-"OIL Jl" Ji THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT.BLOOMSBUUG, COLUMBIA COVNTY, PA, THE COLUMBIA! BLOOMSnulltl. FltlDAT, JAN. 8. IStl Icnll ltontl Time Table. LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSflUltO HAIL 110A1) NORTH. . 6.45 A.M. 7.89 A. SI , IM I'.M. 0 to l1. M. sotrrn. 7.01 A. M. 4.W I'. l 11.M A. M Accommodation Train,. Mall Train Express Train CATAWI33A HAIL KOAD. HOlttn. iocrit Accommodation Train o.!s A. M. 7,87 P. St Kcjular Express 4.10 1'. SI. 11.83 A. SI. Through cars on Express train cither to New Vork or Philadelphia. Accommodation tram runs between L'aUwlssa and Wllllamsporl. to sumcninEits. We nro obliged to mnlco another appeal to our patrons. Wo have largo expenses to meet, anil ulthough wo have largo amounts standing on our books it is almost impossible to get enough money to pay running cxpcn'cs, owing to the tardiness of subscribers and other debt ors in meeting their obligations. In order to clean our books up wo have appointed collect ors in several townships in tho county, and shall appoint others m fast as possible. Wil liam iiryson, l-srt., is authorized to rccuveJ amounts due on subscription in Ccntralia am! Ashland; John McAnall, l!sq., in Ilcnvick William App'ctnan in lientoii ; I,. 1C. Mowre Esq., in Danville; Snmiiel Snyder, in Mifflii X. P. Mouic, in Madison and Hemlock T. Shumnn, in Mniuvillc'. This will miko it convenient for those w do not often get to town, and we hope that will cheerfully and promptly pay when rcqm ed to do so by our collectors. Our carrier returns thanks to his fi lends I luiioniz,.d him on Xeev Yetrs Day. A. J. I'vaus has inovtil into his new corner of Main and lion stretU, llirinfler the Com si man will be deli lo Town dib-criben through the IVl 01hq Mover llrothers have a fine new sld for their express businiss. their enterprise. Another evidcru of A lot of CO lbs. llu.-kwheat and Wlic: 25 lb-, wheat Hour hacks will be hold ihji this office lo close out llie sack triiic. ,' On Monday last, Judge Krickli.iuni .mil her ill' lli;0inau were duly rpialified, and e ItciI upon their respective lei nis of office. Mi decai Millard lias been appointed Deputy Slier I', Happiness and prosperity depend to I very great exle t upon good liealth. All tho'j suf fering from Hoarseness Cuhls or Cough, .honld Ir7 Dr. Hub's Cough Syrup. It cures. On Chrlsimas day a boiler exj.l. .;, , q;; City, resulted in llio injury of three urn on. fatally. Several oil tanks adjoining ,, fire and 35000 barrels of oil were destroy , Found, Ilctnecn llupert and liloomrg a Sleigh Uube, which tho owner can ha I. calling on 15. W. Fulton, Catawissi It Dipol,l!upert, pioving property and payiil( fur this notice. j n Messrs. L. 11. Waller and X. U. Funk X Lv havo engaged an otlica in the C'oi.uM, h,. (he i Duiiiting, hcconu uoor, ursi uoor lo uie i i . where they aro ready to render profeij)a services to those in need of legal advice. ' The snow storm early in the week has j( unrest good hleigliing for home tune yet. I-vc. bdy appears to bo enjoying the tcaou and V jingle of the. merry sleigh bells miivjles ngi ly wilh the joyous laughter of loiis of y1 and maidens ftir. i Thurrday of I.t,t wee! was St. Sohn's f j, was o'jrevcd by (n de Coniinandry KV, u this place, by a super at the F.xchangD I.((l, All the members. appeared in full uniform, auj made a line dihfluy. jVfePloan&Ilro.s., have disposed ofncarv their entire Ink of thighs this winter. bave sold e) tm of llio neatist cullers lj iJe -n , t ,.,f the state. They still 1 veum. mdsoiiv! iu seaieu suigu on uauu, nJ unJ. one W mis it had better call soon. T'jse West llranch editors arc jn0 t snrca,. fa men. Aulrjipf the Watn1(nn . rays IhaiTely of"i? ""jy Shore JcroW' bilchcred (he other day. 'healdeel the hogs (two) in a plaster's hod at got about enough Lit to grease a gimlet." 1 - t t Mnj. Gcnl, John 1'. UiUoii, commander u? the Fir.t Division, M" Guard of Penn- sylvania, shot liimftll.j VVcduesday of last week, in Pbihielilpbia.j sVj'l iiihtantly. lie was -S2 liars of ng ciuuarasbiueui is thought lo ha J iC of hid i sui- cide. f g room of tin) A kciohcnc II Exeliauge.JloN i led.iv eveniili; mid t e burnil Rne'iirpet. Severil Pv-rhuns wcroJ cl tc lime, and the' lire was. ex I ii tiil., up the malting in the Imil, ; In.Oaines, lluu pre- vinting a i reoi,:igruliuu. SIPOltJ -Uauiir, after repeat el tiohcs it yeai Or a sellleint-nl u my iti pints aformer editor ol t.ia t'ofifl 1 e tlrf a lire nov lo glvo final no- unsi'tile, by January 15ih tl "dtli-nit feir, livor, or L II. llroskway. i) ,icnse ol a.wa fiencii "Frorl's Parlor Acting,'' iuil Readings" are 1. i tuns y Diek & Fitzger t, New York. The ,r. h Ann sin ,o oiuswr Cr.t nil 30 rents fur the uiiun r Ahsociallon will Lloolii-'S (ioOieri House on (inertaimueii.ui nett f the benefit of (he Thu play entitled eve'iil"!-' , .i.i..r iiiiniiny. . 'i,l.,iif" " H produceil, niuoni . 1 errVlsW Ol i;ui eu gu as ii is tur C'l,-lcsS.l,r" iral wh iso term of office as last, has made an We'iliijvo that ho lias en- ulies faithfully, and ilnil i" jmado they wire er- ...l.iakcs .vo'i-in " . ... .ij . I.nud T in heart. The slier- t ,i . ,i .... .... Illice'13 I .. (be r"'1 ' f ,' Ve wcre "''"k1'1 ,0 . ii -imisnnn v luiiorioiifi miu ', . I'Joubt whither llio Guv- . i , m i , "h'Bltia oeieir appoinime-ui ni i'krt h vriu lip" eifiice ,ii. niirel s d SM""it tl W MM r mm m 1 'I-1 Mm wMm -ir-v., rrooTii-Mi.M iWT'J- lull. hd m s ':K.ni 1110 IH- MMMMMMMMMMmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMT MmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM''1' MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMt as fHACHEIls INSTITUTE. A peril of Supt. W. II. Snyder, an In.tt. 1 (.. . ' . .' lute convcu in llio formal School building of the Siittf W'trict Doc. 25, 1870 Tho In- lltutc wlcii.ltil lo order by thcSupcrintendent at twii oJ.cl p. m., and made sumo practical remark" regard lo our schools In Columbia countyjvliiif In his opinion some of tho olst.v ch InN way of their progress, vizi lt, lathers loo ainbilious, and hurry the pupili j,f riling upon fools-cap paper and having to no iiiprm copies. 3 l.atenes of nllcndance, and want of prop er vi nation ol our school houses. Id Lack of uniformity of text books. 6 Proper classification of pupils. Snyder was followed by Prof. Ii. V. De- Orof Alb my, IN. Y In soino praclieal re- s In rcginl to Mior In the rural districts In IS needed; being in bis opinion ncglecicd ; tlhe proposed, ro far as he was concerned hlic exercises of tho Insiliuto would be prac- til, niulmillcal and logical. mf, M. K Ilenncll, Inslriitor in penmanship g called upon by the Supt., gavo a .good in regard to teaching tho art of penmanship Vpnblle schools. I)r. liriuld, of the ormaI School welcomed leathers In a very appropriate talk desiring have the teachers feel at home while they tar- ed here, hoping that the people of the Sixth orinal District, with llielr great Intelligence ml wealth would see lo their Interest In patron- in'' this school. OBOANIZATIOV. An organizition was inade.. . Supt. Snyder, Chairnviu ; I. 1'.. Sehoonovcr, V. P. On mo tion of Jos. Garrison and J.v, Lake, E, M. fun kslmry of Cat.iwis-n. Mid Prof. G, K. Wil bur of Bloom-burg were nvide Secretaries, The i all of di-tricls was then made. Adjourned at 5 o clock p. in., until 0 o'clock Tuesday mem- Tfr.sDW sionsixo. Institute re-nssvniblcd at per adjoutnm nt snd called to order bv thef hairinin, who called upon Joseph Garrison to conduct the deveition il exercises and Piof. A. Hiill'inan, of the Xor uul Facility lo lead the hinging. Holl dill. Xinelcen di-lricls responded by sixty lonelier, Iiultuelon. Prof K. V. DeGrafT took the Ibor and gave instruction in the' Study of Ar ticulation" usin ' a well arranged chart. In bis opinion most teaciiers are deficient few enunciate e-learly every sound. It is imp. ssiblc to give even a snynopsis of the-Profe'ssor's exer cise's upon this veiy important subject, which was under consideration u til tho hour of re cess . After recess Piof. I'urrows, of llie Xornml Scboul took up llie subject of Miitlnnulics. In his opinion it should commence, at the be ginning Xptation and Jsumeration.' Adjourned ii ru i I 1 30 p. ill. Upon re assembling in tho afternoon, Prof. DeGrafftook up tho subject of ''Language Les sons" which occupied the time until the recess hour. Prof, lliirrows resumed tho subject of Arith metic. The Professor made llio statement that in Arithim Ileal operations we either add to subtract from, multiply or divide,-or evolve out of: Example given 0x22x3 2x6. Two answers were, given, viz: 10S and 12. Which is right? Decimals and Duode-ciinals were very ably treated'; also Fractiocs, division of, &c. Also shawing how Decimals arise. Ad journed until Wednesday morning 9 o'clock by singing. weiisisday stonNixn. Roll Call, Singing, work, Ac. Prayer by A F. Terwilliger, of Light Sticet. Prof. De-Graff look up tho subject of Primary Geography. In bis opinion no text book should be usid in tiie beginning. There should be "Oral Exercises' givt-n. Show tho pupil the "Globe" speak of the Eaith as a whole first, then of itsdiviions, and sub-divisions proceed step by step, putting great stress upon the necessity of teachers giving their pupils correct ideas and definitions. The Professor took the lime until the hour of re cess and singing at 10:10 a. m. After recehs Prof. Potter loe-k up the subject of Penmanship; thought wrong instructions were generally given lo pupils .lioulil first make crooked mark shouhl write naturally. Prof. Pegralf then gave a class exercise of ten minutes in Calisthenics, putting llie Institute in a vcry;proper frame of mind and body loo, to receive instruction how to teach History of tlm U". S. Prof. JSarrctt then took the floor lo give in struelion which was intelligently" done. In the Professor's Opinion all llie faculties of mind and soul may be developed in thishtudy iiiliilcied the teachers to teach llielr pupils, 1st, cause, 2d, incidents, 3d. results. Adjourned at 12 in. Sing ing, anitprayer by Itcv. Dr. McCron. wraxiiiuY Ai-ri:nN00N. Institute rc-ashemblcd and Prof. DeGrafT look up the Subject of Primary Reading. Instruct- eei me icaeiiers not lo be in their reading exer- erases mechanical. Treated more largely upon llio "object and worel" exercisa or method and very bunion u!y upon the no method system of teaching reading. In the Prnfesroi's opinion the teacher in nil his work should nini to bring about results and vry fully treated the rubje-it of Pruna-y Reading. At the close of the Pro fessor's iiihliuiliou, Dr. Griswold enlarged upon the Script mamierof teaching pupils reading Supt. Snider thought pupils were advanced Jtoo rapidly from the piiiuary to the aelvanied readers; insisted upon teaciiers having a pro gramme and living up to It. Would have no getting drink or whispering in class bonis. le-acheis should teach by example. Song "O Come, Come Away." Recess, After recess Prof. Degrafl' took up "Map Draw-nig," and occupied an hour ver" profitably upon llie outlines of Noilh America. Prof. I'oltT then resumed the subject of Penmanship, consuming In his instructions the lime until nd jo'irnnitii!. Song, the "Sweit lly and I!y." Ad journiil. Tiicnsmv. Institute opened nt 9.30 n. m. Prayer by E M. Tewk.lmry of Calawissa. I.-,it'urji''ntal itm 'c by Prof. Hofi'inan. Prof. DtGrairre-riiincd the subject nf Prima ry Geography, with mip-druwiiig, showing tin Physical Geography of North America, its ele vations nnd depressions and general couligura- lion, und showing bow In a short lime the in.i; drawing system of Geography may bo learned and sumsrlully taught. Dr. Griswold mnde some appropriate remarks upon the subject, spoke favorably of the Apgar ... system of Geography, Supt. Snvder exhorted teachers (o morelren- nous rflbrls in their leaching Geography, staling that the ttudy was rapidly ca n ne favor in this count,. Jliirle by Prof. Huffman and recess. After recess Sunt. Campbell of Luzerne conn. lv read an essay on "Waste Force" rormrctlm. "Amies Hoy" therewith, making a very Instruct- ing and humorous subject Supt. Sny dir mil ounred the names of thos present entitled to become members of Comuiil lee on Permanent Certificate by virtue of being graduates of llio Nonnul School, with instruc tions to vote for five as llio Committee, THUIISPAY AITUUI-OOX. Jluslc ly Piof. llcflinan. Supt. Snyder ap pointtsl os tellers on the vole, 3Iatlie Doak, Francis Herring and A, 31, Dcwilt, The vol resulted in the election of 3Ir, and JMr. .Sehoonovcr, W, S. Smith, J, Aikmaii and Jos. Harrison. Conimitlo on Resolullnus; the threo next hi'iisr Tizi Amilla Armstrong, 31atile Edgar and T, H. Miller. Tho CounnU -e on Pennaneiil Ccrtlfic.lcs lrjffc; hoonover of Jlloom.hing as ii, Amman oi i.igtil &ir"t in '.inducted an exercise on "Oral "ed a written exercise thought Uh!( uz to tx oor spdkr. T,e l.of(Mor t,cn gave an cxcicUo In pronun- c,a"("1 '""ed by giving twenty words ni a II.., II.... I 111. .11.-...! ...I !.. " ri"'" "is in "rllclons to teachers on the subject was very c"cllcr "" "I" result In good to teachers and P"P""- Hece jmcr recess muging nnu music on insiriimcn by Mary Crotty and Lula Potter of Koom No. 1 6l!i St., public, rcliool, Illoomsburg, I'a. C. Q. Uarkley, ex-Supt. being called upon, niailoonio pertinent remarks, but de.ired not inako an address as it would take lime be longing to the Institute. Prof. DeOrafl'then look the door and treated upon the subject of School Discipline condemn ing tho torture system stretching pupils holding down their heads, reaching up, and holding out hand full of weight, Ac, as Is sometime prac ticed approved of justice and firmness, use of te eyo rather '"an the tongue. Develop kind- ness make Iho school a moJei lamlly, use com- mn Rcn,c nni' cultivate honor. Prof. Dennett then look the door and proceeded with Pen- manshlp until t' c hour arrlvtd to aeljuirn. "-Night Is Coining benediction by the cv. -Mr. Uurley. uiurtMUY r.VKM.vo. Opened by unging the "Snict lly rnd ISy." Miss Thompson at the instrument and prayer bv ltev. Dr. McCron, Hull call with sentiments from the inrmbers of the Institute. Prof. PcCirnlT gave n very interesting lecture entitled "One Hundred Years Ago" presented tho prominent feature of the century, Its pro- gress In very many respects, especially in edu cational advancement. jt. Griswold Invited tho members of llie In stitute and all to a sociable in the parlors of the Normal School Ilulldiug. A very pleasant hour was there spent. Institute closed for tho eve ning by singing "My Country" and benediction by Rev. Mr. IIoiilz. rimuv MOKNINO. Opened witli Singing "Work While Tis Diy." Prof. DiGrafl'took up the subjects of History nf the United States and Geography of New York S'ate, after which Prof. Collin of Lafay ette College pave a Colorado trip. Roll call and recess wilh hinging by Leonard l'oruwald, Lula Potter at the instrument, pupils of Hoom No, 1, fi'li St., gradcil schujl, lllooiusburg. Prof, llennctt resumed a drill on penmanship, taking letters in groups and wilting in concert by counting. The Committee on Resolutions reported as follows Jiwilvcil. That we, the teachers of Columbia enmity elect live oi our number as represerta lives to (he ni'Xt annual session of tho Pcuuvi- vani.i Stale Teachers Association. Ilcsolval. That an approved coiiv of a Cyclo pedia be placid in every public hchool in llie e'Otintv. i.VWcft', That our llruiks are duo airl are hereby tindere-d lo the Truts and Faculty ol llie Stale Normal Si hevnl of the Sixth distiiet for the' use uf "Normal I lull" lo the Lounly bu- pei'mtenilent for bis management of the Insli tulej to thu several liMructors ; to llie te.ichiis and towns. people', for llnir alle-inl.ii.ee ; and to all who have in liny way aidid us, for llie in terest they havo thus manifested in tho sui'ce of ibis Institute. Jlcmlitil, That we deem it an imperative duty for every teacher in llio county lo attend the County Institute, and every one depriving him self of this privilege is unfit for thu honorable position he oecupiis. i. is. .mii.i.i:i:, Asikli.v AiiSiiTiioxa, Mattiu Eno.iii, tbnnrti'lec. Five delegates to Stale Convention wcreelcct- cil, vis: T. II. 'Miller, I., . Schoonover, Jos. Garrison, Mattie Edgar and Sadie Spear. Prof. DeGrafT made somevery appropriate closing remarks. Mary Ifei.dersholt and Leon ard Fornwald executed an anniversary piece, Lula Potter at llie instrument. Dr. Giiswnhl made soino very interi-sting re marks and cordially invited llie Institute to be Held in Normal Hall. '1 bo Institute was at various times during Us session enlivened by niu-ic vocal and instrumen tal by Prof. Hoffman, of the Normal School and Miss Thompson of llerwick. A Lee-lure was 'delivered to the Institute on Tue-djy evening by Prof. Feme. Subject, The Perfect Teacher. Wednesday evening Miss Emma 'ones of the Nurm.ll School gave a very well executed rt ci tation llie "Engineer" which was well recivcd. Dr. Griswold gave a very instructive lecture ntitlfd Ediicalion.il Habits. The Dr. was in earnes'. intensified Ills instruction showing what education would do in building up or enlarging the educational centres ol the brain and man illii'liatid with drawings, eharts and hk'.leton. Take it all in all tho Institute was a success. Eight instructors, .ilnut one hundridand sixty leathers engagid in leaching and heventien not encnecd. making a total of nnu hundre d a.id eightv-five in regular attend nice. Everv sehool district but Cenlrali.i ami Franklin was repre sented. Verv ininv directors and citizens were? in attendants at the various sessions. It is im- norriblc lo ulvc anything like a correct idea of the work dune in our space. Ws trusi the work B0 fjlibfully expressed by the .'rslructors will tell In lime and eternity. After .-'pgiug the "Sweet by anil lly" and prayer by Prof. G. V Wilbur, the Institute adjourned nt the call of the Superinttndent. E. 3L Ti-WKsiiuitY, G. E. WlLUL'lt, Illoomsbvrg, Dec. 29, '", AVcrcunVs In llio cn-e of Ann Quiun against llio Ly com nir f.re Insurance I'ompiiiii. which was Iried at Danville recently, his honor Judge Elwtll, ruled that where personal properly was insiir, il in n particular butleliu::. and afierivards r moTC(j ,,liln,ut iho con.cnt of the in-urajiie company to anolhe r building, where llio file occurred, thero could bo no security, ud ill recttel'a vcidict for llio ilefund int. The Iilal occupied Iwo nights and two dais, and excited cotirlderablo Interest. Slifrrs. Hover and Fuii-t icpresi-nted ibe plainlifl's, nnd Ilaldy nnd Wnlson Ibe defenihinl. It is unile-rtoud (hot tho plaintiff will take a wiit of cnor lo the so prciuo court. TllK lir.STi:u 'Ini.u.. The Ithl of Put lies ter for Iho murder of Alexander!! a, allilooins. burir. In February, promises to be the mo-t warmly contested, and one of llie mo-t inti-rir- ling of all lhe"3Ioll!e" (rials, 'ibu array i counsel for the commonwealth side Is excel tlonally strong, and couslrlseif Hon. ('htrlu R Iluckalew, of llloomsburg; Ion.l-. Hughes, 0f l'ottsvilli' ; Hon. Lin. ll.iitholoiiiew, of 1'utUvillu ; Genual Albri'ght, of Maiich Cliiuil; Warren J. lluikulcw, Esu., of lllooiusburg, and i . Diitrlct Attorney Clark, of Columbia county On thu otlur side npially as strong a force l.as cnK;l E1"' " "" "' "'"' "on,ol Pottsvlllc ; Hon, J. ti. I reize, of Hlonin-burg 1 oiveiion, e,i oiinuury ; lion, .iiey tr Strou.e, of Pottsville, and CaptaliiC.il. Urockwuy. The family of Herter have consid "able means, and have evidently determined " " desperate slrugglo lo save his life. As lhi is the first ' Molllu" trial in the Columbia couu ty courts siuie the recent cxposuiouf the as- jclallon, the result cannot be predicted with any degree of certainty, ourniicoua Jltrahl, Capt. llrockway is not einployiel In the case, as stated by our cotcmporary, Ayer'i Aiuerlcnu Almanac is now ready fur delivery ty llio druggUt, anil wu are free, lo .ay that we liave read lliU welcome vi.ilorwilli satisfaction anil profit, It contains an a.-.ton-i.liing amount of iiiformalion wliich is useful to everybody, anil shown how to treat neatly all the il'uea.is from which people eiill'er. It in variably recommend tho beet leiuedlea to bo employed, irreepective cf Ayer" Family Medi c!tiia,and fuinhhi, Indeed, llie best medical advico ty wlilili n great niajotity of nllmenU can te treated siijxsi witticisms and jo" that refresh year, ICS UUr liBBBBBTjie IS ft I J iB, every aal(MfH mmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmU Business Notices JjlOIl RENT. (louso on Hast street lately occupied by John lloff man, tor nn! j cur from ApMI 1st. Imtdlatopu3 tcsston glicn. Terms reasonable. Apply to Jan. 6, 'I7-2W o, 11. IlliouKWAY. Illgbfstcash prices paid for MuV: Rat, Mink, ltlnck Skunk, Otter, Hncooii, &c, ut D. isowenuerg s. Castors. Pilchers. etc., siiltnblo for Holiday presents at M. M. Russd's. Gent's fancy Slippers iust received nt E. M. Knorr's. Rubber Roots nt McKlnney's, For ft good cheap suit of Clothes co to u. isowcuucrg 8. Mason ii Ilninlln, Geo. Woods, nntl the Ci'lehratetl Standard Organs nt Thomas's Music btorc, Danville. Deo. 1-llui Ladies' tttiel Children's Slippers at K. M, Kiiorr's, Gents' fancy Slippers at fccKlutiey's. Hoi.idaYjGoods. Lamps. Cbrvslal Wed ding Sets, n fino !isortincnt of China and Ulass Ware at M. M, Jtusfers. Buy your Clothing at 1), Lowen berg's. Cliickcring,Stciiiway, Mathusbck et IlalnM Pro's., Pianos, nt Thomas's Music- Store, uaiivinc. jjec. l-Uni Tubular LatiteriH nt M. 31. Russet's. Ovcrcoal", Ovcrcoals, Overcoats. For 3Ien, lor Hoys, for Children, Latest stylos, lowest prices at Lowenberg's. Ladies' Rubbers at McKlnney's. V. Hoys' Kip Boots Tor $2 00 at E, 31. Ktiorr s. Tobacco and Confectionery, wholesale anil renin at n, .M. uusel s. A really fino Dress Shirt, try the Eclipse Shirt, a perfect fit. rlrganco and cononiv I'ouibinedj can only bebuught at I). Lowen- uerg s. Sheet 3111-11', Music Book", and 3Iuical Instrtitncnts generally in rndless variety nt Thomas's 3Itisic Store, Danville. Dec. l-3m Buy your Hoots and Shoes at 3IcKlnncy's lor he still "Holds tin lort, ana sells uouei at "hard pan" prices. COAL. COAI. Ilbl 1-MalilMieil Coal Yard. n W V..., X- lli.n VI,..lo.il.. llnllill Dealers in nil sizes of' tho e-i n'anlitics of lied and White A-di Coal, at the Miry lowest market rate's, llnvccnnstamly on i anil larj stocks of Domci-lie, Cupola, llhicksuiith's Anthracite, llitttminous. and Limebtirncr's Coal Especial attention given to the prepara tion of coal before leaving our yards. (Irani and Lumber taken in exchange for coal. Coal delivered to any part of the town at short notice. Orders lelt at I. W. 3lcKelvy's store, or at our office, will receive prompt at tention. Ollico and Yards at William Ncal it Sons' Furnace, East lilnomsburg;. lour atronago rcspcctlully solicited. COAL. L7 tf 251 COAL ii Worthy of Kcincnbi'aiite. Win- will 3011 Miller violent pain, or he m.nle uncomfortable, elUtresseel in mine! or boi!y,wlicn you can lie inta.itly relieved nnd ijuickly cureel by I!eiison'n Capcine Porous I'l.islets. llio or dinary l'orons l'lator is nn article of merit, yet Its notion is too blow, requiring eiays e.nd weeks of continuous wear to ifl'ect a cure, lien- son's Capcine Porous Plaster, being a great im- lovenunt over tlieni, relieves you Instantly anil cures you ejuicKcr man any eeiiuwu piasicr, liniment or compound. Tlicir action is moro powerful than electricity and more certain. They are purely vcgelablo contain no mineral or metallic poisons. Their position and properties aie founded upon true medical skill, and aie in no sense n patent medicine. Tliev are enelecd by thousands of Physicians and Druggists of unimpeachable reputation, os being an article of genuine, merit and worthy of public confidence. Try them and be convinced. Price 2' cents. sn Miruv a joiinson. rilUUIAl'LVTICll. Cm.SHS.TS, N. V. Itay 19, '711 ly. i'iisuu'h t'luiclnc Ponies IMn.lerslli'nr ivlia llie Pceil'Ie I .Tiiniicsi. rbenns'.st. safeit. a-d surest remedy of. fered an liitelllsrent people." "An urllele of gi-cat merit widen will In ashoit tlnie Lo found In evuy lir.iisel.old." "They aie HI lliattl.u inanuf.ictuiris elalm for ineiii, wno&e 1 anie uiune is u aui.ic-ie-ui , elorn'mrnt of their Kcneilno lueilts." "'Ibu Ubt leinedy known fsr all external dinicullleser linnl iiisiuilmnees." 'Ihei are ilcorous reuioilngalinifct Instantly tbo most violent pain and ensurliii;a.ee. ,1. on,.. I' r pnnldcr then, h (Treat, and netde'dlin- I liiienieni uer 1111 uuie-i iit.iuu.T wiu, ""j s- -pruinpt icllet and euro quietly; llieyuie held In :.i -1. . cit.i.in " Thev ore now nrefei led oier all oth ers. I liey euro wneio oilier -oruus iiiisiei,iiwiij lelleTC. nil) II blllieilli UJ euem uuujuiu.m.M. be dlsarponiuu. jtico xaeeuis. , jiuy iViii'-iy siiAiiuitV ic joiinson', Pharmaceutical Chemlata, N. V. tried ICirliv'd WildChcrry Cousli Itnlsnm 7 A very nalateable coniriound lor tho various nfl'ectioiis olthe throat ami luegs it has be en Used with success, 111 seven ciu-t's of nsthrau tfivlner iiisiiint relief and in muny cases eU'ecling ft pcrnamcnt cure. I'rie p 0t cents ner bottle mid positively wairanliel tu lvo LMiliro saiisiaeiioii 1 r money icuunn m Kiibv'a Magic Iteliol' for tho instniit ctiro ol ci'iero anil anno pains. Kirbv's 1 iiKti lens Worm Lozenges, pin -a mil. suk' mid tllectiial. Ivnov .s iiori-o anil uaiiie 1 unners uru 1 10 liet nuHiler.s lor otock. nianuliiiturctl, I ry them nnd be convinced. Kirby s Camphor Ico lor sunburns, to re lips ami mapi'iii nanus. Gill's liillioiis nnd l.iver Pills aro rccoi v (iiemipil l.e tbo first I'livsie'iaiis. Tim iibi'irp nre'n.irntiiiiis 1110 lor s.i'.o bv all UrtiKKifta ami uivivr 111 iiii-uicine. JIUIJU lilllllllJt.KS, J.ly 21, 70.-1 y WlioiesalB -Vgcnls. SW gooil se-conil-liauil Tiaiiin for sale) nt G, Tlnini.'is's Mimic tSlnro. Danville, running in jirico from $l-!" to $230. IHc. 1-Lim II you want to lni strong, lisallbv and lUcroii', tahe'i:. I'. Kunkel's littler Wlnnof Iron. Kolanifinc" e.m eoniey an uUecjuaUi Idea of tho ln.inedlalornd idinost mil aculous liun'u prudueeil by tnLuc I!. 1'. Kuukil's lllller Wine e.f Iron lu Iho diseased, eM 111 tatedandslulteied iieriousHjstein. liel her t To ken down by execs, weak by nituie, ur Impaired by sickness, llio iclaxed and unslruut; ure;uU.illun Is restored to pet lilt health Mid Mgor, hold only lnll bullies. Hold by nil druggists aud dealera, .NEIIVOL'8 DKllll.nV. NEIlVOUa DtUILnV. Debility, ft depressed, Irritable stale of mind, n weal:, nervous, cihausied le liug.nocncigy tr ani mation, couluted head, weak memory, llio const Him irts cf txcesses, menial ciierwtik. Ibis lie tiou debility in. da a soieiilgu cum In K, 1'. Kunkil'M lilt terWU-oof iron. Ittonea tuo sjstem, dlspi-UIhe mental glocm uud despondency, and lejuieuatcsthe inlliesjucm. toldcoly In fl Kttles. (Jittliogm ulno. Take only K. 1'. Kunkel's, It has a j ellow wrap, per around It, Ids photograph ou outside. Sold by our druggist. II. IVKuakcl, propilelor, No. ssa North Mum sueet, I'hiudeiphia. send for circular, or adilce free. '1'ry my great) remedy, uet It cl your druggist, six bottles forf. It cannot fait It Is guaranteed to do as is recommended. WOllMS! WOIIMSI WUIIMSI K, 1'. Kunkel'n Worm Sjrup never falls to remote all kinds of worms. Beat, 1'lu anil Stomaeli Worms aio readily lemoved by Kunkel's Worm sjrup. Ir. Kunkcl Is the only miocceslul I'hyslelan lu the coun try for the) removal ol tapo worms, lie reiaoies them In a to s hours, with head and all complete alive, and no lee until head Is passed. Cot omun senso teachos it tape worm can to remond, nl other worm)) can be readily destroied. Abk jour druggist lor a bottle of Kuukel'u Worm S) nip. l'l Ir f 1 per bottle It neur falls. If he lion I' not, havti him gel It, or tend to proprlotor, r i h un North NlnUi iVeet, l'huadcljilj dvi tree, or by man ) ft'"- e miineleiles, a- , p.on ay at home R.mples .B .afMawta.iiun v" fivr. u.in.onsuo r rartuuifH V'1 ll.nhl Tl rj ( l M n ' r m 3j o t-, t-. rt 5J -s-J si si sCi tj rs, h-s to r-! in o o s to in hi o vi W 3 r-3 3 2 a fcS si rt o GTS, O r-3 cv fie ra w Pi Si CJ rt -SJ 7 o .-II tyj ro" 3 rt CO hs s-j s? o o to r3 fts S till t r-s P5 o rt o o o 53 ?5 O n" to i Q triF All new subscribers for 1877, pmjing in advance Kj'ler Xmimlcr 1, 1S7C ulll reetice I lie paper ceel.ly from receipt of remittance to January 1st, 1S77, without charge. coiiiiineh rAi'iir-s-roinY-sEvrxTii yeaiu The Country Gentleman. The Coiintn nrntlcmnn ISTm-MsliM CPklyonIlH, followli.if Icinri, when pnM Milctly l?indvfliio : )n copy, one ,Mar, ti.b ; 1'our ro leu. f 10, nnl on ftfldi Uonul ropy for tr jenr frtetotlie srniU'rUtlio Club: Tunt'oi.li's.tjo, ntul nnnrt-'iiltjiialco;i)' lor tlio Iho Country C'hUeninn iiosspsea'an urcqunUeil forpH of I'oimmw itdt'Lts lej-ulnr unl wcivIodhI, amcni: iho 1 t-st V iir.prs cl all p.'its or the country ami conMnntl) rotloctsthe r rfi-1 lc.1 condition nnl nniirivssct the lulmWr of rvury tectlon or tho United Mati'M and chllUt'd world. Tho Country (J iitlctnan pclv. s tn lta Horticultural lipparttm'iitu continuous url"ty of lnfonn.tlon and hUvjgcMiotis, c (junl or biipcilorln tho otrRrccato to ivh.it Is obtained nttw montlilv numberaof most maiulnes devoted to Horticulture. 'iho country (icntlcman has probably donn a-, much as nil other Journals coinhfued. to Introduce and (lessenilnato Improved Mock tt vcy Mnd ttiroujjhtho country; nnd commiinds jo ,i Kreatcr d?irrc than anv cotrmpon'ry, tho conlldcucu and sun'ort of breeders mid purchaj-ers. TltQ Country (ientleman contuttiH miuuallv full nnrt trn.tvmthv Mmki-t itcnorts. and devotes hiK- clal tttenllnn tiihem audio Uw ITuspectaof tl.e 'rnra. nu thrnwlntf lltrht HMiti ono of the m'St 1 1)1- poit.nitcf all (luestlons hen to liliy and When to Tlif co'intrv Oentl'-mnn einbracs numerous mi nor ili-iuiitniiMit era pr.ink.il eliar.irier, such a4 Hie D.itrv, the J'oulir.v Yml, tho Apiary, lh" Yln--.trj nd -"ii 01, 11 ml uvi'ktv pii'tcnts 11 ct Intnii fi' iwo ii'i inn noM-eHu aim inim'nins iiirajt; ii.-atltufr iccoiiiaiusa ( u ruiieu itpvir-w cm;ur rciitU i nt-. iHi(lltsinleitt'lnj pip's riirnhh a ill rceror" of nlltht-ptlnclpal nKrlciuluralai.dhortlciil tur.d 1 stid'll-htui'iitsor the eouutri. CsStSPJ-XIMKN COI'IUSI'IIKI:. Ad'lress Ll'TIIMit TUCKER & SOX, 1'UBIIs.HEIIS, ALBAMV, S. Y. ST, KIUH0LAS. "TIIK KIXO OK ALL PUIII.ICATIONS ISSUUU l'OIt THU YOUXii OX LITIIKU KIDK OV TIIK ATLAXTICV' &ulArmiplon (i.nrlaM) votencr. ul m- e VrnVl.el -Will i Its T, Lt hulVdfld rM splendid serials, Us Hiorler htorles, poeins, sketelies, C'l?., eic, ill lis IS allium ijieiilUK eji ie,i nun kviu. 11 IS IIIC IllUSl SlJieuillU ;ne i.m.iv nn w.'Bjiuuhuia CUT IfcbUCll IICIU ll.u I ll'nb. 1 I leu is ; 111 mil Ki'' is. RT. NICHOLAS I OR 1S77. prides serial stoiles. cinlstmas stories', lively sketches', pui ins and pictures tor the holldajs, and roiro kmc nltlilntr uiustratifus ir iiiieinai s jrns, leith driiwlncs lie M.une"-e 111 lls's, 'I'll H CUIUS I. MAS HOLIDAY N I M llr.lt 111' ST. .MUlieil.Ar', MipiMUij- luusiraieec, contains a lei j iineri'tiiirj I'ui'cr, "T1JJ-: MOYS OF .vv jioyjiuop," in- WltUAM Cfl.LKN 11UYANT : rn.s ilni-.,rt llnlr 1.' a ltielv article, by Charles A ttnrnnnl. snlrtidld V 1 lllStraleCI I "10 HOCK in I 111! ski," by ltiihard A. l'rnclnr; A Chtstinas 1'lay for Homes or sunday-tcliools, ' by Dr. litrsleMonj "Hie I'lerkeUS llil-Iinas in-e, uy i.ueieiii r. ii.ne; l'oel n and Carol:. if liner," by Lucy iJircom n llh pictures. -.T, . 1 n Hn Tint fnil tn IlUV bt. AlCllO as 101 UlO - - itonaavs. rnca to ceiiis. Durlni: the jar there will bo luteresilug papers for hois, by Milium cullen liryont, ,101111 u. Millin er, lliunins nueriie, "iiujiu nuttm, ,.i . hl.ii.iu", (leoi'xo MaclMnaM.sanloid 11. Hunt, Prank 11, stucK- lull. UIUl liuieis. T ifrn win nil smrii's. Ma'iLLi'a nini inieiiir. ul nn. ri.ii imerrsr tn e-iris. by Harriet 1'iescott snoffoid. susan Coolldfi-, surah Winter Kellot'i;, Kltatsdh SlUatl rui'iis, LQlltlLl Aieuii, i.ueieu e . iiiue', .eii.e l llllXier, .iiaiy .1U I'SUOUh" mm wiuu, uiikib, emiiu.mi.iit nn '. I ii st rllillldli. with l-'un and Frolic. nnd wit and wisdom, win no iniuerieu as neicioioie, and St. Nicholas mil eontluue lu ue!l;l.t the jounf nn r-le tit!,Sl,ri lei tllf lild. subscription pilee, f.1 a year. 'I'lio threo bound v..innn.s ninl n siitisi i tnllf.n for Ibis i ear .unlv f 1'.'. r.ubscilbo will the nearest newsdealer or send ineniey In cliccu or P. cj. money urder, or In regUier- eu leiier lu SCIUIlXEi: & CO., ;a Uroadwoy, X. Y, I Hepobitory of Vaihi'm, I'leasurc and In struction? ' II LUSTKATEi). Notices of the rirt!. Tor strlttly hotisPhoia mauers anu ures, uarjicr s lU7ar H altogether tho irt tint., puoiiineu. 'lu takolt isuiu.iltirrf tcuuomy. .No lady can affoid to bo without It, Uv the luforniattou ltfflvcslllhni) her verv iiHieli muro money Hian Uiu &ubscrlpthui price, oesnies trnin.; i"'-' mm u'iu uu iui,-ii;-3iiuy fltari.i-.- v Lit nr. Ctltl'llffO JOUl lidL llarper'a Ujar Hpinfu'ly liius)trut(d, and con talni Morio, potms i-ketLUeb, 6 ml ihsajwof u hioit ntim',ilM'ch.,raeier. Jit ltt Mtiiary andar-tUtUleatuu-N tl.rtliazarls I'.nqUiStloi.nUlj thobibt Journal viva Kimi m uiu cuumrj. savuiua T I) UM 8 : l". i i-.t'k I'nn. r.r.P M'lil. ?l W. ii lu iiAludus i repajmiLt of L. S. pottnge bj the mill. I. In r- M4tts-!ipu"t.8 loUnrrei's ?lagoIn", Weekly, nnd H'.'ii tj fi.o adclii-iiS tor one juir, i-ojup iu of ifarpi-rw 11.1 lodicuU, to olo aduui-b I up ouo yt-r AneAtiaeupy of t-uiurtue Magjiio We-kly"r v..rf.nr ulll bo hiiDolled irruilri ft l' tnen (lulnf ylvo suhscril't'iM aiiH ho . .uli.m ri n n tnlttm.ee ; iruls c.ii' k Numbers llh Ihi suunlttd at UM time Tho t'ume- of ti 1-n.ue t-oDirm te villi the our. x inn no time in mt nil 'iJ, tt 1 1 1- lino l Mood Hint Ut" Milw;rll r wltu -. io c..feUn-iiw with the iimnl'!- Iiext nfltT 1U li et-iitt of bin older. 'lliu .Mm ul Vt'luin'of UM'per'ii !'tiur, (uncut fluth MudiiK. win tent bj ixpn m., rrm o c. i ft i tt' fir tt o ' inch. A ermil.Jr set. of.nii r.sln.i Sine Vi'hiMes wr.t nn receipt cf cash, ul U nUe nf iz ai ptr .iiume, iu-uli ui pxpnwiui puunnser Cloth i iini h lor nach olume, tult.it le for blndintr. bo bent by n.iiU potpHM, oil tUfllur$l ou (tUIl, i!nioxp tociicli oluitc m nt t iiKielnt of i-lnnir. NewtpaKis ure lueopy ihU uveii'teim-nt TlLlluui upitn unit t ii i itii I k r u mi j.iuiuiis, AUdrtM IlAitlJ;U K HKOI IIIMS, .Now Vurf. ECLECTIC MAGAZINE Ol' 1'OUr.IliN I.lTURATUItK. TlllltlV-TIIIllI) VllAIt. 'Iho Keleclle' renilnis from oil the foreign ouartrr lies. lti'Muw.. Jlnsrsilue-iiind J..urnnlsllielrihe)le'esl I'ullli'lits, IlielU'.liig essiiis, hLl ntllle pallets, blei- grapiueai siceeeue-. ri-niiiii-s'.'iiH.a ot ir.in i and au it'iittui', Iul-s, tloi le una isM-ms. 'Hie llnld i.I Mice, lloulslerj hilM', .end It Isbe.leled tint the; I el(el.' presents 11 griatir i.iri iv and l.ltlicr i-iui.d-rJ of llteruiiiie th.ui hid ik itiHlh'jl ear, hujw to do that de pends eit lu du'ly iiju'ii haiti talent, A Klioee le ilgil e.f line lUlle'llt llte'i.tur Of Other rountrlclsiL,dlspensabi to nil ulio would keep puce with III" progrensot iho human mind; and lue 1- leclic uucis uie uesi, anil, iniueu, uiu oiiie,upporlu- ,IUJ nn siKVU.iu.iiK '"n .uuni'-uau n ieuiu U 1 Uasuna- blo compass and ut a modemto price. Among the vvrlti rs repiesented lu recent numbers ot iho Le leetlo uro i 'I he ltt. Hon. V. II iilaiistone, James Anthony rruude, sialthew Arnold, ihailes Klnipdey, lloU-rt lluehanan.lieorge MeDouuld, Juhn IliuLtn, Altred Teuujbuii, 'Ihuiuas Hughes, Mllllain liuct. Mm. Dlltili int.Thomas llnrdy. Wlliuiiu .Mnrrij. llss lhai kvru.i, Mi. rtlexunde r, riofs. Huxley and Tiiidall. Ittehaid 1'ioeKir. A. II.. 1'ior. oevi n. In-, w. II. Carpenter, lias. M idler, J. Norman Loekjir, Iler- inHrm.,.utuiiu.4Vii e.uilll' Ue, llt'SLUS l no leuuiar uieit-ie-a in eim u.ieiy Ul llio mag.Jll) therei i-ro fuuroihlual edllorlat ensrlinenl. in ury Nclli'H-, Foreign Literary notes, be-leneo and Ail, XUlhle '.ritatheehi" "t nlm of thu L 'i ! 1 1 lu b In1 dull, niide-i itjle jvetitut eacu nuui' r e imi4 uiu ineinb 't f c i iw lljM LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ADMINISTUATOH'S NOri(!E. ESTATE OS UANir.l, riTLKT. u-itera ot Admlnlstraliou on tlie iitiii-et Daniel M U!ur, lat of Hrai' township, Dl lui.l.i county. IV . itoce-jKM, liivo Po-n i r nti d liy tho Iteglsler of 'rttil county t t Jacob Tcrwhllger, or tlie snti.u town, alii,', administrator, to wlcm all persons Indebted .iro ii'ipii'stul ti make pay:-elil, and thuse having claims or deinancii utinlwi the snl I nslaio irilimnke tliom known to tho tald ailmlalntrietor without de ls y. JACOll Ti:itVIM.iniII, I)cc3t-evr Administrator. j-oTici:. Hating purchased at Constable's sal.'. Iieceniber Sd 1STC, thy frtilowlnp properly ofJaeoh Kf leaner Jr. I li8,v loaned Iho amo to Iho said Ueleliner durlnj my pleasure mm oil persons nro tortlddsn to lull rue with the said properly t 1 cow, 2 slioatr, l' Ions hay, 1 hand earl, I Iron It-illle, l oook stole, 3 tables, 1 cunlminl, Men sirs, lot of carpr-f, 1 bureau, 1 bed, I bjnel elder, 1 clock, li luus.l meat stand and ii ton cool. IJ. II. SlO.S'TOOStL'itY. Dec. 55, "ft- 5w.' jjJOTICK. II1I1 U to (rlyo notion that I li.iyo iniirliMed from D.uil'd I'onse ttio rottoiiiiir iirojieitv ui uuociiy, one lirecUlDR sou & Biioaif, ai elilcKeu". luy nnd Mrim tu sjUM", 1 M11nowl113 mill, eulllnsr bor, 1 Bruin erartlo, rmes nri I forks, 1 wood simp, 1 table, iliidra uiu cunuoiird, unU'o ucreH of I in J. Allot which I Iiavh luuipj in Huidliinl.'l llonau dnrlnir my pleasure. Ml iicrMiuSaio forbMdi n to taterlere with tald property. lA'HIA IIONSH. J KGISIiATIVU XOTICU. eitlcoIili"reyjrUenlli3t nn niiilleatloi will tM made to Mil l."gi.-.!ntiip' in their cnnuln; "S'lon fur theiMsaigoct miacteutltl 'd "An Aei lou'itlwrlta the Jit'lstvi oft o emir, of epi.irter sessions of the peoee.oi t he eonnty oi CMlumblj, to nnjinint a inttor ror tho ojurt house ,,r a.it t county, and to ilx tho suu,vin..i.m ul tA.t'l jaillDjr. 'llio olijectof Ihiiner, u to Kecure tho servleei of Rometnitortliy anil renp-nsllde person, to keep "'h'" ,";'v' .'"J '-"'sii' iiuuej uuii HiiiTeiunaing groundi belongln? and attaehed to tho court hoiiie. Pee. 43, 'TC-lw A DMINISTISATOIl'S XOTI -J nsrira oi' uom:nT '. ii.aiik, tszr.utr.'j. l,i iters it .dmlidtilsirailou on the estuto of Rob ert K. Claik.'nto of Cul'imbU eounte , di ceiised, have beeiitTir.le.lby the Iteuterot said county to Da Md l.uwcnbi'rj;, of Ultoinsburs. ColumWa county, to wllfil:! all put ins l'ldebted are reniin.h'il In m.iWn paMnint. and thoso liavln? eliluis or demands ujjaiiiNi. ine ham eiuiic inn in.iKe ll.cm KnOHlllOlhO sal J adoilntjiialor without del iy. DAVID I.OWHMlEI!(), Dec tl, TC-CW Administrator. A DMINISTIiATOIt'S .VOTICK. F-STAri: OPJlcnnsilL-illli.s. ln-.r'n. Utters or Adinlnlstratlen, on Inn intntuof Jacob MiutfuiK, laieef M.dn lup, columMj I'ountj, dee'd. bale) been .-i juttd Ijj tlie KesKter or twitd county to Heorffo lliillenlneh.'i f Main 1 wp.,Co!ii:nbl.i Co., I'u., to horn all p.'raons tueleoted to fcald K-,t.ite mo re quested to muL.ii ii.iyincnt, end theme haMnif clilins aitiist the bald ehUto wilt nuke them Unonn to tho bum aamim ir.iior v.iiiioiu iielsy. eiL.ui.uij iieji.LiiMiAru, )i'0 22, '.il-cw.' Admlnlstratur. 1) II N I STJt ATOI t'S KOTJCI3. KSTATG 0" Fit AN CH WAVM, DJICCISCD. letters of Ailministviviion -with tho will aniioxpion tho t.Uitn of Francis Maull. luiu of MnlnV)wnsUlp, eoliinbhi county, P'-iiinilvui.U, acceail,ae bH-n granUd by tho Itrgtalti'olH.tM eouuiy iiMti' uura ii. Aien. oi Main iwp tuiumi'it eotimy, ivni.una ,u perboLi.s nain!r ci.tims n'aln l LUviHtatf i,r the decedent .te je punted to jm;oi,-iii i ;u .u iur h "iiii'UH'iJi, unit imjr uiu joieu l llio csiiitf to uii'df payment to tLo uiiderali'iied .mmuioi. .iii.r ;iuoui ueiuy. i.'U ir.vi:!) ii A'rr.v. Dec H2, "J !'.v AflinlniaU..! -r. R Afi.i:o.D i:li:ctkix. itle Is h"ivlL'IvtMi to the s!jckhoMaM of th. IIunliH'k cri't k v Mu i p ll.itirojtl i'.., lh it tin cl-c-tlon ,1 hv held at t.if iAohio) IIot.d lu KUiu u& Luiir. f'olumL'l 1 oo'iiity. l'.i . mi Mor.ii . thu mii div of .j.ui'i.ii , , l). !Hi,.uH:i o'ekH'k ni , f tr tho ii.ir- puhpof elicttna I'leJfkiiL .u.d twehu I ilrwiTi -r.s t,f m 1 t'oi.iiuuy for tuo viituluf ; oar. U) outer of Iho iru-ia. 111, Attptt : f. A. rwuTsrs, sic'y. .MUIiCj, 1M., J)oo. 11, l7i. 2W D ISSOM'TIUX Of COPAHrNKIIallll'. Noltre li hereby lv, 11 tuut U.o r.arln"rsliln be- tuecil t . .1. n.ni.1,1 .1 .1 I. l. S i.v.ep.eii.l Iser, of -V-iH.V''"'1;'. 'i'." V'.r '" PO"''io 1 i, as eiisa Hieu eu .uu lieu U.1J en J'CCCIllue'l, -""l'"sii. U. J. OAlll'llCI.L. I. 1:. scmrxiTiiMiiiis-EU. Dccsj-in-" Tonci:. wMlpers-ns kpowlue; thomsdvoi Indebted to tho uudeifeltjrn"tl cn loo.i a 'count, n tn nr J'yiuiji-ht arn htreby notliicd to hettle the same without ileluy ami thPfeOy bno eo'-ts. ( Moomsburg, Dec. 12, lSTfl, A UMIXlSTJt VrOIVS NOTICE. X. KaTATK OV ni.N'JAMIN H1USK MXKASEP. Letters cf Administration on ihottitfl if llei-1 Hilnk. l.te of Henion twi. Cil.. Co.. iUcpaeil hatt bren srjntoil uy tht Kcj;Uttr of snldeouniyto Clark lit In!;, of s.un lup,, Culnmbla iM'intv. .dm'r., 10 v.lrm utl pre mis lnih'iitid hip requotpd I iu uru.u ji.ij i:iriti, tiuu muic uauiK tiaiiui ui in- mands njain&t tlw said estate will m.iU them lumen tn iriiii . 1 m I Itt i.. rut- 11 tl 1, .in r I.. 1 1 v ctLi:i; r.idNK, At.ialnUtrator. Dec. 13. 0v." TN pursuance c.f an r.nlcr nf Delano C. f'al- I in, Lsn , surrey of 1 lit-1 ' .unte nf N'eey York. nul Ice Is hereby kIi 11 tj nil p, rsuas li.mnir claims against Charlotte L..er, Lit.' uf Catawl-sa, rennst. vanta, but leailnjr ,is.'ts eltl.ln l!i" iltv uu leounti cfNeu'Yuik, elfeeasi'd, lo piestnt tho samo will oueherx thereof to Hue sub-'-rdn'r. at Ills ntiti'e. No, I's Wall sin el. lu Iiih i Uy e.f New uilc, en or befoio llio eiirniee in n uav or .nine in r. iiaiej, jem, lors, uioteieniu eiayct iiecemocr, ISTel. i:ilhI!U'K C. lIAVIlMnYLll, Deel.i-fim r.eeutor. A UBITOIVS .notici;. i. .srm: ov win HAiir.Ki!, i.m: ov aiadi- I'm xaiiir. li I .nr. I. Tho uiulf'rf!ir.i-d ullinr to nuke ilUtrlbittton of the fund lu il ic uiiids i f the AdniluiMr.uor of tin es tate of IM.i:.i iUvt fr, deceasod. will attend t tho duties of l.U .ippomtm. nt. atM olllcelu Itlocms I burg", on Si.ttirfl.y, .Ijii, ilith, l-T", at lo oVl-nka. . niii.ii aim .'iiin1 uu pt ia ii.imi.1; i luiiis nilnt U.o siild tMato. are lenulred u oit-ent the tuino vi iuio ine Ai.juor. i r oo ueuaiieii iroui cuui- lutj in for .i Mure of t.ii j iunti. 1. 1'. IlllJ.MKVI-it. wi)ec. Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S X0T1CK. LdTAl T. Of IlAViIt A. WThON', l)Lt'l. lA-ttirsof Adu.liilitratl in on tho ei?t.iU)of DitMd A. Watson lute i r MutlK n tinMi-hlp.i ulumbl.i ioua- iy, tu t e ueui Kniiiiiu uv hj i.euisur mm coum iv i o .i un , .iiisoii. dl nuiiioit n-wntia i u a tn. Ma county. All ben. us l:iiluircliliimiidnM the Mid eaute aio iefiuctHl to pien-nt ihem for s-'itle- ment, and thuso lu Jutted luaku pigment without MAItV A. WATSOV, Pec, 8, -Jv Adndnlstiiiirlx A: DJlIMhTItATDU'SNOTICi:. V.iTAi-R OV I AM1.I. KAhUNul! bkrCAiTT). (.'tter.tt f Admlnl'trutloii iu tho t-lutfof DtnlU Kn,hrtei. l,tiif ftddwi-Ni tW!.. 'cl.. it. (.tejiwit h.it Ixs'ii ynuiied b ihs Ke.-Utt r ol tu eo. mv Ui ivii r -i, it i-iint i. or c.ju nin , i,:iii;iwi t i'.iiiv Wilt, i vi.ot.inu n t Tii iu.se1 u t nv p-muc u io immo ijtf-iir 1 1, ,wiu v ittivinx laiios t d. ut.uuln i,, illl.-t t.l') u itut uU u..i'.l lu.i, Uuuvtii toiitciatii Auu.luwr.Uir vliiioitiil.ui . I'Ui K.t H, K HitMlf. Adiiditl L'.'.i.l I.pmtnnoensr i Kenveil b ST VNLKVund oili'iin uie jtiu aoci j io me ouiy ownpujio Lue mvi Labors of Livingstone I hi Veu in JpU rer rniika uraoni: th m m he t it- Lnviioi uii.ei.iun-, uiui xiu.iuti. k iM.itti !.l tt.-Al utrittetiNo. fiUM-UiiilJif. ilehlv llt-uirt.- id instni 'ilw olumr t ertBUt'il. Utliitf ihe Qtdt i.iho aid u utile r.ttc llfi tho m 1111am mo i-uri r f.n- it, and ntd'.-nnuiie AeuUititt i.atitd 'I'.t ll.- Tor .i j KS1 ksthloi' hi hi i nuaii, ljeiri'tn. Ix'tlers Teit iiii'inLu'V tin ll.u csii.to t.r k.,,..i. llll.Mil ,IM l.f ll,e TuiHilp ,.f U'limt, ( i.ui.ll el I'oliuntl i, UecoaKel.li.i.veUieiietrauli'il be ll.e i.ilIv ler elf t.eld eel lo I'r.illk!lll HUeiaJinriiiliu! t.p. .Ml I." t..itu. l.ni lug rliiJins- iiii'ilu. t the I'st.'te n Ibe dl e .Isintiiro r"i.esti'il toprikfiit Uiem rur lelU'ei n id and Ih.ise InileliUid lollw estate teinul.ei puviaent SV. U....V,U4SJt.VS, UUIIIIUIX l.lllll 1CI J' U 1 I ll' I.M , ' I'llANKI.lNllIHHI)'-, .ov, 17, 17il.-Cw. Exouulor. fPl... nl 1 .: ... t ii i , uie uuimiuiitui LilW UOCKOt. i A eoinplite rM-ord fort I o iiw if attorney. Con. uiilvi.ily arrajgi'd iur tho duck, tin.' e.f uUian-, containing wu ,'4g. with douUo Index. I Mil.-, the most couiblgv book for lawjeri that Is pub. UdUCU. , PRICE, JB3.50. Published "cy'Brockway & Elwell IMiloM anil r.oiiriDtora of tlio Coi.vmuuk 33rsOO.Sisi3TjrRQ, rv. Heci-it ' An ei'ttoerjet into and e uis'ltutttuolilstrlr if r.'irii iuiipihi 'Hi" in, In Ilii r unts u i "uiiji.i in I'uorni i.i.'t i u.tumb.a i ,iui i l IsLcrcbv pile . 'Utlic i.i te Iniof " I I i" I 1 Dauchy & bo's. Advt's. t it ir 1. 1 iv WITH A COI.D 13 ALWAYS DAKQEnOCS. USE WELLS' CABBOLIC TABLETS, n suro remedy for COI'nllst, and all dlsoav'S of th 'I'llllriAT, LU.NUS, C1IU3T and MUCOUS MEM- imNi;. Ptit tip only in Bluo boxos. eir'.u in ai.Li imuuiiisia. C. Jf. CltlTTEXTOX T Slitti Avenue, New York, Jans-etv u ACTlVn AanSTS wanted Instantly to Introduco the Cciitcimml Exposition. DHSOnillKU AND ILI.USTKATED. nnd a trcasuru as tno bust and citRAPKsr History of lhPdre.it Kihlbltton. Kodoraed by omclals, l'ress tmd Clergy. la sellln? Immensely, oao laly cleared j.'p in lour wesKS. Act uuickiv. ow ornever. ror full ttirtlculars, Address ilUllUAHl) UliOS., Pubs., ijj aansoiast., rniu., ra. Jan tv-iw d AptsWanteifflPODP New Book GREAT CENTENNIAL EXI1II1ITIO.V ILLUSTUATi;!). Demand equal) tho crowds nt tho Exhibition. Ono nirent Eold in, two an each In ono day. over 4 0 0 Hnp I- iigrrtTlns, costing t2i.oije.00, show thebP3t exhibits. lde-.iwak Ay .'nis are nulttlnj all tho Interior books fur this. let tho Bllsr. bend (or ( Ircul.ir, Terrna, and sample enrraMnjs. P. V. Z1COI.C11 Jt CO., 5 Arch St., Philadelphia, IM. JaaS-lw.d f) I'.ixrv (lAltlis 11 styles with namo 10 ots Ipost paid. J. 11. Ilustcd, -Nassau, liens. Co, N.Y DeosiIO-lwd f n nnn subrerlbcrs for 19"7. Kveribody Is f)UUUO gelllnir I'OTTKIt'S AMIIltlCAN MONI'lll.Y, a richly Illustrated, ably edited family Magazine at only 3 u jear. bpeclmen3 23 cents. Great terms to clubs. JOHN II. 1'OTTElt 4- CO., l'ubs., PUtla. 1)0CW,,J0-4W G OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE M EMTEN'L EXHIBITIOlN Ita-jilsi Mtcr than any other booK. Ono a?ent sold 14 copies In ono da Thlq Is the ordy authentic and complete history pub!l-hPd, Srnrt for our extra termi to agents. NATIONAL ruuLHIIINO CO., I'hlla. Icc2ii-twd HEADACHE. DK. C. W. IiKNSuN'S ;oIci'3- am! Clin nomile aro prepamd expressly to euro tSlck ne-0116, VT" vous lleafLichp. Uvsnontlo I'caU.ic' Neural ela, .mji vouane, deep jess npus, and I'rlpo r, cents, po-jtatre free. hr.lJ 'ali drutrfLsts ninl nminti-v etAros itiitA 1ntl AO in l.tliaW Street. lUlttmore. Md. Itefcrep"-J LKdl'KU, Casaler Howard Hank, iJaHlm"0! Ma UCC22-4W u SPOONS AND PORKS. Buy EHrccl of MHtiufiicturcr at wholesale price. lado of -trel plated with whltoalbita metal: they win w nr iim' ismer nnu lasi ion ypurw. tcisponns 45 n ; i t di'eponns ,l,Ctfl.; fitablo forks; els.: h tinil on ivcptist of nrlw. oihe. il ,i"d tl ;mmI p tttenis. batuple and terms iu ki Ann. n i r put rtiiis, i 1 1 u. iiiu ri.ii. (.ii.. :orinioru. ujqq. 50000 AGENTS iv .v x t K n roit TIIK STOtlY Oh- ROSS, tv tiU f.iilirr. eomDltitG account of this uuM rmtMivK iiblu'tlmi and eteltln'r fce.irrh. With Ttic Imllo iQtWn ami Ultistrationt. outwll all oth Tli.ii.k-. Oiip aseiit took Ci ordt-rs In 0113 dav. 'lernn 1 0tT.1i. M-iobirjnts vanl'll on our Jluiimii- r.nni v II Hi i-h. Willi liivaliublL! l lustrated aldd i.tid bupvru uiti ttnz. -To:iN 1;. 1'oiTSii S: Co. rubllahera. PhUa. Dec. ,2-i.vd n MONTH to Actlvn Men f-elllnff o'ir letter ConlnT llink. Ko nresi or water us.d. aniTiUconv worth SJ.00 ntKII. Send stimn for ctr- cttl.ir. KXCni.SMIi MF'i. CO . W Madl3ou nnd 13!i Uoarhom btix'et, Chlc.iKo. Dec: t-lv u CENTENNIAL CABINET. 24 Illuminated Vievys of Centennial ad Hate building, as printed oa thG grounds dim n c the Exhibition; b17.g of cucU.'cjtfx v . pries ojei.s. prep nn ; iioerai reauciion 10 ueui is sMit to any n.irt of the I'nltPd Mates or Canada postpaid. nihiCKS i; Wlliril.I'rlnttrsand Kngra- vcis, .j wuiuuLtu, 1'iui.i., i'a, nee. o-aw u Is v.hit Induces so many people In search of Mii:n, r.iEtsji.'.fj i.asi to go to Michigan, nnd tiled from tl o ONE MILLION OF ACRES ft the land grant of tho Grand llaplds and Indiana It. lc. I'o. Mronir tolls, suro crops, plenty of Umber, no eireim tis, grasshoppers, or cuincu bugs, l'ure water, running stieamn, i-eady luirkels, civilization and sctieiols. I.'allroad runs through centin of grant. Price from ft tn flu per acre. .-eiid for our fllustra ted psmphlet.yull of facts. In Herman aud i:iit;llsh. bay la what paper 3 ou saw this notice. Address W. 0. HUGHAIIT, Land Comm'r., OlSANI) ItAI'IDS.JHCII. Tltlo l'crfcc. 1 ec. 8, lS7c-3m d T. D. Ksllogg's Advtf3. S ill 3 T AT I O .V GOLD WATCHES, CHAINS & JEWELRY. Tills met ut has till tho ltrl.ILincv ami rtiimlilllt v of trolJ, Uatdiosfis. t;o. & $25 eatli. Clialus from $2. io , um-ii, ho wm feeuu uii'ia uy eApross io be ii.uu ,i ui'im'1'.i, r-fiiu u biiinip luruur uiusirai cil circular. Atairc?s (Jolltus Metal Watcli l-'actory, . iic. i.,-iv i: CSs I) ll VATS ND TANKS. for brew dveTa. ihemlsts. iinnuf ii'turers Mid mtvale ilnclllllgs. U1XI .1. Ill IIKIIAUT K l!l.. i,r.uoni ooei m., i.eiow iirivw. "SUl!BKJt (l(If)D.S of every i!eeii.tion i tltUllnr, I'aiklKE, lln, lifintsuiid shoes, rieilli. IriK, Sc. KI II mil l.r.Vli'i;, 5l)N i ci Ilitl'lu ht. uut isi , ''niiaain hia, Agents M.U.1.U1 ltuuur Co Juneli-i&. Et ,1 SELL'S Xsiy lii.vum I mti.-v. -'S' ,oenj n'-I.e!" groMiin. ami Is miKudrl uiui-. Tn. hi 01 unliert4.il i-iiuv 1,'iiie in ins lnii,ui,-i finis' n puUeuihin M-n ivrs win, forUiH.UU,. AelH.'i'lH WANTi:!). i.ow-i'i map - hi t ! l. 5i, UlVi.) . VO., I'tiiSli. Apv56-iy. Bxi.'iou-inii PRINTS INK . CO, JKST AND niIi:Al'KS imxtixo i;;k j.s tar. m Mucin; Iluri-hi) m., NSIV VOIIK. Aug. II, ln-jiwU Br.bcc.ck & Wycth'a Ado ista enlntermlli, and iMntively i .i. i ma. Usui (,uiit, Ntiimigla and Lunbsgi ."ni.uhv Vl'ho iMle ami Hi tall PniggUla en i.v.l.ire. t-end forc.reiilarto. nuLrumiSTiNiii r vs rn y. 1'rusgl-u, a h'i, on, li, OK n.'iiVly.iisV.w 6 i 1T at tome. Agcr i He' ou'lltand e la, MalLe, .im mssreu. 'UtCL, 4L'l Mur.'l in, "-b iy, Verbatim .Hi por the" Tijr.ji 'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm ezpcnSe mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKm wiMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM eAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMW OBPUAHS! ,OODBl BALK OP REAL ESTATE. , By virtue of an order ot tho Orphans' Court ot C- lumb i County tho underslimed, adotlnlatnton s Jacoli ilarter late of MltHln township Columbine. deceased, will eipo-o to publlo.eale on the rreuas on Saturday, January 20th, 1877 at 10 o'clock A. M. tho following Ileal Kstate, U WN I No. 1. All that certain tract or tiro tract MUM e'.tuato lnMlfflln townshlpColumbU county forn4 beginning at a corner tn road by land of Jacob Boas, thence south seventy .seven degrees, west thirty- and fire tenth pcrches.thenco by land ot Cbrtatoptar Ilortong, north thlrtcca degrees wert one kamlisM and nny three and ono tenth perches to sttaa, thence by land of J. II. Iletlcr, north, elghty-nr grecj west, twenty-two and nro tenth perehtat publlo road leading from Mtminvllle to ConyBgkMt, thence north thirteen degrocs west, twelre an tm tenth perches, thenco by land ot S. TI. Swank lortk seventy scren degrees cast,ntty seven and fire fcrak perches, thenco by land oi EiiUDetn mil Boiat thirteen degrees east one hundred and MTenty-tm and ono tenth perches to tho place ot beruiDe containing forty acros and Mxty-throe perches tttft measure. No. t. neglnnlng at a stono by land of Henry Wtr ler. thenoo south twelve degrees east,thlrtr fotr xafk two.tenths perches to a stono, thenco by MooBttltn land north seventy-eight degrees east twenty-tirjM and four-tenth perches to a stone, thence by last ft 8. II. Swank north twclro degrees west thlrty-fc and two-tenths perches to a stone, thence by fcuul of Jacob Hons south seventy-eight degrees Sfttei twenty-thrco and four-tenths perches to th ylaas of beginning, containing tiro acres Btrlct measTOis with tho appurtenances. Terms of Sale. Ten per cent of one-fonrth of w balance ot the liurchaso money to bo paid at a striking down ot the property, the ono fourth Mas tno ten per cent at tho confirmation or saio, ana ins remaining three-fourths In ono j ear thereafter, W1B Interest trom confirmation nisi. j. n. HETisSn, J. II. HAKTKK, Admlnlttratorp Dec. t5, Tt ts. SHERIFFS SALE! rry rlrtuo of a writ of Venditioni Eijw nas Issued out ot tbo Court of Common ne tt Columbia county and to mo directed, wUlbe exptmsi to publlo Bale at tho Cc"" la Bloomabnrg Cl uiitH.it p. m. on SATUHDAY, JANUARY 13, 1877, All the following real estate situate la thebors of Centralis, Columbia county, I'a., bounde an4 er scribed as follows : North by lot of John Moram,asi by Locust avenue, south by Locust MountaU Cd& and Iron Company, and west by an alley, said lot be ing fifty feet front nnd one hundred and forty fcet deep, whereon are erected a two-story frame store and duelling houso and outbuildings. belied, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tbo property of J. J. Iloagland. CHARLES S. FORNWALD, Dec. ism. Bherttr. NNUAI. Sl'ATKMK.NT OP MIFFLIN . TOWNSHIP. Jacob Nu-ss and Peter lllthael.supcrvlsors of Mltnia Township for 1373. lilt. To am't of duplicate for 1S73 " balance fruin 1S.72 " IfeU tlOM M U9 r-S tint a By ain't of w urk dono " hiijicn lse.iV w u0res ' pel cent A3 pot te Itl Ot U 1 s 01 It 01 i M exiiiierall'ins " luUiiiu inmi U73 auattort,' feej 11m ti Balance duo township JohnJ Ilartzcl and William nckroth, ov.rMvars JllCltn township for 1671. Lit. To ain't ot duplicate for 1S7S 15S it cai.ii in nana, or Muuaei 1 eiierou tl balance I rem U71 il en. By am't paid Mrs. Fox for the support (Il tiacuu I'uem leuee ceepucu .'.us Mrs. fox for llebecca Kcliert lira te M to 7i S Ot SO M It ft 8 W IS li 1 Ut 5 .1. Nungesser for Cathatlno LaaU Dr. .!. J. Hrown liupllcnte and bond funeral expenses of J. Beets l'l easy K Hrown for clothing Loevls Kckroth for shaving s. Naus 1). II. Moutfomery, Int. on noto oxoueratlona 1 perecnugs, 1 -MIC llehael Ketterolf St ts John .1. Hart7cl, servlcos as overseer 10 00 Wm. Kckroili ' " a 00 1 auditors' Ices 4 00 $au m. IB U Balance duo township We. the undcrslrned auditors of MlSlln towntila. have tills day examined the above account aad XsU them currect. I). 11. .mij.n tuomi.kt; C. B. HAbTKLLAR MiminTllle Pec. 9. Audit DCCW-4W GREAT REDUCTION IN TBI. I'HICi: OF l'AUSTS, OILS, BKUSUEil, JAfAM DRTBft Strictly PUIIF, WIIITH I.r.AD U cents perposa, guaranteed equal lo any la the market, ( MONTOUH WIllTi! LKAI) at 10 cents per poos. v equal to an) "or uuramuiy. MOSTOUI! SUTB PAINTS 8, t and 10 eeats pound, according to color. MtiNTorn MirrALi.io huown acanuperrj Tiie usti'ire-iTooi iron rami in we iar.j MONTOl'll MKTUJJCHHOWNdry t rJ p" r lomul. u'liirillngtoquautliy. Itist tLiilily nf l'aliit rrttsliniat low fncJ PURTJ LINSEED Ol Yilils'li'i- .uy In large, fn.anlllli'F, cllievt fn1 luuiuaeiurer, uuu oi.er ai lue luveest Mafl pnen. BEST JAPAN 1"UY ino IcJ-jc 1 lif eit our lettllui I'fttijierJ ' . I r buriii v. Cata uutl jirltvj 5i liT I chuiil cau omlna' Cli-cular. Oct. 1 fj c. 700 P..l OQ OlHSlll Who i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers