" ' - jam THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, JLOOMBB UEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. TIIlJOOL UMBIAK. II I, OHM Hlltl II (I. I'll! DAY, (III-.!:,, IS". Kilt I lloail Timo TnMo. I.UiiAWANNA III.OO.MHIII'IK) HAlt. 110AI1 A.-.'oinmoiIiitlon Train,. Mill Train vpross Trnln ......... NORTH, lIUIITII. . o.i.sa.m. t.u...m. 7.M A. ,U f.. II I'. M , 1.10 l'.M. I1.MA..U r..3l 1'. M. CATAWIHMA UAH. KOAl). MOUTH. Pnl'Tll Afcominod.il Inn Trnln Mi A.M.- Wo l'.M. It -ul.vr impress ,M P.'M. ll.ttl A. M. Through ears on Kxprrsi train cither to Now York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between l utatvissa and vVMIamspoii, 1 i,l,.rlh r hr I trltrtnr olllor et Ihi 1 01 1 It l.l t V .it nihinrr 1.111 !.- w.illlr.l will. the mniit..l tin lln ...ml. nf llri.l. ,.? A lis.", ll.b-w nrmnlllMUnllll nil ."li pi lining ronlrMH. NOTIOU. All cunlrttcU made hy Mr. Diellctibach foriul uiliciiieiits, unit iic-pa'nl fiibi-crlpllotis will lio curried out hy the present ilriclcirpnif lli'n pn iier. lliislnoss cards in tlio directory will lie lontlnucil, nl Ihcohl rates, unless otherwise or ilcrcd, iiml will ilalo from Oct. 1st, 1875. In dcbleehicss to ttm Coi.UMlilAX on any nccntitit from .1 illy 1ft, 18711, lo Oct. lrt, 1875, will sittlo with Mr. l'lcflciihaeli. l'crMinsdisirlngtostop tlieir ier, if any, anil tlio-o wUhiiif: to fiiIi fciibc or to have (heir post ollicc ihangcil, will please notify us at onco, The paper will lieenii tinueil to olil subscribers unless ollicnvUe order id. Owing to the (-re-it nmoiint of work inei- ilcnt upon Inking charge of the oflicc we hnvo not hail tune lo tlianue llie dates on the printed diicctions. Next week they will be dinnf-ed lo Oct. 8lli, ISTii. Our legal duties will not lie neglieteil liy rea roil of our having taken charge of this paper One lueniljer of the firm, and both, when nccc". sarv, will constantly look nftcr the interests of our client:. Xulahinelim-n, beyond Citawissa, is improving nml may coon rival Its neighlior. Vol.irri.llnniiiwinm ll.e ilcnlli of WIMbim x-OMMl'NICATIO.S's A lltnM of ComlUlllliCV llnoklov nml Tlimmn MiixulII Inn iirnnilnont tIoll '"-lore ll, but our correspondent should it Ircns of Danville. understand tlial wo cannot surrender all our . . . sp.uo lo llicm hi Mlrrnig times like tlii-sc. 1 no Tlic Democratic nml Itepubllcan rcnatorlnl following one Is short, however, to llie (mini, conference's nro in session nl llio hxclinnge Ilu- niid coming from our illflliignlnhed County Su lci. Wo hopo lobe enabled lo announce the, tierlntciiileiit. wo clve It ns written I liomiiiatiou of Mr. llarkley next week. Oli.lMinvit.l.i:. Col. Co.. l'a,. Oct, 7tb. 1 87. lo llio editor or llie Cof.l'.MHtAN. io Opera Homo tomorrow (Saturday) evening, papers nt present, 1 Ihereforo request you to di nt 71 o'clock, when the Hon. 0. It. llucknlew con "tie sending me mo 1.0 i.c-ih an hi. i o ' I ivttltlt.ltn ...ln f 11... rial 1 1., .1... .... V..II U-l will discuss liin Issues of tlio campaign. Allcit litem Interested in llie welfaro of tlie Common- wealth nrc Invited lo nlteiid, The Columbia County fair closes toilay. It s iieionipanieil with the usual iitunbcrof side- hows, horsu races, and swindling vendors of labors during tlio school yearenlilie liiiu lo!?2(li) C-M1 (I ruf i eo ami checrl'ul resignation seldom useless niliclestlial liaschariiclen.oil it for year, per anuiini moru Iliad Mr. llarkley, his prole ,, ,.1, 1,. ,.,., ,i r I'ltm mooimKin of ,1 . !, 1 . 11 !!!.. .... ... 1. 1 iiii-miui m uiwu.iiijit u. ......... , -- '-"i" i'lono 11 fiii-ti- IUI...IV......; .,. iiccum. ,- , , 1, , .,11 ,1, . , ,( r 0 v concerned . ... . .1 . . I ."o1 ' inn we arc nnauic 10 say ai ion wriung. 1 lie Illoonnburg Senliiul prints tlm week a repoit of the Sunday School Convention which eimrt appeared In Iho Cot.UMDlAN last week, All right, neighbor, we are willing yon should borrow from in occasionally, so that your read er! may have a Utile news onco In n while, but lien nu article appears over the initials of our reporter, we would like to have credit for it, A little child of l'laiiklin Killer's, on Iron ctrcel, on Tuesday last fell Into 11 kettle of hot water which hal been nlaceil on the lloor. 1 lie i lil was left asleep in tlio room, and the mem bers of the fimilv wlio had stepped out for n A new version of an old Rong '"Hoys, Viots, the tramps are marching." boys Our genial friend, John Schatz, of Mnutgom try county, is in our neighborhood buying cows. Hemlock promises to do bitter than ever, She wishes lo rcgiiu the delegate she lost in 187'-'. The silenco of the Itcpnblicans in this county is intlv commendable, for what cmt ll.ey s.iy for themselves? Sxow. We arc informed that 011 last Tues day morning there were four inches of snow on the Horth Mountain. The real estate of Adam fiable, located in 1,neut township, was sold on Satuiday Inst lo Peter Hower for $2,000. l!y tlio last number of the llentnn Hlciy we oli-crve that K. 10. Orvis, Ksij, lias withdrawn from that institution as ,1 partner. The iplootio is here again, in a milder f.irm, however, than Ik fore. Many horses in town, ami through the county are siillering from it. Some of our e uiti'iiipor.irics siy (hat the (lov ernnr elected Ibis year will serve louryears. Ib will not do no until after the election of 1S7S. The voteis nf our county are getting arou-ed, and (lie meetings already held have been sue eis-fol. Lit eveiv vote be polled and we will score "2,'ll)0 majority for Pishing and I'iollet. Jacob S. Hv.un will sell at public, sale on llie 'JStli iu-l. at his lesiilcnce in (irecnwiiod town shin. .1 larirelolof slock, farming uti n-ils, anil other things pcitiining ton well-kept faun. I.ycnnihig county juries pass away the time when nothing cle is to tlo by pitching pennies, We witnes-i il this operation the olhir day from our olliee windows. '.'iri'ii;?. Our jobbing ilqiartmeiit is complete. Any kind of win k from the smallest cards to the lar ircst Hosiers priuteil in the nea(et 111:111111 r on shoil noliee. in pi ices we are ready to com pete with any c-tablMimciil in the county. Mi'-jR'. On Monday I:i-t an itinerant band of musicians with four boms (brass,) travelled .our streils, and bv hard blowing and some ex .cellent inilsic, depleted the pockets of some of .our libiral eili.ens of stray nickels and copiers, A Js'i:v l'i:Nni:N'nAitv. The (,i:tlle .t llul Idi aiilit 11 "pro-perniis, Ul. nuiiagul pcnilin tian"t Williaui'iioit. We sujipose the pen- ule of lArouiiiiL' will agiee to lill it with their uwn citiieaf, to as to make it ''prospeious." Oil. I'iollet 'till address Turbot Orange, No, J 19, on Saturday, Oct. 10th, on the fair grounds of the Milton and l'leawmt Valley Agricullinal Soeiity. Jt is lo be a ba-kcl pic-uie, and of .'.iiiivi. lln-r.. u ill bo nlcnlv to cut, and lots ol good talk. Dl.Mocit.VTK! llANNUU. The standing coin lnittce, at their lat nicling, decideil lo presmt u lino banner lo the township showing the hug ebt lierccutage of gain on the voto for (ioveinor this year coiiipaud wilh llie vole ca-t fur J.liu '.tenant IJoirnor in 1871. As this is llioslovo pipo sea-on, we give the 6'olliraiug excellent suggestion from an exibaugei 5n ii,.'tiio!' 1111 slove nine remember Ihat II ai...r ... I., t.. IW ilii.ni'.'ii iliinr. !lllll tl .iv liWrfiiiim no axe will knock thunder and lightning out of any joint. The new M. ii. church, near White's school boii-e, in Oraugevillo eiieuil, will be dedicated on tlm Ills! of Oitobir. l!ev. .1. J. l'uirce, of Williamsport, and I'ev N. H. J'.uckiiigham, pre siding elder of Danville di-tricl, will olliciale on the occasion. A cuiilial invitation is extiiidcd tn all. 1'. tii:.vitii.viiT, 1'a-lor. Mr t'iaik, prc-ideiit of llie lVishiinj ( 'lub ut Ibis place, has appointed as an exieiilive rom jnittcetliu following named genlleineii : John 11. C'a-ey, Andrew Snlluler, J. M. CI.uk, M. M. ltuvs.1 iiud Henry Yo.-l. Wo failed to mention .last week Ihat licorgo Ilas-eit and Jacob li. JimilJiad bum elulisl vice pusldeiils of our club. OIHTlMtY. MIIS. MAIKIARKT tWkK. After n lingering llliusi of scvcml years, e.irly nn Thursday morning l'10 "t'1 ''"'i Jlrs. Mnrgarct Slnan to her 11 mil re ward. She will bo icmenibercil llio widow of tlio Into Mnlor William Bloali, who wni There will be n Democratle. niccllng held nt Dear sir! As I nm taking too many counly 0110 (if tlio pioneers of our town nml among liv soiioinayou w obligo Wm. II. Snyiii:ii. lours respcctiuiiy, ic., The econoiny of Mr. Snyder Is roinnicndable, nlthoiigli llio mntlcr bs just occurrid lo lilin. On account of hard limes his sahuyhas only been increased titSI.HOO. Of course Ids millions tho llr.it to enter iipnu lmiliic?s cnlcrprlsca here, being tho founder of tlio widely known Onrringo Manufactory now carried on by bis Hims tinder the firm namo of St. 0. Sloan & Brother. Though lor n long timo a nud'ercr with tlio disease Hint tcrininnlcil ncr 1110, u inny uu said that Mrs.Sloau sctau cxainplo of patient 1'rcsli arrival of Illnnkcls. l,nn Holies. and UnlTaloei, llud'alo Ijlnlns nml liordcr. l'nnli! lirli'cs nl ('. .4. I'nrmniiV Kimuai Himayi smitrsi Kino Dress Shlrt, l'erealo t-hirls, b'ino Chovolt Slilrls, Hoy's Shirts, Tho only rcllablo fitllim Blitit is nt J). Lowcnberg's. New Grocery Departmental I. W. Hart- man s. Al the former niccllng there wns a large at tendance, notwithstanding the short notice. Charles Ncibart was selicled as prc-ldint of the inciting, and J. S. (I rimes secretary. W.J. Iluckalew, chairman of the Standing Commillie, addiessed tlio crowd, slating llie is sues of thu campaign, and defining thu position of our cindldatcs. lie was followed by ('. 11. lliockway and W. II. Shoemaker, lhmloek ttill tlo in, The Kspy uiieting was well attended, and or ganized by electing l'eler Kut president. It was moinent weie liastily summoned liy (be screams addressed in an able manner by lion. Ilcnige 1). iii:.moukatio mi:i:tiniis. i,,.r .0Ut'H Wivnllon her fnltli wns not only The campaign opened in this county 011 Mon- ,..i i,,.,,,.!,,, ,t li w,w well built up into ay evening nisi ni iiucKiiorn nun i.ignimicu. 1)k, w1()1u Hll.,lctr0 r her lilo by dally ex f tlio child. It had awakened and liy some means fallen into the kettle. Its injuries are se rious, and little hopes are enteitaincd of its re covery . A child of Mr. Wash. Shearman, who resides at Illack Creek, l.uerni' county, had his finger severclv crushed with an axe on Tuesday, O. t. th. The doctor was sent for 11 day afleiward, but as mollification had already set in il was too l:i(o to s ivi! tho linger. It was amputated suc cessfully by Dr. I.. S. Creasy, of Mifllinvillo, Columbia coiiutv. The child was about two and 1 half years old. It is now gelling along finely. SfHMln: At Aspinwall Corners, Columbia township, Mr. (leorge Kaiihauks cut bis throat wilh a jackknlfo, so .successfully curving out his intentions that bodied on Thursday night of l,it week. The jugular vein was parted, lie had been out of his head for sonic time and no good reason can be assigned for bis self destruction, except for causes arising from ins aberration. lie was a man of considerable means, vnd left a wife and two children. llivilfurd .liyns. Wi ticid hi-t week llio death of Charles Hay, of .Suiibuiy, who was killed 011 the cais at l.ime Uidge. We clip the following front the Jackson, 1'. . nr. l-'sii., and lion, C, li. llucknlew. Scott will keep her third ilcligalei and do well in November. In fait, Il always was n safe township, and contains some of our most active Democrats, crel.se. During tho last four or fivo years ol her lll'e she vvns unable Ingntiplo llio House of the Lord lo engage with Uod's pcoplo In thu public services of tho sanctuary, but in 111 vnlo devolinus nt tlio family nltar, 111 which sbo ulwiiys joined with heart and voice, llio simplicity of her soul wns most ben u I i In liv displayed. Slio was "a mother in Israel" whoso lieait did not grow weary in "vvailiii!.' for tho consolation," and in whoso eyes tears of joy would oltcn stand when "the glory that shall lio revealed, wns sunken ol as the christian's hope. Slio wns brought up under the inlluenco of tho teach ingsnftlio 1'icsbjlerian Church, but some fifteen or sixteen years ngo sho connected herself with llio ProlcslaullCpiscopal Church, Largo variety of Mens nml Hoy's Kin Hoots just received nt H. M. Knorr's. Calico. S els.. I) cts. and 10 cents al I. W. Itnrlmnu's. Men's Kaney Slippers nt 15. M, Knorr's. 100 pairs of WooMtoio at I. W. llnrl- man's, JO cents to 1,00. &I.00 will buv von n nlcu set of Wlilto Dialled nl I. W. llartniaii's. A Democratic ineeting was lield at Diellerick's mid received the rile of Confirmation. school house in Montour (own. hip on last Tues day evining. The nllcndaiico was fair, nml cx celluit ndilics-es were delivered by 11, l-rank Zirr and 15, H, Orvis, 15-is. The eonuplion in the adininislration of the government, ami the finance question were fully di-eus.ed. The meeting at the Ilnlf-way llou-o in Cen tre tnwndiip, was well attended, and the vital issues of the day were fully disiiisscd by W. J. Iluckalew and C II. Ilrockw.iy. Joseph l'ohe presided. He is now aged So years, fought in the war of 1812, and isyit halo and vigorous, and will bo null at llie polls in November. Tin: Ai.i.r.N'TowK Run. It was the be-t we ever saw. iSe.iiitilully shaded grounds, loiui- tains, handsome and permanent buildings which protected the goods displayed, nod hots nf u'n- jih It showed what liberal adveilising would do. They let the people of the County and State know that Ihev were going lo have a good ex hibition ; anil in fact excelled even the Stale fair. The senior Kdilor of (lie Cnl.u.MMAX was there to address a political meeting. In speak ing of it the Allcntown Democrat says : Tiie meeting on the opposite side of the square Mrs. Sloan was born in Illoonisliurg in 1 SOU. and at the timo of her death wns about 7". years old, All her days were spent here, nml witli her lias passed away another of those who have witnessed the many changes of nearly three-quarters of a century in this communily. Sho lelt n lnrgo circle ol rela tives mid friends who will cherish her memory as "tlio memory of tho just" which "is blessed." Mho funeral ceremonies were held in St, Paul's Kpiscopal Church, and were attended by a largo concourse of people, The remains wcro interred in Knscmomit Cemetery Noillnnnlicrland I'Mie i'Tiw The Coronor's Jury decidul that the iinfoilu- nate man was shot before oeiiur tun over. went out on his train on Tuesday evening, and should havu been back lo Suiibury at 0 o clock .... r...i,,...,i.,.. ,.,,;., 11.. .... .,,,1 .... ,, L.....r...V .... ..... ..... .... ..... . .. r. I . h-i.i- , , ... ..,.-,,.l 10111 llie Irani until 11 nan run auoiii -jo nines i-...- ... "... ...... ........... ... iiik oeen ua nu.eii 111 nn.im v, mm ...........v.. this side of l.ime llidge, when they went back a nio.t excellent clioice. He III a slicrt spucli, . , .... . ., ,, Wm IcniK f f.ir 1. in -iii.l I.. li in ...it in nieces P" eo eiieeuve, imreoueeo as 1 uc nr-t s iiaser .. " , . ,T lor la 1 111 and lound liim nil lupines. 1 fi,,,..,,, V,,rt ininnton countv. Her MISS CVTUAHIXi: lllUllI.EMVV. The subject of this notice was the datigh ter of 151 las and Catharinu lieidlcimm, ami sUter of Jacob Ueidlcmnu of Illoomsburg slie was born in Northampton county March 10, 18IKS. Her health) had appeared tube reasonably good, but on the 1st inst sho was suddenly stricken down, and on tho 1th her s lirii. imsscd to tho (lod who iravo it. She was a member ol tho Lutheran Uliurcli.lmv- On Monday last, the 1 1th int, Samuel llogart who was committed to jail for the killmg of his falher-in-kiw, W. A. Kline, a few weeks since, was brought before Judge Klvvell and Associate Judge Mouioe on a writ of Habeas Corpus. The examination oeeiipiid much of theday.and 1 largo numbirof people were in attendance. We nfiain fiom giving any of the testimony as the case will probably bo died 111 December. l'lio lesult of the healing was that llogart was held in 810,000 bail, which being furnished he was iiidered to be relca-cd. Tn it Opinion. Judge Klwcll's late opinion, leliveied at (lie la-t session of the county court, on the subnet of thediserilionary power in the limits on ihe question of granting hotel licenses, 111 vvlucli he liolds dilleient views iroiii oilier Imlgi-s in the mailer, has elicited much com ment. Iliegineral verdict is t lint Judge r.l well is light. Our chief, who insisted to pas- the law, s.-ivs lliat lie is satisliid tliatsiuli wns llie intinlion of its darners. iMnvittc liihlUijm- UT. We can now breathe easy. We may Iiave bad some doubts before, hot now Ihat Judge 121- will is sustained by Captain Chalf.int, we feel auivd of the eorrielness of the decision The Democratic managers of this senatorial disliict aie gilting Foinewbat anxious alioul the illilude of Ihe Don. Thomas Chalf.int, of Mou- lour. .Mr.Chalf.ini is a iiccullar politician to leal with, and when he has 11 good thing for a while, he, like Oliver Twist, wants more. Ho is now liiiulv of the bcliif that he is entitled to ill senatorial nomination for another term, notwith standing there are three anxious patriots wait ing aiound for a slice oil the same toil. I here is a general felling that Chalf.int would enjoy a Itcpiiblicnu nomination which he eeitainly cannot get in tho event that the conference at Illoomsburg next week does not put him on the liekit. (.'u:. iv llul- (i:l, On Saturday afternoon of la-t ttcik, as I)r Tinner was about lo git in Ids buggy in front ol l.ul. N- Sloan's, the horse suddenly took frigid and started up the alley by the Court House on a keen jump. Tlio wagon was left nt the door of Ablatl's barber shop, and the hor-o was caught at the head of Ihe alley. In its sboil run it caused unite an excitiincnl. anil il a cer tain gcullem.ni who was coming down the alley had not placed him-elf pnlly rapidly iu-ido the Conit House I'uieo, llie Democratic Standing Coinmittie might have bun without a Chair ... . ... .. .....I...... man. VYe unilei-slanil llie nr. nuencii in- uorsu afler a few pief.itorv remarks launched forth in to llio issues connected Willi llie present eanvu-s. lie was most linimv nod eleuanl in Ins remarks. His ai-Lrii itit-ut was calm, earnest, dignified, full of facts, making points against the Itadieal par ty iv Inch wcro unaiisweraolo and which laid bare tho hypocrisy and scouudrelisiu of ihat rot ten and corrupt ori.'aiii..iliou. His exposition of t'ie financial question was clear, thorough and convincing. ICvery 0110 present was made lo leel the outrages being perpetrated upon the la boring peoplu by the present system of our fi nances, where millions and millions go untaxed at the expense of those w ho are compelled to la bor. Jle reviewed all the vital questions at is sue in a statesman-like manner to the satisfac tion of all who were unbiased, and who weienot so wedded lo the prevailing prejudices of tho Kadical lurtv as to banish their good sense and judgment. His speech wxs greeted wilh great applause. Couuniuilcnled. LOYALTY TO JOHN HAItl.l'.YCOllX. When John ll.irleyeorn once gets a subject he generally keeps him. Now and then one breaks away, and ever after treads soflly fur fear of fall ing. The little army who have descried Ihe ranks have a light for a lifetime before them. The nephew of Ihe Uto Thud. Stephens was in the habit of taking u drop too much. Indeed consideiing his weakness one drop was always too much. The "(Ileal commoner" had no no tion of leaving his money lo be spent in giii.ling whisky. Soke provided ill his will that bis nephew should have a considerable part of his e-lato providid lie remained temperate for six years; that is, did not once wit Ids whistle 111 all that time with old llouibon. The nephew start id out, but has already stumbled in ids cold water race and has probably lost his fortune. He should have gone to no inebriate asylum and Hindu a contract wilh tho keeper thai lorsix veirs only cold water should have dominion over him and soak him internally. At Ihe ex piration of that time lie would have been in iplindid condition to enjoy his fortune. As (ho luw stands lie is piohubly doomed to cheap whisky all his days, and a fortune goes in some other ihnnncl. Here is a poor fellow, who iiild not be hired for a mutter of a quarter of a million to "purge and live cleanly" for six years What a tyiant nigns under the plau-iblo exto rter of John 1I,vi:i.i:vloh.v. Tlie i'llt-toii Cumi'l furnishes Its readers wilh the following historical skilch of the cnlerpiis- iug village of Ilerwick : Ne.uly a bundled years ago 15van Owi-ns, a Scotchman of some means, came up the river in faitii ill her Savior never faltered, nml she died in tlie hopo of tho faithful. Her re mains were buried in Koscnuint Cemetery 011 Kiiday last. Thus 0110 by one, with tho falling leaves, is a generation passing away. Sl'SAK K1SSKV. Miss Kinney died at tho residenco of Mrs. linbbins in this place, on Saturday Oct. Utli aired 7:2 vears 1 month and 9 days. At an early ago she c.uno from Northampto: counly lo Hemlock Township, and recently removed to this place. Sho wns well known in our community nml highly respected. Overcoats! Overcoats I Overcoats! for Men, Hoys and Children. (ireat llargains nt 1). l,owcnbcrg's Ladies, vou will find in stock nt CInrk & Woll's, Cashmeres, black and colors, of the latest sluides, al prices 10 win uie uniea. Uubber Hoots at MoKinncy's. Jacobv lias opened his "Oyster Hay." Try his ' cent stews, or his lino oysters by the quail. Ladies, did you sec that largo case of HU 1 11'.. ,1-.' ..i"r. v (11, oons, nu ui i ceuis per yarn, iiuiu a.u. 7 inches wide. Slonoivnre nt I. W. llartniaii's, Men's Calf Hoots, best in ni.nket for S at 15. M. Knorr's. 5.00 NliwGooiw. New Goods. received at 15. M. Knorr's. All kinds jiift If you want a good Ham, If you want cheap and good -Tea, If you want Collec Java or Uto, If you want good Canned Krult, If you want tlie best .Mackerel, If you want Sugar for the least money, If you w ml the best Syrups In town, If you w ml good Cigars, If you want good Tobacco. If you want anything in the Grocery nnd Inil'f.lnil tlllil ,.,) 1m lhlU.I-( t J Unit. .Irnnf tl-23 The constant increase in sales of tho Singer Sew ing Machines in 1S71 (when thev sold two hundred and foitv-ono thousand machines in 0110 year) shows that families havo learned their real merits and .advanta ges over nil others, and buy two thousand n weeic more "singers than 01 any other make. They having icceived the first premium by tho regularly appointed nnd competent .lunges i a lorincr Pair ol tins counly tile machines will this vear bo shown nt Iho of- lice in tho Opera lloiiso vvheio as cood or ueucr wore win be ilono man by any ma chine on tho I'air ground. Oct. 8 l!w flood clean Coal lo bo bad only of C. W Neal & lira. 32tf Cheese! Cheese I Cheese 1 of Cheoo al Hussd's. l'ine assortment rAitMims.Arri'.STinx. lli-ssi-i, tnl;e' llutier Kggs, Lard and Produce in exchange for goods. Don't be woiricd and .moved wilb not onlv a uior quality of Coal but dirtv and slaty besides, nit buy of C. W. Nll.u. 1 lino, who deal onlv in the best qualities. 02tf Wyoming Seminary and Commercial College, Kingston, Luzerne county, l'a.. has accommo dations for 175 boarders find 200 day scholars. Students received at any timo and charged for iKiard I r. 1111 the time ol admission, students prepared for college, teaching and huinc-s. Commercial cour.se and telegraphy unsurpassed. Common 1'nglish studies thoroughly taught. College preparatory course equal to that of any olhcr school. Send for a catalogue and a Com mercial Journal to ltev. 1). Copeland, Ph. D. Commercial students address 1'rof. L. L. Sprague. Out Meal for sale at Hussel's. Call and try it. If you want a first class Farm Wagon, If you want a Platform Pleasure Wagon, If you want an Lliplic Spring Wagon, If you want a Pleasure Wagon, If you want your Wagon put in good trim, If you want repairs dona cood witli short notice, Go to J. It. F.vf3. When you go to Philadelphia fltoi) nt tho Allegheny House, No. S12 and 81-1 Mar ket street ; having been recently renovated. Prico only $2 per day. A. lime, March 19,'70-ly Proprietor. HATS! 1IATS! HATS I Latest Styles. Lowest Prices, Largest Stocks, At D. Lowenberg's. COAL. Old IMaldivlieil Coal Yard. COAL. Go to O. (!. Mail's for Corsets, Yak Lace, Neckties, or lliillous. Applctou A iiiiislin 10 cents per yard per bolt. Fruit mid Hill yard wide muslins 12 cents per vuril iier bolt, ami oilier muslins in good variety, nt Clark t Wolf's. Oysters by tho gallon or quart, at Mussel's, For sale, all iroods for cash or produce at Clark & Woll's. It is wortli while to slop in and sco Hint hist lot of lino glass cologne and toilet hut tics just received at Moyer Hros.' drug store. Just received, I pieces moro of Waterproof at So, 1.00, nml 1.2') per yard, very cheap, at Clark ei Woll's. up to another viliiele iuiinuliatily and liiii-hul a peiiguo.i from HanMnirg, and finding it dilli- The tiwi'liHial Dramatic. Association gave 11 creditable 1 ,lo(laininciit at Ihe Opera House last night, In Ibu '.lesiulution of "Tho Hidden Hand." This cvinli.fc; liny will all appear as "The IIuiiiImiiiiu Husband." to be followed by a f.iicc. As Iho material of the Aisoeialion is made up entirely of home lalint, they Wight to be liberally palionled. -- Mr. H. A. Sues has eighty siholarsin iusde pirtuuiil, all of whom lie is supposed In over look and instinct dining school hours.-In,-vkl ii;uWnl. The gentleman above named is well known heie. Fiom bis success in limbing hi our schools, we have no doubt thai he fills his pics cnt contract In llieentiie snlb-fucliou of evi l)' body, DiiMocitAlU- -Ml.iril.N-ew. Iti addition to Heelings ulicady niiiiounctd, tlieiowill he meet- 1...I.I IIS fnllllUS! v. Cii uvl..,,. iii Masonic Hall, on Tuesday ....... ,t,, 1 1.1 mil,. At linclil.nm. Iii uliool house, on Monday ...v, I). I. ",'ilh. M MllUm Cross lloads, Heaver towmhlp, on 'Tuetday, Oct. 110th. Jli. jury In tho ca-.wif Joseph i iiuklik vs. ..i t.. 1. 1. i.t.. a. i.'.l Il.i.iul. Irieil la! the riiii'i'ieij'1"" v " ' 1 . ,1 week hi II Vi-Jdcr tt"'y ,'",U' ' , ie lie In fcWflf 'I'" plalnlifl-und gave Mm J..V, , 7. .1 ....,,. Tl,.. 1 lit wns bioliubl fir lw VZ yTj aeddnnnbasK.ig.rl.ahoino V L LIufiir l.oliml glvinhislieUt to li.. 1 f.miiif Inr. 2 'urlltumUrhiinl i'im Wo nmgratuluto Undo Joo, nnd will tlo-: with hlu the Wtllme vegoto Norl)iumUr- his ride. Aii'lPU.VT. La-l Friday Clarence Hillineyer, son of Charles Hillineyer, of Liberty township, this county, nut with a teniblo accident which may yet ie-iilt ill death, In placing a lille that he had been ii-ing luck into a corner it sliuek tho IriL'L'er of another gun standing there wilh others and di-cliargi'd it. The load fiom gun struck young Hillineyer in llie head near ilu, . v.-liriiw. teaiiiiL' awav 11 nassajre through ibo fiindal bene. On examination it was found Ihat the wound left a portion of the brain un covered, and hides d it Isfeaicd that asinall por tion of it was cariied away. Dr. MeCieary, of Mlllou, who attends the wounded man, says Ihat although old medical tctiiuony declares such a wound necessarily fatal, nevertheless he had seen, while acting as surgeon ill the army, c.ies where there had been slight loss of brain, and vit the palicnl iicovcrcd. The wounded 111:111 lies ill a very precarious state. Should ill- 1 ...! . .1 ...Il .. Ill I animation supervene no imuin uiv i.-m... ..... be fatal ; ntherwi-o by great cine and attention be mav ru-over. Ho beais Iho reputation ol be ilig a very worthy young tnnu. Jfonritte Intitli- cult lo iisccnil the Neseopee falls, landed upon Ihe wcstei 11 shore anil cimimpeil for the night. In the morning a partial survey was made-, and Mr. Owens coniluiled lu locale llieie. He was fiom Heiwick-upou-lhe-Twccd, and when II' town was laid out, naturally it received thcnuuio of Ihe place of Ids nativity. in Ihe old slago loach days H.-rwiik was an important n lay between Ka-tuu and Towauda, Northumberland and Owcgo, Hut as railroads, l iger bier and other Improvements wiro iulro- 1 1 K-i 1 1 into the, country, Herwick became Isolated, In common parlance was "knocked higher than 1 kite." so fir in business and prosperity were couccruisl. It was a dear, dead old town, until Iho Jackson & Wood in Manufacturing Cumin- ny took it in llieir hands, Now it is one of the most Ihiiviug towns betwcin Pittsou and llur risburg. A rolling mill, the largest car and ear wheel niauufaclory in tlie Slate are among its substantial meam for further development. Wilh few advantages, lieie is an i-x.iiuplo by which our Pitlston capitalists might le.it 11 a les- son, II lienvlcu, wiinoui coal onion 111 iisiiu- ineslhito neighborhood, can reach such 11 degree of prusperily, what is there not possible for i'illslou lo accomplish, where all these means TOWANDA HOOTS 1 TOWANDA HOOTS I Thu bet nnd must leliablu for everyone to buy. Try theni. For snlo at Melviu-ney's." Go to V, U. Marr's lli'r Water-proof Cloth. Go d (Calico at 8 and 10 cents per yard at Clark .t Wolf's. $2.00 buys, a good pair of Ladies Shoes nt Melvinuey's. Call and examine. Felt Skirts very cheap nt (J. 0. Marr's. Did vou seo IhiMo nice lamps in C C. Marr's windows? (J. C. Marr sells 15. Hutteiiek & Cd.'s Pat terns, thu best thing in the market. Ladies' and Gents' Underwear nt Claik & Woll's. G. W. Nr.Al. .c lino., Wholesale lletail Dealers in all s,ics ol the best qualities ol Itcd and White Ash Coal, at the very lowest market rales, lluvu constantly on hand large stocks of Domestic, Cupola, niaek.siuitli's Anthracite, Hituminoiis, and Liincburncr's Coal, l'spocial attention given lo tlie prepara tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain and Lumber taken in exchange for coal. Uo.il delivered lo nuv unit of the town al short notice. Orders lelt at 1. W. McKelvy's anil creates a ravenousappUlte, 1 ..ni in t ... W'lipn the lmwels am eiHtlve. siorc, 01 lie our oinic, i 111 ii-itou iiioiiqn in tention. Olliceand Y arils at illiam .eal Sons' Furnace, 15a-t Illoomsburg. Your patronage respect lull v solicited. COAL. 17-U-2.-.1 COAL The lllood owts lis fed color lo tnlmitc globules which lloat In that iluld,nnd runlnln In n licnllhy pt?i-son, n lanro amount ol Iron, vrlucli gl '-os v llalll y to Iho bloil. Tlio Peruvian Hi nip supplies the blood with lids vital elem"nt, n'ld Klve-sslreiifrlti anil Miror lo (lie v.liolo sjslein. - i - IiYSI-KPStA. 1JYSP:PMIV, IIY-PKI'SIV. l)spepslu Is tlie Inost iple.sln of all hum in all Incuts. Its nvinptom ure almost lnllnlto In their vnilety, and tho (otlorn nnd elcspondeiit victims of tho rtlscnso oltcn fanny tlieniselves llio proy, In turn of every known malady. This Is due, In pari, lo llio closo sympathy which exists between tlio ttomnch ami the bruin, nnd In part al-u to tho fact that tiny disturbance of tlio elUestlvo function ncTcsMully disorders Iho liver, tlio bowels nml the nervous hjb- tem.nniletrects, to somewxlcnt, tho quality of tho blood. I, i:. r. Kunkcl'n Hitter W'lno of Iron a sure cure. Tills Is not n new preparation, lo bo tried and found wanting; It lias been prescribed dully lor many ) cms In the practice of eminent plijslclans with unparnl. ole 1 sticc -ssj It le not oxpieteJ or intended lo cuie all tho diseases to which tlielimnan family Is subject, but Is warranted to cure dyspepsia In Its laoslobsll uatefonn. Itunkel's Hitler Wlno of Iron never falls loeure. s-;iuptonnof Iiyspepslaitro loss of appetite, wind nnd ilslng of food, dryness In lnou'li, licurl burn, distension of tho stomach and bowels, const 1. putlon, lieadaclie, dl.-lness, sloeplessness and low spirits. Try tho great remedy unit to convinced uf Its merits, (let llio genuine. Tuko only Hunkers, which Is put onlyln Jl buttles. l)cpot,Si9 North Ninth Nt., Philadelphia. l'or sale by nil Uriijnrlsls and dealers ovcrywlicre. lAl-K WOIIJI r.idlrely removed with purely Vegetable lneitlcliic, passing from tho system alive. No fee until tlio head passes, t'omo nnd lefer to patients treated. Dr. i:. ft Kiinkel, No mil North Mnlu M. l'lilladel phla. Ailvlcolree. Kent, Pin nnd stoinach Worms also removed. Tho medicine for removing all othcis but Tape vvurni,cuu bo bad of jour druggist, ask for Kl-NKKL'S WOHM HVIU-f. l'lll'O ft. V. V. KUIlkt-1 1'lillJdelphla, l'a. 0 AN l.MPOliTANT l'ACT. Tho voluntary testimony of thoumnds establishes beyond nil doubt 11 fact of vital Importance to th" rlcl; and debilitated, elz.thatllostetler'ssiomuclilllt tcrslsan absolute specific tor rcinllleiit and luteriiilt tont fever, djsiiepsia, constipation, blllousniiss. men tal depression, sleeplessness, chronic iinirrbioa, and all diseases of the stomach, liver, anil bowels. The nriuieilleated stimulants usually prescribed In these cases only aggravate the symptons, Instead of re niovlng them. The Hitters on the contrary, ait as a corrective nnd luvloriint, without pioduclng the unpleasant and d.uigeiuus consequences ol tho old school practice. The aillon Is mild and soothing to the In-Hated stomach and bowels, promoting illses tlon nnd preventing tlatiilcncy, nausea, lie-ad.iche an 1 all lnlosllnal it regularities. A wlncglassful be fore meals greatly assists illjrostloa. Tho convales cent may use them wilh great boncllt. win means of rcbloilug slicnylh and cheerfulness, Till! OlIUAT ANTM'DllloniU The certainty and promptitude with vthlchllostet tcr's stomach Hitlers compiler tlio most obstlnato cases of malail.it disease, and tho completo protec tion which they afford tho system against the ml.is tnallfl poison which linpre.-iiatestho nlruf luvv-llns, marshy localities stamp I hem as the foremost of Ametlcin antlperlodlcs. Vcet-i-vi- on thlscot.llncnt lever and u'fiie Isa legular vl-llnnt In (ho bottom lands of the South, tho new clearings and milling dlsl 1 lets of tho West, and In all localities In the East ern and Mlddlo Stales wheio inalatla prevalles, the Hitters are lecognledas tho only true tpcctile for Iho dUeuso, and Its most rcllablo preventive. They are, moreover, a safe and agreeable as w ell as a cer tain remedy, and on this account aie Immeasurably supei lor to the preparations or quinine, arsenic bi? inutli, and other mlliclral poisons mlstakeniy;.ulmln litercd as curat Ires for maladies caused by miasma, and which It perslited In work Irreparable Injury to the constitution. Unfortunate!-, fever and ague, nnd theotlicrfcbrlle complaints generated tiy ml.istna, are not llie only evils which result from It. A great vnilety of disor ders aie superinduced by the In nation which It causes. Among theso nro neuralgia rhoumallsn, gout, peilodlcal lieadatlio. palpllutlon, palnf ul alTcc tlousof the spleen, and various derangementsot the stmnach. When traceable to 1nal.11 la, tho above at fed Ions nro apt to assume, like tho euScuso which originated them, an Intermittent typo ; that Is to say they iccur at regular Intervals. Hosteller's Hitlers, however, obv lutes them all, by banishing tho inlas ni.Ulc v lrus from the sj stein. CONSUMPTION CAN HI! UUllEII. Schcnck's l'ulmoiile sijrup. Schentk'sM-a Weed Tonic. behenck's Mandruko l'llls. Are tho only medicines that will cure Pulmonary consumption. rreiiieully medicines that will slop a cough will occasion tho death of tho patient, they lock up tho liver, stop the circulation of tho blood, hemorrhage follows, und In fact, they clog tho action of the very organs that caused the cough. I.berCoinplalnland Dyspepsia nro tho cause- of two-thirds of tho caes of Consumption. Jliuy persons complain of, a dull pain In tho side, con stipation, coated tongue, pain In tho shoulder blade, feelings of drowsiness and restlessness, the food lying hcav liy on the stom ich, nccompalned w it li aci dity and belching up of wind. These sj mptoms usually 01 Iglnale from a disordered condition of the stomach or a torpid liver, Persons so affected, it they tuko one or two heavy colds, and It the cough tn those cases lio suddenly cheeked, will Had tho stomach and liver clogged, re maining torpid and Inactive, nnd almost before ihey ;ire aware tho lungsure ti mass of sores, and ulcerated tho result of which Is death. f-chenek's I'almoiilo Syrup Is an expectorant which does not contain opium or nn thing calculated lo check a cough suddenly. schcnck's Sea Weed Tunic ilKsoIvcslho food, mlvcs with the g.istile Juices of the stomach, aid i digestion Ono person for (lovernor of the coinmonvrenllli ot i-eiiimjirnioii. line ixrnnn tor Male TrpSMnvr. one iii-i-son for Senator for (lie Wth illsltlct, com posed of Iheeounllesot Columbia, Lycoming, .Mon tour nnd suifiviiu. one person for Associate .tuilsof th county of cnlumlil.i. 0110 liemou ror rintuotieliry. one ik'iwhi f ir rtegfsler nml lticoiilcr. one in rwui for Ti-essun'r. Three s-i sons for Coinmlssloucis, (but no elector to vole for lunre tlinn two persons ) Thlee is rsons lor Auditors, piui. no olnctor lo vote for mole I haii t wo persons.) It Is further illrpcletl that the Plectlon poll of tlio seveinl dlstrlcls shall be osiitsl iitM'Ven oVIuek In Hip forenoon, nnd shall cotitlinw ots'ii without Inter lupllon or ndlouiliinenl until seven o'clock In the evening when the polls will is- elosed. Pursuant to the provisions contained In the 1Mb Mrs-lion of llie Act of Ihe Hennrid Assembly belnif "A fiiilhcr supplement lo the, nit regulsllng elec tions In this Cumiii'mwoRltti, ' npprovenl .Inn. tT 1S7I. siauos IB. As soon ns Ihe polls shall close. III" ofllei-rs of election shall proceed lo count nil the votes cast for each riiiidldnte voted for, und make 11 full nl urn of the same in lilplleHti, with 11 1 tut 11 sheet In ndcllilon, In all of widen the votes is-i-'-lved bj eni.li e.itnlldat.' shall l- (riven lifter Ids nl- her name, tlr I in words and again In llgiirt s, end shall be signed bj nil of said oflleers nnd ii-rlltlid by ovct seers. If nnj, or II not bo eel lifted, ttieov"iw-eisnnd mi) onie.-r refusing to sign or i-(KI(, Or illliei-of Ihein, shall wilie upon eaeli ot the returns Ids or their rciisons for not signing or certtrjlng Ihein. The vole, as soon as eminled, shall nHo l piil'llcly nnd full) dei In led from (tie window lo (hi citizens presint. and a Inlet slatcmeni showing the votes leeelved by each candidate shied Iv mad" nnd signed by lb" elect Ion nniceihiessoonus the vote Is collided, and Ihe snnie shall be liainedhilely Hisled up on llie door of llio election bouse for lnlorinatlnii of tlie public. The lilpllealo returns shall Is' i nclosed in etivi loios and bo sealed In presence of (lie ollks-rs, und otie fiivelo'.c, Willi the iiiiue.iled return sheet, given to the Judge, which shall e.intalu one list of volers. tull'-piiiicr. and outhsor nlheers, and nnothet of s.il.1 eiiveiiiH's sliidl is- given to Hie inlnoilt) In-sis-etor. All judges living villhln (wclve miles if the prothonr.f.ir.v's olliee, or within twenly-fuiir miles, If Ilu li re.sldei.ee be In 11 lint 11, village or city up in Hi'- Hue (f a railroad leading (o t'lecoiinlv seal, --hiill. hemic two nfloek IkjsI mi llitlnll of thi ll.! V after llie ell-ell -n, and nil olhir bulges ahull. Infotc (wclve o'cliH'lc ineiiillau of llie seioiul d.iv ulter Ihe ileetlou, deliver said return, logeihei wilh return shfs l, to tlio prothonutnry ol tlie court of coi-1-i.on pious 1 1 (he county, which said reluin slice t sli ill tio tiled, and Ihe day and hour of tiling murk. ,1 thereon, and shall hcpii-scncd hy lie plotliunuUir) fur public inspection. V.ISO, Ihul where a -lude. by sickness or utmvnld 1- ble iieelllent, is Ullllllle to attend, till II the lellltleule ir leiiou slinll hi' taken 1 litirge 01 o..-one i,f (he In sis elorsorilc-ksot the el-s-ilon of the dl.tilii, -.vl.o shall do and perform tie- epulis n-ptlied ol said Judge uuiible 10 attend. , ... 'Hie lolluwlng Act of Assembly, regulating tho mod" of voting in .the commonwealth of l'l-nnsji-vanhi, was pusisod Malcli 10, l-ss, und leads thus: M.eitos I. 11.-11 enacted by the Senate and House of Kcpi'cscnt-illvo of the Coiiimonttcullh of Penns.vl vnnl.i In (1- ncrnl Assembly met, and It Is horeU.v on ncti (1 by tlie nuthoillyof the same Hint the tpiaillled voter, of the severiil districts In the sovotul counties of tills commonwealth, nt.HI gencinl, township, bor oji.1i and sp-cl'il elections, an- hereby lioieuricr ntitliot Isi'd and reiiulrcd to vote by tlcl.i pi prlnlcd or wiltleu. or puitlv pilntid and parll.v v.iltleu, ui ver nllv classified ns follows: erne tk-kei .m.ill embrace the nanus of all .ludgos ot Courts voted ror. and labelled, outside, "Judicial') i" one Hi net shall em brace llie names of all thu Istate onicers voted for, and lo be labelled "State;" .1110 ticket shall einbriirsj the names of all county ollleers voted for, including the olliee of senator, and .Members of As seml'lv, It voted tor, nnd mcmberi of Congress, It voted tor, and lie labelled "I'oiinly : ' nno ticket shall embrace Hie names of all townsldpnmeeis volcdlor, and lie (.Hulled, "Township;" ono ticket shall cm brace Hie names ot nil borough olllccri voted fur, and bo labelled "lica-ough." skctioN'.1. That ltbhall Is: the duly of thohherltf In llio several counties of Ihe I'ominonweulUi loln scit In their election proclamations, lieieultcr Issued the urst seel 1011 ot I ids net. NOTIC15JS Hl-;i:l5HY fllVKN, That every person excepting Jie-llces of tho Peace and Aldeimcii, Notniles I'ublie and l'ers-ns Is thu 1'illltl.i service of.lhu Mate, who shad hold or shall within two monllis have held any 1 0 or appolnt in ut of pi out or trust under the l 'n" ;d staei's.or ot this slate, and city orcorporutcd dlslrlil, whi'thcr a commissioned olllecr ol otliei wlse, .1 subordinate oltlc rorngcntwlio Is or shall be emptoed iindor the l,eglsl.uur.', Kveciittve or .ludlei.oy Depaittii.'nt of lids state, or of liny city or or uiiv Incorporated district, unit also, that every member of Congress nnd ot the state Legislature, and of llio select or common council of any 1 Hy. or comuils-loners eil 1111) Incoriwrated district, is by law Incapable ot holding ore.scrcl'liiguLlliesamc lime Hie oilloe or appoint ment ol Judge, inspector or clcrl; of any election of this C,jinnioi?w calHi, and Ihat no in-pector, Judge or other ofllccr of such, elect Ion shall Is1 eligible lo be The I nsnecturs and Judge ot the lections shall ... 1... .....u.n.1... 1.1 .-.. nnihi titi-d fur holdill' tho election lu lliodlstrlit lo willed the n-pi-ellvoly Hl'.I.P TOMOTdCIW Xl'ltSlNII IxrANTS.- II is a conceded I'act that mothers who iiave tlio care, anxiety and draught of nursing in fants are weak and need tlio aid ol somo slrei-then'in;' tonic to make up tlie nour ishment iciHiired for tho ifrowth of the child. Ale. iiorler.and Iairer beer have oltcn been recommended. Of lute, since physicians have become aware that Port (Irapo Wine produced by Alfred Sneer, ofl'assaic, X. J., I .:.!...... .1 1: M....1 U i... is siriciiy pure uiuy iinn; iulsihaii 11. m- slead ol a 0 anil iiorler. 1 Ins w ine is lirin- cipally sought for by mothers who have nur sing infants as the best supply medium tube louinl. Tlie wine is ricli 111 body anil not in toxicating but gently stimulating, Druggists ircnerallv keen it. and sell it fur a dollar tl bottle. hiKuirtr. All C11.1l slated and screeiiid before leaving the old cslabli-hcd coal yard of C. W. Xi:vi. .v; Hito. a-11 When the bowels aro co-itlve, skin shallow-, or the symptoms otlicrw iso of 11 billions tendency Sehencl; Mandrake Pills are required. Theso mcdlcluefaiiro prepared only by .1. II. SCIIKNCK .v Sov. N. II. corner sluh and Arch sis PhlU. And ure lur sale by all druggists and ilealers. Tl'DKNHY'S HI. VNKS. Common and . ,lu ijiueiii H.inds. lust prlntcit -nd for sale ut tlie t'oi.e'MiiHN imieo. All kinds of Altorney'3 blanks ell nor Kept oil inn i ur pj-uiea eo oruer. '-r, f 1 or (Hen ll I,;. 1, '1 III. voli r: , ll id", 1 il and of 1.1 i naliorii ; In ttnillslrlet tn which be otnie i- v MM) period Of III ll-I'Mvtn in-.l," II coding said i ier 11 in, wni' hw 11 11, - 1 sfltrfne-rl onl sitom tiU' 11 villi .1 o, r find p.nilv I'llnli d nflldavtl I,, 11, r. 1 him. widen uiiiihiMt sinii iii-iiii, 1 ' 1 rosllwnce Is of 11)., ik-i".'!! ,, Imp, '1 awl the person m . I iiinlie: in 11 ,,i 1 ,, lake mid sulr-nTlia-a ti 1 ilu 11 1 , , partly printed nillilsvli, st iin. 1,, in knowledire and liellef. when mt.l uh , in (lint lie has been 11 el lien of tli. I nttesl Sf-sl-w inr one n.onlli, and of the coinnionwealtli of jsjun I- vsnln 1 that bo lion resided In the coiiiiii.nvircnltb venr, or. If lorniHrly a qiiiiline.1 elector ir n n.iih born cllixoi! llu-reof. unit has re-iiuned (heiefioin and riliiri.ed. ihul he lias rwlded niereln six moidis nel prois dlng snlil eli cllnn j that he has icsldcd lu the district In widen tie claims 10 1. a vnlp ror the lollod nf nl least two months Immediately pnsvdlng suld 1 lection; tin. lb" has not moved Into the dlsirlit for the pur)op a voting therein: that he baa. If In mt.i -I no )tars of age or upwards, mld a stale or niuiiiy tax tvlihln twoyenrs, whirh vvsa as sessed at lens) two months nnd paid at Isssl one month Ik fore the elerlloii. Iho said nnidnvlt shall also state when nml vtliere the lax cl-lmod to bn paid b) the idllnut was ussi'swd, nnd erfim and itliere and to whom iwldi andlhe lax ixsvlpl theic for shall Ik- produced fur I'Xiihilhntlon, unless ihe iimiiiil shall state lu his nnidnvlt Unit It bus been lost or dest roved, or that lie novel i-i-ei Ived nnv : una If a luitur.dired rillen, shall also state when, vtheic and l,v wli.il court he wns miliiralded, and slinll also lirontic" ni'iienmouieiii iiaiiiraiiaiioii lori-xamiii.e-itnn. Hilt If llio nelson so 1 iiilttioiir tlm rlvlil tn shall Ink" and suWrUs1 un nlildavTt that fie Is 11 un live bun citizen of die l idted Mtntos, or, If born elsi win re, Hindi stale the fai l in bis nnidnvlt, and shall piodiieo evidence that he has ln-en naturnllri-d 1, r thai he Iscnlllleil to clllzeiishlp bv reason or Ids f.ithei-s iipiundlullon. nnd shall furl li-r Mote In bis ullld.ivlt, Hint he is, at th" lime of mukulVg Iho nlllda vnt, of tlio ngo of twetily-one and und i- twenty-two tears; (hut he has Ihs-ii a clll.en ot the tnlleil Males one mouth, and has resided in lliesuu; nnv )eur: or. If a nutlve lioin ell ken of Ihe Slain and ii-nioviiiiiK r irom nnu reinnieu, null no lifts resmeii then In six inonlhs next prei-fdlngsnld electron, and III tlie eleelloli district I111l1tedl.1t4.lv ttn Inoiitnit tin . iclliig such ol -cll in, he shall Is. i nlltled to vote, idlhnugh In- shall not have pnid taxes. The Hf.ld uUld 11 Its of all persem making such ilabss, und tlio nnidutHs ur (lie wit a. sses to ibolr rosldeiiee Khali be in si i veu nv in.- oiertinii iwnrd, und ul the close or llecleellon tllev shall be t ficlnscd vv-tlb llie list iJ voters, lolly list and other pui'rs risptlrod by Isvv to ls!llii-dbv Ihe return lialgo with Ihe prothonotarj, nnd sh ill remain on til.- tucicttllh lulhe protbono tar.v "s oilk-e, sublect to exuinlnutloii us other elect Ion iiilnrs nre. if ihe election orilocrs shall Ilnd thut. he noplleuld iMsssossos nil the It !-ul ollallllealloiisor a voter ho shall bo permitted to vole, and bis namo shall be lidded (o Ihe list ot tuubles Hy I lie elect ton olllecr., the word "tux,' lslng added where lie claimant claims 10 vote 011 lux, und tin) word "uge, where he claims (o vote 011 age; Hie sumo vvonks being added by Ihe clerks In cncli ease, respective1). on Ihe lists of persons vollng at such clicllou. NBCTins 11. It shalt belswlulfor am iiuullflee zenof Ihe dlsiilct, notwlthshiudliig tho nnmoof (ho Coughs Colds, Hron chilis, Sore Throat, In llucnza, Croup, Whoop ing Cough, Hoarseness I.iverComplaint, Pains or Soreness in the Chest or Side, Weeding ut tlie Lungs, ami every iitTcCllonnt llio Throat, I.ungs and Chest, nres ecd liy cured In the Use of Ilu. VViirvii's IUIsvmok Wil.n e-iiKiiuv, which does not dry upa cough and leave the cause ls-lilml, as sth case with most remedies, but loosens It, cleanses 1 lio lungs and allays Inlta Ion, thus leiiuving the cause of Iho complaint. ........... I...r..,-,. .1,1. .11 o'clock in 111- lllOllllllLp. nun eachoi 'salllnspcctor-.i shall apixitnt one clerk, who &I1.1II lie a ounlltled vwlcr 01 sucn 01111 1 1. 1 1 case he person who sh.dl leeelve tlm second i.i;.i... i... ,.r ,.i..si mi- insnector shall notut- teud on the d.i) of nny elecll'-n, turn (he p, rson who shall have letelved tho second highest, niiinl-er of volesf'ir.ludgeul the lieu pice aiiig 1 ic -non muu ...w......toi in nu iii.n-e. And In cuso (he nci-son who shall have leeclvcdthe hlghc-t number of votes for Inspector shall not tiiiciui, 111c ivrnun i-iecieu ol,r Jmll nnniillit. all lllstlCCtOr 111 bis pl.lCC Ulld 111 case Iho person elected Judge shall not attend, then tho Inspector who received the hl?Iicsf, number of vutes shall appoint 11 Judge In Ids placu-or it an) vacancy shall continue In llio board lor Hie space ot one nouruuer mo iimo nsei. .j ... .,,-.. ...i, r,r ti. ni.-eiiere i be ini.dttled voters ot the township. ward, brdlsti let for vhliii sacli ollleers shall huve been elected, present ut such election shall elect one ot I heir number tu till such vacancy. II W illi 111, I 111 O 1I.V III 1111 SUIUIUl US&esMll'i, 11-- six-cllvely lo attend ut tho placo of holding every geneiul, special or township election, during the wholo time such election Is kepi open, for the pur po-,0 of giving informal ton to tho lusK-ctors and judges, when called on in 101.111011 to ine ngnioi any person assessed by them to vole al sued election, .....I .... CI...I. i.tn.-i- matters In relation lo the asses-,- llicnt US tllO Satll llisin-liois or ciuici "i mem dh.u. r M,,,n ti.omfi veil 111 I'O. No person shall bo permitted to vole at any elee Hon us aforesaid other Ihau 11 male cllUen, ot tho age of twentv-ono je.ns or more, who has been a cltlen of llio t'nlled states nl least one month, nnd who shall nave resiuen 111 uiuisiuiu ui, n-..a.. j.-... , nndlnllioeli-clloii dlstilct when-he oilers to veto two months Immediately preceding such election, und. it tcnly-two eurs of uge cr upwards, li.ivo wltlilntivo)i.arsp.ild 11 f-tnle or comity tax which shall have been assessed at least two months 1 uiid natd at least one inoulli before llie election. Hutu elll.eii ot Iho 1'ultud slates who has previously been iiiiuullllodvolcror this state and toturnod and who shall have lived In tho election dlstilct and paid tUXOS, US uroreSUUl, Sll.lll Ol) cuiuiiu i" ue Mini residing in lids state six months. Provided, that iltlciiC of the Culled States, helweiV; iho uge of twenly-ol.e 11110 ittcuiy-iii'i "im uy .' ,7.'.. -. ",'."' eleitlon dlsirlel two moiuiis, us aioies.oo, sn.oi nil-milled to vote although lli'.'y shall not have paid No person shall bopcimlttcd lo vole whose name Is not contained In (he list of tuxab e Inliablt.iiit-s tiunlshcd by llio Commissioners, uiiK-ss. I li'st, he produces a iccclpl for the pa.vmcnl v.tlhln two .tears eil a stale or counly tux assessed a-,reeabl) loihe Coiislllullon anil gitosuusiacioi) u.ui. i . . .... his oath or nllirinutlon nrtheoalli or nlllimullon of other, that he h.us paid such a tax, or 011 MIHne-o iiisiduccu receipt shull make until to the p.i.vei.t thcruot. second, It he claim the light lo vote by be Ine an elector between the ago of twenty-one and ttvontv-lvfo)ears, be shalldcpose on o.iihor ntlh mil lion llul he has resided In this Male ut least one vein- noxt bcloro his application, and mak" sueh inoof ot residence In tho dlstilct as Is tupilred liy lids a.-i, und Ihat he doe, vciily bellet-e from Ihe ac count given lilni.tli.it he is of uge aloicsaid, nnd such olhcr cv Ideiice as Is 1 cimlrcil by I his act; win 1 c. upon the nameot the person thus admitted to vole sluillbelnsi'tted In Ihe idpliab. tle.d list by the In spectors, and 11 not'- made opposlie th.-ioio by will. Hi" llio v.ord "tax," It ho snail I"' admitted lovoto by ictison Lf having paid lav ; or the word "ago by lie shall be adinlllcd 10 votubv icasoii of sucli age which shall bo called out to tlie ilciks, who shall mnko tlie like uoles on the list ot volers Uopiby " 'in all cases where tho nameot llie person claiming ....... 1 ..... r,,nt,,l nn Hie II. I liml-'icd llV llio 111111- ndssloners and assessni.or his tight to vote, whether t,..i.,ii tii.T.'i.iiiii-not. is obiccled lobvant ipudl'led nilen. li shall be the duty ot Ihe Hispeei il-, loo- limine siuh pcrsi.u on oath as lo I. is ipiuimeatloiis, ...i i. I,,. , i ,n.w t,. l.iii.i n-stiled wtlhlll Ihe Stuto fur one vear or uoin his ".ith slinll ! siinielent pnif Ilu rein, Ian he shall i.i.tkeprooi o.v m iras e.;m-o.-tent ttlin.-ss. tt in, shall be u iilalUIe(l elector, llial TllHAT TdH NCW Illlltsi; M.M.A- Nuvv that tlie hcalid piiuinier evenings have available. imssid, il is just tlie lime for nilerlailiimnls al .i .. n,.r.. II and (he particular one ol which llovv Hi - ... .. 1.I..I. 1 .... 'I'l... .. ...I. ii., .if f i-....eiil b.irii in ifliK-. wo propose loipeaic is lor nu oojcee in mm.. ....." v - .i. ' Mm 1 iimkil-booksof every cill- the origin of which Is not yet detenuhied, but ,en o'r HlooniMutrg ougnt lo bo enlUled. The. iu its operation is said to l,e. dillerei.t froni the , .lt... l,tl,ll,..,ri l,e Norm:. .Siboo l or- once l.liuoiu e iliisiiy, iioo loo ii.,.-.m-ji.,. ... ..s mitory dipcnds gieally upon Iho amount of becoming epidemic, induces an eminent vcterl- ... ,i , i, r,,!..,! f.,i- Unit iiuriiosi-. and nary surgeon lo make public the following leni- llioot i it.... - . . i . - ,, it is lliiiefoieour duly us citizens to put our edy Mr incney iiisiae; in mo ursi pi.ne, .l.nulilirs to the wheel nnd assist the enterprise wiicn mu piuoui -.;,i'i'"" i"" b, every possible iiuunier. Wv have plenty of apply n strong soliillon of cau.iil.or o ho 1.1,10 Hi vt. 1 . .. I . i'.l... ..l 1 .... iiLinun Itili.rntillv fidtililiU. 1 ... ...1,.. I nl fm irivn nil OXCL'llt'Ill I'll I Ut IHU UMlMiut imi m r "i.imi " ' eilalume.,.; nnd we suggest .bat this talent be tiring twenty dmpsof the tincture of Iheiieonlto .1 ... ..1..1 ,.. -s--i I,, il,.. Ooira House root ill nu ounce of water every hour for eight for the purpoie ol ,hl.,g fund- for the Normal or leu hours, followed by twenty giulns borach. sihoof A luushid peifofiniince eoiil.l bo pic nciu in warm .vaier, e-xicniu.iy ,.,,. ..B s- siiilcl will, less double Ib.in any oilier kind, as laid nml la- seed poultliss lo the. tl.roal every .. 1. .i.,.t,,u! ibu innnv other three hours. WI.110 l.etes much irritation In musicians of the low. would ftiriil-h ample ma- the threat, with coughing, give ten dici,,' of the . ,. 1.1 1, 1 d-.iiliana lira- tlntturo of belhidiuia cv'.y hour alte-tli'Ucly witli " . ' .. 1 1. ........ ..ut h.fiictnrv I ibu tincture of aconite. Boll feed and n stable. 11. alio pel 101. 1. 11111 1 1 mm 11.1.111 ...... v . r .....I 1, 1.1 t.u ui,."etioii fail teiiiiicralureofseventyile-grceisarulndlspensable, 1 , , ' ! .ik,.- It il ,-a.rv it Ihrough, The disease is essentially of cryptogainlo origin . d c predi t II at the Interest pf t,U rmm- can only Is, uverexime by such iigc.ls as act X In the piospcrlly nf tlio School will be ...an- dlrcefly and s,:ccincally ..ki.i the n-orlc dovel- lfe-itr.ll by n pnektel lioilic, T " IMPOItTANT NOTICHI .Specialties just received nt 1). LovvcnbeiK's, Cents' f'ashniero Miilllcrs, dent's Silk Miilllcrs, Clouts' Silk Handkerchiefs, dents' l.incii 'laudkerehlofs, (Jents' Linen Cull's, Collars, &u. fstill lots of all kinds of Dress Goods al bottom prices at Clark & Wolf's. Farmers in want of first class articles of Tbieshers and Cleaners; also, 0.10 nnd two horse. Tread Powers, mil on or addiess ,1, M. Ilillsbicr, Light Klicet, Columbia County, Pa. Ibu C out W. Ni:l. it' lino., spare no expense to send niiu Coal. lll'tf KI.W.ANT HlUTf'. I.nlest Style, In Heady Mades, at I), Low enberg's. I. V. lliirtiniin's for lluttcr nnd Kggs. - p . A splendid variety of Women's nnd Chil dren's. rJhoes just received at J?. ,M. ICnofr's, All elegant lino of dent's Underwear, Ptiro .Merino Hhlils and Drawers, Meilh'aled l-'himicl Kino all Wool, ('anion Flannel. Childrcns mid Hoy's Merino Pants and Vests at D. I.ovvenberg s. Vi'hero did you get that nice dress? At I W. Iliirliiiau'j, HoMHTiilNii Ni;w. A. O. Philips hai I opened u Hook und Blallonery ISloro In Q. W. btcrncr's new building, uivo lilin tl can f 1. W. Oorrell bus lust received a Biilendid lot of Looking Glasses nuet I'tirnlturo which Will bo sold cheap lor cftah. TOWN AND COUNTRY. wiiuiii: 'in aiiviiiuim:. A. T. Slctturl sa)s the l-st udtcilkliig mcdliinis bo has ever fuiind "arc Ihe old established organs of llio two political panics, at the scvciul county scuts throughout the t Idon. Ihese," ho sa)s "real.. every family ot iho least account In Ihelr seveinl counties, nnd nieuiuree.il 1 fully read thannii) other ilassof Journals." If .Mr. Stewu.t's J11dg1ne.it Is of value, there Is no dlfflcully In deciding w hlch paper It Is for tho Interest of business men tu adtcitUo lu TheCoi.c-iuu l.Kiioe-itAT, uiKiii which this paper Is pal dally founded, was established In ls:ir., and Iho Cot.nir.iAs now onjo)s a wider circulation and greater piosiK ilty than It ever did. It goes rcgulir- U liiloltto thousand families In Columbia uiidud- Joining coundes, and by must of Ihein Is read from lb -first to thu last line. Ills inuoiuy rccogiuscu exponent of neatly live thousand democratic volers tn (he counly. It gives udveiiisc.ncnib a insiyois pluy, that makes Ihein atlracilvo to lis patrons, thus ensuring greater certainty that they will -icrusu them. While Its circulation isuuduubicuiy much mo laroi-tl In the count), tho advertising rates of tho Coi.c'iiii.tN 1110 110 hlglier than thoso of otber pnpcis with baicly half mid sctcral not one-fourth tho num. ber ot bUbscrlbcis. rnets like thibo spcuk for them selves. No thiewd business man will neglect to 111- scil ldsailvtitlscmciitsliitboCou'J.uuN tf, T1IC Hl'ST PIIINTISO OFl'ICE. Tlio present Is a gooil opportunity to remind tho friends of tho paper, and the public gcnerdlly, that the C0LI M.111N Jem ruisiiMi Ohkt has no supeilor Hi tills section, and, In some respects, Is without an equal. Hurlug tho last ) car wo have completely re iiewed our Dpcs and liindo largo udditioiis, ami 11 is no tdlo boust to say that wo have now tho best llresses, the Hrst Assouiiicnt of T)h the Hcsl block of Paper, Cuids, io,, and tho (lest Wo. kiiien lu tho country, our vvcikimn uie si ee'laiiy (idaptciiior Ihelr places, i..d we mukot apolni to alvtavs give our cusloini rs 11 neal, corre-it und satisfactory Job. VVp du not cluUu lo do work for less limn olliers, but wlllwurrunt Uto bens eheupiia can bo done any. where und ) bid u decent l'loilt, All who ure In need of Job Printing of any llnd-l'Iuluor In Colurs-vvlll Hud It lo Ihelr lideieit lo give Iho ci u-uuiah ()llco n dial. Wu have 011 bund every vurlety of curds, Cuper, Ink, envelopes, Tugs, ic, that Is likely lobe called for, und can lurnlslinny uuanttly or bt) lu of woi k on H101 1 nonce, iiinuug 10 order. If, Consumption can be cured by n timely resort to this standard lemedv, nsls proteiiuy iiiiuoicas 01 icsuiiiouuis 11 uas ii-ccni-o. I Health, tho poor man's iiel.es, the. Kb man's bliss hi found In Avmi's Mt.niciNks,iiler a fruitless seuich niiouB other remedies. Awcrdlotho wKelssuni. I cunt. ELECTION PROCLAMATION l.-VI.-PVl l.M l-'CPIHV u rilUlbA.UA 1 lll.X. WiiniEts. liv die lawsot this C'lninionweulth It Is mudetlu- dutv of llie Mu-illT of ever) count) toglto nolleoof thegener.il l.'lecllon, by piibllcullon In one or more newspapers lu the count), ut least (went) ila)sl.efnie Ihe elect Ion, and lo enumerate therein till' Ollleers to IK- oiecieil, turn 11. uesiaiiaiu mu "i...e at which Ihuelcclion Is In be held, Theiefole, I, Mlrllilil (Hover, High Slicilll of Co lumhlu .-limit v , do liereb) make kuotv 11 und proclaim to the iiiullllei eleiiors of Columbia county that n general chs-iiun win no ucui on n i.r.i..i, nu. si'iiisn in' MiVHMHl'H. Isl, ibelng the Tucs- dl) nel following llie tllst Mollda) of suld iiioiilh,) 111 1 lie set ei ill ins. ni. us . ....... j , ... ..... Heaver township, ut Ihe public house ot Thos. J. Wllllll.Ul, .... . ... Hfliloll low.lsinp, ill ine panne uuuso 01 uiruill lless, In the totvu ot Henton. l-Jiisi iii.iom, in eno i-ouri uouse, in liiooiiisnui. Wesi I'.luom, at the Court House, lu Hlooinsbiirg. i.iiriiiiL'h of Hcrttlck. nt thu store of John .McAu.dl, lu die biiiough of Ilerwick. Iinroughot Ccntralla.ntthopubllo house of Wil liam l' Iter. , , Ihl.irorock tonnslilp, ut llio public school house iieni I'lunsvllle. e aiavtissa iuw usuii, ae ine luuuie nnuso ui -. iiiiuei IvOsienoauocr, m ine lotiu oi i iouit-.i, I'l-lklio lotvusiup, III llio bi liooi liouso lieur i.uiu) el to 1 1 easy 's. Nnnh I'onviiirbnin dlstilct. at tho school house iiti-1 In. enlllei v or .Inlm Andel-soll & Co. Mllllll e iiiiyiigiuini iiisirui.ui ino uuuso oi i..u....,s Kllker. lately llxe d by a vote of the cltl-eciis of that township, l-lsliln-.'creck township, at tho school bouse near V . II. tt IlllO M, 1-rUUhlllt lOtVllslllll. ni llio l.attlllltoseni-Mi uuuse. (iieeiiwood tuttnsldii, at the bouse ot Jubepli It, inn. in. Ilcmloik township, ntth.i public house of Chas, II. dlettelicn. Ill Hie lotto oi puck num. .Lu L-vnii Int. t.vl.li,. nt the luiutui ol KCklll Cole. IjKU.-t lotvnsldp, ut die pulilU house of Daniel lr.i rw In Mliine.il... Minim township, nt the public liouso of Aaron lless, lu Iho tow n of Milium llie. Madison tow ii-.ldn.ut llio publlo bouse of Samuel ul. " 1 l,,.,,, r,f II W ..... 1 IV..S..UV l" ... ...w .uv v. ... .. l. ,111.-1- ' Moidour townshln, ut llio publlo lioiibo of W. II, 'i-ni.l,. ..I imiiu i r Main luw nsiiip, ui ine piiuuo uoumioi -jciciuiuit i.. bo.igintiigcr, . . 1'o.uliigciiik township, ut the houw for.ncily oc, elliilt,,! tit II. it. IV. llll 1.1'Ulll. i.rungo townsniji, ui euo puu.ic bi-uoui uousu m lirangcvllle. , ,, , . , Pine tuwiisblp, at iho Ccntio school douse, lately llxed b) u vote of thu citizens of said low tibhlp. SjUL'urlouf lowiishln. ut llio liOuso of .Minus Cole, heotttowntblp, at the publlo liouso of Win, I'cttlt, ie hat. lesiil, d lu die district iwo nienins nei ini- niHdr.ilclt piei-edlng sui-li clectlun. and shall also himself mini lliat his bona tide residence, lu puisu anee ot hi- law till calling. Is In said dl-trlct, nnd Hull ho did not toio've into tuld dl-tllcl lor the put pose of vollng llicrcln. Kvei t iH-rsim . i' i.i UtU-il us nruroMilil. and who shall mako 'due pi oof. It leipilreil. of llie residence unci puvuiciii of luxes as nfuiesald, shall be admitted tn vote In Iho township, ward or illstilit lu which be shall reside. If nnv person shall prevent or nltcnipt to prevent any ofllcerot any clecllon under this art Iroin hold ing biuli elecilon, or usnor throat en mi) violence to anv sui li . 'nicer, or shall interrupt or Impropeily lu lerfe.o Willi blin 111 the execution of bis duly, or shall block up Hie window or avemie lo un vt ludotv whore llie same may be holding, or shall riotously dlstuib the peaoe at such clecllon. or shall useun) iiiilnild.vdnir llner.ts. fnrce or vtnlenie. with design to I nil u ut .' unduly or overawe unv elector, or to iri'tom HUH linill toiniri Ol iu ii-miuui ill'- iiee'.uiii ii eti.itee. sucli ti-son. on conviction, shall be lined or unv sum not exoeedlng lite hundred dollars, and iiniiii-niieo tor tint- 11-. uoi ic-s i an iniee not more Hiun Itvclte monllis, and If ll shall be shown tu i-oiiii. when tho dial of built olTi-nce bb-ill l,o bad. (hat the person so unending was not a resident ot ine eiiv, vtaro, oisiiu nu iimii-mi t.ueiv uh-hiii iiit i-.ii- o.inmilttr-il. and not enlllled to vote tlielein. then onconviclloii he shall l sentenced lop.iy a lino of not less ihuu one hundred nor more than one thousand ete.lt.us, and Ih' l.up.Isoncd not It us than sli monllis nor more man mu jenis. If uny person, not ot taw ipuiuiico, sunn iruiuoi- Iciitlyvote ul all) election of lid- I'ominoi.tte.ilih, olli. itti-e ipiiiuueii suau ton- out oi in imposed voter Is contained on the list or resident .iMiblcs. lo eh.illeli-.ro tho vote of such n rson. whcn-Uni the same proof of the right of sulfrago uu Is now rcoiiirod bylaw shall be publicly made nnd acted on In die election board, nnd Hie votendmltted or rejected, accotdliig to Hie evidence. Hvcry persoii claiming to lie a naturalli il (111 Ien shall heruiuilrod in pi I., i ui.- mi ii.iiin.iii...iiion ei-iniicuie ut me elec tion bi fori' vol ing, o.ieepl vt here ho has 1-een for live '."..J, .......... .1 IUUI 11. ,111- .IISI 1 t. .. ,.( .1.111.11 be oilers his vole; and on Ihe vole of sucli person being iccoived.lt shall be tho duly ot thu oleeHoo ollleers to wille or stamp on sucli ccrlillcale the word "voted," wilh Hie day, month and sear s and If unv eli-cllon oIllciToroflicvrs shall receive nwootid vol.-on tl.e same day. bv VI. tuo of Ihe saino w-i-llil. cite, e.vcetitliig vthero sons me entitled lo vote, lie- i.iunj in un- ii!tiiitiiii.uiii-ii in ini-ir laioers.inoy una the piison who shall olfcr such second vote, shall b gulliyof a misdemeanor, mid on couvletlon theicot shall lie lined or Imprisoned, or both, nt llio discre tion nt the ram If but thu line shall not e.vceed live liuudred dollars Hi each ense, nor the Imprisonment one jear. The like punishment shall be Indicted, on conviction, on the onlccrsof election who shall neg lect or refuse' to make, or cause to bo made, thu en-, dorsemenlrcipiired us aforesaid on said naturaliza tion ceruueoic. !i:ctiov ix. ir nny election oniccr shall rcfuso or .'gleet to rooiilro sucli moot or tho rlirht. of stUTraeru nsls prescribed by I hit law, or Hie laws tn which this is a supplement, from nny person otlerlng to volo w hose n one I not on Hie list of assessed volers, or whose right to vote Is challenged liy any ipultlled voter present, nnd shall ndinll such person to volo iv Itliout reiiuli lug such proor, ever) person so otle.id Ing shull, upon I'onvlcilon, l guilty ot a misde meanor, and shall lie sentenced, for every such of fence, lo pay n lino not exceeding live liuudred dol lars, or to undergo an Imprisonment not more than ono ) car, or both, nt tlie discretion of tho court. Mixtion 7. Tho respective assessoi-B, Inspectors and Judges of Ihe elections shall each huve the power to administer oaths to uny pei-snu clnlmlng tho right lo be n-sscssed or Iho i Ight ot MifTnige, or In regard to any other matter or thing li-ipilrcd lo lu done or lu iiulrcd Into by nny ot said i.nicors under this net; und nny wilful false swearing by nny person In rela tion tn nny matter or thing concerning which they shall Ik; l.i vv full) lutcriogated by any of said onicers or overseers shall be puut-hed as perjury. miction Is. The assessors shall each receive tho same compensation for llio timo necessarily spent In performing the duties hereb) enjoined, as Is provided by law to assossors making valtiuions, to bo paid bv Iho county commissioners as lu other cases, audit shall not be lawful for any assessor to assess n tax against any person whatever within slty-ono dajs next preceding Iho annual election in KovemlKr; uny violation of this provision slinll bo a misdemean or, and subject tlio oniccr so intending to a line, on conviction, not. exceeding ono hundred dollars, orlo Imprisonment nut, exceeding tlneo months, or boUi, at the dlsen-i Ion of the conn. motion I. onthepclltloiior Hie or more clllens of uny election dlstilct, setting rorlli that tlio pa potiitmehl of overseers Is a reasonable precaution to secure the purity and fairness of the election lu said district, It shull bo Ihe duly of the court of common pleas of tho proper county, all tho law- Judges ot tho said courl able to act al die dine concurring, to ap point two Judicious, sobir and InteUlgeuiJ-lilzens of Iho suld dlstilct belonging to dtlleani imlltlcal par ties, overseers of election to supervise the) proceed ings of clecllon onicers thereof, and to mako reiwit of dm samo us diey may lio leipulrcd by such court. Said overseers shall bo persons iiualllled to servo upon elee lien boards nnd shall have Iho right to bo present with tho ollleers ot such election during tho whole lime the same Is hold, the votes onunlod. nnd tho returns made out and signed by llie election ulll cers; to keep a U?t of volers, It they sco proper; to challenge uny iwrson onering to vole, nnd lutrrro- Kuio nun aim uis ttiinesses unuer ouill, in n-garil lo hlsi Ight of sulfrago at said election und to exumlnu Ids paivrs produced; und tho ollleers of bald elec tion ate reipilred loatTordto suld overseers, so select ed mid appointed every convenleiiisi and facility fur the discharge ot their dudes; nnd tf said election ollleers i.if.HI rcfuso to permit said overseers to bo present, and p. rfonu their dalles as uforesald. such ofli'-er or olllccm shall be gulliyof a misdemeanor. auo in ceiiviciion inereni snail on linen not exceell tlnroiio llioi.iand dollars, ur Imni-lsiininent nnr. ei. ceodlug one tear, or both. Hi tho discretion of thu court; or If the overseers shall be ill hen away fiom ine polls by violence or Intimidation, all thovote-i polled In such clecllon district may ls rejected by ilu- proper tribunal trying a contest under said elesj. (Ion, or a part or portion of such votes aforesaid niny be counted, 1114 such tribunal may deem necessary to a Ju-t nnd protrr disposition of I ho ense, NHTioN in. Any as-cor, election olllecr or iiei-son appointed as un overseer, who shall neglect or rcfuso to perlorm uny dun onjolnou by this net, without 1 eaioiiablc or legal cause, shall bo subject Ion pen ally r emo hundred dollars; and If any ussossor shull knowingly usso--. any person ns 11 vniter who is not .planned, or shall wilfully refuse to assess tiny one who Is tpiulhicd, he shull be gulliyof a misde meanor In oillce, and 011 conviction bo punished by ie lino not exceeding ono thousand dollars, or Impris onment not exceeding two )cars, or both, al tho dls cielloii of Hie com I, and also bo suhjeit lo 1111 action for damages bv the patty aggi loved : and lf any per son sli.dltr.uidtdonlly niter, udd to, deface ordest.ro-. mi) list of voters made out as directed Hy this net, or ie.ii- down or remove iho samo irom tho phaco wheie 11 has bw'ii Used, Willi fraudulent or mischiev ous Intent, or for uny bnpioper purpose, the poison so olloudlng shall be guilty ot 11 misdemeanor, nnd on conviction shall be puutsl.cd by a lino nol e.cis-d-hig five hundred dolla is, iirlinpiisoiuucul not exceed, big two) cars, or both, at the dl-s rillon ot Ihe court; and II any poison shall, by vloletiie or lutliiildallou, dilve, orulteiiipi lodilvo Hum th" polls, tin) person or -rsonsupi)lnled by tlio touit to net us ovcr-ii'm ot an election, or Hi unv way ttllfiill) prevent snlil overseers fiom iotiunntng iho dudes ciijoliiod Usm them by this ml, hiuli poison shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon eonvl.-tlou Ihoieof -ball bo puid-Jied by tillno not exceeding 0110 thousand ilol lais., or in- iiuprlsonuieni not exceeding two )i-urs. or both, at the dlsiritlou of Hie court. Any ls'rsou who shall, on the day of any eVctiou, visit u polling plueo Hi nut' dei Hot. dMrlil nt which lie Is not eiillded lo into, and shall uso ant lnltudd.111011 1,1- vlolciu-o ini tial pii'-powi ol piciehllng any olllecr of election uoin H-iutiiiing 1110 mines ic'iuiicn 01 111111 o) iatv, or (nr the iuirsi-i-of pii-tcutliu .my (luallliod votec of suelultsirlct oxi-rcl-lng his light lovote, orfioni ou'iclsbig Ids light toeh.dlengi uny poison ollei lug 11 oio, suen s-isou sii.iii ue iieeiueo glllliv l-r a 1111s- li. Oil- plum 1- tll-ttli 1. in If any person knotting lb"-want ,r -tu n iiii.illlii-alliin. sh ill aid or t'isicilii-su. ll per son to vote, the person otleudlng shall on convletleii bo linen ill uny hum 1101 oxiieiung itto iniuuivu 001 lars, und be Inipilsoucd In an) dim lint t-xeeee'ln; ncn monllis. If all) one shall tote ul more Ihall olio cluiloli dlstilct, or otlieiwlse fi-audtili ntl.t tote more than niii-n nu tlio same du.t. 01 shall fraiiduleiidt fold und deliver lo Hie lu-pei lor It.o Hikcts together with the Itileul llleguu) 10 voie, or 11110 suau procoie limit her In do so. he or diet o!H milter shall, on con- tn lion, ih' linen 01 1111.1 si 11 nut i.-ss 111.111 nn.v iiui in,, re limn tlte bundled dolkirs. unit be tnipitsnui-d lor a teiin not less tlian Huve nor more Ihau iwelve inoi.viis lriini-nerson 1101 ouuiinciuo vine 1 n ils common- vve.Hlli ugieeabl) lu law (except the sftiisot iiualllled 1 llleus,) shall appear ut nny pi.ue of cleiilini lor I he nil-pose in llllliu ucing ine 1 nuciis iiuiiuuen iu tine, iu shall on convlitloii forfeit and Pa.v a Sinn not ex ceeding one hundred dollars for cvciy sueh i,iTnie mid is' luipiisoucd 101 aienn i.e. evcocuiiig euree lilolilhs. Till-: HWilSTKY LAW. also "Ho otiiii.d nnllei' lo Hie liectois ot I'olutn- blaoountylli.il bt an net, entitled "Alt Ait Hi. Iher hlipi'leuillliai I" llio nil ii-i.tuie 11. tin- iiiiiiniiiiii thlsioiiimonviealtli,' uppioved Apilt ltd, A. d. lsai, 111 IL-tlY. At vvldih (lino and places lie qualified electee win elect by ballot ihaolluttliig fctaluand County onicers. Mil it is tirotldlil as filll'ivv h ; ske'ilosli. After tl.e u-scssiuen(s have been 10111. pli ted on the sltv-!!rsld,i) be ton- the Tucsil.i) i.exi following tho url Mond.i) ot Nut.iulcr lu each )eai, the uksesMir bliall,eui the following ilu),iu.ike u 11-1111 11 to the count) cummtsi loners i f die niiuies of all is'i sous iisHCv-cd l..v iiiui bluet' die lviuiuic. oiilleil lo be made bv 1dm bv Iho Hist s.s-dnn or lids 111 1, nut In-' opposite 1 mo Hume the i.Usciv mini, and I'Vpl.i.iulli us icipilred lo bo noted us 11f1.res.1ld ; nnd Hie eouiiiy coiuDiissi.iuiiit si. su Hieiviisiii umbo tin Mime lo be lidded lo Hie ii-iuin iiiiiilied bt iho nrsl M-illoti i f Ibis net, and a lull and lotiect cmv there of lo Is iiiado euiiUilidiiK the iiuiui'S of ull s-i-ons-o relumed ns lifcltli in tuxublesliisal.it-lccduu ilisiiii 1. und fill nl-li Hie sntae, together Willi Ihe uioes-urt elect luu blanks, to Ilu olluei-si f Hie elee lb b in sin h ilocuoii insiiici on or uuni' s-'teu oi-snk 1,11 die moliilngof (be dei lion ; and nu buiu shall leier. lullted to votu ul the 1 lei-Hou eu llul 1l.1t vvhou' namo Is not on suld lUi, unless l.,- nuke proof of bit rbjlil lo volo us lii'ii'luultei' iloulied. Wei w. (,i lic day e,f e-liillon uny is rson Whoso 1111 1 1 10 shall not upvutir 011 llio reglslty of v otvrs, mid who claims tlio 1 Ight to v ole ut said elee- linn, htuui prouue-j ai ioiisi 0110 iumilleu voier of thu dlstilct sji u t iini-ss lo Ihe resilience ot llie iictenti deiue.ini'i-, unit upiai cunvleltun tlieieot shall be pun ished b) a line mil exceeding nno thoiisuud dullai-s, orb) luiiirlsonmeui not e.xi coding Iwo ) ears, or both, ui ine oiscieii'iii 01 uie Hiun, an) iicrie, ovi't-si-er or eleclion olllecr, ttltoshall disclose how tiny elector -hall hate voted, unless rt'iulred to do suns a till- uoss 111 u jiioii-i.n iiiis-is'oiiii;, suau 00 giuiiy 01 u mis ilemeunor, mid upon couvletlon thereof shall Lo pun ished by u lino not exi-eodliig one thousand dollars, or b) tinpiisoiiinoiit not exceeding two years, or both, In the discretion ot tho couit. In obedience lo H10 rciiulreinent of tbo (.oveinop nf the Commoiiwcullli ot l'eimsjltuuta, I beieby publish the I lltccntli Ainendmeiii of Hie couslltu 1 tun of Ine I idled Mutes, Ilu; Act or emigres en forilntr llie same, und the Act of Assembly relallvo theicto; Ihe r fterulh Anv-ndinent of lie roust Hut Ion of Hie lidleil M, Hosts us follows! 'st.ciioN 1. mo rum 01 iui.ens of the liiiioii iates lo loto shall nol be denied or abildLreil lit tho I tilled Mules, or by nut stale, on ueeuunl i.r men. color, or pievlous condition of servitude." -.si:nioN7. ine t-ougioss soau nave isitter to en foice lids 111 tliie by appiopilale leglslutloii," An Ail tooulorcc die ilghl of illlensof tbo I'nlt od Males In t,,le Hi thoseti.ul Mutes of this Union ami inr tuner piirjK.si's ; "MITIOS I. ill! ir I'.NAITKH BV Till PRNVTl: ANlt HOlsi: OC Itll'llKSKNrATIVS-NOFIIIK I'NUKll hrvTimos1 AJIKIllC V IS- l l.MlllEss As.K.t..:..EIi, That llll lillell . or the I r.ltod M.ttis, who uie, or shall bo otherwise IU illlled liy law lo voteat 1111) licet I'Uib) tbepnipli , In ai.) stale, I'cirlior,!, utsti lot, count), lit), paiisli, lownsblp, school disiilii, muiiliipullt), or oilier tel. rlt.1il.1l siitMlttl.-lou, shall Is- cm tiled una ullimcd to tole al ull such t lei Huns, till). out dlslliu lion ot 1.11 e, color, or previous coudllteii of scivlliidu- nu) C011 stliultoii, law, cusioui, usuge, or logulatlou of unv Mate ur i'eirlloi).orli.t,or under lu iiulhoilty, lu the t-oiilrl) liolttUhsl.luilIug. ' Mii-iios s. ami uk 11 11-111 mat l-NAi-H-.n, That If by or und. r the uitlhirll) of Ilu-1 oiislllutlou or la.tsi'i any Mule, or tho laws of any Termor), uny net Is or shall Ih' loiiuticd to Is' doni as a prcicouh-lic or 011, 1 iileallon for voting, und b) sin U Coiistltutlou or law. pu-ons or otilcei-s who shall bn charged with ihu pelloiuiuuee of ll.lldes 111 tlllillsldng lo llll.ins i.u opl'lltinlt) to lieiloitu such pieivoulslle, ur tobe soiue ipiulllled lo vi le, ll shall 1-jihedui) of rvcrv sueh K-t.ou and olllci r to glvo to nil cltm-usot tim 1 inieii Mine-, ine Kinie una equal npioituuHv tu 1 11 form such picriiiil-Ui', unit to buiomu qiuillllcllo vole vtldlollt diblHiitlon of line, colur. 01- hi-o.uiuk condition of son Undo; und If uny siuh sibon or oillcer shall riiiiso or knowliigly omit to Lite full effect to Has m. Hon, he Mull, fu eveiy biicliutiisiee. loucii nno pay inn sum 01 nvi iiunnreil Hollars to Hie isrson uggrlevcd Ilicuiiy, lo Iki recovered by on .niton on tlio I'Use.wlili full costsuudsuiiildlowaueif lur counsel fee's us dm louil bhall ilecnt Just, utnt sttall also, (ur every such nfleneo be elis-uied guilt) ot .. ,.liii .it. .u.v. 1 .. nil sin... .,.1 . Ull 1 It 1 lull Hl 1 1 111. Ul lined not, less tl.uu nte biiudicd dollars, or be 1m pt 1-oneil nol loss than ono mom h, und not mere Ihuu 0110 )i'iir, or With, nt tlie ellscnitou of thu couit.' A fill thor biippleuient to thu net 1 Haling to elec tions Hi tills eoinmoiittealtli 1 "Mee-iuiN In. ihul so much if every net tt As-vm-bit as provides that only white fieinuoii shall he en. titled lo vote or Is- re'glstoiod as voleib, or us il.din. lug lo v ule at 1111) gem rul or Slul 1 lection nl Ibis i oiiiiiiiiuwi'tillli, be mid Hie sumeU liiie by lee, aled; indih.'i liensiHei thai ull freemen, without ill tine' 1 tun ui color siiull be i nroljiil und ieglten d uciord log (o lb. plot l-luii ot die llrst see-don of the u, e up. unveil tlio litu day of Alitl, l-m, i-niltlcd .-An Alt luillui'bitpi.li'iiiceilvl lo the m l 11i.1l Lug to die 1 Ut nuns m 1 nu 1 1'uiuwinwctiun, nnu vtiu-n i.tiu i -,i,m ing laws, lie i ndlliel to vole .a etui eleiliuiis In I Ids I111.1111.11- lualltlisl itudi-i' existing oi v n. r.ii nun H'cii K.'.lllll. (liven uiiilii- ni) band, ut mv e.iHei-.lu lilesiinsliur,,, 'bis Ulh llul of Mrpn lulu r.lu the j hr ,( our Lord ein llioilMilid tight liiuuliisl tilid tell my. the, unit In tl.e one hundielhjearof llio Utdcvsyidciiiuof tho Uhll id blMtes. MICUA1 U OHOVUI. . blii i llT ot Columbia Counly tilocmtbvnvi l'a., Eeptctnlcr ll, UTO. laul,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers