- . --y- mre - ni-' THE COLtJmSiaN ANl3 t)EMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA GOt Tt, V A. Miscellaneous. Wiutfs on the Farm. Tho greatest waslo on the farm is In the not using of our brain i the greatest bec.iue at tho bottom of nil other wastes, A little thinking often caves much labor. After ac complishing nny piece of work, tho mostol us can look back nnd see Low we could have Improved on It if we had but thought. As wo review our erops of this year, we see how they could have been easily increased hid we only thought. The ditch dug through our meadows was not done, in the most economical way. We dug too deeply at first, nnd did not allow for tho settling ol the land ; hence a waste of labor. We omitted buying an implement that would have saved nearly its cost in ono yenr'a use, until we have spent much time in trying to accomplish our work without it. Hero we have another wate. We carry a water pipe too near the surfneo to save the ex penso of digging a trench of safe depth, nnd the winters' frost necessitates a replacement of the pipe nnd nn additional digging. Cer tainly a wntc here. e nllow tho wccu to grow on cxic piece of the land not think ing to what proportions they would grow by the time the crops were too far advanced to admit the hoe. A waste here which might have been obviated, And soon,wastes little nnd big everywhere, nil rising from our not thinking sulhVicntly waste, be caue not necessary and easily obviated Wo omit tho ordinary woites from neglect, from laziness, from want of appreciation for cleanliness nnd thoroughness; the wastes from our stock, from our manure heap, from our household. Verily, n little thought will save to the farmer much ; and the sav ing through this means, even on u small farm will repreaeut the interest on a consld erablo capital. The wastes nrisiug from lg- nornnco can very readily bo diminished, and are in n large part inexcusable ; those aris ing from carelessness nro cot deserving of I sympathy. The farmer, as well as the busi ness man, must use business principals to secure tho largest success, nnd the one fhould bo ns careful of the outgoes as the other. Scientific Farmer. Discovery of Antiquities. Mr. Laynrd.tho llritifh Ambasador nt Constantinople, whose name is so closely connected with Assyrian exploration, has found time to rescue from the oblivion of battlefields in Turkish Armenia a series of most Interesting antiquities. These have just arrived at tho British Museum. The ob jecta are bronze architectural ornaments forming portions of the decoration of some royal palace of the Armenian monarch, and as they are the Bole relics of tho art of that ancient kingdom at present discovered, they will be much increased in value, and worthy the consideration of all students of Assyrian and Asiatic art, The first object, and the most interesting from an artistic point of view, is the bronze model of n winged bull. This figure is about eight inches in height nnd six inches iu length, and is modelled in an extremely fine bronze, containing a large proportion of cop per, and is in very good preservation. The whole of the hind quarters and the forelegs and breast are those of a bull, while the bead is that of a human being, with the tor to and arms complete. The head of the fig uro has the hair plaited and dressed in the conventional style of Assyria, but tho face is missing. This at first appears strange, but an examination of the vacant space shows that the face of the figure was that of a hu man being, and was probably mu'lo of gold cemented to the bronze by a layer of bitu men. The figure, unlike tho majority of the winged and human-headed bulls from Ko- vunjik and Nimruud, has arms, which are folded across the breasts, with his hands clasped. Tho whole of this figure has been most richly decorated with gold, and the feather of the wing mil the horns of iho head inlaid with ivory. On the head of this figure ns a species of adjunct to the horned cap which adorns it, is an ornamental pedaj tal of a small column which rested on the figure, and which supported .some light sn. perstructure. Hound the arms of the figure are a pair of bracelets ornamented with a square pattern resembling tho Greek orna ments. The next object of importance in the col lection is a bronze figure of a bull couchant, whlch,unlike the.ugurejust described, is en tirely animal in its character, and is minute ly accurate in the production of the animal form It stands about 4 inches high, nnd is about 4 inches iu length. The head has the single pair of horns of the bull; but the face In this example is also missing. The minute accuracy in the modelling of the feet and hoofs of this animal, as well as the from likens county, no one daring to op ears and horns, shows that thoartist was u pose their progress. In a short time they more attentive student of nature than wero bis Assyrian neighbors. The next object ol interest in the collet tion is a bronze foot of an altar which is of most massive and well-designed workman ship, and which represents the conventional form of the paw of a Hon. The upper por tiou is decorated with a pauel on which is the winged circle, a decoration.common to both Atsyria and Kgypt. The upper por tion of this fragment has been richly decora ted with inlaid ivory and embossed orna ments on the bronza. It is about seven inch es In height and about 4 iuches lu breadth, ana the material is of a most solid nature Tho question arises as to tho date, which we are lonunateiy enauieu to solye Dy means ot an Inscription on one nt the frag ments. This inscription bears the name of a monarch named Argistis, nnd a dedlca' tion to the god llaldis, the chief dlety of the Armenian l'antheon, Iu the reign of theAssyriau King, Shatmanesar III, (It, U. 850, the kingdom of JUnnalor Van, to th northeast of Assyria began to be a powerful opponent of the Assyrian rule, nnd ware were waged between the Jlinueans and the Assyrians. It was at this period that the Minneans adopted the cuneiform mode of writing, and as Nimroud was then Iho Aasyrian capital, they copied the heavy style ot art of that period. Hut the king. dom of Van came into most direct contact with Assyria during the reigns of Barguo (H. U. 721) and his successors: and Sargou gives amon his oppouents the kiug whoso name is found un one of Mr, Layard's bron ze's, and we may therefore place him about II. O. 715. The city of Van, from which Mr. I.ayard obtained these antiquities, Is one of yery ancient date, having certainly been lit exis tence as early as tho tenth century before the Christian era. The close connection between lli foundation and Avrln N l.nr ueiween iw lounuanon auu Aiwjria t borne out by the local legend, which attributes! lu r 1 .t . .i n c. , ,M foundation to the ljueen oeiulrami, from whom It derived an ancient title of Scham- , r 1 f I . I 1 . r. iramiuru. nere wiu Assyrian iuecu us said to have founded a place with luxurious garden and streuuif. Here alio spent the summer montbn among the cool and pleas. aut hills cu the bang ot J.uke Van, relum ing to Mueveh In the winter. Miscellaneous. Some Munchausen Stories. Scribner for .Timo contain a tnpor entitled 'living ns n l'iiig Art: and tho claims ot tlio Hov. Samuel Peters ri nn Artist,' by V. L. Klngsley, cOitor of 77ie Aew ICng' lamlcr, Acco-dinR to Mr. Kingiley, IV ter's 'History of Connecticut,' rmbllslicd in 1771. Is in n great in ensure the source of tliofumtjiu libels ou Connecticut in the matter of the Hluo Laws. How worthy thU author is of boli'f may be Inferred from the following stories told in the His tory as sober truth : 'One nlht in July, 1703, the. frogs of nn artificial pond threo miles squaro and about live from Windham, finding the water dried up, left the place in a body, nnd inarched rather hopped toward Wlniiomantlc River. They were under the necessity of inking tho road and going through the town, which they entered about midnight. Tho bull-frogs were tho leaders, and the pipers followed without number. They filled tho i tad forty yard 4 wide fur four miles in length, nnd wero for several hours in pacing through the town unusual) clamorous. Tho inhabitants wero equally pernloxed and frightened ; some expected to flint nn army of French and Indian4, and others feared nn earthquake unit dissolution of nature. The consternation was iiniersal. Old and young male nnd female, lied linked from their beds with worse shriekings than Ihme of the frogs. The event was fatal to several wom en, l lie men, alter n IllgUt ol nail a mile, In which they met with broken shin, find ing no enemies in pursuit of them, made n halt nnd summoned resolution enough to venture back to their wives and children, when they distinctly heard from the ene my's camp these words ; 'Wight, Hllderkln, bysr, lcto.' This last they thought meant treaty j and, plucking up courage, they sent n triumvirate to capitulate with the suppos ed French and Indians. Theso three men approached in their shirts, and begged to speak with the general ; but it being dark and no answer given, they were sorely rgi- tated for some time betwixt hope nnd fear ; however, they discovered that tho dreaded inimical nrmy was an army of thirsty frog, going to tho rirer.for a little water,' ihese stones are thrown into tho shade bv tho famous account of Bellows Falls, in the Connecticut ltiver. Two hundred miles from Lorn Island Sound is a narrow of five yards only, formed hy two shelving mountains of solid rock. whose tops intercept tho clouds. Through this chasm aro compelled to pass all the wators which, in the time of the Hoods, bury the northern country. At tho unner cohos the river spreads twenty-four .miles wide, and for five or six weeks ships of war might sail over lauds that afterward produce the greatest crops of hay and grain in America. I'cople who can bear the sight, the groans, the tremblings and surly motion of the wat er, trees, and icc.through this awful passage view with astonishment one of the greatest phenomena in nature. Here water is cr nsol idated without frost, by pressure, by swift ness, between tho pinching, sturdy rocks to such n degree of induration that an iron crow cannot be forced into it. Here, iron, lead and cork have one common weight; and here, steady as time nnd harder thnn marble, the stream passes, irresistible, if not swift as lightning. Tho electric fire rends trees in pieces with no greater ease than does this mighty water. The passage is nbout 400 yards in length, and of a zigzag torm with obtuse corners, A Ilomantic Murder. iho novelist wliois looking for the plot of a first class sensational story will find in a letter from Georgia the history of a ro luauce in rem uie, a paraueu to wmcli can scarcely bo found outside the pages of fic tion. That it should have occurred in this evening of a century of railroads nnd tele graph lines and newspapers is, perhaps, the most singular part of the whole ufliiir. The scene is laid in Pickens county, fieonrin. First we have the pretty, popular, impetu ous daughter of a respectable citizen run- ning tho usual career of country belles,wind- ing up as it properly should in matrimony to a young fellow of her own class, upou wliom the bonds of wedlock appear to have hung very lightly. During the Christmas season of 1877 his attentions to n lady to enraged the young wife that she stabbed her to death in a country ball-room. Around this wife, thus become a murderess, the husband, his father and brethren formed u bodyguard and fought their way out of the building where tho tragedy was enacted With a loyalty and devotion to the guilty woman rarely witnessed iu these prosaic uy tney resolved that she should not be surrendered to the oiliccrs of the law, and in tew ""J"9, arineu anil equlpped.they moved disappeared and the sad event was gradual ly dying out of the memories of all save the friends of the murdered woman. Recently however, the fugitives wero heard from in Jvorth Carolina, and a party was organized to effect their capture. A lone chime. a desperate resistance, an attempted rescue and two prison cells (or husband and wife and a baby child are thus far the completed chapters ot this Ueorgla romance. A case In which so many of the darker as well as the better qualities of human nature are so curiously blended seldom fiuds its way into the news columns of the daily journals. A'ew York Herald. Thrush in House's Foot. If there is much swelling nnd tenderness of the heel, poultice for n day or two with wheat bran, haviug a fair sprinkling of charcoal audeul phato of zinc on its surface. Olve half an ounce of nitrate of potash dally in the food. If there is little heat or tenderness, paro away all the ragged horn from the cleft of uie iro?. clean ic out mnrniipiiiv nmi nrp4 it into a tdedce of tow. smeared ou Its m.ner surface with tar and sprinkled with a mlxt- ure, in equal proportions of finely-powdered sulphate of copper and calomel. Keep the whole hoof, but especially the sole nnd fro. smeared with a mixture, in equal propor tions, oi wood tar and lard. SELLERS1 LIVER PILLS Citr.(,rX4r C.i4lM. (.r.,.n... HkI ll,4 . r BtlUioar. ' I ta rcmiaiiwtid lUlLtr.' 1 1... in. fBa-t, Boll bf all PruiilUan1aawBtrr'8tiirf Inmi BO Wl A UDITOII'S KOTIOK. The underklsned Auditor appointed on exceptions lo ttual urcoui.t of II. V. Vain iut rsiui. a umioiniatru- tor of J. II. VacderKllce, dfreased. with iohit io make dwrlliulloii.wlil atunrt lo the uutfeaof hu uppointmcntotlilscnieeintijetowiiotiiloomsbunf ""ra'uruay, Juiwm. im, at u?u oviocit a. m , when and where all Kisorm havloir tlaln-. ore remiesteU t present the tame Ufore the Auditor or be debar- r, 1'. UILU1K1 Kit, Auditor, may 81 16IS-JW X VlHITINIltlAKrid, IffTKK IISAntf, 111U.1IKAD8. us :jei p 1'IMTJUtH, ta., to.. BUN Office, THOMAS II. 1URTHN. ALBERT 1IAHTMA11, THE RED FRONT, MOYEHS BLOCK. HABTMAN BROS., DEALERS IK TKA8, CAXNICl) ntlllT, CIO ARB, TOBACCO. BNurr, CONFECTIONERY. I f Spieos of all kinds, Qlass & Qvwonswaro, FINE GROCERIES, Foroign and Doinostio Fruits, AND GEXERAJ, LINK Oh' Family Provisions Itli iloor below Hr-rkn street, I'.lcomi-bnrg, l'n. Itr Hoods delivered to nil rrts of the tawn Arrtl '7. '7Ttf ANTI-FAT The r.UEAT REM ID for allaws axti-fat 9 U rmrfly vpffptfible an1 perfectly hnrmlrii. It art! Hi... ii the Aw! In tlic Btomacli, preventlnK Hi llna cuim-rtfit ItiM fat. Takrn tu arcorilnnce ullh di rections. It will reduce ft perton from two to flr nounil pr kmIm ....... -CnrniiUncu ! not only n dtsea- Itstir, lint tlie InrliliiKir of oUrera.'' wroto Hlrtpcratj5 two thouvinJ 5 ara afro, anil what w truo then la non the less bo to-day. , sold lv lirui-'plsU, or wnt, 1T rirc, upoa re eclptof uartcr-doztn $00. Address, BOTANIC MEDICINE CO., ' rroxrictor$t XutfalO, .V. Xi Mai' 24, TtSm PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE. The attention of the travelling public is respect fully Invited to 8' me cf the merits of ihw prcnt high way. In the confluent assertion ana belief tuat no. oilier one can oner equal muueements as a route of luruuKU iruvei. lu Construction and rnu PFNNSYLVANIA Equipment RAILROAD stands confessedly nt the head of American railways. The track Is double the entlro length of Iho hue, ot stel mils laid on heavy oak lies, wlacli aro embed ded In a foundation ot rock ballast eighteen Inches In dept h. All hrldjes are of Iron or blone, nnd buht upoh the moat apjru ed plans, lu pasboni;er cat s, while eminently sate and bubsUntial, aro nt the oamti uiuv luuuefs ui tuimori, unu elegance. TH3 SAFETY APPLIANCES In it'c on this lino well Illustrate llicfar-scclnjrnnd liberal poller of Its management, In accordance with nnicii mo uimiy only ot an improvement nnd nr.! Its cost has been tho question ot consideration. jxmuns uiuiiy may pe- noticcu 7H3 BLOCK SYSTEM OF SAFETY SIGNALS, JAITNEY COUPLES, BUFFER and PLATFORli, THE WHARTON PATENT SWITCH, AND TIID WESTIlTOHOUSi: AIR-BRAKE, formlhg In conjunction with a perfect double track anuro.iu-ueu u combination of safeKiiarils agamxt tteeiueuvs wmcu nave, renaereu item practleauy Jm- Pullman Palace Cars aro run on all Express Trains " From New Yotlt, I'liilrulHi'l'lii t lliilthnorc un 1 unilllll nil, To L'litrntfoi ('lu iiiuml, 1 1111(1 M. miNillt-f JntllitiiniHill WITIIOl'T cu AMU, and to nil principal points In the far West nnd South with but one enuuo or ci.rs. conntctlons nro mado In r iiuu Depots, and aio assured to all Important THE SCENERY OF THE rKNNSYLVAJs'U ROUTE Is admitted to Lo unsurpashod In the world for ffran Ueur, beauty und variety, ruperlor refreshment fa- cilltl' sare protuled. ninlO)ces are courteous and atU'Ml .y.aiul 11 is an Inevluiljlo rebUlt that a trip by Aric&:Isg as. Hemsralilj Esjeriescc. Tickets for sale at the lowest rates at the Ticket OfhVesot tho Company In all Important cities and Fit INK THOMPSON, (Jeiierjl Manager. I. T. PAItVKII. (lenl l'nssetiger Agent, J. K. SIIOKMAKEU, Pass. Agent Middle flat., li North 'J hlr Jbtreet, uarrlsburg, r tebl.is-ly TIll'TII-i. lliH ltlttt-ri nrc llif ritri'ot mul Itrt IlIlti rH i.tt'r .uadf, . Tbey are compounded dom Hops, Jtucln, Man- iraku ami L'auneiion, mo ol'lat, inat, iiiiij muM atlliitilO liKdlt'lUG Hi llit) wurul ami i nninin i.n tin : beat u ml inOat curai Ive projx rilisor all uib-r I it-1 1 1, ucjust viia ki v,m;sv ui. ui ruruior i-iver Heir- uiuuir.ana i.uj una H-auiMtctortDif oteutoxi x'atUi. NodlsaM) cr lit health -mi ltr puKi tvUcru tlicteu Ulltera uiu u&eJ. ko varii-ii mid rnr. tfii ure thpir operuUons. r iuey pu new iim ana vijor to llio aged ano uumit'sottlie bowtUor mimry oriMint or win ruqulie nn in peilzer, ttmlc, ana Alia Mlniulant tht!,h llltll P ,irH IllVftlllllhl.. tu.trrr I.IM.hpxn.. i ive, toulc and btlinulmlu, wilUuut laUjAlcaUnk'. .-no muutr wui yuur ipuiintfji oraymrtoina rre vliatthu Utst-u-v gr ailment w, Hod liltura DuU't Wtilt UlitlliOU uro ttlulc. Lul If fui nl ft!il bad or mlst-rulile.UMj lIib linn .tiit.r at ntwU many r-avcjournui. iluiiUitOh bae U-en ny Buuutii-,'. u wjf j w m uo nam lor a caw ibey will i.otcuiuur ttip. Do ma Kulf' r nurbvlt or let your rl.ua4 buffer, uui, unu uuu uit,u lucm hj usu null 1)11 ICrU Htm luljrr. Hut) lllttvrH l nn Hm iini uk'ged, t AUdl Jrunktii nu-truin, but tbo l'urebt and Ut-ut loluti etr muUt: Iho 4'Jnvaltd'H Frleud ami Hnr. land no urun or family thou I J be without thein Try Ho? Cough Cure and Pain Belief. Vorsaly by Movm.k ItKoniKH't. S. W. Douglass, Civil and Mining Engineer ASHLAND, PA. General Surveying and Engineering BusinoBs attended to with Oare and Dispatch i I ua prepared lo make drawings, plana and Models la Wood, brass, Iron, or the above ra&ttrhUs combined 03 noccssary of Bridges, Hicet, Eretitrr, Eulldlr-s( Englns; PUMPS, and all kinds ot uncLlnirj- (or uh of cases at Court or for applications to secure paunu, 1'almlshecuri J. mar(h, liTft- AT 1M11VATK SALE, Willow Vale Estate! ho A Vatuablo property, lilng In rrankllh township, Columbia county, l'ennsj hanta, on tho enst branch uoanngcrccK, itconsistsot a oeauiitui iarm or about . ISO ACRES, t htch ore erected a commodious and comforta ble Dwelling IIoiim', a largu Hunk l'.urn, cider Press, d a'l lieeefsntj' otit-bullillties. It 1ms cronlng lion It abundance of excelum fruit, has a well ot water nt bo'hll.u (inelllnir hr.uso and born, and Is conenlcht of ncccssby pubito roads. ALSO. Adjoining rin.1 Wna apiirf of tho same, lint will be ROM separately If desired, about nvo acics of the above lnnil., w lu n on nrc erm d n largo CUSTOM, IIIIIST AND FLOL'lUMI MI IX, with four run of stone, n Dwelling lloufce, a aw III, n Dry uoculs moid ami iiueuing uouso ana other Improvements, together with the water-power and appurtenances thtrcto. rtic wniou viiio roHt o nice on tho premises. It Is wllhln tasy reach ot Cato- wtssa, Centralis, Arhland, Mount Carintland otlicr mining towns for market purposes. Tho properly Is bounded by lands of Munson, and Artley, nndfcheiLs, aud D. llowurasdothrrs. Hio two described properties 'illllHtfolil separutely or together to suit purilmcrs. Tor terms apply to Mini Mendenh.ill, 11. It. Ditiikcror John l. Freeze, at Bloorusburg, I'enn'n. fcu.9,'!-tf " A l"v (ireat enaneo to make money. If you . bucks. No need a person iery- whore to tnkn sulworlptlons to the largest, cheapeht Rnu W'Sl luusiraieu lilliuiy itiiuiicuiiuii in ute uunu. Any ono can become a suet essful agent. Ihutnoht eipirantuorksor artel-en fiee to siibsrrltif rs The tirleo is bo low tlint almost en ryborly subscribes. onongent reporM making i vt r t to In a wek, A lady ngent reporus taking uvcr 40ii sublet Ibers In ten ilnR. All who t nirnife nuike rnoney Mst. toucan devote all - our tune- to tbo twined, cr rnly jour spare time. You need not be nu ny li-oin home over nurm.. i i i rjin n'j il n t'u lui unit I a. r un mil lie- ulars. illrectl'ib and terns f me Mevact aua e pcnslo ontnt tree. If ou want pioiltable work send us vonr address at once. It. costs nothing to try tho business. No ono w In) encages falls to make f:re.tt pay. iaaress juu ivrpito .luuumi, i uit and.llalne. aug. n, 'll -iy GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. Thoroughly Cures Diseases of the Skin, jjeautifles the complexion, prevents and Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, IIeaij Sores and Abrasions of the .Cuticle and Counteracts Contacion. Tills Standard Exterpal Remedy for Erup tions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only REMOVES FROM THE CO.MI'LKXION ALL BLEM ISHES nrisini- from local impurities of the blood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun nnd wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the CUTICLE MARVELOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and PLIANT, and being a WHOLESOME DEAUT1F1ER is far preferable to any cosmetic ALL THE REMEDIAL ADVANTAGES OF SUL niUR JIatiis are insured iiy the use of Glenn's Sulnhiir Soap, which in add! tion to its purifying effects, remedies and rRE vents Rheumatism and Gout. It also disinfects clothing and linen and TRE.VENTS, DISEASES COMMUNICATED BY contact with the terson. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald ness, and retards grayness of the hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Prices 25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. K. B. The so cent cakes are triple the tuc of those &1 93 cents. ft 1ULIS HAIR AND TVHISKEU DYE," Black or Uromii 30 CenU. C. Si. CUHE5T0S, Prop'r, 7 Sixth Av., 5.Y. l'ectmber n, lMT-ly a-ZREO-G- &c BOWB, MANUPAOTUftin cr jMNE, J-IGHT AND jEAYY BS!P3A REPOSITOBT, N. E. Cor. Twelfth and Arch Sis,, Philad'a, -MXrjU&INO MATLT ATTENDED TO. ALBO. CAK XIAQIS TAEEK OH 8T0&AQB. maich lVlTS-Sui A JC IMIEHItpi AVATfll AND fill SfmAAri8tc,'lwui(l0r.1' re with every ortlei "'""k'nt In. J. II.Un)lanl&Lo..Cl.Uui .r. Itut. uuu. 111. uug.17, 17-1)' 11 Id PATENTSI obtain e tl for inecuauical de- ices, medical or othpr com. (oundi, ornainpiital dfbiirns.lratio marks, and la pcU. CrtVPat?. Acslcnments. Interferences. AnwaN. suits for lnfrlnK'emiiU, anil all caset iirlslnj; under inventions xnat xiavo seen T) ? I LT'II? l) patent onicemay lvl1jt) I IlilJbtnilnmobt fa.ses.be nat- enU'dbyU'. lielng opposite tho patent oQVe, we can make closer fcearclics, and hecuro patents more piuui(Hij, unu Mini uruautr -.iuiius iuuu lUUM) W10 are remote Irom VafUlngton. INVENTORS send us a incdt I or sketch of j our de Ice : we mako examinations irto ot chartce.und aUUse as to patent, ability. All conespoi.Ufrn-'e strictly conUdeiMlal. Prices low and NO CllAHGE UNLKsH PATKNT 18 tEfUKfcl). We refer to cfllclals in the Patent omce, to our cli ents In every nato of the t'lilou, and to jour Sena tor and llepresentatlve In Uonurtbs. bpeclal refer ences given wneu dt sired, Adureut Onroslte Patent Office. nfcnlncton. D. c. aprll o, tr Steel and Iron Triple fflange FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES; Patent In.lde nolt Work and UluK.d'Op, 0 Un COHPUTI WITHOUT IT 1 1 W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. 84 Maiden Lane, dcu, i,l.ll ii TrllSfAJErISKEPTON FILE AT THE OFFICE OF, mm 733 Siisom St., PHILADELPHIA, )Vl uro our nulliorlwd ateiiu, uud wll) rvceirv AdvertUementa at uiur LOtVUtT CASH 1UTJI. PUBLIC SALEL HAND BILLS Printed at thia Office ON BHORTEST NOTICE AND AT TUB MOST BEASONABLK TEBltS, JJpgs leave to inform his customers now replete with all tlio JNoveltics consisting of new and beautiful styles of ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN AND DOMESTIC GOODS at:reduced prices any of which ho is prepared to make up in the latest style. Kciidv-madc cotliing cheaper than ever. Cheap Suits for men, Cheap suits for Youths, Isoys for nil nf tlio best make and Just received a full lino of all the wm$t mm, mm For Men, for Youths, for Boys Cheaper than Ever. A FULL LINE OF THE rt?t rot ix T,?n SHIRT BAYED LOWIIBIKG, MERCHANT TAILOR, BLOOMSBUBG, IF-A.. CT. EC. MAIZE'S Mammoth Grocery, corner BLOOMSBTJBQ, 3? -A.., 18 TUB I'l.AOU TO GET TUB WOUTH OP VOUU MONEY IN THE FINEST AND FIIESHEST OF Fancy Iniiiortod and DomesticlStaple Groceries of Every Description Qaecasware, Glassware, foii anfl. Willowware, Flour ami Feed, Tobacco and Cigars, AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR -CASH, OH NICE FRESH 1'UODUCE. Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO. CHEMICAL PAINT, - 3221 ana save onc-tUIrd tlio cost of painting, and get a paint that U much handsomer, anil will I.IKTTIVII'C AS Iran AH ANY OTHER PAINT. Is prepared ready formeln white or anv color In the country, many or which ha-e bten painted six CI1E.MIUAL TAINT has taken Flrbt 1'llE.MIU.MSnt colors sent tree. Address a. y. eh ahul r a DEH bUN,Acenu 1321, Harm street, rulladelphta, I'a. best; business you cam en care In. S3 to ltd ncr day made bv anv worker or etihcr facx, rlfflit In their ow u localities. Par ticulars and Barnples worth is tree. Improve your s paro time at this business. Address bmsoN & Co., l'ortland, Maine. march 22, 7S-ly gud Tidings foh tub AVeik, Nekvocsand De bilitated. ocr Iatest Improved Sei.f-Actino OalvanioAi i'Manckh aro at speedy and 1'ekmanknt euro for liheumallsm, Neuralgia. Kidney, LUer undFemalo complaints, Nervous Froet ration, Woak Lungs, Hack and plnal irritation and kindred diseases. Prices, Waist Belt fs.ooplnal Iteltfor I'araljsls and Spinal Aliments, $10.00, und unpaids. Armlets, anklets. Head Hands, Knee Caps,2.w each. Suspen ders 5.00, Illustrated Puinphlet Fee. AddresH OAl.VANO-Mi:i)lCALSS()CIATKiNt march 1, 2ST-ly i7 East Mntu St., New York. a week In your own to n. ts Outfit free. 4)00 S nsK. jicanerujou wuiu u uuaiuesfl which persons ot either bcx can make L'reat nav alltite time they work, write for partttulars to 11, Hallkt & Co., Portland. Maine, march 22, '8 ly GLAZING AND PAPERING. F. liODINE, Iron Slreet leow hcc llloomsburg, ra., Is prepared to du ul ond, PAINTING, GLAZING, and TAPER HANGING. In tho best styles, at lowest prices, and at short notice. Parties havlnc such work to do will save money calling on me. All work warranted to giro satisfaction, solicited WM. F. BODINE. CHEAP LANDS J J we own and control the Hallway LuiidH ut TllEfln COUNTY, KANSAS, about equally divided by tho Kansas PaclHo Hallway, nhlcli we are belling at from $tt.5 1 to 15.00 per acre, on easy terms ot pay ment. These lands ore of the ery best quality, and aro located In tho besi winter wheat and stock crow, log district of tho United States. Alternate becilons ot clovernmcnt land can be teken as homesteads by actual settlers. Members ot our nrmrcsldo at U'a keeney, and wilt Hiow lands at all times. A pam phletghlnglulllufoimatlonof soil, climate, water supply, rainfall, ic, will bn tent free on request. Address, Warren, Keeney & Co., I0S Eeartcrn St, Chicago, Or-Wa-Keener, Trego Co.. Kansas. April 1 3m. ' A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage ! ctuiaifHM un Bi lor It t th it- trm tit lteproduivion nd ith DlseBu of We mem. A Um tor prlvtt,, ronild ttjt;t(jttig. Ioxj sgti, (irk A fHIUMlt MFniHAI AnUlfiPRf On til d orUrnot TrTivaVo rrur niii.'lioin Blf Abu. Cx0enEi,orecorei Cneftei, ku tit tl utmnf rnrf, lf.4 ,' rirM. priri t0 cti. " A OLINIOALtLEOTUItE on thalxfi d Vmi n thoxt ot iha Throttt tnti Iitinet, CiUtrb.Kupturt, Ui Olt'UDl lAbit,lC.,prlil )0ct. Lihti NMtk t nt !oiil.lori FM-a'pt ct print or 11 thrtt, conninir MM tx utirulty II udtaiiti. lor 3 cli. AdOii ZJiL, liUTTS, tQt US. tUH bL fit. Leuii, ilo, auff.lT.-7My k&O S2580ii TFAIl. AvcnUw&nttBd. Dm! neu Irfrtthtiftte. 1'artlcuUrtfreo. Aidmi J.WOBTU CO ,8t UuU, Mo. AO lUff. II, ly ajiJOJi-CiD m.a tot .itriur leu linn tu inreoew or ctila. th, color at liiolr Iltcucn, hlCr. Moulk. or Corruir, it nomlail coit, luijinlnif f.wJ lo'"1' ,hd" l' lh " "'' Ml.io flit 6W AAT "P nt f or luci a Aifrereat colon for fcc. fceudlciUmpferwaiDli injcuculif. Auo, uur improvoa Post Poison vV". AT. wro M4theipdMtrorr of I Cnmnt Worm, ind ill IdMi tint , V.'.VS V'Jl'"oa. WimoteJ to kill I fill IllfniT Ul( t ri llmmwt bill. Injortoui Joplinti. 5mh only Bsc lo Mo. Pt'r .cr.. .b OurCabbagoWorm Destroyor LVlf'S tJ."iot;i.bot nu-adHth to the worn. Bimpla for irlil Mot frc. on rxalut of IS ttnu. KJtAllMUir C'UtMlCAb WOIUlb. . .o. ox sta. offlciicSWiSSW may BdlS-Sm Jwico n pi ii M!--r Ae IT, H-Ijr II 0 JOB P1UNTINQ OF EVERY DE8RIPH0N EXEODTED PEOMPTLY At thk Ooluiuh Omox. and tho public that his stock is lor Billing ana cummer wear, Children. at tho lowest prices. latest styles in color and quality of FOR SOLD ONLY BY of Main and Centre streets, desired. Is on many thousand? of the finest l)Ulld'n'I!,. 5 ears, and now louKos wcllas when tlrsti painted twenty of tho Mule Kulrsot tlio Union, sampleeard of 1 r 1 i.-u., 140 i-nut-e bireei, n. 1., or iiknkv JulyKT,';7-ij CHEAP KANSAS LANDS! t 0 own and control tho Hallway lands of Trefto County, Kansas, about equally divided by the Kan sas I'acino Hallway, which wo are selling at an aternge or fc).2S per acre on eat.y terms of payment, Alternatobectlons or Government lands can be u- m'ii as uomesieaos nv actual ettler6, 1 heso land Ho In Hie (Ireat IJmptrnnn Ttett of Prn. Iral Kansas, tlio best winter wheat producing dis trict of tho United states, jlcldlng from so to 35 ,. inn fi,-r .icri'. The nverago jearly rainfall In this county Is near j luuirn iv, niiuuui, uiie-iinru creaier man the much-extotled Arkansnn Viilhv. whlh hna 3 early rainfall of less than S3 Inches per annum In Ihefcame longitude Slnrk IttMntr .nil'Veol Uronlnir are rcrjr Rfmuner lithe. Te wli.Urs are Hiort and mild. Slock w 111 live all tho j ear on grass I Living streams and Springs ore numerous. Pure water Is found In wells from so to (10 feet deep. The llMlthlett (.'limit. In the World 1 No fever and ague there. No muddy or Impassalilo roads. Plenty of flno building stene, lime nnd sand. Theso lands aro being rapidly settled by Iho best class of Northern aBd Kaktern people, and will so appreciate In value by tho Improvements now bHng made as to make their purchase at pres. ; nt prices one tho very best Investments that can lie made, nsldn from tho profits lo be -derived from their cultivation. Members of our Arm reside In MH-m-eney, ana win f,dow lanas at any lime. A pamphlet, glvlngtull Information in regard to toll, climate, water supply, ic. will bo sent frco on re quest. Address Warren Zeen&jl; Co., 10S Dearborn St., Chicago, Oi'Wa-Kcency, Trego Co., Kansas, April is, 'I8.-4m "yyAlNWKIGHT & CO., WIIOLESALE GHOCKIIS, . I'HiunKU'niA, Dealers in ( TEAS, BVI'.UPS, COFFKE, SUaAIl, WOLASSKS, HICK, HI'ICES, SIC BU SOU!, tC, AC. N. E. Corner Second and Arch streets, rworders will receivo prompt attention. . tf M Ninth street I'ltuburg, Dec. 10, 187. Messrs. DHKUKll. HEAir co. r ' , , ;Uemen:-Vourpalnla have given entlrd sat Isfaciloj. I have used Ihem on a good many differ ent kinds of worlc.eucu Hironr'Tin, Wood, uncle. ..1-lS"ADey".l":!lu,.'xny complaints, on the con trary, the work stan 3s well anil for war, will In my opinion, fctand with any lead In the rnajiet. When In want of rtferenco In this tity or MclMty you are liuas7ou,hM-8Nma ploaSure' touse Ilespeclf ully Yours, , . , JOHN T. OIUV. I'alntcr and Dealer In I'alnts, oils, Ac bTKICTLY I'UHE WHITE LEAD, AT TJ1B LOWEST JlAllKliT 1CATE3. MONTOUlt SLATE PAINTS. 8 CENTS. MONTOUIl METALLIC! WIUTfl, 8 CENTS. MOXTOmi M ETA LLI (I 1I110WN, SCENTS. JIT t'OLOHS AT TL'IS WUOE. PURE LINSEED OIL nt low cut imirkct rates. Sample cards and prlco charge. list furnished without a&nu7nUa,n,UWe"1'' mal1 wm rcccl'e VnBW IIENHY 8. BEAY, MANUFAOTUKEH, MOYEUBUOS. Kupjutr.PA. WHOLESALE AGENTS, J3LOOUS8UKO, Pa l)6. It.-), ' " INVALID The Tf rr Uw luiniWr nf Inv.lW wl "o who diUj tlill Ilullito, rrom rvirjr iiuarti r of lie r.l.'',,',Si.'iC' mil Cnrl. Hint thry liny ri.nmilt '''-JiiViiiiK S Medicine ind ttiinnry asiorlitetl with Mm, rcniiririi II ErSSif r tliit tlie ruun.lc.of Ihli Imtltul I on ihould firovldf I plire on I frrand nnd riinnuoitloul acito or Ihelr mtFrlilnnirnt iml rninfnrL ll more ci.mpl. tc In 111 .K)li;tiiiinlj thin nr ltnl r Imtltutlon In llio wnrl.1. 'I ho bull' Init " In one of Iho nm't nralllifiil iml lolrlilo ponlotn of tho City of lluir.iln, and cnninian.la ft flno lew nf l.ftao frrle. Mikitr itlvrr, and Iho aiirroiitntlnii country, ln Wtnaloil In tho inl.lrt of an eitonMTj ayatim of beautirid parka. Tlie llotil H fuml-hnl with pawnt aafcty 'paaaonitrr cHvulor.to comer pathjnta lo and from Iho.llirin-ot lloora! li .rotl.n-.l with all kind, of arnirnvcl linthl, and liai alo coiinorteil with it a wll-miolnte.l rl mnailum nnd bowling alley to frordprotHfrlmanaofcxirctio. Cllltnlio IlKlJi of all forma, whether requir ing nieillcal, Mirirical, or mechanical, trealioent, come within tlio province of nur acveral Itmclaltlea. DIBEAIKHOK tvOMKN Kapt'clally are the fJClll tlca or till. Intlrmary of a aiim rlor onlc r aa rrnanli the rcmecll.il nieoin and appllaiieea for llio core of iU those chronic dlaenwa i'cullnr io omnlei. Tho cmplo)tmnt, In modi ration, of tonic, cliemlcfl, ilectro-llurmal, and oilier approved latin, U In maiiycasca an ImalnMilo, auxiliary to Hie rrmnllil ineana to which we n aorl In auell raara I try friction to the aurfnee, penerid fchaniiooloir, Hwcillll inove nlcnl on.l llfilit callMhi tile rxi ri'l-i. to I nlh en and iq'iallYc tlie clrcnUllon of tlio blood In tin; (yatrni, relleie conpcited partN liiipr.no rtl(c;llnn. an.l ttrenetlien llio inuaelea, prolin e Intimrtint lanetlclal fcVulla In all cav. to hV It th.so iii. auj are appllca i.lc. .No iiperlnntillnK ll reaorh.l lo In the Ireat liunl. Hie inort unpi-.ned iii.Hllcliiea ure ranrullr fmploje.!, and Ilie Jinlli loin iiKUhilloii of llio illef, to eult tlie conilllloli ot tlie pilli lit. llio tlmronili ten Illation of tho al plnir iip.irtiio nt, tlio clicirlnn In nuuicc ofluulc. aoilnl liilircoun... Iniioient cunica for air .in iw nt. and nil th""' P i which tend to irouw. tho tnliid of llio p.illont irom di.miicncy, and tliua prc.niole rcro cr) , ore hot to (detle.1. nkiiv oi k mer.Ai Rl'ariii, Kiii(iy irim, rhorea IM. VlniVa llainel.and oilier mrioiia anvc tloni, rmlve tlio allcnlloii of an wl In thia ipe clalty, hy which Hie U'cuti l aklll la oltalned and ibe UMUl liappv resnlls aecurcd. 1XMI lllal'.M'l A HiH dli Idon or tlie practice In tlie Invalid.' Hot. 1 ll cry iil.ly nianaeed hy a ren llcnian of nialuru lodpniint nn I akllL llroncli ll. aiiroiil. and Limit filnviwa aroicry I irei y treated in Ihli Vdiparlini lit. and with reaull. wlilili l.avo been Llllily uratlf) ln lo Imth lihyahlan ami pallenta, KVE A-M OIL-Speclal allentlon la given Jo the delicate onerillnna on the eve and lar, I illstln ra sli"l ocullat and nurlt 1 Injr und, r uigagement to conduct tl.l hramli of tlie prailli-e. lnvalhll arriving In the elly and lmlruw to i con. (ultua, Hiould conie.llreclly to tlie Hot, I. ll Uraillr uEceas hio hy carrlaFO.tinnilhua, or atreel cara. Mlb TO Sifbi! Agfiua. on all incoming tra n, can be relied uon lo deliver paasiugcra and baggage Willi aecorify and dUpatcli. ry-Addreii It. V. I'ltBCt. M. D..Vorld' DliDin Uy auJ Invalidj' llolil. Ilullalo, N. 1. BCp. S3, 57-tt THROAT, tUNUS.LW ER k BLQOU In l In wninlt-rftil inrlirliic utv hlrli tti nflllcldl iu jiimm niirrivii in r irnt'l, Uiu ilincnvi-ier lie hi i" 10 h'M r.uiii.hn'il in hunmmif hump nf Nn. Iini'' f.ncit'iK'i fiiiHihi MMcririH, which Go'l Inn ittbtillc.l mitt Un iyi'i'il.le kli;tiii for heal inp thn nirk, lltati uu im-r rcfon. mmltlitfil in ono mc'lli iiie. 'i ho c Mi-m v. ut llil t,u i it ftiuml In thnvi-irU rarieiy nf mortHtlisttii itLMiP?:uui which It I mi l-cuii lou-i-l lit in-hut. In tho cm e of llroiii'liUU, ei f-r .'oii(;lmt nu tlif inilv HHj.c nf 'iMiiim.tlon, iilta a'louUlio.l tli'o mnlliMl f.M'uliy, iukI i-iiniuni jlivii'iaii3 inn. liutmrc 11 Uto KU':ili:l iiii'iliral 1im'I'1V nf llu ape. While it cine tho ni'i're-t Cmtgh'", it ftll'liL'tlii'll" till t-V-ICMII llh.l IMirlrtl'H tlio tiltMid. llv tu pi cat nnl thnrniiui, hltt...iiri(v. ing 'inifrtlo, ii rtire-i nit llumorf. fn.in iho won, i Scrnliiiit to a rnmiii'iii fihitt li, IMni-ItU'.M- i:i iiltioil. MiM-rurUl Iimmm Miiicim loU'iim, iukI ihuir I'UeriK, uie t'uulti'alu.l, tinl viirntiiti hfjilili aii'l a eHnt cin-tilitiiion Htal Ii-I.l'iI. lir) lpchi.., Snli.i liriim, Kcvur Sori'H, Sciily or ICotiuli Mtln. m nhoru nil Ida ninutTi'iu ili-cnu-H i'inil in- l,.i M.hmI, nro dniii'iil nils iouuiful. imtlfyiii", ami in Tltjonililjtf IIH'illClllO. ni'nufrcUliill,ili".sr.ili.ilt:i'e.I.lMr? nallow p'llnr nf hkiu. ir cltowrii liui on f.inr Mtlv, ft,i,(-Ht ht'hlaui.o r iiiiiif-ri, b.ut min in .ii-mlh, InhTiial IilmI nr t-iiilU alu-nutiM witli ht lUlriht'h, IitW - H-i, till.) ,'tiHMil. fnil'lHuliniH, if iixiilur uoKii!i-, aii-l tittriie chikhI. tHi lllL. Fiulcv.iig from To, -piil 1,1 (.r, y nlllu ,,r,"..ln.m'"-1 Ilvir Com. Plaint (iitv n.iit nf iiu--. n ..... t'f'rieiM i-l. A a ii'iiM'ilv t-.r all --ii iff-., t rieirf'it (inlilcM Mi'tiic.il iic,mi t,.i in. iii,i iii.il. IH H CllH-H liCllfi'l cut i S, ll'..Vll' Hit! in i r biienUteiiLa au.t hiMlth), SOLD DY DRUGGISTS AT SI PE JTILE. I'lt-iKiro-l l.v It. V. I'll Itri:. i, t , s..it. liurrai'-. . ficp.asn.tf Tho Lightest Eunning, The Simplest, Tho Most Durahlo, Tho Most Popular SEWING MACHINES. It it c.ally linder.tood, moie. the .donble-lltrend lork-.tltch, , elf rcculatlue teiiilon. unit lake-up, und will do the whole rainy, of family worfcwltboiit chance. Tlie Domcillv It li madein the mo,l durable manner, tclfh conical jfc.l hearlnae and compeniaUnt Journal! fnroun7.puf. ' PAPER FASHIONS. Theee popular PATTEUNH for ladle,', mtieee', and ehtldren't drtu, are tut on a .yiteni inperlnr to anv in uee, and can he undereiood ly any one, J"u(f dlreitluii. anil IKuifruflan. wi each envelope. Send Five Cente for Wuttrated Cafa. logue of lOUO J'utlilon,. l.ltlTI-.M Bovrtns MaoUne Co,, Now York. I. Wi HARTMAN, Aeent "Domestic" Paper Fasliious Bloomsbur. Docemberl4,liU-ljr PATENTS. Ii wbttner Ufore tie patent oS ni I o wiuiiy iir.n.i r u. mm. .- i. ........ ... I i'"'P'n IRON IN THE BLOOD A Pcriimiicnt Tonic, WITHOUT ALCOHOL, Peruvian Syrup U li I'rotccUa rrotriEltlo of Iron. Peruvian Syrup Contains no Alcohol. Peruvian Syrup Vitalizes the Blood. Peruvian Peruvian Peruvian Peruvian Peruvian Peruvian Syrup TO tilt Toneti up tlif l"j'U;ra. Syrup Jlulldi up llio I)rol.enI)0'vn. Syrup Mo! V Strc Syrup Curt tlio 11 si Syrup Mokpi tin Weak Ptronff. Curfs tlio l'jspepttc. Inv tlio lira Syrup Invigorates tlio Drain. rurrs Femalo Weakness. Peruvian Syrup Cures flprlnir Debility. Peruvian Syrup Is pleasant lo Take. SYliu'p Be SUro ou eot the "rEItuvIAN Price $1.00 a Bottle. A SJ.pago ramphlet, oontnlnlnir a history of tho Peruvian utruf, a valuable paper on progress In medical science, a treatise on Iron as a medical strent, testimonials from distinguished plj blclans, cle rirymen and others, will be sent f reo to any ad dress. 8ETn V. FOWI.E sons, Proprietors, so Harri son avenue, iioston. sold by dealers generally. Dr.A.G,OLIN'S!i HrJul, II DUatkMtof ft Irlt to btur, rMulllnf from tuy but ku bad i hfx lone iritfiaiH. iDilfinataLmiiiluw f.n U a icnvlu.U of tbt tf.mJ rVhrv I, two. no innruir.hM lh laft pr. lit in iht U. S. LA IU EH rMulritig IrMimrnt tta prtrttt hointtami tottnl, rallw write, tmrv ronfoiti,rti for (H". a""1,1 Cfly MnU 1at "mpla ot ItftbUr r.otxU unrl clr- MAERIAGE GUIDE GL'SJ'Cifi " " ?M -I fil ot l-nin Vi. uit all dUeiiM of ft nHvaM Mini: alu,U 4 ll i V I tlx I VM .1 ami Ihcu roil b, tn 1,1 all n. niiurrUtfTi. Hon. ri Mo to I I i til iv rti,, I In Iv I nmvlii ilia tit.trUA lJl rtr) tHhljr (Lutilal T.t LliU Luuk lnm W itula. lokuykj. drcti.acsltij. aug, 17, TT-ly It & o RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES pUlXADUM'JlA AND ItKADING KOAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Jiuy is, isis. TltllNS LKiTX BCrEHT IS rOUOWS (Sl'hPiT EXTRTTK For Now York, l'hlladclphlu, lieadlnf, 1'ottstlUo Tamaqua, 4c, 11,45 a. m For Catawlasa, 1 l,4S u. in. 7 ,) and 7,80 p. m. For WlUiuintport, 0,28 9,04 a. in. and 4,00 p. m. TIUlNsrOlt RUPEKT LEAVE AS FOLLOWS, (SlKDar El CKITKD.) Lave New York, 8,15 a. ro. Leave Philadelphia, ,lo a. m. Leave Heading 11.3J a. in., I'ottavllle, 1S.16 p. m and Tamaqua, l,so p. m. Leave L'atawlssa, 0,20 8,50 a. m. and 4,oi) p. m. Lcavo Wllllamsport ,9,45a.m,s,l5 p. m. and t oo p m I'assencrery nr.rt tmtn v. . ,..... ' phla co tnrotnta u luiout chance ot care. J. K. WOOTTEN, C U. HANCOCK, UCnCr'U General 'llcket Agent. Jan. it, liit-tt. N 'ORTHERN CENTJiAI, RAILWAY UO.M1-ANY. Jn and after November soth, 1673, trains will leavo auNHUHY as follows i OllTIIVAllU. Erie Mall o.io a. in., arrive Elmlra n . f " Canandalgua. . , s.35 p. la ltochester...... wo ,, Niagara u 4u uenovo accoinmodatlonll.loa.tu.anno Mlliams it imp. in. Klmlra Mall 4.15 a. ra., urrlvo Elinlra I0.M a. m. buffalo Kipmss 7.15 a. in. arrlvo Uuffalo 8.W a. in bOUTHWAHD. Buffalo JCipresa j.w a. m. arrive Ilarrlsburir 4.W a.m .,,,.,, " lialtluiore 8.40 " KlnilraMall 11.15 a. m., ariivo UarrH,buii;U0p.m " Washington lo.so " lialtlmore two " WashiugUin 8.30 " llbJur1f.1,laeCOmmolatlon '"'. arrive Harris uurg lu.do p. la, armo lialllmore s.ssa, m rfrt " Waalilngtou 6.18 Erie Man u.55 a. m. arrlvo llarrUburg 8 05 a. m, " Baltimore 8.40 I lill dauy e.cept Sunday,WaSl'""t0n i,M" I). M. BOYD, Jr., lleneral I'lissenger Agen A. j, oassatt. nencral ilinaga BIaOOMSBURG division. Tlmo-labla No. , Takes effect at 4:80 A. M MONDAY, NOVKilliEli il 1875. NOltTII, hTATIONS. .-..Koran ton ...... DelleviiH ....Taylonllle,,.. ..Larkau iiina, I'ltt.fnn p.m. p. SOUTH, a.m. . uo e M 8 Ul S 51 T 53 B 49 7 40 14', 7 4l SI 7 S3 B 84 0 ,4 a.m. P lu. p.m! 9 43 9 m 9 8S 4s hi e so 0 II y I, 0 SB 9 fiS lu lai lo rut 9 8S 0 48 9 40 8 60 u aQ 0 ) UWf IH. to.''."" 7 97 97 10 11 10 ... UM 7 99 7 18 7 10 7 10 A'l 10 1A Q ,jl tt 11 ,juining,.. 8 19 B 17 8 17 8 19 9 OT 9 05 t 15 11) Ml IIU t -Bennett,.., Kingston.....,, ...... .Kingston 10 93 8 07 7 11 10 97 10 87 10 as S 10 7 10 8 17 7 S3 8 K9 7 80 8 17 7 40 8 81 7 49 I IT .9 7 07 8 SB 7 UJ 09 M 8 04 8 50 ...ijuiuuuiuunc. ....riymouth.,,,. .....Avondale M,, ..... Nantlcoke.... .uunlock's I reek, ... ktillUl,,n., 8 51 a 49 8 41 80 8 1 a li 10 85 10 40 HI 44 8 40 1 64 IH III 0 15 9l 0 (19 I 15 0 U'i 9 19 6 50 9 19 0 59 I 10 5 49 9 ( 5 41) 1 M 6 84 1 (3 S 98 1 4S 0 93 1 43 10 59 8 40 8 US !.-. lllck's Kerry ,.Deaeh Haven.. " io Ul 8 90 11 17 11 IS 4 10 8 45 4 91 8 50 a JQ a ... 8 OS ..... iierwick ,,,, ...llrtir Creek..... ,Mllow drove. ...Llint Hldge. lspy...... .Dloomsburg.,,. 8 19 7 58 7 54 7 40 7 411 7 80 7 80 7 90 11 81 It 00 4 87 a to 11 na , ,i .Ti 11 43 4 40 7 'M 11 M IU IW 8 19 7 40 5 M 7 43 11 61 19 19 CaUvHssaiirldge, 0 90 1 40 19 07 6 14 7 51 6 08 U 4 50 4 as 1 90 1 19 1 IS 7 11 . .nam- nwiu.u ll III 0 90 19 M , o Zi 7 0 , . . .X'ameron !'.T.". 8 40 .KnrthiimtM.rl.VV 19 89 0 47 8 40 1 00 p.m. I II 51 8 I 10 I 15 119 61 p.m. a.ta i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers