mm the ojmniBiAN. niiOoiisnuiKi. rum at, hkc. ti, tt;o Rnll Itontl Tlmo Tal.lo. LACKAWANNA & nLOOMSIIURtl HAIL ItOAD NonTn, ..Ml A.M. . J.M A. M 1.M 1. J. ,. tun r. m, SOUTH. T.8S A. M. 4.4 P. il 11.87 A. M Accommodation Train,., , Mall Train Ctprcss Trnln ,, CATAWI83A UAH, ItOAD. NOIITH. 60CTH Iccnmmodatlnn Train a. M. 7,17 l M Rpilur Krprefs 4.(4 P.M. a. m! Tiironirn cant on Erprc-is train either to New Vork or Phllilelphln. rcn'nmodatlon tram runs betvv ccn Ualawlssi anl Wllllsintport. Yftttday wn the flinrte't day of the year. There Is slelglilnj, but not of a ch lceles crlptloti. Multiply 087031321 by 45 and cce what a CirioiH result ol laurel il Kivel. Acconllng to the 1'thn, ppnrltniin near Klnck fhinny ihoot b'uly gum fur deer. Jiifhua Robbing Sr., hm been nppitntrd pol iiBFler, at Unity villi', l,ycominj county, The lailies of the Latin ran Church will liutil a lY-dlval at tho Opaa House, to night and to nionow night. The river is frozen eo folidly (hat trams cro at Kpy. l'oot pnwngers cm emu at lh'n place but we have not heard that team hate ventured n yet. The bent pliyHici.un muro in tint Dr. Hull' Cough Syrup in a reliable and never failing remedy. All Drums koep it. 25 com a bottle. Tho?e who have water pipe ti point to thu action of frost would be wiu if they (inarded ngaiunt their burrting. Much tiouble and an noyance can be sived by a li.tle timely uctiou. Kx-Trcnsurer John Hung.of Northumberland county, residing in Tuibut township, win found dead Billing on his chair Tuesday aftei noon. The hotto of I. W. McKelvy wai robbed, on Thursday night of last week, of two cans of lard and all the butler on baud. The thief will pro bably deal his buckwheat Hour and oausagc somen here else. The ladies have been out in strong force dur ing the past few ilfyn, busy viitli llitir holiday hupping. Thu Mores ate well filled with Chuslmai gifu and even in these hard t'nuis puichasera lmii be found for them. l' A. IleamUli was convicted lust Friday of forgery committed when he was Secretary of the I'ourth District School Tax Hoard of Scranlon. The amount of the ciubeizlcmc ta charged wa SIO.OOO. lie was defended by Hon Stanley Wuiilwurd. A man nntntd I'ctir S. Haclienbcrry was ar rested near Urangt ville, la-: Friday, charged with lorging the inilornetuent to a note of $100 in the name cf John A. Ji lineon of Williams port, lie was (ariiid to that lily and lucked up in default ol bail. James Archie who was badly cut willi a knife in the hands one Stout mine lime since, was again cut in the throat on Monday night by a boy named Mruthers. Archie was not greatly damaged. Struthers lied. For whitening the teeth there is nothing superior to wood charcoal very finely ponder ed. Take a few shavings of civile soap and dls'olvn in spirits with the aid of heat. Use this solution to make with the charcoal a very till paste, adding a little syrup or honey to weeten it, and scent to suit. We have just learned the cheering fact that a fashionable dres can bo made of only thirty four yards of cloth, if tho dressmaker only ex- ercisss care and some judgtnenll This fills us with delight. The cost of a wife's waidrobs b. conies a mere nominal sum, if she doesn't need over thirty or forty dresses a year I The'Columbia county Teachers' Institute will beheld in the Hall of tho Nctmal School; beginning December 23th, instead of the'J3d as announced last week, and continuing one week Good boarding can be had at tho building fo1- evenly five cents per day. Lectures will be given on Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday evenings. The Supreme Court of Iowa says the relation FT husband and wile does not divest the wife thuiiile of personal property held before Lirri.igo or subjucntly acquired. The prop i wife cannot bo taken in payment n Lband's debts, even though it be reduced losFCssiun ofthchu-band and his credi In no notice of the wife's interest. There is great distress among the unemp!oy d workineuun at and ubutit Scranton. Many are on the vcrj.o of starvation. Tlureis node mind for labor and skilled michisnics offer their ti rvices for half i. dollar per day without avail. It is ptoposed to oil public meetings to devise minus to provide food for thesullerers. This s hou Id be done at once and prompt aid should be extended. Sitttrdnv nnd Sunday la-t were fair copie of their pridtcck-oris of tho weik before. On S.itUtd.iy theiu was the same cold, northern gale, dust clouds &:., and on Sunday the i-ame low temperature without the wind. IfthtsKort of thingfis to be kipl up this winter, it will ru qulro more than the umal iquaniniity of our citizens, to keep up llu-ir standard of piety for the week. John Dunn, of Dtadford county, while hunt- iug, last week, on Frcnclitown Mountain, slip pidovira prulpiie. Hie first duunt was a piiptMliiuhir tne of tweuly livo feel, and sli ding n few ftet, went down another of Ihlrt. feit, nnd linn, lidlng and tumbling onward, ho i nine finally lo the cut made by the canal exiavntlon, nnd went down sixty fittto the led of the old cnnnl. Fiom ihe point where ho started lo where be finally luni'id the distnrce by mmfiire is ovir time hundred feet, lie died from the injutici received. A correspondent writes us that an uccidetit occurred at tho mines of J. A. Ltuce, in Glen City on Tuesday last, by which William Haw Kins and Daniel Metisinger were severely ''Urn ed. Hawkins was making n cartridge near nn open and hniriillid Ltg or powder, when a spark from his lump Ignited ihu powder and In the explosion which instied both nun were badly burned, principally ubout iho face, link and hands, Hnwklus would have burned to dtnth but for his presence of mind in tearing ofl his clothes Iloth nun are doing well un der the treatment of Dr. L. H. Creasy, What might have been a fcrious accident was prevented in on odd way, on Sunday last, in Ihe homo of Mrs. W. II. Lnt, adjoining the Court House, Two Utile girls, daughters of Mrs. Ent and Mrs. Brown of Danville, whilst seated at a table on which were two coal oil lamps, managed In tome way to overturn the table, lamps and themselves on the floor. One limp only was lighted and It broke and the burning oil ran on the carpet,' ever, .the table had a hi'y woolen cover which ill on the f.amea and smothered them, Nelth u of the thlldrt n were injuml, nor was much damage dona to tho carpet. ltr an Act of AmcmMi.. J370 "n person .hall kill or cxpo-o for Kate, or havo unlawfully 1,1, .imc l,m been ktllctl, eny hare, commonly call- ociwccn tittccntli ilay of December and tno liftecmli day of October, In any year, tiihicrn Penalty of five dollar for each anil vcty hare or rabbit io Irill.d or had In hi, position." The wino prohibition nppll,. lo inrlrlilges, but the penalty U ten dollars. Plica sets miyho killed until J,mary firm. No more rabbil or pnrtri.lSe on bo lawfully kill cd until October IS, 1377. There Is no end to tho rnnfllctlnrf relative to the weather during the coming win Inr. Bnotlnaycra have arisen everywhere nud proclaimed that the weather will I,., f..r,.l,,il cold others again a'ert that the winter will no open and cite ancient mlsgos to support their Millions. In view of these conllicllng opin ion, we feel constrained to give a few words of idvleo to our readers, to wit! don't giveaway yourovercosls, furs and wraps unless you have money enough to replace them, an 1 do not wholly lose idvht of your utraw hats.dusters and Ihf like. He the weather what it may von can then snap your fingers at tho thermometer. Put it Hum 1'oxr.s. Every neron who owns a tree should put thereon a box to harbor the little Fngli-h sparrows tint have made their app-aranci! among in. They will need tho shelter this winter, and It is the duty of our citizens to see that Ihev have It. Every family should have a box put upon each of the trees surrounding their houe. anil they should id'oend-avor to prevent tho nml birds iu nny way. The boxes put up by t' o city of Philadelphia in the various public squares and parks are about six inches snnarf, having a hole about two inches square cut in one side, by which the birds can enter, and each box is Inhabited by a ingle pair of sparrows. We trust this matter "ill receivo some attention from our citizens. -V.t. Last Saturday night, while Mr. John Kind was returning home from a grorcry where he had been dealing and exposing his money, and tst as lie reached Illom street, some fiend in the n'lape of a man, knocked him down and rifled his pockets of ten dollars. When became to his senses he found himself trying to get in at Dr. Charles Del Camp s office. He was nearly fro zen to death, and could scarcely cr,,wl. The .doctor heard him scratching at the door, and thought it was a dog asking admUsbn, and when he reached the door found Mr. Kind in a ad condition. He took the unfortunate suflercr in and kindly cared for him, giving him all the m-'dieal asi-tancc in his power until he recov' cred, when hu was conveyed to his home, on Cherry street. It's a pity be can't identify the sco u ud i el s. Da n nVfc Heeonl. The London Veterinary Journul advocates a simple and inexpensive appliance to prevent horses fiom falling in winter. It consists sim ply of one or more steel studs, set Into the horsi's shoe. One in front is s'ufiieient, but for heavy work two more nt the sides arc recom mended, Tho stud is a square bit of steel near ly an inch long, pointed at one end nnd taper ing slightly from about the middle of the oth er that enters the shoe. Jfo filing or finishing is necessary, anil an blacksmith can mako a large number in a very short time out of an old rasp or file. The stud must fit tightly, c.ire being taken that it does not "wobble," and that it does not pass quite through tho shoe. The hole is made with an ordinary square punch. This Biniple system has proved very eflicbnt after an extensive trial, and saves horses great pain, suffering and often fital injury. A recent case in Pittsburg show how care ful we should be to guard against the spread of pestilence. A person died of small pox, and the occupant of the bouse, to get a little money sold the bidding to nn upholsterer, who soon eaught the disease and died. One of his lady customers, visiting his store, became infected, and carried tiie disiase into her family, several members of which are now afflicted with small pox. A servant girl in tho houe, becoming frightened, lefl it, and carried the disease into another family witii whom sho went to live Three families were thus afflicted through the culpable act of the occupant of tho original muse. Too much care cannot be taken to guard against the spread of infection, which, it can be seen, could in Ibis case have been pre vented, had the proper disposition been m.i le of tho bidding of the first victim. ltOLL OF IIONOIt. The following named pupils were neither tar dy nor absent in the Catanlssa school for the month eliding Dec. 10, 1S70. HoomNo. 1 Jennia lirobst, Katie Kister, Gertio Lashelle, Fannie Keller, Fmma Ilinard, Annie Ilile, Cora Schmeck, Anna Iiecdcr, Flla Heeder, Kiltie Ileifsnyder, Daniel Kriimtn, Charles Krumm, Ambrose Manhardt, Johnny Gilbert, Freddy Frederick, CI irk 2Ioliuin, Lore Stvers, C'lias. Smith. T. Ii. Miller teacher. Uoom Xo. 3 Annie Martz, laria Hall, Susie Walter, limine Kuon, John Metz, John Former, Clinton Keifer, Charlie Cleaver. Miss Kmma Chirk teacher, Room So. 4 Knlie Haley, Lillie Wallers, Tillie Wheatiey, Katie (Jtiinn, M,iy Persinp, S uliu Long, Flora Chambers, Allio llehvig, Josio MiKelvy, John Lewis, Albert Yelter, Clinton Long, George Frederick, HaivcyMench Frank Keller, (liorge DuVatt, Willie Fisher, Willie llowirs. Mbs Katu Mcars and Miss Lille It. Iteif-nyder teachers. NO mi M. SCHOOLS, l'rofo'sors Allen, of Tioji county; Ilrooks, of L'incaster J Khrenfelt, of Washington j Shaf fer, of Xorihimptou ; liuehtic, of Lehigh j Mis-es J. IJ. Leonard, of Indiana, and Elizabeth Lloyd, of ISucks, wero appointed by the sta'o to idlers' tisso.iation, at their meetii.g held last AugU',t,at West Chester, a committee to con sider the best mean) of removing tho evils oon uecled witii the normal school system. The stato nnruinl.schools aro in a precarious condi tion. Ol the nine in the state only throe Mil- lersville, West Chuitor, nud Kutitowii, ate able to pay expenses. Ono is already in thu bauds of Ihe shenU, and the othor live will soon be if something H not done to help them Tho nbovo named committee met lately at Ihe slate eunerinti'iideiU's office, at HarrNburg, and after a long and earnest discussion lesolved to pell lion the Plato ki,'islaturo that tho state, within five years, should pay all legal debts against thu schools, mako tuition free to nil Intending to teach, and provide for tho piymentof the salaries of the professors nnd teachers employ ed. The Honesdale, Pa , Chronicle says that as Samuel Cliff was driving thioiigh a dark and louelv piece of woods near White's hollow, about twelve miles from Honesdalc, bo heard a most unearthly yell from some spot not far ahead of him in Ihe road. 'Ihis was followed by a man's voico shouting in terror, "For Gad's siko hurry up." Mr. unit wiuppeu up ms nor. ses. and a short dl-lanco aluad found a man standing in the middle, of the road holding a cow by a rope around lis horns, The cow was plunging about ns If greatly frightened, aim the man, William Isovelanu, oi Aiucuvuie, wa3 also in much lenoi. Hu said that as ho was walking along, leading his cow, he heard something come bounding through the buslui and then a lar.e animal sprang Into tho road, From Iho size and action of th 3 beast, Loveland knew that ho was confronted by a panther. Tho animal crouchisl on the ground for an In slant, and then with a wild screech It sprang and fastened Itself on the back of tho cow, The noise of tho horses running toward tho spot aeemed lo Bcarc It, for it Jumped ofl In the woods, The marks of tho panther's teeth and claws I were visible on the cow's back. THE COLUMBIAN AMD IhsiT.nATM TI, ,lt, e.i.. iii i r-,....: 'm.ois ui uiu iiiuomsourg CpumniAN headed their editorial with a cut ot n mounted cannon, nnd any ono at first clanco would cupposo that they Intended to fight or bust." l..v cla.cil 300,000 majority for Tilden and 203 electoral votes t first, but like ensiuio men they come down and say "Demo crat, ami Republicans want to know who Is iir y nnu iinntatlv elected President. Ho It lilden or Ifnycs ho mutt have tho support ol ;' nln."" A "iy wcro not certain about the 203 electors, nnd It is positively known that II. II iye-1 was "fairly 'and honestly elated President" l.v m,l lur. ..i.,,.... n .i.-, the law required, we hope to see those idltora iimiiiiK ineir cannon ami help support the nation. bunburtj American. that cannon acems to worry some of our Republican brethren j (hey don't like cannons, never did especially during the war. Tho CoMJMMAtf did and docs claim a popular ma jority of 300,000 for Tilden. The 203 . lictoral votes should havo been 203. Wo have not "come down" becutso wj iiro'Vnslbto.'' We are convinced that Hayes has not been "fairly and honestly elected," but that tho Amtrican't friends have made a strong effirt to count him In, ns they have state officers in different States for years past. We propose to "help support the nation," nnd that Is why wo at every opportunity seek to lmprcs upon the people the fact that Samuel J. Tilden was elected last month P-esident of the United States. We should be aiders and abettors of a rebellion did wo advocate the Inauguration of Hayes. NEWS ITEMS. In the libel suit ot Struthers & Sons, vs. the Philadelphia Evening llulkt'm, for $50, 000 damages the jury found u verdict for the pluiiilill-i with ono cent damages. Inspector General James A Hurdle, U. S, A , died In Washington on Thursday night, lie was a native ol New York, and entered West Point in 1838, graduating in 1343 During tho Mexican War ho commanded the Fourth Kegiment of New York Volun leers. During the last War ho served sue' cessivcly on tho staffs of Gens. McClcllnn, Wool nnd Ilurnside. In March, I860, he was brevetted Major General, for faithful nnd distinguished services in tho Inspector General's Department. M. O. Iiutler was elected U. S. Senator on Tuesday by thu Democratic Senators nnd Hepresentativcs of South Carolina, iu joint session. He received 01 out of 79 votes The number present was that of n legal quo rum. A formal demand by Wado Hamp ton for the possession of tho Stato House, tho Great Seal and public records has been rclttsed by Chamberlain. The New York Security Life Insurance and Annuity Company has bilr-t mid a re ceiver has bee.i appointed. Tho nU'.iirs ol the Co. arc in a bad condition nnd it is doubt ful if tho policy-holders will obtain any thing. Tho properly of Hrigijs & (Jo., keepers of a J'.iro bank in San Francisco, lias been at tached ut the suit of P.irrott & Co., bankers, of the same city. Pnrrtitt ft Co, charge that Van Mier, their embezzling clerk, who was lecently arrested in Mexico, lost -33,000 of their funds nt the defendants' gaining tables. Tho banking house of Win. JI. Itcani, in Somerset, Ohio, was entircd by four masked men, and robbed of $10,000 on Wednesday' night. Part ol the bank building was oc cupied as a dwelling by Renin's family. The robbers overpowered the occupants,and com pelled Ucani to open the safe. They took paper money only, leaving tho coin. Keam remained bound and gagged until nearly daylight, his wife fearing to be killed if sho gave an alarm. Tho Philadelphia 7Vtfs publishes a list of the places of amusement destroyed by fire, in tills country, since 1798. The list nsrgregatca tho enormous number of 145. Tne value of this property and the .number of lives lost by these fires are not given The Brooklyn disaster lust week resulted iu a greater lots of life than any other. "Eureka" is the sentiment of countless puf erers who find thebal.n of relief, and tho foiin- tin of their health and ftrcngth, in Ayer's Sar sapurilla. It is the mot potent of all the al teratives to purify tlio system nnd cleanse the blood. It possesses invigorating qualities, to that it Btlmulaies tho faded vitalities and pur ges out the corruptions which mingle with the blood, promoting derangement and decay. W are assured by many intelligent physicians that this medicine cures beyond all others of its kind and we can fortify this (statement by our own experience. Athol (lass.) White Flag. Dec. lm Iho Radical oigans nave struck a new vein economy this time. Ihey think tho appropriations to pay tho expenses of tlio Congressional investigating committees in South are very large. Their anxiety for tho public treasury is too thin j the real leason for their troubled spirits is that they dread tho facts which these committees will uneaith and show to tho people. The Gazette Jlulletin says "C 'gross is quarreling over tho appropriation Cflls to pay the expenses of the roving committeos," Wo believe theru is a little quarrel in tho Hott-o on the sub tect : tins Democrats there 'havo reduced the appropriation of the Republican Kenato from 400.000 to $30,000. Onlv tho Oasette A llulhtin didn't say so. From llov. Jacob Secliler, U' Hanover, l'.i well known among ouruciimiii population "lltivius realized iu mv finiily important benetits Ifom tho u-es ot your valuublu prepi ration Wistat's liaNam of Wild Clr.'ny i affords mo iilca-uio to recommend it to the ....i.r... e. :..i.. r puuuc. ouuiu civile iu;o, uuu ui my daughters boeined to be in a decline, and lit tlo holies ol her locovety wcro entertain ud. l men procured u uottia ot your i;x lent lialnaui. and befute sho hud taken tho whole of iho contents of the pottle there was a great improvement in Ii.t health. 1 Inv iu in S' individual case, mado t'lenuent u-o of your valuable medicine, and have always been bcneutteU by it. 50 cenU nnil$l a bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Tr,, ,, Isln.l t,'lrl,ua Wll,IPI,Tr n.111,,1, lhlsamf Avery palalealde compound for the various affections olthe throat and lungs it has been Used with success, in seven cases of asthma giving inilnut relief and in many cases effecting a pernament cure. 1'iicuSO cents per bottle and positively wai ranted to give entiro siillsiactlon i r money reiunueu. Kirby's Maglo ltelief for the instant cure ot severe ami acute pains, Kirby's Tasteless Worm Lozenges, pleas ant. sate and effectual. Kirby's Horse and Cattle Powders aro tho best powders lor stoci:, luuiiuiactureii, ury them and be convinced, Kirby's Camphor Ice for sunburns, sore lips and chapped nanus. uill s litllious and Liver fills aro rccom mended by tlio first Physicians. Tho above preparations are for sale by all Druggists aud dealers iu medicine. MoVWt UltOTHIJRS, July 21,'70.-lv Wholesale Agents, Sir good second-hand Pianos for sale at G, Thomas's Musio Store, Danville, ranging iu price Irom 12o to 2&o. Uec. i-3m W"AINWKIGUT & CO., ' WIIOLKSALK UHOCBUS, N. E. Corner Second and Arch Htreejs, rulLiCXLTUU, Ueaters in TEAS, SYItUrS, COFFEK, SUOAIt, NOLAS8KM HtCl, SNCIJ, B1C1B1 80D1, VC, tc, lir Orders will receive prompt attention. S1.T-U DEMOCRAT, BLOQMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Business Noticos. Wanted. Llvo Quail, will pay cooit pri ll, ticliuylcr. J. 1 A complete m.,l'Wi nssortment of Frcali Nuts, Knislns runes, tc,,nt Ilcndcrsliott'n. Highest cash prices paid for Musk Kat, Mink, Dlnck Skunk, Otter, Kacooti, Ac, at 1). Lowcnbcrg's. t Lulz &. Sloan's you can cct cnoil use ful Christmas presents at nny price. Iront a O cent UnutUcrclilcl to n ou.uu set ol run. 10 pieces of those 12i cent Plaid, at I. W. linrtman's, Call soon. A finn nssortment of nil grades and at prices to suit, just tho thing lor lloltutiy presents, nt u. w. uorrcti Thnsa 12V cent Plaids nt Clark A Wolf. nnd Units nt 10 to 20 cent's arc ifolnu oil' fast. A it lino ol nl, Wlnm ut uoom nt uotiuin prices. Cndmnn has a splendid nssortment of Pic turn Frames. Paper Holders, foot Kcsts, ltrnckcts. Towel Hacks, Musii! Hacks.Stnnds, Tables, Chamber Sets and Furniture of ev ery description, just tho tliiinrs for Holiday (Jilts, nml ull at the lowest pries. Ladles' Fancy Sill: Handkerchiefs GO cts, to 81.40 ut I. W. Hnrttmm's. Christmas Goods In great variety at tho Central Hook btnro (,1'ost Ullicc). Castors, Pitchers, &c, suitable) for Holiday presents at M. M. itussel s. Go to Lutz it Sloan nnd get your wifo a new black Alpaca ilrcss lor a uiiristmas present. They havo just received nine new pieces nt prices mat can't lie oeat. Gent's fancy Slippers just received nt 13, M. Knorr s. Holiday presents iust received by Schuyler &. Son; Skates, Hoys' Tool Chests, ll.,t.l U'.ivo full Holla film Vnol-ot. Cut. Icry sc. Choice Perfumery in Fancy Iloxes, Chro mo and lingraved Uottles at uciiucrsiiotrs. Nubias, Scarfs, Furs, &c, at I. W. linrtman's. for Christmas ltubber lioots at JIcKinuoy's, For a good cheap suit of Clothes goto u. Lowenuerg s. Mason ft Hamlin, Geo. Woods, aid the Celebrated Standard Urtrans at u nomas' Music Store, Uamille. Dec. l-3m At Lul. & Sloan's you can get Silk Handkerchiefs from 35 cents to 1,25, sets ol Furs fiom So cents to 50,00, Ladies' Shawls hum 75 cents to 25,00, White lilan- Uets from li.GO per pair up, and almost any thing you want in tho Dry (ioods lino at prices to suit the times. Diaries for 1S77, cheap at Central liook Store. Pocket Unoks, Cigar and Card Cases all tyles and prices at llendershott's. Look at I. W. llartinati's new style of Glass Ware for presents. Ladies' and Children's Slippers nt 15. M. uurr's. Gents' fancy Slippers at A;cKinney's. New ttock of Gold Pens. Pencils. &c. at the Central Hook Store, (Post Ollice.) Fine French Candy in many styles at 40 ceuts per pound at llcndetsltott's. Ask to sco I. W. Hartmau's Ladies' Vests for 50, 75 and 90 cents, 81.00, $1 25 and 51.50. Holiday Goods, Lamps. Cbrvstal AVed ling Sets, a line nssortment of China and Gias.s Ware at JI. JI. Kussel's. Uuy your Clothing at 1). Lowenberg's. ChiekeritiL', Sleinwny. Jlathushek & Haines lira's., Pianos, at Thomas's Jlttsic Store. muviiic. Dec. l-Uni Tubular Lanterns at JI. JI. Hussel's. Gent's Underwear -10 cents to SI. 25 at I W. Harttn.m's. Overcoats, Overcoat-, Overcoats. Vor Men, for Uojs, for Children. Latest styles, lowest prices nt 1) Lowenberg's. Ladies' I'ubbers at JIcKinttey's. Uoys' Kip Uoots for i2Q0 at E. JI. Knorr s. Uiankcts to keen vou warm. Christmas and Aew xear at I. W. Hartman's. Tobacco and Confectionery, wholcsalo aud reian at .u. m. nussel s. really fine Dress Shirt, trv the Kclinsc fttiirt. a pciicctiit. eleeiance and economv comiiined; can only ue botigtit atu. l.,owen uerg s. Sheet Jltiaic. JIusic Hooks, and JIusical Instruments generidly in endless variety nt 'I''o r. c,n.r. r :n.. i ... Uuy yrur Uoots nnd Shoes at JIcKinney's for lie Mill "holds ths foil," and sella Goods it "liaru pair prices. COAL. COAI. (lid I'.stuMishcd Cnal Yard. C. W. Nt:Ai. .t liuo.. Wholesale & Ketail Dealers in all sizes ol the best qualities ol Keel and WliiU- Ash Coal, at the crv lowest market rales. Havo constantly on hand large tOCLS oi Domestic, Cupola, Ulacksmith's Anthracite, iiituminous. and LiiiK'burncr's C'u! INpecial attention civeti to the prepara tinn of boioro leaving our yards. Grain nud Lumber taken iu exchange fcr coal. Coal doliveie'd to nny pint of Iho town ut short notice. Orders lellat I. W, JIcKelvv's store, or at our ollice, will receive prompt at tention, utuce ami i anis at u iiiiam iseal ft Sons I itriiaciv Last Uloonnlmri'. our pitronago resticutfullv solicited, COAL. 17 if 25 COAL Wurlty of IlcuLivlirauie. Why will you suffer violent pain, or bo made uncomfortable, distressed in mind or body.when you can bo Instaatly relieved and quickly cured by Kenaon's Copciuo Porous Plasters. The or dinary Porous Plaster is an article of mirit, et its action is too slow, requiring days and weeks of continuous wear lo i llect a cute. Itcn son's Capcino Porous Plaster, being a gieat im provement over theni, relieves you Instantly and curi'j you qulckir than any Known plaster, liniment or compound. Their action is moro powerful than clecliiclty and more certain, They ato purely vegetable contain no mineral ur metallic poisons. Their composition nnd properties arc founded upon true medical skill, aud ate In no sense a patent medicine. They aro endersed by thousands of Physicians and Druggists of unimpeachable reputation, as being an article of genuine merit and worthy of public confidence. Try them and be convinced. Price "5 cents, SHUIUIiY JOHNSON, 1'llAKUACISUTICAt. Cunuisrs, N, Y. Jlay 19, '7G ly. Ileiuon'n Cupelne 1'uroun riuhicnu-Hear ,lm the People Say 1 "Tlio bcsl, cheapest, safest, a"d surest remedy of fered an Intelligent people." "An article of great merit which will In athoitllmobe found lu every household." "Tliey are all that tie mauufucluriis elalm fur them, whose name alone ts a sunielent en dorsement ot their genuine merits." "'Iho best remedy known far all external Uinicultlesor local disturbances." 'J hey are vigorous, removing almost Instantly the most violent pain and ensuring u spee dy cure.'' "I consider them a great and needed lm proement overall other porous plasters, they give prompt relict and cure Quickly; Ihey aro held tn high esteem They are now preferred over all oth ers. They euro where other porous plasters simply relieve." W ben so Poring try mem and ) ou ul not beirdlsappolnteel. Price u cwiu. JJay.u n'-iy hkauuhy Johnson. I'harraaoetuucal Chemists, N.Y. fffc S is S 3 - 5 - eg 2 m 3" a J M 6 -3 3 ! J j B ! a 8 H A i s g o -s z o SI - 68 (9 HPS EST All ntw evb'crilcisor 1S , paying in adionccafhr Knumlir 1, 1S7C will receive the paper weekly from receipt nf remittance lo January Iff, 1877, nwioii charge. cosmiMED PArrcits-roitTY-sEvrNTii vr.Ani The Wry Menan. The Country Oentleman Is ptibltshed weekly on tho roiiowniif terms, wnen paia i.irieuy ma-imuu . im" eupj, uue jeui, i.u , rum uimi3, (,v, ...... .... ttnual cony Tor tho Jew free to tho wndcrnf tho Club ! Ten conies, tM, and an ndaiilonal copy for tho ear free to tho bender of tho Club. Tlio Country lientlcman posvsscs an unequalled forps of conesnonilei.tH, leirular and occu-lonnl, amow: tho test l'sru.era of all pnrts of tlio country and constantly reflects the pnvtlcul condition and progress of ttio hu-twudry of every section of tlio united States and civilized world. HmCountrv (lentleman elves In Its Horticultural Department iicontlMiousvarl'ty of Information and yimtrestlonR. enual or sunerlorin the osrirreirate to wlmtls obtained In the monthly numbers of most raaga7inesoevoiea io uonicuuure. The Country (lentleinau has probably dono as mucn ns all other Journals combined, to Introduce and dessemlnato Imprmed stock of eiery kind through the country: and commands toa greater degree man any cotcmpornry, mo conuuence ana suppori cr oreeuers ano pureiiasere. The country Gentleman contains unusually full rtnil triistw-nrthv Market ltonortK. nnd devotes SUO- clal attention tithcm nnd to the Prospects of the crops, as tin on tog lignt. upon one or me nwsMm portant of till questions ( hen to Uuy and When to hell. ThnCnnnlrv flenttemnn embraces numerous mt nor itenartments of a practical chnractor, 'ueh as the Dalrv. tlie Poultry Vnrd. the Allary. the Vine, jardantt to on, nnd weekly presents a eoljimner IWO lor ino lioiieiie nun uncre'Moii; liiesuic ltendlnif. It contains a well ertltcu ltevlew of cur rent II ents. and Its advertising baccs furnish a dt roclory of all tho principal agrtctuluralandhortlcul- lurai esuousumenui oi iimeuuuery. tTT-SPLCIMKN' COPIHS Fltnc. Addres.9 1.UTIIBH 'f INJKEB & SON, Pcblisueiis, ALrisv, N. Y. ST, NICHOLAS. THE KING OK ALL l'UISLICATIONS issul'i) ron Tin: yocnc on kitheu SIDE OV THE ATLANTIC." Southampton (England) Obscncr. Thclhlid vcliunc of this Incomparable llagarlne Isnaw complex d. ltli ltn tight hundred ro.ul octavo psgis, and Its Hx hundied lhi.strutlons. Its splendid biilals, Its shorter ktcrleH, poems, Ekelchcs, etc., etc., lu Its Ptautitul hlndlng of red anil gold, Ills the most splendid gtlt I eol: for bojnar.d girls ever lssuco rrcm u.c iirtss. ime ; in iuu goi, ST. NICHOLAS FOH 1877. nrttles fertal fitortes. Christmas Ftoiles. lively fketchis, poems and pictures for the holidays, and Fome fisionlshlnc UlutiiatUi s t f Dili ntal spoils, with drnvvliifTB b.v Manieso nrtlsis.Tlii: UllltlslMAH lIOI.IIlAl M ui- M. lumJLrt.s, superuiy Illustrated, ccntuli-sa vet uiteitFtlnu paper. "THE JIOYS OF MY HOYUOOD," 1!Y WILLIAM CfLLKN 1I11YANT: "Tim ltnrse ltntrl.' a lively article, liv Charles A. Ilaruard, snlcndldly illustrated; "The Clock In tho !-l:,"by ltlcliardA. Proctor; A Chlslrnus Play for Homes or Mindav-sehools, 'by Dr. Ffrglcslon; "Hie l'eieikens' lmimas -iree," oy i.ueieiia r. ,iuie; "l'oelrj and carols ot Winter," by Lucy Larcom with pictures. Do not fail to buy St. Nicholas tor the Holidays. Price 25 cents. miring tho sar there will bo interesting papers for boss, by William cullen Ilryant, John a. Whltll er, Thomas Hushes, vv illiam llovvltt, Dr. Holland, Cleorge MaoDonald.Sanfotd It. Hunt, Frank 1;. block ton, and others. There will bo Hollos, sketches and poems, of spe cial interest to rlils. by Harriet 1'iescott MioHord. Misan Coolidge, Sarah Winter Kcllossr, Ellratietli Stuait Phelps, Loul-.ii Alcnlt, I.ucrelhi 1'. Hale, fella Tbaxter, Vary JlajK's Hodfe and lnanv otheis. Amusement nivi Instruwlun. vvltli 1'un and Vrollc, .. it a nr, ll'lf i.f.m ...III ,. MliiduH 1.0 ,arn,r,fn.n und St. Nicholas win continue to cTellcht the joung and five pleasure to the olj. sjuu-crlntlnn price, ts a jenr. Tho threo bound volumes and a bubsulptlon lor this .only titt. tiubhcrlbo with the hean&t nevTbdtaler or s'end money In check or 1. o. money order, or In register ed letter to SCIIIUNEIt ft CO., 743 Broadway, N. Y. "A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure and In tlruction," Has?pe2?!'s BasBaE1. II LUSTKATED. Sotices of the frcss. Vor strictly household matters and dress, Harper's llazui is UUi(.reioer mis ui-sl lions ,uuoji-iieo. iu ti.u-t. iMflo mniter of ecouomv. tvo ladv can alferd to be without 11. for the Info! matron Itglves w til save nervtrv uiueu moio mune.v loan tuo soosenpiion prlco besides glitii; too nou-iu'jiii an iniciesiiu, lltomrv Ultor ClllCaL , JOIltual. Harper's lla?nr Hpiefus,elj lilustratal, and con tains stones, norms, skettues. and issjvh of a inoit attrai'llvc ihati.etor. lu Its Itt.-nuv auduiv ll-tle teatuies, Iho harar Is timpiebtlot.ably Ihe lies'. Journal of Its kind In tho couutiy. fcaiuiday live- mug uazcue, uo.m.uii, T E it .I S : 1'ostage Free to all iSVOci ibrrn in d.e United Stale.'s I'.azjr. one vea. 1 1 00. ft oo iniludes prepajmint cf U. B. postego by tho publtshu i. tjubtA'ilptlons to Harpers Magosln", Weeviv, and llazarto iui addri'ss throne ear, $10 u; or two ot Harpers IMIollcals, to ono ndaress ter ono je.'r n imi ; posit'go in ', AneMiaio i.v if either tlie Mng..zlie. Werklv ei li.i7.ur vt'l l.e applied t;i,.tls tor n i ' ilutiif fl'e sohs.'ili i ps e.t 11 in cell, In; irsl-. coi,Us for J i '0, withou' extra topy ; posttigo nee f nek Munht rscan le unnlU-dti' iinv dm". 'the volumes oi tho Pazir cor.iiiMr co wllh tt'.o ilien no time Is mi i.iloi.'d, ic will lm moh-r- sioou thai i i,i' sooseiti'. r wish, i io er man ik'o wan tho number licit alter the reei toe 1 his older. jln Vel'uusof llmpot'.s Pur.ur, In neat cloth hhidli-ti. v.ld lo sent by i xptisf.. free el pence, tor JI o iwli. .'. v nil lei" set, couiiJlsliig r.ine v oiuiu s, i eio or receit t oi uni, ul iho i.h sr. ii. r volio'ie. fiLlk'ht el 1 1 ouietiast l Cluili i w.i !i t oii'h vclunie. tultuUe tor Llndiu1,- will he b'.'nl by no.ll I I ut.l en leeclptottl 10 earn. In, otes to each vrlumu bent en lerelnt cf stamp. Newsrnreis tm net toeopy this hilvertlM-nieat wnnom inoevpre noruerci nariHirajiu moiuerd. .AdJress llHltt'Jtlt . liliOl'HKIitf, .New York. IS? . ECLECTIC MAGAZINE ov I'OlUJrON l.tTKRATURB. TiiiniT-imiiD Ycii. Tho lli loeilo repHnts from all the foreign Quarter lies, K'Vlewe, Mug-slhei uuJ Ji.uii.ala tl'elrthoteei-t centents, Ineluuli.g rssavs, Ml'ntltlc pierj, bio graptih'iil eketelU'S, reniliilseeiiMVi ot tiavel uud ud vintuie, files, bturleo ulul poems, 'l he held ot selec tion I- verj large, and It I, beileved tn it tho nel.-etk' prei-etusu greater varHiv nml Light r standatd e( lltel at in u than any periodical can hope to do that do tveiidi exclusively upon home tnlont. A knowledge of thu current Illc aturo of other connlilei-liiill-penfable to all who would ki en i nee Willi tlio pioarcMnnf tho human mlml; and llio i,e leetlu uffeiH tho lieat, nnd, Indeed, tho onlv , opportu nity tor obtaining this knowledge within a teasona bio compass uud ut a moot rile pilce. Among the tilers icprcnenlcd In recent numbers of thu heleclle ure: 'Ihu lit. lion, W. I). Illadstotie, James Anthony eroudo, Matthew Arnold, Hulk's Klngsley, Hubert ltuthanan.tleorge .McDonald, John liiisklu, Alfred Tennis in, Thomua llughos, U llllam puck, -Mrs. Ollphnnl.'i'honias Hardy, wliituiu .Mori Is, Mlssl haekera., lts, Alexander, I'rota. Huxley and Ti ndall, Hlchnril Proctor, A. It., Plot. Owen, Dr. V. It. Cainenler. .Mav. Muller. J. Norman loekver. Her bert hi etieir, aud others equally eminent. Ilesldes the tegular atlltleh In the body of Iho magazine, Iheriiprefouroilglniloditoilal epartuientsi Liter ary Notle.", Foreign Literary notes, be'leiico and At t, , ud Vai let es. W Ith tegaril to the character ot tho selections, tho aim ot tho Kelecllu Is lo bo Instructive without being dull, and enterlulnlng without being tilvlal. While each number contains fcunielhlug lu liiterebt every ineuibi'i of tlu family circle, It audresea itself )ui. ttculurly to that great UUy cf Intelllcent rendein who kfoK protlt as well as utausemvut lu solid ami heullliiul literature. Ilesldea tho P.'l pages ot reading tnatter.eacn num ber of the magazine contains a lino steel Kugravtng usually u pui irult exocuted lu tho mosturlUtlu manner. Tkhus. Single copies, 45 cents t ono copy one year IS; copies, Jii a conies, S:o, Tilat subscriptions (or thrio mouths, $1, Tho Kclectlo and any tl inagstlno to ono address, i'ostago free to all subscribers. Address, U It. I'ELTON, Publisher, S3 llond St., Now York. BiiANK NUTK8, wild orwitliout exeuiiitlot for tale at the oolosun Oflloc, EGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. -vtotick. -l, rrmf,nm I'tiAwlftrS IhimtelVPII Indebted tfl tllO umlrralini' l on book necoiint, note or Judgment re hereby notliled lo s ttlo the rams without delay ana tbercuysaio costs. ... ltloomsburff, Dec. , 15. ADMLNMSTltATOIVS NOTICE. KSTAmorsENUMiMiintst ukcxiskd. itlersot Administration on the estate ot llcnj. Prink, late of Ilenton twp., Cel., Co. decea'rd have Wen wanted ny the ltetrtsier of pld county to ClnrK r.rlnk, of name tne., Colnmuia couniy, Adm'r., to v,h"m ll rier-nns lndehKd nre requested ,,,l thnu llftVlntf rlfltlnS Or (te- innnus nmoBi. uir ftmo r,inio ... u..-. known lothe Mid AdmlnLstrator nltliout delny. CI.AItK IlIttNK, Dec. 13.- it," Autninisiraior. rN pursimnce of an order nf Delsno C. flal- , 111, I.1"! , r-ut rt'HSI u, Ills owilltl , ... hi... i'-l frl.tlnA u 1irliv wlvt.n t,i ull nerom hftTint? claims nirslnst Charlotte Kjer, Utscf rAt,ts, fennsyl- of Sew York, deceased, t rrvnt the samowltn vouchers thereof to lh S'lttserlter, at Ills office, No. 9S Wall (street, tn the, cut cf New Vork, en or before in euuier niu O.T- oi .nine next. Dited, r;ow vcrK, ins setentn nsy oi uecerauer, 1ST6. .. .. FitiiunmcK c. iiAvii" i;i kh, Decls-dm txtcutor. A UDITPIt'S NOTICK. je. BilTlTKOFWtt.tHM f ItltlSI, MTK 07 MAPI- HON TtiiTNBHir, sea,3n. Tlio iindcrtlsm-d Auditor to mate dlstrHnitlnn cf th fund In the hnd'it the Admlalstratcrnl tliees latoot VhlUm I'srber, ilene1. rill slteod t the duties of Ids appntntm'-nt, at His offls.-U nioorns buri. o faturdHy, ,Ia, lite, ihit, t lo o'cleclta, m.. nnea Bin nnrp s i c-wna inline e aiuia sltil tr fit estnte, aro require d to piesenttbo saroo torero tbn Auditor, or no debarred from corn, ln In fer n sbora of said fund. Dec. 15-tw Auditor. ADMIKISTIlATOn'3 NOTICE. ESTATE Of DATtn A, WAltON, nr.C'P. Iettersct AdudMstritleo on tho r ,tata of Datld A. Watson hit'! or Matsr.s innnnip,coittmuacoun. tr,h.i e been irrnted bv he tlr t e r of uillcnun. t to llarv. a. Wuison. of Mudlsou terrnshlc Colum, i ncuiinlr. A l nersins liar nir c , dm sen list mo paid estate are ri'ci'irtett to pie -ent thera for tetlle- meni. ana moso mucbiea io mnhe naimeni wuuoui ueiay. MAHY A. V.'ATnoN'. Dec. 8. 'TS-UW AdmlnWratiti. joiici:. To AM. WHOM ITJlAV CONCSRV! T llS IStO BITH mitten that I lue loaned I.'. JI. I).nH ono buy mare. during my pleasure, and 1 hereby notify all persons noi io inieneru nun suiu proprriv, UUSJAMIN OOUlEIl. Stillwater, Dec. 1, l$7-3w. VTOTICE. 1 Ms Is to give notice that 1 purchased at Consta, IiIp.'h Mat", tho folloulncr ulttcles. fonnerlr tlio nron. erty of Joseph Hhoemiker. til t on row, one parlor moip. lot of camet and nlow. nil f,f nhlch I havo loaned lo said Joseph Shoemaker during inv pleas ure. All peason3 aro loiuiuueu io meeiiere wuu aam pioperiy. T. J. SWISIlElt. Jerseytown, Dec. 1, 'TC-3w A DMINISTHATOIt'S NOTICK. f KSTATP: O!' SIMM. Kl'iUNKIL DECKAPEP. Letters of Administration on the estatoof Daniel Ka'hncr, l.ito ot cntawlssn twp., Col., Co., deceased bae been granted by the Iteglster of said county to l eiersj, ivasuner, Ol sumo iwp., eoiuinoia couiil;. Adm'r.. lo whom all persons Indebted are reauest ed to mako n.,vinent. and ihosu haln? claims or ilemnnds ncjilnst tho said estate will make thera unoi n eo ino saiu Auimuisirnior miuoue ueiay. I'lJTHll H. KAIllNKit, dmlnlstrator. ivc.i.isvc-civ Lnto Immense Pl'eov erics by ST N'LKY and others nie pisi uuueu io me only compieic Life and Labors of Liviiigatoiio 1 1ds Velfran Ktnlcr. r ranks ninonc the most be role tlguiesoC the century, and this book tsonoot tlio inut attractive, fiLscmntlc.R, richly Illustrated nnd instructive! volumes ever Issued. I.tlrgtl.e only entire and authentic lit. the inhllcns ore eacrr for It, nnd wlde-nwukn AKents at o wanted 'i"l'kl- 1'or proof ana terms address tit lUAltli lsko.s rulu. 7.13 san'om street, l'hlladelplila, D.-et-ilw L':a OlSLATIVH NOTICE. Mittco H hereby riven thai an application vtIU be made to the LegUlature ut tin Ir en-iou.' h-sslou for tho pasage ot an act tntlil"d "An Act to e.Mind tho prov islons ot itu act entitled A Sttp.ili'iiK'iit tonn net relating lo the lien of mechanic iihdoi!iisup.,n buildings, eo far nsiclatcs t certain eountle,' ap proved tlie UrH flay of May, Antio Domini ono thou sand eUht bundled aud sixty-one, to tho county ot Columbia. Thu ouj'ctof this act Is tn secure to mechanics. material men, bulhUrs and contractors protection for work dono or materials for or about the repilrlng alteration or or addition lo any houso cr other build Inc. ho that Hens may hereafter be had for tho pay ment oi iii ooois coiurauu'u lor vvuriv none or maie thiH furnished lor or about tho repair, alteration or addition to any houc or building, In tho same man ner that Hens may now bo had for debts contracted for v oi k dono or matciiahs found Tor or about the erectlou or couslructlun ot uny houso or other building. vv. a. cu.Miii. Pcci-tw ,1'UTOIl'S NOTICE. .SJi est; estatloi-' sakah uiioAPS, DicrasEU. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Sarah IlhoaiK lute of the Tvvmhln of LociM. oountv of eoiioiiDid, oeceuseu.oavu ot en ruuieu uy llto l.egl- ier oi iiani eo. lo erauuiiu Jiuo un or h line i.p. All persons having claim" against the estato of the dece dent aro rerpioMed to present them for scltlcincnt and thoso Inittbted to tlio Cbtate to make pavmcnt io mo unucraigiieu aummrsinuor wiinooineiay. l'i;AIVI.l. 1UIUA11S, NOV. 17, 1S7U.-0W. Uxoiutqr. The Columbian Law Docket. A coraplcto record for tho uss of attorneys. Con, vcnlenlly arranged for tho docketing of all case?, containing 5'u pages, with doublo Index, 'lhti 13 the most complete book for lawyers that 13 pub. lbhed. PEICE, $3.50. Published by Brockvay & Elwoll Editors anil Proprietors of the Colu.mman, ELOOMSEUHa, rA. Decl-lt An act to erect Into and constitute, tho PPtrlet of tl e l'uorrf the Township or niooui, lu thooouutycf Columbia, tho Poor DKtili t ol Columbia County. Notice li heiebv given that r.t the next K'slon of tlu I egls'aturo ot I'eunsjlvanla npplleatlnn while iii ioo ior uie paue oi uu nee oooi r uie aLoveiuie, thu purpose of w Well Is to elect and cieate a genera! poor liousi) for tlio eountv of Columbia, and cunsoll. uaio iiuo it an existing uisinci". W. O, ALDKP.SON, I)ec15 4W PUBLIC SALE OF VAMJAW-r, REAL ESTATE WIU lo sold by Public Salo on TUITIWIUY, DIJCKMHKR 21,1870, on tho l ri'.rhe", tho real ei-tuto of Sam.H'l Menr.-., IllOol I.OOU-1 lOVVUMlip, coiiiiniuv couufv, l'.i , in I'ju'il, the fa'tunow oieurh-d u th' whlov. I v In iidjjlnlng tho of Miuie.llj, i n;t m j ,i lm-1, n is in on' i.uu i.ioiiu i in i uij.ei . J.'ih, l.Ml.ii'U I'ltli ruuji", jjui i-.-iii-riui'i an i o'oor', cjumuiu ubout, HIGH I'Y ACHliS (IV i,:i, on w hh-'i uro i-ivete 1 a L.W.I. I.' DU KI 1 1NJ I OTT, pi IP bilek i'ii'l tl'o btlace,' fninie. u'l n 1: llien ai other oiii.pul'dines ' I e luml l. nil ( lean ,1 and In e a i-u.ic it cuiiiv iihu -uie K'uie ,t :, u i, from iiit.iwl.i t i Ariilinn ti.issii tuiuwrii u, v. lo re ii nient j all con' i t o 'eh' f..r ti '.vrilo s i h "-e is 'I'lo a I niv At e'le On l.nrd and a ork-ty i ( oi tier irmt ti'.is uiion Uie j '.enue ; uad 1.1'. i unutl.ep LOT Ol' TIMISRP. LMP, bc'.cw the toot of the I.tnlo Moii'.uln. ndlil'.l: laud ut t;eir-o t,.My. ih(hev l.t.ii.a',1. Vui'it Hughes nnd I'lhii'H. i out Jtulng TillflKi; KV.i ntul wtiio pcici , ot liu.d, nil of vvh'.eh ta well lim bered with rhebti.ur and otlu r Umber, which will on cuiu ref iimirij- ut , uu iv.nii- nine ueu e'liu e. ha'o v, 111 eoioncrr o nt 1U nVJoek. n. in . i.r 1! ,v v'Len Cinl'.tljui iwhl'.h will te i-avl v.l'lla n ado l.liOWll NAHM! MKM'.S,) C 1'. MCAIN Kir's, Kumcilta, Nov, 2ilth, ls"-w, .THE .SUN. The iht'i ruit editions of 1 he sun ilutli'L- the i.ovt vein' w !'i iho nmc as ilurlmr tho vm: i;,.,r ii.m Jip-t pun.-" it 'I he ou'l eiilHon w 111 on v I; fia; ., bo ut-iuii ir i. or pagin, unu ou nupuuva uttuvti eight pag' f, or ft) tin ud n loint's ; vti'i.o tho v.i e'.iv cull'. ui vv in ne n Fueer oi ei, ui ug"a cr m sani i lit n eimnio ii.u tuiiitirr in ii nie uueaov i.aul. r 10 our iron!' r. 'Iho sun will ccntliiuo to he the stniiuouxivo"ate oi n loroi unu ii'iivui'iiou'Li, ami el lie hUO-tlliii u of htne"-ieunshli. v.lsitom ami Integitty for I'.ollov i leti hi'.'. Imtioclllly and fraud In tho admtnltri.iii , of nubile etlutrs. It will cHitend for the LM v Ol' ot tho pro,. lu ly the reorle and for tho people, as oppoocd logovetumenl by frauds In the ballot-ox unu in me iouiiuul; oi voir.s, eniorceu nv mtilt ir vloiriue. It will indtarnr to supply Hh icuders- bonv liow not far from n mtlttoi of miok.uoIi iii.i unit careful, complcto nnd tt ustivorthv necouiiia ot cum nt i vents, nml will employ lor tl.U lu.iu m a caretullv telicted untT if repoiliis unu e.irii'sponuuiis. u repoua rrom wutli nvlon phpeclull' , will lie full, accurate r.-ai I. m; uud It will uoubtlesacontlnuo to iteoervo nnd entov the hu. tied of thobe who Ihrlvi bj pluudeilng thu I'ruusury or tij UMirplng Mhutthn lawdoei not elvo thsm, while It will endeavor lo merit tho coulldencn of the public by di feuding theiurhisor tho people against ...... ,t iuu vu.ti. ...n i . i.UJl'ntlliril I'OII I'l, '1 hu price ot Ihe dally win will be 35 ets. a month, or (l.AUu sear, tost puld, or with tho bundai edl. tlon M.7IIH ji'tr. 'I lie Mii.dav edition alone, eight pages, wl.'Jttu Th i WeeVly Sun, eight pages of w broad columns, wiii oo iuiuiwuu uuuug is.i at tuo rate ot KI uje'ar iho tienetlt of this largo reduction from Iho pro. vlous rule for the Woel.l can no ,'ni,i,.,i i,v iiuima. ual subscribers without the necessity ot making up iliibs. At the same lliue, If auyof our friends chuokn to aid In extending our clrciilalluii.wo shall bo grate ful tu Ihcm unit nit ry suli I erson w ho sends us ten or more subn rtbers from ono ulaeo wilt nn rtitifimi toouocopv of tho paper for liliuselt without charge. At ono dollar a 5 ear, postdgo jvald, the exm'tises ut ou-e-i uim iiiuiuis- aro oareiy pant ; unu.i'onsiuertng theslzoof the sheet nud thu quality ot lu contents, we ate eontljuiit tlie iiuonlo will consldiT ihu u,-Lt. ly Huu tlio cheapest newspajier publlstirU lu thu ti v im nou no UU3, luau one ui I lie v cry uese, l.Mn.ta O'llL' LIlu K'...- - i.' i Uecl5-w ' THK hUW, New York City, K, V, Dauchy & Co's. Advti. riff I'ANCY C'AIUIN It styles with nam 10 svi ZOpost paid. J. II. llusted, assRU, Hens. Co, It.T ttui VI 'TA mIiv rl I subscribers for 19?T. Kvcrybodr is trettlnir POTTHIt'S AMKItlOAW MONTHLY, ft richly tllu tr.itcd, ably edited ramuy Mnirn2lnent only 13 a lear. Bpeclmens WI cents. Great terms to cfubs. , ... lUtlrt li. 1'UllAK eu,,iuua,,,mi UecJ2,'-lw r OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE U Gehteni EXHIBITION It m ils faster than nny other book. Olio ncent sold U copies In one da . This Is tue only authentic nnd coifloietn history published, send for our extra trm to agents. NATIONAL ruilLlHlllNU co,, l'htla. icc'-ivYu HEADACHE. lilt. O. W. IJKNSUN'S Celery nnd Cliaiionillo 3?ltl are prepared etpressly to cure sick Headache. Nr- TOUS lirioscor, Jij5r3pui; remmuur. .icuiniii Nerrnosnpss. M!eenlessnes. nnd will cure any eM. Prl,'e M e;nts. iiota2 fres. Hold by all dnirrlsts snilennlilrv Hores. Iltl'l Its! Noitll Hulnw SlreSt. lUlllinoTe, mo, oeiercJiec I u.d. i.Mibn, e,Kaiei uon ant nank, uaiumorc, a. UeCVi-tlT 1, SPOOKS AND FORKS. lUiy Direct nf Manttractttror at wlioleclc prices. Made of Bti'el pltM with whu albata metal; they nt:i vt sr ltko elivi r and Ust ten vejrs. I r. teaspoons 43 ts; 0 tablespoons 6 1 cts.; 6 table I forks Toctstb) mull on recelntot price. I Olive, oval ana npii-u paiurhs. oampio anu eerms i to grangers or piurons, r,u ees. LLUcIl ItO Pl.ATK CO.. fiorthtord, Conn. D0C22-IW t-nnAn i rM?vrnrn W A N T 13 1) FOH OUWWU AU UMO tug srouY or HARIaSrS" ROSS, Written hj hta father. A complete account ot this most mysterious atnluetton and exciting sear. with lac simile letters and Illustrations. Outsells ti oilier books, ono ageut took so orders in on. day. terms liberal. Also ncenis wanted on our .lloniiln. rent I'nmllr Illliles. With Invaluable Illustrated aids and nuperb bindings. Joint K. Pottir Co., Publishers, rwia. Dec. 52 Iwd S-nn a JIONTII to Actlvn Men stlllng our letter lv)U Copying Hook. No press cr water use. H.iinole conv wort h a.oo ITIKK. Send aUnm for clr- cul ir. llXcr.Lblolt H'KU. CO , M .Ma41son and 191 Dearuorn utreci, cuicago. ucc. q CEM'EMIAL CABINET. 24 Illuminated Views of Centennial nnd htnte biilldtn;s, m printed ei h rroiiiolq diiitntr llm t:xhtbltlon! Al7.n ef pjrli. lit 4jtf ; pries 50 cts. prepaid ; liberal reduction to l ers sent to any part of the United states or Casaiis post paid. Iiofil.lts .t WHITE, I'rtntersand Eiiet- vers, 4rj vvamuebe., i'un.u, i'a. iiecmit a WITII A COLD IS ALWAYS DANOEP.OU3. USE I a sure remedy for cot'Cill". and all dlseises of the TH!CT, l.l Ml", CIlli-T and Ml'COL'S ME .Vi lli! .i;. Put up only in .Rlno boxos. ii in a u, imi'uuisis. c n. citiTTExroN 7 sixth Avenue, Kow York. I'ee.jM, nun i, TIIE Ccnli'iuiinl Exjiositiou. i)it'i:ii:i:n a:d im.i'sthated. The en'y complete, lthhly llliutrated, low rle wirlt. 75J fiys. only r.'.O''. Treat- of tlie eartre hWorj. gi-ifel toilidlng", wonderful exhibits, curios- oie, ijii.u on.-, ino oee cnanco cr my yeam to coin nion" ra'-1 ns everybody wants this work, l.otiii at.' nts nppolr,ted tlrst fouiMvel; 5,' oa vraated. t or iuu ii.ii'iieuuisnuuie.-.') quickly, lll'IillAUD I'.lto1'. Pubs., 7.":i sansomst Phlla., Pa. CaUtl'OIl ! KJffirtOKTJSS Is whit Induces so many pcoplo In search of to go to Michigan, and select from tl o ONE MILLION OP ACRES of th" land grant ot tho (Irani liaplls and Indiana It. it. Co. strong selK euro crops, plenty of timber, no I drouths, gra-3lioprers, or chinch bugs. 1'ure wat.r, unmmi; Mii-iuuw, re.ioy miriiers, civilization ana heitooK Dallioad ruua through cenlio of grant. Price from ft to f io per aero send for our iihiMrrn. tod pamphlet, full of facts m Ornnan and KnglUh. I io "u"t i-a;,ei jou a;iT iuia nonce. Auureas V. 0, HUGIIAET, Land Comm'r., TUle rerrec, I'ec. d, is::-5ra T. D. Kollogg's Advtf3. -I'OSTI'AESI $1 GQ. THE NURSERY. A .ltonthly .tumizlnf for Youni; Heudcri. Sl'l'TTIV Il.l CSTliAlvn. eir-W.ioil t..n pahik for aauipiu rumi'ir una I'rtmiuni List. ruv is Till; time to huiiscninc. JOHN L. SUOUEY. " PUOJiriELU l-IEEtT, PO.'IOS. .OV. IU, ,0-SW' , Iv C0TH1C F08NA1BE 1 or warming '.Dwellings, Schools and Churchea. I sei coal cr w ood. Combtac many Improvements In IliMilina, l'eoiKinij-, Durability, l'urllj of Air. I wiuui. leuueeiou in prices, eenu lor cactuogu?. i.i:x M. I.EsI.Y. NOV. 10, 76 4vv K SCC est SSd St., N, Y. lUK V.TS AND TANKS. for brew- it'., ri, i liemhts. mur.ufactuieis aiid nrlrats dwell ne- i, I .11 .,. 1.1 MvilAUT jr en., juue v 4w liuttnnw'onj M., b. low Rro id. "J ) ritllKIt CKKHU nf every uVetip'.iisi, 1 Peltln". IMckliu.'. lton. Hoots and Miom ctotu. Pn,,ii.. KI II Will l.llVK'ii. SDN x CO. T'K tlPst. uui m , riiiiuui', Agents M.tlonul liubUr Co i uuo y - I5W E m C Y a LOPBDI A, rtKW lfi:i.nn I imm.' .f-nn nrMrl w.u) fti III UJ!'t l-iil !,,,)' ) Hit-i lu r'j JufuU:-! t-i . 1' 5 it t-. 11. ti i r A; '.. V!WA. Apri-iy. KXCiCLsinii PRINTING IM A M D CI: i : A t I1..-. ink IN' !.m.' mai;i;i;i. I'JUNII.N". xkiv vvn ;, -Mt;. II, lo, is k Hbcock & Wyeth'y Ada .j . t f ix . lit.n.ui Int. molly, uni' ivsi'ivily t.'ure nuo"nio tlsui. I'ei'lt, SeUuIkU .110 I.UUi'jsy1. tl tMi.'Iceiilo and It,. tall Lu i.!--' ntni hore. ttfii-, for elrcular to. HiiLPiir:;'''! im: a ppvi i.iiy. lirunvUls, WaslitDc'ou, d. c. Oct. e, 'TO, ly. t, A vv 0 1 0'"la)' ol hriiif, Acei.'k, O' tttt and ip 1 ;teiuu. rreo. I.UE, X CO., Autueta, Aiulue, Verbatim lteportiii TERMS: Actual travfcllUj-, t'Oardlni:-. and elhei erpenses; live dollars a session, for Inking tbo i fpe tt; an I ten emu a folio, (IiuiiJimI wotds, ) for vrrlUui out Into lonsphand. Vh"io the matter rojirrtrd tn ono day equals or oxceeds, tltt folios, tho flv e-ifotlr fee. will h- remitt ed, aud tho It anwrlblutf imj-hand charred at IlttieticotitH a fullo; but, all kuth coses, if tower tlun ilfty folios aro putchaaed, the Bve dollais will bo chin pa, Addns. S, N. Walker, A.M., Courr-tUnir. lapher, lllootuburs, Columbia county, t'ennsjlva. IlNlelcnce. Iron street, between Third and Ofllee.- Wllb E. K,Orrb),rsq.,Colurablan-bulld-lnfl eutitttice,oppo,lte tho east uato to the eonil houso v m d, in bt Uoor. tlrht door to rlnht. ' Ofilce-hour, ftcm.twelve to cue o clock. lob is, ISTC-ly OTICK. Prom this dato the Rloonsburir Oas Com pui in service pipes at ttrst cost nU furnljh aiid wt mete s at tour dollars each. Tho company nave on hen a lot of tras tar sulu d or palming ruofa, and josts ur other timbers placed uoai r ptiund. Joe lo ceaits per gallon or 1.W per barrel. W-u O. W. MIIXXB, JlTEW STOCK OF CLOTIUNa. AND Gentlemen's Dress Goods. DAVID LOWENDEUQ, Invites attention to his largo andelcganutock anil Fashionaljle ut his store on MAIN STREET, IK TIIE NKW BLOCK, BLOOMSJlUItO, I'A., where he has Just rocclvcd from New York ana rhtl adelphla a full assortment ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including the most fashionable, durable and canasoine BEESS GOODS, iC0N3I8T!N0 OF SACK, FROCK. GUJI AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OP ALL SORTS SIZES AND COLO US, ne has also replenished his already large stock of CLOTHS AND CASSIUKKBS, STItlPED, FIGURED', ANDiPLAISZVESTS, . tttlKIBi CRAYATFJ EOCES, COLLARS, HANDKERCniEFfi, .GLOVES, SUSrENDEUS, AND PANOY&A KTIOLliS. lie has constantly cn hand a large ana well eelert- ed assortment cf Cloths and Vostings, which h Is prepared to mnki to order Into as? kind ot clothing, en very short notice, and U Itt btic manner. All his clothing ts reads to wear ana mest " Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES ASD JEWELE1,, OK EVBItY DESCItlPTlON, FINE AND CHEAP 1 1 niS CASE OP JEWELRY 18 NOT SURPASSED IM THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS GENERAL ASSORT MENTOP Clothing, Watches, 3 owelty, &c. DAVID LOWENBERO. July l,T-tf. S11F;AT DEDUCTION IN THE 1'RICH OP TAINTS, OILS, CRUSHES, JAPAN DRYER A FCrtT. Strictly PUnil WllITli LEAD It cents prponn, guaranteed! to uuy In tho uur'.Ll. MONTOUR WlIITd LEAD at Is cents per l'eund, viuai eo aoy lor uurauiniy. MONTOUR SIATE PAINTS t, t and 10 tents ptr pouad, according to color. VIONTOfR METALLIC IlltO'A'N 8 cents pnr pound. tuo best l iro-rrooi iron r&ine m me larkok. MONTOUR METALLIC DROWN dry and 8 cent per pouuu, .Accoruingiuiiuuniiiy. I'est Quality of I'aitit 1'raslieaat low prices. PURS LINSEED OIL viblehwe buy In larg nuanllUcs, direct from the ianuiacuircr, uaa erpT ai iuu luwi'Sl Atarksi 1 rlev, BRST iTAPANDRYEI!. Acki.JvL'd'D.I h id "ur leadluir Pointers tu lnvhu tut he .Mai ket. Alluure.iodsai'' ii-rnniea at reprebonted an t o'lrp.ilnt.i to bo round in pure Unbeeit oil, orthi mot ov refunil il u oriouiid, tend tjr saiuule curd and prlcu Ittt with ter.t!ui)a lals. IIKNRY S. IMUV, tfole Slaniifiictnriir. KUI'RI.V, V. M iy i. t .-'t. PITTSBURG-, PA. The mo-1 c milfctu p f. 1 'tie th'iroi.jti prao ' nnd .'e--kud u.'.n, it'utt"n In the I'nltJdMatai . utile t. n ol )oubi;u t CV'Siudtfuu i-oeolveJ nl Hiiy ttuio. Adirtsii, ur circulars ccntalolnv full particulars, .t. e SMITU, A. . rrUclpsl. VA- '. "70.-410. w V Co GOLD 1 hi r. AM) ii'UIKU ULUir.UJ PU:JSC1L'2IH U1VJN .O TIIOSK rt 1IO W0K1C FOR THE TMES I Th CINCINNATI WSSKLY TIMES Publlst "d for 83 j ears, has a National chuea' ter ami lnnuenco, with patronal ever.v Muf" and'Urrltory lu ti o l olon, nua of ulli.hadonand politics. IU i.w rtep.iltiaont, IntlioKcuili and far e-t, whl bo Invaluable to al lot kil l; out for Nkw Itjii isoe I. Ki-iDeNcw. Kvery Patun of Thu H una la t rrtu.tid, free of charite, with nu enr-Iiook ot vuli.ul,l., Information fur Ml, ulono wotiU the pilee ot ihi, paper. Kn'eipttslug men wanted everywhere toMlcta siibnerlboiH, und tenure cur t.old ana other Vi.Uiililii I'ltbillims. A sample copy of the llloie, our lllusttutid l.lsl ot Premiums fo be elvcn W At'cnia and other aocumenls, will bo tenifivouik application to CINCINNATI TIMER CO., ci w, 1 hltd si., cuicmnuti, o. Dec.H-lmJWco TVINS' PATENT 1IAIK CHIMI'KIU:. X Adopted by all the queens of fashion. Feud fi r eueular. E, 1V1NS, No. vvos North Pllth ktreil, Philadelphia, 1'a, Dec, 8, 1-m J W A. Co JOB riUNTINQ OF EVERY DESRIPTI0N EXECUTED PROMPTLY At tue OoLimmAK Owior,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers