THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT.BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COlNTx, PA 0. E. ELW2LL, Editor. J. S. BITTEKBEUDSR.JoMlsicr. BLOqMSBUilG, "paT Frlduy, Fob. 37. 1880. NATKINAlT COSVBXTIUS. Tho National Democratic Committee intt th Wi.laril'a Hall, Washington, 1). 0., last Monday to select a place and appoint a tlmo fr holding thoNatlonal Democratic, Con tlon. Tho lollowlng cities were, named : Chicago, Ilalilmore, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Washington, 1). 0 and Ku- gene City, Oregon. Cincinnati was chosen as the place, and dune 22nd, the time for holding tho convention. Tho committee has Isjied the following : Tho National Democratic committee me in tho city of Washington on the 2"d February, 18S0, and has appointed Tuesday tho 22nd day of June next, as the lime, and chosen the oily of Cincinnati as the place uf holding the Natlonil Democratic Cornell' tlon. Each State U entitled to a represent' ntion therein equal to a double number uf its Senators and Representatives in the Con crs of the United States. All Democratic conservative and other citizens uf tho Uul td Stales, irrespective of past political nsso ciations or dill'erences, who can initio with us in an effort fur a pure, economical and constitutional government, arc cordially in Uted to join us in sending delegates to the convention. At the Inst National Demo cratic convention in 187C, tho following res olution was adopted: Jlcsohed, That the States be requested to instruct their delegates to the National Dem ocratic convention lo he held In 1880, wheth er it be desirable to continue tho two-thirds rule longer In force In tho National Conven tion, and that tho National Committee in sert such request in tho call for the next convention. WM. II. IiARNUM, (Cobtl.), Chairman. Frederick 0. I'tuncf., (Mass.), Sec'y. WASlllXUTOXhKl'lEK. Washington,. 1) C. Feb. 21th 1880. The committee on civil servico relorm l the House yesterday adopted and will booh report one of tho most important bills ol the session. The idea of the bill is to give aDy one having or thinking he has a claim against the government a chance to have iu merits tested judicially. He may go with it to the court of claims, and he or the gov ernment may appeal to the Supremo Couri of the United States. No amount claimed, however, shall be paid, unless, after the ac tion of the court, Congress shall approvi that action. This bill, if made a law, will protect the government, givo satisfaction to the claimants, and settle one of tho vexed questions of the day. As presented by Mr. O'Connor, of South Carolina, the bill may need amendment income particular, but the principle is right and the bill will prob ably, in due time, bo passed. It is of in terest to hundreds of people from Maine to California. No claims barred by the stat ute of limitations can bo presented under provisions of the bill. The Democratic Committee did well yts terday in selecting Cincinnati as its place of meeting. ' It did not quite come up to th requirements of the occasion iu the matWr of time, as an earlier day in June would have been, I think, to the advantage ol the party. But that is a minor error. To se lect a place was the important matter. The city chosen is free from the objections to be urged against New York, Washiugton. St. Louis, or Chicago. As to candidates it has absolutely no significance. It was not chosen for tho benefit of Tildcn, Seymour, Thurman, Hendricks, Hancock, Palmer or any of the others whose claims are urged. There will be reported tu tho House this week a bill appropriating J300.000 for the relief of people in Ireland who are suffering for the want of food, It is probable that tli 6 originators of tho measure meant well in introducing it, and the committee iu agreeing to it. I suppose the House will pass it, but the Senate will probably take the sensiblo view that the whole matter had better be left to that inexhaustablo private charity which lias already done so much in the way of subscriptions, Census supervisor nominations will be disposed of in a few days, it is hoped, by the Senate and I wish to put on record a be lief, that the whole affair has been discredi table to both tho administration and to the Senate, The President made a mistake in not appointing them impartially and the Senate in making any fuss over decent nom inations. Hilton. COU.NTV IIOXDS. The government is calling in its bonds bearing over t per cent, interest, and issuing now bonds at a lower irate. Many counties and cities are doing the same thing. Colum bia county has a large amount of outstand ing bonds which bear C per cent, interest. At the time when they were issued money was scarce and it was difficult to put them out at a lower rate. Now, that the hard times are nearly over funds are plenty, and there is no doubt that many people, having capital to invest would be willing to take our bonds at a lower rate. Government -1 per cents, are at a premium, and many municipal bonds are in demand at the same rate Would it not be a wise thing for our coun ty commissioners to call in the G per cents, and issue new bonds at a lower rate ol interest. Edward Herrick, chief clerk iu the Au ditor General's ollice, is named as a candi date for nomination for Auditor General be fore tho Democratic State Convention. He is an able man, and has done good service for the party. Should his name be present ex!, it should receive due consideration. He would make a stiong candidate. A Terrible Crime. Mrs. Clarke, a respectable married lady living In the Garry neighborhood, at Jeller sou, Texas, was brutally outraged and mur dered ou the 22d inst. Three meu were ar rested, and one of them, who confessed tho crime, was horribly mutilated by a mob, His clothing was saturated with coal oil then Bet on fire. He was afterwards hanged. Intense excitement prevailed . A Murderer Makes a Confession. Maucii Chunk, February 23, Joseph Goldberg, iho jealout husband who lhat and killed Edward Mulhearn at Welssport, recently, has made a statement in which ho admits the shootiug, but claims that it was done in a frenzy, after finding Mulhearn at his house. Goldberg will be tried at the April teJm of Court, and his friends are now raising money to pay his expenses. He will be the eleventh inau tried for murder in this county in four years. Seven of these were convicted and hanged. Mack on the Third Term. THE 1-HOIIATIt.n EFFECT OP a violation ov 1MB u vt IlITTUN law or Till. ItEPUULIC. Where tho great Chief Mfcgistrato is vest ed, as ours is, with crent noner liable to gros abuse, If thero is no law or practlco which forbids him to be re-elected, he ran remain in office for llfo as easily as for n term, He has tho appointment of all offi cers, tho making of all public contracts, and a vtto upon all legislation, besides the com mand of the nrmy and navy, fly nn unscru pulous use of these means lie can coerce not only his hordo of Immediate dependents, but ho ran control the corporations and be come the master id' all the ring", put tho business ol all classes under his feet, corrupt tho venal, frighten tho timid, and check all ambitions but his own. He can force the elections of every State he desires to carry by tho bayonets of his army. If that falls, ho can order a false return and pay for it out of tho public treasury. The people would soon perceive opposition to be useless aud accept the situation; elections would be us mere a matter of form us they were in Homo when Biich Couls asNcrjiuiil Doin llian were elected every year under the su pervision of the pretoiiau guards. If tbeso were no more than remote possi bilities, prudence should guard us against them. Hut they are near probabilities; the signs of the times warn us that the peril to our Institutions is imminent; the danger is already on tho wing. It is vain to remind us that the President swears to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and seo the laws faithfully executed. That Is true, and it is also true that, if there be no perjury In the case of the Constitution, laws and lib erties of the country are safe. Hut the last twenty years have given us ampleproof that an oath is not much restraint upon a Presi dent who is incited by ambition, rapacity or strong party feeling to break it. It is true that this presupposes a people much degenerated and a magistrate animat ed mainly by the vulgar love of power for its sake; but exactly such a conjunction of things has always becu feared with good rea son, and hence comes the desire to put ev ery check on that tendency to "strong gov ernment" which is now manifesting itself in many quarters. What is the remedy ? How shall.wo avert the diro calamities with which we are threat ened? Tho answer comes from the graves of our fathers : liy the frequent election ol new men. Other help or hope for the sal vation of free government there is none un der heaven. If history does not teach this, we have read it all wrong. In the republics of an cient and modern times the chief magistrate was entrusted with only temporary power, and always went out of ofllce at the end of a short period, fixed and prescribed by law or custom. It was this, indeed, which made tho substantial distinction between them and tho monarchies around them. An un punished transgression of the customary limitation was uniformly followed by de struction. Everywhere and always it was the fatal symptom of decay the sure fore runner of ruin. When Cnssar refused to lay down his consulship as his predecessors had done, at the end ot a year, and was re-elect ed time after time with the acquiescense of the Senate and the people, all that was real in Roman freedom ceased to exist. Two republics In France were brought to an end in tho samo way. Napoleon began by being Consul for a term, then was elected for life, and finally became Emperor, with the pow ers of an absolute despot. The last Bona parte was President for four years,, was re elected lor ten, and ended, like his uncle, in grasping the imperial crown. ".May this be washed in the Lethe and forgotten?" iShall these lessons be lost? Shall the lamp which guided our forefathers bo extinguished? Shall the broad daylight of all human experience be closed up in a little daik lantern manufactured at Milwau kee? I think this cannot be done; "the eternal verities" are against it. The most powerful tlilrd-termer may as well try to blow out the sun, as he would a tallow can dle with the breath of his mouth. A third term for Grant does not mean a third term only, but any number of terms that he chooses to demand. The imperial method of carrying all elections by corrup tion or force, or declaring them to be carried when they are not, is to be perma nently substituted for the system of free, popular choice. The figuro of Grant standing with the seal of primacy on the mountain top and looking down on the inhabitants of the plain below, gives a measure of tho elevation which his sycophants flatter him with the hopo of attaining. They urge the necessity of a strong government almost in the very words used by the adherents of Csesar and the two Napoleons. Strong government, in their sense, means weak laws and a strong ruler; in other words, a substantial monar chy, powerful in its scorn of all legal re straints. JudyeJerc lllack in Xorth Ameri can Jit view. Savin; a Woman from the Gallon s. There has been general interest through out this state in the case of Mrs. Catharino ell of Carlisle, sentenced to be hanged for the alleged fatal poisoning of Mrs, Mary Kiehl, 82 years old, who died last May iu a little house iu the outskirts of Carlisle. There was a dispute over a few hundred dollars left by her, a man named Wyukoop claiming that she had verbally willed it to to him. It being lumored that she had died from poison, the body was exhumed and a post mortem made. Suspicion point' ed to Mrs. ltecd, a near relative of the Dis trict Attorney of tho county (Cumberland). Mrs. ell and Wynkoop. The Coroner's lu quest resulted in the arrest of tho two latter. Mrs. Heed testified that three days before Mrs. Kiehl died she and Mrs. ell break fasted with her and drank some collie made by Mrs. Zsll, and that after drinking tho coffee the witness and Mrs, Kiehl were at tacked with severe vomiting. Tho physician who had made the post mortem, although admitting that death might have resvlted from one of many nat ural causes, expressed the opinion as an ex pert that if the analysis of the stomach showed the existence of arsenic, there was good ground for believing death to have re sulted from arsenical poisoning, The anal ysis had been made by a young druggist of little experience who could not tell how much or how little arsenic there was, but the traces of the poison was undoubted, Several highly respectable witnesses tes tified that Mrs. lteeder's reputation for ve racity was so bad that they would not be lieve her under oath, The defenco showed that the deceased woman had threatened to tako her own life, aud that Mrs, ell could not have been In complicity with Wynkoop, because just after Mrs, Kiehl's death, she gavo testimony in opposition to Wynkoop' claim. It was also shown that Mrs. ell could have had no motive for the deed. Judge Herman, a young lawyer of ability, but inexperienced In criminal cases, charged the jury very briefly, leaving the case to them. Tho defence had bceu so aura of ac quittal that they took few exceptions. When the appeal to the Supreme Court was made, meetings of ladles and gentle men were held In several cltlfs for the purpose of giving active assistance to Mrs. Zell's counsel. The latter, In arguing before tho higher tribunal, declared that Judge Herman had misled the jury by mis quoting the testimony of several witnesses In such a manner as to vitlato the whole trial. It nasal'o alleged that tho foreman of the jury had Used an unlawful In fluence to bring about conviction, going so far as to threaten to report to the court n doubting juror, .Iii'tlco Turnkey rendered tho opinion of the Supremo Tribunal, re versing the judgment of tho lower court,aud granting n new trial. Democratic St;itesm;i usli . it Is a fact which not even Republican journals will have the hardihood to dispute that the Democratic party since It has had control of Congress has relieved the country of a large portion of its burden iu the shape of interest on the bonded debt. While the Republicans were In tho majority In the two Houses of Cnugtess, the rate ol Interest paid by tho government was uniformly six per cent, No effort was made lo refund the U, S, bonds at a lower rato until the Dem ocrats obtained c intrul of the Hoii"e of Rep resentatives. No preparation for a reduc tion of the rate of interest was made by the republicans. It remained for the Democrats to take the initiative iu the matter, to pro pose, mature, and carry through Congress the measures which linvo resulted iu saving to the government annually millions of dol lars. To this work of reducing the rale of Interest on tho bonded indebtedness of the Unhid States Democratic statesiiianshl) addressed itself with a patriotic zeal which must command the applause of men uf all parties. Hut there is yet more to b tc- compllshed in this regard. The Represent atives of the Democratic party iu Congress believe that a portion of the bonded debt can be placed at a still lower rato of interest than th lowest now paid by the Jgoverrt- ment. Hence it is proposed that the bonds next to be refuuded shall bear !i per cent. interest. It is confidently believed that a bond bearing this low rate of Interest can be sold at par. This Democratic effort to rt duco the rale of interest on government bonds is simply a fulfillment of tho pledge made to the people in the Democratic plat form ot 1S7II Another feature of the finan cial policy of the Democratic party is tcon oiny in uppinpriations uf the public moneys. This was also promised by the Democracy in their last National platform. At least hundred millions of dollars have been saved by the threo Democratic Congresses since 1870, as is shown by a comparison of tho or diuary expenses of the Government during tho last fin r years with the same during the four years next preceding the recovery if the House of Representatives by .the Demo crats. Tim great service rendered the couii' try by the Democratic party since its resto ration to power in Congress is thus made manifest. The grievous load of taxation which so long oppressed tho life of the peo pie has been gradually but surely alleviated. Labor takes heat t again and cipital seeks new employments. Prosperity smiles where but lately the voice oi want uttered the cry of 'despair. This glad change has come with the advent of Democratic power in the tio Houses of Congress. It did not come whilu the shadow of radicalism yet overhung the halls of the Federal Legisla lure. lUriol. JTcvs from all Around. The. New York Herald relief fund has reached $200,0112,50. Senator Lamar is again iu Washington but is obliged lo use crutches. Chester county sends $1,-100 to theJftr- am famine lunil. Illower llrown won the six days walk ing match at Loudon, walking r53 miles. Tlie population of Schuylkill county will reach J2.j,uuu. Match mules bring from $300 to $275 iu lierks county. The Governor of New York signed the bill admitting women to vole lor school ol llcers. Grant's unpaid hotel bills are now troub ling some ot the cities where he had the big ovations. The West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad company is putting down steel rails, Erie and Williams-port telephone each other over telegraph wire two hundred and fifty miles long. The bills (introduced into Cone ress for appropriations lor new public buildings now amount tu $12,770,000, with six Slates to hear from, The experiment of heating railroad cars with steam is a success, A third train arranged lor llii purpose, lias been turned out of the shops at Altoona. Morrison, Hare & Cas will shortly erect, at Tyrone, a paper mill at a cost of $180,000, upon live acres of ground given by the people of that place. The .Millers' Hospital Commission have received deeds for thu ground donated them near Ashland, aud upon which, the hospital will be erected. A furnace at I'ort Carbon upon which experiments have been tried is chilling rapidly, and the work of a year will be lost. It is said that a contract has been signed between Meters, Vanderbllt and which the Erie Reilway I to receive 00 per ceut of the New England trallic. Tho Democratic State Committee of Indiana believe that the slate will go dem ocratic this from 10,000 to 20,000 ma jority. Tlio newspaper proprietors are petitioning Congress to reduce materially or remove the duty on printing paper aud chemicals used in paper manufacture. lllaiue has evidently made up his mind that if he cannot carry the Chicago conven tion he will kick up the biggest kind of a row in trying to do it, "Stony Hatter," the little log houso near Wercersburg, Franklin county, where President Huchanan was born, is still stand ing. llessie Turner, remembered In connec tion with the Heecher-Tilton case, is said to have married Chailea Walgram, stage car penter of llerry's Hroadway Theatre, llrook ly ii. Mr. Peter Spraguo, of Hostou is said to be the oldest member of Congress now living. He wasn Representative from Maine from 1821 too 1420, when he was chosen Senator aud acted iu that capacity until 1830. Scranton leads Reading by a few hun dred Inhabitants in its census enumeration for 1870 but it is thought that the coming census will make Reading more than oven. A call for a National Convention of Starch Manufacturers has been Issued, to meet at Cincinnati ou March !!. It will bo attended by all tho principal starch manu facturers in tho United Slate.H representing a capital of $100,000,000. Melcholr Lerch, residing on the farm of his lather in-law, Valentino Filler, are tired farmer in Fo.ks township, Northamp ton co., committed sulchlo on tho 21st by bauirlnu. He was about fifty and well to do. He leaves a wife and three children. The returns bv counties from Ireland show 312,370 persons are slowly starvlns.and the outlook lor the coming months Is gloom ier than predictions haveyet painted, Local effort" are becoming feeble, and the people look to the world for succor. It has been discovered that to work the Port Carbon. Schuylkill county, furnaces night and day will ruin them, and tt has Ixen derided to work them on day turn only. '1 his will lessen the capacity of the furnaces by oiK-half, and will throw n number of men out of work. Miss Fannie IUuk was married recently to Mr. William Mcllinness, of Rock ford llllnios The Itoston 1'osl gets this infor mation from the lady's brother and the Im portance of tho liens Is altogether In the fact that Miss Ranck Is tho young lady who was a lew davs ago reported as about to marry Samuel J. Tildcn. Robert Carson a lumberman on Little Pine Creek, Lycoming county, caught n catamount in a steel trap, the other day, Carson tried to dispatch the animal with a stone, but the creature drove him back. As the cat was encumbered with the trap, the lumberman at last stunned him and then easily pounded him todeath. Threo now steel boilers for tho Edgar Thomson furnaces, nt l'essemer Station, on on the llaltlmore and Ohio road, are being built at the Pittsburg L comotivel Works. Tliev are the lamest ever manufactured, be ing sixty five feet in length, and tho heaters Djlng lorty-nve leet in length. Peter N. Fredricks, farmer, near Lans' dale, Montgomery county, had to kill one of his cons, she having been declared Incura ble from cattle dl-easc. Jacob D. Mishler farmer, in Worcester townshln also killed one of lils for the samo reason on the same dav. Three more of his cows are infected. John 0, Knapp, near Sklppackville, killed one on the 7th tho iulcctiou seems to be spreading, John -Murphy, while walking near Thomaston, Schuylkill county, on Thursday night, was struck with a stone and killed, James llrennau and James DeloHK were ar lested, and tho latter released .or want ol evidence,whilo Ilrennan partially admits the deed, and says it was done iu a fight. The d ctaed leaves a wife and nine children. The board of poor directors of lierks county ai a meeting passed a resolution tor bidding the use of smokiui; tobacco in any lorni by the inmates of tho Door house. This action was taken because several fires took place in the hospital in the Inst two years, the origin of which was traced to sparks falling from pipes. The action ofthe lierks poor directors is worthy of imitation throughout the state. At llainbridire I'a.. Charles Lain twenty four years old, murdered his wife and two children one a girl of six years and tho other an infant three months old and then took his own life by poison, When discovered, the victims were lying on their beds, and the third child, a boy of three years, was found with his feet badlv frozen, so that his recovery is doubtful. The fam ily was in destitute circustancea at the time oi the tragedy. At the session of the State Temperance convention on the li'th inat., Gov. Davis de livered an address. The resolutions declared that no political party should receive sup port which iloes not recognize the iniquity of the liquor trallic and demand its destruc tion. They also urge that parties and offi cers be held responsible for the enforce ment of the anti-liquor laws, mid call upon the Legi-lature to provide such enactments as shall absolutely prohibit the 'sale of cider tor tippling purpose. the resolutions ah so recommend the introduction of temper ance text books in common schools. The session lias been one of the most cnthusias tic ever held by the Maine Temperance con' ventinn. It should be the aim of everv owner of Horses, Cows,itc, to make thcin as handsome and useful as possible. The German Horse and Cow Powder helps to develop all the powers of the animal. It improves its beau ty and increass its usefulness. It makes milk, mucle and fat. By using it a horse will do more work and a cow give more milk and bo in better condition with less feed Sold only by weight at 1G cents a pound by C. A. Kleim, llloomsburg. Dec 12, '7'J-ly The Coming Comet' The Astronomer Royal of Eugland in forms the Washington astronomers that a comet ha been seen from the observatory at Capetown, South Africa. The question naturally arises whether this is the great comet whose appearance was announced by Dr. Gould of the Cordoba observatory in South America about a week ago. The fact that Cordoba and Capetown are both iu the Southern hemisphere and in nearly the same latitude, is an argument in favor of that supposition ; but, on the other hand, there seems to be an irreconcilable variance iu the accounts of tho comet's motions, Dr. Gould described his comet as moving northward, while Gill, the South African observer, reports that the comet he sees is moving southward. Neither of thee com et, if there ba two, has yet been seen from any of our observatories. Wo are yet ig norant whether the coming comet is merely telescopic, like that of last year, or one of thoe stupendous naked-eye fellows that iu the ages of superstition was dreaded as por tending great wars. This belief in the bel licose significance of comets is not yet ex tinguished. Probably the majority of un educated persons regarded the comet of 1S11 as a forerunner of the war of 1812 in this country, and of tne thre tremendous dos ing struggles by which Europe finally shook off the grip of Napoleon. Tho great comet of 1 S 13 was near enough to the Mexican war to be regarded by the superstitious as a celestial prognostication; and who does not remember how direful appeaiod tho un paralleled comet of 1S5S, in the days when the po-sibilily of civil war wai on tviry tongui? Thecometof 1801, nearly as huge as its predecessor, seemed, to the supersti tious, a second sign of the great Iratricidal struggle. So the comet of 1875 did not fail to find believers who connected with it the rumblings of coming war in the East, and when, two or three years later, Russia's army marched upon Constantinople, such believers were assured that tho prophecy of the comet had come true. This superstition will probably always linger In the human mind, and should the comet that is now vis ible in the southern heavens sweep Into its perihelion passage around the sun with a train of light stretching halfway across the sky, there will not be persons wanting to point at the now augmenting armaments of the great powers of Europe, and to predict a Bpeedy clash of arms. In this they will have the support of the astrologers. In an astrological almanac published in London, and of great authority among its patrons, there is a pictorial prophecy for the year 1880, in which a helmeted woman armed with a sword, domiuate over a field filled with tramping armies. The publisher pru dently postpones tho letterpress explanation of this formidable picture to next year's almanac. In the mean time those of us whoars not superstitious may expect the comet with equanimity, and fearlessly hope that it be longs to the largest aud most brilliant spe cies. Sun, Wo have a speedy anil positlie cure, for catarrh dlptherla, canker mouth, ami head uthe. In Milloh's futarrh remedy. A nasal Injector rree with each liotllo. l ult II you desire health, andsueet breath, l'rlcu 60 cents. Hold by J, II. Kloports. A Strange l'eoi e. no sou know that thero are struute people In our community, we say strange they seem lo prefer i o suiter audpass their days miserably, mado bo bv dls epsla, and Liver complaint, ludlgchtlou, constipation, and general debility, whcD Sulloh's vitamer 1 guaranteed to euro them, hold by J, II. Klupurts. Five Hundred Thousand Strong, In tho past few months there has been more than mki.ihhi bullies of hhlloh'u cure. sold. Out of tho vast number of people who have used It, inoro thau !, cases of consumption hae been cured. All coughs, croup, asthma, mid broiicnitts, leld at once, heuco It Is that everybody speaks lu lis praise. To those, who hate not used It, lei us say, It jou hateacough or your child the croup and )uu value llfo don't full to try It. t'or lainu buck, side or chest, use htiUoh'a porous plaster, bold by J. II. KUi-purui. MAIUCE'JMIEPOJITS. BLOOMSHURQ MARKET. Wheat per bushel '.& llye .60 (Vim. .50 (Hits, ' 40 Fiourpcr uarrci . -vw Cloverseed Con nailer Kiri? .... IS Tallow ,, 07 Potatoes Dried Apples . Mams US side A Shoulders si chickens 0 Torke's H f' iira per pouna '. Haypcrton ICoo Ueeswax t' OUOTATIONS Folt COAL. No. 4 on Wharf t perfot, Vn. R S ft No. e " " i.-s " Blacksmith's Lump on Wharf uiiuminooa ' . I 4.(0 lMTTLADFJil-HTA AIAUKETS. WwktaU prices at the cloic of trade on I'uct dati. Iluckwheat Oour per cwt tt no tot oo Wheat flour ' 0 Wi " 7 cm Wheat per bushel 1 40 " 1 SO Corn cj " us oats 47 ' rsi Hjo " " ss oo lurley ' " "o " w luesscd hogs, per pound S, " cs, Butter " " ncconllnz to quality Vi " 23 I'ints per iben 15 Poultry, live chickens " 0 Chickens dressed 11 " U Turkejs 0 " 10 Turkey dressed lo " 11 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS UDITOR'S NOTICE, commit Cocstv S si ESTATE OF JOS1ICA SAVAIIE, PECF.ASBII. In the matter of exceptions to the account of tho executors of Joshua savage, deceased. Amontrtho Itecords and procu-dlntrs or the Or phans' Court of said county fnter alii It Is thus con alow), And now February 4. 10. on motion of W. J. Iluckalcw. Attorney for exceptants L. Winter- steeu appointed auditor on exceptions. llYTlinCOUItT. Certified from tho records this solh day ot Feb., A. D., lsso. WM. KHICKIlAfll, Clerk. The auditor In nursuanco of the forrirotDtr ap pointment will attend to the duties thereof ul the oniee ot col. s. Knorr In llloomsburg, on Saturday, the v7th d .y of March, A. U. l, at 10 o'clock a, in.. wnen and where all parties Interested will appear or bo debarred from coming In on said estate. 1.. S. W.MLI11.U, Auditor. fcb. aT ta. XKCUTOIt'SNOTIGK. ESTATE OF SALLY ANN VOIIE, DECEASED. letters testamentary on tho cstat0 of frally Ann Yoiit.', late or Minim township, columci county. IViinsjlvanla, deceased, have been gtfltjted by the Jtegl-sterof said county to J, s. Yoae, Mlf lllntllle, Executor. All penms ha vlnjf claims asralnst the estate ot thu deceased urn requeued to present them for settlement, und those Indebted to the es tate to make payment to the undersigned lthout J.S. Y011E. Executor, MiminWlle. feb 27, 6w. UDITOirS -NOTICL. IN THE ESTATK OF ABIIAIIAM YODKK, PECEISEO. The undersigned Auditor appointed bv theOr-nhans- Court ot Columbia county to mako distri bution- to and nmong the parties entitled to tho brtianceln the Administrator's hands will sit at his onice In liloomsburt; on Friday, t jc 9th day of April, 1,mi, at ten o'clock in the forenoon fortbe purposes c.f iis aDDointinent. ut which' time and nlace all ptrtu8 inRTested muit appear and present their PAUL) K.WIIET, feb. SO-4W Auditor, A UDITOU'S XOTIUK. ESTATE OF 1KA 1'Eit.EK, DECEASEP. Notice Is hereby (rltcn lhat tho undersigned ap pointed by the Orpoans' Court or Columbia county to distribute the fond In the hands ot lllram l'ealer adm. of Daniel I'ealer as ndm. de bonis non of Ira l'ealer, and of money In his own hands as ndm. do bonis Don of said Ira l'ealer. deceased, to and amonrtho parties entitled thereto ; will attend at iiisumcein muuiieiuurK, ou c-aimuaj, .miiv.ii ..., isao at 0 o'clock In tho forenoon ; w hen and where all persons having claims upon tho said fund are i e qulred to present them or be foreier debarred from cumins iu lur u suare. vi sam iiuai. JOHN Q. FREEZE feb S7,-iw. Auditor. LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS WANTED ! A first class Life Insurance Company In New York wantsSPECIAMiENKltALnnd LOCAL AllEN'ls, In unoccupied territory in me state oi j-eanajivauia. Address MANAliElt 01' AUENC1ES, llox !oo, New York Post onice. feb 27,-1 m. r IBBmB ?BBMBBB,BBBBm"BB,"BBBmBBm?',""BBBmBBB,'5 5 Dauchy & Oo's. Advt's. nr i irrifi stool. Luterand Hook only f!43to253 r I A IMMa OIUIANS 13 Stops, 3 set lteeds, a Kllio A ACLHUUi,eits,s,tooi, Hook, only jus:llollday Nettapaper Free. Address DANIEL 1 1ICATTY, W'oshW'ton, N. J. d feb 13 4iv c ON LIFE & PROPERTY.' CVl 910.000 w'tl t rM trt nr prntm l-V wim tXPiOOf 4 lAVI'tHlrA with I our SAI'l.TY AlTAt IIIIClIi I U Iwlfrc-frtrSiclP. Fmirrorll. I ,irfnt Vfc'Nntril. Mats or Fvmftli. i fi, S. NLWIOVS SAFETY LIMP TO, i ItionnivTOM, N V. I SLi00M, 13 WkT bjuwt, V Y, 35 Cts feb 13, 4w. AGENTS READ THIS ! Wo w ant an Aijcnt In this Countvtowhoni wo will pa a salary of lumper month and evpetises to sell ourwomlerful Invention. SAMPLE FItEK Addicts at onco miEit.MAN & CO., jiahsiiall, .miuhiuan, feb H7-4W d ON 30 DAYS TRIAL Wt will send our Klectro-Volt ale llelts and other Electric Appliances upon trial for so dajs totho-so sufferlntf from Nenous Debility, itheumatKm, I'ar alj sis or any diseases of tho Uur or Kldu-jys.ftnd many other diseases. A sure uuie guaranteed or no pay. .uureai aiu new lu,, .nuraiiun, .nicii. feb 2T-4W d A D.MIXlSTHATOnS' NOTICE ESTATE OP E. J. THOHNTON, DECEASED, Letters of Administration on the estate 'of E.J. Thornton, lato of Town ot liloomsburt' Columbia co, deceased. hao been eranted by the lietrlsteror sale! county to underMjjued Administrators. All persons having claims against, the estate are requested tc present mem ior bcuicineui anu inose inaeoito iu matte prompt puymeui. C. It. & J. Kt'CKALEW, L. II. ltUl'EItT, Attornejs lor estate. ELI U-urruN, Jan. Id, 'so-cw. Administrators. A UDITOK'S NOTICE. KSTATK OK ELIZABETH MClUUr. PECEASEO. Notice l hereby fivcn that Iho undersigned, ap pointed an Auditor by the orphans' court or Colum biacounty. to make distribution of tho fund In iho hands ot I nomas nutter, administrator de bonis non, cum lesiamenio annexo or gnaoeiu .Murray, laiool Kerry townshln. now in Montour eonntv. deceased; will attend at his ofllce In llluomsburf. In Columbia county, l'enn'a, on Wednesday tho vith day of .March, A. Ii Isni, nto o'clock In the forenoon, to iierform tho duties ot his appointment; at which time and place all peisous liatlni; Calms upon said fund are lequlred lo present iliein, or be loreur ueoarreu iroiu coiuiug in tor a suaru or said fund, feb HVMt JOHN II. FHEEZE, Auditor. E XECUTOU'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF VAS1ITI 1'ASCOAST PLCEASEI), Letters Testamentary on the estate of Vashtl Pancoast late of the town of Ilieomsburir, Columbia couity, I'enoa, deceased, haie been granted by tho Kogtstcr or said county to.M.C. Moan. All persons hauni; claims against th testate of the decedent ore requested tu presen' them for settlement, and those Indebted to tho estate to makH pa-meat to tho undersigned Executor without delay. M, C. h-LOAN, teb20,'MiA'. Executor. A UDU'OUS NOHCK. EST AT b OKASDHEW LOU KM AN. DKCEAsKI), Not Ice U la-uby k'lven tin t the undersigned, ap pointed an Auditor by the orphans' Court of Colum Llarounty, to diMrlbute thu mmey remaiiilnir in the hands of Lew is Yeller, now deceased, AdmTnls. trator of Andiew Uihritiiu, aud heretofuru distribu ted to the helra of tieotvu Lohrman and the heirs of Stephen Ixibrmau. by the Auditor's report to .May Term, Win; tu and umontf such persona as may be luwiully entitled theielu; will attend at liU onicoln Itloomsbuii,', on 'Jhursday, March VMh, is-hi, ut 0 o'cloekiu thifuro-'OontojuTfurm tho duties of hi.s anpuliilmeiit when und w lit re all irtsous bavin; cLlniiuu bild fanduru reipiired to present thtm, or be iiir-'W-r dt burred from cumin; In for u share of such fund. fvb uo.'s -it JOHN' (1. 1'llEEZE, Auiltor E XIXUTOH'S NOTICE. ESTATE Or BAUrtl. LAZAKl'S, DECEASED. Letters Testamentary on tho estuto u Samuel Isaiarm, late of .Montour two., Columbia ctuntv, Pennsylvania, deceased, ha o been granted bj the lteglster ot bjUI county to the undersigned Exec, mora All persons ha' lug claims against the estate of tho decedent aio requested to present them for settlement and tuosu Indebted to tho es tate to make pa incut to tho undersigned isxeot'tors without delay, DAN! HI. LAZAltl'H, JlE.NIlY LAZallUS, Executois, AGENTS WANTED Til M.I.I. (Il'll M.MT .0. h M.HIMi.StUIIIM: In lhls town and vicinity. An active man can securo liberal terms. Apply, stating experience as a sales man, and gulag list ot references, to W HKKLEIt WllJ)ON' MFG. CO. WM Chestnut blm-t l'hiladelphla. fob 13, iw (lis jgNECUTORS' NOTICE. ESTATu or Euan m.Hiii, hick' sun. tetters testamentary nn the estate ot KltJ.ih Kill hit, late ot Pino township, Columbia county,, i'a.. deceased have tioenirranfed or the Itegisteror said county to me undersliined Kvecutors. Alt persons ha1ni; claims Against ttio estate or tho decedent are requested to present them lor settlement, and those ndntitcil to the eslato to make payment to tho un dersigned Executors without delay. .mux V. DKIilt. lierr's 1' O Colfo. IIRNHV J. KUllUI.NS.MIllvtllcCll Co. Jan M, 'so-w Ueeutors. jyrOTICE OK INQUEST. ESTATE OF E. 3. TnORNTOV, PFQKA9KD. To tho heirs and legal representatives ot 11 J. Thornton lato ofthe town ot llloomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, deceased, to-wltt .Matilda Lararns, Audemled, Carbon county I'a., Miles (1. Smith, Iloboken, New Jersey j James Smith, Wells llto Ohio i Cmallno Lulu, Ilangor, l'a Utile llorr, Uavcnna, Ohio j Cora Bearl, Itavcnna,Ohlo; liarton oreen and Win. tireen, Plymouth, llockland county, Ohio ; Emily Zultck, Lrbanna, Ohio I KlUla Ijince, shelly, Ohio j W. II. Thornton, Saint Loul Mo.i lllram W.Thornton, Danville, Pa.i itoxanna Edgar, San Francisco, California; samautha Klcfer, Toulon, Illinois; Wm. W. l'Minan, .Magwan, Knox county, Illinois ; Wm. Thornton, Mauch Chunk ; Valentine Thornton,Touloii,ll!lnols;Jiime9Thornton,Wllllams poit.l'a.; KltraueUi Charlei, Lock-port, New York; Charles Armstrong, Lockport.Nligara county.New Yoik; lllram W, Thornton, .Mlllcrsburg, .Mercer county Illinois I Sarah l.lrj, Mount Pleasant, Iowa ; ljivlna llagcnbuch. .Mount Pleasant, Iowa ; Jackson Thornton, Mlllcrsburg, Mercer county, lllnols; Itachel Wllllts Mo'int Pleasant, Iowai Mary Kline, Michigan; L'tnlly Hay, Alede, .Mercer couniy, Illinois; lieorgo lioone, A!lo, Mercer county, Illinois ; Marybmlth, A ledo, Mercer county Illinois; Amanda Oreenley, Wnchata Kansas; M. Janetto Hjon, Fremont, Dodgo county, Nebraska Washington Hoodc Aledo, Mercer county, Illinois. Whekeas at an Orphans' Court held at lllooms burg, in and lor tho county of Columbia, the second day of February A. l. Usu, before thu Judges of the said court, tho petition of M, C, Moan and others was presented, setting forth that tho said E. J, Thornton died on tho 4th day of January l$si, lntestate.selzed In his demesne as of fee ot certain tracts ot land. Whereupon the Court awarded nn inquest to make partition of the said real etato to and among the parties entitled threto. In accordance with the abovo named writ I will holj an Inquest on the premises above described on S-'aturJiiy, February 28th, 18S0. at ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day, when and w here you may attend It ou think proper. u. ii. i:nt, ftb. c.-lw. feherirr. SHERIFFS SALE- Hy virtue of a writ ot Fl. Fa. issued out ot tho Court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia county and to me directed, will bo exposed to public ealo nt tho court House, llloomsburg, ra., at 10 o'clock, n. m., ou Saturday, February 28th, 1880. All that certain real estate sltuato InGiecnwood township, Columbia county, Mate of Pennsylvania, bounded ond described ns follows,to wit: Iicittonlng nt a stone In line of land of Ilarnabas Watts, noith Iltty-threo and one-half degrees, east enc hundred seven perches and nine tenths to a stone, thenco south four degreecs west llfty-seven perches and nve-tcnthstoastone, thenco south seventy-seven and one-fourth degrees west elghty-thrco perches and two and one-tenth In line or land ot HavldAl bertson.thenco by the same north thirteen and threo fourths degrees went fifteen perches to astone, tho placo of beginning, containing nineteen acres and four perches, ALSO, one other piece or tract of land sltuato Indreen wood lownshlp, Columbia couniy, Mateof Pennsjl- vanl.i, bounded and described ns follows: on tho nort h by Theo. Lamon, ou the east by Dav Id Drlble- plecc, on the south by J. (I. (ilrton, on tho west by lands of David Albcrtson nnd Hugh S. Falrman, containing clghty-ono acres and ono hundred and Hve perches, on which Is erode a frame Dwelling House, nam ana out-nuiidings, Selred, taken In execution at the suit of Jesso Ilrumstetler ngalnst A. J, Albcrtson and to bosold as tho property of A. J. Albcrtson, 1HTKAI.EW, Attorney. Terms cash on day of sale. I). II. ENT, sheriff. feb. C, IssO-ts s TATEMENT OK THE FINANCES op TUB COUNTY OF COLUMIilA from January cth, 1ST9 to January 1st, ISso. Matcmcnt showing taxes assessed and oalanco still due. si I i g ? f ? TM'l SSOO 440 11103 ssm 101 104 til 00 710 T3S14 Mm H'J$3S 37 0lll WIHI is$72 37 00 4112317 7U 00 143 (13 MM f4 119 (Ml 1353 mi 73 00 li40 575 24 5i 50 ills 17 75 50 01 35 577 IS 43 611 SOIVS SMI 5 SI CS1 75 5 (Ml WW 0.1 SO 50 43 10 1011 71 80 50 2001 (10 4 511 lsS'JO 4 511 ViWit '.''.'.'"I C,') 015 05 7'2s 059 49 SC. Wl 13 50 3s7 SO 30 00 1412 03 VOM) 10 24 047 74 65 50 1201 3s 6110 1 S 03 SI2S9 10 (10 a id im; 45 00 it oo 1274 4S00 l4(Vli4 113 50 SKI 70s 112 113 511 t'13 43 711 l 79 15 333 s; Ss 50 ".'..'133 42(10 17 OO 1(14 52 22 0(1 1103 10 72 50123 15 S(i5 43 5! 1 50 1U44 15 51 I H I 111 7o 40 51 (HI 132!0 69 Oil 1140 .1112 03 39 (HI 1IM7 05i 4s 5H 21 so ;57 03 2s 50 404 51 57 60 3 35 ls3 30 5750 627011 4100 21 7(1 154 1 3 20 do l(Ul!!3j CO 60 30 (s 552 S2 40 6)1 453 011 OIOO 8 75 405 7s 0100 DISTIUCTS. Heater Henton jii-rwlck bloom ltrtareieek, . (..tawisa . i'entralla Cent in Con) iigUam. . rsiilnirereek. . Franklin., t.u-eiiwoud... fU'tuluck . . Jaeksun Locust Madlsun . . . Main Mimm Montour Ml. Pleasant , oraiiu l'lno liuailnyereck. Stutt SUtfdlluUf S2i21 53 1519 60 539 97 11403 SI 1199 3s AMOl'ST Dl'E 10U YBAKS 1'ltEVlOl'S TO lSt9. II1STKICTS. YEAH, CO. POO. Henton Is7i, 109 6 7 S9 60 lierwick is7s, 11910 2550 Hrlarcieek, isls 009 Centralla is:s, 12001 .... Couynghara lsts, 134 4t 251) (ireenwood is7s, 411.130 42 ec Hemlock isjs, 3M34 17 00 Madison isls, 79 no 1400 Migarloat iS7s, 2 7 ai 020 Conjnglum. i77, 30050 sih) Catawlssa isfu, oil 43 35 60 Conyngham istc, s5 41 900 Migarloar, is7c, 9271 .... Catawlssa is73, 49400 14 60 conyngham 1S75, H30 30 900 (12 JO 63 ( 202 4 5 II. A. hU'EPPENHEIsElt, Tieasurcr ot Columbia County, In account with said conuty on county funds DR. Jan. cth, 1S79, To am't uncollected prior tolsfo .... To am't on hand at lxst settlement ' county tax nasessed'ln ls79 " tax on Heglstry of voters ' " added to Heaver duplicate ,79 " Heulien Davis. Henton poor overseers for collies To J. Caldw ell for stove John savage, for old bridge ' am't paid by K'Uuylklll county, " Mary riarton, foe lamp ' Win. L. Cole, Henton twor ou'rsecr for collies To (ico. Hrelsch for store " A. E (Ilrton for John Johnson ex-tax. " II. V. Kahler for fence Wm. Knckbaum Jury fees, Ac " am't collected on unseated laud ' ." " ou seated laud " Assessors managing ic. ot dog fund,. " Plane Jones lent for old Jail " D. and C, U. Jlcllenry redemption money To coats paid J. J, Coughlla fts.CW 23 Is 23 S2,S21 55 51 44 1 CO 40(0 2 00 4 00 40 CO 2 00 60 00 2 00 1 22 2 (Hi 53 50 55 40 109 20 1 111 00 5 00 791 12 65 132,070 52 Hy Commission and exonerations ond returns al lowed collectors for IS7s. pistkicts, coir, x. pisTKicrs. I leaver 1-noo 20 to Locust.... Hloom,-.... 251 17 124 54 Main C01I, tU 40 37 SO 69 60 6313 SO Cs 63 S2 24 Oil S2 57 EX, (32 4'l 2 02 3 CO lirlarcreek, cs 17 1 9S Mimin,. 1 atau issa, lot os Centre 09 32 KUhVcreek en 13 Franklin, S3 17 JackKin, . jo 00 19 u) Montour,., 12 20 MU'leVt. 61 43 orange,. 2S4 l'lno 101 hcott, 177. 60 2) KOll,... . 91s 0S4 17 5: 32 39 11 00 Henton,.. . r.l i-i .Main 45 2s 05 90 47 50 ls73. Conyngham ti'joo 11914 (1,401 12 (.'.91 20 I 1,401 12 691 20 VJ.15S CO liy total commission, exonerations " county orders redetmed " duo from collectors, " Am't to meet sum paid Malo tor ttuota charged ou coupons... Hy commission to treasurer,. '.. " balanco In hands of treasurer. 13,(OU 34 (52,070 52 11. A, sWEl'PENHISEIt, Treasurer, In account with dog fund. Jan C, 1S79. To am't due at last settlement, ( 033 20 I U amount nsstosed In 1S7J 1 519 60 vu uouo out peuiemem, 707 Clt. I2.4S2 43 Hy Commission and exonerations on duplicate settled lor Isfs, PISTKICTS. COU, EX. MSTHICT8, cou. EX. Heaver,,... (313 jiioooi Catauissa,, Cemralla, Centre 4 23 a ut 27 8 S3 .... - oo boo nwu Allium, .... 353 100 Moutourf.. 270 1 60 Mt l'leasa't 3 10 4. Orange,,.., 2 71 1 l'lno, , 211, . Motf, SJ5 17I 3 50 Main 8 37 ISIS" ,W 13 00 2 00 3 50 3 60 450 5 00 060 S . 12 60 Klshtngcr'k, 4 40 Franklin... 1 77 Jackson ,. 2 15 Henton ii 41 Cosynybam, 1 81 Will 1152 00 l)y commission lo collectors " exonerations allowed collectors. ... I 0171 152 00 80 60 44 75 433 CO 150 00 2144 1,401 S3 1(100 orders paid ot l77 " " Is7s " 11 " 179... am't mid to county lor nss -ssing. to Hy commission to Treasurer nm 1 nu'. irnni ruoeciorB, balance Iu handset Treasurer (1 442 43 COMMISSlONIiU'.l EXPENSES FOIt ls79. for which orders were Issued on Iho Treasurer. MISCtLUSrOfS KXi'.SSES. raid v. ll.Jneoby, Itecordlmr Treasurers nnu commissioners oonos W. II. Jaeoby recording llrlght lnort- gage and deed w) Paul E. Wirt, auditing public nccts,. Sjoo A. 11 Mewnrt, redemption money.... 701 A L.Frlt2. et nl Commissioners to dHldo scott township 43 15 W in Krlckbaum recording names ot township omccrs ssoo K. p Curtis insurance on old Jail aid stable 81 0 Isilah Power Com. to dlvldo Fishing. creek township, oO MniljunonCoin. to divide Fishing- rrerk township 0 Samuel 4. Penler, smrvo or, 9 60 WmC. Vch'inney, Express, loo Moer Pro's Express 193 II. (I. ort et. hauling safe and freight on same 23 83 John llrofeo et. al reward and expen ses apprehending horse Ihlef....... 8221 John v. HoiTmau costs 011 salo ot Mary Hrlght lot.... S3 00 Wmsnyd r bill lor teachers Instltuto 174 10 Wm. Krlckbaum s prothonotary bill, 119 55 John tl. Freeze, costs Columbia eoun tyvs Coughltn 000 1 John W. 1 ion man taking icrwi to l'hiladelphla Tl 15 John . Ilonman 0110 person lo Phil adelphia W 50 John W. Hoffman taking l II Milton to lumllle Asilum 1000 John W. Hoffman serving wilts.Ao II to 1737 05 COCItTS. JL'ROItS PAY AM) COXSTAULES IID1 lltXS. Orand Jurors during j ear t C9SC3 Traverse Jurors during jear a,oioii constable returns during jear 2si 01 Court during jear 125 00 Tipstaves during 5 ear 19') rs .-s. talker Menoffrapoer at nu iier u.ij,. s. N, Walker, Wm scneehtcrly vs. soudcr, S" 91 s. V. Walker Com. vs Vandlke.... 7 21 s. .V, Walker, (loodman vs Sanger a en s. N. Walker. Hrooks vs Danville borough, 24 00 lohn W. Hoffman serving Jury notices,.. lainn Ell Hobblns Jury commissioner 29 33 Tfeo. . sml'h Jury commissioner 29 73 John 11. Casey, Clerk to same 15 00 (1,970 29 COSTS IS COMMONWEALTH CASKS WIIEUE THE COLSI1 11M.A.MK 1.1.VIU.U. Justices, Con-tables nnd witnesses, (1,022 02 II. 1L I title District Attorney 151 on Win KHckbaum.cterkatCouit 91 John W Hoffman bill of costs (.2 00 t',330 3 HOAD AND UltlDOE VIEWEKS AND ltUAD DAMA(I1. sundry persons as viewers Ml30u Thomas damage tiiecnwood (I. W. I damage Mt Pleasant Frank I.. Hess d image Jackson John McMlcluel damage (Ireenwood. John Fritz dam igo Jackson IcobtH Mussel damage Hemlock Joseph llfllnesdainage Madison Perr Knouse damage Jncsson Jackson Itobblns damage (iicenwood (leorge caianee damage Mt Pleasant W, K. Johnson damage Mt Pleasant Hlooiusbutg lion Company d linage scott and Hloom ,. Philip Kline damage Mt l'ieaanr Alexander Knouse damage Jaeksuli aoseph ltedllne damage (iteenwood Ilemy Yosi damage iiloom 1 lieo. W, smith, damage Jackson John WanlLh, damage .Mt Pleasant Abrani Manning damage Jackson Mar ltlngiose damage Centre Henry llolllngshead damage Catawlssa... J. II, .leveling damage (171 11 20 (i 711 10 . loo . 2V 87 . Cll . Ill . 60 . 20 . 11 1(1 Ml 2) Inn 33 (1,100 32 COMMISSIONERS OFFICE AND COL'HT HOl'sE. ( 1" . 12 . 14 . 1 . 9 . John llerner Commissioner. s. W. Mcllenry commissioner Joseph E, sands commissioner c. H. sesholtz, Auditor Samuel E. smith, Auditor W. L. Manning. Auditor Wm Krlckbaum statlngace'tslsfs Harv ey Jots hat racks Tor Court House, . Heulien II... K bill rendered Isaiah llage, ouch 2 stoves c. lloom EUJonts, lepalrs Hloom (las Company for (las Thomas ( lorry rep lira I'rot hono'j olllee. M. E. cox e caning court house lending town clock tic H. I.. Thomas, 2 gross peus C. s. Fiirman straps for l'rothonotarj 's ollice Samuel II Jacoby, repilrs C. w. Jones et. al. bill for work at onice,. J, R. Elchholtz pimplilet lawon costs,.... Holllns & Holmes repairs com. onice Ilarman.tllas.sert tepa'rlng gate Peter Jones, repairs l'rot honoiari's ofllce, PhebeCox cleaning coon House Lavton Hun on A Co. bill lendered nias Mendenhall, Agent, hill rendered. . . . .1 II. Maize, bill rendered Wm Hitter bill rendered Jacob Dieffenbath. brooms... . Freas Icown, Insurane on court House J.o. Fieeze, lepili leg lock and key Lewis lieiiihard lepaiilng town clock Peter Hlllnieser, bill rendered Jacob Metz, plpo for stovo lu lteglster and Heco.'der's ollice O. A. Jacobv, cial bill Stephen I'ohc, commlsslone1 Charles Hh hart, Commlssiorer A. 11. Herring, commissioner E. H. I keler, Attorney John U. Casey, Clei k 1 30 a: os 22 75 57 50 1 14 50 1 00 1 4 22 01) 0 60 12 I II 7 US 3 64 312 44 3 . 121 . 1 . 2 (HI 7 133 76 71 372 271 8s4 1IMI (HI two (22S9 10 COUNTY JAIL. J. E. Sands lining bed ticks (ls7s) .. John Alston shaving prisoners Hloom Gas company for (las (iross and Urothers bills clothing A. J. Evans bill clothing.... Uml'ut sell for wood lacob Delffenbach for brooms E. A. Hawltngs tallow A. s. Lrosles repairing (leo Zimmerman bill rendered Henry lost half doen chairs E. P. Curtis tnsuiance on stab'e Jero Hide bill lendeied Rollins s Holmes repairs Thomas (lorry repairs J. s. Nejhart, hauling trees lor Jail lot, .tc. 0. 1". Learn bin trees Joseph It. Polio ttlllng bed ticks ( Herring lumber for boxlug trees Wm Hitler painting icnee Ac Wm w 11.11 rett u oik at and about ncwyall Jacob Waulch building force xc John Nlcholls cementing walls c. M. Drinker repairing key Ilarman iiassiri bills 1 eudered Ell Jones building smoko house 0. M. at J. K. Lockard coal bills..., Lllas Mendenhall agent, bills lumber s. M, Hess, hitching posts Dav id Jones ism teet pavement, atone, Ac... c. A. Klelm bill for medicine John Heagie for wood c. A, Knorr bill for work at coal houso James Micormto cleaning well La.uon ltunvanA- Co. bill rendered oallgnan A: Lenan tepalrs on roof J. H.-Malzo bill tendered IS. F. (lardner bill lending pi Itoner 1. W. JlcKelvy, bill rendered Charles Krug, bill moulding Peter nillineier, bill rendeied II. W. Mcitejnolds, bill tending pilsoncrs, Edward searls painting roof, ix c. K. Hughes, bill rendered David Low enberg, clothing (). A. Jacoby. coal bill John W. Hoffman, boarding prisoners John W, Hoffman, washing, Ac John W. lloilman, Turnkey tees m digger bill rendered , PRINTINO, STATIONERY AND POST.I Hroekway ,t Klweil, court ploclauiation... Hrockway Elwell blanks " " Count statement , " " Advertising C. J.I. anderstlce Co. statement " " blanks " " advertising " " court proclamation.... , ' " election " J. C. llrown county statement advertising ' el-ctlon pioclamatlon tlwell A Blttenbciider election proclama tion ElaellA-IllttcnbenderblanKs ". . " advertising o. A. Potter court calande' Oldon l)crs county stateme'it..... ,, " " court calendar II. V. Kahler blanks : 11. suwler, advertising W. t hisel A" Hro statlomry for office and coui t (leo. A. Clark stationery for office a court! F. I.. llutler election blanks I), A, Hockley, postage aud box rent ( 1 SO 1 45 32 Os US 10 6 70 2(0 4 no 1 12 1 S35 4 460 2 32 9' 6 37 9 3 2: 4 5' 15 14 131 40 11 23 4 M 60 29 20 43 1 1117 111 lit 03 7 (H 2 14 96 111 SO ... ..... (575 42 liSi'CJIllUiS. sundry persons for luuuests 55 32 HltlDUEs, HIILDINO AND ItEPAIHS. BKAVEK. Wm. Hitter, Davis iron bridge HENTON, ( 1000 Samuel Appleman, Karnsbrldgo (ls7) J. J. Karus and 1). II. Earns bridge , 6 00 51 49 15 00 1 5(1 James Conner, Eir.leiidenhalltrldg'o-.'.""'. T. s. Christian, contract. T. s. Christian. " extra " " Hussell Karus, lower west creek brldgo. C. o. Hrehi, Earns bridge 219 75 35 SO 1 25 2 26 6L00U, Ellis Eves A; Hro. Plank rock brldgo 610 9 SS 050 19 Cll ItO 42 m. i.iwger. hock oriugo W 111. (Hirer. It.irtnn l.rl.liw, John I eggatt, flank Shaffer bridge J. II. Kesly, Unpen bridge Ellas Meudenhall, Shaffer brldgo imiAKCHEEK. I. W. Eck, Eck brldgo A. II Stnirnpt 1'IotiI- M0I.-..1. ..I.-,,, John btrouso, " 10 CO 5s 30 19 SO 2S CO 62 93 24 60 109 59 79 00 0 00 6IS 6j 9 05 4 S3 3 52 SCSI 2 72 CENTKE. Dai Id Illttenbcnder Centrev Ulo brldgo. . .. lISUIM.r'KF.kk- J, U. Stoker, Zaner brldgo . Isaao Labor, Hess bridge Jones, Jones A; Evelaud, Jones bridge... ' Cyrus Itobblns etal. Amtnerman brldgo . C) rus Itobblns et ul. p Kelley V A Hull A.,,.,flr.nn t..,.i..r. 1 (1 W Raberetul. Mcllenry'rnlii'V".'.'.'.'.'.'.' Charles Kelchner, Pat Kelly bridge WW..U . v.w, miuvi loiuyu,,,,,, , OKEENW'OOU, Villa Plea lli-r. Mil -iii. ,.-t. saradHmsne,:;'".'''01'.." JohnU'ggutt, Mllvllle bridge John lavgatt, lola bridge..., ..,..... u r jicuuuo, Konrsourg brldgo IlKllineir W in digger, l'ursel brldgo 0C4 10 6s 160 S3 CO 21 (HI 10 30 317 7 u 40 59 75 Win (Jigger, liarton bridge.. ....J1......7 JACkSON, John W Kile, Elk run brldgo...!.... ... " . Ezra Stephens, plank Elk Hun brldgo is!.. Ezra Stephens Elk Hun bridge-..! . ! Joseph 1-arUh, Elk Hun bridge .!!... Wm A Kile, Elk Hun brldgo .... Jacob Christian, Jacob Christian brldgo!! IWTKT Jolmlltrner, Blabtown bridge. 8 II A IK. Wm Hitter. I'alnltnt-Iron hrlrim Charles Relchart. plank iron brldco...!!'."' John Miss, Iron bridge... ....!!..!" 1160 SIT, PLEASANT. T J Vanilerslice, Vandersllco bridge 1 filhl 1 Ml 25 IB ;s lira 320 311 .in. .anas i.miui. .mil imiintlim '(S . losrpn ivnne, neatrio nridsu nioti .iiniei, iicuoi'll v lison bridge - 01IAKOE, Jacob snvder. Iron brhlzn 15 1. Snyder. Iron brldgo I, Run-on k Co., Iron bridge !.!! tine. Joseph'k Shoemaker brldgo SCOTT. W p W hltc, Light Street bridge 300 ltd IH02U 1CT lliao 471 sj M0.',J Sl'OARlflAl'. 11 r Peterman, Coles bi l?go PENITENTIARY AND ASYLUM. support of Mrs. Milton, Dacuilo Suppoit ot David shea, Danvlllu .. , couvlclsln Eastern Ntato Penitentiary for ASSESSORS PAY. Annual Tllennlal Locust (21 on I. 24 V, . 14 21 : Ilenvcr (24 75 (27 75 Madison Henton 12 2) 29 25 .Main lierwick W 70 23 23 Mitiiin 19 Pll nioom 23 73 loo (hi Montour in on VI i Catawlssa..,, 22 73 29 23 orange 13 7s 1 Ceniralla,... 24 25 ss 23 Pine 179, Centro 17 87 S3 73 Roarlngcre'k 10 7-. ,, t'onvnghani. 21 2V 33 73 scott 22 73 onarcrecK ... xi i 29 25 ,vn rieasant. li r.n ., risiungcrecK vi 23 ra 73 suganoaf.,.. 13 on m Franklin . 13 23 174,1 Assessors for (ireenwood.. 20 60 41 V5 fall registry Hemlock 19 75 82 21 rorvnt'is. iit Jackson 11 12 13 73. (579 0) 77s s'CALl'S FOR FOX AND WILD CAT-,. Paid sundry persons lr t KLKCTION EXPENSES. Paid spring election oncers ian election omccrs..... " fall e'ecllon room rent.... " spring election " " constables udvcrtlsiog and attend ing spring election " Krlckbaum et ol counting fall ot 111. . TAXES REfUNDED. Amount township taxes refunded HLANK HOOKs. Win Mann 2,docketstI'rothonotary'.s ofllce " 0110 Index frothonotary's ofllce " " deed book R ollice. " 172 assess books P. L. llutler, si registry books " two dockets Frothonotary's office COUNTY HONDS. Amount couniy bonds redeemed " coupons on sumo paid Interest paid on ov erduo county bonds (1,1-0 421 f4 1 9 '2 'Ji I ('.- I.'i (I09SH 2j HECAPITULATfON Miscellaneous expenses com ts Jurors pay, constables returns, Ac costs tu commonwealth cases Road and bridge v le w ers and road damages Commissioners oillco and couit house County Jail Printing, stationery ond Postage Imiulsltlons lirldges. building and repairs Penitentiary and Asylum Assessors pay Fox and wild cnt scalps Election expenses Taxes refunded Hlank books County bonds, coupons nnd Interest paid on ovcrduo county bonds ( : ;ci 49711 z 2:- Ii i-i j; (231'MM From amount of orders Issued deduct $121 CI (um j rciunoeo. nno k m reoemri ion money and old 1.111 ior is, s ti,s in, nnu i'ir.i.m x,i nonus, coupons, ano a. t crest on overdue lionds paid, leaves (17707 73, wi,Mi is me actual oioinary exjienses ror too year A 11 M'j SHEEP ORDERS ISSUED. Henton 5 73 Tteust mi lirlaiereck -11. Madison r -' Centre 9 60 Mtl'lecsant w Flsliliigeieek s4 02 orange t, (Ireenwood 30 .. Pine 11 Hemlock V3.. Sugarloaf, . 1,1; Jackson, 25 50 (i:.i. STATEMENT OF 1)0(1 TAX and SHEEP Ft Mi. Orders unpaid of lkfi7 ,., " " ' 1s7o -I. " " " 1S77 TH " ' " 1S79 41 . So. mi I wog tax 11110 irom collectors (hoi S3 Probable commission and exonera tions off 223 00 117i;-" I Aim amount, in Treasurer's hands... i (liecs total assets (1 ".- 43 1 Tho Indebtedness Is (3 00. H10 difference In favor j ot saiaiunuis (129343. COUNTY FINANCES, ASSETS. Tax In hands of collectors dunlleatji 4ls,',in ,4 1 Probablo commission and exonerations off .Mm mi icini 14 ! .von amount in hands of Treasurer 112 Add valuo of old Jail property 'm Balance due ou Cera Rower note lJ'" Amount duo from Montourcounty it " Amount due from Henton twp tor Colley'a '' ' . 111 cu uuuum nut, Ul llst-ss OUOKS, -I' Add valuo of Mary Hrlght prop'ty Flsh'g'k, 15" ' tsiwn ' LIAHILITIES. Costs due on books In commonwealth cases $ 4. Amouut taxes duo tho several districts . ii." Amf. road nnd brldgo viewers due on hooks 1-" -i' Amountcountyprlsonbondsunpald 31 hi Amt. of county pnson coupons unpaid ' 0 Atut. ot road damage assessed and unpaid esirmated as nearly as can bo r.:.isi i" (41 .J 21..1 1 Actual Indebtedness of tho county - January 1st, Isao (liis.- We tho undersigned. Commissioners of CoIuini'U county do hereby certify that tho foregoing Is a . 1 rect statement of accounts of said county for tlie jear A. D. 1S79. STEPHEN P01IE, l Commlssloneis A. II. HEHItlNO, !- ot CIIAS. REICHARTj Columbia counij. Attest: J. H. Casev, Clerk. We, tho undersigned Auditors of Columbia cmui ty having been duly elected to adjust ond settle Hi acroun h of tho Treasurer nnd Commissioners t Columbia county, do herehy certify lhat we mei ' Itiootileoot the Treasurer and commissioners i. llloomsburg and eaiefully examined tho aecnun -and vouchers ot the samo from tho cth nay ot Jan 1 ary, A. I). Is79, to tho 1st day or January ls-u uul found them correct as abovo stated, and wo nnd balance duo Columbia county on county ru.ih i eleven hundred twenty-two dollars and thirty rent 1(1122 30) from II. A. sweppenhelser, Treivsurei 1 Columbia county. And wo llnd a balanco ot 011 bundled nnd elghty-ono dollars and sixty ceuis (fisi 00) 011 dog Hind found In tho hands ot II. sweppenhelser, Treasurer. dUen under our h, nds and seals this tenth 1I.0 1 January, A. D. lssu. WILLIAM f MAVNINO. 4 CHRISTIAN II. SEESHOLTZ, Count Audllui- s.vju r.l. E. SMITH, Feb. (1,'so. iw ADMIiXJSTKATOILS' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE .1 Hyvlrttioot on alias order of tho Orphans' C.e.r' of Columbia county, tho undersigned admlnlstrai i of lllram Lunger, deceased, will expose to pul'll sale ou tho premises In sugarloaf townsh'p, Colum bia couniy, Pa., on Saturday, February 28tli 18SU.J . imuuiutt iu mo jorenoon, ino undivided on halt Interest In certain real estate sltuato In sugar-! luaf township In said county.bounded and descitl" i 1 as follows: lleglnnlng at a white oakv comer . ' i Hesters' land, thenco by other land of Joshua Urlu, j north so degrees west 112,14 perches to a post, fheu , by said land north 36 degrees, wt st 63 perches tn chestnut tree, thence norm co degrees west perches lo a post, thenco by land ot Slontgoincr Colo south 24 degrees west 62 perches to a posi thenco by land of said Joshua llrlnk south 43 0 grees, east 41 perches to a post, thenco by said lanx south 24 degiees, west 89 perches ton post, tht't by said land eoullMS' degrees, east 01 perches to 1 post bv a publico road, thenco south 70 degrees east C3j(, perches to a post, thenco by land of tin estate ot William MCKelvy north 01",' degre.s east, 32 perches to tho placo of beginning, contain ing fiifiWve Acres AND 65 Perclies, on w hich is erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE barn, and out buildings, good orchard and good a- icr, Teums and Conditions ok bai e. Ten per cent, ei tho one-fourth of tho purchase bo paid .0 the striking down of the property, Tho one-loortii less ten per cent, at connrtnallon absolute, and n.' remaining three-fourths In ono year thereafter who Interest from confirmation nisi. A. J. HESS, Administrator. Feb. c-ts Central P. o. A DMIXISTltATOH'S NOTICE ESTATE OK U, W, Nl'SS, PECEASkP. letters Of administration on tlm eslnlH of M. w. Niss, lato of IhoTowuot Htoomsburg.Columbla C" deceased, have been granted by tho Register ot sal 1 county Ui tho utiderslgued Administrator. AH 11 sous having claims against tho estate are requesli l to present them for isetllement and those lndetib i 10 muKv jia-uicin wiiuout 0.1 lay. , , , 11. FRANK ZARR, Jan. 10, 'so-ow' Administrator Jini INlSiTU ATOK'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK SAlll'EL CI UCUENHV, PECEASEI1. Letters of Administration on thnostntn n, Samuel C. Mcllenry. lato of Henton twn., Columbia eo 11 ij, ouccu&cu, uau ocen grantea ny tuo iiegisier 1 1 said county to tho undersigned administrator, Ah persons havlnir claims aealnst tmi rstnto are r. quested to present them for settlement and ti'0-u luueouxt 10 inaKu payment wttnout delay. JHU3E.B .Vll-!ll..-l(li Admlhlsingssaf feb 13, lsso-Ow Stlllwarer, 1 T, COC CO' 3.1ltM'IIKfo,incts. per CoMMONlui'EO lilree. Illustrated 1" 'per CoMMONlupEOPLE. A jear, AllEN'i'M WANTED. 11. I.. IUwtisos 4T Cornhtil Hostou, Mass, ion is, m. vv&o
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