I Si '' SI H MiseejlyiqQU.. Welcome Christmas Ulftn. Tho muni practice In choosing OlirWtinM gift la to atari out' with it fat! tmrta-wo'iitiaU nd come home with It empty, hnvlng scour ed a doien book and print And curiosity shops meantime, to find enough pretty things to go round, tftie gift scni to And friend might hava been offered with equal propriety to a hundred others. Now everybody (worth to memberlug, flt.nllpn Cbristniai tbiy ), Jiai n. fancy, or whim or association, which trifle will recall and gratify. Now that re have so.llttle money, let us got our brains to work to remember. lb cm inhlatnor hfb' bles, and to And tho suggestive- trifles, and our word for It, wo' wlir'startVo our friends witho more rent pleasure than If wo hud sent them thajCOKtllcoMinmennlng gift. " There must bo a nice, discrimination, too, In assorting these Irliles. 'tfliero !nro certain oiks whom wo know-to ba sorely 'hr need of articles Tor tko, varilrol)eA,niJ,to, ,ihm wo must therefore give utterly useless follies, bi cans? Ihcy kipw hafwe.ljnpwt;, And, tlioro ur other and better folks In like condition, who will receive a oollar or palr-of gloves with ai hearty nnd sincere feeling as though the offering were a strain of ChrUtmas mil ale. There-Is one, coula;wlio6o git) igUttuiell' of the shop's and the' tSollars paid for it, and another who, If we sent her nitr worn copy of George Herbert, or tho little broken vino. which has stood for years on the ptjuly table would receive- them both with wet eyes and find them fragrant with' 61d memories. Iron Rnst as a cause of Fire. '"ber father f6lci notion tlint tires may be Biased by iron rust is thus defended by a re cent Eoglfslf. writer: 'iWhoh oxide. ot.irou is placed in contact with timber excluded from the dtm'os'pliere, nnd nfded'by a slight ly increased, .temperature, tlie oide'-parts with Its oxygen, and is converted into very finely divided particles of motallic.iron hav ing such an afilnity for oxygen that, wheiv afterwards exposed to the n.ctjqti, of,the at mosphere from any cause, oxygen Is absor bed so rapidly thi these particles become suddenly red hot, and if in sufficient quan tity, will produce a'temperature far beyond the Ignition point of 'dry timber. Wher ever Iron pipes arc employed, for tho circu lation of aoy heated medium (w.he.ther hpt water, hot air, or steam), and wherever these pipes aro allowed to'beeome rusty, and are also In close'' contact with timber, it is only necessary to suppose that under these circumstances the finely divided particles of metallic Irou become exposed to the action of the atmosphere (and this may occur from the mere expansion or contraction of the pipes) in order to account for many of the fires which periodically occur during the con tinuance of tho winter season' The question is very common, "which is the heavier, a pound of feathers or a pound of gold?" The answers are wide and va riant. One says the gold is the heavier and another that both are the same. Gold is weighed by troy weight 21 grains to a pen nyweight, 20 pennyweight to an ounce, 12 ounces to the pound' troy, which thus con tains 6T60 grains. Feathers arc weighed by avoirdupois weight 10 drams to an ounce, 16 ounces to the pound. -As each drachm weighs '27 il-32ds grains, each ounce avoirdupois is 437 grains, and the pound avoirdupois weighs, there; e'xa'cily "700(J grains. Thus a pound of feathers is 1240 grains heavier than a pound of gold. What is described as a Are proof suit, of extraordinary merit invented by a Swede named Oe'stberg lias recently been exhibi- . - J -. . , 1 . leuna, m iuu 'presence oi luc empc yy or and several other distinguished person- y f age and men of science. On this occasion W Capt Ahlstrj'm,' c'otbrd it tha mf.delib fl erately walked iuto nn immence fire, pre pared for the purpose, of wood saturated with petroleum.) Recording to the account given of this test, tho heat of the fire was so Intense that no one else could approach within eighty paces without being absolute ly burnt or scorched, but Ahlstrum walked around in the glowing pile perfectly undis turbed, leaning on tho burning woot. and finally, with the pame equanimity as well as entiro unconsciousness of dan ger, seating himself snugly on the live coals. After thus remaining in the fire a quarter ofa-i hour, the salamander came out, as perfectly unharmed as when ho went in. A Martyr to Science. A Uurlinetoii naturalist last Sunday, while investigating the causes and effect of tho poison of a wasp ting, nobly determined to mako ot him self a martyr to science, and accordingly handed his thumb to an Impatient insect he caged In a bottle The wasp entered into the martyr, business with a great deal of spirit, and backed up to tho thumb with an abruptness which took the scientist hyiur prise. He was so deeply absorbed in the study of remedies that he forgot to make any notes of the other points in connection with stings, but his wife wrote a paragraph in his note book, fur the benefit of science, to the cffi-ct that the primary eflect of a wasp sting is abrupt, blapliemous and tcr rifle profanity, followed by an intenso desire fairly amounting to a mania, for ammonl , rampbor and raw brandy. Uurlin'jlnn flaici -' The h at re, o t ol the Directors or Convirt Prisous strikingly illustrates tho ingenuity ot Kugli.b criminals. One of tho inmates ofl'ortlaud I'risoiieoiitrived to make out of pieces of wire and string, sonic skeleton keys which he succeeded in concealing in his cell. By removing a panoiif phi jfrom the window of his tvllhc inauajU to reach its lock which he opened, aiul -To'tilci, iVnll probability, uava passed the main gales i the hall, had he nut been frustrated by th deputy governor, who was making his rounds at the time and saw him in the corri dor, lio was immediately secured. In hi cell was found a dummy head. contrived out of some felt and Jiis rag bag plastered over with soap, which, placed under the bed clothes, so closely rminblnl a aleeplng rami' If.coaml heoi that It might well litiv deceived the night ofllccr lien inspecting the cell. The German Government has recently built a kitchen, a thousand feet long and all of stone tud iron, to supply food fur the nrinv in time of war. Its imu.-hl-e.iy Is driven In- wo eighteen hundred horse power engines, nd is capable of boiling down and conden sing-within portable Ji nits a hundred and seventy oxen, grinding three hundred nnd flAy tons of flour, and making three lain dred thousand loaves of bread dully. It is alto able to supply enough preserved outs for one day'a feeding of the horaca bc nging to an army of two hundred aud eight, thou sand men. The Empress of Germany and thel'rlucess Bumark aro two plain, homely bodir. The. flrnt is not untrequontly seen driving out in a calico drcu, and the second, freh und comely, though past 62, superintends her farm work, goes about tho houaf with a great bunch of keys at her girdle In the good old' style, and her bedrooms are filled with knit ted qullu and such articles, evidences of her 0W and Industry. Agricultural. Ashes. Sliiny farmcM have no convenient place In which to store their ashes, nnd consequen tly they put them in barrols nutsldo of doors. Too rtljeh those, nro left uncovered, or the covers blow off, leaving tho ashes exposed tti the rain or dew. Evidently they do not realize the grcnt valuo which ashes possess n-j n .fertilizing agent. If they did they would'never allow tlicm lo imiMo. On the ontfary" they would apply them to their crop. If a man has a gitod place in which to keep them, one In which they cannot be .injured by rain and lu which there Is no d inger from fire, it Is well enough to let n ycjnrs's stock .nccuimilntti nnd then apply thorn InHie spring. This, however, in wise pitrt of .tljcm aro not needed for crops li tho summer. Some of our readers who liivo nslies which they think they ought to dispose of in order to prevent loos, may hrp, inqitiro to what special crops they should bo applied. AVe i p y that for onions, asdics nrc a iiong tho very LjMt, pf JcrljllzeH. l-'or this crf they should tin trened along tho rois, lengthwise, and the cultivator should then bo run between them or ilsc they should bi hoed by hand. Applied to Indian com, a ha ml lul to eacli hill, immediately before n rain, brjilst before n crop is hoed, they give good returns. They are r1n very good fur vines iu tho garden. In nuwt seasons the application to grass land Inmmliatcdly af ter the first crop of hay has been ietmivi-il, hasTt veiy fine cflb.t and insures it good crop of)rofi'Ct). Tiure arc ways enough in which all the ashes that nr made can be profita ble used on a farm, and they certainly otlghi'to bo saved and u-ed to tho bent ad vantage. Sew HugUnd llomtttead, "Wash harness thoroughly witli warm soft water nnd.castlle.soap, and brush out every partlclo of dut beloro' putting On tto oil. This w tho important point, lletter not oil at all than to nppfy'it on dirty leather. The harness sltduld b6'tnkcn apart, and tho pie ces washed -and oiled -separately. Hub on the oil while the leather id softened with witer. It can be applied at unco it the leather ii rubbed with a .dry cloth ; Itshould bo soft, but not too wot. After' applying tho oil, hang up tq dry for a few hours till the oil is absorbed. Old harness that. has bqcn neglected nnd is dry and hard had bet tenotbe oiled; it will do no good ; the evil is already done. The fibres ol tho leath er! have lost more' or less of their tenacity, ami oil will not restore it; in fact, by soft ening the leather it ouly weakens it, just ns a wet shec-t of pat'r'wlll tear moro easily tlinn a diy one. Oil does not add to the strength of leather; it merely softens It nnd keens It from crocking; it is a preven- 'tivo "Of decay, hoi a ' restorer Harness are now so high that it is moro than over im portant to take care of- them. Never let them suffer for the want of oil; keep in gopd repair and they will last ns long again. Shekp in Stohms. No good farmer will bmi( to provide a shed for his sheep to go under in cold fall nnd winter storms, be cause nn animal suffers so much, when com pletely drenched with rain or sleet, owing to the long timo after tho storm it taken to 'dry them thoroughly. It do&j seem that some farmers possess neither tho common attribu.tc3 of humanity in tho care of their live stock, nor brains enough to give them knowledge of what Is to their own Interests. Sopip of .these men show a remarkable pro pensity tor saving money when obtained, and it would be, perhaps, an impossibility to Oraw threo cents from some of them to savo the country from ruin, while they turn thqir cattle and sheep into a field in the lead of winter, witli no shelter from s'orma, and feed them from a hay-stack, throwing the hay upon tho ground to-be trodden un der foot, or covered with tho driving snow. Such farmers are not fit to own cattle and sheep, and good advice to them is, in nios-t cases, thrown nwny. Ail experienced chicken raiser says as soon as manifestation cf gapes in Ids fowls appears, he confines his chickens in a box one at a time, sufficiently large to contain the; bird, and places a coarse rotten or linen cloth over the top, Upon this he places air slaeked lime, and taps iho cloth sufficiently to cause the Jiiua to fall through, This-lime dust tho fowl inhales and is made to mrcze, amj In'.a short time tho cause of tho gapts Is tjirown out in the form of a filmy mass of worms thai had accumulated in the wind pipe and smaller air vessels Years ngo the ailment called "I nilow horn," 'or "horn distemper," was very com mon, ahd in many-yards cows mlght'be seen villi horns bored on tho underside, nnd in to tils hole and on tho top of tho head tho rcnjedles'werc applip 1. A syringe or wood en Squirt pun was u?ed to Inject into tho hnrp soap-iids, pepper tea, hrinp etc. It is now known by most farmers that there, is no fiieh dijeao .m horn-ail, hfdhiw horn, but that whrn tho horns aro cold that state pftMntrq indicate! the preence of disraso elwwhero nnd a feeble circulation. Tho horns being extremities aro cold, and tho nirru'-atinn needs to he equalized. It is now known to hp n dangerous experiment to treat Mnlma's after the manner they were ufd to he trealei'. Hr.SSlN WlNTKit. In order to keep hen laying through the winter they mtit bo furnished with n warm hnun and n warm diet. Ianv flocks of hens consume durir;: the winter, most of thn profit of the summer as they eat nnd make no return of eggs. Thev arc not to blamo for this. If wo wish ,nu r h ens to lav in winter, they mnt bavo nitrogenous foul, such ns eggs are mado of. Tliry pick this up in (ho summer in the form of w rms and insects, but In winter grasshoppers ami angleworms do not abound and the hens must have pork or beef scraps, liver, or somo cheap mat diet, us the raw material from which to manufacture, eggs, If to this ln added some warm ninth and potatoes and a few fresh cibhigo leaves cut tip fine, tho hens will lay villi gratitude, uud cackle uith thaiiL-'giUtig. 8 true fine Iwiiic meal added to corn ineil will make k muJi that hIII tickle thv p ilat4-s of the hens, rt.tden their comb', and n.alie tiifin sing fr j".v. l-m:NjN) Tt'iiKEY.s ami (!i:rar:. Mr. Henry Kiehiird, one of our mot observant and enterpri-I'ig Williams township farmers yesterday told us a little Mnry i.bi.ut fatten, ing turkeys mid geese, which rhould be of interet-t to Hiultry owners. Said he: "About a year ago I gotn very nice Ham- burst goose for ClirUtmn", and put It up in the wagon-house to fatten, let ding It regu lar, hi oue corner of the loft was n con siderable, lot of red pepper. Whila tho goose was penned up, it cat ev.ry one of (ho peppr and when it us kll'ed i( turned out the fhifkt und fattest gou.e I ever helped to .cut. Its meat was short and tender, hav ing Jioiio of tho atrongness Usually fou nd In gnosrllesb. This fall I put up another goosx for a special occasion, and fed it with p p pers. with (ho aamo result, aud 1 find that they have (ho Mine effect when fed to tur keys." The experiment is a cheap one, and well worth trying. J&ulon thtt Vc. THE COLUMBIAN AND Hclirncli's Jlniutrnlie t'HK Will bo ttmitil to puss sS uu,i. miftlllli s rieoessnry to IIhi total tradinulon of till IjHUms htt.ii.kS.prjiTir't to start tho spirettoimril tlio Iih'MHiI Kiiuahenltliy tono to tluiehllre.-u-iii. lmle. il, It li no oi lunar itlsouvfery in iueillc.il n-leneii to ha e liiM'fttOil U icniiM.v t. r these atuuWan etwiiluiuta. w..ti.hili:iils opalttherosulls rmiuirtl lij i heietoh.ru Usitree tiro (it cul'imeJ. a l.ilueiut Juki Ijv uri.iiH'U lii In.lti klnil, anu ucknunlery. '1 I i Oe lutrnct4u la thu ex in mo tutliu iiiiiiiiiti.jsti in. i lint I In-1 nip "I ties i f Certain veRotntilisiuinpilse hi I the Mrtiivstl cal liiel lltit.ut Itn In irl'iustpiiiliiu-tes I. nmv an nit lilt teilfml, remlirei IiiiIIsiuIhUii Iu Mli'iiUlli' lom-lies; nml Hew wlinuae the Mnt'iir iki Tills will It.- fully Mtislieil that the lit hiedli iiiM ni-c tlicno proiMetl hv nuture intiie tomaion Iu-iim i-ml routs ut the llelils. Tlu-sti I'llis ojK-n tlie l-owsls anil cot "h I m; lilllous itcr.uijreinents wuhotit snJlvuMtin ur um 'f Ittetiij'i l Ions i necls or ealiimi I or Ii.t iulii.-i. 1 h w ei lion of lillc Is pl'niiiuti 'I b. lli.M' plus ns MM Ik-see li hy llw nlti red eo or .t Hi i hi mis. aiwl illsniipunniiK ut lie Mliow eumiileMoii anil oIiwihIhk oi lira tunnne. Aiiijilo illri-elhiis fur WW nee nnipnnv enehlioxof pills, rrepsri il onl Py .1. II. M lienui.- iiin.nt their prlni lpul unicv. curt i-r --tvtU .nut Aieli iirftia, I'.'iU- u I lolil.i. nl.il fur siue lit ulJ (Illicit U uUil iio&Il'IS. j'llosiisceiiUptr uu.v. What I Kaov About Vegetiuo. ,'o.ini Ikjsto-J, May t, 1970. tl. 11. Kteveii. Pso ! l'mirhir i iinvn u.i.i e.inm iernoi' ekprrtnlice ntlli Vctti'llne, lVi'iPs.iepsln. !' m ril ili ii lli ami llu niii' 1 mi mil. Vtiroll.ii' a siiuii-lvl- I'luin llili if nlil.-li I h.ivo t ei usf il. I eormno' ei 0 LiMirf P tiwil lla mlil'llui'f last inter, anil alter Usui; a I 'W iwtiimi It i-nllri'li euri'd in- of U., sposi.,, nim mj i,.ih1 was iimev la Biiir.iii l rm, union iiSfli the nresenl Ilille.J'lt Mil lUfnnViot1 fasHiu lu b If! mi. mtlh-T pnillou lais relative In I'htit I l.nmv Atnittt nils .j il ineill elii.) tunny one wh-i will c.tll on cr uiltiivss inn at my reeueucc, J Aiiu-iM -.irert. Voryni-siiM-tfnilv, MiiMHCiK t'MIKKH, 8SJ Alluns s'recl. tl HM'ls!it. fcYMPTOVH. -Want of niur. llte, Hi liiiof fnmi anil tMii't fiolo lhbti'nm'ti, m I ill uif Hi t 111111011.111-11 rt o'irii, dryness a:nl wlihpn-ss uf ii.- toiiutio Initio morning, sense o' iltstoiitl.m In In atom. ir!i t-inl hoels. Mjmi-llmi'3 ruiuhlPij mill e1ini.cOTtlw.u7ss, Hlil -a ii "cvisl m UP iniiTi iMiii'J ii; uiarrhau ; p.no iiisis nf the nunc '1 lie niouiii e'Rnimx , ui- li.is a" sour or Pit ler Ins e. uiner rrenni'r.t s niiiiniiis are waieihrash, pulpit it Ion ' f the he 'it.l einlsrli-", nint (lis irilers i.f tilt- "misms, as "o.'ln louhle, elo ' hire: 1 1 general ilehlili-. tnnirii ie and avi'ivtuii Pi motion ; il"i eiMnofthurplrltii, ill.ituruil -livp.uiia titjlil f j( dreums. Qainod Fiftoin Pouud3 of Tlcsh. ouTll IlKiiwicx. Mi:., J.ui, IT, lsja. It. II. sttveiis, INti i Ii ar "lr-1 lime hail iisp -p"t.i In Its worst form fur Hi" 1 ist ten M-ars, ami taken linn Ireita if, il.ill.irs worth cf meih'-lne Mtlnuutoljinlhloijanv re lief, In sepli inher last t eonun -iiCril inktinr Vim,-. tine, since tvlilca thnu mv Ihmiiii l.xsi ti .'oillY iin pniveil. My fnoil illiteslH well, ami I Inve jj.ilnwl lit u tn pjiinttdof ilesn. 'ihcio am ximil utiicrsin this placo taking the Vetretlne, a ml nil have ohUlneil relief. Yours trnly. - THOMAS K MOiiIIK. Overseer of cm! room, Poitsinoutli Co"a..ailll3 All Disosises of tbo Blond, If VeRCIIni will rell-vo pain, elanni, purify Ami euro rucIi Ulseruses, restnrlni; the patient tj roi feet health niter tr Inic cltiterent physl'l ins. mttnv r ni" Uies, suirerin? fur e.ir.s, is it, not coneliwvo proof it jotinrou surfererj you e.m bo cnrott? M'hy Isthls medicine peifonnuiffsiieh streat curc? It Moiks In tuo hlnoil, lu tho eireulutlni; Uultl. It can truly he e-Uleil the (treat Illooil I'm liter. 'I ho Rrent holireo of Ulaeaso ortRlnatea In tho hlooJ; ami no raertlclno that iloes not ate directly upon II, lo purify nml reuuvato, has any Just claim upon ptitrltc attention. aeon avibswoa. flSCIXIUTI.Kov.SS, 1672. Jtr. II. II. stovens : DearMr-Tho fro bottles of Vegetlao fui-iit!icfl me by your a-jent m wife nu iiieinv.tn '-reiu hen ent fur a Ions tlmo s'jo has tiecn troaUcit with dizzl ni hs and eosllveness ; these troubles ure now eullie ly removed Dy Iho-nsw cf Vei-etine. iis was also tmubloa wltli dispepsH imileencnil debility; nndhasbeoiiKreatlv Peru fitted. 'lltos. ull.MullE, nniijf nlnutst. lie) Inkle tfJritU-uco. Mr. U.K. Stevens: IicarWr-I -illl most cheerfully add my testimony to tbo (Treat nu tier j ou luic alie.idy i .-reived In fj voruf otirirreatnncl rood loeiUclne, Vestetlne, torf do not tliluk enotish eaa ho said hi Its praise, for f was troubled over thlity jears witli Hwtdteaillul dHenso, catarrh, and had sueli bad eauvhiuj'f.pells tint It would semi us lliouh leouUl neor Creotho any more, nnd Ve;,x-tlnu lias eurod mo; and I dn feel lo thank Hod all Hie lime Hut thej-o la sol-uoiIu medicine as Vegellnc, and I ulso ihtnkltonoof tho best medicines for coughs, aud weuk.ilutiln'-feel-luifsntlheMtiraaeh, and ndrt-;o erj body to take Veireilne, for I eaa nxsuru them it Is one ot tho Lest medicines that ever was. mus. r. nnni,i Corner -Magazine and V.'alnut ttrects, Cauibrlilge, APPRECIATION. Uuaklkstcwn, Jtasa., .M.ircii 10, 1SC9. II.lt. Slovens: This la to certify that I havo used your "Illood Preparation" (Verretlnel In lnv fumiiv lor npivini years, and think mar, fur scrofuU or cankerous hu. inorsorrhentnattcaliectlons, u umnot bu eicellod : and as a blood partner and tpilnc lucillclne it Is tho best thing I hao iivcr used; nnd I have iudalniubl ovorviiiiui;. I can cheeiluily iecoiniac-nil It toany one in need ot Bucti a lne j:, Inc. foul's respectfully,, lllla. A. A. IHSSJIOItK. 18 litibsel Mrect. Vegotino is sold by all druggists. BENEWEiK This standard articlo is compound ed with tho greatest care. Its effects aro as wonderful anil as satisfactory as ever. It restoi-03 gray or faded hair to its youthful color. It removes all eruptions, itching and dandfiiV. It gives the head a cooling, soothing sensation of great comfort, and tho scalp" by its use becomes white and clean. lly its tonic properties it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, preventing baldness, and mak ing tlio hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing, nothing lias been found so effectual or desirable. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assaycr of Massachusetts, says, "Tlio con stituents arc pure, and carefully se lected for excellent quality ; and I consider it tlio Best Pukpaiiation for its intended purposes." Price, Ono Dollar. 3-ao3singJ3.am's 33y FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may bo relied on to cliango the color of tho beard from gray or any other undesir able, .shade, to brown or black, at dis cietlon. It is easily applied, being in one preparation, and quickly and cf feetually produces a permanent color, which will neither nib nor wash off. Kanufaclureil by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.H. Stli ty tU IrsKiiU, ui Iitltn la Ul!i!jHi Oct. 13, IblO ly AGENTS WANTEDS jjuiiij iuii i-riic-t. LIST MAW1H SAFESGALECQ 265 BFiaWWA Y N.Y. 72 CHESTNUT ST, PHILA, PA. lQ8F:ANf&T.CUf(tE.O. March 81, :-). aTnavT iltTiiTAT'o ' WIlOt.fiHAt.C liHOOBHM, N, i:. Vvrur seuond and Ariih hlreois, VuiunKLrnu, Iitmcum rJfA?, SVlltnH, COiTPfEK, suoah, mhlahser mrs.srirss, uicixs sui)i,lr.,ie, in-orders will roceivo'r-rompi attention, H.T-tf pU5LR,ATFnM WAGN WRACK DEMO(mTlX50lSrBW&;c6LMBU COLNTY, LOUIS BERNHAHD, . t , , , , ' , I &&s4m A- xbk ' ' . .... .."" H G?FjtrmPs rm- ..... u& 1ii.v.i..iHIIII(0, PA. , lieWci In sieiCjiw est oa'Kua WAicnna, bilvor nnd P.latod Wnrb, VISli JKWKLUY, Cl.OfKfi, .tO., iiMAUimi .f.V Lwaiuvrxa truiiiitir tiMtiiitii, i Ot.vrs-lp GLAZING AMD PAPER.ING7 X5r.M. V. ROni.Vi:. Iron Slreetshelnw er-" I otnl, liluoiusbuig, Pa., Is prepared, lodo al' I'XiNTINQ, ' ' . ;i ' S ' ' X i and . i i rATi'i: n.K(?iKG In the bout st.ylea, at, lowest 'prices, and at short u.. III.' PirtM'nviijiao'i worst) 1j will save mootr dlllrtybrt uiu. , All work- warranted to give BUUMellon. HulU-lted Orders wm. v. noni.N'i:. Jfftrcusn CALIFORNIA Tnt: citiaVoo Jtxoitni-waTnr.N p.imvay Embraces vritlcr cno jnan isement the Oreat Trunk Hallway l.pies of tho uu-tr aui Nolirii.wi.iMT.nnii. Itli lbj nuinvroui hraueLva anil connection?, tonus thu shortest, anil nulcetU route between chicauu ami an pjints in lt.i.ivmy, ivisconsin, noktukhn jllcnMiN, jiitiit'anM, Iuwa, nkbbasxa, California aiji thu Wcreri'l'frrltoilv!-. Its Otuulut. and alifornlrt l.lno Is thn shortest and heft route for all notnta In north ern Illinois, Iowu, Dakota, Net.ratKa, Wjnrulnir, I'olorado. ?.evafln. titan. LMiifnrnin- nn i-nn. i,in Japan and Austi alia. Hs Clilcaso.EacJisou &. r,t. Van'. J.lnc Is Iho short Ilnti for NOrlhem WlneonMnnnd Mlnne. Hot.i, and for Madison, hu Piul, .Mlnneani-.lHDmuili, nndallpolnt,Mlnlho(,-reat;ilvrtli-Hi)st. lis Is tho only route for Winona, llocbestcr, Owatbtna, Jlinhati., St. Peter, New llm, and all folntfl. In uuuiviii i.iiu ..Liii.a. -MtuMuaukU. iia Rrccii Stay nnU itlnrqucttc a.lnp la tho only lino for .Tnnesvllle, Ivntcrton n, Fond nu ior iHuitosn, Apnietnn, i.reen nay, liscau.iiia, he- cannce. Mariiuelt uelte, llouguton, Hancock and the L.iJ. Superior cotmtrr. iU3 E'rsjcport uud 3utitiquc I.lno ' Is thu only ninte for Klein, llockford. Freer.nrf.nnii iillpol t'i Ma ltecport. Its IB tho old Iiko Miorn lioute, and 13 the o-dv one naKsinz miouKn i.nanaiciii. Mine rorem, ui-nians Park, waukvipin, liaclne, ki-noslU to .MiiTaukev. .I'tilliiKtti Pa'at-o C'r.s are run on all through trains of this road. 'I ni-s Mthe ONLY l.lNli running Uh-mi enra be tif eeu cnicajro nnd Ct. Paul.fhlcat'ii aud .Milwaukee, or ciileajio aud Winona. At Omaha our sleeners connect with the ovrilnhd yleerein on the l'iiln Pnclllc Jlallroad lornll riolnt west of tho -M l-soi:rl river. On tbo arrival or tlio trains frem ibue.mt.nr enmh. the f rains br thn Chicago x North-WeMi-rn l!allay leave 'hlcns;o as follow s- FOIl l-UUKVII liLUFPJ, IIMAIH AM) CAI IrOIlNI I, T'.l 0 tbrciiuh tralnsiUlIy, Willi Pulluiju lialaconrawlnx room and Meunhic cars Ihrounh tiiOnincll muds FouHt Pai-i. and .MiNXKAi-iii.i.j.tnu i hruusli trains dally, n 1th Pullman laUaeu cuia atlaeliid (o both trains. Foil OiiEHN- luv ami I.AKK SurF.niOR, two trains dally, wllh Pullman palaco eara ntuicbod, and run nlns; through to .Marinette. Fun Mii.wAi-KCK, four Ibrousrh trains da ly, Pull m in cars on night trains, parlor cualnais ondii trains. FOU Sl'ARTA AND VlS'ONA and nnlntMln MfnrnnMn onetluoiiiih train dally, with Pullman B'tepers tii l biona. Fou DimcQrc, via Precport. two throush trains dally, with Pullman cam on ntrht train. FOU Dl'BCQUK AND I.A IIOSPK, Cllalfn, tWO throush trains dally, with Pullman Wugoii iibjhi train to JlcOrcifor, Iowa. ' " ' T'ou Hiut-x citv tND Yakktov, iwo trains flal y.Vull man eai-s lo Mlsymrl Valley .luneiion. I'nu Lia Ui;ki:va, four trains ilativ. Poa liornrouu, t-Ti:miMi, Kmim'ia, ,lA-int.ir. ana ether points,) ou can bare from two tu ten trjlns dnlH-. New YfifK" Qftlce, No 415 liroadway; floston onice. SM.ito-slivtt; (irnahii lee.s,3Kanibiiui-struei: san l-'runclsi-o ofilce, 121 M-Mcoini r Mrec-t; fhlca jm ticket unices; I'iriaiK fti-it-t,' ucfler Miennan House! comer C'ni.al ard .muiIIm ji utn tts: ntnjli direct deK)t, corner V. Kluzla nnd canal htrect-.,-Wells Mri et dejiot, toir.er Wall ni.il Rintln Mreets Por rates or lnfcnnatlon net utialaabio iroia lour homo ticket ngc-nlH, nppu to ' V. II. Stinnett, lien. 1'a-jB. Agt, Cldcaao. JIihvin llrnmrr, den. I upT.ibleojro Peb. ly TiilSfAPOISKEPT0NFILE AT THE OFFICE OF. W4 1 733 Sahsoh St., PHILADELPHIA, Who nro our nulhorizcd iwients, nni vtu recelro Adr.-rllHeuienia ut our LUCilbT CASH JtATIJS. GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT IS. Tlio Amireciit & Co. Fuiros nro first-clans in overy respect, being con sidered tlio lending I'hilndclnliia iniiku by niiwiciuns nnd competent judges. Through thou- cxtensivo mciliticH. Missus. Al.MKCHT & Co. nro enabled to turn out instruments that nro not surpassed anywhere, and still soli them nt pricca within tho roach of nil. No Piano is permitted to Icnvo their factory unless satisfac tory to tho moot iniiiuto particular, henco their guarantee of Jlvo yearn, w a thing of valuo. All Into im provements of importance aro fouml iii tbcao instruments, Jtasns, AuiiinciiT &. Co. havo ro coivod tho mo.it fluttering 'i'estimo iiuils from U M. OorinciiAi.K, Fhanz AllT.apSTAVK SatTKII, J. F. JItMMEIi- iiAcii, William Woisiefpep. and inany other eminent artists, besides being nblo to refer to thousands of pnvnto purchasers, schools, semi naries, societies nnd teachers. Fianos conscientiously selected per orders by mail, carefully packed and shipped safely tonny put t of tho world, JtayFer further particulars as to references, prices aud terms, address, ALBRECHT&CO. 610 Arch Stroot, Philadelphia. imil-U.lsTj.-ly. PUBLIC SALE' HAND BILLS Printed nt this Office ON SHOUTfSST NOTIOR AND AT THE MOST ltBASONAULB TEIIMS. ALBREGHT & GO. PIANO B aOMSBBBG ST ATE WOSM H 1 X.TI1 Blooipsbui;g, jTllIs RC1100I,. ni at present eonstliliU'd; b'Un tho :iiulldlnt;H spacious, liiMllns-iindeoinuiudlous i i-oni t-nrllnl. water. Location healthful, and ensv of,neeiiRH, moderate. Hftvcenlda'Wt-e'W'rti'diuflii Hft.vcelildnWt-eW'rt.'diuri.in'lolllleM'ei.tlligtoteueh. htudenlaudialteiintouy timo. iioorns Coupes of fctudi iircM-ilbed b the Mule: Lil MoilJl Bclroul. 11. 1'ieiiaralbryi III. Ailiunet Cmirfrt : 'I. AruuVinic. 1 1. CArtirnorcl.wl. -1-1. n Clf... tllln i. ...I elA.,lnl r.illpLnu eorreMiI.niiit.'fiii't-rM'V- Mn.siiriif iln l.leii.eutsr.liasti ineil iiiiiiinineni. riieMatereiiulK-salilsrnerurd.Tcr cillrenalilii. Tho tlmei demaml lu-'im one of tin! xvln . t.ii f )r.tnrrti-llllcutT;lelCiiif.irlivrK-l.u..lii. -In llili end It hollelia Suunff persons ..t i;o(..l al l me i'lllie(rt.iUMit-i,a.sMiid. ntH. lo nlUueli It jiroinlse.i utd In devOuplUif tlu;lrpuvicrB(,a)iilubun4it, ,wvu 11 1,1 C'ataloi-Hii'.'aili ivi, Hie t-llticlri.il. ' HON, W ll.l.l.WI .lllitVJllili, Preslilnit Hoard ei.t. ?, "o.-iy ,, WHOLESALE XIi (,,'ovJmr iMiiiu and .. 1 ... 1 1 . .-, 1 . , 6 L d O 'M S B ' ' . "! I il i. -.- . ' . ,1... .i i i r i ,, The tindertiigiicd httving , , ,WgftlSii.I' PBJCSr' , ' ' ' ' . , ,,,: , I ; , , i -Ii,. .,,',;, . i . . . '' ' ' ' 1 1 -i ' onf-nn-s.s .lir tJio.p.'fsfc eiglit years would cull tlio ftttoution of 'country , dcitlujs to their lar-e tind vtirjed stock. Tliuy defy cbmpefitton hy any house in or out of the largo cities: 1 Pt4y, Patent XtHedicinc Sc. ' RETAIL DEPARTMENT BBO B-B'S' BLOCK: Where mtiy be found u large, stock of Surgical' Instrument?, Sponges, .Chamois CplogneH, Terfunibry and in faet everything kepi in a well regulated retail Drug Store. i T.hey are also Solo jraiiufiictwrers of the 'celebrate, , OIL OF GLADNESS. CALL ANI1 EXAMINE OUK STOCK. May 13, 'Ifl.-tf. PIANOS AND ORGANS. T J. ZST ID 3R, ID Ivl r ,. .. . : 'lC Jn'rgt'fiti Tho.. Best - in qualify " ' .- The Lowest in Prices'! . , , , . The, JCr.siest Terms ! . ' ' ' YOU "W" ILL FIND Ji. T . ' ! I - OMEB. THOMAS' 1 -J- 7 M J U U S 'V U K F. T , DANVILLE, PA.' Hec.l-sm, Thc-t Buy MILLBR BROS.' i;-.t!f.ao ,"r.o-1tilri,:jiiC')Bt,or IT.rTA I ( T) , Vfll juliilln. ami L'et a palat tl.ai Il L'lticli luincSdin -r ir.'l wbl 1 1 IjH t I V ij I I .".J.iN.l I4.sitnkta- limn a any olbci aulhl. Ispri'iuie i reut.i lur !. luwut.u tiiih-oilur ili-lied. Is ou ia-.-ny tbuusand-icit tbel-.uest ImllilU p la III" lounto. miuy l "vlill a uuu bvi-i falnicil mvmiip abdnon 1ooj:.h wil as 'wr.villut iiAiaieii l-.H (;ili:..li'AL i'AI.'IT lias taken First I'lemluma ut ti.Tiity or tbo Main l'mrautlbu I'lilun. .-lamjile earu uf leloifiMit ti-t- . AililrekH At I I.J. li It KllOii, lull iVi'tei Miei t, ti-vclautl, Oblo. N, l.n.NAJII.I, TAINT i! 0 , 1"3 fbaiabeis itlcl I, r Aluy.li, TC-iy. T t.ej Buy ST. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO '3 aii'i tave oue-i.iln-uuii-li liauiiAriu nn if,i,i of ITT r"I T'i r ll.l will .'.IJ 1 UA nui'.i t. i"nl'i i .lite or f u- rnlur .nut. In i f.iaie I il tue ei-nlill iiiu3i oi rtl.lcii I1.1M1 i "i-n I'.iiiui'il 111, i i t.-ll'- U. '-.'IN I' I ii.ilal.' i i iihi i n iiiiuuis si . :: N A M LI. V A I. a., .-em rrei . Aiiar 's N, ItuS., I V w.ueri Ireei, tlecl,Jiil, nblo. Ii.ll Isinds GREEN TEA AND AT J- ZEE- JS&JTZS MAMMOTH GllOOJEEY Corner Jfniii .mil OinUr Sljtds BLOOMSBTJP.G, 3? J. t)cf. t, lsif.-tf. TWO IMPORTANT INVENTIONS OX XNTCIU3ST TO DVIUIT ONXL ' 1". A PIANO OR PARLOR ORGAN CHAIR, With an aJJutttllo buck, roadi) ta tupport the bf! of tho titter Mhilo leaulnj forward In fio ordinary position for jlaylj), anil ,bi a tlmiijorr.iiscmciit, which ulvc.lt a backwanl anil at tbo tamo llmoadonnitaril movement, follows bis motions anil supports blra lu any I'otltlon without Interfering la tho lent vritb the freodom cf bis movement. uif J1,7e-fm K.O li AI A h S C 11 O O L D I b r ,. . . , Columbia Countyy T. Ii. GHISWOLEf, 4 .l.'.'M." P .'.Pu'iipipal. vorr lit f.leHlil,s ror lw'fw'''h,f ';','7,M',n.! '? f Jn,!St,,(,,,',' .It ' 'IiiU''bou'.t!f a'iViT ut uettft"l, lctely heated Wftain, lvt,UVtU4tvIJlKhM MJ.I.Mi'.n I WW '"ml wilJ upui,UIn.?lT HI imtrl" .i',ra,.H.ne..,i.rffl,'ir.,,t.nn,l alivfllo their work. DtsclBlltie. llroi but windy iit.lf.'rui.ang Ihoroiwui. i luwn lileiilentnr.v. IV, C!aieal. Obiri-e.iliiAIii'ie.. Ill, IV. C'-iuiipi! in Ait nM 1MI Tl Vl.'M Il I M t. lltlll StlllletltS mm f of the Sciences: JlSsterof the Classics. or Trnilrcv .-1 . 1, , 1 , UG EMPOREIJJS!!'.: Market -Street 1 -a . . i X3 R G-,: . P. A 7' .Mi .ii "';' ' ' been engnqd, .1.1 Ml' 1 II 1 .1 ' m tne I'm! nil Spices J. JST XJT DE1 JT O 'T XJ ZR E ..ii i ' i' i,i!l ;i ".: . r-sorlnu'ii't'! ... ii Im ', i . M0S1G STORE, r l i vp lulutlnr, and Rfta raluMbai U I A I IU le' iwl eaikiu,'aa.uo ulbi-i u.-!rt !. la 'uii..ii.v tI.iiu-.niiclM t.f I lie illicit building HXje.uti nu iiuw iimus ist-im un-iitnil lulnUii, iweiuj c.i ii.i-M ie J iurJ. or mo i iiiuu. NU'iiune.iiij I N V ill., If.) tHumbci-s street, N. v., ur M 1 1.LI1I. ii ii y iv.l.i-ly. .ti ?.L 1 i V 22 (i BLACK TEA. i- A PLATFORM ROOICER ON OA3TORS. llbtlialoii cajyinoM mrnt uf Iho ciirij lo, uitbuutlbu projvcllia rockers to roar other lurnburo aniltbobues of rooms; beltiL', la f net, tha mly I'litforrn Kockcr ituWa, thst bas a pcrfictlj eulsfjclory movcuicnt. Manufactured for the trsJu by ALBERT BEST & CO., BUFFALO, N. Y., sod for rata by tbo tirlacfpsl dealers throughout tho United Bute. rf" If tint kept by any ilesli rln your town. I mtud lo us fw l'rlce List and Catalogue, PA. .t, ,...( T H I VX Eci ta. ii.. i .i" rewi.eu :iiiii);.ir'l ... , ,1 .f!l Ui1) . - V. Oirie in fli.r,V.I CVllnw '"f Hi llio utliiTtM.ir-ycsiirelU' Mirmal ix-itWcutpsui i.i i'". ' ' ' , " ' ' ' f,ul,?. .X0,? !.f' i. t iwi- -Oii. . I"l r. t i.i ,.i i.i U 1 1 it I i.t' 1 tumtles font ell id lauurattci luifii nciiim.i. , iuj 1 .!,,! i;m;.:SK, lr.wetnrj., T. Xi. GUITON, Proprietor, i , MAIN'-STJiEBT, Illll.OWiMAHKIiT, Manufacture of-antl Dealer in nil lArnh of MONUMENTAL MARBLE VGPKS Wo nse tho be AM R11IPA M aiul IT.i r I AN Marble. fie has on lianil anilfuriUalieato onlnr n JIONUMKN'TS, TIHADSTONI-S, ' DISKS, VASES, Ac. Kvery vartcty nt Marble, eptllus nqally c.eeulcd at tbo luwust inalki't ill-lees. A Ions practical c-xperlenco and persoml ntlcnlloti iu iiiikini'hM iiiaKi-s him n iiirieior ecniiuii-iiv en 1,-11 inj; .tlufn.'tifin . All ,.(,lmi h ,,lt tirnr.iiit K-.o I ..Vl!lt to. 'r.o.iwT ', ., ., t'S?".". U. Work dchctml free of cherae.tift. Aii!;.2l,'li-ty. T. I.. dt'SToS', I'roprletoV. Important: to' Lawysrs. JiiHlieesof-tliol'rtirry bonMaNe.s. IKeiitori,' Ad mlnlstratuM, (lun-dlan, Toivnalil;) unicers, ainl busj ncas lncu scneritlly. Wo have ou' btu,d a Iinjc p.linrtincnt Of l"?al blanks fur tlimi'.n or 'loru'', '.Tu'-tl.'ea and On itable's blank!! ut a'l Hbds.i'olp and Keci-Jnt.buol; for Admluliirat'ii-s nr. I' 111 OK LIST. . .,1, A-fTOilNKW IIHANKS. t'rcrlpc for Pum'tri6ntf. " ' ' ''' ' - ri. va. t " ' Utile to take Hepi'ltlins. " ' cboouu Arbltrnlors. -' 1 cents npieec, erf l,5 per bunilreil. , . Petition for Aprolol incut of ounrdUu. " ' cftall'in llulotolnko IlennKlllnns. Tarrln Iiebt. wltli Contefilon, . . . 1 " ASiimpslt. ' ' ' ' Mechanics u 'it. 1 cents each or oer bun'lreil. Petition for halnt lte.il iM.ne s ejints eacli. ' 1 -IL'-Vncii-.S HL.NiiH., , Kubprrms, Summons, W.itraiils, i:.ecullon,DO fo cciiin e.u.ii. (.".ices , a cents each- iiiue necns in I'urohtnent IKeds,, in Asreemeuts , (irpliin's cmrt Sales' Cunstalilu'4 Halt s , ..,i,.. VoforJl ."11 a CenlH eac-11 Slorlirai;u and 1'cud .. 1 AH kinds rt Notk...:. ......... '.-. .. 1 t lli'Celpt.s, Noti s, School li clcr, I'Oijr Orders Store, Orders, neally Hound, constantly on band, cr made 10 01 our m Miuccui'iice. Wcaie pieparedlo do neater lob work Hum anj either onicu In Ibis rnuhty. iii;oc:kvay a,i:i.wi:ii,, 'L'Ultors and vinrrb-tnr8 crtliaCnbDrfniA", Ulooiaibuw, IM GLENN'S STTLPIWIt S6AJ?. Thoroughly Cures Diseases oftii'i! Skw, Beautifies the Complexion, Pxbvknts Atiu Remuuils, Kukumatism anu Cour, Heals Sokes anu Auiiasions or hie Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. Tliis Stanclanl Hxternal Uemeily for Erun tions, Sores and'Injurics of the SUin, not only nraiovLS from tiii: CoMIT.L.XIllN all Ullii Isiies ariiint; from local impurities of tlio blood and obstruction of tlio ixie$, l,ut alo those produced by the sun and inil, such as tan and frccUes. It renders the cunci.u JIAKVKLOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH Und 1'I.MNT, and being a wholesome LEAumTEicis tar preferable to any cosmetic. ALL THE REMEDIAL ADVANTAGES OF SUL PHUR Il.viiis are insured UY 1111: tsr. of tilenn's Nultlntr tluap, which in addi tion to its purifying effects, icinedics and I'liL VhNTS Hiilumahsm and Gout. It also DISINFECTS. CLOTHING and UNl'.N and freVknts diskasi.s cummunicatcu uy CONTACT VJtIl the TERSON. It dissolves DANDROrr, prevents bald ness, and retards grayness of the hair. Vliysicians speak of it in high terms. Prices 25 and 50 Cents per Cake: per Box (3 Cakes). 60c. and $1.20, N. 11 The 50 cent calrs are uiplo the the cf ihoie at 5 ttnls. "IIIL1VS nAIU AND WIIISKEU DYE," Ularh. or Il.-oifti, SO Cents. C. 3. CftlTTESTOJ, Proj'r, 7 Siitli hy., U. OCt, M, it.-Xf, Leui.lslliK .Nollre. Nntloo Is hereby Klier. that an application will bo made to the Iplsl nuru at iliclr ensulua session fur lltopiissat'o ot unaet untitled "An All. loJatluv lu thu publication ot leual artverllslnir lu tlio Count of ('Oluinbla.'- Tbo object of till! m-tl-ili) reiiuiieidl lerfol and other udvertMns reipibed lu lw uulillaheii by the Laws of I Ills ComiiinnHualib and Ibr i ut- of the rusuoc'tlYu courts theic'ir, la llm Cuimti' of en. lunit'lu, iiibiii'iliiledaimpuliii-lieii in luo '(.hi,,,. bluu"and "Ci lumbla Uniiiij jfeftulil em" uio n Ir umvK'iiiHTC publUUed (a JUbuiiiiliurx. ' lie Count,, heulofsiddeouuty, j, uw.iAx. MORRIS s'litcncJAi, Pt4.vt iMtnnit, 'VD.vi.H a.-v ' ftiif 1 jjtijjtt'. UL003ISDUUU, PA. FJDST CUSS PIANOS AND OIiaNS rou SM l( SUfONtl HAND PIANOS TAKllN I.S' toCIIASaii OltllUlt. MY MAIL PKOMPTLY KSBCl'TEI Dee 1, i;-Iy Pf. Iflls'T-S." I-crsons desifin;' tu takj gi(t patent, or uetjilei: Information from the fnltcd SUtus IMmt, oniio ilioulduoutult V. A.'ILlllUKN, Ktllcllcrol iiucil can and Forufau Paionts, WaHilucinti, H, f, f-, .mlnttunfw, KO 4'ATIi.NVNf, PAY. e'oudlor Ulrcwlar. UJ-'WI Hm3 I , r ' - .t I..: !'( l.i ... Ik ., 'iuai.JriR.Vt tn i.w.i . - "Kir it, m. i (. t .p i i " " ,,t.r(Aiitn i.vi Jri'.tft-n'm,i own luMnliiti , .... .'Pi i -up, I aiw iiiin ' ii , ii" -vii "TtViM'IIm. e.. LMIft JWr l-r, j ;i. I). ,,.lil ,' ; .,im. .wiWHKW ' ." ' ' '. 1IN'4H !HtlKNr lAV AB llWlOll, ' HV i , , It I ir II ' lOKt'lKb.) .tvc Jw VrrtW -rtr. ' ,l4lnllkiililihlivnliiu;mi ' I lie.. e Headlii,', tl.R a. .liliv WlWlUe, (,'f, p n, ut'Unm ry.f, iiT-iHittiH . 'Leave c at In. u, l,M fi.it, ,1. In, .1", ' I'IU. luerft I I' IIMIi '. I V I , I trTHlllt'iliMili-id in laiifgbuiloifV1 OJn III ,V"ltTHI.ItN .(.i.J.'t.UAJ- -UT. lllUIUM -I l.A.t.W 'I 1 ',))n(WyaMTT"ll'lntrl't)Wf.1ltTii- i LU n ulll ium. i NiiiTin.j!i.. ntle Jlailr..vuu.iiiniil.i fcu.,)',i ,m i. , -'""PI- ''' -'tvf, im. ,,' ;', , i ii" it 1 nl',f..t.'i ., 1 1, Km .it. f,''twtM'rHlirtWit.l.ll.il-u.lijw,i.,l,. , i. , "' (.'.lu'WilS"-! . tl M V ' . i.nnirn .M.'ti i.i n.n rive l.imii 1'ii. il. i. iii, L III II nlo l'..ure.vi 1,15 a, ' ;''5 ' ' - . I.i ,i1,,una,10 t. hi.ui.ivi i , ru,i ' "!p In ut' hi i u 'i 1 , i , ,1.1 I I II I t ' ,-i 1,4.1. , " ii.'tn.'M.Mt u 1 i,,,!,,,,,,,, , , nil I 1,,'t p,i ,,i'' ., MVllllMtl,IIKiAI , ..,', .' ,' .11 i - itltftifitirtyniA.i.'" . t., ' Viii-l !l lu 1. 1 i.. Lfle Mall I2.S6 u. m. nrrheHTrrilii tirj, sir, v, 1.1. ,.,1 .1 I (i-. V .j.Jjmillinu ip . All .iniijDoirjr f m'.'ruiy; "'.l' W-Vt. , I I' It MtlfJt. I. (' I ' , H t I . 1";.'l-,',u,y.':i:l,..,,;'!'fMr.- tU., A. .1. CAMj,'l 1,1., . 1 ' ii;r .i.-v.'v. I'., lo i.Mu. . WIKTKR llillj TAiil.i;. i hiKl'. slier "HUMl.VV-J(r- m l.cnr ff t i,,j 1 .... ii... ... r . - -.- --.fj i.M'i.i..iiitll.V.,ivJ n,o,,v.;ii.iuiiuii.i,.'c jviib Hniig - ...tviu ,iitiuji tin ic'ii'iti.,: , 1 ,1 ,i,i 1 "i't 1 . :im: MAIL l.'tius N'i-m Yell; . . ' i- .iilii-.ilelrlilli.,.-; I iitl.'iio, e. IIMi'i-bilriK ... i 'Jl1 ,,;.Ull.4itui'i,rt,.. L"ik H.ivcii ... .. f,' .11 ' !' 'P J. 1' l. Ul 4.: e. in '. SXH.lo . . ' (, 1 ritfii! n. . i.ii p la 1,1 MiKmi.ii.'.-...'. air. at Knu NMIH11A IXI'1-.ESS lea'CS pillariclpbla T.ji 0. in , , ... VUllIIIUIK.k. .' , liuirMitiif; .li'.to n. in r.rr. at unjliii-,nri.. ..uiji. m " " Heitoirt.. 1 ',lrt ItUllll.. i..a,i t . iu it. p. m , v.2.1 p. ui " iltifrafo . I-'AM'P 1 1. 'en leaves ' New Voil; " " " 1 1.IIaiMpiiia.,: , " " Lulllinui,. y.p a, m irsno. fn .1 1 .1 M.tll , ,:i.m,i ,ui . T.aj p. ni I msTHwnv. 1, A l,Al'liLr;. ,.leaui I.-.nieMi,..., , ' " I" U"VI. . .. " , " " Li" i. II iVen. ' uir'atiiTir1- ' I.!, ... 1." .'.it;illli.iiT; . . . .. Mikhington.., ' , 1 u . it i ii"', 1',. . 1.. CGI H ,M Al L ten .,s Ut In, . . . .!.... " "' " llell'jio ...... s. ... ,. ' " " l.'ck iiu-ren.. " " WIIIUlw-M.it " urr. at ll'inMuif .. ,;; . , ." iijumiuiii ,....,,! ,' " " I'lillaileiniiia " , ... ". . .'( ..On w ion: .....'. , l'Artl' LIXlHeaTii tvullAia-pba , " , - uir uU HuiilaUiiK,, . , 1' "' ' llalllliilile '',. V IMUUiieliHila .... . ... .Now Y01 1 ... ii.i'Uu. m It. 0 ... nt . 1 -IU V. Ill p in i... I. u p, m ...111 ii.. In T.M f. Ill .... a.vi.ii.jn ...11.50 a. in -. ..i p. in . p. in . 11 ..'.p. in . ni i.i.i u ni 1 11 ,1, in . HI is a. ni . ..l-.i!i a. m ,.. 4. 1111, m , . . J I n m . 1 im a. in t ..Kl.fl II. Ill i:rli' Mutt Wfht ?,-!'il.-iii.i i::.ei ACil'lll. Niest :i: il l-.i I t, Ii. .1.' I Haven niic-lliiii nt .V r,:,tiu.i'( ruial olin U)- UtJU'vCiiieuli'l M i.ilitnli. ,t in. 1.1 1 in 1 1 in,. , .V II. it. I.. I1.1IIIS 1.1111 ,'iaii n('H,"!MfAt.i' Ixrie u ,1 . if, I'llo t.ll-M I.ISI IIIKI (,Cl. llilcn jLfiliil.iiiiilll.li West mo',.-rlNc ii Cllillll'll It Willi N.c. H. r. iT.iiii.iiinit.il. . U1MCI1.II el W lUll.il,. . 1 lie .Mull ibl,:l..j;ira r..pi.'s V.i't. m.d Day Elpic-ss niist, iiiuKu eim.o totinrniun ui Loci: liu(. u v.lui Ii. K. . it. p. imlns. I iio .Midi Ltrsl and v. est ronnect at lain vith 1 1 Ii is up L.s-..M.s' l;.,u. nt ( ony iiltuii . a a dUv,oiiter;.''-'''-'--'''''' ni,."',r ('ul'a 1,111 r"!) '"jvcin I'lllJdi-lpIiia and l1lliiiiu-pnrt on Mii;;niu i:.,ie.-a w-i, l.iio l. tu-cm I J'Jlii'iul bla l..jns L.il lay lit uiss I'nsr in Mif.flac i:vv,tiV. r-n, t if,,.., r, Ultra un all iilcbt Lrutns. , ' M , , .VM Dee,. l7,':.V;tf ,V.,I!. I.mVIK', (;euerai:s;ui-t. DKLAWAItU, ' I,ACKh.WfWA AM) WLiri-lII.N KAlLliUUV ' : i.o6Si'f.iii'i ti ; ' ui vjsjpk. Tlinc-Tnblu o. an, Takeji e.Tc-ct at 4:50 A. M ..VUKpAY, M)VE.ll,ll;i J-.' U7B. oirru. i bi-ATio.Vr;, n hi. ii 111 1 ' ' ' pill. A li a tit .ii-'ijii;ton j at. a ii a 'S II a a V 4 . Id .r U 31 ...1,'U-iull.MH.l .... 1(1 M (li . ..,.UM,Ull.M.l. ,. . . PltlHll.lt i a ?t ii up pitiHtuit fn r,. .. ' ' it IU SI f.ll ... ,Ul,Kt lil'.thliin... Ill 1 1 .... ., it A vr i r-" 9 I.-, tl 11 3 t.i 111 i 17 II 17 S I'.' .. 141 UI a l - t .' !-' l!.:i J, -j, i l' i in : in li 1 tilll'....;:ii5MIUy,.V,"" l'il"V Li-HP' tl--,., f 'ft.....hMitr-tiii..!.!. f ft .. .l.tlihtull .. S M' ,.1'lM, '.Mil lulu' . M Ili ti'.e.mii NulttiiiTl.,. tl,. Il'ii a i's i.ii:. !)". ,1 ll'kC H't.i M'l ... i 'I l I".,, i Is'.. V, jliol. (,., 7 u ...i.tLlW bbui..., 11. &s , r SO II I a. i ; 3 I.i a 17 , a 2 7 ::. , I il l.s I. 4., 1 ; in ui Ti S VI 7 40 iu f! .a ui i is I h s ..7 7 M Itii :t 4,i t -a I I I ' s Sf, ''17 4 iri s 4!, il 1 1 i:i k 't n i 4 ii e II i 4 ..7 11 .'.I I V . ,-, '5 II l J 40 til i n 4 I ii r.7 ,i s t m IV i- (, f 7 4S IS e. f. 1 1 7 1! 1'.' t" f. 'i f! i... js ta ' .-. li '7 S 40 l- -h r - v li f' 11,1'.' ui T 1 , .TIN HM."1 i:u ' .ItlUlh.' .1 ,1 i I s.i i Id 1 1-, i I irk mv ' wiiv-t'ri(.... : V, .(..i-i!.-iuil.t ii ,it. i i.jn.' jv.ui. i. in 111. II, I. suf t'r.u'na m 'd oB'tc.'f ( n.h..j, II' w . Ill' II 4 i iiavi: r.nt NA5.ii f.f,.Mitii ox Tiir. ro-noM IMP EVERY PAIR, WARRANTED., i yu:;r, aKivisr. without Our 'tlH.'cijii'i.l.Oi lin'i'l in ' Ifiwii'hV''u Coliii'jy, l;V. jy J. K. DAY'i'QN, & CO. Willitimsjioit, Pa. t'tpt. SO, 7B-5I.1 Sftfiri '"'i'l 1(1 W"IP 19' lufl.tlilii Hip Ltlif.H e ,W U iS'tliusitwll'liilo Mini- ortn 1 111 '11 I. iti.lTn.u a il... ,l..l. I It. Ill ll nu ulry aircut nery ue iiiiinni, i-uc ivln runlyvmn u ii tli'lTmu & itnv tiui.t in il.ilr ovn liiulltliH. ifiii no (rtiti id ("iflirin Tiiri'. iiuiine.s pieouM and buiiavljie. ,uijuii. Hal !) MU rIi'hh uu n ell In. b In. Ve via luinbii iiii ii n i leu i ut. Illiite, 'Hi. lii.Mi.itv iaj Ullir tl'ini l-MI'Uir be. V ! in 1 1 hi i , ( i u; of klailii mi ll, 1 illi,u li'isfni' WiIlUfbiTn'c. '1 in from 1 1 (I in Klintr llcli ti likii.ii i,u,i.l,iii..iiii mil hi ( ui mil it -I unit it vnk ol I ni.u, (luUtl Mtlti'lcit i M.dUiiifi nil ilULUt 11 V MlllJidt (ii'i-. 'Win It n.n 1'II'H l.cvv Ut-it j. Aiuiii . ime a,i u Auuvttu, iiutue. i. f'ti't. , , iim. 1 I. M. NOTI K itli mlil'OUt extuiptJo l) foi taln at th CbLuvcisM oacv. 'IU.I fOaniAi tsmei 111,00 Two nt rtng thi liiltn il' a b. iilniii'J iirwiiu Ml p.iH' ll'IM IUU I'.lJ piTlll liicrlutl I'OSl-Al '0 count JO Tlio .tob nnplcti', Wl ill tn mand, n Jolum Prcslili iWIS'M'll I'rollio Court i 'lOlflSt' Dlstrle Micrin snrvn Treasn Co am ,Ioi'ph c irnrni AudlU Coroni Jury C OtL , count Iiloom .rm. Ki .oo.t, 1 IMoo-n Preside 1 PIH 3. P. Tu Colun -ASSOClfl Seerclti llloon -Wm. llloon J. Urott
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers