S " Henry, oeonro 28 3 1H 5 88 5 4 4 IS 1 36 5 29 3 18 2 11 220 acres Hlnderllder, barab A 11 SI 1 08 IS 3 45 1 lut. mint? a.. 10 acres Lynn, Jacob Slots Lawrence, Wit 2 lots Lewis. Prank 2 21 800 acres Miller & Mann 10 75 S3 82 3 38 2 00 10 loo jii-iteynoids, w II - 45 jiinlck, mer 4 lots Martin, William 2 lots Monday. John 140 acres Nungesser, Georgo 7 S3 a juia riuiersun, j u.... 3 " IMce, Clarence , 42 " Pardee 4: Markle Kl acres nice, Abraham 55 " " " 5 S9 3 3J S3 2( 3 55 2 80 5 38 10J " " 91 " " George Blots nuthlirr, sam cco s lots ltuthlirr. Sam 4 20 4 OS 2 05 9 63 IS 77 28 140 acres Hweppenheiser, J K S40 " Shunan, Krank L 2 " snuinan. ' hoinas - 110 " Slicker, Moses ... 6 ' 8 lots smith, J w t s " Bhlck, J j .. 3 Bcott. Peter , 3 IS 2 0 200 acres Stewart, Wm 10 1 b niiu-Dun z jncnaei 2 " Stcney, Martin 2 lots Vastlne, B it tloM Volkenard. U J 54 1 31 4 OS 203 92 25S3 acres Went, II M coal & Iron Co.. a lots weizei, u a 3 " Werkhlser, Samuel 3 " Wood. Augustus 3 4 2 05 3 IS 7 88 89 acres Wheeler, William 16 91 Downs, John . 8J 3 W luce, John BENTON. Ash, Mary Kline, jonn Ellis Dodson, George 50 SO 40 3 98 1 18 BRIAltCREEK. a. Apple, Paul . lillsli. Itubcn 23 2S Brlttaln. II A J Est I Clem, W T ltev 4 Doty, Pealer & Stewart.. 4 51 300 200 150 100 2M 21 10 ISO 5 118 7 200 11 4 48 tv 50 r 14 40 9 60 4 43 12 2 7 3-1 3 75 "Evans, Francis .... " Harman, Daniel " lleadlcy, 8 l' Est ... " Klsner, John " Ileadley, 8 F Est.... "Hunger, Llzzle.... " lfeecer, Abraham ., " David sutler "Stout, Nathan , " Schuyler, Wm Mrs., " Freas, Wm L "Bobbins, Ell ...., "Stokes, Olden 71 10 35 49 2 17 16 9 1 00 71 3 5H 2 45 1 23 62 CATAWISSA. 50 369 49 85 30 307 JH7 30 8V 41 8 11 1 " Brobst, J 8 , Klace & Vetter .,..., ' Thomas, Hutu Ann ., "Thomas, Abel " Weaver, Elllas....' " Dornbach, Margaret...... "Klsner, Robert "Newell, Fred " Yetter, Lewis Est " Yetter. Lewis Est " Kram, Ellas " Blddle Heirs " Harder, Thomas E lot Schuler, Mrs Sarah CE.NTIIAI.IA. I S3 39 93 2 03 3 48 4 19 S 8 41 1 16 S 1 It 4 06 21 1 81 CO lot Conner, Thomas. Durken, Mrs. Anthony,,, Erwln, Thomas Ilerrern, Philip Homes, Thomas Kline. Caroline T 46 3 86 14 92 8 40 10 66 6 20 n.iiic, voiuitu, (irarell Co 7 20 91 50 6 20 lhlgh Mahanoy it it Co ... Markes, George Mcllearty, Mary, steel, George W ltlley, James Torry, Wm , , K nil lie, J n Boyer, John , , llanley, John G Ryan, Michael ,,,,, Gerrechty, Thomas Tighe, Thomas ,, McKnlyer, Domlnlck,.,,,,.,, Wilson, John CENTRE. 3 23 6 18 50 74 8 20 1 80 3 36 1 10 3 36 40 3 3D 3 36 22 acres Adams, Enos L. , 2 35 1 03 40 6 01 7U 10 ' 84 8 " 1 lot IluL-cnbucli. Wm Hagenbuch, Wm Br. Est... Homnan, Wm Eat. Lowrey, Rlmon Kroner, Josl-h. varch, Rebecca Nungesher, Sarah .,. , lUsuii, John,,,,.., C0NYN01IAM. Brockway, 0 U . 20 3 89 Si 16 13 51 5 2 2 4 378 Bresllne, Bernard Brady, .tulla... .,,,,,.. Cane. Ellen 429 acres Beam, Joshua... i iui, j'uviix itiuiiiua,,,.,...M. ....... 1 " Kramer, AW ,.. a 1 " Jones, fleorge 1 1 11 Lelby, KpUraliu........, 2 g'2 acres Kline, John L , .... 25 Slot Vlorrtsou, Culliarliio ., 7 1 " McManaman.Mary 1 1 ' Morris, Ann U ,,, 187 S80 acres Rustln, Mary 107 CO 1 19 43 00 61 50 61 50 52 HO 258 01 S3 13 M 1 Sf 1 38 9 25 5 25 1 65 47 1 10 1 63 18 It 30 3 75 8 13 6 60 25 M 4 60 8 4.1 18 1 88 1 1)8 60 1 81 6 M 4 60 2 11 1 61 11 10 1 ro 88 6-) 2 S3 2 60 60 4 23 4 14 1 43 1 01 10 40 26 15 3 M 22 80 7 60 77 76 14 23 13 30 SO Trein. jacoo ... Troln, Jacob .. Lowts, Walker. Ynuntr. John ... ia. .1.. 1 lot Melion. Thomas .- ..... lis acres ltuiton, John ,. i tot Mcuuior, iwrnnco F18I1INUCHERK, M acres AlleKar, John loo jiun, itcuDen . Holy, 1-caler A Stewart... Drr-slicr. John 300 " SO " 14 " Pavu, Htlga L SO " 60 " Farver, George nutcniwn, 1 nomas J Hosier, W A Homnan A Freas Ilarrtson, John Ilunslnger, Anthony Kindt, John At Co Lemon, Thomas Mcllentr, K J Mears, William Mdlenryu 11 Daniel l"caler, George...... Relchnrd, Lewis Bobbins, Wm A Bobbins, Ell FRANKLIN. Cleaver, Wellington Vought, E II Fortner, Jonathan Mensch, Michael Howell, William.. GREENWOOD. AlbortBon, Miles tz Hartley, Berry, John Derr, I ram Redllne, Benjamin McEucn, II J HEMLOCK. mo ro 800 " 140 " ir " loo " 60 50 leo 1 46 IS 150 50 Applcman, M 8 12 Appleman, Wm., 10O Bruglcr, Ellsha. Campbell, N 8... 80 28 80 20 W Neal l'ursel lMrnel, isaoo Pureel, svlvester , Wright, Levi Whltcnlght, George Jr., JACKSON. Frlck, Georgo A Frlck, Georgo A less, Benjamin..... Lewis, Isano ,., Miller Charles W Miller cVNoyhart Miller 'A Neyhart Keller, J K 60 300 4 238 216 5 LOCUST. Bllllngton, Charles Dewurt, George Everhart, John ,...... Geraghty. Thomas Hughes. Wright Est Kline, John L Kulp McWIltlama... Longenberger, Philip Me) era, Mary Ruslcn, Mary Kustcn, Charlotte Reynolds, John Rusten, Thomas Rccco, Daniel Shaffer, Henry 8ndcr, Jeremiah MADISON. Cox, Joel Kves, C W... . Hendershott, E Masters, l) k W sands, J E Est MAIN. BUtcnbender, Conrad Biockwayft Ent . crcosey, Wm Kr Dornbach, John ...... Dewalt, Philip Fisher, Daniel drover, A Gcarhart, Joseph Refiner, Samuel u Jummell. Chrlstoln ........... Kcefer, James Miller, 11 O Eat Miner, Emanuel . Moses, Michael .. Morris, Daniel .... Rhawn, Casper Snumin, W T Bhuiuan, Reuben .............. Bmeck, Brobst, Ycttcr, & Hauck Snyder, John Snyder, Abraham Swam, Bhepp s Co Y'ettcr, Daniel Est Sliuinan, John Hartman, Mathlas .. MIFFLIN. Aton, Thomas Huser, Franklin Est o A Jacoby Kramer, A W Nungesscr, Wm J . ............. Sweppcnhelser, J K Horace " E V Williams, Samuel MONTOUR. Glger, Barbara " John Est .. " Samuel Ilby, Jackson Neal, William .. Ramsey, Est Bhelhamer, John Creoscy, Jacob Fry, Daniel .... Runyan, Elmer ... MOUNT PLEASANT. Jacoby, Samuel Shatter, Mathlas....... ORANGE. Crevcllng. Samuel Everett, Gabriel Est. Everett, Moses Est Kline, Jacob Est . Kline, Abraham J... Kline, Abraham J..... Patterson, M B PINE. Barton. Ell DrleblCDls, Abraham Davis, Thomas Est Frlck, George A Lyons, R W Miller Colo .. Robblns,TD Shullz, illrain Shoemaker, Joseph ROARINUCREEK. Arthella, Francis Bucher, Peter Barnes, Thomas Jr Brlsh, Jacob llrlsb, Jacob Beavei, Geo, J I. Kline Brelsh, Jacob contalr& Rice .Cox, u 8 Ex of Trench Cox.. SCO 7 21 7 90 1 40 7 90 18 CO 2 01 6 30 1 31 4 SI 6 72 6 72 6 72 4 20 12 1 (8 1 00 NO 265 C4 95 23 VI S3 200 2i,0 200 SOtf 100 190 43 UU 21 1 DO 14 00 60 1 50 60 1 60 1 SO 1 20 3 90 1 SO 1 00 62 2l t CO u 93 71 22 2 CO 2 10 6 62 3 IS 2 00 9 10 1 20 23 40 4 33 1 30 33 300 33 BO 21 24 6 110 230 12 7 2 100 80 12 10 4 45 100 2V i 160 100 6 7 900 150 23 15 1 05 32 3 48 3 30 5 60 5 60 4 13 3 20 1 05 3 0 200 100 123 SO 23 15 1 80 90 1 SO 20 5 00 1 43 23 4 S3 43 90 96 1 44 1 IS 3 60 3 60 45 7 00 7 O) 4 20 13 80 2 59 4 06 15 5i 75 3 26 1 88 49 SO 8 19 2-1 10 65 51 30 133 25 17 223 50 100 29 49 30 0 1 00 1 82 1 18 2 10 8 07 78 45 50 GO 40 103 20 12 315 250 8 99 3 00 40 2 10 60 95 6 200 10 IB DUaplane, Ezeklel... Husten, John Harner, John ........ John Stacey Little, Robert Morris Hughes.. 100 2 40 13 24 44 96 1 20 1 04 S 19 63 26 83 26 142 19 7 45 9 100 Melllngton, Wm Melllngton, Wm luuu, J Miller Raub, J Miller Bkatec, Harvey, . . Trlen, Jacob . 2 60 IS 96 3D 40 CO 18 50 47 20 38 18 66 91 58 1 41 62 25 1 20 1 20 wiicuey, Mary est . wncuey, jonn Yocum, Isaac Ycttcr, Lewis Est.. Yetter Lewis Est... Levan.Lawsen ....... Mlndy, Lelns Shellenburger 96 48 1 68 2 40 2 40 240 9 45 64 82 2 90 48 SUQARLOAF. Bellas, William .... cole, Ezeklel Cole, Thomas B ......... Chapln, J F. Chapln, J F Custer, Mary fO " 84 48 " 10 60 18 63 7 42 31 90 2 63 1 95 4 24 2 12 19 01 5 30 5 30 10 60 2 12 9 68 250 " 2 " 15 " 23 " 14 Hess, i Joseph o , Joshua B. 1SS " Creellng Co,. Wesley 118" 19 " 91 " Hartman, Jesse Harvey, J F M Smith Mcllenry, Rohr, Mcllenry, EJ , 360 " 37 10 31 43 BOO " 200 " iUL-iiiMIJ. au ,. ,a w Savage, Joshua Est 13 18 15 90 80 " rpitEASUREU'S SALE OP SEATED X LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Also the following lots, pieces, and narcels of seated lands, returned by the tax collectors, are to uo wm u lufl samu 11 ite uuuer me proviiionsul an Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to iuo saio 01 lanus lur irx in ujiumuia county," ap- yiufta, jnaiiu uiu, iouo. BEAVER. 60 acres Barnes, Charles. 4 lots Barnes. Charles 11 22 18 30 317 acres Miller, Longenburger Fisher 81 60 1 lub jHuaieu, wm. 5 " Masten, Mrs. William 2 " helpt, a II 4 " Sherman, Thomas 3 SO 1 88 10 HO 1 9 12 1 " McAnee, John 1 " Loses, J A Agent BENTON. 3 03 1 20 Albert son, Samuel R , 1 20 3 60 2 20 2 00 2 00 Haycock. Samuel 3 acres stiles, Jeremiah,,,. 23 i) u Mcnenry .. stiles, Jeremiah,, 8 " 12 " 1 lot Good A D 5 00 1 00 Mcllenry, M L Kate , ULOOMSUURG. Walter, Norman l'ursel, Mrs Ell , BRIAltCREEK. 9 12 110 40 13) acres Doty Pealer 24 31 CATAWISSA. 40 acres Henry, Isaac Est, , CENTRAL! A. 1 lot llanley, John O 1 " McDonnell, Owen...... 1 " McDonnell, Anthony, 1 " t'arr, Catharine CENTRE. 1 12 2 40 8 HO S HO 1 Keller, Sarah 1 " Rosen, John 87 acres McOuln, W F .... 21 " Mcljuln, Joliu II CONYNOIIAM, 1 lot Brown. John 1 " Llndcrmutli, George ..... 12 60 IS 2 41 jruicu, juur; 1 450 acres Cummlngs,R M 383 " cummlngs, UMCo, 400 ' Curry. Ellen 241 75 140 16 80 23 400 " Muruhey, Hughes Co. ,,, 216 OJ 8 lots Kelnbold, W 8 6j F1S11INGCREEK. 31 acres Eycr, Mathlas . IX " Eyer, James ,, i lot bhultz, Cornelus ,,, FRANKLIN. 2 acres Strausscr, Joulah......... 2 03 1 23 GREENWOOD. 1 lot Pllklngton, ril , 81 acres Moore, Lafuyelle. 1 lot WllUver, J K 1 " Hess, Jones 1 ' Fiugerald, Elizabeth.., 27 acres McMlchael, June S 20 1 lot llhawn, Casper.. 5 acres Huston, Thomas . Welsh, James ..... 1 so 47 60 60 2 83 1 63 2 63 117 1 63 8 11 4 10 5 Ol' 2 10 19 60 2 01 13 73 HEMLOCK, tl acres Thomas, filalo Co .... liDner, vvniiam . 1 lot "(.1-1 tfuuil tM,t,, Tippctt, John.,.,,,., Fisher, Frank 8 .... JACKSON. 4 H acres Young, christian. 81 Young, Lewis 0, Young, Isabel Chambcrltn, Lewis LOCUST. Rhodes, Susan,,....,.,,'. MADISON. Huser fcCroom,,,, Trunibouer. A O ,, Weltver. Mtman Kxt lis " 170 1 lot W acres Miller, Charles 11 MIFFLIN. I lot Kelchner, Jacob,' Br....... 66 acres Bretsch, George .......... d 00 MT. PLEASANT, Bcnncld,-Thomas 1 ORANGE. Kves, James est 13 3 40 2 16 It 40 S 43 1 Ml 21 10 1 25 B 1(1 8 IK) 3' 15 Nl 11 III) S 1,1 S 19 3 27 7.1 40 17 riNE. tit ' Its " teggott Frlck Hobfilns Joshua Drelblebls, Jacob Est Drclblebls, Jos'ph .,, Evans, Ocorgo , Renn.nrah A , 38 " 8 " 10 " 1 " 60 Hlckcltfl, K. G K Ine Pattcrxon l'a 63 " nnc, A J I T ..... I. ...... 1 lot iu, iivuiii. -uiu .. ,,,,,, 60 acres Kllnn Pntrnrann SO " Parker. John II 99 " cornellson, J 11 15 " Neysunter? Michael .... SCOTT. 1 lot -fiotomnn. Phrwhn 16 seres McKclvy, Nrnl Co BUGARLOA1-. Hughes Wei Ington liit. Hess, l.avlna , Shullz, Kilos Hirvey, AM Seward, Nathan H. ....... Albertson, Jesse Stevens, Fj.ta 1 60 40 1 20 160 2 00 75 1 60 A. jr. Johnson, Treasurer. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES, OF CA8T CK WHOUGHT IHON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds. Th Villnwlnty artnnra the IHlrof rintUI nnn the several beautiful styles ot Fcnco manufactured by the undersigned. ForReautr&nrt Durahllltr thnv flniiin,nrniia . .. . . . . . . . . ......... . nands and warranted to give satisfaction. Prices and specimens of other de- signs sent to any address. Address .H BLOOMSBURG PA- May 4-tf JAMES mar 28 1 m 1 lot 1111111 ad PETER H SEEDS Are Annually Sown and Plantefl in Half a Million Mens ! tS"ThIa Year's Cataloguo Free on Application. PETER HENDERSON marss lmo S3 75 2 - , i i v It Has 30 Come and see it at C4 48 j )IVIDEN. NOTICE. The lili-eetnni nf thn hfitnwtao. lifMc, fictmnenv havo this day declared n semt-nnnual dividend of 4 per cent, on tho capltnlstock, payablo at the of. Illn Of tllfl 'I'mniilieor I n RtnoL-hnlilnM im nn Alti.K neo Of the 1 .im. 11. BOIIINR.' Catawlssa, March 31, 81. apr4-sw Treos. 2G6lhc()itiimpiioo only SI BY MAIL POST-PAID KNOW THYSELF. 11 1 Exhausted Vitality, Nervous nnd Physical Debil ity, Premature Deel nd In Man. Errors of Youth, ana tho untold miseries resulting from indiscre tion of excesses. A book for every mnli, joung, inlddlo-ngcd mid old. It contains 123 prescriptions for all ncuto and chronic diseases, each 0110 of which Isinvrtttiable. Ho found by the Author, w hoso experience for 23 yoars Is such ns probably never betorofellto the lot of nnyphysl. Ian. :mo pages, bound In beautiful Trench inulln, covers, full gilt, guaranteed to Im 11 tlner work In every sense mechanical, literary and professional than nny other work sold In tlilscoiintry for 12.50, or tho money wilt bo refunded in every Instance, Prleo by mail post-paid. Illustrative samplo Scents. Send now (lolil medal awarded tho author by tho National Medical Association, to the oniccrs of which he refers. This book should bo read by tho young for In struction, nndbytho nmiclcd for relief. It will benellt all Ltmilvii hniitrt, Thero H no member of society to whom this book will not bn meful, whether youth, parent, guar dian, instructor or clergyman. Aivnnnul. Artdresstho Penboly .Medical Institute, or I)r W. II. Parker, 0. 4 lluinnch Mrcct, Boston, Mass., who may bo consulted on nil diseases requiring; bMU and cxperlcnro. chroulo and obstlnato illseas csanflthathavcbaniedtho 1 1 11 t I skill of all other physicians n spo 1 1 11 I j clalty. such treated successful 'il fj VUI?I I.' IV wlthoulan lnsnncoof LlX I Olliljl'fnll urn. Mention this papor. April 4-lw 'K ' d IMMEDIATELY. A few canvass for tho sale ot Fruit Trees, vines, A'o eztjertctUH rrtiilrnl. Good rosob, Ac. salary and nil eapenses paid. Address H. J. UOWDEN CO., Brighton, N. V. (1 mile cast of Rochester.) April 4-4W d April 4-lw MITCHELL'S ATLAS llJ . GF TIIK WOULD NEW EDITION. THE 1JEST AND CHEAPEST ATLAS PUBLISHED. FOR SALE ATAU Stored WM. M. BRADLEV 11110., Publishers, 1030 ARCU ST., PIIILM)EDPHI., PA. Send for Clrcu lar. April 4-4W d ALOEN'S MANIFOLD CYCLOPEDIA. Over 300,000 subjects and 6,000 lllustrat Ions, num erous mniH. so volumes, largo octavo, $03 oo ; cheaper edition, f 15.00. Specimen pages Ireo 600, Oio olumes Choice liooks-descrlptho Catalogue free. Books for cxa r Inatlon beforo payment on cvldenco otgood faith. NOT sold by dealers prices too low. JOHN B. ALDEN, I'ubllshcr, 18 Vesey St., New York, p. o. Box I2r. April 4.4w d Wantkh.-la: I'ancy work ntth try, and earn to L-nnil.4 for ntir Kn LADIES TOTAKEOURNEW ineir homes, lncltyor eoun- tfi to l'i nor wrvkv Inntlnfl. iroods for nurNnrtiiff nnd Humini.. ,mrln Send 15c, for samplo and particulars. HUDSON MFG. CO., 203 Sixth Ave., Now York. March ll-lw r . 5,Or,wUMe nA Flower fieed CaUlorne for I Hi 1, ihu riKult ofthlrty Jtar' rxperlcnrc un ii Vcd Uroucr, will be Rent ftr c toM ulionp. ply. All rar cid ! wurmntcd to be frch imil Iruc to name, to fur that ttaould It prove other. w Uc,l uareo to reflu ordcntsrutln. ilrcoUcr. lion of vrjtctnbla Heed, one of the raont cxtcn Rive to be Tound In any American Catalogue 1 "fC.part oflt or my own ttroVlne. ANtliu oHdlnal Introducer of KellpDe fleet, IturbanL utntocA, Alarblchcad Karlr Corn, the Hub uuru rqiiant ona urort or otner new iec tublcR, I Invite the pntronnce of the public. In lie curdttif andontbu lurni ofthoite nho plant inr med ntllbnToiind m v het advfMlumtit. J. H. GREGORY. Seed firnwer. MflrhlfhPAd Mfiec. & CO. 85 & 87 Cortlandt Street, NEW YORK. , on Manhood. PLANTS WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU EVER SAW A HANDSOMER 11AI GE TI-I.TST THE , IR.O'A.ILj , Ami wo nro suro you novor used u BETTER BAKER. La Rue Automatic Gratu, Which is Warranted. WITH OR WITHOUT WATER BACK. PIANO TABLE Tho second slilpnicnt, consisting of soven cases of our cclcbrati'ti TONQUIN TABLE rOVKRS, Henehed us n fow days iigo, and aro oven inoro lmndsotno (If that Is possible) than tho tlrst lot which sold so rapidly. Wu have them in EIGHT DIFFERENT C0L0P.IHGS. And tjio follow inj; sizes! 5A, G-'l, 7-4, 8-J, 8-10 & 8-12. It is almost impossible to praiso theKO iroods too hlulily. Tho col- orinirs aro so rich and effectivo and the iiiIcch go very tnoderato that tlicy should meet and suit all purses. Our stock of all taslts Raw and Spun Silk and Fine Tapestry Table and Piano Covers Is now comiilutc, nnel comprises .tlio follo'ving sizcii: 1 1-2, 1 3-4, 2, 2 1-2, 3 yards long. Eighth Street. Market Strctt. PHILADELPHIA. DEALER IN Foreign nnd Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS, AND J0B6EB IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Anntnmv. We Want Agents lor tlic VORLW'S CVCLOPEDIA And to gotut onco BrUk, tnergctio and Succossrul 1Yorkir6, w ooyu ilocMo.1 to giro $ f fa ft R f i n 'JCo 1,10 ARcnt who ortlerH tlio limit l.ilUIJ 5) llll rclopcaialcloro JU.M! lNt. 1884. . 9.?T. . rf .tT . H Wo "t" ,;icb cxtranrilliuiry Induce- nicuti) that Apentacnnnot rail to earn fromglOO to $300pprmontb. Wo Mill also dlvldei-qually G df rtf"M SSlTdr ton prrHnna who ncikI tho ton niu ?B .IJIBBD M M A Si EHI ',lrB't ortlom ln-rorn JUVi; 1st. lHMt. w m 7??. . "nJ "?' CjclopKlu It m l, in .irn.Ur for K llandauiiio I'rnllis on i all order! lent, mil the moitenoreetlo will receive CI. o'.fj. (I ;( l f.uii ITi'inliima lutlconliaenlliilTorfuatoAireati. Wa Imve 11 now. nw ra, vo DO given ai auova. John .llorderaiuual; ii.Jir .r. P l . ' p u World Manufacturing Co. lis a aent la tbo ESTHER. M AND COVERS GUI' nmgiiificont Btook of KMBKOIDKKBD 0LOT1I PIANO COVJSItS Ih attracting much ntlcntloii. All tlio gooilri wuro tnntiiifnotiiroil to our order nml iinoorti'd dircot. Wo linvo fill tlio latest styles in PLAIN AND VAUIliGATED B011DEK3 At very niodcrnto liavo llii'iu in jirices. Wo 1 I, 0 -I, 7 I, mid 8-1 size.i And in nil the colorings. Wo now designs nml liavo nlKO a com- pltto lino of CARDINAL AND TURKEY RED TAULE CLOTHS In all rizt'H mid grades, with kins to mat el i. nap Filbert Street. THE CUEAl'EST WORK EVER ISSUED ! WOELB's'cfcLOPEDift AD IiIIIHAIlV OP UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE. TbliTIotleToluinecl accuritoand coca lDformtton,ftrrn4 tar ttMitv mriiruiifi. .... ' MlnnrnloRT, Mi'illrlnp, IMijHlolopy, riiltoMoimy, Il44llirluiit luturnt Ulitorj, :ortnuproo, ,ll thnloirv. .ireliltrotnre, Affrii'iiKiiri, Afatritnuiiir. Arts ami Boipnccs, lilofrruiiliy. Illiillcul IJtornturo, C'ltloN nml loitiu nf thn World, tfxplnmtlnii A Traolti i'linmUtrr, l-.'tiKlitorrliir i:iluratlnu, ucncrnpljy. (oirriuiinnt! llnrtli'ulture l'l(irnturn Alri'tiiniN'ii. l.crirHinsiicni iimuiry t'ltllKUIIKI'H.AO Itcnntaiiii over Eihi imtfua. ta mvt ttnrBt-niioa nn.i t u i n. ...... i und It ttibe-r aul mot nt".lr Cyclopedia rorallrlaiton ftnJ coadltyni o?erpubillied, AkoiiU lVuateU iouko utdert inrthlt INDISPENSADLE LIBRARY OF UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE. PmpJ rnplM i 1,4 tpjit for enaaltiaUon, by mall, poet mM for World Mi'g Go. 122 Nassau Street, Now York h Cieli.i i1....iihi S2.000.00 Cfioli 'vli r l-'IILMI'M F. riillll.M Alii, Hretlioaulh..riK .1 New k Airriiliol t iiiuiii.. in i. i" v m . i'i i!:1..!".. ivetll. Bloomsburg, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers