Tin: two itnoroi.H, lii' i c . it t n o doctor, no itw Moty Called to volume n MtIcnt of tho tomi C .iti-crt by (i limb, which threatened, day by day, into Iho gno to limp with him away. Tubs noon decided Hint, to mio his life, llcoit must bo nail to the nn and knife. And no, by ruli Mildly co'leglnto, Thoy did, forlhwllh, proceed to amputate. Next ttiy tho elder dealer of tho two. Making his roM'H dropped in tho work to view, And found Mi younj collo.iguo already them, l'alllil with fright; tho plelnro of despair. "Why, what's Mio rent U-r 7" cried Iho old M. 1). "Ito'.s doing well, for ought 1 can fx." "Hiuh I" gasped Iho other! "iMtBO loud. 1 lie?! (iroat Heavens, sir, wk'v cut ore tub ivr.ivii i.kii r room is timt all, mv Inewrlencod brolhor? l'r.iy calm your fears at oncoi ws'i.t. cuhb tub otii KB. A parallel 'ho taopayrrs may hoc Tlic patient belns our State Treasurer. Willi Doctor Simon as tho elder quack, llav in? cut o.T Us beat financial limb, Kill clnlinj our fullest conlldence in him s Amnrcs uj through till Junior, Doctor lta lo, That they vv 111 euro the other leff this fall. And offers htm-nn approved I'am'ron crutch, To which tho leu sill! spared can't trust too much. Now firro It with tho nmicted as It may. All doctor bills tho people navo lo pay, And, a? lo charges, those havo loa-d remorse, Who kill tho patient and then steal tho corse. Which being a?alnst tho present set, Huppoio we call In Doctor l'l diet I Waslitiilon's Agrii'tittiiral Idle. Tho following extract from Irving' Life oi v nsiiuijrtoii will bo cherished In- every cnlRMcncd nml working farmer: "A largo Virginia estate in those il.iva a little empire. Tlio inansioii lnmsc vvivs the m at of government, with its numerous OV Iieiuleneies, sdi ns l;itehen, sinoke-liomc, workslioH, and stables. In this mansion the iiiuhler ruled supremo ; his steward, or over fcoor, was Ms prime minister and executive officer; he had his legion of homo negroes fr domestic nervier, and his hint of field negroes for the culture of tubaec-i, Indian corn ami other crops, and for oilier out of door labor. Their quarters funned a kind of lininlct, apart, composed of various liuls with littlo gardens and poultry-yards, nil well stocked, and swarms of little negroes gambol ing iu tho sunshine. Then thero were large wooden edifices for curing toliaeeo,tho staple mm most profitable) production, and mills for grinding wheat and Indian corn, of which largo fields wero cultivated for tho supply of tho family and tho maintenance of the negroes. Tll0 Virginia piatuera were prono to leavo the care of their estates too much to their overseers, anil to think personal labor a degration. Wash ington carried into his rural aOUirs tho same mutiiod, activity and circumspection, that dhtinguli lied him in military life. He kept his own acconnts, posted up his books, and balanced them with mercantile exactness. v'o havo examined them as well as his diaries recording Ids daily occupations, and his letter-books containing entries of ship iijents of tobacco, and correspondence with his London agents. They aro monuments of Business habits. "The products of his estate also became so noted for tho faithfulness, ns to quality and quantity with wnieh they were put up, that it is said any barrel of fiour which bore the brand of'Geo. Washington, Mount Vernon" was exempt from the customary Inspection in tho West India ports. "He was au early riser; often beforo day break, in tho winter when the nights were Ions. On such occasions he lit his own fire, and wroto or read by candle-light. Ho breakfasted at soven in summer, at eight in winter, two small cups of tea and threo or four cakes of Indian meal (called hoe cake,) formed his frugal repast. Immediately after breakfast ho mounted his horse, and visited thoso parts of the cstato where any work was going on, seeing to everything with his own eyes, .and often aiding with his own hands. "Dinner was served at two nVlnek. n ato heartily, but was no epicure, nor criti'cal about his food. His beverage was hit.aU beer or cider.and two glasses of old Mai'ieiva Ho took tea, of which ho was very oj early m tho evening, and retired foe WiiMit about nine o'clock. "If confined to the house by bad weather, ho took that occasion to arrange his papers, post up ls account, or writo loiters; passing a part of tho timo in reading, and occasion ally reading aloud to tho family. 'Ho treated his negroes with kindness; at tended to their comfort-H, and was particular ly careful of them in mctuess; but never tolerated idleness.anii exacted a faithful per formance of all their allotted tasks. Ho had a quick cyo at calculating each man's capa bilities. An entry in his diary gives u curious instance ,f this. Four of "his ne groes, employed as carpenters, wero hewing and shaping timber. U appeared to him, in noticing the amount of work accomplished between two succeeding mornings, that they loitered at their labor. Sitting down quietly he timed their operations. How long it took them to get their cross-cut saw and other implements ready ; how long to clear away the branches from tho trunk of n fallen tree; how long to hew and saw it ; what time was expended in considering and consulting; and after all, how much work was accomplished in tho timo lie looked on. From these ho mado his computation how much they could accomplish In the courso of a day, working entirely at their case. "At another timo wo find him working a part of two days with Peter, his smith, to mako a plow.on a new invention of his own. This, after two or threo failures, ho aecoui pllshed. Then, with less than his usual judgment, ho put his two chariot horses to tho plow and ran u great risk of spoiling them, iu giving his new invention a trial on ground thickly swarded. "Anon, duriugn thunder storm, a frlirht- ened negro alarms tho houso with the word that the mill is giving away, upon which tuero is a general turn out of all tho forces, with Washington at their head, wiieelinc and shoveling gravel, during a pelting rain' to clieclc tho rushing water." Twins. Hax Adeler tells a new story ,the Kin oi winch is as follows ; Hill Slocum was nominated for mayor of l'encader, and ono day, In a street conversation, ho remarked, "I've got to win." He pronounced it, "I've got t'win," aud old Mrs. Martin, overhear- lug it imperfectly went around and reported that Mrs. Slocum had twins. The boys nt once decided to serenade Hill, and that night they marched out to his house, with a baud playing "JIoll to tho Chief," several ward clubs, some 11 ro companies, a group of white- dressed girls in a wagon, a lot of banners, and plenty of enthusiasm. Hill inado a speech about the canvass, and then there xvero bhouta of "where' the twins!" "hoM 'em up to tho window!" and tho like. Hill said thero was a mistake, but the band sar castically played "J.Uten to tho Mocking Hird," and tho Lois shouted louder for tho twins. When Iho truth prevailed; tho as sembly dispersed in disgust, and Hill was overwhelmingly defeated nt tho polls. Women chatm,a3 ageiieralthliig,iu propor tion as they aro good. A plain faco witli a heal t behind it is worth a world of beauty, Men who Imro tried both uniformly agret to Mi. THE Table Manlier!). Tho table is tho plaeo whero th. family meet, ami there should bo tho fro. t and inot iiuiestnrned intercourse. Wc d to live; but the more ntilmal necessity . lil.td up ami glorified when tho charms ol ploiw ant conversation and of mutual courtesy sur- rounded tho custom. So far as the sustain ing of llfo Is concerned, that object may bo reached If each took his bread and Mired to a closet to catltnlono. lliitthero Is a spirit tut life that Is to bo fed and sustained, and it Isstarvcd where thero is no grace, notonly uciore, but iiuritig a meal, The great troublo with our Ainericin llfo Is that it is too gloomy. Wo take t. timo locntertalnaudnmuseeachotlier. Koi seldom does It happen In some houses that a meal progresses In dead silonce.exccpt when neces sary to speak about the dishes, or to help some one to potatoes or pie. This Is almost as bad as rudeness orqiiarrelllng. Tlicioought lo oo bright, sparkling talk in which t!,o chil dren should bo allowed allowed iojotn. Thero Is no sense, whatever, ineompelliucan intel ligent child to sit llko a deaf initio at the tablo; though, on the other hand, children should not monopolize tho conversation, nor lie allowed to ask strings of irrelevant ones liom. n.ich one should prepare for It by siimosiinploprocesi of dressing. Tho hair should be smooth, tho liaudi washed, tho gen eral appearance ol each should try to be as agrceabloas possible to each other. It is quite wonucriul now a littlo freshens up tho soul as well as tho faee. So far we all ought to he luxurious. If tho mother sees to it. that her school-buy sons always come to dinner with clean hands and nails, and that her daughter never dwindle into tawdrv fincrvor soiled wraprei-", she will do more thau sho dreams of in the work of making them grow Into leal gentlemen and ladies. The tableitselfouglit lo have a festive look, flowers have, a special grace on tho breakfast board. A dish of fnilt nicely arranged, pleases tho eye as well as tho palate at din ner. Clean linen, even though course, and wholo plates and cups, with bright class and silver, help the appetite along. A few well cooked dishes, nicely served, will pro mote health and happiness better than a great variety rumen in me preparation. fcomo housekeepers, with an eye to saviin trouble on washing day, have adopted tho marblo oil cloth, instead of the white damask for ordinary use. For our part wo would prcfer.cconomy in almost any other wav. A fine white tablo cloth, or a bulfor crimson one occasionally for breakfast or tea, will furnish the family feast much more beauti fully. Eating Fruii. Wo hardly know how to account fur tho popular impression that still prevails in mauy rural districts; that tho froo uso of fruit is unfriendly to health. It has much to do with tho scarcity of fruit gardens and orchards iu the country. As a matter of fact, tho cities and villages aro much belter supplied with fruit tho year round, than tho surrounding country. There am 1,,..,. dreds of farms, cveii in tho oldest parts of tho land, whero thero is no orchard, and tho only fruit is gathered from a few applo trees grown in tho fenco corners. The wants oi cities aro supplied not so much from tho proper farming districts ns (W. few men in their suburbs, who mako a busi ness of growing fruit for market. T,0 f.lrm. era who raise a good variety .)f am!,U f' litsl or the supply of their own fllmi,ie, aro itill the exceptions. Thex iH- crorhalf-acre lot, v;m hav'0 ,,,, putch of trawberrics, his. r it - I grar.-e vines and pear trees, and r .""""5". tly of tho varieties of these "U1US. xir.(i,i ia,n1. ! :,i. ,... luxuries for at least half of tho year. 4 '' there is a lamontnhln iloortl, nf (Vliif . . . t""" . ..r.. mu Willi .tutu niu want 01 con iinnn I in Hi.... C.n.M ,1 L ation that it pays. It does pay iu personal comlort anil health, if in nothing else. Tho medical faculty will bear testimony to tho good nilluenco ol ripe fruit upon tho animal economy. They regulato tho system better than anything else, and forestall many of 1110 uiscases to winch wo aro liable in tho summer and fall. A quaint old gentleman 01 our acquaintance often remarks that at pics aro the only pills ho takes. Ho takes theso every day iu the year, when they can bo found 111 tho market, and fill up the new srop with other fruits. He has hardly seen a sick nay in lorty years, and pays no doctor bill. We want more good fruit, especialv upon our farms, and the habit of eating fruit at our meals. l Ins is j nut 0110 of tho matters iu which formers' wives can exert an inlluenee. Many a good man would set out fruit trees and bushes if ho wero only reminded of it at the tunc. Ono right time will be this autumn at least in all hut the very coldost parts of the country. A few dollars invested thou will bring abundant returns in from one to fiyo years, it is moro intimately connected witli good morals, than our philosophers thiiil- With good digestion it is rjuito easy to fulrill 11.0 law 01 love. American Ayriculturut, Ksirs. J. W- Perkins, ofStuben county, New "rK. "i mo lAuntry Uentlcmtm, says : "If 1 oily Wogg will substitute wheat, or wheat bran, or any food that contains lime, in tho piacooi corn, tlio biddies will not fail to shapo their eggs alter tho most approved fashion. Polly Wogg, in my opinion, might as well feed burned lime to horses or children to form none, as raw lime to biddies witli which in form egg shells. There is yet too much of such tradition handed down by old ladies iu masculine clothing. Polly Wosa and tho rest of mankind should reeogui.o tho fact mat tno material lor the up building and support of tho animal economy incverv ram. dition must bo contained in the food, and not in tne drug shop or tho lime kiln." l'Ui.UERS AND ItllllUMATISJI. Why aro larmers so liable to rheumatism? Answer llecauso they wear wet clothing, heat and suddenly chill tho body, over-heat after very nam work-, and because tliey ilo not keep tho skin in a vigorous, clean and healthy condi tion. Jl farmers would avoid suddenly cool pig the body after great exertion, if they would bo careful not to go with wet clothing and wet feet, ami If they would notovcr-licat when In an exhausted condition, and batbo dally, using much fricton, they would havo less rheumatism. The samo rule applies to others than fanners. Tlio Turkish batli is tho best remedy fur rheumatism, Science of Jiculth, Tho term "grass widow" is saitl to bo a corruption of "grace widow," "draco wld- ow" is tlio term applied to ono who becomes a widow by graco or favor, and not by the death of her husband, and originated iu tlio early days of European civilization, when divorces wero granted but seldom, and whol ly by tho Catholic Church. When such a decreo is granted to a woman, tho Papal re script stated "Vlduca do gratia," which, in terprctcd, is "widow of grace," In tho law of tho French it would read "Vcuvo de grace," or "graco widow," veiivo translated as "widow." The brown leghorn breed of chickens aro becoming favorites among the fanciers. They aro said to bo great layers, and non-sitters, Tlicv are not lame iu site, but lav a good COLUMBIAN AKD DEMOCRAT, ELOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA THE MEDICINE THAT CURES VEGETINE. Taking Into consldorntlin tho character of Its vouchers, tho history of Us cures and Iho lininense Increasing demand, VK.iKnn may bo fairly entitled tho loading medicine of the- mre. For scrofula In Iho blood, Vkuktink Is an Infallible leiiiedy.nml no person noi'dsiiirer from tumvrs,uleers mid all dlceases nrMng rroin Impure blond, II Vmm. tink Is used according Indirections 1 hero Is not n case of scrofula In oxlstoiioo that Vkuktink w 111 nut rui-o provided, however, tho vital functions hau not 1 isl their power of ucl Ion, nil thai may bo said to Iho contrary notwithstanding. i.heiink Is pleasant to tho taste, mild In Its Influ ence, and nbsolulo In Its action on disease, astho follow lug iiwiuestlomiblo evidence will show. PAID NEARLY $400.00 ! ! JANOAUV 2, ISM. It. It. STEVRNS. T'SQ t Dear Mr.i-When about Mt, years old 1 was vac clnated. Tho parlies who wero van-In lied from Iho same Mrus died fiom tho humor. 'Iho humor sou-ail over mo to such an extent that 1 was lulled Iu bran to prevent mo from wrralchlnqr my person. Tho ills enso finally settled In my head. 1 remained In this condition iibouttwuvty years, troubled all tho timo with sores breaking In my head nnd discharging cor ruption from my ear. At Ihlsiimcn small kernel appeared on my neck, gradually increasing In slo tii.lll a tumor formed of such an Immense size I could sco it by turning my ejes downwind. All lids timo 1 was taking va.lous remedies for my blood without uny substantial beneiit. 1 1 hen went ton prominent physician In llostnu who, dm ing his lreatme.it or six months, lanml the tumor eight times, which cost mo n-arlv $iuo. This left mo Willi it loii.li.nggravateil sore, without at all illmlnlMilug thoKloot i l.o tumor, and a sickly, ree-ill-, condition. I consulted another phislelan In .Nat li k, who, after cunsldernblo time, succeeded In hou. iu,-mo so. o wiiiinui reducing tun size. At this point. 1 commenced to uso Vkoitink. Ihinugh tho earnest liemuasloii of a friend. Alter I hail taken this medi cine about, one week 1 experienced wondi-i nil sensa tions. Sly whole body seemed In bo ..ud. rgulng n radical change, until, tlnallv, tho tumor broke mid discharged f.Ulittul iiiiantilles. 1'roui Ihlstlmelt decreased In Uro until the hunch dls.iiioiired, but my neck still bears t l.o uly scars of tho snreni.d lanco I am now health and slroug and nblo In work ol cry il.n. I will also ...ontlon thai I have lieen mi nn.itPMir. reicrfrom liulamitory lheiimatlsmcicrMiiee lean rememlior, ...illl eommencliitr tho ue of Veuktinp, xi hi-., iilmoat immediately nil rheumatic pal.iseeuseil. fills st tement I Miluiileer for tho pu. nose of bene fltlnir other surfc.ini? iiinn.ui.tv. .lti. nu uin r-imr..,. af.nor by Bliliiij It as much publicity nslhoiijtht xery cialefullr. O. 31, SAVK1.S, Ashland, Mass. WHAT IS VEGETINE? It Is n eoiiinir..nd extrar led friim lurLH. mn.ii nml he.bs. It Is n. nine's lemedy. It li pc.fectlv lin.ii.. less from nnv bad elTect ...ion the Mstein. n u nourishing and fclichKthciilnir. llaci.sdlreeltvu.ioi. tho blood. II unlets (lie ucixous ssle.n. li iriies oil a (,'ood, sweet sleep nlnteht. It I in great p.ma- eeu .or our nveii tiers nun ... ni iters, ror li uives them strciiKlh, (inlets then nenes, and ulu-s them natures sweet sleep us has been prou-d by inanvnu acred tK-rson. li Isthoirroal liiund riiri.ior. .tun soothing remedy for children. It has relieved nnd ciuwltlioiisaiul.i. It is xery pleasant to take; every child likes 11. It rellexes and cures nil diseases original Injr from lmpi.ro blood. Try tho VmiEriNB. lino It a fab- tilal for your complaints; then j ou will say to jour friend, neighbor and aciiualiitaneo, "Try It., lkll.l3l.Uiai Illl.'. Report from a Practical Chemist and Apotnecary. Uoston, .Inn. 1, ism. Dear Sir: Tills Is to certify that I havo sni,. nt m. tall lMii dozen (Kvj bottles or x-our Vkoktink sit.r,. April hi, isio, and can truly Bay that It lias given tho best satisfaction of any remedy for the complaints for which It was recommended that I ever sold, scarctly a day passes xvf thout so.no of my customers tesilljlnglo its merltson themselves or their friend: ion per lous 'fun vicinity. am lierrecllVCO?ril:inr nr Severn! ivitii'u r uiMiir,,. loin 'fu.nors being cured by Veiiktine ulono lu this Very respect fu'ly, yours, AI. llll.M.XN. JI-.S t.irm,l.,o,. to ii. n. stkvkns, ksij. Vcgetiuo is Sold by All Druggists. InM: iw Lost How Moreil! JUST published a now edition of Dr. CUIr Vi;KVi'XI.'.) celebrated essay on tho radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea or seminal Woakuess, Involuntary Sem inal weakness, Iinpotcncy, Jlcntal and physical incapacity, impediments to Marriage, etc,: also Consumption, Kpllepsy, nnd Fits Induced by sulf-lndulgenco or scxtual extravagnnco riles, ic. BSr"iV!CC, in a sealed envelope, ony six cents. Tho celebrated author, in this ndmirablo essay clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' sueccssfu practice, that tho alarming consequences of self, nbuso may bo radically cured without tho dangerous uso of Internal mcdlclno or tho application of the knlfo; pointing out a mode of euro at onco simple certain, nnd effectual, by means of which every set fcrcr, no matter what his condition may be, may cur hlmsclf cheaply palrately, and radically. :w-Tlils Lecture should bo In tho hamiiof every youth and every man In tho land. Sent under seal, In a plain envelope, to nny ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address tho Tubllshcrs, CHAS. J. C. KLINE k CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post onico llox 4,r,sc. April 10, '75-y I L A FIR&T CLASSNEWSPAPER. DAILY ANrT WEEKLY. Tntlepciulcnt in Everything! Neutral in Nothing, Opposed to nil Corrupt Rings in Municipal, Slate and National Allah's. ?!,l,E.Il'II'yT1M.,2')o issued (.ntialiml.ij IStll Of March nevt. niu. evi.rv Iho Sill dais excepted, under tho edlloilal direction o A. I w. . cdure, printed compactly from clear, new tj pe, 111 11 largo folio hhect, containing nil tho news M If v i'i J, i1'! ,,n0 ASSDOIATi: PltKSS Tl-XK. iJS, . n Wc''lJ , telegrams and Correspondence from all points of Interest, and fearless cdllorl.il dis cussions of enrri'ii. fiint. -i-,,.., i......i.v irnr, .Mall subscriptions, postage free, biv dollars per annum, or lllty cent ier month, lu mivimee. 1 .,.'iinii ".'"l!;1' "'"'Mweiity nnd thirty cents vnnllllij IU piMIHHII, The Weekly Times Will ho Issneil nn Knluniii. r...,. ..a.,. ..... .!iri,u,',T' -V'iw:Vf "" H''Wtant news or tl o wSi.k:.1".1 'Icomplcto Alarkot nnd Mmmcial lienor's. MidUd, forouo year, postage free, nt tho following Ten copfes '' Twenty cVpIjs moo AIlVKilflStMi:.M'W twcnly.il o"eV-V.'ti'Vier 1 li'.e nc" l!lTr S"UW 1X1 '"a" "y r llSt Of. Address TT-TTC TIMES. o. li Moul ll (ievenl li hti eef. " l'IIII.Al)UI,l'IIIA. 1 I NO ; .TdViihti: IN(I AMUIIIIJAN NKWSI'AI'i:it."TIU nrnr : nisiMi .McniiiM ii nV i,,.' ' J.1'"?.1 losiugoireo to tho Suhscrllier, Kneclinen L'oolea and Advertising Hates l'ree. Weekly, I clubs of .w SniN T" lmlaso IU1U- Address Ti ik 'l iti ii z "... UH a ia-y A nVKHTlSINO: Clieap: flood: Sema xy, He All persons who conocmplato inakW con. (ratls with novVMiMpcra lor tho lnsei tlo of ml v "r. ,SM.W,0ulJn'1 ? e,cnls, h'o. '. IIOWHlS to., 41 1'a.k How, New Yoik. for their pvmpxi 1.-1- liouK (nlnety-seventh cd ltl'011,) containing lst'soi over soou newspapers and esl nates, s Swing tho cost. Advertisements taken for lea ling ivanersln many Mates at a tremendous cdue 0.1 KmipilK llslioig' rates. (Im iiik Hook. Jan. ll'lUiy TOS20 per day, P J classes of working people of Imtli sexes j ouiur and old, mako moro money at w ork for us,m tlicir o" u ocalliles, during their sparo moinenw, or "all t Hi t .ne, than at any thing else. Wo oger cinplov in cut that will pay haiidso.nely for every hour's work J1 1,a,ru,.1.1".r'!' u'""8' L'i M'"'l i Your luldress at ?oBrorhte C VJtmli?:'- MT,N30H 'lSS, "llalne: IKON IN THE ULOOD. TlIK I'KKDV'IAM HVIIUP v tid lies and enriches t) w Wood, tones up tho niZ tern, builds up Hiohrola,, Deh tilt V. I rnnair Si.lii.'. fcvi-rechroulo dl.irrniu v nervoui utfooilnni, boiii humora, dlsea.es 'of tno kidneys and bladder, li. iiiu.o complaints, iU. Thousands have lieen changed by tho uso of tlio remedy from weak, sickly, guru-ring creatures, to btromr, healthy, happy men ami women; un,i Invalids cannot re.isonalily liesllato to givo a u trial Caution.- Ho sure sou get thu "1'siiuvun Hvnui'" (not l't ruv Ian llnrk-.v k7,1,i i,v o,.j( , ,;... , ally. A Hi-p .ffo uau.phlei, containing a tiealhu on Iron as a in' dlcal agent and other valuable lum-rs. tcbtlmoidals Iron, duilngulshcd phi bhhuis, Vl.-tirvl men nnd olhcrs, will Ihi hcnflioM to unv address. HKriivv, I'oiviu n Sosn, proprietors, tsl llnrrlsoii VULCAN IRON ArORKvS" DANVILLK, .MONTOUlt COUNTV, l'A. T7" ILL! AM II. LAW, Manufacturer of r I iTJuim. 1 run uuKht Iron llrldires. Hollers, (liuhniih r Fireproof llufldlngs, W'ruught Iron Itooiing, liooiilm; Frames. Fluorine und Doors. l'urm OhIi-h unil K..rt,. III lng, also Wrought Iron Piping, stacks and all kinds of smith Work, ic. Itcpairs promptly attended to, N. 0. Drawing! ana Estlmattt Supplied, CKt. t Wt-U EOOKSELLEE AlWi'3 STATIOIEE, Dc-alcr in Law BltinUs, Suntlay School Libraries', Depository of ll.e Pennsylvania Hiblo Society, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARDS. 1'oolcs and ."supplies not on linnd can bo liii'tiishctl On. Short Notice at the Afosl Jleasonuble Hales. fetorc 111 hxclnuigo Hotel ocl.s.lsin- RECENTLY RECEIVED. JJLAClv CASIIMEKES, NEW MUSLINS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, NECKTIES, JIUC1IINGS, BACK C0M1LS, LADIES NEW KID GAUNTLETS. NICE ASSORTMENT DRESS GOODS FROXvI 2C CENTS AND UPWARDS. NEW V Alula PJtTNT.S TO AIUUVU TUTS WEEK AT Tim POPULAR CASH STOKE OF W. P. JONES & CO., N JKW STOCK OF CLOTH INC). AND Gentlemen's Droao Goodo. DAN'Jl) l.OWIONHKna l.iiKcsuttei.llon to his la.gonudclegaiilstocl; ol Cheap and FasliioiiaWo Clotliino, nllilsstoro on MAIN STllUCT, IN Till! NI'.W HUICIC, 1)I.00MS11L'1!0, l'A., where ho lias Just received from New York and I'hll ndclphla n full assortment of HEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most f.iahlonahlc, durable and' aaiiasumo DRESS GOOBS, CONdlSTINd OP nox SACK l-nocic. AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OV ALL SOUTH SIZKS AND COLO US, Ho haa also replenished his already largo stock of CLOTHS AND CASSIMHULU, VIOUltUD AND 'LAIN VESTS, "iiitrrs, SOCKS, COI.LAUS, handui:ii(;iiii:kh, (!i.ovr.s, ;susri:.si)Kiis, AND FANCY AllTiaiJLS. Jlo has constantly on hand n lart'o and well select, ed assortment of Cloths nnd Vcstings, which ho U prepared to mako to order Into nny kind of clotldnsr, on very short notice, and In tho be&t manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear and most of It 13 of homo manufacture. (MM) WATCHES AND JKWKLKY, 01' liVIiltV DESCItll-l'ION, FINi: AND CIIEAI'. iiisoAsu oi-juwEi.uv is not suia'Assci) in THIS 1'LACK. OALLAND UXAMINIi 1118 (lUNUUAL ASSOltT MUNTOl' Clothing, Watches, Jewl- 7. &c. DAVID LOWENliKItCI. uiy l.73-tf. GRAWO OPEiOTGl ELiAS jMENDENHALL HA VINO resumed llie Inisluess of Meiclian discing at his Old Store, ou 3IAIN STKKET, HLOOMSliUUCl, NEAIl TlIK 10I1KS 1I0TCI., Daslrento call Iho attention of his Friends and tho Public gcuerully.u Ids NEW, I'UI.I. AND VAIIIED STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solicits a share of public patronago HIS STOCK CONSISTS Oil' DHV GOODS, (HtOt'EHIES, (iUEENHWAHE, WOODKNWAltlf, WII.LOWW'AHU, HOOTS li SHOES, HAIIDWAllh, I'LOUlt AND I-'EEl) In connection with his stock of Mircnandlso lie ncustunlly kee on hand In Ids yard. A FULL HTOCKOl' DjessGtl aud Uuflressefl Liiier, AND HlltNOLKS OF 1IISWANUFA0TUI1U. liill Lumber nuulo a Bpeciulity. CALL AND t)KK. OCWJ,ie-lt. Huilding, liloonisburg, Pa. A. J- READY MADE AM) CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. in: HAS TUB AND U.MI'LDVS THE BEST WORKMEN For flood ritsand I'romplncsa In lining orders thero Is tho placo to go. Ills goods aro selected will, care nnd Ids CUSVUM WoltIC will compare favorably with Iho best droit of tho fashionable City Dealer. HE KEEPS A LA1K1E STOCK OP BOYS' & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING AND .0 ENTLEM EN'S FURNISHING GOODS At Astonishingly Low Prices. A. J. EVANS. Julyt, lS73-tf. GLAZING AND PAPERING. Spt. F. 1 IODINE, Iron Street l.elovv sec ond, Illooinshui-g, Pa., Isprepaied lodo nl 3 of PAINTING, Q LA ZINC i, .mil TAPER HANGINGS, In tho best styles, nt lowest rrlccs, nnd at short notice. Parties hav lrg such vv or todowll savomoncj'ly work warranted to solicited givo satisfaction. Order WM. F. BODINE. Mar. 0, '71-ly. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE 1 H Is of great linnortaiieo to jou what kind of manure jou npply toyour Wheat Ijinds lids fall. you want a good crop of Wheat no.t season, nnd heavy eiop of (ira.ss to follow, uso. Raw Bone Sii)or Pliosplintc b l'A N I .M 1 1) W A I tllA NTE 1). Put up In -Jiiolb h.igs. 'Iho h:fis of this old llbtabllshed Article Is Haw or Unbuined Hones, and Us strength cannot ho e. huiiidcd nlth Iho crop of Wlicat, but will provo of fefllvo on the following crop of (irnss, and will ah.o peruianenlly Improve tho soil. I'.u mors look to jour own Interests and provo If What wo say uboiil BaugU'a Raw Bono Phoanhato Is true or false, and notify us of tho result. Make npplleutlon for It eaily to our neni est Denier Iu Manures, and If you cannot seiuro It Ih.ough (hem, send jour orders direct to j our friends 13AU0H-I & SONS. Aug. 10-it. PHILADELPHIA Ic IIAl.TIMOlli: PUBLIC SALE 01' VALUAUI.K REAL ESTATE! IN ITIiSl'ANCK OK AN OHDEIl 01 I tlu Ortihnri'M (Vturl. nf Cdliiiolil'i I'minlv. Ihn tin. itTMiu'd, muni; i.xix'iiiurui inn uisi win ami tck niiU'iit (jf Ail. i in (l:iMi. Into tit tlm towiihliln (if IIUUI I1IKLI ILK) 111 rtlllU i UUIUJ, Ul'lfUSiLlI, Will L'AU&l' iu puuiiu tiuiu vn iiiu j i i in tat Pt uii SAT UHDAY, OOTOIiEU Otli, 187.r, eomineiiclng nt lo o'clock In tho fori noon of tahld.iy, l lie mi li itv i iik ui-M i iih u I em eMitlt-. 14 i I Allthaleerli.lnnhce. naicel or Irucl nt hind situ ate, lying and being lu Iho inwnshi.iof lluarliigeieek, In said eou.itv, Isnuided nnd descrllKil as follows, to win Adjoining lands nr Miloinon Ktraiisir on the west, hinds of Hamuel llouck ou Ihu noilli. lands of John nice on iiioeast, ami lanusot Oliver l.vuus on llio bouiu, coniaim.ig EICIIITV-KIVi: At'HEH, Hinrii or less, nearly nllrlcaud land, vvhri eon are eisn'U-u u TVVO-HTOHV I'llAME DWEI.I.INd 1I01WK, I'lan.o Hank li.vrnniidiilhirout.bulhli.igK. Thero Wnulliu nrcuitncti u eood AMilo Ouhard. and oilier fruit. Also, good vvaieronlhopreinlseH. Possession given mi or .piii, ioiu. CONDITIONM OF SAl.H.-Ti I. IK rcetit, of theone. lourlhnf Iho nuieliusu money lo ho nald at Ihnstrlk. Ing don u of Iho piupcity, I lie oiiefouilh lis Ihoti ll I-r cent, al Iho conliii nulled of Iho sale and Iho lull, uiiin lu tuiojoar Iheiealtcr, will, lutiiebl from con. Urination nlsl, of said sale. 1.1ICAM FAIIIIINOEIt. j Hep, lMt. Atll.igEiiecutor, ' rtAUTlOfvVMy wif ElUn Imvlng left nTy J J homo, lid and bomd, vvllhout Just rauso of I t'oinplaliit, I liciihy Inform all iK-rsnns that 1 will iiav no ill 1'tsstioimiy (nut rfiot, JACOU B'lKOU', 1 Mt.l'leiuvoht.OCIOWri, UW Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known ns ono of tl.c most i-Hecttml remedies ever discovered for cleansing tlio sys tem mill iiurifyfny tlio blood. It lias ' stood tlio test of years, with a con stantly growing rc utatlon, based on Its Intrinsic .lrtues, nnd piistnlncd by Its rc lnailtablo cures. So mild ns to be safe nnd beneficial to children, nnd yet so searching ns to effectually Jiurgo out tho pi-e.it cor ruptions of thu Mood, such as the scrofulous nnd syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked In tlio system for years, soon yield lo this powerful anti dote, nnd disappear. Hence Its wonderful cures, many ol which nre publicly known, of Scrollilli, nnd .ill scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, lt-ii pilous, nnd eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, lilotclics, JJolN, rltnples, l'listtilcs, Sorcs.St. Anthony's li'Jrc, Itoso or Ur.vslpo- ins K'tter, nan iniciini, mciiki Head, ItlilfTWOt'llli nnd internal Ul cerntlons ol" Clio Uterus, .Slonineli, nnd Liver. It nlso cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi nlly adapted, such ns Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Vlts, NeiirnlKlnllcnr Disease, I'emalo AVealfiics!, Deblllly, nnd J.iMlcori lioja, when they nro manifesta tions of tho scrofulous poisons, It is nn excellent restorer of health and ftrcnth in tho Sprinjr. liy renewing tho appetite and vigor of the digestive organ, it dissipates the depression nnd listless l.-m-piiorol tho season. Even where nodisordcr nppcars, people feci better, nnd livo longer, for cleansing tho blood. Tlio system moves on with renewed vigor ami a new lease of life. rnr.rAr.ED n r Dr. J. C, AYER & CO,, Lowell, Mass., Vractlcal ami Analytical Clicmltti. BOLD 11Y AJ.L DHUGUISTS EVEUYW1IEIU5. WEW MODS! " A HEAVY STOCK, fcS&eapss? 'lliaia Ever! S. 11, MILLER & SON Havo Just llccoivcd the lnrgcst and best supply ol CHEAP AND' FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, They have over offered toineir friends and cus tomers. (Jloths, Cassimeres, anil Satinetts for MEN'S WKAll, OlolliN, Alapacas, Merinos, for LADIES' WEAK, CALICOES, MUSLINS, CAMIIRIC3, and every variety of Dry Goods desired STOCK OK Carpets, Mata, Ottomaua, CLOSED OUT AT COST FAMILY GROCERIES, including all the varieties of COl-'FEES, TEAS and SUOAUS, COUNTRY PK013UG13, and a gencial supply of arliclcs useful for llio table always on hand. CALL AND SIB 23. Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change for goods at cash prices, oel. 3074 t f BLOOMSBUBG-"" 31-. r o -a, Si "v; MARBLE OHK.S T. L. G-UNTON, Proprietor, JIAIN- STIinr.T, BELOW MAmCIlT. Manufacturer of and L'caler in all tindt of MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOKKS WousotholiestAMinilOAN and ITALIAN Marble, no has on hand and furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TO.MliS, HEADSTONES, UKNS, VASES, Sic, i.very vani ty or siaii.te cnuing nendy executed at tnu .uiveM iiui.KeL jinees. A lon praellcal experience and personal attention to huiness m.ikcs Iho p.oin letoi- conlldent of jrlvln- hntlsfactlon. All orders by mail prompt I v id tended lo. 1'. o. box t'J7. ChZTA. .- - li e,- dtltccrcdfrec i(ir,-f.-aj jiitf. 21, '71-ly. TjJj. (ll'.NTO.S', i'ro ilelor fps s3 o o o?oisrV Pi-Hi.' REGISTERED TRADE-MARK. A ucl 1'iuvl ili'jiiisit Iiiiioi'IimI evi liisively by oiii'sclies I'i'iiiii Smith Auii'i'ii-ii. S0LIM5,K AwDiated Snper-FIiospbate- rtnui.Vhis Oil cnin j.il' nntl nnalKv ru-inintnf ii Mun BiMiijii'Humiim'uiuri:,oji iiiilul li ilciutMmffC'lKTJll ,MI,S1.U .1. AliLIJN'S SONS, No. i a. Helavvaro A cnuo I'hil.'idelolil.i. UUtf20-t)t. f.l QlDEJlAiil Moisture, del, nt lou c. 11.71 Orfc'unlo Mutter, I.W, capablo of produeliis Ammonia, . , a. is Soluablo und I'leelpltated I'lioAphorlo All 1, 5.(11 Kipiallo I'rcclpllulcdaiid llono 1'hoi.phali', UlidecoiiiKwed llono I'hotiphale, 12.31 15.3 J 1'IIIOE, ij-118 Elt TON. Talked lu hut's of hgo lu. inch. DAuai-i esc sons. Hole 1'ropi leton, No, SO South liehivvnio Avenue, I'hlladelphla, Anii No, ICS South strut, llultlniGK', bVp.W-H. m m rvVW J'i 0' PHOSPHO-FISH Qvov Tu'rty-foar Compctiiovs STANDARDS SM ft AIL ROAD TIME TABLES "JQIIILADEl.l'irA AND HEADING 1!0AD 1L AKltANGEMENT OE TKAINS. 1'AfcSENGEIl 31 A V 3d, 157.1. TKAIND I.EAVK KVIT-KT AS 10I.I.0VVS (SCMiAY KXCEMr.l' 1'cr rovv York, I'ldlndelplihi, lleadliiir, l'otttvllle Tniiiao.ua, Ac, 11,33 a. m l'or I'atnnlsH,!, 11,3:. ti, m. nnd 7,3o p. m, l'or Wllllamspiirl, t),M a. in. and I,ik) p. m. II1AII1S I-OI! l:lTI'l!t I.KAVE Ac. 1 OILOW f , (6IM1AV t CEI'lEII.) l.einoXevv Yeik.PilSn. hi. Lei.io Philadelphia, vyr, n. m. Leave Keiidlnsr, 11,8 a. in., I'oltavllle, 12,10 p. in. and Tiim.wtun, 1,30 p. m, LeaveCntinMKsa,ii,20n.iii. nnd l,Wp. m. Leavo vvtllhtnjpoit.u.JOn. m. and B,oo p. in. l'a.s-i iiwni to and hum New Yoiliand Philadel phia bo through without change, of cars. ,T. i:. WOOTLS, May , is'4-tfr (iencral Stiperlnteiident. DELAWAKK, LACKAWANNA WIM-r.li.S KAlI.ltOAl). AND I1LOOJIS11U1SO DIVISION. Tlme-'Iablo No. :rj, Takes crrect nt l::w A. Jl. TIIUiiSllAV, DlX'LMIlllIt 10, 15,74. STATION'S. .SOUTH, a.m. p in, i i.m. 10 lal 2 2D a .in 10 14 2 21! II 3.1 IS III 2 33 li 41 10 17 2 41 ll Ml in 2.1 2 r,u 7 en 10 2-J 2 M 7 (i.i ill 31 3 Id 7 11 10 3.S 3 III 7 10 10 4.1 3 15 7 2.1 10 Ml 3 21 7 11.1 10 M 3 25 7 I1 11 00 3 3.1 7 tJO 1 1 0.1 3 3 7 !W 1 1 I 'J 3 40 K I 2 11 18 111 8 1.1 11 32 I (.1 8 3.1 it 41! 4 2l 8 .1 11 r.3 i as e& 12 1 I 311 7 0 ' 12 8 I 4.1 7 12 12 12 I .','1 7 1S 12 17 4 MS 7 2.1 12 211 r. IB 7 3S 12 32 t. 12 7 17 12 37 .1 IS 7 M 12 41 ft 21 s 12 12 4.1 r, 30 S ll! I 03 f, 4S S 3.1 111 0 f,S 8 4S 1 14 I! 03 S to 1 3 i I! 2 1 0 20 , Scrnnton Ilelleviie .....Tavlonllle... ..Lai kaw-.inna I'lllMon . Vvi'tt I'lllMon... .... VVVOIlllll'' M.dtiij Kiiigstim Kingston ..I'll mouth. I line. -...l'l) mouth Woiid.ili. Nnullcoko .Iliiiilnek'.s i ivek. . Mih-lohlnnv ... ....IllekV) l-'ciry... ....Ileaeh Haven.. Ilcrvrlek .... Hilar Creek ...Willow drove.... Limn lliih;e Ilspy ...lllooinsliiii-e;,.... liupeii . . .. C'ntavlv.ji Ilrldj--!'. ..Clink's ShIUIi... li.invllle Chul.isky ( iimeron .Nortliuinbci l.iiul. p.m. p.m. a.m. , . , DA VIII T. HOUND, .sunt. Superintendent's oniec, Kingston, -March c, isTl. N' SJOltTIIEliN CENTRAL RAILWAY CU.Ml'AN Y. on and aflei-Novemlicr 2nlli, 1S73, trains will leave SUNIlUltVas follows: NOIITHWAIIl). Krlo -Mull 5.20 a, m., nrilvo llhnlr.i ii.no a, u, " Canaiid.dgua... :i.3.ip. m. " lioelie.ster 5.15 " " Nlasf.u.1 'J.40 " Kenovo acconiiniiil.itlon ll.lon. m. nnlvo Williams l'ori 12.M ji. m. Klmh.i Mall 4.1.1 a. m., u.rlvo r.hnli-.i 111.20 a. m. llulT.ilu j:prehsT.lfin. m. anlvo HuiIalos.Miii. in. SOUTH VA 111). liumdo i:prcss '.'.to a. m. nil Ivo linn Uburg l.r.o n. m " llalllmoi'o s.io " Hliuli-a il.ill li.ioa. in., mi Ive llnirl-.buiK-1..111 p. m ' Washliiijioii lo.EO " " l!altlmoieo.30 " " Wathlnstoii S.3D " llarrUljiirs accommodallon 8.10 p. m, nnlvo Ilairls buiu 10.50 p.m. nnlvo llallhnoro 2.2.1a, m. " Wasiiluytoiio.n " L'Ho Mall 12.55 a. m. nnlvo llaiiMjurt'S.osn. m. " llallhnoro 8.40 " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. 1). M. liOV-I), Jr.. licneial l'assenser Agenti A. J. CASSATT, (iencral Manager PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I'liilaii'liihla & Erie I!. Ii. Division. SU-MMKUTIMi; TAlil.K. OX ami after SUNDAY, .MAY 'J:lil, 187.1, the trains 011 thu Philadelphia ;no Kali u... KMIOVII llllllllll us iunu a , WMTWAJUK l'A ST I.INi: lenvoj New Voik " " " I'lill.idelphl.i " " " Ii.1lll1.1010 " " " Ihiirlshuri; " " ni r. at v lin.iinhpoi t " ' " ll;lliveii " " " iiellefonlo , Illlli: SI AH, leaves Nuvv V01I; " " " I hlladelphl, " M Jlari Isljurr " " " Wlllliunsport " " " I.oek Ihiveu " " 1,'euuvo " " nir. al Krlo ... 9 sa a. ,..l'.'.:..i p. ... l.'.'O p. . .. ,1.00 p. ... W1 p. ..hi.'.'o p. ..II. .vi 1, ".(Bp. Ill ....11.1. p. .. 4.V.1H. .. K.a.111. .. 1.1.1, 1 1.0.1 n. P. MAil.MIA i:rilKSS leaves I'hll.utelpld.i . 7.40 a " " " lialilmoie u. " ' Isburt,'. ...lo.M11. m t4 4( "M. v "tiiiaiiispori.. I.uip, m Jieuoio.... vO j. m :i.MIIIA -MA1I, leaves l'lill.iih-lilila " " " lt.dtluioro " " " ll.urlsijiirK " " urr. at vv llll.unspori .... " " " l.ocU Haven 8.01 11, in , iw u. m i.&i p. in .'.in p. in I.S0 p. Ill :o: KASTH'AMh I'HII.'A r.XVIir.ssieavoaI.oelc Haven... . a. 10 a, m ... 7.55 n, m .11 11 a. 111 " " vviiii-..npi,rt.. ' " urrlviiint Hun Isl.urif ... . ' " lljlllmoro ' " " 1'lilljdolphl.i.,.. 1 " " Kuvv Yoik .. u.ia p. m .. xr, p, m ,. ilk p. m HAY llXl'IIKHS leaves Ilenovo . u.lo a. in m. nu, in 11 ni a. in 1 " " IjsI: Ihiveu. . 1 " " Wllllainspoit... ' " nir.nt llairMniiL' " " l'hlladeliilda.... " " New Yoik " " llallliiioio i.im p. lit ... 11.V11 p. 111 ... '' 13 p. in , .. u.3.1 p, m ..ll.von, in KlIlll-MAlhliiavesIhle " " Ilenovo " " Uiek lluven.... " " Wllll.imHiit... " nrr. nt ll'irilstniiif " " Hiiltlinoio " " I'hlladi-lnlilii.,.. " " .New York . ... .. H.-iip. m . U.l-1 p. m IW.0p.ui K.na a. m ... 7.85.1 m . u.4.1 a, in .iv.Wa. m I'ASl" 1.1 li: leaves Wllllamsnnrt ..12.3.1a. in ... II.Mut, III .. 7.r, 0, m ' " air. at ll illhljiiiL- .. lUlilmoro"....!1,.,, l'hll.iiltl.il.l New Yoik , . r.an a, lit ..1U.it. II. lu Kilo Mull VVeftl. Nhl'jara Kxiirnbu u-,.Lt Mall Won unil li.iv KxiuoiM Iim i,,.,i m , 1,1.:,.;..,. .... ; 11, , . .. , . S ; .. 1 lralll!i Krlo Mall VVeKt. liiirara vnc.ca ionL nn.. i,.,. 1 tft'f nS'l imd" i)l'Sf fHSr?. Wt. ooiiiioelliiii at hoik llnieu Willi . l' V. II It., trains , 1 lie Jlull Kast and West conii' tt at l.f "with ll-UlllS C I. 1. S. X -M. N. 11. II.. HI nrrV i. III. "." V. H. It. at Kiupoiliiin with ii, a, . U I', it. ll' oiVii ai ir Itvvood Willi A. V. it. n. ' ' "' "'.""d u,rlor ( " "l'l, run between 1'hlladihihia and vJ-"1'"i1.f?,ortS",.Il''.S'ttm 'I't-ebs Wot. lUt 1 luo Ji t, 1' iilUilnlphU Kxpress Kast and Day Kxnrew .iwi., oivepiui;x.uritouailUhrllllral!ls. j. .T,t A' "ALU WIN, SOUTH. p.m. p.m. p.m. i t r ,s ;a i ir, I J -2 I 8 3. 1 .III 12 1 I H 2.1 1,1 3 11 4.1 K 13 I 8S 11 .11 s in i in 11 HI 7 f.'J 1 11 11 id 7 t,3 i in 11 II. 7 4-i 1 00 ID 4.1 7 11 12 M S 2.1 7 11.1 12 41! 8 17 7 31 12 41 8 !2 7 2.1 12 r.ll 8 0.1 7 10 12 it'l 8 10 7 1.1 12 Sit 7 111 7 "li 12 111 7 '.'O ll fill 12 (IU 7 Oil I! Mi 11 40 0 f,7 B 2S 11 30 fi 1.1 C, 21 11 31 I! 32 I! 13 11 Si 27 li IS 11 17 I! 20 0 0.1 11 11 li 00 n ,13 11 ll r, f.s s .in in it, r. m r, 41. h. iu r, ii r, .it in 13 r in r 3n to 4'i r. l.i r. 12 in 22 .1 01 & 112 111 12 4 r,.i i f,r pi ns I 30 4 40 0 fi a.m. p.m. u.m. STJI GENERIS bSPALMAMqUlK'-, 1 "Vurgg iMERUITy'rERATi' vmmM CABINET ORGANS. imEPAIiEDTiiOHAPPROACHEB In Hmi'lty un't rxct'll. iico by any nllirra, AwimltJ TIS1IE1ST1IMIS DIPLOMA OP HONORS VIENNA, 1873; PARIS, 1867. nill V Amrrlciiii Orunm evi-r iimirilnl nny mnld U It L 1 In Unriiis-, or vi iilrh prcirnt inih i-xtruorill. nary i-xci-ilmco iw t j cominninl a wldn pale there. A 1 1 W A V P nvvnr,1.-,1 hliihMt im-mlumii nt Inilim- ALVl A I U Ir ni i:x'ltltn. In AtiicrlcnpMticll lit I'liropc. Oiituf liiinlimli tluiulinv. nt .i.iii ix m 11U M here nny ntlu-r nr-nm liavo Imvii prelimd. HCCT Di-clnri-d by Klulncnt Mil-li-iali. In ls-lll ULvll hoinwhlirr. I" b ' lllll'lt nlcd. Pi-o 'il.STI.Ml.NI VI. CI IK I-I.Alt, Midi olulilw ,1 of moro llinti One I I101. Mind cuit fus-i, IfJPIPT I'll hnln a Itn-on ltnmiln. 1V nit IliOlu I tnkonny other. al .! h LAlult.li com MimtoNH for ttUum f 'f'Tlur vntrt. n f fur Mi reason tifi'n trv r r.v Aio-il lo sell torn tiling t!, fJCW CTVI TP vi llh inw-t liiiiort..iithn,rove llLl! O 1 1 LE.O tnrniK cv.r miule. Sew Solo nml t liinlilllllllo.l Mop. Mliei-I IlliiKcro mi l other 1'iiien of new dexlsn-x. PIAfJO-HfiRP CABINET ORGANS qnliHc combination ef IlieBohii-tmiiunW. rOV nlVRSmlTi? OrpaGnpoMfurrm.h;nr CAO I rATmbri I 0. furl,.or.tl,ly. rnuart.iIy paj mental or n-ntcl until rout pnji fi r tlio organ, PATAI flPIICC nnd Clrciilnni, with full lmrlle Lfll ftUIljUCO lar.fr. AiMriM,MA!OX HAMLIN OIK1AN CO.. 1.11 Trrmont Bins-:, 1I0 rro.Vl 2.1 Unl,,n Bfinnre, NUW SUltlf) or to 4; tl AdaanSt., CIIICAUO, MASON & HAMLIN CABINET (MASS MAY DK OIITA1XE1) AT WHOLESALE OR R2TAIL or SCBAWTOIf, Pn. Gcuriutt Agent also the t'c'chvrttvd CHICKERING PIANOS. ALSO, OF 1. 3C. MTTil-.Kil. ni.ooMsnuna, .!., Denier in iiliovo lii-triliiicnts. -March I'.i.'fn y 110LLINS & HOLLIES No. 1" l-enlre Sire . FlnmbBTs Gas and Steam Fitters jiANi-i'Aciriii:i!s oi' J? X W .A. aH E3 (iai.vanixi:ii iiiox roiiNici:, WINDOW l'A v, AWNINGS, Who Trellkes, Ae. Denli-r.s in Hlnves, Uniiir es, I'liiiiiu-cs, Jliilliim.io llinlers, Low Down Orates, AlniitclH, l'UJII'S, Weatlier Strips, Ac. AN11 GAS FIXTURES Sf,..'!!"'"! "';VK" '"l"'''1'11 (dteiiilnnpaldto ie. lVJ.'.,L,fif"."!4.,"r 5'."' I'I!V' "lev cry ili.ilun. M.dii., I.OCkS. I'.el llllll"' liy. Kl'V ' Mini, i ., diiii-e.slli-ali-d i.y i-teainal atmoll ccM id'nve Hot "" leb 'JO.'Ji-tf. :.r.t,. Ti.atciili-:y's im. V 1 ,1J proved f'l'l IMii:it v vii.iiii i-i .mi- is mo ae u EM.11111.1.11 01 U tllO 111.11 Krl. liv i.rouil..,. 1;' v,l'idli t, llie best pump ro.- .VI Ki I1. Invited to Jll.ilrldej'.s Unproved llrack Wft i.'.'.',1",-' Ill1 ,.l"'ck valve, which can bo mi niiiiuriivvii wiiuoui (ilsiuiblnjilho lolntF. njn llllll llir, i-ni,ni.i. nl... .r 1-.JS V, ........I. D . .. .,.'.. .. .... . . . ' l Jr-V f''"'"."'.-"eJ.rilMSllIlll Will instil II "W. . ,l,orbal0 n dealciH and tholr.ii lllo itj.' i orsa o nv dun eiM nml Mm ir.,.... JsistiV i , "I . r "'"o-suro tnaijou .. 77. , Sl t ''Wchloy'a I'ump.bo careful and ' eo nnm.r.l.ll'5',liiulu l"",k"s ,ll'"u' " joudoiiot h ,1,0," V'"" 1,1 luv. deser pi ve circulars: tozcther bi'toSf; S'i'l ""i'f w" 'Vf 11,0 "s-c.it nea' S yoi. w Hi bo furn sh ed by iiihli e.s.-ln-' with Momp, 011AS.0 lll-.'iciii.(J-, ianur,.ioivr. !', coiuineivoNt., I'lilladeliiil.i. l'OIt s.M.i; nv J. SCHUYLER & SOU, Bloomsbuw, Pa. -March .1 T3-t.ni ATOTicr "W'PB- isi.i. .1-. , . . i. -'. W. Jlll.l.i:il,becielury. Oct. S, '75. ti JUiNDERSllO'ms OPPOSlTCTlli: IKNTHAI, 110TKI.. lias a eomplelo fctoik of pure and lellablo i)i:r(is,Mi:mci.MN, e.-iiiaiicwi.s nvi:s, Aiins bOAl'.s, KUIIA, WIDA ASH, l'Al.NTH, OILS. CLASH, Pl'TTY, VAIIMSIICS AND AM, 1'AINTKIiSM'l'l'i.lKS, Hl-o.NllKS, IllIUSH nSI'i:i!l'l'.MKUY-,A0., at v v 1 1 iv mm Country 1'roducu tal.cn In evehan for liruirH .Medklnes, Dyes, te. OENTJIAIiiSTOJlli. Have a carefully ti leilulloel; of cholcu 'ji:ah,i-oi.-i-i:i:, hrei.vii, m'lfjx, kiap, pickkls HAUOUI, l-'lHII, HAMS t'ANN;i l'UUITS, vi:(ii:TAiii.i:sANiio'i'iii:i(ri.Ni:(iitoci;i. IKS. rOHHION AND DOMHSTIO VvixUh, Nuls ami Confcctionuiy, all at Iho lowcbt.poM-lblo pi Icon. tCounlry l'roduco tal.en In exc-hnnt'c.u llloonibburg, JlaichlK, 1S76-y AN ACTt'AI. Ul'SINKSS INbTlTUTlON AND mi-i.UKArillO INSTITL'TK, For Information call nt omco.or Bend iwm, ... ulfMI 157! Xv ADTC I11KIH. lUHCIU.lv . .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers