mi :T.iIi 'HE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. TIIK (IIUlAT KXlltlllTIOX. I i 1IOAV TO SKH'lt tu Tiinec nAtB. From lh !Xcw c-Jt Tribune. FIRST IAV, ( lllilo around tli6 grounds oh tho steam Vllwtiy tlicli tlevoto llio wliolo ilnytotbo Inlnjiulldlng. Astlicro nto 80 (llllcrcnt, jitllonal tcctions In it, this will glvo ft" aver ue of only 16 minute to each. To some rou will do well to doroto half an hour or .ven more, vrlillo others wilt havo to ho iaAAed over with a. hurried rslancA. Thn iinariifinr.ftiMn and rhnrnrifrlatln nxhlliUii jn each are named below. jjj United Statu Sllvorwnre, Jewelry, chem 'ml, furniture, the book trndo pavilion, ilmtiilclicrH, tho piano pavilions, tho inarblo lllil ulfllu mnnfnla unit (lin vorir nvfnimtvn llsplayol textilo Iiibno. 1 lio educational .3AII1UIIH 111 I1IUHU1UI1 Ulltl I'liabll.UIUiU-'B BUUUIU 41o l. .. , .inn UU PUCII. , "Tho foreign countries nro mentioned in Mio order in which they occur in tho build ng beginning at tho eastern end, and taking Srst, tlioso on tho north bMo of tho main lisle, and afterward tlioso cui tho south side. Tho method of traversing tlio building should jie to. enter each section from tho main nislo md return to tho alslo before going to tho next section. This will preserve tho unity f tho impression mado by cacli national jlisplny', Exceptions will, of course, havo 'to lie mado In the cases of tho fow sections winch do not abut upon this chief artery of communication. Mexico Most noticeable- aro the immense .casting of silver, the articles of Mexican (''onyx, and tho leather and woven goods. XitherhndtSee tho engineering oxhlbit and tho East India curiosities. flratil Notico tho feather flowers and beetle jewelry ; take a glanco at tho photo graphs and the furniture. Belgium Bee tho court o( laces and the fscliool-houso (both will bo found at some distance back from tho main aisle.) Notice in the aisle the great pulpit of carved ootr. Switzerland Watches, laco curtain, em broideries, and carved wood-work aro tho bed. exhibits. France Jlalf an hour should bo spent here, examining the bronzes, porcelain, tapestries, silks. Limoges enamel, laces, ladies' dresset, and tho multitude of fancy .articles, fieo also tho church images and fi cnriilions. England This department also requires .much time. The silverware, porcelain, J)uiiltnii warp, omihiih ntiil tiles', furniture, (Mini the' prnluct nf tin- Rova! School of Needlework are best worth notice. India The carved-luriiltiife, jewelry,tlne (titwi.so silk ami linens, shawls, and em , lirMdcrlf,4 are admirable. Canada N' special nbjicts. A walk ,th rough tbo section will reveal a remarkable Mvafiety of excellent manufacture.), resem- iihling cloaely those of the United States. Minor Jiritith Cbloniet Beginning with Jamaica, which fronts on the central aisle, these exhibits extend in a lino back to tho wall.'- A glance should be taken at each. The Auttralian Group It includes Vic toria, 'New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia,New Zealand and Tasmania; allIle"together, but each has n separate .court. While thcro is a 'marked similarity, j each colony has objects of special interest, 'and each court should bo visited. ' .Sweden Here the costumed peasant fig- I arefj the porcelain the furs, and tho iron are most worthy of attention. Norway See the filigree jewelry, the fig 'urea of Laplanders, and tbo picturesquo.Jroii ' exhibit. ' Italy Carved woodwork, mosaics, coral , , jwejry, iid,pbotographs, I I Argentine' Eepublie Not particularly in j terestfng. See tile minerals, 'tho vicuna x shawls, and the trunk that can be converted , into a .bed, hotel table, tus. Peru (back of the Argentine Republic) The, Artec skulls and articles from ancient ' ' tombs are alone worth seeing. Orange Free Sfar-(still further back) Diamonds and Ostrich Feathers. ChiliNot much besides minerals. China Porcelain and wonderful carvings la wood and ivory. Do not miss the carved bedstead. Japan Give as much time as you can spare to this section. Tne bronzes, porce lains. lacquered work, embroidered screens are inimitable. JDenmark Stop only to see the beautiful imitations of Etruscan and Egyptian pottery in the first alcove. Tunis (back of Denmark) Notice the Inlaid arms, jewelry, engraved silverware, and, rich gold-thread embroideries. Sandwich Ji!andt(next the wall) Queen Emma's feather cloak, wooden bowls, and I native ornaments and utensils should be seen.. Egypt The gorgeous embroideries, the curious Arabic engraved brass salvers, tiie stuffed crocodile, and tho handsome cabinets may bo seen in a few minutes. TUrley The finest sigh Ware embroideries in silk, 11 nen and woolen, pipes, curious pottery, old arms, nnd attar of roses. Portugal (back- of Turkey) Here the peculiar pottery, the filfgree jewelry and the line carvings in wood for architectural orna iii'crits are best worth seeing. Spain Examine the emblematic facade to the SjuinUli court; also, tho mural tiles, sideboards, (lottery, sllvor, and tho largo show of textile fabrics. Hutuu Ono of iho most interestin.; sec tions. Bee thp ailverwnrp, tio malachite and lapis-lazuli objects, tho cloths of gold and silver, mid Ilia. furs. Auttrian' Hungary Hero tho Bohemian Klaus, tho Viennese work in gilt, bronze, leather,, meerschaum olid amber, tbo garnet Jewelry, and tho Hungarian opals should be veen. Germany The Berlin porcelain, the col lective bo ik exhibit, and tho pianos are tho , best features, Ik second bay. J Visit first the Shoo and Leather Building. I There is a good deal ofsamencss here, but s tho display giyes, by its extent, a strong im l, presslon of the importance of this industry. j Tho bhoemaking machinery is very iutcres , ting, Go next to Machinery Hall, Three I broad avenues ruu the whole length of this j huge structure, and by traverslug each slow ly and diverging from tho ono on the south side into tho hydraulic annex, a good gen eral idea will be gained of tho largest col lection of machines in motion the world has ever had an opportunity of seeing, The fol lowing manufacturing processes carried on every day will bo found worth slopping a few minutes to Inspect; weaving silks, wool ens," carpets, stockings; book marks, Ac., printing, lithographing,- pjper, making. scroll wwmg, barrel making, glass engra ving, chocolate and caodjj waking, Jyjjo cast ing, Jype writing, tnakhig gu(ta pcrcba shoes, tobacco making, watchmaking, rock drilling, and many other operations. From Machinery Hall the visitor should walk rap idly pott the buildings at the west end of the ground, noticing paillcularlj' the glass factory nnd tho Chilian, Japanese, English, and Spanish liuitdingsi, entering the latter for a tew minutes' stay, Tho 'Government' Building, the Womau's lVyJJion and the Horticultural Hall will linLJi tho day'j vprk. I TltUlD l)AYi, DJvldo tho day between tiio Arl Galleries and Agricultural ;llall, In Memorial Hall sec iho Castcllatil "collection and tbo English gallery pretty thoroughly ; look nt Maltart's Catlierino Cornaro in tho Austrian gallery,' rapidly through tho French, (Icrman, Swedish, and American collections, not for getting, howovcr, to notice in tho former tho Gobelin taoestry ;'Bpo'th6,Spanljh and Rus sian, pictures with rrioro- care, and do not ovcflook tho Mosaics sent by tho l'ope, and a fow really good Norwegian landscapes. Thn pass to hhnox'j vyhoro thcro are acres of mediocrity, witli hero and tliero a good canvass, Tho Dutch nd Belgian col lections aro perhaps Iho besL but thcro aro somo American ami French pictures that ought not to bo missed. The Italian mar bles will ho found pretty and attractive. Take, If possible, a half hour for tho Photo graphic Hall, whero thcro nro admirable displays by English, French, Australian, Gcrrqau, Itmslan, Austrian, Swedish, nnd American Photographers. In Agricultural Hall sco first in succes sion tho various foreign sections English, French, Japanese, Dutch, Venezuelan, Dan ish, Swedish, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish, Portugese, Canadian, Italian,, uud Llbcriau. During tho remainder of tho tlmo at your disposal walk through tho aisles in the American Department and cxamino the most interesting exhibits. Tho Aquaria should not bo forgotten, and a little time should bo devoted to tho Brewers' Building near the Hall. KIDNEY COMPLAINT. rrobabtr there Is no complaint that aflltcts tho hu man system whkli Is so Utile understood at the C resent tltno as some of the varied torins of Kidney omplalnt. Thcro Is no disease which causes such acute patu or more alarming- In Us results than when the kid neys fall to serri'tp from tho Mood the uric acid and other poisonous substances which tho blood accumu lates In Its circulation throujrh tho ssstem. It from any cause tho kidneys fall to perform tho functions dcvuttlnc upon them, tho cumulations arc taken up by tho absorbents and tho whole system thrown Into a ttato of disease, causing Rrcat pain and surrcrlnir, and very orten immediate death, llcncotho ImportAncoot keeping the kidneys nnd blood In a healthy condition, through which all tho Impurities of the body must pass. PAIN IN TIIE BACK. Thcro 13 no remedy known to medical sclenco which has proved itself more valuable In cases of Kidney Complaints than tho Vegctlno. It acts di rectly upon the xccietlons, cleanses and purines Iho blood, and restores the whole system to healthy ac tion. Tho following extraordinary cur of great surre-ers who had been git cu up Jy the best physicians as hotless cases, will sreuk for themselves, and chould ch.illengo tho most profound ullentlon of tho medi cal faculty, iw well as of those who urosi;:rirluglioiu iviuacy uoinpiaini. TIIK BEST MEDICINE, Wast HakshfieU), Autr. 11, 1S0. Mil. Ktkvevi! Denr Sir I am seientoria vcars of age; havo suffered many years with kldnov com plaint, weakness In my back and stomach. I was lu ducou by friends to try J our Vegetlue, nml I think It the bebt medicine for weakness uf tho K ldne s I c er used. I havo trlod many remedies for this complaint nnd never found so much relief as from the Vcgetlnc. H strengthens nnd Invijrorutcs tile wholo sisu-m. Main or my acquaintances havo tnkon it, and I oc llove It to bo good (or all the complaints fur which It Is recommended. Yourx truly, iOSJAII 11. OUCHXAN PRONOUNCED INCURABLE. hostoh, May so, isii. Tf 1 U.b.dv lVn . ILm.lip I ,...( i. Ixi.llir anuctod with Over c'oinnl.il lit for ten tears: iiavo Buncrcd great piln lu m back, hips and tide, with gicui uiiiicuiiy m iHUfsuiu unu-. wuiiiiwm uaeu, and tn very small quan titles, frequently ifccoinpanlcd with blood and cxcruclallmr naln. KI havo faithfully tried most of the popular remedies rocominenueii ior my ciwnpmini; l nave oeen unurr tho treatment of some of tho most skillful musicians tn Itoston. all of whom pronounced mycaso incura ble. This was my condition when I was advised by a friend to try Vcs:cUno,f ind I could see tho good ef fects from tho llrstdosu I took, and from that mo ment I kept on ImproMng untu I wan entirely curcdl taking In all, 1 should think, about six bottles. It Is, Indeed, a valuable medicine, uud If I should bo anilctod again In tho kamo wav I would glvo a dollar a dose, if I could not get It without. lccspecuuuy, j. m, mu.. Ml Third Street, South Boston. NEARLY BLIND. IT Tl -Srnrpva flunr Rlr Tn (vfimtRlnr- mv thanks to oufor bcnt-fiu derived frem thuusouf Vegetlno, and to benefit others. I will stntoi i when eight or nine j ears old I was mulcted with Scrofula, which made. Its appearance In my ejes face and head, and 1 was very near bind for two years. All kinds of operations were performed on my eyes, and all to no good result, Finally the ills ease principally settled In my bod; Umbs and feet, and at times In an aggravated way. Last summer 1 wus. from some cause, weak In mv splno and kidneys, and It was at times very hard to retain the mine. Seeing our advei llsement In the Commercial, I bought a bottlo of VEOKl'INK, and commenced using according to directions. In two or thrco days I obtained great relief. After using four or live bottles I noticed h had a wonderful enect on the rough, scaly blotches on my body and legs. I still used Vegetlno and tho humorous sores ono af ter another disappeared until they wero all gone, and I attribute tho euro of the two diseases to Vege tine as thu only rellablo remedy. Once more accept my thanks, and believe mo to be. Very respectfully, AUSTIN I'AUKOTT. Dec. 1, 1ST2. No. 83 (Jano bt., Cincinnati, Ohio. Diseases of tho Kidneys. Bladder, etc.. nro alwavs unpleasant, and at times they becomo tho most dis tressing and dangerous diseases that can affect the human s stem. Most diseases of I ho Kldncvs arise from Impurities In tho blood, causing humors which settle on theso parts. Vegetlno excels any known remedy In the whole world for cleauslng and purify ing tho blood, tharebv ciuslng a healthy action to all the organs of the body. Vcgetlne Is Bold by all Druggists. Sept. lHm. Magnetic Soaps The Cheapest Soap that can le wed for the follow- Jieamiit : 1st, One bar will go as far as two of any other. Kd. Onlv half the usual rubblut? beliiL- reuulrrd. there Is a saving of more than the entire cost of the Soan In labor alone. aa me cioiuch ore mnae tiwiii.r, cllan, ana WHITE without U01MNO or SCALDIN'd. thus nil Injury to them is avoided. There Is a saving In fuel and hard work, and the washing Is done In about half tho usual time. It ts also guaranteed under a penalty of fifty dol lars not to Injure the clothes or hands, and as one trim ui uuauie uny person to asceruun me iruin oi these statements. It would never nav the nronrletor to engage la an extensive system of advertising and claim such decided merit for his foap unless he kuuw irum puaimn experience mailt wouiu prove to bo In e ei y ruBpect what Is claimed for It. This ts also a superior Soap tor Suaviku and Toil ar purposes. WARNKK RIIODKS & CO., WIIOIiSALI! FANCY OKOCEIW, Ges'ihal Auksts, Aujr.4T4-im. 11. C.t Co. Philadelphia, I'a. COUNTER,PLATF0RMWAC0ti&.TFrCK O? AGENTS WANTED "SEND TOR PRICCU3T 265. BROADWA Y Af. Y. 721 CHESTNUT ST. PHI LA. PA, 108 BANK ST. CLeV. O. ilmn M, le.-ly. V1SSQHEK& HALL'S CONCENTRATED POTASH Wlirranlril cqnml ts umr I'otafth fa tbe Market, uuA farHuirtr tm CncrMtrRlra l.ym Ivr Hit f riwxs fur wblrb It U umd. .Put up la ono pound metal cans, conicnlent for uu lu families for unking bard and koll aoaiti, nnd tor cleaning purpotna generally. lllrocUona for wak ing soap, etc., accompany each can. ' (For cleanlnr typo, prctises, machinery, paints, softening watur, waalilng alnks and fruit trees In the spring. It U upmiuallod for exccUenca and conitnl, euce of puckagu. For sale by uroccrs and Drug glits every whero, Vlueberifc Ull' lumM4a uad IIUUrrMaiil I'utnlcr U v aliubki lur Uu ik-UrutlKoi cf tint pulato bug, cotton worm. grawloppfFU, uiW. rats, rvaches. linn-cls, and remlu of all kinds. It la luurniless to men uud animals, and tar cheaper thau Paris grii-u rurlMTdiiitlrucUonpf teriuln. It ts alM) Invaluable as a DisurKcriKT, purlf) lug the air tn hospitals and stckroouM, aiiddsiru)liig lha toul laloraof alnkv, UoUars, statlea. to. Put up lu ono pound cans. For aale If DrMKKtsUand Umcura ever where. ! VWSCIIltlt tr Il.tl.Vi Muaararlurera, , aW VALLbrrUKt;r,KKW YOJtK. Aug! i.-SB i PUBLIC SAlrE. liy virtue of an Oro6t of the fphias' Cojirt'oj CniumUa county, Iho undersigned Kxeeulor.AC". of .lohn Heath, latoof .lackson township In said county deceased, will expose l Public 8alo on tho premises on , . TIIUltMDAVf IN'TOllt'.ll 2(1, I81II. at 1 o'clock In thn afternoon of said dayftho fuHuw Ing dcHcrllK'd real cstnlo to-wltl All thalrcrtaln piece, ptrcel nr tract of land sltuatotln Jackson township In anlil county, adjoining lands of Irani Pen- on llio cast, lands of Jaeub ChrMy on Iho north lands of William Wanning on tho .West and north, nnd lands late of-on tho wrst,and,lands' of Humph rey Parker oir tho south, cenuilnlng M acres and flltr-four perches nnd allowance, whereon Is erected n hbuso anil barn and oilier outbuildings. About si ncresof said tract H clear and bnlanco In timber, tlood Water nt the dwelling house, aud thert'son tho premises a good young applo orchard. , ' Terms of Sale, Ten per cent ot 6hiM0urtit of tho purchano mbnoy to bo paid nt. the, striking down of llio proiHTty, tho one-luurtli trss tho ten pr cent nt theconflrmntlon abioluto of sale, and tho remain ing three fourths In onojenr Ihercaiter, with inter est (mm continuation nU.1, 1'uirlmser In pay tor peril. New Columbus, I.uz. co., I'a. (1110. D. 1IKATII, m.'pt, ai. tfl Kxecutor. Thn following Personal Property will li exposed to public salo nt the residence of chillies Mauierlu Jtiniln township, Columbia county, Pa., on TUKSIIAY, NlIl'Tll.lIllHIt 8(1, 18711. 1 bay mare, 1 cow, a largo hogs, 4 shoats. 10 pigs, onog'iod wooden-nilo two-horso wagon, onolwo horso sled, ono hay rake, ono culling box, twu sets double! harness, ono fannlnt; mill, ono mow er, ono threshing machine, about so bushels of wheal, nacres of corn In tho shock, nacres of pota toes, u acres of oats hot threshed, and tw.cnly tons ofhav. ealo to commence nt 10 o clock, a. in. ltcasonnblo tlmo will li given ny KU WCIIWKPPKNIIEISBII, TIIOS.ATKN, Sept. iJ.-ts W.M. KII1CK1IAUM. As soon as tho abovo salo Is over at the same place I will ortcr for salo my houso and lot In .MllUlnUllo lately occupied by Win. Kolcliner, deceased, tonus reasonable, WM. KItlCKIlAtM. GREAT REDUCTION IN PAINTS, OILS, UUUSIIE3 and JAPAN DRYER. i Strictly I'UItE WIIITB LEAD 11 cents per pound, guaranteed equal to any In Iho market. MONTOUIt WIllTiJ LEAD nt lu cents per pound, equal to any for durability. MONTOUIt SLATE PAINTS S, and 10 cents rcr pound, accoidlng to color. JIONTOim METALLIC llliOWN scents per pound. MONTOUIt METALLIC llliOWN dry S and S cents er pound. Best Quality of Paint Ilrushcs at low prices. PURE LINSEED OIL which we buy In lnrpc quantities and will sell at lowest .Mai Let pi Ices. BEST JAPAN DRYER. All our gtHjds arc guaranteed as repiesenled nnd our paints to tn- ground In puiu Unseed oil, orlho money lefumted on ilcimiinl. Send tor sample caul and 1 rice list with ((stimuli lals. IIKXRY S. l'KAY, Sole Miiniifacturfr. RltpiiiiT, Pa. May S. Iii.-ly. THE EYE & EAR. DR. G-. O. McDERMOTT makes the treatment of Diseases of the Ear & Eye A SPECIALTY, nnd has opened at Wllllnm'port, I'a. an Institution for tho treatment and cuic of patients suffering from such dtscn-ses. office Hours. Until 8 a. in., 1 to 3, and 6 to S p. m, Call on or address ' O. C. JIcIlEIUIOTT, M. !., 13 Edwin St,, WllllJinsport, P.i. April ti-Cm. BLOOMSBURG ' TANNERY. g. a. ii tu n n.i iv a ICSI'ECTFDLIA' announces to tho public SNYDKlt'ri TANNERY, (old stand) Uloomsburg, I'a., at the Forks of the Espy and Light street roads, where iill descriptions of leather will bo niado In tho most substantial and workmanlike manner, and sold nt prices to suit tho times. Tho' highest price In cash will at all times bo paid for GREEN HID E S of overy description In the country. The publtcpat rrtnncp Is rsTii-lfllllv Rnllelteil. uiuuiusuurK, uik. I, ioii Yerbatim Reporting. TERMS i Actual travcllliL'-. boarding . and other czponscs; nvo dollars a session, tor taking I lie report: an I ten cents n folio, ( hundred words, ) tor writing out into long-hand. Where the matter reported In one day equals or exceeds fifty folios, the live-dollar fee will be remitt ed, and the transcribing King-hand charged at fifteen cents a folio; but, - all Buch cases. If fewer man nny iouos aro purcnasca, mo nve aouars win be charged. Address. S. N, Walker, A.M., Conrt-stcnog-rapher, Uloomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylva nia. ItesHdenco. Iron street, between' Third and Fourth. onice. wiiu e. E, orvis, Ksq. , coiumoian-butia-lng; entrance, opposite tho ea-st gate to the court house yaid, first floor, first door to right. iiiuce-uour, irom.iw civ e to one o ciock. reb is, iej-iy COMPLE T 33 BONE MANURE Buckwheat and Full Crops COMPLETE OHE MAMS MANUFACTURED BY II BRLlNIG&HELFRICi LEHIGH VALLEY fl urnDic 'Wm vtuiino ij! Kor over 10 cars this brand haa held llsrcputa. Hon lu contait with many coiiiiallng let tlllers, ONE GRADE ONLY. Novaitctyof names with acoommodaltng scale 1IHOOMMBNIIGII liy farmers' clubs, agriculturists, planters and FOU S.Vlii: II Y A, J, Albcrtson, II. 1. Hear, I. II 8eushulU, Kreaa tiros., E.'Ihomsun, C. W, Wooddrop, Itohrslurg, Itupcrt. Catawlsa, licrwlck, Danville. Htverelde, The following years ago. testimonial was received several A EAuuxii'aCuis mcoKMUKM tiik courLrrs Iiomi MlHl'Hg AJf TIIK iltST. rCKTIUIia IN I'SK, Oroenwcd,'t?olumbut county, Pa. Mkssks Uatixiu lULrkicu (IsMftsuiHt We 'the undersigned, having used your compieio itono aianuru tnu past teuton, pro- cureu or your agent, A, J, Aiusriswi, iwreuy uBlrm II to be the benu fertlllttr In use. We fully recom mend It to fanners, fur It la nil mat you tlufui lor it. Yours, lu, urilillll lium-ii ii if ii iKiivtt ti.iikt in.... TON. A. DIIEIULKl'EIS, IIEO. UIIITOU, A, S.yAUi, bept. JJ, r: t onr per day at home.' Bamiplet worth tl tu v--' tree bimsuii AC(Ul'arUaad,MliM. March lu, '!(My. 1 o (ta slUnic. Agiats wanlrd. Outfit tad - liibis lite. Hi UK, I (XVAViUt, liaise. Ma rth lu, "Hf, fig BLOOMSEOBG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Till Hull- t nciioot,, ns at prcicnt constituted, oricrs Iho very best facllltlos for l'rofosslonal and Classical lountng. idlngs spacious, Im lllhg und coimnodlous s completely heated by tleain, well ventilated, lighted by g is, and furnished with n bountiful supply of ptire.snft, mm In'- wnler. t .1 1,,,, ImAltl.fiil nml mitt,- .if rnifinaa mwlerale. I lftvecnta n week iicuuciion 10 an expecting 10 icaui. oiuucius immuicu ut uny nine, jtuums Courses of study presci Ibcd by tho Mato : I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Ailiunct Courses s I Acaihinic. II. Commercial. III. Course In Mtnic. IV. Course In Art. Tho Elementary Scientific nnd ClaaMrnl Courses nro I'ltOFfNSIO.VAt,, nnd students graduating therein, recclvn state Diplomas, conferring Iho following corresponding Degrees: MasUrot the Moments t Master of tho sciences : Master of tho Classics. Uraduatca In tho other Courses recehu Normal Corllllcatcs ot their attnlnments., signed bv the oniceri of tho llnnnl of Trustees. ...... . Tho courto ot stud y prescribed by tho Stuto Is liberal, and tho scientific nnd Classical coures nro not. Inferior to thosn of our host Colleges. l.l1..iH r.r,lnw r.t nl,l,.n,l,l Tl.,, llmna ilAmni.t It It Ij mm ilf thn Tirlm., nlll.lPla llf Illl4 Mill(i,tl 1,1 li.On tfl annill-., 11. llV ftimtall tit Inlnllt gent and efllclent Teachers for her Schools. To this end and their talents, as students, to all sum it promises caTaiogue. anures 1110 rniu-ipivi. HON. WII.MAM III.WKI.I., I'resldcnt llonnl sept, s, ie.-iy TWO IMPORTANT INVENTIONS or xntbxusot to 117x11x7 01m !'. A PIANO OR PARLOR ORGAN CHAIR, with an adjustable hack, intdo to tupport tho back of tho litter while leaning forward In tho ordinary position for playing, nnd by a clmplo arrangement, which gives It a backward and at tho aaino time a downward movement, follows his motions andinpporta Mm In any poiitlon without Interfering In tho least .with tho freedom of his movements. lM.-m gKC ICUltK AN AGENCY and S')0 or $100 per nttk "2Vie ocr ready and never out of order." HOMESTEAD $20 SEWING $20 MACHINE For Domestic Use. With Table and .Fixtures Complete, only $20. X perfect and unequalled, largc. strong nnd dura blo machine, constructed elegant and solid, fromtho best material with mathematical precWon. for con stant family use or manufacturing pui poses. .Al ways ready at a moment's notice to do Its daj's WQrg, never out of onler, and will last a generation with moderate caro; easy to understand and man ago ; light, smooth, and swift running, line Iho well regulated .movement of allno wuteh; simple, com pact, efficient and rcllablo.wlthalltlie Improvements to be found In tho highest priced machlnes,wurrant cd to do the same work, tho same way, and as rapid aqd smooth as a f T3 machine. An acknowledged tri umph of Ingenious uu-chanlcal skill, essentially the working woman's friend, and farm advancoof nil ordinary maehlncs for absolute strength, reliability nnd general usefulness; will hem, fell, tuck.seain. lUllt, bind, braid, cord, gather, ruffle, shirr, plait, fold, scallop, roll, embroider, tun up breadths, to., with wonderful rapidity, neatness nnd case.se ws the strongest lasting stitch equally lino and smooth through all klnda of goods, from cambric lo several thicknesses of broadcloth or leather, with tine or coarse cotton, linen, sill; or twine, (lives perfect satisfaction. Will earn Its cost se eral times over in a season In tho work It does, or make a good living or any man or woman who desires to uo It for that purposo; works so faithful and easy the servants or children can use It without damage, l'rlco nf ma chine with light table, fully equipped for family work tin. Half ease, cover.sldo drawera unci cabinet stj les each at correspondingly low rates. Safe delivery guaranteed, frcu from damage, Explanatory pam phlets Illustrated with engravings of the several styles of machines, references, vurlfty ofKewlng.tc, mailed tree. Confidential terms with liberal Induce ments to enterprising clergymen, teachers, business men, traveling or local agents, Ac, who desire, ex clusive agencies, furnished on application. Address John II. Ueadall & Co., 630 Uroadivay, now York. .May a, jo lam. ALBRECHT & CO. GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. Tho Albrecht & Co. Tukos aro first-class in every respect, boini' con sidered tlio leading Philadelphia, mako by musicians and competent iudc;es. Through their extensive facilities, limits. Aliiueciit & Co. aro enabled to turn out instruments that aro not surpassed anywhere, and btill sell them nt prices within tho reach of all. No l'iano is permitted to leave their factory unless satisfac tory to tho most minuto particular, henco their guarantee of five years is a thing of value. All Into im provements of importanco aro found in theso instruments. Messrs. Albiiecht & Co. have re ceived tho most llattering Tcstimo-' ninls from L. M. Gottbciialk, Fkanz Abt, Gustave Sattkii, J, F. IIimmels iiach, William AVolsieffer nnd many other eminent artists, besides being ablo to refer to thousands of private purchasers, schools, semi naries, societies and teachers. Pianos conscientiously selected per ordora by mail, carefully packed and shipped safely to nny part of tho world, ftay-For further particulars as to references, prices and terms, address, ALBRECHT&CO. 610 Arch Street, Philadelphia. -July u, uts.-ly. Cant bo inado by every agent overy month In iho huslnct-s wo furnish, but those wUllnir to work enn easily turn a ducu dollars a day right In -their own localities. Have no room to cxnliiln hem. Ilinanoui nli'DHnnl. and honorutile. Women, und fcojs and girls do ilh well as men. Wo will lurnlth you a coinpleto Oul llt'frce. Tho business pais better than anything else. Wo willbo4ir expense of nartlpgyou. Particu lars free. W'rlto and see. Farmers and tnechanlts. tliclrBonsanddnughicrs.and nil classea In need of PA Ing work at home, bhould write to us and learn all about tho work at once. Now Is thu tlmo Don't de ay. Address True Co., AugUBlo, alaluo. ma liept.8, nc-llm. TOAUDINQ. Tne subscriber In now prepared to recelvo boarder at liu houso In ltoarlngcreek township, situated at wiiaus known as Five I'olnts. The hoiibo la con- ciuciejpn Temporanco prtnclples, no Intoxicating liciuors being sold on tbo premise, (lood rooms, excellent tu tic nnd the cemtorts of a private house IcouaiDuruuiiuie. J. Jl. ttl.lntJUtt. May 6, ia.-tf. Jtoartng Creek, 1' AdvektismgAgents Columbia County, T. L. GRISWOLD,- A. M., M. D. Principal. Discipline, It solicits young persons of good umllttcs and good am in ueveioping tucir powers, nuu auuuuant upporiuuuics lor wen ram inuor nuer leaving acnooi of Trmtee' Bd. A PLATFORM ROCKER ON CASTORSf with tbo long easy movement of tho old8t)lt', without tho projecting rockers to mar other furniture- and tho bases nf rooms; being. In fact, tho only l'latform Kockcr mado that lias a perfectly satisfactory movement. Manufactured for tho trade by ALBERT BEST & CO., BUFFALO, N. Y., and for sale by tho principal dealers throughont tho United States. (ST If not kept by any dealer in your town, end to us for l'rlco List and Catalogue. . N EV STOCK OK CLOTIIIKG. AND Gentloinon's Dross Goods, david Lownxiiuun Invites attention to his large and elegantstock Cheap and FasliiaMe Clotliiui, at his storo on MAIN KTItEKT, IM THE NKW 11LOCK, IILOOMSBL'KO, I'A., whero he has Just received from New York and Phil adelphia a full assoi tment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durable aud nandsomo DRESS CONSISTING! OF BOX SACK' I'Kock:. CUIJI AND OILCLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OF ALL SORTS SIZES AND COLORS, He baa also replenished his already large stock of CLOTHS AND CASSl.VilRKS, STRIPED, I'lUUItEl) nd;i'i.ain.vests, S til UTS, OltAVATH SOCKy, ClUJ.AKS, IIANUKEKCIIIEI'S, (ll.llVKs, JHUSI'UNUKItS, FANOV A 1,'TK LES. Ho has rmioiniil ly oi hnml u lurgo nj d well seleet- ed assortineni nt Clothn . nnd Vestiiigs, which he h rcpnn-il lo raa);o to order Into nny kind of clothing, on very shoit notice, and In tho boM inanucr, All his cloUdng IB mado to wear and most of It Is ot homo manufacture UOiMr WAT0IIK8..ANI JKWKLUY, OF EVEHY DKSCItllTION, 1'IHK AND CIIUAI', HIS CASK Ol' JKWELUY IS NOT MUltt'AHSKD IN THIS 1'LACIt. CALL AND KXAMINK HIS (HSUKHAL ABSOKT MKNTOK Clothing, W atclies, Jowolry, 5tc. DAVID IX)VENIIEUa. July 7-tf. Tu Ihe AViirliluir (Iih,- We nrenavr iirciaired to fiirnUth ell claws wlih ronHnnt tmployiiient at hmnc.tho win loot thu tint.-, or for ihelr spare mo lufiits, UuMhtliS ncvi, light uud prontable. I'-rsons of tllhersex i-usllv urn iruu a (tnls In to per rvjn'ng, und n I'li-rofiloual kiun hy ilevotlng Ihclr whole IIujc In tho tatineKn, io)k and gills earn nrnrly im much um w-hi. 'i IihO ail who mo this uotlco lnv hi-ihI llu-lr mhirrbt', und tist Iho business we mtLo this mil uraUwl uUun To Mil h lis nro not well t,;il ink d wo M soad one. dollar lo pay for tho tioubln f writing. Hull purttcularH, hainpies worlh seleral dollara to animnemuAvork on, una a ropy of Home and rlrekhle, enn of Iho largest end Ut HiUHtraled lsileatlonH. ullniit rreit liv mall. Head er, If Aim wasttennaneiit, proilluMo work, address (hlorte hlinsuu le Co., I'urtlaur, Malmr, n-pu p, -it.-uiiu Pennsylvania. llrm but kind, uniform and thorough. Kxpcnscs leaeneu nucu uesueu. V. Course in Physical Culture, purposes, t'usn who doslro tolmprovo Ihclr tlmo For 0(11,. .1. it. VilV.uy.lU Herrrlur)-. CARRIAGE MANUJi'ACTOR v x nLoojisuuita, pa, M. C. SLOAN h lillOTHER Hri; tlio moit isonablo rates a splendid stock of ind every description of Wagons both PLAIN and 1'ANCV, Warranted to bo made of tho bestnnd most durable nneer Liw. mill nv llu tnosl nxlii-rlelieed workmen. Mlwurkn'iil nut from tho c.-tablHiment will bo round tn be nf Iho hlehevt eiimsnnd slue to cive per fect satisfaction, They havo alsoallnoassortmcntof SLEIGHS of all the newest nnd most fashionable stiles well anueari'ruiiy mane nnuor mo uoht maicnai. An Insnectlon of their ork Is nsked ns It Is be lieved that nono superior can bo found In tlio coun try. Oct. 8, 1S7S tf. BLOOMSB-CJRG MAHELE WOHKS. T. L. GrUNTON, Proprietor, MAIN STREET, IIEI.OW MARKET. Manufacturer of and liealcr in all kinds of MONUMENTAL MARBLEWOKKS Wo tiso tho best AMERICAN nnd IT A I TAN Marble, lie has on hand and furnishes to onler JIONUMENTS, TOM IIS. HEADSTONES, UIINS, VASES, Sic, I'.very variety or Marble cutting neatly executed at mu imvesi, innrKi'i, pin-en. A Ioiil' tii'iu lli'al i'iiTli-iiiP nnd nrisnn.il attention tn huikliie?,s makes Mm nronrletor eonlldent of clvlnir s.itKfacilon. All orders by mall promptly ntteudeu III. 1. II. DUX 'i'Ji, riSy-A. Jl. Worl: dtliicrcd p er nfrhartje."(tXl Aug. 21, '74-ly. T. L. OCNTON, l'l oprlctor, Y'AINWKIGHT .t CO., WHOLESALE (iliOCEItS, N. E. Corner sccondand Arch Strec-is, l'UII.ADKl.CllU, lieaicro in TEAS, SYI1UPS, COFFER, SUOAIt, MOLASSES HICK, Sl'lCkS, IIICIKD HOIU.iC rworders will recoivo prompt attention BlJ-tf UOLLTNS & 110LM.ES No. IT Centru Street.; Plninto Gas and 1 Steam- Fitters ;MANUl'ACTtllti:ilS w flNWABE, (lALVANIZni) IKON 1'MltNJHU, WINDOW CAI'H, AWNINGS, Wiro Trellises, fic. Dcalcin In Stoves, Using rs. Kiirnaces. llitltlninro llcatorx. Inv Dowi tlralcs, Mantels, I'UMl'S, Weather Strips, tVC. AISO GAS FIXTURES of thelaU'St design. Special attentlou luld to re pairing M'Wing aiaenim-a 01 every uckeripiiun. wmeii. I.h:1:. lli-ll lliuik'tmr. Key Filling, tu. 'rlvato lli-H ilenccs Healed byHtcamat a small cost alvo Hot Air, re w, i ii, TlllSfAJISKEPTON FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF. mYERTlSlKG( 733 SiNsou St., PHILADELPHIA, Whu ro our authorised ugeula, nml villi . rcoelrc Adrwrllaeiucuu ut wur J-On'MST CArlll HATIiS. is mi NEW G00QS ! A HEAVY STOCK, Cheaper than Ever! S. II, MILLER & SON ' JIuvo Just Received tho largest anil host supply ol CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, They hato ever offered totnelr friends and cus- (Jloths, Cusaimoros, anil Siitiuotts for JIEK'S WEA11, Cloths, Alapacas, Moriiios1, for LADIES' WEAK, CALICO Erf, MUSLINS, CAAllilllCS, nml every variety of Dry (looils ileslrml. STOCK OE Carpota, Motn, Ottomano, EAiIILY G11O0E11IES, Incluillng nil the varieties of COl'TEES, TEAS nml SUOAKS, COUNTRY PHODUOB, anil a general supply of articles useful for tho table always on linml, CALL AND SEB. Country produce of nil kiiuls taken In cx clinngc for goods nt cash prices. Oct.30,'74-tf CALIFORNIA. TUT. CHICAGO ANOUTlI-WrSTnilN I'.AII.WAY i:mbrnces under ono management the Oreat Trunk UnlUvnv Lines of tho Willi' und NOltTll-WLST.und. with Its numerous branches and connections, tonus 10 shortest a 111 uuickesi roino oeiween i nicngi and all points In Illinois, Wisconsin, Noutiikkn .MiciiuiAN, iinni:sota, Iowa, Nfhuaska, California and ino vvcsierii'icriiiuiics. us (liutiha anc! allloiiila I.I no Is tlu shortest nml best roiito for nil points In north- ii noi". iiwu. '1111, 11. Mnnc-ka. wvimnir dorailn, .Sevtota. t'lah, i'ailfoihl.i. tiiegon, chln.L Japan nnd Ausliull.i. Hi Chicago, .llitilisim tSi. SI. Paul Line Is Iho shnit line for Xnilhcni WNcnnsIn nnd Mlnne- Kol.i.uml r, 1 Maill'iiu, M. I'.inl, Allnn,'apoii),iiululh, anil an poluH in 1110 greui, .Noiiii'WeM. lis WilKIUil 1111)1 M. E'flCI' I.IIK! Is the only route rnr Wlnnnii, lineliesler, Owiilonna, Minikato, M. I'etcr, New I'lin, an, I nil points In southern and central .Mlnncsoiii, lis Crucii IIayati! .Tlariiiicltt! I.I Is the only lino for.lancsvllle, Watertnwn, I-'ond Hu Lur Oshknli, Applelnn, iiieeii liny, leiui.Uia, Ne- gannee, .viai'iueiie, iiniigiunn, iliiii-u-k uud llio Like Superior country, ll-s J'rL'ciiorl aiitl Diiliiuiuu Line Is tho onlv route for Klein, ltockford. l-'ivenort. and all pull Uivla Ki report. Its CEiicngO mid illilwaiiUcv Line stho old Lake Shorn lloute, and Is thu only one passing tlirnugli l.vanstou, Lal;n I'oreM, lllghlaud l'ark, W'auHegan, Itaclne, Kenosha lo -Mliwiuikcc. l'lilliuaii 1'tl'aco Cars are run on all through trains of this road. nils is me u.m,i mm; running ineso cars nc tween Cl.leairo and St. l'aul.ChlcaL'O and Milwaukee. or Chicago aud Winona, At om.iii.t our sleepers connect wun ino overland sleeperH on t he UlIoii I'nclllo Railroad for all points west of tho Missouri river. On the-arrival of Um trains from the cast or south. the trains of tho Chicago K Norlh-W estcrn Hallway leave Chicago ns follows Km COUM'll HI.t'KKS. IIMAHA A Nil CAI.ltOllKIA, TWO through trains dally, with Pullman palace ilrawlng room and sleenlng curs through to Council lllurls. l-'oit Hr l'At'i. ami MiNNUAruLis, twu ihrougii trains dally, wlthl'ullman palace ears attached lo both 11111ns. l'uu (Iiici:n Hay anii Lake Sci khiok. two trains dally, with Pullman palacu cars attached, and run ning lliruogii in .vianiueiie. l'uu Mii.wai ki.k. four thrniiL'h trains da'ly. l'ull- muuenrs on night trains, parlor chair cais on day nuns. l-'nii SrAitTA and Winona nnd points In Mlnnosotn. nnolluoiigh train dall, with rullui.in slecjieislo v inoiia. l'uu Di'srofK. via 1'icenort. two through trains dally, Mllh I'ullinau ears on night trains. 1-oii Hurrui'K anii I, a chossk, via Clinton, two llirnu;h trains dally, with I'ullinau cars on night train lo Mclliegnr, lnwn. l'on moux en v ami Yankton, two trains dally, l'till in.m cai-s In MRsourl Valley .liincllon. I'na I.AkK (IknilVA, four (rains dally. l'nii lloCKKOIlll. STKI1I.1MI. Kknomia. .Tanf.svii.lk. und other Hjnts,)ou can havo fioin two to ten trains nauy, NewYoik nrtlcc, No -ll.i llroadway; lloston nflleo, f Mjito Slreel; Omaha otllee, '! rnriihaiii stieet; Van t'laiiclscoiilliec, 1-21 .Montgoim r.v Mutt; Chica go ticket unices: 1.2 Clark slteet, under Wiormun House; corner canal und Madison Mieels; Klnlo stiei t depot, corner W. Klnle und Canal streets; Wells Sliiet di'iHii, comer Wells anil Kliiilo sheets. I'or rates or Iniormallon not attainable trom jour homo ticket agents, oppli to W. II. Kiknnkit, (leu, l'.tss. Ag't, Chicago. JlAUVlN HlfllllTT, ecu. sup't, Chicago Feb. 4,',C-ly Important to Lawyers. Justices of Iho Peace, Constables, Il.xecutors, Ad mlulsitatois, (luaidiaii, Tuwiiohlp oillwrs, and busi ness men genci ally. Wo havo on hand a largo assortment of. legal blankH for the uo ot Altoines, Justices and Cum stable's blanks uf all kinds, .Nolo and llecclpt books for Administrators xc. 1-It I OK LIST. ATTOI IN KY'd 11 LA N KS. Precipe for Summons. ' ' I I. I'a. " ' Itulo tn take lieisltlons. " " " chooso Arbtlratois. 2 cents apiece, cr $1.15 n-r huiidivd. Petition for Appointment of (luaidlan. rnai en lluloln luko lieposltlons. Nair lu liehf, w ilh Confess fesslon. " Assumpsit, Mrclmnlcs I .'ii. 4 ci nts uach or H.M per hundred Petition fur salo of Ileal IMalo k cents each, .IL'NTICU'.S IILVNICS. Siilipicu'is, Summons, Wariunts, Oiocullor.s, CO fo zd eentfl cucii. leases c cents each lllu. Deeds lu " " I'.irchment Deeds 15 " " AgteementH 5 " " ( II I, hall's Colli t Sales SOforit 60 ColisUlblu's Kales :( CelilS CKCh .Morigago and liond is " ' All kinds nr Notes 1 'I Iteci lpts, Notes, Sehonl Orders, Poor Orders, Storo Orders, nentlv bound, roustanlly on hand, orinado iu uriii-i uu snot i. noiieu, 'Wenin purpartdto doneater JobwoiklliauoiiJ other oillco lu (Uls cu'inty, IIIIOOKU'AY & HLH'IXL, Kdltors anil I'rnprlelors of I ho Cni.ua si an, liloumsburg, Pa. THE "MOODY SHIRT." MADE TO ORDER ONLY. A PHHFHOT FIT (1 U A it A NT It Ii II. (lenllelnen deslrlugHlitrUwill ple.isu drop us a line aud our Agent will cull and gel Iho measurement. Factory Cui iu I I'enn and Centru stteets. Address 1', O, MOODY, March in.'ia-ly Scranlon, pa VULOAiN' IRON WORKS DANVILI.H. MONTOUIt COUNTY. PA. WT I LLIAM 11. LAW, Manufacturer oi 1 Wiouglit lion nriuges, Hollers, (liusholdcr, I'h, nroLf lliilldliiL's. Wrought Iron' Itooiinir. Uonilliii- Fiames, Flooring aud Duors, Farm Ualos und Fenc ng, also Wiouglit Iron 1'lplug, hlacks and all kinds of Smith worn, so. iicpairs promptly attended to N, II, Drawings and estimates supplied. Oct. s, IS18-U rUtt Wl4-' tUHrtarrJ CaoumWr tad flrmrw Cm 'm I' liAUUe.prU-tM BMALIj. 1i lari, ritid lkTriar I r,'."i"i;vuri" "v- " KuiJr. CO. BLATCHUy, Manwrr, 500 Commerce St.,Pkili MnrcliJI-cni. TOI'ICE. From this dato tho lllnomsbun- Oiu Coinnmv will put In ervlui pipes utilrst cost uud furulsliand set melu k at lour iloilars each, Tho rumimny nave on iian.4 a lot of gas tar stilted o palm lug louts, and jsia or other Umbers placed I'rlee in cents per gallou or U.'0 per barn-L OO. 1C VJ, vv, MILI.KI1, H"dt nuHiNixs oAitas, Jj VIStTINOOAItlM. IJt'lTKII 1IUADH, Ml.l, IIKAUS, , . IHWTKI1.S, fX, 0 Neatly ami Clicaply printed at tliu Colum bian Ofllce, xwwur fe PUMPS fe) ft. m um RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES piI .ADELl'lIA ANU HEADING KOAD AUKANOEMEN'T OK PASSENtlEH TRAINS. .Inly 1J, 1S10. TRAINS LXAVI lltjrKUT AS tOI.LOWS (SVNDAT KXCKfTB For New York, 1'hllartclphla, Heading, l'ottsvlllo Tnmariun, ic, 11,83 a. in For Catnwlssa, tl,na a. m. nnd 7,99 p. m, For WUllamsport, o,ss 0,94 a. in. and 4,04 p. m. TiuiNsroii rtvrtKT ikavk as ioi.lows, (scnpat s cbi-tep.) Leavo Now York, J,J5 n. m. lavo riilladclphta, o,lfl n. m. lx?avo ltcadliig, 11,3) a, in., Pottsvlllc, 12,1(1 p. m nndTamaqua, I.tio p. m. Leave Oatawlssa, c,!0 S,Sfp n. m. nnd 4,00 p. in. Leavo WUllamsport ,o,'i I o.m,12,oo m. and B,oo p. m Passengers it tut from Now York nnd 1'hlladu plii.i go througAi w Hhout chango of ears, J. IS. WOOTTKN, .Tan. 14, WO tf. (lencrni superintendent. JN UimiEUN CENTRAL KAILWAY COMPANY. On nnd nttcr November SOth, 1SJ3, trains will leavo SUNUUHY as followst NOUTHU'AHl). Krlo Malt 6.20 a. m,, artlv u r.iinlrn 1 l.r.o n. m " C'anandalgun... s.snp. in Itochester 6.18 " Niagara a 40 " Itcnovo nccommodat Ion ll.loa. m, nrrlvo William's rt lii.tm p. m, Klmlra Mall 4.15 a.m., nrrlvo inmlra 10.20 a. in. llufTalo Kxpress T.1S a. in. an Ive lluffalo 9.C0 a. in. SOUT11WA1I1). llullalo Kxpress 2.60 a. in, nrrlvo llnrrisburg 4.60 a. m " lialtlmoro 8.40 " KlinlraMall 11.18 a. in,, arrlvo-llnrrisburg 1.60 p. m " Wa-shlngton 10.80 " " lialtlmoro c.oo " " Washington 8.30 " llnrrisburg nccommodntlon s.40p. m. arrive Harris burg liwu p. m. nrrlvo lialtlmoro 8.2S a, m " Washington 0.13 " Uilo Mall 12.59 n, m, nrrlvo Hanlsburga 05 u, m. " lialtlmoro b,40 " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Hun day, 1). 31. 110 YD, Jr., General Passenger A gen A. .1. CASSATT, Oenernl Jlanago PENNSYLVANIA RAIL R0AIX l'lilliuU'lplilit k Krio II. II. Division. SUMMER TIME TAI1LE. rN and after SUNDAY, AIM!. 211, 1S7C V thu trains on the Philadelphia Krlo ,ai lUimi Division will inn us IoIIuwh: WJuSTWJllV. i:itli'.i:XPlli:ssieaves New York... I'hlhulelphla. ... " " " Ilallllnoie " " " llairlsbiirg " " nrr, nt WllllJinspoit I nek ll iviu Kile Kllli: MAIL leaves New York , 2 3.1 p. m r,.i:, p. in l.vo p. in .... 'J.lii a. m l'.'.vu a. m .. .. l.lu a. in in ao a. in .. 8.ss p. m ..11.55 p. Ill 1 hlladelphla " " " llallliniite. . V. 10 p. Ill 4.V.-, u. 111 s.'.ia a, m " ' " ilainsliurg..,. " " " WllllainsiHirt.. " " " Lin k Haven ii.JU a. lu " " " lleiiovi Ki.r,5 a. m " " arr. nt Urle T,3ipm maiiaua kaiklss leaves Philadelphia. . 7.20 a. m " " " lialtliiiore 7.30 n, in ' " " llairlsbiirg. ...Ie.45 a. in ' " nrr, nt WUllamsport.. 2.10 p. m " " " 1.01 k llllMll.... 3.15 p. in " " 11 ltenovo 4.15)i. m " " " Kane 11.00 p. m " ' " llulllilo SUNDAY PXI'HKSS leaves New York s.2.1 p. m ruiinueipiiia 11 65 p. m " lliilllinore.. , 9.111'. Ill , 4.1(1 11,111 . 7,4 1 a. m " llnrrisburg arr, at Ullamsport... EASTWA11D. l'HIL'A ltXl'KUSS leaves Krlo " " " Uicg Haven... " " " Wllllamsiiort... " " urrlvcs at llnrrisburg " " " lialtlmoro " " " Philadelphia.,., " " " New York . o.io p. m . 2.10 u. m , 3.W) p. in . 0.10 u, in ,11.10 p. :i . .25 11. Ill . 2.15 p. Ill DAY UXPitCtiS leaves Kano cos a. in " " " itcnovo 1u.l0n.in " " " Iak lliiven.. 11. oa. m " " " Vi Ullamsport, ...12 io p, m " " arr. nt llarrlsburg 4,10 p. m " " ' Philadelphia 7.vop. m ' " " New York lulBp. In ' - " ' lialtlmoro 7,25 p. in ' " " M'uslilngton. s.52 p. m i:i:li: MAIL leaves Erin 11.20 a. m " " " ltenovo s.tJi p. m " " " Link Haven 1 ('.1)5 p. m " " " Wllllainpnit 11,15 p.m " " nrr. nt ll'itilsbuig 2.i5u. m " " " lialtlinnro 7.SM1 m " " " Philadelphia 7.ouu. in " " " New Yolk 10.10 u. in FAST link leaves Wllllamspoit 12.35 a. m " " urr, at llaiilsburg 3.1.5 a. m " " " llaltltnnre 7.!'.'iit m " " ' I'hlladelplila 7.35 n. m " " " New York 10.25 u. m SUNDAY I,'XPlli:.S.S leaves Wllllamf pent... 8.10 a. in ' " nrr, ut lluril'buig 1 l.so ;i. in " " " I'lilladelphii S.30 p. in 14 " ' Newlork 0.45 p. in ' " " llalllmnio 7.25 p. in Klin Mall West. Nlagaia Hxptess West.LiK k Haven Acioiii. West und Day llxptcss llasl makn close lon nccllou ut NoitliuiiiU'rlaiid wllh L. K Jl. It, It, trains for Wliki'S-liariuand Hcraiilon. Hrlo Mull West. Niagara Kjiucss West. Kile llxptess West and l.oek Haven AetGiiiiiiodallon West mako close coniiectlS!i at Wlllluinsport Willi N.c. It. v. trains iiiulli. i:rlo Mall Wesl, Ntagcra i:.pr("-s West, and Day i:press Last make closo connection at J.ock Haven with 11. Ik V. It. II. Iialiis. I ilu Mall Last and West eonucct nt Krlo with trains on l.n.&m.s. H. It. at coiry with o. ('. & A. V, It H. nt Kmpmliiiii wllh II. N, Y . & p, i:, l(. and at Dilltwood with A V. II, II. I'.ulor Cars will run between Philadelphia mid Wlli:.im'port on Niagara Kxpioss West. I.'rlo t.x piess West, Philadelphia Kxpicss Hast Hay l:rn ss Last uud Sunday i:ptess Kast. b'lecplng cats on all night trains. WM. A. BALDWIN, lice. 17,"75 tf (leneral Siipt. D EL AW A RE, LACKAWANNA AND WLSTHIIN KAll.llOAII. liLOOMSllURO DIVISION. Tlmo-'i ublu No. S'J, Takes effect nt 4:30 A. MONDAY, NOVHMIlKlt 23 1875. NOItTH, p.m. p.ui. a.m STATIONS, feOUTII. a.m. ji m. p.m. s (16 a 6 8 IM 3 61 119 4'J V 4S U 43 U 34 Scrnnton Hello ue TuMorMlle,,.. . .Lackawanna-... Ilttsion .. Wesl 1'llt.slon.., Wvomiiig ilallb) I'.elillUt Kingston Kingston V 3S 2 2U a 23 2 4S 2 63 10 Im 10 00 III It 10 IS P ) 10 23 IU 27 10 T 10 32 10 65 10 40 I l 44 10 62 II 16 11 17 11 23 II 3 11 111 II 12 11 43 II 61 11 67 12 -i 12 07 12 IS 11 2 12 32 12 SS 2 S.i C SO S 3.1 e a h e 6S 2 31 7 4(1 7 41 7 113 7 21 7 ti 7 IS 7 15 7 16 7 IT 7 IU 0 6S 5 64 0 45 C UU G IS 0 0'J a 02 6 f-5 6 6'J 6 4 6 40 6 SI 6 2 5 2J 5 21 6 la 4 r.t 4 M 4 :ia p.m. 3 41 a 37 3 32 S 2T 3 23 .'I IU 3 17 3 17 3 12 3 09 S 04 S ' 1 2 '4 2 44 2 3 ' 1 25 2 V 2 U t 111 2 0 I M 1 VI 1 4S I 43 1 41 1 25 1 111 1 16 1 CI p.m, U 31 2 SS 2 4(1 2 64 2 6S tl 25 U 21) V 15 7 III 2 II tl 07 II 14 7 OS 3 17 7 11 0 06 V 6 3 Ii 7 15 3 17 3 2 3 27 3 32 7 25 8 611 B 60 .. I'll mouth .1 unc j,....riinioutli .... 7 35 7 4(1 7 4tj 7 63 s 61 Avoudalu 8 41.... Nmitlcoku s 41 .liunloi k'8 i reek, 3 37 3 46 2 16 4 HO H ts 4 15 b 45 4 21 S 65 4 VV 2 05 4 T li 60 4 41 ,E 63 4 44 7 U s to 8 IU h u: S 04' S 2 7 6; .. Shlcksldnnv i. .Illck's I'tny... ,..,1:0111 h lluveii. lltiwUk .... ...lirlur l uck..... ...Wllluw drove.,.. ....Llmultldgc... 7 64! 1 ill 1 7 35 7 80 7 10 r.tp). . ,Illoomburg,., Ituput CatawlsMi llrldgo. ..ciatk'H wwitch., Ii.invllle Chulus y i cmri'-rtn I.Norlhumlcrland. 4 6 5 12 6 IS 6 14 6 20 5 SS 6 47 6 62 7.20 7 40 7 45 7 52 S 60 S 21 8 40 8 47 V H 7 111 7 04 7 II I II 45 a.m. 12 61 lo ii.m. p.i ATHAll, in, i. in. W. F. HAI . HUM. Bllpel llitcliiK'nl'H OfliCe, Scranlon, Dec. HI, Ik, 6. GLAZING AND PAPERING. M. V. liODINE, Iron Street liclnw scc- unu, iiioomsuurg, i'a., is prepared touo ai kinds of PAINTING, GLAZING, ami PAPER HANGINGS In tho beat styles, at lovrc8Fpr!cra, and stshort notice. " Parlies harlogsuch work tuilo wll railing on me. save money All work warranted toglru sal latacllon. Ordeni sulh'Uud WM, HOPINE. S( l,d rs'. loll. . KOVVKLI, CO., No.v York, fo, 1'1-u i I U I of no pages, containing llvts ul 3i lis wst a-4 ra, and udliuuuia show tug isnt of adverts. alng, JUarck l, '1,1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers