si THE COLUSlBIAN, Ot.UllBli hKMOCRAT, UTAH Or TUB NORTH AMD COMIX HUN CO.UOLIIItTIIP.) Issue weekly, over b'llclay inorntnir, at III,'JOM3lUltll, OOlA'MHIA COUNT?, I'A, Tiro uoLLtna per joar, payable In advance, or (limns: thajoar, After tlio expiration of tlioyear will ti) OIMWJJ. To RUUscrloers out of tug county u3 tormtnro tl peryinr. -trlctly In nuvnnce U If not ptlil In alvanco an J iJ.ojir payment bo tfdiaycilDa 011J tno year. No pip-rdlicontinuuii, oxci'pt at tho option of the rmuillsiiurs, until nil arrearages nro paid, lint lnnir continued credits nfter the expiration of tho llrst year will not be Klven ..... All OIU5M wnt out ol UieHUlo or to distant post orr.ces mint to paid tor In ndvanco, unlesi n respon. slblo person In Columbia county assumes to pay the subscription duo on demand. .... I'lHVAd B la no longer exnctcil from subscribers In the county. job DPTisTTinsra-. Tiie.Tobulrir neparttnentof tho Columbian Is very CO.nptete, nn lour J 1) Printing will compare fiivora y ivlni tli it ur tho lartto cllles. All work done on maml, neatly and nt moderate prices. Columbia County Official Diroctory. President Jud?o William El well. Associate .Indues Irnm Iicrr. M. fl. Hughes. Vrotlionotnrv, c u. FrnnkZnrr. Court Htcnostrnpher s. N. Walker. tHlstcr.r: Iteeordcr Williamson il. Jacoby. District Attorney John M. Clark, sherirf siirv.i or Isaic. Dewltt. Tr-'nsurer-Pr II. w. Mclteynolds. i:o nnlssl.iaers John Uerucr, S. w. Mctlcnry, Jasepn sands. Cjinnlssloners' clerk William Kilckbaum. An Utors-.M, V. II. Kline. I. 11. Casey, I'.. II. Drown. coroner-l'liirles (I, Murph . Jury Commissioners Jacob II. I"rltz, William II. Utt. Co int S'jp:rlntcnlent-V Ham II. snvder. llloonPojr District -lilrectois-o. P. Knt, co't, .V n. Kr.imor. niunsburif and Thomas (.'reveling, Ira t, l). 1'. i:nt, Secretar.. Bloomsburg Official Directory. ninomsburg nankin? Comninv .lohn . Funsion, ProM.len ,11. II. tiro 7, cashier. Kin Na lonal Hank Charles It. I'axlon,' resident J. P. Tustln, Cashier. t Columbia cnuni. Mil ual Savin? I'nnd nnd Iian Assorli lon-15. II. Ut le, I'reslden , C. W. Miller, ecrettiry. liMnnslunr tlulldlni nnd saving fund Assocla'lon -Win. Pencock, President..!. H. Itohlson, secreinry. Uloomsburir Mu ual s.ivinir Kund Assocla Ion J, J, Urowcr, I'reslJcn , C. (I. llarkloy, Secre'ary, CHUIICII DIItKCTOUY. mr-TisT ciickcii. Iter. .T. P. Tin In, (supple.) Sun lav sen Ices -t Mum. and Otf p. m. sundi school 9 n. m. Praver Sleetliu r.vcry Wodnesdav cvonlng at ty4 cock. Soa s rrce. The public are lnvl ed to attend. . ST. MATTIIKW'S IXTUEItAN CHCKCH. Minis cr Ilcv. .1. vecron. sun lay Services lof a. in. and Jfp. m. Sundav school 9 a.m. i'ra erMoo lug Kvery Wedncsdav evening al 6)4 dock. Seatsfroc. Nopcwsrond. All nro welcome. PRBSRYTBRMCIICUCH. Minis er-Tlev. Stunrt MP"hel!. Siiiidiy Services nix n. in. and C,f p. m. snml.iv school -9 n. m. I'r.f cr Mce Every Wedncsdav evening al tf o'clock. Seas free. No pews rented. Strangers welcome. mbtiiodist KriscorAt. council. Presiding HI lor Ilcv. N. S. Huckliuliam. MlnH er Ilcv. J. s. McMurray. sundae Seniles 1 ,sj ntulc p. m. stmda School p. m. Iilulu Class Ever .Monday evening a GJtf o'clock. Voting .Men's l'ra- cr Men lng Every Tuesday evening a fi o'clock. Ceneril Prayer -Meeting Every Thursday evening J o'clock. REFORMED CIICKCII. Corner of Third nnd Iron Btreets. I'astor llev. tl. I. Hurler, itesl lonco C-ntral Hotel. suntUy Services 10j a. m. nnd 1 p. m. Sundav-Pcliool 9 a. m. praver Meeting Saturday. 7 p. m. AU-ai'o invited There Is always room. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Hector sundat Services inf a. in., C1 p. m. Sunday school 9 a. in. I'lrst sun lay In the month, Holy Communion. Services preparatory to communion on Friday evening bclore tho ht Sunday In each month. Pows rented: but evcobodv welcome. EVANUELICAL CHURCH. Presiding Elder Ilcv. A. I., lleeser. Jllnl ter llev. J. A. Irvine. iiunday SerMco-a p. in., in the iron streitChmch. Pr i er Meeting Eiery Sabbath nt S p. m. All nro Invited. All ure welcome. THE CHURCn OF CHRIST. Meets In "the llltle llrlck church on the hill," known ns tho Welsh llaptlst Churcb-oii Kock street east of Iron. . Itegular meeting for worship, tvery Lord's day af ternoon at 3; o'clock. treats free; and tho public arc cordially Invited to attend. lILOOMSIlUliO DIUKCTOUY. SCHOOL OKIiEHS, blank, just piinled and neatly bound in s nnll books, nn hand nnd tor sale ut Iho Columbian onicc. Feb 19, lSTS-ll lLAMnJlU)Srarelii.iiirnnil l.inen 1) Pniier, common and for Ailtnlnls rators, Execu tors aim trustees, for sale cheap at the CoLi'Mtus orilcej 'AUUIAOK CKltTIl'ICATl iu.t printeil nnd for sale at the Coi.L'MUlAN Ulllce. Mlnls- tersuf the (losc?i and Justices should supply them selves with thiso necessary nrllcles. JUSTICKS nnd Constnlites' Kce-ililN foVnale atlheCOLUMRiAS ofllce. They contain tho cor rected fees as established by the list Act of the alaturo upon the subject. Every Justice nnd Con. stnhln should havn one. V KXOUK NOTI--S just printed and for sale cueap at inu uolumijian oinee. HOOTS AND SHOI'.S. EM. KNOUH, Denier in Hoots nnd Shoes latest and best s'yles, comer Malu and Market filrects. In tho old post omce. CLOCKS. WATCHES, SC. r K. SAVAdK. Dwilcr in Clocks, WntclMs and Jewelry, Main St., Just below the Central Hotel. I'ltOFESSIONAL CAHDS. 1? V.. IKIJ.I'.H, Altorney at Law. Knoms iii h Exchange Hlock, Sd Hoor, Illoomsburg, Pa. 08 F (T IiAllKI.El', Oilice j , In lirower'a building, 2nd btory, UCims 4 Si 5. OOt. 13, '73 Dlt. W'.M. M, IlEHEIl, Silicon nnd I'livsi clan. omco S. E. corner llock and Market streets. T ! i:VANS, M. I)., Surgeon nnd 1'liyei clan, (tinico and liesllence on Third stiect, curner Jcucrson. J. I!. McK KI.VY, M. I), Surgeon anil l'liy siclan, north side .Main streti, i.-elov Markit, II. JtOIIISON, Atlornev-.M-i.uw. In llartmau's building. Main street. OIUii II. r.O.SKXSTOt'K, I'lujtngnpher, over l Mark Wo'.f'sMore, Main stieit, MISCELLANEOUS. D AVID ,OWKNI!i:ilO, Merchanl Tuiloi iiain m., aoove i enuai nuiei. IS. ICIIIIN, dealer in Me. t, Tallow, elc. Centre stieet, I elwc en Second and Hard. "XAniKN" OlTVANTV-TfllSri LAN- MIAVIIor onjlhli.g In Ihu TO.s.-oHIAL go 10 JAMl'S Ri:iLL' liAl'.Dl It MIOP, T1IEIIEST1NT0WN, Under Eichangc Hottl, Elounslurg, l'a. Oct. 13, ';s-iy CATAWISSA. rI. II. AllllOrr, Attomey-at-Uw, .Mali, "r.M. L. KYKKLY, Arr0IlNEV'-AT.L.iW, Catuv, tssa, Pa, Collections promptly made and remitted. OMcc oopoilto CuUh Isvi ieioslt Dank, in-ss THS "MOODY" SHIRT." MA DK TO OHDKK ONLY. A PEIll-ECT FIT 0UA1IANTEEU. Oentlemen desiring Suirts will nleaso drop us a lUc Aim uur ki ui iui tun uiui gei uui uteHsuremenu fueiury Loiner riuu uuu Ltniro siretts. uaress I'. O. MouUV. iluuL lic-ly tut I lib, Id J, II. K.MTTLE. W. II, AI1C0TT Important to Farmers. and ever) body In want of LIME, LUMBER, AND COAL. Wo nave erected Kilns nt or near tho re per Mlil.on the 1). II. W, It. It. and aru now prepared to sell lino at very reasonable prices and of good quality Orders by the car promptly filled and shipped to any station on the above road. A full lino of I.I'M U EH, of all kinds, dressed or In the lougb,, Lath and bill Timber to vt Ulch v o Invite UioatU'uU '' Orders recelTCdJ I .i-M . M -vn.- ey "if.,; .s, J'Anar sn.i- y j.nii.ts s Auiiirn ltvitrtl X.U. . . j ----- ...,..,- , Sluue bf pubU'.,?- . vM.n fi iu went a , J,-with orwltlio" "fsUIiOTT, Hlua,rs, 'Ijl o:l!l0SY,teandPrcprlcte. IlUSINKfeS OAltns. D II. A. h. TUKNUK, ltcsidcnco on jr.trkct Btrcet ono door below I). J. Waller's. Office nrprKlplm'n Unit? Store, omca hours from 1 lo4 p. in. for treatment of diseases of the Eye, Ear nnd Throat. All calls night or day rrompuy attended to. AI'r.23'!5-tf U. J. C. IIUTTKU. PHYSICIAN A SUltOEON, omce, North Market street, Mar.S7,'tt y Hloomsburg, Fa. n K. 0KVI8, J ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW, Ofeick noom No. 1, ' Columbian" Ilu'.ldlng. Sept. 1S.1S76. s AMUi:L KNOW!, A T T 0 '. N E Y-A T-I. A W, lit.ooMsm'po, rA. office, llartman's Block, comer Main nnd Market htrcets Oct. 8, '73 C 1 W.MILLKU, ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW Ofllcetn r.rower'sbulldlng.seeond No. I. Hloomsburg, Pa. Julyl,73 y c V. & W. J. DUCKALEW, ' ATTOUNEYS-AT-LAW, Rloomsburg, ra. omce on Mnln Street, first door below Court IIouso Mnr.G,'71-y V. t J. M. CLARK, ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, Hloomsburg, Pa. April 10,'7l-y Ofllcc In Ent s Hulldlng. A. CREVEI ISO SMITH. nERVET EWINQ SMITn. A CKEVELIXG SMITH & SOX, ATTOP.NEYS-AT-LAW, Hloomsburg, Pa. ir All hu'lneos entrusted to our care will reclevr prompt atteni ion. Julyl,'73 y I. BILLMEYEH, At IUK.11.1 Al l.Al. OFFICE-Adjolnlng O. I!. A W. J. Iluckalew. Hloomsburg, Pa. Afr. 14,'70-ly. E. II. LITTLE. ROD'T. K. LITTLE. XTl II. & 11. T.. LITTLE, ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, Hloomsburg, l'a. Mr-pusiness before the 17. S. ratent OIllco attended to. omce In the Columbian Building. ly 3S B KOCKWAY & ELWELL, ,V T TO It X E Y S-A T-I. A V, Columbian Hill Pisa, P.loomshurg, Ta. Members of Iho I'nlled Slnles Ijiw Association. Collections made In any part of America. 7"ILLIAM BUYSOX, ATTOHXEY-AT-LAAV, Ccnlralia, Pa. r.b 18, '7C-ly. MISCELLANEOUS. TV 7 II O V E L L, DENTIS T. omce In llartmau's Hlock, rccond floor, comer Mnln and Market Streets, ELOOMSISUHU, May 20-ly. V)1!0VX'S HOTEL, 'ISIoomslmrp, Va., 11. I ) btohner. Proprietor. ' Accommodations Hrst eTass. $i,2S tolixu ptrday. ltestaurant attached. uciouer. io-u M. DltlXKEl!, GUN and LOCKSMITH. ewlng Machines and Machinery of all Kinds re paired. Otera House Hulldlng, Hloomsburg, l'a. v'CL I, id ly J.TIIOHN'iu I j, ouhl announce to tho citizens of ltlooms CiirK And Motility lhat lie has Just recelveilaiuU und compieic uhburiim'nt ui WALL PAt'EIt, WINDOW SHADES, WXTCKKS, C0KD9, TASSKLfl, and all other goods In his llnuof busIneRB. Alltlm always to bo found In his establishment, ilaln stiver, below Market. wt. S.'Tft JXCIIAXGK HOTKIi, lppuNllv tliu Court House, UI-OOMSBUnO, I'A. Tho Largest and Best In all resects tntbe county W. B. KOONS. Oct. 8,'75-ly rroprletor. 7UKAS BROWN'S TNSUUANCK AG EX- CV, Kxcliango Hotel, Bloomsburg, l'a. Cnpltnl. .Ktna, Ins Co., or Ilnrlford, Connecticut. Liverpool. London and (llobe HmwH.f I.tM'ri'Ool I Riminshlio Kfre At-oclailnn, I'hlliidclphla Mnertcnn of I'lilladelpbU UI.ii or liartfurd vv'Mimln. of wiUfpp lirro , Knrinf-rs Mutual or ItimUllo !ahMlu Murnal Hfunt'. Now Viirk comnu'relal Union . o,wo,(no ,..18 "ftO.oim , .. HMW'i), (mi ... 3,1'HI,IMH ... 1,10.1 fHN Ml.nm .... ft.i'on .... lT.UtHJ.IHUl fi:s,y.',(Mxi March 50,'IT y rVi: rXDKUSniVri). rpprenlinifewral I 1 1 the nifiKt orin-jervjttivo nrd rtll'il-Io Aineil fui I'ln lnmni.(v i'rmpariK'f, wtw Uv'faicto . n r UN M'iMwMo the elllehscf iiliHircbur nutl ili'lntl , K'fiM'MIi.K u rtTKcnutle hT4 -f tlif public w. ,i. 1'(ji:i.l, IilooniMnirjr,.lttlv if. Tc Ofhre la Ui-tAici'd UlucL. Columbia County BAETK, OF I5L00ASBUI?G, PJ3XNA Formerlvthe Pai V of Hspy, removed April nrst. HiO. Is rch wiiltiUy kviitnl In iiiiueiitrid puilot the ton, and di es a iieueral HAMJI.NU biHncKS. Monei recilvuloii depotll bubli ct in diet li with out notice, s?f-ot l-tl KiriitiL'eiiieiiiM inmle tilth deiKjb IUjpi, and Interest allowed on lime Hcpotlta. tmie DraJ'ti on jVrw i'ori nnd I'hilmletplwt. Collections inado on all Important low n In ilw IT, S.otlowest rules or eubaiiKe, HoniN and nocl;i tHiiicht and told, ami coupons collet ted. tvervw curlty elven to depositors thutcuii be olleiid by any Hank. Discount Days : Tuculay ami Friday. HATE, SIS I'EII CH.NT. Au?, 10, 16-lm. $ $ $ $ $ To ilio Worhliia 'Iiinm. We are now prepared to HiuiiH ui. tw.,a .win tuoMuuL euipioj meat at home, tLe uhde cl the lime, or for llnlrsparemo mi nia, UuMneiw new, imht and proiliuble. 1'. rsous ol ell her ben iiikUy earn Iroin ta mils lo 3 ir evenlnir, and a proporllfiinl sum by devotlnK their nholollineto Ihe buslnefs. Iloja and t'lrla earn nearly us much as men. 'jliit all vi ho beo this notUu may send their Hddre, anil t?t 'bo SubUii'bsvti' inuko this uuriiriilled 'er: Tobiich asur,. nut u-,.n sulhned wo will te(. ono dollar to pay for the trouble ol wrllluir. Full mniculars, samples worth several dollars locouaiueute work on, andacopyof Illustrated Iliblleatlons. all sent free Gv mnii. i n.i. er, II toil wantiieriuanent, prohtablo Hort address iieurtio puiibuu a. t.o., i onianu, iamc. hept. s, ';e.-iim. Ol nd IK. to 0. P. HOWKLL CO.. New York, tor r Pamphlet of HO paces, containing; lMs ot siw n-iv. spapers, sua esUiuatessbowtSkr cost of sdvertls- ln. Vtc. 8, im Can't be mode by every aifcnt every montb In Ibe business ne furnish, but a dozen dollars s dav rlL'bt In their o.n inrnittien. tuvov n uiiiik tu tvtu. mn easily earn untu nu luiiiii to expidiu litre, jtuHiness pieaKaiit uuu uunui.uie. , itonit'u, uuii oojs nun innsaons well us men. Wo 111 furnish )oua cotapl:te out ntfree. 'Ihe business pu)b better than snjtbltiir Jso. Wavlllliev exjiensoof stirllnfjoq. prllcu. Hits free. Write awl see. Farmers tEd ni fiCuaSlf. their sons arddaiuihiers, and all classes la needoc Davluirwork atlionie. shooid wriiA m ,,. tTX U about tlw work at once. Now la the time, DoaX lie THE LUNGS CONSUMPTION TlildltrL"(.sin!randdftn)TOroHs complaint, and Its I premonitory symptoms iineloctpd coiuli, nhj'.it Rwent", hoarcce wanting flesh fever pfrnntifti lvrured by Dr. ".Swoyns compound Hjrup of Wild Chcrri." lJONcil!n-a Trrmonltor of Pulmonnry Con Fiimptlon. Hcbaractctlmlby (Mtnrrh or Intlamntlon of th tnucuotiH inemtiranM of tho air nassaffet, Lnnrpnny, pair In thnihevt l'or nil Broncnlal ancctloiH, ftom llircnt, loHor olce, coughs, DU.SWAYNIVri Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry n a fovFRFios nrr-PY. ltcwmorrhngo prfplttlnsr of lilood, mnv proceed frnm the larwir, trachla. brnnchla or lungs and ntlso from nrloun ciuk p, n undue pin Mral exertion, nbtl'ora fullnrsstif tlf fs'ls.Miak lurgsover- ttmlrilnir cf the flce. ?upriecd evacuation, ob struction of the spleen or Ihcr, LC. Ccmpcund Syrup of Wild Cherry j MrtKrR at the rof t of rttM'aso by puriMng Hip blood, i rrMoiIng the liver and Kldnejs to healthy action, In-: lgoratlng the nervous sMtin. Its rrnndous power not only over rvery chrnntc dls-e fe where n irradual nlteratUe nellnn Is needed, limit r It list tho rough Is loosened, the night sneata diminished, the pain ub.ldesllin pulse re turns to lis atiiral Mandard, tbeFtornnehlH Improv ed In ltspowtr to digest and asslmthte the food and eerv organ has a piurr and better quality of blood supplied to It, out of which new reereathe and plas tic materlr.1 Is made flit MWAYNf L'rnduatod nt ono of the bet ml Cnllfpes In thn t'. nnd v n cntrniri d In an nc- tlre prncttcc manvear, thus guaranteeing that hl preparations are prepared upon btrlctly sdentlllc principles. HelisilHO liividencc. 1I0MU TKTI5I0NV. tn. PWAVNr Hear Sin Heel It to be due to you and jufT( ring hum.inlty to give the fallowing tcstt nV'nv respecting the wonderful ciirnthc poversof 5 our Compound mi up of 11I Cherry and sarh.ip.i rlbu and Tar I Ills. I wasnniKted with a lMent cough, palnstntlic side and bieust, night sweatH, poniinroai my uuneii wcrriuMnr. iippuuiu muin irorip. ami inv stnnaeli m crv cak my Phjsl- clan was nt n loss to know what to do for me, as er cmhlng I lived In the Minpe or mediclno as reject ed spit different llines n pint c f tilood I remained for irontbs in thlsawrui conanion, ana gao up an hopesof eer recovering. tthls ttme jou rei tm inendcd the uo of your suup nnd 1 1lls, whl'h tni tnedlntclv bigan tn soothe, comfort and nllaythe loIence rf tho eoucrh, Miengthene l and healed lumrs: In short. It has pride a lHTfect cimiot n' and 1 am n iw a' ! to pursue mv dally LVior. i person noummg tin trmn ottneanovo vi - will please c I on or nd Ires-i me, at the factor lUAVAHIlH. HAMSUN, Engineer cf o. Metnejv Pottery, urge I oad, lelow nllace, I'hlla. 0cr2a rears have elapsed, and Mr. llnmsonMlll remains a hearty man to this day l-eptember3oth, UTS. PHYSICIANS KFX'OMMGXD IT. Dr. Thomas J. n. lthoads. Hoertovn, llerksCo., l'a.. write-: Yourcompoand f.rutM)t Wl d Cherry IeMeemer hlyhlj ; h.ncbei n selling nnd recom mending It to mv i ntlentsfor mmy jenrs niid It al wivspitiei iilpncloualn obltnatc coughv, bron chial and nsthniatknl utTectlfns It hns made somo remarkabln ctnes In this section, and I confident tlm best icmcilv with which I am a iualutid. Ineery fcecllonif the country Ui ic aie persons who hae been cured of Consumption, In Ksseverat &Tng(8, bvthe usoof Dr. Swane's Meillclne, Many peisons have Wen ustoied to healtu uflerhelng loiiilm d to thdr 1 ed, udund in mtre skfletons, and troubled with cough, night sweats, beetle rcnr. and all other Indications of nn advanced sta'f cf ril-eave. It Is true thar Pi nil eases wlieio cures aio cifeeted the pathnt niU6stluc bouioluus remain ing, but thoiiMUuNof ricfi:iiN of Consumption have descended to their craves who mltflit hive ticcn cured If thev had ii-ed swajne's Compound of Wild Cherrvln lime. I'tlce tl. Mk bottles for$, If notsuldbMOurdruglst, wo will forward half a dozen bv express freight paid on tecelpt of plce. SWDescilfjesvmplonis In nil cotnmunleatlans, and address letuiH tu Dlt. SWA YNK A: SON, sao Norlh Mx'h Mieit, 1'hlladelphla. Nocharge will bo made forndvlce. sold by diugg-lsts and dealers In medi cines generallj. LIVER COMPLAINT That dreaded nlsr ae,from whlcU so many persons suiier, is irequeiiiiy musu ui llKADACIIE. INDKIESTIOV, DVSPErSIA, Is speedily re leved, nnd ateoften permanently cured Swayne's Tar anil Sarsaparilla Pills. revera nre otlen prevented bv tho uo of thew Sarhaparllla I'llN, as they cairy olf.thiougli thn blood the lTimurlttes frc m which tbev ail-e. For Costlve- ntss therols nothing so effectual as hwajne's Tar umi r-urfciipiinu.i i ins. They aie purely Vegetable.and ret spoclcPy on tl e Liver us lilui Mass or talomel, wltnoutun badre- huiis irum iu King. Address letters to Dlt. sV YNK & SON, Philadel phia. iSo charL-e for advice. Sent bv mill on ncelnt of pi Ice. l'rKe 'Jocei.ts a box; live boxes lor fl. Ask jour urugyiM roruiem. Itching Piles Is generally preceded by a molMurc, like persplre tloii, dlstns&lng Itching, nrf though fin woims wt ro crawling In (i about tho ret turn, particularly nt night when un In w-il niter getting warm. Itnppenrbtubumimrud well us win tr, ofitntlmes hiiuM iim-u aruiimi too pri nu1 p.n is auiii-t iiol nni lined to umles only, but Is finite as f refluent that fe- m.iles me holey cfllU-ted, jiaitlculaily in times uf piegnnne.v, o.Mei.iung n to ihu vagiiia, rioviiit! tils, tiilne alimt bemud t" iovei of tudiiraiiLe. Cases of lung standing, pronounced Incurable, have ui'lk piiiuaiieutiy liiiiu v) nuJij uppiinj; S wayne's Ointment, JiOMK TICSTIMONY. I was fiorelv nflllcted with ono of Ihe most dlstres. tlngtf nllf.lMiiUS, I'rniitu- irl'riul"0r er more loiumoniy Miowna.s jun:ijgrnes j no iicnutgai times was aim M tnf-Urabl., increa-'ul by siratch ln. and h't ui.fienucMlv bieaine oulte sre. 1 boinri.t a box of svva.vne'ri filidn.ent ; Hi- um gavo (pilck leih f. und In Mu it Mn.c niade a p ifi'tlcuii. ) van notv t-h ii uudbtttibf d, and f wo'ild ndvl-o all who ate Rtifli llf'E' with ihlsdUlieh'-liigfcnipmLt iu (iiorure j n i iMiiiiutiii in iniee. j u.i-i imv pvoc rli tluisa'in'.t lunuiiiiiubie, without ilndln anj ih-iiaainnt relief, lOMM'H V. CIIIMST, n-m tf 1'i'fiii 1 : t hr st. I.oi-t i-i.d -.lue Iluu&e, s.U uUh Stroud stre-t, i nrmtclihU. SKIN DISEASES. Sv;i7r-e'c All-IIcaling Cintmcrt H aU'.ia;hLtilo Ir t Iter, Pi 2 ill rii 'Uui, sfi.ild head. er. l elu-. inin-is ilih. bloteh-s all healv. iru t . tit mull riuitlons l'dfi-eily tufe and tKHtl.i' t Vt'li I tl e tw.Sl tt'LdlT Illf.Llll. MlCv'tU tviitf, i 'i. iii'V "j f.rfioj fceui b irul tu tiny ii'Mr-on ui' I, i if pre . piupnred u ly b Jjlt. A a. M)N, S3 N. tth StPhlladelphla. CATAR1UI. SYMIT'M- AND L I UK. Catarrh I-. an afrettioi of tu ui icm m'j.nbranu of the lirw-e,, ehvsi, Al , aeejinp uibM with dull ll iy liei tlifl'he. t b-lnii I bin W the n.nal pas-itcs, weak e.vec, wanrj and tiitl.dnd, hai king ur touch ing, fo eleur ihe throat, exp- etotaiton of olfenslve nutter, Mia II und tusti- o- nuiu'-ul, -I'lpfitil up reeling 111 the in nd tnecNMiiif biuwliu of Cim no-e, n ltd other sjmpicins nt-ollk"lv (uitpjtuir vr dN liehli g, and no disease U inure t-uiuui'iu, ami imv.t less understoiMt by I'b-lrlai:tt. Mat -ti nlhi . f the cuM'ftOf m:eiisivi;tH'Utliua'Otcus! lad b (.utuirh, Is a ctrUlantul pemiunent cute, un I warranted in ever eae, nu n-aMerh-w ol stliulHorlonghtand. log. It cun be obtalnot only bv addressing Dlf, hv AYNI! & SON, T'i North sixth street Philadei phla. Mailed tuunv address on the lect lpt or the prleo, one dollar, with full dlreetlors for use. also a ullui-cuuntof Uiooil In and nature of thtsduires sliigcomplJlnt. Wo repeal it i it Is beund all tom-pails-on I no hvt leinedy forCaturth eerdl'.eoverod. liemeinber 1 It (an huoLtalned only by addressing Dlt. HW vYNK & SON, Wtt, North MxthMteel, I'lilf idelphla, with a remittance, ni we do not place It In theluiuUor dealeibi, lh saino as wo doour otiier preparations In willing for our "I'utanh Iteniedv" pla iiblnle.voufcaw thU advtillaemeiit lu Ihu "Co luiubl4ii" lilociinsburg. Why Dye ? Nu iiinttrr lutv (ira) or llui-xli ibt Ilalrinav luMtcan bo rotuieil ul'.s oila'tnal color awl ) uuiblul ajipi'uraiict', by uteiig London Hair Color Hcstoi cr. Ixindon Iindaii Umilou Ixintlon Umilou Imluii Uiiiduu 1 ndou Luudon A llcuiti'- to Kiln, state ttio Human llalr In u'l Ita joututul color, lu.strc, toflncsi llalr litstorcr llalr lU'gturer llalr ItvMorer llalr lU'storcr llalr ltesfrcr llalr Itofctorcr llalr llcbtwcr llalr lh-atorrr llalr Kcstorcr and boiuty, til iicrnoiiN i liu itN)lrv to 1 It-mil 3 ot pcr'onal upiiearonro, Bhould not neglect that natural iiecesiliy, tho hair. Hy many It b,rn ni L'licli d umll It lianUcbimMlilii, Kray ortntlnly falltu uIT. '1 liu London I lair (,'nlor licslort r rumoi ua naturtii lobM-a. und Inipailua healthy and natural colur, tlilckina the hair, cures dandruff and all Itthy, bcaly cruiitloui on the bcalp, niakUii; It white and clt'uu, and Insurlntr a luxuriant irroH th ot hair lu Us natural )OUtli(ut color. I'rlce 15 cent i. 1'rln riiul iioot lor ths V. A fiorth sum btrcet, I'lUladi'lplilu. V' SiiLujinr al)uuggists. June I) ii-if 4 XRl ... -' I BLOOMSBTJIIG, PA., FRIDAY, JANUARY Poetical. AFTKIl TWENTY YEAltS. AlthoiiKli you'vo been a husband true TIs many a year gone by, John, And I'm a faithful wlfo to you (And will bo till I die, John :) Wo led a lonely sort of tiro, With no sweet child to blesi us, Till licssy camo Inst Chrlslmas Day, To comfort and CArcss us. Our baby has n father (rray, A mother ror.o too jouns, John, And et It seems Iho time of May, K'er Mnco our blrdllng sane, Johr, Mio brought new Tiro Into Iho house, The little, prattling slrancer, And John, she binds ) oil to your home, Who might have been a ranger. onco every chair was In Its place, Ahd not.n thing away, John, Vet ne two, silting faeo to face, Would often breathe n sigh, John : But now upon'ournmple board. Is dally placed between us A plcturc-plal o and porringer, Trom loneliness to wean us. While she, our 1 It I lo baby queen, Willi ejes so like your own, John, (Tho brightest, bluest ever seen,) i:ats with ns on her throne, John, Heaven guard our precious Utile ono May angles fair, Hint brought her, Protect from eiery throating l'l The "old folks" littlo daughter. X. I". 71'orW. MISS FMP AT THE CENTENNIAL. Oh, Alias nip of New York city, lately wtnttosce the show That's held In Philadelphia this season ns you knor-; And the things that dimsel saw and heard, tho things, sho learned and felt. Would nil nn anchorite with Joy, or heart of Nero rnelt. I heard her tell her dearest friend about It all one dav, And 1 beg to tell tho story In her own sweet girlish way : "1 saw, r.h, nosy I lots of tilings. Tho trip was oh I so flee I wore my ecru polonaise with whits embroidered Mne. The loveliest machinery, to grand, you know j nnd then 'Twas fun to bee them working It those lovely.dlrty men. My cavalier went wild n 1th rage because I watched them so ; These nobby fcllons nlwajs nre bo Jealous, dear 3 on Know. The fine art gallery, they say, Is nice as It can be : nut really thero was such a crowd I didn't try to SCO. 'n tho Japanese department I bought me such a fan- I wonder how they ever learned to make things In Japan. And, oh I the way I rushed around on foot, dear, and on chairs. Was fearful, for In such n place 'most ever body stares. I didn't mind, because It's only every hundred vears Centennials come, and no ono cares how Just one girl appears (So uncle said.) But ono can't help one's feelings, nftet all. When one's feathers all get llmpsy and one's puffs get squeezed so small. But It really Is, when all Is done, a satisfaction, dear : To have been nt the centennial, and not seem green and queer. And then tho silks and flowers, and cly lace- oh, my ! They make you mind, bectuse, you tee, they are aw fill hard to buy. Tosco them does expand tho mind, and give you new Ideas ; I'm going to copy mo a dress that's shown by Mad.imo Spcers? I'm going to get a bonnet too, mide Just llko ono I saw A pel toti;d arllng I Just n mass of robes, lace, and straw. I saw a realllvo Turk one day (but didn't llko to look,) All dressed lu sword and trousers, llko a picture In a book. You needn't go abroad they say, for all tho world Is there: And really I do foil as If I'd been most everywhere. There's cirrj thing on earth tou-such Jewelry and lace! I must say tho centennial Is Just tho sweetest place, I went to I ho Troll 1'reres, and had, oh 1 such a love, ly llrao With Mr. r and Harry B. who really turns out rrlme. such lovely cream I although they chargo outrage ously, they say Which doesn't matter much to girls, as 'we' don't have to pay. oh, mfrcy on us, I must go. But I'm glad 1'vo seen the f how, And told you all aliout It, and tho things you ought to know." nrjwr's Jlasnr Miscellaneous. whose w.vs the guilt? r.llis Tremnyne laid Im fork down with a gesture half nf Importance1, linlf of dScoui ngcnidit, and a frown Unit liad no business on the forehead of a six months' mariicd man, the hii'lund ofllio prettiest of women, cnringatt'd liii InimKomo white foriihead, "You biein In have not iho slightest up prcciiition ol'iiUair", Kllie I have oxjilained linn) and again lhat I um living up to my income nut taviwr a penny and yet you still persist in demanding money for every trille that takes your fancy." Kllis Trciiniyno spi ko more decisively than KHiu had ever heard him, and she mentally vocd him horribly cro-,-1, and parted her rid lips and leaned back in her chair with a very nygrioved look on her lovely laco. And yet it was lovely. Mr. Treninj no thought so that same mo ment as hi- looked nt Iho dclicato pink and enow complexion, nnd tho large dark blue eyes lhat had played such havoc with his heart u year ago nt the full, cxijuiiltu lips tli nt had only seemed iiiniln for smiles and kisses then, that now were rapidly consum mating their task of discovering tho clay feet of his ido! that now were parting to utter words ho knew were coming, that did come. " You are just as mean and cross as can bel What's the use of living at all. If you can't have things like other people? I tell you I do think you might let mo have some money; I need it mot awfully," Her blue eyes certainly looked pleading enough to give entire credence to lir asser tions, I am almost tempted to say that cannot be true, Kllle, since it was only a week ago to-day I handed yoii twenty-five pounds a sum amply tulllclent for even the most in experienced financlor on which to keep u family or two," Darker frown's we'ro gathering on Tre mayne's forehead, but Kflie ouly answered with a sneer: "Twenty.fivo pounds I You upeatasif It were a lortunc, I tell you, Kills, J must have things llko llko other people. ilow on earth do you suppose I feel when Jlrs. Coddingtori or Miss Jlelburn calls for roe o drive, wearing their elegant carr-V-ia ... ..,.1 T I.. .1 f t . vumva, aim ,u tiiu omnu urau appear iu at church or on tho street t" ' Tremayue smiled contemptuously. " So you hopo to rival tho wlfo of a mil. llonal'e and tho only daughter of a wealthy banker, do you 1 You, tho wlfo ol a cashier at Wlngfiold ti Son, on seven hundred a year? Kflle, have nothing to do with wo men who are, unconsciously, perhaps, sow ing seeds of discontent nnd extravagance in your heart." "Inm neither discontented nor extrava gant, Kills you shall not say so. Hut I must have some money to get a new suit, Oh, Ellis, such a heavenly shade of prune, and you know I can wear so well ono par tlctilar shade. Honestly,! haven't a dress to wear to Mrs, Lamar's reception." I.llis ate his egg with very little show of satisfaction, ami his silence, whllo bitter thoughts wero rushing through his mind, was taken ly Kllie as a sign of consent. Sho was not slow in pressing her advan tage. "It won't cost over twenty-fivo pounds, Kills very reasonable, Indeed, fur I shall inako it nearly all myself, nnd I am sure you cannot be displeased at that. Then say ye, won't you, Kills dear?" A settled, white look camo around his handsome mouth. "If you caro more for show and fine clothes than for my respect and the con sciousness that you nro an economical, pru dent wife, who is helping her husband save instead of almost goading him into debt, you can have the money." Her eyes Hashed as delightedly ns a child's over a new toy. Slio had accomplished her desire, nnd his cold, yet touchingwords had fallen unheeded before that " You can have the money." She sprang from her chair behind the cof fee urn, and threw her arms around his neck kissing his hnndsomo, worried forehead. "You darling 1 I knew you would not pay 'No,' for all you read me such a lecture on economy. Heally, Kslis, when you s;o how lovelv I shall look in my new silk, you will not prudgo the money, will you ? You like to see me look as pretty as I used be fore wc wero married, don't you? And you arc not angry, dear ? You do lovo me ?" Her Bweet, girlish face, all alight with happy enthusiasm, her eyes dancing with such honest delicht, her smootn cheek lying against his, and her dainty little hand strok ing his whiskers of courso Ellis laid down his napkin and pusned back from the table and kissed her. She was his wife sweet, pretty, delicate as a mountain pink, and ho loved her lov ed her dearly, truly, as in the days when ho had won her, thinking what a rare flower she was. Ho loved her, nnd was willing, yes, anx ious to increase her happiness, by every honest means in his power, only Efiio was extravagant and unreasonable in her de mands for dress and stylo that wi re beyond the capabilities of the well salaried man that he was. So now he kissed her tenderly, and then took out his purse nnd laid a bank note on the table-cloth. "There's your new silk, dear may you enjoy it." His forbidding manner had so entirely disappeared, that Eflie's heart was encour aged to undertake another pet plan. So as sho demurely folded the note away in her pretty little crimson Ttussia pocket-book,shf bezan so quietly that JEllis was quite cap tured hy storm. " I was wondering if it would not be a good plan if wc shut up the housn for Aug ust, dear, and went somewhere. It will do you so much good, I'm sure, nnd there will be no expense here while we're away. Can't we go to Hastings?" She opened the battery very suddenly, al most stagirering Tremnyne. " Oh, Kflle, no. It would involve a lar irer cxpeme, ten times, than it costs at hnmp." Then seeing that well-known, martyr-like expression settling on her f.i. e, that always drove him to desperation, ho added, hati'y : "If you can ni .nage it, poyourelf. I date say some ot your fashionablo friends rtill chaperon you," "Oh, may I, may I, really? Indeed, I will manage it. I don't need many new things, am sure. I have enough for the ilk, and with a Utile more, I can easily get what I absolutely need. Ellis, yon are n darling!" He laughed not very joyously, " I am glad you think so. Well, I am on"." Twt liMiirs later; Mrs, Kllio Treinayne, dressed in ii'i unexceptional))- elegant tv lik ing cosluin". "taried out on tier shopping tour, to meet .it the silk (iiinlcr Mrs. find frey Coddiiigton, circles-dy toeing over rare pirces of eveniiiir silks. " I inn mi delighted to have your taste oil my new silks, my dear .Mrs. Troin iyne. Ho tell me which you prefer, the salmon, or the pearl-blue, or tho sunnier pink '.' I intend toliavo a couple of them for Huntings." " Hastings I" Mrs. Trcmayne's cheeks gloed. " I hope to .ee you at the chore, Mrs Coddingtoii, and either in this exquisite tnalzj or silver pink." ".So you will bo there? Do join our party only Godfrey and sister ISIauche and Nel lio Hclburn, and I fur next Thursday a week. Havo you engaged looms? What Hhall you get new "" It was certainly vury delightful to be talk ed to thus, but onco home, thero occurred little qualms of conscience, as, very, very gradually, sho felt herseif drawn into ar rangements sho knew wero far beyond her reach. Audyot she consented to Mrs. Codding- ton's kind oiler that Mr. Coddlngton should secure rooms for her with his party. Sho made up her mind that the elegant stock of clothes that two hours before no'tl- ed only a littlo renovation and a smalt add! tlon to make It all that was necessary, would nut do at all. And so, be-iidea tho money her husband had given her being spent In tho dozen aud one trilling accessories that a well-dressed toilet demands, there was folded away in a seldom used compartment olMra.Tremayn'i pocketbook, an unreceipted bill for fifty pounds, inailo out to Mr. I.llis Tremayne, Kllie's blue eye's wero dancing and her cheeks flushed when she was set down with her parcels from Mrs. Coddlngton's car1 rlago at her door. Sho had time and to spare before Kills camo in to the five o clock dinner to look over ner purcnases, mat, alter all, seemed very small considering that horrid bill iu 1 r pocket-hook, that sho dreaded to show .jJer husband for all the flushed gaycty of 19. 1877. "Ah, Istbero any need to toll him now?" sho reasoned, while she removed her walking sijit, and donned a lovely black tissue. ''Not tho slightest use to tell him before I go away. He'll ouly mako a fuss, and I do halo a luss. Ilesides, after I'm home again, perhaps lean savo it out of the house mon ey." So sho quieted her conscience with theso hopefully specious promises, and tho next day, finding It Impossible U get ready by herself in time to go with Mrs. Coddlngton, was obliged In employ tho services ofa high priced dressmaker, whoso bill for her work sho tucked away in her pocket-book also, and thus swelled the indebtedness of her husband to bo paid when shoelurned. Ah, when she returned, If she had only known, as she kissed her daintily-kidded hand to her husband, as he stood watching heron", with a look in his eyes that was mingled love, Bternuess, pride nuuoyance and harrasslng worcy. " One of the prettiest women at the sea side, and certainly tho best dressed. Sho must be a banker's wife at the least. Who did you say you understood sho was?" Old Mr. Wingfield put up his eye-glass as Mrs. Tremnyne went by fair to see as a lily, in Ver carriage dress of tinder cream-tint, with her lace-covered, pink-lined parasol, making faint rosy shades on her clear blondo face and brilliant uylden hair. "Sho is n Mrs. Ellis Tremnyne, from Lon don, with the Coddlngton's I believe, nnd putting up at the Parade. A regular beauty, isn't sho V Mr. Wingfield put his eye-glass slowly back, staring after iho Coddlngton car riage. W "Mrs. Kllis Tremnyne? I suppose her hus band Is here ?" "Not that I know or. Indeed, I think I heard young Belhurn say he was itnablo to leave his business a book-keeper or some thing I believe, for a firm in tho city." Mr. Wingfield arose from his chair with an odd smilo on his face. "Mrs. Treinayne must either be mistress of tho wonderful economy of making a pound travel both ways, or else " A hoy with a yellow envelope tapped him on the arm. "Oh, a telegram from my son, I presume. Wait a minute." He deliberately adjusted his glasses, and then opened the dispatch. "Come at once. Everything traced to T. "Jas. WiKarir.Li)." And as ho returned the paper to the cn Telnpc, he looked up to f02 Mrs. Tremayno dashing by again, her face radiant with pleasure and excitement as Bellburn talked and laughed with her. The pretty little houso seemed so lonely and deserted after Kfiie had gone, and Ellis Tremayno threw himself wearily on tho loungo in her boudoir, his face wearing marks of strangely contorted discourage ment and excitement. For an hour or two he lay there, his eyes closed, his figure motionless, and then ho aroso with a half groan ot mental distress. "This will never do. I shall go mad if I stay here witli only my thoughts for " Ho had gone over to the little dressing bureau, carelessly taking up two little pieces of paper, that Ellio had entirely forgotten to hide, and a pallor, even more marked than his late deathly paleness, overspread bis face as he saw the two formidable bills. Then something very like an oath camo from his set teeth. "My temptation ho on her head my He sprang suddenly lo his feet as the door bell pealed imperiously, and listened with no ordinary curiosity as a man's voice de manded to see Mr. Ellis Treinayne. and heard the servant usher his company irto the draw ing-rooin Then he went slnw'y, slowly down stairs, into the presence of Mr. Wingfield and an ofiie. r. Mr Treinayne you are discovered in your neat system of embezzlement. Officer Ellis stepped hamhtily hack, "One moment, gentlemen, if you please. Mr. Wingfield, I am discovered. Twenty- four hours later I would havo h"en beyond pursuit ; as it is, what is the diU'erence h tweeu a hunted life abroad, or this''" Quick as a Hash, the pistol gleamed iu the is light. A report, n heavy full that thundered through Ihe house like a doom, and the hus band of a woman that was too unwomanly to hear her share in the burden of lile the woman enjuying her brirl hour nt pleasure on llie smint ocean snore the uoui.tu win had it in her power, as all women who me wive-shave, to goad to ilestiuctinu in some form or other,or guide to lmppinos.s and sue ceiss in some nieanuor another: this iui.hnud Mho was less wicked than weak, went to hi reward. And who shall say whoso was the guilt? Hers or not, who knelt aud sobbed over lis dead face,aud tried lo reason into tilciicu an inner voice that tefustd to be still. Sister-wives, he you careful, lest, although your hands and hearts nre not stained with a crime like this and many a wife's hands and heart are thus reddened to-day bo care ful that it lays iiot at your door that your husbands lose all their faith and trust iu woman's sacred vow as well as blessed priv ilege to khare eagerly in their economics and many petty grievances that no house hold is without that small though now tiro, If not accepted in tho spirit of patience, love and forbearance, are tho little vexes that destroy the vino beyond the hopo of re covery. You havo seen a man In tho crowded as sembly, says Burdette, of tho Burlington JiawUje, a grave, earnest boklng mau, with the stamp of genius aud the lines of lofty aspiration and noblo impulso ou his !a;e, suddenly spring from his seat vlth the pallor of a heart pain lighting his face with iu ghastly glare, whilo ho hastens from the curious glances that aro bent upon him, in to the pitying shadow of ttho silent night, And a bitter, cynical smile curves your Jips wnen you near your wile pity him, for you know, from sad, heart-breaking experience. that a man who fastens tho after-end ot his suspender with a pin has no business to lean back on his chair, A microscopic Prayer book has just been Issued in England, measuring three aud n, half Inches iu length and two aud au eighth in breadth. It is one fourth of an inch thick and weighs one ounce! T,!i!E.!:i9LUMnTANi vol. xr, ko3 UILUMIIIA l)E.MOUIIA'r, VOUXLl.NO. S3 Mlracnloaj Escape. A Denvcrito named Wolfo Lonnoncr, re cently returned from an eastern trip, im parted to the reporter of tho Rocky Mountain A'twi the following incident of his journey ' He was on his way west, on a train on the Chicago and Alton Ilallroad, on tho night of the Oth inst, nnd had n berth on the sleeping car, all unconscious of danger, when the conductor awoke him and asked him to come out and seo how narrowly ho had escaped perdition. Wolfo followed him and found Iho train standing on tho bridge that crossed tho Mlssissipl nt Louisiana, Mo. They led him to tho front of tho engine, nnd there, several) hundred feet from tho shore, was a yawning chasm over a hundred feet wide. The river had undermined tho third pier from the shore, and still somo distance from tho draw, and it had gone down, carrying a whole ect!od of the bridge with it. The tlrao of night was 11:45, nnd the freight crossed safely at 11. The engineer gave tho accustomed three whistles as ho approached tho bridge, and tho position of the signal lights showed that tho draw was shut. The engineer whose name is P.McNamara, said that as he approached the bridge ho was seized with a strong presentiment that all was not right. He could seo no signal from the watchman always kept on duty at the bridge, and proceeded very slowly. All at once, and ho could not tell why ho did it, tho engineer reversed the engine and stopped his train. He got ojf to look ahead, and found the pilot within two feet of the yawn ing chasm. Another turn of the wheels and ho never would have lived to tell the story, nor in all probability any of the hundred or more passenges in the five coaches, which would have Inevitably plunged into the roaring torrent fifty feet below. It seems the watchman, who had passed over the bridge after the freight passed, had gone on a spree and was found drunk in the city. The train was delayed until the next morn ing, and tho passengers transferred. A Happy Cooiilc. A man should always be a littlo older, a little braver, and a little stronger, and little more in love with her than she is with him. A woman should nlways be a little younger, and a little more considerate than her hus band. He should bestow upon her all his worldly goods, and she fehould take good care of them. He may owe her every caro and tenderness that affection can prompt ; hut pecuniary indebtedness to her will be come a burden. Better live on a crust that he earns than on a fortuno that she has brought to' blm. Neither must be jealous, nor give the oth er cause for jealousy. Neither must encour age sentimental friendships with the oppo site sex. Perfect confidence In each other, and reticence concerning thelrj mutual at- fairs, even to members of their own families is a first necessity. A wife, should dress herself becomingly whenever she expects to meet her husband's eye. The man should not grow slovenly even at home. Fault-finding, long argu ments, or scoldings, end the happiness that begins in kisses and love-making. Sisters and brothers may quarrel nnd "makeup." Lovers are lovers no longer after disturban ces occur, and married peoplo who aro not lovers are bound by red hot chains. If a man admires his wife most in striped calico, she is silly not to wear it. An Earnest Life. Earnestness do;s not nlwavs move with a clatter, Thero nro things in this world which are quite as pleasant and edifying as the rub-a-dub-dnb of a snaro drum. Ii fact this kind of melody is not generally the highest style of music. Have you never known a man hustling nnd officious, and clamorous and loud, but who did not weigh heavy afterall a thing very well understood by every one except just the man who might have profittcd by that piece of information? And havo you never known n man, quiet, unostentatious and faithful, ami who was : perpetual blessiuir, u golden intn, deep ouled and true, whose memory lingered long after he whs gone, like light upon tho hills after a gorgeous suuet ? The shallow stream rattles in its course; hut -when it is met and drowned bv tho unije-t ci tides rol ling iu from the? seas, ttiero is slli nre on Ihu hill. In the great tide thero is the power ol mora than a hundred rivulets ; yet il coming Is almost ns quiet as th celctial forces th t bring it. The li le llnvs down. and shallow grows the stream, and again the empty clattering goes on, And this is what we wi-h to say, that Ihinirs mo.' potent, al though demons'.ratlve, as indeed they must be from their ctfeels, urn necessarily noisy, A strong anc. earnest life ni-il not make what people are in tho habit ot e'allin"a fiiv'." It is belter t; h known hy the lead lhat stilkes th in by the haugnt the gun that sei ds it A Misi-rrr.r.'s Ml-,i'.ti;r,. Some clerical hltiiidcis mo at once pardonable and amu sing, but ollit'i- at nines are hard to endure. pailoluniur who nev r went thruugh a summer without complaining bitterly of tho neat much to the annoyance, of hit friends, at least took nick and died. HUiias tor was absent at tho liino an I dhbtnot hear of the sad event Ou his return ho met the sou of tho deceasid, aud UMIitiiiKIy in qulrid, saying, "Well, my friend, how does jour lather bear the heat now?" Imagine his surprise at being told that tho father had been d ad two months, and his bewilder nient when tho hope was expressed that the place to which he had gone was not noted for the height of its temperature. Can a State Girr Dhunk. A few years ago llie btato attorney of a northern county In ermont, although a man of great legal ability, was very fond of tho bottle. On one occasion au important criminal case was called on by tho clerk; but the attor ney, with owl-like gravity, kept his chal being, in fact, not fairly able to stand on his feet. "Mr. Attorney, is the State ready to proceed?" said the judge. Yes hie no your honor, stammered the lawyer j tho lawyer ; the Stato is not In a state to trv this case to-day j tho State, your honor, is cirunt: " Worth, tho Parisian dressmaker, ruado fine costume for a Duchess, and without her permission, furnished an exact duplicate of it to another wouiau, untitled. There. upon the Duchess sent word that her dress must oe alterea for her cook. Worth feel that he has been disgraced ly the affair. Ono Inch, (twelre line, or Hi tqnITlf nt In Koh roll type) one or two inierUone, 11.10 1 UirtelnMl uoni, ti.m. I, ix.w. srici. One Inch Two inches.. . .... Three Inchti.i... Four Inches. ... , Quarter column.., IV. IU. 1M. IT. 1.00 I4.WI nt . , i.ot t.oo fM.eo , 5.1 I.OD M lt.00 !.( . T.oo e.oo Ho 1T.M. . I ii.oo li.oo i4.o te.oo M.ot .is.oo u.oo so. to.oo eeot une column.. et.oo n.oo to. 00 loo.M Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Trail, (lent advertisements mum be paid for before InnrUO except where parties have accounts. , i.eiral advertUemenMtwodolianiperlnehJorthre In wi Hons, and at that rate tor additional Insertion without refcrenco to length. Kxccutor's, Administrator's and Auditor's notlMl three dollars. Translentor Local notices, twenty cents aline, regular advertisements half rates. lords in the "Business Directory" column. ,om dollar per year for each line. nau column,.. ,,( liaising the Dead. a. vain attempt to FnrtFOitM una miba CLE IN IOWA. A horrible story Is related by the Ida county (Iowa) Pioneer ot n affair which occurred at tho appropriately named Vil lage of Hell's Bend, in that country. About the middle ef November ono Mr. I ley cock was taken down with typhoid fever, and Dr. Rice, of Southland, was summoned to render medical aid. The patient was get ting along ns well as could be expected un der the circumstances the patient being quite low beforo medical aid was received. One day a Spiritualist, residing in that vi cinity, by tho name of Frank Biglow, call ed at tho house of Mr, Hcycock, won the confidence of the family, and boldly asser ted that he could perfect a rapid euro upon Mr. Heycock through the medium of Spir itualism, providing they would let him havo his own way. After a short time of con sideration, Mrs. Heycock Informed Biglow that they were at his mercy. Biglow threw out all the medlclue prepared by Dr. Rice, and sent tho doctor word not to make anoth er visit. From this tlmo no medicine was administered, save Biglow's spiritual aid. He commenced ttlking and groaning to the patient, rubbing his brow, pulling his beard, etc. Mr. Heycock finally sunk into a kind of stupor, and seemingly suffered less pain, which lead the wife and Biglow to the brief that he was recovering, Visitors were fi nally forbid coming, In tho courso ofa iay or two a few of the citizens again went to the house and asked admission, which wan granted. There, in tho bed, lay the dead body of Mr. Heycock, the eye sockets al ready turning black, Ono of the visitors) exclaimed : "He is dead." Biglow said: "He is not dead, but slecpeth," at the same time ndeavoring to blow out the light. The neighbors then suggested that the body be laid out for burial. Biglow objected, and said; "If my brother bo dead I can raise him to life again," and raising upon his feet stretching out his arms over the corpse and lifting his eyes towards heaven, shouted at tho top of his voice, "Come forth, my dear brother 1 Gravel give hack thy dead!" He tho'i kneeled over the dead body, saying, "Open thy eyes my dear brother," at the same lima pushing his eyelids open with his thumb (thinking no ono saw him), and with a feeling of eatisfactlmi he turned to the bystanders and yelled "Praise to the Lord." But to his surprise, "the brother" did not rise worth a cent. The' citizens again wanted possession of tho body for in terment, but the spiritual doctor stubbornly refused, saying, "I can raise thy brother, at the end of the third day." Heavy blankets were then piled upon the corpso by Biglow, to retaiu the animal heat. The doors were locked and no lights used three days, but what else transpired is not known. At ike end of the third day Mrs. Heycock sent word to a few of the neighbors to come and bury the body. They came and among viem were tho most stout and hardy men of the neighborhood, but "they became faint and sickened upon entering tho room, on ac count of the uuendurablo stench resulting from the decomposition of the body. Tjiey werd compelled to bring ice from tho.riveri which they placed around the corpso to freeze it beforo they could arrange It in, the coffin. Mr. Heycock was about 45 years of age, and was recently from Wisconsin. He was by faith an Adycntist, and was highly respected by all his acquaintances. The whole neighborhood is filled with great in dignation over the affair. Habits of Herons. An interesting article on the habits of tho herons of South America, by Wi H. Hudson, appears in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society in London. Some one has affirmed that a mysterious light erne nates from the heron's bosom when it fishes in the dark, Ho thinks that this may have some foundation, Ho has satisfied himself th.-t the Anlca coco i pobsesses as keen a is ion hy day as any birds except the raptorial u're's. The streams on the level pampas nre - I muddy that; a fish two inches below tu urtnee is invisible to the human eve! yi i m tliee tluik waters tho herons fish by uil ' and by day. "If the eye is adapted to stc 'o well iu the day, how can it ne fo well at night, and under such unfavorable circumstances, without tome such extrane- ii aid lo vision as the attributed lutuinos- H 1 A wonderful case of protective mlmicr in the rase of the variegated heron is narrt ted by .Mr. Hudson. When pursued perchra erect on a reed, tho head and in erect, with no perceptiblo curve orincqtti ty In a front view, but tho whole bird ia. tact counterpart of a str-ight tai rush; "the loose plumage a. anged inequalities, tho wings pressed into tin low sides, made it impossible to seo tho body ended and the neck began, distinguish head from neck or beak'l head. Ihis was, of course, a front and the entire under-surface of the was thus displayed, all of a uniform yellow like that of a faded rush. On' olng tho head down till it touched thew, It flew hack to its former position like a-i1. Bpring, though tho experiment was frrquijVi ly repeated. Its eyes appeared "all the rigid and unwinking, like thoso of a' tu re, in a fit." When ho stepped nrryl see Its striped back and broad dark up" sides, it would always present its fiA view. "His motions on the' perchl turned slowly or quickly around, Btllll ing the edge of the blade-like body I me, corresponded so exactly with mi that I almost doubted that I moved at i 1'ilUor't Scientific JlecorU in Harper' Maalt lint ur December. til Tin: day you wkrc Bo"N. Here is an infallible method of discovering the day of tno weeic ou which a given day of the month any number of years previous oc curred. Take tho number representing your age at your next birthday, aud one-fourth ui vi jean, mis ainuuni uivnieu or sev' eu, and the remainder counted back fromj the day of the week on which you wereborl For instauco, on your next birthday yl will he 21 years eld. This divided by fo aim tno quotient, ti, added to 21, glyes the amount, which divided by seven. number of days in a week, gives four weeli ana the remainder of two days. Now. your birthday in 187C comes on Mouda count back two days, aud you have thedajj uu nmcuyou were uorn, Haturday. t 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers