THE COLUMBIAN. COLOMBIA DKMOCRATflTAH Or Tn KORIU AND COIUM BIAN UUNBUMlMTKUtJ Issue-d wooltly, ovcry FrlJay morning, at IILooUSllUIW, COLUMBIA COUNTY, l'A. ti iwni'oU.ARipor year, WconU discount nilowcal Wilt"! pun ill flivini"', iu suusiTiuurn uui, 01 me ,0'iniV I IU I TH1S ill it ,n u-npuivuj in 'iuiiiuuc, N i oiin-r illsi UlnuM, otcopt at tlio option ot the mnillisiii n. tuilii nil arrearages: ro raid, but lonir li:onilnaiMl itimIIM ntlur tUo expiration of tlio llrsi u. fii- iviii nnr im irivi-n. ll p ipers sent out of thoHtato or to distant post J must bo paid for In advance, union n respon sible porsnn In Columbia county assumes to pay tlio pus r.UlU Is no longer enacted from subscrlbcrsln tho county, JOB EK,I3STTI3SrO. TH".IoW)lr(f Dopirtment of tho Columbian la very f omplele, and our .1 b Printing will eomparc favorn-j 01 V 'Villi I Ml UI I UU laiKD (.nil), in ui v" demand.neatly and at moderate prices, SCHOOL OltDHHH, Wank, lust printed nd neally bound In small books, n hand and for salo at tho colvmbian onice. 1)I,ANK DHKHS, (in l'arclinn'st nnil Linen p.. 1 1 r, common and for Administrators, Eiecu m iMU'ilcea, for sale cheap nt tho Columbian Hi r1 V UN DIM? NOTES int prinleil anil for mile clicup nt tlio Col cmbian onice, lU-ooJisHuncrnmixTouY. riiorr.ssioNAL c'Ai(i). . It. I'. UtKI.E V, Ollice s. i , In llrowcr's building, snil story, ltooms 4 4 6 I II. ltOHISON, Office . In II ulm.m'8bulldlng,Malnstreet, SAM ULL KNOtU'.. Attorney at-Law, Ollice In llartuian's Uullillug, Main street. iV.M. M. ltKHKli, .Surgeon nml lliyi- I 1 cUti. Bide. omco Market .net I. Above 6th East ii. 'v Mi w.. nurgeon aim rnys-i uun, (Olllco and He&IJenco on Third street, 11. McKKLVY, M. D., Surgeon anil I'liv . stclan, north side .Main street, below Market. MMcIlENIIY, M. I), Surgeon anil I'l.v . slclan' i men N. W. c. Market and ruth st. hes ot tho eye a specialty nug. cm. D Ii. J. 0. 11UTTKK, PIIYMCIAM K SDlltir.ON, onice, North Market street, Oct. 1, '73. lllooinsburg, Pa. 1) It. I. L. ItAHIi, I'JiACTICAL PEXTIST, Mala street, opposite rptscopal Church, Hlooms bur, Pa. IV Teeth extracted without pain. Oct. 1 1WJ W. M HOUSE, ELOOMSIiURCOL. 00. FA All ft)Ios of work doiio In a superiormnntier, work wurrunlulns repre&entcil TFtTii Extract fi witiiout Pain. iiool sets Mr fio. onico UomtT .Main nml Iron street. To be oncn at ull tours durhw the iiVry. Will be at the onico of I)r, L. Ji. Kllnu la Catalssa on w eilDesa.ty or encn eeK. Nov. 23-ly JIISCnLLANKOUS c hewing Slachtnesaud Machinery of all kinds re- dalrcd. utkra IIovsk llulldlnfr, Hloorasburg, Ta. D AVID LOWKNI5KUG, Merchant Tailor Main St., aboo Central Hotel. S. KUHX, dealer ii. Meat, Tallow, etc., venire sireei, uuiween oecuuu uuu iuira. IIOSKNSTOCK, 'liotof!raplier, over , i;iai k t on s feiore, .Main &ii eet. AUOUSl Uri FI1KUKI), Practical liomeo nathlo Horse and cow Doctor, llloomsburg, Pa. JL'O. 14, 'lll-ll Y. KESTEK, JIERCU ANT TAILOR, HoomN'o. 15, orKiiAllorsK lion niNu, Dloomsburg. uprlllo.lSTS. LAWYERS. c t 11. HUOCKWAY, A T TORN E Y-A T-L A W, Columbian Ili'iLiUNU, llloomsburg, Pa. .Member of tho United .states Law Association Collections made In any part of America or Europe oct. 1, Hill. K WALLER, Attornoy-at-Law. Ofllcc, Second door from 1st National Hank. HLOOMSllUIttl, l'A. San. 11, ISTS j- U. FUXk, Attoi noy-at-I.nw, IncveaK! of IVniion-J ObtnineJ, Collections Alado. ULOOMSOUKG, l'A onice In Ent's Hcildino. c 1 A W. .1. BUCK A LEW, ATTOUNEYS-AT.LAW, llloomsburg, Pa. omco ou Main Street, first door below Court House TOIIN M. CLARK, ATTOHNEV-AT-LAW, llloomsburg, l'a. onico over Schuyler's Hardware More. F. P. BILLMEYER, ATTOHNKV AT LAW. Officb In Haiman's llulldlng, Main street, llloomsburg, Pa. U. LITTLE. KOB'T. b.littie. H. & R. R. LITTLE. ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, Iiloomsburg, l'a. p W.MILLER, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW omco In Blower's building, second floor, room No, 1. llloomsburg, l'a. B, FRANK ZAKR, Attorney-al-Tjaw- nil.OOMSllURO, PA. Office In I'namist's Ut-iLDika, on Main btrett second door above t enirc. !nii liu comulted in German, Jan. 10, 'o-tf jEO. E. EIAVELL, A T TO It N E Y-A T-L A W, Columbian Huildino, llloomsburg, ra, Meirber of the United states Law Association. Collections mado In any part of America or Europe oct. 1, 1S79, OATAW1SSA. XTfJI. L. EYERLY, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, Catawlssa, Pa. collections promptly mado and remitted, onico onposito uatawissa ueposii. uanK. ow II. RIIAW.V, A T T 0 K X E Y-A T-L A W , Catawlssa, Pa. onice, corner of Third and Main streets. "17M1EAS BROWN'S INSURANCE AG EN X CY, Exchange Ilotol llloomsburg, l'a. capital. A'.tna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut. .. i.nerpooi, lndon and (Uobo . 20,nou,oio ItOj.i'nf Liverpool t3M,iHHi -ancanshlrn... 10,000, no flro Association, l'hlladelnhla 3,1iw,0(hi Farmers Mutual ot Uauvllle 1,000,000 Danville Mutual 16.OU0 Home, Now York 5,6110,000 s0,631,000 As the agencies aro direct, policies aro written for tho Insured w itnout any delay in the olllco at lllooms burg. March sa.'oO y T V. 1IAKTMAN J t KEfKESENTS TOE KOLIAWINO AMKRIPAN INSUKANCE COMPANIES: L) coming of Muncy Pennsylvania. North Ainclcan of 1'hlladefphla, l'a i ruuklln, of " " Pennsylvania ot " Farmers of York, l'a. linnoverof Now York. Manhattan of " Oftlco on Market street No. , llloomsburg, Pa, oct. , 10-ly, ana how to obtain them. Pamphlet ft-eo, upon receipt of Stamp for post age. Address OILMOrtE, SMITH & CO. Aollclton 0 I'atenU, .Viar Talnl OJx, 11'a.klnjlcm, A X deo e-tf PATENTS 0. E. ELV7ELL, 1 I.... ;. K. BITTENBBNDEB, ) troP"BW O. B. SAVAGE, DEALER IN lilvorwaro. Watchos.Jewelry.Clocks.&c, All kindinf w.uihes. clocks and Jewelry neat ly repaired and warraniea. limy 11, ,9-11 NEW F1K1SL! WHITE, Proprietor ot tho OllANdF.VILI.i: AlllllCULTrilAL WOUKS, sold a half Interest In the same to, I. W.Conner. The company have ri pahed the uorks, ana are pre- i.ireu 10 0 uu wuu "iii.i nu.i uimn m iuc too nf Arleiiltoriil Imn'pn puts. 1 liev hae lust complelf d a new lift hand White plott.wliU.hlt poi slide, will beat the rlxht hand. Also Mirhice, pluws or Jointers for Hie same. A new 1 hresherand Clean er llh centre Hiako ot rldJle ihoe, called the While Tluclici' ami ('leaner, with both lever and rnllwny powers on a greatlv improieu e manurnciuie i. i, iiui.i..nn with east iron he.i'K C irn Plows do ible and slnalc cultivator- side hill Plows, MI1IC sling-i. Turning of every ilesirlpllon done wliu pioniptness. Wo kee , eon-tantly on hand a large assortment ot Plow Mures fur our own ami many other plows that aro used In the country, we win not no unoersoiu in woik or of tho fame iiunllty. llrurwork Is warranted to gnu snll-l ictioii, or inn money re tunilul. WIllH.Pv COMI'i: ITIUN. Palmers, old the public In geiienil mv iiipieftidto call und ex oinliie btforo imrchasliigt benh le, WHITE & CONNER, Jan. Hi, V-o-ly OUANOP.VILI.U, PA. 11. F. SHAHPI.LSS, I). LEA COCK. 3STEW FIRIVE. SHARPLESS & LE ACOCK, Cor. Centre and Hall lioad sts., near L. & U. Depot. Lowest Prices will net to undersold. Manufacturers of MINE CAU WHEELS, Coal Pro ok er and llrldgo Castings, Water l'ipei., stoves, Tin- ware, Plows, IKON FENCE, and all kinds of Iron and llrass Castings. Tho original Montrose, Iron beam, right hand, left hand, and side hill Plows, tho best In the mark et, and all kinds ot plow repairs. Cook Stoves, lioom Stoves, and Stoves for heating stores, school houses, churches, c. Also tho larg est stock of repairs for city stoves, wholesale and retail, such as Fire P,r!ck,Grates, Cross Pieces, Lids c. Sc., stovo Pipe, Cook BoUers, SkUllts, Cake- plates, large Iron Kettles, t20 gallons to Carrels) Farm Hells, Sled Soles, 'agon Boies, "Allentown Bone Manure" PLASTLTt, SALT, AC, AC. Jan o, 'wi-iy THE DAVIS. THE LATEST ISTIIEBEST The Greatest Sbvidc Macbine ofthe Age Don't fall to fee this wonderful piece of per fection, the New Davis Vertical Teed Shuttle Sew ing Machine. Manufac tured at AVate'towii, Xew York. All aro cordially inviled to call and in spect the New Machine nnu ohtain samples of work, more beautiful and desirable than ever before accomplUhed and utterly iinno-iihle for any other to duplicate, Thousands witnessing the imnieute range of work, and di-carilinc their old machines for the NEW MACHINE, i sufficient proof of Mjiernriiy ami uriug lur me uai m i trade that runs the factory to its fullest ca pacity. The Vertical Feed, Which Kiipercrdcs the under feed, is the hi'ige upon which swings the UNPAr.ALLE- i:d hi'cctss, Composed of only 13 Working Parts, while others have from f irty to seventy-five, making the leat complicated, the most dur able and most reliable machine in uie. It posilively leads all othetx, DOINO AWAY with all bntinjr, end is the LIGHTEST ItUN NINO fclll'TTLi: MACHINE IN THE WOULD 1 and gives general satisfaction, Will be sold at the recent popular iiehuced scale or PP.ICES. tampion ol work tree. J. SAIiTZKIt, Gen'l Agent. liloumshurg, Pa, oct. 3, 7'J-ly. Paper Hanging. WM. F. BODINE, IKON ST., UELOW SECOND, UL00MSUDH0, PA Is prepared to do all kinds of HOUSE PAINXINO Plain and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, BOTH DEC0I1ATIVK AND PLAIN. All KiiiilN ol' I'liriilliii c Iloimlrcd anil niailu un good as iivw. NONE BUT FIKST-CLASS W0I1KME.N FM PLOYED Estimatcn Mado on all Work, WM. P. IIODIN'E. Oct. 1,1 S79. JjnitK INSUItANCE. CII111STIAN F. KNAI'P, BLOOMSUUIIO, PA, 1III1TISH AMEI11CA ASl'HANCE COMPANY, OEIIM AN FIIIKINM'IIANCE COMPANY. NATIONAL FlllE INsftNCl COMPANY, CMOS' lNSl'IUNCE COMPANY. '1 hee oi li cohi'oiutions are is ell seasoned by aire auu nub itai ri unu nai v iit'x'i ) vi ni,ti a iuss sei tied liv any court of law 1 heir assets are all Invest ed In Minn MxraiTiKsund ore liable to the hazard of mkk only. Losses raoui'TiY ai d iiosesti-v adjusted and paid as soon as detetmlned by cukistiik F Ksiir, si ec- Ah AOENT 1NII Al'Jl'frTEH lILOOUblirSO, l'A, The people of Columbia o unly should patronize the oct i cv where losses If any are settled and paid l'UOMPTNESS, EQUITY FAIlt DEAL1N0 Kor, le, 'so. Site SELLERS' COUGH SYRUP ! 50 Yearn Before the Public. l'rouounced by all to bo tho most iMriimnt and riilcnrloim remedy In use, for iho cure i,r rmiulm, rutilut eriiup, liuiir-eoc--, tickling sensttlon of tho throat, whooping cough, etc. ovillt A .1111, LION IIIITTI.IIS WITHIN Till: LA'P I'LW YllAltx. It fives relief wherever uied, and has tho powir to Impart benefit Hi it cannot be Lad from tho cough niKiiiien now In use, sold by all Uru gists at !. cents per bottle. Mil, I. Lit.' I. unit I'll.l.H aro also highly re commended for curing liver complaint, constipation, sick-headaches, fever and ngue, ai.d ull diseases of the stomach and in er. sold by all Druggists at as cents per box. R. 3. Ssllcrs fv Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Whereas, tho vorhl rcnonned reputation ot Die White Sowiiii? Macliine Induces mnnv unscrupulous cnmpiitltura to resort to fill Mmls of inoiin trit-ks to lriluru lis ivmitadou. i beffto caution all lutendlii I'UidUbCianot to buya White Machine except from Its regular authorized dealers, who is 111 oe sustained uy me loiiontng wairanty. WE WAllltANT THE NATl'l'.ALW EAlt AND TEAlt OF TUB White Shuttle Sewiif Machine, PLATE NUMltEK lO.l!) 1'OU I'AMH.V ITItl'O sks. ani) iinuKiiv a(!ui;kt( ki:p the svmi: i itEi-Aiii run r i; n.'i m or viw: i;.u Kiio this 1MTC. vitKUor t'lirtiMn;. Tills wariantv (xrents the bieakac-o cf ntcdlcs bobbins and shuttles. Tuls warranty will not bp fiustnlm'd unlo the late numbt-r nboo iritn corit'poiitU with the r altered numbers WI1ITH sr.WINtl MAC1I1NK CO, Tho "WEITE" Shutt c Sewing Machine Has okeatek rAi'Acm' than any otherfnmlly Sewing: ..niu:iiuiu iur iioiu; etr.v ur'i.v or iru. J. SALTZKlt, (;enuiol Anent, liloom-sburL''. l'a. Oct. 3, '70-ly. f AAA VI!FK In our o n tow n, and no cap- . , , ... iuuuiukih IIIU UUINIfftt H i i i-u iiiiuui f. jit'iiM", i uu rn.M njipoi iu- mHBHlnltv eer ofTned for Those wllllnir ir HjBBoik. You should tr nothlnelse until ou see for ouif-elf what ou tlcint. tho business wo olTer. No room to e.phiin here. Youcandevotu all jour time or only jour sp,uo uuiu iu iue uuMiifsf, nim iiMM' j,rreai p 13 wr eery hour that ou ork. Wcnn n miike as much as men. send for special prU.ile t( 1 ms and p.n, which wo mall free fumtnt fiee. Hon'r eomphdn of hard wiiifB Mimy j ou ime miui a eiiaucu. auuics-s 1IAL1XTT &C0 , 1'ortlund Maine. oct3t "t) ly THE ONLY CLVE l'r Illiibele. frii el. Dronn. MrlLrht'N IH t'tiHVt 1'aln In liu IIiirK, Intibilll In Kt'tiilti nr i:pt'l I lie 'i Inc. ( 'ul 11 1 rli nf llie Itliuliler II urn uu or 1'itinl in rriiiiiiiiiut Itiirlx lliioi I)epnii Alli-i'iitiii of llie diu't rst-rvim IMIdlil) I'v mule cukiieoot utiil nil IHtraur 41 1' liu- Kidney, Bladder and Urinating Organs, It avoids Iiiteriiiil medicines. U eomforuulo to thepallcnt, u ituln In list lfeet, and I it l when nothluy else can. Aold all otlu r lvblne I' many worthless Imltat ons ate belny; nutrtd upun the market. Wo w 111 send et'rtlih'a'e.H or cures, and our book, "How n 1 ife was Saved," free upon tho receipt of 3 our addi us. IUV's I'AI is bold by lhutrsistM. or hent by mall on receipt 01 price. v.',imi, Distributing Agenoy at tho PEOPLES' DRUG STORE, HlnoiiihSMir, l'a. Jau 23, 'm t ESPY PLANING MILL, The underslrned lessee or the Ksp'- I'lanlnir Mill, is prepureu iu uu uu jviuua ui iuni Doors, Frames, Sasli, Bids, etc, mado to order on bhort notice. Satisfaction guar- uuieeu, i. HAKLEfl KHrO Hlocuusbnrtf, l'a. Tofiionu YFAK, or $5 to f20 ihtv In otirown laealltv. Noih Womtn du as well as men. Many make more Mian the amt-untfetat. ed aboe, no one can fall o make nionei fast. Am one can do tho work. Youcanmaki mini . ei nts to$i an hour by aeonnc jour eveiiiufrs ami --pno nine io inn uum neaa. It costs not hint; to tri the business. Nothing llkeltfurmone makliiL'eer oileied Kfore. Iiusl ness pleasant and slrlttlv lumotable. 1 eader, If ou want to know ull about the U-st p i. iny business be fore the public, send us our atl'ln-ss and wo will sendoufuU puitlculars and piuate terms free; samples worth 5abo fiee . oiicnii then nke up your minu iur jouisett .vuuit'sa ni.umir. "i i.-nmi.i &CO., 1'ortland, Malre. oct 3. '7D ly 8ITTEBS Pojouleel that any one of your ortrans vour slomach. 11 wr. bowels or ner'tis fesleiu r.iireruin Us work? If so, repair the damage with tho moit jtoweiful, yet harmless, (f InWtforants liemomber thatdebllllvU tho "lieulniilim of IIir Kml'ihdt tbocllui xct all weakness Is a uuUcrsol paralj&U til tucoj 01 uu, mm liiav r uvu iaiuij 13 14 IUU immO Uiul pictuioui ui inniu, For salo by all DruggUts und Dealers genexally. UUb! If, Sill aOSTETTER'c rl lW CELEBRATED BLOOMSBU11G, PA., FRIDAI , FEBRUA11Y 20, Poetical. AN AMKUIIUN SKKTCH. UY N'EtMF ((, CONF. Ills heart U nil of English oak, lit trowcrs alt of English kersey, lie always rows tlw HnffllMi stroke And 3 et he came from North New Jewey. lie dockhh horses' flowing tails, lie drlws an Knullsh cart, with Kuttons i 11U beard 1 like the Prince of Wales', Ills eye-tlass like th5 Ilarl of Mutton's. Ills satin scarf Is oxford blue, Anl cut-nway bli KnjjllVi coath, And when he speaks, on, Kngitsu too Th dirilculty in UU throat ti, Us calls hlseousios dresses 'frocks,' And rides upon an UngU-shnAU To hounds althouKh tho nuRlisli fox Is stalled irom a pudd'ng-baj. J. Kdmonds-.tones ho w rites his name ; And jet, if jou'U be ievo me, sirs, ho Was known as Ml in' .tones when ho came Some j cars ago, from N'orth New .Jersey, IIXKN OK TYItK. nV IIEVKl'W, I0MUKU.0W. hat phantom Is this that appears Through the purple mlMsof tho j cars, Itself but a mist like these? A woman of cloud and of tire ; Ulsshoiltls Helen of Imc, The town In tlio midst of tho seas I 0 T3ro ! in thy crowded streets The phantom nppiurs ami if Meats, And the Israelites, that tell Thy Illlcsnnd lions of bras, Look up as they see her pass. And murmur 'Mezeoel I ' Then another phantom Is wen At her side, In grav gabardine, With beard that lloats to his waist; U is Simon Magus the seef ; llo speaks, and she pauses to hear The words he utters In haste. He says : "from tho evil tame, From this life of sorrow and shame, I will lirt thee and make tlieo mine ; 1 hou hast been (iueeu Canaee, And Helen of Troy, ami shalt bo The Intelligence lHUne t" tth, sweet ns the breath of morn, To the fallen and forlorn Are whbpered word of praise, For the famished heart bellews 'the falsehood that tempts and deceives, And the promise that betrajs So she follows from land to land The wizard's beckoning hand, As u, leaf Is blown by the gust, Till she vanishes Into night I o leader, stoop down and write With thy linger In tho dust, o tow n In tho midst of the seas, Uh thy rafts ot ceder tiecs, Thv merchandise and thy ships, Thou, too, ni t becomo as naught, A phantom, a shadow, a thought, A name upon men's lips. Atlantic, Select Story. MAKK DILLON'S 1101,1) (1AMK. 'Inm pouiiig into terribly bad liabil, Dora. lSmikftt at lmlf-imit nine ! Just fancy my Indulging in sucb linurs three years airo. ilar in-', lielore tlie wnriu mane tip ill mind that I painted respectable pie tureo, and ebose to pay me accordingly. And ming Melville Austin roe from tho laintilvMircad table at which he and his wife were sitting. 'I hone that you're coine tt remain at home this morning,' Dora said, in a soft, cwaxing tone, that well became her pelilc figure and blonde haired, girlish beauty 'Do you know, Austin, that you have not painted an atom of canvas this week? There your new picture of Anthony and Cleopa tra' 'Yes, my love,' the young arli-t interrupt ed, 'I plead guilty to having shamefully neirlected Anthony and Cleopatra ; but this morning's engagement will not occupy much time, and I shall bo homo in an hour, I trust ready to begin work. In the meantime Dora, if that model of whom I was speak- lmr s hou il make her amiearance. Hist asK ber to wait in tlio studio.1 I am anxious to see this divinity, Meh ville. Is she so very beautiful ?' 'Alter a certain type, yes,' the husband answered, carelessly. Then, while his hand some face lit up with a sudden brightnes' ho added, in lowertones : 'You know there is but ono woman iu tin, world, Dora,Jwho-e beauty can thoroughly satisfy me.1 I'or some time alter her husband's tie- parture that morning, Dora Austin remain ed buried in what, judging from the happy mile that nlaved about her mouth and danced iu tho blue depths of her tender eyes must have been thoroughly aggretable thoughts. Was ever woman so blessed? she inur mured presently, as if asking the question of her own heart. 'Three years to-morrow since we were married, and slill the same devoted love from dear Melville. How foolish I was ever to dream that his worldly succe-ses would cool the ardor ot that love I Nothing can ever change him noth ng.' 'Tho young woman ha-t called ma'am, and is now wailing outside. Shall I show her iuto Mr. Austin's studio?' Dora's meditations had been abruptly broken by the voice of the stately butler, who stood at her elbow. Oh ! you mean Mr. Austin's model?' she said a liltle confusedly. 'Yes, James, I be lieve your master wishes her to wait in the studio til! his return. I!y the way, James you may manage to let her pass through this room, l wish to see her. The man bowed and departed to execute Mrs. Austin's order, returning presently, fol lowed by a poorly clad wnmaii,of whose face Dora merely caught n momentary glimpso as she hurried towards- the adjoining stu dio. 'How beautilul !' tho young wife murmur ed ; 'and what a faco for Cleopatra. She teemed auxiou-t to escf.po ray notice, poor woman ! I wonder if she is ashamed of her vocation? You told her, James, did you not' addressing the butler, who returned at thls moment 'that Mr. Austin would re turn very shortly ?' 'Yes, ma'am.' James was not absent from tho breakfast room five minutes befnro he again made bis appearance) there. A rather shabby man desired to see Mrs, Austin. Should he ad mit him t Hut the ceremonious hutler had scarcely finished speaking when a gruir voice sound ed from the entrance of tho room, A rough-looklng, beivlly bearJed man was standing on tho throshholdj directly op- poslle tn Doia who was seated near one of the window. 'You may go, my good fellow,' tho man paid. 'I havo particular buslntu with Mm. Atiitln.' 'Yes .lames you may go.' The words were gasped forth tomchow from Dora.s while lips. If the servant ob served the agitation which had suddenly overpowered Ids mistress, he wai too well trained to maniftst tho least rurnrfoe, and quietly withdrew from the room, closing the door nfter him. 'Oh, heaven I U it you, Mark Dillon ? I thought you dead I ' She had rUcn while t-ptaklnp the above vords, but the hone whisper In which sho uttered them died to filence before she had finished, and Dora Austin fell heavily for ward in a dead swoon nt the stranger's feet. The sound of her fall wai quickly follow ed by that of an opening door at the further end of the room, as Mr. Austin's model, wealing a startled look on her beautiful face hurried in from the adjoining studio. I!ut the stranger's bark was turned to her as lie bent over the prostrate figure of Dora. Nor was lie aware of Ihe woman's presence iu the apartment until she touched him lightly on the shoulder, and Iu a rather tim id voice 'aid, 'Is the lady ill, sir ? I was in the next room and lnard 'Heavens, Mark I you here I' 'Kll nl' '1 ho niun bad suddenly turned s face towards tho speaker, while still stooping over Mrs. Austin's senteless body. 'Uh, I recollect,' he continued, sternly; 'you told me that j on went cult as a model, and that this woman's husband is an artist. That account", pcrlinp, for your being here, and you may thank your stars fir having so good an excuse. If I thought vou had followed me' The angry ilash of his dark eyes finislud the "enlenco moro powerfully than words could have done. Tremblit'g in every limb, the woman an swered pleadingly : 'I had no thought ol following yon, Marl;. I never imagined that you knew Ibis lady. I ' Leave the house iustantly.Kllen I Don't hesitate a moment, but go at once,' Tho woman shuddered and turned toward the door leading into the studio I may explain this matter to you some otlur time,' the man continued, 'but tv member, I warn you against remaining in this house a moment longer than you can help.' When the studio door had closed behind the woman's retreating steps, Mark Dillon once more bent over the white face of Dora Aus tin. A faint shiver convulsed ber frame at this moment, and while his gaze was eagerly fastened upon her countenance, the slken lashes slowly lifted themselves from her e v es. Then it was no dream,' she murmured hor-ely, ri'ing from ber fallen posture, as sisteil by tho man she addressed. 'You have come,' she presently continued, 'to reveal all to to Melville Austin.' Sho sank back into an arm chair now with a weary, gasping sigh. 1 haven't come to do anything of the sort Dora Dillion,' the man said, with a kind of sullen emphasis iu his grull" tones, 'I don' wi-h to claim you as my wife. You believed me, three years ago, and married Mel ville Austin ; thcie's nothing particular! culpable abutit your conduct as far as I can di-cover. I shall be tho last one, depend unon it. my dear Mrs. Austin, to reveal anything disagreeable considering your an tteedents 'And why will you reveal nothing ? Let theio be no di-gui'ie between us, Mark Dil Ion. I know your brutal nature thoroughly You came here this morning to sell your si lence. Js it not so ?' Yoj are perfectly riht, Mrs. Austin or Mrs. Dillon. Which it is to be by the His tones were defiantly supercilious j his keen, cruel eyes were fixed upon tlu agon '""'"""'h " '"i"" pitiless gaze when the prey is within eay listaiice, and possession has become certainly. Hut Mark Dillion started back with amaze ment, as Dora answered him, calmly, scorn-1 fully, and deciively,in the following word-: "I shall not deceive the man to whom I owe all the happiness I have ever enjoyed in this world the man whom I love, honor and reverence as only a nature like Melville Aus tin's is worthy of being regarded. When I married him, Mark Dillon, I acted upon my firm conviction of your death. Now, I know myself to have been In error, and a single course remains to m". Iho instant that .Melville Ait-tin returns home, I shall inform him of the truth.' Are you mad, Dora Dillon?' he exclaimed, every trace of bis supercilious manner gone, iinl nothing but a sort of furious surprise remaining, 'Are you mad, thus to throw away tho position you have won ? tn make of youre,f a beggarly outcast ? to ' 'Enough of this, Mark Dillon,' she iu terinpted, haughtily. 'Your game was a bold one, but it pioved a failure. Ah, my husband I Melville All-tin had suddenly entered the apartment. Ulancing at the astieu-pale countenance nf Dora, a look uf amazement overspread his own, Then turning towards the stranger, who stood beside the chair in which she was seated, Mr. Austin said, 'It strikes me that I heard your voice raised in rather a disrespectfully loud tone, as I stood in the hall a moment ago. W'ero you ad dressing the lady, sir? Dora, who is this person , A slight tremorshook Dora Austin's frame and her ghastly frame quivered for an instant She had risen now, and w as addressing Mel ville, who listened silently until she had ceased speaking, stupefied, doubtless, by the dreadful import of what she uttered 'That man, Melville, ismy husband, Five years ago, before you and I had ever met, poverty had reduced my mother and myself to the last stages of want. Ou my mother's death bed, nnd while I was still almost a child luytars, Maik Dillion asked me to be- come his wile. We were- married, ami I soon discovered that my wtelehed, friendless po sition had been exchanged for one of still greater misery. I had become uulted to a man from whose- vWe, wicked life my whole na ture turned In loathing. One evening, iu a fit of drunken fury, ho struck mo. That night I fled from hia house. During the year that followed, I succeeded in suppoiling mj belf comfortably uu tho proceeds of netdle work. Two months before chance had made mo acquainted with you, Melville, I had learned accidentally of my husbaud's death 1880. In Franco. You know what followed. To day I learn, fur the first time since our mar riage that .Mark Dillon lives.' 'Oh, Ood, can this ho true. l lie word! seemed wrung Irom tho verv lepth of Melville Austin's agonized soul. Staring first nt his wife, and then nt the moody, creastiallcn man beside her, his lace expressed the keenest intensity of mental sulfering. And now the Icy calmness with which Dora had spoken melted to n passion of s .bs. Stealing towards her husband's side, sho murmured, brokenly . Mljforo we part, Melville, say that you forgiye me for being thecause. of so much future wretchedness for having brought to your noble heart a sorrow it has sj little deserved. 'Part, Dora ? We must not we shall not part I' He had drawn her to his breast, with a wild, impulsive movement. At the same In.tant, the door of tho studio was suddenly unclosed, and a woman's vnico cried out in clear, ringing tones: '.Mark Dillon lies, Mrs. Austin, when ho dares In call himself your hus'iand I I wronged, deceived, out raged as I have been, am none tho loss his lawfully wedded wife, married to him seven years ago in Manchester. Let him deny it if he dares. You need not scowl and glare at me,' tho woman went on, hotly ; 'what I speak is the truth, and I do not fear to utter it.' A low cry of rage cc.iped Dillon's Hp as he sprang towards the woman who bail poken Hut with a blow of iron Melville Austin's hand hurled him backward. For a moment the villian stared at bis wife's protec'.ot with a tigerish fierceness in his daik, dangerous eyes, and then, like the coward ho really was, slunk from the apart ment. Vnd from the house, too, never entering it again, An hour afterwards his wife, Ll len Dillon, followed him against the earnest entreaty of Melville and Dora 'He will beat me when I return to him, perhaps,' she said, with a mournful smile on her exquisite face, 'but I must go, neverthe less. It seems like a curse, tint in spite of his brutally and wickedness. cinnot hate Mark. Hut whenever I think of our child at home, I believe this weakness is all for the best. I can guard him against imitating his father ; and who knows what a son's in lluence may do in future years ?' Her sad words left Dota and Melville grave and thoughtful for a long time after her deperturo. 'The woman loves him, Melville,' the wife murmured at last, in slow, mueitig tones 'loves him in spite of all his villain ous treatment. What a marvelous mystery love is I' 'Marvelous, indeed, Dora V' 'Did you really mean, Melville, that noth ing should part us not even the knowledge of being another's wife when you spoke so passionately just before Ellen Dillon entered from the studio ? Her soft hand had stolen into his, her tearful eyes were fixed upon his own, with eager questioning in their blue depths, Melville Austin's answer was spoken with unhesitating fondness : 'I meant that, if all the world bad striven to separete us, Dora, I should have struggled to regain you. Un til to-day I never have known the strength and power of my love.' His arms were clasped about her now, and she was sobbing forth ber thankfulness upun his faithful bieast. Mrs, Partington says Don't take any of tho quack rostrums, as they aro regimental to the human cistern ; but put your trust in Hop Hitters, which will cure general dilapidation, costivo habits and all comic diseases. They saved Isaac from a severe extract of tripod fever. They are the neplut unumof medicines. why pemmXauk pooh. It is stated ou excellent authority, that 'poor have yu with you always.' The teuiark was true when uttered, and it has beeu tiuo ever since, and fiom appearance, ever will be. Thero are those who have no disposition to save ; who tako no thought of to morrow. Having enough for the present hour, they content, and leave the future to take care of itsell. II property wero to he equally Uivid- ed Monday morning, bcloro taluiday night tho majority would bo in destitulo circum- . . .1 11 ,1.- 1 stances, ueau uiohu, wmiu inu piuuuui auu saving would bo on the road to peevmary in- dependence. One class of people spend what- ever money they can get hold of, and as fast as they can get it, while with tho others same means that come into then hands, judicious- ly invest the same, and becomo nch. ihcro are those who not on.y do not know how to save, but they do not know how to spend. 11 they get anything it goes lor what tney .in uui .mru , iui uuicies iuui wiuiu uu uis r, 1 . .-..l... .!.. l.l i.- .1:.. pcnscd with, lhose who aro dcstitutoot the comlortsoi lite, as a rule, may blame them- selves therefore If they havo anything they do not take care ot it. J licy buy artt- cles that people iu better circumstances would think they could not afford, So they aro always poor, llclieve their wants to day aud they are no better off to-morrow. They are bound nut to save to have nothing, and are generally bound lo bo in debt if they cau liud anybody that will trust them. Of course wo understand lhat people aro some times unfortuuate. They get sick, or those dependent on them become so. Wo know that peoplo are sometimes overtaken by mis fortune ; but whero theio is one case of this kind theie are fifty in which tho eutiro troub le may bo found i'i tho disposition to save. The man who lets his wife or child suffer, from Coughs or Colds without getting "Sel lers' Cough Syrup is lost to common rea son. the opinion nf this JIouse,the pre cedent established by Wasbington'and other Presidents ofthe United Slates, In retiring from the Piesidental office after their second term has become by universal concurrence a partof our republican system of government, aud that any departure from this time hon ored custom would be unwise, unpatriotic,' aud fraught with peril to our free Institu tions. Resolution of House of Representa tives, 1S72. Dr. Hrnwning's 0. fi 0. Cordial is the greatest friend ever known to the con sumptive, b"eus9 it rapidly cures every old, which, if permitted tn run its course, would speedily destroy llfe.aad also reducts that cinliuuous itilUmmatloii which causes such fearful destruction of the substance of tho lungs, tor sale by all druggists. Trice 60 cents. W Champion Drowning, Propr., 1U7 Arcn ftt., rmiaucipuia, Pa TIIK COLUMMAN. VOL. XIV, NO. 8 UOLUMMA DEMOCRAT, VOL. XUV, NO. f.1 ESOAOKMESTS. Ought engagements to bo long or short? It has often been said that nothing helps so much n steady young man us tho lieing en gaged to the girl whom ho loves and for whom ho vows to prcparo a suitablo home. The solicitude of David Coppcrficld's friend, Ttaddles, to buy hits of furniture, llowcr nots and such like for the houso where he and his betrothed were to dwell was a pretty thing and much to be commended; but ou the other hau l it is undeniable that long en gagements have their drawbacks, especially if the young people, see much of each oilier t'ur'JK ''10 I'Ofiotl of probation In tins case much of the bloom is taken off the poetry of courtship, and no less gilding off tho pros pects of marriage. Thero may bo a great deal to say against tho policy of wedding in haste, but young people who lake each other for better or for worse, in all the illusion of mutual trust and admiration, go through a timo of cesta.y unknown to those who marry quite rationally. The honeymoons of such pairs are halcyon epochs to bo remembered a life long, and if tho allcr period seem dull and loveless by comparison, yet it is something to have lied for however brief a time up to the highest ideal of felicity. He- sides, theio is no little sweetness in having faced the first hardships of life together I It a young couple have to encounter pocriy, and if they conquer it side by side, lightening all their labors by sharing them and dimin ishing their troubles by mutual consolation and engagement, they forge links which must bind llieir hearts closer and closer together. I like to fcce a smug young man stacking up money in a bank against tils wedding day, while his future wife looks on complacently at the operation, as who should say, Thomas must cam a good many more pounds before bo can furnish a hout.e good enough to lodge mc . but 1 like still more to see a J'oung hus band and wife who have feathered their little nest together. It is pleasant to hear a smil ing woman remark : ' Wo had nothing at all when we married ; but see now how ctsy we have made our house.' This means lhat there has been cheerful hard work on the one side, thrift and self denial on the other in fact,uuion. After all, the yoke of marriage is an apparatus that should sit on two pairs of shoulders ; and thero is nothiog very seem ingly in seeing a girl wait to wear her own part of it until it has been nicely padded with quilted satin. My advice to young people who must pass throucfh long engagements is to seo as little of each other as possible, and likewise to cor respond sparingly. Quarrels are easily hatch ed, even on paper, and they aro a'inost sure to rise if an exchange of love-letters bo com menced at the dangerous rate of one a day, or week. This pace is too fast to last. I should say that one letter a fortnight was am ple. If thiswise abstemiousness from the Uioofpcuand ink be tried; if tho loving pair see each other but two or three times a year at Christmas, at Easter, for perhaps half a week during the summer ; and if, dur ing their separation, they remind one anoth er prettily ot their reciprocal aiiection by gifts of flowers, trinkets, nicely hemmed pocket handkerchiefs and well worked slip pers in worsted, then tho rocky time of a long engagement may possibly bo sailed through without accident. Nevertheless, all this leads up to repeating that, when young people have made up their minds to marry, the sooner they do so tho better. Ijmdon Truth. A (II1EAT HIGHWAY- 1'norOSKI) 1MPI10VK.MKNT OF Tin: susquk- IIANKA HlVnil. The secretary of war has sent to the senate tho reports of several surveys for improve ments ordered by the river and harbor bill of 1S79. Atuoug these surveys was one of the Susquehanna river. The river and harbor bill of 1879 provided for an examination of the North Itranch of the Susquehanna riv er, irom Wilkesbarre to tlio New lork slate line, iu order to discover how much it would cost to make the channel of this part of the stream two feet deep at mean low water for tho purposes of steam navigation. Colonel J. A. Macomb, of tho corps of cnginecrs.was placed in chargo of this work by the war de partment, and bo placed it in the hands of James Worrall, a civil engineer. Mr. Wor ,a)l has not confined his labors to a survey of tho proposed improvement iu the Puxiuehan- ua, but has presented in his report, submit- . ted tn the senate, an elaborate scheme for estaMi-hing canal navigation between the Kreat akes and llaltitnore. and diverting wes- tern freight from New York to southern ports. He believes that the Sufquehatina can le lua5 a fireat national highway, lie propo- Ues to make the Notth Hrancb ofthe Su- nnehanna navigable from Nanticoke dam, Sevcn miles below Wilkesburrc. to the slate -tne i,y jetties aud witiL-dams. at a cist of 1 " " . siaunyu. l i s part o t ie stream he tin- tribes as a succession ot lone ponds separated ,,. 'ripple.-, which can easily bo removed. Tho great national highway which ho pro- noses to have established by the government is to bo as follows : From liull'alo, by the way of tho Erie canal, 150 miles, to Monte- zums ; then from Montezums, by Seneca lake I and the Chemung canal, tn 1-Jmira ; then, by the Chemung and the valley of the North Branch of the Su-quchauna, to Northuuiber land, am) then to Havre do Grace, at the mouth ol the Su-quehanna. Uo would have the locks of the Erie eularged, so that boats of 280 tons could pass, and would havo the remainder of the route made to accommodate boats of this s'.j Eighty or uiuety locks would be needed on the new route The cost of this national highway he modestly plac-s at ij.OOO.uuj, just one hundred times the sum needed for the work ho was instructed to report upon, Of this sum $-0,750,000 would bo speut from llavio de Grace to tho mouth of the Juniata ; neatly S4,(HW,000 from ibis point to Northumberland to tho mouth ofthe Chemug , fiom this point to Seneca Lake to llufl'alo, ihrough Montezuma, -2,000,000, Additiotis fur various purposes raiso tho cost to tho total giveu aboe. Tho distance from Dufialo to tidewater by this routo isfilS mile?. aud this di-tanee cau be so i educed that it will bo only UO miles greater than tho distance from llufl'.iloto New York by tho Erie canal. All the products ol the Susquehanna valley would have gono to Daliiumrc, Mr, Worrall sys, if Philadelphia bad not lapped iho val ley by eauals and railroads; but by this n-lietue he wi.uld replace W-es of this sort by couvej ing the products of tho great west di rectly to the t'hsapeako Hay. He adds that these improvements could uot injuro Phila delpbia. Send stamp to Peoples Drugstore lllooms burg Pa. and you will learn something to your advantage. RATES OF ADVERTISING. rid, Onelncn Two Inches . Iluee Inches. . Fuurlnciies. ijiinrier column in. .. I.U0 ,. I.IU .. r..cio .. c.iio ..lO.O'l in. f.6 4.10 4.60 T.llO B.00 IM. M, fi.OU 18 00 S.IJO S.MI 7.00 U.00 S(0 1I.0U 11 ia.n ll.UJ ISM to: ts.or 16.00 St.OO iirh column 18.110 oua column se.eo 10.00 to.oo ito.'i Viurtv fiiivrrturmcntfi tiavable nuarterlr. Trail stent, advert Isriaents must be paid for beforelliBcrtotl except w hero parties have account. iLrni mivriihitT.pnintoiioiiariitierincnrorinrM' insertions, and nt that rate for addltlonalinMrtloLH without referencs to lengm. Executor's, Amlnlatrator's and Auditor's notltrfl f l,rn (Ti.llnrB M Mftt. tm Tlflld for When lnfterttd. I Transient or Local notices, twenty cents allrrj regular advertisements nan rates, cards In the "iiuslness Directory" column, ct dollar per rearior eacnune. Fads ts. Theory. In regard to the method of coloring but ter. The theory Is that when cows are well fed and cared for will make yellow butter! the fact is that not ono in ten will, except In flush pasture. This is just the reason that the very best Dairymen in this country use Wells, Rich ardson k Go's Perfected Hutter Color. We warrant it to add at least five cents per pound tn the Ta'ue of white butter, a re turn nl one dollar for every cent itcostJ. ETiiitifiTTK w hErTEit-wmrisa. As a rule every letter, unless insulting in its character, requires an answer. To neglect to answer a letter when written to, is as un civil as to neglect a reply when spoken to. In the reply acknowledge first the receipt of the letter, mentioning the date nnd after wards consider all the points requiring atten tion. If the letter is to bo very brief, commenco sufficiently far from tlio top of tho pago to give a narly equal amount of blank paper at the bottom of the sheet when tho letter is eLil d. Should the matter in the letter continue bevond tho first page, it is well to commence a little above the sheet, extending as tar as necessaiy on the olhcr pages. It is thought improper to use a half-sheet of paper iu formal letters. As a matter of economy and o nveni"ti('o for business pur poses, however, it is customary to have the card of the business man printed at the top of the sheet, and a single leaf is used. In writing a letter, tho answer lo which is of inoie benefit to yourself than the person to whom you write, inclose a pistago stamp for the reply. Lctteis should bo as free from erasures in teriination, blots and postscripts as possible. It is decidedly better to copy tho letter than to have these appear. A letter of introduction or. recommenda tion should never be sealed, as tho bearer to whom it is given ought to know the con tents. Hill e Manuel of Social and Jimimtt Forms. I Am All Clayed Unt. Is a commou complaint. If you feel so, get a package of Kidney-Wort and lake It and you will at once feel its tonic power. It renews the healthy action of the Kidneys Bowels and Liver, and tbus restores tho natural life and strength to the weary body. Get a box and use it at once. OUR PUZZLE CORNER. COXDUCrCD BY W. H. UASTHA1T, Contributions of original puzzles are so licited from every reader. Address all com munications relating to this department to W. II. Eastman, Auburn, Me. NUMKniCAI. ENIGMA I am composed ot thirteen letters. My 2, C, is printing type, confusedly mixed. My 7, 1, 1, is iu an industrious little Insect. My 9, 4, 13, is the aggregate amount. My 6, S, 11, is to proceed rapidly. My 7, 12, 11, Is a cake. My 2, 10, 11, is a witty saying. My 2, 10, 3, 3, is to draw. My 2' 0', 11, is a small pointed instrument. My 9, 1, 1, is to behold. My 7, G, 11, is a receptacle for grain and other articles. My whole is the Latin motto of a great nation. riiOENix. l.lrTTER ClIAJiflU-J.J 1. Change the final of to silence and eet to strip. Change the final of a kind of tea and get a plant. 3. Change the final of a peculiar mode of expression and get a fool. 4. Change the final of a flower and net a tree. 5. Change the final of to clamor and get ft bird. G. Change the final of to push and get to set down. A. E. D. LETrr.n arithmetic. (The answer is a botanical name.) N 0 T I K M A C U D N O T I II II 0 U H M A I M UNA I) It I M D U T A C N M It It U N C C U N It M Veuosjk. l'OimcAi. jtiMnLr:. Down stepping, the twilight purple, The day is weary closing out, Gold snd crlnlsujj which came in gown, Gray in sombreofweal-i away. Twilight ! nupti-al twiUght-beautiful 1 Sway her subtile holds but sfiort : Twilight beautiful ! mystical twilighTH Part day ol all the holiest. Uncle Claudii. hipdkx l'OETS. 1. All good men apree that W.O.P, F.aerd, deserves the election. 2. Your attention is taken up by the Span ish Kile, your ideal. 3. Drink wrskens ideas of the mtudts well as strength of tke body. 4. Goshen's tone of voice was distinctly audible, 0 God speed 1 we must the wall erect. G, "Hem I" answered farmer Drown. M. A.L. ANSWERS TO LAST l'UZZLES. I Numerical Enigma, "All the world Is & stage, and men and women merely playe ra," Hidden i'lantt and Trees, 1, Moss. 2. Asb. Oak. 4. Pine, 5, Apple. 6. Pear. 7. Maple. 8, Pink. Diamond I'uuU. V V K E V K A It S K It It S Charade Paltry (Poll-try), Mitagram, Cab, dab, gub, kab, Itb Mab, nab, rab, tab, Mr. Dowen, of Gun Lke, Mich,, sajs ; "Tbe people beie canotdo without 'Selltrs Liver WIN. Try them,
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