THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA i $ ! ei p; rf; 1 tt to ; in f ? r un i ? fat cri let im bu ha w ho ri tri tr. 13 on) HCU :scrt oik ,'clei atil ,c j.diiB loos genj I.Tlia 'B7 Agricultural. Ilugi ru Shoi'ji I'liilrctiiis. I tietl to Lrccil r;Uttp,lntl having n natural fumlnoM for aticcpi ami an opportunity to purchase) ii couple, of Scotch collcy ahophcnl dogs romnvlng my feara on the score) of de struction by tho mongrel cum, which deters so ninny from keeping sheep, I concluded to try tho experiment which Inn resulted so sntUfuctorily, In my stock of 100 ewes I have a dozen bells, and In of danger tho sheep all run to the dog for protection. This famili arity between tho dogs and sheep, with tlio watchful enro exercised, Is onp of the pretti est sights in the world. Theso faithful guardlins of tho flock aro vcr on tho nlcrt day and night. Tho rapid tinkling of tho bells at onco arouses tho dogsj and about three weeks ago, in tho middle of tho night, I heard an unusual disturbance) among tho sheep, but was so confident that tho dogs would bo equal to tha emergency, that I did not conio down stairs. In tho morning I had tho satisfaction of scing ono of tho worthless curs which go prowling about at night lying stono dead along tho fence, with marks on him of a despcrato fight. I should say, however, that I mado one cross by putting my shepherd dog to u Newfoundland slut, and kept tho choicest of tho litter. Ho hns proved a fine, largo dog, about twice tlio weight of cither of tlio shepherds, and though never interfering in what ho seems to consider their especial duty, is always on hand ready for service. It is curious to observe how, when strange dogs cross tlio place, the two shepherd dogs will take a survey, and if they seo much business (they aro themselves great fighters,) by a kind of silent understanding nnd ar rangement the three dogs go together j and although we in this country aro overrun with all kinds of dogs, there seems to bo a general fear of my three dogs, and wo are seldom disturbed. I recommend tho purchase of ono or two good shepherd dogs as tho very first step toward keeping sheep. Practical Parmer. A Valuable Remedy, Every family, writes a correspondent, should keep a small quantity of chlorate of potash. We havo never found anything equal to it for a simple ulcerated sore throat. Dissolve a small tcaspoonful in a tumbler of water; then occasionally tako a tcaspoonful of the solu tion, so as to gargle the throat. It is nearly tasteless, and not at all offensive) to take, and is henco well adapted to children. Nothing is better than tiiis for chapped or cracked hands. Wash them in tho weak solution, and they will soon bo well. , It is alao good for a rough, pimpled, or chapped face. It may bo had at any druggist's. Common salt has been recommended for tho incipient stages of tho dreaded disease, diptlieria ; but wc have no doubt this would bo better. French .Mode of Selecting Horses. The Purchasers of horses for the French army always endeavor to obtain a first look at the animal when he is tranquil and in tho stable; noting if tho animal supports itself equally well on its legs, and, if ono seems to yield, to especially examine it; attention is then directed to tho largeness of the pupil of tho eye, which ought to be moro dilated when in the stable than when exposed to tho full light. After tho animal has been led out of the stablo, the eyes ought to bo again examined to observe if tho pupil has con tracted; if not, tho sight is feeblo: others, to test the power of vision feign to strike the forehead with the hand. If the hollow over tho eyes be profound, and the temple gray, old age is to be concluded; wounds about the tcruplo suggest attacks of staggers, and,when tho end of the nose presents circular scars, it may bo concluded the horse has been twitched with a cord to insure his quietness while being shod or having had to submit to somo painful operation. Selling CoaN.-Sell no com in tlio ear; have all you sell shelled. A hand shelling ma chine will answer if your crop is 11 small one; if large, get one to bo worked by a horse power. Neither will cost a great deal, and e aro very certain that the cobs, if crushed, steamed and fed to your cattle, will bo worth more to you in a single winter than the price fa corn-shellcr, whether you get a small or largo one. Wc believe there is one-third as much nutriment in a bushel of cobs as there is in a bushel of grain, and we do know that cows or oxen fed upon three pecks of tho steamed or crushed cobs, in addition to the usual quantity of hay or tops of fodder will keep fat. Then why haul your cob3 to market to be given away? It costs as much to carry a bushel of cobs to tho market as it does a bushel of corn, Shell your corn, leave your cobs at homo to nourish your cattle and through them your land; and where you now send one bushel of corn, you will bo able to transport two for tho samo money. Look this subject fairly in tlio face, consult economy, consult the comfort of your cattle, consult tho wants of your soil, nnd you can not fail to take our advice. Tlio above, from the American Parmer, states tlio cob question rather strongly. There is, no doubt, nutri ment enough in tlio cob to pay for grinding it fine, with the corn and the price is usually enough better to pay for shelling; but tho cob has uiver been placed, by analysis, at more, than ten per cent of tho valtio of tho grain. Lite Stuck Journal, As the pastures become poor, two quarts of meal and bran per day should bo given to each milch cow. It is btipposcd to bo "natural" that cows should shrink in their milk at this season. It is "natural" that 7 should do this when their food shrinks, or when, by exposure to cold rains or frosty nights, a portion of their food is taken from making milk to keeping tlmm warm, but in no other sense. It is poor economy to starve a cow now, and thiownway food In feeding her up again in tho spring. Old grass lias much less nutriment in It than young fresh grass, and the difference must bo mado up by other food. Different kinds of stock should bo kept separate both in tho fields and yards. Ilea vy losses nro always oorcurring from allow' ing horses, cows, sheep, pigs and fowels to run in ono yard. Horses in their play will kick or scaro cows, and a cow near her tlmo mav lose tho calf in consequence; cows will hook sheep; pigs will kill and eat lambs and chickens; and small stock aro trodden on by tho heavier animals. In tho arrangement of the yards for winter, thlsshould be thought of. Jind plenty of room ulvcn each kind of tock by ittielf. Clearing up of rubbish In tho fields and around fences should not bo delayed, nnd tho corn husks, old straw, leaves' etc., whicl lie about, should bo raked together method l:allv, with n horto rake, and burned. This it more iniportantwherochlnclibugsabouiiil becatuo theso pests hldo in such rubbish, and may thus bo destroyed In myriads. Candied 1'iiujt, Separato an orange otherfrult Into pieces, tie a thread to each piece, and put them In a whito of egg and roll I11 sugar lightly, THE MEDICINE THAT CURES TnkthL? lulu rinii!ii 1 1 in flip character nf Its vouchors, lii hl-it-m ut u i mvsnntl tin- Immense Intre'iW.tur tinman ui, i .1 i -' n n,v iv iairty I'miutii (no icniiiiiti menu in' 01 im rtirKiroitiia in ni" iu i x nHiNHlnmlnf.iltllilP remeilv.niiilhoiierHnti nn ml i frointiiiiHirs.iiliTrH anil all fllcoiispsnilMnirlinin In mini Ijloml. If tinb is used according to lUri'i'Mnns 'I hen? Is nut a ensoof scrofula In uMsU'iii'i' tint Vrnicrin: wlllhi.t curi' provided, hiiive)iT. tin Mini f unci tuns hut lost their power of not Mi. nil l hut may he sulil to the rontniry notwithstanding. V inKTiNK Is pleasant to the taste, mIM In Its Influ ence, nnd absolute In Its notion on disease, as tlio following iiniiiestloiiablecUiti'iico will show. PAID NEARLY $400.00 ! ! .lANUAUY 2, 137.1. 11. II. Stevens, Esq t Dour Sir.! When about Ml J ears ciM I was vac dinted. Th-ip irtles who were vaccinated riointlir tamo urus died train tlio humor, Tho hnnior spread over ino to such an extent that I was rolled In bran to prctcnt mo from scratching my person, '1 ho dis ease. Iiuntiy HClllt-u m my iit'iiu. i ri'iiiuiiie-u in nil condition about twenty ) ears, troubled nil thulium with sores hrcnklng In my hcml nnd discharging cor ruption from my ear. At tills tlmo a small kernel appeared on my neck, gradually increasing la slo until a tumor formed of such nn Immense !?e I could seo It by turning my eyes downward. All this tlmo I was taking various remedies for my blood without any siihstniitl il benellt. l then wont ion prominent puysieinn in notion ho. during his treatment of six months, lanced tho umor el2ht limes, which cost me nearly too. 1 1lls lettmcwlthnrott.h,nggr.ivntPilsore, without at all tlttiilnUhlng tho size of the tumor, and a sickly, fee ble condition. I consulted another physician in Nat- lck, who, after considerable time, succeeded in heal ing tho soro without reducing tnc size. At this point I commenced to use VnaF.tiNE. tlironirh the earnest persuasion of a friend. After 1 had taken this medi cine about ono w eek I experienced w underfill sensa tions. .113 wnoie unity emeu. 111 uu uimiTKUiiiK a radical chance, until, tlnallv. tho tumor broke and discharged frlahttul quantities, l'rom litis time It decreased In slzo until the bunch disappeared, but my neck sttll bears the ugly scars of tlio sore nnd lanco. 1 am now healthy and strong and ablo to work every day. I will also mention that I havo been nn ncato suf ferer from lnllamatory rheumatism over since I can remember, until icominenclnir the uso of Vcoktink, when almost Immediately all rheumatic pains ceased. TiusBt icmeni 1 joiunteer inr 1110 purpose 01 ucno lltlng other suffering humanity, MM you will confer a favor by giving It as much publicity us thought proper. cij v-riiie-ium, O. M. HA Vels, Ashland, .Mass. WHAT IS"VEGETINE? It Is ncomnoand extracted from barks, roots and herbs. It Is natuto's remedy. II Is perfectly harm less from nnv bad effect upon tho sjstein. It Is nourishing nnd strengthening. It acts directly upon tho blood. It quiets tho nervous system, ltgues you u good, sweet sleep ut ntght. It H a gleat pana cea for our nged fathers and mothers, for It gives them strength, quiets then nencs, and gives them natures sweet sleep as has been proved by many an aged person. It Is the great lllood rurltbT. ltlsn soothing remedy for children. It has relieved und cured thousands. It Is very pleasant to tako: every child likes It. It relieves and cures nil diseases originating from Impure blond. Try the Vkui:tink. (live it a fulr trial for jour complaints ; then you will say 10 jour irienii, neighbor aim acquamiauee, "try It; It has cured me." Report from a Practical Chemist and Apo:nccary. ' Boston. .Inn. 1. lsT-l. near sir: This Is to certlfv that I havo sold at re tail ifiii dozen (tM'J bottles) of vour Vfiietink since April 12, lsTo, und can truly say that It has given the boat satisfaction of nnv remedy for tho comnlalnts for which It was recommended that I ever sold, scarotly a day passes without some of my customers testlf j lug to Its merits on themselves or I heir friends. 1 nin perfectly cognl.ant of several cases of scrofu lotis Tumors being cured by Veuetine alono In this lclnlty. cry rcspectru'ly, yours, AL. tllLMAN. W3 r.roadvvnv. To II. It. Stevens, Esq. Vegotino is Sold by All Druggists. HENDEKSIIOTT'S OPPOSITE THE CENTItAL HOTEL. Has a complete stock of puro nnd rellablo DP.UriS, .MEDICINES, CIHEMICALS, DYE5!, ACIDS, SOAPS,'. SODA, SODA ASf, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, VAItNISlIES AND ALL PAINTEKS SUPPLIES, SPONOES, 11UUSII ES, PElirU.MEr.Y, i:C., AT VERY L0AV PRICES. Country l'roduco taken In exchange for Drugs, Jledtclnes, Djes, Arc. ENTRALI Have a carefully selected stock of choice TEAS, COFFEE, SUOAI1, SPICES, SOAP, F1CKELS, SAUCES, FISH, HAMS, CANNED FltUITS, VEGETAI1LES AND OTIIEIt FINE GltOCEll IE3, FOREIGN ANtt DOMESTIC Fruits, Nuts and Confectionary, all at tho lowest possible prices. fycountry rroduco taken ln.excuange..iu nioomsburg, March 19, 18'5-y THIS I'irER IS OK m.r: WITH ROW ELL & pHESMAN . Advertising Agents, THIRr & CHESTNUT STS., ST. LOUIS, MO $1,200 PROMT on $100 Invested In Stock Prlv Hopes In Wall Street, hooks nd cliculjrs telllnir, "How 'tis done," tent free. Address haxtek & lo., Hankers, 17 Wall St., r.ew AN ACTUAL BUSINESS INSTITUTION AND TELEOltAl'HIO NSTITUTE. For Information call at Ofllce.or bend for Colled AnvKHTiSKK. junesc-iy ELECTION PROCLAMATION QKNKltAL. KI.KCTIOX 1'itOCLAMATIOX. ivmin. liv tim lawn of this Commonwealth It Is made tho duty of the Sheriff of every county toiflvo notice of tho tteneral Election, liy puWleullun In ono or 11101 u newspapers in tho county, at least twenty d.8tJeIorotho election, nnd tu enumerate therein nt which tho election Is to Ik! held. Therefore, I, -Michael drover, inch Sheriff of Co. luniljlu county, do hereby make known and proclaim Ui tho (maimed electors of Columbia county that n nenerul election will bo held on TT'EhUAi, THE MiUlinil r..,IIU ll, ioiu. lmh , ... .T- day next follovvlnif tho llrsl Monday of said month,) ..til.,. i.,.v,.imI rlllrlr-lM within I he count v. to wit I Heaver tuwouilp,ul me puouo noubu 01 iiius. j. bliuman. ..... . ... lieuton lovvnsnip, at uiu puuui- nuu&u 01 niiuni Hess, in 1110 town 01 neniou. f.llbl. uiooill, uv uiu tumi iiuiiw, 11. luiNJiiioiJuiK, Went Iilouin, nl the Court Hous, In llloomsburif. Hui imi'ii m hcrvvlck. at tho store, of John McAmill In tho borough of Hcrvvlck. lioroiiKh of OeiilrulU, at tho publlo houso of Wll. lirlurcreik township, at tho puUlo school house near EvansMlle. , , . ,. , , ,., Clliavv who. lOWUMll!', ill inr iiiuiiu jiuusu ui oaiiiuei Kosieuoaiiui r, in no i" ui i-uiiii,i'm.i, Cenlio lovviihlilp, ut thu bclioul hauno ncur lafay. etto cieusy's. North ConynKhnm uisirici, at tno bciiooi nouso tin, enllfiTV Of Jollll AlldirSOn & CO. South Conynslani District, at the houso of Thomas Kllker, lately Ifxcd by a otu of tho citizens of that nahSnscrcck township, ut tho bchool houso noar u, 11. wnuuH. ninLiin tuvvnsliln. at tho Lawrence bchool housn. Greenwood township, at thu houso of Joseph it, Patton. Hemlock township, at the public houso of Chos. II, Uletlei ien, 111 me town 01 iiuck iiorn. .iiirifsuiii iiivvnskln. nt tho house of hzeklel Cole. Iwiist township, ut tlio publK houso of Hanlel Moirls, la Numedla. Mlillln tovvnlilp, ut tho public, houso of Aaron Ilex, in th town 01 mm nvuio. Maillviii toivii",lilp, ut tho publla houso of Samue iihniiv. in .lersuv town. Mt. l'leusuut tgvvnshlp, ut tho houso of It. W, ''Montour townUilp, at tho publlo houso of W. It, llu'lu towubhlp.'ut the publlo houso of Jeremiah i: I ,.!., nli-iri-l. lioarlimciiiek lowushlii, lit llio house formerly oc- ...I l,?il,.n. W. I)n l.b'Jlll. omiittu tovvushlp, ut thu publlo bchool houso In ,.,.,,, .r. HI,. Pino township, nt tho centre School House, lately llXCd Uy U VOIO Ol UIU iliiwui VI bum lumiauili. M.Hn.rlcif tnW ll&lllll. Ut tllO tlOUaO (jf AllllUSColO. Hcjjlt Ujwushlp, ut tho publlo houso ot Win, I'ctllt, In f,nr At which tlmo und pUces tlia nualined electors will elect by ballot tho (ollowuiir btalo und County ifTTtv as STOKE fjRieers, ti 1 Ono pcroii for Governor of tho Commonwealth ot Peniis) lvnnla. one Tnn tor Stntn Treasurer, line per-.hi for senator fur the XVtli district, com-pi-"dnf Hip riiutitlesof loluiiiblti, kvcomlliB, Mon tuiir niiilsulliviin. tiiieiienon for Assoi'lalo .lud0 0t theeoiltity nl fotuiiilil.i. tmo ticrsnii for l'rolhnuolnry. tmo jcrson for Iteitfster nml lfccorder. line liersim tor Treasurer. Tlnee iersons for Commissioners, (hut 110 elector to vote for more than tviiipcrsniii,) 1 hree persons for Auditors, (but no elector tu V oto for moro than two persons.) It Is flintier directed that tho election polls of tho severnl dMrtcts shnllbe opened ntscven o'clock In tlio forenoon, nnd shall continue open without, inter ruption or adjournment, until seven o'clock In tho ovcnliiK when tho polls will bo closed. Pursuant to the provlions contained In I lie 13th Section of tho Act of Hie tienernl Assembly belmr "A further supplement to the net regulating elec tions In this Commonwealth," approved Jan. mi, ls74. surios 18. As soon ns tlio polls shall close, the officers of election shall proceed to count, nil tho votes cnt for each cimdlilnlo otMl for, and mako n full return uf tho same in triplicate, with 11 return Hlieelln addition, In nil of which the votes received by each candidate shall Ik- plvcii after his or her name, nrst In words and nijaln In llnures, and shall bo signed by nil of said ortlcers and certinod liy over feers, If any, or It not so certllled, tho overseers nnd utiyofllcer refiHnir to sign or certify, or cither of them, shall wrlto upon each of tho returns Ids or their reasons for not signing or certlfjlng them. 'I he vote, ns soon ns counted, shall also lie publicly and fully declaied from tho window to tho eltleiis present, nnd a brief statement showing tho votes received by each candidate shall bo made nnd signed by tho elect Ion olllcersas soon ns the vote Is counted, and tho snino shall ho Immediately posted up on llio door of thu election houso for Infuimatloii ot the public. The triplicate returns shall 1 enclosed in envelopes nnd bo sealed In presence of llio oftlcers, and ono onvchne, with tho unsealed return sheet, given to the Judge, Which shall contain unci list of voters, tnlly.papcr, und imlhsof ollhers, nnd another ot .Said envelopes hnll be given to the minority In biiector. All Judges living within twelve miles of tho prothonotutj's nlllee, or within twenty-four miles, If their residence lie In 11 town, HIago or clly uH)ii the lino of 11 railroad lending tu too county seat, shntl. before two o'clock tiost meridian of tho dav ntter the election, and nil oilier Judges hhall, before twelve o'clock meridian of the second day ntterthe election, deliver snld return, together with return sheet, to the proltiunotary ot the court of common pleas of tho county, which said return sheet shall tio tiled, and the day and hour of filing marked thereon, nnd shall lie preserved by the prothonotnry for public Inspection. Also, that w hero n .luJge, by slckncts or unav olda ble accident. Is unable to attend, then the certificate or return shall be taken charge of by 0110 ot thu In siiectors or clerks of tlio election of the dlstilct, who shall do nnd perform the duties reipilied ot said Judge unable to attend. The following Act ot Assembly, regulating tho moda of voting In' the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, was passed -March la. ihw, and reads thust brcno.t 1. Ha It enacted by the Senate nnd House of Itepresentutlve of tlio Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania In General Assembly met, nnd It Is hereby en acted bv the uuthoiltvot the samo that the inulined voters ot tho districts In tho several counties of this eommonw ealtli, nt nil general, township, bor ough nnd special elections, me hereby hereafter authorised and rcnulrcd to vote bv tickets printed or inltteii, or paitly printed und partly wiltlen, Hever- auy einisiiieii us loiiuvv s . viiu iititii. amui uiiiuiuiu thu names of nil Judges ot Courts voted for, nnil labelled, outside, "Judiciary:" ono ticket shall em brace the names of nil the stalo olllcers voted for, and to bo labelled "State;" onu ticket shall embrace thu names of nil county oftlcers voted for. Including I ho ciinco or Senator, and -Members of As semblv, It voted for, and members ot Congress, If voted for, nnd be labelled "County;" one ticket shall embrace 1110 names or uu lownsuip ouicera voieu ior, and bo labelled "I'uvvushlp;" onu ticket shall em brace tho names of all borough olllcers voted for, and be labelled "Ilorotlirh." si.cnoNj. That it s iau no 1110 uuty 01,1110 sncriu in llio several eouniics oi 1110 v oininoiivveaiiu 10 ni sei t 111 their election proelamatlons, hereafter Issued thllrst section of this act. NOTKJliJS IIKItKIIY OIVHN, That every person cxcentlnir Justices of tho Peace nnd Aldeiiiien, Notaries Public nnd Persons In tlio mint la service of tho State, who shall hold or shall within two months have held nny c'U'u or appoint ment of prollt or trust under tho ltr' stntes.or of tills State, nnd city or corporated dlstrh t, whether a commissioned olllcer of otherwise, a Mibordlnatn oflicerorogentwlio Is or shall bu cinplojeil under the Ix.'glsl.uure, Executive or Judiciary Department of this State, or of ny city or of nny Incorporated district, nnd nlso, that every member ot Congress and of tho stuto Leirlskituio. nnd of tho select or common cohncll of nny city, or commissioners of any Incorporated dlstilct, Is by law Incapable of holding or exercising utlhu sumo tlmo the olllceorappolnt- lueiiLoi .illume, iusieeior or v-iei Kiti any eH'eiiou 01 this Commonwealth, nnd that no lusueclnr. Judire or oincr oiuccrot sucn eieciion buau.uo cugioiu to bo men vuieu ior. 1110 insuectors nnu .iiuieo or 1 10 elect ons s null meet nt tho resiiectlve places npiiolnted for holding the election In the district to which they respectively belone. before seven o'clock in tho inornlnir. nnd each of said Inspectors shall lumolnt 0110 clerk, who bll.lll 00 u quuiuieu voier 01 suen uisirict. 111 caso 1110 in'rsou who bu.iu receive inc scconu highest number of votes for Inspector shall notnt tend on tliuilavot any election, then tho nerhon who shall havo received tho second highest number ot otcsror Juuireatiuo next preccoint: elect 011s hull net as Inspector In his place. And In thu person who shall havo received thu highest number of votes for Inspector shall not attend, tlio person elected Judgu bliult appoint an Inspector In his pluco and In e.lsu 1110 person eiecieu liiuu biuiu not niieuil, incn tlio Inspector who received tho highest number ot oies sii.iu nijioiui. 11 juugo 111 111s piaco or 11 any aeancv sliall eouttnuo In the board for tho sn.icn or one hour after tho time hxed by law for tho opening of tho election, the iiualllled voters of tlio township, word, or district for which such oltlcors shall havo been elected, present at such election btiall elect ono of their number to UU such vucuney. It shall be tho duty of tho several assessors re spectively to intend at the place ot holding every general, special or township election, during thu ,vnoio lime sueii eieciion is Kepi open, ior uiu pur ioso ot giving Information to tho Inspectors and udges, when tailed on hi relation to tlio light of any nerson assessed by lliem to vote at such election. und on such other mutters In relation to tlio assess ment as tho said Inspectors or cither of them shall from time to tlmo require. No ncrsou shall bo nerniltted to voto nt nnv elec tion us aforesaid other than u ni.ilo citizen, of the ago of tvveiity-ono ears or more, vvhu has been u uteiioi inu uuiu'ii Mines ut. lensi. ouu mount, uuu i-lio shall have resided In the state nt least one vcai. nnU ill Uic cits. 1 iuu uisinci, itnelouo oners 10 vote two months Immediately preceding such election, and, It twenty-two years of ago or upwards, havo within two jeurs paid a Stuto or county tux which shall have beeu assessed ut lexst two months und paid at least one mouth before tlio election, nut a uiialltled voter of this state und returned und who shall have lived In the election dlstilct nnd paid luxes, us uroresaiu, snail uo emiiieu tu vino uuer lesldlng In this suite six months. I'ruvuieu, mat citizens ot uiu uniieu Mates, oeivveen iuu ugo 01 twenty-one and Ivveiity-tvvo who have le.slded lu the letllon uisiril'l ivvo lliuuilis, iw uioiesaiti, sumi uv ntltledto votu although they bhull not have paid tax. No nerson sliall bo nermltted to voto vv 11030 name Is not contained In the list of taxable Inhabitants lurnlshed by tho commissioners, unless, First, he produces a lecelpt for llio payment vvlililn twojetrs ot u state or county tux assessed ugreuably tu tho Constitution nnd give satisfactory evidence either on hLs 0.1th or utilruuttuii or llio oath or ntllrniatlun of other, that liu has nald such n tax, or on failure to iirouuce u receipt snail niaivu uaiu 10 uiu i,aji:viii. herenr. second. If ho claim tho rlirht tu vote bv bo lug 1111 elector between the ugo of twenty-one und tvveuiy-iwo C.irs, no suaiiueiiosu uuuaiuui uiuiiua- tlou that hu has resided In tills Statu ut least one ear next oeiore nts uppueuiiou, uuu uiuue biicu irnof or lesldeueo lu thu dlstilct as Is leuutrcd by this act, and that hu does v erily believe from tho ac count given him, that he Is of ngu nturesuid, and Hiieii otner evldenco us lsreuulred by this act: where upon thu name ot tho person thus udmltUd tovotu shall bo Inserted hi thu alphabetical list by tho I11- snoctors. una a note muuo 0 ipusuo ineieiu uyiviu- lug tho word "tux," It ho snail bo admitted to voto hv i-e.ison of havlm; tialtl tux : or the word "aire" by uu bhull lie admitted to vote by reason of such ugo which bhall bu emeu out 10 inu cierK.s, w no sn.ui make tho like notes on the list of voters kepi by th.m. In nil cases wnero me nameoi 1110 in.'r,on ciuituing to V oto Is not found on thu list furnished by tho com missioners and assessor, or Ills light 10 vote, whether found tnereon or uui, 13 oiijecteu lu uy uuy iiunuueu ltlzen, it sn.ui uo 1110 uutyoi inu liisiiet'iurs loe.v hi, mm such ncrsou on oath ns to lib iiiiaittications, und It ho claims to mivo resnito vv ituiii 1110 .statu ior oiioicur or more his oath shall bo buirieleut proof lUCieOI, UUI- HU Pilau iikw ,iou ujr ai. twna ui.u uuhi- Iietent witness, wnu uu u qiiaiuieii eieetur, uiat le resided la thu district twu monlhs next 1m i(,iiniipiv nrecedint? such election, nnd bhall also himself swear Hint his bona tide residence, lu pursu- tinco 01 ins lawiui eaiuui;, is m muu uisuiti, uuu 111.11 hotlld not lemove lute said district tor tho purpose of voting therein. 1'ACry IH-'lbOll liuamieu us lliuii'.saiu, nnu nnonimii inako duo proof. If 1 entitled, of Uiu resident e mid payment of tuxes ns aforesaid, shall bo niliiilUotlto vtiteln llio township, wind or dlsliltl lu which hu shall reside. If nny person shall prevent nr attempt tn prevent nny olllcer of nny election under t tils net from hold ing bucil Cli'vuuii, or iisi, 1,1 iiiM-.iu-u ,MIJ UUIUU IU nny biich otllccr, or shall Interrupt or hnpiopei ly In terfero with htm lu tho execution of his duty, or bhall block up tho vv lndow or u venue to nny w iiuluiv where the biimo may bo holding, or shall Holously dlstuibth' peace til such election, or bhall 110 any lutlmldallng threals, force or violence, with design tn lntlucneo unduly or overawe any elector, or to prevent him from young, or 10 lesuuin uiu iieeuum u choice, but h irson, on eonvlctlon, bhall bo tided or any bum not exceeding live hundiod uollais, und Inilirlsoued for nny time, not less than tlnee nor moro than twelve months, und If It shitl bo bhovv 11 to Court, when tlio trial of such oliencu shall bo hail, that tho person so olTendltig was not a resident ot tho clly, wiird, district or township where theollenco IVUS UUIIIIllllll U, tll .". w uiu ..ivi.i.1, Hum. mi t'onvletlon hobhal bo hcutcnced to pay ulliio of not liss thnu one hundred nor moro than ouu thousand dollars, und bo hnpilsoned not loss than six mouths nor moro than two j curs. It liny iiersou, not bylaw tpialltled, bhull fraudu lently utu at uny election of Hits Ctimuioiiiveultli, or btlng othcrwlso (lUaUllcd sliull votu out of his proper district, or It any person knowing tliHwunt ot btich qualification, hhall tdd or procuro such h r son to vote, tlio person ollendlng bhull on eonv It 1 Ion 00 niietl 111 nny blllll UUI i-Aieeuiiii; inu iiuuuieu iiui- lara.mid bo imprisoned In uny term not exceeding three months. . . 11 nnv ono nan vote at moro man one citct on district, or othcrwlso fraudulently vote moro than once on tho sumo day, or shall fraudulently fold and dellvtr to the inspector two tickets together with tho Intent Illegally to vote, or who bhall procuro another to do bo, he or they offending shull, on con. tletlon, be lined In any bum not less than tlliynor more than five hundred dollars, and bo Imprisoned for a teun not lens than thieu nor moro than twclvo mouths. If any person not tiuallllodto vote In this Common wealth ugreoably to law (except thu sousof c)ualllletl citizens,) bhall appear ut uny place of election for tho ;tuipobu ui innucnciug 1110 iiiuena iiuitiuieu iu tuie, m shall on ronvlctlou foifelt und puy u sum not ex ceeding ono hunthed dollars for every such olfetieo ttnil ou liuprisuucu lor-iieiiii uui. i-avvuuuii, uivv months. TIIK RKGISTKY LAW. T nlso e.ivn nntclal notice to the electors of Colum bia county thut by un act, entitled "An Act further Biipplementultotlio uct relative to tho elections of uu i.uilliiioimcttiiii, M I'i'i l IS l'll. I ,"v- Ilia ,ir,.it,lfl ns ffUlnWH t hKUTION a. AUPr llio ussrnsiiieiiio iiau iatii pleted on tho bixty.llrst tiny befoio tho TUfbtliiy next liitluvvlng tho ilrtt Monday ot November In cuih voir, the assessor bhull, 011 tho follow lug day, make 11 11 turn to tho county commissioner, of tho names t.r till in, rwniis nssehst-.d by litut blneu tho ICtUllllO- iiulred to be mado by Idm by thu urut buctlou of tills uit, noting opposite euce name tho observutlons und expluiuillousicnulroil to lie noted nsuforesuid; uud the county comuilsbloners shall theretiiKin cause tho same to bo added to the return iisiulrcd by thu nrst bcctlou ot tills uct, und a full uud correct copy there of to bo inudo contulnlng the tiainot) of nil iiersnnsho n turned ns lesldonttuxubhslubulil election tllslrlct, und fin bibb the bume, together with tho 1 let Hon bluuks, to the omccraof tho In Btich i lettlou dlstilct un or before fceven o'clock pn the morning of Iho elect Ion: und no man shull bo per tn vntii ut thu election on Unit day vvhuso huinu Is not on suld list, unless he shall nuke pi oof Of lilS rlgni lo VOIO 04 fiercuiiuu-T rewutreu. klp.-r,,,u 111 fin Ihn ilutf nf eleetloil any liemnn whose uuiue bhull not uppeur on the itglslry of voum, and who tlalms ths right to vote at wild tlee Hon, bhull produce ut lenst one qualined voter of the district as u w Itnuss to U10 ntWcncg ot thu claimant In the district In which ho claims lo bo n voter, for Iho period pf at lean two months Immediately pre ceding Mill eieciion. Which w Itnem shall he sworn or nniniininnti Muiiicniie n written fir 11,111 c wr ten and poll; printed affidavit (u the fails' tucdl.v uuu, im'u 11 1. mi .ii 111 ti un" 1 l',ii 1 uiiiii' the lisii,i, fsoftlii p, 1 sun iichiiininv .i in .1 vol, r: nnd lli person Mulaluilng the iluhl liivole'tialliilso lake und btibserlhe 11 wiltlen or part I v wrllleii unit pnrllv printed nniilnvil, stilting, tn of nn kttowli dgc nnil belief, when and where lie vvaslHiru: Unit lie has been a elllJen of the 1 nlttd Slates tor one n.oiith. nnd of Hie eomniiuiiveiillh of IVhns.vl vnnlai that he has resided In IheeouiiitMivvettlihone cnr, or. If formerly a iiualllled elector or 11 native born rltlren thereof, and has removed therefrom nnd returned, that he has resided therein six months next preceding said eleitlont that he hns resided In tho dltilct In which ho claims to lie a voter fertile jiertod of nt least 1 wn months lmtuedlatdy preceding nald election; that ho has not tnoveil Into the tr it ior the nttrnoso or vol inr 1 herein: t ml lie has, It twenty-two jears ot ngu or tipwnriH, paid a state or county tax within twtijears, which was ns seHoetlnl least two months und paid nt least one month befoio the election. The suld nfllil.tvit shull also state when nnd wliero the tux claimed to bu TMit by tho ulllatit was assessed, and when und where nnd lo whom paid; nnd the tax receipt there for shall bu produced for eamlnaltoii, unless tlio nninnt shall state In Ids nnidavlt Hint It has been lost or destroved, or ho never received nny i nnd If a naluralled eitlen, shall also Mute when, where and by what court he was naturalized, nnd shall nlso proiiuce nis eeiuncuieoi uniiiraiiziuioii lurexainiiia lion. Hut It the person so claiming ttie right to vote hall take nm subser bo tin nn davit that 10 Is n na tive horn rttlen of tho I'nlted states, nr. tt born elsewhere, shall state the fact In his nnidavlt, and snail prouuee evidence mat no nits neeu nuttiraiizeii or that ho Is entitled to fit hrnshlp by reason of his father's list urnltzatluii, nnd shall further state In his affidavit, that hu is, ut thu time of making the ntllil.i- v ut, 01 inn ngo 01 ivventy-ono nnu untier 1 vvent. -ivv 0 vctirs; that he has been 11 citizen of Hie t nlted states one month, and has resided In tho state one jenr; or, If n native bom elllen ot the Slate and removeutnereiroiu nnu returneii.iuni no nns rest'U tt therein six months next tireeeillinrsiild elect fun. nnd In tho election district Immediately two months pre ceding such eieciion, he shall ho entilled tu vote, niinoiigu ne snail not, nave pain tuxes, ttie sain affidavits of all persons making such claims, und llio affidavits of tho witnesses to their residence shall be preserved liy tho election board, tititl at the close of tho election theyslmll be enclosed with ttie of voters, tally list and oilier papers requited by law to be tiled by tho return Judge with the pruthnnotnry, and shall remain ou tile theiewltlt In the prothouo- uirj oiuce, suoject to examination as oiuei election p.iiera are. If thn election officers sliall llnd that tho applicant possesses nil tho legal qtialltlcatlons ot 11 voter lie Khali lie permitted tjvute.atid his name shall bo ndded to the list of tnxubles h; th" election officers, tho word "tax," being added whore the clatmantclalnistiiVotoon tax, nnd thu wotd"age.' wheiu he claims to vote on ugu; the same vvoitis being lidded by thu clerks tn each case, respectively, on tho lits ot persons voting ut such election. stcTiosll. It bhall be lawful for any iiualllled citi zen of the dlstilct, notwithstanding the name of the proposed voter Is contained on thu list ot resident taxublos, to challenge, tlio voto of such person, whereupon tho same proof of thu right of sunragc us Is now required b.v law bhall be publicly mailo nnd acted on by the election board, and tho voto admitted or reject etl, nccordlng to thn evidence. Kvery person claiming to be a naluiuUzetl dltlzeu thaU bo required to produce his naturalization turtlUeato at the elec tion iwfore voting, except where ho has liven tor live years consecutively a voter In the district In which he offers his vote; und on the voto of such person being received, It shall bo tho Uuty ot thu election ortliers to wrlto or stnnin on such certificate, the word "voted," with tlio ttay, month nnd year; and If nny election officer or olllcers shall reecho a second voioonuio saute tiny, uy vit 1110 01 1110 huinu certifi cate, excepting wheiusons 1110 mtltledto vote, bo causoot ttie naturiillaiicu of their fathers, thev und the person who bhall oner such second vote, shall bo guilty of n misdemeanor, and 011 conviction thereof snail ounueit or liniirtsoneii. or not 1. ut t ie tnscre, Hon of the com t; but tho lino shall not exceetl live hitnilred dollars hi each case, nor the Imprisonment one .venr. 'Iho like punishment shall bo mulcted, on conviction, 011 tuu omceisol election who shall neg lect or refuse to make, or cause to bo made, the en dorsement required ns aforesaid on said naturallza Hon ccrtltlcatu. scciiON it. if nny election officer shall refuse or netrlect to require such nroof ot the 1 lent ot bultrace as Is preserllK-d by this law, or the laws to vv hlch lids Is n supplement, from any lierson offering to vote vviiosu u.iiuu is not ou inu nsioi nssesseu v oiers, or whoso light to voto Is chidlengetl by nny qualllled voter ptesent, nnd shall admit Mich person lo voto w Ithout requiring such pi oof, every person so unend ing shall, upon eonvlctlon, bu guilty of u misde meanor, und shall bo sentenced, tor every such of fence, lo pay u line not exceeding tlio hundred dol lars, or lo undergo uu Imprisonment not more than ono jear, or both, nt tho discretion of thu court. SEcnoN 7. The rt-specttve nssessors, Inspectors and Judges of tho elections shall each havo tho power to administer oaths to tiny person claiming tliu right to bo assessed or the 1 lght of stilTrage, or In regard to uny other matter or thing lequhed to be tluuo or In quired into by tiny ot satd officers under tills net; und uny wilful false swearing by any person lu rela tion to uny matter or lldng eonccrnlug which they shall Ihj law fully Interrogated by uny of said olllcers or overseers shall bojiunlstietl ns perjury. Section is. Tho assessors shall each recelvo tho Ion tortho tlmo neeessai liy spent In performing t ho dut les hereby enjoined, ns Is pi ov Ided by law to ussossots making valuations, to bo paid bv tho county commissioners ns In other eases, and It shall not he law fill for any tussessor to nssess u tax nguliisl nny person whatever within stxty-ouo days next preceding tlio annual eieciion lu November ; an' Ion ot I Ills piovlslon shall bo .1 misdemean or, nnd subject tho officer so offending to a line, on conviction, not exceeding ono hundred dollars, or to Imprisonment not exceeding three months, or both, tit tho discretion ot the court. section 4. ou the petition uf five or tuoio citizens ot uny election ellstilct, setting fortlt that the pa Iiolntuieut of overseers Is 11 reasonable nreennt Inn tn secure Iho punt) unit fairness of thu eieciion In sulci uistriei, 11 suaii no tne uuty ui inu court of common pleas ot the proper county, all tho law Judges ot tho suld court ablo to net at the time concurring, to ap point two Judicious, sober and lntilllgcuircliizeiisof 1 10 bnld dlstilct belonging to ehtrcrcut lKiiltlcul pars ties, overseers ot election to bttpervlso tliu nroct'cd Ings of election olllcers thereof, and to mak'o repot t of the sauto as they may bo leqtilreitby hucIi court, said overseers bhall bo persons qualified to servo upon clecllen bo.irds and shall have thu rbzht tube pn'int with thu officers of such election during the whole t Uuu tho same Is hold, tho votes coutitfd?nnd thu leturns made uut und sk-neil in- thnewim,, .,m. cets; tokoep ulLst ot voters, it they see proper: to challenge nny person offering to vote, nnd luterro gnto him uud his w Itncsses under oath, In regard to 1 aright of suffrage at said election, anil to examine uon tire fequiied lourfordto satd overseers, so select ed unit appointed evuy 1'onvenleneo and facility for tlio discharge of their duties; and It said eleetluu olllcers snail refuse tu permit said overseers to be present, und pvrfonn their duties us tiforesald. such officer or officers bhall bo guilty of 11 misdemeanor, nnd on conviction thereof bhall bo lined not cxe-eed-Ing onu thousand dollars, or imprisonment not ex ceeding one ) ear, or both, In tho discretion ot the court ; or It the overseers sludl be drlv en nw ay from the polls by violence or Intimidation, nil tho votes polled In such election district may bo rejected by tho proper tribunal tr) lug a contest untlcr said elec tion, or a part or portion of such votes nfoiesatdmay bo counted, us such tribunal may deem nccusbuiy to a Just and proper disposition cf the cuse, section m. Any assessor, election olllcer or person nppulntf d as an overseer, who shall neglect or retuso to perform nny duty enjoined by this uct, without reasonable or legal cause, shall bo subject loaiien ulty ot one hundred dollars ; nnd It nny nssessor shall knowingly assess uny person as a v oter who is not tiuiilljleil, or shall wilfully reftiso to assess any 0110 who Is qualllled, hu shall bo guilty of a misde meanor In office, and 011 couv Ictlon ba punished by u line not exceeding ono thousand dollars, or Impris onment not exceedlhi' two cars, or both, at tho dis cretion cf the tourt, and also be subject lo un uctlon for damages by tho pai ty aggrieved i nnd If uny per son shall fraudulently niter, udcl to, dcluco or tlesti oy any list of voters mado out as directed by litis act, or tear down or remove tho same from tho phxe wheru It has been nxed, with fraudulent or mlsthlev otts Intent, or tor nny improper purpose, tho irson so ohcndlng shall ho guilty of a inNlenienuor, and on conviction sliall lie punished by a lino not exceed ing Mvo hundredilollars, or Imprisonment not exceed ing tw o years, or both, ut tho discretion ot tho com t; and It nny person shall, by violence or Intimidation, drive, or uttemnt to thlvo from tho noils, nnv nerson or persons uppolntetl by the court to act as overseers ot au election, or lu nny way wilfully prevent said overseers from jierformlng tho duties enjoined upon them by tills net, such lierson shall bo guilty ot a mtsciemeanur, uud upon conviction tln-teof shall lie nuntshedbv ullnu not exceeding ono thousand dou lars, orbv linnilsoumcnt not exceeding twojears, or bum, tit tho discretion of tho court. Any person who shall, on tho day of any tieellon, visit a pulling place 111 uny t-iui. uuu iiisii ti i. ui w uu u 111-13 uoi en 11 111 11 lu vote, and shall uso nny Inlliiildatlun or violence for thu purpose ot preventing any officer of election irom nei forinlne: tho duties teiiuhedof him bv law. or for tho purpose of preventing uny qualllled voter ui bucn iiisti iei extTcisnis 111s iigui to vuie, or irom oxen isinir ins riKin m I'lniiienicu uny person oiienng to voto. Midi ttcrson shall bo deemed u-itlltv or a ml. demeanor, unit upon conilctlou thereof shall be pun- isneutiyu uuu not uxrceuiiiK uuu inotisantl uonars, or bv Imprisonment liotexcecdlue; two .veurs.eir both. ntthu discietlun ot tho couit. Any t lei k, ovei seer or election officer, wnu shall disclose huvv nny elector thai) have voted, unless lequlred tu do suusa wit ness lu a Judicial procei ding, bhall bo guilty ot a mis demeanor, nnd upon coin lellou the n ot shall bo pun ished by a lino not exceeding ono thousand dollars, or by Imprisonment h"t exceeding two )cara, or both, hi tliu discretion ot tlio com l. Iu obedience to tho requirement of thooovernor ot thu Commonwealth of l' lumla, I hereby puuitsn tuu riiit-'i-iiiu -suivumui-ui ui inu e-uusilltl lion of tuo Hutted btntcs. the Act of Congress en. toiting tho bamo, uud the Act or Assembly relative llii-relu! Thu l'itiecnin Ainennmcntoi tno constitution of the United stules is as follows : KKeiioN 1. ine rnrui 01 citizens or inn iTntteri states to volo shall not bo denied or abridged by the e'lllteu mines, ui ujr nnv isiuie, uu uei-ouue OI luce, tUlUI,Ul ,l, l.'O VUll.ttblUll V, D.'l , ItUttU. "Sixnoxa. The Congress shall havo power to en force this ui tlcle, by appropriate legislation," An Act to enforce thu llkiit of cuuens of tho Unit. etl states tn vote lu thu several States ot this Uhloii ami ior otner puiposes: -.nanus 1. in. 11 h.sACTiiu uv iuk r!.NTK Ann 1 ot'SE or i.s ok 1 he i .Nm.u h tatks or AuuntCA IN Coniiii)s Asseuui LU, Thut ullclttzens ot 1110 iiiiiieu niuies. wuu ttie. ur sii 111 oe titnerw-isfl tiunlltled by law to voteat nny election by iho people, lu nnv statu. Tetrltorv. dLstrict. toiiutv. eitv. narlsh. township, seltoul district, iniinleipallty, or other ter rltoual suu-tllvlslou, bhull 1st emitted und allowed to voto am thucu ciecuons. w linot 1 1 isiinciiun 01 ritci.. euiui, 1, 1 I'liii'iu'i luiiuiiiuii ui oiiiiiuiiu nuji V.UI1. btltttllun. luw. cusloui. tisane, or Tctrulatloii of nnv htuto or Territory, or by, or under its uuthorlty, to ll.n , ,l r-,-v tint v, 1 1 l,tn mllni, ' KECrlON 2. AND Uk IT tPHUIMI KNACTEU, TllUt If by or unde r tho authority ot tho Constitution ur law sot nny stulo, or thu laws ot any Til rllory, any uct Is or shall bo required to bu tloueus nprereriulslto or ijual- lueuituu tut vutiuk,-, unit uy nut u v-uiisiliuuou ur law, persons or officers who bhull bo charged with tho nerformunce of duties lu fuililslilmr to citizens un iinnortuhltv to nerfuim uueii nrereoutstle. or tn he. bomo qualllled to vote, It bhull bo thn duty of every sucn iierbuii unu oiuccr tu kivo tuuti t-tiizciis 01 tno United Stales, thu samu untl equal opiortuulty to perform btich prerequisite, and to become qualified to voto without distinction of race, color, or pruvlous condition oi borvltudo; and If nny bitch inrbou or Olllcer bitaii rtiusu ur MiuwuiKiy uuitt. tu Kiveitui eriect to this section, ho shall, fur evtrv such uffence. forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars to tho pemon aggrieved thereby, to bo recovered by uu uctlon uu thu cusq, with (all costs and such tilluw unce fur counsel fees us the court shull deem Just, twid bhall nUo, tor every such offence be deemed guilty ot a misdemeanor, aud shall on convleilou thereof, be lined not less iiiith nvo nuuiueti dollars, or bo tin prisoned nol less than ono month, anil not inoi 0 than mm v ear. or bolh. ut Hie discretion of tliu court." A further supplement to thu uct iciallng to elec tions in uus wuiiiiuuiivveuiiu 1 "Slction 19, That so much ot every net nf Assem bly us pi uv hies lhut only while hccmcii bhull been titled to vole or bo rcirtsterotl as ole-rs. or ast-laim. Ing to votu ut tiny general or special election of this Commonwealth, tio and Iho same Is hereby repealed; and that hereafter that nil fieenten, without distinc tion of color buuu no eiirotteu unu regisiet eu accord 1111; to tno provision 01 uiu nrst section 01 tno uct ut proud Iho nth day of April, 1669, entitled "An Alt further bit luietneniui 10 1110 uct rel.iuui: lu tho ohr Hons of this Commonwealth," and when olheiwUo qualified under existing entltleil to vole ut uu general uuu b)ieeiai ciecuons tu this common-wi-nlth." (liven under my hand, at my office, in Hloomshurir. this ltth duy of Hie jcur ot our herd one thousund eight hundred unit sevciity-ilve, nnd lu the one huiulliih )cur Ot thu lndt-iendeneeur tlio lult mstalca, illOHAEl, HltOVElt, Sheriff ot Columbia County, 1 lilooms'jurg, l'o., Bcptciabcr IT, lwo, BOOSCtjlSESR RTSm STATIOIHBR, JJcitli'i- iii Luw P.limhsi Stintliiy ydiool LiliinricH, Dojiository ot (lie I'oiitijsylviiniii llililtj Hiificiy, WINDOV CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARES. -Books siiiil supplies not on bund can bo funiislicil On Short Notice at tho Most Reasonable Jhtles. Sloro in Exchange Hotel Oct. S, 1ST8- 2TE3W C3-OOHDS RECENTLY RECEIVED. BLACK CASHMERES, NEW MUSLINS, . COLLAHS .AND CUFFS, NECKTIES, UUC111NGS, BACK COMBS, LADIES NEW KID GAUNTLETS. NICE ASSORTMENT DRESS GOODS FROM 25 CENTS AND UPWARDS. U W M (P E Jk la. NEW FA L.T-1 PRINTS TO ARUIV12 THIS WEEK AT THE POPULAR CASH STOHE OF W. P. JONES & CO., ' jEW STOCK Ol' CLOTHING. AND Gcntlomuu'u Drou Goods. DAVID LOWKXllIiUCl Invites nttcntlon to his largo unel elegant stocu of Cheap and Fashionable ClotliiuE, nt his store on MAIN STllDCT, IN THE JJI2W 11I.OCK, ULOOMSUUltO, l'A., where ho has Just rcccivetl from Now York nnil I'hll. ndelplila a full assortment ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durable and ! nanciauino DRESS COOBSj CONSISTING OF I!OX SACK, 1'ItOChT, GUJI AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OP ALL SOHTS SIZES AND COI.OI1S, lie has also replenished his already largo stock of CLOTHS AND CASSIML'KKS, STRIPED, AND I'LAIN VESTS, "lIIKTS. CILWATH SOCKS, COLLAItS, HANDKEIlCHIErS, GLOVES, SUSl'ENDKW, AND ARTICLES. FANCY He has constantly on hand a largo and well select ed assortmentpt Cloths nnd Veatings, which ho U prepared to make to order Into any Ulntl ot clothing, on very short notice, and In tho best manner. All hl3 clothing Is mado to wear ana most ot it Is ot homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JI3WBLRV, OK EVEItY DESCItU'TION, FINE AND CIIEAI. IllS CASE OF JEWELUY IS NOT SUIUVASSEII IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS OENEIiAL ASSORT MENT OF Clothing, Watches, 3 c wi ry, 8ic. DAVID LOWENMCHO. uly l.' OPENING I ELTAS jIJiN.DJ3NJ TALL HAVING ret-iiincil llio Iiiiiiit'dii of Merclian dlselug ut his Old store, on MAIN STItKUT, liLOOMSnUItO, NKAU THE fOllkb HOTEL, Desires to call tho nttcntlon of his l'rhtnds and tha Public geuerully,u IlUj NEW, FULL AND VAUIEI) STOCK 01? GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solicits abharo ot publlo patroango HIS STOCK CONSISTS OP DUY OOODS, (inocEitiEs, (iUEENSWAItf, WOOUENWAItE, WILLOWWAItE. HOOTS i: HIIOESf, HAtiUWAltL, t.OUll AND FEED la connection with his stoek of Mercuoudlao ho constantly kccis on hand In his yard. A FULL STOCK OF AND SHINGLES OF HIS MANUFAOTUltE. Bill Lumber miiclo a speciality. CALL AND HUE, oct.a,ien-tf. Building, Uloomsburg, Vw. A. J KVA HEADY MADE AND CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. HE HAS THE FIHES'i'GOOlU LATEST STYLES, AND EMI'LOVSTIIE BEST WOliiOLEN rorGood l-'itsnntl rroinptness In tilling orders thero Is tho place to go. Ills goods are select etl with earo nnd his CUSTOM WOItK will compare favorahly with tho best effort ot tho fashionable City Dealer. HE KEEPS A LAItOE STOCK Ol' BOYS' & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING AND GKNTLTCMKN'S FURNISHING GOODS At Astonishingly Low Prices. Julyl, 1SI3 tr. GLAZING AND PAPERING. "V'M- v- HOIiNE, Irott Street below ceo- t ? nnu, liioomsuuiv, l'u., is prepared to do al niiiu? ui PAINTING, GLAZING, and PAPEK HANGINGS' In tho best styles, at lowest prices, and at short Parties haMng such wor to (town sivcmoneyby work warranted tn pvn cnticrnMin,. n,.. nuiiciivu VM. F. ISODINE. Mar. c, '74-ly. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE It H of great importanco to you wiint kind of manure you tippiy to your Wheat Lands this fall. : yim want tv good crop of Wheat next season, and heavy eryy of Grass to follow, use. BAUGH'S Raw Bone Super Piiosplmte STANDAltl) WAIIIiANTED, Put up in 200!b hags.. iiiunasotii I IW tllr I'tt-.l.lll.. .1 i.nnint.ii..n. iiiuuniitt nontfs, untl its slrcngt'i cannot ho ex. iiiiiisii-u wuu tuu crop 01 Wheat, hut will project. fCCtlVO On tho follow lliif rrnn nf fir sua n,t.l ,,-Ml ..11,. pi'rmanently,lmprovo iho null. r tinners 1001; to your own lntcrtfcls and proolf what wo bay ttloul Baugh's Raw Bono Pbosnbato is truo or falae, nnd notify us of tho result. .Make ii.puiiuiuii ior it tauy lojour hi wrest Dealer In Manuies, und if you cannot wenrn 11 .tiimmn, n,nn. send your orders direct lo your friends iJAuair Ai sows Aug. lo-2t. PHILADELPHIA .t uai.timoiih.' 1HON IN THE 1II.OOI). ...I'll Pekuvhn Kviior Utaltzcsuntf clinches tho lilood. tones tin tho sjb tein, hultds up thohrokeu II'K II'PSU pchlllty.tlropsy.tiilll.suiiil fuverneinoiUo tllarrhica ncrvoiH ulfeoilous, Iwlls hiiinorfr, tllsoa.-,i'.s ot tlio kidneys und hkuhler, le. nialo coujpliiiuts, ie. ThoilsahU-s havo licen changed h, tho uso of tho lemetly from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong, hculihy, hiippy men and woincn: uud Invalid-, cannot rcasonuhly heslliilo to gliu It 11 trial. Caciios'.-IIo bitru joti get thu "Pkuuvun Bybit" (not PeriiMun Hark.) Suld hy dealers gcucr. ally. A 8i-pngo nainphh-t, containing a treutr-,0 on run as n nn dlcnl ugiiit uud other vuluahlo pniiers, testlinonliilsfrom dlallngulshed pin blclnns, tit'rBy men tiiid til here, will ho bent fit- to nny address. S1.THW, 1-nivm fc Boss, nioprietors, btl Harrison Avenue, Hobton. pLA'R'IILKY'S Im. A 1) pro etl CUCUMIIEIt VWtMJIl Pl'MP Is tho uo- rS u 1 know ledge-el Mnhttard ot .. fcilho niaiket, hy poimlar ..V eriltct, tho tt-bt pinup 101 'tl I liu least monev. Alti-ullim Is Itnltod to lilatchley's ltnproedllraek. ft, tho Drop t heck all e, which can ho withdrawn without disturbing lha Joints, and tlio copper cliuinher which neer trucks, bcales or rusts nnd will last n llfo tlmo, I'tu-balo hy dealers and thut rudo . -IL.-f h .r"f. 1,1 u,tir luooburu itiae ytiti VuiKJ gctlil.itthlcy's litiitp, In-careful und boo that It nas my trade mark as ithoM'. It luudonot knowwhero to liny, ilnhcrlptlvn circulars, togeihtT with the name uud adiliebsnfthii ugent ucarcst j ou will hu furnished liy addressing with btump, UIAH. (I. Ill.ATlill.fiv, Muiiutaclurcr, ui , Coiutnercu bt , phlladclpiila, VOlt HAU'I UV J. SOHUYLER & SON. Bloomsburff. Pa. March 11 15-Im ' ,'ivlfl V 1 rT -. fl Qvav Tlnvfy-fonr Compcttiovs TflHDARD'I'Swmtj hc5!nutSt,rHljRDELPKIi RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES rIlILAI)ELPIIA AND HEADING KOAD VKI1ANGEMENT Ol'' PASSENGER TRAINS. MAY Oil, 1S7S. TIUIS:? LEAVE nli'EKT AS KOI.I.OWS (8fhnAV EXCEITF.U For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, Poltbvlllo Tnntaqiia, Ac,, 11,3.1 n. in For Catawl-isa, 11,33 it. tn. nnd 7,88 p. in. For Wllll.tmsport, 0,2S a. tn. nnd -LOO p. m. TRAtVSFOn lll'l'EItT 1FAVI1 AS I OLI OWf , (St'NhAV EX CEI'TEP.) Leave New York, 0,15 a. m. Leavo Phllndeiphla, t'.in n. m. I.cae Heading, 11,3 'it. 111., PottsMlle, IV'.tn p. m., 1, no p. tn. Lem e Cataw Usn, r.,21) u. m. and -1,00 p. m. LeaMt Wllllaiii'.poit, 11,40 11. 111. lllnl r.,Wl p. m. Passengers to nnil from nnd Philadelphia go through without change of ears. J. E. WOO I'EN, May 8, 1S74 tf. General superintendent. DELAWARE, LACICAW WESTEltN lt.MLltOAI). ANNA AN' I) HI.OOM&UUKG DIVISION. Tlme-Tnlilo No. mi, Takes erfect nt 4:?,o THUltSDAY, HKCEMHElt 10, 1SH. A. M NOItiil, STATIONS. SOUTH. p.m. p.m. p.m. n. in. it in. p.m. Hill) 2 21) CUD 10 (4 2 2il 0 3S IS 19 2 83 1! 41 III 17 2 II (1 Ml 111 25 2 Ml 7 Oil til 29 2 ft5 7 io 111 31 8 Id 7 11 in 3J 8 til 7 If. 10 45 il 15 7 25 III Ml 3 2') 7 Sft 10 ft") 3 25 7 41 1 1 1)0 3 till 7 UI 11 05 3 till 7 ftS 11 19 3 40 S t'J 11 IS 3 ft') 8 15 11 33 lift H 35 tl 411 4 21 8 ft", 11 63 I 2S tl lift 12 1 4 311 7 till 12 IS I 15 7 12 12 12 I ftll 7 IS 12 17 I r.0 7 25 12 2ll ft in 7 lis 12 32 ft 12 7 47 12 37 5 IS 7 M 12 41 ft 24 8 12 12 45 ft 30 8 111 1 03 5 4 4 8 35 1 11 5 ftS 8 4S 111 li 113 8 IV. 1 31 0 21 9 20 p.m. p.m. 11.111. 1 !." Scranton vt 21 h :i 1 12 1) S 2.1 1 4il liclle-vtio 13 8 T.tMonlllr 11 in h 1:1 1 2; ...Lnck.twatiua Pulsion .. West litthton... Wioinimf ilaltiij Ulngstiin lilllgsltill ..Phiiiiiiilh.ltinc. ....Plinouth umd.ilu .... .Nnnttcuko .llunliiek'H 1 reck. . ..Shit k.hlntiy ....Hick's 1'criy... ....llciuh llaien... HcnMck .... Hilar t rick ...Willow Urine.... I. line Illilgc Ipy . .Uloomsburg Itupcrl C'nuulss.i llihtire. . Cl.irl.'H Sivllih. 1131 S lift 1 10' 11 20 T M 11 in 7 r..i 11 10 -IS 1 11 1 It, 1 till III 45 7 I 1 12 M 7 Xi 12 ir, 8 17 7 II I 12 41 S 13 7 2ft 12 lltl S lift 1 19 12 till S It) 7 U. 12 2l! 7 -lil 7ift 12 111 7 2i! Ii AH 12 111 7 till II Sft 11 -It, I! ft 1 li 2S 11 89 I', IS It '! 11 81 ll 32 ll 1 3 11 22 li 27 11 IK 11 17 11 '.'il li n I 1111 11 ml ft M 11 H2 ft ftS ,ri -III 10 ftft r r,i r, ii in 4 ft 41 ft 31 10 13 ft 11) ft till 10 4U ft IS ft 12 111 2: IMtiMllo ft 01 ft 02 HI 12 lillll.isky., t'lltllclOll . 4 f..1 4 ft7 11) IN -I 3D 4 41) 9 ft .Norlhiiuibtll.inil. a.m. p.m. 11.111. DAVID T. HOUND, Sunt. Superintendent's Offlee, Kliitfatem, March ft, l7l. N1 OIlTIIEItN CENTItAL RAILWAY COMPANY. On nnil after Noveinher 211th, 1S73, trains will leavo SUNHL'ItYns follows: NOIlTllWAltD. Erlo Mall 0.20 a. in., nl rlvo Elmlra 11.M a. in - " -tiiH.iiftVr.r.;. " Niagara 9.411 " ltenovo accommodation 11.10 a. m. nirlio Williams rt 12.55 p. in. Elmlra Mall 4.1ft 11. m., ariivo Elnilr.t 1D.20 n, m. llurralo Express 7.15 11. in, at the hurrnlos.ftOn. m. KOUTHWAIti). llurralo Express ' a. m. nn lve Han Ishtirg l.r,o a. m " li.illlnioros.4i) " Elmlra Mall 11.1ft n. in., imlMi HarrWiuig l.fto p. in " Washington " " lialtlinuro 0.30 " " Wllilllllgtoll 8.30 " llttrrlshiirgnccommodatlon 8. to p. m. arm 0 Iliuils. hurg lo.fto p. 111, nrrlio H.-Jtlmoro 2.25 a. in. " Washington 0.13 " Erlo Mall 12.C5 a. ni. arrUo Ilarrl burg 3.05 n. m. " llaltlmoro 8.40 " " Wathlngton " All dally excert Sunday. I). M. DO YD, Jr., Ueneral Passenger AgentJ A. J. CASSATT, flencral Manager, PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. riiihuk'lnhlii U Kite 11. li. Division. SUMMER TIJrE TAI1LE. ON ami nfter SUNDAY, MAY 23,1, 1S7.-., thu trains on tho Philadelphia. Eile Hall ltoad 1)H ison w ill run ns follow s i FAST LINE leaU'S'Ncw York " " Phll.idclphla. .. " " " liallhucro " " " lliiubljiirg " " nrr.tit Wllll.iinpurt.... " " ' Link H iieii " " " Hcllefoiito 9 25 n. lit 12.55 ). lu 1.20 p. Ill p. 111 8.55 p. 111 10.20 p. in 11.5'J p. IU EltlE MAIL leaves Now York " liillaililphlj , " llnrilsiiurg " " Wllll.iinspuit.... " " " Uick ... , " " " lleuoio " " nrr. nt Erie B.25 p. m ..ll.W. p. Ill . .4.25 a. in . 8.35 11. Ill . 9.45 n. Ill . ll.tift n. m .. 7.' Op. 111 NIAOAlLVEXPUESSleaes Philadelphia.. 7, ' " " lialtlinuro 7. .40 a. 111 35 tt, in ' " " liiirrisiiurg. ...lo.tJin. 111 ' " arr. at Wllllauisport.. l.r-5 p. in " " " Uick Haen..., 3.15 p. in " " " ltcuoo 4.30 p, in ELM 1 HA MAIL leaves Philadelphia " " " 1 l.ttl Illicit u " " Ilniiialiurg " ' nrr. at Wllllauisport ' " " Lock llau'u 8.01 a. 111 , 8 SO 11. in . 1.25 l. m . ".10 p. lit . 7.30 p. Ill to; EASTWARD. PIUI.'A EXVUESS leaves Lock llaien... " " v.illlamsport.., " " urrlusntllarrlahurg " " " lialtluioro " " " Plilladeliihla..., " " New York DAYEXPI1ESS leaves ltenoui " " " 1-ucl; llneii. " " Wllllauisport.. " nrr. ntllarrlsliutg " " Phllatle-lphla.. ' ." " New Yoik " llillinoiu CUIE. MAIL leaves Erie ' " IteuoNO " " " Lock Hnu-n " " " Wllllanisport " air. nt lhirrlshuig llalilmoiu " " " Phlladeltilila " " New Vulk . 0,40 a. ra ., 7.t-'i 11. m .114511, III , (1.16 p. Ill , 3.35 p. m . G.45 p. Ill .. 9.10 a. m 10. 511. Ill .11 35 11, 111 ,. 3.00 p. UI . 0.20 p. Ill 9 15 ji. 111 ,. 0,85 p. Ill .11,20 n, 111 . h.Vftp. Ill , 9.45 p. Ill 10.50 p. Ill . 2.25 11. m ., 7.35 a hi 0.45 It, III .,10,10 n, hi l", ST LINE leaves William.' port " " uir. nt lhiirlsuuig " " liulllinoro..,,, 11 Philadelphia. " Now Vont 12.35 a, in 8.55 11, 111 7.35 11, 111 7.85 ll. 111 10.25 a. Ill .Urln Mull West, Niagara Express West, Elmlia Mi ill West and Day ExpiCbH East maku close coiinee llc hi ut Norlhuinlicilutid with L. & 11, it, it, trains for W llkos-llurru und serautou. Erlo Mull West, Niagara Kxprobs Webt nml Elmlra Mull West inukuclobu couiiectluu at Wllllauisiioi t Willi N. c. It. W. trulus North. Erin Mull East nml West, Niagara Express West abll.tno Weatttiul Day Expii'su East inako clusei ct innectloti tit l.(ni; llnen with 11, E. V. It It., trulus Erlo Mull East und West connect ut l.rlo witli tl 'ttlns 011 1, S. ii M. S. It. II., at entry with (1. C, A. V . It. It. ut Einiwrluin with 11, N, V. & P, It. It., and u t Driftwood with A. V. II. It. Parlor t'ars will run hetween Philadelphia and WUIUmsporl on Nluguru Expit-g West, l ust l.lno Webt, Philadelphia Express Eii-st nnd Day Eiptcts East, Stuping Cars uu all ulght trains. WM. A. UALDW1N, X. Jan. 8,'ift-u ueneral suptt
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