THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COL NTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. II 1, 0 0 M S 11 tl II (1, K It I 1) A V, S K 1' T. 21), tSTO Ml , f Itomt Tlmo TaMo. LACKAWANNA & flLOOJlHIlUHn ltAIMtOAI) Noimt. COUTH. T.fllA.M. 4.M V. M ll.M A. M Accommodation Train,, Mall Train Express Train , C.4.1 A.M. IAS A. M i 1.41 P.M. " " 6.114 P. M. CATAWISSA ItAII, ItOAl). . HOKTII. Aoconvnnrt.xtlon Train C.S3 A. M. Iti' F.xprcvi -l.rn p. M. POCTtt 1,31 P. M. ll.M A. M, Through cars on lltprusi I ruin either In New York or rail idclpltla. Accommodation train runs between (lAtawl-raund Wllllnmiport. TO OUII PATRONS. Willi tliU lusnc of tlio Coi.Ummak llio firet year of tlio present nintini'i'iiiciit closes. On Oo'obsr 1st, 1875, Mr. II, Ij. Dicflcnlirtcli gave possesion of llio ullico to llrockway & Klwcll, who liavo lind intiru control of llio cstnbli-ili-Hunt since tint lime. Tim amount of patron ate that the office Imi rcccivtd (luring llic year lias ken liberal, peilinp-i r(iiallint', if not ex cceillnp, tlntt of any previous year, notwith standing llie haul linn. "5t wc Iiave no complaint to make. Tlio ililllctilly lias licen that while everybody wanted ni lunch printing done im ever lufure, ihcy wanted to get it at (lie very lowest ratc-i, and yet expected the printers to wait from three months to a year for their p-iy. Very few seem to have realized the fact that it takes cath to carry on n largo prinll-g establishment. Many of our mb-cribein liavo lint yet paid for the paper, and wo nro again obliged to remind them of the fact and lo urge them to nnke prompt settlement-. Two dollars arc as easily paid atone timo as another, and while it is a small mini for each of our sulncrib ers, the aggregate of tlioo unpaid is nearly three thousand dollars, l'roni this our patrons can readily fpo the necessity for our calling at tention to the matter so frequently. We are obliged to p ly postage on nil papers (sent out of the county, and have therefore adopt ed the following rule, lo wit: all subscription-i outride of Columbia county nuiM Iw paid in nil twice. Those who have not paid for the past year and who desiie lo continue llicir ftib-ciip-tions ittiHihcr year will please m'IhI ns four dol laiK. Tlni'-o in lbe Couiity cm pay any linie during the year, It is iinmve-M'iry fur u In make any apology fur this rule, as businessmen can easily see that while we have lo pay cah for poMagu during the ; i ear we cannot nllord to wait until tlio elusc of it lor our money. It is ju-t fo mueli out of our pockets, on which we receive no interc-t, i.nd run the r'nk of getting it bad:. Our patrons out of the county will please note thu abve and govern llieni-elves iiieoriliniily. Saturday, October "lb, is tlio last day on which taxes can be paid in legal time to vote. Where is the eloquent Kobison in this cam paign ? 'J lie Jiepitblican don't mention him, Wo are glad to learn that ltorwick has a Tiblen and Hendricks Club. We hopu it will not be captured election day. Kcinhnrt Gcrshbacber, ouo oftiic defaulting Commissioners, has boon sentenced to one years imprisonment and lined $850 on three different cakes with The real iquinoctial storm set in ou.Satuiday, that of Sunday having been an eccentricity of Nature, ami in no wise connected with the old established annual dampness. The grape c.-op is a success this year and the delicious fruit is plentiful and cheap. The Centennial year has certainly been a generous one in the way of fruit. T. N. Mover undo a speech at the Hayes ami winder club on Saturday night. .VikMium. We exe.He the k'ii ill "w," but admire Luke's method of getting a cheap advertisement. The meeting of the Democratic Club, at the Opera Ilnu-i on Saturday evening last, was very will atlended. An eloquent ami logical aiblicss was made by U. H. Orvis Em", The Drum Corps was in ntteubance. Wo are informed that 1'iof. H. 1). Walker, formerly of the Normal School at this place, is a candidate for Statu Senator on the Prohibi tion ticket in Luzerne county. He is well known in this county. The Plymouth Judex is waging tlio fiercest kind of warfare against Dr. S, W. Trimmer, Democratic Candidate for Prothonotary of' Lu zerne county. It looks as if there might bo a little personal feeling at tlio bottom of it all. Voifiis, PiKMKMiiMt Tins I "If twenty-one years ofnge, or upward, he shall have paid, wilhin two ycais, a statu or county tax, which shall liuu' been assessed at least two months previous to thu election, nnd paid at least one month previous to the same." Chestnuts are ripening fast, imdyllie crop promises to be an abundant one. We shall ex pect to have, hi fore long, local notices of diveis young gentlemen tumbling from thu lid's, as is the custom of youth, but hope to chronicle noth ing more serious than a few bruises. Tho Pourth Annual Exhibition of the "Union Park and Agricultural Association," will be held in Sunbury on October 3d, llli.utu and Ctli, Prom all accounts the exhibition will be tlio finest ever held there and well de serving the attention of pleasure seekers. Messrs. W. C. McKinney, John Peacock, V. P, llillmeycr, W, J. Iluckalcw, U. A. Clark, James U. ISrown and A. K. Miller, of tho Ex change, started for tho Centennial on Tuesday night lust. If there is anything in the way of fun in Philadelphia, that parly will find out nil about it or wo aru much mistaken, Wo said before that the Smiths had to do the woik, and lleckley would handle the funds. Wo were mistaken. lleckley will pay his five per cent, on salary to Col, Jackson, who will put it ''where It docs tho most good," Won't you, Daniel ? On Wednesday of last weik a young man named Haiti whilst coupling cars, at Centra lia, was caught lietween thu bumpcri and crush id to death, His father Levi Hart was present and saw the ttiriblu catastrophe without the power lo aid his unfortunate ton, Vhyticiau say that neuralgia is largily on tho inoicasu lu the faces mid heads, of women nnd Unit It Is duo lo llio present style of head gear, which aflbrds but nil Imperfect protection, nnd also lo liu use of (osinclicu and washes for beautifying the complexion. This Is a lvciI lime to Inn'.- tut votir last win- ttr's isials and mnl, mid sco whether a little H novating will not madu them look will enough lo giveaway In somo iiccvwdlous and wnilhy nclghlior, jlx. Or, more probably, sco whither you cannot wear them yuur.clf, lly a duiion of Judgo I), an of lliu'JIlli Judicial dislrld, Ktiiiily, thu ucl of ISlII, increa sing Ihe pay of witness to one dollar, iloin not apply lo witnesses icsldiug in or wilhtu one mile of llio county scat. Tho pay nr day of all such witnesses icmalns at fifty cents, as fixul by Ihcni l of 1821. Some, of our exchanges speak of wild pigeons anil ortho luck of fportsmcn hunting them. Wo have neither fccn nor heard of a wild pigeon having been found In this part of the country. Such partiality on tlio part of llio blrijs li In excusable. Of course wo don't mippoao for n moment that any of tlio editorial fraternity would 11 about so small a thing as n pigeon. lion. Morrow 11, I.owry, of Jic, it Is said lias beeomo Insano and has been placed In tlio Itu.ino Asylum nt Philadelphia. Mr. I.owry was n well known and influential politician who has heretofore boon n Republican, but thisyenr joined tha Tiidon forces. Ho w.ii an earnest nnd logical speaker and wo regret that his sort ices will be lost to tlio parly tli's Mill. H'e mierttatul know. At nreccnt Repub lican meeting, after tho orator of tho occasion had finished, sumo thoughtless boy yelled "Smith." Seventeen men were about to re spond, when the Smith ;crc ciyiAt got tho floor. Tlio junior had the ndvanlago of position, nnd eased up tlio old man's feelings by quoting "Voting men for war-old men for wisdom." And then tho young man talked about a war he never saw and his jwcr about well, call it wisdom. There is no end to the swindlers on fjot this year and their principal ellbrts nro made to cheat farmers. The la-t dodge of which wo have heard is In the lino of silverware which Is of fered nt fabulously low prices. Don't buy a copper's worth of any of.theso traveling frauds, fur if you do you will certainly repent It. The only safe plan is to buy of well known and re liable men who have regular establishment and who sell goods at market rates. Officer Bell, of tho Philadelphia ofllco of tho U, S. signal service, says there is no such tiling as an "tqni.ioelial storm," and says that n storm occurs nt this time of year "owing to the rcac tion wliich follows a prolonged sexsou of dry weather." This may bo all very true but there is n storm at alnut this limeofcar, annually, and it doesn't scim to make any difference whether there has been a wet or a dry summer, either. Wo have often wondered why parents who have children attending school, should consider their dull done if they seethe children off In the morning and pay the tuition fees, or school lax, ns the cu"e may be. It is really their du ty to go occasionally to the school and encour age both teachers and children by evidencing an lull-rest in the progress which ii made, and also notice the di-eipMne of the school, ihe ven tilation and llio anatigeui in- tor the comfort ol the c ililiin. Thu Kx-Cliairnian of the Kepiibiiean Com mittie is in much distress ami pain about llio 'Uiggtr" polo raising. He should lit his soul rest in piuco. A hand-ome pole was erected without aecidenVour Post-Master was present and if ''dully" Mason tlid contribute largely towards Ihe expenses of su tiring; the "hickory," it is a charge that never can be made ag iinst our Post-Master in behalf of his own party. Our old friend Col. A. K. McClurc, editor of llio Phihi. U'iiaes telegraphed us for the le.sultof the recent Republican Convention. We give the result of the action of sixteen gentlemen who pretended to represent the 1!000 Republi can voters of this county; but brother lleckley insists that we aru "malignant Democrats," be cause Col. McClure saw fit lo publish a dis patch sent by us. We can stand it. The funeral of tho late Robert P. Clark took place on Saturday last and was very largely attended in spite of tho inclemency of tho weather. Tho services were held in St. Paul's church and tho building was filled to its full capacity. The members of tho bar of this coun ty attended in a body and a number of menv hers of tho Montour county bar were also in nttondanco. Tho pall bearers wore Joshun Comly, M. E. Jackson, John G. Freeze, K. II. Little, C. II. llrockway, C. G. liarkloy, Sauiucl Knorrand Robert S.Howcll. Tho remains wero interred in Roscmout Cemetery. Win. P. Miner has resigned his interest in the Wilkes Darro lleeonl if the Wimtn to K. ILChnsennd Douglas-, Smith. His son Win, 11. Miner retains a one third interest. Mr Miner's retirement will bo a source of regret to his brethren of the press who liavo always met with courteous treatment at his hands and tho public will miss in him an able and earnest editor who has successfully maintained for many years that raro thing a really food newspaper. The senior editor of Ihe llenuWiatn savs: "Having been chairman for about ten yean I !, !.. .!.. I . I .! 1 ' t iic jHi-iuvciy iicciiiicu io ue continued longer. Having tho files of the liepullicanal hand we challenge the truth of the abovo assertion, nnd ask Mr. It. to state what years ho was chairman of the Republican county committee. He was originally a Democrat driftedinlo this coi n ly carpet-bagged the available ofiices was beaten for delegate to th late Republican county convention, and calls original Republi cans like Morris Sloan "plieap Johnnies," In a word, ho declined the chairmanship (if at nil) when he couldn't make it himself. The morning mail failed every day last week irreatly to the annoyanco of our people. Isn't It about tiiro that something was ibnc in ihe matter 1 The trouble probably lies in the anxiety of the railroads to carry passenger to tho Centennial, It is all right of course that these passengers should be transported safely and rapidly, bill wo fail to seo tint this exoner ates the railroad companies from ihe duty of carrying the m-iil witli regularity, as they are paid for the service and should be made to per form it. We have received a letlcr from II. S. Well, of Hamlet, Mercer County, Illinois, who states that there nro n large number of Columbia county peoplo in and about his town. Ho gives the names of Pelcr 1 Hue, David llliie, William Lemons, John Gingles, Washington (Jingles, Cruscr Gray, William Doak, Hiram Clinc, Jackson Clino and John Harlmau and says there nro others. Almost to a mm they aru furTilden nnd Hendricks which shows that their Columbia county education has not been forgotten. Why is it that people will persist in the stu pid and foolish practice of taking votes no the cars to ascertain the strength of Presidential candidates. Tho results are called "straw-" to show which way the wind blows, and strairs they are truly for there Is no strength in them. Pew men care togivo llieir lilical bias to a stranger, andjone possessed of no authority at that, and It is not probable that onu so culled lest voles represent truly llo political standing of thoso voting. Tramp liavo long been considered nuisance, hut of late they havo bccoino dangerous as well, Tho papers nro filled wild amuinlo i.f assaults, Incendiarism, robberies, and all ssirts of minor ofllnccs perpetrated by these wandering vogu Imnds, nnd if, as picdicttsl, they continue to drift about all winter, there will bo much trou ble to properly owners, nnd rsxvially lo farm ers, whoso houses aru generally isolated and much exiosed lo depredation'. It has become n very serious social problem as to what is the best plan to pursue with regard to these gtiitlc men of the road. There is such an army of tin in that nil I ho jail in the State would not hold Iheiii, even if it wiro worth uhilo lu Im prison thtui i they will nut work; they wifl steal, and are apt, if their demands nro refused, lo seek levcngo by burning bam and outbuild, ings. There will be trouble this winter. THE bVTK ltonnitT P. CLAHK. iMtocanmNcis or tub Bin. A meeting of the members of Columbia Coun ty liar convened at the liar office; In tho Court House nt 8 o'clock Friday evening September 22, 1870 In talo action relative to tho death of Brother llobcrt V. Clark. Col J. 0, Freeze was elected Prcnldcnt of tha meeting, and dipt. J. 11. Roblson and Robert S. Howell, Kwp, Sec retaries. On motion, Col. Freezt', W. Wirt, Esq., and Col, Knorr were appointed a committee to draft resolutions, The President, Col. Freeze, was authorized lo appoint pall bearers, himself to ho one, with au thority to till vacancies nnd make such change n shall appear appropriate nt tho tlmo of the funeral. Tho following named persons wero finally se lected i J. W. Comly, Ksq., M. K. Jackson, Mot,. Col. J. O. Freeze, K. II. Little, F.sq., Col. S. Knorr, It. b. Howell, Iwq,, C. (J. Hirklcy, Mq., Copt. 0. 11. Ilrockwav. It was ngiecil that when the meeting ndiourn- ed it bo to meet nt the bar olliee at a quarter of one p. m. on Saturday lo form in a body to at tend the funeral. The President appointed Geo. K. Klwcll, 11, R Liltle and H. R Smith, F.sqs., a committee to provide crape and gloves for the member of llio who should bo in attendance. Ad journed. Sept. 23, 1870. The members of Ihe I!.ir con vcucd ns perndjoiirniuent. Col J. G.Freizo read the following address: Gi:n-tu:mi:n- of the IHk: It I a r.v! dntv whlcli Is Imposed upon mu by t'lolati occur- leuce. In ho small a society ns tho the liar of Columbia county, the death of one of the older members seems to leave, anil does leave, a great voih in inu eircie. io me u is a matter ot more than common concern. I wn perhaps lor a longer period nnd more intimately acnualnled with Robert v. Clark than any other member of the Jlar. It is now more than thirty-four years since lie anil I were schoolmate In I he Uinville Academy, Uicn under the charge of .nr. ensna .i-oiihiiiie. ii is more 1 inn t i riv. two years since 1 nltende I a select school in the village ol asliingtonvllle, then under Mr, lyiarus ciiarge aim iiiiuun. ii H now more than thirty years since Mr. Clark nnd f bne im,, student at law together in tho office and under the instruction of Joshua W. Couilv, l'sq., and it is more than twenty-eight years since 1 hcirau .1 .; e .1... I ... .i I . ... r. me practice oi inu law lit uns county Willi .air. uarK, wno was one year my senior. 1 need not say here and to vou thnt Mr. fllnst- was a iKjrn Ki'iiiieman. in nil li s nm. inter. course witli the Court no nrin was more difer- enlial lo Hie liencli. or more courteous lo his colleagues ot the liar. In M nriifiswinnnl liilies he was the soul of lienor. During the many ycar.i in which we practiced together, ami in n sumi'wh it extensive clieiitii'V. Mr. dark I 1 never ha I an iiriunienl .n writing i" rel it l.'V n, ll-thlni; I, I , re l I.' I'i.ii I.. If Ii. i.i.d such a f i ( sli.nild I, . a mj,(, , ,,., ., "J infill in, suen a CUHe cm unlet . II u.'i just ns well s,-tilcil as if put in writing.aiid sign id scaled and dcbveied. Mr. Chirk wis a law cr bv intuition. He was weil grounded in the prim iplcs of the hiw. And although in Ihe later years of his life he was not a dn-e stinlei't, no man ever grappled with him in forensic coiuhit who did not find him well learned in the doctrines of thee.isc before him. and able to present them lo the Court anil jury with Kreat fb'ci! and elicit. Ho hada veryixact ceniiirehrnsion of the nature of jurH,and of the kind and ninuiint of evidence required to carry a came. Hence he was always a valuable colleague and a dangerous oppo nent. Gentlemen, when I look around me I find hut few faces left of those who were here when Mr. Clark and myself came to the II ir. I find grow ing up, a number of young men, men of learn ing and of character, prepared ami preparing to assume the duties winch time will soon devolve upon them. In this circle I find myself grow ing towards the seniority. It seems a very short li.uo since I ivas the' junior, and yet there are but two members of the liar who outrank me in date- of admission. I tru-t it may be long before their place shall be vacant. Gentlemen, many years ago Mr. Clark and I were walking together before the Court House, and discussing an event such a ha now again happened. And then nnd there wo made n mu tual pledge, that in the event of the death of ei ther, Ihe survivor should pronounce an address of condi lenco and respect for tho departed. I have now fulfilled that promise. The Commltteo instruct me to report tho fol lowing : Hesolted, That. In tlio death ot Itobort F. Clark, mo liar or Columbia county lias lost an ablo and dis tinguished member, and tho suitors In her Courts a sate and trustworthy counsellor nnd advocate : That o t'nder to his friends the assurances of our most slircro sorrow and respect : That we w I" attend tho services In a body, and wear tho usual badge of mourning: That tho action of llio ur, relative to ih'Mleathnf Mr. Clark, b published, andacopyof Ihe proceedings be presented to his friends. The member of the Ihr then proceeded in n body, headed by Hon. Win. Ivlwell, President Judge, and Hon. M. G. Hughes, Associate Judge, to the funeral. t ir.. ...... 1 t it v.t,.'J '' r Secretaries. TO Will HXi'lUNGIM. AN lUI'Kll'ilSESr I.UITIlll, ad x vektincxt answir. Kdilors will do well to read the following cor rcspoodence. As many papers contain the advertisement of The Triumph Truss Co., they will learn from this that they nre doing gratuitous job. If all publishers would follow our example in exposing such swindling estab lishments ns attempt to get their advertising for nothing, the Pies would soon be able lo thin out their number, and thereby save trouble nnd money. 331 UmVKf.v Nkw Yomc Sept. 2.1, 1S70, Messrs litsocKWAY & Ei.wixl. Proprs. "Columbia??." llloom.sbiirg, Pa. Gentlemen. Yrs.of 15th lnl.nyingyuu should uraw on us on in, at smut lor Sli: .id, is re ceived. nur Draft uill not be hnuonil, for tm reasons, isi, wc never pay mghl ', and pcdally III Btich close times as the-e. and any imsiiicsa mail uuum io nave mo c jii'Hi'ineiil thai to make such n Draft on any one iwie. 2d, our reading notices are not put in, as by contract which calls lor ranting notice, and ihev are in serted under theAcaif of Vusiue a A'e.i'as, will) mark ot date of atieerlivmtnti, umlee them This as yon ucllknoa iltttroyi all the effect of nailing nonce, ti lieu you can auveilisu lor us riant. which wo know yon ran do, we shall lie gliut to in tun, imping mi win reacii you, Delore Draft is scut. Yours truly. A. J. Denny, Secretary Triumph Truss Co. llloomsburg, Pa. Sept. 2ith 1870. A. J. Denny Secretary. Triumph Truss Co, 3:1 1 Ilowery St, New York. Dear Sir. Yours of 2IM, in wliich vou refuse lo honor our draft for 12.50 dollars foradveiti. sing six months, is received. Your ml, has t( been Insetted contrary to contract, it lias iimI been inserted under the bend of business; notices, but lias been put where all our reading notices are placed, with thu dulu under it, just as every ml. In our paper is iirinud. Vo made no special arrangement with you to leave out ihe date. If thu ad. bad nut been put in as call ed for in the contract, it was your duly to not!' fy us, ii all honest advcrli-ers do, and not lo wall until the timo comes to pay, and then crawl out from your obligation by saying that it was not inserted nccordiiii' tocontnu.1. You say )ou refuse to honor our diatl "1st, Recauso you never such close 1 pay sight ilralts, nnd especially in i times us these, and unu bus nciu iirnn (Makt lo have viae judgement than to make suih a iirnn on any one uuw." Dear sir, permit us to inquire whither you pay unu liml of drafts, or bills? Since taking your ad, wu liuve been Informed that when we asked fur inoiic-v "The Triumph Truss Co.,"would utleuipt (o sneak out of it In precisely tho way in which it has been done. As to what any bmincu man would do, we hardly consider thu .Secretary of "Tho Tri umph Truss Co.,"or unyotlur lo. lhat makes it living by swindling newspaper out of money earnid by ndveilising, a com in-lent Judge. Wn hardly expected nnylhlng else fioin you nnd Iheriloru mo not greatly disappointed, Wo fall to seo the tlillcrcnco between a sight draft at leu days notice, and a ten day sight draft, with out notice. It is the practice of busiutM mm nil over thu country In draw on each oilier just as we intended to draw on vou. but vim iln mil mi. ilcr.-taud b, perhaps hi cause you aru not uiuoiig iiiai ciasH ui iii.'ii. We waul no moie of you. Your ad. will bo dUconlluuid at uiuv, and o shall endeavor to get satUfaet'oi to the aiuunnt oftwilvo dollars and a, in ti lling our reinlem and exchanges what kind of folks you nts. Yours Ac. llrockway A Klntll Wo would call tho attention of our lady read ors lo tho artlstlo m inner In which tho windows of Clark cV Wolfs store nro arranged, The bright colors of the Fall Goods nre so displayed ns to showjio the best advantage and light up tho corner of Main nnd Centre streets better than a myriad of ga Jets. The RrpMUan this weik bs omitted the name of Frank Kvam ns a Republican candidate for Senator. Why Is this thus? What has Frank done? Or does lleckley proposo to tcalp each candidate tciiu'imt Conncii vs. Conxeh. Whlih Conner is a member of the Republican Standing Commttlct'7 lleckley sny "Sile," and Sinltn says "Capt,"' ' Tho Rescue Hook mid Ladder Company want lo get their Truck here in time for Ihe Fnlr,nnd in order to do so would like nil who havo sub scribed to pay up promptly, nnd all those who have not already subscribed should do some thing for tlio "boys," ns it will be a credit to our town to have n handsome Truck, and will aim bo of great service In saviiu ptopcity from the ravages of fire. 'Squire Morrl b-ard the Kxptosion nt Hell Gate in New York harbor on Sunday. lltpub' lican. A heavy Republican like the hsq, will hear anil believe anything, and as n devout Prcshy terlan ha tho iitmo-t fiilb about Ik-ll and lis surroundings. Thk Fish Cum.missionkus of MA A Faii.uhi:. The citueii of the counties of Columbia and Luzerne petitioned lately for the nppo.ntmcnl m a IWi warden lor the said counties, to which application they have net hctcd to comply, the consequence of which is our river is completely barricaded .. it Ii id wiers and hli nets, which prove In he detrimental nnd destructive to nil kinds of fish. Kveo li-l iug on Sunday is carried on with Imiiunity in coiisiquencc of their neglect of said appoint ment. We hope Ihe next Legislature may n move the present It'll commissioner for neul ct of uty, and suitable appointments be made. Jierwick Imlcpcivlcnl. Our cotempor.iry is mistaken. J. K. Grolz and C. Margeruin of Catawissa were appointed risli niden fortius county about two years ago, and have faithfully performed their duties. We are not aware that our river, so far as Co lumbia county is concerned, is barricaded by eel weirs, but if so the law makes it the duty of the Sheriff to remove them. All our people should unite to preserve our fish. The editor of the Montroso Democrat takes exception to the use ot tho phrnso "groaning tables." Ho thinks that tables do not "groan' under the weight of nil the luxuries of the sea son, lie thin'.s they "crack nn 1 tumble" Inn I'on't griicn. Wo hain't thought of it be f iro but dare sav h ii rbh We shall instruct imrrcnort"i's Iievoattui- not to let their tables groan'' but havo them "eriick"' or "tumble- It is a query nmong some how tho ''Cot,- t'Miil.ix knew the exact weight of the 'flour slotet. trom thu senior editor ot the JlepiiUt can. It iraa a good gucs3, but it must bo remem bered that the sack contain c'ther 25 or ol) pounds, and wo knew that the senior editor of the lltimbii"n generally dealt in "Unlit weight..' ' We are giving each week,howeirr,lhe amounts of money stolen from tho 'ople by the repul. lican officials-holders, but that subject does not seem to interest that "senior edisor." Hayes & WitKni.ui Cllj Wo are inform cd that tho "fun, frolic, nnd anecdotes" still constitute the main argument in favor of Hayes at lleckley's Ii Smith' club. Finances, Kxpeuses, Reform, Ac., are subject of too pric- Ileal a nature for such fun-loving gatherings. lo add to the amusement a church choir of our town wa called into play last Saturday evening. We do not know what hymns they sang, but supposo that after Rome rip-staving joke hymn 10G9 was selected commencing. "Hark from the tomb a doleful sound j Mine ears attend the cry." And others appropriate to tho occasion. -lni taigei are down to 75 cents a day I The 'line for husking bee comes soon. The husking beu i a delightful entertainment given by the farmers, mill is generally attended by eighteen young men, who kiss each of the girls in tlio house seven times, liu.k four ears of com. and gojiome as soon as ihev have disposed of wniu ciuer they can hnd. Towanila Journal. 1 he abovo is certainly a slander, so far a tho young men are concerned, and we arc not certain that it is not somewhat that way as re gards the girls. However the ways of llrad ford are not ns those of Columbia. The young men here certainly husk more corn, and as for the kisses why hat' llieir own alfiir. KcXKirno Mauazinb. The October number of thu J'cleetic is embellished with a line steel engraved portrait of the veteran and venerable biblical scholar, Dr. Philip Scha'J, accompany ing which in the letter pre is u brief sketcli of his life. The literary content of the number nre comprehensive and various, numbering sev cnteen beside the iditorial In- eluding something of interest to all classes of readers. The opening paper is an elaborate one from the Quarterly lleciew, entitled "Modern Philosophers on theProbableAge of the World," This is followed by a brief article from lliesamo review on"South-Sea Island Mythology 'and Ibis in turn ly n striking paper on "Russia in Ku- rope,'' by Aithnr Arnold ; "Siciity in Italy in tho Last Days of the Roman Republic," by Jnnie Anthony Fioude; "Zulu Witches and Witch-Finders," by Lady Darker; "An Kxcur sion in Formosa," "Natural Magic," "The llri. gauds of Iliilg.iiian Song," anil many other in. terc.-ting nrtiele are also given, and the editor ial mUccllany of :rc, sciuice, and art i copious and interesting. Published Pelton, 25 Bond Street, New York, i'erins, $3 ptr jcar j single num ber, 45 cent. Business Notices linuurluut to Contriiuiul Visitors. If ynu uro going to seo tlio Centennial Exhibition with your wife and cliiMreii, write to ltnltnn'-i Wittlitngtnn Hotel on Ulii'fttiintKtri'i't .'ibnve Sfvcntli, l'iiijJeliliia. unu Kivu inu iiiiiiioi-r oi grown icr(iii!) anil children in your family nnd how lung you propose to Htiiy uiul tret their nriec-i. If you nro going with u party, society or iUUU, UU I, - BUIIIU, Wnsliington Hotel witli a wide Clic.stimt street front, only elmrges 13.00 per day, anil S..S0 furaupper, lodKinp and breakfast ; and tho Itinnili ot tho Wiuhingtou, on thoKurn peati plan, on Seventh street near Chestnut, only $1.00 for room, nnd tliero vou am irt n good meal for fifty cents if you desiro it, or you can get you'r meals anywhere ole you chooso. Auir. 1-Cw Ladies, if you wish to seo the latest styles in Jlrt-s nml Ivovelties bo .sum In -nil m Oliirk & Wolfs. Pnlt2.2,r, per barrel S1.(!0 ner aaeL- tnr eiudi ut Silas Young's Store, I.i(;lit Street. H I 1 1 ft. - I . iiesars jj. j. urensv uua inn anin nirnnni.. for tlio snlo of a l'ntent hnuip llurncr and ft la ciHtmcil Inr It Hint nn nccldeiitciui iirnul bly linjincn with tho uto ofit In liiiriiiiijj coal oil oai on. iiwiminiy Inn ureal merit, dill and xiiiiiino it ftt hU store. Main Htrei't ltlLmw. ""S It. Ladiea' nnd Mis-ea' rendv mn.ln Water l'rool' Climka nnd Water t'roof Clolhi to niiiko up, in. in all alnides ami nriivs. IMarV- i"i WuII'b atore is tho diu'o to get thu worth of your money and tho place to find almost anything you want, 75 niece of l)res tfoods fur Mm I'.ilr w, ot- at I. W. llnrtnmii'd. LndlcH' French Kid Iluttnn RU cua. all widths und Bizcs, nt MclCiuney's. Nuw Goods just received at Ji JI. Knorr's. Hot for Clark A Wolf Stnrol Thpv now havo their Fall Slock In. Gondii of all kinds nt price to suit the tlmcs.anil at nrlcia to suit nil, Ho siiro that ynu Hee tliein befotn you buy cluowhcro. Cash is their tl I'ncea uown. Mason ft Hamlin. Gesi. Woods, nnd the Celebrated Htnhdnrd Organ at TIioiuhs Muslo Store, Danville. July 21,-4w Lttrccsi lot of Fnncv Wrltlnc? Pnner In this county ct 0. A. CIsrL-'s. Dress Good in Cashmeres in nil shndes. Mpnens In black nod color 25 cents and on ward. Dress Gimd in Inrgu variety and nt nil lirler l Hl.irl- A WiAC Don't ni!sit vls'lt'tti f. W. Hnrtman'n large store when you comu to the Fair. Lilt, it Sloan have received their Full ntul Winter styles nf Minn Demurest Cut Paper l auerus. uuii nun ire' u i nlnlogtie. A full lino of Green nnd lllnel- Teas. Cf all qunliticrt nuil price ut iltijgell). Men's ICIn Hoots, at M. SI. Knorr'-i for $1.00. V liirce. stock of Print nnd Mn.l!nu In brown iiinl bleached, Ginghams, thu bct-tiai cents, 1'latincl ol all kind niid color IJo sure to cull on Chirk iV Woll, lllnck Alpaca from 25 cts. to 1.00 at I. W. llarttuau's. ChickcrltiL' Sti'iiiwiivMathusheslc & Haines liro., l'l.uios at llunna.s Music i-Hnro D.m villc, Jiily21.-4w Jjtitz v rjlo.iu liavo received t heir new stuck of Fall and Winter Good unit ladle 1 1 want of ituvtliini; in thu Dry Uood lino will unu there n eooil assortment ol lirst class and cheap Good ut price a low a they can bo sold ut by uuy body. 3000 yard of Muslin to bo bold durlui? ijo r in c ut i. u. iiariiuan s. . Aliases' Calf Itutton Shoes just received at - M l.' " d. .u. imurr e. McKimicv's is lieadntlnrter for all kinds ui uoois unu snocs. A new lot of Pocket Rout at G. A Clark's. Mason' Fruit Jars and Jelly Tumblers at SI. SI. Russcl's. Gents' Fancv Slippers just received at K. SI. Knorr'. tyrutis and Slolasse nt nriccs to suit tbn nines ut .M. M. uiissell . Sheet Music. Slnsic Rooks nnd Musi T i . . . iii'irniiifiii L'l'IK'lil IV III i in '.cart variety nt 1 .lOiu.ii .MtlsicL-tort', Danville July 21 -l,v Six good i-ecoll il-l iiinl l'iiii-iin f.,r.!,le G. Thomas Slusic Smie. Daiiilb rain.iii in price Irom fl2.r, to t25U. Juiy 21. -Iw O. A. Clark nells King' rjpeck, wl :ire the best. Kvery pair warranted, - ich P.. -1, U. buy Dies Good C. I. W. Hart mail's. l fllll lllln of Tobaccos, at wlmlmnln mill retail nt .u. .tl. Jtus-ell'i. i lie best iitlniL' Corset fur 7fi eonK,. fn l.n found is at Clark & Wol Cm. They havo a largo line of ilillerent makes of 0orcU ut irom lie) cents to 2.00 per pnir. Wonder upon Wuhiiers. OicenAway A stramre. mysterious nnd most extraordinary hook, entitled, the Rook of Wonders. Containiui?. with curious pictorial illustrations, tho mysteries of the heavens and Kartb. Natural Km. per-Natural, Oddities, Whimsical, strange uuiiuauiet, itiuciicHaun witncrait, lJrntn Superstition, Absurdities Fabulous. En- chuntincnt, etc, tee. In order that all the worm may seo this curiou book, tho pub IHber have resolved to give it away, also to send with it nratU. h lipnntlfnl t varnished and mounted, and all ready to hang up. Address F. Gleason & Co., 788 lYuauiiipion Btreet, nostoti, Mass., encloain, 25 cts. tor prepayment of nostage on Boo! uiul Pl,,inin O & nr. j. CUAL. COAL Old Kstalilislied Coal Yard. O. W Nl'll. Aj Ilnr. Wl.lnl t. T).i..ll Dealers in all Hizos of the be.t qualities of Red and White Ash Coal, at tho very lowest muikei lines, iiaveconstaniiyonnaiiaiargi MOCKS Ol Domestic, Cupola, Ulacksmitb's Anthracite, Hituniinnus, and Limebiirnor's Coal. Kspecial attention given to the prepara tion of coal b-c.'nro leaving our yards. Grain and Lumber taken in exchange for coal. Coal delivered to any part of the town at short notice. Ordersleltat I. W. SIcKclvy' store, or at our otlice, will receive prompt at tention. Office and Yard nt William Neal & buns' 1'urnace, East llloomsburg. You) patronage respectfully solicited. COAL. 17 tf 251 COAL Dauchy 8c Go's. Advt's. 0'" ,':4Nt'.v CAK-"llUt leu with name locts. j.Jlw-t paid. J. 11. Jtubted, Nassau, Kens. Co. u.Y, Sep. w, 'ZO.-liv d If you want tho best s.elllnfr 3tr ill I nriii'io in mo worm ami n noun -3 B .9 L'lllil Tlilll'Ill. lvl,l- wnfW, rr v. iwi, .,,ic UHUUtU MJO. lllllUd IU , Till JIl'IKlU- 1 8ep.S.-lwd QP.H A WViri." MaleorfemalH. No capital VWW t I'ilUV tuifl.e rltenily work th it will brlnif roil f.'io u montli at liomu, ihiynri'U'nliiir. Iim iHiir.-i' l lituu, J7J liii'einuch it., ow Vork. Hep. IKMw d I'Alt.lls with fruit and Iniproveinenli atvourown I'AK.IIrt IlKiin s. t'lit'ilouui', with inapt ant i.hoto I'AII.IIrt irr.ii'lile llllislrutlons, telllni; all ubo'it l'Alt.UH Miujl.inil nnd Delaware, sent free. .1.1'. 1'AK.IH M VNL'llA, tasitou, Md.,urbiu)rua, Del. hipiJ-Jwd AM'IM) 7! joitll', lll.'M'IIV i.h.iii:i)iati:i,ij mon anil women to learn TKI.K- V situations guaranteed, tiaury I Mhllo pr.idl.liii;, Ailaressi, witli sump, --.iii'i'iiiiui -j-i'iruviiiiii t;n., uoi'rnu, uuio. Fop. sti-iw d or milton coi.ii Ji:wm.i:y. Wo will semi yon on receipt of fifty rriita ono pair ririraui' I'UKia i-u isit-eie jiuiioua. ouo Bel spilul MiiUs, unu lul nr lluttun, one U'-ut!ul Coral M'arr l'ln. one t:i-iitd Wali'li I'liatn.audonHiii-iivvWpfiiiiiirr I ltlnir, AhuHi lot ii.-k.h1 tu rouil ti,r S.".j(l. I'ourlou wui in: si'ui, iHiMiiunii. ou ricuijHoi i-i i .oil. JewuU'y ilnuUr tri'C Addrtsi V. W. ik-U i Co., rtilU. l-K'jl. rj-jw d -. ?.I-tvr 2STI3 HOME oc youu own. XOU' lS WUK WiMH WO SKCV1W 1TI Tho best und elu-apeat lands In tlio mart ot aru In Khl'Klt.N NUIKAbKA, ou tho hue ot thu U.MuN t'ACIl'IO liAILlUIAt). 'I l.u u.os.1 ruorabto terms irtven, arid very low rates of furu and lielsht tu all uetUera. The tal inarkeis. FRE PASSES TO LAND BUYERS. slaps, di'scrlptlio pamphlets, now edition ol TUK riONKKti," hunt true every w lure. Auuivsl O. V. DAVIS, IjuhI conim'r., U. 1'. It. ., omaha. Neb. Sep. IM IWll i . Babcock & Wyeth's Ada. OOKrt ,!owuru ,or an IncuraUo case, lia, J. K i?rZdl riTi.kK, btlnir sworn.-iys ! 1 Braanatfsj lu 1 uppolutea to I'rufussor s chair 1.-1): haieilu voted 4D jeurs.exrlushely to ItheuuiatUui.Nviiittli'la, iioul. Kidney anil Uur illscases. I euariiuii'el'rl l'ltlir's iiheutuatle lieiaedy, Kidney Ourdlat, ur.d Uor I'llls, u iirimauvul cure, or will retuuu money I'aniiihlils, Itifi reuix'S, and Medical dlcohent by mall, urail Addtvss Dr. Htlcr, -t-H. Kuurth. fhllii Mmlliliies at Uruiflilsts. w-".ii, , unu. JUIjr 11, -ia,-u, u yv BLOOMSBUllG TANNERY. o, a. h unit in a T) l-Sl'KC'ri'UWA' announce to the pullle J.V that ho has reojicned SNVDEIW TANNERY, (oW atandl Illooinsburir, 1-a., at live VuikKof tho Jjapv ondlJk'lit Htrcvt rtmiXi, whero all ik'errplloi of loatlier will ha m,i.. iA ' .. r! fubataullal and woikmanltke manner, aDdsi-kl at prices to ault tho times. Tho hluhtat prtetucih will at all limes bo paid for ' O It K K N HIDES of every doaertpt Ion in the eountr), The public pal rouiurv is nwXH'trutly s-ilictletl. O-'IIVM I.T9 . niiiuiukuurjr, lieu i, mMETHO0SPOINTSm METHODS OF BUSINESS POINTS OF ADVANTAGE IN THE PURCHASE OF CLOTHING- -T- WANAMAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL, To which ft tnttt th Intcrttted AtUntlos tail Cirttul Stnitlxj ol THE PURCHASING- PUBLIO.- WETHODSt yn'E luvro tut Ono Prlco tot All.....-... ytK rccclvo Cash l'ay mcnt rom AIL.-.. w It glvo a Quarantca protocting Alt. Wl! Return Honey when wo cannot suit Alt :. - WIS toy our good fit first hands, In linmomo quantities, anil at tho lowest prices for Cash - - WE manufacture with eitrcmo euro itcrjr garment wo Kill WE Inspect every yard cf goods tliat goes Into our garments. WE put n ticket on every garment, showing plainly its quality and VV showing plainly Its quality and -price - WE cut off CTery Item of unnecessary expenditure WE employ first-claM workmen In every department - WEEr7PUrCh"ar VV or return the money In addition to our Immonw Stock of Uudy of If en' and Boy's Furnishing Ooods, Shirts (of Yery Lowest Trices. WAAAKER & BROWN, OAK BALI., S. E. COR. SIXTH & MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. PIANOS AND ORGANS. or STANDARD M The Lurccst Tlio Host in"' Quality ! Tlio Lowest in Trite-! The Kaaiost 'J'ci nw ! VOTJ WILL F:N3 AT mmn thomas' music store. 147 MILL STJUJET. D AN VIL.LE, P A. July 71, m. WHOLESALE DR Corner Main and Market Street BLOOMSBURG, PA. Tlte undersigned having been eiiucd in the basinesB for the pnst eight years dealers to their largo, und varied stock. They defy competition by any house in or out of tho htrgo cities Their stock consists of Paints, Oils, JK-Iass- Futtjjr F atent &c RETAIL DEPARTMENT BROWER'S BLOCK. Whero may bo found a largo Sponges, Chamois, Colognes, Perfumery and in fact everything kept in a well regulated retail Drug Store. r They are also Solo Manufacturers of the celebrat e OIL OF GLADNESS. call ANn r.xAiiiNK tint srooic. MOYEE BROS. May is, n.-tf. jkmm wot Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO.'S riiul Rave pncthlril Ihe eostof T.TIA fTP w miKli i nnniiMnniT ami win ji 1 rjnj.xv . I J I til I last, twico iw luu; oh anv other ralnt. Ik pit-pared ri'iuly for uso in white or anv color iloslred. la on many tbouiantli of tho Hnest bu'lldlntrs In the country, many of which havo u-en palmed slxjeara and now Inolcai well as whentlrat painted. IhlHCIlKMKJAL I'aINT haa taken first iTtnilums ut twenty of Ihe Mate Katrsof the Ilulou. Samnlecard or.WJ,15 f .T".'0- .Ad'.lr,;5H N V. Uff AJIBL l'AI.NT 0o lia fhambera atreet, .V. v., or M1LLKK V.'ItOS.. Ii9 Wuti-r Hreet. Clfivelaiul. llliln. n, ,,.. jl I All kinds GREEN TEA AND BLACK TEA. AT MAMMOTH GIIOCEHY. Corner Main mid Center Streets BLOOMSBURG, DP -A. . OCU8, 1ST5.-U. 1 BOOKSELLER AIfB STATIOWE5R, Dealer in Law liluuks, Sunilny Pennsylvania WIN.DOV OUETAINS, WALL PAPER, Books and supplies not on hand can bo furnished On Short Noiica at tho Most Reasonable Hates. Storo in Excliango Hotel OCt.8tlK75- Then Bny MILLBJEl BROS.' Wfrirofiftl CHEMTCAT, PAINT ffiffi paint. Is pruuartHl read for uso In w btui vaJiy color Uenlrca. Is on tuanr thouaandsof tLniiin-xt huiiim. in mo eountr luanjrur which Imvu bxL naluteit Mi '1 10s OIIKIIlUAl, l'AI.NT has taken llrfcl rreuluma at of vtton sell', treo. Addreta M - - ...... vw, . . . BU8INIKH8 OAK1XS, XQHITINO CAJtlW, JTi'Wt JlKADd,. UIIX U1UD-, ' PO-T-IW, C tv Netlynd Cheaply jrin(ed t tlieUoi.rjit " wax Officm. POINTS ONE rrte means of neeelty tha "bon ctt l'rlco CASK saves expensa of eollectloos and Iokm from bad debu....... TIIE Quarentee protccti th buyer irh may not bo a Judgo of gooda....... Wo rely on Immenm salei and are nW ' l0ed trltli a very email parcent- ago or proui... IT la easy to buy of us, itnctsall ara treated alike, no ono gottlng favors tint nro dentod to othors........ TMCKEuING and debato aro doaa awar XJ byus,OTcrybodygct3oaibectvtth- oui naving lo sor ir vTJK largo eiperlcnco, capital and fodl Illc wo uao for Uiepooplo'i benefit in laiTf-ring j,,i,-t.'i-.... ....-.-. WE fill order received by mail from all part of th United Btatce. Writ for particulars......... 'N0T?.r.l1dyTuyaPfyf maman. ' . i - Mado aothlng.wo havo a MoerJfleent Iin our own make) and Underwear, all at Out ' " i 1ST U F C TUBE V. AKsortincnt ! UG EMPORI UMJ: would call the attention of country -Medicines, Spices, stock of Surgical Instruments IT T) 1 TT'I' nalntlnir. and iret a Dalnt that - 1 J , and prices. (2 9 Sohool Libraries, depositary of ,tbb liiblo Society, PICTURE FRAUES, REWAED'OAEUS. Building, Bloomsbun?, Pa. yean, anduuw leukas kkIIm wbrunnit luiaird Iwentr of tho state ralrs of the I'aloo himiOo card 1 1) 1. Kit 11 It O H ll) rt utrr Mrwt. i'iei Ohl( . nijli, .9 IS. BLANK N0TE8,wiU onrlthout ucuiptio. lor uu at ui (-oiDxiiiN unu. S ry ; I';, KOWKLI. CO., New York, fo 1'amphlt.tvf lie lt'is, eontalnlsf uta ol ntwipapera, and efctlxuauiaahottUitfco-to adrortl. I't. March 1, J. . Weavor fit Oo'a. Adv'ts. ' CENTENNIAL Hotel Directory OP PHILADELPHIA. Thottmnitn ef our reader will visit tlio grand Cei tcnnlat Exhibition at Philadelphia. They will wan to atop at hotel! where tbq sccotnmodntlona are good add thij cnargea nro reaidnnhl. To du to tboy mut mats all arraniremenW before atartlng. Thui can b dooe by corrrornndetice with the proprietor. Tbl.1 dlrrctory will lo found ucn as are iuny up i thcue ffn)ulcmi!nt. ESlm Avenue Hotel,, E MM A VENOM AND FII-TY-FllWT Street, cipppslto TTst oihJ of JllncJilncry Hall. COO ROOMS, A slnglo room and slngli) bed, I M i per firry. " A. ItOBUHK. I'roprltor. itoom) enn bo necured by coricspoiidciico. jupoii", ';n.-im. 19711. 1S'"J B EL M O NT II 0 TEL , STUICTLY FinST-OIiASS. TKItltS 13.60 THU DAY. COIt. FOHTY-FIIIST A'I) OK EG ON 6T8., (SIWKH MArM OHOVE.) WEST rilIt.Al)i:t.l'IHA. Chnrtm P. nnd 1'. P. Mctimii, of llnltlmor. OWNEI13 AND ntOl'rtlETOltS. Major. W. W. LKt,KI), Mannger. Its Attractloni-Canacttr. l.nno OuesLi; r.9fcel Ion ; 1 14U t.t't wlilo ; tl atorlea high; built mid fur- niaaeu uy n.iiinmirfuni. umiiflriiiiwn, nuitv. rti hneclal rates for I'nrttf , Assoclitloni. to. iriencli, oerinau, tspanisn anil nniiiin annxen in m hotel. All eliarg'i ninJerato nnd K(nnnmcl.itlou8 ni-KUclais. It Im within tour bit rka nt Ihe main en. tran'-e of tho centennial lUpoiltltin.tlio moat iti-Mrablo lutatlon of nny rentiinnlal Unti l. The en- tire nouso is H'lrrouuueu ny a mngninci'ni grove vt iaapltreei, r,t thirty yrar growth, making It tha rooleit hotel In riillmlelphla. The furultunand eiiulpinentaof tho cntlro inlnbtlihment areof Uie most lll' nil ilurocti-r andduilng the acaaon a flnt-cu-sn Orchestra wtll furnUli music for tins entertain ment of tlio gueau. iiarKei ainei line cny can paw tho deor. luneuo.-sm. SKW i'OUlt-STOHY IlltlCK 1IOTKL, ON TUB ElV uui'Ai ri.A:i Elm Avo , -tfloiv S'ortv-Sceon B'., tilicctlr opposite Main Kxlithltlou llutldln'r, Ae- cniniiiod.itl.jns for l.two gui'sts fiierlal nrraneo- m-nt.i io- iarsr parues. uims u.-sn. uui.i.aii l'Kll DA If. Comrurt, peoiininy and reasonabl chaiera. V. II. llAKKIt CO., I'hlladclphla. JU July T-4m. A UKl.lAIH.l. I'AKTV '10 to take the exel istvo airen , ey for the sale of an article ll tliPBroeery Iln". Komethtnr thu hai never been lntioiluced In this dltrlot. oinlraili riinidi . Any oiinj mad miy make trom to ta.OJU annually by addres-slnit aiossotn Lylcclior & Co., UT lleado St- N. Y. PITTSBURG-, PA. I he nios' ci.inulfte tntltu!lon In the I'BlteilStitej f r ihfi tlvuvimli (.raetleal educnUOQ ot young and .11 dlll-lll'd llilrl:. S-rM'it.unli icrclrci! nt nny tlme.zj Address, lor circulars containing lull particulars, J. C. S JI IT1I, A. SI., rrlaclpal. Sept. s, "ic-nn. wiro Thin ilirectorv U compiled by J. WEAVER & CO,, .Wwkikiikt Atlvcrtlnlug Agents US Smlthflcld Street, riTTssnnrta, va. Branch onico, 1313 Market street, Phlla. EXECUTOH'd NOTICE. k3TiTE Of TI10H. WiUPOLE, PKC'D. uittcra testumentary on the estate ot Thomas Wampole, late of Columbia county, deceased, ha70 been granted by the Itejrlstcr of said county to WU. Ham Kyer, of Catawissa. Columbia county. Executor, to whom all pens ms Indebted are requested to maks payment, nnd tlio.o ha-iln? claims or demands utralnst the said c-tut6 w 111 make them known to the said lixecutor w lthout delay. WILLIAM ETKTt, Au;. 13-Cw Executor. Correspondence Invited. Itoofs lald'hy contract, wiiv not make your TtoGfs last a lifetime, and save the cxpensd of u niw roof every 10 or 15 years. H ean be done : if ) ou use Mate ralnt, it will sot only rcsl-itthe orects of water and wind, but shield you n-oin nro, OLD ROOFS, ' JTotect your llnlldlnw by ustnff Slate Paint, which neltli. i- trucks In winter nor ruin in summer. Old Khtn-rlo loufri can bo imlnli'il louklnfr muuli better, uiul lastlnt; lonser tlinn new shingles without tho paint, fur thu roir. ol re-shlnfllnir. Ou Uhcii) ed shlnjili's tt llll up tho holes nnd pores, and elves a new substantial roof, that lasts for yi are. Curled rrwarpi'd shln-ies It brings to their places and l.-eepi Ihem there. This paint miulres no heat Iiil', Isj ngiplled with a brush and vtry ornamental. It l-i e bneolale color, when rirst applied but chanireii ui a uniform slate color, and Is to all lntc-tuand puriKisej slate. ON TIN OR IRON ROOFS. thi red color Is the best palut In the world for dura bility. Itha-s a heavy body, easily appltod, expands by hi'at, contracts by eold, dries slow and nover cracks nor scales. Onu coat eijuals 4 ot any other. NEW ROOFS. Mills foundries, factories and dwellings a specialty. Materials compieto for a now stcen or Hat Itooffir Uubber ltoodng eoet but about Unit tho price of rc shtnellnif. for I"rlvaU) houses, barns and buUdlnirs ot nil dp-:rtptlons It Is far superior to any other roof Ins In the woild for convenience In laj Inc. and com bines tho ornamental appearance, durability, and lire-proof dualities of tin, at one-third tho cost. Ho Tnr nr ftrnwl lj.ed. "How to save ro-sblncllnff-stnp loaks effectually and chenply In roots of all kinds" u loo ijico book free. Wrlto to-day, and ask for It. New York Mule lioolhiK Co., Limited. 1 Cedar fctreet, New York. Agents Wanted. T. D. Kellogg's Advts. Juiy , CEDAlt VATS AND TANKS. for brew, era, dyers, ctietnt.sts, manufacturers and prlvato OHelllnes. UKO. J. UUltKltAnT & Co., j uno kiw, lluttouwood bt., below -roadr TUHHEU GOODS of everv description, XV Heltlnc, I'acktnjf, ItO'se, Hoots and Shoes, Cloth. tBS.&C. HI' II Alll LEV1CK, SON A CO. JJ4 1'lient- nut St., Philadelphia, Agents National Itubber Co. June 9-!3w. NCYOLOPBDIA. New ltKTt?Kii Fomon. nrticlcs, s,ooo en grat Intra, and 18 splendid maps. The UKsiT hOOIC of universal know lodge In tha language Now In course ot publication bl'KriMh'N with map sent for SO cents. AOUN'ltt WANTED. ciian. ii. oa vis & co., rutin. Apr itsly. EXCELSIOK ING INK CO.. BEST AND CHEAPEST PRINTING INK IN THE MARKET, 13 ltarrluy St., NEW YOltK. AUg. II, HI.-13W k UUSINL'SH EHTA11LIS1III IK 18.19. BOERICKE & TAFEL, 3EI03YCOPATmO PHAIIMACY, 1-15 Grand St., New York-. .'Keep onnstantlr on hand a complete atock of re. liable Ilomieopalhlu MiUIiIdis. and Itcuks uuUo. ucstlo I'rartlt-e. Oorls teul to alt raHj, nf ih country, by uutl or uiproM. Hcuil ktamii tor destripllro catalogue and prtco curreut. Address us abutu. Aug, ll.-sw k LOUIS BERN HARD, Dealer In EraiW XVATCDES, OXOCKg, Silvei Tvuro, "Vu(Clic8 siml Jewelry nL00M?iitji.a ex, Ladles' and qentlemcu's Cold and fcllier Watcoca. o American and Konlgu manufacture. Silver and Platod Ware. Cloclt- FINE JEWELRY, AO., AO. UKPAIRING AND ENGRAVING I'ruitiptlr Uxecutcil, ic j,T-ir
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