THE COLUMBIAN I l.rMDIA DRMOCllAT, BTAH OF T1IK NOIlTll ANDCOI.OM (lOIl""' lllArlCONflOl.lllAIKII.) Iwie.l wcckl) , every lTM.iy morning, nt l'lXlMSnUJllt,UCILl5llIA COUNTY, l'A. it Toini.i.Aiis per year, payable In advance, or AViJitfthnvoar. After tlio expiration ul the yenr, wi will I") charged. To subscribers out of the . I ntv tli lerms nroll per tear Btrlclly in advanco .' s, It not paid In wtvatico nnd .i.uu It payment v,i nincr discontinued, except nt llio option of lho iMimucr. until nil arrearages are. paid, but long I ' in c'l credits nttcr tlio oxpiratlon of tto tlrst ; iV win not lio given. 5 lit ivijera must out if thoRtn'c, orto.llstantpost nTi.'iiViiiiitt t)U paid for In ndvaiico, unless n rospnn. ' in norion In t'olmnlifa county assumes to pay thu iM'rtpll Jllu ' "'"LTl'i,,,! .i,..ii ..... PIH l '," 1 n'i'wviiuuo til llio county T033 Tlio .luliblng Department of tlio Coi.umiiian It very .,ihi nii.lour.lob Printing vvllleumpniofavor. ' i,iv with ot llio largo i Hies. All woik dono on "fiii.ind. hoaily nh.lni modcintu prices. Columbia County Official Directory. l'resld 'nt .tulo William Hindi. v I ii'late .bulges -Irani Dorr, Isaac H. Monroe. I'lotlionolary, Ac-ll. rrank Z.irr. id -liter A Iteeoidor Williamson II. .lacoby. nlJiiet Altoinoylolin M. Clark. ..norlir -Mlcii.iofilrovcr. S'irieinr -Isaac- bovvlll. Ti,'iisuror--Iohn Snyder. 1 OMiiiilisbners-WHilaiu Lawton, .lolin llcrner, ''fnnmll'sslonots' rierli-Wllllam lirlekbaiim. AUilltor-- .l.Cainplieli, s. 14. Sinltli, David Yost, lorniier Charlesd.. Murphy. Jury couiiulssloiicialacol) II. I'rll, William II. 1 i uimtv Superintendent Wllltaiti II. Snyder, tii'Niiit l'.nr District-Dlrcclor.i-O. 1". llnt.Seott, ,Vmi. Kraiicr. liloomsb'irg and Thomas L'revcllng, ,10m t. I'. 1". Wit, Secretary. Bloomsburg Official Directory. Itlnnmsburg Hanking Company John A. 1'iuislnn, Presldcni.ll. II. line, 'nnlil r. nisi Na Hank t'haileall. raton,l lesldcnt ,1, 1'.TiiMIn, cashier. ColuinliU t'ouniv Mutual Savins; 1'iind ninl l.nan Asiel.illoii-r.. II. Mule, President, O. W. .Miller, VllViimisViiiri,' Iliilldlni'niiilSavlnir I'lind Assmiallnn -Win. I'eaciiek, President,.!, II. Iliililsun, Seeivliiry. llliuimsbtiru Minual Sadinj Kiind Asoela Ion .1, .1. liroHcr, 1'icslileiii, C. (I. llarkley, Sicrelary. CHUnCIt DIKKCTOllY. . n t ran r I'linncii.W " ltev..I. P.Tiis'ln, (supply.) Sunday services 1 " a. in. nnd af p. 111. Slum i sci y a. 111. Pra er Meet lujr 1: t ry Wednesday v enlng nt 0;4 e'oclv, H. ;a s rrec. The public are Hulled In attend. HT. MATrilKW'rl l.t'TIIKH VV CIU IICII. Minis cr-ltev..I. McC'ruii, Mind ly Sen lees in... a. in. nnd lj$ p. 111. Sundav School on. in. l'r.ner .Mccilni; Dvery Wednesday vimlng at fij, clock. yeatsfrec. No peivs rented. All nro welcome. I'UKSaVTKltlASCIIUKCIl, Mlnls'er-llev. Stuart lll.diell. Sunday Sen Ices In a. in. andfljp. in. sundav Nclu ml a n. 111. l'ra er .Meoi lnt'-i;ery Wednesday evenlni; at c;u' o'clock. tree. Xo pows rented, strangers welcome. SIKTU0II1I.T KI'ISCOI'AI. I'llt'llCll. Presldlii-,' Klilcr Iter. N S. Ilucklnshain. Minister liev. .1. II. Mcdarrah. Sunday Scrlces 1 iv nnd 0 1. in. sundav Stlinc.l I ji. in. lltblo class Cvcrt .Miindaveieiilnirnt.d; o'clock', yountr .Men's l'raer .Meeilnit-UMTy Tuesday eenlni;ai 11 S,- o'clock'. 1 lenei al I'la er MeetliiK llery Thursday e1 cnliit . o'clock. 11KK.111MF11 ciirnrii. Comer of Third and Iron sticets. I'astor ltcv. T. I', llnrrmeler. i:c.sldcnce-i:ast Htreet, near forks Hold. Suiid ly Ser lees nl'li a. la. and i p. in. Sunday School 3 a. 111. I'l'tijer Mccllni; Saturday, 7 p. m. All 1110 Hulled There Is nlwajs room. Services eery Sunday atlcrnnoii at 'i o'clock al ileller's church, Madison township. sr. I'Al'l.'.SCIIl'KCll. lioctnr ltcv. .lohn Hen lit. Sunday Sendees a. in., nf p. m. Sunday school li a. 111. I'li'ht Sunday In the month, Holy Communion. Services preparatory to ('.iiniiiiiuloii on Friday evenln-; before the hi Sunday In each month. I'ews rented; but eierjlmdv welcome. ivrsotisiloslilmftocuiniilt the Itecloron icIIkIoiis mailers will ibid him at the parsonaijo on Kock Slieut. KVNnKI.ICM, CIIUUCII. Presldlm,' nder-ltev. A. I., lleescr. Mlnhler--ltcv, .1. A. Inlnc. Sund ly Scnlci :i 11. in., In I ho Iron street Church. I'r.iwr .Mectliij IlM'i-y Sablialli at 'J p. in. All aro InMted. All are welcome. sr. .idiin's (iipiscopm.) ciiuiicii. I. 'eclor Kev. John Hew lit. Sunday Son Ices -a o'clock p. m. every Sunday. Sundav School 1:150 p. in. Holy Communion lh" M'couil Sunday In tlio month. i;i.oo.MSiiuii(i TniuorroiiY. CU'IIOOl, OltDlvIlS, lilnnU, juM puiilcl nn.l K j neatly Hound in Moan uuoiis, on hand mid fiirsalo al the coi.miutAN (mice. Feb. III, ls7!,.tl "5"r,AMC i y raiier, co DICICDS. on l'arclim.-nt an.l Linen common and for Adiulnlsi rators, i:ecu- (.iisaiidliiislees, for halo cheapat tho coi.umiiiis iinlee. Allltl V,V. ('KllTIl'ICATKh.i.i.tiirinUil niid lor sain at the coi iimiiun oillce. .Minis- .if tho (i.isivjl and Jiisl lees should biipnly them- KCIVCS Willi th.'hO liecessai y aillcles, J'ilSTK'KS ami C.Tnslaljlcs' lVe-lliTls for iaie J attheCoi.U'iiiiAN .ilHc. The contain tho cor rected fees asestablMicd by Him last Act nt Hie Utg nru uim the subjcLt. lit cry Jusllco and Con hiablo should hae one. ArUN'OUK NOTKS jn-t piiiilcl an.l for sale cheap at the Coi.evi in vn .mice. CI.Ol'IIIN(l,C. VII) LOWHNIiKUO, Mereliaiit Tailor ll 31 St., above I'elllial Hotel. llllOIS AND SIIOI'.S. f TKNIIY ICLKIM, Maiiafacliiier an.l .lealer 1 l in biiiilsand sliues, giijccries, eic, si., I,.it P.liinmsbuig. I.t JI. KN'Oltll, Dealer ill ltouls anil Shoes, 1'J. lalesLand bi'sthiyles, coiner Mala and. Mai kel btlecls, in the old post ollice. CLOCKS, WATCHES, .to. f i K. SAVMiK, Dealer in Clocks, Walclies , and .levvclrj, Main St., Just below Hotel, M1I.1.INF.IIY .t FANCY (IOODS. MISS M. DUItUICKSOX, Jlillincry ami Fancy (loods, Main St., below Market. MEUCIIANTS ANIMIHOCEltS. II. H IIOWKIt. Hats ami Cans, ll.iots anil shoes, Main stiect, abovu L'ouit House. a if Drv sail, in. (ioiHls, gioceilcs, iiueensware, Minus, notions, etc., .Main bticet. Hour, PIIOFESSIONAL CAIIDS. Ct (i. II.VllKLHY, Attorney-at-Law. lloouis , i and n, tirovvei's building, M lloor. WW. M. ni:i!i:i:. Siirceon ami I'livsi ,u. onico S. E. coiner Kock niulMnikct 1 1! H VAN'S. JI. I).. SurL'con and I'liyni I . clan, north side of Main slreel, above J. K. Eyci s. r ii 1 1 . hlCI JleKHI.VY, JI. D Surgeon nn.l l'liy hlclaii, noi th side Main htreet, below .viaikci J II. HOIilSON, Attorney-at-Law. . In Haitinau's building. Main stleet. Ollice s ( VMI l'.I, JACOIIY. JIaililo an.l llrouii stone VVoiks, liastiiiooinsuurg, iicrnii-p.iu.iu. unsbiirg if. IIOSENSTOCK. J'liotograplicr, Claik li Wolf's store .viauibiicci. II. C. HOWICIt. Singum DenlW, JIain ht., abuvo III emu i House, r II M A V.K. Maniiiiolli (Irocerv. lino (iro I . cerles. Fruits. Nuts. ProvWons, ,U'., Main and rehire sticets. M 1?C EI.I.AN EOUS. I , I'ciilro blicel, 1 etwecu Second and Third. C JI. CillllSTMAN, Saddle, Trunk mid . Ilanicss maker, shlve's lllock, Main sliecl, rplIUM (s Wi:illl,('i)iifcdiiiiieryiind Ilikeiv wholesale and ictall, IXchango lllock. (1 W. I'Oltr.I.l, 1'iiriiiliire Itoonis thru JT. st uy brick, Malliblieel, west ot Maik. t bt. I) W ltOIIHINS, dealer, Kioiul door , Hum the noilhwcbt corner Main and Hon CATAWISSA. JI. II. Allll6'n',"A!tuiiiey-al-I,avv, JIain slice!. 1 ) 1". DA I, I.MAX, Jlercliant Tailor, Su mid Mice!, ll.iliblns' building. i) it. i:, W. I!l)TTi:it, l'llYHim.NfcHUlUlKON, (mice, on Main Bticet, JIar.sT.'Tl-y L'alaivlma, l'a. KYlCUI.Y, ATT01lNi:V-AT-I.AW, Calnwlsba, l'a. i..iin,.im nioi.iiillv inado nn.l lemllled. Olllco nppo illo Lalawlsta Dcpo.ll Hunk. eni-" mOAN IROiY Ar0RICiS, DANVlI.I.i:, MONTOl'lt L'ODNTV, l'A. W1LI,IM II. LAW, Jlaniiracliircr ol J. ...!. .... t.. . mi, o llnll.iM. llasho der. I I V, pi.Kir inilldlngs, Wioiignt iron I ootliig, iwtts !' ames, l'looiliig and Doors, I'arui (lutes a I i Ins, Wiought lion ril'li'l. Mff.t 1 ffl.y'to1 01 nilUtll VVU1K, ctu, iiciiunn N. ll.-Dravvlngs ana foliuiaiea suppuu j. Oct, I8IC-U 0. B, 0.33, OUANGHVILLH niUKOTOUY All. HHISIUNO, Carpenter nn.l ttillilcr, . Main htreet below ITne. & 0. A. MKOAUOKL, l'liyplcmn fln.l Siir-fooh, Main slrtet, next door to (loOira Ho- nuciv notiN. ' ' MO. A W. 11. K1I0KM A KUU, Dealers in . Dry (looils.drocerles and (leneral Jlerolian- dlsi'. 1UWIN!S 0A1UK jqii.' a7i,. TUiiNi;i: Itu.sulcncc 1111 Jlnrket fitrool nno door liulow I). .). Waller's. onico over Klclin'.s Drilif Slore. Olllcn hours finm 1 1" I p. m.. fur treatment of diseases. if the l!yc, Ikir and 'I liroat. All calls night or day promptly attended to. . Apr.iJ'is It "rxii.j.o. uuttki:, i'HYSICIAN AStU(li:0N, onice, Norlli Market street, , liloom.sbure, Pa. Tlt. 11. V. CIAIIDNIMI, r ' l'llYSIOIAN AND SU110K0X, lil-ouMsmilhi, l'A. onicoabo' e J.Schujlcr A Son's Hardware Store. Apr.-tr.s-tr Q (I. UAIIKLKY, ATTOIINUY-AT-LAW, liniee Main Street, llroner's lliilldlni:, Second story, Kooms 1 and fi, Uct. l.',,'T.'i. iKi'.i,i:i:, ATTO 1 1 N KY-AT-hAW, Dooms In rAcli.iniro lllock, 2d lloor, Dl.siinsbiir',', l'a. liel.s, QAMUKiricXoTtlij A T T 0 II X K Y-A T-I. A W, IlI.OOMSIUHId, PA. orilce, llailman's llloik, corner .Main and Maiket slrecls. oct. s, '7.', c.w-3 .millici:. ATTOIiNDV-AT-LAW, oniceln Urower's bulldlnit, second lloor, room No. 1. llloomsbiirt', l'a. J u ly 1 ,"n y r w.j.iiuukauow, ATTOKN'i:VS-AT-I.A W, liloomsbiirij, l'a. onico on Main St rcet, Ilrtt door below Coui 1 1 louse. .Mar.iy;i-y p K..C-J. JI.OLAKK, ATTOUNi:VS-AT-I.AW, lllooinsbur-;, Pa. onico In I'utsHulldlnir. April lo.'Tl y A. CIIKVKI IMI SMITH. IIKKVhV KWIKU SMITH. A.1 CUKVKLIXli SMITH & SOX, attoiini:ys-at-!.aw, llluoinslitir-r, l'a. CJA1I business entrusteU to our cam will rcclctn pruinpt atlenlluii. Juljl.'.a y K II. 1 11T1.K. llOB'T. 11. I.ITTI.n. 1 II. A 1!. K. LITTLK, " J, IlloomsburK', l'a. twiiiifhicss brforo t bo U. S. Patent onico attended to. oniceln tho Columbian llull.llii-f. ly is TJliOC'K WAY Ac r.LWIOLL, A T TO 11 X U Y S-A T-L A W, C.ILIMIIIAN IIUII.IIIMI, IllOOlllSblllg, I'll. Members of the I'ulted SIjiU-s Law Association. Colic, tliuis made In anvii.irl nt America. Agents for Continental Life liisuiauce Company of New Yolk. Assets liealli f ...leil.niio. T he best 111 Hie country, send for ili'serlpllvo pamphlet. If E. v.. onvis, ATToltNEY-AT-I.AW. Wlllnractlcelnallthe couits of Coluinbla. Sulli van and l.vfnmtugc. unities, In the siipremo court or l'i'iius.vlv:iiila, and In Hie circuit and I IKI 1 1. 1 couits ol Hie l ulled si.des held al Wlltl.iiuspnit, l'a. Will he In his onico In the e.iluinhl.iu building, room No. I, liloomsburg, on Tucsda.vs, Wednesdav.s and 'I liinsd.i.vsor ench week; and In llcnlonou .Moll dav h, 1'ild.i.vs and Saturdays, unless abeiil on pro- P.,...,., ,1 l,Jl,uj U.,.,1 1- IwT.. 7i:i:.s uitow'N's ixsmiAXCH acikx- CY, Echaugo Hotel, Dloouisbiirg, l'a, Capital. .Etna, Ins Co., of ll.irlf.ud. Connecticut l.lvcrponl, bunion and olotie IM.vai.if l.lveipoiil : Uiiicaihlio l'lre As.icl.illon, I'hlladclphla ,,lli.,IIHI , i'11,.11 o.lli 0 , 13 f'0.1,111111 10,11.1.1, 11.1 . lt,l.lll,II.HI , 1, B' 0,0110 'jill.niiii , 1,0.111,111111 T.'i,.iiiii . C,.ii,n,.ioo Aiiicili'.iu o! riilladclpbla All.isi.f llarlfind , Wyoming, of Wilkes Harm r.irmcis .m in ii.i l in liaiiviiie Hanvlllo Mutual Hume, Now Y'oik , fiil.'Jisuo March SttH-y JIISCKLLAXKOUS. c. M. 33 11 0 W N, Dealer In HOOTS AND SHOES TnwtMit Hoots a spot Lilly, l.vpalrlng .lone at bhort notice. Under Hrow n's Ho tel, Iiloouisburg. Oct. s.'ir, ly QKNTItAL HOTEL, A 1'' I 11 S T-C LASS 1IOUS K, ()ct.s,';.My JOHN I.AYCOCK, l'rop'r. Q JI. DIlINKICIt, GUM and I.OCIv.S.MITU. sewing Machines nnd Machinery or all kinds re paired. Oi'kiia IIoum: Hulldlug, lilouiiikburg, l'a. (let 1,'Tfi ly Pi. M. TUBUS, Wll.ll KSAIK l:tl Kit IN llUHXING AXD MJimiOATIXG OILS. Ollice In .Mnle's liiilldlng, corner Main and L'enlie sticets, HLOOMSIU'IKI, PIINNA. "woi.lcrs sollillcd and promptly tilled. Oct. s,'if,-iy D i:ntistiiy. II. V. IIOWKIt, IIKNTIST, llespeclfully olTers Ids professional services tn tho ladles and genlleinen of liloomsburg mid vicinity, lie Is prepaid! to attend to all the various oiierallous In Iho lino of his pruti-sslon, and Isprovldiil with Iho latest Improved 1'oiici.i.iin Tkkth, which will be In hcrled on gold plallng, silver and lubber base to look as well us Iho li. nor. il teeth. Teeth oMinUcd by all tlio new and inosl approved methods, and all opera! Inns on tho teeth caietully and piopeily at tended lu. imico a luw doom above tho Court House, samo side. Oct. s 15 17 J. TIIOUNTON I1,, vv.iiiiil ininoiinco lo tho elllensor Illooins, biug and vicinity Unit ho has Just received a lull and complete nssoi uncut oi WALL PAPKil, WINDOW SHADES, nxTunti", loans, tikskiji, and all oilier goods In his lino or business. All Iho iiewobtiind inosl anpioved pallcntsnr llio dav arc iiiunvu in in, r.iiinil lu Ids establlshiiiciil. -Main si reel, iieiuw .viaiKct. ,u JXCIIANGU 1IOTKL, 0iiosII tlio i'oui l House, HI.OOMSIIIHU, l'A. Tlio HitiiBsTaiid lli.sTlunlliespects In tho county W. II. KOONS. ou.s,'T5 ly I'ropilclor, JMlOAViVS TlOTUU DLoorvtSDuno, pa., E. STOHNER, Proprietor, At'conuiiodallons 1'list L'labs-Jl.M to per day ItlCSTADItAXT ATl'ACIIKD. Largo, Airy Gamplo Rooms on 1st Floor A good stable ill rear of Hotel, llluoinsbiii g, Oct, tlST.l If, CONFESSIONS OK A VICTIM. pulillshed nsavvuinliigaiid for Iholicneiitof young inlii niid m In m lni Hiillerfroiu Nervous DeUlllv, i as ul Womanhood, lie,, giving ins rules oi ben cu?e, all, r ui.di rgolng inucu buirerlng nnd cxiwiiw, und inullcd ireo on lecclvlng a pobl-pald d rccted JJ.,i..i... Address NiiiiNlin. MiVI'Alit, .1', (I. llox iw. lirboklyu, N. V. Juiy,7iHiia NEW MUSLC STORK. OPERA HOUSK, 3d BOOM, 73. 1-T. STUIOKIiANJ) IlesKclfully Informs tho publlo that he has opened a New Music Stoic, In Iho IlIoomMiurif oi'ia House, on Centre street, below Main, wlicro ho keeps a lull assort incut of PIANO-. UltOANS, MtlSICAI.INSTmlMr.NTS, HIIIII.T MUSIC, MUSIC HOOKS, AO 1 nlna.lsim hat d and for sale nt llio lowest prices, lie Hitltcslho patrons of music to call ande.xiimlno Ids stock. IlKI'AiniNG AND TUNINCI. also attended to on demand. Thopublln pat ronnirc Is rospcctlully solicited. Oct. 8, 'tr.-ly Wl. Y. KESTliU, TAILOR- iii.ooMsnt'iio, l'A. 1 I as removed to Iron Mreet.Recnnd door nbnvo the I 1 Itcformetl ('hurcli.whcreliowlllltopleiiscdtoseo I all his oldfilcnds and new customers, and servo I thcni Willi hall.-factlon. AllwurK wairalitcd. IM' CARRIAGE MANU F A C T 0 R Y lii.ooMsmmu, pa. JI, C. SI.OAX & IiUOTIIKIl HAVK icason: on Iinml ami for Falo at tho most ablo rales n splendid stock of ahki.ioe:s, 11IJJHJIKS, and OA cry description of Wagons both PLAIN nnd l'ANCY, Warranted to r'o inado of I he best nnd most durable inaeerlals, and bv tho most exiierlcnced workmen. All work sent out. rroni llio establKhment will bo found to be of tho highest class nnd sure io k'Uo per feet hatlsf action. '1 hey havo also a line assoi t nieiit of SLKIGHS of all the newest nnd most fashlonablo styles well and caietully loado and of tho best material. An Inspection or their work Is asked as It Is be lieved that none hupeitor can bo found liithocoun try. Oct. s, ISTr.-tf. KEYSTONE CARRIAGE WORKS! A S. CUOSSLHY lias on liaml an.l for sale J.. cheaper than tho clienpeht, lor cash, or will e.cliaugo for old w agons on rcasonaoio lerms, CAllllIAUKS, liUGGIKS, AXD WAOOXS of every description both plain nn.l fancy. Portable Ton Haggles, open Haggles, Plain and Fancy 1'hiUorm Spilng Wagons all ot I lie latest stylo and inado of go. id material and fully warranted. illvo mo a call botoro puichahlng clsevvhcie, as I can not be undersold. I . lalm I mako thobeslwag- ons Iho least money. 1 also do painting, nlmmlng and repair old woik ntlhohhorlesl nolke.old spilngs welded and vvar rnnle.1 to stand or no pay. I vv 111 exchange a pnrla bi.i tiitiluiir,'i fiirnnv kind of lumber, s'leh as heir hick, pine, ash, linn hickory nn.l poplar lobe.lcllvei . .1 al my shop by llio Hist of lVluirary, is;.). Iron- daleor.leis takenniiu Jlcheivy, .Maici osioric palill Jiiseash. A. S. CKOSS1.EY. O. t. s, 1,7,'i. LIGHT STREET BUGGY & CARRIAGE HI'. OMAN hcrcliv informs the pidilij . ho has entered liitnco-iiailnorsliln with Ids biother,!!. I.. Oman, and Dial iho business will hereafter bo condueied under tho linn name of ii. r. .iia & itKOTiiint. They will havo on band or inaniifacturo to order liUGGIKS, CA1MUAGF.S, SI'lUXG WAGOXS, LIGHT WAGOXS, 110AD WAGOXS. and every thing In their linn of business, or tho best iiuileilat and in.isi eoinplelo vvoikinanshlp, and nt prices its luw as can no aiiomcu. tei' A smrc of Public yatnmwjc is rctpcctfully MJf.Cflt.l. II. OMAN & HUOTIIEIt. Aug. 11,'71-ly. A GEE AT STHIOEI ! o; - ir mill Over (Mil jIIi IIioiIh IiiiiiiiI to hu I ii ii My, or oiijiictloii alilc, (lihtai'ilL-il! -V XI1W AXD VASTLY ADVANTAGEOUS l'LAX Hlvll'.CIlY AIK)lTi:D 11Y nn o i ir i npirADin ia . i v i . ot j . ft . l u h h im Lf At their "Works in Bloomslmrg, iirinerlv liloomsburg lion and Manufacliirlng 'iimiunv). where will Uo kenl constantly oiiliaudu laigo assoitmciit of Wliilo anil K 1 .tsii iintliracllv tioul, I'Olt DOMHSTIO l'UIIPOSLS, AND CUI'ULO, IILAC'KS.MITII AXD I1ITUJI1N- 0 US COAL, ntpilcesln biilt llio Irade. All Coal bpeclally pre- JilllL.t uc lulu ivm mi, li.u imu, jitovj 'lows and Tlirosliing Macliines, nnd nil kinds ot Casting amVMachino Work. lllll'AllHNO piomptly attended to. TI'yMvonld rospocltull bolklt Iho ralroiiago of Iho Public. Oct. 8, 'it ly " ' lll'ooiiibUuig, Pn, yAlNWltltlltTACO., WIIOLHSALK OltOL'UUS, N. K. Corner Second and Arch HtreepT, PlllUlliU-tlH, Dealers In TKAtf, BYHUl'H, L'Ol'l'ia:, SUUAH, MOUMtH I'.ICK, SI'ICKB, UICA1IU BOIU, 40., 40. tar-Orders will receive prompt attention. Kl.l-tf BLANK KOTKHtwW, or wltluu.t exeHptiofl JiKt'o'cu' lb ' "uwu-uur'" -''' BLOOMSBUttG, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22. J, H. MAIZE, Dealer In ' GROCERIES OViSIONS, cuooicr.iiY, (1LASSWA11K, QUICKNSWAllK, WOOUKN WA11K, All kinds or Dried Fruits, Canned Fruits, DltEED jEATS, HAMS, Fresli Fish, Mactel and CM Fisli, SYRTJPS AND MOLASSES, w s& m And tho Ijirgcst General Assoi'tincnl of Groceries TO I!K FOUXl) IX TUB CoUXTY At tho MAMMOTJ I GROCERY Cor. Jliiin umi Center Sts., liloomslmrg, l'a. Oct. 8, 157.",- 1 1ENDE RSI LOTT'S OPPOSITE TUB CDNTKAI. IIOTKL. " Has a completo btock of puro and rcllablo DKU'HS, Mi:i)ICINi:s, (Uir.MICALS, DYES, ACIDS, SOAPS, SODA, SODA ASH, PAINTS, OILS, (ILASS, PUTTY, VAltNISIILS AND ALL l'AINTDUS HUl'1'Lir.S, SPONOUS, 11UUSII i:s, PKuruMEUY, ac, AT VERY LOW PRICES. Country Produce taken In exchange for Drugs, Medicines, Dyes, Ac. ( ll ! ' 1 ' A S ) li , J li L 11 XilVUtlL&iQ J XJ i)VJ. Have a carefully selected stock of cholco AS, COITEE, SUCIAIt, .SPICES, SOAP, l'ICKELS, KAUOES, FISH, HAMS, CANNED EllUITS, VEIIETAHLES AND OTIIEIt ITNr.OUOCEU. IES. F0KHH1N AND HOMMSTH) Fruits Nuls anil Confectionary, nil at tlio low est possible prices. trrcountry rroduco taken In liloomsbiiig, March 19, lSio-y A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER, DAILY ANlT WEEKLY, Independent in Everything! Neutral in Nothing, Oj))0.-ied to all Corrupt Kings in .Municipal, btate and JNauonal Alliiirs. Till! DAILY TI.MHS wlllbo Issued on Saturday, tho Uth ot March next, and every morning thereafter, Sundays excepted, under thu editorial dlicctlou of A. K, Mcl'lure, pilnle.leoinpactly finm clear, new type, on a largo folio sheet, containing nil the news of tho day, Including tno ASSOl'l ATI! I'HUss Ti:i.i: OltA.M, spcclil Telegrams and Correspondeiieo rrom all points or Interest, anil feuiless e.lll.irlal dis cussions or current topics. Price, TWO UiCN'I'S. Mall aiibscrltl.inK, poslngo Irce, sK diillais per annum, or ilfty centH per month, In advance. Advertisements, lltleen, twenty aud tidily cents per line, according to position. t3 TMI? A 171711 V npTATTTC I 1 ll" VV Lj I JL I Ll L.O Will bo Issued on Saturday, March sot Ii. weekly thciearicr, containing all Important news of Iho week, and cmnnlclo Maiket and ITuaiiclal llepoits. .Mailed, ror ono year, postage tree, at tho rolluvvlng rates: ono ennv.. ...fl.oo .... .oo 'I'en Copies Twentv Conies , ....1C.I 0 AHVHUTISilMHN'ls tvventv-ilvo cents ncr line. ltcmllanccs should bo inado bv Drafts or I'ostOt. lieu outers. Address THE TIM'IW. Nu. 14 souih seveni lis! rcet. I'lllI.ADIU.I'lllA. The Great Cause of Human Misery. Juit jiublieltcil in a tailed envelope. Price Gelt. A r.I'OTl'Iir.onthn iialure.trealment umi na.iicai cure or seminal we.iKiies-s, bK'imatoiili(na, Induced by sclf-abuso Involuntary emissions, Imputeucy, nci. ous debility and linimllinents lo laarilago gener ally, cunsumpl Ion, ipllepsy and llts; menial and physical Incapacity, Ac, by ltolIHUT J. LTLviilt wi:i.L, M. D author of tho Hreen Hook Ac Tlio vvorld-reiiovvncd nulhor In lids admlrablo Ic. turo, cleaily piovesfrom his own e.xperlenco that the awlul conseipiences of belf abuso muy bo elTcit- ually removed without ine.llclne, nnd without dan. gerous biirglcal operations, lmugles, lnsiriiiiii'iitf. rings, or cordials, pointing out a modo ot euro at onco certain andt irectual, by which every mrtcrer, 110 Ills coiitllllon maybe, may euro him self cheaply, privately and radically. This l.eelucc will prove a loon lo Ihoumnut umi IlioutuniU, Sent under seal, In a plain cnrelope, to any art dicss, 1111 receipt or Mx cents or two postage btamps. Address tho Publishers, CHAS. J, C. KLINH it CO., 1W llowery, New Y01 k, 1'ost omco liorf 4,640, Arrll 1, '15-y 1JL00MS1HJUG TANNERY, a, ii t; ii u i iv c: 1"! FSl'IX'iT'ULLY nnnoiuices to tho publlo lliav iw uuait-uiiciieu tttrf fsis 1 1 'I'.it r l AiNrv I'.lt i , (oliUtand) lllooinslnirg, l'a., at utj i iirksoi ino ijiiiv ami l nr it mic. t'j ...i :.ii ,i......i... ' li'itlbei will lio inado 111 tho most substantial and vvoiknniiillktv in.iiiner, and bold at pi lees to HUlt llio lllia s. Tho hlghobl plleo In cash w in uv an tiuico uu 1I.1..4 u G 11 H 13 X ii i d i3 a of every ilesci Iptlon In tho eouutry, ronngu la rcsiecl fully solicited. Tho publlo pat THE MEDICINE THAT CURES -IS Taking Into consideration tlio character of Its vouchors, tho history of its cures and tins Immense Increasing demand, Vkiiktihk may bo fairly entitled the lending modi, ino ot mo age. l'or scrofula in tho blood, Vkuetink Is an Infallible reincdy,nnd no person need sutler from t u mors, ulcers nnd nil .licenses arising from Impure blood, If Vrm TIN E Is used according to direct lon.s. Theie Is not a case of bcroriil.itnexlskncntliat Vp-utcTiNi! will not euro provided, However, tho vital functions have not lost their power of action, all that may bu said to tho contrary notwithstanding. Vkiiki ink Is ploasunt to tho taste, mild tn Its Inllu encn, and absolute In Its action on disease, as tho tollow lug uwiueatlunablo evidence will show. PAID NEAELY $400.00 ! ! J VNCAHY 2, 1 975. II. 1I.STKM- Esq I Dear sir.. In n about slenrs old 1 was vac cinated, 'i In' parties who were vaccinated frointhc same virus died from tho humor. Tho huniorsprea.l .her nip' to such auoxunt that I was rolled In bran to prerent ins rrtrm Scratching my pcraon, Tho dis ease finally settled In my head. 1 remained In this condition iiuotit tvronty years, troubled nil tbetlino wllh sores breaking lu my head and discharging cor ruption from my ear. At I his tlmo a small kernel appeared on my neck-, gradually Increasing In size unlll a tumor formed of such an Immense slu I could see It by turning my eyes downward. All this tliic I was taking vailous remedies for my blood without any substantial bencllt. I then wont to a prominent phjslelan In Host on who, during his treatment ot sK months, lanced tho tumor eight times, which cot me nearly loo. This lctt mo wllh a rou. h, aggravated sore, without at all dlinlnlililng the sle or I ho tumor, and a sickly, fee ble condition. I consulted another physician In Nat lck, who, after considerable time, succeeded In heal ing tho tore without reducing the size. At this point I commenced to iho Vuiktink, through the earnest persuasion of a fi tend. After I had taken this modi clno about ono week I expel lenced wonderful sensa tions. My whole body s, emed to bu undergoing a radical change, unlll, iln.illy, tho tumor bruke nnd discharged frightful quantities. From lids lime it decreased In M70 until the bunch disappeared, but my neck bl 111 boars the ugly scars of tlio sore nnd lance, I nm now healthy and btrong nnd ablo to work every day. 1 will also mention that 1 have been an acute suf ferer from Inilainatory rheumatism ever since I can remember, until ;comincnclng tho use of Vi:hktink, h hen almost ImmcdlaUly all i hcurnallc palusccaacd. Thtsst temeiiM volunteer for tho inupose or bene lllliig other suffering humanity, and you will confer a favor by glv lug It as much publicity ai thought proper. Very gratefully. O. M. SAVEI.S, Ashland, Maw. WHAT IS"VEGETINE? It Is a compound extracted from barks, roots and herbs. It Is nature's remedy. It Is perfectly Harm less rrom anv bad cITect upon the system. 11 Is nourishing nnd st rcngl liming. 1 1 nets direct ly upon tho blood, It fiulets tho nervous system. It gives 5 oil a good, sweet sleep at night. It Is a gteat pana cea tor our aged fathers and mothers, fur It gives luom, nuicis nicir nerves, unti gives wieni natures sweet slcen as has been proved by many an aged person. It Is the great Wood Puilnvr. It Is a soothing remedy for children. 11 has relieved and eiiied thousands. It Is very pleasant to take; every child likes It. It relieves anil cures all diseases oilglnatlng from Impure blood. Try tho Vfokunk, oivu ll a nm iriai luryour cuinpiaiiiis; men you win say to your friend, neighbor and acquaintance, "Try It; it has cured inc." Report from a Practical Chemist and Apo;necaiy. Hostov, Jan. 1, 1ST4, Dear Mr: This U to certify that I havo sold at re- tall l,M dozen (ls.v: bottles) of vour Vfiiehs'k slnco April P.'. lS7o, and can truly say that It has given the best satisfaction of any remedy for the complaints Tor which It was recommended that I ever sold, scare ly aday passes without some of my eustnmcrs icsi nvimrio iismcnisoiiiiieinscives or i ne rrr enos. I am perfectly cognlant of several cases ot s. rofu lous T uniors being cured by Vk.uktim: alone lu this v lciuiiy Very respectfully, yours, AL. OILMAN, ICS nroadvvay. To II. Ii. Stevens, Esq. Vegetino is Sold by All Druggists. Dealer lu BT.eiw wjvst'htjr. . Silverware, "WalcllCS and Jewelry'i.siiuuc, r.v, Ladlos' nnd (lentlemen's Cold and Silver Watches, of Aineilcan ami Foreign manufacture. Silver and Plated Ware, Clocks, FINK JEWKIJtY &C AC 1?VPAI1!IV m VXnV Vnn Kl'il AIKLMj AM) IVNIjlwU lJMvj Promptly IXcctited. Oct. s, '75 ly Coughs Colds, liron cliitis, Sole Throat, In HiKir.a, Croup, Whoop ing CVhigh, Hoarseness Liver Complaint, Pains or borenen m the Chest or Hide, Weeding at the Lungs, an,i every nrrecllon oi tho Throat, Lungs and Chest, aros cod- ny cured by iiieiiso of dii. wistvu's iivisvm oi w 11.11 ciiKiiuv, which docs not dry up a cough and leave Ihoeauseliclilnd.aslslho easo with must remedies, but loosens It, cleanses Iho lungs and allays In Ita- Ion, thus removing the caiisoot tho complaint. . , ConSUmptlOil Can be CUrea byatlmrly resort to this standard remedy, as is AT F.W Y IN INd.V AllVHltTlsl YOIUv TKIIH'Ni:. ''THF LIvAD- AMHHICAN NKWhl'APL'It." TlllI HHST HTIslNd MLDIL'M. Dally, iio a year. Scml- Weekly, VI. I'.isiaL'o 1'Yeo to tlio Subscriber. Sneclmen conies nnd Advertising Hates Free. Weekly, luclubsoriw or inoio' only ji, iiosiogo paiu. jvuuress iiik iiii lic.NE, N, Y, Jan lflMy. A DVICHTISINTi: Cheap: Good: .Sv-stenia-V tie. All persons who conocniplaloinnk'lng con fi .tuls wllh newspapers tor thu lnseitlun ofadver tlsements, bliould bend 'ii ecnls lo (leo. P. Howell & l!,m..ll .- Co., 41 Park How, Now York, for Ihelr PA.MPHI.I.T HOOK (nlncly -seventh edition,) containing tl-ts of over yooo newspapers and csllmates, showing Iho cost. Advertisements taken for leading papers In many Slates at a iicuieiiuous icuucuou iionipnij liancrs' rates. i;.niin i.vut.. Jan. id ,-iy. TO $20 per .lay. Agents wanted. All ihIJ classes or working people 01 001 11 heos, young and old, make more money at work tor tis.ln th. irovv 11 localities, during their spare moments, or all Iho time, than at anv thing else. We oircr employment Unit, will nav liindsomelv fur everv hour's woik. ml pal lieiuais, terms, ,ve,, scnu us y uur aiiuicss at, -nice. Don't delay. Now is the lime. Don't look foil." for work oi'buslnesselsewliere.uiilllyonlrive leain- ed what wo oner. o.snssoNi: Co., Portland, Maine, Jan. 1KM)'. IltON l. Till: 1U.OOD. tub I'kkcviav svai p l IfflllPOU I,.,,.,,,,. ,.,,.l WttiS-A? nervous, aircciuns, boils Udncys'n.,dlE.,l,!r, ri- nunc, coiupmiuw, e. Tliomeiniw n.ivo lieen changciib. iho u,o of tho remedy fioin weak, r-Ickly, nifferlng creatures, In ftA&l&TyZ$l glv.'"."t"a!..".aL lAirios,-110 huro you get tin; "Pkucvun svati'" mot l'ci uv 1.111 Hark.) Sold by dealers gent r- ally. A is'j.pago naiiiphlet, containing a treatise on page cam) ti,,ii .id ,i in... ii in..,. igcntand ntlicr valuable papers, lesllmonlals from dlsllngulsheil plu, clergy- men and olhcrs, will be bent fretu any ess. SkiiiW. l'ovvi.ii S Soss, pioprlclors, oil llaiilsou Avenue, uostou, ot liwyioo, .uy o. lan.oo),, iw.roo ji5,oro, WK'nShMSndirtBTO . .T.I.. !.. I m.k.1 ,lr umi ..u.f icKuinii. ..j iimj ijuiiuiw v. I tegular draw mgs 1Mb nnd aoth of each mount timing lhoycar. Tickets fl each, fi for f. W fort-o. L'licu lars Willi full liiformallon mailed free. Al.l.UN t, CO., M Nassvc Si.,Nkw Yons, Sep. IT.-Cni. kspv st ham riouitixa MH-h, wry, pa STOUT it 11UF.ISC1I, I'llOl'ltlKTOlIS. (leneral dealers In Hour, drain, recti, Ac. tn done to order. Sci.-viii THIS Pili'.ll IS ON 1 1 1.V WITH RDVELL & fmmMi . Advortising Aocnts, THIRr 4 CHESTNUT 6T0., ST, LOUIS, MO tho t ,,. mmmBM (!- I HAA ni)AliM'H nn Q-1AA in the limits of no. fT)J,CUl lllVX'll uu O IVJU or hU descendants may ono day beeoiuo a ' . . , 1. 1.. ... ,t. .....t.... r. i.. i... Invnted In Stock' VilvllcgtB in wniisireei. nnu cncuiarH iciiing, "iiow us none, scin Address HAXim. Co., HaiiUrs, l J all M. una ciicuiarH teiiiiig, "How in Hone, tent 1875. Poetical. A llKUX TUMI'S. Y'es, this Is our rtanco, this waltz from tho Duchess i What Is that you nro say Ing7 Yimi thought I was play lug You false, with this wait, this danco from tho Duchess? Y'ou thought I had rather bo sitting and talking With that llltlo M'.Manners There, under tho banncis, Or It, may be, perhaps, in tho corridors walking, Instead Of remembering thli danco herevvtili you, sir, This flineo from tho Duchewi, Tho lovely Oram! Duchess, Tho sweetest ilmr tempi t Ah, It J oil but know, air How 1 doto on the Duchaas, with Its gliding and slid ing Soft measure for measui e, You'd know from such pleasure My foot would never go Hmylng or hiding. What Is that? you might havo known It was merely This special bw cct measure, Hie itnnee, not Iho pleasure Ot dancing with yon here? Well, really, you've nearly Persuaded tao that such wni tho reason ; And I'm stiro I would fain sir, If you gi on In this strain, sir, Walk and talk with M'Manners to tho end or the p en son And to tho end or my llto to-), perhaps is my mean ing? Well, no i ror M'.Manners There, under tho banners. Just when wo enrountorodyou waiting and leaning Agalntt tho bay vv Indovv, had confessed a relation I guessed day s ago Ills engagement, you know, To that lit tlu Now, llnriy, .foi'fklss mo before all creation 1 ,Yorn 'rrriltn Harper's ilignttnej 'or Xoirmbcr Miscellaneous. AiiR'i'ii'iiu Youm Men. American hi-toi y presents many remarka ble instances of young men taking prominent mill commanding stations nt an age which would bo thought very young in other countries. We subjoin a few striking ex amples from theM-tof those who havo passed oil' the stage of human action : At tiie ago of 20 Jlr. .lefl'er.soii was an In fluential member of tho Virginia Legislature; at 80 ho was a member of the Virginia Con vention j at 3:! a member of the Continental Congrcs9,and at !l I ho wrote tlio Declaration of Independence. Alexander Hamilton was only 20 years of age when ho was appointed a lieutenant col onel in the army of tho Involution and aid decamp to Washington. At '2 lie was a member of tlio Continental Congress, al .10 lie was one of the ablest members of the convention which framed tlio Constitution of the United States, at 'M ho was Secretary of the Treasury, and organized that branch of tlio Government upon so completo and comprehensive a plan that no chaugo lias slnco been made upon it. John Jay; at tho age of 29, was a membo of the Continental Congress, and wroto an addres to the people of Great ISrilain which was ju-tly regarded as one of tho most elo quent productions of the times. At 32 ho prepared tho Constitution of tho Stnto of Xevv York, and in the same year was ap pointed Chief Justice of the State. Washington was 27 years of ago when he covered tlio retreat of tho Itritish troops at Ilraddock's defeat, and the samo year was iionoicu uy an appointment ns couininiiucr- in. chief of thh Virginia forces, joscpu Warrcn was only 21) years of age when ho delivered tho memorable address.on tho 5th of Jlarch, which arrou-ed the spirit of patriotism and liberty in Massachusetts. IorL.i gloriously lighting in llio cause of freedom at Hunker Hill. Fisher Ames, at tho ago of 27, excited public attention by tlio ability ho displayed in the discussion of ipiestious of public in terest. At the ago of !) his masterly -peeches in defense of tho Constitution of the United States exerted great lnllucnce, so much so that the youthful orator of !U years of aSci W!H ckclod t0 c'Wc(,i from tllc S"""'. .ua-saenu.cin, u, over mo ucvoiiminiary uei.i, .3a.11-.1c. .vu.iii.-. .loseph Story entered public lile at tho age 1 1 , of 2lj years. Ho was elected to Congress ,i t . n ,,!, .i, i, nJ "11 from tho Lsex ilistuct when ho was oD years old. He was fcpeakor oi tho Jlassa- Llm,etts nOM,0 0f Keprcsentatives at the ago on!2,and tho same year he was appointed jllllgO premo Court of tho United States. DeWitt Clinton entered public life at tho ago of 28. Henry Clay at 2(1 years of age. tno most youuiiiii signer 01 too wec.aiiuiuii 01 iiiucpeimeiieo vvas ...... nun,,-,,.,,,,, , the other signers of tho Declaration of In- .l....n...l.1.,..n 'l'l,,nj 1 I r. ,.r,nt.- ,,f sliilltl. uciicimciltu iii""i" Carolina, was :',() years old ; J.lUrulgo l.erry, Henjamin llush.James WiUon.aud Jlatthevv Thornton were HI years of age; Arthur .vn.i.ueion aim n.uuias .Ttui.v, v.v.u .... ,v.u.- OI aDL. The (Irimd IliiUe Alexis. Lucy It. Hooper writes to tho Philadel- ph hi eninj Teleijntjm about Alexis as I',, 1 1?,,-.,. . .. i . ,1. . 1 is...,.- u...:, n,.ii,.m -" ," ' K'""1' iWtJ-'"' "'"'"''" ol travel, whoso lovo lmucu ami pcrient cousiaucy 10 ins unuo icauo men u preny e inn er tn rovul romance lias acuta v coil tented to undergo tho prosaic formulitie of a divorce. I hear that his young wife be- longwltoii noble Hessian family and was 1 ... . maid of honor to the present l'.mprcss, whoso epcei.ll pet and favorite she was y,l0 was n()t ,rcitv,but was extremely grace - , 1 1 Inland winning hi manner.aud sue pob-essei0sboi..10 ,.. , . . , ujloru shall havo a very lino and stylish figure. Ono evening io Carina miw her maid of honor enter id I in tears , and t browing herself at tho feet 01 , , .1.... i. 1 nor imperial mistress feiio couie-seu mat iiu was betrothed to tho Grand Duko Alcxls.bc- sought the consent of tho F.iupress to their marriage. That very night tho too - faseinnt ing dcmoisello was hurried olfundcr a pollco escort towards tho frontier and tho Grand Duke received orders to iolu his regiment without delav. Hut tho lover escaped and (ic, (0 (.iermany, wliero he foon rejomcu in ladv-love. and they were married according I . . . . - . . , . , , ' to nil llio rites ot the Church, nut years of matrimony nnd of tho paternal dl pleasure seems to have worn out the Prince coiiptaucy, for l.o has consented to tho voree, is to bo received into favor again the imperial court, and is bhortly to join his regiment at Klieatherincnbourg, which a Hf0 peii-hm is to be settled on this discarded cur, - wife' As tho Grand Duke has succeeded Ids grandfather's icimtatlou of being handsomest mnu in Kuropo ho will doubt less sooii nnd anoilicr, nmi inia union bride, lliitwhnt Is to ueeomo ol the ,i..pie.l I...K. vvliriwiisiindoubtedlv lislavv ... , ., . , . fill Wile r And wlial oi UlCir lllinni (on, 'v' viihi B'liu uy uur vieiones mis now ncuily a year old? Jlr.y it not bo with- year, utid tho weakness into which wo como -slblllliei Hint lllis oil rcienlnir family not.ks souicoui uuuuiu in mu ii'iuuui), ...inny, .ivy. l( ,lt 0j lircicnslOlls 10 lliu fro hew wouja b(j iQQ wcU foumk,a ? rice. I 0f -irctcnsioiis to thu crow ii, which I ii8 lullueiico forward Into tho to morrow T1IK CQLUJHItAX, VOI,. IX, NO. 42 OOLIMIIIA llli.MOCltAT, Vol.. XI., NO. M How Hp Itociipcralcit. A MAUVntOUS TAl.r. OF TUP. MINNIXOrA 'I Hf Iff She came from Detroit, Michigan, nnd her o-ronr ,,pi,L, ..-na in liolnip ,, w.,11.1. slm lost no ..iiiinrttmlfv In slatlnc sho came In Jtlnmwvln. Io rneininroln. Sim .11,1 not . iipttitni.. i .,(..- ti iu .tit, ., person idie came In contact with, giving ad- valid, nntl seeking the same from those of rulitut niMuf tin tint i H, rm.vr.iMntl.vii vvns nlvvnvs nrof.ier.l will, tlm llitrodlletorv re- mart." .,, ii.m.m in visit,,. "1)1,1 v.. ..nm,. !irtP,i Cip vnup lir...lll, ?" Sim llill. nil.T pnyuml iimi i,,nr,l v.iM.iiP ,., r ,lm .linimr .:,l!l of llin Metronnlltm, a few .lnv since, and llio following dialogue ensued : "Yes, liiodnm, I came hero probably tho weakest person you ever saw. I had no use of my limbs; in fact my bones were but lit tle tougher than cartilcget). I iutd no intel ligent control of a single muscle, nor tho use of n single faculty." "Great heavens," exclaimed tho astonish ed auditor, "anil you lived?" "I did, JIIss, although 1 was devoid of sight, was absolutely toothless, unable in ar ticulate a singlo word, and dependent upon others fur every thing, being completely de- .: 1 r ll ,,n,nr I,, 1,1 mi-unlC t n,. ,'., ,, im,,1lntl,' .,,, mv- nPrlvnl ,, , .,n,,.i,. v.,,.in,.L.i .. '.,i-.!,. , . .. , i since, so I can conscientiously recommend the climate " '"v .',i mMnll, ,im ,,,,. ,,, In vn ,l,iL- vr li, worn utrete,l?" "They were probably sound, but possessed of 90 little vitality that but for tho most care- fill nursing thev must have ce.ved their functions " "1 l,e vnn r,.n,1 !.!,! sir?" "Indeed I did, madam; it is to them and the pure air of Jlinnosota that I owe my life. Jly father's family were with me, but unfor tunately my mother was prostrated by se vere illness during tho timo of my greatest prostration.'' "How sad! I'ray, what was your diet and treatment V" "Jly diet was tho .simplest possible, con sisting only of milk, that being the only food my system would bear. As for treatment, I depended entirely upon the life-giving prop erties of Jlinne.sota air, and took no medicine except an occasional narcotic when very restless. Jly improvement dated from my arrival. Jly limbs soon became strong, my sight and voice came to mo slowly, and a full set of teeth, regular and firm, appeared. "llemarkable, miraculous! Surely, sir, vou must have been greatly reduced in lle.sli?" "Jladani 1 weighed but nine pounds. I was bom in Jlinnesola. Good day." Iiiiiiiloii I'.riibe. As the boat shoots under tho arches nnd up the river, tho bridge comes into view the busiest place in all busv London. About ciglit thousand people on foot and nine hint- died vehicles pass over it every hour in the day. Tho rumblo of tho trallic as it conies to us on tho boat is like tho roll of distant thunder. I can compare it to nothing el-e, trito as tho simile is. In tho background you can see the Tower in which offenders of the Government were imiirisoned in tho liar- baious times of old ; and Ilillingsgatc, tho largest fish market in tho world. The dealers aud their customers aio notorious for their use of bad l.uiguago.aud the word "Hillings- gate" is commonly accepted in writing and conversation as meaning abuso and pro- faulty. Tho bridge has been rebuilt hcvoral times, and tho present 0110 cost ten millio,is of dollars in gold ; so you may imagine how substantial it is. In the reign of tiueen Klizabcth tlicro were stores on each side, with arbors and guidons, and at the south end tlicro was a queer wooden house,biought from Holland, which was covered with carv- ing and gilding. In tho middle ages it was the scene of all'rays of nil kinds, and it was burned down several times, three thousand persons peri-hing in one fire alone. Tlio heads of rebels were stuck on thogatc-hoiiscs, imong others thoso of Jack Cade, and of Garnet, who was concerned in tho cun- powder plot to blow up the Holies of l'aili- anient, Tlio heads of good Sir Thomas Jlore, bravo Wallace of Scotland, nnd the pious Hisluip of Rochester were also placed llioi-n .mil until n enmnn isif I vrK roeetil ,!.i!r .,,..,,.,,,,. .nn, ,,...,, . . f.,tcc,l on iron -iiil.-o mill 111 n r"tln if u'itnl ilir enmn, .,, , rn , , ,. I I ,,.., ,r mm,,., i,,,,i,i 0,i firi ,.r. ,i, T , , , . K-. ,.,?,,., .. , . . . , . , , The ,aa m) in,l)t lUu,,hlar liam(,a A(m I Aupp.tnt nf llie 'I'linnie. vena lliim vppe fclr.miP I as there was a fall of several feet underneath the arches. Ono day a nure was playing with baby Anno al a window overlooking Il,n ,,,! i ,,!. j ,,,,r sl.r. In, .' . .. ' her little chaigo fall, A young apprentice immet obonio plunged into tho boilin; ,t,cam after her, and witli great diflicultv saved her, thus earning the life-long grati tmlo 0f his master, tho Lord Mavor. Anno t0 bo bcautifl,i woman ,, M Ucr fatUcr WM vcry ,veilUhy, many noblemen, Including earls and baronets, sought licr l.nnil wl.r, lrtvr.,1 O.l.piPn,, ,1m l.p,, nn.l tn nil other suitor lier father said, "Xo ; lcri" ft, 1C lyu nnt l0 aHervvurd beciuno , 1)lko ,)f Mr,.om .,, , s , ,, ... v;,.,,i,M for Sent L " " '' """""I1" 1 nr. Lin: to Comi:. W hat does a mau take wllh him when from tho extremo verge - ol lile lie lauiielics into wlint lies Hcyoiid It looks as 11 ho took nothing. He it the end or be it a new beginning, it seems a fatal breaking oil from all that lile hitherto con- sisted in. I his is what makej it terrible ihi o iuik at it iruiy, ins past mo hurt the one thing that a man takes with him I . , ,.,! two vviien no uies. lie iiikcs iiimseii. Ann mat - sell is the pioduct ul all his past experience s aim acuuns. as mi oaic uear in llscil di - result of every shower, that through lung nt years nas iresiicncd it, ot every gale thai toughened it or strippod its boughs, ot mm. shino Unit has fed it and tho drouth that has parched it, so a man, when ho stands at to end oi me, is vviiat no lias ueon insilu by tho his joys, biillerings aud tictions. That - what lio iken into another world. ioyui Tho life to como and tho life that now poor , .r.. . , - nro p" "no nnoiuer. iney nrereiatou. I rii.,,.. .i. ....... i ... ..-i . . CIIIIU I... .lefeat. will bo n nart of it. nnvl ve.,. "by So- " ,lot ttu "t ord but uj UC4 ucyouu ucuiu, RATEa of Anvr;v:;.' rm Onolncli,(lolvollnosorltii equivalent In Koni a- 8tl type) one or to HiBtrtirr..., :" : , e ii,ui, mmo. l. i r . ly Onolnch a ., t f f ' tlo.n Two Inches nam l.;.i p.ipi it.rn Ttircolnolnii t.oo l.o ivo Four lm In w 11.00 ni'i (Jcinrur column ln.on ).. H.oo it,., e unit cuiuntii in. 00 i.hi wi.uo in.. 0 (in column n .00 i.) 4n.n0 m.w lflrlypi(lvprtl'Kmentii pojiit.leUftrtrly. iKin. Blotitadv. rtl-winrnis must lie paid Lcf.ue Huiilc-! tmcept wlirre purili s lime norouiitB. Itfa!in.1vrrir-u.neiitKl.wo tlfiltar. Ti( rlnrh for TtC lluKTtlonK.-indiitthntr.-ito for nddlllonal HjioitlHia wiiiioiureirieiice 10 lengin, Kiocutor'n. Ailmlnl-orouir's nnd Audllor'sNctKcs thrf edolliirs. Tranment or loenl notlC(n, twenty cents a lite, rrftuliu iiilveitlsemii.ts linlt ralefi. nlg In tho "llus tnam Dlnetorr" column, oro doliartieryearforcucii lino. ' P.lnn Hunt.,! During the summer of 1812, bring ill Xaii. tes, 1 took a boat up the beautiful Knlrv, ylowl,' 'jf1t,1 I'.'ttlwt scenery of tho Dopartiucut of tho Ijolro lufcricurc, with n t(mcI'' llcro ,lml tllcIV- "f 8CCncs wM 11,1(1 gMlld. A Pall of three llOllfS brOllgllt U3 i view of the ruins of an old castle, known m jlie Cliatea.l de la Verrler, to see which wo crumbling walls of tho grim old castle of "'"o ru, ccicor.ucti 111 )itincry tale ana "reside l"'1' I'' 0 inny belleVO the peas- "r neighborhood-ami they nro wtw not nltoffcthcra crenturo of fancy, "10 "tirri"K 'V l'''"' Sister Atino hail been told .Tor years in Iho valley of the Krdrc beforo the record found immor tality in the world of letters. According to tho tradition, the formidable personage handed down tons as Hlue Hoard was tlio li.irou Giles do Laval Itetz, born about 1300, and executed in M10. lie dis tinguished him.clf in the servico of Charles VII. against tlu English, and fought under tho banner of the Maid of Orleans, and final ly obtained a marshal's baton. Serious ir regularities of life at length led to his retire ment to the castle on the banks of tho Krdrr, where ho became a terror to nil honest pec- 1' i" U" section. At length, the rumors of his wicked deeds becoming fearfully no torious. the Ilishon of Xantcs summon! d l7'u" "' . , , 1 1" e tr ',c'l,rc a commission of tcn poral and spiritual judges organized for that Pllrl. 11 l,roVcd tl,llt for a f fnmtocn yca he had iiracti-ed most d.abo - ical Jeu ma10' WJ'S ;l,,-cc' hu.mas to io InfiTiint povycrs and that during that t'mo " 'ia'' cnt'L'cd into his castle tcveral hundred children of both sexes, and atso a "" grow.u.p inaidcns, many of whom had been saciifieed in his horrible rites. Ho was handed over to tho civil authority, and condemned to bo burned at the stake. Out of compassion for his. dignity as a martial of France, however, the Duke of Ilretango can; - ed him to be strangled before he was tied to tho stake. A completo record of tho mon ster's life and death is still preserved in tlio archives of Xantcs, I Uucss I'm the Man. Tho praiseworthy frankness and cnliio absence of self-prido that characterizes tho 'honest old farmer' of Maine, is illustrated by another honest farmer of the samo State, who desiring to purchase a yoke of oxen, and being informed that a certain wealthy farmer in Cumberland county had superior cattle for sale, went down thither to pur-cha-e. Jlectlng a man driving an ox team ho iiiipiired. 'Can you inform mo where Jlr. JYcst lives?' 'There is a number of Wests living around here. Which one do you wish to find?' lc- turned the stranger, who was a stout-built, blue eyed man, habituated in home-spun, but bearing 111 general appearance unniis- takable tokens of case and comfort, so fur as finances were concerned. "I don't know what his Chri.staiu name is,' pursued our lricndjuut He is tlio owner ol somo very lino oxen. 'Well,' responded the stranger,' they all own pretty fair oxen." lint tlio ono I wish to hnd has oxen lor -ale.' 'As for that, ir, I guess they'd any of 'em sell if they could get their price.' 'Hut.' exclaimed the Oxford county man, 'tlio Jlr. West I wish to hnd is quite wealthy.' 'Yes? JYcll, I reckon there am t any of them very bad oil',' replied the other, with nod. "Jly Jlr. West,' continued our friend hesitating, 'has been represented to me as a very ehiso fisted man, and not scrupulously honest in all his transaction!.' With a cur.sous Iwinklo of the oyv, and gentle pat on tho munch of his near ox, ho said 'To tell the truth, sir, I guess they aro a close-fisted set all round, and 1 never heard that honesty run in the family. Isn't tlicro something el-e?' 'Yes,' replied the searcher for oxen, des- porately, 'Ihcy say ho has been caught in the act of robbing his own brother s chicken coop.' The stranger bowed and smiled. 'I guess I'm tho man. Coino with lnc.nnd I'll show you as fine a stock of cattle as you I i.,ii I'tnil in ,!m Ssl'itn nn.l II' viv.t I'limv wlint ,,.. , ,,,r , ,i,r,lr nf ,,: cheated (Irowth ol lliurartei'. I Ti'n.m llir, ,npnnr..,t n lmlirt T.nirlnu f, ,irtlnrt " s .vh...,, olyecw, Ins character is under llio process ol formation ; day by day, through infancy and childhood, here a litllo and there 11 little, cbaracter grows with tho growth and strengthens Willi tlio strength, until, good or bad, it becomes almost a coat of mail. Look at a model man of business prompt, reliable, conscientious, cool and cautious, yctclc.11- hcaded and energetic. When do you sup- ptno ho developed all these ndinirablo quali ties? When ho was a bov. Let us seo tho way in which 11 boy of ten years gels up in the morning, works, plavs, studies, and wo wiU te 1 you ju.t about what kind of a nun he will make l ie boy who w Into at tho eakhist-tnble, Into at school-who never , l.l .1.1 ... t..l.t .! ... 1... .io, auyt.i.iig at t,.o t time, main s a l'"1" u"""1' l" l'"""!'" "..Ji who hull' washes his face, half does his tasks, half learns ids les-ons, will never mako a thorough man. The boy who neglects his duties, bo thev ever so small, nnd than' excuses hinibelf by saying, "Oh, I forgot 1 I didn't think!" will never bo a reliable mini. And the boy who finds pleasure in iho paiu and sufieriiig of weaker things, will never bo a noble, generous, kindly man a real gentleman. llisTonicAi.. 13arly In the eighteenth century some Jewish speculators oll'ired to pay $-1,0011,000 for tho privilege, of searching tlio bottom of tho Tibor, with tho lutciilion is of reclaiming somo of tho Ireasiircs siiqio-ed to bo lost and bin ted there. Lately thu Italian Pnillauieiit havo approved of this samo project, as presented to them by tho llio has great Italian patriot, Garibaldi, 1 his will bo dono by turning tho river from its cmiso a mllo above and below Home, by way of an tho artificial channel. 1 ho work will bo look, d forward to w itli a great denl of interest, ns all is many things of interest will bo brou "lit to view from tho depths wlieie they havo InlJ so long, and tho enterprise, no doubt, w i t Is . , uioro than repay tho expense ineuritd. Vo ., . . only much wealth ot later centuries lit hi r.v concealed, but from tho timo of Ituimilov, beforo wo commenced to reckon our ceiiturir s until the present, has this rivi-rbeci i.mJ, tho receptacle for wealth fur?' dun and untold. casts that
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers