.0 THE COLUMBIAN, coitjiBUDBaocniT, snaor ini xontu audco-ivu- DUH OOXaOUDiTIV.) timet woolily, every Krllajr morning, t UMKIUSIIUItU, UULUMUIA CUUHTT , I'A. two bOLLius per year, pyaiMU in a-draaoe, or mliiir thnyear. After tne expiration ot too year 1.B0 will bo charged. To stilsicrlliers nut ot tlio oounty the terms are (1 per year, xtrlctlyln advance -milt not paid In advanco and WM It payment bo deliyed beyond the year. No piper dhi'ontlnucd, nxi'ept at tho option of th' publishers, 'mill all arrearages nrn puld, but loni; continued credits after tho expiration of tho nrsi jonrwlllnotboiiKen. Mllpapors sent, out of the stale or t rtlsl ant rwst orr.ees must bo paid lor u nrituncc, unless u roHpiin sltito person In Columbia county assumes to pay the subscription due on demand. ruSTAii V. is no longer exacted from submitters In tho county. job minsrTxisrca-. The Jobbing licpartment of the Coixmbian Is very complete, and our J b Printing w 111 compare favora bly with that ot tho largo cities. All work donu on demand.neatly and at moderate prices. uLooMsnuno directory. S"CliOOL OHDEKS, "biankjiist printed anil neatly bound In smalt liooks, on hand and for sale at tho colcvbiam unice. B" LANK"T)KKOS, on hircTrnTmUind 'l.lncn Paper, common and for Administrators, Execu tes and trustees, tor salo cheap at tho colcmbuh onice. MARRIAGE CKItTll'lUATKS lustprinud and for Bale nt tho Columbian onice. .Minis el's of tho I lospel and Justices should supply theiu selves Willi these necessary articles. USTIUKS anT Jontablesf Fee-Bills' for sale at theCoLUMBUV onice. They contain tho cor. rected fees ns established by the last Act ot tho Leg Jjturoupon tho subject. Every Justice and Con- stable should havo one. V ENDUE NOTES just printed ami for sale cheap at tuo Columbian uuicc. CLOCKS, WATC1IKX, tC. E. SAVAGE, Dealer in Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, Main St., Just below the Central l'HOFESSlOSAL CAUDS. c, (. BABKLEY. Attornev-.it.Law. Office In llrower'a building, 2nd story, liooms 4 S. Tv K. WM. 31, KEIIEK, surgeon and Phvs-i- I J clan, sueets. onice . H. corner Hock and Market T R. EVANS, M. I), Surgion and IMiysi I . clan, (Onice and liesldenco on Third Btrect: corner Jellerson. It. McKELVY, 31. D Surgeon and l'hy slclan, north hide .Main street, Mow .Market, 11. liOlllSON, Altorney-at-I.nw. In Hut lui.m'a building, Main slrt et. Office H KO.SENSTOCK, I'l.titograplier, , Clark & Wolfs More, yalnstaet. JIISCKLLANEOUS. TAVI1) LOWENI1K1K1, Merchant Tailor J Main St., abovo Central Hotel. IS. KUIIN, dealer in Meat, Tallow, etc. . Centre street, between Second and Third. HUSINE&S GAUDS. K. WALIiEH, Attornoj'-rvt-Law. Increase cf Pensions obtained, Collections made, OOlce, becond doorfrotn 1st national liank. 11LOOM&UU110, l'A. Jan. 11, 1378 D U. J. C. KUTTEH, PHYSICIAN SUHGCON, Office, North Market street, Mar.27,"74 llloomsburg, s AMUEL KNOHU. A T T 0 II Jf E Y-A T-L A W, llLOOMSBUItO, I'A. omco, Uartman's lllocl:, corner Main and Mnakct streets N J U. FUNK, Attornov-at-Law, Inercaso of Pensions Obtained, Collections Made. IILOOMSHUIMI, I'A. omco In C0LCMBIAN llCll.ntNU. I. L. UAUH, rUACTICAL DENTIST, Main street, oppohlto Episcopal Church, lllooms burg, I'a. tr Teeth extracted v. lthout pain, aug 24, '77-lj. B UOCKWAY & EMVELL, A T TO R N E Y S-A T-L A W, coiriiBUN llciLbiNU, llloomsburg, l'a, Members ot tho United States Law Association, Collections mado In any part ot America or Uuropo p 11. & W. J. HUCKAUvW, ATTOItN EVS-AT-LA V, llloomsburg, l'a. omco on Main Street, first door below Court House 1) F. t J. M. CLAHK, ATTOHNEVS-AT-LAW llloomsburg, l'a. omco In Ent's nulldlng. F. P. UILLMEYEK, ATTOltNEV AT LAW. OmcK-AdJolnlng C. II. Ic V. I. Iiurkalew. llloomsburc. l'a- It. LITTLK. KOB'T. K. LITTLK, E II t. I 1 T 1'PTT T? ' 11 Ok- li. 1.. J.l 1 A llloomsburg, l'a. liTluMness before tho IT. s.l'ateutonice attended to. omce intheCulutnblau Uulldlng. TTEllVEY E. SMITH, ATTOHNEY-AT-I.AW, omce In A.J. Evan's New DI'iloino, IlLOOMIHUItO. I'A. Member ot Commercial Ijiw and liank collection A boclatlon. uct. n, leu yiLLIAM IlllYSON, ATTO U N E Y-AT-I. A W, Centralia, Pa. Feb 18, '7. p W.MILLEK, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW omco In Brower's building, second floor, room No. 1. llloomsburg, l'a. . II. ABBOTT. W. II. ItniwN, AH110TT & UHAWN, Attorney s-at- Law. CATAWISSA, l'A. Pensions obtained. dee si, '77-1 y MISOF.I.LANEOUS. TV7- HOWELL, ' DENTIST. omco in Uartman's Iiloek, becond floor, corner Main and Market btrects, BLOOMMlUltU, l'i. May !0-ly. p M. DP.INKEli, QUN and.LOCKSMITJI, Kiwlng Machines and Machinery of all kinds re. paired. Oi eiu IIoi'sk Uulldlng, llloouibburg, I'a. ytflLLIAM Y. KESTEK, IMEROl-IANT TAILOR . Cornerof Main and Wist Hrects, three doois below J, iv, j-.)irbiore, nioeuisouig, i-u. All orders promptly attended to and satisfaction guaratiieeu. Aplll HI, 11-tf 71tKAS nitO"S INSUHANCE ADEN CY, - Exchange Hotel, llloomsburg, l'a, - camtal, .i;tna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut... ceoo.eoo Llterpool. London and Olobu . V0,i il.iso Uoyaiot Liverpool m 13 60o,oou Lancannhlro lo.oeo. 00 Fire Association, Philadelphia 3,loo,ouo Alias oi t.uniuru. , isv.im, Farmers Mutual ot Danvule., 1,000,0110 Dauvine Mutual Home, New York Commercial union , S,seo,lniO , 17,000,0110 1179,9513,(100 March M.IT-y J F, HANTMAN llSrKESENTS TUB lOlXOVitKll AMERICAN lKBUHANCE COMPANIES! Deeming of Muncy l'ennsslvanla. hurlh American Of rhlladelpbla, l'A 1 ran kiln, of " " l'ennsjhantaof M 1- unuers of York, l'a. Hanover ot New York, Manhattan of " (mice on Market Street No. e, llloomsburg, l'a, btt. J6, Jl-ly, S2B00: Tf.All. Avc&Ulwuitod. hutl ni-Mle.UltTiaUt. rartlculvt fr. Kim, l.VOSTU CO, St UU, Ufc uugjlt, 7I-Iy ltC! a S.HwlSiT' Cdllw.tt4Propri.tcr.. ..in .i.ii.ii.jj. m CATAWISSA. M. L. EYEKLY, A l l U1US Ik I "AT- UA W , Catawlma, ra. Collections nromntly made and remitted. Ofnco onpo1tc Catawlssa Deposit Hank. sm-S3 0. 1,. JAl'P. JSC. E. IKTMIFK. C111S. B. KOWAKPS. WM. 11. liAHENUUCH, WITH Unuli, I'rjiniir A l.iUt tiriln, PueeebBors to lienedlct Horsey : Eons, 023 MnrVet Bliect. I nvportc rs nnu dealers in (JUINA, GLATS AND QUEENSwAItE, 02.1 Market Street, 1'hllndelrhla. Const nntly en band OUglnul and AtMi li d I'ackages Juno 29, '7T-ly BLOOMSBUHG TANNERY. . A. IIUIMUKO i KSl'ECrTFtTM.Y nnnnunces to the mililic JLX tbat ho has reopened SNYDinrS TANNEKY, (old stand) I'.loomsbtirg, I'a., at the I'orksortno uspy ana ugni oireei roads, where all descriptions of Kalher will be made In the most .nh.'tntitil nnfl umk-mnntlkp manner, and sold at prices to suit tiintimea. 'ino nignesi. prieoiui-au 111 at ail 1.1DCS ue iur a H E E N WIPES of everydescilptloi. In the country, ornago Is respetttully solicited. The public pat lllocmsimrg, i.e.. i. io. GLAZING AND PAPERING. rM. F. r.ODINE, Iron Street below sec ond, llloomsburg, l'a., Is prepared to do kinds ot AINTING, GLAZING, and PAPER HANGING. In the best styles, at lowest prices, and at short notice. Parties bavloglsncb. work to do will savo money calling on me. All work warranted to glvo satisfaction, orders solicited WM. F. BODINE. PATENTS. P. A. Uhmann, Solicitor of American and rore'gn Patents, Washington, D. tt All business connected with Patents, w hether before the ratent omce or the Courts, piomptly attended to. Nocharge mado unless a patent Is secured, bend for a circular. May 4, '77-tf b s w "VrrAINWItlGHT & CO., W lllfl.E.3.ii,. unuw.i, rmunEiruiA, Dealers In TEAS, SYHUl'S, COFFEE, SUOAIt, MOLASfJBS, KICV, Sl'lCES, BICABB SObA, fcC, C. X, E. Corner Second and Arch streets, fi?"Ordcre will receive prompt attention. -jVTOTlCE. From this date the llloomsburg Clas Company will nut In sen lee Dines at nrst cost and furnish and bet The comnanv uaie on band a lot ot gas tar suite or painting roofs, and posts or otLer Umbers pace underground, l'rleti Hi cents per gallon or f2.& per 'barrel, iwv is':r.. C. N. MILLKn, Oraugeville Academy. REV.C. E. CA1IFIELD,A. M.,Frincipal. If jou want to patronlie a FIItST CIAfc?S SCHOOL, WIlEliE HOAlil) AND TVIHON AHE LOW, give us a trial. Next term begins MONDAY. APBIL 15, 1S7S Tor Information or catalogue apply to T11K 1'ltlNCII'AI.. July 27, 77-lj- oraugeville, l'a. HIGHEST AWAKDS Cenli'itiilnl Hal Iblilui.. J. REYNOLDS & SON, NOKTHWEST COHNEK Tlilrf cciitli ami rillicrt Sis. PHILADELPHIA, JliMTFlCTCKKKS OF 1'iTSNTEB WroiM-Iroii Air-Ti&iit Heaters Will. Mi.il.li.li ni.,1 C'lli.Uer.Crliulli.K llriite. lor Huruli.K Ai.ll.rui lle r llliuiiin gin i , CENTENNIAL avrougiit-ihok: ueatehs. FOH ISITUM1N0US COAL, Keystone WROUGHT-IRON HEATERS, Cooking' Ranges, low-down Grates, Descriptive circulars sent fkse to any address. EXAMINE ISEFOUE SELECTING. AtlU V7, 17-ly its M. C. SLOAN & BRO., ULOUaiSHUItG, VA, Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs l'LATFOUM WAOONf, o. I'lrbt-class workialwaj s on hand. ItKI'AIlU.NU NEATLY liONK. ITIccs reduced tu suit tho times. CJan. 5, lbT7-tt LOVERSi HOOK OK KNOWI, KDOK, or Mcretsot ixive, iuunfeuip uuu Mil r.fll? P.11IIM1IID tmw In ..At mnrrl.ri tr. lu.ll. ..l.tntn t.i.nt.l. now to get mnrrlid, ino ban maltk uiid dlbtlncllon, and ari .ocltty ww uitres foo.uju told. ViiultL und dlbtlLclic'n, and urieurloadiunieralu socltty-wio puirek-foo.uui sold. Walled foriuets. In pobiuiro buuni or cum-itcy. Aaaresi fci UK cmon M T , Wll gWWLllM. VEGBTINE Is acknowledged by all cIdsm-s of people In be fho bcbl iit.d m(( reluble bkioillpurltli r lu the tt orl.L ci! in: i) nm. ItoiiiBsirn, Nov. 22, H7. II. II. Stevens, Esq. t Dear Sir, 1 have sutrered for the lnt three or four ears villi Liver complaint and Kidney troubles. tcmous 10 iiiKing ine cgriinp i was unuer ine (M'tnt'H care for along time, but he did not hcln me. Mv friends all thought I would not recover. Ils-gun iiMi g tl e Vegillte, ami reallnd good etTcct Iron. It rlghtaway. Ihiltakt-n hut three lt-ittls Iwfnre I wastnucli tetter. I isitdlnned taking a few bottles more and can now truly say I am enjojlng the liest or health. 1 l.avo glien 11 to my Utile dauglm-r lib treat suctess. Mnce iihastiono me m tiiuth oihI 1 li.ne fri'Cunimendfd It tit hqmthI mul thev have nil been greatly beiicllted Uj Its uso. IttSlI'lllUlll, t. C. SMITH, 21 S. Francis sln-pt. Place of buMr.ess ,2 West Avenui. Mr. Smllh Is a will-kmrni. ile.ihr In stoves nr.d tinware, for many jcars In business In Hoc better. I.eises of the Kldneis. llladdrr. etc.. ale alwais ti, iliMiu.inl . ntid nr. tttnn tlinv l,i-i-(im, tdn ti nvt 1114. tresslng end dangt reus nisciUe Unit can urfeil 1h human BMetn. .Mostdlsi uKisttf tin- kidneys arise from Impurities lu the blood, causing humoia ld- h rrmedvln tlie wliole world for cleaitslmr and nuiiri- Ing the blood, thereby euu&lng u he.Uthy action to an me organs vi uw oooy, VEGETINE WILL CUHK KI1KU.UATIS3I. Uri'.lNdVll.Lf, MB. Oct. 12, 1S7H. Mr. II. II. ftevens: Dear Mr. KHteen s ears ago last fall t was taken Klek with rlieumatl-.m and as unable to mole until the nc.u Apui. 1 roin mat i ine uniu liuee jeara huinctlthes there would be weeks nt alline that i r.K-ixt ever r liter u 1111 rnoii,t,nii-.r,i ortt'U. 1 feurrcii'it cvcrjihlnj; th.U a man coulU. otr thiv vi'um ntro 1aL s-nrlii? 1 rninrmriiceii tnkliiir (,Ueiirn.1 ami juuuwcu 11. up iiiiiu i mm utMun uin tlfH ; luiM' no rheutnatlsm slncuthut time. I nlwnis atUWt' t'very.ono who Is troubled ltli rheumutlsm to try Veeilno. nud notsurnr Iorcnrins l lmvo UUIlt. I Ills Mtll'HlUUl 13 K11UU11UU5 11.1 l.tl U1 .HI, Mecnslsconcerxieu. lours, hc, a Lithit r it uukr u. Firm of A. Crooker fc Co., Drutfb'ts aua Apollicca- ries. VEGETINE. Rlicitinatlsm N a IJlScuso of llic IIKmkI. Tho blood. In this disease. Is found to contain an excess ol fibrin. Vegellno acts by converting the blood rrom us aisenseu coniuoiiio a neaiiuy circu- l.i, ln V. .....I ln riif.nl ili.utlin IwiMpW ulilfli ti rv important in i nis eomjuaini. wne iiuuio 01 1 egenne will give reiu-r, nur, in cnena permaiieni cure 11 niusibe taken regularly, and may t .ke scleral lot- Mfi?""?; 'druggMf'. ' T?v TTifoXlS. wn'osVn UZVZ u&eot Vetinc," uhicUH composed exclusively d btirks, roots niid herbs. VEGETINE VeKCtlno has restored mousamw to ucaiiu mio had been loiiuiid painrui sunerert. VeL't'tlne ts comnuoed or Hoots, liarks aiul UerLa, It Is very pleasant to take ; every child likes it, A'EGETINE Is I'rcpaied o IT. R. STIDV KNS. Bost on. Yegetine is sokl by nil JJniggistsj. The Seaside Library. rhnleo bonks no longer for tho few only. The best standard noiels within the reach ot eierj one. Honks usually sold from fi to3 gl en (unchanged nnd unabridged) tor 10 mid so ccnis. 1. ine uuuni 01 .tiume r.aio, h-a i.uuiu.-, 15. 'Iho King's own, by uapt. Marrynt 157. Hand und clove, by Amelia 11. tdwards 15S. Ti ensure Troie, by Samuel Lover l&'j. The l'nantom Milp, by t'aptaln Marryat li;o. The lllack Tulip, by Alejndtr Dumas mi. The w orld ell I rt. li. Lynn Llntuu e,i. M.trlcy. Charlotte lironf! 1G3. l-Tauk lllldmjy, by Captain Marryat 1C4. A uung Wife's Mory, llarrh-t liowrn 10.1. A Modern Mlnlstir (vol. 1.) chevily Novel lCf, Tho I ast Aldlnl, bv Ueorgo Mind h". Tbo (iui;i.'s Veckla'ce, bj Alex. Uuma.s His. Con CYegnn, byi harks leur it'j. st. I'airiek's hve. by Charles Lever "c lec ide !!! ine lio. Newtisi Korster, by Copiulu Mair.vnt 171. Unstagoto fortune, by Missliruddun sue chevalier de Mai. on Houje, by Dumas .lapliet In search of a Valher, by Captain 100 .Marrjat 174. Kato o'Doneghue, by Charles Lever 175. Hi.! Pacha, of Manv rales, camuln .Marryat leu 17n. ivrclral Keene by Captain Mum at lis) 117. (ieorge Canterbury's Will, by Mis. Ilcnrv Worn! lis. l:nr Hood Luck-, bv U. E l'l'aliellllon 11 179. 'I be llls'ory ot n Crime, b Victor Hugo H'e Iso. Armalade. liy Ilkle Collins we lsi. Tbu Coiiutrss do charm. Alex lumos iw tsa. Juliets i.uardlan. by Mrs. caiiicrun l"c ls3. Keullwoith, bj sir Wollerseoit sue lsi. The I lttle sav aire, bv Captain Marryat lu, Is3. "i.ciud-Hie swei t nun." bv Ithoda lirougton mc mild t-onnei Held, bv Cliarles Dickens 1s7. Nunon, b Alexander Pumas l's, n he sm iss 1'ainlly lloblnson ls9. Hi nry nuiibai. bv Miss lirad.ton ion. .Memoirs of a I'hyMcl m, by Ale.v Dumas 11)1. The 'lluei' culteis. by captain Marrjat m. The censflrniors, by Meiander Dumas IOC UK! 1UC SVC 1 lec lsi. Heart or viM'oiniaii. sir wanerseoit IW. No Iiuei.llons. bv 1'lon nee Marrjntt 1M. Isabel ct I'matla, h- Mexenclcr Dumas ma. r. kholos Mcklt-by, by Cli.u les Dickens 17. .sfciney by lilunla Pruiighion It's, m ttlirs In Canada, by i attain Marryat W9. clelstt rs and the Hearth, by ( has lieado an- 10c mc fn. ,JS SHI. I In. Monk, liv Vlaltnew u. Lewis. M. HIIPKlt-n N s. For sale hv nil llooksellcrs and Newsdealers, ur sent postage prepaid, on rect tpt or price. tiLOUi.K Ml Nlio, l'dbllsher. '.O. llox r17. vl, V3 and a, v auuuwanrsi., . aug 3. '77 The Great New medicine! Health-Giving Power! PURIFIES THE BLOOD, INVIGORATES THE LIVER, rituifiuiba uiuuo i iur. tinu STRENGTHENS THE NERVES, Tlui- ofr.rdnillv Miilnir ilUtutte nf iliut tl-lul. KKliIKK iiuiiiiilt'fil. "73:G-03?tE:3Sr3i3 Id AUUKKAIIIjK to lliftuitc, GUATKFUI4 to iht iuniurli. ami fiiuintiiy ut u J iTiitiiTir Al.'I'KHATlVK und 1H - KKTIC UC'tldll N nut iitlfinltMt ytU iiny untleuuiit liillnu, itulllier U an uoiir nor lUlilllf y t'Hii'i lent ! Imt i thu niilruri'. iffiealilitcilt u ml lu lum llflnil. It iiitiutillitte tiri-it upon Uih Ht;itU arctiiit, lnlli'r imimlinl hy tlUfUitu or fxhuiiklfri fim uny tanav, U to litnviihu ilixlr iiattrry i f a l m Mil t Ion mul liulrl- tloiit I lie ujiiiftUt lieliigliif rfiinftl at ourf, Tu Ilia' iillfCiril UMU an ciimum-u iimi iltlluii of tilt llvii, ltlluii.it, diur- uctei Urtl liy a iliiL)-(-omilt4inii, u ioiiletl (011 kmi, a iiat)'( Imi1 I ante In (lio taoul li.u ritinit imiM aiiiifllte mul slutruUli aitlou af I he Iioh i'li llh a feftiar ut tulliim In Ilir lifuil wiul oriiM'HUU tl 1 1 lie. iiitui Il4 t'tft'tt upon (lif kiltiyx In lift ! Iilp) iiiriiiu, irniuiiiig unite Kift kli- t Irureit mi bv it. liitlauiinaliirv anil CIuuiilc ltIII'H'3IA 'I' is 51 YtlllHooii (lUapiM ur li- a jict'lsttut Pr llio fiiit of Skin lUrue and Krtil) lluii of utl kliul-, VICiUUKNK 1 mot rlnlli. ' VHiOUUVM li ruiunoM'tl of the active iniiifrtlevur IlKHItt, HOOTh, (JU?IH ami 11. KICK, tliut Aatiue a lun furuiblif w. icruut rare liflnp tuken hy u tliut lliey aie uathereil ut the ll(;Iit mnnoii r lliu yeur, unil lliut tliry iioiiri their nutlyu vli tur. YhntVIfJOIlKKH has 1 lieiuiw erollTUv IKY TUK III.OOII. IVI(ilUtATK thu I.IVKR, ami hTIMl'LATK the DKIKVI', IVH tJHOANH, It liiilU)ittuhly imiTeii It V those who liuvt Klfii It u trial und huw iitrniiiiiiitl t uruli AVe flu lint ak tin to try w ilmen linttte to rierloin reiirr, ir you ulll feel bflter from the llrnt fvw llnis VKitlltKVK U iiitoiiUliliii: the world with It rurrt, aiitl U throw ntx all oilier TO ICS, AI1 1CUA T1V1 mul IN'VlliOH A.TMt Into the uluulet l'nt up lnui(:a Imttlev, iluulile lrt-ii(;1li. luulrtri iiuul Uosea, ami It pieutini to iuhi-, l'rlrv.Sl.ott l"r ltoltlis WALKER L BADGER MFG. CO., Prop's, V Uli St., i'lv Terk, isl Jim; CU;, IT, THE OWECT Ok' KAT1SO," Dew book rtry one iUouU reJ, UDt frw uj-ou rtctiH of vut For Sale at H. J. STOBE ISIooiiisliiir;, lm.lt, Wf, A BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY SCHOOL HISTOltY W (.'(II.UM1IIA COUNTY. Coueladftl. (vwiin.After tho school closed nt Mc Itityre, in Cataisn townslilp, a liousa wa built, jut abovo tho foundry, on the land now owned by William Stockcr, to nccom inoduto tho settlers at tho mouth of Ctttawii sa creek. Mr. Stuck, who bad taught nt Mclntyrp. win succeeded lu this school by Daniel ICrist and Daniel Ulgles. Several married men availed themselves of the op portunity to recelvo Instructions at Ibis cliool. Near nliera Joseph T, Hecdcr now lives, Joseph llorlocher opened a school, which was called "Clayton's school," tiro samo name the one goM by In tho district now. I ho one etablibtd below K5ther ftirnnco was tauj-hl by Samuel Hitler and James Stokes. Vnterior to public schools there was also one kept ut tho rlwr, about wero the pub lic school building now stands. GreemcooJ. About the year l"S5,a school was kept in a dwelling, at Millville. In 1800 .1 house was built near where Richard llleacock now lives, and occupied until 1S30. In 1S05, another was built on the land nmv oeciinied by Jacob H r.ird. This hoiw not being suitably located, was abandoned afler a few years' service, and a more con venient ono erected, wliero Catharine Mc- Cnrty now lives, wct of Kohrsburg. In 1838, when public scliools were adoptid, thero were six houses erected. Prominent among the early teachers were Jesso Haines, Jacob Winterstcen, John Shively, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Fergiijon,lleu- iamin Kester, Jonathan Colley, Hobert Lockard, and his daughters, Jane and Nan cy l.ockard. Hemlock, About the year 1S01, Mr. Don aldsan established the first school, in a dwel ling willed was located on the land now , , , , T.. , . , . owned by Isaac Pursel. Eight years later, Thomas Vandcrslice opened one in the same kid of building: wliich was erected on the lnnd now onned by M. S. Amileman ana John llooncn.otlier, at the forks of Hemlock and l'ishingcreek, near James llarton's Henry Ohl succeeded Mr. Vanderslice as teacher. The next was opened in 1810, by Jacob Wintersteen, in a building which was located on tho estate now owned by Dennis Pursel. Tho house located at the forks of the rand, where tho brick school home now stands, is given in Montour town ship sketches. The Doll school, which was kept near where ex Sherilf fcunith now re sides, 1816, was principally composed from Madison township, now West Hemlock, in Montour county. Jackson. John Denmark taught the hrst school in the township, in 1820-21, in dwelling, which was located near where tli Onion Church now stands. In 1822, Sjchool-liou-o was built cloo bv, in wh.cl lohn Keeler taugh" four, and William Yocuin three, terms. The house was then torn down. In 1825 a liouio was built at toe luwcr Jackson church, and Mr. Yoctun, who had taught in the former uuildnijj.open cd the. first school. lie wan succeeded by li,.,,,,,!:,, Ml.'.,. M!.. t.'ii.,,, r,,i..i., i. G Uenli Orwif. and Peler fiirlon. In 1SI1: hriuo was rc-Ioeated at the Union church and thosd who tatiL'ht in it before publi I'liiiols wtro e-tablialied. were: Williaiii ltiche, John I'll Miner, and Nunc K. Krick- bauin, our iren'iit asnclate jtidgo. Locust. The firt scliool in this tottiihii cannot bo accurately given, as there were several schools in sevion at the same time. Joseph blokes taught oiks in his rtsidence, which was located on tlir land now oivmd by 1). Mean. Joseph Hughes taught an other at Kerntown; Alexander Mears one at Slabtnwii : and Julius Miller one near where tlui old Quaker church now stand Tnero was also one at Esther furnace, but bv whom taught is unk-novn. When the vote was taken on tho public school iMicsliou ihero was considerable ex citement in tlie township. Had it not been for .Mr. John Kline, who induced histeiunt not to vote, (but votul iinielf,) the election would have been a lie; consequently, there was ono majority in favor of calttblUbiiig public ki'hools. Madiwn The fir-t school in tho town ship was taught, in 1701), by a Mr. Wilson, in a dwelling which was located at Jersey town. In lslO, Thomas Lano opened one in a liiuilar building, which stood on thu la .d now owned by Leonard Kisner. Tho third and fourth were also in dwel lings, one of which was erected near where the Reformed church now standi, close hy the road leading from Jerseytown to Iluck horn, and the other in tho eastern part of the township, near Millville. Main This township formerly belonged to Citawissa, ltelorc any school was es- labliahed within its present limits the pu pils wero obliged to attend the tchcol which was held up stairs in tho (prlng-hou.se spo ken nf in Catawisaa township, which was considered a very important school. About the year 1820 a school was estab lished In a dwelling which was located near wliero thu old fulling-mill stands, abovo Mainville, and was taught by Jacob Gen- scl, 1821, John Walts opened another in tho samo kind of building, which stood near where Fisher's church now stands. When this church was completed, tho old church which stood closo by was fitted up and oc cupied for school purposes until public schools wero established, Daniel Krist was n prominent teacher of this school. Mijftin. In the year 1701, David Jones opened the first i-chool in this township, in a hut which stood among the scrub pine and oal: below Mifllln, on the Uyid now owned by Christian Wolf. Thero being no primary books In market, tho teauher printed tho alphabet on shingles for the abcrtariahB. This hut was occupied but a short time, then nbaudoued, and a school was opened in a building located where the Lutheran church now stands at Mlllllnvllle. Another school houso was finally built In the eastern part of the tawuship. .i)iQr. 4. lie following U a synopsis of John U, quick's report, secretary ofMou lour: Tho first school, to my recollection, was established in the year 1831, by Miss liar rlet ltupcrt, duughter ol the late Judge Hu pert. She opentd this school in a shanty which had been built and occupied by con tractors, while making tho North llranch canal, und building the aqueduct across the mouth of Hailing creek. In this shanty , Misa Hupert commenced instructing the i! S if IM In f it It Kurnurm children in tint vicinity of Rupert, charging ono dollar for each pupil per term. After teaohlnj here a short time, sbo bad a rwom comfortably fitted up, In a log-bouso near her father's'dwelllnir, In which sho taught 1, successfully for;omo time. She, being n Christian lady and model teacher, nlwaya opcned.sclioul witli reading 'tho Scriptures and prayer.' After this school closed, we wero'obllged'to travel fully two miles to n school, 'which was taught by James L. No- vlns, in ail oi l log.hulldlnx, located at the forks of the road leading from Hloonisbitrg to Ibickborn, At Ibis time Montour be longed to Hemlock town-hip. The law, in those days, provided for the schooling in digent children at the expense of the coun ty, was scarcely realized. Parents would rather have their children grow up In to tal ignorance, than permit them to be edu cated under this act. Then came 'the pas.igo of tho common school law, which created n great sensation, llie ulea ol assessing a tax upon tlie people fur the schooling ol nil children, was a se- ions inougiit with some, and, consequently, a division of Hemlock township was brought ibout, by a c.uices being held by somo of the citizens in the southern part of the own,uip, wno-inougiit, oy divining tne iwnnipt inpy mum Ret rm 01 me scuooi 1' il I . f a!.. t il aw llius, in lsllS, .Montour was taken from Hemlock. Much might be said, in comparing tho past with tho present; but n conclusion, I shall only my, that 1 have ueeu a director lor six yean, aim nave ju-t e.uercu upon mu mines n.r uiree more, u. "" ",u '.L""cc "'iugs oi ine using generation, i et, i loatno to say, tnero are some who nro opposed to public schools, and ever reauy to cruicisa a uirecior lur lauu- fully and conscientiously discharging the (limes OI nis omce. Why not make our school-houses and grouiuls pleasant ami attractive, as well .n our homes? One of tho greatest privileges I enjoy is to visit nur scliools, and compare their con trat witli thoso of forty years ago. Ml. Pteasant. Tho first scliool in Mt Pleasant was founded by Peter Oman. He employed an instructor, at his own expen-e, to come to his dwelling to instruct his aud ins ncigimors ctiiiiiren. iMiiany turee nouses were ouiii : one upon mo lauu now owntd by Joseph Gilbert, ono upon thehnil now owned by Aaron Kester, and another upon the land now owned by Andrew Crouse. These houses were of tho samo description as early -chool-lioiis generally, built of t fill. I I . . i i!.t- . 1 i.ig, mien oeiweeu wuu sucks, uiuuru over with mud mix. d with cut straw, and film- l-lied with slab seats, (J.irelul provisions wero mado for a large fire hearth, and spa cious door, so that logs could be rolled in for fuel. This all'orded amusement for the boys nt reces. Orannc. The first scliool in this townshin was tuUL'ht in a buildiii!' which was located on the north-eastern part nf Honorable II. 11. Kline's farm, by Daniel Hake, Philip Doder, nnd Jonothnn Colley, father of Al- cxamler Culley, of Ilenton, now ninety-one years ot age. 1820, ijeorgo ance, taught at isinuimmtrg, opened a scuooi in a small log building, which stood on the lasd now owned by illiatn Uelong, below ur- nugeviiie. n.r. v ance was succeiieu oy Clcmuel tr. Hiekets, William Kantz, ami John Kline. The houo was thetl torn I down, and a more substantial ono erected at Oranireville, ou tho very pot where .Mr. Ivline's residence now stands. This hnu was aeeepled afterward tor public- "cluml purposes. Among the earliest teachers wi re Abraham Kline, Jra Daniels, and Charles Portlier. In reL'.ird to adoption public schools, the 'lime feeling arose here as eNewhere in th county. Tlie 1110-t enlichtentd, by whom nearly all the taxes were paid, advocated their adoption Vine. This towiihip was not as eaily and rapidly settled as some of tho townships in the county. In 1S30, there was but one chool liou-o in it, which was taught by John Masters, in a house located at iSereno, In 18!il!, when public schools were accep ted, education to-k a new impetus, and at present the schools in this, as well as the schools In other sparely settled townships, compare favorably with those ill towns and villages. llourimjcreek. Tlie first school within the present limits of this town-hip, was taught n 18IU, by Joseph Stoke, in a small dwel ling which belonged to Mahlnn Hibbs, and stood on tho land now owned by William Ulinail-.. Tills scliool continued only ono term. Tho following year Thomas Cherington, a surveyor and experienced toucher, opened a scliool In his sou's divellim.'. which stood on the land now owned by Samuel llauck. Af- ter teaching several terms, making his en- tire work in tho field as n teacher, forty winters, ho abandoned tho profession, and as-sinned the school to his son Samuel, who taught it successfully up to tho introduction ol public schools In lv.il, Cliarles llrcech re-opened an other school in tho same house in which Muhlon llibbi had taught, and about tho same time, David Chase also oponed ono in an old log.dwelling,near whero tho Methodist Dpiscopal church now stands. The first house for school purposes was built on the site wliero "No. 2" scliool house now stands fourteen years afler tho organization of tho first school. Scott. Tho first school-house was built iu Scott, about the year 1805. One nt Ks py, on lot No. 50, and the other below Light street, on lot now owned by J. Sankey. This lot belonged to tho tract of laud purchased from chief of tuo Province of Pennsylvania, in 1773, Tho school at Epy was established hy Messrs. Webbs, Kennedy, aud Waters, In 1SH, tho thiid school was opened lu a bqllillng which was located 011 lot now owned hy 11. Amnicrman, at the upper end oflLight street, Tho names of teachers who had charge of these schools wero George Vance, Joseph Solomon, William Love, and John K'enne- dy. Sujiat loaf. Tho pioneers, Allowing ui Fishing creek, settled along its headwaters. mong them was a scholarly geutleman, by the name of Philip Friti.frnm l'hlladelplila. Ho taught tho first school of this township, In a log hut, which stood whero Saint Ga- briel's church now stands. This hut wan occupied for school purposes for some time. l liiully, 11 school-house was erected on the land now owned by Andrew Hess, Joseph Mussey, a prolesalonalteachcr, taught in uiauy tt-rmi. 22. 1878. iYiniM of County SupcrinhmUntt, When and Mow XclcctoL Joel E. Ilradlcv. elected JuneC. 18,1(5. Reuben W. Weaver, appointed January 18fi5, William Durgcss, elected May -1, 1857. Lewis Appleman, elected Mny 7, 1SC0. William llurge", appointed October 23, mu John 11. I'atton, appointed March 31, 18(53. 0. (?. Rirkley, elected -May I, 1SH3. 0. O. llarkley, reelected, May 1, 1808. 0. O. IUrkley, reelected .May -I, 130U. William II. Snyder, elected May 7, 1S72. William II. Snyder, reelected Mny 4, 1870. Columbia, comity was taken from North umberland, by an act of 22d .March, 1813, and tho county seat was located at Danville, On the 24th of February, 1815, the Legisla- turo p.vsed an act, authorizing a vote on the question of re-location of the county seat of Columbia county, anl. at tho October elec- tin following, it was decided, by a popular vote, to remove it to nioomsburir. On Mav 3, J8.10, the county of Montour was erected out of part of Columbia. Stale Xoruutt School. Tho glnto N.rm.ll School, situated nt MIloombur deserves more thun a UABdine ' notice, ns at tho pre-ent time it enters as a large.f.ictor lu the educational work, not only of this county, but in fact of of a large por iiun i ii.e at.,c u was incorporated by a charter given in Is08 a4 t,,e liolmburg Literary Institute A building, costing $25,000. was form ally opened on the 3d of April, 1SG7. The state Superintendent, Mr. Wicker.slmm.was 3o Wc ti eased with tho bu Id nir nnd situ- ation that ho sucuested tlio chanire from a lerarv insl lllln to i Slain Xnrmnl R.d.nnl nmi ur2e,i tl.e adaitlon of irround and build. inK for the same. Alter much and duo de- liberation it was decided to tako this step. rho corner-stono of tho building, to be used for d'irmatories. w.,s laid bv Gie G.nrv June 25, lSliS. Tho formal recognition of tlie ccliool, as the btate formal School ol ll.nivlli ilMrint nr.,;,rr.,l ll,n Ml P l.U. nl!lry) ls,)9i ))y tll0 Honorable Mr. ICicker- L...m s,ltn Superintendent. The elwml na COntlned in operation with unceasing success up to the present, Ou the afternoon of the 4th of Sep- tember, 15 75, tho boarding hall was entire- y consumed by fire. This, however, did not break up tho scliool. Tho trustees by ,e generous aid of the State, erected a new . " buiklin? on tho site of the o d one. much larger and better fitted to tho wants ol the chool. This was completed and occupied in lev than eight months from tho destruc tion of the first. Tho scliool has sent out ninety graduates from the normal course, a l.iri'n nunihpr nf winch Imi-n lipon np!v,.K' eniMtred in iierfnrmini? the laborious ili.Hoa of a teacher. Several of the-e have alrpa.lv reached the positirus of borough and county superintendent. Vrirate Schools, Aeailemies and Seminaries. Or.ingevillc Academy, erected in lSiiO and for a limo a soldiers' orphan scliool is luw ih n nrosnerous condition. And Green- ,V0(Hi Seminary, founded in 18.-.0-afier va- rious cl,n.iiKe-i of niauagement-continiies to ,,rorante higher education in the county. A .elect -chool was no-ned in Illoo.ii.bnr,. in ICdl .inil ennlinnr.l in Micrv wh.l npr-,llni un il 1S75, when it clo-ed, Tlio county still contains about four hun dred and forty-square miles, and has now nearly iliirty tliou-anu lnliauitants, ono third of which are pupils of her public schools. I'or educational advantages she has no rival in tho b'tate. I hereby desirn to render my sincere thanks to tlio-H who have, iu any way, as sisted me in collecting these historical sketches. lUSTIIliy OF CIIMlMlilA COUNTY. MiMTAitv nixor.n. On Friday the 1 1th day nf April, 1SG5, a draft was made at Troy to fill the quota of Columbia county un the last call of the Pre sident. Jlloom William Morgan Daniel Ingold Allen Cadwalladcr Jlenry Senger ltibert lloan W II llarmau llemard II Stohner John We"ley Andrew Madison Solomon Heist It II Vaunalta Oliver A Jaroby Clinton W Xeal David W Fisher Charles P Sloan J J Itobbins E 1! Yoxdy Nunc ti Kuhn Michael Whltmovcr Clark M Ilrowu I 1 Clay llartman Jacob C.eist John lliuker Jacob Diehl H K Wilson Mills Chemberlin W ni Qllmorp Hutch isou Vannatta Julius Ureenbaum' David Lowenberg Wm Shoemaker Jacob F Fox John W Shannon Jauits F Mcllride Win Edgar Wm Howell Watson Fiirmau John Morris Palenion Johu Samuel Hughes Henry Garrison Jouah Towusend Peter Downs John Cadman Samuel M Preutiss T J Thornton Jobn lleagham Samel Darnnger John lliiiard Lucas N Moyor .Vudrew 11 (Jatbcart Hiram llencock Washinglnnjltucklo iaucl.T Kelchneo Jacob Stiner Itobert C Fruit David Winner Joseph Morris Phineas Welsh James 11 McKclvy Henry Wauich Henry Artwino Yieavcr. Thomas Miller Iaao llarringer Daniel Mensiuger David Hinterlilor John 1 oilman Peter ICnccht Peter Shellhouse Edmond Schell Uriah McAffeo Wash Herring N Longenberger Morton Johnson Ueury Miller Jacob llaumberger I John Nans (Naas) John Fry Peter Fuher I Geo Shuuian Henry Sherman Andrew Shuniati John llarrine John Slngley .Tosenli Ivelster .Tolin lfnnlvlAV jollI1 Hoit. (3pn w nt ' Aniirew ijuntsinger Samuel Mooro Jno Oileyn Jaoob ('lineman Samuul llluterllter Ellas ll.irr'nmi.r Stephen Lehr John Sherman Conrad Ilredbend-r Henry Hossler Tilman ltltteuhouso John Nuiilzincer John Dreisbach Nathan Hons Henry Haruinger Isaac Ousback Peter Slicker Stephen Michael Aaron Johnson Lewis Yeagc-r I John Uoats jr 31 ltltteuhouso I Fred Sherman Jno S Mann Enos ltltteuhouso Uriah jrcAITee It Joel Swauk Henry Hinterlller Jno Hawk Daniel Shearhart THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XII, NO. 8 COLUMMADKMOC'IIAT.VOL.XLtl, NO. It Ereeman llarringer Henry Iehr Alfred Mnnn James Lnrgo Peter. Fisher Win Ilaker Morton Dawes Geo Drelsbssh BenUm. John W Fullmer Andrew Htlno John W Smith Jacob M DeisMlne Somuel M Wilson Ell McIIenry Septimus Hess Thomas II Cole Simuel ShulU Oos Miller Wm llartman V. KirKenilall Nathan A Tubbs Thomas llartman John lUutz John P Ikeler Yj Laubach David Yocum Silas Ilenjimin Jonathan Steele Silas F Ivams' Peter II Shultz Uichnrd Stiles Clark Calendar dfltri'ija. Samuel J Frederick Theodore Schmett Peter S Ililer JacobS Creasy It'll ph M Lashell Nathan Km mm Geo W Clark Lewis Keifler Percival Rhodes Wm 0 Yetter Win John Nathan Creasy Augustus l'rauti Wm Mertlne Chas llartman Jacob Metz Ambrose H Sharpies Valentino Metz Jacob Ilreck James P Eight David Hower Win II Orange Mayberry G Hughes Henry Jones Thos Getkin Theodore Ivreigh Daniel Zarr .Michael Hoes M M lirobst Daniel Gearhart Samuel Yeager Jolin II (luinn Alem Fortner Levi Ash Geo nichial Peter U Campbell Benton W Fortner Hamilton Fisher Benj C Ludwlg Wm Ire Jno S Mench Jno Hibben George Gwin Amos Berger Wm Parr Jacob Zimmerman Ziba Barnes Joseph Martz Conyngham, Thomas McCormick Thos Killcall Wm Lees Patrick Eagen Jos D Long Moses Long Hugh Monday John Laras John Moyer Henry Desher David Black J N Frick Jno McDonnell Pat Herran Nicholas Longbecln Kvan Jones Jno Shlosser Jos Steele Jos Snyder Pat Lenchan Frank D Long Jno Skilling Martin Neuss Win Kute John Metzinger Elias llarringer Ellis Valentino Martin Iirinnau Jacob Stots James McCollum Daniel Crumm Oeorgo Ileedy Chas Augle Centre. Lovi Ilidlay Jl J ICnorr T Mcl) Price Samuel Kiuard Jos Weis Philip Cain Samuel Boone (ieo P Stiner T W Fry Geo McNeil uorey ' r0S Hellldll Jno EnSla JlloS K'iu "eo w uavls ThosMahen James Geunings Michael Aom Morton Brenusn Jno Thomas Thos Deltou Pat McDonnell Clinton Dewitt Robert Gorrell Daniel Jones John S Longbinn Paric Da Mott Peter Lauban 1 '"rlc .uciuiiiey lmm'5 -UCliUinn Jno Mulljr Stephen Thomas -ylvestcr Hoffman Patrick Keunedy Peler Lupert John Shultz L D Mendenhall Henry l'esteler Mnrdecai licks Levi Creay Erastus W llaker llczeklah Iinono Henry K Heniley Clou H lloone Jes-e Ilicks Geo Hidlay Elis Drown Clns Zimmerman Alfred Hower Jacob Miller Franklin. Klij 1I1 llarman Samuel Smith Wm Webb O W Dodson Wellington Clark John Cooner John S .McWilliams Geo Hartmau David W Keifler Shultz Knittle Win llarninger Washington Parr Samuel Yetter Jacob Bolder David lluber William Mensch Jos 11 lleiher Geo 7,irr Christian Artly Jiieob Kulitle Iienj iminennan John Arlly llcniy Edmans Hiram J Heeder Jloaringcreei. Phineas Thomas Joseph Kline John Bloss John Unrig Joseph Iluck Elias Itarig Cleo llloss Jidin Hampton Jacob Longaberger Samuel Leiby Peter Strausser John C Hower Geo Kreisher Jacob Erwlu Scott. hmanucl K Case Michael Knlttle Michael Ilrittnn I'rucus E Ilomboy Heeder JIack Pulaski Mellick Thomas Merrill David Whitmire G Fensdermaker Daniel Snyder Aaron Neuss Wm E Hower Jacksc 11 Garrison Theodore McDowell Caniel Hamlin John 11 Vauhorn Alfred P Fowler Geo ltncklo Pine. Wesley Long l'emberton Piatt Jacob Gordon Clcmuel 31cllenry Isaac Irens 3latthias Crossley Jaoob Christian John Loro Fred Wagner Abjiah G Girton Samuel Stackhouse John 11 Eves Ijienj Loro Crffiiwooi, U Franklin Derr Georgo lteeso Johu Thomas John Jloore Eves Harrison Dietterick Clinton Bobbins Wm U Parker Wm E Patterson Wm J Sands James Dewitt Geo Derr ll'm It 3Iather Perry 1) Black G W Washburn Geo Heacock David Masters Abraham Titmaii Jos 0 Parker Samuel Patterson .ebulon Shultz Thoslteese Wm 1 Ikeler Hobert Musgrave Wm Davis Peter Swisher Israel W Girton I Jos W Eves Sylvester Albertson Augustus Wilson Parvlu Eves Jesse Hoaocok I Jackson Hummel Wilson Thomas Thomas Wilson Jacob 3Iussleman Uichard J Eves Thomas Davis James L Plosion John C Lemons Jncimui. I'.lijah Yoeum Jesso Hhone Josiah Itobbins Jno Young Israel Heath Hemlock, Peter S Brugler M II ShulU John Thomas Triyolpicce Jacob 1 layman Johu Staddou Frank ItoberU Hohr McIIenry Philip Knouso John Keller Jouus Hess John Fox Sylvester Wchards Azlma Whiteulght JohnSBhoeuiaker t Pcirieval tulk om,fc9;. ,Jfca p5b m$& s3f Jm TOlnchA " .'....., . 4.10 MJ Three InchM 4.C0 4.ra 7.oo lt.oo S3 Four Inches s.oo ouarter column t.oo Half column lo.oo una column so.oo 1.00 .oo 1S.WI s.oo lo.oo l.oo unn is.on ts.oo 1S.00 10.00 to.oo 1 Tearly advertisements raysblo quarterly. Time Hent advertisement must be paid for befors lnssraai eice pt wnero parties bavo accounts. legal advert luemsnts two dollars per Inehfor I innrmons, aim av wis. raie ier buuimuu.iiu v. itnoui rcierenre o wngui. Kieeuuir's.Arntntstrakir'B and Auditor's ne tnrco aoiiars. Aitm Depaiaior wncu iDscriva. Transient or Local notices, twenty cents I. regular advertisements b&H rates. Cards In the "nuslncas Directory" column, dollar per year for each lino. Thomas Wearer Daniel Wanich Philip Hens Peter Ilrngler" Kcuber Wcrkht'retr Wm r Lcidy John llartman Mthlas JWhltcnlght lleuben Eouch John Coon? Henry Sonicrs James Kounsley Charles Green Hugh X Hartala'a Perry Whitenllit JameD Pnnel WI1I1U Panel Harris Hnrtmi Gideon Btecker Michael Gobcr Geo W Foust W II Shoemaker Orange, Jerome Kisner Oscar .Agenbach Emanuel Applemaa Henry Stewart Jeremiah Hess Matthew B Pattenoa Abraham White Isaac It Dlldlno Martin Kline Miles DeLong Archibald Pattenoa Lociitt, Fred 3Iufler Fred Payden Lemuel White Charles Conner Geo L Johnson John Fisher Henry W Kisner Joshua Truuibore John S Pettibone Milton Trumbore Alex 3IcIIenry Franklin Itarig Jonathan Beayer Jacob ltuch Joseph Sanders Isaai C Myers Heury Hoffcnan John Liudermate Joseph Ilreck S Schaefler Wm Campbell Adam 31 Johnson Ellis George Sitnan Carroll Jacob LiudermatoJ Israel Warry John Miner Brine Hongbcner David Fcttermau Jesso G John David Uhodes Wm Goodman Jacob Yost Geo Isenbach Wm Bahra Isaac J Fisher David Helwig David lleeder Wm illynn David Levan Lloyd P Fox Solomon Strausser Jacob P Kesliner Jno 0 Walters Amandus Billeg Peter Beaver Wm Smith W II Reinbold Gabol Warry Daniel P Lcvan Wesley Perry Wm Adams Geo Blttener Michael Hongberger Abram Kico Charles Belllg Wm Fetterman Wm D Phayler John Artley Solomon Yeager Nathan Kostenbadef Jacob Care Harris H Fox Richard E Uatkins David Leibig David Long Andrew Scott Adam Marks Samuel Miller Jacob Long Wm Irwin Adam 3Iensch Win Lourman George Wary Henry Yost Solomon Rider Wellington Hower Wm Parker Peter Rhodes Wm Shultz Madison. Wm Kitchen John 3IostelIer Silas Il'Barber Robt Fruit Joel Moser Geo Breece Elisha B llartman Frauds Eves Adam Coder man Wash Welliver Eli ll'agner Joseph Moist Jacob Zeisloft Conrad Kramer ll'm Mnsteller Jonathan Begg Joseph C Smith Daniel llelllyer John Roan H Clay 31111s JohnDemott A R Smith Tlesley Demot Cyrus R Johnson Alex Carr Lemuel Kisner James Kindline John D Essick ll'm Graham Abram Swisher Uriah llelliver Jno ShulU Jno Kramer Henry Biddlo ll'ilson J Masters Mt. Tleatant. Isaas Culp John Barnes Gabriel Everett David 3Iusgrave Philip .Miller ienry .Mellick John 11 Vanderslice Fmanuel Gilbert Andrew J 3IcCarty Clinton Mellick Aaron Kester ll'm tl' Kline Russet Appleman Alfred 3Wller John II' Kramer Samuel Jacoby ll'm Beers Chas Johnson eter Hlppchsteel Philip Stroup mos R eacock Jos Jl Kitchen James Lemon Viratn Kramer John Johnson Christian Eck John R Jfordan Joshua 7artzel ott Johnson Robt bwell David F Oman Geo Steinmiller Melchl Ruckle Levi Thomas Benj Kester 31illaad L Thomas UU&m Thomas 31atthias Gilbert ilaiit. Lewis Felker Urn Erwin U J Campbell John A Shuman Thos Pleasants Benj 7awkae Josiah Fleming David Bigiiling Jer Longenberger Nath Jl W Brown U J Campbell G 31 Longenberger Mifflin. 7ezekiah Kelchner John J 7aitzel Philip 7ess Jer Zimmerman Thos lt'7utchisoa Victor Ronald Geo Robenbolt Daniel 7ouse .Samuel E Smith Km KilebaugU Jacob Suydcr ll'm Freas Abram 31 lastellcr Stephen Hetter lt'hitnev 7ess ESchwcppeheiser ll'm Gitliug Bin Kelchner lfash Z 3Iichael John Rint Alfred Hess Stephen Dietterick Lewi9 Creasy Jos R Miller Tiihingcreek, Samuel Sbives I) 0 SutlifT Jacob S Bishliue Alex Jackson Stot .McIIenry Perry Buckalew Benj Golder Monterville McIIenry Dennis Kline Cyrus B Fox James McMicliael Jacob Kline Wm Evens Geo M Howell Philip Bellas Reuben Hess Geo Gilbert J as J Campbell EllsbaKRobblns Hiram McIIenry Levi Dinner Abram 11' Patterson Thcs M Station Reuben Appleman Sugarloaf. Hiram Lunger Benjamin I'eterman Elijah Peterman Richard Hess Geo Case Abljah Hess Elijah Hess Jer Vunsickla Peter Masteller Amos Fritz, Samuel Roberts Michael llelshllne John W Kllno Cyrus LarishJ Hiram Lunger Reuben Betterly Jos L Harp Elias Golden Clinton Cole Sole. The other townships had filled their quotas by volunteering ; or for special reasons the draft was postponed, In the foregoing lists many names are manifestly wrong, mauy duplicates, some of persons de ceased, or loug absent. The errors that are thus apparent must not be charged to the printer or the copyist. They are correctly copied from the furnished or printed lists, aud given as per copy. To those who know tho persous the correction is easy, and It was thought best to permit that to be done by the reader, und to give the names as we found them. The careless incorrectnoss was tho cause of much trouble to our citizens, and these lists are & lastlug monument of in competency ox worse.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers