.1 THECOLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOM&liUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THEOOLUttBIiN. II 1, 0 0)1 Hilt! It (I, I'.lt 1 II A V, OCT. S-.I, Is;.", itnll HnnirTlnio TnMc. I W'KAWANNA ft lll.OOMSlltnm UAH, ltoAl) Accommodation Train,, M.ill Trnln r.vprcni Trnln ......... N01ITII. R01TII. . G.45 A.M. T.iW A. M. :.SltA.M 6. Jl'.M , 1.45 P.M. 11X1 A. it li.St V. M. CATAWISSA HAIL 110A1), ltmTii. Accommodation Train A.M. .. t'mrnKq 1 . M. nn KTiir.-as train either to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Cutawtai nnd Wlllinmnpou, 7.B0 P. M, 11,33 A. M, tiolc out fur tlio new nilvcrtl'cnictit of W. 1'. lone it Co. next week. . . ......i.i.. ..it... r iim foil nniiv , ,J Ill h, rr,.lllrd .lit Ik. ."I '" ' ..,ll.-ll. n,.lll.'..ll llJuMUItin..lr..K Nonci:. All contractu made liy Mr. Pieflcnliaeli forml YcrtUcmcnt", nnd lire-paid Fu1icr5il!oiit will lie carried out by the present proprietors of this pa jicr. ltiilncK3 card in llio directory will bo con'timicd, nt tlic old rntc., Hilled otlierwUu or dered, nnd will dale fiom Oct. lft, 1875. In debtedneMto tlio CotAJMMASf on nny tie-count from ."ly K 18'3 ,0 0ct H 187G' w!11 pclt, willi Mr. Picflenbacli. l,crfoiisde?lilngtoilon tlieir paper, if nny, nnd tlioso willing to fiili KcriVic or to liavo tlieir pint office cliangul, will ptcao notify m nt once. The paper will be eon llnueil to old snbJeribcr unlcm ollicrwii-o order ed. Owing to the great nmoiint of woik inci dent upon taking charge of the office wo have not had tlmo to elinnge the datci Mi the printid direction1". Xcxt week they will bo changed to Oct. 8th, 1875. Our legal duties will not be neglected by rea MJiiof our having taken chargoof th'u paper One member of tlio firm, nnd both, when nccc- rary, will constantly look after the interests oT our clicnR , i:liKCTION, TUESDAY, NOVIiMllKU 2. A thunder shower in tlio latter part of October U not n very imiat tiling. On Titeid.iy nlglit lnt wo had one. Several gentlemen who wero out on thoiiliinip, got tlio fiillboncfitoflt. Clov, llcndricki of Iiidlnna, and ex-Oov. Cnr tin iiddrewed ii largo ntiillcnco in l'hlladelplila, fiom the fame rotriiin, on l'riday of lat week, lloth wero received with dcafuiiiig npplatije. Who can lln.vr ir? Mr. .1. I). Wilson of llloombiirg ha? left nt our ofllro n inointcr rnd Mi. IU weight Ii twelve poiindi, and lit cir cumference U twcnly-nino intiiw. This idiows what radi-dici enn do when they try. The root wa dlHoverid loo Into to bo put on exhibition nt the fair, but Iovcm of llio curlew, and of rnd- lies can see It by calling nt our panctiini. Hon. P.ivld LowenbeiL'. maviir of tbn rite nf minim jure, nan nlllm hlf-il !l ilnlitll v. ntul vn. ill the act of iiegotlnllng with Thod'e Hill for "crmancnl noanliiig at the ilemic lloii-e, when io was flirnri'od nt tlio niinniiiir-r-iiinit that a nomination had ju.n been made. Gaulle SiJlul-kiln. On behalf of hii honor, tlio Mavor, we would ptntc ihnt he wa-i t-omcwhat dNappointed that a nomination for ccnnlor win made so poon after lis arrival, n he would have enjoyed fpciuling n month ortwo.it the llerdie Home. The excel lent boarding, etc., aro ri ported ni great induce ment", p trticnlnrly the latter. KI.WTION, Tl'KSDAY, NOVEMIlEIi !2. Taki: Tin: AViiou: Tickiit. It U nn exeel lcnt one, fairly cho.Hii, and represent the ma jority, ficrutching for pcrron.il or piivnteica soni it n biieaklng port of revenge. AVo are glad to report that KhcrllTGrovcr U nblc to bo about again The liev. E. E. Adami of Oil City preached in St, 1'aulV Episcopal church on Kundny la-t, in the ab?cneo of the rector, Ucv. John Hewitt. A freph mpply of Vi and 50 Hi wheat nnd buckwheat pnptfr bags jnpt received at the Co j.VMriAN olliee. Our young friend Frank Koon, Iiai left Ha zlelon, nnd become clerk in the Exchange Hotel at lliii place, wheie lie i-i not only useful but or naiuciital. Jlo-t of our merchants have received their plock of fill good-", lieiul over the ndverli"e .iiicnts in the Coi.f.MiiiAN, m that you will know wheie lo buy lo the beet advantage. John W. f lei-er of Epy had :i bone of his left nrni broken on Satuiday lat by Hie barn door swinging t-Imt as he was pulling away h'u carriage. The Gaulle &. Uullilin put polls to give news from adjoining ctmnlics. Is it in hlisi-ful igno rance Unit Columbia is an adjoining county, or is it because we manufacture no news. The Itc publican leaders in this county have held no muting this fall, bicnu-e tlieir ppeak vi s me afraid to tlicii lheiueftionsof the hour hrfoie thu neonlc. 1'cMiles. it lilixlit excilo and help bring oul a good Democratic vote. i A meeting was held at Stillwater on the even ing of the 'ili-t. l're-idcnl, Daniel Mcllinry vice pre.sidentH, John Sutton nnd Abrani Kline A largo nudicneo was iulilres-ed by 1!. l-'ranl; '..m: V.., of lSloomsburg. and John Sutton of l'ishingcreck. is tCo 'luriy o-'rne7r,;;r.',,rifanv,'liViiv "MY. conilclal of plunder and peeulaticn, of eorni lion and di-honety, and next week the people will tenltnce it lo a mipeuion from oflice and inability to hold any porilion of luiit or profit forever hereafter. Wo understand that a laige amount of money has been raided lo be iih-iI in l'enn-ylvania next Tuesday. A good piopiirtioii of it Inn been sent to thirf county, but we me not much afraid of it, became l'eekley is chairman of the Keptiblicau Standing Commiltce, ami don't want lo wiwe it ly a distribution. On l'riday morning la-t, a liltlo before six o'clock, the gas from the blmt pipes at Meal's furnace exploded as Patrick .Mel-adden was about to light it. It made a, tremendous noi-e and burnt Mr. Mel-'adden's left hand very seri ouIy. It is believed to have been caused by !efeetivo valve. Our merchants show llnir la-le in Hie sclec tion of hloek by the arrangement of their show- windows. C'laik & Wolf cannot bo excelled. JfeNo ltooth has been hunted up by a 7Vn reporter, down in Maryland. He denies writing nnv letter, or knowing n ything abouti-uariio lloss. I'.akcr, who pretended to have received the letters, obtained money of the papers fr tlio letter", Plallng that ho was going lo Ptart for Europe. He is to be nrropled for false prctcneo, nd now they nre waiting for another clue, Our p.incluni was honored by a call from ex- Gov. l'ollock during his recent vlit in !looin liurg. Mr. l'ollotk is n genial gcnlleman.a cap ital lawyer and statesman, hilowo do not agree with him politically, wo believe him to bo an honest ltepublleaii from principle. He is lolng his paity good pervlec on the ptiinip We must apologize for not mentioning last week tlio fact that Messrs. ltnwlings it Vannat la, the obliging proprietors of the Opera Houc, have ollercd the li'ooftho lIoue free of charge, fur nn entertainment for the benefit of the Nor mal School. These gentlemen displayed great enterprise in thu erection of a town hall, and now they show their interest in our local insti tutioMs bv this oiler. They ought to be liberal ly supported. See D. I.onenberg's local notices. Ho has an uniMially lino assortment of goods. ClINTllAI.l A AND CoNVNdltAM. There is .1 rumor prevalent that through the use of money nnd the inllucnee of l'ut lle-tcr we may lose a large number of our voters in Centralia nnd Coiiynghani, Our miners down there havepuf- fend enough by Kail'ical rule. Hnrtranft is but the tool of the corporations which have di-lrcsi ed litem, nnd they inii'-t not kiss the hand that smile them. See to U that a rousing vote is given for the whole ticket, and disprove the as sertion, l'OLI, EVI UY DEMOCIIATIC VOTE IX THE t'Ol'NTY. That I'oNY. Wo nil know thnt Mnry hnd n liltlo Intnli," but all our readers may not have been Informed of llio fact that Alfred had a lit tle pony. It Is a question which gels the most excrele Alfred or the pony. On Saturday Inst on Market street, Alfred was careering nlong in fine stylo on the back of his mustang, when the latter concluded ''to go it alone," nnd "oideresl him up," and afterwards "lusscil", Ho Is not ni fond ol horse-back exercise ns lies was. In fact ihat pony Is for sale, l'or terms innulro of Al fred. o charge for this notice. Latist. Charlie, on Third street, nlpo had a pony. They peparnteu puucicniy. mime pays he wont try it again unlit lie gets n saildlo nnd stirrups. Full ntsosltncnt of Men's nnd Hoys Cloth ing nnd Over Coals sold clienp for ready iiay, Call and cxntnlne tho goods before purclms- lug, tlilril iloor below Ainrkrtrqtinrr, UCt. 21MV IMNII',1, lOC'UM, that his labor will bo in vain. Who May Hi:r.t. f-tilooi, Bookm. Our atten tion hnvinir been frrnucntly called to this sub- throughout the State, but wc hope and believe. jtct, we epiole llio law on the subject for the ben efit of nil Interested. TAMIL That It shall not bo lawful for tho county superintendents, directors or controllers, or any other persons officially connected n lib llio common pcliool system, to become ngeni ior the sale of nny school books, maps, charts, school apparatus or stationery, or to receive compensa tion ior sue u sale, in any iiiuiiiii-i niiiitwiviii The corner stone of the new Xormal School building will bo laid lo morrow (Saturday) at 2 1'. M. l'rof. Wickcrsham, and ltobert 1". Allen, nominee for senator, are expected to be present. The Literary Societies will take nail In the. ex ercises. A procession will be formed nt the corner and any violation of tho provisions of this pc- ,IM n nn, Mni-tnl sin rls li.lnnrr i to the hill. " Sllil no uccmiu a ..r.,u,..w,., r.. 2.000 yards of Calico, S, 0, nnd 10 cents, nt W. llnrtiimii's. Another drop, Yivnl wldo "lllll Semper Idem" Wenched Muslin only II cents per ynrel by llio bolt at l.utz it Sloans. llutton Shots nt lHTKnorrM for $2.75. llcnvcr Cloth Slioei for tender feet nt K. JI. Knorr's, Lutz & Sloan enn sliowyou forty-fivo prices ofElwincls, price 20 to 70 centa per yard. (Inlton Vlnnnel. 10 cents. 12 cents, It! ccnU nnd 20 cents, nt I. W. Jlnrtman's. Overcoats! Overcoats 1 Overcoats, 1 for Men, Hoys nnd Children. (I rent Bargains at 1). Lowcnbcrg's; under the direction of tlio society Marshal. There ought lo be a largo attendance, ns the ex ercises will bo Interesting. Onn t'AltY. We are pained to announce the leath of Mrs C. r.ittenbender, which occurred on Tliuifilay.Oct. Mill. Mrs. Jlittenbemler was bom near I.imo lliilge on the 11th day of Au gust, Ib2li. She was married about 20 years auo, and about the same tune connected herself with the Lutheran church and has been a faith fill member of tho same ever since. In all he lelations, whether to society or home, she ex emplified thoe traits that adorn christian char acter, and when the hour came she fell asleep in the full hope of bUs-ful immortality. J'e- pubticfltl. Many of our citi.ens did not attend the fair lately held nt llloom-burg, assigning as a rea son, that money was scarce and that they did not palroniio gambling inlitution. Me know from our own nbicrvalions that fully two-tlnnls of the people who resido in this end of the coun ty were not present, and had the managers been more liberal to tho press, paid Ics in premium for lior-e-raciiig and more for tho products of the foil and household, n large majority ot Iho-o who stayed at home could have been in duced lo patronue that iij-,titulion. Jlenton ll'- 1. W. llarlman is receiving his new goods. Call in and see tlicm. Chairman llcckley can't stand au open fin and theieforo is sneaking through the baej; township with his tickets and greeu-b icks. He even passed through tho far-famed I-'Uhiugereek Confederacy uhne, and nobody hurt Mm. He on your guaid, Democrats, and bewaio of spu rious tickets. A Wuoi'l'l.i:. Lew Honor, of Centralia, has at I.tit tin lied U ranger. Wo wondered what kept him ijuiet so long, but It seems hi agricul tural faculties have been devoted to mi-lug a pumpkin, It measure !MJ inches in circum ference j wo don't remembor its weight, but ho was enabled to loll it down to Ashland. ELECTION, TUESDAY, NOVKMBElt 2. Tho road damages paid in Columbia county from 1850 to 1805, a peiiod of 10 yean was :i,0'J2.02 and from 180(1 to 1871, only six years, was $I5,:i 111.00, which makes over four times as much paid during tho hut six years nswas paid during tho former 10 years. Thu expense. increase. l.utz it Sloan nre ollctinj! bargains, tlieir new good at Tho Hepubliean say lliey' have $200.00 to put into Ceiilralin nnd Conynghnm. Wo are furious to see how many votes they can buy. Last vcar lliey had only forty-two votes in llirco illsiri'.-is- .Indtro Elwell may havo u (bailee of puf.in,,' through not only tho men who receive brib a. till thou who oll'er tlicm. Watch lliem, boys. Doe Hlackstono sny that every public man who Uy strict attention to business has been sue coteful in having his salary incrcusid is obliged to take every two-cent newspaper in the cotintiy Sentinel Wo anwcr tho question cheerfully. Hlaek stono says nothing whatever about patent outside sheets, Our distinguished Counly Superintendent wiIich ii letter to the AVnlim, In which houses tho word "self-laudation." As there does not happen lo bo any meh wonl in the EnglWi lan guage, wo would suggest that hereafter tho gen tleman obtain Ihu Fcivices of a small pchool-boy to look over liU inamiscilpt betuo ho semU it out, Tumi'MUN-ci; Mia.-, AVo have tho utmost re spect for n man who hasstiong convictions on lending uuntlonn whetlicr wo ngieo with him or not. Hut wo confess to litllo faith in the man who, while loudly iiilyocallng tho success of the Temperance cause', can deliberulily cast Ids bal lot for llurtrnnft, who signed tho bill to repeal tho local option law, and whoso veto would lave i ctulm-d It. niiMoem.vnei mkutixos. Si..nTowN. Tho meeting at this point on enthusiastic one. It was organised by electing Elias Ilelwig president, David Yeager vice pi-eiilcnt,ainl V. II. Iteinbold secretary. Sjiecch es were made by H. 1". Zarr, Win. Uryson, C. H. llrockway and Jnine Ilryson: The Democracy of Loi-ust arc in earnest. Ci:Nrit.u.lA. A iwial, there wa a largo turnout at Centr.ili-i on Tliursday evening, and the best of order prevailed. Addresses wero made by C. 11. llrockway, J nines Hryson and William Hryson. The icport that many Irish men llieio will vote against IVrsliinir is not true. They have not forgotten lliat llartraiift wa tho hangman ol Mis. .Suiratt. Tho rally nt Shuman's, in Heaver Valley on last l'riday evening was in every way gratify ing. I-'or a few years past at least fifty Demo erratic voters neglected to turn out.but they prom ie to do better next week. The returns will show. Thu otlicers wero Isaac Klingerman, president, mid Charles Michael, secretary. The is.ues of the day were-diseussed by Messrs. Xu, Orvi and W. -f . Huckalew. On Saturday evening, Oct. 2.iil, a meeting was held at lol.i. It wa organized by electing John Lore", Esi,, president, John limner, Israel Ho gart, Jcsso Caspar, Joseph Cole, Joshua Davis ami Michael Hilliimo vice presidents, and Sliep paid Uiiiiyan secretary C. CI. H.irkley, Esq., iiddres-cd the meeting in a lengthy nnd telling speech. A good nnd carnist feeling for the suc cess of the Democratic candidates wa manifest ed. At tho conclusion of Ids address, E, 11. Ike ler, Es'l-, made a few well chosen remark. The meeting in Jackson on Saturday evening lat was well altended, and from tho indications we are led to expect u full vote from tho "Hick ory" township. Jacob Lunger presided, and Win. Manning acted a secretary. Able ad dresses were dclivcicd by E. E. Orvis nnd W. J. lluekalew. At Buckhorn on Monday evening Col. J. O. Freeze and C, O. H.irkley addressed n meeting at Hie new school liou-e. Charles Xi-yhard pre sided, and Samuel (iirton acted a secretary. The meeting at Itcnlnn was ono of tho best during tlio campaign. .Smith h hall was crowd ed by thoughtful and intelli;ent men. It was organized, on motion of E. K. Orvis, Kmj., by the election of Wm. Appleinan a chairman.and Stott E. Colley sccictaty. The meeting w-es ad dressed by li. H. Little, Esip, in an able argu mentative speech. Ho win followed by C. It. Hrotkway and E. E. Orvi, Esq. David Lowcnbi rg and C. It. llrockway on Tuesday started lor Milllin Cross-ioad for the im- posc of making speeches, Mho storm ol Unit evening struck them near tho Mainvillu fur nace. It was not only "wet out" but tho rojil could only bo seen by the flashes of lightning. On returning to Mainvillo a meeting was organ ized, ami Wm. T. Sliuinan presided. Mr. Low- enbeig made the most of the speeches, and they were well responded to, The Democratic meeting at lUipeit was com imralively well attended on Wednesday evening, It was organized by tho election of James S, l'lirnswotlli as president, Sergeant CuorgoW. Menrs !eo pusldent, and Charles A. ICnorr secretary. Addresses wero mado by Hon. John (I. Euezo nnd C. 11. Hiockwny. Sergeant Meais has been a lifelong Hepubliean, hut now sees tho eiror of his Conner ways, and, liko the niodigal son, Is returning repentant to tho Dem ocratio fold. He made a few remarks nt tho meeting. The Espy meeting on Wetlnesday evening was nddrisscd by Messrs. Orvis nnd Znrr. James Lake presided, nnd in, lloblson tided us see ritary. Cioexl feeling prevailed, but wo doubt whether the Democracy of Scott can eipiul their vote of hut year. This election will alo deter. mine whether they etui retain tho delegate they gulned in lb72. ELECTIOX, TL'KSDAY, NOVEMHEH 2, ELECTIOX, TUESDAY, XOVEMHEU 2. SC.VATOltlAI, CONKKltENCE A brief report of the senatorial confcience last week, closed at the 150th ballot w ithout a choice nnd mi adjournment to illianvport. The con ferenco met pursuant to adjournment, nt the Hcrdic House in A illi.imiort, on ednesd.iy Oct. 20. all the conferees present. Hon. John O. 1'reczo reiiinctl tho chair ntul called the con ferenco to order. Mr. Cummin took Ms place as secretary, and the b illoting proceeded. With varying fortunes and unsatisfactory retiltH it continued. It was realty a beautiful contest of acuto and trained politicians, desiring by nil fair and honorable means to secure the selection of their respective candidate. Quietly ballot suc ceeded ballol.combiiialion followed combination. but the wary voter still cast his ballot po a lo prevent any other result than that ho wished, though unable to compass llio choice of his counly. There was no abatement of good humor, of gentlemanly courtesy, or of patieint and eager watchfulness. So balloting and adjournment continued, until it wa puflicicntly manifest that there wa but one gentleman before the conven tion upon whom a sufficient number could unite to make a nomination. Three hundred and live ballot having been had without n choice, on the SOOth Columbia county led off for Robert 1'. Allen of Lycoming, and all the other conferees following, lie receiv cd the unanimous vote of the conference, and wa declared dulv nominated, On motion, the chair appointed Messrs. Cum min and McIIenry a committee to iniorni Mr Allen of his nomination and request hi accept ance, lie nppeareii in company wuu me com mittee. when the chairman announced to him that he had been unaniinouly nominated on tlio UOf.th ballot a tho Democratic candidate for senator in the 21th di-tiict. Mr. Allen rcplcd briefly, tendering hi thank and accepting the nomination, and pledgin himself to honesty and fidelity in his official ca reer. Mr. Jackson, of Sullivan, wa called for, and complimented Mr.Allen on his success, and said that Sullivan would suppoit him. Mr. Bniklev, of Columbia, thanked the eon ference for its long continued and patient labor over his and the claim of tho other candidates, was sure that the county would, ns ho would, give a cliceifiil and steady suppoit to Mr. Allen. Mr. Cliatfant said it was not a time for r peech making, said tlio Democracy would win, Mr. Al len would bo elected, and would have a happy time over llio politics of Lycoming county, The chairman then, with thanks to the eon ferecs for the compliment of the chairmanship of the body and their courtesy and kindness, tie- . I .1 -..rMnnn.. n.l.n,,noil sum l.liilih, ultl, n linn or iinlirisonlllctlt t.ix t ml t shall not no law nil ior any en rector or president of any school board In this Commonwealth to lie Interested In tho furnish ing of books or any other siipplleo for said school'. The edilor of tho Hnzlctou Sentinel, speaking of a recent visit to the Xormal School, says: Vi uoro Rorrv In seo evidences of heeled 111 tlm 1,1-mu-r r.-irn of Hie around nnd building'. It eloe not speak well lo-r tlio guareiuiiis oi me in StttlltlOll, The writer seems to have lost sight of the fact that it is less than two months since tho board ing hall was destroyed by fire, and that thou and of people wero there, running over the grounds and tramping down tho flowerbeds, Work was begun on the grounds, clearing away the debris. In a few days after tho calamity. Car penters have been nt work nt the music nnd model school building, teams have been driven necessarily over tho premises, and nearly a hun lred workmen passing in and out constantly- The Principal and Superintendent of the grounds have had their labor more than doubled by the removal of llio students to the school boarding houses elown ttfwn, and yet thcSaifinri li-covcrs evidences of neglect. Luzerne, the lareest countv in tlio district, lias never contrib uted a dollar towards the erection of buildings or the care of the ground, except what came in directly through appropriation of tho Legisla ture. Wo would lliereloro suggest mai suci criticisms come with bad grace from that quar ter. Among numerous other instances of llio man ner in which our lato county fair was conducted we give tlio following from the Gazelle & limit tin : " A siWio of sharnor dodco was attempted on tho Hloomsburg band by the managers of the fair at that place la-t week. Tho agricultural society otl'ered a premium ot twenty-live dollars to the best band, ami ior tins iniiuiiieeni rum 1 th.it tin, li.ind should furnish tl music during tho three days of tho exhibition I Tlio lSloomsburg baud is no siieu ciican uii.ur, and so very courteously but emphatically resist ..i ,i... ,.i:,i, i.,,i.,i;,m It could hardly be expecled that sixteen men, the number in our band, would leave their busi ness for three eliiys for the paltry sum of twenty five dollars. Scventy-fivo or eighty dollars would be a reasonable figure for tlieir services, and wo admire tlieir spirit in refusing to be drawn in by the very thin pmmiso of being awarded a premium of twenty-five dollars. Tlieir reputation ni a musical organization docs not require nny such bolstering up as a diploma from the Columbia County Agricultural Society would nllbrd. Wo know there arc some gentle men connected with the society who desire lo conduct it on what la in truth the most econom ical basis, but we presume they are overruled. We understand tho Berwick band got the pre- m. There was no competition. Mens. Ladles' nnd Children's woolen IIojo nt 1'.. il. Jvnorrs. ELEG A XT SUITS, Latest Style, In Heady Mndcs, nt I). LowcnbergV All rn.i1 lntnil nnd screened before Icavhig the old eslnblished coal ynrel of C.V. Iwu, UltO. Itflf Tnsl in a lliir- nfl-Vlt Skirts at 75 cts to in no nnd it full slock of Domestics, such ns Muslins Blenched, Ac. Canton Elnnncls nt all prices, Demests and all Wool l'laiinds in all shade and prices, to suit nil nt Clark it Wolt's. An elegant lino of Clcnt's Underwear, Pure Merino Shirts and Drawers, Medicated Flannel I'ine all Wool, Canton I'limnel. Children nnd Bov'a Merino latiU and Vests at U. Lowcubcrg's. vnl of Blankets. Lan Kobcs. and Buffaloes, Bufialo Lining anil Border. Panic prices at C. S. l'urniau's. Good clean Coal Neal & Hro. lo be had only of C. W, 321 f Cheese! Cheese I Checpcl of Cheese nt Bushel's. Fine assortment SHIM'S I SHI UTS I SHIUTS1 Fino I)res Shirt. Percale Shirts, Fine Chcvoit Shirts, llov's Shirts, Tho only reliable fitting Shirt is at T. I.onenberg's. Calf Shoes at E. M. Knorr's. for $2.00 per pair. Mens Kip Boots nt 15. M. Knorr's for? 1.25. Boys Kip Boot from 2.G0 to 3.70. For 4.00 cash vou cm get 40 yards of Applcton A. Muslin at Lutz & Sloan's. If you want a good Ham, If vou want cheat) and iiood Tea, If you want Coirco Java or Hio, If you want good Canned Fruit, f you want the best Mackerel, If you want Sugar for the least money, If you want tho be.st Syrups in town, If you want good Cigars, Tf vnn w:int c-nod Tobacco. If you want anything in the Oroccry and Provision line, go to llusfir.M.'s, Main street. 11-20 1'Allt (lAMIII.l.NO A V0UH2 farmer, who, perhaps, never gambled in his hie, hears thai a lair is to bo held oy soii'o agricultural society ; or, maybe, ho reads some flaming advertisement of it. Ho goes to tlio fair to seo the fine stock and the fine ladies, thu hair less horse, the girl with four legs, and the wild men of Borneo, and to hear tho band play and seo tho horses run; or to witness the plowing match, maybe. He goes for enjoyment, enter tainment and instruction. When ho arrives up on the ground ho find himself unexpectedly in llio midst of a forest of gambling tables, wheels of fortune, lotteries of all kinds and descriptions, and suriounded on every side by a host of stran gers, gambler, tricksters, swindlers, cheats, rogue, rascals, villiau human vultures gath ered from the four corner. of the earth to prey upon the innocent and rob the unwary, and ac tually licensed by the authorities to ply their swindling avocations in opem day and be-forothc public. The young farmer may yield to the temptations that beset him at every turn; he stakes his money ; he loses, of course, and goes home fleeced of his year's earnings by men who wcie licensed lo do so by men who profess to be the friends of farmers. Heaven protect the far mers from such friends I Agricultural associa tions that, for a few hundred dollars, or for any price, give swaims of thieves full liberty to plunder visitors deserve to fail ; nnd llio hun dred of thousands of honest farmers of the laud should rejoice whenever tho downfall of one of them is accomplished. Exchange C. C. Mnrr keep up witli the times, and sells good at bottom prices. (Iteported for the colcjiuias.) I'lilMIVTKItlAN KY.OI. The Presbyterian Synod of Harrisburg lias been in session nt Lewi-lowu. This is the Syn od to which the Piesbyteiian churches of this county belong, and is ono of four covering tlio State of Pennsylvania, viz: Philadelphia, Har risbiug, Erie and Pitt-burg. It reaches across tho State, north and south, containing the pres byteries of Carlisle, Huntingdon, Northumber land and Wellsboro. It enroll about M0 mill isters, 700 elders, and about 20,000 coinmuni cant members. It met on the- 21st. I!ev. Samuel I. Millijeen of Suubiirv was elected Moderator. Mr. Milli ken being a native of Lew istown, as well a most woithy minister, the unanimity and cordi ality of thi election wa very gratifying to hi friends in Lewistown, Among tlio correspond ing members was tlio Key. I. M. lticinensn viler. formerly of Espy, Besides the uual ecclesiastical business, very interesting devotional exercises were held and sermons preached. Addresses wero delivered by representatives of the various benevolent schemes of the Church. Iho spacious buildin was well filled, day and evening, by the Synod and the people of Lewistown. The Synod recommended a form of charier for the civil organization of new or imperfectly or ganized churches. It had been prepared by committee a year ago, wa amended on consul talion willi a committee of the Synod of Pith burg, and has also been recommended by that fcynod. Wlien vnu nro in want nf Dress nr anv kind Wo regret that tho lato receipt of tho above f goods, bo sure to look iu Clark & Wolfa icport, and the unusual amount of political tor they bound aio to bell. Don't bo worried and anoyed with not only n poor quality of Coal but ilirlv and siaiy ocsuies, I.... (..:.. ,.r'r w Vi-it .0 Ilnn. who ileal only Ullk Ulll U. Jf - ill the best qualities. 3-" $2.00 buys a good pair of Ladies Shoes nt McKinncy's. Call and examine. IMPOItTANTlTOTTciTi Specialties just received at 1). Lowcnbcrg's. Gents' Cashmere Mufflers, Gent's Silk Mulllers, Gents' Silk Handkerchiefs, Gents' Linen Handkerchiefs, Gents' Linen Cuffs, Collars, Ac. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE. A. Lewis. Huckster, Bloomsburcr, will pay tlio higlie- price in cash for Calres, Dried Berries and Eggs. Oct. 2'J-hv nutter, prevent. tlio publication of the form of charter. Ebs.l The Synod adjourned on Monday, the 23th inst. ELECTION, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2. L'OUltT MATTKltx. At the adjourned court held Oct. 19th, all the members of tho court prc nt, Hie following cas es were called on the argument list: T. 11. Taylor vs. A. W. Eaton, certiorari, judgment affiiined. In the cae nf the saloof tho real estate of Jes se I). Rice. Sale set aside for Informality in ad vertising. In tho estate of Philip S.ilzig, au application was made by tho residuary legatees to vacnto nn order mado by tho court, Application refus ed. Road In Jackson township, near Daniel Young's. Case submitted without argument. Auditor's report In e-slale of Jamas He. Re ferred back to llio auditor. Auditor's report in estate of Abrsm Young. Submitted without argument, on exception filed. Road lu Benton and Fishingcicck twps., near D. Knrn', Exception to report of reviewers over-rulid, and furlh view refused. Jcps.) I), Rico vs. B, (i. Wnplcs. Bill in eq uity, complaining that defendant was polluting u spring of water by miming iiupuio water into it, Com t granted un injunction, and appointed James C. Blown to examine llio premises mid report whether all the pa i Iks could not be sup plied without iujuiy lo either. In the niutlcr f the sheriffs sale nf tho leal estato of Stephen H. Wolf nud Murla Wolf,her- ill' mado return and money ordered to be paid Into court. S. Knorr, Esq., appointed us audi. tor to distribute the fund, Inutile E, Jenkins vs. John 8. Jenkins, Ap plication for divorce. Court Hindu n decreo from bonds of matrimony, Auditor's report In estate of Andrew Hess was confirmed. Co urt adjourned to Nov, 'J, nt 0 o'clock A, JI New Pant-s Good nt I. W. Ilartman's. Lutz St Sloan have just received another lot ot cheap Cotton Flannels, price 10, 121, 1C, 18, 20 and 25 cents per yard. Rubber Boots at McKinnoy'a. White Silk Ilankcrcliief, Ladies Tic in great variety, Linen Collars, Cull' and Ruches nud h great variety of novelties for ladies use at Chirk it Wolf's. FAnMDits, Attcntion-. Rus'P.l takes Butter Eggs, Lard and Produce in exchange for goods. HATS I HATS I HATS I Iiitet Styles. Iowent Prices, Largest Stocks, At 1), Lowcnbcrg's. TO WANDA HOOTS TO WANDA HOOTS Tlio best nnd most reliablo for every ono to buy. iryinem. i-or sale nt McKin ncy's. Another largo lot High Combs at20 cts. to $1.25 at Clark Si Wolfs. Tapestry Mnttlngs, Fi Bordering. Ingrain Rordcrintr. icurcd and Plain 35. to 75 cents. Felt nnd Drugget Crumb Cloths 12-12. A full stock of new styles of Carpctings at II. O. tiartmau s carpel fcioro. uct. 2U-2w, Now in nil shades of nermantown Wool at 12J cts, per ounce nt Clark & Wolfs. Men flum GooIs.BovbGiiui Boots.Ladlcs. Misses nud Children Rubbcis tho last of this week nt E. M. knorr a. Oysters, Miirco Meat, Sweet Potatoes at M, M. Russell's. You can get Black Heaver Cloth at Lutz Sc Sloans for 23, MM nd f 1.00 per yard. Reiver cloth at $2.25 I3.C0 nnd S5.00 per yard, with Water Proof, from 85 cts. to $2.00 per yard for cubit cheap nt Clark iSc Wolfa, Farmers in want of first class articles of Threshers and Cleaners; also, one and two horse Tread Powers, call on or address J. M. Ilulshizer, Light Street, Columbia County, Pa. 3in C. W. Ni:.u. iC-Bno., spare no expense to send out nico Coal. 32tf Wyoming Seminary and Commercial College, King-ton, Luzeine county, P.i., has aec-mumo-(latinos fur 175 boarders and 200 day scholar. Students received at nny time nnd charged for board 11 nm the lime of admission. Students prepared for college, teaching and business. Commercial course and telegraphy unsurpassed. Common English studies thoroughly taught. Cilloi'ii tircnai-.itori- course enual to that of any oilier school. Send for a catalogue and a Com mercial Journal to Rev. D. Copeland, Ph. D, Commercial Sprague, student address Prof. L. I If you want a first class Farm Wagon, If you want a Platform Pleasure Wagon, If you want an Eliptic Spring Wagon, If you want a Pleasiiro Wagon, If vou want vour Wncon put in cood trim, If you want repairs done good with short notice, uo to J, ii, i-Ais-. When you go to Philadelphia stop at tho Allegheny House, No. 812 mid 81-1 Mar ket htreetj having been recently renovated. Price only 4-2 per day. A. unci;, March "19,'70-ly Proprietor. COAU COAL lll.l IMablislied Coal Yard. C. W. Ni:ai. Sc Bno.. Wholesale & Retail Dealers in nil sizes of tlio best qualities of Red mill White Ash Coal, at the very lowest market rates. Have constantly on hand lr.rge stocks ol Domestic, Cupola, Blacksmith's Anthracite, Bituminous. and Limcburner's Coal. Especial attention given to the prepara tion of coal before leaving our yauls, Grain and Lumber taken in oxchange for coal. Coal delivered to nny part of tho town at short notice Orders lelt at I. W. McKclvy's ttore, or ut our oflice, will receive prompt at tention. Ollico and Yards at William Neal Si Sons' Furnace. East Blooinsburg. Your natroniiL'o respectfully solicited. COAL. L7-tf-25 COAL Hem- TOMormnis NuitsiNn Intastb, It is a conceded fact that mothers who havo tho care, anxiety nnd iliatight ot mirsing in funtf, aro weak and need tho aid of bomo stresrtlieninir tonic to mako up tho nour ishment required for tho growth of tho child. Ale. norter.anil lager beer havo often been recommended. Of late, sineo physicians havo become aware that Port Grapo Wiuo produced by Allreil bpeer, ot t'ns.saic, in. j. is strictly puro thay havo prescribed it in stead of tilo and porter. This wino is, prill- climllv souch "or bv mothers who havo nur sing infants ns tho best supply medium to bo found. Tho wino is rich iu body nud not in toxicating but gently stimulating. Druggists generally keep it, aim sell it lor a eioiiar bottle, hurvircr. AN ISII'OUTANT PACT. Tlio voluntary testimony of thousands establishes bond nil doubt ufnet of vllnl Importance-to tho rick nnd ili-lillttnled, IMtiat Hosteller's Mnmnch lilt- terslsnn nlwolulo sp -ctl'.c or remittent mid Intermit tent fever, dsspepslJii constipation, ijlllotisiipss, men ld depression, slcepl-Bsiiess, chronic dlsrihoMi, ntul nil dl'ieases or the -iiiiimrli, 'Irsr, nn 1 linv's, Tho Ulitnr-ellenti-d stliiml ints nsu ill) pr-J-rlh '.In t" o caw h only axrfraVKt" the symplon In ' - nt n moving them. The Hitlers on the contrary, m l ns a corrective nnd liivljtor.tnt, without producing Hie unpleasant nnd ilaiixtrous consequences of tho old school practice. The nctlon Isratld anilnoollilnr to llio Irritated stomach nwl bowels, promoting diges. tlou nnd preventing flatulency, nausea, hcaduchi a anil nil Intestinal Irregularities, A wlneglnssful be f(o meal greatly nAslsts digestion. Tho convales cent may uo them with great fccncflt. sa menus of vstorlng strength nnd ohcerf ulnetw. liWPJIt'SlA. DYSPEPSIA. M'SI'in'SlA. DyspcpsU Is Hid most perplexing of nil human nit rsents, lis srinptomi nro almost tnflnlto In their railcty, nnd tho forlorn and despondent vlims ot tho dlseaso often fancy thcmselto? the prey, In turn of every known malady, This la due, lu part, to Iho clososjmp.ithy which cMsts between the stomach nnd tho brain, nnd In rart also to tho f.ict that nny disturbance of the dltcsllve f miction necessarily disorders thu liver, the bowels nnd tho nervous sys tem, nnd effects, to somo extent, tin quality of tho' blood, K. T. Knnkel's Hitter Wino of Iron a sura euro. Tills Is not a new preparation, to be tried nnd found wanting; It ds been prc&cribed dally tor many j enr lh the practice of eminent phjslclans with utiparol" eled if ices''; It Is not expected or Intended to euro nil the diseases towhlch thehiiman famltylssubjccl, but Is warranted toenre Djspepsla In Its most obsll- nateform. Ktinkcl. littler Wino of lion never falls tocure. Pvmptoinsof Djspepsla are loss of appetite, wind nnd rising of food, drjiiefs In raou'h, henrt- burn, dlsten-s-oii of tho stomach nnd bowel, constl nation, headache, dl??Iness, sleeplessness nnd low splilts. Try llio great remedy nnd bo convinced of Us inerltn. Get tho genuine. Take only Kunkel's, w hlch Is put only In (I bottles, Depot.KO North Ninth ., Philadelphia, l'or sule by nil druggists and dealers orerywhero, Til'R Wonu Tntlrely romoted with purely vegetable medicine passing hum tlio system alive. No too until tho hvad passes. (Jomo nnd rufi-r to patients treated, Dr. It. 1'. KunlKl, No 259 North ninth bt 1'hlladel- phU. Adclco rree, Scat, Hn and Stomach Worms sleo removed. 'Hio rnedlclno for removing all others but Tnpo Worm, can bo had of jour druggist, ask for KCNIBL'S Wonu Btkit. l'rlco tl. K. 1'. Kiinktl l'hlhidelphla, 1'a. -0 tiik annAT ANTt-pnmoDio Tho certainty and promptitude w lth which Hostel ler's Stomach Hitters conquer tho most obstinate cresi-sof malarial disease, and Hio complete prolec- tlo n w hlch they nrford the sj stem against tho mias matic poison which Impregnates the nlrof low-lying marshy localities Mump them ns the foremost of American antlpsrlodlcs. Weereer on this continent feer and ague Is n u-gular 'visitant In tho bottom lands of tho South, tho new clearings nnd mining districts of tho West, andln all locnlltlcsln tho East ern and Mldillo Htntca whero bialatla preralles, the Hitlers aro recognized ns the only true, specific for Iho disease, and Us mct reliablo protentlee. Thoy ai c, moreover, n safe nnd agrecsblo as well as a cer tain remedy, and on this account are Immeasurably superior to tho preparations of quinine, arsenic bl - tuuth, and other mlnclral poisons mlstakcnij.admtn Istcred as curatives for maladies caused by miasma, and which If persisted In work Irrepanblo Injury to the constitution. Unfortunately, fever and nue, and thootlierfebrllo complaints geserated by ailasraa, aro nt the only c lis w hlch result from It, A crcat variety of disc-- dcrs aro superinduced by tho Irritation wtilcu It causes. Among theso nro neuralgia, rhcumallsn gout, periodical headache, palpitation, rahif ul aire c tlons at the spleen, nnd various derangements ot tho stomach, when traceable to matarla, tl.o aboro af fections aro apt to assume, Ilka tho dtseaso which originated them, an Intermit tent type ; that Is to say they lecur nt tegular intervals, llostetter's iuttci, lion cut, obviates them nil, by banishing Hie mias matic virus from the -tuois.Cs o Health, tho poor man's riches, tho rlo h man's bliss Is found In Aykii's Mcuicinfs, niter a fruitless search among other remedies. A word to tho wlso Is sulll clcnt. o Tho Hlood ow es Its red color to minute globules which ltoat In tlm t lluld, and contain In n healthy person, a largo amount of Iron, which gives vitality to tho Moid. The Peruvian Sjrup supplies tho blood with this vital element, and gives strength and v Igor to tho wholo sj stem. o CONSUMPTION CAN III! CUltEI). Schcnck's Pulmonic Syrup. Ischenck's Sea Weed Tonic. Schcnck's Munduko Pills. Aro the only medicines that will euro Pulmonary consumption. Frequently medicines thntwlllstop a cough will occasion tho eteath ot tlio patient , they lock up the liver, io,, i lie Lit dilution o; tlm blood, homorrhitge follows, and In fact, they clog tlio action .of the very organs that caused the couglu Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia ore tlio causes of l.vo-tlilids ot tho cases of Consumption. Many persons complain ot n dull pain In tho side, con stipation, coated tongue, pain In the shoulder blade, feelings of drowsiness and restlessness, tho food lying heavily on tho stomach, accompalncd with ncl- dUy and belching up of wind. Theso symptoms usually originate from a disordered condition ol tho stomach or n torpid liver, Persons so affected, If they toko ono or two heavy colds, and If the cough In these cases bo suddenly checked, will nnd tho stomach and liver clogged, re maining torpid and Inactive, and almost before they aro aware t ho lungsaro a mass of sores, and ulcerated tlio result of which Is death. Schcnck's Pulmonic Sjrup Is an eipectorant vv hlch does not contain opium or anything calculated to check a cough suddenly. Schcnck's Sea Wecd.Toiilc dissolves tho food, mixes with tho gastric Juices of the stomaeh, aids digestion and creates a ravenousappetlte, When the bowels aro costive, skin shallow, or tho sjmptomi othernlso of ablllloustendeinyScLeuck's Slasdmku Tills are required. Theso medicines aro prepared only by J. II. Schbnck ,et Sox. N. II. corner SUth and Arch Stt, PhlU. And are for sale by all druggists and dealers, SUI GENERIS. t"pAL7)AMfcQUt Mrty WtRtJITsfntSy Democratic Ticket ! v--t i il .nip pi v -jr j ELECTION TUESDAY, IV. 2ND. EVERY" MAN TO 1I1S POST- MASON & HAMLIN lABINET ORGANS. uhequaled::i"Sunapproached In CAjmdty and excclletic by nny othfi Awnr4 and DIPLOMA OF HONOR AT VIENNA.1873; PARIS.1867. nil I V American Organs ever turimtctf any nvVl U 1 1 L I In Uiiio or which i-ren-nt bikUi .ilfiicr nnry i-xcrtlonco as to command n vtMo Mid tbrssi. AllHAVt? imnrdod Mnticst prrmlnm. at liKta ALYl HI O trlnl 1IxpoalMons, In Attirrl.n n.ssHI M l'.r.-. Clutiit hundreds tho. Imvu not rn tlj i all where nny other orgtuia Iihyo lsii i-rcforrod. DCCT Heclnre.1 by Dialncnt Mn-leliins, l Dtol liemli-here. in tm iinrlvnleU. fw 'IKSIIMONIAI, C'tlUTfr.Alt, sslth oiliiioM t tm than Olio TIlnimitlKl (wilt free). IHPIPT on hnrlnu n lton & Hamlin, f I II O lO I tnke nj other. Dcntrrt Kl UnoR M mismoss fur Miimt inferior artMnt, ul ft leanon of un ley very hard to felt aumtlhtng tin. MntU PTVI CC t11h nWpt lmiwrlnt lmpTti lltll O I I Ltu menu ever made. Spit Nolo nml ' 111 1 1 1 11 It 1 1 o II Miip. Kliprb liliiccro nnd other 1'ns.cn of new ilclau. PIANO-HARP CABINET ORGAN .V- fluiRiw cumblnation of thco inrtnunontn. EASY PAYMENTS. lnyment.( or renteil WiUl rent 'hj. l-.r thfl iriraD. OUTAI nPIICP nnd Circular with fuHnur Lfll ALUllUtO ulrs.fnsi. A.l.lreHAPOlf II.SMI.1N (IUUAN OO., 15J Tremnnt Hlrtrt. JOf TONi 9.1 Union Square, NEW XOllKI ot M II K AihUMSt,, CUICAQO, MASON &HAMLIK STATE. ron ciovF.nrAin, Cyrus h'. 1'crsliing. ror. statu TiiEAsuiir.ii Victor K. l'iollct. JUDIOIAHY. ron AssociATr. judoi:, GeorgcScott. COUNTY. T S MAY BE OBTAINED AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL OF L. B. POWELlk, SCRA2JTON, Pa. Gtncrat Agent also for the celebmateG CHICKERING PIANOS. AIO, OF I. K. MILLER. iiLooMsiiuaa, pa., Dealer in aboyc Instruments. JIarchlO,'7S-y HOLLIES & HOLMES ron STATU BKNATOR, llobcrt P. Allen. rem ruoraoxoTinv and ci.wk Of thu .etiiial coenrs, 15. Frank Zarr. ronnraisTEit and nr.connr.R, Williauifon II. Jucoby. ror. Tiir.APunrii, Hugh W. Mclteyuoldfl. ron coM5iis3ioNr.ns, Silas W. McIIenry, Jolm Horner. FOR AUDITORS, John 15, Cnwy, Martin X. 15. Kline. STATE. ron oovnii.voR, Cyrm L. I'ci'fliing. No. 17 Centre Slro FOB S-TATi: TlMIA&UIir.It, A'ictorK. Piollst. TOWN AND COUNTHY. Tin: imsr rniNTiNO ornci:. Tho present la a goodopiioituiilty to remind llio frlendaot tlio paper, and tlio public gciicrally, tliat tlio Coli'iihun Job I'iiintimi (niiru lias no auix-rtor U tlila section, and, In sorao rctpech, la wltliout an cnual. During tlio kut ) car havo eompleU'ly ro nowt'd our type-n and made laieo additions, and It In no kilo boast to Bay that vu liavo now tho I'.wl Tresses, tlio Debt As-ortuu-nt ot Tpo, llio Dost Rlock of Paper, I'uid., e., and Iho lied rorknien lu tho nountry, liur woikmen aro tpeelall adaptedfor their places, and wo make It ui-ulnt to always gltu our customers a uoat, correi t and satisfactory Job, We do not claim to do work for hvw than .Ultra, but v 111 warrant It to boaa clioap as can bo dona nny w hero and ) leld a decent profit, All w ho aru In need of Job Priming of any klnd-l'laln or In Uolora-w Ul Dud It to llu-lr lutert at to gito the Coi vuiiUS onleo a trial. Wo liaio on baud every variety ot Car4s, Paper, Iul;, Kmclopcs, Tags, ie., that Is llkuly to bo called for, and can (urnbU any quantity or stylo of work on snort notice), unidicg to order, tf, Pluta Gas and Steam Fitters MANUFACTURERS OF X1 1 3ST "W ARE, GALVANIZED IRON CORNICE, VINDOW CAPS, AWNINGS, Virc Trellises, &c. Dealers in Stovew, Ilang e, Furnaces, ISaltiiiKiro Jleatersj Iiv Down Unites, .Mantels, J'U.MIV, Wtither Btaps, C. AlsO GAS FIXTURES or the latest design, special attention paid to re wiring r-ewing.-Huciuiysoi every nescnpiion.rsTmi-s, Locks, llell Iliimrliiir. Key ntttnt'. sc. l'riralr llvsl- dences IK-ated by SIcjiu at u small cosiMkup Hot iur. reu, so, v u. 1 JUDICIARY. ror. associatii judge, George Scott. J, H, MAIZE, Dealer in GROCERIES AND S, COUNTY, von state fr.NAToit. Itobeit V. Allen. CIIOCKKHY, QLASSWARR, QUFKN3WA1W, WOODF.N WARK, All Unda of Dried Fruits, Canned Fruits, DRIED MEATS. MAMS. Fresh Fisli, Mantoel and Coil Fisli, SYRUTS AND MOLASSES, And the largest Genornl Assortment of Croccrics TO 1113 FOUND IN THU COUNTV At UK MAMMOTH GKOCERY Cor. Main and Center Sts., DlBomsburg, To. Oct. 6, 1M5 A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. DAILY AND WEEKLY. Tndfmfmtlmit, in TCvnrvtliinn-! jNcuti-al in JNotlung, Opposed to all Corrupt Kings in Municipal, btate and National Alknrs. Til E DAILY TIJir.S u ill bo lfs'jcd. on Saturday, tho 13th ot larchnext. and every met ulutr ttiertMBtf-r. I Kundayit excepted, under tlic ooitortal dt'Uon ot A. K, ilec'lure, prtnK-dcompaciJr fruw tHisir, new typo, on a larc tullu bhee-t, eonCTuuIni nil thnm-WH Of till) d.iy, lnrlliaiug Cil AKSUL'I ATK J'ltUBf, TkI.K (JIAMS, SHK-lal Tele-giun4 and L)wc-HuOiduL-o rrom all pulnU (if Imutut, and feiuli-s edlttirl.il dh cu.sslows of cum t topics, l'rlco. 'I've) CSN1 si. Alan bUbcrlptloiiA, noiUs lit.', td, AiUan per annum, or iirij eoutiur mwitl), ki Uri nre. Adv.urtbeinanU, lUVc-jn. (went and IVlrlf cuala The Weekly Times rOlt 1-K0TII00TAKV 15. AND CI.EKK Of THE SEVKl'Al. loe-iu!', Frank Zarr. LOUIS BERNHARD, Dealer In BLOXN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Silverware, AVatelies nml Jewelry WAIOU-SHUHO, PA, I.adle-i' and Oenllf men's flold and f liver Wawhes, of American and l-'onlsn uianufacturo. Silver and Plated Ware, Clocks, FIX1-: JKWELUY, 40., AO. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING I'l-oiiijitly Uxeculctl, OCt.S.'TS-ly Will 1)0 lued on Aa4urdar. ir aotli. weetly thcrixilte-r, containing ill liuvailant nowa f tl) wei'K, ana cominew juirvm aim I'luanowu Vt-urx lhillKl. for eno imi, nMic true, ne rho foll'-i' rate : I Om Cepy gl.fi Ten CoplM yjKi Twjitv (Vmtra t u.in AnVKU'tlsicVlH.ITS twanV-tlve fe-nta jrt line. llemltances aiimrtd bo wade by IiinffciOr Tost Of fice CKdem. Address TT-TK TIMEPI. o. 14 Parh Si-vuiili nvt, t 1'iui.adkj.pTwa. KOH JUXilHTllR AND HKCOIlDEIl, WilliatiiMHi II. .fneoby. l'OU TREASUltr.lt, IIusli W. Mdloynolds. l'ou e'oxi.Mifsioxr.ns, Silas W. Jlelleiny, lolin Ilcrncr. rou audi ions, John li. Cumjv, Martin V. H. Kline. STATE. vou fiovmixon, (Jyrus I., l'eifiliing. "aUTION. My MifoCTen Wins left rav J home, tied nnrl lxianL Wkrit tii, mikc Tit vuniiuaini, i ni-runy rairnn nil person, ni pav no (I(4As Bliu may conn-air, JACOIl BT1W .mi. rieasant, octutxr u, us. ulll DP. TVTEWYOKK TKlI!lTNi:.-"THK I.IUD- i ISO AME1MOAX KHWSI'Arntt.'-TliB WRKT ATlVKrjrisiNfJMKDirJI. Dally.jioajear. eml WeeWy, fi. ltihtiiRa me to toSubscrll, Kpi ctrniiti roplca and AdTerltf-lni? nates Free, terteli. lu elteij m ut iiiun- ,!ty i, jingy p.gu. AUOTT-Fft T1IK THI- lios-E, N. Y. Jan ISTMy. ADVi-n; Jw'ttrfn IITISIXG: Chcani Ooewl: S..tr.n. All tierfcrma ivh mnopir-Til.ifc-mae'lnf- with ne(vsnarwK tar tlv. lnsprtlns t.t nUvnr. tlACinrntfl. Khout.i Miirt ea rorits in rmk limwir Co., 41 Park How, hewVcrlt, for their rAMMlurr BOUK (nlnety-GOTcnili eoltllon,) eoat.dnlic" Hftof over jet newspapem, and eourutiicii. tioir. the cost. AdVfrtrspmcnrs takan for leadtui; papers In ,i,ujr riui.-a ui u iii'tiii-nnvua rvatmion iwu wl llBhcrfc' rnlcb. (,'ft im I'sok. tat, i76-Tj All rou utati: TitnAsumat, Victor K. Piollct. . JUDICIARY. roii.vusociATiiJUixn:, (ii'drjje! yeott. CK TO $20 ier Hay. AgvnU wm ijlJC classes oi workins poonui or noin h-exiyounc and uld, make more money al oils lor u,ln Iff iroTi localities, durtis Ihelr fjiaie in-iracnts, r all the nine, m.m at any uunj ciw. we oirer wnrJo nent that villi pay handsomely fr i-cry kwiTK wk Full ptinlculars, terms, Ac., m ad t.s j our ndn-j at niife. Don't delay. Now in riiu tunc rvui t i(,i; for work or limincs tlsonbeir, un(llyotjhav Irani. et hut o otter, u, Stios &Co., l'imim, MkWu Jan. r&lMy, YAlNWRianrco'i wnoi.ESAi.tc oi!iciats( N. E. Comer Koooua and ArcU Wreovi, l'lMUintwiMi, lxalere ui teas, sTiiurs, oorrm, bUOAIt, N(IIA8 l-.ICK, 8110X3, DIC1HD BOIU, 40., 4C. liroriler win roceivo promot awenjloi, 1,T-K COUNTY. l'OU STATU HU-VATOll, ItoWit P. Allen. '01t 1-IIOTIIONOTAllV AMI rl.KllK cociim, op the rtvicni. . 1'iaiik y,;nr, ror. m:oiSTi:n and nr.couiir.it, Williamson II, Jnteliy, rou TitiiAsuitrit, Hufih W. Jle'Hcynolils. rou coMMis-sioNr.p.s, Silas Ulellcnry, JiJiulIeiiier. rou AUDITOltS, lolm H. tVoy, Martin V. II. Kline. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers