THE COLUMBIAN AH DEM()(IllAT,BLOOMSBURG( COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Jl life mUwMmu BaOOKWAYifc ELWELL, Editors. jpj BLOOMSfcURG, PA. , Tlr , , , n - m Friday, So pt. 90. 1870 TIIAT INCOME TAX In our opinion tho stereotyped campaign Ho about Tlldon's liieoino was so glaring that It needed no refutntlon. Hut tlio an swer is so complete and crushing that wo give It Kpncc, mid call tlio special attention of our Republican readers to it, because their party organs whilst quick to sL.rt u slander, will never publish tlio vindication. The action of tlio Government in refusion Mr. Hewitt copies of tlio income return, but strengthens the popular opinion that this is not a government by tlio people, for the peo ple, but.a government curried on for tlio purpose, of slandering honest men, and screening tho corruption of Republican of ficials" TliU END 01' HELL DATE. Tito blowing up of Hell thito reef was successfully accomplished on Sunday after noon last without any datnago to property, not even so much as a broken pano of class in tho houses along shore. Gen. Newton of tho regular army lias been tho engineer of the work and may well be congratulated on having achioved ono tho greatest engineer lag feats of tho century. 52,000 pounds of explosives rendrock and vulcan powders and dynamite wcro used in tho explosion nnd electricity was tho means employed to firo this enormous mass of twenty-six net tons, alio key of tho battery which ignited tho charges was pressed by tho tiny hand of tho General's little daughter Mary, two and n half years old, and in a moment a mighty column of water rose soventy feet iu tho air carrying with it a gigantic rock weighing at least sixty tons ; tho earth trembled and as tho water fell back a hugo wave rolled away to tlio shore. It is estimated that 250,000 peoplo witnessed tho explosion. Thn TAmnnr.,1 lis nrna. la v.t,lilfiilt,n,v nrt n - tlcle headed, "Vhero nro the Independents ;omgr- unu among otners named as worK- ni? fnr Tllrlpn nml TTAnrlrIr.l'j wa oaa persons as Chris. A. Dana, A'ex. McClure, uov.uuiu, uu ouicr, wny, uiess tno in nocents' souls ; these men were driven from the Republican party, because of their un fitness I If you can't get up better material for independents, then stop at once. Tho above cheerful little paragraph is taken from the Clinton Republican edited by Mr. John Bannister Gibson Kinsloe and published in Lock Haven. Xo fully appre ciate.the full beauty of tho sentiment it is necessary to remember that Mosby, Ross Shepherd, Babcock. Harrincton. Ben Butler. and also McKee, Avery and a few others now jn.the Penitentiary are members of the Republican party in good standing. How mucithe country has gained by the expul sion of Charles Sumner and tho gentlemen mentioned iu the articlo.qtioted it is difficult todetermino what it has lost is very appar ent. , Zack Chandler and Morton are, the leaders of, the party now, and wo hardiy think, tho better class ofj men in the country will deemithem superior to Charles A.. Dana and ex-pqvyCurtin.. Burning iho grosses from Graves. v , , LSCASTElt.'S'ept. l'5.-iAt 'Republican bonfire and. meeting fn this place, on Ved-nesdaynight,-cr6sses wero takeh'ironi graves' iu Sti JomjuITs German Catholic graveyard and piled on thu firo. We republish the above dispatch. Has it come"to, that the graves of the dead arc to bo'desecrated, to gratify the 'malignancy of Radical intolerance? Is proscription by Know Nothing, by Hayes' secret "Alli-ance"-agaiu to tako root iu Amerjca, tho boasted "Land of lie free, und home of the brave?" Is the Declaration of Independ ence a Ho when it invited all -classes and creeds hither, and authorized them to wor ship'Almigh'ty God according to 'the dic tates of their own consciences? Is our Con stitution a lio when it says that 'Congress shall make no law respecting the establish ment of religion, or prohibiting tho free exercise thereof?" Or do our opponents in their desperation desire to renew a sectional war, and inaugurate one of race and religion? Thinking men, Beware ! Officeholders under tho Grant adminis tration are. having a lively nnd enjoyable time just now. Zack Chandler .who is run ning the Republican party in "the Interest of Hayes, has ju3t made his secbud levy of two per cent on the salaries of government officials for campaign expenses. It's early yet in the fight and after Ohio and Indiana -e disposed of in October, there-will proba bly bo 6ome moro two per cent. subscriptions before tbo November election, - Zack is fol lowing the plan laid down by Kilpatrick "the bloody shirt with money." Grant sub perilled $1000 which is two' per cent of his salary will Zachariah call on Jiimforhis second subscription ? T The Boston roit thinks that "as. a politi cal curiosity, the man who bus hepn elrnt. cd to the United States Senate as a means of enablinr him to evade the investigations of weiiouseis worth going to see ; for his species will soon become extinct and fossil." By all of which Is meant Blaino of Maine. It looks very much as If tho campaign against the Indians was about at an end and tho red skins are decidedly ahead. Tho troops have suffered terriblv not onlv nt lh hands of tho Indians, but from hunger and exposure. j.uo result may boBummcdup as loilovva : Hundreds of soldiers and valua ble officers killed and many millions of mon ey oxpeuded for a few dead Indians and i lmudful ofprUoners. Mr. Bittlmj'Biill could carry on luu Mm! or warfare until ho (lied of old ugf. and hU followers with him. Ln, forn they could be conquered at such a rate of destruction. Tho Indian campaign im been uu utter failure nnd the people might as well know it. Tho great Sheridan has managed the affair. If there bo one thing more than anothtj which impels us to tho belief ilmt il, I UtO U Unfit for tho ballot, it is this; ilmt nC ter the Frccduian's Bank swindle was fully exposed and made public nnd npno knew ueucr man tlm negro bow coiuplcfo lid nwiudle waV-be still continues to vole fo tho mini wtin rrd.kA.1 Mm A will ll.'l tbo baud that VcU jitui.but 'a freo man who Is fit to exercise the rights of a cltiseu should have, more independence and strength qj win. i lie negro lias been a, tool orJte publican iiollticians since t e war rinsed ami not even when plundered by his masters cjiii ue urea from Ills chains. Twq Mollie Magulrti, John J, Slattery andtMichne) Doolin, charged with conspira cy to murder Win, and Jcssp Mnjor, were convicted at 1'olUylllo on Saturday, ; lllnino nnd Tihlcn. "I nm opposed to Mr. Tlldon,"sald Blaino at Boston, "becauso nt a great crisis in his country a fato bo proved unfaithful, nnd when R lay bleeding at every poro from wounds by rebel hordes ho passed by on tho other side." Yet Sam Tildon was a better Union man than Jim Blaine. It is only since the fighting stopped that tho latter has becu greatly exercised "abotil bis bleeding country. When that country "lay bleeding at every pore" fronT vbundu byrebclbordes, nialno happened to bp, drafted. Of course he rushed nt onca .tq hurl back the rebel hordes and stanch every pore of his bleeding country? Oh, no; lie hired an ablo bodied substitute, and provided lilin with a soft cushioned chair in tho provost marshal's of fice nt Augusta, Tho nblo bodied substi tute was shortly removed to tho county jail fur stealing? but Blaino was too busy ma king n fortune out of Spencer's rille contract to hlint for another. This Is tho extent of Blaine's war record, and, as wo have said, S.un Tllilcn's is va'tly honcster, more patriotic, and more credita ble. The true reason why Blaine opposes Tilden was not mentioned at Boston. It Is tho same reason which every roguo has for fearing nnd hitting tho uncompromising en emy of rascality and rase lis. X, V. Sun. WoucnsTKli, Sept. C. Chas. Francis Ad ams has been nominated by acclamation. Massachusetts nominates Charles Francis Adams as Dcmocratio candidato for Gover nor. Tho old tlmo democracy hated tho ii'imo of Adams as they pretended to hate "Blue Light Federalism.1' Whether Mr. Adams is a democrat now they do not ask. They" know that he Js a representative of Yankee educated aristocracy, a llttlo more impracticable than was Charles Sumner, nnd they hopo to secure Votes from the ranks of their enemies by tho nominations. How are the Democracy fallen. Record of the lima. The Republicans nro concentrating their abuse on such men as Charles F. Adams, and tho dead Sumner, men who founded tho Republican party, and had tho confi dence of Lincoln and his supporters. They wcro mado wclcomo to tho Democratic party after tho Rutlcrs, Babcocks, Belknaps, and Camcrons had usurped control of tho Re publican organlzatlou and mado it tho par ty of plunder nnd corruption. How havo our opponents fallen to villify their purest and ablest men I All that is now necessary is for the Georgia Democrats to swear half as hard as Tilden did on bis income to enable them to disfran chise the wbolo colored population of Georgia under the provision of too infamous law below cited. It is a master piece of Democratic strategy : Under a recently enacted law of Alabama, larceny works a forfeiture of the voting fran chise, and, as an Augusta, Oa., paper states: "If a person stenls a pig or a chicken down there It is a penitentiary offence, and the thief forever forfeits his right to vote." Gazette it Bulletin. Our neighbor is disgusted becauce the Georgia law punishes both black pud white for theft. It is an admission that the colored Republicans aro thieves, nnd a regret for their punishment. It occurs to us that the best plan would bo for tho colored men to stop stealing. Ills good advice, also for some of their political masters high in office. The yellow fever is raging terribly at Sa vannah, over 2000 cases having been re ported. Tho mortality is greater than has ever been known before. There were 00 deaths in ono day last week. The disease has also broken out in Charleston' and bids fairito'become epidemic. In Brunswick; Ga there arc COO cases about' half the' popu lation pf ihe town. This stato b'f 'Georgia appeals to the country at large or assistance as tile expenses hnvo grown "very great, amounting to over $3000 per day in Sa vannah alone, Generous contribution have been made by'lho merchants ot 'Ne York city nnd the insuranco companies of Hart ford, Conn. Tho destitution in Savannah Is' reported as being frightful. By tho death of a.near relative, and care ful use of means nt command, Gen. Wash ington was wealthy beforo entering upon duty ns commander-in-chief of tho army. Ho was thus independent in temporal affairs and was never open to the suspicion of greea or corruption, uy tno partiality oi a wealthy bachelor uncle, ami ins own indus try and Care. Gen. Hayes also is in tlio en joyment of large wealth, which nlaces him beyouu reach ot ordinary temptations to ttso his portion to advance bis fortunt. Zetra- burg Chronicle. Very good ; and as Gov. Tilden is much more wealthy than either General Washing ton or Mr. Hayes, it follows as a matter of course that he U the fittest man .for l'resl dent. Much obliged to you, Mr. Chronicle for the premises from which wo can draw bo pleasing a deduction. In Forest county, on Thursday of last week the mountain streams became greatly swollen from the recent storm, tho waters flooding thopaitly-settledvalleysin tho 1 urn ber regions and doing much damage. Near Ralstou sixteen persons lost their lives. Iu McKean county the storm was of long dura tion an 1 severe. Two persons were drowned near Soutliport. In Tioga county three lives are known to have been lot,aid it is authent' cally reported that four persons were drown ed while attempting to cross a swollen stream at Wcllsport, The "light in tho East" is what tho Rads now call Vermont. Sho was a light in tho Fast I u 1812, when her Legislature passed an act prohibiting her militia from leaving tho Stato to aid in the national defence, She was a light then, but it was a blue light. Shr has been voting tho nnti-Democratic ticket ever since. . You cannot bet a duck on goose eggs and hatch anything but goslings. No amount of shouting, or of entreaty, or of eulogies on the duck will niter tho result. You can not set a Hayes on the eggs o(Crantism and produce anything but a,brosd of corruption, and Its no uso trying. A; 1 , fsji. Another frightful maritime disaster is re ported, ihe British ship Lammeiinoor thought to hava'fnundcreU at sea, with i ''hands on board, iiYiliibcring 350. She wat first class (run vessel of largo dimensions m unusually well built Hayes ought to aond a largo sum to tl.o U reasury nnd call It "concienca money." Ho cl ilins to have reformed since ho did it We nr- looking foriv credit of oonscienco money koou. , Every moment of your lives every part of your body Is wearing out and is being built up anew. This work is accomplished by the blood, but If tho blood does not perform Its Work pmlierly the system Is polvmid. Cloanso tlm blood by the use of Dr. Bull's Vegetable Pills. .Jlarmleaj but elpclont. The Marline Was Worn Oat. Why? Not becauso it was not well built, but it was wrongly rum Thousands of men who have run down long before th iir three suofo and, ten yyars are accomplished, might have been renewed into sprfghtlineiiH nm! viu) If. they had tried the well known Per uvian oyrup, which contains among its com. lound the l'rotoxide of Jron, so combined that it aadiiiihitcs, with tho blood and invig orates tho whole system. The syrup has proved efficacious in thnuands of raws, und wil do everybody good who uses it. All UruggltU keep It. Hnvo you tried Kirby'a WildCherry.'Cough Balsam ? A very palatenblo 'compound for tho various affections of tlm throat and lungs It has been used with success, in sovon cacs of asthma glylngjnstaht relief and In many cases effecting a'perilamcnt cure. Trlco 60 cents per b3ltlo and (wslttvclj wafranted to glvo ontlro satisfaction t r money refunded. Klrby'sMaglo Relief for tho Instant euro of sovero nnd acute pains. Klrbv's Tasteless Worm Lozenges, pleas nnt. safe nnd effectualf Klrby's Horso nnd Cattlo Powders nro tlio best powders for stock, manufactured. Tjy them nnd be convinced. 1 "Kirby's 'Camphor-Ice- for-BUnbttrnSf soro lips nnd chapped hands. Gill's Hilllous nnd Liver Bills nro recom mended by the first Physician, 1 Tho nbovo preparations aro fur salo by nil Druggists and dealers iu medicine. Movr.ii Bttoritints, July 21,70.-1 Wholesale Agents. Important fo Centennial Visitors. Many of our readers who yet intend to visit Philadelphia, will wish to do so at tho least posslhlo cost and trouble. They will not wish to pay hotel rates when they can obtain good accommodations at privntu anil hoarding houses nt one-third hotel rates. During September and October the crowds wili be so la. go that they cannot bo accomo dated nt hotels, and to avoid trouble on their arrival all should know where they nro going to slop, beforo leaving home. You can ob tain good accommodations by thu week lor from $5 to $10, or by tho day from 1 to 52. To do this you must write to ,T. Weaver & Co., 1318 Market street, Philadelphia, and they will, on receipt of $1, to pay them for their trouble and expense, send you a list of ono hundred boarding bouses, giving tho prices charged bv tho dav or week. You can then select it placo for yourself, nnd make arrangements direct with the parties you wish to stop with. In this wny you can save from S10 to ?25. Should you wish to stop at a hotel they will inaico all necccssa ry arrangements for you nnd chnrgo you but if 1. 1'hU it our advice. Tale it. State what paper you saV this iu. Sept. 22, 1S7C. As HiSTOiucAT. Fact. F.vcry scent who ha been steadily (selling thu Improved $20 Homo :tenu Sewing JUacliino lor tlireoycarsj owns ills Iwvilina house, has a irood account in bank, is clear of debt, and has money at Interest. the uamrai consequence oi pccuriiig uguuu nKeni for superior goods at the lowcut prices. A good first-class Sewing Machine, met useful reliable at all limes, easy to understand and control, the Bame siie and docs tho same work as any ma chines that sell nt four times tho price. There is no machine nt any price better, or that will do finer or more work, and certainly none so low in price by many dollars. The Homestead is widely known and ued in thousands of fam ilies in the Kastern and Middle States, and dai ly becoming opilinr in the West. It will save its cost several times over in one feaon, doing the work of the family, or will earn four or five dollars a day for any man or woman who sews for a living. It is the ftronncst machine made, is ready nt all times to do its work, makes the strongest nnd finest stitch vet invented, and is fully acknowledged as the Standard Family Sewing Machine. Price, complete for domes tie use, $20, delivered it your dcor, no matter how remoto you may reside. Business perma nent and honorable, with moro certain and rap id sales, and larger profits than any other. Ex traordinary liberal oflers made to local or trav eling agents where we have none established ; or, if there is no agent near you, send your or der direct to the factory. Addicss John II Kendall & Co., 030 Broadway, New York. ilay o, 70 ly. National Democratic Ticket. Fon ntnsinnNT, SAMUEL J. TILDEN, OF NEW YORK. ron vice 1'insinr.NT, THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, OF INDIANA. llemocrHtlo Elertornl Ticket. KLECTOI1S AT LAME. CniUl.ES It. Dl-CKALKW-SiMCEL 11. Wll-SOtf. DISTWCT KLECTOHS. Itobert F. Steol . w cinorgo It. Hell 15 Wm. II Wrlijlit ... W, TlioinaslC. (laiLlll IT John Morgan is .li A. Morrison 19 Col. o. Jones tn wm. K. lluwlc . 41 Joel L. Llchtner VI Ilanlcl i. toas Mncfonum John II. UM Thomas power PaUd small Ketnstljn Wlmrnor, James J. Hn&lclt John II. (inllirlo .11. M. (Ubson Kavld L. Morris II. a. lirown II. T. Truiuljiwcr a (!eo. II. Itowland hi 12 John Nealon 123 13 J. 11. McCam.vnt 2'I Thomas V, G raj son . Morris. 27 llenjamln V County Officers. STATU SENATOIt, CHARLES G. BARICLEY. of Hloomtbnrg, Subject to Senatorial .Conference, r.urncsn.NTATivijf!, K. J. McIIENRY, of Ftihingcreeh, DAVID S. BROWN, of Main. ASSOCIATE JUDOES, F. L. SHUMAN, of Calawitsa. ISAAC IC KR1CKHAUM, of lenton. SlIEMl'F, JOHN W. HOFFMAN, of Dloornburg. JtJIiY COMMI3JIOSEB, ELI ROBBIN8, of Fithingcnci. DmiipcrtUlo Standing Committee. Deaver-Xathan Dredbondcr, Jr. Beaton -W. if. Smith, lterwlcfc W. T. fnyfler. Bloomsburi; E. W. J. Iluckalew, Illoom&burs W. II. W. MCItej noMs. BrlarcreeU Wm. I.ainon. Catawlssa-E. M. Tovvksbury. CcDtrolta Manus Melirearty. Centre II, A. Bcbwepponlnlser, Co'njngUam N, NIel Ix', Conynsham 8. Peter I.uby, Ilslilnsereck Frauk Wnl( Kranklin lacob KnltUe. Ureenwood-t). W. UtC Hemlock Wm. fllrton. ' Jackson Wm. L. Uuiinlue, i Locuw-Wm. II. lielnUild. ' Madison Conrad Kramer. Maln-W. V. Slmman; Miciln-I). II. Moutsomery. Montour-J, N. (lordon. MU I'loasant-A. T. IL-eler. Orani.'0-Abraham Wlilto. l'Ino W. KarsUner. Iloarlnscroek J. 11. Kllngcr, Bcott-0, 1'. Eat. Bui-arloaf-E, S. Fritz. Digest of Election Laws. Polls open nt 7 a. in. and closo nt 7 p. in, WHO CAN VOTE, Every male citizen, twenty. one years of age, possesing the following fpi.illfleatlons, sunn uc entitled to vote at nil elections t i. lie shall have been a citUeu of tho United Slates one month, a. Ho shall havo resided In the stato oni year: or. If having previously beon n nnnll fled elector or native born citizen thereof; aud shall have; removed therefrom and re turned, th,en be shall hure redded' tlnreln six Immediately preccdiug the elec tion, j ft Hcsiiall jiayo iafjed n flie-djtrfct wberp ho lute rids 'to' vdo two months im mediately preceding t'ho elixtion, Instead oV ten days, as formprly, i. If twenty.ouo.yeari pfc, or upward,, hq lliall havQ paidwlblu twq yenis, a stato or county tax, whiclijdm'lj have hen assess ed t(least tvvpjupiitherjjfjfpt i'l'eleo nm jiali af dca,. mtjli proylous to the, same, ,, . f; Foreign bijrAcItiifsiSi.ipurt havo b,fcn naturaliicd ja .casrtiuiitiucii jjic'ofo 4l? election, and must coulorm to tho require-. ments contained In section preccdiug. H'ho election, will beheld on "tho Tiles aj iicott fiillmvfng le-first Monday , of No ember," being this' year llic 7t)i day oftho month. " ! , Fridnv. mentember 8th. Is ihn last tlnv. for being1 assessed. X? ' - " V Saturday, October 7th. Is thu lost day for securing naturalization papers. Snlurdnv. DclnSnr Tib. Is Ihn bmt ihiv nn fhlch taxes cairiio pald lti" legal ttmo"'(o' Tlio abov ialcs Vfioitiil bo carefully rc meniljcrieil and Tci oil "on voters. Marriages. HKKKIt-WiXTI,.K'STi:iN.-At tlm house of (lis bible's father, Hept. 21st, by llev.Alex. II. Jni 1:, ot llarleton, Mr. .7, II. skevr, of Hinekton, funnel I vuf Kingston, and .Miss Liu".i M. Interstelii, of Mllllio- Mile, Col. Co., Pn. YOIIKY-IIETU:it.-On the Kith lust., nt EnnB. Mile, by l!ov, S. I'. Hilner, Mr. Jnm"s II. Voboy, ot llrrwICK, to Miss Falinlc! Ill tier, of Ikllenllle, Deaths. l'OWI.KI!.-ln llrlarcreek, Sept. 20, Vincent row- lor, In lil 12 llli j nar. MAllKETJlEPOllTS. BLOOMSBURO MARKET. Wheat per bushel s 1,20 ltyo r, Coin, new, " r.o oats, " " ,,, .so Flour per barrel ;.,-u rlovci'Hccd (... 7. 'in Vlaxseod l.ui niuicr :io larcH , ,. .11 lullow .Ill I'otutuos u Dried Apples :. .10 Hams in sides Shoulders , , , , . ,n ii jiur ixjuua , , , , , ,io llaypcrton li.w Ileoswux 'la Timothy Heed 4.W VuuiAi'iu.-a run lual. No. 4 on Wharf s 4,oo per Ton No. 6 " " f 3,75 No. S ' $ 2,E0 H Ulacksmltlrs Lump on -.riurt t 4,oj " " uiiuuuunus i 6.oo " N EW AOVER. TISEiVlENrs. A UDITOR'S NOTlCK. r KSfATK OK rilAWI.KS DECK VPrn. '1 no uuderstL-ned. Auditor to lnako tlKtriimf inn t,t mo uuiauL-o oi inn niuus unions xno neirs or Charles Dyer, Into of lloirlngvreck township, ileenaseil, will attend to tbo nnpolntment at tbo onicoof W.I. Cut. lv, In Catnwlssn, on saturd.iy, ibo elmentli day of Novemlwr, A.l). IMA, when nnd where all persons 1I...1HH .-."iliin .iuilini luu Willi eniillU ICmiirCIl to present thu saino beforo tin Auditor, or bo do barred from coinlns; tutor a share of a.ibi fund. JOHN -M CI,M!K, Sep. 29-"w. Audlior. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK WILI.HU liillllKIt, I.ATK OKSIAUI- pon TowN-smr, iuxkaskd. Tho undcrstcrni d Aiiilltnr ti m-ikn ill.titlintiAt, r the fund In the hands of tho Admlntst.atorof the es- iiiiu ui iiiium nanier, iieceuseo, tMll titteud to tho duties of bis aDoolntinent. nt bis nmen iti imintntt. bare, on Saturday, Nov. 4th, IM0, nt 10 o'clock a. m., when and wheru u!l persons lmlnj- oliilms against tho said oslate, aro reiptlred u present, tho1 samo berore tho Aiidltur, or bu debiirrcu Hum com ing la to- a rhnro of mitd fund. 1 1'. XIILLMKYKII, Sep. 29-iw Auditor. SHERIFFS SALES. Ily VlrtUO Of sundry writs of Venilltlnnl rTilrtnnq In mo directed will bo exposed lo public sale at tho court House lu Dloomsburt', at oiio o'clock p. m;ou FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 187G, All that eel tain tract, or lot of l.iml sltu.itn In t'lnn lovrnshlo. Columbia countv. Pa . tiiiuiideft nmi oe. hcrlbed us follows: On tliu north by land of' Asber L'tillmer. by land or unali Fihner. souihti- laud formerly owned by U. Mvudeuhall, wutt by bind or Susan I'iius; cuutalulu,' 54 acres, 14 of which nro cleared; whereon aro erected u story lotr ALSO, Tho onc-oleveutli lnterebt in a farm in Raid PlnA township, cuuuilu'ui; no neies,bui"id.-d on the noilli bj latiu of Wesley llalier, east by land oi StiMin I'aus, HoutU by loud ot Jl. Ateiidei.ball, uvtt by land ot l',,W. I'aus, unit known aatbu laimot Ihomus ruus, ueceawu; wuereon luu cteca-uu twostory house, barn and ouibulldloKs. belied, taken Into execution aud to be sold as tho proportyol Jonhua It, l uus. ALSO, At tho samo tlmo 'and place, n'l that cerUaln leal estate sit nam liitne. vnu-coi .Monuina, .lolumiila county, I'a., bounded and uesctlbeil as ruilows : uu. tnueaslby Centre street,' south by a public street, west by uuulluy, nurth by Daulel tloodmaii. .haul lut boluffiw feet Pi depth, moro or less, uud coiuet lu front, moro or less. belied, taken into execution and to bu bold as tho property of I'liUlp li. Hushes. ALSO, At tho samo tlmo and place, all that certain lot Of ground sltuulo lu (lie.liurinit,-liiir t'entralla.Coluinlit.i county, l'a bounded und ihscilbedus fullunH: (lu tlm south by lot of the bociiit .Mt. coal und Iron Co., east by a public road, north by lot of John ilo rau, ind west by uuailoij cuutalulnt' lu fiontirt feet, mere or less, and 150 feet lu depth, men! or less; whereon uiocrected u frame dnelllm; bouse, stole rouui aid uutbutldinits. selircd, taken Into execution nnd to bo sold as tho propi-i ryul John Pleasant lloagiaud. ALSO. At tho same tlmo and placo, al' that cert Un lot of land situate In the liuruiiifli of Ceutralla. Columbia county, l'n Iniunded und descrltied as fullows: on tho cast, by ('avion St., siuth by Noi th -t., wasCb) ai alley, north by lot of lleniy Jaspeu, bolu-Su It. in front and 140 feet deep, uu w bleb uro erectc u Iramu dwelllnfr housf.a iari;o two story frame wagou shup, and a blacksmith shop. Melred, taken lutu oiecutlon, aud to bo told as t'ao property of Iteuuon Fnhrlujer, CONDITIONS OV SAtE.-Purch.iscrs mlist pay ten per cent, ot tho, ptfcUaso money, or at least cuOuKli to cover al costs, fttstrlkins down'oV'taic,' otherwlso propel ty to bo re-suld at onco. J CHAS. S. I'OUNWALD, Pert. 21, '70. Mieiltf. PUBLIC SALE ( VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! By vluuoof an order of the Orphans' Court of Co- luuioia curuiy, w i ue sum on ruu premises on SATURDAY, OOTOIJEIl 21st, 1S7D, nt 2 o'clock p. m., llic follow Inff real estate, la'e tho property uf lleor-o l'Vlleruiau, deceasejl i All that certain tractor luid sltuato In I.'.ust iuwusuii, i uiumuia i-uuoiv, ouuuueuuuil disciioed as foli.n. r, lo- i: lieirbi'iltiir ntu stunoaud re'i- bine fi"ln llancu by laud now ur la'aof tlio lull's ef Tench L'ue, ueceasod, nuilU snji deieis ucstiU a-10 perches to a slouobcap, thenco ninth 3 do Bieea wesr , 0-10 iwal.cs.l i il slonc, tbcuce by land ot Peter MI'ler soutli sij desrees eastrj'iK rihas to asuuie, ihencub iiiumi'Uu south ta 'decrees wwstr ii' jt-itues iu iuo 1'iacu oi ueyinmu; coll' ta' I'Ui' 10 ACRES AND 16 PERCHES, neat mea pe tho same mora or ler.s. ' ' TUIIMs W SAI.K. Ten pi-rceuU tobopaldatyu still. bit: ilownuf tbo piuiK'iiy, loity ir cinulu cur'lnuatloti of sale, uud the balance In ono iear., O. II. IIAItNAItlT, It. IlKltlllilN, ' Sop, S5, 'iO-ts. Administrators. SCIItK EACIA'S TO CH'AROE REAL ICS TATK, COLU1II1IA COUNTY, 8Ht Tlm Commonwealth of I'cnnsjlraiila to tbo Slier ltTof Ciiluiiiblai uiiiitv. creetlii!: 1 Whereas Uvdla Zlmiuerman, I'lalntltT lately In our court ur i oiiimou rieas rur luu u.uut.v uiuresaiu, lio- ruroiiio uuuifusoi mo siuo court, tit lnuoiuauutv, to-wilt In tun trm ot May, No. tsu, In tlio j ear uf oil" Unl on-) thousand ebtht buuU dainl uuuiitj. si i, by tbo JuiWmentof the said court, did iecuver U'.-ulust II, U, 'rca.s, odmlnutratorof John hVciu,' docoasod, defendant, ns woll a rerrulu debt of seivu ty.&lx dollars und tlilrt,v-Unt touts, ns nlo four UolUirsand iorty.fourcoiilsfurliercuusunUebart,'eN wliU bsli'isuiUiliuxl by occasion ot tho Uetootloaj of Uuit Hi bt whuieof thu said defendant Is eonlci, Ac, as oppeanof record, iu. Andwueicas 1.5 (I la MllUUeriliail IS UUW UlXCtUMIU HUH uiul i, n JIUUIUO Is tho adtnlnlstrutor. And wllcn as thu said Krtsis died svlsod of reul tutalo In thu auld county of Culumbbi, ns wo havo been eltun tu understand, which dosucuilod and cajm to 11 u. t-reas, a'JmliiK. tratur of Jolm 1'iijih. Uocoubcd, uud II. V. l'reas. w,I llain H. Krras, (loorijii II. freas, lltratn II. Knaut, Julin A. l'rua-s, HortU'41 Kroua, Isaiah II. Press, Kuillo Ann Intcrm iri b-d with Jonathan W, KckiundNuiiCy Intormarrtod with lleujaiulu lllcks, tho heirs of tho said Julia I'lOus, iliou.isod. nd further, tho said f. K. IHI'llcc, udialulHirator of Willa .linuicnnan. Ueceasod. has k'lven us to understand Unit t jio balil ludirincnt. wltli tho Interest uud rusts llicrm.D. re. iiiuu whully jinpaia ami uasatlsllod, uud h.6ili0.i nuiiviib 114 u' l'i mvu.iui unu u reiueuu ill. IMS U'liHrii and wo boliis whit, is iusrly m-il lu our said Com t should Ik brutupit to duo ok eoutlon ucconllnif Ui tho form of iheuotof isaemblv lo nucIi cases puuio und pruvldcil, euuiuund you thai you make kmiwii to the said II. C I'ruas, Adullnrs trulor of Jolt. i t'ri'&H, doeuaxed, and II. o. rrean, w l. Ilatq Ja I'ri'ua, (Us,rk'o II, l'reas, ilirUm 11. l'reas, Jul. u A. Kca, Itorafo 1'reaa, Isalali II. fro is; rtaUio Auu Inu riiiai i led with luiuihau V; &t,ainiNuiiuv Intermitrrlckl with unj imlu lllcks, that ilu y bs uud kinar liefuru our JuJt;os ut llioomsbur in. uur eouty Court of Cuiumou Pleas lliero lo bu held on lliu Prst Uonisy of le. bel,,to mow cause, if any. 1 bins' thov know or say why lliebuld JjJ.iuuIm) recovered mrnlniit ibo rutd il.C. Kiuas, wiuilnuiru. lor Ot thus.ild Joliu freas, deu-ased, suull iioIIhj leneilmid paid out of tho said reul usiulo uf w ul.ii tliukulJ John KreaSf dcoMtsod, dledhulsod nifafuro. siild und now d 'scoudud uuJ eamn In them us, heirs, BUilhao)Oit then and thuni thin w rit. WiTNicsa Iho HoDorablo William Klwell, presl lent Jud;ntif onrs.ill niuomsbvrr, this I'Jlb Ujyjil bi'ptember, A. a Isli). ' U.PIIANICS5MIII, Bop. evr, Proihobotary, CJCIIti: FACIAS TO CHARGE REAL K3- COLfMllIA COUNTY, Ml Tlio coinmonwi iilihof Pennsylvania to tno Micriu of Columbia count , sn elliiif i Whet-IMS. t.Miin yiinii,ertiiiii. i.inlntirr Intel v In our f'ourtiif Cumiiion l'iqast,oi' tho coiiMyofotesnld be foro the Judiresot Ibonald Court, at liioomstmrif, to-ttltt In tlio teiln of September (So It) la the of our Lord ono Ihoununl njthl bundled and soicim-thioo, liy the Judgment of the said Court did lei' UKain-i. II l l reus, uuiiuiiu-inunr .iuiiu rreas. dercasnl. ilefuiiibint. us nell certain deln of oiih liuinlic'l ami il!ly.sliliill.irsiiinlllH -two cents, nuiu t inieeii uoiiars lertur mjhis huh ni.uKen wblCli she sustained hy bean-ton of tlio detention of that debt, w hereof the siild di lendalit Is convict, Ac. ns appeals ut record, AO And wbervas. lio said l.jtlla .Imnionn.ui Is now dead, as has lueii Mltf pesteilof leconl, and that I.K Mldlne, Ihn tiittnlii Ulrator, been subslliuted as tbo nlaiiitllT. And Mbereas tho said John Picas dinl neucdtt reales- uuu lu the said county otculumula, as wo inmtoiriu elren to;undeistnn, wliiih uesCehdcil 'bd riinetir 11. C, Kteas, William L. rreas, Ueow II. l'rras, 111' ram II. I'rcas, Juiiu A.l'iea, 1 1 unite l'reas, Isal.ih II. I 'l i'il, mllln .Mm liiierniKMled ullh -lull ithan W, Uk, iitui Mniic.v Inlcrni.iirled with nenjumln nicks, the belts of Ihe sjlil.lipiiu I rua', (leceawd. hit ftir Ih.'r, IhiiHild I, K. 1'lldiin', mbnlnlitraliirof Udla X.iuiineimaii, deeeuted, basipeu us to understand, thtimiM JiuUineiit, Willi the Inleiest ulidtbo eiisl.s tinUven, rem ilus wliully uiimld and utisatW tld, nnd ba iKsuugut us to t loMdu Mr bhnii proper ieiiied la ilii. hiii.iir i ml t t- ix'liit; wihhbr t tint what Ii Justly nilr.l In our Null I'uiirL should bit biuiiubi in dun evei'iill'in, aeeinHltig lolbo form of Assemnly la such case ioadeiinditot!ilcd.':mm:md t tm that ) on make kiiomi tu Ihesaid ll.i',rrcus, William I,. 1'ieif, neiirrfo II. 1'iv.n, lllra'ii 11 Freas, Joint . I n ns, uorien t rem. Isit.ih II. I'teat, Salllo Ann bill Uu itrleil IMi .l.iuiiiliiii ', l.ek. nnd Nancy luti riuaiiiril nun ill-: s-, and to II. ('. ITciH, il'liiiliiinlr.ilnr "I .ii 1 1 ii I'iiiis, iie.-e ised. that til' i no tKf.ue hi. r .liiilh'4 at lUiiwniHlxini l "ur (MlllilJ t'uiiilot ('.mill, I. II l'o.H Hull' In Iw held on thu third l'i of lieeetnlicr n-nt, to show cause, if any lhlnilhc.v know orsiy, why tho sal I ludirmctit so teeoriteil lur.ilnst the s.ild II. (' Ki-eas. adiriluKlra. tor of I ho Haiti John Pi-eas. tleeeiised, shall not. bo lev led nnd paid mil nf Ibo said real e-liilc ot nhlch I ho i, it'iu sain .iiiiiii rieas (lieu seised ns aniresaiu u'iu uuw uu scetuled and canio to thrnt us heirs. WiTNKsstlio llonoratilo Wllll.un Klwell, Prcpldcnt Judito ot our said Court nt liloom-butt; tho twoiflli day of M'litemoer, A. 1). ntn. II. I'll ANK ZXllII, Sep. 2ii cw. 1'iuthunuUiry. WILLIAMSPORT HAVK OUll NAMK STAMPHII ON Till: IIOTTUSt AN 1) EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. non'i: (iunuini: without. Our Gootlsoim bo luitl in every town in llic County. J. E. DAYTON ,fc CO. Williuiu3poi't, Pa. Sept. 20, 70-cm. of tlio Twenty First Annual Fair ot Hit: Coliiiiiiiin County Ayi'lcultimil So clely tn lie McM at Illnoinsljui g, Oct. 11th, 12Ui mill lll'.li, 1870. Class I. Horses. DIVISION 1-STALLIOXS. Judges l. llenton lkolor, Supt., William Shatler, Wtu, Meiisluyer. Rest, I'ercheron Stallion 812 00 Second best " 8 00 DIVISION 2-STALLIONS. Rest Ulnotlea Stallion 12 00 .Second tiest 8 Otl nest.Stallion for all work 12 00 Second best 8 00 Rest stallion colt not over 4 yrs. 4 00 DIVISION !! DRAUGHT HORSES AND MARES. Jmlrn Hit .Meiiilciiball, Supt., Aaron Pat terson, Cyrus Alcllenry. Rest pr tlrnuglit horses or mines 10 00 Second best 5 00 Rest draught stallion 10 00 To bo tested In harness by tbo Judges. DIVISION 4-OARRIAOE HORSES AND MARES. Jmlttft Hubert Ptiiscll, bupt., T. W. Hag eiibuch, W. T. Sbutuan. Rest pair caniage horses or mares 8 00 Second best 4 00 Rest slnilo carriage- horso or maro 5 00 Second best 2 fiO DIVISION 5.COLTS.RIIOOD MARES AND MULES. Juilgtt Klloul Preston, Supt., Alfred tr win, iifoiu;o Applcuiau, Rest l-rnod luaio, colt by her side (1 00 Second best :t 00 Rest lioisu or maro between thieo . and four years :i 00 Serorid best 2 00 Rest mate or gelding between two and tliteo yeuts :i 00 Second best 1 50 Rust linrso or maro colt between onu stud two years 2 00 Second beat 1 00 Rest hoi se or maro colt under ten months 2 00 Second best 1 00 Rest pair match colts under rour years broken to harness .'1 00 Second best 2 00 Rest pair of mules ;i 00 Second best 2 00 Kxhlbllnis under this clas will liarn their Iioi'H'mou lbo-iiiunil by ten uVlock Thurs day luornltiKi when they will be oxunilniil. DIVISION 0 WALKING HORoES. Jutlgrt3an Ilarlman, bupt., Joseph Halt zel, Tom ltecco. Rest (fastest) walking team horses or niaics, in harness 8 0f Second best (fastest) walklughoise or mure, saddle or hariuss 4 00 Class II. Cattlo. JwlgetS. lit ere, supt., .mine Marlon, John .iliner. DURHAM STOCK. Reet bull 812 00 Second beat bull (I 00 Rest cow two jeais and upwards II 00 " heifer between tm ttntl two yrs 4 00 " bull call under ten iiinntlm It 00 " heifer between 2 .'I jru 5 00s " heifer uiiiler ten months 2 00 DEVON STOCK. Rest bull 12 00 Second lu st bull 0 00 Rest bull calf under ten umntiis 2 00 " cow, II jews und upw.uds II 00 " heifer tftwpen 2 mid I! jiars U 00 " heifer between 1 and 2 ycais 4 00- ',' heifer nutter ten iiiuutlis 2 00 JKIlSEi" STOCK. Rest bull 12 00' Second best bull l 00 Rest bull calf under (en months 2 00 cow. .'1 jciiisanil upwards li 00 " liHllt'i' I ('tween 2 hi. il II je.irs Ti 00 lii'HVr between 1 ami 2 jje.trs 4 (HI ". heifer uiitler ten months 2 00 GRADED STOCK. Rest lulll il furs old nnd upwards 0 00 " bull I el ween 2ltlid .'I yen is ; 00 bull between 1 mid 1 00 ' bull lintlertl'il monllis 1 00' " row, Ibrin )enrs mill iipwardf 4 (Ml " liellt-r In-twi-i'U 2 nmi !l jetirs, 2 lid " heifer 11 w en 1 nmi 2 Jems 1 (Kl " heifer under l n months 1 00 NATiVE STOCK. Rest bull .100 " cow. :i (ki STERRS." Rest fit s'eeis fi 0O Cshllilliirs will liaii llwlr si note ivady fui the JuiiKen In luaiiiliiu by luu u'oluul.-it, m, on Thursday, and lo u-ina'ii tiulll Unto o'oioou p. tu, ini r riiuty. Class HI. Hwlno, Jutlget Puiiiiiel bballor, Sr., bupt,, Jusepli IIuHiiihii, lliutli M ii I si lili', 'Restbiondtiowaiid plgs,0ornioru $10 00 " l'ulaiid China boar (I 00- " " " brood sow 5 00- " lot pigs, llvu or inoie, under eight weeks fi 00 ha i il ii premiums for l!ssx, PillTolk, uliil C'hosler uhllesus fur I'liluiul China. Class IV. SlU!), JudMIohii M. tJoiilen. Hunt.. Tlioina Italluiati, I'.ll, I'leetii. ' COTSWOLI). Ill bt buck $1100 " own 4.00 " lot of lambs, not less than 8 '4 00 SOUTHDOWN Rest buck 0 00 " tuvii 4 00 " lot of lambs, tmtliss than 8 4,00 SEXTON MERINO. '.j Rest buck 0 00 " owo 4 00 ' " lot of Ininbg, not less than 8 4 00 Class V. ,riVJ-Thn. Wubli, supt., U. C Orol, lllltiui Appletiutii. TUUICUYS. Rest forly jtotiinl tin Key i" 00 " jialr liiiii Z'! Iiuke.vs !I"IH)" " pair domestic, tin keys 2 00 UlllCKUNH. Rest trlti llriihmns 1 00 " trio bljek Sp.iiilsli 1 00 " tlio biiirCnelilli 1 00 " mill l.itnt'st pollectlnti, not less llinti live varieties " 00 JitlCIIS. Rest pair 1 00 (ii:i:si:. Rest pair 1 00 pioiio.vs. , , Rest mid largest display 1 00 Class VI. riniln. Heeils mid 3?lonr. Judge V. I'. Mcllemy, Stiit., John llotz, Ititibeu Itoueb. Rest and must Hour from two bush els of wliint, giown uud giuillitl In tlm county $1) 00 Rest fiO lbs buckwheat Hour 2 00 " halt btishul clover seetl ,'l 00 Second best i blisliel clover sped 1 TiO liest nail liusht'l timotny seetl ;i uu Second best i bushel timothy seed 1 f0 Rest bushel wlilto wheat, dlifemit vailetlts. 2 00 Class VII. Jin1tictV. V, Mcllcr.iy, Supt., John Jlelz, UtmliCM Jtonch, For the best threo a 'res of whcut 10 00 For tho beat three acres ot' ryo fi 00 For thu beat thieo acres of buck wheat . r, 00 For tho best thrpo acres of corn 10 00 1'or tho best thieo acies of oats 5 00 For tlm best Biimple bushel of pota toes from one aero 5 00 CoinpetltorHforiircinlum' In tlioulmvo vn mutt inodiKH) a Htutt'incnt of thu iihU' ol'cul tlviillon.ttu) inittul Id bulnntui conliuoiH )ik'Ci to be lncusuicil by tliit'u tllMlntcU'sti'il l.nnu'irt, ixu cvitlllt'tl hy them tu urUinu'i (unit litimlwl tutliu hocrt'tury ut tho tlluutlio I'litiy U m:ut',) in tlm cmU'ctiic-H ot thu iiii-H-iiU'iiK'iit r thu land cuIllvatiMl, uinl tht ini'iiHiiii'iiiL'ntcti t hit i)io(lncttht'ir(it,tluiKialii ni'hccit t" lHMtu'a-mu'l by woiwht iiCcniUIn totlui k'K.ilMamtarU. Tlui.xliltiltnr must pio diii'c a ttumnlu ot tlio et op, not tlmti onu bu.-hcl. Class VIII. "Wfs5t nlU"s. Jmlticn Iitttchlnim Itiowii, Supt., 11. V. Haunt, Uleh ii-il Henry. l'erttaiid display of pota toes, half bushel ot eaeh vailety 2 00 Rest half bushel sweet potatoes raised by exhibitor 1 00 Rest bushel field turnips 1"i " half bushel rutabagas r0 " " " Biiitar beets fid ' tnamrli. venrt 7il Till " !' " beets mi " " " cairots HO " " " parsnips f.O " " " onions 7o " " " maiiKolds no " peck tomatoes 75 " lialf dozen vegetable oysters 75 " half dozen squashes -la " half dozen heads of cabbage 75 " half dozen Held pumpkins 75 " half dozen citrens 75 " threo bunches celery 75 " fouregR plants 1 (Ml " two dozen peppers 75 " two quarts llmer beans 75. " two quarts butter beans . 75" " two dozen radishes 75 " threo watei melniis 75 " quarter peck peas 75 " quarter peck onion sets 75 " cactus 1 00 " lemon tree 2 00 " tlnee beads catilillnne'r . 75 Peifons eoiupetini; fur preinluius nn Ihu lailtest anil beM ilitiiuy of uitaliies will not bu u I low cl u premium on IheMiiueHepai'titely. Class IX. Fruit. Judge Iliraui lion niau, Supt., 1&lk' Mow -ry, Win. II. hamls. v - - Rest display of winter, lint less than live vaiieties, six uf each :l 00 Rest looking peck of fall or winter apples 1 00 Rest keeping winter apples, six of each 1 00 Rest peck fall or winter tipples 1 00 " flavored peck (all or winter apph-s 1 00 Rest quart Siberian crabs of any kind 1 00 l'llAl'.S. Rest display dwaif or standard, live varieties, six of eaeh !! 00 Rent looking half do., any kind 1 00 " Havered nnd most juicy half do. 1 00 " lai gest half doz-n, dwaif or stantiard, fall or winter 1 00 pnAcnns. Rest display of any kind, live, va rieties, six of each II 00 Rest Ihivoied und most juicy halt dozen 1 00 Rest and finest looking half doz 1 00 f," and Ingest variety, half dozen each 1 00 QUINCES. Rest dozen 1 50 CIKAPIW. Rest display, wild- or cultivated (hot Illume, excluded) 5 varieties 2 00 Rest six clusters of Concord 1 00 " Delaware 1 00 " " Clinton 1 00 " " Isabella 1 1)0 " " Hartfd Prolific 1 00 " " loiui 1 00 " Adlroiidac 1 00 " " Rebecca 1 00 " " Yink Madeira 1 00 ri.UJH. Rest display, not less than two va rieties, ono rltwn each 1 00 ItASPIIliltlUKS. Rest display, any kind, not less than two vaiieties 1 00 CHESTNUT.-'. Rest quart .10 i;:iKi KituiT?. Rest quart apples, penis, quincis, peaches, apricots, uectarluts, clierries (sour or sweet.pitted or nnpittetl), prapes (cultivated or wild), strawberries, any Kind of rnspbeirles, blacklieiiles, dew berries, whortleberriee, plums, twetcheis, frunes 1 00 Thu fruit not to bu leiunvuil until thu ulosu of thu itxbtbltlon, nnd iarllciilar euro in bu oh-erveil by nil perou tbut ihu kutuu Is not Class X. AVIllOM nixl TjllJUOl-H. Jiiilzfj-ltiilii' Mellenry, bupt,, Hnlntmn Uulivfif, II, J, Conner, Rest quart entrant wine 1 00 ' blackberry wlno 1 00 ' griipo wine 1 00 cheiry wine 1 00 lyo whisky 1 00 eider vinegar 1 (Kl R"St samplo of fi uit jslly, now 1 00 Class XI. Doniiistlii Imiir llKiltrroH. JtttlgctW. II, HIiiM'iiiiil.'er, Supt., Uebi ceu 'i'liuiuua, Mrs, John Klitlur. Real loaf of biuad $.100 Second liest loaf of bread 2 fiO Rest roll butter, !l lbs. or moro 4 0(1 Second liest 2 (10 Restappln plo 1 00 1 " canned fruit, dlfTttieut kinds (not less than ouii quart each) new 1 00 Rest pound cuko 50 " fruit uukn 1 00 " ginger cakn f,o " nnuile pii;sirvis (not less limn mill quail) new 1 00 Reit ciicuiuiier pickets, new 1 00 " vailety plckels, new 150 lt qu.ti t nppld butter, new ' 75 " qiiuit peach butter, limv 75 t" iitniit giapu butter, jiew 75 " tpiait plum butler, nuw 75 " curt tl ham a 00 " sampled yeast 50 " hard soap nil " soft soap no " gallon in qilu mo lasses 1 UI Class XII. Ilnurxoliolil srnnulMotiiroH. Jhtlgrt-VruuU I'. .M.iKtefti, Supt.., Mm. Ml rluii'l Viiuee, Mra. SyHe.sler i'liteel. Rest ten yaitis lltiniel 00 " flvu yiirds woolen cloth - 00 " ten yards carpet !l 00 " ten yartls plain linen 1 M len vaitls diaper linen 1 0 " knit woul stockings M " knit wool mlltens M " knit cut Ion stocklucs f0 " lituiio liiiidt) elieml.sii 1 50 " pnli woolen blankets 2 00 " pair linen sheets 1 00 Class XIII. NVfUliMvoi'lr. .l'1mli'otti-i'.v innt fiin iiii-iit nl W'oi'k. Judgn-Vniuk Nlenurl, Stipl., Mnptflo Masieifi, Mis. Illlleblustill llltiwil. RrSt klllt tpillt - ?2 00 UdV ' 1111 " suit of tlothfa 2 00 " letting work 1 00 ' Hieclnieti bead wmk 1 00 " riptuluieii shell woik , 1 00 " spi clini'ii burr woik 1 00 speclineli leathnrwoik t 00 " speclinen hair wmk 1 00 " Kpecltnen wax woik 1 00 silk euibroltleiy 1 00 " cotton embroidery 50 " woiHted embroidery. 1 00 " worsted mat 50 " eot ton mat - 50 " winked llppets 1 00 " faiK'y pin cushion 1 00 " head dress 1 00 " specimen moss work 1 00 Class XIV. TMno Art h, 3?oii mil tiNlilp.FloM' ers ii ml X)oIj;iih. Judge Allen WuIhiiii, Hitpt., Mrs. W. 1'. Ikelei, .Mrs, W. II, bhoeinaUer. Rtstoll painting I 00 " drawing 1 00 spt'clmen pp.nmanalilp 1 00 " colli ction tlahlhis 50 " artlllcial llovvera 50 " i-peulmeii house phmts lu bloom 1 00 " specimen dried grass 50 " gpt'clinup of flowers 50 " variety dowers 1 00 ' siecimen book binding dip. " spenlinen wood graining dip. specimen lettailng on tiiiirblo dii. " specimen Rlgn painting dip. " display printing dip. " tnilispatelit painting dip. Class XV. VeliloloH. Ju?gci X. 1'. Mooie, bupt., J. O. Winter steen, I). K. buyilur. Rest plueton Sj-l 00 family ctrrlago 4 00 " open buggy II 00 " top bticgy -l 00 " fain, wiigiin 1 00 " epiing wagon for farm list) 2 00 tqulni! wagon lor pleasiUlti 2 00 " wliielliarunv ll. " sleigh 2 00 " &ulkey 2 00 Class XVI. jVtri'Uiitll mill ImlfiiH!iitM,IvIn- elilnory, Vr. Judge P, S. Iliii-uiau, bupt., Tlunnas Wit nun, I, P. K 1 1 ue. liest rluht hand plow dip. " left, hand plow (lift. 11 right atid leit hand plow dip. ' corn plow dip. " subsoil plow dip. " sqtiuto drag dip. " ono horso cultivator dip. " two hursu cultivator dip. " two horso corn planter dip. " one horso corn planter dip. " UiU'sher& separator combined dtp. " niottcr and ie.t,ier dip. " hay folk dip, " pot tablt! cider press flip. " clover htiller tlip. " sausage grinder dip. " washing machliio dip. " clothes wringer dip. " giull ing hoe dip. " set miner's picks tlip. " i,tir fine and hind linrso shoes dip. " sharpened thills dip. ' lixt) handlo dip. giitiii cratllo dip. " toller dip. " fanning mill dip. " corn sbeller dip. " stiaw and fodder crttter dip. " harvtster dii. " hay lethler dip. Auv iuiw or mi't'llni'Ions linpletnents exbl blleil anil not inovbletl tor lu ibo loleuolui; ela-s, the jmles may lepnit Ihu lueiltHot the simie lor lueiuluius to Ihu lixeeuttvu Couimlltee. Class XVII. Hlovo. 'rilMI'lll'-, JOllJ'l lll-II- M'li !, Alii. Judge T. W. I'ttiHell, Sup!,, ltobeil lint, (ieo. btnitli. Rest cooking stove with fixtures dip. ' pallor stove with llxliues dip. " vailety tinware $;t 0 ) " vailety eai then ware 2 00 " set aitllicial teeth. dip. Class XVIII. Onllmkt 'M'tiri. l--li(.iiiil CCM-H, Tiianei'N .t-. JtidgeM.t. W. .siinkcy, buin., Levi lluitb JieCnlluui. Rest set double draught harness " set iloiiblu caniage harness " set siuglii cartiiigi) harness " pair calf boots " pair kip bouts " pair mine! 's shoes " bureau " dressing stand " display c tbiuetwaro " set Windsor chairs " set spring teat chairs " betteo " rocking chair ' half dozen blooms " two sides sole'ier " two sides kip leather " two calf skins ' sample brick Aiktuan, S5 00 5 00 :i oo l no l no 1 oo 2 oo dip. 2 00 dip. dip. dip. 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 dip. Class XIX. lil'lK uud Jl-o IIIvok. .7('-l!.tltl3 Sterling, bupt., P. K. Uoat, Illiam lleeiler, Rest swarm Uallau bees 5 00 Second best swarm Italian bees II 00 Third best swarm Italian bees 1 50 Rest box honey (5 lbs or more) 1 50 Second best do do no Rust jar extracted white clover honey 50 (test ami largest display wlntu clo ver honey (not less tiian G boxes !1 00 Rest honey extractor 1 00 bee hivo dip. The bees nmi honey to Imvu been till) pro. iluuu of thu e.lilliilni3. Class XX. aTiihWuii ItiHl i'iiiikiiiIniiikI Ninr- IllIC IlllllllOH. A sultiililo plaeuin thu bullillni;s will be set iipml lor thu exbibliliiii ot urtlulu (jtitereil lu tbUelabS, No pii'tiiiumu. Class XXI. TrlalH orHpcotl. Jvdjca Dr. I.lttle, bupt., Kiunlc Ernn, Aaiuii biultli, Ur. Chuplu, lieeuu l iilriiiiiii. I'AIlMEItb' LIST. TH UltSDAY, ON II OVl.OCIC, 1'. SI. Rest trotting horsa or maro In tho county, that never wus on any track beforo 25 00 Second liest do do 10 00 Third best do do C 00 COUNTY SPOUTINO LIST. VIIIDAY TJIN O'CLOCK A. JI. Rtst trotting hoiso or maro lo thu ootiuty ' ' y 00 Secoud best do do 25 00 Third best do do 10 00 VlilllAY.ONi: O'f.'LOOK P. JI.-6TAi.MON8. Jlest trotting sutlllon $o oo KIIIDAV, 'niUKK O'Ct.OL'K P. JI. .OPIIN TO AM., Rest trolling horsu or uiitro 100 qq Setiond best do do 01) (Ml Third best do do 25 00 .llliinliaiioufieaniiibt bu mill berurullio enlty will bv- iiiaile. L'littmieu leu len per lielll. OI ijurao. All lllllls III bu llllliluil by Ihu best thli u mil or llvu lieutn. IIii-es luu. I unlil lliu l.iimi'iV not, will bo ellullilu to lliu iiiioily lint, fi-,u to ull, lloims Tllalhlu In Ibo eiiiinly lint, uu, enter In ui fun to nil. lliu nun hs in ilui mum uu 'I buin.l.iy wlllo iHoiit Wo'cloek.Thiii'wIiy noun fcii trim to niilaj'a nieea, will cKhu Kililay. ID o'cloulf, A. M. lu Uu lieu In j 1 1, Viii) limit bu iiwilouruu piciiiluiu will buuHuiileU. JOHN (!. (iUKJK, ' President, T, JUl'i'. VANlHSlfSLfOH, fcSecrutury. Worthy of ItcincK'lir.iiuc. Why will yotl mOer violent pnln, or lio rnailu nncoiiiforlnhle, illnlrcwd in mind nr liiily,uhcn you run he lnntn.illy relieved nnd quickly curid by lleliBnn'it Cnpclne l'orom I'lrutcM, The or dinary l'oroiH I'lasier N nn ntllclo of merit, yi t ilsnitlim Ik too flow, reipilrlng dnyn nnd wrcki oreiiiitliinous wear to tITect ncitro, Ilcn win's Cnpclne I'oroiis l'laslcr, being n Im. pmvclneiit ovir tlitrn, rt'lleven ou lnlniilly nnd rttres yotl qblekcr than tiny kbown jilnMir, lliiinient or compound. Their neittui U mure powerful Ihun eleelilcilv ntnl moro itrurin. They me purely vegelnblu rmitnln no mineral or nitlallii' poisons. Their composition niiil pioperlles tiro founded upon true ineiiienl hkiii, ami mo in no renj it ptitnt tmdieino. They nro emit reed hy llioiiniul uf rliVKiriiina nnd DiugglstH of tuiliniiciielinhln ripiitatlcn, ns being uu uitlele uf genuine merit mid worthy of public eo'iliilenee. Try them nnd ho convinced, l'rlee 25 ei nt. HIMIlt'HY .V.IOIINSON, 1'iiiiuiAir.micAi. Ciikmis.b, n. v. May 10, '70 ly. ' ' llriisonV Caiirlue I'uruiis Plnsit-rs llcnr Mlinl the Pout le Sny ! "Tho best, chonpst, Mtnol. (! HitrrM relneilv of-fcn-il nn InU'lllireiii iieopio'' ,i, nnleln nf errnt merit whleb will In a short Mine bo found In "icrv hnusi br.ld." "They inn all Ihntll.n Inaniifncluiers i lnltnfor Ihrin, Mbotc IKiinealnne Isn suniileni en. ilorM-uii in uf their L'enuliie lnt'iltK." '"Ilm leu retro lv known fur nil cxli rnal ilinieullles ur lunl (llt urlianccs." They nru vtirorous, lemm Ing nlnifisc "-''"'".' iii"i.i- - iHii-in, iiiuu hum c usui mini Mier ilvcuic," "Iciuislilerlliein h Kienl nnd needed lin proM'inent ovt r nil other iKirous planets, tbevir'vu iroiiipt, tvllef nnd cntu ipiloMys Iheynie b'ehi in liWb esteem 'J bey are new pi i felled over a I! MU ers. They cure where til her pniuus lilastemHinnly rellPM-." hen suiTerltuj try them nmi luu will nut boillsnppolnted. Pileo sni-cnls. .nay ii ii,-iy HKAIIIUIY JOHNSON, Pharmaceutical t'heiuUts, N.Y, 1!. I' KtrNKKI.'s lllTTlllt WINE OP IHOnI 1 Ills truly valuublu tunlohas bc"iiso Ihoroughly teslcd hy u'l clashes of Ihu community that II Is now deem-d luUlspenslblu ns a tonli! Inedlelnu. Itctisls but little, purines tlio blood nnrt kIcs lonelo tlio -'stomach, terimntcs the sjslcm nnd prulongs llfu. Ilvetyboily chouiil have It. l'orllio curat,f wmlc Btomncl.s, pcncral debility, Indigestion, diseases of tho stomach.and fur all cases l equlrlne; a tonic. 'ihls wlno Includes tbo mostngiccobio and efficient Baltof lion wo possess ell tale of tnaitnello oxide, comblncit wltli tlio inost energetic of vegetable tunics Jcllow Peruvian bark, Ho ott want suint thing to strcngthcij join Do J o-i want n good nppetlle- ? Ho juu waul to get lid ut iiei vousness 1 lio jou wr.ntinergyv no j ou want to sleep well? Do you want lo build up jour constitution? Do jou want to feel well? Do jou want n bilsk nnd vigorous feeling? If jou do, try Kunkcl's Hitter Wlno of lion. I only ask a trial of this valuable Ionic. llewaio of counterfeit;!, as Ktinkel s Hitler Wlno of lion Is tho unit sure and effeetho remedy In tho known world for the pei inanent curouf dynpcpsla nnd debility, and B3 lliero aruanuiiibcr of Imltalluns tiirered to Ihu public, I Mould caution the, cuinumtdty lo iiurcliaso nuuo but thogeuulno niliclc, inanufac tuied by 11. I-. Kunkel, nnd having his stamp on tho cork of every buttle. 'I lie very fact that others aro attempting tolmitato this uhiablo remedy proves Its worth and speaks volumes In Its favor. Otltho genuine, il. v. Hunkers. bold only lujt bottles. Sold by druggists nnd deal ers BVeryvv lu re. II. 1". Kunkel, Pi ojn letor, SK) North .-Muiasueet, I'liiiadeljilila, I'a. lapo worm lieuioveil Aiive, Head nnd nil complete. In two hours. XofLu till head passes. Seat Pin nud Momurli Worms runoved by Dr. Kunkel, 2;;i Nor'h Ninth slreel, Philadelphia. ncun ior circular or ask j our (h ugglst fur u liotllu ot Ktinkels worm Syrup. It never fulls, Prlcojl.oo. Sept. WlinilU TO ADVKHI ISK. .T. SteiVlIlt SIIVH tllll best liirrtlwtui in,llnna ho has ever found -are tho old cMlahllslicd organs of tho two political jiartlcs, at the several couniy seats llirollhnut Ihu t'llloll." "'Ihese." Im mu xi'M.irl, every family of thu least nccount In their t-evcral comities, and aro mule carefully read than any other u,mu ji u.ii.-i, ii ..ii .pii'wiuiB juiigmcni is or value, then) Is no difficulty In deciding which paper It Is fur tlio Interest bf business men to advertise lu I ur l III. I HUM iigmochat, iiikiii vviiiciithls iaier Is iiaitlallj founded, w us established In lsilii, uud Ihu Coi.cmi'.ian now enjnjs u wider clrctil.itkin and gn liter 1 li t irltj li nn It ever did. It goes week v Into two thousand families in rniiiniia.i nmi i.,t Joining eounllos, and by mint of them Is read from m iimnu uiuiiiM one. his uiiiunly reeognKed exponent ut neaily rive thnusand Dcn.ocrII' votets In tho county; ItL-hes iniveitisi.m,.tit n iu.iv.ii plaj, that makes them attractlvu to lis palriius;ihiia ensuring gtealer eeitalnty that they will peruso . .. ...... , iiia.i.uiiiiuiiiMiiiu-uiy iiiueu inu lai'sisl In tin- euiintj-, the ndvetllslug tatiw or thu Cor umiiian are no higher than Ihoso of other papers with b.uelj half and scvernl uotonc-fnurlhtliunum-bi-r of subsei Ibers. l'acts Ilku thes speak for them tolvei. Mi shrewd business man will neglect to In (.eithl.snilveitlsrmentsln IIioCiilcmiihn tt otati:.mi:.t .stiowixt! tiii: ri.vANciAi, i . r?nvhirirv m.' m. H.IM hL'IUIOI. IllHTllll'T KOItTlli: YKAlt C.NIMNU JU.NU 1st, ISTll. Amount duo and uncollected Juno 1, ists f.'m J9 ' of t .x assessed fur selioul purposes 1,1'i.l 15 " Male aiio ilatluii 'ill m ' leielveii uu buunty lax na ;i f,,lli7 JS Ant' 't natd S. F.rl:vntb. but. ilnn nit., no n,.nn fur is;j-.', - 7 j,, paid auditors a co " A.schiH'ppcnhclsu-for slovennd P l , , , , 10 lur fuel anil repairs i-, ki fur U'.iehcrs' w ages 1 1;,-, im fur Slate register uu furpiibllsliliigauilltjir'srepurl a uu Jacob Piatt, iur tepair.s a ui culleetor's lKieu iia'u a tn A. schvvcpiHJiibeliir us secretary vu to il.llii si i', It', 31 llaianco duo tovvushlii il.irU IS 1)11. Ain't tecclved from Tresis tit lsi ' " " culleLlurs " Mateappropilatiun " puld by ('. ,1, Liititz on bounty tax ' " " " " " on scnuul, Isi'i Mil M l.ITT us an sj t Tr, H IK) $I,IM) 01 Clt. Ain't paid on vouchers " tie.i.Mirei"s eoinnilsslon " uf iiuh un hand $1,112 CT S S5 V 10 fl,4SI) 03 p, Ihu undcrtlgnisl, Auditors of Miniln township for thojear ls;5, havo examined tho luregolni ne counls nnd llnd them to Ihj as stated, to thu beat of I). II. viONT(!OMi:UY, .,. C, II. JlASTEI.I.i:i!, 7 Auditors. Kept. 15-Jir A 1).M I MSTRATOR'S NOTlCK. Xi. MTATr! OI SAVtrRI, K, ALUhltTSON, nrc'ii. belters or Admliilttiuiiuii, do bunle nonof sniniict h. Allwrt.son.if llenton ti,l'oluiubia rouniy.dec'il. havu been granted by tho lleglster of said eoutity to K 1;. Oi v b, (,f nioiinisbiirg. Columbia Co., pa., to whom nil persons ldebled to suld Rstnto nro re ipiesU'd to mako payment, nnd Ihosu havbig claims agalns'. t be said estate vv 111 mako them kuoiv n to tho said administrator without delay. Sept. s.-cw. Adminuiraiw. IXKCUTOIfS N'OTICK. J STAT OFJOSHCA 8AVA0K, Sit., m-CBASED. Letters Uslameniary on Ibo Cklato ot .leshua Kav age, si., l.iloot J.icksun township, Columbia countv. deceased, have lieeu giunted by thu lteglstcr of said county to benjamin b' Savagu mid Huses Savagi', h jeetitors.lo w hum ull persons Indelittd uie reouest isl tu uiukupaMiient.iiiid Ihonibavliigclalmsiigalnst t in sildistaiii ttiiliiuku tlwiu knuwn lutuu said mocutdsvilthoutdelav. llKVJAMIN I', RAVAfiE, , , jioskssavaoi:, 'P-1". lWulore. SSIONKK NOTICE. AbsK'iiment of A, II. Pearson nnd wlfo of Springfield tuwushlp, liui ks county, Pa, 1 ,nn',l?l."tA,?!i"',u uLue "a!'u" havo mado an assign moiitof alllluir real nnd personal nruncrlv lo lliu tn'e enS,?."!;,,,,r.T ,,"uU,"',!t retllt tit's, not Ico Is theiiior given ihat ull perMinsjiavlng claims tigaliiil thu A wlghuiu jvin piesent ibem ut oncu, aud all lu- iii lu ""uu uuincuiaio payment, lllrigen, Pa. U II. vaONKII, Sept. 82, 10,-Civ, Asslgmu J. II. KNI'lTLli. W. H.AllIiOTT Important to Farmers. nnd ovcrj body In want of LIMB, LUMBER, AND COAL. t.lViU.l'.Wt13 h,la3 11 or n(,ftr "o 11PT Wlll.on' ino I), ii, x w. li. it, and nro now pn pared tn soil llmu iit very, icusonnblu pure mid of gtKid ruiullly Orders by Ilm car promptly tilled mid hhliuiodui , any MJiiloiinn ibo iilsmi road. Af'illlluo nf l.ll.Mlii:it.of ull kinds, dres.sea or".', 'm0,1""1; Wlnf( i-b, Ull, uud bill I linber tu wliiiii wo Invito tho iilU'hlloiiot custo mers. Onlerti n-eetved nmi tlltil f,-. nil t-t.,.. ...... ' IUU1Ui 'H.T tlt'dliO, nllm.llhn In 1.,.. . .. , uuiuvs we nopo 10 merit a shuiu uf public jutionage. A UI UT. .....1 .VI. AIIIHIIT, 1 il.lMG.- t'uluwUsi, J-u. PIIISIIIIKNTIAI, CAUPAK1N Oips, Capta & Torch w SKNU I'lla II.LUlHAttU t lut'll. LAH ANU I'lllOU LILT, ounninu iam & mix, WAN Uf AUTCIIKUS, No. Ml Church Ktreet PIllLADliU'lllA. July as.'iti. mux.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers