THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUXIG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. Agricultural.- Tbe rati, rrcirnttni Future orDalrjIiif,. The (innuat covcntlon of the American lltry men's Association, of which ex-Governor Seymour Is the president, was held In Clevslaml, Ohio, Jan. 8th, lUh and 10th. The following Is from the address of Mr. J. II. Iteall, of Philadelphia who has for many ytara taken a prominent part In the discussion of dairy questions, haying spoken before the lending association of Great llrlUtn as well as before the most Importan1 ones In this country, Wo plve only the prin cipal points of his speech on the past, pres ent and future of dairying. Mr. Iteall began by contrasting tlio pros perity of the dairy Industry with other branches nf farming, business and manufac turing, which hud outrivaled all, Clieeo and butter were now bringing relatively higher prices than ever before. The exports last year to Great llritl.m, our chief cmtn mer, had amounted to 110,000,000 pounds worth over $13,000,000, a large liicro.ic over tlici past, and sii'cept.iblo of "till greater en largement. Butter ha 1 also been exported to the amount of 1-1,000,000 p iunds. It was a known fact that the home rnnumptlmi Is nottommensurate with the fureign demand for cheeio, but It is became the best grades were sent abroad and the poorest quality forced upon our own people. .If the Ameil tnicinsumer were given a fine full cream che"se instead of an article skimmed to death, it would become popular as a whole some and nutritious food. Itwastho skim med cheese whicli naturally lies liko a grindstone upon the stomach, and gave our people the opinion that cheese was Indiges tible. A mild rich kind was demanded by the homo trade and would be appreciated as highly here a in England. In reference tu butter, a stalo article, luwever line, was no longer wanted. Tho public taste had be come no well cultivated that fresh flavored butler was demanded at all seasons of the year. To meet this demand the system of winter dairying so successfully practiced in Illinois where the finest stock is made at all reasons of the year, must be extended. Creameries or the Associated plan of Butter making must take the place of private dair ies because a much higher price is realized for the product aud much waste and labor is saved the dairymen. Besides all classes nhoubl have tho opportunity to enjoy fine butter, at reasonable prices, as well as all )ther articles of food. Concerning some of the evils that liaye crept Into the manufacture of cheese and butter, the speaker said : "Whilst tho pen nies are imported some dairymen value them too highly, often to the loss ot dollars. I know that the profits of any branch of farm ing are light, and that it is only by unceas ing labor and untiring watchfulness that the husbandman Is enabled to live and ac cumulate something for himself and his loved ones. I know that the farmer is com pelled to labor from early morning until the sun has sank in the West, and to practice the severest self denial in order to make both ends meet. I know that if he accumulates something for the future it is only by years of unremitting labor. He has few of life's comforts, much less of Its luxuries. The pleasures of the city folk, and their social advantages are unknown to him. The rap id accumulation of wealth by the fortunate merchant, manufacturer and professional man Is beyond hia power, even the thousand comforts enjoyed by those of moderate means, in the city, come not to the average farmer, though all classes are primarily de pendent upon the toiling huibandmau for all they have. I know the hardships of the pioneers "who turned a wilderness into a par adise and God bless them for their noble en durance and Belf sacrifice They have done more for tho advancement of our country than all others besides. Their toil, their suffering and their life's service has given us a land surpassed by none. I realize by how small items the farmer obtains the com pensation for his labor, but because all these things are true be should not depreciate the quality of his product in the hope of large results from his toil. On the contrary he should strive for excellence in all his pro ducts. The best yields most and brings the largest price. This is a universal law." Dairying gives its followers both physi cal and intellectual food. No class think more, experiment more, nor discuss more. This was attested by their conventions which should continue to be encouraged. They had been of vast benefit not only to their members but to the entire dairy community- An important feature of the dairy indus try has been the successful establishment of two distinctive dairy fairs the past year Ono at Jleadville, l'a,, and the other at Chicago, the results of which would be of lasting benefit. Dairy fairs were of long es tablishment in England where two had also been held within the year. In that coun try the leading men of the nation took a pride in participation in meetings of dairy men. At the fair, Dukes, aud Lords and members of parliament officiated. The Prince of Wales prides himself on having the finest dairy in England. The represen tative men of America would, sooner or la ter, be glail to follow the example of the great citizen who for mauy years, has presi ded over this organization and served Its interests so largely. Concluding Mr. Heall referred to the new era of prosperity dawning upon our country which be said would be lasting. Congress would fall in its duty if it did not encourage any needed improvement. Great facilties of intercourse were needed between the At lantic and Pacific Oceans and every Interest of the country demanded the immediate completion of the Texas and Pacific Ball road. The patriotic course of President Hayes bad proven of the greatest possible good to every iuterest of the country and It was the duty of all citizens to render him thei warmest support. No factious opposition should be allowed to interfere with his la bors In the direction of the public good, lie who raised such was an enemy to the public veal. Ihe Qroctr, Acw York, Fekdixo Cohn Stalks. Perhaps the most satisfactory way in which to prepare the corn ttalks, Is to cut with a feed cutter as short us can be, wet the mass down In a Liu of suitable size oue day aud feed out th next. Enough water should bo sprinkled over the mars to thoroughly dampen It so that fermentation will sulficiently procetd as to slightly soften and sweeten the provender, Two bins will be necessary to keep the con slant supply on baud. This fed to stock kept in comfortable quarters must be ex tremely profitable compared with tho old plan of leedlng the coarse stulf in the open field, subject to tho tearful storms of winter, Of couteo this method Is practicable 1 extremely cold weather only lu a barn-eellar or other frost-proof place, It will udd great ly to the value of the feed If a little meal bran or oil cake is tprlukled on the stalk uud mixed In with them befure feeding. Subscribe for The Coi.umiu x the lrrgest and best paper in tho County, Miscelaneous. The Itcroourp of Accident, Many of nur most important inventions and discoveries owe their origin to tho most trivial circumstances. The trial of two rob bers before the Court of Assizes of the Bass es Pyrcenes accidentally led tn a most Inter esting nrcfareologlcal discovery. The accus ed, Htvas a shoemaker, aud Belller a weav er, by armed attacks on the highways and frequent burglarics,had spread terror around tho neighborhood of Sisteron. The evidence against them was clear; but no traces could he obtained of tho plunder, until ono of the men gave a clue to tho mystery, lllyas In his youth had been a shepherd-boy near that place, aud knew the legend of the Trou d' Argent, a cavern on one of tho mountains with sides so precipitous ns to bo almost In acccsslhle.and which no ono was ever known to have reached. The Comiuusionary of Police of HSsteron, after extraordinary labor, Micceedcd In scaling the mountain, and pen eirated to the inysterltitu grotto, whero he discovered an enormous quantity of plunder of every description. The way hnving been once found, the vast cavern was afterwards explored by mvnntt ; and their researches brought to liiiht a number of ltoniau medals of the third century.lliut hatchets, ornamen ted pottery, and the remains of ruminants of enormous size. These interesting discov eries, however, obtained no Indulgence for the accused (inadvertant) pioneer of science, who wire sentenced to twenty years' hard labor. Tho discovery of gold in Nevada was made by some Mormon immigrants lu 1850. Adventureres crossed the Sierras and set up their sluice-boxes In tho canons; but it was gold they were after, and they never sus pected the existence- of silver, nor knew it when they saw it. Tho blush stun" which was so abundant aud which was silver ore, interfered with their operations and gave them tho greatest anuoyance. Two broth ers named Grosch possessed more iutelli gc nco than their fellow-workers, and were the real discoverers of the Comstock lode ; but one of them died from a pickaxe wound in the foot, and the other was frozen to death in the mountains. Their secret died with them. When at last, in the early part of 1859, the surface cropplngs of the lode were found, they wero worked for the gold they contained, and the silver- was thrown nut as being worthless. Yet this lode since 18G0 has yielded a largo proportion of all the silver produced throughout the world. The silver mines of Potosi were discovered h rough the trivial circumstances of an In- Ian accidentally pulling up a shrub, to the roots of which wero attached some particles f the precious metal. During the Thirty Years' War in Ger many, the little village of Coserow in the island of Usedom, on the Prussian border of tho Baltic, was sacked by the contending armies, the villagers escaping to the hills to save their lives. Among them was a simple pastor named Schwerdler, and his pretty daughter was over.the villagers found them selves without houses, food, or money. One day, we are told, Mary went to the Streck elberg to gather blackberries : but soon af terwards she ran back joyous and breathless to her father, with two shining pieces of amber each of very great size. She told her father that near the Bhore the wind had blown away the sand from a vein of amber ; that she straightway broke off these piece with a stick; that there was an ample store ol tho precious substance ; and that she had covered it over to conceal her secret. The amber brought money, food, clothing and comfort; but these were superstitious times, and a legend goes that poor Mary was burn ed for witchcraft. At the village of Stu- men, amber was first accidentally found by rustic who was fortunate enough to turn some up with his plough. A cooper in Carniola having one evening placed a new tub under a dropping spring, in order to try if it would hold water, when he came in the morning found it so heavy that he could hardly move It. At first, the superstitious notions that are apt to possess the minds of the ignorant made him suspect that his tub was bewitched ; but at last per ceiving a shining fluid at the bottom, he went to Laubacb, and shewed it to an apo tbecary, who immediately dismissed him with a small gratuity, and bid him bring some more of the same stulT whenever he could meet with it. This the poor cooper frequently did, being highly pleased with his good fortune ; till at length the affair being made public, several persons formed themselves into a society in order to search farther into the quicksilver deposits, thus so unexpectedly discovered, and which were destined to become the richest of their kind Europe. Curious discoveries by ploughmen, quar rymen, aud others, ef caves, coins, urns and other interesting things, would fill volumes. Many valuable literary relics have been pre served by curious accidents, often turning up just in time to save them from crumbling to pieces. Not only mineral but literary treasures have been brought to light wheu excavating mother earth. For instance, in the foundations of an old house, Luther's Tulle Talk was discovered "lying in a deep obscure hole, wrapped in strong linen cloth, which was waxed all over with beeswax within aud without." There it had remain ed hidden ever since Its suppression of Pope Gregory XIII. The poems of iPropertius, a Homan poet, long lurked unsuspected in the darkness of a wine cellar, from whence they were at length unearthed by accident, ust in time to preserve them from destruc tions by rats and mildew. Not only from beneath our feet but from above our heads may chance reveal the hiding places of treasure-trove. The sudden falling In of a ceiling, for example, of some chambers in Ltucolu's inn revealed the secret depository ol the Thurloe state papers. Other literary treasureshave turned up lu an equally curious manner, Milton s essay on the Doctnnci of Chriitianily was discovered in a bundle of old dispatches: a monk fouud the only manuscript of Tacitus accidentally in West phalli; tho letters of Lady Mary Montague were brought to light from the recesses of an old trunk.- tlia manuscripts of Dr. Pee from the secret drawer of an old chest ; and It is said that ono of the cantos of Daute'i great poem, was lound, after being long mis laid, hidden away beneath a window sill. Chamoer t Journal. Several men lately swam the Mississippi Hiver above New Orleans on a wager. reporter on the race, tavs, "None of them seemed to be pu'tlng forth much effort till it was discovered that an alligator had struck out from shore as a competitor, and then well, every man did hi best to keep the alii gator from carrying oil tho stakes. " A little seven-year old boy In New Jersey was telling his brother that the portraits h was showing were those of the Presidents o the United States, Said the boy, "Most of them were elected, aud tho other one got In." IUrald. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE rTlTS Or BlINJIMtN XII 1KB, ticsin. Itte rsot AdmlolMrnllon on the c6ttpf lienlaiuln Miller Isle ef t'stswlssa townshlri,Col. co.. deceased, hite been ijraiilod b tho llrkWcr or said county to tho undersigned AdmtnlstralorMowhomall persons Indebted nru requested to make Immediate, pa ment aid thoso hating claims or demands fttrRthstthe rs tntn mil tnnko them ktowii to the administrators without delay. IIKNIIV .1 MIl.t.Kll.) I.l.tiU) MII.I.KII, V Admit. WM. KIIIUKIIAUM, I Jin. w PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD. GREAT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE, Tho attention if tho triitclllng p'lhlli Is f sped fully Invited t.i mine of I lie mil lis oil hi gt i-at high way. In t lie cotdldi'iit ns-rrll-n nn I Is-lli-i I hat uo other line ran oili r wpiiil luducein 'ids a rutito of through irau'l. In Construction tinil Ktiuinmcut PENNSYLVANIA ltAILliOAO standi i"n'(s olli nl ihi he.ilo' Mnire.inriillwii , The track Is d tuilu ilioonihc l.'iigl.ii'f Hi" Wi", i;i steel rails laid on mil; Hi , Mil' h lire i inl'Cil. ill Hill a fnilliil ill-ill -it riK-k I dust cl.ililecll IholKS Inil'ptn. vl nndires ar,- ot ir nrMuiic, ami but t upoh the m ist apt rote I I Kins, Its tusseiuer cars, while eirtnetitl.i site and nru at the same tune mi"l -'s of comfort and elegance THS SAFETY APPLIANCES In uc on this lino well llluslrat- Hie tar.-eelnir and liberal poller lit lt min.ii'clnolil.lii nccoiiiam-n nun which the M I'lty onlv of an lint reti'iinnl and not Its cost has Is-cn the iitics'lon ot rimsldcrntton. Among many lu.t) no iiou.ea THE BLOCK SYSTEM 0? SA?ZTY SIGNALS, JANKSV C0ML22, EVFxER ai FLATFOSM, TH3 7HA3TC;; SWITCH, AMI THE WESTIKOHOUSi: AIR-ERAKE, rornilluMiirnhtunctlon with a tieif. , t d iiiblc track and i o ut bed a eoiiilnnatloii ( suf, ni'.irdi ngalnvt aeehleiits which have it iiilemi tuein practically Im possible. Pullman Piikicc Cars tire run on alt Express Trains rum ,Vw York, rhltnilrlphin Uiiltliuurr ninl IlftltUiMIUII, To Clitrnfto, CI nr I mint I, 1.oii1m I1Icv lutllniinitolU mi 4i ft, i.mii, WITHOUT I'MAA'GE, and to all principal points In the tar West and South with tint one chaoRu ot ears. Connections aro made In Union Depots, and are assured to all Important points. THE SCENERY OP THE PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE Is admitted to be unsurpassed In the world ror Rran iieur. bvautv and nrletv. uperlor refreshment rn- cllltles are pro Wed. Kmplo ees aro courteous and auenine, anu lb is an inetuuoio rt-nuiv luui i, nip uj the l-ennsjlvanla Itallrood must form A Pleasing aai HemeraMi Experience. Tlrt-ata for snip at tlm lowest rates at the Ticket Offices or the company In all Important cities and towns. HANK THOMPSON, L. r. FAKMEIt. Gen'l Passenger Agent. uenerai .Manager. K. SHOEMAKER, Pass. Agent Middle Dlst., n North Third s-treet, llarrlshurff, P. let) 1, '78-ly IS-J8 The Four Quarterly Reviews AND Blackwood's Magazine Tho Leonard Scott Publishing Co. 41 Barclay St., New York. Continue their authorized Reprints ot TI1K KinSllL'IHIH UEVIKV(lVhlff,) Til 12 WKSTMl.NSTElt UKV1EW (Utier.1l), THE LONDON QUAKTKKLY ltuviuw (Conserva tive), THE llltlTISH 2UAltTEftLV REVIEW (Evangel ical), AND tzr These Reprints ore not selections : they Blvo the originals In full, and at about one-third the price of the Kngllsh Editions. Tho latest advances and discoveries In the arts and Kelpnei-s. the recent additions to knowlediro In every department ot literature, and all the new publica tions ns iney issue iroin lue press, uro iuuj iirporn-u and discussed In tho pages of these periodicals, in lanc-uatra at once clear, ruiclhlo and comDrehenshe. The articles are coonnonty more condensed and full or mailer man mc average dooi,! oi mu penou. TcrniN lor IMS Including; postage Payable Mrlctly In Advance. Eor any ono HcWcn $4 no per annum For any two IleMews For any three ReMews For all four lleMews , mi lone " " IS 111 4 00 " ' 1 IHI " 10 00 " " IS 10 " " 10 01) " " For H'ackHood's Alagazlno For lilackwood aud one Review or Ulackwood and Iwo Rewews For Iilackwood and Ihreo Reviews For lilacku ood and four Ret ten s CLUBS. A discount of twenty wr ner cent, will be allowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus: fourcoD- les or lllackuood or of one l'.eMew will be bent to one address tor fli tu, four copies ot the four Renews anu luacKivooa lorns, nnu so on. 'loclubsof ten ormore.ln addition to the abote discount, a copy gratis will be allowed to the gettler up oi ineciuu. PREMIUMS. New subscribers tanohlntri-nrh) for the tear ISIS may hate, without charge, the numbers for the last quarter oi is,, ot sum jienoaicnis as mey suoscrioer lor. or instead, new subscribers to anvtwo. three, or tour or the abote periodicals, mav have ono of the 'Four Rdtlew8'for ls7T : failbscrlberstoallmamav ut iv, u oi inn -ronr iitrticws or ouo seioi mac. nod s Mak-azlne for 1SI7. Neither ticmlums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allow ed. unless the monev la rt-mlttt-d direct to the publL-hers. No premiums glten tu clubs. To secure premiums It will bo necessary to make cany iinpiH.iiiuu, iuc sioc&uvauaoiu lor inai pur pose is limited. The Leonard Scott Publishing Go,, U RAKULAY ST., NEW YORK, ' feb 1, lSTn. Thomas 11. IUktdik, ALDEKT IlAHTUiK, HARTMANBBOS., DEALERS IN TKAS, CANNED FltUIT, CIOARS, TOSACCO, sxvurr, CONFECTIONERY. Spiecs of all kinds, Glass Si Queeiisw FINE GROCERIES, Foroign and Domestio Fruits, AND OKNRRAL LINK Ol-' Family Provisions it-iwoirsoiistanf, ItUlnilT IU.OCK, 1th doer below Market street, lilocmsburg, Pa, xv doods dellt ired to all parts of tho town April V7, IMf PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Office ON SIIOKTKST NOTICE AND AT THE MOST HEASONAUI.K TEKMB. T)I,ANK AIOKTtl AUKS for salt cheap at lh HONEY OF HOREHOUND AND TAR FOn THE CURE OF foiglii Golds, IiJoibis, Eouienen, ClBull SrtitMsg, and ill Affectlooi ef tit Thrett, Bronchiil Intel, lid Ltinjs, lttdui; to Conmmptloo, This Infallible temedy Is composed ef the IIONf.Y of the plant Ilorcliounrl, In chemical union with TAR-1UL.M, extracted from the I.t it I'ltiNCinr. of the forest tice Abeij 1AI5.MK, or Halm of Gilcad. The Honey of Ilorehotind SOOTHES AND SCATTfcRS all Irritations nnilinflammations, and the Tar-halm cleanses ami iikais the throat and air passages IcadinR to the lungs, FIVE additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful nclion. Let no pre judice keep you frotn trying this great mcdi cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou sands of lives by it in his large private practice. N.ll The Tar-llalm has no dad taste or smell. 1 RICES 50 CENTS AND $1 IT.R POTTLE. Great sating to buy large lite. "l'lltc's Tootlmclio Drops " Cure in 1 Minute. Sold by all Druggists. 0, N. OKITTENTON, Prop., N.Y. December 11, Wi ly THE NEEDHAM Musical Cabinet THIS new and tvondcrfttl Instrument enables any one, whether under standing music or not, to play any do sired melody or harmony, sacred or secular, from tho most plaintivo dirge to die most lively dance music. It posses, scs a mechanism of marvelous simpli city, requiring but tho intelligence of a child to manipulate, yet capableof repro duclng, without limitation, tho musical compositions of the r-AST, rRESENT and toture. The execution is faultless, strict in melody, harmony and rhythm, and llis instrument is eminently adapted for Sunday Schools, prayer and revival meetings, home devotional exercises, and in all cases where good, correct music is required, and no musician is at hand to perform. Address, n. r. nuhdhaiv! & sow, MANUFACTURERS, 143, 115 li 117 E. 231 Dt., New York. Nov, 10, '17 nn. A jy Departure From (ho ftltiiiuftictiircr to llic Consumer. l'or CASH wo will sell to tho I'ONSUMElt InSucli (Quantities as ne may Neeu at jIANUFACTURKll'S PIUCES and thus savo at MIDDLE PROFIT to the Consumer. liefore purchaslne elsewhere bend for our prices of STIIICTLV 1'UltE WUITE LEAD, MONTOUR SLATE FAINTS, MONTOUll METALLIC WIIITfi, MONTOUll METALLIC IlltOWN, PURE LINSEED OIL BEST JAPAN DRYER. Best Faint Brushes, VARNISH, ALL KINDS, si'iiiits of"tuiu'entink, i,ixsi;i:o oil, i-uttv, Samnle cards and Drlco Hit furnished without Charge. Orders and Innulrles by mall will recelto prompt attention. HENRY S. REAY, RnrERT, Pa. Majs. .-ly. Steel and Iron Triple ITlange FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES; Patent Imlde Holt Work and Jllugetl Cap. HO WI COMPLETE WITHOUT IT 1 1 W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. 54 Muldeu I,aue, Xur WlUUm II , IIW TOU. die. 7, IHI-ly CHRONIC'S SE4 II. New marK uut bv thai of all books "1'lain Homo Talk and Medical loiuiiioit t-t-iiiie, -neauy i,io-j pages, vuo inuxira- Hons, by Dr. 1- li. (wot, or ino, u lexlnKloa Au, N.Y. I'urchakcrao! this bo.Kure at llbeity tocon. suit IU author bv mall Free. 1'rlceby mull 13 11 lor me htamiiku euuiou. or u.ou lormo Fori lib em tlon.wlitih conulus all the tamo matter arid Illus trations. Contents tables freo. Airents Wanledh MI'KHAV It ILL 1'UllLIBlllhU CO., U (utt Ut siret-i, r,. i ooi. s u-cm OPIUM t&d UgnihltM IUU ftUutul aj fiaJJI AUff IT, lUly II ft O P.OY TEG BEST SHIRT. THE EJk.IXj None Genuine without (his Trade Mark. Eertsons vrliy the FHSiKRIa SHIRT is referral to till others : Thoy nro imwlo of the best "WAM8UTTA" MUSLIN. Hiuoms arc three ply and made of the best linen, each 1st. bcinj; fttianmteed to be all linen. They arc made only by capable and experienced hands, are care fully inspected iuld are unsurpassed by any other in work 3d. manship. I tli. They arc guaranteed to lit and to give satisfaction in every particular. Try them and be Convinced ! FOR SALE ONLY BY Merchant Tailor, Clothier and Gent's Furnisher, IBICOOIIVESBTTIRGr, J?J- Taen Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO. CHEMICAL PAINT, nnd ae oiie-tldrd the cost of painting, and get a patnt that is much handsomer, and will LAT TWICE AS LONO AS ANY OTIIEU I'AINT. Is prepared ready tor use .i. whlto or any color In theiounii . u.uin i,t eldil i CIIK.M1C.U, r .INI liaitnkili ll olorsei-hl lite Allans ' V LDKU t!in. keuts I... ..Mai e lieen painted six t street, l'hlladelphla, l'a. H. MAIZE'S Mammoth Grocery, corner BLOOMSBUHO-, IP-A.., is tiik ri.Aci: to ocr Tin: wouth of yoitu money in the finest and fiiesiiest ok Fancy Imported and domestic Staple Groceries of Every Description, OeasVare, Glassware, Wood and Willowwe, Flour and Feed, Tobaccoand Cigars, AT BOTTOM PKIGES FOR CASH, 0K NICE FRESH MODUCE. Jan 1, 1S77. IS AND HAS THE LMrgest ixculation OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Terms $2.00 a Year. Country Produce taken on Subscriptin THE DIFFERENT IN THIS OF THE INNUMERABLE aaElety of AND MATERIAL Inn tie CtamMhtHM (0ffi(B. All kinds oi' 1 I'riiBling done on li lOW E'SlU'S. OFFICE NORTH SIDE OF THE COURT HOUSE, BLOOMS BURG, PA, GOLD. (IreatchanctMo inaVo money. If )ou can tret com ymi enn ei trti n liacka. We need a nrurn tery- wbfr to tke utKripllona to the lariett. tlieuptht and l6t Illut-irBifl family rubiifntlon lu tl wurM Any onocaii tecoinii tumt-tful otvnt. Thernofrt clratitworkHOf nrtiflven frtetobUbilUrs. 'I he prlco Is to low that dlmobt eterjbody fcut'tcrlUs. otioatftnt reoru tnaklnt: orr(ifOln a wctlc, A lady Bgf nt re port a tuklnjr over 4(o subset lU-rs' in ten dajs. AIUliO eniroKu mako tnooeyfaM, Youcan demote all jour time to tlio tuslrnfa, or only our spare time. You mcd not te away from home otr night You can do ltaaeUaa othcra. l-'uU'parlle-ulara. cllrccllonti and terua frrte Klccant and ex pent-Uu ciuint free. If you want rrontublo woik fcentf uajour address atonco. It ecus nothing to try the huslneHN. No one w ho ennacea folia to make f reat ray. Addrcts '"Ido Tei pit's Joutnal," Tort and. MalBO. wg, te, 7T-iy tAVK rlllociftritlo lor utc 4t the coLovNm orcoo. BUY THE BEST SHIRT. THE SHIRT I v r n Trade Mark (PEARL) Patented. ply desired, is on many thousands ot tho finest buildings J ears, and now look as fellas whenflrst painted t l'HEMIt'MSattttentyot the Mate Fairs otthu Union. Hani pie card ot oi L. i;N a m e I, I'AINT i'o., lis l'nnce fctrect, n. v.. or hi:nhv July 27, '77-iy of Main and Centre streets, THE STYLES OP TYPE PAPER Joft IcetfioFB 'Q'aSna uanjl IT1 sBiorl iBoliee ai.d It niWO 'i" ro,c,r thflr own HMklccs for U I'J IW Uut tli on ono (flit litrruilr any iui, oKmiiity tl.ouku orour"IA(llt! llN'Jb" L'an iimw triliou-i- Die cd idll.dr ilrihuw, restore to intiiiii nnd Lillltanry fudrd MIU, SltrnM, All iKai-.MdtUf. HILUi k. e tr luifi'it to the in li(v UMlloM-ly UitiOi Milk: tioutliund liointuul cost hki, or any diHruUiKr fun on n ril t o( lu it-mi., ouiiiiii-uiioior&xiH.-, j ohiuyo fetoinrii acceri I'd, MLO nao li tf r tin mors nnd mini, s. UKAItNEV CIIKMll'AI. WOIIHC, (0 C'oillu Ull.,M,lllt, o, liox, au. dec. U, 11-ita Jivieo BUSING CAKDH, V18IT1NU CAlUld, LKTTKlt nKAUU, UlU,llliA118, I'OHTKHH, id, iC, Neatly oml ClitBiily I'rlntcd at the Coz.UM' dun Office. TMl Cut llloilflllh Mann.f of Uln,,K5W j Olt. I'lKHOM'H f7Ti Fountain Nacal Injoctor, DOUCHE, Thli Instrument li (ipecltlly dcslgncl for th perfect application of DR. SAQE'S OATAHRII REMEDY. It In the only form of Instrument jet Invented withxrhlch fluid medicine ran he carried htnh up and perrctty applirit to all part of the affected nasal p.iMages, and the ehnm hers nr rnvitlp com nmnicallng ttierewitli, tn Itlch en re nml ulrera frenucntlv exist, and from whtrh tlic cntnirhal dlscharjte generally prorccils. The want of sue reM In treating Catarrh herctnforo has arisen tarRely from the Imposslhllltr ot nppljlnjf ren edics to thct cavltlc and rhamhera uy any of U onllnary mcthoda. This obstacle In the wav of effecting cutes Is entirely overcome by tlio linen tlon of the itourhc. Us use Is plea-wit find so simple thnt a child can undorslnnillu full nnd etpllelt 1l rcrtlunm accnmp.inv earli instru ment. When used with this instrument, J)r. Sjico Catarrh Itfmedr cutes recent attacks of "cold lu me Head" uy a ttvr applications, CATAHBH SVM PTOM s -Frenuent hea-iache, disclmrpc falling Into throat, some time pinfiie, watery, thick mucufl, pnrnlrnt, offenUe, etc In others, a dryness, dry, watery, weak, or inilamcd c0, stopping up, or obstruc tion, of n.isal passages, rmpinff in cars, de.if nei. hawking and coughlnp to clear thmat, ulceration, bcabs from ulcers, voice altered, naal twang, niTenslvo breath, Impaired or tttul deprivation of f-cnc of smell and taste, dizziness, mental depression. los of appetite, lndicestion, cnlarpetl tonsils, ticbllnc couth, etc (nlv a few of the. svmjitoma are likely to bo prcecnt tu miy cac nt one time. IrSnce'ft C-'ntnrrh Ilcmedrovhcn ued vutli Ir. IMcrre'n ,Nn"nl Douche nnd ar. com pained Ith the nmtituiinnal tientment which i MTuminciviol in the pamphlet thai wrap each bottle of Hie KemeJy, Is a perfect rpcclilc for this lo.uhon)u license. It Is mild nml pleannt to tue, cninainuiL' no stronp or cautk dnifrs or pmon. '1 he (,'at.irrh Itcmedv I sold at So Lents, Pouchennio cents, by nil DrtipcUlt.. r, vn:uci: -v. i., ;io;v, r.n, n. y. tep. K, '7T-tf JU.T. EXT.on. . CHRIS DISEASES Of THt-"- THRQAT.LUNGS.UVEH & BLQDU In the wonilei fill mciliclne tonhich the afflicted aio ahoe diiern-.l for lelief, the dipcoverer I c Levi's he has combined tu harmony more of N.v iiiii1' toeiein emntUc prpcrtica, hlrh (iod Ills Instilled into tho i cfetuMc kiURdom frr heal liK tho sick, than weie over before combined in one medicine. Tho evidence of this fact is found In tho pi eat variety of tnnat obstinate diseases which It hut hern found to cnnriuer. In the ruic of HrtMielittU, Severe Cuiiglia. and the e.nly nape of CdtiMUiuptlnii, It lias u'tonlshcd tlio tuetllcal facultv, and eminent iihvslcians pro nounce It the tficatcst medical dicovetv of the ape. While It cuics the severe! (,'oiiglt, it Micncthein the system and purlfle the blitod. llv Its preat ami thorough bluoil-purifv-inp prtcrlirs, U cures all Humor), fiom the ot,i Scrofula to a ritnmoii ltlttt lif IMiit nlr.or Ilruptlim, dlteare. Mineral l'oihoii3, and tlieir cflect", aie eradicated, ami Wfoiou health and a sound constitution esuih I Miit" U llrj Hlpclnti. alt-rlit'U m. fever orew. Scaly or Itoucli skin, in short, nil itio uuineiuus dicaes c.m-ed bv bad blood, aie conueied by this powerful, purifyin-;, and iu- i0'oiatliiK medicine. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, ha vo sallow color of skin, or eliow r-u biow it pot4 on face or l odv, fi ciguent laadachu or iliz.me4, bad lastu in liioiitti, itin'rnat heat or chill altetnated w ith hot filisliir-, low Ridrits. and gloomy forcltodinics, Ir ict'iilar nirpetite, and ti'iiue catted, vou ate r-uiler in t; from Torpid 1,1 ct or 4 It I lion m. iif." In nianv c.te nf "l.licr Coin plaint" only p.trt of Uicm- svnuiiitin- aie c. ei lem-etl. Ah it rimetlv tur all -ui ti ,LMn, Dr. I'u icl'V (iolden Mcilicat l)l-eoei n.t noeoo.d, it elect pei fee I ciucb, le-iinr' lie liver Hi e ircuenei mid hc.dihv. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AT SI PE JTIU. 'reurcl bv IE V. Prnpr'etor, ;it the llutl.oii, Y Sep. 2-, T7-tf iMi:it e:, Woitl.lf's Tho Lightest Running, The Simplest, The Most Durable, Tho Most Popular SEWING MACHINES. 7 in caitly understood, makes th tlouble-tlireiiil Inck-tttltch, iielf reuulutlnu tension m tnkcup, and te iff ifu the whulo ratty vf family u-orlc without eh HiiRO The k Doiuealtc " la made tn thr mo$t durable tnanuer, trtth content ttett bettrlny and compcuiathig journal throuthout PAPER FASHIONS. Tlir popular lJVTT,I31tXH for ladle, mtsMta, and children drt are cut on a fetem superior to ii in use, and ran bo understood by miy one. I'ull dlret'tloiiMuuif Illustration on eaeU envelope, .Send rive Cent for Illustrated Cata U'Qite vf 1 )()( Vashlon T"i iTHWTi I Hi 1 1 mivm Eswins Machino Co., New York. I. W. HARTMAN, Agent "Domestic" Paper Fasliious, SJlooinsburii;. IVcvuiUtH, HTT ly 3 Bryant &StrattonLS (business oOLLECE ni"iT,'li''U'"l,l,1, lllllr, 100 8. Tenth St., Phllndeiphla, Pa. ii n I"' 111" Htwjir u.f hteutnti '( tb.ifl mi 1 TJIl.ill .lticul. n or .'d lit llilin JOI.illMHi.lKlcirciilir'.l K Hniqi;, V,V 1 1 J aug, uf TMm IROtj m THE BLOOD Is jNitlttiVci own Vitnlizcr I PERUVIuT SVRUP PERUVIAN SVIIIIP A prnlfctort tnliitlonof tlio froioxldo ot Iron, Is so comblncil ns to Imvo llin olinrncliT nt nnnllmcnt ni cnlly (lk'rstrilniHl iwnnlintfd viilli thn uimilim IhoMmplcsf tooil. It Imti'H.ipi tho qiincitty of Nn- riirrsntliutiwlMl III, simply hy ITjnlng tin, liitlionv. MinnI'd Wo(t pcrnipnlcs every pnrt nt tlio IkuIp, rt-. pnlritiir damnifcs nurt nMi',houi,'lilnirmit morbid upon. " "u For a Bjiriiig jMetlicino crtccts fire poimnnont, tllUcTlng in Uib'rcnpcct ifoiS PERUVIAN SYRUP rirnpniiinR! i VOKKS Dyspepsia, Debility, liver Com- jilttmt, (.hi'Oinc JJniiTJia':!, JJoils, 2sr(-rvotis Aflk'tioiis, Chills nnd Fcvciv, JJiiinors, Loss Constitutional Vigor of F ennilo Coinjltiinta,Ett FltO.U A AVHM.-KXOWX WKITKIt: I'rom .Mrs. Mary 1'r.ihcU. wi'll-knoivn ns "Mnnrarct liluum;' Uitmiiin.isK, Uood.tock, Vt., oct.c, ls;o. Still W.fOtt to. t SOUS! llciitlemcn Two jparsfnso Iltiotran to take tlio I'cruMati Mnin. I was In n l.tniruid. imif-niirK i.tni.. tlirouicli Incipient djsperol.1 and lnnct. i circulation cf the Mnod. 'lltroo bottles of the Permian St run changed Hits tn clowtnj, iniinillnir health. I' it mi.- ufycuic. tan Mevp mniliuiy 1111(1 call WH1K 11VO inllcsen'liy wltiiottt rot Ins, or busy mj self out ot UVUI .T llll UHJ HUIK I mum IKI1KI1C. A l.ldl Cnlllll. who resides Willi ine. tnnlr llu. r. tipdurlnirlier icoverytrnm nKcrlntinilncKsnt sorno ((Iks, 1110 ns neen nn tntaiia icr somt'jtnrs. I 1VO bottles nf tlm Sum Imvr v,i l.nllf. iinl.if ut-L(,.,n that slid now ruts q'ulte heatt llv, ? lccps ell nnd can i" linn nun's nn nnu wi'.nuer) wiinoiu raticue. 1 cnnsldertho inediclno ralnvnluablo to persons nt sedentary pursuits, nr tn thote whn Fuller rrnm lun. ifiior or low pniiK, that I i.-lalo thli pi rsoeal expe rlen( e nf Its ell eels tn j ou, ln you to ninko hit uso you pleam of my letter. nuiK. c rv ctrul ly. At.MlV rjlANUIii. PER IT V J AN SYRUP PERUVIAN SYRUP From Chas, II, Colgate, Esq., Ono of thellrmof Colifate ro -Manufacturers ot riiyiiB j-.Airncis, xi liiacKstono direct, ito&tou, f-OMF.ut iu r.. Mass,, Dec. C, 18TC. Messrs. Seth V. Voirle t: sons ! Heiiileinen tjt-st spring rey little daughter, aced tlve, became -.cry ranch tmaclatol with lo-aot nppe tile, and great; prostration ot strength, io much so (hat wo wero obliged to take her out otsiiool. 'Dili cimtlnued through tho summer ami mused us much anxiety. Allertrjlng curious remedies without de nting any benotlt, our family phjMctan rccoinmen ded lho soot I'eruMan sjrup. Iter using It 'no weekweBnwninaikcd linprotenieiit In tho child's condition, and In u month slei was rapidly gaining In health nnd strength, her uppi'tltc being '-"icellent. At this date shots nerleclly well, with round, plump cheeks nnd healthy color, nnd Is again attending school regulatlv. I consider her lestoratlon to health entlrclv duo U) tho Peruvian Sirup, and teel that 1 cannot too highly recommend It ns atonic. cry gratefully jours. CHAS. 11. muiATC PERUVIAN SYRUP .rTP PERUVIAN l-J 1 J IU 1 IsprepaiedbysITII W. KOtVI.E ,t SON'S, llostoti, nnd sold by dealers generally. feb. "0r.A.'G.OLteS .11 fHa-. ef. I'rlvntt. n.liii. rnullW fro'n tiuf c InTertliid of eltW hrminiil cukit, imilurlnc Fml.luii., Iim r Mcinur,, Inipiilrcit Ptalit, l.o.I MunltiMid nr lini.,t, ncj, Nrr.i.u. I ,cbl III jr. pvrmv r.nlly dWtwa of tlii. IllnJ.Ur. Klitticih Ihrr. I.tnifeT. A.iIim ('.Inrrh. 111m, ll tLrntiV ln.M,, ,mt IS i:A(..HOI't't:MAI.ns, i.U la IU l,,lni,nt. tlr.Ula liv liht . lit. lonK ,trrl.ij., tii run, wh, other fvl, II. Lm BrtgtU of th. lUfuniMj Srhool, ma no nwrrtir, , tu tb. lmtprv'tl.'.i(i th. U.S. I.MIlPHmiulnni ((..unrot wldt tirltHte hotn. on J bavj, rail or will.. F.irrv roiKruicm. fi llrnu Srn, fifly rrnU for t.tnpt, of Iluhber Hood, an.l rtr rutv of Impivuat liifkCinMlon h) t.orru. HIE. OLIN'il j.unz i! mU il n( 1 it i s , loitura. .' ii' , .hi-. I., t i nimtlon for th. ill dl-nm of . ,IU inVTimot. How to 1 1 iM-tHln . ,1 1 . li ,i') I, th. tniurl.,1 rU lion FvcrjboJyUioulJgtttiiU took, frlkiiM r.DU, lo.PJoJ' (Itm,, Mraliol. aug. 17, 77-ly I! .t C onhniil.iio( RAIL ROAD TIME TAB LE S pilILADKLl'HA AND ltUAMNG ItOAD AllKANOnMKXT OF l'ASSENGEIl TltAIXS, May 31, 1STC. rKAINS LEAVK Ut'l'K UT AS 101 1 OH K (H I.KAV UCkl IS Kor New Vork, I'lillndclplila, Heading, l'oltsvlllo 1'aiiiaipia, tc 11,33 a. m For Cataw issa, 11,33 u. in. 5,47 nnd 7,tc p. m. For Wllllamsport.ii.iS 0,34 a. m. nnd 4,iki p. m, tBAINSFOK KCPEHT LKATE A3 FOLLOWS, (SCMlAr KX CKI'TED.) Lenic New Vork, s,45 a. in. e l'hlladelphla, 9,15 a. m. Leaiolteaaiug, 11,3 1 a. m., I'ottsvtllc, 12,1; p. m and Tamaqna, 1,25 p. m. Lett e CiUwlssa, 0,20 0,25 n. m. and 4,00 p. in. Leavo Winiamspoi t,t,2 1 m. and 5,0u p. m I'asscngets ard from New Voik and I'hllado plila go throug.i it lthout change of cars. J. E. WOOTTXN, C. (J, HANCOCK, ora. Manager, tleneral Ticket Agent. Jan. u, ij.o ti. N kTOIlTHKllX CEKTltAL 1SAIUVAY CUJIIMM'. On and alter November 20th, 1S73, trains w ill lea.e SUNliUIlY as follows: NOIiTIIWAIll). Erlo Mall 6.20 a. in., nrrlt e Elmlrn um a. " Cauaudalgua . 3.35 p. m Hoehester 6.15 " Niagara a 40 " lienoro accommodatlonll.lua. in. nnlio Williams rt 12.55 p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. ra., urrlvo Elinlra 10.20 a. m. Uuffalo Express 7.15 a. 111. arrive liuffalo 8.50 it. 10 bUUTHWAltl). Iluffalo Eipress 2.50 a. tn. nrrlt e HarrUburg 4.50 n. m llaltimoro s.4t 14 ElmlraMall 11,15 a. 10., nnlio p. m 41 Washington 10.30 " " llaltlmore 0.30 ' Washington 8,80 " llarrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p.m. arm e Harris burg 10.60 p. m, arrlt e llaltimoro 2.25 a. m ' Washington 0.13 " Erie Mall 12.63 a. m. arrlto llarrlsburg a 05 a. ml " llaltimoro 6.40 ' . " Washington 10.35 " 1 (All dally except Sunday, D. M. liOVD, Jr., tientral Tassenger Agen A. J. CAbSATT, Ucneral Manage DKLAWAKE, LACKAWANNA WESTERN ltAlUIOAI). m.oo.Msiiui;a division. AND Tlmo-Tablo No. S9, Takes effect nt 4:30 A, M MONDAY, NOVE.M11E11 22 1S75. NOItTH. STATIONS. p.m. p.m, n.m. SOUTH s 110 a ds 8 on 3 61 7 55 3 49 7 40 3 ti 7 ( I 3 31 9 4 9 43 .......scranton Helievue ....-Tajlortllla... . .iJttkawnnno..,.. nttston . West I'lttiton,.. a.m. pin, 9 38 9 48 9 6.1 9 3s 81 0 25 9 2(1 V 15 2 2.1 su 11 10 0 30 4i dft 2 81 10 ml 2 88 0 43 7 3.1 3 31 10 oil 111 0 0 0 15 7 7 7 22 7 18 7 15 7 15 7 07 3 27 23 S III 3 17 3 17 9 11 10 11 2 62 10 10 2 68 1" V0 3 t't 9 II y ot i .uuning Manny! 7 01 7 (Kl 7 11 T 15 7 9 05 9 16 -lienuf ll . . ..Kingston Kingston ..I'lvinuuth June.. ....rDinuuiU Aumdttlo N'xTillr..L-u 10 23 10 27 110 27 3 17 3 10 !1 IT K Ml 7 M 3 09 8 60 10 : -i 8 .2 7 85 CMS 114 0 51 31 0 45 2 M C BO 2 42 0 15 2 30 0 09 2 25 0 Oi 2 if 5 65 2 13 6 62 2 10 8 61 S 48 R 41 10 B5 '10 10 3 27 3 82 7 40 T A9 '.Hunlock'si reek. 1.1 44 .1 87 7 63 8 45 S 13 8 30 10 62 Mlli.L-.lilnntr 8 IU K 14 8 OS 8 '2 7 61 7 64 7 46 7 4H 1 Uhl ....Hick's Feiry 11 17 ...lieacli Haien, 11 23 Berwick 31 IV... t- !! ? 11 4 Oil 8 1 4 15 8 45 4 21 H t5 4 '.9 9 1 OS .Willow tlmte'!!!!'!! S9 4 81 0 60 r. ns 5 ts 6 40 5 34 6 VS 2 10 1 58 ...IJluH ltldge.,, ' h.spy. llloo msburg 4 41 4 4A It 43 4 46 7 20 1 63 11 61 4 65 7 08 1 4 1 43 1 40 11 nr Ma 1 aix 6 S3 e 20 7 so cat'avt Ksa lirVdg ...luiivi V 12 ! 1I f 45 12 07 12 10 5 14 1 KQ 6 13 1 25 7 11 w ..vim o. 0 nil 11CIL- 4 65 1 It) 4 60 1 15 4 33 1 00 p.m. p.m. uanvillo Chulos y Cameron .NorthuinUrUiid. 6 20 S 66 7 04 7 0 li 43 a.m. 12 25 B 84 8 55 12 ti B 47 12 86 B 62 8 47 8 40 U 61 B 10 0 IS P.m. nit rlntt tdect'B MraiuS 'iZl. io. vtSZ. T.ISfAPEfISKEPTON FILE AT THE OFFICE OF. 733 Saksom St., PHILADELPHIA, VI10 ui) nur unlliiirUr,! umui., nnd H rrcrlvo Adr.nLruii ma m u Mlli m W MwYERTISING
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers