THE COLOMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllGr, COLUMBIA COX. NTT, PA. THE OOLDMBUM. IILOOHSnUHM. Fit I DAY, JUNK 7. IMS Rail Hoad Time Table. LACKAWANNA fi DLOOMSHUItd HAIL UOAU Accommodation Train,, Mall Train Kxpresi Train MOUTH. BOUTR. ,0,40 A.M. 7.63 A.M. 7.38 A. M 4.49 1'. M , ljy V. M. 11.61 A. M 0.M P. M. CATAWISSA HAIL ItOAD. NORTH. SOUTH Accommodation Train e.99 A. M. 7,t P. M, Itegular Express M P. M. 11.43 A. M. Thronsh cars on mpress train cither to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Cutawlssa and Williams port. CO DNC1L PnOCKBDIRO!). We offer n s ncial discount of 10 per cent to old anil new subscribers who py In advance. $1.80 will pay for th Colunman for ono year after tills date until further nctlce. This docs not apply to subscription now due Our sub Bcribeni will do us a f.ivor by calling their neighbor! allcntlon to the fact that the Coi.u.u iiiax can be had for $1.80 In advance, the only $200 paper In the county making the oner. tf. l'eler Ilillmyer lias opened a flour and feed (lore In the Opera Houe. Ilev. L. Kilmer, and Hev. S. O. Thompson, attended tho Episcopal Convenllon at Head In" lliis week. A railroad ticket lo Chicago and luicU for .nil. at lfU ollice verv cheap. Oood until De cember Slut 1878. tf OUK SCHOOLS. About tltvtn years ago a Board of School Director of thin placo decided to set aside a fund for tin purpose of ertcllng two In rue and ulMlmtlal Bclioot Houses, to replace Ihe ricke ty and unhealthy sheds that were In uo at the time. Oftcourse theie wss much opposition from a ctus who oppose all Improvements, But the majority of the Hoard persevered, and to .1.. k... .1 ii,. (I-. 1..1 1,ll,tta The objjet of the meellng ,n ,ht 0a We(lnml 0 ' cotnmon er nominated Paul K Wirt ... .... , i....,. Pursuant lo a call by tb'e President a special Meeting was held on Monday evening June 3d, 1878, In the Council chamber at 8 o'clock p. in., fur the purpose of electing a Secretary lo fill die vacancy canned by the death of Wesley Wirt Esq. President, O. A. Herring and all the members present. On motion of Mr. Evans and Mr. Sharpies Mr. Elwell was appointed Sec rtlary pro tein slated, Mr. Drink. for Secretary of the Town Council, Mr. Holme and Mr. Kabb moved the nominations close Carried unanimously. The vote was taken and Paul E. Wirt was unanimously elected. On motion of Mr. Elwell and Mr. Evans, Mr.Rabb was appointed a committee to inform Mr. Wirt of his diction. On motion the meeting ad- on mod, Wednesday evening June 6th. The regular meeting of the council was held at the council chamber at half past seven o'clock. Present (1. A. Herring President, and Evans, Kabb, Sharpies and Elwell, members. Minutes of last meeting read and approved, Mr. ltabb of Ihe committee to ascertain the cost of lighting the streets with coal oil, reported that Ihe lamps could be procurul for 50 cents apiece, Mr. Sh trpless presented a promsal of II, Harris to light Ihe streets for $400 a year, and also a pro posal of J, It. Johnson for tho sama at $375 it year. Mr, Elwell and Mr, Evans moved that llie committee he discharged which was carried. The notice of E, Jaoby of a caveat filed in the Patent Office, and of intention lo apply fur n patent for an Improvement In the construction of cutters, was read. It was claimed that the were given to the public. The rooms were crowded by parents and friends of the pupils The programmes consisted of music, vocal and instrumental, recitations, dialogues, Ac. The selections showed the good taste of the teachers, and the execution was unusually good. In fact the gymnastic performances of the little ones showed an astonishing memory for details, nnd as perfect time as the drill of a battalion of vet erans. While witnessing the exercises, we coald not help contrasting our schools of twen ty five years ago, and the present. Then we had rudely built school ".houses, rough benches, bad text books, and the average teacher was coarse and Illiterate. A'iw we have fine buildings the rooms which are light and airy, and decorated with flowers and picture". The children are instructed by cultivated le?cbera, and it is the fault of the pu pil if he does not obtain a sound education. Ono word more: parents and directors should vii( the schools more frequently. It Is a duck on I...I msnnffrmpnt. and nn cncoiiraneincnt to both teacher and scholar. Cmmcn Munta The finest inuilo provided by any church in the country Is to be heard on Sundays and holidays at St. Francis XavlerV In New York, Its organ and lis choir are alike famous, and Its servircs are crowded by boll) Ihe religious and Ihe critical. The credit of tbls subcrb preeminence belongs to the organ ist, Professor Win. Uerge, niuslo doctor, who but a little while ago, ruptured an artery In hit arm and had to abindon Ms profession until cured by Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammonia. Sold by all druggists. Send for pamphlet. Dr., 451 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. Trlnl site 25 cents. JTiie Danvii.i.k Ciiohistkus Wo always ap prcclato homo talent, and should have mention' cd tho performance of this troupo nt the Opera llouso sooner, bat the matter was neglected. It would bo unfair to particularizo nny singer whero nil did eo well. The programme was ono of tho best wo have ever teen. Wo regret that there was not n larger audience, but the mast of our cltuens aro poor, and cannot af ford to pay for even good music. V e wish the "Choristers success in tho future. LIVKIt W KIND. Judge Henry P. floss, bf Montgomery county, has decided that his court trill not consider remonstrances against the lotuanoe of hotel and tavern license wheie the re monstrances merely aver the same ta be un necessary and contain no charges against tho person or character of the applicants r the conduct of the hotel, inn or tavern ; but that In such cases licenses shall Issue, and a rulo be granted to show cause why the li cense shall bo revoked. Utiles to show cause why all tho hotel licenses In Norristown shall not be revoked have been granted by tho court. Another steamship horror is reported from London. Two German iron-cUds collided In the llritlh Channel, and onn went down with 450 persons on board. Hut few were suol. Hon. V. L. Shuman and Mr.Bcubcn Shumnn gutters now being constructed on Second street 1 j,a(j a arrow escape from serious injury on It scms that Judge Kocknfeller of Norihuni- below Market are being made according to ins gun(jay morning last, by being thrown from n berland Cftuntv adopts a niln to call the roll of invention, ami ine jown was nomeu nuvio ))llggr causcd by r, runaway ho rse. llieywere attorneys 4it the opening of his Court. uo tho same. Solicitor liobison gave his opm- driving ong the road in tho vicinity of Parr's - Ion as to the eflect of the notice. Mr. Elwell jjjn ;n jjanklin township, when the horse be lter. Mr. Sperry formerly of the Human moni (mt the matter be referred to the Sollc- frichtcned and sprang to ono sldo of the Catholic Church, preached in the Iutliernn I Uir ntt j10 BIMj tj,e ireBtienl take such steps r0.j. a steen bank overturning tho buggy as they deem necessary and expedient in the I j sp-,iln!, jt9 occupants, nnd then running matter, carried, llie lonowing mm were pre- QVcr to lhe 0uicr sijc 0r the road, up the banK church lal Snnd.iv morning and evening. The exercises arranged by one of the societies nt the Ilormal School for Decoration Day, were nrevented from being cirried into eflect by tho heavy rain which fell nearly nil day. Tho Ladies' Mile Society of the M K. Church will hold nn Ice Cream und Strawberry Festival in.Cadman's Hall on Friday and Sat urday evenings this week. Wo hope it will bo largely patronized. C. It. Butltalew, J. CJ. Freer.?, A. C. Smith and 8. Knorrwlll attend the Supreme Court next week at Ilarrielurg to argue cases from this county. Purify nnd enrich llie blood, and you will not be troubled wllh skin diseases. Pr. Bull's Blood Mixturo Is known to lie a .never failing remedy. Horry Billrayr broke a bone in hi' wri"! last Monday while practicing on the parallel bars at the Normal School. liovs should ! very careful when itidnlgini In this exercise When "Nicky" gets himclf full nf poison he makes, too much chin music. Chief of Police Sterner furnished him with a lodging in the lock-up last Tuesday night for disorderly con duct on the streets. We have received Ihe first number of the Lewistown Academy Bulletin. The school ap pears to be In a flourishing condition. Mr. W H. Schuyler formerly of Bloum'burg is ihe Principal. nted, O. A. Jacobv for stone, $25.28. Ordered paid. T. F. Conner for cobbling stone $25. Or dered paid. Bloomsburg Gas Co., for May, $85.25. The President said he did not approve of the con tract for gas, nnd therefore objected to the words 'as per contract" in llie bill. The words were struck out and the bill ordered paid. A. S.C rosley, smith work, $15.97. Ordered paid, John Jones repairing lock-up, $4.00. Order ed raid. Jas. C Sterner, Chief of Police. Bill referred gagc(j from t,0 buggy. Oalavitm Item, for correction, C. M. Vandersllce printing $35. This bill incliulo) $20 for publishing the annual state ment for 1877 8. The publication not having been authorized, the bill was referred bak. A bill nf D It. Coflman for police service was I ,M on the table. James Thonms, Town Co .stable, serving no nces, nrresl An., $25 25. Ordered paid. Kent of room fur Rescue Hook A Ladder Company, $10 44. Ordered paid. Bill of Street Commissioner for April and May $ . Ordered paid. Mr. Sharpies moved that the President be authorized lo neeotiste with the Oos Company fur street lights up to 12 o'clock midnight, at a pro rata reduction from present rates, and if unable to do so, to contract for lighting the streets with coal oil at lowest ratee offered. Mr. Rvnns seconded it. Motion was carried. A and tearlnir throuch a snaco of about four feet between ft school houso nnd ft rail fence throw. ine down several panels of tho same. When the centlemcn were thrown out. Mr. Iteuben Shuman was driving, nnd thinking ho could stop tho horso held on to tho lines and was drairced across the road together with tnc Dug cr. Fortunately he let go the lines before tho horse struck the fence, but not until ho was cut and bruised considerable about his head and face. The Hon. F. L. Shuman escaped with ft cut on the knee and sprained back. Tho bug- ... . .1 ! .1.. t i (f war a tntAi wrecK ana wnen mu ..uiau w - - stopped he was in a field and entirely uiscn' On Monday night last at half past eleven o'clock. William Peacock, an old and respect ed citizen of this town, died nt his residence on Fifth street, aged about forty-seven years. The death wis uaexpected, as Mr. Peacock on Saturdsy preceding was up town attending to his business, though for several months past he has been suffering from a complication of diseases. His death is supposed to have been produced by a suffusion of blood on the chest causcd by tho rupture of a blood vessel in ex cessive vomiting. Mr. Peacock came to this town from Ligl tret about fifteen years ago : nnd has since occupied the position of book keeper with M Kelvv. Neal A Co., and with I. W "McKeli since the dissolution of that firm. He was Pro .... . . 1 T.,J! 1T. lacn. sident ot tne Mutual juuaing mm uu.u elation, one of the Managers of the Gas Com Strawberry and ice cream festival at Ilupert an alley back of Jease Coleman's school bouse, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights and Saturday afternoon, June Cih, "lb, and 8th. Proceeds for the bcneGt of the Sun day school library. It Is a mistake to suppose that Decoration day was not duly observed nt this place. Jlrs. M. P. Lutz kindly furnished the necessary flow ers, and, despite Iho rain, Iwo gentlemen pro ceeded to the Cemeiery, and strewed flowers up on every soldiers' grave. u i. l . l,in , ih. run on nanv. and was identihed wun many ouier i ij;(-...u. j , t.,. jth I .minion anu nierurica u. mju .-. neraltook place on Thursday morning alien Tho Leonard t-cott mbllanlng Co., bus Issaea thetr rsprlnt of "Dlackwool's Magatlie" for May. The second part o "Soon Calaleale," wmca ha tbo first place In tho number, t-lln about lbs tot- aire to Melbourne and the fourth laar who kas fas- claated, or been charmed by, the here, was far Bccms to be prodigal ot his arfectloas, aad to distri bute them without the slightest regard to any prior claims, Tho ssrlal "Mlae Is Thine" draws to a eloee with unabated Interest, M. Tcssot's book entitled "Vlenua an Vlenese I.lte" furnishes ths subject tor a very plcoslag artl. cle de-icrlblDg old Vienna, and the reccat Improve ments brought about In part by the opealag of the Exhibition, the dress and habits of the people, etc." The poems consist of an Irish legend, taken from tho Chronicles ot the O'Drlscols, besides ta trans lations from llelne, which are befomlng a regular fcalure ot tho magulne. BwHHL. tsssssawsm mmuBBffi mm The Liver Is the Imperiil orgm of the whole human vntem, as it (onlmls the life, health snd liswdiit-sof mill. When It h disturbed lulls proper action, all kinds of ailments arc the nat Ural result. The uieestiim of food, the move ments of the heart and blood, llie action of tl brain and nervous system, aro all Immediately connected with the workings nf the Liver, It has betn Fi.ccis'fully proved that Green's Aug' st Flower is unequalled iu curing all persons alllicted with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, amlStnmich. Hmple bottles lo try, 10 cents Positively sold in all towns on the Western Continent. Three doses will prove that It is only fl5 for all, and the postarels prepaid by the j 't?ai-.t3ifc i, see BLOOMSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. S1JXTII NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. ffilt&'n healthful anu casv of access. Tochers experienced, eniclent, and alive to their work. Discipline, nrm but kind, uniform and thorough EM eases wodSito? fKnttsS deletion ti ail expecting to teach, students admitted at any time, llooms reserved when desired. Courses ot study prescribed by the state I I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I Academic. II. Commercial, ill. Course in Music. IV. Course in Art. V. Course in Physical Culture. n. , .... r..m nr.. I'linn'msiov !.. ami student eradual nu therein, receive State Diplomas, conferring the followln me ciciiirnwMj "vVr':... .X., thnf.inv.ins iict.iti.iti,. in t h other Courses receive Normal ceruueawjs 'P,. n.,l. nf tl,d 1. fnl nW,fl bV B. all I. . .-""I..? ,.1'Mllstnn.. .uut.v...n . i- , tUir tiLUtlllllll-Uin.. u i.lllicia ui ii.ii . . " ... . . ... .... . , . cusslonot the po.Ulouo. England, and .the Treaty The course ,of Mud yrrescrl ot San stetano. '" iniCent Teachers for her schools. To this end It solicits young persons ol good abilities and purpose,, -those who desire to ImprOToineir ume The periodicals reprinted byTho Leonard Bcott JJ5?VuK opportunities tor well paid labor after leu tng school. Fur Publtsbtnz co. 141 narciay uree t, . i .) are osioi-1 cauiogue, anaresjtno mncipai. m, ImJi. n,,rli. Rrllrthiir vh. Wt- HON. WII.1.1A.H KI.1V KI.L minster, and Urltlsh quarterly Reviews, and -Dlack- loeu HON. WII.I.IA.H KI.Wl sept. 8, TS.- I.L. President Ilanril of Trn.lee- wood's Magazine. Price l a year for any oo, or Treasurer's Sale of Unseated list what you want. Lands in Columbia County, Pi To Whom it May Conceiin The conns ive d'cnled that if a person orders his paper i-continued, he must pay all arreara, or the ubliher may cunlinuo to send It until pay ment 1 nnde, an 1 collect the whole amount, whether the p ier is taken from llie post office or nt. Also, action for fraud can be inetltiitid nihilist any person who rcpularly lifts a newspa per from the post office, whether directed lo him or not, without on intention to pty far it and nr virtue or Rundrv act of Ihe General Assembly Iff Ihe Coininoiiweiilth ot l'ennsjlvonla, relatlnitio the sale ot feiiti rt and unsealed lands In the county of Columbia ttc. for taxes due and unpaid, 1 wl.l oner at public loje at mo court jiuiise iu tue mnu Ol uioomiiuurs mi iwe m:iuuu mii.ndai t f jurtr, A. U. IOIO. I At 10 o-elnek- a. m . the follow lnr described pieces of land, or sucn pariinercoi as may ue ucwmsiiiu satisfy the amount of taxes due and unpaid aeulnst IN THE WHOLE H1STOKV OF MED1C1NI, No preparation has ever performed such mar vellous cures, or maintained bo wide a reputa tion, n AVer's Cherrv Pectoral, which is rec ognized as the world s remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Its lor g continued serii s of wonderful cures in all climates has made it universnlly known a a safe and relia-1 satisfy the amount ot taxes due and unpaid ot-uli r : mi A.i.t rrln.rT eol,l. the same. ai.d continue the s,mo from day u day , . ,s , ' X the same may bo rounu necessary. which aro the forerunners of more serions dis- Ti.IOIM OF K nr.lers. it art sneedilv and surclv. always re-1 Th.imrMmt nr Lnxe. .nd rostji muvt be Dald when lievlncf snfh-rinff. and often savinc life. The the land Is struck off, or the sale may be avoided .".:.. :. it.,..i. t, !,. iim.u . ir it,, and the property put up and resold. i ...:,i., ..,! i, ..i,i!j,, i. i.ei,i "", " ,"7r;. - - ra" . . , : u,m.M aZ uisnrners oi cn.mrcu, n. 0SBBATBD LAND8 0P COLUMBIA COUNTY. 1ST8. to be prima fatal evidence of fraud, rhe courts I an invaluable remedy to bo kept always on w.rrmm l.. .lu . . that iiostnusters fa ne to nana in every nome. nujwwuiwmiu An(. owners twd. laxes. give finirfy and legal notice of papers ly in their office, are responsible for the ta " Ed est is to.... " 15 rreton urord ' too l'caler Holy & Men art " rs) ivaier 1'olt cieaterweiuniiun iranKiin W llower JUtees iu Aiwrtson a u. li.uiiy... ureenwooa.. lion. Advocate. falling to hand in every home, o person can atlord I to Act .lo be without it, and those who have once used it mo ying ueaa gm their ,now,e(g0 of iu com. a i subscrip- pugition nna effects. Physicians use the Cherry , Jail EscArE. On last Tuesday evening an editor of this place took his wife, her female cousin, and his Iwo children to Ihe county jail, (tho old one) to show them Its curiosities. 1 he polite female help admitted them behind the iron gale, and the pirty were shown the cells once occupied by Hester, Tully, and Mcllugh, ihe place and manner of their execution, and other interesting details. On attempting to get out it was discovered that the key tJas broken. There was no duplicate. Here was a dilemma. Pectoral extensively in their practice, and rii.ri.vmen recommend it. It is absolutely cer tain in its remedial effects, and will always cure whero cures aro possible. For Sale by all Dealers. "Marriages. (1 JUTON VVTlERLKIt. At the bride s residence la nioomsburir. on Tuesday evening tae tSUiult., by Rev. D. J. Waller,Mr..D. K. Glrtoa to Mis T. Wheal- cr, both of Woomsuurg. onoVEll-SNTDEIt. Oa the (1st Inst., by Rev John Ouss, at tho residence ot Kilos Snyder, asar Orover of Freeiaas, Luieraa - . I Humiuia, jnr. . m. ... ...v... - Three full grown ladies, two children, and an I countJi to jilss Linda J. Snyder, of Numldla, cat editor in a darksome jail at night with no county, chance to eel a lamp in. More Drinker, the popular locksmith was sent for, but with malice prepense he couldn't be found to make a new key. The Sheriff wa sent for and found at we foriret the name of the Church and Anvs.bett & Losee.. ..Besver m wockway uu ao lots Ileaver Jesso do tin do Charles do An lKiurTH dO BM do names OK da 3 24 . nf nnttjfr fTn(er do ,aa rr.iiiml.ln -n.l jt Irrtn en do 22 9' ,00 do do do do 21 5 im An da do do 22 VS txi do do do do is oo ins nn do do do i lot Carrow Morris do US 1 do do do do I do Charles Union Ir do IM Davis Isaac est bol do si rry tieo w lto Vrick UP do 2 lots Flanagan A do s do Fry w do 209 (IrafT John oo s lota (learheart W.m do to Moats John 8r do M llauck Jonathan do 71 Itlnderllter Jacob 8. . do u IloauChas John.. ls " " " ... B lota uarncr s uocsicr.... ..9 llei ry James Est.... ioih iH'SLru- nri;e 10 Eves l arvln Jr lot " .Mary it G Musirrste McKelvy 12 lots lllc r Isnnc l " Musters winam 1 ' rarktr II hs.ter 23 liart.m Newton 30 Oainplrt-ll I, N vs Einiiuit i .i In Evans a J . llarrls.laeobest 7 Hey William to Neul A Pursed 20 l'ursell lssac (1 20 sjhe'.lcr 6 Workhlser 1'ettr sr -s Whltentglit Oeorgo )r M.KrlckUeo A soo leo llcs Itenjamln cKesler John Jr... ....... 20 Kteler lol.n It - -. 25 Leul Daniel 4 viller Clias W so Miners M'jhard 210 ' - 22 Deover Geo A J L Ullne.... 21X1 imitnKton Thomas fa t ewoU (leorge..... 40 Elhcr John ........ n HughcH Wright 64 Kener nitimro .... tiREDBENNER COLE. At the Reformed araoa- are in Catawlssa oa the 1st last., Mr. Somnal M. Dredbenncr to Mtss Cole, both et Columbia eoaaty. "Deaths." A great noiso is made when a member of the Council who owns gas stock votes for a con tract to light the streets with gas. How is it when a member draws $30 for tho services of a and 5th streets below Market If the Solicitor finds said alley is a public alley. The Street Commissioner wo Instructed lo nut such an obstruction across 4lh street at top of Scott-town hill as will prevent accidents. On motion the meeting adjourned. THE NEW DOO AND BHEKP LAW. An act for the taxation of dogs and protec tion of sheep in thi'- Commonwealth was passed by the legislature of 1878. It contains ten sec tions, nnd the following is an abstract of its provisions: o'clock from his late rasidence. The services were conducted by the Odd Fellows, of which he was a member of high standing, the Knights Templar acting as an escort. A large concourse of citizens followed the remains to Uosement Cemetery where the hunal took placo. A BOY'H LOGIC. The boy at Sunday-school, when asked who mat'c the beautiful surrounding hills, repueu that he did not know, as his parents had only moved into town the day before, hqually sen nf fiflv cents I nilile are those who persist III using the un t. m.lo Am .ml nn. dollar nn each fe- I wholesome, diwriisliogly-large, ana tirasuc puis , .1.1 .i .n.,i. !- .1 in I.. IIaaIh .ml naid tn theonuntv 1 while Dr. l'lerce's rieasam rurrtnuve norso mr ono minim win". i ""a. ,1 . . i i n.,i. lr ,.r ihin treasurer, who is to keep a separate account oi wriien are sugar-wain., " ". --i -;- the Bmoimt received from each district, mustard seeds, will, by their gentle, yet posi- Sec. 2d provides Itat the assessors shall re-1 tlve action upon the stomach and liver, speedily statement of the number of dogs kept by correct all indigestions anu lorpiimy he at once came lo Ihe rescue of Ihe distressed man, and summoning a boms comifafm, unhing ed thelynrd gate, and lifted out the imprisoned . !,f..l arty. Was lie not accessory to a wuiui i- cape 7 BATES. on the Ml ult., at the restdeao et her father, Mr. A. D. aulld, near Blsomsaurg, Mrs. Bet ty I. Bans, wife ot F. M. Bates ot ghamokla. ' MARKET JIEPORTS. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. I Wheat per bushel., Rye " Corn, new, " . i uaui, Klour tier oarrei ., I Cloverseed Flaxseod Butter Kitks Tallow t l.te .70 M .se T.oe l.en .11 .11 .r n :,t .(T .18 ,t in Boot and Shoe Sole Photeotoii. To per sons who nre working in foundries, glass lions es coal n, es, c it w. . " ' ' . dI(ltrc. wilh llie nime, of th. er. thus perm.nenlly curing constipallon. perfected nnd eeenred by jiatent his Boot and Shoe-Sole Protector. For sale at tho shoe stores. See advertisement in thi paper. Fatiieii Stack's Case Continued. On Monday Inst Ihe supreme court decided to con tinue the case of BMion O'Hara's appeal. This ....... .vni,vaiM,KSlY owners. ' " , , Sec. 3d provides that persons having sheep SAN LEANDRO, Oil., Jan. bin, is. killed by dogs ehall make complaint thereof to Dk. Pierce : , t,,,ilMnf the neaee. statintr when, where and I Dear Sir I have employed your Pleasant by whose dog the damage was caused, where- Purgative Pellets in my practice for the last i..n ...m.Mnn ika .i.n.1. nf ilip ..... 1 nnw us. no other alterative or lipOIl llie JO-IIL-V man pmiuvu ...v w... - iuu. " " ( .I n,l if l.n 1W9 not annear and settle the cathartic medicines, in all chronic derail ....... case is that of Slock vs. O'Harj, brought about loss, then the justice Bhall appoint three persons mets of the stomacn, nver, .. by the attempted removal of Stack from his to appraise the damage, which is to be paid out kn0w of nothing that rquais inem parieh by the bishop. It was decided in Stack's of the sheep fund by the county commissioners f.vnr l,v il, T.venmlnr countv court some two snd afterwards to be recovered of the owner of years ago, and Is now brought before the su- the dog, if he be known. If not known the I . ! .1 1 f 4 n I.. ..1i tmm trie preme court for final decision. payment oi me loss i io uc sheep lunu. Sections 4th and 5th provide for Ihe pay ment of Misses sustained, by the county treas- Some days ogo tho Jerseytown Band went a fiihinir un the creik. They look their "horns' along. alo Charlie Sloes, Ihe popular band urer and the recovery of the money afterwards ,uprior medicines. J. A. MILI.EK. M. D. ALMA, Ioua, July 10(4, 1875. Dr. Pierce: Dear Sir- Your Pleasant Purgative Pelltts are all you claim them to be. I also regard vour Golden Medical Discovery, Favorite Pre scription, and Sage's Cata.-rh Keniedy, as very leader and orgnnlzer. One fish was caught, a sucker we believe, but Iho modesty of the Hind prevented Ihent from bragging nbout it Hut it was a pleasant drive, nnd they enjoyed the ex cellent music given along the route. The Band deserves popular patronsge. from the owners of dogs causing the loss, Sec. Oth provides that all dogs In this Com monwealth shall hereafter be personal proper erty, and their owners shall be liable for the damage they do, and for the costs and attor ney's fees for collecting losses if sum nave to be carried Into court. Sec. 7th Axes the fees of justice of the peace and appraisers under the act. W. B. COUSINS, M. D. A POIST is law vs. usunv. We notice in the "Weekly Notes of Cases," Waller vs. Breisih, a case In usury carried up from the Common Pleas of Schuylkill coun- The undisputed facts of the case were as fol- Sec. 8lh provides that at the end of the year iowi . j, January. 1871, the defendant borrow the total"sheep fund" in the hands of the coun- d $2300 from the plaintiff, giving his judg Have you Head Miss ALcerr's NewStobt, 'Undek the Lilacs?" This Btory rivals in interest Miss Alcolt's firBt great success, "Little Women." The scene is laid In a fine old New England homestead and the neighboring coun try town, and the half doien Jolly boys and airla who form the chief characters are describ ed, and their thousand pranks and scrapes de- potatoes' tailed-in llie author's best style. Two char- f,1 "t.1? F.lf f . I . . 1 1 ! " 1 1 1 1 " I " " I . . I. I " . ! '. 1 acters that will especially delight the readers sides c shoulders .1 i,t Lard per pound area runaway circus-boy and his wondenui nay per ton , trained dog "Sancho," who, for "ways that are M8;seed'"-".V.'.'::'.'.':..'.'.'.": , , l .!. !.- .1... .Un.l i.!l OIIflTATIONB FOR COAL. uarit aim incus . . r ...., ..., .-.- - , D Tol the "Heathen Chinee." "unuer me i-iiac. Ino.b" im !.l..l o.:i.-..'.in,,-ir.i I No.8 " j" was ueuun in at. mui,o.iiii ....... Blacksmith's Lutup on Wharf 3.t magaiine lor gins anu noys, lur immuun. 1877, and will be completed in October, ISiS. The publishers ofler the 12 numbers, from No" vtmber, 1877, lo October, 18,8, containing 'Under the Lilacs," complile, beside Ibree shorter serials, and short stories, 1-oems, pict ures, rhymes, and jingles almost innumerable, for $2.50, or they can be hod of ony Look-seller at llie same rate. The regular price of Si. Nicholas is $3 00 a year, or 23 cents a number. . John G. Whittier say- "It is little to say of St. Nicholas that It is the best Child's Peri odical iu the World " The Christian Union says : "It is a delight ful migszine for children of all ages fiom five lo eighty-seven." The ,Yeu.' York Tribune fays : "St. Nicholas has reached a higher platform, and commands for this service wider resources in art and let ters than any of its predecessors or contempo raries ' The iowon Icaifeniy soys : "We have no hesitation in saying that both in Ilia letter press ml the pictures this American magmine lias no rival," Scrihner & Co., Publishers, N. Y, t 1 f ' s ' i 1 i ' t 4 7 ieo loe lit) Mr 4t in St! 171 UoDman K P.. Hunt K o Iludly Joseph Harnert Lhester., Ketler Frank... Klein A LarcnceW K... Lewis Frank Longenberger Hath.... Morris Daniel Mann Koat Nojer (leo Nungesser Geo lTout stepben r-rte Cls renca raliersonJ n no KulhraH Sam ico .... do amutl oo do do de do do da ds do do do do do do do do do do do Haub J Miller., Stewort Wm..., Shuman John . 3 lots Smith I W. 3 I IM 1 3 ' I. lis MV It) 400 400 75 do da do do do do do do oo do do do do do V.,f,ttnA It It dO Vanducsm CtIlamanoo do ,, ' do ,. do ., . do West Buck lit Ot I Co d Woineldorf LetovertCo d .. ao .. ao do do KhtekJJ. . bcott Peter bbumon FL.... TUson Oeorgo . WetielCS Wood Augustus . t hrlslman Ann.. Business Notices "The DoJInrof mn Daddies" or the green batk will buy the best Heady-made Cloth-ing- at Lowfpberp's, New slock of Fans and Parasols at Luti & Sloan's, 8 50 AS 4 bmllh Hannah 1 lot parks Amos..,. X orsoo sppie raui I'eiinlimton Jes. It.. bmllh Hal 3S no 9 900 SI US ISO 000 0 S7 100 o 100 1U1 14 Call at McKinn cya jor Shoes. Uargains in Ribbon's at Clark (V Wolfs, Fnr a Suit of Ciothes made up in city jj Btyle go to Lowenberg's. Boot headquarters at McKinney's. Bonmun Jesse, Ilrlttalu w A J eBt,, Bryan uuy Clem w l)T Hev.... Doty Pealer Frea Win L Ueadley 8 Fcst..., Klsner John huuklf John....'.... rarkerucu John I'ealer bam J lteecer Abrain Mttler haiiiuel N blackUoutK) Joseph,. o 100 " 4traots Shaffer Davtd.. 10 Ladles Shoes at Clark & Wolfs. 14 M 11 18 100 1 0 is Hev. Prof. Conielt of ihe German Tlieologi cal School in Dubuque, Iowa, i to preach in German next Sunday evening in the Presbyte rian church. Those who enjoy their religion teaching best in German will doubtless all at- , trea.urer over two hundred dollars, after I men, nota M security, which was mon after en tend, as German preaching is a rarity In provdng for the payment of Its claims, shall (ertd up. Oa this Judgment the defendant paid Bloom.' be distriluteil proportionately among ma ocuooi Joterest to the plslnliu at ine raie oi uirea per .lislricts of the county. cent, a month until March, 1875. In the ear- Sec. Oth provides that this act shall not re- u ,,.ti 0f 1875 the defendant paid $300 in re- neal the provisions of any existing special laws duction of the principal. On November 3, in relation lo the same subject, I 1875, the partiss entered into an amicable ac Sfo. 10th nrovldes that lhi act shall not go ,ton , rovTO n,e Judgment, in which the ue. Into iflVct In any county until ihe act has been fcudant confessed judgment of revival lo the The AdfumaJ Iieeord of Danville has sgaln changed hands. E. K. Orvis E-q , of Blooms burg Is the editor for Columbia county. The paper wears a patent outside and the local news seem to be confined to Duville mostly, Wliih- we cannot endorse the doctrines advocated by blleJ ,ml a yoXing .ifor th, sheep pUintia for $2100. No interest was paid after tl.!., ,.,.., w. Im,.., tin. new tnanaeemtllt lua I: .. , . ., , , ,, v .fu. I .. , , t..j . i - - - - - I aim against ine surrp iaw, s.w .w lf,e revival oi me jiiuiiucih, succeed pecuniarily. ,iim Rs t0 U acceptance or rejection shall be April 1, 1878. The Court. There was suf- , ., TT" ,i ,i aiG,i I taken oftener than once in two years. Sclent evidence to show excive usury inter- A recent numuer ui im. .,u,ms.-. ..:., i .nrn..l nt the Gov- t k.. n,,. i,rl.lm ui c 11 III II Bl,l IIWIIVU s-I-I-" - - I VCIIIUIC UVIKVSill W J - " " - r- crnor, it will still require a vole of the people I mentaad its revival by amicable agreement. If ti...... before going Into tffect. I the amicable revival were cenclusive upon the i - i,, i ...i.i - i aeienuaiu conJcwiinK nit, juoKiueni, u.ui j. "uu.-. WIIKHB TO BPSND TUB SUMV8U. dom bo reached. Hard creditors, aware of til. . f.mll. h.vlnr once been such law, would always make it a rondlllon oi The Tidv Hoi'sewifk. The carpml tiny houaewile, when the is giving her house its pring cleaning, should bear in mind that the dear inmates of her house are more precious than houses, and that Iheie systems need cleans ing by purifying llie blood, regulating the stom ach and bowels to prevent and cure ibe disea ses arising from spring malaria and miama, and "he should know that there is nothing that will do It u, perfectly and surely as Hop Hit ters, the Purest and best of ll medicinea. See other column. of Ihe Northumberland Jeiiwcrol contolned an arlicle speaking in com plimentary term of our lepresenlativea Jlessis, Jlcllenry and Brown, among others. jjcntleiueii are credited with always being in heir aeata iinlfss unavoidably absent, could be What man I'UIILIU SALES. 'rd V" - that .Wing lime. thst. judgment or .arrant of at ways loumi voting not y ,,,., r.ii tnnBn nlaces-Sarato-or has lorn.y to corfees It or lo revive it should b salaries, mil upon an occasion- or w... , " " " ,r...ii -vl 1 I,, th. 'ihl. correcllve Powrr of Ihe Court llieveil lo he Ihe Interest of their const luenis I oevu coiiiiuuuuy ju.ii -j . I" , . i. '..i i i ..r.. !'d of 11 e Co. nonwe-l.h Metropolitan throng that frolic alternately In must be exercised o p,.v,nt l.e rn n qf Unfor- aUXM Commonweallh. I Ul hM d,btor, e ln rotrci,fM hand-. vowed neyer again to repair to summer resorts. Ibis case Is an apt iiiu.irauon oi ine uenigi. A,l ...t will, each returnlne season, cones the efleel of the law against usury. The defendant I . t II D! 1. .A . I lea lM.1 iaA ffiW elt?rl.l VfiirB alfllJ tnlLTtbt lit Nehemlah Kilchen.asslgnee of Thomas Iteece query wuere suau we go, o.ui- . - .. - -""y- ' . will sell real estate In Greenwood township on new commodious and elegant Hotel has been the rat. of thirty-six per cent, per annum, he June 7lh 1878, at 1 o ck p" inT ' completed and furnished by Dr. TL V. PUnjj, ". - '"' - h b .' . ... i ii.,o.i W v .i . n.i nf c.rlv half a mil- orif Inal debt. "U; ' ' "f ?T?" "r.7,a n NoronthU conUnen. po-l Order .Srmed and ,P1..l dismissed a. lb. .i 1 1 nVlock . in. esses more ndranlsge. for the tourist, )leasure cost of the appellant. Ca.ner Khawn. assleneo of John 11. Kllneer seeker, or those In search of rt and relaxation Indorsed by lh Medical Fraternity, w.uls will sell real estate in ltosrinccreek township from Ihe cares of business, than this. Jit ! n every circle, found everywhere, Glenn'sSul .on June 22d at 11 o'clock a. m. See adver- accesslblllly. 2d, Its cool, bjaclpg anal slu- (4,ur ft0JU , undoubtedly llie most popular jlsement. hrious climate j the Ihermoinefer ranging In pUr(3er, runedy frr fln diseases and injuries, summer from 135 to 75 degreea Fahrenhtlt. 8d, ,nj complsiloinl beuli(icr Ip. America. Bold Paul K. nlrl J'-eq., was unanimousiyseiecieu i me aiiracuons oi ine iioiei anu n ii.tuu... 1,11 DrUfglits, 'hy ll'O Town Uouncll last aionuay evening lo All these combine 10 renuer ine wi uin- fill Ihe vacancy caused by llie death of his fath- hie resort for those In search of relaxation and .er. This action of the council was In occor- reel. Located on a blufl overlooking Ihe city dance wllh the expressed wish of the tltUens, ol Uuflalo, Lake Erie, Huflalo Hay, and Nlsga- .and meets wllh hearty approbation. Mr. Wirt la Hive; as It rapidly winds It way between Is In every way qualified for Ihe mslllon of Island and f) tf K'" Jtaracl Just tx- Hill's Hair & Whbker Pf, Hlack or Jlrown 50c. May 17 4-w, Babies ought lo be well lulen tare of the: kTittm does not allow the slighlesl utglect. If .Secretary, and his cflice is convenient to Ibe yond, It affords one of ijie finest of American your liaby sutlers from Colic i or l!oel Disor .council room so he tan always be rounil when scenes, yiuuresa su leuers oi inquiry in.- isp; pi" wanted. We congratulate the authorities on I sgcr f Invalids' end Tourl.U' Hotel," JiutTalo, a slmpU bijt always reliable rimtdy, Only 2, rfl.elr selict on. 1 N. Y. IVW, Admission free at McKinney's. Summer HatB 1 Summer Hats 1 .Tust received A full stock of Straw floods fof Men and Hoys nt Lnwenberg a. hiaekhoiihe better hhatler John lirobit J Cldwell Joseph 11 Jacob Kramer Chrlstlanna Miuman Keulien Thomas Kuth Ann,, More Trimming Silks and Buttons just ro ceived at Lutz & Sloan's. Just in a new line of ladies' Dress Linens at Plark & Wolfs, White Vests, White Vests, Linen Vests. Dusters, Ultters nnd Alpacu coats just re ceived at Lowenberg's. New Sash Ribbons at Clark & Wolfs. 1 lot Crane Michael..., IMy-SntitflilDg in Ulilo. Cincinnati, O., May 31. The body of Hon. John Scott Harrison, son of ex-Presi dent Harrison, tvus found In a dissecting room of the Ohio medical college to-day hy the son of the deceased. It had been buried iu the family vault nt North Ilend yesterday. There is considerable excitement over the .liscovery, and the janitor of college is under arrest. When preparing the grave, It was found that the grave of August Devins, who died ten days ago, had been despoiled. Devln was a friend of the Harrisons, apd the dis covery caused .them to be especially cartful in preparing the grave of John Bcott Karri sou, It was Btrongly walled up, the body In a tnetulic casket, placed in, and, a stone as heavy as sixteen wen could handle put on It. The funeral over, Carter Harrison, a son of deceased, and George Eaton, a grandson, came to this city to search for Ibe body of their friend Devins, Guided by a clue given by an Item in the morning papers, they went to the Ohio medical colli ge and in the dis secting room, f, rope being drawn from the chute, a body was found attached to it. M r Harrison said ; "This is not my friend ; he was mora wasted with consumption, while this is a stout man." Colonel gnell Baker wbn was with him, tuggested that he take a good look. A cloth over the face, Hid only cover lug about the body, was removed, when Carter HarrUon trembled and turned pale raying, "Great God I it's father." The body was not mutilated, but the whiskers were cut oil' and the Jugular vein cut and blood let out. The body was taken to uu undertaker aud prepared for burial. More new Dress Goods just received at Lutz Si Sloan's. ss so 1 1 11 1 t 1 It a i i Abel Weaver Ellas 4 US los Kline .T I. ft 11 llunn US' 4 Levau Pattlla .... 2iKi Mlers Mhiv 8 M I iiio utision Thomas 4 40 i loo mi so Daniel S41 1 voo ttubton ary 4145 gooKuxlnn Charlotte - ... MS i 2oo Reynolds .i.ihn 5s 'W Ih ehtel Jacob 1J15 800 Frieze John (1 911 60 Masters I) W .. . 5T1 w nrockway Ent 8 40 7 Win. T. fchuman s 51 zscnufalr like 4 0.1 j3o Dewalt I'hlllp . 3 41 loo Hosier Jacob , ...... i4 yio.MannCK . 1 4 Masteller Joseph 1 Hi 239 Shuman Iteuben 1 45 403 -Human w t 6 7.1 lw Yetur Daniel est 1 6'i ion Yetter Isaac Jis looMiultz christian 6 Gil 5 Al.n Jolm 4 6U (,9 niitenbender Mary -. 91 70 51 creasy llenrv- 11 34 s7 Dumbach Maml ........ ....... . 1 SI r.7 Hess lTlscllla 4 40 75 lies I, D 4 0J 7uJocobyo A ! ! 1! Klkendall N 1W soo Keller John 31 KT lOMensch Emellne 70 loo Nuneesser ileo IM 15 1'onebecker A Slyer IB 2.1 l!3 Schweppenlilser 1 K 14 S3 23 " Abo 16 20 su " Horace... a 40 4 swank s n 6 75 67 Y die Jacob est . .. S 75 15 Yohe Henry 4 03 MClaik Andrew 33 C9 87 " ' 9 so 60 Clark Vary 94 is (iigi r John est 9 4 iq Grove liros ,,, 1G4 kf Hishel .looatliausr 9 70 9S llamwj'seste-7 5 40 co Ileai-lo John 8 20 8 FMier Jacob 3 51 5. Mason o 138 34 sMellekJnhn 82 41 co Melk'k Henry W.... 841 12 Miller Andrew 11 t2. tit waller D.I 9S7 10 Mlson Julia 9 42 s I'meilig sain . ..oeniuu iupu ii iniaine surain i 9 40 9-iKierct Moses 'I 64 11 Kwrt-t iiobrlel ...Berwick 65 211 Kllno .bram .Brlarcreck 8 so in Kline A J " 7 cj 51 " " 2.10 34 Itlnk.1 V " 813 st Milder m 9 89 focox m u " 11 si r.; Chaml-rlln Hannah 6 94 1 lot Dayla '1 nomas est ,, ' OSS - I loan (leorge ! 0 19 SM Friek f!eo A i st 825 w ninsiou.TiioA-.. " 80 Km Frick l.i ggot Co " 111 l.Mlordner llenry sr ,. " i t 101 I hat lis J Hester 1' " 84s KHi.liirohy ii A ., 'i Ttc 60 Mine c Patterson I- 3 ss so Warner Margaret r " 1 Ci 2iY"ouinr .-am . " '80 C5 Ha rnes Thomas,,..., ..... ' 1415 4o Hrelsih Jacob " 90 W " " i' 9 91 80 Ileaver (leo .7 L Kline, as is ininpim.c hzeklel 4 su I 4isi Friek A shuman 80 nil HeUron Samuel 91 86 " Catawlssa 9 21 ico Huston Join rnrt of . 8. 7 I o hti In .rue 381 41 little Hi belt 4 40 142 Morris Hughes 19 " " ,. 7 M l 41 " " 9 ' ' ino Wellington Win 40 iiobb J Miller...!!!"!'.-.! do do do do do do do do Hemlock do do do do do do do do do do Jackson do do do do do do do ao Locust do do tin do no do do do do do do do do Madison do do Main do do do do no do do do do do do MinUn do do do do do do do do do do do do do do a.) do do Montour do do uo do do do 9 30 1 91) 16 60 S 41 7 OS itl 35 65 27 00 2 I'll 2 111 40 81) 1 20 1 to DMINISTIU TON'S NOT1CK C21 4 94 7 47 2 49 6 6U 121 4 l' 3 14 314 "(I 4 86 6 211 37 SO H 40 12S 4 34 79 94 im. .nil tf VV 1 VI, ' irK rKlSEI- I.iersnr xiimlnisltutloti on tr.e estate of John Eve- ln.nd.late of Flshunrcrei k lownshlp,,deceanil haie been granteu b Ihe lu-i.ti.tir of said county lo iheiinderslghed wnomau ivn.un Indebted aio nam sled to umke lmimdlulepajment md thoso having claims or demands nt ainst tbo es laio will mske thiui ktoMulotbe aomnlHiator without dels). 1 M.A.AMMEHMAN, Administrator, may 3d, 1878-Cw 1 orks, I'a. A S-S1C1XKK-S NOTICK. Sotlco Is hereby Elven Ihst Motes liower nns wen appointed nsslgite cf DaMd s. Dower of tntawli-sa for the bennt of creditors, Ac. All rtrsoi.i there tore, Indebltd lo the said Dsvid w. Hower, will ir.ako cajrncnt to ihe said us.-1gnec and those hating p alms or demands will mako known tho B.imo with out delry. 1 MO"ES, W. I, F.VKKI.Y. Assignee. MIT. tor Assignee, may 3, 1878-lw . OTICE TO CONSUMERS si tt ra im : 5 05 1 i? 8 0S f .,!(,: bos a smt g 30 " The celebrity df our TIN T.(l TMIIACCO has t fS fcaascdmony Imitations thereof to bo placed ou a ihe market, we 4 71 M 1 it thcreforo caution all Chewcra ) gasolast purchasing such tmltotlons. 70 !3!0 tl 9S 13 15 IWO 3 2H 3 xs 4 37 5 Ml 27 2 72 291 4 40 40 7 SO 9i 7 SO 1 3S 4 CS 2 91 3 61 1 71 2 7! 1 81 7Vi 4 61 7 J C 30 3 90 89 BIO ML Pleasant 1 91 5 All dealers buying or selling other plug tobacco S bearing a bard or metallic label.render tnemselves Suable to the penally ot tne law, snd all persons violating our trade marks are punishable by lino and Imprisonment. 8KB ACT OF LUMIUEss) AlO. 14. 1S70, The geuloe I.OKII.I.A1I1) TIN TAJ TO uHAl't'O can bo distinguished by a TIN 'MO on ffeach lumpwlth thewordLOltlLLAHDstamped j thereon. , 2 mer 7,088 tons tabacco sold ln 1877, and nearly x3,0o0 persons employed In lactorles g Taics paid GoVmnt in 1S77 about J3,500,ooo, and g during the past 19 years, over 120,000,000. These goods sold by all Jobbers at monuiocturcre march 8, 1878-3m Rco mm do do do do do do do O range do do do do do do do do Hue do do da do ao do do do do 36 12 8 67 4 77 1 no 82 90 . i. wn.K A' i'ii . itr.. Drills' Orlrlnsl A Wslker. SlrTuhl. l ulut iiinrnos nousi: hay iok;;-. Th only alngl., doubt, or slirar F..rks llist r.a b. Mint, SOLD or 1 gtD withoatbecoralnt; liaM for Inrrlop.m.Dt. H.UU' (Ml TmI l-u-l lll.p s4 Ir. r.:... Th. V. --. ...ll lla.f ir,l,r. T. I.rtt tht tb.apMta.4 rmi .ra.ll.kl w.y to pal aar... ritUtartli. Fa. may 81, '78-lm Dauchy & Co'b. Advt's. When you want a Nice Suit for Summer wear (jo to Lowenberg's, Rubbers ut McKinney'i The display of Jewelry, Silverware, Watches. Ac. at V. S. Hates' is said by all to be the choicest to be tetn in Uloomiburg. Repairing Is done by bim In the best man ner and at the lowest possible rates. Sole Leather, l'rench Calf and Kisl Skins at J. Schuyler & bon. Cadman savs he sells he sella Furnlturt at the lowest rates, and has a large assort- 1 1 incut always on liatul, -i i'ai i 2 K! cane tlwen. Collins l'eu-r K Cleater Wellington Dougherty Michael Foley Mary nn ,,, liaughen Martin llo well Thomal llamoti Michael , tionley JnoU lloagland i. M llolines Thomas .....,, Hughes Jno J , Kline Keinbold Keller widow Keller loch J V Aly.urrta Loiigon Fat Uhlgh & Mohanoy 11 H Co. Marks Uojd - lieo Maehen Thomas McKUney Unas Mcllugh James Uooru John Mclirearly Mrs.,.,..,.,,-... nura , feet -rorrv: VanliurenMrsH K,, .,,., VsnUuren h K, ,,,,,,, Wltuck Hcd,,-., , 3 84 " S 4 '4 '' S4 ii 1 4,0 " 8S4 619 Centralla 7 70 ' 8 so " 76 so " 14 94 CO '. 60 I 15 40 M S 09 SSI V V9U II 4 60 M I Si I 29 47 II (2 70 8 09 ' 9 07 " U OS " 1S6 ., , 29 ' IM 8 09 " 99 S03 60 1 Skate I'enrv fiOTrlen J.icoii. si Yocuiu i:iij-i vi 2 Inirseli John I lot .-chug I'eier est,,,, " Turner John 2ixi Ituekulew Jamesest.. S4 Co u S zek e 4(ii run bier Chas 1st uros auiaLiei. vis) drav HoU-rr 19 Hartmnn 'esse 123 CreM llng s 4; co v- of tislless Wesley..,. V of 119 " X or U9 75 I I jihach Km i Hower.., pco Montaomrry ltobt la Mepnena m ai.., SYapIe Henry Hiding Abe do .. Itoarlrigcreek !'.'.!!! do do do do do do do . . do do .lo To do do do (IQ ....... tlo do do do Uo do Reott do do Bugarloaf ...... do do do do do do do do do tlo do do do do Sure Reward. 5 VI'.4ltS TO PAY I'OK A r A It. II. S4 xo cio run ache. I t'crli tiiMl 31:iilc I. ml In .lIU Iil gsm In tlx- itIIIIIoii :i-(. .r:iiit ul'llic ; in nil Itutilil. ti list In (llniisi ItiillritiKl otiipiiii'. TITLE PBIirECT. SlroiiK soil s i cniiis-irn()-l 1 1 III Ill-l'-llU ll'lltlKlll-l. C'llltlCll Iiiiks no iiuinipr".'' llCSSl-0 -TBEAMS fCBK W'ATIB IlKillV MiB.KTS SCUOOLS HA1LBOAI1 COMPLtTHI TUBOt'UUTUK CSNTBK Of TUKQBAKT. ic?is Sl'lltl lor ltllii)lll4'l,'niVior German Address YV. . lUCIIAItT, I.ASb COMUISSIOS'BK, GRAND ItAriDfi.MlCll, aprll 12, 1S7S-22W d nT)ri K "VC Highest honors at all World's I ) It 1 n Kxhtbltlon. Latest Cataiooufh and ClBcn aks. wllh new .tjle.. rrdureil lirlec and much liiforn.ntlon skst free, .mason k IHMLIN oliOAN Co., lioston, ev York or Chi cago, d maj si, Ts-iw 2M 6M (140 4 60 6 01 4 lit 251 2 02 3 B 3 07 S3 1919 3 85 111 1.5 1 SI SI C 70 21 34 tne SI 6 21 2 M 1 7i 17 so 1.11)5 1 74 4 35 13 61' a 9 1 IS S9 tit i -t-v iteautiful conrertnrond Mn i vr 111 illMI llanos price licoo only U f It i l ,rb 4 85 1 31 1 74 KM 2 94 17 174 43 S 94 22 00 SM0 19 t.o 87 SO 81 fO IS 90 2 37 IS 911 S3 0 JO MM 9 45 40 50 10 SO sei 8t9 s5iisnsxrTc,,'Ti J.J. Milt K.Vi. t-.ppnii' I pngm rianr,jraf k' iuj is !.. New stle rrrtiiUt Mano illS.AOOriiii Oriii. Vi R(o;i ITS fiu. Ciiurrli (I iwnn 1 HOi)1 VI lit fat) titli Vllo i:Umnt 1375 I!norToi Orunii only 1U3. Itiiyri como unU whiuohL lioine if I uni not m rei r'i,ntd K Knre paM both w ajs "ml Piano or org-Hii (rlf,nfrej.Lari:v lllkt. jipwipiij-er with much Information etout cwt of I Iiiimii A: OtKuiiH sent Irte. leaurtJrerH JJAN KUV hKATtv ai-liUjrton,New Jersey, mav 94, Tfi-fw d mmwm Ailiir.. Knos Aluboch ham Conner John F Geo Vrtti Wuiwt ., tiood Jaeub ,,,, llonman wta eat llagenbueh Wu Hsnrle. Joseph IUUUU1.UU Dress Goods cheap at Clark & Wolrs. Cadman always keens on hand all kinds of l'luTUKK ! KAMKb. -ii 1 Oo to Teter liilluiver'a Centre street for the celebrated Hill Carter A Co's flour Men deuhall'a best. Wholesale and retail. 200 l.flrrid. will Iia tm-MvpiI or next week. You can buy in large pr small quantities, TJJ 19 1 . t 14 91 t I M 19 t s I ut ASBton JOCOO t " Drawn win liSsua josuna llrowa Nathonlal,. Burt ADdraw lUWln liernard. ... Cook Catherlae Darld , CalohanDon Donahue Cornelius DatlsMnoK (i.ort-a Jerry Usllovher Huston Jno I onebuch Kd Joyco 1'eier Jones Kvsn T KiUi Jao 1 I I 9 5 t i in i i from b in at the same rales as though pur chased direct from the manufacturer!. This flour has a lilcli reputation here, and will be in great demand. Jlay 7, 2w. Hoots aud Shoes cheap at McKlouej'i Cramplon's I'alm boap is the best laun dry soap in Hits or any omer uiatiet J i t t ii i safe hy Jacob II, Maiie. McKiuueya bhoe Store House. For may lS-lw below Curt Try it Uuy it 1'alin l'alni l'alm Soap 'b at Jacob 11. Maize s, At Jacob II, M aire's ni'ay 8-ltv 1'. 8. Hates mails a specially nf repairing watches, clods, jewelry, silverware, or any thing else In his line of business. He al ways Insures a first-class job aud is prompt with his work. Crainptou-lrolhcr's l'alm noap at Jacob II. Maize's.. It is the best. Try it, may 8-1 8 w 1 1 l 70 wa Jul s 170 ISO 1 9 100 w ton V la s-o 9K KO 99 Uln Jmi.. ,,,,,,,, Kllno Jno I. KllnKeiman Kiwi Karhelrlos Ueo Ltndermutb (leo I) wcdulru lire lice Morrison James Msrr i: Morris ,, Msrr II M o uouanamoa lier,,,,,, i m tlurnhey Anthony Itichardl " tbos Jordan ltobt Tract 1-orter And'ew,, VNaiksr LeiTts Ilu.teu Tbos Kblvely MsttKevv','.'.!!!'.' Trel.tiach I-vrts, ,, 'Irleu Jacob ,., Ypeum nanViVi'.V.V.V, ,' Yvu"i;Johh ,,,,. nrfshir Johu Duly ivaier M an. 19 73 asi S3 SO ' 4 29 .. CllU- 7 20 . V9 1 S9 ' 900 " 19 , 89 141 " '40 " 4S " 90 Cosyigham 179 .. 1 96 94 SO " 491 15 " II 45 " S87 " 9.19 II 14 44 ,i (25 ,. 2 94 " 1 61 1 SO 123 " M SO ;n Sl too I 8 24 10 SO 1 44 " 1SII " 1 24 " S9 94 94 45 I 2 90 ' 2 13 ' 9 23 9 23 2 23 ' COJ 53 ". C39 SO 704 " 9 74 " 45 Cd " lsi7 " SS 7 09 4J j Treusurcr's Sulo of Pcnteil Luiida m LoiiuiibM county. 1'itr.ntih' I'liranlUt, I'lIN make New Idell HI.od, andwiu completely chsntfe the blood InliioenilrK s)sleinlu three months. Any person v. ho will taVo 1 pill eucli nlvht rroiulto'S w eeks may be restor ed to count health, ir such a thi g bo possible, sent, bv mall tor . letter stHinps. I. S. JliH NsuN tl"i.. ouuor .ne. u may 24, ,mw Mm tbo following lot, plecei and parcels of ecat- d )u lids, returned by the tax collectors, are tj be bold at tbe dame time, uuder the proTUloci of au I Actor Ahncrably, entUk-a, "Ad aet relation to the sale of laudi for taxes Iu Columbia county." approv ed March till, im. Awftfliil k,vh4t prut t Crulitlill Tipoi-t..nn fur Ant rhtwng quulitiM Hid txettltnei and la'ng cJU) vtf of rsuttUig n-l fianrrwg, Tt W Ubicn r iiitj, our tlu bltip lrJvnn k i cl i t.niUtxt n infrnor foA, r Us) JaeUm'i H it U onrM'ty tloj. boldbjrs.lUvkit-''. Ps-ni lor mm. . tric, lit C. A. J.coi Jt Cij.. Mtft., I tjWnburg, (! 1 M'AltOIsi:, .werl An... I'hllndtli.Llu. may Si, iw d Vorce t Crawford,,, HMeJotin lloiruiun i: 1 re.s , llulms Wxa ,, llarilson larlus .... 4 25-sa Kramer mn toe Kindt John Co,,, 149 Lemon lhoiuos..,,, te kcuefiry uOH., 342 2.-4 54 KUhlngCreeW 4 si " 7 73 10 84 9 00 " 2 19 9 80 " V3 OO " 1163 i e " IW " 3 4. Acres. Warmntco or owaer. 97 Cronse Stephen BeaTer 1 shrlri-r II. nry dg 27 Henjjmtu S J Denton 70 " " aoi en Conner Catharine do 45 .Mntblus do 2 lots Meltenry llussel , o .1 M ttti p 1'imlii do I.Mc.veal Al.raia uo S3 Mllllllin SUhSU..., ... 15 Ix.ty I'ealrr , . ls llimk.1 w 49 liusnes is w s Uo.-l.4-r Mailu ,.,., I lot Andrews llji'ilrl . - Kline .-, M " I'rrntls Nancy 'lots 1'ursillls ll.... I I t Thomas Juo 5 lots m uuer Norinan.......M...,, lacr' AruatNoau . JOHU lots Kn-as And cwa est acre Klkendall $ Creasy. let liienuan Jacob . ; - jui-nen i-eier ., 1 ' Crui.u llnmlnlek ' UvelleM 11.,., t Winn IH-nnls 9 14 Ktilltle. Joiuitnou H " liurk John Mrs 9 " culnriilllp Mrs 1 " nuilson lwild 0 ' Kreamtr W 1 " Mor.-un Mllliio,, 1 liroun Fred .. ., M 1 " lluuimel Jo.-k ............. 0 acres I hner William H 15 " Calleu Isaae 10 ' Horn u .... 1 l(i Kills IU A 2ii lifies MIiim rKeeii JoUu 1 lol I'irer Mm e-ueris unili r 1J S3 lllh liy licence ... , 50 lijusou lluimuh. It " .ouoBliaild 84 ' HI. hard est. 2 ults Juo w 1 lol Mess s ...... .,,.,. ty, tteieKiilenb nr.loseph. iiuviimiuaii jitucr no lirlorcrettc I'U u uo liloom du do do do do , Catav. Centralla Centre do Couynehain do do do do do do do do do do do OreumoeU UuiVk do Jackson AUdison do Mimin . Ill I'leusont (iriuiL-o l'lim do do do siiarI-MI Tax. 1S9 1 20 314 63 84 (HI It 17 2 SO 22 00 1 94 SCO IS Ss 19 42 91 s to 3 04 1, 80 2 2s S.I SI SSI 81 97 800 9bu 43 79 810 01 40 1 4U 2 111 19 21 e ixi 19 SO 19 40 19 41 SCO 2 SO 1 73 380 9 5 87 3 90 9 SH 19. 1140 OS! 81.0 50 8 44 1 I SO 1 s- I 5- AO ENT WANTED 1 Medals and Diplomas awarded PICTORIAL BIBLfcS tor 1101MAYS m:w '2, (MX) llin.irnil..iis. Address tor netr elrculars. A.J. HOLM IN CO., 3l Aixhstlect, rblltt. une i, ,s 4. u $50 Wo'ls, rora. (ti H f "altcn, Oraut ir Towm. tt Ii t Kl I testimonials and Irinllto br I ills' M I l'rlee, wllh lmprnwrt Inbaler I vr eer-where. WKEKs, s vr l'.ir ii ease nf TA.T HU iihi rsiiiiiur.i'. iiuiueul i ii.,. lor tairh will not Instantly relleTeand !Cdlly cure. Itelen-nees. llenry Wo'ls, Kmi , rt'elH, Kuri;) c o., Au rora. N. V.i Win. Honeu. feu . 1c llattcn, Oraut Jtr I'ow.n, tt louls. man. ikia oTTllll. i loi'iieiors, iio!.iou, aiiua. June 7, 1S7S-4W d AYANTJ3D Au Enereetle man orwemau In eveiyfoucty to take tho acency tor two ol the most popular Publications, sliot the Finest Cliromos mounted snd siretrh il (I4i30 Inches each) lo et try subscriber, Tbo Best Combination ever lielurc (iBered to Atents, and th most liberal lnduuienta to xubscrlliers. Our Ftr.o rubllealfut. Klegaut l'reuiluuis, and large Com ml.tlons place us ahead or all uotnpetttirs Illustra ted Circulars free. K. P. I. HU4TKIN, Publishers, Norlh East Corner 7lu and Dickinson streets, Phila delphia. 4 June T, s 4w AGISTS! l.FAD THI?! ! Wi, win i ii) n-i i is H'h ri ( r 1 1 oo rm in mn. and ixrsns until i iir M w jt osi m i iviin miss. Address bill KMAN . lO J.n.-.uL Muh. juuet, 1S-4W a "u.. nUK. I Nil l. w, VCKgVNoLD.s, Treasurer. U'l'M HI iKsitii orwllloifcxeniitioj (m atie at tho Caxtrvsuosioa. JOH 1'RINTIKO OF 1VH.Y nUPlU( EXECUTED I'ROMJTl.Y A.T THi. Columbian Omw. i
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