MS' ya.iia,aViai.laa.a..rfj THE COLUMBIAN AND DEM0C1&VT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. i THE 00LDMB1AN. iu.00 Hsnunn, nil pat, fk u. it, is;i Kali Iiond Time Table. 1 LAOKA WANNA rt II LOOMSnttlM UAH, 110A0 Accommodation Train,,,, Hall Train Express Train 80tIT!f. 7.52 A. M. 4.49 V. M 11.(7 A. M snin-n T,37 r. M. 11,33 A.M. NORTH. .MS A.M. 7.M A. M ua V. M. .M r. M. CATAWISHA KAH. ItOAD, unnTn. Accommodation Train MS A.M. ttnmilar Bwresa M P.M. Through cars on Kxprm train pltlmr to New York or Philadelphia. Aoamimodatton train runsbctween catawlssa ana Wllllamsrort. Grand Hall at Kxcliange Hotel, Denton, Feb ruary 22.1. The Local Option bill wan discussed In the jVgMaturo last Tuesday evening. Our llarrls'jurg letter failed to reach in tli! eek for tonic cane unknown, Kev. Ij. Kilmer i preaching a series of rer mom t young men on Sunday evening. Don't furget the Grand Hall ut Hiram IIes's, llenton, February 22d. Come one, come all. We Infer from the activity of a cer'ain gen tleman that he 1 anxious to be re-elected to h Town Council. Time la money, but health i liappines. If you have a bad cold, uc Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup, It will cure you, Price, 23 cent. Kveryboily expect to h.ive a good time at Hiram llesa's, llenton, February 2'il. lllooms burg Hiring Hand in attendance. At the lat meeting of the Town Council a contract wa made with the (la Company to light the streets for one year, begining March 1ft 1878. Never knock under. No, never I You may have been deceived many timet ami Induced to use remedies that have done you little or no good. Dr. Cole's Wild Cherry and Seneka de eelvcn no one, but l nnivenially admitted to be the licet cough and croup remedy in the world. The I'hllologian Society will give an enter tainment In Normal Hall on Friday evening, February 22, 1878. The proceed to bo expend ed toward Increasing tho library of the Society. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents, ltc crved seals 35 cent?. TlckeU can bo had i( Clark's store. FIKST DISCOUltSK. l!v. Dr. McCron,tho newly tlcclcd pastor of the Knglish Lutheran Church, occupied the pulpit for the first timo yestcrdny morning. In the evening bo preached to a large congrega tion from the text "The men of Nineveh shall rise up in judgment ngnlnst this generation, for they ripcnt'cd at the prenching of Jonnh, but n greater than Jonah is here." fiat, ron thu appointment of Awscfiivin. A bill dm boon Clod In the C. 8. Circuit Court In which certain stockholders of the First National Hank of Ashland, P a., aver thnt Rob ert Oorrcll, President, mid William Torrcy, Cashier, never gavo security for the perform ance of their doties that they aro insolvent, and that they are misappropriating the fund. It is also averred thnt tho sale of the bank itock of Oorrcll and Torrey was mndu to .1. T. Audciireid. Tho answer of Mr. Torrey Is that tho assets of tho bank amount to $105,000, and thatlho indebtedness is only $IO,OUO, leaving S125,0U0 to fccuro stockholders. Thcro is also lcninl of all fraudulent or Improper conduct on the part of those managing the bank. Mr, Oorrcll censed, it is atcrred, to bo tho Presi dent in August, 1877, and tho bank went into liquidation in July of that tear. The sale of lie stock nf Mr. Torrey is admitted, but is snid tho have been in satisfaction of indebtedness liy him, Tho matter is expected to come before Judgo Cndwnllnder during tho present week. Tickets for towmlilp election printed at this office for 75 cents n hundred, rontaiuing names of all officers to be voted for. Singlo name at lower rates. The Y. M. C. A. will hold a prayer meeting ,n the Lutheran Church on Sunday afternoon at 3J o'clock- The public are cordially Invited to attend. Murrain kills thousand of Milk Cowl. FonU's Horse and Cattle Powders will cure them, and if ticil during Winter and Spring will BUrely prevent the disease. The Harrlsburg Pufriof apieareit last Toes, nav mornins in new type, and i greatly im proved in appearance. In it management matter it need no improvement. ml HOAM.NUCHKBK ITEMS. Sometime since a would he-a-burglar entered the bar-room of the "National" lintel of this place but being chased to soon he did not suc ceed In getting anything Oeo. W. Yea ger has been making, sonic improvement in hi saw-mill this la-t fall by erecting a first clas circular saw, but by accident lately while work ing it he was raught by the right arm and was rather severely cut before he could extricate himself. lie) (I understand) gradually re covering. Tho house occupied by Mr, llerringer was some time since noticed to lie on firein the rear apartment biH by immediate as-si-tanee it was extinguished without much dam age. Tho origin appears to be unknown. J, Fink the blacksmith lit been improving hi leisure moment by building a fine iron sleigh, except the l.ox which i of wood. I), Houck ha also one nearly completed. That mal ignant disease diphtheria cause our public schools to be thinly attended at present a sev eral have already fillen victims to it. I i reported a mm wa found lying frojen dead on the llroad Mountain between Ashland and Pottsvillc on Monday morning the 4th int., the probability i he wa Intoxicated. Church, singing-school and spelling-school af ford the boys an excellent opportunity to be gallant. All the sled and sleigh Bre "on the go" during our short sleighing season. -Tho "I'enna. Black Diamond troupe from Catawissa gave an entertainment at YeagerV hotel on Wednesday eveaing, S. K. Johnson Business Manager, D. W. Carter, Stage Mana ger. The performance wa lively a well a In teresting. After tho programme wa over s ball took place a there was quite an assembly present. Dancing wa indulged in by the ma jority of them. A couple of young ladles Pi liVt'nal'I'l, W 1 Tl It Vmii p,n nlicni'e not l rom Comlcy'. Lncyclo cdia t,e ii,.si market price for clover feed of of the distinguished men of the l.mpirc Mate John Dilillne, Milton l'a, we clip the following! ''F.vcry nation owe its piculinr iharacler, It prosperity In bricf,'ycry thing that distinguishes it a an individual na tionto the few men belonging to it who have the courage to step beyond the boundaries pre- cribud by partisanship, professional tradition ,m,l permanent cure of consumption, luonthltis, or social customs. In prolessional, no less man in political life, there occasionally arise moil who burst the fetter of conventionalism, ind'g nantly rejecting tho arbitrary limit impo ed upon their activity, and step boldly forward in to new fields of enterprise. We call these men self-made. The nation claims them a her proudest ornaments the men upon whom she relies,!!! peace for her glory, in war for her suc cor. (II this eta ol men the Medical pioie sion lias furnished a distinguished example in the successful and jully eelebrntid physician. Dr. It. V. Pierce, of I'.iitr.ilo, N. V, and any hi-tory treating of the Industries of the Empire State would be incomplete without u sketch of hi useful life anil earnest work." Dr. Pierce i well known to our readers by hi popular of this place while driving a horse with sleigh nltndipil fnr n slinrt rldft the sleigh struck an The administrator ol jienjamin .inner ue- ob Ie in tne ros(i an(j 0Ter turnej i, ana ceased will sella largo quantity of personal I ttirew itH occupant in the snow; the horse be- property at In resilience in caiawtwa iowns,,, m. Irjj,hlenej ran to Kernville where on March 1st and 2.1. bee advertisement. man ......, t i The j rccciml no iniurv. but the nleizh (I wa informed) was The healthy growth ol the niiiy l uepcnueni -,ou, rcnJcml unless. upon its freedom from the perninou e ects of A tcdesi. opium. Dr. Hull s Ilaby Syrup i the best rem edy known for the diseases ot early childhood. Prico 25 cents. COURT P110CKKDIN03. Commonwealth vs. David Young. Defen dant pleads not guilty, jury called,and a verdict of guilty returned. .Court sentenced David Young to pay a fine of $10 to Commonwealth Tho play of the "Mollle Magulres" at the Opera House on Tuesday night wa attended by a fair audience. The manager explained satis factorily the reason of his failure to get here on restore the goods and chattels stolen to the own- the two occasions previously advertised. er or pay the value therefor, pay the costs of proseeution, and undergo an imprisonment in The bill apnropropriating $380,000 for the the jail of Columbia county for the period of piyment of troop for services during the riots I six months, and stand committed till tnia sen in July and August, and 5330,000 for the pay- lenco is complied with, ment of transportation, subsistence Ac, passed the home on Tuesday by a vote of 1(14 to '. John Hcrncr and Wellington Yeager were nrres.ed last week Thursday on a charge of tam pering with the Grand Jury. After a hearing licfore Esq. Ilrower, there being no evidence to sustain the charge, they were discharged. Oool health i like a good estate it may be squandered, little by little, until it is bankrupt. A slight cold i a little thing, but if left to run on, the result, in many cases, is an lintime lv and sorrowful one. Take Dr. Haas' Expec torant in time. The jurymen were dismss-ed last week on Thursday, but the court wa in session until Saturday afternoon hearing cases on the argu ment list. The new arrangement of devoting the first week to criminal business, motion and arguments i a decided improvement. The commiitiinlion signed "F" 1 not pub lished for the reason that it i calculated to ex- rite ill feeling in the section whence it comes. Our fixed rule is to refuse all milter of a per sonal diameter. We are always glad to re ceive items of news from all qinrler. All Unbiased Opinion. IK Tire District Cocbt t , tn VXttKD Htatis i-oh as NKnmun niter, - 1UXXRCTT. J . Notlco Is 1 reby glren that Uiernwlll be a third general meeting of the Creditors ot the above named Iiankrupt, for tho purp.iso contemplated In ttio Twenty-elirhth section of thn liannrupt Art on tho ttn day ot March 1S7S, at t o'clock p.m., at the onico ot Samuel Knorr. IMoomstiUiv Pa., before KelwardN. Wlllard. lleglsterln llankruptcv, Rcrnnlon, l'a.: and nil e'reilitors who have praved their flcbta nro hereby not tneil to be present nl said meeting, and at at t lie same ttuiu and plseo wo snail sctlI- our aecounla, unit tho sumo shall a audited, ami we shall then tnu there apply tor our discharge ainhslgncus. IlloouMburg, February t. 178 HAMt'i:t, KNOtllt, UHAItLt.3 u. luilKIXV. Assignees. Coal ! Goal ! 1 Goal ! ! ! Extra preparation I Superior quality ! Orders left at J. C. McKelvy's Store at, our oflicc, or sent through the mulls will receive prompt attention. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. C. W. Neat, it Buo. May 1, 1877. Oii-h ilnlcr in grain ntul pcc1. j in, "o -vr ( Conumition Cukkii. Aii i3i( titnl frinirifttict'. Imviiiir li;icl nlnct-il in UU ImmU hy tux ICnt Intliit inlMi(nary t lie foriuubt ol n simple Ttt.'t:iuic reuuily, rr the Pi'ily jgTATEMKNT of TIIK FINANCEd or anc COUNTY OP COLUMBIA, from Jan nary 1st, 1B77, to January 1ft, fitutcinent nliowlng tnxiM aH0MCd ami 1ml kiicu still Uuo rnvrr...... 11 ntnn Hcrvlck.,.t lllnoiti,, Hrltitcicik,. Cutuw ln., Crutl.tlln ... iji'i ilr.. 4 E3 WVIOSI 15.l (11 111711 4) 0115 7.V IMJfMl 2110 111 OT147I ''! iril Cuuvti'iliani.t 3411a Hti! KIhlnneVI..I ISM M Klallkllll ...1 . Ti'.'l l.l . Hiil73 1101 I'll asti nl 17HI17' 141411 !UH, ll'lltll linn. Sill Ml ll, Ml SJ mm' Itusni 51.111 llreenwond.. Mi'intnrk.... Iiieksnu. .... l,oeu-l Mailtsnn Msttui Ml 111 In Mnnlmir.... Mi. rieasant oruugo I'lno HimrlnKer'k. M-ntt DUKalloilf ... Total.., 107 Ml 8 00 43 (Hi! 7 50l 211 (10 ni 101 11.1 no, 17.1 is 70 M 1(1 U0 Hull 70OO 17 00 II lid f 1 no 31 20 HOI! 2.1 f.1 1M; 1.11.11 M K.1 1 li' .vi .hi, 7. m; 41 .HI 4 7.1 14211 11K.V 7lH Jnsi 47 60, 2.17H1 77 w 2 11 .1.1 00 1 1 MIO, 10 31 Bl OH, 2211 tl2li 4 2.1 41 (in 2.12H 9 4.1704 27 .V) 871 W 15. V) .vii iv.ii 20(10 2M701 1.11 701 70I 90 Ml KM 1)1 1 5100 (,'UC.ll I7 0H KKISII 31 .V) Sill Mi Sir) 1I4K4 .1.14 71 1IWI !! tW2ll llllllli lilO I I 811 K) (111 7M 311 III .17 CO .Ml 21 Kll 0.1 311) SI 11141 421 W 11 M 3.1 M 2H50 1.1 S) 112 ll 22 011 12 .VI 27 on SOCK) 21 OH II 00 32 0H 21 () C150, 31 41 1171 IH I 1150 01 Ol' 312 II21 CI 2.1 , 1-SM 51 l.VIl 50 (Ml 111 l!18 55;Bl0a) AMOUSTfl lU8 Pim l'RKVIOl YSARS. lilsflct. Collector, year. -Co. Dor, CniiynBhnm, .1. J.Coiiixlilln, 17.1, 1(1213 t2150 iieiiioii, C.H111 .jipK iniin " .4 llnitnii, 1 K K fjiiilmcli, 173, l.n32 c ilartli, nstlnna, ami all and luii(! nllec. Hone, alsii a positive anil radical cure tor ner vous ilelilllty ami all nervous complaints, alter having tested its wonderful curative powers in llioii-and (ifc.ise lias felt it hi dutv to make It Known to lus suilerini; ft Hows. Actuated hv this motive, anil a desiro to relieve human suf fering, 1 will send, free of charge, to all who de site it, this recipe in German, Trench or Kng lish, with lull directions fur preparing anil us ing. Suit liy mail hv wldrcs-lug with i-lanip, naming this paper, . . hherar, l'2b rowers llloik, Itoihcter, X. Y. 1th. 1 3w. Business Notices. Call at MelCitincv (or Shoe. Ltilz tC Sloan are closing out sonic odd lnttt fif tmnil ttiilidi liph.w rni. nml will pivp Family ltemedies and his excellent manml of y0H prt,nt bargain in any kind of dry goods, a tliov wish to reuttco taeir btocK Oelore they buy their spring stock, lotnestie medicine, "The Peoples Common Sense Medical Adviser." An entertainment will ho held in Ihe Luther an church at llueklinrn on Friday evening Fehruarv 21, to consist of Addresses by differ nit nilnislers..Iintrunienlal and Vocal Music, Solos. Onarletle. Declamation Ac. Ac, for the lenefit of the Sunday school. Admission 5 and 10 cent. It 1 rumoied that Kev. Houck will prnba hly bo the next Presiding F.lder of this district, Wo only echo public sentiment when we say that he is eminently tiualilicd for Ihe resou-l lie position. As an able, earnest preacher, he occupie the front rank : a a man, hi pleasant ant address, his hearty synipathle and hi tire le devotion to the interest of the church, with hi splendid executive abilities, give him a pe culiar fitness for the I'.ldership. UmiUU ort7. Commonwealth vs. Younc and Swisher. Con tinued at the instance of the defendant, It. Swisher, and recogniiance of defendant, It Swisher, in $100 for hli appearance at next sessions. ' Commonwealth vs. Frank P. Knorr. Lar, ceny. A true bill, uelendant pieau guiny Court sentenced defendant thai he iuy a fine of $3 and cost of prosecution, restore the good &c, or pay the value therefor, and undergo an imprisonment in the jail of Columbia county for the neriud of two mouths, and stand com mitted till sentence i compiled with. Commonwealth vs. Frank P. Knorr. I.aJ ceny of money. A true bill. erdict not guilty In the tstate of Peter F.nt, deceased sale con firmed nisi, a to tract sold. Number 4, 5 and ti, and order of sale continued a to tract No, 1 and 1!. Commonwealth vs. David Young. Defen- lant pleads not guilty. Jury called, and re turn a verdict of not guilty. Commonwealth vs. Frank P. Knorr. Defen- lant pleads not guilty, jury called. Commonwealth vs. David Young. Defen- lant pleid not guilty, jury called, and return a verdict of not guilty. C.miiuonealth vs. lieuj. Hapenbuch and Jos May Defendants plead guilty, Commonwealth vs. Abram Hide. Defendant plead not guilty, jury called. Plea of not guil ty withdrawn and defendant plead guilty. Court sentenced Defendant to pay a fine of $3 and cost of pro-ecution, rei-tore ihe goods and battel stolen to the owner or pay the value therefor, and undergo an imprisonment in the jail of Columbia county for the period of thirty J.iy.s, and stand committed until this sentence U complied with. Commonwealth is. Abraham Hide. Defen dant pleads not guilty, and a jury is called and suoru. Plea withdrawn and defendant plead guilty. Sentenced to pay a lino of $" and costs of prosecution, restore tho goods or pay the value therefor and undergo an impris onment in the county jail for the peiiod of :!0 days, and stand committed until this sentence i complied with. Commonwealth vs. Jeremiah Hide. Ketog- nizance of F. I., feliunian and defendant in rAHDON IlEAltlNtl POSTPONED. At the meeting of the Hoard of Pardons in Harrlsburg on Tuesday of last week the hear ing in the case o( Patrick Tully, Patrick Ile ter and Peter McIIugh was postponed until the March meeting of the Hoard. The next most important application beard was that of Tlioma Fisher, of Carbon county, for tho commutation of hi death sentence lo imprisonment for life. J. W. Kyon, Esq., of Pottsrille, appeared for the condemned. He said he did not ask for a pardon for Fisher, but the interposition of the Board of Pardon lo Have him from the gallows, lie claimed that the conviction of the condemned could never have been obtained but for tho testimony of two Mollie Maguire concerned in the murder of Morgan Powell, and who were known as the most desperate characters. Mr. Kyon al-o re ferred to the excitement which prevailed at the time of the conviction of Fisher aud claimed that llie jury wa constituted to convict. During his remarks he stated be wa convinced from undoubted information, that one of the men executed In June was innocent of the crime for which lie suffered, referring to Thoma Duffy He appealed to the Hoard of Pardon to make no such mistake a had been committed. The Hoard of Pardons has thin far acted on the following cases Pardons recommended James Couitwright, embezzlement, Luzerne county ; George Lylc, aiding in railroad strike, Lancaster county; John A. Struss, seduction, Allegheny county ; John Doe, eum-i Henry S. Allen, fraudulently altering a written instrument, Allegheny conn ty ; F.dward Nicholson, larceny, Alfegbeny county ; John M'Candle, aggravated assault and lattery, Philadelphia ; Simon Campbell and Henry Wise, burglary and larceny, Dan phin county. Kefused Luke Flood, manslaughter, Huller countv : Josie Diily,keeplng a disorderly house Allegheuv county ; John Ciodlrey, keeping a illsorderlv bouse. Allegheny countv : Alfred Lego, burglary, Dauphin county. Held under advisement Oeorgo (lordon. horse stealing, Chester county ; Jeremiah Wise, horse stealing, lltitler county ; Stephen I'Uz- palrick, laarceny, Allegheny county. No action was taken in the case of Thomas P. Fisher, fenttnctd to he hanged on the 26th ult. Calawt-sa, Cnnyiighaln riue, Iteiiton. Ililaieieck, Ontiiwls.i, tjcniir Insenh Mallr.. Ni'Ul !.cnlhall, " .1 II Cninell-on, (1 IV lllllleiu.iu,lS7lt, .IU smith. Joseph Malt., " jn-epn a lies, Cnn nplmln, .illon Pel sou, .it i'icu'iuii, .mutt .mohiiui, Pine, .1 II Colliell-ou, Sugurlouf, K .1 Albertton, cu on 1IH.H 20 115 411 31 11444 WIS iX 70 JS.1 41 N! 22 M s.) 173.11 1.101 II 50 HOD II . ' 27 50 2.1 ("1 3.1 ,10 21 IK) III. I 4 III) .11.11 20.1) 3111 III 117 50 II. IV. MellKVNOI.DS, Treasuterof said conn, ty In account, with said county on county liinds. 1S77 1 n. .Tan. 1, To auit. uncollected prior to 1?77 l.l.iniil Touuit.nn hand ut la-l settlement.. l,2n'HU county ami Jail tax ilsse-ed tnr'77 as.-lis.'sl " liv cm letjlstry ol voters tor 1h77.. 451 ' tux aihli'il to eolleetol account. 3072 " ni Il'..lme, Ileiiloiipooroverseer for Collets To note ilUcouutcil at Iniuk nolo discounted atlmnk,iciiewed li .. .. ''.IK Situl for ca'.o of pigeon hole " II llouk & linker, colleetois entry lee fo To II V .arr, Jury fees 72 00 To tax eolteeled on land leturned, Seated. Unseated. 4 ,0 no iji;s mi 1,HW l,7-i 77 50 BLOOM SB URG ST ATE -NORM AL -SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Hcv. D. J. WAXiLEH, Jr., A. M., Principal. TIII'st'll()01..aatiiresont constituted, olleratheveryhestfaellltlesfor Professional and Classical learning. .,. Af ,ir.. sort luiiiiilngs spacious, milling ana commoaioua ; conipitieiy neaicu vy sieani, wen teuiuaieu, uj,-iucu oj sua, uuu uiruoueu niwi u uguuui.i..,. v . 'TJ'eatlo'ti'heiilllifiil. anu casv of access. Teachers experienced, enieicnt, and atito to their work. Discipline, nrm but klnJ, uniform and thorough. Ezpensia moderate, fitly cents a week deduction to all expecting to teach, students admitted at any time, ltooma reserved w hen desired. courses oi slimy preseriuoo ny mo uuo : I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. F.lemontary. IV, Classical. Ailjunet Courses i I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course in .Music. IV. Course In Art. V. Course in Physical Culture. The Klemetitary. Scientific and Classical Courses are PItM'KsslONAt, and Students graduating therein, receive state Diplomas, conferring the follow! corresponding Degrees; Master or the Klein"ntsi Master of thn xelences; -Master ot tho Classics. Graduates In the other courses receive normal t-criiiieio ineir ail.llllini'liis,, hlgneu uv eue tiiiicerH oi mo no-ini oi i rusiee. Tin) course ol stud iirescrllied by the Mate Is liberal, and tho m lentltlc and CTassleal courses are not Inferior to those of our best Colleges. ,,, The stat-reniilresa htgtier order of citizenship. The times item m l It. It 1 one of the prlm obp-cts of this -school to help to secure It, by furnishing iniem gentanJemclentTeaeiiers for her schools. To this end It solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes, those who desire to lmproie t heir lira und their talents, as 'tudent.s. To all such It promises utdtn developing their powers, andabundanv opportunities for well paid labor after leaving School, ivr caiiiiogue, aii.iresa too rnni'iniii. iio.N. wii.i.i.iH t:i.ii:i,i., Sept. s "O.- Prrslilent Hoard of Trustees- Plcaniit as honey, tho old folks liko it llie young people like it and tho babies cry for it wo lueati Dr. Frazier's Cough Syrup, tf XXX White Loaf Drips 70 cents per gal lon, XX Crystal Drips CO ccuta at I). A. Creasy'B. Special prices on Queenstvare at I. W. llurtinan's. FOll SALF.. - Thebnck hotel in Hlootrs burg known as llroivn's Hotel. Fur terms iuijuire of 1J. Stohner. jau. 25, '78-lw The crv of hard times is beard everywhere but when you go to Conner's Grocery and seo how business is flourishing, and his stock ol goods increasing every uav, you will lor- gct all about it. Go and see for yourself. Hoots and Shoes cheap at McKinr.ey's. Jsoot headquarters at McKinncy s. Jinny consumptives are now using Dr. Frnzior'H Koot Hitters and Cough Syrup with remarkable success. tf The Koyal Safeguard Oil at D, A. Creasy's is all the go. A large assortment of Silk Handkerchiefs iust received at I.utz A Sloan's, FOK KF.NT. The store room now occu pied by A. Ii. WhU at Light Street, with or wiuioiit tne untiling nom-e aiincncii Also a lirist lill known as 1'eler J.nt s mill, and now under lease to F.ut Ilrothers. 1'oxs(8hIom given April 1st, 187S. For par ticulars address U. II. Ent, Adm'r., Feb. 1 tf Light Street, Columbia co.,Pa. Heaver llenton lllooiu , Illlaleii ek Cnuyngh.lltl KNhliigeleek (lll'I'lltMIOll.... lletlllnck -Ml III In Mount Pleasant Orango Pine ltoarlngcieck Scott 2 S a in 1,138 To county bonds sold 27 2iJ 3 71 13 30 5) 117 ii 1 109 SJ 2 07 HO 41 19 32 5.1 75 72 1.1.01 s) (si 1 us-essing,inanagrg&c.,of dog fund Iihiio to 1, 087 1,'.) (Jit. llyeonimlsslon andexoneratlonsullowed Qol. leetoi s ho have settled for 1S7I1. Kx. I)t-trlcts X IS Madison.. 11) 20 Maine..., I.S72 Mllllln.... 1101) Mmitour. 12 lti Orange... Nl llCleek.. 21 2.1 Seutt 1171 For 187.1. 4 41 Sugailoaf.. IS III 3 51 Com. 42 2 2.1 7.1 4131 3.1 23 31 11 1SS7 .17 71 Dtstllcts ('oiu. Heaver. .. 91 !'i llloom ....107 41 C'entralla. 22 31 lloni'uh'ni FCuek . 45 41 Franklin.. 2-27 lileeuwo'd 4 .11 lleinlnek.. 41 li! laekson... 112') l.oeust.... 5)27 liy total commission " " exonerations ' county older ri deemed.. u note paid to bunk county tu.x to meet stale ipiota... ' county tax due fioni eolleelois. .. coupon on countv bonds paid.... ' tiiusiuer's commission ' lialaneti In hands ol Tieasurer, In f.isli und vouchers bills paid Ex. 2 S- 71 Oil 1 OS 9 21 1.12 2190 55 Boss Cigars, 2 for 5 cents, at D. A. Crea sy 8. llubbers ntMcKinney's. Four Departments at I. W. Ilartmati's store, diiy litmus, GKOCF.KlF.ti, HOOK'S, QUKi:XSWAKE. JIfKinnevs Shoo House. Store below Court An irresponsible sheet partly of this town ssvs ilmt fiir ilm few vears the Town Coun cil has been compo-ed of bad material, men not $100 for appearance of delendant at nest ses- competent fur tho position. I Ills is true only I siuiis, ill part. It may be that Ihe men eleclud by the growlers which that paper represents were to tally unfit tor su:h an office, but fortunately there has been a majority of good business men on the Council to see that public aQain were properly managed. Mr. Wirt, town clerk, slat ed at the last meeting that the statement for the past year will show the town in belter condition financially than it has betn for several years. rieit Tuesday Is election, 'lliere Is an un doubted Intention to run in as Town Council, men who will repeal the ordinance prohibiting ciltle from running at large, and unless a strong Hfort i made by those In favor of the ordinance this programme will be carried out. P.very man who Is in lavor of progress should make it personal matter, and see that every vote is lulled that will prevent our fclrects from being turned into pvitures. There should be a caucus of citizens irrespt c- tlve of party, to put in nomination good men who have some ideas of business, and who will work for Ihe Interests of the whole town and not merely for the single object of letting cattle run loose. Application of Milton Charles for eating house license heard and withdrawn by appli cant. David Fowler's ndminUtrntuis, vs. Win Kingston. Case called, and jury return a ver dict as follows : 'I bey hud for the plaintitt tho lauds described in the writ upon this condition that if tho defendant shall pay into tho otlico of thu Prothonotary for the plaintiff $700 with interest by April, lb82, and costs. Tho judgment entered upon this verdict is not to bo executed but shall bo of no effect. II foro tho plaintiff shall bo entitled to receive tho money paid into tho office they shall causo to bo made n good and sufficient deed to the lefendant for tho land described. Charter of St. Gabriels, Sugarloaf, granted II. L. Freas vs. Council of Ilerwick. Opin ion of Court filed, und judgment on tho do murrer for the respoudent, and that costs bo recovered from tho relator. Daniel Smith vs. Join B. Kemble. Jury colled. Verdict for plaintiff. Nies & Stillwell vs. James Dyke. Friday, February IS, fixed for reading Ihe dcfendant'i return In this case. In the estate of Leonard Adams, deceased, or LIST Of PETIT JUltOltS FOR MAltC'lI THIt.ll, is;. SECOND MONDAY. llloom David Armstrong, X, S. Pursell, Frank Mcllride, K. II. Ilidlenian : Heaver Jes-e Kilteiihoiife, Frank Ithodts; llenton L, II. Stilt-', Wm. Ash, Samuel Appleman, Diniel Shulu ; Berwick Henj-iini n Hicks, Wu.. II Ktaekhousej llriarcretk Win. Hippcn-tcel ; Catawissa John S. Mench, C. P. Pfahler, Ja cob Federolf, M. V. II. Kline ; Centre I rea wler; C'entralla David Walsh; Iifhlng creek Win. Kveland, (ico 1'i.i.lir, John Crtv- ellng; Franklin Washington Parr; Jackson T. S. Christian, John Kanl.; Locust Chris. tian Smull, Samuel Mears; Madison Thomas WiUon, Conrad Kramer; Main James , ohn ; Milllin A. C. Millar'; Montour 'red Stauger, John Thoma; Orange George W. Hess; Pine L. A. German; Scott Geo. Kelchner. TltlllU MONDAY. llloom Wm. Winlersletn, Geo. A. Clark, W. U. Holmes, V. W. Barielt, Michael Casey Jr., Henry Sloan, Levi W. Cox, George A Herring, C. S. 1 ornwald ; llenton r.w M Ilenr : Iiriarcreek J. K. Mosteller; Catawis sa II. J. Keedcr. G. W.Kcifsnyder, Win. Mil ler, George A. Scott; C'entralla John Spring Fishlngcreek Samuel Thomas; 'iitenitood Isi.ic Heacock ; Hemlock John P. Guild, Dmiel Yocuni; Jatkson Samuel Yueiiui ; Lo custHenry II. Hhode, Knoch Kei-ler ; Madi son Albert Glrtim, ltobirt Maiming; Milllin Win. Creasy, II. S. Workheiser; Montour John G. (Juick ; Mt. Plea-ant in Grimes; Orange H.J. Conner i Pine John Ilrtiner, John W. Dawald ; Scott H. II. Brown, Wil- let llaitmani Sugarloaf C. L. Moore, Win Pelermau. Stnca tho discovery of '1r. William'. Iu- ilian Ointment there I certainly no excuse forsny one to sutler with the Piles. Seo ad vertUement. tf Muslin. Ticking. Shirting. Arc. Ac. ahvajs at lowest prices tit I. W. llurtinan's. Admission free at MrlCinne-y's. Boval Safeguard Oil give tho safest yet most brilliant light of any oil in the world For sale at 1). A. Cieasv's, the only place in town where it can bo had. Every one should try it. Spring Good now being received at I. W, Harlinnn'K. Cavuiit. On Saturday last, and on ono or two other occasions. Miles Dawson has, either I der of sale continued. knowingly or unknowingly, been guilty of pass- In the estate of Wesley Johnson, deceased ing counterfeit money upon unsuspecting per- order of rale continued fft I ha ...1 I.. I t..l.l...t Ku.iL-I.wr I'.i.ii,,av v, lr.lrllr .illceuian King deputed Abo St. Clare to arrest tho indiecreit Miles, who was then Tiling at Greenwood, Columbia county. On Wednesday. Abo brought him to town, aud Duw ,oii now rattles his irons in Fort Miller. Kricklauui. Case called and jury sworn jAjrmffe afiWyo.cer, I trial. S70C.74 Columbia Insurance Company vs. Jackson A Woodin. Plaintiff lakis a lion suit, William Kutkle vs. George Moore and A. B. On Priceless Discovery. A Sure Cure for Piles. A sure cure for the blind, bleedlne. Itehtntr and ill- cersieu I lies na oeen niscovereii u i,r tMiii.un.utn u ami iiineuti eu en it. itnuuiits iiiuidii t-iiii- ineiit. A Mngle box haseund llie worst old ihroide cascsf.f twtnt.t lite anil tldrtt ears1 siandtiig No one need bufli r live o tonus after applj mg ttdswon Ueiful MKitldug inedtel te. I utlcns, liistruuielits aud electuaries do men h inn Ihan grsul William's ulultniiit supports the minors. allas the Inun-e lU'hiiig ipartl'-umilv at idirht alter gittlngwaini In IM'lll. 1ICI&UK U JM.llllll-f, IliP.UII. UUU IWi'lHT n-hef. und Is 1'ienaied only fori lies nod nothlin cIm. 1 hunt ands of clued puttenU attest Its ill tuts and phjslelansot all behoofs pronouoce It tho greot. est contribution to medicine of ttioage. It matters not now long or setereiyjou nato ot-en suiienn: ou can bo cured. Sir. Joseph .M. Iiydcr, Cleveland, Ohio, writes: I suuereu lur jt-itrs w nil iiciiiiikuuu , lu-iuu-u i jici", t rled remedy alter remedy adt ei Used, aud consulted l,lilol, ,iliS In I'hlladelphll, Luulslllle, e'lliclnnatl. and this ellyi and spent hundieds of dollars, 1ml foinid no lelti-runtll 1 obtained a box of Dr. Williams Indlau Olniiiiciiibciuu lour moiitlis ago, and 11 has cured mo completely. 1 had a part ol tho Ihjx lell which 1 gate lo a friend of initio who had doetoied wiihiuani physicians, atid us a last resort went lo tho noted Hot s-prlugs, Arkansas, fur tieatment He Informs mo that thu Indian ointment hasaWo cured him or the plies. It Iscerlalnly a wundeiiul discovery, aim bliouiu no llscil o too many tuou sands wl.0 aionow bufferlugwlihthat dread disease. w"I10,ikio Iteward will to patdfora morocertaln reintdy. hold by all Druggists, uic u. w . ntA ZIK1C, bolo proprietor, Cleiefaud O. In stiite nf Flannels, coughs and colds will make u lodgment in the system. Hut they are not tenants at will. You can dis possess them with Hale's Honey of More hound and tar, In 1cm time than ii takes a sherill'to execute a writ. Sold by all drug gists. 11 .... m .1 . 1 1 . I- t ...t..... rife s looiuacue s-rups cure in i luiuuio jau IS. "GKKMAN SYKUP" No other uicdicino in (ho world was eer given biicli n test of ilsturalivu (ualitios as llo.-eliee's 'Icrinaii Syiup. In three years two mil lion four liundnd tbou.-aud unall bot tles of this medicine was (listrihuted free of charge by Unipguts in tins country to tlioso alllitlctl with Coi'bUinption, Astlnnii, Croup, Sevciu Coughs, J'pciiiuonla and other difcast cs uf'tjio thioat und lungs, giving tho Alueii can piuplii iindt'iiiablii luoof that (Icimaii Syriiiwill cuio them. Iho result lias K-eii that dniL'L'i.sts in cicrv town and village in tho I'uited States aro icconiiueiiiliiijr it to their customciu. Go lo your iliuggi.-ts mid nek wliat tlicy know about it. Sauiilo bot tles 10 cents. Kegular tho 75 ceuls. 'iluco dotes will relievo auy cao. April 27, '77-ly Jl DON'T NEGLKCT A l ulKill r.r cnld. uhen u cents will buv a Lottloor Dr. Fra- zlor'8 Couch hi i up at any uruLp btuie. It hua wrought u coiniilele charjro In Uie I'oUtfhiledUliies, TO CONSUIYirTIVES. trjir. Fraler's Cough syrup Used In conneclton w ii n vr. r rapiers jtuoi i,iuers niu.etai.tu.svjir Tlo.,! Meain Laundry. Cleteland. O. Oct. tin. '70. in. 1- HAZiFit. near mi i itci it a uuti lutteto bufferlug hunianltt to write )ou. For some lime 1 was sorely mulcted w!lh a cough, raising bud stun, Willi evtiy btiii,ioiu ki tM-inr u tununiieu i-oiibuiHiH tte. I tried different inedktaeB and cures without lliidieg leuei; 1 aiso eoiibuueu luree oi our inobt prouitntnt C'letelaiid ploblclans, tho last one of which pronounco my cute serlou. and Informed uie lhat 1 tould not live more Ihan afew mmdhs. About inisttnie. hearlnirof tour wondertut slice, ta. I eutu- menied taking jour jrup In connedlon with ) our Itool llllltrs, lino u ut ouee mil linen, uuu aio r usiiiL-the medleu.e tome two mouths 1 und lujbell cMlrelt tilled. 'KlIUtllNCE Dl'NN. iv Mr. Dunnairaiu writes, unfltruaieoi August 4, 1ST7, Dr. Krazler, Hear Mr t I can endorse ) our Ineoieines inoru btruuuiy umu cur iroiu mo ioi:.. ilmt tils now nearly Ol e lenr btneo lwascuied. My lungs aio to-dy btrong and sound, hating no le turu or Ihe disease. l"Tlio aboto Medicines speak for themselves. Dll. li. w , Mf, rropnetor eieteianu, u. Tor Salo by all Druggists. lice. 14, lsil-iy A GENTI.K HINT. In our M!e of climate, with its sudde changes ol'ti'inpciature. lain, wind and sun shlno oAcn intermingled in a tingle day, it is no ttuiiuet mat uur eiiuureu, ii lenus anu relatives aro so licqueully taken lioui us by negiecicu cuius, uau ino ticains rcsuitiu; directly lioui this eau-e. A bottlo of l!o- fchco's Oertutin Syruji kept about your homo im iiiiiiitiiuito usu "in iiieteiil rciltius bitit- uess, a largo doctor's bill and pcrhup.s death by tho uc of thrco or four doses, l'or curing Consumption, Hemorrhage-, l'ncuuioiiia. Se- vcio Coughs, Croup or any disease of tho iiiroai or t.ungs, hs success is nuiply wonder nil, a tour uiucgist will tell you, lierman Syrup is now told in cvrj I' Wii r.:id village on tuis contiiiriit, t-amplo K':es lor trial luc ; regular size, Too. April 27, 77-ly jl T12 (ti 241 a ci,ioj 8,(mo no ml l,7.'ooo -7 est i!,llJ7t ni w 5,110 !I 2,013 Si fii,i; i9 II. Y. McltKV.NOLDS,, IN ACCT. WITH POO FCNO. 1S77. Dll. -Ian. Tonmt duo from last year. To inn I. assessed for 17' on hand at last settlement. S17 IV) 1,.V,1 .VI 17'J til tJ.MJ 1 1 liy commission and exoneration on dupli cates semen. ior IS. I. District Com. l'.i. Districts Com. lleitver. llloom..... Centlalia.. Ulet-k-... Fiankllii . (u-eilttoM llelilloclc.. lack-on. . . l.ocu-t 41 5 00 -Madison., 3 30 -Mulnu 1 15 12 00 Mllllln 4 20 a Oil Montour... 1 7 5) oiungo .... 4 5.1 000 I! Cleek... 2 IU H5U !-COtt : io I .'si ;:: into Suu :iss 2 55 3 7S 2 (l"i 2 11 2 1.1 2 45 llx. 2 50 Fnr 1-75. ll loaf.. 2 75 lty cnintuisslnn CMMieillllOll oidels )iuiil of 1S75 outers paid of 1S7B ordcis paid ol 1S77 unit to itses-.ors ,tc., managing lunil Hint to county commission to Tieasurer Mint due fiom collectors butuueu In hands of Treasurer.,.. 3 50 1 isl (i 50 2 50 51 in 70 51 51 75 &n; 50 300 20 loom ill 07 Ml 4.1 12li (.'.I 2,.VI U COMMISll).VKItS K-XFEN'SKS FOK 1-77. for tt hich older weiu Issued on tho Ireasuier. MISt' KXI'KNSi:. l'ald Win II suvde-r lor Teachers In- siiium it; ,u Slieiiu t ainei-,lirlnglng Fatllek lli-terct al lioni l'ottsvlllo Jail 37 10 ( li Moiptiv, lee v h llngait... 7 57 J II Hess. -iiL-uilouf eollcctois.. looo Wm Ilnuckjallor..jaliltor2mo 2100 III t Irts, ttto dozen ns-essors satehels 14 10 V Wilt. auditing public acc'ts. 25) W II Konus, lio.llding tiolku.... 51UO ni -M Keber, bill lor post mor tem ca-e 17 Mover Hi ti-,., expres on model blldirn SO sliti it llotlmau. titklni- J eiit-eu tn l-li Hix It-1 1 li lit 02 35 bhertil, tuklng Hadeu, I .nek wood., lone and Sn viler to I'lilhidclphla 09 01 Mieiiir Iloiiinau. tuklnir M-uuier to I'hllildelphlil 45 15 Miet ullolliiian.tiiklmr .lo inson to I'll 1 lit. Is 1 1 ill i.l 311)0 1 ii. Dm, tor dainueo at tVest Cleek bll.lgo 12 50 .In-liiiaCoiolv. service In Jail suit Ino on It F uri', I'lothnnoturt's 1111 ... I 'slut N U Funk, ft ill costs tn J.tll.ult. :II12 MIIB COL'HT-, JUItOlfs l'AVAXI) L'OKSTAllI.K ItK'll'U.N-. l'ald gland Itiiors timing tear f m.jho " itat else iniors tun ni tear t.e.i " t-ou-tablo letlllll iluilug year . 270 12 " eoutt crier dm Ing ear IVilsl " tlpstiivesiluiliig jcur .irino " eouit calendar doling year.... J20i " coin t hteiiouiu idler. l ulKer.dur- lllg tear, ul tea dnlittrspcrday. Sla.VJ 11 the same lnr the tnllottlng bills, which weio oidclcd bycouit, sntelal cases- Com. a 1'atllek llesteret al 371 In (.'mil. v 11 A Itl-iiuier 71 31 .laekson i t al vs h htoti-l .15 s i,lerslico use s Abo llVdel'.... '2505 l'ald Mieiill'llotlinin, Jury nutlet- . 1.11 10 r. ii ioouiii..iiii,veoiiiiiussiuiier '.' lheo W Smith " " .... 22 3. Wm Krlckluuui, CleiL- 13 oi p;,'.m) 5U li()TS IN COMMIlNWHAIril CAsl, tt Ubim tnl'M V OKI AM L1A1II.IC, l'ald lolii-tlces. constables and ttil- nesses , i, j ot. tv ll jtoous.iurv ooaiu. itester trial 33loo i .Ino M Clat K,allottanco i.y court in iitteml fruiileiuo court lu Ho. tertltal HOW ' (I A Potter, paper book forsutnu '25DO John M (Jlaik.Dlstlict Attorney 171 no 11 F Zurr's bill., 140 45 bheriiniotlumuV bill :ls3 i-t,'-i5 lo llllADANUIIIilDGK VIKWEI13 ASDltUAll DAMAUK. l'ald siuuliy peisons usvlotvers " t-fmoit tullo, damage, Locust.. " Win l'fahlel', " " .... Jacob Mine, u " .... " (ieoit-'o Miilth, AllPleasut " Chas slgfiled, " Montour,,, o Widow Tioxel, ' Iieust ..... " Wesluv Joluison, " Madison..,; " Win fdiultz, " " .... " Alex Good, " llenton ' A tt Wilkinson " ' .... " Jiwidi Curl, Locust " Wash'tonileoigo" " .... " A J Kvtins, " llloom lsiKiihii. " " " Casper Kiessler, " Aliios iieueocK, John Kitchen, louit t nil, Anna Mills, lito li Thomas, ' Wm Johnsuii, John llaip, Mililna Mcllenry, (ieo W Ikelt-r, Nixon's hells, J 11 Ikeler. Furiuan's lioils, John C Lemon, it in it tut, ", , . 11 F Savaire, " Abso'm ii'lleury " John fcuvuue, " Samuel .lohusou " A. J Ikeler, Mtl'lensunt llloom..!'... Mt I' A l! Y Mtt'lt'itsuiit .laekson . . . Mtl'lcaiunt UlCenwooti Flsli'cicek. Itt'lllOII Jackson ... illl'leu.unt COMMUSIOSKUS OKFICK A Nil Hol'itK'. Paid M I 11 Kline, county auditor... " F. 11 Itiott u, county auditor..... " .1 11 Casey, county auditor " Wm Kile khauui, stutlug iiects.. 't llUsilnsbiilg (Jus Co.gastlllt'i: tr A C Philips, bill iciideli'd....... ) llaulsburg Ink Cuiiitmuy " Holllns.V llolines, gas II xl in t-at " M K Cnx. tlcunliigCouit ll.ete. ' Mis Ingold, " " siluiliy pel sons tt t. " -Mojer lb o, bill fur couit loom " I leus lIloMli.ln.uiulu-e (Jllouso 11 w kl bterner, door repair ltnbert llulllttt, furnituie " (J M Drinker, lock ...Alr-mm,. Thoitia (Joi ey, tt nrk a earp'ter l'cl er .lones.curpeiiler wot k and hill leudeteil i: .Mendeithall, umber IlloouivtHirg Liiiutier Co, lumber (1 W Mellier et al, bill retldeieil John Dndsnn, eontlact painting Iniin Dntlsnii, paint Ing ii t luivy Ml Mlllor.t-on.blll lendereii. II Vnst, ehalr repair bill L Kuiitou ,t Co. bill lelitleied.. M-iiut ler X "-on, bill icndeicd.. . M C bio in, bill lendoicd I llaifi'iiliiicli.stovoiepalrbilt.elo Seal Is and litotlt, repair lo clilln netsund spouts, ele Louis Heiiiliaril, clcaslng toun clock ami wurraiitlnu- for ono tearto keep liiiunnlug oriler from November 0, 177 William Woikhel-er, kindling.. C -M d. .1 It Lnck.lld, coil bill.... Llannau .N: Hussolt, stotu lull... .1 II Maize, Mlllondeleil S t Mcllenry, Cotntnlssinner... John lleinor, Couilulssioner.... Joseph K Mtnils.Couimissioner.. William Kllckbaum, Clerk John (i Freeze, Attorney (4 31 71 57 HI SO 0.1 30 III (It) 15 .VI 2 50 4 10 I '2.- 7 07 15.7) 3 30 Sltl 5 10 COCNTY JAIL. 20(0 1 .HI l 71 50 1 37 301 no 31 so 122 01 SIK) IO 100 00 tS,0SS 34 SCA1.I'.. Paid sundry persons for fox and wild eat scalps S4 80 ELECTION EXCESSES. Paid to spring election officers S3t r..i " general " " -.. a1-! "0 " " " room rent 15 0' " spring " " 135 00 " former " " - 5(s " constables Adg attending srrlng elect. 182 so " " " geal. " Mi") " fall election blanks is 'id " ll. r. air. Clerk to gen 1. election 8 5-2 TV214 IS TAXES r.KFCMIEO. Amt township taxes refunded US 43 r-i.tsK cooes. 1'. L. llutter, rcalflry blanks William .Mann, deed book " books forprothj's office... r. I., iiuuer, a sets nupueate (leo. A. ('lark, a dockets, j-rotby's oftlce... W 1:11am .Mann deed book D. Lotvenberg, 0 blanket 21 no " ' elotiilng prisoners mf.i " " s t'liintist; clothing Arc on c. M. Drinker, repair bills . s 15 I. ll.igciihucli btote repdr, A'C 17 l.ockaid, repairs 2(s) coal 27 lit .ino. lllcks.eiookery ') Peter Jones, repairs 4c 7 74 I'eter Jones, et. al, repairs 3 lit Ilarmaii & Uassert. slovo 4 on M. K. e'ov, cleaning prlty 5 on w. c. McKlmiey shoes sue F.. Mendeiihall, lumber 1 of Hioomburir Lumber remnant 1 t:'J lielllns .v liolines. bill rendered '2 '-. Samuel Thomas, lepalr 2 0') I.. M, Knoir, et al clothes JW II. Ml er son. bl s rendered 20 '2. Thomas i lorey, bunks, Ac 17t7 iouii Aiisutii, suutmg s prisoners la.&u Sherllf Fonlliig, boaidtng piUoners and lurill-'ev lews 1'2 ,, sherllf Foi nts aid, boarding prisoners.wash- iuk. t-i.'.ui nin iimi iiain uuu tuiusuy leea tiv u Sheiltf Ilotftiuin, boarding 4 police nwseo ooaruing i special '21 no .1. II. Maize, bill rendertd 3 72 A. Kltlni. medic lie for prisoners l'l Si) Moter liios , " " " 1 ml ,1. -M. Cheiubcrlln. pump and cistern repair 3 fc-0 JobCpii K. sand", sjtf blankets 17 on " " beddlllL- '211 42 Hoard of 4 prisoners while In .'ottstllle jail HO 43 2,425 ?0 I'ttlNTIMl, FTATIONERV AND l'OSTAOE. Brockuaj k Klell, trl, nnlal valuation 10 on 1.111 uunus H ... ia it" " " blanks 373 ' " annual statement 70 0 " " 1 lection proclamation... 81)00 " " court pioclamatlon 411 eo " " ceneral advertlslinr (si20 J. K. Hlttenbender, blanks i li! W. II. smith, annual statement '20110 nuteriisiiiL- sun J. c. Urotvn, 11un11.1l btuiement 70(h) " election proclamation 3 1 110 " Jail speelilcatlons 20110 " valuation mm " ceneral advcrtlsln-r it 50 C. M. Vandersllce, elect Ion proclamation... 8000 autertisinir 10 eo J. K. sands, stamp 24 55 1). A. Heekley. stamps 5 st (1. A. Clark, stationery 53 05 11. 1.. Thomas, " 4 J5 .1. O. liradMi. " ' 2 25 MougolU Printing Company, stationery... 13 01 W. F. llelsel i Hro. " ... 5() ltairl-sburg "Patriot" HM fl2 0) 2 1 is) 15 0) &L0 25 00 75 is) 12 0 150 00 1 110 Oil .Its I 111 I) 2'! IS) 21 00 HI Ml 4 IU) ll 4100 35 00 lyioi 41) ("I 4') IU 77 50 3K 25 0.1 .OKI 3100 i no 31100 35110 '250 (10 75 Oil 1 2 ItH Ilium 5 00 5 1.1 27 Nl 25 IS i2.l"l fsl ClICKT 7.M 7 51 750 21PU I). 50 50 0 HI 27 .VI SI Ul 1 HI 1 13 243 70 50 105 IM J05D 90 ISQI'ISITIONS. C. (I. Murphy, Iwiueal on body ot 4 men . 2300 1 Humus Coleman 11 00 11. 1'. Foitner, Inouest on body ot 1). 11. Itohrris 11 si Win. It. Itubbtns, post mortem on same in in 1 limp narris.tni ucsi 01.1. l eoni-cr.v-.tiie- iwsi c. 11. Murplit, Imiut-st on 'Iho. Flanagan 12 53 .1.11 II. inn. 111, inquest 011 Sarah snjdrr . ll na Jacob Terttllllgtr, lii'piost uu Joliu Van t.ietv ut Asa Vorks, Imprest on 1. U. Jlendeutiall... 12 52 (131 02 lllilUHCS-llUlLtllNn ANU IIEI'AIIM. 11EAV Ell. Jloses Sllclier, mill bridge 7. C4 UKNTOS'. Joslali Coleman, Karns bridge 50 Eeklel siuuiz, uentotl mi'ige si. 0.1 It. J. Datls, 2 no Kllas .Mcllenry, nest ct llenton .., 8 73 W. II. (itbbons, " "2. K. SulllU ut Coles 4 5il licniitsou Colo at Cole's .'. 8 s7 K. shulti. Kimble's K. 10 1.. A. i.erman, new bridge west of lieiitoa .on 73 UKIAKCltEbk. .1 V. Lck nek's lirld!--o CfO L. Deltterlek's liliteiihoUMi brIJgo 7 5u luaiott, Win. tlnl frteeu,Uaiton bildge '21" Win. lilger " " 1 is) CAIAltlssl, D ittJ llelwlg, mouth ot Catawissa creek 11 is 1I..I. Itcetiel, " " " ion ' '.tlelieltvs Lrldire rsi .Iniin A. Klli.c.sliluirli'S for 'lhulua bildiro 89(h) IP F. satago, haulms " " ouo Hotter el ul " " Ills CEMKF. Wm. sliaffer.CehtreMllo 1 1) CUMM.1HM. U.S. llelnlg. Hruslitalley 150 HItl.Cltfil.K, Aaron Ik'DtK-r, I'lshlngcietl; Lrldgo... sen isalah Halt r. Zaiurs Ltluire S25 John Zaner, eust....H ki eu simiiel Knouse, ' " east 2113 ..t,scpli Hedllne, Jr., new brldgu ou aeu't.. 330 57 suiiiuel smith lit hs bridge 125 Lll liobUnsttnl Hess brld.-e 2)M) J.J. Melieiiry, shingles Jones bridge t'. '25 s. tt. ticiieury naus as;. Win. L't eland ljsl IUAM.I.IS, 1. Hower Uohrbach bridge 2 30 (ULLNttOOll. Win, Law ton Eektoan's bridge 1 00 UKKLOCK. II. I). Appleman. l'meell bridge set) Wm. Hlggt-r I'ureeu bridge a ui li, t . iteuuue, lieu aim eumraet hdvwi auauiuuai 000 JACKSON', Lzra steplicns, llcs-s bridge 4 .0 IXte'fST. c. I. Thomas, Ksther furnace bridge 5 n3 Jerry snjder, sntder's budge U1121 iieuer .v i.t is, uui ou ttnson o.conirati .. ia 10 Minns. . K. Sciiweppe-Lliclser eontratt M. 1051s) UT. 11 1.AsANT. .lol.ii Melllck. Vondersluu bridge isO Jolili ulnpole. poor house bridge : tn c. W. Lies, coutract Multli ouacc't 40. eu OUANilK, Jacob hnjder, Oritngetllle bridge 1000 I'IKE. U. shoemaker, tihoeinaker bildgc , 10 UOAKISOL-llkrk. O. W. CLeirlngtdu, ITierilngion's btldge 810 riuAtti l,At. E, Shull, Cole's Cleek blldge , 4114 j, 11, t-eue, " oa 16 28 16 80 MP 42 3 1000 16 00 (15581 NEW COfNTY JAIL, W. 11. lacoby. recording deed.- c, H. Wetrel. Architect, on account Deo. A. Clark, telegrams s. Nej hart, survej lug lot .. Adterttsi-nient In I'lilla. "Led j-r" 11. Mendenliall, lumber for tool house... Kunvau 22 Co., bell locks, Ac C. Krug et al digging foundation S'erner 6. Jones on contra t ltolttns.t Holmes. ' Crutkshauk, -Mojer A5 Co , on contract.. Chas. Krug on contract KKCAI'ITCLATIO, Miscellaneous expenses.. 225 .. 325 01 1 41 3 tt) 4 Ml .. SI 2 2 CI 1120 .24,U2C1 2.SS5 03 .. 7.S.VJ no .. 921 1)0 E0.236 22 S70 55 Courts, jnroi's pay, constable's return c 0,990 50 Costs In Commonwealth eases a,295 10 lloitd a: bridge Mentrs and road damages 2,uso56 Commissioners' ofllce and court House-. 2,9-11 ss Cniiiitv Jail.. l'l luting, statlonery.and jiostage.. Inoulhliloiis.... . r.rttUes. tmildlng and rebulldlns. . , lvnlteutlary and Asylum Asse-S'ir's pay I'uxnntl wilil cat scalps Election expfiises I axes refunded , . 2,429 96 . 030 90 .. 131 02 .. 2,177 82 ... 724 0 4 ,. 715 59 ,.. 64 80 ..1,214 13 ., 4-3 4S , 153 91 . .30,230 22 Plank books . New County Prison f 1)1,274 02 Deduct from amount of orders Issued $4s 4S taxes refunded', J14991 paid fur the support of Mary and Alex, colleyat Uantlllo Asylum and J.10,230 2.', bills paid on new countv prison, leates f 24 402 ss, the real expenses lor the jear for the county outside of thu prison building. Hrldge expenses this jeir ure low. Tho court exoenses uil commonwealth costs aro much largerthan usual. sunte oauEa isst'ED, w .10 M t. I'lfasant. ... 32 co 17 M orange 130 50 1(9 93 Pine 33 50 5S6D Koailngcreek.. 30l 13 (III SCOtt 30 75 U 50 sugarloaf Is6 50 22S 75 ADMINISTltATOIt'S NOTlCli. ESTATE OF ALEXANDER 1IESS-, hEC'D. Letters of Administration on tho estate of Alex ander Hess, lalo ot sugarloaf township, Columbia county, deceased Aave been grantee, by the HegMtr of said county to the undersign ed Administrators. All persons having claims against tho said estate are requested to present them for settle merit, anl those Indebted to make paj ment w llhout delaj . ItACllEI. A.HKSS, ANDIIEW LAt'HACIL Jan.o'pt-cw' Administrators. Cole's creek 1". o. IUT1SII AMEMICA ASSUKAKCE CO. NATIONAL FIKE INSURANCE COMPANT. The asseta ot these old corporations aro all ln vesttdln SOLID SEC,UHITlts andare liable totho hazard of lire only. Moderate lines ou the best risks aro alone accepted. Losses I'Komitlt nnd uonlstly adjusted and paid as soon as determined by Ciibistian F. KNArr, spe cial Agent and Adjuster. U'oomsburg, Penn'a. The citizens of Columbia county bhould patronize tho agency where lcses. If any, are adjusted and paid by one of their ow n citizens. nov.10, 17-ly T4 DMINISTU.VTOirS NOTICE. EKTATK OT II EMI V IIABTM1N, DEO'D. letters t-r atlmlnlstr.UIon on the estate ol Ilenrr Hartraiin, late ot Hemlock township, Columbia coun ty, l'a., liao lxfn i-aiU-a by tlia KepUter of Colum bia county to ,1acob Hart in an, Administrator, to whom all persons Indetiled ure requested to make lmliu'dlatx i a mciit, tiutl thosu haMnir clalmi or de mands nffulnat Urn suM fhtato vrtll make them known to Uie undersigned Administrator without delay, JACOD UAHTMAN, Administrator. Jan is-Cw IlliAUlVNDllTPPlNESS, llenlthand Happiness ore priceless Wealth to their tmsohsors, and et they are v, lthln the reach ot er t-ry one w ho w ill Uie WUHiHT'S LIVER PILLS, The only sure" CUKE for Torjitd liver, Ujspepsla, Headache, hour stomach, constipation, Debility, Nausea, and all lulllous coinplalntttund IHooti dis orders. rone genuine unless signed "Wm. Wright, t'hila." if jour Jirut?i?it will not buppiyseud23 cents for one box to Uamck, ltoller & Co., 70 N. 4Ui St.. ruuo. jau. 4, 7-iy nr FL Fa. Xo. 16,Dec. Term 1871. ll'tdon Itiltrcreelv . , Flihlngcreek . (reeottoud . . .laekson Uieust -Madison STtTKMEKTOI' 000 TAX AMI SUEEr H'SB. 1,042 95 orders unpaid of l'C.7 coo is;o soo " 170 57 w " " 1-77 "42 73 Hog tax duo from collectors Probable commls-don and exoneration off Add amount In hands of Treasurer.... I.S3I 12 The Indebtedness ono ear ago was I$1G5 12. Novt $;i443 due from collectors with $126 on In Ihoh.uidsof llie Ireasuier, make tU 12. Tho Indebtedness lit14 23, lent tug a difference In f nor of said fund of JII.S7. Last sear tho In dibtedness was(IMI2 and 10 7 amount now duo s-dd fuud blio ainiln during the year of fl-.! f'J. Tho abuto statement shows that FUh lugvrcek. Ma .lou, orange and sugarloaf con sumed the principal ot the fund ;'lho heavy damage run In localities tor certain periods ot II i.e. Niwtr all pelbon. aud especially Audi tors, would eaue all klll-slicep doits to be killed, or in.iko t lie person tt ho ott n sueh dogs nnd re tiw to hate them killed pav iho damaite. the fond ttould be In a good condition ; und again It tlv luxes were colieclcd tliecp order could lw lutdas soon a Isiued. Vfo hope that this will reetlte proper attention. COCSl'Y FIS.VNXE3. ASETS. Taves In hand of Collet-tors' duplicates 22,11! 71 Probable cointnbalou ant e.. ou" 3,01.0 uo lt,U2 74 Add amount In hands of treasurer 2,01a si" due on ller.l llower nolo 95 00 Due mini nuitoa in p., (or supiurt ot Cid'ess 32SJ Due from llenton tttp., Mierilf's bin on huine 9 sn J. IteUtnaii Co. ts. It. lirjson Co. And now to wit. January 4. 157. on motion ot VT. A. Jlarr, Atty. forJ. Helfman & Co. and First Na tional nituK ui AHiuuuu, i-ennHj tvitnia, tuo urueroi the Court ordering the money Into court arising from the sale of tho personal property of defend ants Is modltled so ss to order Into court tho sum ot four hundred dollars for dUtrlbutlon and an Auditor aDPOinted for distr butlntr tho same. F. 1'. Itiumey- er, Esq., appointed Auditor. IU TIIKCUUIll. Tho atxno Auditor appointed will meet all parties Interested for the Duroose. of his appointment at hla oniceln liloomsburgon Friday, February sth, 1879, at ten o'clock, u. in. V. 1'. UILLJlEVJill, Ian. 11, '75-tw Auditor. A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage ! -uufldrl.tlMl Trntlit ou In. Jutiri cit niarr.ifio and ts. r,i..-.t)ttt unflt lor It 1 th. creu rt ucproducttcn and tht er Women. A Ikmii lnr l. rival... rnnalil. SSU f-a;u, pile. on .nd;.ri;..n,vr,.,vfir;,,' :. Abu.e. xceae.,orbecret Iliaeaaea, VUU Ul. L..I a, j.,- i, rur-, pngrw. nr,r.( 1 1., A flt.lUTCAl. T.S-nTTTT1 1- ..n ihih.H A ...... ..I thn.dol ,h Thrnftt.n.l Inrrn. P.,f urrh Ttiintur ih Oriiuni leri.. .i,. t i-n.yi.iiin.irra or a ii inre.. . ATtt. il U t i l u rt jr irk-mtsnirt. i SIS tsr AdUie.. J 17, aui ut. burra, .so. i: t,a st. tt- i.ouu, 210. :t-ly R i: C LltlUIITIi:.. Hal. due c. V. Ktes ou bridge contraet -Ml. Ple.lMllt Hal. due Jo.-tpli Itedllne ou bridge con tract, l'l-,dngeieek Ain't uses d"o the seteral dNtrlcts... Itoad damaire assi sed, estimated Itoad aud brtdro MeitB pay due Cobtaduolu commonwealth cases on County pi isou bonds tas'iied f il.-iCa 94 433 75 1593 177 22 1,2ihi 01 187 CI 451 fit ,. s:.,oij 00 $37,CSS 10 iteii 1n1i1-bieness.111nu.1rv1 ts.s. inclu ding prUti bunds Issued f 10,315 US We, tho undersigned Commissioners of Colum bia cuuniy, do hen by certify that the foregoing la correct statement of ihe accounts of talu touuty for the 3 ear A. u., 1177. JOHN linilNHlt, ) Commlsslon'rs S1I.AS W. Ml'lIENItY.y ot JOaKI'll E. h.VNIis, ) Columbia CO. Attest : Wm. Kuickiuvn, Clerk, We.ttio tinderblirued auditors of Columbia county hatliigbeendul elected, to adjust and settle tho accounts of the Treasurer and Cuminlsloners of Culumbl.ieuuniv. do hereby certify that we met at tho ofileo of the Treasurer aud comuiltsloners 111 luoouisburg, and cireiuuy exauuntd the ac counts aud vouchers of the same from the Ibt diyof January, A. 1)., 177, to the 1st day ot .lanujiy, Ws, aul foundthem corifct as alsji-e hi.ited, and wu nnd a balance due Columbia tuiiuty ou county mnd ot nineteen hundred lor-t-threo and t'j-lim dollars (II.1U3 (id) from 11. W. Mcltej nobis, Treasurer ot said county. And wo Itnd ab.ilutieu of one hundred twenty-six and '."J-1'M dollars (1120 S) dog fund In the hands of b.ild II. W. -Melted nolds. T reasurer. (lit en under our handa this eleventh day of, A.I'., i.,3. M. V. H. KLINE, E. 11 HltOWN, J, ll.CASUV, Feb. , 177s. DMIKISTIlATOn'S NOTICE. KSTATK Of WILLIAM UCOUES, PRCEASED. Letters of Administration on the estate nf U'illlnm lluches. late of beaver township. Columbia eountr- deceasod, hate been granted by the Itegister of said county to Allen Mann or same lownshlp. All perbona .lut ing cmiiiis uKaiimL tuu ebiato are requesiea 10 present them forbettlementnnd those Indebted to mas-e pajmentwimouiQeiay, ALLEV MANN. Jan, IS 7&-Cw Admlnlstralor. ueaver townsnip. D.MINISTKATOn'S NOTICF- TAllt HI T1IOMA! KKKSSI F R, DFCKAHED. Letlers Of Adtnilll! ration on thn estnte nfllinmta Kresler late of cott township. Columbia county. Pa., deceased, hnve tieen granied by the Keglster of said county to tho undersigned Administrator of liloonisburg. All persons hating claims against the estate of the decedent are rtsiuested to present them for settlement, and thofe Indebted to the es- inie eo 11111K0 pa.tinent 10 tee undersigned Adminis trators without delay. WILLIAM M(fcMLfcl(, Jan. 25, '7eCw Admlnlstn tor. Dauchy Sc Co's. Advt's. V 1 ATH'l.tlMo cure aease of Catarrh In each i' iiv I r 1 neighborhood, with Dr. Karsner'a ltemedy to introduce It. ruibuurg, j'u. i-amplc tree. J. c. THton, j aco nov. 23, 77-3m DT XC lldall prion aJiUMionly naiio I liI'M Parlor Ortrans, prlen u:n5 nnlr Mil.). I ar r free. D. F. HEnTTy. Washlpgtcn,N.J. it u i.-,n u TltII'I.I.U WITH A COLl) LS ALWAYS DAKOEKOU8 USE "WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS a fcure remedy for coroiis. and nil iitcnnci.a r.fthn TlIKOT, Lt'ItGS, CUEbT and Ml'CUUb 31KM- C. N. CltlTTENTON. 7 t-IXTU AV1MH. New York. feb. 1, fg-jvr u Couniv Auuiiora. SWEET Rpssaga hfiwiniTBIarr.n NAVY 'lirMllMI U VTCII rilfcIV a kuttnii'V. uider.t rt" k v. It liertry order, Out 'in irtt. j. i). najioru &lu., cuuu4io, ill. one. IT, TMy K v o $45$ J, o, itrottn and Jouis, uruwlng tuieu bildgis , for I'KNITEbTIAUV Ab'U ASVLIU, Support ot Mrs. Ml'.ton, HutitlUe I' " llutldshdl'. " " Alex. I olloy, " " ' Man I'tilleS. " Convicts In K. b. I'tiilienllary lor leio.. 1. 2f 12,111 it IM CO 1' . I V. Il V2 ll Heater Htnlon Pi rt lek . plot-in J I ircri 1 w CaUitttaba .... 1'1-litl.dui I'riitro ... t'on.t niihuui . FibUlng'-itek Fran k 1111 oreenwiiud .. Hemlock J, .1. Ibjtflalid, ASSreaOK'S I'AV. Is 51 Jackson 24 111 Lwutl 1J Maillkon si ! Mil In 21 75 Mllllln .... 24 11 Mumour sno Mi. Pleasant 20 la Grunge ....... sn mi piiiu . . . 21 fsl Ituullugeleek... ,,', -tun I-eg. to t.i Sugarloaf. . 19 "J I '..l.lri.ll J. k. ItreUh.Trleniibil.i'uiattmaa 1711 hi. rmr whites, 'I ihnnlul llloom 1 mo... J. P. llunnuu, bscUt apis-ul..,. w Amtbsora lor recuierlng voters m John buttou, lleg, Flihlugertvk 17.... . ins V.! I 22 11 U10 1'J 0 U21 11 (KI IM11 IS 1 11 . 10 73 . 20 00 . 15 25 no 3100 h3 2f, 600 101 UO 3 00 1115 ta rt joi.: piti:i watch i:n, ciie.Kit Vntht known tttirUL Samplt Watch irt to 2.i?tnu. Addrei, A CovLTia & Ctx, Ctdcttso. '77-1 . Awkriirtl kgHit iim t 1.iiduUI ripoaillnn for t4 tkwtg fttahlK Hid txttlltntt and lut f rAar tiflw cf twttUung anA f.avrng, Tht loiitrco Tr tuttl. A our live urip trJ-mfcrk u c1m1j ti.tiUlfd on lutVrn'f f ,-( r uiiim'i Itt i vii ettty j.lut. i-c.lii by Mitiif a)iT h-it4 It r ttu-It. tlft, to C A, ;.CKtv iitr., lttitUTS. (I. I. V.IMIM:, (Ii iu rnlAKt., nIlailHihla. feu 1, T8 ivf d KEEP IN THE RIGHT LATITUDE IN I0WA ANU kNEBRASKA S50 : r. f 1 uuiiii tuo t.uat-iiia; lui imi n.iur- fcb. n t- 3m N. S, E.NGLK, Agt., bunbnr , Pa. JOll 1'lllKTINO OF EVERY DESRIPTION EXECUTED PROMITLY At tue Ooldmbian OfFiot. For 11 rnse nf CJS TARP H iiiu, -iiiiii'rii'N luiiurm 1'urr lor atsrrh va ill not tiisiai,tit leiiit,, end b.ssdll) clue, lti fertnees, lltiiiy Wr'U, Coo., tttlie, l urgo 4: Co., Au n r. s. Vi Win, ltottin, Fm. Sic lislion, t.rout 4 Powin, tt, I cuts. Ti lluioi.lalH nnd iitaipe It 11.011. Pi Ice, wlih Ifnrri'irrt Inhi.lir, etersttbtre Whtl.t i. lo'ilil!. I lUl'IICtUIB, it All I., Jl ib r m d 10,(KKi AtiKXTH WANTI l) TO SKI.L liy Hit v o in' mith. r. T. .Mihiir. 'Ibc nn -t In. irnsir lory with i ntti rlnl urgumtnls and !turtlliig 1'ii'iitt, et. r 1 1 intuicil 111 1.11c tuiuuie. 'JLiewt.rlkOt .iluriib), KivM'itb IbimiiAik 'bvirtis, ( rusude, ele A nnitilous loll, Liiialy eiuloibed bv all 'I I'll' 1 1 1111 1 H ilUtllflllll M N It, I Inl 1,1 A llriflf hsnceiocois -Mi Nl.V lor CMiafun s siionta 111 I.UsI II IU (IS . l'llt.v, "18 htilrlli it , I hill tlel. pli In I n. ill it li 1 it 1 .1 s. juit ruucid va ier ecnis J ' r- s 1 u Mi, 16. ; 4w SI' LOtIS AM SAN !TO JIA1IWAY yALE 1.0(10,1)1)0 Ailifs in rcnnitiiT iiiiK-rn ficu hV.somtli.iio an nr. rirsi-cnn utikudai:. ileultural UlUb 'ipe ten tuliictn iieinn In Ibo Wtst. Hue nil 1. 1 nirl.ii itib r-dui.ce cf gtsxlttaur, U- p riiiMiuui ln.t litilm kWu KllOOlS, lOW tbil b lKul'LIUl lOULlI) I1I.U LUll Ilk ilel. t-t-ven smtt, tufllt. uui boitluii tiouil.t. Louis to thibc wlm luubue land Mi d .,Kii!?vl!lu,r "b? ' tla r ll.Ieinii.tli 11. Atldren W, 11. COVHN, Laud Coil D.Uuour, lilnple luilutng, n. i M i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers