THE COLOMBIAN. ntooMsnuitn, tkibat, sot, . im Rnl I Komi Time Tftlilo. LACKAWANNA & HLOOMsmiKO KAIL IIOAD Nnnni. south accommodation Train .t a.m. ' Traln I.M A. M CAl'AWIXfiA HAII, HOAD. , NORTH. Accommodation Train ,js a. M. HcgiiUr Kxpress imk hi 8 0HA..M 4.411 P. 4 ' SOCTIl 7,80 r. M. 11.49 A.M. Thronsti cars on Kxprcss train cither to Now York or rhtiadelphlr. Accommodation train runabctween Mtawissnnnt? Wllllamsport. I'UIIUO SALES. ' 'J"- r nf Jo.liui lli-lnl.-, ilrcra'eil will sel' real t-iat In Denton ami .Tnckson township on Saturday, December 21st, at 10 o'clock a. m. J 0. Quick Kxecnlor of Thomas Knotr, lie cea'cil, w sell rca wMe nt n,lncrt 0 De cember 3llh 1S7S at one o'clock. See adver tisement. Almanacs for 1879 at G. A. Clark's.' W. It. Smith of t'no Milton Independent wan In town laet week, and made us a pleant call. A new carpet, wliicli was badly needed, lias been procured for tlie Law Library, G.-A. Clark lias a fine assortment of Diaries for 1879 it liia Hook Store. Considerable rain has fallen of late, tbo tipiinoctlat ? Is it A train on the L. A II , railroad ran over and killed ten turkeys out of a flock of twenty-one, bclonrins to M. Millard of Willow Springs Lost on Stoles. A red Irih setter do; medium size. Information left nt this office or wllh C. W. Film-ton will bo thankfully recelv ed. Chew Jackson's HESTHxveel Nuvy Tobacco. The National Iron works at Danville are ad vorliseel to be fold en the first mortgage by the Trustee named in the mortgage, on the 8th of February 1879. Life is but short, but we should do all we can to prolong it. Check a cough or cold at once and tipe an old reliable remedy such as Dr, Bull's Cough Syrup. Death op ah Editor. Henry V. Darlington, editor of the llucks County Intelligencer, was stricken with paralysis on Saturday morning, which proved fatal on Sunday morning. The Gospel Temperance meeting will be held next Tuesday evening in the Baptist Church. Also i meeting of the Executive Board of the Temperance Union. Thanksgiving services were held in the Kpis copal church, and a union meeting of the oth er congregations of this place was held nt the Kcformc-d church. Parents cannot be too rueful in guarding the health of the'r llihies. Only a good and relia ble medicine should be given to them. Dr Bull's DiIm Syrup is known not to contain any thing injurious. For some days pt the Methodists of this place have been holding a prolrtcted meuting with encouraging results. At night the au diences were very large, and the sermons unu su illy able.. A meeting of the Members o thoBir of Co lumbia county will be held in the Law Library on Tuoday aftern- on next at one o'clock Every member is requested to attend, as busi ness of importance will be presented. Fairbanks' Scales are so perfect in their con struction, that whether the article subject to their proof be a car-load of iron or a handful of feathers, the respective FCales used will ii.dic.ate the exact weight. In the Win. Cameron will cae Judgo EI well has decided that an examiner be appointed to take testimony. If the testimony warrants it the case will then bo put on trial. Jus. l' Cumming-, Esq., of Sunbury (stenographer and student in S. I'. Wolverton's law office), was ap pointed examiner. Last Notice. As the estate of l'eter Ent, deceased must be immediately settled up, all who are indebted to it, by note, book account or olht rwise, are required to make payment by December First, or Milts will be brought. U. II. Ent, tf Administrator. The sudden reticence of Judge Hilton, hiu the ceaing of the police to search for the body of A. T, Stewart, induces the belief that the re mains have been found. They are probably stowed away somewhere in a safe place until the mausoleum in the Ca'hedral at Garden city shall be ready for them. Good health is like a good estate it may be squandered, little by little, until it is bankrupt, A slight cold is a little thing, but if left to run on, the result, in many cases, is an untimely and sorrowful one. Take Dr. Haas' Expectorant in lime. The dispatches of Monday say that tho roy al party had a rough trip across tho Atlantic to Jlo'ifax. Tho Marquia of Lorno was nearly cngnelplied. Ono portion of the dispatch relates to "a sea stove in the smoking room," If it was wet we suppose a sea stuve was better than gas burnej-. Good roit Bames, We are pleased to say that our baby was permanently cured of serious protracted irregularity of the bowels by the .use of Hop Bitters by it mother, which nt the same lime restored her to jxrfe-ct health and strength. The Parents, Univenity ave., It'ich ester, N, Y. See another column. A citizen of -a In Ighboring borougli has an account wiih a Building Association which stands as follows : Borrowed from the Association $ 844 Paid to " " 025 Duo " " 1,600 Comment is unnecessary. Iitculer. Notwithstanding the inclemency of tin weather a large company gathered on Wednes day night in response to the invitations sent out last week bv the Misses Hrower. It was one of tho mo't pleasant occasions that our elite has enjoyed for some time. Music by Sloe's Or chestra kept the dancers going unlil a late hour. The Laughable Comedy "Queer Case" will be given at the Opera House Ibis Friday even Ing, hy Huch A Jenkins and a good company. This play was given recently in Diuvilleand Ihe pipers of that place speak highly of it. Go and see Ihem, Tickeis for sale at 0 A. Clark's liook store nt CO, 'X and 25 cents, No eitra charge for reserved seals. See advertise ment. , Ktaxu iiv Youn Neiuhboh There Is none so lowly who cannot at some time benefit or in jure his neighbor in some way. How, impor a(it, liep, to fpeak we)l of lhoe about you. No pue call afford even to avenge an Injury uisjii his fellow, "ycngeance is mire, sallh the Jiru, and he who sloops to redress a wrong, by Impus lng another, will find he has chosen for liiui- elf a hard task matter and a course in life thst is fiaimht only wiih disappointment 'and ml-e- rv. Bill oil the oilier hand if you speak kindly pf those around you, and assist them In gaining renuiaiioii and in building up a .rill veave around you a net-work of friends nd obligations, that will forlify ) on in business, In character and against all ihe wiles of Satan's d.rts that may be hurled sgaiuet you during yew whU llrVtiuJC st. padl's cntmcn cnAtmsn. Al a meeting of the congregation of St. Paul's Episcopal church of this place, on Easter Mon day 18i7, for the election of members of the Vestry, a question arose as to who had the right to vote. On m tion, Judgo Elwell, Col. J. U Free ib and 11 C. Neal were appointed a com mittee to examine the charter and report al the next inciting who wlnre milled to vole. On l.aler .Monday 1878 il-e m'uinlttee reported. As the formula for the cut .ic; of elections will be acted upon at the next nnnual meeting, and as the report Is of general interest concerning the construction of church charters . p iblish it ttclow . The cntnmltlee to whom wss referred the question of ihe right of snlTra-fe i lions for V intrvmen of Si. Paul's I',,, ,.. ,, J-;, .COp Chinch, respectlully report! That Ihe right of persons to vole at elections for Vestrymen is to be determined altogether by thu terms of the charter. The rights therein conferred cmnol be extended nor diminished except by amendment of the charter In the manner provided by law. By article four of the charter It is provided as follows s The Vestry of said church shall con sist of seven persons who shall continue in office until others are chosen ; and the election of such Vestry shall he made every Eater Monday by a majority of such members if said church as shall appear hy the books of the Vestry to have paid two successive years immediately preced ing the time uf such election for a pew or sitting in said church. The fourth article is to bo construed in con nection with the second article of the charter, by which It appears that members or eorporaton who ncc-ile In the authority of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States may have and exercise the right of a corporator up on compliance with the provisions in regird to piyment for a sitting or pew in the church. No person la entitled to vote at any election unless he or she shall have actually paid two successive years immediately preceding the elec tion at which the vote is offered, for a sitting or pew in the church. Members of the family of a pew holder are not untitled to vote on the ground that the head of the family is the lessee of a pew and has made payments as required by the iharter. When two persons have taken a pjw, each having a elefined and sep irate Independent right and paving a fixed sum which shall appear on Ihe hooks of the Vestry, they are eich entitled to n vote. o vote can be cast hy proxy. Votes for Vestrymen are to be by ballot- The committee recommended the adoption of the following formula for the conduct of elec tions. On the day appointed by the charter for elec tion of Vestrymen at seven o'clock p. m., at the chinch building the, metnb-rs present shall elect viva voce a Chairman, who shall appoint two tellers to receive and count the votes cast, All questions in regard tu the right of any per son to vote shall be deterniine-d by the Chair man. The polls shall be kept open for half an hour after the voting begins. After the voting is concluded the result shall be publicly made known by the tellers and uiiniiunccd by the Chairman. Thu proceedings of the meeting and the names of the officers elected shall be reduced to writing and signed by the Chairman and conn tersignwl hy the tellers, and given to the Vestry elect who shall eause the "Bine to be entered up on their minutes. A NOTE FOIt SEVEN THOUSAND. Robert and, John Bryson, of Central! i, To lumbia county, purchased the interest of Wil liam Torrey in a store at that place several years ago and give a note of the'.r iw-ther In payment. The note was for seven thousind six hundred dollars aqd was drawn to the urder of the Bryson boys and givsn to Torrey, who in- iloisod it and had it discounted nt Ihe First Na t'onal Bank of Ashland. It was carried by that institution for a long time, being renewed from line to time until over n year ago, when the hank insisted upon its ,nyruent. Then six liun- lrcd dollars were paid on it and it was renewed mr seven iiiousatiu, wun Hubert Uorrelrs in- ilorrcmcnt. Gorrell was at that lime tiood for much mure than seven thousand and the bank nlhceis considered the obligation good. But the not" went to protest ami was sued out Columbia county court. An affidavit of de fense wss file-d and record made to lint efh-ct but when the bank's attorney wanted the aflida vit to ascertain whether it was sufficient, il coulil not be found. A rule was taken on tl lefend.ents to file another affidavit, which they nil, anil then it was learned that Mrs. Bryson had sworn that she had never signed the note. A pro-ecution was therefore instituted inSchuyl. kill couniy against the Ilrysons for forgery, am the case was called at Pottsville, November 21 Mrs. Jiryton took the stand and testified that she had authorised (lie signing of the note, but was deceived i to making the affidavit of de fense by William Bryson, her son, an attorney of Columbia county, A motion for nolle prose qui was here made and argued. The attorney for the prosecution, Judge Hyon, denounced the act of Lawyer Bryson severely, anil created a great sensation. The case was, nevertheless, non prossed, ami William Torrey agreed to pay costs. By this proceeding he establishes the validity of the seven thousand dollar judgment, while the Brysnns are saved from imprisonment hy their mother s avowal of the genuineness of the note. JVu'o. Timet. A MYSTERY IN CENT11E TOWNSHIP. Ens. Columbian. A strange and mysterious llseovery has been made near the source of Briar- creek onjlie firm nwnesl by Elisha Hagenbuch isMr. Hagenbvth was passing through ono of his fields one morning nlwut one week ago, he was frightened hy spying a deep elepresiioii in the earlh beneath the branches of a large pine where he commonly drove his teams to rest on hot summer days, The deprcn-ion or cave is 18 feet in length 12 feet in breadth and about 10 feet deep. contains about 5 fret of water, and by penetra ling the sunken earlh wiih a long bar, timbers cm be felt in variou parts; aUo a huge log can he seen lying across the smaller end about 5 free beneath the surface nt the earth. Its out line sli8pe is that of a lra-f lii'm. Some of the oldest settlers of this vail V lielieve it to have been an Indian cave, fr"m ( Its fact that there is an adjacent field of about two apres that was cleareel hy the Indians, and this is supposed to have been their place of safety at night. According to the wiidies of the many vi iors Mr. Hagenbuch will remove the sunken earll after vhieh the writer a 111 visit it again and give you the result of the discov- ry. Yours truly, J, D. Ckeasy, Fatal Aciiknt at Danville. Danvii le, Nov, 27, At abcuttwo o'clock this afternoon, as liohert McElhoes was endeavoring tojump on a passing boat from a canal bridge, ho stumbled and fell lit nil long, to Ihe bottom of the boat, breaking his neck and instantly killing himself. Deceased was sixty-live years old and leaves a wife and child, , Croaking is not confined to the Frog Ponds, At Ibis season almost everybody Is hoarse, The bleating of distressed lungs is hesrd everywhere, Why is tills, when JfaU't Ihney of Jlurehound and UUr will cure any cough, cold or hoarseness in 43 hours? Sold by all prtiggikts. Pike's Toothache Drops cure in ( minute, Acchient. On Monday last W, J, Bucka- lew and M. F, Everly ent to Geo. Cave-nee's lu Ml. Pleasant to attend a (sheriff's sale In turning around the buggy was upset The lop, we are lold, was lorn uff, Eyerly' col lar bono broken, and Buckalew braised. THE COLUMBIAN AND IMPonTAKT TO HOTEL KEEPERS AD TltATEL I IBB MM. 1 The Supreme Court has delivered an opin ion which I" of great Interest to hotel keepers and traveling men. The cae wss that of John C. I'otteruelil, of Kmlenlon, vs. the proprietors of tho Central Hotel, of Pillsburi?. Dnrlnir llm nlnht Potterfield had his watch, nockelbook and jewelry stolen from his room ,. , no sueu lite hotel proprietors and r'covered ihe value of his property. The defense claimed they were not responsible because the defen was drunk and did not know wiiat properly he had nor whether he had locked his the arilclis t diamond pin, nnd that Ac.,--were not reasonable and proper for plalntifl to havn about his person In the hotel. The court said It adhered to the opinion of the late Jndgu Williams as to the extent and character of tho liability of innkeepers for the goods of their guests- An innkeeper is bound to pay for goods stolen n his house from guests, unle-ss stolen by a set- vantor compenlon of the guest. It Is his duly to provide honest servants and to exercise an exact vigilance over all porsons coming Into lis house as guests or otherwise, Tho judg ment of tho lower court Is affirmed by tbo Su preme Court. A RAILWAY TEMPKItANCE LECTUHE. "Twenty years ago," said Ihe passenger will the reil ribbon in Ills bin tonbole, "I knew that man whom you saw get oil' at ,lhe last station. Um was a young man of rare promise, n college graduate, a man of brilliant Intellect and shrewd mercantile ability. Life diwned be fore him In all tho glowing urlors of fair prom ise. .He had some raonev when lie left iullw. He invested it in business and his business pros pered. He married a beautiful young girl, who bore him three lovely children The sad-looking passenger, sitting on the wooilbox; "All at one time?' Ihe red-ribbon pissenger: "No: in biennial instalments of one. No one dreamed that the poor house would ever bo their home. But in an evil hour the young man yielded to I lempier. ne oeg ill to iirinK beer, lie liked it and drank more. He drank and tncouragi-il others to drink. That was only fourteen ears i, anu lie was a prosperous, weillhv man To-day where is he ?" The clergyman in the front seal, solenmlv "A sot and abe-ggar." The red-ribbon man, disconsolately: "Oh no: be is a member of Congress and owns a brewerv worth $50,000." Sometimes it will happtn that way. The coolest piece of eft" ronlery of which have ever heard was practiceel on Tuesday. man went to E It. Ikeler"s residence and asked the eervant girl for .Mr. Ikeler'e blue suit of dollies and when she hesitated he replied it was all right as "he had seen Mr. lkt-ler at Crossly's shop yesterday where he was getting spring to his buggy fiud." The girl then supposed it was all right aud h mded over the pants and coat with their contents, but fortun ately did nit see the vest which contained his gold watch or possibly this would have been given too. When Mr. Ikcler c.iuie home from his office in the evening he inquired for his suit and learned the above. The slrange feature Is that Mr. Ikeier had a buggy spring fm-d as the party related. Itepti&lica. By reason of the de-crease in the Djmocratic vole 00 Governor this ye it, the following Dis tricts will lose 11 dole-gate for the ensuing three ve.irs, viz: Ee-t Bloo,.isl,ur.-, Centre, North Conynglnm, Greenwood and Ileuilo-ik. This will reduce our Conventions from 70 10 (55 del egates. The (own cloi k seems to be very much like that one of ' Or-endf-ethcrs" that we havu beard mentioned recently. Its days of u-ifuliiess are nearly over. Perhaps a little attention occas ionally would keep it straight. Al preeut it is 1 public nuisance, STOP DltlNKINd VISE5AH, How many youg women who have inherited a predisositinii to embonpoint have ruined their h-alth hy drinking vinegar to relucj their forms to graceful proportions, Allan's Anti Fat is absolutely harmless It promotes diges tion, and accomplishes its work simply hy pre venting an undue assimilnlnn of Ihe fatty in gredients of the food. Excessive fitness is n vvAuuous uiiruen, anu mere is no longer any excil-e fir enduring it, since Allan's Anti-Fat is an effectual remedy for this abnormal condi tion. COLOllA l0 SVMSGfi, G. , .Vy IBA, 1S7S BoTANjci Medicine Co, Bull'ilo, N. Y. : Uenucmen I lost three pounds while takii g one bottle of Allan s Ann Fat. Yours truly, Mm. M il, Myeics A Wakvixo to School Buys At iMvtrn Ohio, a few diys ago, some boys at a public school look hold of a comrade, Clarence Puw- ers, and said lliey would throw him i1.mii Hairs. He held to the binisiers, and iney i-.iught hold of I is feet and pulled, trying to scire him, lie begin! them 10 ik-si-t, as they were hurling him but they only laughed, thinking he Wis pretend ing. When they did let go, however, he faint ed and had to be cirried to his ho ne in Miami City. After he arrived there be did not Si cm to be much hurl, but the next morning lid com plained of a severe pain in the side. A phy siciau was called, nnd, upon examination, said that the boy bad been s. rained anil was injure il intern illy, lnlhmaliou set in and Ihe h iy died in a few days, after Intense eiiin-ring. WHEN YOUH HOUSE IS IAMB and you have tried every remedy without sue cess, and you despair of curing him, and begin to think of trading him oft before doing so. ob tain a bollle of Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammo nia, and see its cflects in twenty four hours. Those are the kit d of ca-es Dr. Giles' likes: where all other remedies fall, his is ihe one lhat never disapKiint- The doctor will willingly prove and elemonsirate what he says nn applica tion to blm at his office-, 120 West BroaJnay, N. Y. Sold by all druggists. Send for pimphlet, I)B, Oll.n. 120 Wet Broadway, N, Y. Trial size 25 cents. SELLERS1 GGfjiH SYRUP! Over l.nsO.OOO Isittlr-S sold. It Is the most twin, lllitr reni.sly rr t'm'4JIsi, 4 Skl.lia, 4-11411 I ill tiescSl-ss, nn.iuii 'iiiiiei vruiui 1.1 4j lUenses, Has l,-eu In use lor Ail,i etntvry. 1ih . tors ri-'oiiinieinl It. J. h. luiuta, Lou I- 11., lt.. 'It ss,.U uijr IworhUilrrii rruni llit oratr," A.l . Huwos,, if llaltunni, M.I., also SHfs 1 ilt ill nit., llii, nit mugl, inii-d,&le(,," Till, 140 oilier! Prices. 3 is-nls, ail cents, anu SI, 00 tsr holllc. l-l)' e-owl A HEMAlthAHLE IIESULT. It makes no difference how many Physicians or how much medicine you have tried, it is I now an eitablisbed fact that German Syrup I si Hie only remedy which has given complete sat Isfactiun in severe cases of Lung Diseases, It is true there are yet thousands of pi rsous who are predisposed lu Throat and Lung AlK-ctions Consumption, Hemorrhages, A'lbtiia, Severe Colds settled 1111 the Breast, Piieiiiiiouia,Whooi ing Cough, Ac, who have no personal ku iwl edge of Bosi bee's German Syrup, To such we would say that 50,000 dozen were sold last year without one complaint. Consumptives try just one bottle, tegular e-Ize "5 cents, Sold by ul DrugtisU In America.. Sept. 0 If. Ten prieomrs stood up in the jail yard at Sew Castle one! felt Ihp "fat" curl ahiit them on Saturday. It was ''nhlnnlnirihiv.'i The usual crowd waa present. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, IN THE WHOLE ItisTORT OP MEDICINE, iio preparation has ever performed such mar vellous cures, or maintained so wide a reputa tion, ns Aycr's Cherrv Pectoral, which is rec ognized as tho world s remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Its lotg continued erlis of wonderful cures In all climates has made it universally known ns u safe and rclin bin, agent to employ. Against ordinary colds, winen nru eno lorcrunners 01 more serious ills 'r'rft il "C? 'pccdily mid surely, nlways re- neving suuering, nun olten savinir Ho. T in ,,.(, n !, iv,,i. i... i,. .: i." ,.. I ....... .....J. -in, ,,j ii- uiiiriv UU II. Mil! throat nnd iiing disorders of children, inuko it nn inyiiiuniiia remedy to ho kept nlwnvs on hand in every homo. No tu-rsnn r-nn nd'ord in be without it, nnd those who lnvo once used it position nnd i-fl'ects, Physicians use llm Cherrv e-xteii'iM'ly in their praetire, and s. MTny ni-ii re. oiuinenii it it is niisitiutclv cer- tnm III its remedial efieets, nnd will ninny euro where cures nrn possible. 1' Oil MALE 1IY ALL DKALEtlfl. jl no 1. Marriages. CiillI UIIIIlT-i ISi:il.-In Hern Ickun the 4tu Inst. by llev. I, A. Irvine, Mr Eugene W, Uortrlght of lirwlck to Miss Mary Clvr, of Nescopecle, CLAYIIKIKlEH-I'IlE'sLEtl.-On the !1il Inst., at Numedla, by l'eter Swaok, Esq., Mr. Edward E. Ciayberier of Locust township toMlas Alice E. l'rea ler of .lunlata county. MA RK ETR PC) RTS. IlLOOMSllUHO M A UKET, Wheat per bushel.. Itje " ... Corn, new, " ,, Ms, " I'lour per barrel .. tUirtersocd Vl.lTM'Od Il-iiier I .1 .40 .S3 6.11 .vet Eggs 18 lalll low Potatoes' tlrli-d Apples Hams swes A- Shoulders Lard per pound liny per ton lleeswiix Timothy heed ' '" tJITIlTATHlMU ivm nut .I'S No. 4 on Wharf j 3,00 per tot " " t .: No. 6 " " $ j,mi Blacksmith's Lntnp on Wharf iU! " " ItPilmlnons " sj so " Busiuoss "iNbtjctN TIip c'leapest and best retidy-inado Cloth ing always em hand at Low-n litre's. The latest style ot hats always on limit! n I). Lowenberg's. Overcoats, Overcoats, For Men, H.s and Children at I). Lowcnbf rg's- Winter Clothing cheaper than ever at D. Lovtnberg's. Frames for Card and Cabinet Pictures ,1 G. A. Clark's Hook Store handsome il stylo and finish. IViot headquarters at Mc'Kiiini'v'.s. A fine -elec.tiou of Ladi-V Gold Wtto'ns ami Chains, both American and imported by the best makers at L. lirnliard's Jewel ry store. A large variety of Autograph und Photo graph Albums at G. A. Clark's. When you come to court call at I. V. Hartinan's nnd buy 40 yards of Applctun Muslin for $2.80. Tradfl dollars taken for 100 cents at V. C. McKinney's. Almanacs for 1S70 at G. A. Clark's cheap bv tlie dozen. DOBBIN'S ELKCTIUO SOAP. Having obtained the agency nf this Celehuatki) Soap lor Bloomsburg and vicinity, I append the opinion of some- of our be-t people as to its merits, "I have tii-ed Dobbin's Flectriu Soap mailt by I. L. Cifigin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., lor waging about ten years, -mil think ii upi rior to any other. .Mrs O O li.irkley." "We have u.-ed Dobbin's Eli-e-lricSoiip niul find it superior lo any ntlie r eir all others. , W. II. .laeisliy, Mrs. II. II Stubber. I desire all mv friends and i-ii-toniers to G ice this Soap one Trial, , so that they may know just how good tlie Beet Soap in thu United States is. J. H. Maize. july 12, '78-1 v Illoemisburg, Pa. G. A. Clark lias just received a lot of new games. Boots and Shoes cheap at McKinney's. Crampton's Palm'oap is tho best laiin eliy soup in this or any other market. Foi sale by Jacob H. Maize. may 18-8iv Mclviiiiieys Shoe Store below Court House. Spectacles to suit all eyes at O. A, Clark's Call at McKlnne-y's lor Shoes. Great lurgains in Ladies' Coils for weeks sale at I. V, Harlmau's. a two Try it Buy it Palm Palm Palm Soap At J 11 rub H. Maize's at Jacob 11. Maize's, may 3-18iv New and Beautiful stock ot Toy and Ju venile Hooks at Clark's Book Store. Hnlibers at McKinne-v's. A wonderful display for Cliristm is I. W. Ilarliiiaii is now preparing to make'. He iiiviies nil tho county to conioaiid see. Crampton Brother's Palm snap at Jacob II. .Maize's. It is tlie btt. Try it. may 3-l8w Admission free at Mclcintiey's. Call nt I. W. HartniiinV and see the cu'- ilug down prices on two dozen Hunk, t nnawis lor two weeks. OAR PUTS UrsofoilJ,-nNt',v at nue-hair Fokmck 1'kicss. noon liiicssans inarimi.Isn pr yarl. Ihiikhns from r,ne. M (H'i:iTK-s, WIL' I1NV AX INS 1TH VKLVBI'S lKM.V.ilHU.ssLS,nl,dTlil(KK PLVt'. I Lack bn'K V1 W palr' to ,Ue ancst UEAL SHtPPARD KNAPP'S 189 and 191 Sisth Avenue, Corner isth street, nov. 'It Ivem NEW VOKFC. nico M.KS ana iiiorches leaving the akin" ofi. clear in beautiful i nbo Instructions for )froduclng u luxurl ant growth of hair on a bald bead or sinoo fuee. i.f'v's-"3"18 m "ia'1Pi u' v"Mt Aim bt., N. , ai-co nov u, 'is-cin to consuIftTves. Thadve-rtlser having Is en permanently cured ot that diead d sense c-uhsiitimit, n i.,- u t, ...t. dy Isunxlouito inake known to his fetluw sutler, era lk means of cure. To all who desire it lie will scDd a copy or the prescription used, efre-e or cliargn ) with directions lor preparing ann 1 sing tl ,' ??A'i'.M.r,.l''U "i','5' 'n,"d aiure cure for Cossc-L '. iios, Asth a. Hionelillls. Ac. 1'urlles wlsiiii.g thn Prescription, will please ail diess K A, W ILK. N, 1 I'enn st , Vi llllsmsburg. N 1 "Aco nov, vi, '7i-ora ERRORS OP YOUTH. t tlBTrEMK whosutiered for years fioui Mrvous t 1IKB1L1TV l'Kktf 1TI-KK IIKI-1V ll,l ul ..ff....... ofoutliIul ludlscretlnn, will for the lake of gutter. .,,,..,.,,,., . i,,Uii wno ueeu ir, mo reel, wand aire cilon for making tho simple lemiiiy by whli b he was cured, hutleitrs IshlDg to pruir by tho uiHcrllser's cxvrlence cau do so by adJiessluu In s-rfect conndi'iiie. " JOHN ii.(iiHH-:N,4JCerinr8tNiw York, nov. !,, is-cm ntco PILES! Dr. Fabor's Colcbrat-d Painless Remodv is tho beat ever known for Picsacf eiervklnl mieertiiiL, llchliiu, lillnd, Inward. Ao.) unit all diseases or the KLlllW. Mill ther ri-eeni or tmit-Bin,,, nn. , Instant relief and effi-i-ts a radical and pVrniuiient Cure. Itlspreserlbedbyull phjbkUns whuuruac. (pialnted with It. chrunlo roses readily leld to It. No surgical operation rmulrot. Mrs It nuel rp'Hie Sourbunerlngs. t inly to cents for u Ukiik l-ci k 4UK. heni by mat) ou re ci-lin of price, i-or sale by all I'rnfgists. Da. J, f AUKlt A Co., madu H..N.Y. nov, ni, 'js-ttiu aco Sauford's The only combination of the true Jamaica (linger with cholue Arouiulloaud rTtueh llrundy for Ja,utiQa Ginger. 111- 111 lilt, hl,,i. nl'ti anu neiwels, and arolulng the dain-o'sof Cbauiffcif Waier.t'ood and Climate- Ask for bcsruuxi'sJiKiiccaisym. SHERIFFS SALE. Hy virtue 'of aundry writs lsued out U tim court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, and to m mrecicu will bo exposed to pubtlo sale at tho Court House lilorirosburg, nt one o'clock p. m. on MONDAY, DECEMBER 2d, 1878. All those three Ijts of mound Ijhnr and being In ho borough of Ceiitralli, In Colutnbla county, Nos, ,2nnd3,'lnbl'jckNtt. 05, Is lug tho storo property whereon nre elected a two-story framo dwelling and store with a two Rtory platik.ttoro room.waro room and feed room attached, ALSO, All that certain lot of ground lying nnd being In tho borough of Centralis, In Columbia countv, No. B In Mock No. l!!0,oii wbtcli la erected u two-Btory frame dwclllrg. A LPO, Ml those two certain lots of ground situate, lying, and belli In atawlssu, In Columbia county I otieot Hu m bounded cn tho west by front street thirty. five feet, on the roith by lot of John llrobst two hundred and ten feet, cast by an alloy thlrty-nvo feet, south by an nlteytwo hundred nnd ten feet, containing sevo i thousand t'ireo hundred and llfty witiaroruet: Thoolhcrone, beginning on tho comer ot lot No. Hon front street, tbenco by lot No. la suiu-ensx seventy leet to post, thenco by land ot isiwia .iieiz souinwcsl, many parallel to Front street, seventy feet to a post in lino with lot No. lo, ineiice northwestwardly seventy feet to Frontal rc-ct, Ihciico In lino with front street northeast scu-nty ieenu uio puce or beginning, .being lot No. It, on which last described lot there Is a two-story frame bouse nnd outbuildings : Also, together with all tbo nouses, uutuiings, barns and appurtenances to thu ufori-menlloned lots belonging. i.-i'i'.l7?ll,..,"u;" Ul, execution m too suit of Ths urui'i'i"'1"ai"il" AH'd. IM against, Hubert 1 ryson, .loim iirjsou und uoiwrt eiorreil, tradlug as nrS,.i,r,.".?u. Vu ,J""teel. ant to Lw sold i the propcm of Hubert iryson. John nrysun and Hubert eli.iiell trading as Hubert Hrjson i to Limited. 1-iist.zc, Atlgruej. vend Kx ALSO, ' " All tint certain lot or u ireel ot groan 1 sltuatu In tho town ef r.luoinsburg, e'olu nbla county, lvunsjl Minl.i,Uescitliediisfjllows, lo-lt: Hounded on thu north by nn alley, cost by lot of llhirles l'ru-',on tho boulh by Hfth street, and on Ihe west bv cmim. rlno utiect, containing fuily-Ught fact front and ono iiuiiuii-uiiuu i-igniy reel in uepilij on which - re ci-ecu-d a frame dnelllng-house, barn and outbuild- iuxs. r-eizeii. taken Into evi-eiiit.m nt. ti,. i.,,o tnniflD k. r ler ri iw rr tin. ..r U , ... ,i...i-.1- . drew -It r linger and to bo sold as ihe property of im i.kk, .ceiuriiej. vt-na Ex. ALSO, All that eel tnln lot of ground situate In Jackson township, Columbia county, fennsj lvnnl.i.descrlbed as fulluws, to-w It : Hounded on tho north bv lands of James, Kltihcn, ontlio cast hy lands ot llaru-y cieieiing, onine westbyljiuls ct (leorzu Wnirncr. and on the soutti by lands of Ncbeinlah HUu und nancy crevelliig, containing tlireo huiidred and forty-six acres more or less, on which are elected a dwelling liousc, b.iruand water power. !-el?e , t.ik- n Into execution nt t lie-suit of 1:111s it Masters uo against .1.1. Meeker und to bo sold as me pruponj or .1. .1. .ueoKer. k.suuk, Homey, end. Ex, ALSO. All that certain lot of ground sltuato la Itoarlng creek- tow nsinp, uuluiubla county, l'eunsj lvan.a, de- M-nucii us ruiion-B lo-wit: bounded 011 the north by Iar.dof 111,1m ) eager, on tho cast by land or iVlilaui DrcUbuchu d others.westbylandotCuiirud Houseman, containing oen hundred and thirl) uerc-s inure or less on winch uro erected 11 bouse bank barn and o'll-bulldlngs. M'l-Eed. taken blto evi-i-nllnn nt tho Run. n, s.t,i-,- tolin -igalnst Sunuel llnuckiiiid to bo sold na the l'H,,eil.T-i'l .UIIlllPI IlOUCK. K.soiu:, Attorney. fieri facias. ALi-O. Ml lhat certain piece or parcel of of ground sju uatsj In titntun lownslilp, e:nlumbli county, tenu- HllVdllta. OLSeiltllllHS tilll WS. t.,ulllt llnliml.-.l .. t he noi til by l.ui'l of rhmnas Mgfrll z, on tlie east by land of John Itaulz, on the south by land or-lucub lilidlno niiil'u 1111,1111 Cule-nun and ou thoweslby puuuo roai, cuiiuiliiinf nve acres 011 which mo erected a frame ho-ise and blacksmith shop t-elzed. tuk'jn Into e-xecullon at. the s lit of Ih6 ii-j,u ..luL-iiniu luiuiuuy iigainsc aeieiiuui Mile and lo bo bold us tho piopeity 01 Jureuilah Miles. Hosimjn, Atlornej: AlIasFl.F.i. ALSO. All that certain pleco or parcel ot land sltuato In the township of Ilrlaicri ek, Columbia county rtescrl bed lu to pieces, but. held and occupied as ono bounded us toll jws : Hc-glnnlng at a tono corner to land latuotllc-iirj hrlttaln's.thciice north eighty-four anu ono 11.ur negroes east eighty perches to 11 black oausipiinginthe county line of Luzerno and Co iiiinuia. iiienco by the same south three decrees. west ono hundred and slxty-Mvo perches to laud late of IlernarJ Seybert, thence west forty-four perches to nn oak sapllng.thence nortli twenty-elirht and one halt degrees west ono hundred nnd two P relies to land late of Henry llrlttuln.thence by the same noriuiuiy nnu onc-ha'f d-grecs east twenty, seven and one-fntli perches to a black oak, thence north two degiecs east forty-nlno perciiea to pi 10 of beglunliif, containing setcnt)-nva acres nnd one hundrel sndtleii-n peichesinoreorlesi. 'I ho other 1 l"ce of I nul adj. Iiilng tlie nlimo Is hounded by be ginning at a black oak.thcu'-o nest Iirtj-two and sic tenth 1 erchestu n whit- 01k, thence north tuode grees east twenty twonnd two-tenth perches ton ion", rni-nce north nriy-tiueu degrees, webt elgli teen and two-tenth -erch3 to a stone, thence nort h C.u-nij-ono and a half dejreos east thlrty-sevcn nnd i-igiii-r-nth perches to a st-ine, thence north forty oue degrees west seventeen perches to a stuiie (heni-ei iiDrlh llfty and one hal' ilegrees east slMe nnd two-tenth pcn-hes to a -tone.lhence mirth twen ty cl,rtit and oiie-hcit degrees west one hundred and two perches to the place of b-glnning, containing twentj-one acres more or less, tog"l her nluety-slx acres and one hntulred aiiilelnenpi-rclu-s(eceptlng out of the lust described piece, two-thirds ot nn ni re of land with the np lurterianexs lj lug along Hie roati irom t ounur vine to ihe grist mid on Ihe rrein lses, oecuplcd byliauli-l Mi:iei)on which are erected a large grist mill, a large bank barn, frame farm how and distillery N-tze.l. taken Into ni-eiitliui nt. lliauno r.t i:n... II. oj bert against U.inli-I k. m-j Im rt, and to be told as the prois uy of i nnlel p. sejbert. Jacksos ,c son, Attorneys. Vend Hx. AI..-U first, on nil that certain 1,-t of land situate lu the Towimf lil'-omsburir, fouul) of Columbli, on the nortli side ot .secuud street, fioiitlu 11 ty feet on s him cond ht rt et and iidjolntntflut Towiisc-mi ou ihe east and lot ot Wllllum -snjdershelrsou the west, and eMendlni back lo road from bloomi-bun to Light strct-t,wlireou Is erected a two story tome utiu, iiuu-u, siiiuit-nnu oui-uunuius's, oeinff 0, in William snyoer's uldltlou to tho Tuwu ot lilouinsbut'Lr, ALSO 2nd, nil that certain pi caof land sltuato In Main township, In said county of Columbia, bounded and deserlced as fullows, lo-wit : Hounded ou Hie east and south by I ml of illvc Mmmiu unl brother on thu lioith by outqucli uiria rHer, on the westbj unuor cnas Krumm coulaltilni; tnenty-onu acre more or less fell it as the property of U. llllleii 'u-iider one or the members ol tbo Illuouiiburt' Luni uer Co npauy, No. , nil that lot Hiuate In tho Town of Iilooms buiif, 1 uunil, il nnd deserlted as follows, to-wlt : He. iriniinn; on tho west side of Culhatlnn street, thene aionir tucsoiiih side of aunlle- south slxty-thn and thn t-qu irler decrees west ntnety- lirht ice 1 1 iiorili-weat comer of btable ; thence by lot of Thntn us minims tout 11 !tt and one-fourth tleiriees. enst sixty und ulne-twelfths feet, Iheneoby lot ef shU t iller. bender berth Mat) -three and three-fourlli d, ereea, east nlncty-t-lerbt feet to Catlurtuo at roe nfoiesald, thenco alone' said street north twcnu-slx nnd ouc-fourlb degrees west sUty and nlne.twcirth3 feet to place of beginning, w hereon Is erected a tw o- story frame house and other out-bul'dlntrs -eli. as tho property .of V. s. Conner ono of the members ot tuo liloomsburg Lumber Company. ALSO. jso. 4, an mat certain lot ot ground sltuato In said low not moomsburg bounded and described as rot low s, to-M t : l eglnnlng at Ihe corner ot Fourth and catnatino blreets, thenco along Raid CMhartno streeiono Hundred and slsij-thri'o feet lo lot ot v 8. e onner, thenco w estw ardly nloni: sal J lot ninety eight lee t, thenco koutbwatdly ono hundrtd and six- cy-inree reet to t-ald I'ourth street thenco aioug siiia I'onrlh t-treet Hlnetilcht fee to the place of begtnnlng.wbereon U erected a frame dwelling house and out-bulldlngs. belted as the property of Oeorge IVnstermacher, a menibcr of the woo rsourg Lumber company, ALSO. No. 3, all that certain let of ground situate ou ltfth street In the Town of llloomsburg aforesaid, bound od anddetcilbed ns follows to-wlt: lieglnnlip- at thosoulh eu-t corner ct Hub streetaudtlruss al ley and extending e-astwardly along tho south sldo ot mm street liny feet to a corner, thence south "UIJ io a line iwraiicito iirossall.yonehitndri-d iino M-ieiuj itev moro or less to Merutr's alley thence along said alley westwurdly fifty feet to Hroas alley.theuce norlhwardly along said alley one bun. tired nnd seventy feet to fifth street tho tiim m i,. ginning, being lot No, w heroon U ereciedtuo ewo-seory (ruiue nousis nnu outbuildings ALSO, No nil lhat cert In lot fmntlng twetity-tlve feos onsnld fifth street adjilnlng tin, h ,v tloserilsSl ProiH-rtv on the enst.uui eiii-T.di,.,. i,l- alley, selzeil.tuki-n lui-xecutlon slid to le sold is tbo l'n,s-riy ri laiuiu r-aun-lrs one of the memls-ru nt the Hlooinsburg Lumber Company ' M ljeii, lake- lutu e-.xe.-uif ju at Ihn suit of T v peeplesHre lliturunee Cnmpiiny of iviiii.jlvnni. ngadisi T hi, i oumsburg Lumber t'omnii. xhi'i In 1 1 snld ns the iroisily of Ihe Hluom-lur Lu-ub f KKosit. Attorney. Vend Kx. W, HHFFMtN, Miiilil. Terms cash ou dny of t-ali. .... tUMINISTUVTHIX .VOTIl'R Wirnoi-biMeoiii.iKK, pscmssp, Utteranf Aduilnlslrntlon on the estate of Daniel Miller late of Heater luwiisbip, Culuiflbla county! rei.nsjlvabla, deceased, have Ueu truiiied b life HcgUler vl suldcouuty to the undesigned Admin Istratru. Al pert-ona LaUng claims against he c-btste of the? decedent sre rteiueblidio intent Iheiii fir stltltmeni smi llu,ie iLUebtrd to il.e es- n ,i. ElIZAUETH Mil I EH, BLOOMSBURG STATE K0RMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. moMi'i.01 ' aK a5 p IS?ent couitltutcrl, o"ers tho very boat facilities for 1'rofesHonal and Classical lenrnlntr 'rlnvi:tcTl:aC'l,U, 'm IUBB cuno"lou completely heated by steam, well t cfflSu ugSS by gaTanS-furnlsbod wlu, a bountuul .apply ot pure.I sprlnir i m ate?'? v-uurwa oi sitKiy prefacriDyu uy lue atate : ' 1 I. sM(hK1 Scliool. II. I'rei-aMtory. III. EUraentary. IV, Clascal, SUZlZZr UnttnV , "-"f- 11? V- Art. ceirrcspiiiKiUiir lii-L-rees : Master of the Momenta! ii.t. ir attainments,, signed bv lluioniceraot tun iioardot 111' COiirse Ot Mlml u nrp.rrllu.,1 1.,- tl... w...... tj ... , Thll EVVI.o""1 bre"1" by ihe Mate Is liberal, Kent nnd enicli-nt Teaehrs for her Schools; Ta tilts Tend unj their talents, as Uudents. Touii siiei. it nmmis Cutalmrue.iiddres- the ITiiu-in.-ii. atalmrue. iiddres- the Principal. "p,";"'1''1-1' ,:MVliM" ''reslill-nl lloi.r.1 SHEIUIF'S SALE. lsy xtrtnccf sundry writs Issued nut of tno Court o' Common I'li-.m nr i-ntumiai- ,.,.,t- ,n directed wilt is- e-xsied lo nubile sale at ilio ceurt v,.,au ,. u-,insi,urji, si one o cioi k p. m on ,'iej.s. im l , Ul.t'l-..MIli;i; 1.M, 1878. .Ml that certain lit or piece ot grounl situate In Ilciver township, Columbia county. I'onnsjlvanla. bounded on the north b) land ot Coal and Iron Coin- puny, on the east by land of it. 1'. l)r-lsbaeh. nn tbi, bOUth bybindor Preileriek, nn.l tl-i, ' by UmI ot Levi MsxnYc, containing flit. acres, moro I or bss, on which are erected a log house, bank barn anu outbuildings. . Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit ot Ellas llenlnger against John llunslnger and to bo sold ns Ihe rruporty ot .loho llunslnger. Fkkszk, Attorney. vend Ex. ALSO, All that c rtaln lot or pleco ot ground situate In tne Town ot lltooinsu rg, Columbli county, Penn sylvanl.i. described as follows, to-wlt : Hounded on tho north by Si cond street, on tbo east by an alley, on tlie outh by un at'cy, nnd on the west by c. v. Knnpp, containing one hundred feet front on Second street, and feet In depth, on which are erected a "rick dwelling hou-e.two barns and out-bul Idlngs. AL-O, All certain lot or piece of ground situate In Madison louie-hip, Columbia countj, I'ennsjlvuulA. described as follows, to-wlt : Hounded on the east by land ot Jacob shoemaker, on tho west by landot Uriah Mills's heirs, nnd John llclihllne, on the south by land ot John Christian nnd Amos Heller and on the north bj land ot William Itabb, containing three hundred acres on which nro erected a house, barn nnd out buildings. seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot DaMd Lowenberg lu-ulnst Valentino Heldieman and to be bold as tho property ot Valentino Heldieman. llt-CKALEws, Attorneys, X'end Ex. ALSO, All that certain lot ot ground sltuato la the Town ot Moomsburg, Columbia county. Pennsylvania, described as ioIIows. to-wlt : Hounded on tho north by nn alley, on the east by land ot William Olger, oo tho south by street and on tho west bj;iand of Jonn .Moser, containing rtfly ft-tt front nnd ono hundred nnd Illly feet In depth, on which aro erect ed a dwelling house, stable and out-bulldlngs.. Stlzed, taken Into execution at tho suitor John Kramer ussUned lo Kiec-zo s L'jerly and M. u WoKlwardund to b- bold as the prowrty of John Co )per. i-'ubkze, Attorney. Vend Ex. Terms cash oa day of sale. JOHN W. nOlTMAV, nov. I, '7s-ts sheriff. COURT I'liOClTAAI ATI0X7 "WfllLIiKAS, the Hon. William Li.wklt. ?J I'lPsldect Judgo t,f thecouit ofliier and Ti-rmlnernnd eieneral Ja I HelHery, Court of tjuar le-rSi-sstoiisnf the l'e-aeound the Court of Coinnion Picas and Orphans" Court In the 20th Judicial Dis trict, composed uf the counties of Columbia lAd Montour, nnd the Hons. I. K. Krlckbamn and F. L. slimnan, ssocUte Judges of Columbia county, bav Issued llit-lr precept, beurlng date tho day ct Oct. in the year of our Urd ono thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, nnd to me directed toi holdlnga Court ofojer and Terminer nnd (icnernl ejuartvr Sessions ot tlie 1'eace, Court of Common l'li-iis- and Orphans' court, la Hloomsbiirg, la the county of Columbia, on the llrst .Monday, being the day of Dee. next lo continue two weeks. Notice Is hereby given to the Coroner, to the Jus tices of the Peace, and tlie Constables ottho bald county of Columbia, that they bo then nnd therein their proper ls-rson at 10 o'clock In the fotcuoon or said 'J-l day of l),c. wllh their records, Inoul sltl ms and other renienibtances, todo those things which to their unices apiH-rtiiln to be done. And tho-s. lhat uro houn I by recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners that nre or may Is- In the jail of the said count,! of Columbia, to bo then and there to prosecute tlu-mas shall t-o Ju t. Jurors ute le ipii'ste-el tube puni'tiial Hi their intend tne e, agreeably to mcir notices, imisu nt r.loomsourg thesthilay t, .) of Oct. In tho jeur of our Lord one L. s. Wlmusund eight huii'lrediind sei-lil-elght lv) nndlu The one hundred and ihtrd ) of tho Independence ct the I'blUdMntesef Ainerleu. sherlU's orilee, JOHN. W. 1101'K.M c.N, IilcKjinsburg, Oct. 3t te Mierlfl. T 1ST OK THA VLIISl-: J UliOlisl 01! L7; JjCKMHKlt TEH.M, 1S7S. MUST WKhK. Hlocm John c. Jones I exl e'ox, Mlrhnel Walter i.c i.vnns, J. M. craw foitl, Joseph vtvldel, c. W Kuii.ton. Hi-uxer .1. It. I.onengberger lienlon Win. V. Hi-ss, lieinlev H ,jd Mlllnms. ,T. D. Thompson, Sam uel ciuimiw-rllii, iiinsl-' Creasy. lirl.ircietk-T. 11. H. Daxls, Andrew I'owler, La. mtin .Muitz Catnwlssa-tlldeon Hnldinnn, Hobert tilsb, Am brose slnr.'l'-ss. I -I nk-rt t.ii Hrumliclltr. Centr,-- sari-n Kelclmi-r. Cony lull un Henry .Moser. Flshliieeieeec John ntiiard Friiiiklln-I'llnt.iu M -ndeidiall. Ileiiit-ick II. Ii. d-ili-hiuti N. P. iiret-iiwoiid Ttioinus Hender Hen. stsekhouse. 1s-Mst -ft rus shatter, Joseph Thomas, tm. Er. win, f,i-i-ri. M-iill-rin xtorils H. "aslers, ilaltls sterling Oil-xt-r - Hull, xx ui. ftsteu. r. .M.i'n-ll. II. John m. c. HI- hart. XHiiiin-c. p. King-.tiun, J. ii. Swank, DaWd Ki-kroili. M..ntniir John Drum. orungo A. II Kuchen. Pino J L soih-s, John Icknrd. sent t Nehemlah Hlehlo lunios Ijito. sugarloat John Klinger. SECOMI W KYK, Illo-im-AbrFiy, c. K. Hughes, tvrn Chrlstman, Chas '1 homus, Chas. it. House), Jtreiabih Hess, c. s. l urinan, Samuel Tnwiisenil, 'llios H. Hiirtinan. liHrwlck-I.evl Kurtz, lieu, .xiourebead. Kd. C. Uahl, s. D. seely. Altreil Power. Heaver-Is'M .Mlebael. Hentoii Wm. smith, chas. Olbbons, John Ilea. culawl-st Abram Tritckcnmlller cemre-Z. T, Fowler, John xnte-rs.M. it, lllcks, e eiiiralix-D. I . Curry. fjieeinMiod-W. W. J-ves, Clark Kline. Hemlock lacob Hleeke-r. Jai-kSOn Piltll Klllir,Mr cl;u'v,dT;tu,u,sMl'lr, slmon " cari' jt'rrj' xtudlson x. K, s . uii. Msln-K F Fleming. .XIiniln-I.ewHCrensv. Jit. l'le-utnnt-John ti'nntck, Phillip Creasy. SWEET KpHAVY Vt'lfr bf lujtetfui.Ha mil rtnxn.,,,. ti... . cvr nttvle. An .ur Mm- itup tmle-muk t $1 iti.ifHM iii tnfrnir H.m J,Xmi tit TtTJT III. Hi.,! I . NilJr.l.... h,. fr -ft '4iiov!b,V"w'',:'! ni1 !, I'hHHit!!,,!,!,,, XT I IK) WS- IT1!A ISKM KXTS. fv uie ttiiiouine- ntii,i'iiu....,.,u ... ...... isrsonal pre-is-riysei apsit to widow sot ilw-eslen a UnielH-eullli-dlnlheeiii'.ee of tbo Heglster of Col- .v,....,,,,juu,i, ,1(V t Ult,a UI I Ulltl . tljuQ Hill lit) iire-e-nteil tor nbsolute ceinnrniaUon lo tin. orjihiiDs .viv - m .;; V ;v: I,;; iT"d ,'y',,oi "Yiyri? " oclOLk p. in., ul Midday iiua-s-i oieepilotis lo such eonnr iiutloniirepie;loin,l liu-ct. of which nil per. sons IniuoMed lu i-uld e-slutt-sw Ul luku notli-ei t widow ul (leorgo xtiiier, late ot .Mlilllu township, II. ; blow; of John W, llelhllne,lato of Hshlngcrc-i-k. township fleevased, " ' 3- fe'j.j ur Ju!ia E,".l-10 c-f Sexdt tQwmdiip, a. 4. widovof Johu llmor, U ul Locust towiubjn dee-oaseit. e, w id w of John Mctna'l, late oftbe Toroughut Ht-rulck, dec exited. Ileirislei ' oillue, ) lilooiubburg. uuv, t, 1st, f . II. JM'OHY Hubtor TOll 1'ISlNTIrtO fl Neatly ant! rheiply e leetite,! at the ' MD'AV l$tv LKOAL HUNKS OK LL KINDS ON II ANTJ AT TUB COLUMBIAN OmOIS, PA. "MWWWA ?5 thorough. nf.ihA li.iA V . i1 1"? e.'?.T Kraduatmr therein, r istn. . ' "iu v-iassics. urauuates . and tho ilentinc and Classical com courses aro not Inferior it mi his vn,,n' ? "". Prl,m:'ob'!Cts of "v"'v"" mur puwera, anuauunu.ini opoortunllles for well paid labor after leuvlnir School. For m uonopiug tneir powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor after leaving School. of Trilste.-s- IA,H0K,H.SANI, Jull0Its roK w- Illoom Wm Hrnstnns. UtM,Ver''A 1-osee, Abraham Itlce, Jesse Iltnter lienlon Peter Lnubnch. Jouwlssa-t'iillllp II Miller, J 11 Vctter, Nnthau Centre-Fred Itagenbu-h, Free-mnn -ltli r. uretmwooil-exm .Masters, II Kisuer. Jackson Jalia Young. - .MadlsOIl -Hubert llm Ir-r. lt Plasaiit-M.ittblis Kindt, Jcbbiia Hartzel. xiontuiir (leo Y Mowry. Orut ge suuiiiel .Imnrmnn. Honringeic-t k-Jacub Longe m ergcr. Geo F Crate. Slllflir oar All n lliint i, A ..-n., ,.....r t..5i Jesse llartman. ' LIST OF OAUSLS I-or. TI1IAL AT HF-CKMHCllTKHM, ISM. s m O Llnnvllle vs Peter il Mensoh. llenjamln 11 Young 7s Andrew Fellows' ex. Jonathan I'ursell vs John 'I humas. Daniel F Sej u-rt xs t nmon .Martz. X Cream rvsjuhn Keller, llenton 11 st't lma Xssoilallon vs Edward Haw- Hogs wltti not ce Ac Daniel F sex bert vs Thomxsnerashtv. Oscar llagenbiiclivs M mover's udmr'rs. Margaret Ibigenbu'-h s M eiroxer's admr's. el M llageiihiit'h xs M iirnver's Admt's. Ilrockwny & Hnlvs Kzekb-l.-huHr. Mary Ileorgn xs-Iamis Morrison. Herriard Ammerman vs Mason e- J, hascn et ux eieo 1,,-agie-s udui'r xs John beagle John 11 --roit is l.rrnlisi-n str.h,,-. tieorge A narclay vs. Jo-e.h .M Fn ek. I'erni'-lta Ktsms s. siitzei A .Miller Ue. C O Murphy xsConjngham anu Ceotralta Poor Dls- Jacoh.Inh'-onvs Hubert S Ent. I .McKi-tvj;, use vs m simfferrt al. m Mrutbeisel m vs Mnrguret ejulnn. F L Shuniau vs Sarah KIstler. Conrad Uredbcnner's use vs Jacob Illttenbcnder ct Samuel Knorr vs P n Homboy Morris .xiitettpl vs. i:m,.rni,r,m.D 1-enJ.itnln hves' Adiur s xs 1 nomas -tockhous-'s exr. .mines t'uberts vs John shuman et nl. Adnni 111 vs xe ellliigton Case. A W Cramer vs pntisviile M iniial Fire Ins Co ot I'a. Ca'axvls-u Deioslt funk xsJohu 11 Parker. Huxld -troupvs.l Linrtoii. nisirletCKH"r T" CUJ LB,um nntl Ccn'mus. pair I K .Miller's uso vs J n crexeling. Martha i' Hnrtzell vs Joseph II Nver. Mary II Vand.-rsllce V9 Daniel Kline. trtct bS' ,S ConJfuStixm nnd Centralia Poor Dls- Fetierman Hughes xs I) J Waller et al. ?,'",ry.1! -Vcndcnliall's use vs Latajette Fuller. Hohr Mcllenry vs 1 bos F Young. J A screck s J w HolTmun et al tl I' Drlesbach xs M drover's admr's. t rtct "rown va Co"yngham and c entralla Poor Ills- H .Xloorn xs Thos 1, Daxlset al Alex I. smith xs John t! Jacoby. John Waltz's i luardlan vs xvm Menslnger Henry omi-rs vs Joseph Conner's a.bnr. siiirurloai school District xs xxm A Kilo. F i- Drinker vs J H nobis m et al. Ilntinaii Weiss x-s John llottnin. M iiiuxer's admr's xs t.tibert Drli'sba'-h xxni H sn)derxsin H XuudershVe.' C 11 Hrockxv.iv vs II F lt- lf-oaril. t! Ii Fowler Agr -s sain in I xx n inms. t U brockwaj vsei XV l-'owler's udiur. QIU'IIAXS' COUUT SALK OF X'AI.UAHLR HEAL ESTATE ! I'ursuinttoanonlerof thn Orphans' Court of Co lumb acoimty.l'a, will b.isuld ut publle sale.on the premises, lu the township of centre, lu bill counti. Oil Fiiilny Xuvoinbcr 29, 18 7S, 'uokJ', 'l1 ' '",;o'l" described reul f state late of p-rilek A. Uowmin. desenw-d, p, t: A td rm ml J Iniigo-i llm north lands ol M. XV. Jseksim ?i1iLIB,.,Mt "dsnf Mil Haiisekn-ihr nnd iiinj Hicks, f ii th , s-iut'i Un, siisipieUiina itx rni.iluii the ui-s 'uudsot Isaac Crjdiruna M. , . Jackson, iVttali tmr ' US ACKES, ni'ue tr ur less, xvhereun aro i rectc-1 a Two sttiry Finnic J louse, bank barn, w o-on ho m, stnble.h, c- pen. tl l-r nress hulldll.ts i ul-o a ,oud firing iV ,VulerP thKMs -i- sM.H. en per eei.i ,.f on,--rourth of lira puri-lixs,. inoiiej to bu paid at the stilslng u-ox , uf th proM-riy. tli onn-f mrrh less the ten ts-re- t ut tlie eonllrinatlun or Mile, and lie-remaining urn-,.. rnirllislnuiio jear tin real er wl'h lutircbt, irom nn l.M. Deed to bedxllx-er d to lee t ' clusirul his expense upon piy,i-niof nil tli- iur-eli.isi- nnney. Purchaser to give approved w-e-urltv eru's purthubo muni- aeouretlut to the K- IH.'OWV, uox.22,'.its Administrator. GLAZING AND PAPERING. i Sr-M V. liOniXn, lion Street below see so""1' '!10""ls,'ure'1'"-lst"'llinrrdlodo all PAINTING, OLAZING, and f'AI'KK If AXOIXQ In the best stylus, ut lowest prices, and at short nonce. Parties hnvt rg sucliwork todo sill mu mot-c-j calling ou me. All work warranted togixe sxtisfaction. jra-rt sou, -lied WM. F. IxODDTK. Oct. i, tu. SS3 D. I. G. Is nn absolute ntd Irrcslslnb'o cure for enness. Intemperance nnd the use of Opium. T-v liji-i-o, Nnrcitles und stlumlints r moxlnguii taste, desire and habit of n-lug any uf iheiu,"i-ii-d ring the tusteor desiro fui uny cf tuinii-er. b-cilj iHllousiind dlsgu-tlng. e.lxlng curi on lerfitt nnd Irresistible nwitrol ot Ihububilil, uf Ibeinscx 'suudlhelrfrtcnila. It prex- uts lhat absuluio plrsl al nndincrd pro-liailon lhat fulleuva the sud-li-u bn-akluit olf Iroin Using, tliuulinls or iinn-olli-s Package, pr- paid, to i-ure I t, x persuns, ti or ntii lir Driignlsts, j.;6.Tempcrunieuud thsilt i. ble societies slioui J use It, It Is harmless uud ni xer fjlllng. Ilufiimsas juu. io.1;, Agents, llevitei-TiiB, The Hop Cough Cure Destroys al) pnln. I km ns thn cmgli. ip.b'ts the mi xi-s and produces test. It Ni v -r Falls lu perfect cure xxheio Ibere U a bLadow ur teopo, Tfj it onr-o aui yo-i wilt nnd It so. FoasAiieiiViU. Dhcuuists. i.or SSWOSA, S1.. .SX. mMZaU6&TVt inn mkii u os nn: sun D DWELL & fiaSMAN As- Advertising AgcnU, t-'ip a r-HfthUT sts in run, x. PUBUC SALE HAND BILLS rriutci. at tins Office 'N'SHORrTN'OTICE AM) ATTHl MOST UEASO.VADLB TEKMB Bxpesaea v aiCU ucail ,-u, V. Course in Physical Culture. receive State Diplomas, conterrlni: the followla in the other Courses receive Normal ccrttacatsis to ihoso of our best Colleeres. Hits school to IilMp to secure It. by furnlshlnir lntellt- P'irpose,,uioso who desire to Imnrovc their time Dauchy & Co'h. Advt's. Susjc Reward. Y:llf. I Piv I'lllt A I'ARM. $4 XO SIO PEH ACRE. 4'4's-n u:nl .Tin pic l . nil in .tllclil ttsm in tin- .illlilon 4t-re (Jrnnt ni ) c. i-ii ltd It it pltl. uiiel In. 4lillitii It a 1 1 run el ompiiii. txti,x3 rsnrsci. Slivms ols i- crops ii't nty of tliitli-i'-iiii elriitittlii-iKi chinch tilths-in, liopixr." Hc-Nsts-u TiiEAMS-t'rna Watkr- ltntnT Misir bCllOOLS ftl.Hoeli COMei.r.Tkb TUSOCOQ TUB CKtfTKK OV TUB UltANT. Srnil ten- piuiiplil.-t, Knglishor German Adlresj v. II. IHHillAllT, I.ANIl COMXIISSIONBII, C.HAND HAPIDS, MICH, nprll 12, 151s axw a rANTi:tl-X (I "'Il MSN Fi lit LV SHY STATU 1 Ulul ic rltorv In t.tiH t'nl-m, n r.o. c-itr piibl. call or ad Iress La H-lle Muufg. cn , us dark street, Chicago il nov. M, 18-41V AG 13 NTS, KKAD THIS xx e win pny ssents a salary of fill) per month ail "xp- nrs, i r a'low a large commission to Bell o r -ir sin' o'i'i,-ifiil ini--nittons. xxe mean whMUXJ suj. Ad r- s, without de n, bUKHXIAN A CO.. .xiar-ball, Michigan, d nov 11, ts-tw. HILDftEN'S SHOES! xx ear twice us long with either the si l.yKii "Or A. Si. T. Co." '3 & !& flU J''U.V TItF.JI. nriT. i2, 'TS-l- (a1 lame back. WliAIv J3ACK. Benson's Uapoino' Porous Plaster. E Tills srtl -1h It one wlili-h really psssesses extra g ordinary m-ilr. In cons-illlng re'l.ble physicians fi ti xo ir own lo-allty, jou will tlnd that the above rflstni . i ut ir suin-hor to tin onbniry porous a plister, all the so-o dl d c-D-crrb-jii i.ipllancos.and J to all extern it remedies whatever. It contains fl'-ut re! n-xv I'l-nii-nts xvhlrh cause It to relieve t -dn it oin-e, s ru.'thou and cure where other il r-1 i-t"i swill not ev ti relieve. For lameness and a wi-ikn-ss of thn Hack, ni-iis"l kldueys, lung T " - " - ones, rin-uiiiaiis-n. neglected is ol is. ii-unil- aneetloiis, unj all looal aches and yp.dii , It Is simply ttw bett remedy ever devised. In-all D-uggDts. d ITl.-e 15 cents. d nov. 22. ts-4w g-- FANCY CAHns with name, loo., Plain or nola. -wJ IM styles. Agt soutntHc. IlullfiCo.. Hudson, N- ' d hove, "Ja-siw I HIVXTH i VANTi:i-For tho best, and fastest -suiua .iiLtisi ouuks anu juoies. luce re- iu,.--d s:i ni-rceBt. National Pcblishixo. Co.. PHUa- dclphl-e, i-u. nov.s, 18-4W. HOUSEKEEPERS ! ! x Pistst Card sent us xvlttt your admvss win n Kuivi rnw In return, our Illustrated Circulars o f nla Huns, tu iii-hing specialties Palxiih a hui,tox. Manufacturer.-, -.81 l earl stree', New lor. ,nov. s, ",6-slw, xSJ"r7TTC2) REMEDY FOR BALDNESS. '-a. t-uiiirwa n Us, a cuoum flue, i,aw taZ NOV. S, '8-4 XV. it AHEAD ALL THK TIME. .it . ' "l ln "IIVVli llxllll lUU 1 Jf ltnimrt. lit lixlr tlm limial ..ul I fvt jl in fr t flimt to 'ni uffentK unilorirebuy-t-rs. Ad l.M'it-i. t imrfci-i., vauk Kew tenms I re i. TIIt IU:,VT AMFUH'AN TEA CO., 1', o. llos, hm. Sl.and 31 X'tsey bt,, Nexv York. d tor. i. T-4w. I'lir.uiis' Pi.renili ,- pill, moke Nexv ltlcS HlcxxJ, si.dwili c-mp.eleiv ch ngo the blood uitheeBtlni s.xst.inln thier tnortlis. Any pi-n-on wbowllltaka 1 i-l.l eseii nllit Irom l to 12 weeks maybe rebtortd ed to sound health if such a thb u 1 possible. sn 0. mall tor bh tier iti,mi. 1. K. JOHNSON k CO., 1. ULgor 11.-. il 110V. 8, tS-4W U q p i: ii. m o co. ti . V, I UK! IlI.l.l.t- lxini.ST., N. Y. Manutiii-'u er. if strictly nr't-cliss llanos, we s u tllrict to 1-audl'is from ur own Factory ut loxv est wboiesaie prlie l.eoulllul nexv 7. octave, lliexvoi d Planus. Sent t n trial. Thousands u use. Heav.x Discount tot-ash bujers. DON'T buy unlll jou n-ujour lutal-gue, II will Interest jou. iluliedliee. ' a nov. t, 18-4 w lie AntUete to ALCCHCL r.tsd at Itxrt. Iho Father IVIathew Remedy Isai-ertaln and spe-edyeure for Inb-mperance. tt leMr-.i - ail appeipe for alcuhollo liquors und bulltta UO the n- rxous ssstelu. Alter n .li buurh, er any illltlili,-f IHP tltiilituciire, a ststJCB TEASrOOKrPL will ri-moxr sll tm-niul uud i lijUoal depression. It Hlsoi-mih xerx Llndol Ficxta, l-vsrci-suandToa-i-ipitv of Hie 1 tx ha sold by all druggist. Price, si ,er Imttle. i'auiphlet on 'Aleono, lib Effects, and iiiic-ih , u,--- ws u tn-w-n-r, t-iiLiieeon wriciogbu thF X'UIV'H xixTlltxv iBiirsuAscs t n.sVc. to., 50 bid .iml. .s. Y kv, , T-siw I p rtiisTKir I Vollll-lsll furs nnd Mh-r is- S NOTICES. In retry cH en to all legatees, 'errdl-s-rsonslntere-sted In the estm. rue respn-iiit- ii wdi-nts and minors, that the fob-luwiii-.-,1'liiilnl-traiton and guardian accounts hava is-i n ille.l in ihe utile., of llm Heglster of Columbia .niM). tiii win tie presented fur confirmation and ulluwume la Ihe orphans' court to tie held la 1 loonishurg, un Monday, tho Kd day Of D uji. .et i o elurk p. in. on Niiil elan ' ' I. Hie llrst and llnal account of Michael stino and J i Is Dut.i . ttiimlnl-lruu rs of Peter Bltner. Jr . L.ti otL euniownsbl.i, elice-ase-d. h 't. 'lb nrt ami final oc"ount tfxvilttam Master. H ndmlulstruturct Oeurgo Masters, late of Hreea. ,, uf, un ,vui, uu:sisetl 3. I he tlist niiil llni.l account of Charles Ash and XXesuy Huael, dmlnUmmrKPf Joic-pli ltuckel biteife eutre township deceased. "" 4. 'ilu-tlrbl account uf Abraham Hredbenner. ir. ,.dnilu.tratoruf Jucub bhcarumn, late uf Ueavec luwnsliip.deceused. 5. - h nrki and nartiul account of Joseph Lehr. tx. JevetsVel "eury lcllr, lalu ut lleavc-r towubhlp, 0. The mitttow- iuiit rf Perry D. Hiaclc, (tuardlan ot Aniil-- Weller. n minor .blfil of (Jeurkc- Lellerdali uf I l.bingi uek lownsh'p. dhc-asest. r,":r'1" 'I)1' t'fft anu lo.ul in count ut tjlxeifter Kltchsn. iidmlnl irutor or xxpiuuill Lecuun, Ui of Ml lb-auiil'uwnshIp,,itKeuse.l, ' I , m.'!"" 1 Hetuutt, guardian of Ann .xt Mcbrlde minor clut-luf t-iWim Aiihrtat. b-tee-f litui.lis k luxvu.btp, xlc-ia. "' ii'f VT1."" llLH' 1 tvoiibt of Aaroo llernlnrer. ?,? il il K"' "".", late ct CauJ li. u lownilUp, ticneubed. Iteglsur's (inicei, 1 W, U. JACOMY. Ulocitibbuiv, bcvl,.lls. Heguur. J ntlNUVH H'FRY J)ESRIP7'I0N n ITFI I'BdMMXV III II 11!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers