-jle doltuqbikaq. colou ria tmyocnAT, star ov nut Nontn. and Co lumbian, consolidated. iMiiod WrcUlr. every I'rldtiy .Horning, nl llLOOMSUUItO, UOLUMMA CO., Pa. ATtwonnu.Aiw per year. To subscribers out of thoeounty the terms nro Blrlclly In odfonce. tXa paper discontinued except lit lha option 01 tlio publishers, until all nrre.ira nfo paid, but son contlnuod credits will not bo Jiven. nm,'il''l,,fJ.,il,01.t?yi0,,tllu.l,fttoort0(ll'tantpost omcos mutt bo paid forlnndrancc, unless a resnon slblo person In Columbia county S Kr the subscription duo on demand. ""u"lt3 w P"' ntuoSoountyV'10nSOroXftCtJJ from sub'crlb job PuiN.TrNa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T K. WALLEIt, ' ATTOilNlSY-At-LAW, o.llco over 1st. N.vtlonil n.tulc. Hloomsburif, I'a. U.PUNiC, AT'Jl'P tf-NE Y-AT-L A W. omco In itnt's lluftdlnir. IlLOOMStlUHO, I'A. ri it. lHJoic.vr.HW, VV. ' ( UI .-.II.. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ' ' ' BI.O0MS8CH0, I'A. onico over 1st National Hank. i m JOHNM. 0IA1UC, 1 " ATrOUNEY-AT-LAW. ' AND ' JUSTICE OF THE 1'BAOE. Bloomsucro, I'a. onice'ovof MOyCr Broi DrujfHtori TC, ' c '1 V MILLER, Mil , ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW ortloo In Drawer's bulldlnjf , second floor.room No. 1 liloomaburR, I'a. B. FRANK ZUtR, ATTO UN E Y-AT-L AW. ; , ; j i i j ;liloomsbui'fJ Pa. onice" coVne of coritro and Main streets.' Clark s HulMlng. Can bo consulted In German. Tr G ---f "rl - EO. E. ELWEt.L, . i ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. New Comiuman Uuildino, Illoomsburg, Pa. Member of tlio United States Law Association. Collections made In any, part of, America or Eu rope t f , V ' rr Tf ITT V .TTTl-Tt V 1 Attomey-at-Law. OIUco In Columbian Dcildino, ItoornNo.3, second uoor. ULOOMSBURG, PA. S. KNOBB. I. 6. W1NHBSTKIN. KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, Attovnoys-at-Law. oiloo tu 1t National Itink building second noor. first door to thnMt. Corner of Main and Market streets Uloomsburg, Pa. SSyVnion and Bountlet Collected. J II MAI?E, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW omco In Maize's building, overjllllmcyer'sgrocory. May JO, '81. c. ,B. BROOKWAY, 'Attornoyjat-liaw, .'( - NOTARY .VUBLIO." Oflko In Ills building opnosito.Court House, 2nd lloor, Bloomsburg, I'a. 'apr 13 '83 JOII'YOOUM, Attornoy-at-Law. CATAW1SSA, I'A. omco In News Item building, Main street. Member of the American Attorneys' Associa tion, Collections made In any part of America. Jan. 6, 1392. A IC. OSWALD, ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW. Jnckson Building, Rooms'4 nnd 5. Mayeifll, i 'i ' IIEIWICK.PA KIIAWN & H01JINS, ATTOItNEYS-AT-LAW. Office, corn'or of' Third and Main Streets. E. SMITH, Attorncy-ntLiiw, Berwick. Pa. Can bo Consulted in Gcrmn'n. AW FlliST-CI.ASS FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE OOMl'ANIKa ItUritESKSTKl). "STOIIlce llrst door below tlio post olllcc. MISCELLANEOUS. CM. BARKLEY, Attorney-at-Law omco tu Urower's building, 2nd story.Uooms & n O BUOKINGHAM. Attnmev-at-Law lAi.ortlco, llrock vay's uulldlng.Ilst floor, ulbumsourg, l'enn'a. may 7, ')-t t JB, MoKELVY, M. DStiri;eon and Phy . u:nn, north sldo Main streot.below Markoi L. FRITZ At(ornev-!t-L'iw. . . In CouoanuN t'jtldlng. Office 0. M. DRINKER, QUN & LOCKSMITH e vliti; Miiuiaesand Maohlnery of all kinds re- aireti. ursKi noun uuuiing, isioomsourg, r. D R. J. 0. RUTTER, PUYSICIAN S8UH0E0N, onice, North Market street, Uloomsburt, Pa DR. VJI. M. IlEBER, Surgeon and Physician, onlce corner of Hock and Murket street. T R. EVANS, M. D.. Surgeon and J . Physlolan, toitlce and Hesldence on Third street. H. HOUSE, DENTIST, Bi.ooMsiiuno, Columiiia CountitPa. All styles of work dono In a superior manner, work up without Pain by the use of Uas, and free of charge when artificial teeth are Inserted. ' Jo be open at all houn during the do. piRE INSURANCE. OHIUSTIAN Y. KNAPP, UL00M8BUH0, PA, IIOMK, 01' N. Y. MKUCIIANTM', OK NKWAH1C, N, J. CI.IN'l'O.V, N, Y, 1'KOI'I.ES' N. Y. HEADINU, PA. These old coKroHATiONs aro wen seasoned by age and riKt Tksrsu and have never yet had a loss uttledby any court of law Tbelr assets art) all Invented In solid sscoaiTiisand are liable to the hazard of rial only. Losses rnoxnxY and uonsstlt adjusted and nam as soon as determined bv Cusistian P. KNArr, srsciAL Aqint and Adjpstih Hlooms- 1DK0, PA. TIih ndanla of Columbia nuntv should natron- Ite the agency whero losses It any are settled ana nam ov one oi tueir own muieus. PliOMPlNESS, EQUITY, FAjll UBALINO. ALT. KINDS OF .101$ PIJINTING AT Til IS OFFIQU. . i t 4 Jh. I 0. E.HIiWfiLL, - , , . S BlITEUBSNDEn.f E. B. BROWER, HAS FITTING & STEAM IIEATJNO. DEALKK STOVES & TJN WARE. All kinds o work In Sheet Iron, Roof ing nnd Spouting promptly attended to. STr-strlct attention given to heating by steam. Corner of Main & East Sts., Bloomsburg, Pa. Mill Clolls! Mini! G. W. 8ERTSCH, TUB MKUCIHNT TAILOR, AND DKAI.UIt IN Gents- Purnishing Goods OP EVKltY UESCllllTION. CLOTHING!! Having very recently opened a new Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Fur nishing Goods Store, in KNOUU & WINTEUSTEEN'S building, on Main street, where' I am prepared to make to order, at short notice, first class suits of clothing always in the latest stylus and prices reasonable. Fits guaranteed. Having learned how to cut garments) to suit customers, and also what kind ol material will give satisfaction, I would ask you to please call and examine tho BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS Ever shown in Columbia county, Before Purchasing Elsewhere. Corner Main & Market Sts. lomslii Pa, April 13-1 (Continued Jnm last How Waich Cases are Made. In 1875, thirteen men comprised tlio entiro working forco used in the manu facture of tho James J?W GoldlVatch Case. Now over fivehundrcd are employed, and tho number is constantly increasing. Tho rea son of this increase is this: In the Jama JI033' Gold Watch CaseM the metal in sight nnd subject to wear U solid yoW,while tho re mainder, which only lends strength to tho case, is of stronger metal than gold, giving gold where gold is needed, and strong, clastic metal whero strength nnd elasticity aro needed, a combination pro ducing a watch caso better than solid gold and at one-half tho cost. M Over 200,000 of theto cases O have been sold, and every jeweler in tho country can testify to their quality and went. Lcbixaion, Mien., Dec. 5, l"i2. L. V. Murph, nf tliO Jlemucrat, lOUKbt tt Jait. Hokh' tlolJ w utcu cafco is yrars nvo, ami carrlea It uutil e customer. 'Iho coko showed untixua of wcnr.exwi t that natural to any cate, and I am vattatkd ca'i bo BardyKiiardutend for atleu.t ten yearn more. 1 bate pold the Jainea Uohh' Gold W&tih Cape formally ) eal-K. alid tho Hartley u ho biik'ht tho rlrt oneri ai a enrrv. ehort time turn, when 1 lum'tinned It. and void It to a IS MK lucm iOHny.au wti, tutupneu as laoun nicy uan rfKsinl them an tho only caw of this felnd a Jem It r ehoulj noil who denirtii to tfe his ciihtonuTH tho ouabt a eoliil L'olJ cawi cohtimr tuiuu the mont.'V. I orui 01 tucir Uioiity or aiut'd iuh repuutioii. PfnJ Sent itimp to EvjitoBt WtUH Tut I'ttorlr, Fltllk dilpbUs I'm., tut bundwmt Illutrtfd 1'tmphlt ttlmtilnfr Lin Jaum Uil Kftvi Htth lain tut paUb (ToU Continued.) Tr I book, New edition New bindinifi, Nw iliusitations fiutn new dekini but cbly gotten up. bitne low price. Adapted to all cUiiM. sell at tight. Apentt doinif bg work, UxCHLLhNl TBRMb. The liandtumett protpectus erer Isiued, Apply now. liUAHLRV Gihkktson i- Co., 66 North th St. PMIadel plila, I'j, AUuotliprurtnd uew bcuWfc and Ititlet, marSS-iy aid i'(Md I'iij lor .turt'iiu. 9100 to 8300 per mo. mmlt fct'lllni; tmrUriintl NrtvllUlorr. Fuiuoiik iiiid Iki'vUIti ItittllHtink)Vorltl Writf tu J. V, Jlct unl V t o., I'hiluUelphU.l'a. mar 28-iy aid Catarrh Cuuscsj:0 raln- Glvesrelief at once. treat- liquid or Apply with I'rlce 60 ccntH, by mall or at druggl.ts. HAY-FEVER itev. II. II. Falr.tll. I). 1).. editor ol the Iowa Methoatst, says editorially, Not ember, 181 s "We tcbted Ely's cream liulm, and believe that, by a thorough course ot treatment. It will euro almost every CISC i. uaiuuu. .muisitia. us u u,w aruictcd with hood and throat troubles, nnd ca- larru seems more provaiennnan ever, wutau not recommend Illy'a cream iuita oo highly. llarch'23-lw a M. C. SLOAH & BRO., BLOOMSBUKG, PA. il inufacturcrs ot CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS. SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &C First-class work always on band, REPAIRING NEA TL YDONE. Prices reduced to suit the times, HAimiAN HKPHESBNTS TlIK rOLLOWINO AMEHIOAN IN3UU.VN0B COMPANIES North American of l'hlladolplila. I'rankllii, " " l'ennsylvanla, " " York, of ivninylvanla. Hanover, of ,M. Y. ()ui:cuM, of Imdon, North llrltUh, of London, onice on M irKit dtreot, No, 5, Bloomsburg, oct. Sl.IlMy 17HEA8 IIHOWN'S INSURANCE X1 AiJSSOV, Uovur's new '. building, Mala street, Uloomsburg, I'u. Assets. .Utnu Insurance Co., of Hartford, conn, $i.oi8,sw lioyal of Liverpool I3.soo.ooo Lancashire ' lo.oo.ooj Plre Association, fhlladelphla 4.1SMI0 l'hrnnlr. of l.nnilnn B.SCC8H Hudon & Lancashire, ot England.. . 1,T09.70 IlarKor I otll .rtford 8,I3.0f0 Hprlnglleld Fire and Marine 3,usg,o Astheazeuclesarodlreot, policies aro written for tin. lnqnrii wlthniit. anv delay In the onice at Uloomsburg, Oct. S3. '81-tf. kWilSfllVI DrWfiitifl Thorough mYFEVRNot BtWrtSo?) finger. Roiltl UlO llrtpOl'K iltltl ItO lOMt-l cil tin to tho best nml clirapcut spot In tlio city to liny your Rcnilj'-mmlo Clotlilu?. Our Miring Htuclt, now rcatl)', In fine, welt assortctl ami low rlccil, A. C.YATES &C0, Leflpr Bnilrtiim, CIibsIiiu! & Sill SI PHILADELPHIA. Feb 29 'SI AVhcre (lie Fire is Out. MAGIC NO MOKE A MYSTEuY-SBEN l'UOM ACItOSS THE WOULD. "Ilaroun ol Aleppo," said Sir Ililllp Dcrval "had, mastered every secret in nature which tho nobler1 maglo seeks to fathom. Ho discovered that tho. true art ot healing Is to assist Naturo to throw on" tho disease to summon, as It wero, tho wholo sys tem to eject the enemy that has lastened on apart. His processes nil Included the relnvlgoratlon of the prlnclplo of lite." In this tho Eastern sago merely anticipated tho practice of tho best physicians otto-day. What, IKo Itself K nobody knew then nobody knows' now. But wo have learned something of tho rea-j sons why tho mysterious tide Uses and falls. 1'ro-J vldcd the great organs ot tho body aro not lrrcpar, ably destroyed, medical sclenco can always relieve,! and often save. Yet no reputablo physician now adheres to tho barbarous and stupid processes of depletion, such as bleeding, by wldcb It was at tempted to euro dlscaso by reducing tho patient's ability to resist It. Now-a-days we do not tear' down the fort to help tho garrlson-we strengthen. It. In this Intelligent and bcncflclcnt work, It Is con-i ceded that 1'AltKEH'S TONIC leads all other me dlclncs. As an lnvlgorant It acts Immediately and powerfully upon the circulation nnd tho organs ot uiKcsuuu, urns giving naturo inu assistance snt calls for. It follows that all aliments of the stom ach, kidneys and liver aro at once relieved or cured. No other preparation embodies tho same qualities or produces similar results. It Is delicious to u and the best known antl-lntoxlcant. I'rlce 6oo and f 1. Hiscox & Co., New Yonc. THgOBEftOJ i BCGOWQHElH0gl Thoonly known specific for Epileptic Flts.-r.a rrirAIso for Spa-uis and Falling falclcncss.-CJ Nervous Weakness qnlckly relieved and cured. Uquallcd by nono In delirium of fevcr."TOX Ca'Ncutrallins grrrr.s of disease and sickness. Cures ugly blotches nnd itnbborr. blood sores. Olenites blood, quickens sluggish c.rcul.nlon. LllmlnntcB Colls, Carbuncles nnd Sca!ds.'(,3 xnrl'erinoncntly and promptly cures paralysis. Yes, It Is a tharmlug and hc:.ltMr.l Aperient. Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. Changes bad breath to good, removing cause. rHyitouts biliousness and clears complexion. Charming resolvent and matchkss Inxntlvc.-T3 It drives hick Headache like the wlnd.lTJ py Contains no drntlc,cr.thartlc or orilr.tos. l'romptly cures Ilhenmatisni by rov.ti it.- ti Ilcetorcs llfe-pli lng properties to thellond.-i a Is gnaranteed to curer.U tcricu a.' inkru.i.tt farKcllnble when all oplatC3 fal'.- 1 Ilefreshes the mind and lnvljor-t I'v bojy. Cures dyspepsia or money rcfuntl' X - i tiy"Enlorseil In wrltlnR by ocr(11y thousand 1a ailing physicians In U. S ctm E-. - . Leading clergymen In U. S. and E-iroj - Diseases of tho bbod own it a crr.e ror.- f. For sale by all leading dtngl.ti. v .i Tho Dr. S. A, r.ic'jmowl Jle,rtlval Cj., itmi., Et. .Io-r !i. Mo. i Chas, N. Crittcnto.i, .' j .. " ' THINK OF IT NOW I Although mflch Is said about the Impor tance of a blood-purlfylng medicine, it may bo possible that the subject has never seriously claimed your attention. TTtftil'nff now.' Almost every person has some form of scrof ulous poison latent In his veins. When this develops In Scrofulous Rores, Ulcers, or Eruptions', or In the form of Rlieiiinntlsiii, or Orcanlo Diseases, the surferlng.lhat en sues Is terrible. Hence the gratltudo of tlioso who discover, as thousands yearly do, that Ayer's Sarsajmrilla will thoroughly eradicate this evil from tho system. As well expect life without air ns health without pure blood. Cloanso the blood w lth AVEU'g SAKSAl'AIUL'LA. rnEPABED nv Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists ; ? 1, six bottles for ?3. ""AINWKiailT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Philadelphia PEAS, BYHUrs, COFFEE, SUO Alt, MOL SICX, BI'ICKS. BICiKB SODA. AC. tO. N. E, corner Second and Arch stroma. Iirordors will roeolvo prompt attentln WIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE FILLS rou xnn LIVER And all Bilious Complaints. Safe lo take, being purely vegetaWo ; no crl",Ing. i'rlce lliSeuu. All Dru&..U. March JMvr d BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL The undersigned having put bis Planing HI) on ltallroad street, In tlrst-ciass condition, is pre pared to do all kinds ot work In bis line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application, l'lans and specific lions prepareu uy an expericuccu uruugummuu cn.ini.us unvn, IltooniHliiir?, I'n egf BLOOMSBTJ11G, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL SELECT STORY. THE BAILOR'S OHESi;. A I.Klir.NI) OFTWOOl.ll N0UTI1 Or UNO- i.ANI) FAMILIES. Tho coast of Durham, in tlio North of England, ia, abrupt mid oraiy. Tho hifjhtu nit) covered with vcrtluro, nnd no iiioro piotnresqilo lahdnchfltf cull lie ieeu. Fniiii houses, and noblo' tuan slons nbomid, And tho, woodland m.oic tcuaivu nnd bountiful, Many. of, tho farm houses aro constructed otit'of tho remains of deoayud castlci! and' ninho- rial halls', atlil Still retain irtarKS indi cating tho former'grAnduess oflio oiic. iiuil dwellings. Iletidon Mow, ns it was called, was ono ot theso farm louses, and ptood about half n milo from, tho coast on rising ground not far from tho town of Durham. Thiity years nco it was fast fallintr into decay, and probably by this tftno, is in ruins'. A hundred and fifty years ago a fine old liqusu occupied tho site, tho dwelling of tho lfetulon fa mil v. Tho llendons had been wealthv. but freo livintr nnd habits of unthrifL had greatly reduced their revenues.' in liil I Luthbcit lluudou oaino into! possession of the property when hd at tained his majority. IIu Had a sister1 IJarbarn, but lour' vcars youimer than himself, and a brother Uulp'li, 12 years, of agv.i Their father, during the last ten years ot Ins life, during which ho was n widower, had lived a lifo of riot. and the education which his famiiyirc-, ceived at homo was not such as was likely to boar good, fruit. Tjio father's1 associatra had been men of looso morals and unbridled passions, and to some of' them crimo vjna not uufatnlliar. Lat terly thu elder Ilundon had added to i Ins income by cnuauini; cvtenslvfclv in coutraoaml trade, tlio locality and con- struction of his dwelling beint; pecu liarly favorable to suoh a calling. Cutb bert had been duly indoctrinated info the art oi smuggling' and disposing of tho plunder, and when his father died ho was thoroughly competent to coif- tinue the business. Taking his younger brother into his confidence, he found him active tind intelligent boyond his years. As to Isarbara, sho was a cqihely, well-spoken girl, and had picked up a little educa tion at a boarding, school at. Durham, where she had resided, with a feliuht intermission of holidays, for a few years. :t the time when ,ttiis narrative uo- gins she was peimanctitly residing uat home. During the latter pait bf 1730, few cargoes of smuggled goods had been successfully landed, ahd'thoJfinances,f the Ilundon family were, getting low. Toward tho closo of January, 1731, thcro was a three days' calc, and many coasters were ashore. Ilendon and his brother, aided by two men in their employ, had been active in gatheiing in from the wreeks whatever was ,ot value, but this was comparatively tri lling. On the night of January 29th they received intelligence that u large ves sel was off the coast near Durham, and likely to come ii&hore. In fact, thu signal gnns of distress could bo heard at intervals between tho blast. Cuthbert and ltilph hastened to the scene, just in time to see the vessel driven over tho breakers and dashed upon tho shore. Seores of fishermen and others were on tlio spot, some to render help, but more to secure what thoy could that was valuable. Cuthbert and Ralph carried off' be tween them a largo trunk, and convoy ed it in safety to tho Mow. It con tained little 'of value, however, and, angry and disappointed, Cuthbert re turned to tho beach, followed by Ralph. An hour later Ralph appeared at the house, and refusing tho tood ottered by his sister, lay down on the coach in tho largo kitchen, and apparently slept. After a time Cuthbert returned, and seemed to bo in excellent spirits. Send ing Ins sister ott to bed, nnd reassuring himself that Ralph slept, ho sat down before tlio fire and ate heartily, drink- ng treely ol Hollands, and then smok ng. Ifavini; finished his pipe, he drew from his pocket a huge leathern belt, and squatting before tho fire, which furnished the only light in thu room, ho examined the contents of what was oyidputly a largo purse. First sitisfy- ing himself that he was unobserved, ho emptied upon tho rug a pilo of golden coin, which ho scrutinized closely, and then returned to tho belt. Ralph raised his head slightly from tho coach nnd watched his brother. Tho coin being returned to its place, Cuth bert put the belt in his pocket, and, after gulping down more liquor, pulled off his boots, put more logs on tho fire, wrapped, hjmself in a hugo blanket and lay down in front of tlio fire. ; Net' 'iay it was ascertained that only five persons on board tho vessel at tho.tirrfo she was driven ashore were saved.- IJeforo this, however, a boat witli seven persons on board had loft tbo vessel, but it was considered doubt ful-whether tho boat could live in such a sea. Among thoso rescued wero a man who called himself John Rans- com, and his daughter S.-illiu. IIo ap peared to bo a rough, hearty man, who raado light of tho calamity, and said ho was' satisfied to loso what ho had lost, since his daughter's lifo and his own wore saved,, and ho had managed to bring away with him all his money and somo jowols. Tho .daughter was a large, wcll-mado woman of about 23, with black eyes, abundant black hair, and a bold, handsome face. Hondoti scon made this mail's' acquaintance, and tlio two were niiiCh together. "I Lavo lived lor ten years, ' ho Baid, "in Calcutta, and havo mado nionoy ; not tmi oh, but sufficient to start some thing tiiat will pay. My idea is to go to London and start an inn down among tho shipping, I havo a large acquaintance among tho best of the captains and sailors hailing from the Thames, and I can mako a good thing out of it. : .' ' "What do you thjuk of my joining von I" Uuthbert asked. "I havo n little money, and wo might do well. My sister and brother can get along very welt hero lor a while, and 1 can help them, It need be.' Rau8com caught at this, and arraugo-; mcnts wero soon mado. isarbara o posed tno scheme tor a time, tmuiaipn entreated her to let Cuthbert go, as surlng her that with tlm littlo thoy hail they could get along. Then ho iiiadej a communication to uer which luaucj her shudder and grow pale, and almost) faint i and nfter this sho exchanged fow words with hur older brother, ,nml n in duo course. Cuthbert, R.Hiot'Om nnd Sftllio, sailed in a coaster for the Thames. - . A few weeks nfter this thero catno to Durham a young sailor, who gave liU uamu ns Hugh Hlnok. lie was a bright, liniidfomp lellpw, nnd announced Unit io was .ono of tho crewflf a wrecked vessel, who had escaped in the boati Black found, liw way to tho scene of the wreck, and inato no secret of thrj fact that lip, had conio to seo whether anyfh'nib had been Been of hlsBija'-ehest, on which ho appeared lo set groat, v'oW uq. N6no' knew 'ftt'iyf.Jiiiig' of it. At tho slierecstton of ' s6md iJhe. BlA'ck! .'isited tho 5t0W.-wheftt ho found Ralpli nVwbrlc building a pigsty. i no boy was struck with tho hand omo voutifr sailor, and entered frcelv! into conversation with hint. AVhcn ho learned that ho was, ono, of tho survi vors 6f th6. wreck, his, interest was Itj-i creased, nfid, taking iu'tn into tlio big, kitchen, ho introduced him to Barbara, who was busy at tho ohurn. Room would fail to civo all tho de tails,, and so; it must euflico to'say-tlmb tho young sailor waB heartily woloomod,, and stayed ithcro that night, occupying n bed with Rnlplv whom. ho fascl-, nnted with tales tof tho !ea' nnd distant climes. Next day Ulnck disclosed to Ralph that tho Jbject of his visit was to dis co ver,' iif i possible, someitfiioos ofihisj missing ohest. Tho blood niched to tho boy's fnco, for ho hail no doubt that the trunlc.which ho. had helped! his brother to carry to tho house! from the beach belontrod to the vounct sailor. Despite, his. ,carly training, Ralph was naturally a truthful and honorable boy. 'nnd ho hesitated but a motrifcntim disclosing tli6' fact that such a chest as' the Bailor described was then In the hotisc. 1 ' 'My brother' ho said', "Wah engagfHl, in Btmiggling1,. 'ami1 had' secrol' places where ho stowed coods. The trunk is th'cVe, but I'm afraid it' Is empty. 'What is worso I fear my brother has tho keyS." ' ' Kalph, however, had a hatinv thoticrlit. nnd liu, added, quickly : "It'rf iiist possible ho didu t take the koye. I'll search' whero ho ijsod to hide them, and bo back in a minutq." ' With that he' rati off alid shortly re turned with the keys. Going into the byer, or c'ow-hb'ise, in the rear ot ihb dwelling, tho sailor nccompaiiyhig him. Kalph lighted a lantern. Then, lifting tho lid of 'a'corif bin, h'dsaidT "Tho-.bottom of this bin, lifts tip, and below.are siairs leading to the'cellar of tho old pastle. Lay hold qf tlio, nail in the far corner and pull.", TJie sailor did so, and tho bottom came away, revealing a flight of steps. Ralph climbed into tlio bjn, (followed by JSlack, and they "descended .the steps into a vault, ' Selecting a key, Ralph applied it to tho lock, of a door in oue, corner, aud.in a moment thoy were iusido a spacious cellar. On the floor lay soores of empty barrels, pack ages, boxes' and lumber of all kinds, and among them the chest. Tho sailor was iu high spiiits, though ho found it empty. "Never mind tho duds,'' ho said ; "there is something more important than all." With this, ho turned the chest on end, took out his knife and applied it to a screw in the bottom. Then he removed another screw at tho other end, and the next moment the, false bottom of tho' chest was removed, dis closing a space in which lay several papers and a small case. Theso ho eagerly drew forth, and tho two re turned by tho way they had come. "Say nothing," said thesnilor."Thijso aro invaluable to me, and some day you may bo nono tho worso off for having helped mo to recover fhera." So much remains to be told .that tho story must hasten. After a slay of over tx week at the Mowj Black dopart edj In ten days ho landed from a smack at Wap'pin'g Old Stairs, London. and at tho invitation ot a big, jolly man, whom he thought ho had seen before, he went to a sailor's hotel near by, and this was tho place just bought' tint by Ranscoin and Quthbert Hcii don, tho latter of whom had assumed tho uamu ot I'm (lips, as Ulaelc np-i peared to be well supplied with money,' Unscom, who was nn unmitigatod scoundrel, began to plot to bleed him. Cuthbert was now' the husband ofSal lie, and she was used to inveigle Black. Like most sailors, ho was only too sus ceptible to female blandishments. Tho tact ot ballios being (Juthborts wife was concealed, and all that Black kuow was that she was Rausoom's, daughter. llu Boon discovered that Kanscom ami Sallio had been passengers on tho ves sel of which ho was boatswain, and in fact recognized them, though ho had not seen much of them aboard. Black was induced to marry Sallio, and tho best part of his money was secured by tho conspiiatora. Thou ho was accused by an accomplice of Ranscom's of hav ing stolen Ins watch, and turned him ono morning out ot thu house, llr.s was a fortunate thing for him. l'urehasing a wherry with money which ho had left ou deposit witli tlio owner of tho wrecked vessel, ho plied liis' trado im' tho Thames. Olio dav in summer ho was employed to take a party ot ladies anu.geutloinen across tho river from Westminster to Lam belli. Among thorn was a venerable gentleman pf ndbjo .bearing, whopi tho others addressed as Sir Thomas. This man's eyes seemod riveted on Black, and when thoy reached tho tetty at Lambeth, ho said to him : 'twliats your uaiuot "Hugh" Black, sir," was tho reply. "And where did you come from'"1 was tho next question. "That Is more than 1 can say, was tho answer. "Good God T'oxolaimod the old man as ho stooped down, and fixed his eyes on the figure of a lion tattooed on tho arm of Black, "when was that figuro worked upon yoiir nrmi" "I CJip't say, sir,," replied Black: "it majpeen jnoro as long as, i cap remoii) beri' Tho party landed nd departed in sedan chair, whioh were in wnitint djrectloiiij'being first, given to Black to return lor t hem u the ntteniopn. Ho did so, and ou landing them at White hall stairs the old gentleman said to mm : ' "Cqmo to' mo this evening at till address" handing htm u slip of pa per "as l wish to speak with you. Black kept tho appointment, and to mako a long story short, it was discov ered hoyotlu rjuestlon that, Black was Jl, 1884. tho Bon and onlv child of Sir Thomas Braundspev, of BrAundspey Hall, on tho North Tync. Tho popers whioh ho had bo fortunately rooovorcd in his trtfnk coupled With tho mark ou his arm fully established his identity, nnd his father welcomed him witli unspoak nblo joy nnd affeotion. Twenty-threo ycftifl before, when Sir Thomas was re turning from Indiai with his wifo and child, tho vessel louiidcnm at sea, and wifo and child wore supposed to havo perished. '1 ho boy, then 1 years old, had, howover, boon rcsouod by a sailor, placed in one of the boats to whioh tho crow and pass-oncers had recourse, nnd brought up as tho man's own child. Tho lion had been tattooed on tho child's arm when ho was 2 years old by an old man-of-warsman whom'Sir Thomas had in his employ, and who for his unauthorized act had boon soundly thrashod by tho irate lather. Littlo did he think that this mark would afterward oriable him to recover iis only child. Hugh lSlaok,Or HdwardHrauudspoy, ho was now called, took up his nbodo at Branndspoy Hall with his lather. A year passed, and ho paid a visit to Ilendon Mow. There, to bis consternation, ho met "Cuthbert and tho woman to whonijie had been married. She asicrtcd' her claim to him and ho was helpless. Here, however, 'Ralph camo to his'asslstance, nnd gavo htm such infdrmation as led hira W believe that tho woman, wheti' bIio married im. had committed bidrarav; IIo de parted, and within n month ho visited tho place' 'oneo raoro with an attorney Riill'lialf a dozen peaco Officers. Barbara was in a dreadful state of excitement. Ralph had disappeared and she had been subjected to cruel treatment. The secret depositories in tho foundations of tho Old buildings word searched, and Ralph was found then; a miserable skeleton. His broth er, 'as a punishment for'glving infor mation to Edward1 Braundspey, had incarcerated him, and had furnished him with sullicit-nt food to keop bod and soul toge'thcr. Proper care was taken of him, and his'slsterj and Cuth- )ert and his wif J woi'o arrested. Subsequently Rilph tnadu' a state ment with respect to the leathern belt already mentioned. On the night of the shipwreck, ho said, after bringing tho trunk to, tho house, he followed his brother on his return to thu beach. An old man, who se6medto bo a foreigner, was struggling up the chits, and, in answer to questious by Uu'tlibert, Said ho had boon saved from tlio wreck, and wanted a place of security. "!' have money," ho said, ""about me; plenty .of money, with which I can re pay you if you will give mo shelter And find me a doctor; for 'my arm is broken." Ralph stood behind a rock and over heard the conversation. IIo saw his brother strike down tho old man with tho butt'end of a pistol and then search his body for th'o money which ho had said he possessed. Ho saw his brother rip tho belt from tho body' and drag it after him until he' reached an old well into which he flung it. itns well Was searched, and tho re mains wero fohnd there. Cuthbert com mitted suicide in Durham Jail. Sallio was cqnvic'ted of bigamy and sent out of tho country. Edward Braundpey took care of Ralph and Barbara, and after his father's death, which happen ed within a year, Barbara became Ed ward's wife. Their descendants aro now living in ono of tho mo3t splendid mansions in the North of England, tho original name having been somewhat changed in the last Bvllablo. The family has furnished many heroes bv flood and Held. ' Ralph Ilendon achieved honor in tho navy and mar- ird into the Ilaveloek family, since become famous. Gentlemen and Blackguards. Tho following .inquiry appeared in tho. Now York Sun, which was an swered in the language1 following : "X. nnd 11 rtrcrirlonds nntl are enrrnced In business conversation, when, after some angry 'words, A calls 11 u Jlar. IS knows that ho Is not a Hur. Now, what Is It proper for'B to do, stnml up ntul fight A or let it gb unndtlccd ? Aro you consider ed'n cownrd If you don't right ? JKqtJIKEIt. Amstkudam, N.; Y,. March 20." Of course, a man's natural imimlso is to resent such an affront with a blow ; but if ho yields to it ho does not prove himself cpurageous, and if ho conquers it ho' does' not sllow htmself a coward. A very craveA will oftentimes mako fight in his sudden anger, whilo a man ot courage and determination Will not allow himself to bo upset by an angry mpulse, like a hot-headed boy In lighting witti a man who lias be haved toward you like a blackguard you treat him with-too much respect. IIo too contemptible to reccivo that tmnunt of attention from you. If lie sjrikds you, of course yon defend your self, but if ho wantonly nnd outrageous insults 111 words only, you lower your dirnity by responding to him with physical blows. ion put your self too much on his level. Besides, a gentleman gains nothing by engaging in a rongh-nud tumblo When the Bcrimmago'is over nothing is settled, so tar as tno cnargo which pro vokod tho fight Is concerned. A dis- graceiui row lias occurred, and that is all. If a man calls another, without rea son, a liar, and abuses tho privilege of intimacy to insult, bis companion, ho simply proves himself an unlit assoei ato lor decent people. Ho may ask to bo excused on tlio ground that ho spoke in hasto and heat, but men who aro so lacking in self-control aro not tolerable in refined society They ought to uo leit to seek companion ship among blackguards 'who bandy insulting epithets and now and then tall to blows in consequence You onjy dljrnify them by exchanging words or' mows with thetn. Thev do fcerVu nothing oxcept contempt, and uru iiuwuriuy ui nutioo. Gentlemen do not need to defend their veracity by reporting to the methods of savages. Generally, too, tlielr" tnstts nfid prejudices keep thorn apart frOm the company of men wh nro given to calling each other bv op prObrous epithetB. If they chance to meet such a man, nnd he displays him self fbr'what ho Is, they no more stop 10 enier into 1110 qunrroi no invite than thev turn to resent the vilo lan iiage of n street drab. But uicii who ohooso blacktruari for companions must 'stand tho consO quonees, oven if (hoy havo to givo and tnko bloody iioses.iV. 3', m. THE COLUMMAN, VOL, XVIII.KO 10 COLOMfltA DKMOtJIlAT, VOL, xlviii. no t An Impeachment of Luxury. A STAItTf.WO ACCOUNT OK AN ENOMSII Nont.KwoMAN ok !nli: iiAiur op ovnit-iKniiiNO, Forty or fifty years ago, tho machin ery of Ilf6 was less cumbersome, less complicated, and less costly than it is at present. Now, however, in well appointed sporting country housed, so ciety gives itself up to a succession of moals, which succeed each othbr, with brief intervals for rest, from hiornlng hours till long past dewy eve. Beforo tho ladies indeed, boforo most of tho gentlemen lcavo their beds, dainty littlo services of tea and bread and butter aro carried to them. Sometimes the younger men prefer brandy and soda. Fortified by theso refreshments, tho non-sporting guests come to breakfast nbout ten. Four hot dishes, eyory sort of cold meats that might fitly furnish forth a feast, fruits, cakes, tea, coffee, cocoa, claret on the sideboard, constituto a Satisfac tory breakfast. Tho Important insti tution of luncheon begins nt two. Again tho tablo is Rproad witli many varieties of flesh and fowl, hot and cold proofs of the cook's ability. The la dies gather around tho tea tablo about five, usually showing much apprecia tion of any little surprise in tho way of mnflins, or tea-cakes, provided by' a thoughtful hostess. Then comes dinner, which is served at 8. or half-past, and at which tliO' lloral arrangements nru probably of the! most.elaborato description, tho resOnr-i ces of tho head gardolior having been I taxed to tho utmost, whilo sometimes baskets of flowers from Paris or Nice form the centre of a;groiip. By 10, or half-past, dinner is generally over. Coffeo is brought into tho dining-room, while the gentlemen smoke. It fs whis pered that sonio of tho ladies ' enjoy a post-prandial cigarette. Liquors and tea aro offered during tho evuning, and keep up flagging energies till the la dies ostensibly go t3 bed, after a little money has changed hands at poker ' or loo. Then the serious business of the night begins for tho gentlemen, who dive into the recesses of tho' smoking room, and brews of many kinds aro prepared effervescing waters, whisky, brandy, claret, lemons in profusion must be at hand. As it is in feeding, so it is in dress ing ; thero is tho samo extravagance. Ladles spend more money on their toi lets than their mothers, and far more than their grandmothers did. Many ladies whoso fortunes cannot be con- sidered large spend S3000 a year on iuuii ujnui.li:, una it 13 nnr, unusual ior tho annual expenditure on dress alone to rise to 85000. Sixty guineas is not an uncommon price for one court dress. Notwithstandiucr all this, costumes change with the barometer, and ladies change their dresses threo timus during the evening. Tho natural result is that no young man dares marry unless he is on tho way to be a Croesus : marria ges decrease and families decay. House rent, too, has gone up. and London as grown so largo that busv menhavH tOHpeud sometimes $1000 in hansoms, von while keeping carrnancs of their own. Lady John Manners in The National Jieview. Forbidden Kisses. AN OIIDKAI, TllltOUnil WHICH THU TI.E ONKS HAVE TO l'ASS, AND which is DANOintous IN llllAl.Tll. "Remember," said a physician to his wife, as ho was leavinc homo for a fow days, "and do not let the children kiss any one. Is it possible, asked a surprised third party who was present, "that you consider it necessary to givo such in struction as that t Whero is tho dan ger 1" "lhe danger is complicated, and yet so certain, that it would tako too much time to desenbo it hero," said tho doc tor, looking at his watch. "In my case, all kinds of people come to my" house nnd offico to consult me, and they often wait hours, it one ot my children happens to coma iu they aro almost certain to take to it, and you know almost the first impulse with people who notice children is to kiss them. Bah 1 it makes, mo shudder tainted and diseased breaths, lips blue with cancer, foul and decayed teoth. You would kl a stranger who would way lay your young lady daughter and kiss her by force, but tho helpless, in nocent, six-year-old child, susceptible as a flower to every breath that blows, can bo saluted by every one who chances to think of it. I tell vou it wasn't Judas alone who betrayed bv a kiss. Hundreds of lovely, blooming cuiKirun nro msseu into their graves every year.' "lint, doctor, how can a mother bo so utigracious as to rcfuso to nllow peo- ,ln tn .,.;.. i... ,.i.:i. !.... " J1U .... IIU..V.U 1.UI VlllllllUU I "inero ueeti bo no uimraciousness about it or, if there were, which is the most important tho safety and we being of a child, or tho permittini? of a habit of 111 breeding and doubtful mor ality at best t Let the mother teach her child that it is not a kitten or lai dog, to bo picked up nnd fondled by every stranger, and instruct it to ro- sist any attempt to kiss it. Whv. thero are agents, peddlors of household wares, who mako it a custom to catch up a prattling child, kiss and pet it, and so interest the niuthei that t,hu will buy something she does not want, i tell you "rilEUK IS DEATH IN THE KISS I "iue neiovcd and lamented i'nncess Alieo of Hesse took diphtheria from the kiss of her child, and followed it to her grnvo. Diphtheria, malaria, scarlet t : ..1 .1 - - . 1 ... . iuvit, uiuuu poison aim tieatn lurk in theso kisses. There I I shouldn't wonder if 1 lost tho tram. Remember no kisses I" nnd, waving his hand tho doctor' drqvo away. Detroit Free J'rent. Kmperor Dotn Pedro, of Brazil, has reigiied longer than Emperor William nlthoimh ho will bo onlv 39 voars oh; In April'. Bht ho ascended the throilo when ho was 0 years old, whilo Em pcror William did not got his crown until no. was 02.. The good Worn l'c dro has reigned fiftv-throe years, or longer man any outer living sovereign Queen Victoria, will completo the for ly-sevunin year 01 ner reign on Jtin 20th. '1 hero nro -119 typesetters, besides apprentices in tho Government printing office. Ill CM aw tiu it Ono Inch tuno I'M 1-1(0 tfoo MM Two Inches ..... 8I) 400 600 SCO IS 00 Threolncbes 410 sou "oo 1100 isoo Fourlnclips...... em rto too mm dooo ounrtor column., sou B( looo ism ssoo iiAitcotumn... . loop mo 17 00 esra oooo unccolumn soot) 25 1 .woo woo iooo Yearlr ftdrertlwmenU rjavnble mianr-nr. Trun. nleot advertisements must bo nald for before Insert. cd except micro parties L&to accounts, I Legal advertisement two dollars per Inch for thro insertions, and at that rnto for additional Insertions without reference to lcntrlh. .lAVLUidi tit uiiuiiiiii tiioi n, a.iu ii.i.itMi olivines three dollars. Jlusttra paid for when nsertcd. Transient or Local hoi Icon, Ida cents' a line, re go. lar advertisements half rates, Cards In the 'Ilmlnr-Kfl Dlrnctorv" column, on dollar a year for each lino. Two Women Hanged. I.IVKS SACItlFICI'.l) IN OltDI'.ll TO OAIN TlIK IS'SUKANCi: J10NCV ON Til KM. Yesterday witnessed the grim clos ing scene of ono of tho most atrocious of modern tragedies. Catharino Flan nagau and Margaret Higglns wero hanged nt Kirkdalo jail for tho mur der of Thomas Higglns. Though only convicted in 0110 out bf thb four cases got up by tho prosecution, there can not bo tho smallest doubt that theso two women wero instrumental in oaus ing tho deaths pt tlirco other persons, and very possibly of many others be sides. Husband and child and friend wero sacrificed without pity and with out compunction by theso terriblo sis ters. 1 hoy appeared to havo died as they lived callous. It has been re peatedly rumored that ono or tho'othor had confessed to tho justice of tho sen tence, but tho Roman Catholic, chap lain states that, though Iliggins was disposed nt the last moment to mako a formal statement, Flannagan always tlio more resoluto of tho two refused todivulgo anything. there is, however, talk ot their hav ing implicated other pcisons in similar crimes to those for which thoy havo Buffered the extreme penalty of tho law. Peoplo of tho evil disposition of theso wretched would bo delighted to see others caught iu tho same toils as themselves, and wo may bo sure would nbt bo very scrupulous in their' Btate meilts. Nevertheless, a review of tho case forcibly recalls the fhtggestivo ro- marK ot tile assize judge in his sum ming up to tho jury : "How many peo ple may there bo now lying in their burial ground, who, if their lives had never been insured, might bo living at this moment V In this sentence in question. No difficulty wai experienc ed by the prisoners in insuring tho lives of their victims, and in most in stances too, without the knowledge of tho insured. Thomas Hiimins, tho husband of tho culprit Manardt Ilig gins, was insured in scvoral offices for sums amounting 111 tho auureuate to considerably moro than 100. Only in regard to one office was any diffi culty met with. After tho scientific evidence given at the trial no doubt can bo entertained that thu poison was oiitiHiied lrom Hy-panerB. Jrom the Liverpool Mercury, March 4. Another Materialized Spirit Oap'tured- There has been rather an exciting episode in connection with spiritual manifestations in Boston. At a house at the south end of tho city there have beon many exhibitions of materialized spirits of late. Some of those who knew of theso exhibitions were con vinced that thoy were fraudulent, and laid apian for their exposure. Tho utory, as it is told to me, is to the effect that fifteen of our citizens agreed to go to gether to the house and investigate the matter to the bottom. They arranged a plan of operation in advance. The seances are held in a darkened room. Thu materialized Bpiiits issue from a cabinet and move about the circle con versing with those who compose it. The arrangement was that one of the party should seize upon tho spirit, whilo another, who took a seat near the gas-burner, should sti ike a match and turn on the gas at tho signal, when the investigation should proceed, This was strictly carried out. The spirit ap peared in the form of a .sailor. The active party in the circle watched his opportunity, and threw his anus with a muscular grip about the sailor, when the room was suddenly illumined, and bo found himself elas'ping a woman. She fought vigorously to bo free, and dealt her captor n blow which left a mark on his faco. Tho sailor costume came off iu the struggle, and though, the woman retreated, tho parties got posusision of thfc cabinet nnd ennied away the paraphernalia by which this mpositiou hail been carried on. It is 1 singular affair' and the men who are concerned in tho exposure, I am toltll urn 01 iuh niguesi, respwctaunuy. Hartford Courant. Sargent's Bad Treatment The course tho state department has ursued iu its manngetneut of affairs with Germany is not to bo commended for its straightforwardness nnd discre tion. It has been weak and luiudicious both in its treatment of tho minister and in its attitude toward tho Gormen authorities to an extent that would have brought failure nnd contempt (0 tho ministration of an abler and moro acceptable representative than Sargent. tlio minister has been tlio victim of the department's weak and indiscreet pol icy, and Bhows moro spirit than was expected of him by declining tho pre tended promotion to St. Petersburg. Ihetroubio began with Secretary Frelinghuyson's publication of Sar- gents private communications. In the pork controversy Sargent reminded tho German chancollor that Amerioan con snmption of German products depend ed on reciprocity, and vaguely hinted at retalitory measures, in reply Fn linghuysen commended the sentiment but deprecated tho boldness of enuncia- Hon ot it, and cabled instructions for a qualified apology. It was not to bo expected that after Minister Sargent was compelled to eat I. .11..! .! 1 ..... - . - .1 ... BI1UII UIJIIOIIIUIIU III1II1IJIU piu 110 HU01IUI continue to ocoupy much of a position at tho Berlin court. Thero is uot so much occasion for surprise that ho de clined to assist in appeasing Bismarck by consenting to a removal to another court under tlio prutensu of promotion, ns una liu din not nt once resign his position nt Berlin when required to deliver nt tho German foreign offico tho evidence of the rebuke with which his own Koverninent had dishonored him, Patriot. Robert J, Burdette, of Ardmore, Pa. has returned from his lecturing tour, and expats to remain nt Ills home, for sonio time. Ills wifo is quite nu invalid, nnd finds that the climnto in that section of the country is more beneficial to her health than a residenqo elsewhere. Small bonnets nro stil) tho rule for dressy occasions, but many havo coro net orims or nro of tho miniilo poko persuasion. Hats havo largo nigh crowns and aro in tho well-known Euglish walking hat stylo, Hats, how ever, aro not considered Biiltnblo for full dress occasions, so that n pretty bonnet ior church wear Is absolutely necessary,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers