THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU KG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. Young Folks. TUB SMILING DOI.LY. IT MART XAi-m 1)0 DOI. I whlprM to my Oollr, And told her cot to jtell (She's really lovely Dolly. Her name Is ltooabet)., "Bony," I atd, "slop amino. Tor Pre been d-r-adtully bun I Tea mtKl nt loot y cleasant, As II yon fell real glad I "1 Vx mamma's new cnx-rlng, 1 CM, con, Rosabel, And I never even asked her, Mow, Itoiy, doa't yoa tell I " "Ton see IU try to find It Before I let her know ; Bhe'd feel so very sorry To think. I'd acted so." Still Rosabel kept smlllnff j A nd I JU9t cried and cried And while I searched all orer, Her eyes wera opened wide. "Oh, Itosy, where I dropt It leant Imagine, dear;" At d still she kept on smiling, I thought It very queer. I had wheclel br "round thn garden In her glir till I was lame ; Tct when I told my trouble, the smiled on, just tho same 1 Her hair wared down her shoulders Like silk, all made of gold. I kissed hir, then I shook her, Oh, dearl how I did scold I 'Tou'ro rea'lynaus"ity, Itosv, To look so when I err. When my ranmm i's In troublo 1 never laugh; not I." And still she kjpt on smiling, Tao queer, provoking child ! I shook her well and toll her Her conduct dnvo me wild. Wh?n onlv think I that cir.rln; ro'l out of Itosy's hair I Wten I had dressed tho darling, J I must have dropped It there She double whon I saw It, And almost hit her heal; Again, I whispered softly. And this Is whit I said : "Vou precious, precious Itosy I Now, I'll go and tell mimma now bad I was and sorry And o, how gool you are I 'For, nose. I h vln't lost It You knew It all the while, You knew I'd shako t oit dear. And that's what made you smile." St, fi'icholai for December King Alfred's Lantern. Did you ever try lo Imagine, when you were studying the beginnings of English history, what kind of people those old An- Io-Saxons were, and how they lived 1 They were our far-off ancestors, and our language for the most part was made from theirs ; in ct we are called Anglo-Saxons ourselves; o we ought to feel interested in them. Tbey were a rude people in mauy respects nd lived in a rude way compared with ours. How would you like windows which had mo glass in them, very small windows. too, but had oiled paper or sheets of horu tlxtead ? Of course the rooms must have been dark and dismal, you will say. And what would you think of (houses without ohlmneys or anything we should call chira acysT But matters were really not much better, even iu King's houses, about ten hun dred years ago. The most important room in those days Was called the hall; and it was large enough to accommodate the family, the great com pany of servants, and all the guests who hose to come. They ate there, sat there, and most of them slept there on rough beaches, or rolled up in skins on tbe floor. It was open to every chance traveler, to the wandering harpers, to 'beggars and every body else. The fire was built against a clay or stone Arrangement, answering ,for a fire-place, at one end, or on an immense stone hearth in the middle; and the smoke, after floating up overhead, found its way out through an opening or a kind of turret in the roof. At dark they heaped high the log and fag gots ; and happy was he who on a stormy sight could get near the blaze. When sup per time came, servants stood behind those at table and held torches over their heads till the meal was over ; and when bed time came, the giiests who had any other place to sleep were lighted to it in the same way. As for the sing he was more privileged than that ; though just what they first used for lights, and just when lamps became com Bjon among tbe Anglo-Saxoas, it is not easy to And out. We see in some very old pic tures a simple little lamp, shaped perhaps like a saucer, hung by chains at the side of the room, and holding, no doubt, a piece of wax or some kind of oil, with a stripof cloth In it for a wick. Sometimes in the royal chambers, for a very long time after King Alfred's day, a light was kept by means of a cake of wax in a silver basin. They knew how to make candles, howev er; but Instead of putting it in a candle stick, it was put on it. The caudlestick had a point at the top, called a spike,and the can dle was made hollow at the bottom, and slipped down over the spike ; one so fixed was known as a ''pricket." There is, among some illustrations of old customs, a picture of h candlestick, which is very queer though very elegant, and looks like a little piece ot furniture. It is a tall tern rising from a three-footed, three-cornered stand, very much ornamented ; it comes to a point at tbe top, and'a little way below is a plate to hold the tallow or wax that might run down. We do not know that King Alfred had anything like this ; but be had what nobody had ever seen be "fore in that country, for be invented it him elf, and that was a lantern. This good king was a very busy man ; the people around him might be willing to Idle away their days over tha fire, lis toning to the harpers, telling stories, and playing with the hound, but he felt that he had a great work to do. lie wanted to make his subjects more civilized, to teach them Useful arts and be had not an hour to waste, He built towns, he built ships ; he read and atudied, and wrote, and that was wonder ful, Indeed, In those days when there were but few booke, and when even princes could mot write their own names. lie was the best the wisest, and the most learned king that the Saxons had ever had. lie used to carry In las bosom "memo randum leaves, in which he made collection from bis studies," and this Journal he was In the habit of examining so much that "he called it his "band-book.1 And, perhaps that is where the word "hand-book" came from. Of course, he read far into the night but he soon found two troubles, there was no nay to mark the time, for there were no clocks nor watches then, and be could not keep a light, because tbe houses were so open that the wind came In from every quarter. Be had noon marks, but those amounted to nothing on rainy days ; and everybody knows what a country England is for rain However, when such a mau as Alfred makes up his mind to do a thing, he Is al most sure to find a way. So be hau a quan tity of wax prepared, took enough of it to weigh down seventy silver pennies, and of it had tlx candles made, all" weighing tbe aame, and each twelve inches long, and marked officio twelve divisions. lie plann ed so nlrely that that these six would burn twenty-four hours ; and he always kept one lighted day and night before some holy rel ics and images rf taints which he had, and which, lining a very pious man he carried about with his luggage wherever ho went, He would now have had not only tolera ble light, but a very good way or marking tho hours, If the candles had always been sure of burning a given time. But If the wind blew, the flame would flare, and per haps go out ; and the king made up his mind that there could be something done to remedy this, and he did it. lie made a frame work, and fixed into it little plates or windows of horn, scraped sn thin that the light could shine through, set his candle in side, and shut it in, and the thing was done. He had'a lantern) sure In all weath era. A very small affair it may seem to you, but It was n great one to him. I once saw n picture of n rude Saxon Inn tern, somewhat like his, perhaps, though It was probably an improvement on it ; for no aooner does nnn man Invent a thing, than another finds n way to make It belter. Thi, in shape, maun me think or a hlru cage without the trap or railing. It had a kind of cupola-like top, and was much ornament td ; there wero bands with bnses on them, looking llkn metal, around the bottom, the middle, and next to the roof ; and there was'a pretty nrchfd door. 'Altogether, it was n very curious, but a rather clumsy nnd rather dark lantern. St. Nicholas for Dc cember. A youne man in Lt Crosse, Wisconsin, wasnn infatuated but. unskilful poker player losing heavily every time he played. After getting rid of all his own money and alt that he could borrow, he stole !20 frnnyi friend and went once more to try his luck, which was bad as usnal. ,Tu9t aa he went nway from the table ho was informed that his mother, on learning of his theft had fallen in a fit and died. Autumn.Care of Stock. Autumn is here'Jack Frost and black frost have visited us and nipped much tender veg etation. The pastures are failing. Does the farmer appreciate this and provide ex tra food for his stock? !Ifhe does not, he fails to rln I- '!nty, and does not look well to his v i -resti. 8tock should go Into winter iiinnvlng, not failing, condition. They should be strong and thriving, and be prepared to lesist tho cold storms that are suro to come. Unless fed some now they will lcne flesh -and that is a loss of money to the farmer. To get paid for teed stock consume, they should Increase in weight and condi tlon. If they make no increase, there is no pay for tho food consumed. Milking cows will fail in their milk at this season, unless well fed. Pumklns and corn stocks, it cut at the proper time and well se cured, make excellent feed for cows. It must be constantly borne in mind that a grist mill can no more supply flour unless the wheat is put into the hopper, than a cow can supply milk, unless plenty of good, nu tritious lood is put into tier stomach. There must be something tangible to make milk. Of course shelter is important. By keeping tbe cow comfortable she has less use for tbe carbon contained In the food, and It will go to make milk. If our advice has been fol lowed, and rye has been sown for pastorage the cows will give a generous suoplyof milk at this season. The calves, the lambs, the colts and pigs will revel in the luxury of sweet, green rye. But so many farmers fail to do this. Tbey are great loosera by tbe neglect. It costs but a little labor and bow richly is that labor re warded! The failure of farmers to supply winter pasturage for their stock is a serious drawback to them. Kentucky farmers ap preciate the importance of it, and supply it generously to their stock, and thus keep it in a most thriving condition in winter as well as summer; and is so much cheaper to let the stock secure their own feed than fur farmers to secure it for them. Those who have more stock than tbey can carry over the winter in good order, shonld get rid of it m some way. Sell It, or fatten it to kill, or give it away. If you have any old sheep in the flock, put tnem in a shed and fatten them, and tbey will bring good prices the first of, next year. Weed out the poorest tock of all kinds, and get nd of it at some price or some way. Keep the best breeding animals, Don't part with them. Improve your stock and it will improve the condition of your purse. Fix up everything so your stock can go through tbe winter In warm quarters and in good condition. In no department of farm ing do western farmers need more urgent ad vice tbau in giving better Bhelter, feed 'and care to their live stock. Volman't Rural World'. Savino 0AB0A0C3 TII.LSrilIKO. We know of no better way to preserve cabbages through the winter than that which we have receom- mended for a number of years. It is to plant or set them up in rows as they grow that is with the roots down fill In with soil pretty freely, then make a covering by plant ing two posts where there Is a feuce to rest, or four n here there is not, allowing for a pitch to carry of! the water ; lay bean poles opposite tbe way of pitch, and cover with corufodderor straw, or boards. Iu using through winter, avoid as much as possible the sun side ami close up again. We kept our cubbuge for about twenty years this wuy in a perfect state through the winter and in to the spring and could even up to the first of May if desirable. We see other methods recommended, and they may auswer just as well, but as to your uwu we speak from a long experience. TllO'JU H. IlAKTAN.. ALBcar )Uur4 THE RED FRONT, ivrOBK-S' BLOCK HABTMAN BBOS., DEALERS IN TEAS, CANNED FRUIT, oiaAns, TOBACCO srrorr, OONPEOTIONERY. Spices cf all kinds, Glass & Queenswjro FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and Domeatio Fruits, AND GK.N'EUAL LINE OF Family Provisions tth door Ulow Market street, HloouiitmrK, Ia. IV (jooda deUvere4 to all isrtsct D.etcB A prim, 11-U $66 a week- In your own to n. 13 (mint tree r- 0 risk. lteaer If 1 cu want a butdnew at wmcu perKins of elU.r tei can make ' ...... I "J HWV .Vl.i 1 11C (or parutulara to 11. ULUTAUu,iorlUnCMam. LEGAL ItLANKfi OK ALL KINDH OX UANPAT Till COLDVIIUN PFyiC BOOK NOTICES. Harper's Magazine. 1879. ILLUSTRATED. KOTicts or Tin miss. Ilirper's Mntrnitnc is the American Ma?i7lne alike In literature and In art. 'MoMnn Traveller." The most popular Monthly In the world. "N. Y. Observer." It Is an excellent companion for the ynunif, adc ltjhtto tbe mature, a solnco for declining ago. 'Lnulsvtllo Courter-Tournal." No otter Monthly In tho world can show ro bril liant Mist or contributors : tordO"MHh furnish lia readers wlti ao great a vurlety nnd so superior a quality of literature. "ft atcliman, iloston." Tho volumes of tho Mnraztnn begin Vtlth. I ho num bers for Juno and December of each icir. When no time Is apeciricd, It will be understood that tho sub scilbcr wUbcs to begin with tho current Number, Harper's Periodicals. IlAnriR's Mahazinb, one Year. M 00 lUarsa's Wkislt, " " 4 W Harper's Hazak, " ' 4 00 The TnRRR publications, ono year 10 00 Any Two, one year T oo hix subscriptions ono year 21 oo Terms for largecluhs furnished on application. rostiwo Kri'O to all subscrlb ts In tho United states or Canada. A Comnlfto Pet of Harper's M.iga7tn'. now com prlslngST Volumes, In neat cloth lilndlmr, will bo sentbv express, freight at cxpensoof purchaser for ir zs per volume rink'i volumes, Dy m.tu, poicoain, 13 eo. C otli cases, for binding, ss cunts, by mall, ntv.f nnlil. lli'tnlltancps should bo mido by Post-Ofllco Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance ot loss. Newspapers aro not to copv this advertisement Address uttOTHKlU, .New York, Harper's Weekly. 1879. ILLUSTRATED- NOTImKS of top PRESS. The Weekly remain easllr nt thi heart of Illustra ted papers bv Its flue literary mi ilitv, the bo mty of Ha typu nnd woodcut. Spi ltitfleld itepiiOUam.' JU pl-'to litlatir.ictlom art) fcUtvrb, and emhrace VVVry VliriBljT Ul BUUJCCb UUU Ul HI L13L1U vrcuiuitut, "Zltiii r HfTtild. no-iron ' The Weekly Is a pount twency for tho dissemina tion or correct political principles, and a powrrrul opponent of shams, fraud-, uud fa.lso pretenses. fctuinif express," uovaedwr. Tho Volumes of tho "Weekly bejln with the flrst Nutnoerfor.I-inu.iry of each year. hep no tlmo In mentioned. It will bo understood that the subscriber Htshs bicoimnenco with tho Mumter next utter tho realtor his order, Harper's Periodicals. Harper's Madazine, Una Year $4 0') XIakfbh'8 Weekly, " " 4 no Hi HI' Ell 'rt liAZAK. " 4 00 Tho Three publication?, one year .iu oo Any Two, ono year 7 (h Six subscriptions. one year ..,20 oo Terms rorlark'oclubfurnlshod on application. Postaifo Kreo to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. The Annnal Volnmes ofllirpcrs Weekly, In neat cloth binding, will tH mnt by express, free of ex pense (provided the freltfbt does not exceed one dol lar per volume) for V 00 each. A completo set. cooi prlsln Twenty-two Volumes, sent on rrcelpt of cash at tho r.tte of $5 15 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser. Cloth ti.-e-i for each volume, suitable for binding, wtllbobcnt by null, postpaid, on receipt of it oo each Iffmlttancrs should be mido bv Pot-Ofttia Monev Order or Dr if t, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers aro nit u copy inn advertisement without the express order of imtrKK AUhothkks. Addres HAHl'KIt ft HliOnitilH. New York. Harper's Bazar. 1879. ILLUSTRATED NOTICKH CV THE TRUSS, To dress according to ''Harper's B.ixar will be tho aim and ambiuon of tho wouuu of Amur lea "Uos- ton TraascrlpU" As a faithful chronicle of fashion, and n ncwsDaDor of domestic and social character. It ranks without a rival. "lirooxlyn Kalo." This naner has acnuired n widi ponuiar tv ror tho fireslJo enjoyment tt affords, and has bocomo an es-tablt-med authority with tho ladles. N. Y. Kvcnin I'oot." Tho Volumes of tho 'naiar" begin with tho first Numberof Ja'iuaryoteachyear, Vhen no time In mentioned. It will be understood t int tho subscri ber wlahfs to eommeuoe with the Number next after the receipt of hlsurdr. Harper's Periodicals, UARrEii'H MAntuvB, One Yetr H..t4 oo IUbper's Weekly, " M 4 to IIaktek's Hizn ' " . 4 rjO The TniiEic p ibllcitlons, one year- l ) oo Any Two, one year 7 00 Mx fcucrlf tlons one j ear 20 oo Itrms'fyr large clubs (urnl-h-l on application. Festive ree to all subscribers In tho United States or Canada, Tht .'linuil f otnmos of 'Itamr'H ItarAr !n npat cloth binding, will be sent bv express (rcfl of pi. pense (provided the freight does nut exceed one per TOlunae). tor II 00 e -ch, A compl'-tw fiet, comprising Kleven Volumes, hpi., on receipt of cash at the rate ot H vs per volume, freight at expense of purchas er. uioin casB for ean volume, stiltable for binding, will bo sent by mall nistoUd. on recti nt of'll io each. H omittances should bq qwle by Post-Omco Money Order or Draft, to avoid ch moo of loss rsewspapers aro not w copy inn advertisement without tue express ordor of iUKfKa A Hhotueks. Address IIAUHKlt A aitOTHEIW, New York ST. MIGHOIxAS, Scribn'.r's Illustrated Magazins rOH OIHLS AND 110YS. An Ideal Childrcn'd Magazine. Me&srs Kerlbner it Co.. In 1STS. betr&n lhn nnbIlL-n- tlon of Kt. Nicholas, an Illustrated Magazine for (Jlrls and Uojs, with Mrs Mary w apes Dodgoased ltr, Klve years have p;w8Ht since tbr flrM numbt r was Issued, and the magazine tas won tiidhlgbt-bt position. It has a monthly clrculat on of OVKH 50,000 COPII2S. It ts nublUned stmu'taneouslv In Indon nnd New York, and the transatlantic recognition Is al most as general and nearly as the Aim-rl'-an. Al though the progrfss ot ttvi magazine his b-n a su-ady advance. It has not reachud xa editor's Ideas of best, because her IJ.-al continually outruns It, and the magazine as swiftly follows after. To-day pi jircuuuut vwuiua ALONE IN THE WOULD OF BOOKS: The New York Tribune his sill of it st Nir-nn. lash Brea'hed a higher rhHform, and tommanda lor 1W service wider resources In art and letters than any oi Its predisoessors or cuutemDorarU-s " Tho London" literary world" says: -There is no mxgaunH nr in young uiai ran do said to equal GOOD THINGS FOK 1878-0. The arrangements for literary and art rnntritm. Uons for the now volume the sum aru comntr-tP drawing from already favorite sources, as v. ell sb from promising new ones, Mr. rrank it. Stockton's uvn ttciitu Biurjr lur uuys. "A JOI,l,Y FELLOWSHIP," V'l iun throusli the tweltH monUilr tiarts.rjrirln. nloi? with th numlier for Notember, the Drat of trie volume, aDd wtil t lUittruted bj Jatn(K. Kelir. Tbe utir) u odd ot Irarrl aun ud teuture is riorlJn and the Bahamas, for thu elrls, a outlo- "1IALF A DOEN HOUSEKEEPERS," 1!T Katharine I). Smith, wltti Illustration bj Frecler ick Dleltnan. U'eltia In tho same number: and rresh serui dv maan Cvolltie, entitled "Kjetrkiht," wltn pleny of plcturo. will t commenced early in tliH volume. 'Ihtre wlilalbo twaeonilnuedfalrj-tale nUMPTY DUDOETS TOWEU," Wntlen bv Julian Hawthorne, and llustrated by Alfred rredrrlcka. About Iho other familiar frat area of Bt Nicholas, tbe editor pns.Tf.s a rood hu mored tllencv, content, tierbaps, to let her five vol umes already Issued, pn f h ay concerning the Blitti In reeprci to short ttorte., pkturca, poems, humor. Instructive sketches, nnd the lure and loro ot "Jacs. ln-iue-l'ulplt," the ''Very Utile Folks" department. Terms, ii.ov a vear'i 85 a -nta a Nunktr bubscrlptlons received by tho fubiiaher of tbls ra rer, and by all ilookteliers aud I'ohi masters. Icr sons wishing tn subs -rlbo dli ect lib tbe putlkbers ah utd rlU) name, ront-omce, rountr, and Btate.ln fuU, and bend with remittance la check, K II, money ' MCliIMNKU It po., Ul Broadway, K'w fork, THE SUN FOR 1870. Tie l-in will bo printed every da; daring- the jrae iuiuuic iui puriwo ami uieuina will be lue name as tn (be pant t To present all the news In a reada ble shape, and to tell the truth though the heavens Tha tun has been, Is and will ecn'lniie to lie Inde pendent of everybody and rventhlnir save the Truth and I's convictions of duty. That Is the onlv policy v hlcb an honest hewsraper need have 1 ha! n the rolley which has won for this newspaper the confidence and friendship of a wider constltuenr than was evtr eajojed Ij any ether American Jcu aah TM sua Is the aawspaper for tht people. 11 la act r the rka auaa ak'aLn.t Us pacr was, r lor Dm , 1 ' poor man flffitast tho rich mm, but It seeks to do equal JuMlce to all Interests In Hie community, It In not tho C'gsn of any rierson, class, sect or party. There nerd bj no hi) story about Us loves and hntes. It 1 for the honest man against the ropucs cvtry tlmo. It Is for the honest nemocrat as HainMl,e alshonest Itepubl can ,nnd for tho honest hopuMtcnn ns a p a Inst the dishonest Democrat. It does not take Its cue from the utterances of any politician or po litical organization, It gives Its support unreserved lyuhen men or measures nre In nirrcenicbt with with the ronstltuilnn and with th& principles upon which this HppuMtc was founded for the people. Whenever llm coiisiituthm and const It uMonnl prin ciples art vlola'ed as In lh outrnireoua conspiracy or Wit, by whlchn man not fleeted was placed in the President's enVe, where ho Mill remains It spi'sks out lor thurltiht IhattailwMin'aid not lndependi Lee. in lids renptet thcie will bo no change in its prof'amme for 1379. Tho Hun tair.y earned the hearty haired of rascals, frauds and humbucs ot all sorts and sizes. It hoprs to desne that hatred not less In tho car H7, than In .Ms, 1-di, or anyjeur goim bv. iho Hun ul I rontlnup to shine on thewKkcd with un mlllirnted brightness. Whllo the lessons of the pnt should bo constantly kepi before tho p-ople, 'I ho Hun does not promise to make Itwlf lnlsTDn magazine of ancient history. It is prime 1 for the men and womeq ot to-d.iy,w hove concern la chklly with tho HlTnlrsurto-duv, both thedlspoMitlon an i the ability to alTord its read ers the promptest, fullest, ftud most accurate Intel ligence ol whatever in thowlue world Is worth at tention. To this end the resources hi longing to well established prosperity will oe liberally em ployed. The present disjointed condition of parties In this country, nnd the umenaluty of tho future, lend an extraordinary stsrntrtcahca to the events or the com Intfjoar. 'iho discussions ot tho prss, the debates and acts of Congress, und tho movements cf tho leaders In every action ot tbe Hepublle will hive a direct bearing nn the I residential el'Mlon otlnso an event whtiu must Unregarded withtno rni3t anx ious Interfst by ewr p.urlottc An.tric.n, whatever his poli'lcnl lJeis or allegiance, 'lo these 1 inents of Interest in iv In ndiud Hie lt that Dem ocrats will control buth hjuits ot ' ongress, the lu cruHSlnjj reebU'iies of I ho f ran lulent Adinlnlst ration and tho spread and hln nMllienltig cuTjwheioof a healthy abhoni nee of fraud In nny f'rm. To present with accuracy and cearne s ihocxact situation In eacn oi us varjitijr pn,k.e, and to extound, accord Ing to Its wcli'knuttu chttnoris. the uducli h'H that ru ni'u kuiuu.u i iruu ,rii iiitt iuuyiiui.ii,' 11 uuua im j an lm- portant part of Too f lira ork tor 1379. v n.ue mo means or matting 'ino a point cal, a lltrAr nndageneril newspaper, moie entr- tain In z u on moro useuu man ever ueic anJ moro useful than ever beroro : and wo mean 10 apply thru rrei ly Otir latet of siibsmnllon remain nnrlunired. Fnr tho D til S'Hi. a four p.irfefskeet of twenty-eight col umns, the price hy mall, postpaid. Is 63 rents a month, or 0 6i a jear; or. Including tho Hun Jay paper, an eight page sheet of 60 c ilumns, the prlco is as cent1 a mtntii, or $T.7u a year, postage paid. Ihp.sunUv editlun urrhoiun lsas) furnished separately at fi.'i'j u ear, post.igo paid. Thu price of tho Wvcklt fun, eUut paos, flfly-slx col iimn 4, Is l a year, p jstaK'u paid. For ciu'jh of teu beudlugfio wo wilt suid an extra copy free. Address I. W. KNtlLAND. Publisher of 1 ho faun, 3ow York City. nov 22-Cv SCRIBNER'3 MONTHLY, Conducted by J. O. Holland. Th lIdndsomvt llUitr ittvl Magazine 1n the Woild. Thc American edition of this p 'rlodicat Is now AlOftK TIIAV 70 dW) MOM fllLY, And It h is a latger i Ircul ltloo In Knglnnl than any otuer Aim rlu i magazine. L'veiy nuinb-rcuiitnlns about ono hu nlr-d a-i I rlfly p ues.and Irom tlty to seventy-ilvo TfO)J cut MuMrailjus. Annomu'euuMits for 1878-i). Amon; the aitiMctl im rur thu coming Jtararotho following: "lUvvoaTit-," a strltl now, bv Mrs. Frmces Ilodjf-iuii Uurtett, author of Tint Uxsso' I.oaii-is." Tho oLcbe of Mrs Hnru ti .h new nov 1 is laU lu I,an cmiilre ; the ht.i Is oung Inentor of Atuerl-ait birth. Mlawo tlrs la tiio luti- st story .Mrs liinnett has ft iit n Ir will r ia I'irii ish twelv-i inun brso'tho Mtiihl iilii'du wit'i ,NovemlM.r. l-;s, and will b j pr i(ii'el lnn-.trat; d K UHiNKlM'i, a 8'ilt- H. II. II .jcs?n, author of "(.no. i ir," -ru -Win-tiih,' vc la ihls tomuu'e, tin au"uu' graphloally de scrlb's tin oeo tdirltic-t of Nors-j liaiui'.int lira lu a wueterii wettleuiriii. A MOiiV . v ?E v Ori.kivs. bv f 'or-rn UV r.i!i!.. tn bo begun on th-i c m'i-is tut of i.eimiH'r.r." This utorj wLleAhlblttLo ht.t i tr no l-ty In t'reulc Uu. Isla-ta utN'jt th yi-ais 1m 4-J5, the tl'ne or tne t'es sluo, an I a t ilit biiiluga rt n.arkaitle hk;i.u3 to the tieseiit ro unstiti'tloii nrhHl. rouTMAtrso Mki-iciN 1 tiKTs 'I ht kciles (Njrun In Vujru-t with llw p italt or Hrva-jt) will Ikj e .n lo ved, ui-"t of Lotitir-'lki.v app arln; lu November. These tHfrtralUaru .lravn from llf tiv Wyatt Katou and entavr'd y r rule, niey will be printed sen arately ou Unto I pi-jer. a rroutl-.pW'es of Tour tilt rerentnumirers 111 inrated -keieli"Suf tho IWesuf tho puels will amm.ptnt thee portr.UUs. fjr .ibn 'P I. .Til, ufi Lrci L II, rilillll, UI orneii Uulvir! a companion at Iho Ute I'rof. llartt, it l uw lu lirall, wPfi .Mr. .1. Wells I lurnpncy ttlieartlAt who uLeumnanled .Mr Kot.ird Kinj-ln his tour through "Ihoureat outh'l. tueo.rinL for KTibn-T . i series of papers on the present condition thocMles, rivers and leuiia-es of the KCeateinpIro IllK MoilNNV likB-' I AeKitH. )V an 'ex.Conbdnr- nto"boliJl(jr, wl.l bo atnou tho rtCl'-ri'J-intibutlons U) Henoner dur.inf tho Cwmini: je,r. 'lhd aro writ ten and Illustrated by Mr. slloii V Iteilwoolof lltlil mure. Iht llrt of iho herles 'Juhnnv la-butl'iu," appears lu tho .Noem,'er number. Tenm 4 UO a Year in ndvancc ; 3.3 cents a number, R ibserlotlonsi'H'eUed bv the nublMieiu of ihii na- per. and by all bookelluis aud txjstin.i..ters. I'er- sonswlsh r.g to subscribe dliei't wlin the publ lib era, 8'iouhl write n hup, post onioe, cnuiitv nnd stato la full, and sendwdh remlttancj In check, P. o money o rder, or lenltertd letter to i 743 & Broadway, Tsew York. Wide Awake for 1879. The J'tcori 1 Mwjaziiie fur Youiy J-ujU. Elu fiitutN, KJItor. 11 IK) a Ver. Free of I'ostajo. It 13 conceded on all filihn lmn. 1). Itbrop SOo. bavo splendidly anoitupllslnU wtut tli-y et their hearts nil afewoari ai, Mz : to in ike u ina ailue abiolutely puro In im mil unco, unrivaled lu Ita ilu-r.irj nvrlt lu auill il aritit c.iily, and then turnlni It at .1 pno-jso lj.v tint puoplo could utlord to Uke It. TIIHEB JOLLY fEIUALS. 7'he Ihiijlerrij IiitneU, A fcbirv of Seven Slerrv Ch!l Iren. wbl f ipfd thn world for themtHlves, but alivaja banlni; lu 11 'bunch.'' Hy Jiury Hurtwell uatlu'rwoud. I'rufuac ly llltiairatleil by Jlary A, Kithbury. Jli al J.rwrie hut Year al St. Qtave's. A Jolly Morv of Atn'! H.M10H bov lira, in- Miir. nus 'errlrtt-atber. uulb-)r of "1 (lenenl Mtiuuder. hUudinj." Illustrated by Mlaa L. II. llu nphroy. Dun Quixote, Jr. Thn tvlventurei of Mr Mlltlads Putorkln Paul on btShte-.d oiihnuts." uy John llro.vnlohii. A tua. ny i-tory written eipnslv fpr the Little Hosof Ilopilus. Our Amcricin ArtUlt, IFlrst frrlnv.1 Haner 1.. Willi im II. Heard. Wl b torti altH, htuuio lt,ttrlon and eiiuiavlnts of pattitlnji. Hy s. tl W. Henjamln. Thn most Httmr.Uvo attempt yet msde tn popular lie art In the tamlly and make children acipi tinted mui uur tiiu twenoau uru-M aim wuat inuy are doing. funny Double-page Ulu.ilra)ed J'oems, T.Tim lnlnee Dlel'ilnco. 11 Kirk Monron. Illntt. Ira ted by L. Hopkins. Some Novel S'hooi. Comnrlslntr several ImttortantexDerlmenta in hnttt Europe and America, f. l.adv Hettv'H Cooklnt? Class : Thn HUtirv of n RnelUb t'ooKlnr school. HvLucvCeetl iMiitfMtrq John Mine.) j 1 -1 ne rerkini intiuiution ior me uitnd. ny Em ma K. Hrown. Hrlstht Hliort stories and rooms. Natural History huppleinents, Sketebes of Travel lu Fun lcn 1 jii.da, LetK-rs from the Children, I'uules, I'arlcr Amuse- All with hjUof nlcturps frnm thn t,et npllta mi king Wide Awake tor IsJU the test nndcbiaiiest matfanne in eilteneo. Only ri OO a lear. free Of msben K,ml ntip nnn-A and money to jj, uiriittui' uo., I ubllahers, lloston. oltalnttlorntto fnernffonl. oror Improtmtntt on out onet for n'ret cal or othtr compound!, tradt tnqrlf and labtlt. Careatt. Antinnmmta. tni. firtntu, Al'pcalt. Sut(or Inrhgcmmlt, antt i ciiitviiriiina vnarr I iem .fiir5,nroinc- luaUrntitd tn fnfeiilfofi. that (e Oreii lythe ratent Of. Jlii mayttlll, in molt CltMtM. kM prittnttd lit) ut. itiuj ,( flit I', . Vattut vipuTimmi, ni tuj,iijra tn I'Mint Lutlni,, ti- nu.iFrfj, v can nun ctorrr teanhet, ana tentr 'a"t tnort promptly, ant with broader datmt, than thoK igl.r, art want from Wat hlnnton. nXl Li rTaf.rCm lend ut a mod. vVamvamMZ,v'i or ,uw of Mat. teaminatLouM nn.l ad ting i., fri 0 1'fcliarw. All comtponrtenet ttrlrtly con'.- J'lV.'Sl"?-"'1 A" ri'-iuuii v.. IVtrtfer n, Walhtnnlon, to lion, rortmatttr Otntrat I. II Key. Bet, l I), foictr, Tht tltrman. American Satlennt Hank, to official! in tht r. S. I atent OJlct, and to Kenatorland Heprctmttittcil S l!"'!1r.',"! t'P'elallli to ourclltnlt tn every StaU in the I'olnn nvd In f'uiin ln. At'drut Cppotttl I attt lyitc, HutMnyluil, D, a IMPORTANT TO YOUNQ The Bryant & Stratton, Business College, ITa. 103 Erath 10th Ctl. iTtlkd'a, Offers iiiiHurpitK"si iitiiUllictt for m'iuirliip iislncui eilu cudnit. Htti'jntk cna enter pt any tint Ao Tiicn(io3 XilaHiratctt clrculm-u lk-co. UllK.SD, Ifc-IWW .1 S TfISfrPElISKEPT0N FILE AT THE 0FFICC OF. 733 Smsom St, PHILADELPHIA, WTi are .ur aalb.rlred rut, h.4 Mill receive Advi-rtfiueHi. at our LUIVCnT O.t&H 11 A TIM. m fcilif fllDTLKTISlNG BARGAINS ! CALL AND SEE IDST BLOOMSBUBO-. Moils' Overcoats from 84 50. Mens' Suits from $6 00. Good Working Pants 00 cents. Good Wool Hats for 75 cents. Winter Caps from 40 cents. Boys' (Japs from 25 cents. Good Working Shirts 50 cents. Mens' Yosts from 50 cents. Good White Shirts, linen fronts G5 cents. Mens' Socus, 3 pairs for 25 cents. CALL Mm SEE FOR YOURSELVES THE BARGAINS NOW SELLING At ilw Popular Store q BaVTO ILOWElMEBGr,, GREAT BSDBMH IN PRICES Wo will sell tho Viut 2est Family Sewing1 Machine For Twenty-Five Dollars IS 4SI, on nn ornamented Iron stand ' nd Treadle, with walnut top nnd Uiawer, .md necesarv Attachments end demerit at any Itulioad inna in the United -I. tea, jp'ree of Clmrgc. These machines pro warranted to do tho whole line of Family sew Inj; with more rai kilty. more e.ise of mannuement, and less fatlffue to I lit) operator than iny mathlne now In use. send for a circular. Every machine warranted lor thrto jrnra. Agents wanted in Un:c:upiod Territory. Centcnnia iMiichinc Co., Limited 72a Filiikkt Sr., rnitiADeiriiiA, I'a. Oct. 4, "9-Cm. "YVTAIXWKIGnT A CO., WHOLESALE OHCCtHS, rilll.AtlKLl'ltIA, Dealers In TEAS, SYIlUrS, COFFEE, SUOAH, MOLASSES, ltlCE, trices, mcaiiii soda, e c. N. E. rorncrsecond and Arch streets, "Orders will receive iirompt attention. BLOOMSBU RG TAMERY. G. A. 11EKK1NG T ESI'I-XTFUM.Y anr.oiincefl to tlic public JLV'I'itho has leopened SKYDEH'S TAXXEItY, (old Bttnd) Illooniihurg, I'a . nt the TorkH or tho Es. j and Lluht --trei t miiK where all d. wrlpttnns of Mtherwlllbe made In the most tubttantlul ami workmanlike munner, and bold nt prices to suit Iho tlmeB. '1 ho highest price lu call will at all times bo pad for uiiKi:x hides of every description In the country. The public nat romi;e4s respectfully solicited, liloomsburfc', Oct. 1, IMS. THE WHITE s Sewing Machine TUG I1F.ST OF A1,I Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in tha Broad Claim or icma th "VEIIV BEST orr.RATINO QCICKCBT 8ELUNG, UANPHOHCST, AMD Host Perfect Sowing Maenlno IN THE WORLD. VhcIho tnnutt to Its cictl'ince and superiority onvr other machlnet.tnil In tusmlttlna ft to tho tradi we put II upon Ita mvl'i, and In no instance ha a II ever yet UUed to sautf any recommendation Iniltlaior. Tha demand lot the Whllo tias Inereaied lo such Ultittnt that 0 art now compelled lo turn out A, Gomplt tiwrtirxts 2Xotcliiaxo -very tiiroo r.'.liwtcj tixa day to oviTsply lrmaTiay Ever machine la warranted for 3 vears, and aaldler t'lh al liberal discounts, or upon easy HraU. lo lull the coinloce ol customers. WAOIBta TAMTia III TtlOOCOTUa mincsT, WHITE SEWINQMACHINE CO., (368 EucU Ave., Clettland, Qkta. J, Saltzor, Agenl, oniONOTAUY'8 NOTICE. Notlrels herrhv ptwn Ih.r V if c.tif. . . Jf 1. .iclia son hau lied In tne (0041 of sheTro county nis urst and lartiaJ Mount whl raid airounl v.111 le rriaiuiedto h (eyrt of foiniunn fleaa of said county for icon rniatt.a tin the third day er Uecembei ' neit and f KANK tl(H, rrotkoacUrj'i OK, v, I, l-to rroth'y. 1 BARGAINS ! 4 I i In; V.ii' HONEY OF HOREHOUND AND TAE FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Golds, Innoenra, Hoarseness, Difficult Breathing, and all Affections of the Throat, Bronchial Tnhes, and Lnngs, leading to Consumption, This infallible remedy is composed of the IIonky of the plant lloreliound, in chemical union with Tak-IIalh, extracted from the Life I'kincih.e of the forest tree Auiiis Dai.sami:, or Halm of Gilcad. The Ilnnc of lloreliound soothes anp SCAi'l Eks all irritations and inflammations, aiul thcTar-lulm CLEANSES AM) iikai.s the throat and air passages leading to the lungs. FlVfc additional ingredients Keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you from trying this great medi cine of a famous doctor ho has saed thou sands cf lives bv it in his large private practice. N.ll. The Tar-llalm has no bad taste or smell. I RICES 50 CENTS AND $1 TER BOTTLE. Great saving to buy large site. "I'll.e's Tootlmclio Drops" Cure lu 1 Minute. Sold by all Druggists. 0. N. 0RITTENT0N, Prop,, N.Y. dec. jls.'li O. 33- IIEALEK IN Silverware, Watchcs.Jewelry.Clcckse, tw Itemovedto the l'ost Ofllco bulldlnc, Ilrsrdojr above the Knh.inge Hotel. All kinds rf Watches, doels and Jewelry neat ly repaired nnd wui milled. may if, -tt Important to Lawyers. Justices of tho Peace, Constables. Executors, Ad tnlnlstrntors, (luardlau, ToiVLShln onicerB, and busl ness men (fencrally. 1 v.,J'ilvo.,nn liai"! n 11rEe assortment of legal blanks f); thou, ot ttor neys, Justices and Con. fi? Aamlhls!r.it0kaAj NtU md Hemtl btok" Pm'uc LIST. TTOItNEV'S IILtNKS, Precipe for Summons. " " ' 11. Fa. " ' Itule to take repositions. . . " ' choose Arbitrators. t cenu apiece, or JI.I5 per hundred. Petition for Appointment of Guardian. " " citation Itule to tako Depositions. Narr in Debt, with Confession, " Assumpsit, Mechanics Lien. 4 cents ench or f3.5n per hundred Petition for sale of ileal Lstnto tt cents each Jl'M'IUK's 1JHNKS. M eenteaS. mm0n8' Warral"s Hiwutlons, SO fo lotuses IIIum Deeds Parchment Douils '. Airreements , Ori'han's Court t-ales conatablo'n hales .Mortirairo and liond c cents each lu 15 6 " . so for It w stents each 14 .mi minis of -Notes .. i tW"' .Y 0,'l' Hl!,"0,)l "filers, Poor Orders, Store io' eider oi Tiort n.7;ce:U,'"U'UU, 0r mad0 othc'r "onlceWlKn',n1,yratCr wort """ n' 1IIW I'KWV I Mill, .Editore and Proprietors r.r ih. t v.. ... liKonikburi,', i'a PUBLIC SALE OF A VALUABLE TRACT OP LAND. I The"unavnljned ui offer nt public sale on Monday, Dccunibcr 2d, 1878, . ii imeiie.nirnsin-p oxincup. m. of said day at thn iint i ouao In M uusburg, ' I u , all that e, ri iin '!-.';,,r'el,',!:f.,n1,,ia,x"u '''''0 '0hShlp, ColumbiS 112 ACRES, more orlcss.ndli!lilliL'lniirtanr 1. 1 utrtu, by lands la to of J.. I. liobblnsonthe eat lnd n'fir'W fll'l":"u" "'Otuuth, oni luudl i ll thS I inn ok fciwi i ii ii n to lie pal. I 'at IheVlrltini. he sid.iy of jprtl. 11,1711 and balance oil the Pine Hummlt, October 8 tTwS W,,,T1Iovr"- lOTFt'L N.wilor Hor.n.l Olrl.ll 'VEm5i'jJ.0''1." X hEW ' to v82.Jff ,,aent,J thtB- n.rl'lH0!!'"''"'. ir..cuitiot;,r,-i:.3'li'i'ij,'i I Betwl Ceeotj tor luiu... ei'URAiu iinows. lo..u. ... nov i, it;-inv JOB 1'KINTINO EVFAIY DESRIPTI0N HXEOUTEO PROMITLY THE OOLUMBUN CltHi ANTI-FAT ' AI.t-Ai'fl Anti-Kat Is tho prrnt rempdr for Corpa Ipnc). II I imnlv r(ixtaiilcan'1 prrflcilr Itarnileit. t ftclsnn the TikkI In tin toniiich, prpTrnni)frl'ron irrlim luf'i fit. 'Jnkin nfcoriMnir to illrt ctlon. I will Pwliicf Pat pcniAn from B loft pound m work. In t.trlnr tills rvmeily txfure IIh nubile as a tU ttte t-uiu for olii'flty, xrp do bo knowing Iti nhltlty to rurr. a att-tl liumlri-ils of testimonial, of which lh followlnR from a Inly In Columbia, Ohtr Is a fniuttlft "(hnl lenient Your Anti-Fat was ilulr rcctlvc'l. I took It asrontlnt to directions ami It rclnreil nip five iMiumls. 1 wasioelatcj over Hip re nilt Mint I linmedUtel)' lent to Ackehman'8 ilniK Hon for the tccon) bottle." Another, a phrilrlun, wrltlnn for patient from TroTlilenrr, 11. I.. Tuur Iwitit' have rcilurcl her weight from 1 rum itli tn 192 itminds, rind there Isa penernl Improve mint In liialth."' A gentleman writing from Uoa Vn, sijt " llhont special rhaneq or attention to ilk t, Inn hot lie of AlUn'a Antl-l'iit reduced nte four and fneiu irli-r pound." 'I he wdl-known Whole fititj u iijtym, smith, doolitti k a bMini, of Ho ton, Is., write as fdllowsi Allana Antl-Fut hat n-'iund n li l In our ttty fcvui oundi tn threo wr-ek." A penlh man In bt, Louis wrlWst "Allan'i Anti-Fat redueetl me twelve pounds In three ww ks, and nltngetlier 1 have lost twenty-live pounds ulnce roinnn ncln? Ms um Mers. I'owei t,i I'LIMrruv, Mholemle Dniirvil'ils. of Hutlulo, N,Y.,rltei "Tu Tint I'KoriunToits op Allan's Anti-fati tientle men. 1 he follow In if n tmrl Is from the ladv who used Allan Anil-Fat. It (U' Antl-Fatlliad fhedp-lred rirert, rediulns the ful from two to five pounds a week until 1 liad lost twenty-five nounds. I hope lie er to rreiln what I ha. e lot. " Anti-Fat Is an linexcdled blood-pur UK-r. It promotes dines Hon, curing dyijwplii, and Is also a potent remedy for rheumatism, bold Ly druggists, I'amphlet ou Obcs- ity cent on receipt of itamp. iOTANIC MEDICLNK CU. rROr'ns, ButTdlo, N.Y WOMAN Ity an Immense practice at tho World' Dlcpen faryand ImnlhlsMlotit, having trented many thou sivnd raies of thoie diseases tH-eullar to woman, t )iivt hen enahlcil to p rfect a taoat pokut and pOBl tlve remedy for tins, dleaes. To dulffn.ite this natural rpccUlc, I bare named It Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Tho term, however, Is but ft feeble expression of tny high appreciation of lta value, bused umn per f nal iihseit, xtlcn. I lme. whlto wit nesting Ita pt Iho result In the special dheaeo Incident to the ortr.nil-'iii of woinnn. tingled It out ns the tllraax or crtmnliur svtn of my medlrnl career. On It merits, us n I'osrihe, -nr', and (trerlnal ri mcdy for this class of Usonus, an 1 nno tint illl, at nil times and under r II i'lrcumlaiices, act klndl), I ar.i w llllng to etake iny reputtthm as n phjt-Iclaui and so conlldent nni 1 that It will not disappoint the most sangnlnoex I'nisol k slugltt Im.illd laily who mesit for any t, iho nllmtnts for which I rTommn I It. t!mt 1 oiler tin 1 sell It tin ler A I'OMTIl K UL'AHANTI.Ii (For C 'il UllolH, Be pimptih t l ipplliK hoUlt'O myrarorlte lri-rrlptlon has nursed cures, as If by t i id l.'. an l with n ci rtiilutr nuer Ik fore ttttlntil bv I ui I hi "wiiiir nn hiiu'iik ijiuw uwum. id nintii medicine t Luieotrtnrn, KxcessUe Howlng, l'ltnfiii Monthly i'nlud, fcunpresilons whin from niiii'itiiral caiHi-B, Im gularltKs, Mc.ik Itaek, Pro lipm,or Fallhi,? of tlie I'uni. Antcvcralon anil tli tnert.loii, it.-.irlng-l')Ttn Sensations, Internal Kent, NtnoiH IKpre-ilont Dehllliy. i spondeney, 'ilireitent'tl Mfcnrrl.ige, ('hronlc Congislhrn, In llimmatlouand lllcertllonol the lit no, Intpoivticy. J(.irrtnnei, or Sterility, nnd Femilo Wenknes. t do ivit extol this ineilUdne as a eure-all," hut It r itmlrihly ftilflll n ltil(?tiMi or purpose. Ulnff a most iter fort f pet 1 lie In ull rhrout'i lleas"ti of the f xnal a) sti m uf woman. It will not disappoint, nor will It d harm. In any ntatoor condition. 'llio9hodi-i.lrafurlher lnfnrmtlon on thewsub-l-ctl rim ohUIn It In TlIK I'EOVLK'B t'OMMOM feKSSB .Mi:idCAtj ADVIseh. .1 hook of over 90 pagua, w nt. post-"ld, on roeelpt of $li). It treata minutely of llitisu ilUiiist s i culltr to I'ematcs, nnd gives much wluihle ii It leu In regard to thu managtuatnt of those nil. ions. f I'nvorit IrrM'rlptton noltl by Drnsclaita. it. V. I'll. X. M. 1. I'rop'r, Worlu UlsiKusary Ui' itivalUIi lloUl, 11 ul o, S. V. aug, ro, ';s The Lightest Running, The Simplest, The Most Durable, Tho Most Popular SEWING MACHINES. It in envlly mule ml nod, wahf the ilotiblr-f Iirentl tot'k-atltcli, ht aclf rcgulnllns iciihIuiis nnd take-up nnd trill do the ivliolo ranyo of family tcork wltlioiit cliiiiito. The Uouicattf In tnnttein the tnol ffiffdbM tnitHuer, trlth ton leal f-l benrtnyi und compcttaattiiy journals throuyhout. PAPER FASHIONS. Tlino popular I'ATTEUNH for ladlei', mltea, and chlldrem't drcol, are cut on a ayxtciii mipcrlor to n! in ugrf and can Uo undcritood hij nlif one. J-iilllrf tloiiniiillllinlrilli"i on each rnrrlopc, Send 1'iro Ci ntt for Uluttrattd Cala. logue of KIUI) JWi(oii, Sswins M10V120 Co., Vc7 York I. W. HARTMAW, Accerit "Domestic" Paper FasMons Bloomsbur. Peccmbcrll, is:7-ly Steel and Iron ' ' I'll FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF l' Inside Hall Work and Illuecd Cup, 10 uri coMPini without it i i W. H. TERWILLIGER, No, 94 SlulUrii l.anp, "Wt.wt-ij l(W TOM. SS In.'lA linr tniier sparo time at tku'b Hiiobs. AUd im il,ZiV J'ortland, Maine. uiarc h , y ' ESPY PLANING MILL k pre fated to do all kL.ds ot kaUl wirV. ' fit!) CrustuKtM, f.4 Ninth Street rtttubtire, Ptc, 10, 1871, Messrs. DitniiKit, iii:a o (leotlciLrn t our imliitu liave ;lv. n cntlro snt Isrnctlon. I lmro lixprl tliem on n tnxitl innni illtTcr ent klnrln M work, kucIi us Hun, 'I it Wood, Isik-k, c unil never henril nny coiniilnlntK. on thn eon. tinry, the woik stiuuls vtell and ror wear, mum mr orlnlon, stand Tilth nnj lend In thn nmiket. When In nnt olreferenco tn 'his cltv or Mi Hilly ou nre. at llbcrtt to ire my name with pli-IUurc, also touso this ii8)oil think Lest, i:opectfu!Iy Yours, , .IIUIN T. OHAY. J'alnter nnd Denier tn 1'nlnts i lis, tc STIIKTLY ri'IlK WHITE IXAI), AT TDK LOWEST SlnllKCT HATCH, . MONTOUR BUTE 1'AtSTfi. 8 CH.NTM. MONTOl'U.MKTALl.m WniTlt, S ( E.VTS. MONTCII'll MKTAI.UO I'.HOWN, rl CENTS. OFF COUlltS ATllIIn 1 1.1CK. 7F'. LIN&BBD OIL .vt !uv'.t mukcl i airs. -uniple fmiih di.d prlee lint (idnlblie.1 without nili rsuhd InquHlvHlijr u.nil will rrcdu prompt iitciitltin. IIEXHY 8. RKAY, JIANUl-'ACTUItEK,, I'a, MOVKlt BHOS. WllOUMALE AGENTS, Ui.ooMsiiOKt), I'a Mays. '76,-lv, I HTM Tho Four Quartoii Reviews AND Blackwood'n Mngnjsina Tr.o J.oonara Soo.t Publithing Co. 41 Baolay St., New rork. Continue their nuthorl7e( Heprtnti nt Till; K1IINHUIHIII llhVIRW (hhr.) 'I'lll.' U'I..TIIVI1TI'II l,l.',-t t.. , Vt.. TUB LONDON O.UAlnUM.Y ItkVIEW (ConfiOira- TI1K m'ilTISII cjUAnTEHLY IiEVIEW (EVinirel- tn e), -ft I If TtTft fl A 'ft IU riTTliese Ileprlnts ore rr.t 8"lertlons : tliereive the orltttnuLs la lull, and at uuoul oue-tlilrd thutirlcu ot tho KngilsU Editions. The latest mlvaiu-us and dt-eoverles In tho arts nnd sciences, the leoi-nt ndilltIou lo knowledge In fiery department oi llurulure, and nil tho new puMlcu tlonsns they Issue from t ho press, are fultv repurled und dlMUssedln the puces ot those periodicals. In nnguat-o nt once clear, forclhlo and compreh"nslie. Tho articles nre commonly more eondenteil and lull of matter than tho average books ot tho period, 'IVrniN lor 1STS liicliKlliig iiislii(,'o Pavuliti! filrlellr In AiK-nn. cui uuj uuu iieweiv For any two Heitews For any three Pel lews For nil four lievlews For DIackwood's laazlne For I'.tuckwood midono heilcw For Iilackwuoil and tiio heviows For Itlackirood nnd three lieilews For lllacknood mid four Iteilcns $4 uo per annum 7 00 in oo " " 18IO " 4W) " ' 7() " 1(1 0U " " 13 0 " )0(Ni " ' discount of twenty per per cent. 111 lie allowed o cluhs of four or moro persons . 1 hus : tout cop es ot llhickwood or otono 1'eilmv will tie sent to one address for 111 o. four copies ot the four ncvlows nnd lilackwoud tor ti8 und so on. To clubs of ten or more, lu addition lothe nboie discount, a copy grrutls will bo allotted to tho center up ot the club, PREMIUMS. New subFcrlt.f rs (applj lnc euilt ) for the year tfcTS may hale, without chuik'e, Iho iiuiiibers ror the last quarter of 1877 ot such )ierloaicals as they subscriber or Instead, new subscrlbeisto any two. th.-'e, or four ot the nboie periodicals, runt haie one of the t our Itdi lews" for I BIT ; bubbcrlkei s to all live may have toof the "Four I(eilews"or ono set of w ood'B Slat'njli.e for 1S77. Neither iiemluinsto subscilbers nor discount to clubs cm l allowed, unless tho money lsiimllted dlritt to tho publishers. No premiums given to clubs. 'i o secure premiums It will bo neccsFary lo lnako e.irly application, as thu blotkatallable lor that pur. pose Is limited. ' The Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 11 IIAIIOLAl ST., NKW VOliK, fell 1. is-s. AlCAOAO "f IiMETA BLE b plilLADELl'IlA AND HEADING HO AD A ItKANUlvM ENT OF 1'AISaENG Ell T1A1NS, N'ov, 10, 1S78. rKAIKS 1 RAVK KCI'KRT AS I'OI.LOKf.SCtinAYElCtmp For Now York, Philadelphia, Heading, l'ottbilllt Tnuioqua, 4c., 11,15 a. in 1'or Catawissa, 11,45 u. in. 7,!l ai.d 7,85 p. m. V'or Wllllumsport,c,iisii,u5a. ni.and 4m p. m, TKAlNStOK KCI'KRT LSAVK AS I'OLLOWS, (PtKllAY t CKl'TEO.) Leave New York, s,43 a, ro. Leave Philadelphia, 0,45 u, m, LeaieUeadlii?, ll,Wn. in., rotmnne, iv.SS p. m ondTamaqua, 1,45 p. m, Louvo CuUw lssa, 6,20 6,50 a. m. aud 4,00 p. m, Leave Wllllamsioi t , 45,8,15 p. m, and 4,w p, in Passengers to jr.d from New York aud Philadel phia ro througa . lthout chaugo of curs. J. K. WOOTTEN, C, G, HANCOCK, General .Managpr. (ieiierul Ticket Agent, Jan. ii, iiiu-ti, VrOHTIIERN CENTHAL KAILWAY J. COMPANY-. On and after November sotn, 1S7S, trains win leave KUNJJUHY asfulloiVBi KOKTHYVAIID, Erie .M.ill 5.!i) a. m., arrive Elmlra H ,o " Canandalgua. . , 8,sr. p, ra lloehestcr 5.10 " Niagara,,,,,,,,, 940 Itenovo accommodation 11.10 a. m.anlio Minium port 12.68 p. in. Klmlra .Mall 4.15 u, ra., urrlvo Elxnlra 10.20 a, m. Uuoalo Express 7.15 a. m. arrlvo lluffalo a. re SOUTllWAHD, liunalo Eipress 2.60 a. ra. arrive Ilarrlsburg 4.60 a, ' " linltlmoros.40 " ElmlraMall ll.iDa.rn., arrive Ilarrlsburg M p. m . " Washington 10.80." " , IlaltUnore 0.30 i"' " Washington Ilarrtstiuriraer-ommodatlou s.40 p. in. airiie Hauls p. in. arrli o lialtlmore 8.2ft a. n. " Wuhlngiont.13 " hrio Mall ls.65 a. ni. arrlvo Ilarrlsburg3 us a. ra, " lialtlmore 8,40 . '' Washington 10.8B ' AU dally escept Sunday, D. W. BOYD, Jr., General Passenger Agett A, J. CASSATT. General Manner ELAAVAHE, LACKAWANNA WESTEllN klLllOAD; ANt BLOOMSIIUEQ DIVISION. Tlrae-Tablo No. 8, Takes effect at 4:M MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878. NORTH. stations: Scrahton .......Uellevue,.., . .....Tajlorvllle.. . ,Laekaivauua, ...... lHtston... . WestPittston... ... omiDg..... Alaltby" Kenliett liOTITIr' p.m. p.m. a.m II HO in 9 46 0 81 9 80 9 91 9 23 9 17 US 8 68 H 61 8 10 - 1 IVID II) a Lin w .0 45 2 8lj) 8 61 S 40 8 4 11 41 14 t a pn i'rS5!'m 9 ltj 9 63 41 .0 45 14 10 07 9 49 if bt 2 67 0 19 8 6 i 10 S 33 9 04 8 44 8 13 8 10 -.AiiiKbU)U... ...... Kingston.,..,,. in m ..riymoutli Juliet 10 83 a ' 7 IS 7 18 16 7 f.6 T 42 8 21 8 20 8 66 month. in a. .. .Aloudolo.. . n? 8 12 S 04 T 61 T 88 I J 7 16 t 18 7 14 T 10 7 M tl ( U 41 17 8 19 8 04 r.i 9 89 I E ti 9 47 8 89 8 VS 8 17 8 IS 8 M .. wautieoke. .. pi 31 so '"15 K'g,'.,!;"- !!! " 4 '...Uracil Ilaten. - Deritick .. '"ViMt!4r fiflt-. ...willow firote. in, V ''j 111 a 4 t US 4 C 4 9U 7 19 T V3 7 80 7 44 9 '4 1 67 1 ti 1 4S 1 87 7 44 7 SS ..tame mage 4 83 T 8S r.r.TJ.'Hr'"-..:"'''1!! 6 4 49 It 1 11 4 & ill 67 6 01 I l' l 6 19 S it 11 I M .tuuiwity,, ..:, S.'B",n" "..HMUiBinbvrlami, I W lit a, in, i . 1 nitcuiiUurf , fa. OJapcrliiteBacui Cffic , -- -- - a-wr.-.. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers