I THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSB UR(, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. II I, O (I Jl S II II It (I, V 111 II A V, KU'T. tl, itnlT Itoiiil Tlmn 'FaTiTivi I.AUKAWANNA HNOOMSIIl'ltil UAH, K(IAI) NOItTII. Arcomnioilatlon Trnln,., M.ill Train Impress Train KIII'Tlt. . Ml A.M, T.r.il A.M . I.io I'. M. Mil l'. si, 7. a. M r..'!tt 11.61 A. SI UATAWISHA llAlt, IKIAll. mini it. Accotiimoilatlnn Trnln V,is A.M. Kcitular Express a,M I'. M, south 7,3(1 P. M 1I,M A, M TlirunKli cars on lixn ess train illltcr to Now Yoi k or riill.ulelptiU. Aeemiiniottalliiii train tuns belli ecu t;,ita Issa mul WIlllaniKiiui t Mr. U. L. Mvkiii, collector for tho (Joi.tiMiiiAX, will Malt upon tliusci Inileiilon to inuolllcii tor the pur i.OMot rccrlilmj tliu ninotintsiliic;. Wo trust Hint tlioso Inileblcil will li prepared to pay what they nice when ho culls, lull It not, they will njrnlii lie. called upon. R will scarcely Im ileniutiileil ut into offer an niiolozy for making collections tint tor tlio nalkfacllnn of tlioso desiring It. wo will Just Ray that ns wo liao tn pay cnsli for ovcry llilng as wo bo our purse Is not long or deep onotisn to liold hut unless 1 1 Istepiciiisncu wiin some; ttcRreu oi proinpiiicss. Tlic Court of Wellington county lint final tevcral of tlio Towmlilp Auditors $50, for not piilillslilng :i tcpoit of llio receipts ami expend ilures of 1 lie township. A liolel keeper at Tiillonte reiiicsl all per miis who ilo not wili llielr relations nnd frlemls to procinc liquor at his liar to give him n writ ten notice as the law require. "Ailvorliing coti money." So iloes store lent, to tin nil gooil aii'l li-oful tilings. Tli olnect of advcrtnlng is not to eau-o a man to expcml money, hut In make it. Pining tlio past month chief Wooilivan made id. arrests for extrusive iniliilgenec in (niigle-lirains, or t-imictliiug HLo tlial, anil for niis(lenieniior.s ailsing tlierefiom, A tiaiup ngeil 81 years was arrclcil anil lnlgeil In jail at Lapnilellio olhcr day, charge with In eaking into I lie boot anil shoo i-loro of M. Ilnrke, anil i-lealing k!x pairs of hoots. A pound of copperas dissolved in a gallon of water is the cheapest and most pel fcctdisinfcctatit to he obtained. Thrown into sinks, cessioosf etc., n ein.nl or two of copperas water will at once do away with any unpleasant odor. ''I am well known, why should I advertise?' "In onler to become hitler known 1" "Ilut 1 am as well known a.s my rivals?" "II you were inner Known man lliev, von would have a legitimate business advantage over lliem." The yearly meeting of tho IVnusyliania Clinti.in Conference will convene witli the (.'liurili of Christ nt ltnhrsbuig, Columbia coun ty, l'a., on Wednesday, September 'J'Jlli, lH7f, at 10 o'clock, a. m., and (ontinuc its meetings during the remainder of the week and over tho Lord's day. Ci:nti:nmai. Dm:. We have iccciviil from W. II. Holier it Co., No. 1102 Chestnut hired, 1'hilndclphia, a pitcu of music with this title. The words, by Samuel 0. Uphani, are patriotic and the music, by Adam (icibel, the blind com poser, is paiticulaily good, r'uclosc .'l'i tents, and llio publisher will fonvaul you a copy, postpaid. 'n:MPi:i!AN(!n aiiiiu'.ssi:m. Dr. A. J. Clark, of Lewisinug, Union county, l'a, will address tho people on tliu nuhjeet of Temperance, as follows : -Monday evening, Sept. (!, at I'loonisburg. Tuesday evening, Sept. 7, at Orangeville. Wednesday evening, Sept. H, at Uohrshutg. Thurnkiy evening, Sept. II, at I'cnlon. The piihlio nro respectfully inviled to alUnil. Tho pulilie schools of ISIoomsborg, under an c Dieicnt corps of teachers, will open on Monday next. Now ceo to it that your hildren not only attend hut attend regulaily anil thai each is supplied with (lie pioper hooks. Many a blight little fellow is kept behind ill some of his claes bieaiisu ho is not as well supplied witli proper books as his fellows, and many lose the chief advantages of the school by filling to at ttiul legulaily. : On and Si:i: llui: Dr. Alex. S. Nye, ; Practical and ricicntillo Optician, from Scran ( ton, is stopping at tlio Exchange. Hold again !' for a few days, where he invite all his old and many new customers to give him aeall and pio cure a pair of his celehialed Spectaclis and Uji i lasses. 1'A'cry body troubhd with de j fective sight should go and sic him, as lie can flit the most dillicult cases witli ease, to which JJiis numerous customers in Ibis section will lustiji. A little son of ('apt. llroekway died suddenly on Saluiday las.1, under most hcailrending cir-cuiii-lancis. Ho wa.s a reiiiaikahly blight, cheerful, healthy lad; hut, a week before bis death, while playing on hi father's pn-mi-cs, accidentally trod upon the tooth of an iion rake. The wound healed over and was appa rently will for some days, but a day or two pre vious to his death became iull.iinrd and broke open again, Lockcd-jaw followed and resulted in death. Ill this sad hereavemeut the p.iicids iJiave Ihu dieinst sviupalhy of all our people. I -. , TT -T no bam ot ni. iuarr, oi jiu. i.casaue tewnsliip, burned to thu ground, with all its couUnts, on Tuesday la-t. Tho owner and other persons were thiishing grain in tliu barn on that day with a horso power machine. Sud denly Hanus broke upon them fioni htneath, and the men were barely able to escape. One of the horses on the power was rescued fiom llio Jll.une.i, though ludly burned, and the olhcr was conuniid, Mr. Marr'n cntiro crop of winter ,i i ,. :,. ,i, I...... u'.. i..,un mil been able to learn fuither pailieulais. No in Bsimini e. Tho lllooinsbiiig HqmbHnia is about to change' Ihands, .Mr. W ardeii having Hold tho establish- Emtnt to .1. C. llrown, Ivsp Mr. I). A. Ikckh-y, Sa former editor, is to ho connected with tho ed- lilorial department. All lliogciillcmeii aro will known to tho people of tills region and it is therefore unnecessary to speak of them person ally, Tho JlepuUimn is a paying iiMitutinn Sand ought to bo conducUd with spirit and oner ,gy, and we do not doubt it will bo under the taicw management, Mr. Warden s conduct of lllie paper was diuuilied ami honorable, but under his cditoiial management it essentially lacked what western ineiuographieally deseiiho on. To all tho panics concerned we can heaitily with personal good fortuno nnd the ex- piet.-ion ol'eaincst desires for political defeat. jiKMOcitA'iii; HTANiHNii coM.Mirrni:. Tlio lueiiibeiH of tho Standing Coininlttiu aro requested to ion t at the Exchange, Hotel on (Monday tlio Kllli of Septembe r, nt 1(1 o'clock a, in. A full nttindanci) is desired a business of imimitancc is to bo transacted. W. d. HlTKAl.nW, Chairman. Tlio foil owing mi nit tl peiiou.i compose, the looiniiiillfo : Jkaver M.SIiilur. 1 teuton H, R Orvis. lierwlik Samuel ( hauiberlili, JlliKjiu ', ,, ltuckalew. Jllooni W.-H. U. Ikehr. llrlai creek Win, Lanion. Calawissa- II, .1, Iteeder. IViitrnlla -'J'liouiiH (iehrily. CuitiB H, 1, Knuir. 1'islilngcreik- Silas McIIcnry. I'raiiklin W. 1''. Stoker, (liemwood Jobu I.iggott. Ilunlock (!, I,. Shoemaker. Iiukson Kiuaiiiitl Savage. Wut -Uuiali Y eager. Mmllaon- -A. J. Cuir. Jli'iii Win, T, Shunmn. Allllliii Samuel Snyder, Montour--John N. (loiiliii. Ml. l'liasant-U, It. Apiiltmnn. V.ri"ll5'' J. II. Ifnrmau. 1 "it 1'. W. Soiu, ItoiirlngCietk J. II. Kllntor. hugarloaf K, ,1. .l,erl'.oli. heolt -Kl llarlinliu. Olirlmvn.iin.i tntl.tn. 1. lll..n 1A..n.t .1 , .',..1.1,.,.-. ... .III,.,-, M.US IVS" the Harness Shop of Jneob M. Ilnrinan, In Ml-n. ....... 111.. f.. .1.. i f . . """vt,"M "'I mo icriu oi iwii years. .Tir, Harmaii Intends making a tour out West the latter end of Ibis ,il. ,t l. ,.t...i l.t. Iiooks Ac,, in tbo bauds of Silas Conner for seiiieiueni anil collection. All icrsoni having iiiTounts unsettled or noted unpaid, will plcmi: call nt tlio shop of M. ! Kline, nnd nli-nd to mi n.iinu nn noon us Kisslllle, (.'OUNTr.lll.'lJfl'IMI tw nluji.mil t! I..I . . ,. ' ... .' eiuni years ngo, nrown Wilier nml (Irahaiu, wholesale ilrugglsU luSftUuis were doing Iholaigcst business in thoStatenf iMIssouii' Among olht-r goodi they sold large qilanlillcnof .1'" " v,,.m.u nun-, which is pronoiinceil .... min null.- ill lliaiKCl, III IBUS OI10 Or tWO i ieiiuiers 01 ino iiim conecivcil llio idea of gel ink op a coimicrieii ot nils wino liy making a I . I Wlls"ie oi uavorlng ingredienlrt with , , , .ui.i L.HIlll 11 Willi1. Una dull tin iillcd several llioimml iMiltltH.ttiit ,1,, ,, i.,,M.i..t.r..:. i n i i ..r t, . . . 'I counlerfelt of Mr. Alfred Spier's signature over llio cork, and siipplicil a majority of tho retail tlruggisls throughout tho uiuntry west of tho Mississipp, Itiver, who purchased It of II. As ( . asSpecr'sgemiino l'ortdrapo Wine. Tlio inci was not uiscovereil until tlio consumers n lurncu tlio null to tlicir druggisLs as not III for use. Hearing of thisiii ISljy Mr.Siiecratoiiio Wl lit Irtiti, Vr.,i- J.,ru.r ,.. C I ....!. , , v . ".', , ...in. , , .' ""ins iiniiioyci ill ll'l'll 1'fHj. -111.1 Ir 1 ll,l I ..' .r ' lJ . iiLiM-ijiiiiiiirnioriieai-ing 111 tins imitation of his winu to the place ill 1 1 it l..t I I I . I i . .-.....,,,, ,,.uiraiiii lunuam. Jiocoininciiceil suit for .S.,ll llli(l liil.l., I., ii. rt.. !,..i Li..... . ii I. , , J hl 'i i 'iniiii oiaies 1-oillt. Sneli ilccenlion onlboii.in nf llits l.niu,. e'aUieil lliem lit im llu.ti- l.,i.i,.nu 1 l...r....n the trial fviiiti, nil tin, H,.. c.:t...r i i . ...... ' ...I., titvi), .inn ni-i-jiiie woillile-es. llus sluH'isoutof exNlencc.haviiiL' ei...ltr..l 1...... ,1... ( i.l .1 ' 19 .. ,.,,,-1 ,iu- ociiiies, ho mat noneisnow to lie found in the market. The largo yield from the New .Jersey vinyards tho last few "years has enabled Mr. Specr to leilueo tlio price of Ids wine. J II New Jersey l'ml is far suneiioi- l any heretofore put in themaiket : noneof which ........ iv. in, iu iwur years mil. it is prcscnueil 111' 1 1 ll-i(M-,MJ fIJ ill., I. ...I n...l ..... .1 ...lLl.1 !. t ...in.i ....i , , . .. . to be hail. Mist Druggi-ts throughout tho i-outilry sell Speer's 1'oit Urapo wine. i.ii.vi. i. Siimi:tiiin(i Ni:w ihu Hoilsi'miw' Tim filial Amirican Solo I.c.illicr I 'ad to take the place ot the mo pail heretofore in me. Thu advantages claimed for tliu Solo Leather l'ad are ton iiiuiieiiius to mention, but wo will at tempt to desciibo a few of them, l'irst, the sun will not elicit tho Leather l'ad at all, while it will the zinc pad, making it almost burning hot, the leslllt of which is that the horsu's neck be. conns sore, and every horseman knows that leather is healing to hoise liesh. q'his w claim is a gieat advantage. Second, tlio Leather l'ad is considerably theaper than the 7111c: another great advantage in these hard times. Third, one i.eaioer i-.m will outwear llirco ot llio line pads. We might recite a meat many oilier ad vantages claimed for the (I teat American Solo Leather l'ad, butwill leave tbo matter with own- eis of horses, and they can call at tho establish ment 01 f. At. liirlon, Alain street, ISIoomsbiirg, and examine the article to their satisfaction. Mr. liirton is the onlv narlv in Hlooins uin- who keeps this l'ad, lie has "just receivetl tliu largest slock of Collars ever brought to thin place-. Call and examine his slotk, nil of which is ITIisT CLASS. Tobacco and Confectioneries, wholesale ami lelail by M. M. ItiK.el. Men's Calf Hoots at U. M. Knurl's. The lait'cst Slock in the county to select Jiom it 1. Lowcnberg'ri. New Wateiliioofs and Heaver Cloths at Lot: t Sloan's. Now is the time to buv (loods Clark ,t Wolfs stock is full for tho season. Mini to suit the liimis. C. C. Marr keeps K. lliilttriek ACo's Pallerns for 1S7.i. Pewter Sand for sale! at UtLStHllAs. Spoilsmen will lind evil vlli'uiL' in their line :it J. Schuyler t Son's. (iood clean Coal to bo hail onlv of 0. W. Neal & I'm. ,U!tf Water Proofs in Plaid and Plain Colors iu-t leeeivesl at Clark A: Willi's. New (loods at Knurl's for fall trade. No. 1 Timothy Seed at 1. W. Hailinaii'.s. Chi'cse! Cheese! Cheese! Fine assoiliiicut of Cliee'su at ItiK-el's. I'or a stylMi Heady .Made Shirt mi to I). Low 1 uhcig's. 'J.i do.. Ladies Ties '2 lor '25 cents.nn to Sl..r,l). With a largo line of Hushings some as low as 7 for '25 cents. Pretty good nt that at Clink & Wolfs. I'O WANDA IIOOTtfPl'OWANDA HOOTSI Hoy ll.im, tiy them and vim will nlwavs want them, b'or sale at MeKinney's whoissole :tgeui lor null s line Mines, Hoots for fall tradenl Knoir's iiist reeeivnl try them. h'-MiMlllis, A'itiini ion. Hussim. takes Putter Cggs, Laid anil Produce in exchango for goods. More 8 and 10 cent Calicoes at I. tit. A; Sloan's this week. Ladies buy Ihu ('mini Shoo at Claik & Wolf's. New Cloods at C. C. Man's. I'or a Nobby Shitt go to 1. Lowenbeig's. Hiisstl has iut receied a fresh supply of Apples, Haiiau.es, Changes, Jvc-mon", Pino Ap ple's, ive. I'Aamine ins sloi u. Kvirvtiiing in tho l'lirnituio line icdne'cil to the lowest tiguio at I '111 mail's, corner Main and est si l ee Is, New Water Proof Clolli for (Ml cents at I. W. Ilaitmali's. Nice Dress (ioods in irnod variety at '25 cents per yard at ( lark ,t- Woll's. Don't be wotrinl and nnoved with not only a poor quality ot loal hut iltilv nnd slaly liesules, lint liuv of C. W.NlLM, & 1,110. who deal only ill the best qualilies. It-tl" ItiHsil is leeching fresh Watermelons, Can li lopes, H.inan is, Ac., dally. New l'all Wrapper (ioods at I. W, llaitniau's. (In to C. C. Marr's for 12. llutlcriel; & Co's. Patterns. " SP1X'LL NOTICL. A splindid stmk of l'all (ioods just ri-ciived at David Limenhcig's, con-isling of ready niado Clothing for .Men, Youths and Hoys, all of thu latest slylu anil lowest pi tees. flood Lino of Yak (iiiijiiiro and other Laces, 'ringes Ac., alClaik & Wolfs. (in In 1!iis.si:i.i.'h for your Urocerien. Ho sells I'or cash ami will not 1m undersold. Llcgaut Coats and Vests, Latest Style', lu Itcadv Madfs. at D. Lowenbeig's, Kxtiiisiou Tables at i? L'25 per foot and of Ids own make. S'011 savu one man's profit by buy ing at I'lirman s, corner .Main and est streets, TuikUh 'fowling nnd Ha-ket Cloth for Chip drill's Sacks at Lul. A' Sloan's. Cashmers, Alapacns and other (loud Dress (ioods nt UlarK v oirs. Latest stylo of fall Hats, largest utock in town, at 1). Lowenbilg s. C. C. Marr lias the largest stock of K. Hutter iek iC-Co's. Patliiiisln town. Wviimimi Ri:min'AUV ANIi Co.MMi:iU'IAh Col.l.riiH.Aiconiiiiiiilalinns i'or '200 boaideis and as many day scholars. Miiuiius prepareil for college, professional study, teaching and bu siness. Thoiough instruction and discipline. llankiiiL'. wholesale ami retail biisiness, rallioad- ing, clc, piactically taught. Next term opens Sipliinbir 1st. I'or catalogue, containing 11 bcautlliil Heel cngiavingot tuu ninioiai,, hum fur lllii.linlcilCoiiimelclal .loiirnai auuicss no il C.ii.i hiii.l I'rioeinal. ICiiiL'stou. Liizeruo conn ty, Pa. (In ci iicicial inattcrs address L. L. cprague. I'inoitoik of Itnbbers nt MelClnuey's. I'aimcrs in want of first class niticlcM of Tlirwlieii' nnd Cleaners j also, ono anil two horsoTicad Pnw, is, c.dl nil or nildrcss J, Jl. IIhUIiuii', Light ' ucet, Columbia County, Pa. iliir 0. W. Ni:.W, it'llito., paro noexpeiiso lo'scnd out nlcu Coal. Graiitiliitcd Sugar for balo nt Kusbkl's. If yon waul n good limn, If you wiinl elionp nnd good Tea, If you want CoM'cc .Invii or Kin, If you want good Cniiiied Fruit, If you want tlio best Mnekcrcl, If you wnnt Sugnr for tlio least money, If you wnnt tlio best Syrups lu town, If you wnnt good Cigars, If villi i-i,lti ifim 'I i.l, i,i,m. If von want iinytlilng in tho (Irnccry nml 1 rnnsniii line, gu 10 jcijssi;i,i, s, 1MIIIII sircct tr-25 Oat Menl for salo at Kiisel's, Call nnd try It. When you go to PMInilulplilu rIoii nt uiu iviiegiieny uniisc, il. 01 1 anil HI 1 Alar- NeiBwece, iiaving nceii rccciuiy renovaicu. Price only iwt day. A. Unci:, jiiiucii r.i, (D-iy J'ropnelor. If you want a first cl.tss I'arin Wagon, If you want n Platform Pleasure Wagon, If you want an ICIiplie Spring Wagon, If you want a Pleasure Wagon, If you want vmir Wairou nut lu I'mul him. If you want repairs done guml with short nonce, uu lo ,l, it, c AOs, All Coal sbilril -.ml .,.,.., ,,l l...r... .. 1 tho old Cstnhlislied coal vaiil r.f (' V. 'i'lr. .C Jiicu. :;'tl ( leimilln Milaiit, I'riiil .tm-j A,,-u-,t nt At f Jillsslls. COAL. COAL Obi HsInMislicil Cnril Yard 0. W. NliAl, & Ilp.o Wholesale .c Kelnil Dealers in all sizes til tlio best mmlil it's nl Kt'd nml White Ash Coal, at tho very lowest market rates, lliivecuiistanllvoit lui'iiil lnrm . ..n O SIOCKS tn Donicstio, Cupola, Jllaeksniitli's Anlluaclle, llituiuiiitiiis, and Liiiielnirncr's Coal. Usjiccial altenlion given to tlio nrcmra- tion of coal before leaving our yards, drain and Lumber taken in exchango for coal. Coal delivered tn nnv twirl of tlio Inwn nt. short not ice. Orilerslclt.it I. W. McKTolvy's. store, or at our nllicc, will receive prompt iit tenjioii. Oilier-ami Yards ut William Neal S: Sons' I'll rnace. Kat IJlnomslmrtr. Your patronage tespectfiillv solicited. COAL. I7tf25 COAL Marriages. August Mill, at llio Lutheran Parsonage, hy liuv. Thomas StecW, Mr. l'lti:i:.MAN IIAIt'lUll, of Ncsco peek township, I.urerno county, to Miss MAItV KlUX'll.NKIt, of Mlllllu township. On tho 2sth lust., at tlio Pnrsonnce, In OrJiitreUlle. by Itev. A. Houti1, Mr. NATHANirx DItlKSIIACII, 10 Miss ANNA UI.IZA HUNS, hutlt ot Klshliigcreeck township. August isil, 1ST, hy Samuel Dlettcrlck, Vm., at tho bride's parents, Mr. I'UANKI.IN HIM,, nml Miss C'ATIIAlll.NH Al.lt'i: HUK1.AN, all of Columbia county, Pa. At tho home of tho lirlde'H parent, on Tliursday, August, 19, lsrr,, liy Ke. l". .. Deiiscotcr, Mr. AI.INAH l). IIIS, lo Miss ItllODA l!ini:ill'.S, both ot HUtfar lo.it township, t'liliuabla county. At tho M. v.. Parsonage, lu lleiiloii, on Saturday, August, ni.lslf,, liy Ih v.c. I,. Iii nseotcr, Mr. Nl'.l, son Hi'.ss, to MtssMAiceiAitr.r a. l'lti tz, both or Sugarloaf township, Ooliiinbl.e county. At New Columbus, on Thursday, August lu, I5T5, by ltev. .1. 1). Ktlghor, Mr. V. II. Sutton, of t'ainbra, a., to Miss AI.ICi: lliKIAUT, ot New Columbus, Pa. Attho homo of thobilile, la Pine, August, 'i!, IsT.s, by I!ev. ll.M..Memlenliall,.MI,sII)A AMDLIA .IOIIN SUX, to Mr. IIHYSON IAONS, of Pino Summit. In Centralis, August 1Mb, by liuv. (I. M. Ijinied, Mr. JOHN T. PICICHNS lo Miss OltACi: THOMAS, both of Contr.illit, Coluiiiblii county, Pa. Deaths. In lllisjinsbiirg, on Halm day, nslti int., afterabilef lllaes-s, ot lock-jaw, HAIiliOLl), son of Hon. Charles II. llioekwjy, aged I Je-ars, 1 moiilh and i days. In Mlllllu township, August sail, KMKAIIKTII, wlto of Philip Heller, aged "I jeai-s, 0 months and 3 ujs. August loth, Mis, c.ltOI.INI! nillisON, wife of lleuigo Huil mil, ngeil is jc.irs, 2 moiilhs and '27 dajs. In Jaeksou lownslilp, t'oliuiibla county, l'a., on I'lU'Silay, August 17, lsT.'., WILLIAM H. 110ltNi:,aged Jijeaifi, 7 laonlhsuiid loil.ija. lit Alton, Seotllowiishlp,onthi"illiisllli:iiTllA C, daiigliter, ot John ami Valeil.i IS. lli'illiig.uoe, aged 1 je.ir and liu daj s. In New llriinswlck, on Ihu V.Mh ult., nnd burled ut orangeUlle, Mrs. MAItdAllKT 1'ltlTZ, widow of tho latu William l-'rlt, aged 47 j cars and a months. MARK UT REPORTS. JiLOOMSHMlU MAKKHT. Wheat per bushel. It.. ' .. f l.M .'Ji .so .(J I 7.IIU l.nil l.MI .HO .IS .OS in n O.lH " .. lour iter barrel .. 'lovetseeil 'lax.seetl , lutlii- X'u-s ... Till ow . Putaloos Ml lilted Apples In Hams Ill Miles & .shoulders u I.am ier pounil Is Hay ht ton 20.UO r.eeswnx Tliiiolhysceit I.U1 IJUOTATION'S I'Oll COAL. No. 4 on Wliai f J.nn per Ton No.r, " " 3,7(1 " " No. ti " " J '.',.'.0 " " lll.ieksnillh's l.uiiipon whaif t 4,iii " " imiuiunoiis f ii,m HKii kji nr.it i, 1-7:.. Illi. ASKI'll. U, S. lssl.c " Mil, c. V.-.', M. llllll N I.'ie, lb; " " " 'in, " " It'.1,- lo " " 'Bi, " " IS 11' " " " 'on, .1. and .1 1, vu " " " '07, " " 20 2 " " " 'im, " " Hi'; Hi', " id-Ii), coupon 13 vjii " l'aclile r.'s, cy ltn4 m.'a New t.'s, Peg, lsl HI', 1il', " c issl Hi, II Child 1.I'.," IT. Mlvur bH hi'J iviinsylvatil.i fiiiJS Mi'i Heading r.ts, M ri.ll.uk inlil i .v. Krle 2na, 2n,, l.t lil-'li Nalg.ltlolt M I.l1, " Vullej 02', Hnlleilll.lt. of N.J IS1 l S, Oil fleek 'J !"i Noilhcrn f'entral an, ISA I'eiilr.il Tr.insiortattoii 41, 4i'i', Nesipie honing rsi W C, A. MoilK.lgoC's, 'S'J 101 lliPi TOWN AND COUNT11Y. Sun iloua r, o'clockiii mlnuu-s-sets 0 o'clock 31 minutes. o (loi.il li now pioted nt a premium of about 113 in other w ol d i green lucks are about 13 per cent, beluw par. o I'.mnk Hkkus, on p.ircliuieiit nnd linen paper, com mon and for Administrators, i:eciittirsuiiilTriislccs, for sale thenp at tho Lo iimi.ian olllce. Purge out llio MorlitdHiuiinrsot tho IIlooil, by a dusoor two of Aer's Pills, and you will huecleaie r heads as well us budlos. wiihiii-: To".Mivi:itTisi:. A.T.Stewarl says Iho best nillel Using inedliinis lie lias out found "urn tho old established organs of the iwo iolltle,il panics, at tlio several county seats tluoughout tho lintou." "'Ihese," ho sajs "retch ou-ry family of tho least account lu their several counties, nnd aio more carefully lead Hum any oilier classof journals." if Mr. Stewart's Judgment Is ot value, llirre Is no dllllculty In deciding wlileh paper It Is for llio Interest of businessmen loadverllso lu ThO l.'O! IMIUl IIEMUI'IIAT, llplll WllllllllllS p.lST IS paillally founded, was established In InW, nitUtho Coi.UMi.nN now injojs u wider tliviihilluii mid greater prnsjierlly than It cer did. It goes regular ly Inlo two thousand families In Columbia and ad joining counties, aiiilhy most of them Is read from Ih-llrstto tho last line. His tho only lecngnUcd oxponentof noai ly llio ihousand Heir.oerallo oters In llio county. H glcs niHeitlsemenls a tasty ins nl.iy. tliat makes tln in attractive to Its paliinis,lhiH ensuring gie.iter ccitaliity that they will peiuso! them. Whlloltsclrciilallonlstiiiiloiibteillyiiiueiiiiio largest In Ihe county, Iho adurllslng rales of iho Coi iDiiiHN nro no higher than those ot other papcis with Palely li.ilfniidsever.il not one-foui th the num ber of suhsi i Ibers, Pact s 111.0 thi so speak for them selves, No shinwil business man w ill neglect lo In belt his uihcilUeiueiita In Iho Coi inr.UN If. o TIIK MI'I.TIPI.ICATION 01' HISI.'ASns. iM.on&ivi imtltlnlv. Ono bei'i-ls nliotliCr. A 1 1 If ling Indisposition may, therefore, originate nconipll. cation of dangerous maladies. Indigestion Ix'gels far iiioiu formidable, diseases) a inultlliido of all- hie-nls nro Ir.iceablo to coiisllpatli'ii Ie cr and nguo iiniiiiKriw ihu e-nilio ssliin. nnd Is Iherefoitt llui hOiucu of tho piolean nllnieuts whleli affect, that iurtluuot tho humuii organism, iiosieiier s neoui licit Hlllers, liowtncr, whether icwiili-tl lout tint In ception ot lliosu tllsordi ia of llio sloinaeli, bowels or (Her, which glvobhth to Ihu majority of tllseasea and tllsuhllltles, or tukcuwhen theyliavo iliwiietl lutoforinldablo maturity, aro nllkniowerfullociuo, Tho process of rccoury Is, of com se, longer when, Iho malady has gained headway, but It I. none tho less ct'lliiln, liyspcjisla, constipation, biliousness, Mdnoy coiiiphilnls nnd liiteiinlllcntfevcr, Imnrla. liy )leld lo the oKiiillon of tliouieat ulleratlic and luMgorajit, Caution l-In our chniigeablii climate, coughs, colds, nnd illscascs of tlio lltro.it, lungs and chest will nlwnja prevail. L'oiisiuiipllou will claim Its Mcllimi. ihcso diseases, If allciidcd toln lime, enn ho arrested ntnl cured. Tlio remedy Is Hr. Wlslnr's llalsam ot Wild Cherry. M cents nnd (I n botlle' largo liotdes inucli tho cheaper. o - n. r. KUNKKtH iiirruu winu op ikon. (lives tone to tliu stomach, Impiinc? lhnnpclllo nnd iissiststllgestloli excites tho IkiwcIs to healthy ni'lton,ti.xieitlU4 all thu foul humors liiatcoiitninl. liatu tlio blond, coirupt tlio seciellons nnd offend thohrealh. Itextltes tlio liver to a healthy nttlon nnd strengthens tho nenes, Imparting that glow to llfu that proceeds nlono from purfeel health, Thous nnda lu till walks of life, testify to tlio virtues ot this excellent meillclno In correcting tho dcraiigeineiit of tlio digestive organs, Hot tlio genulnt'. Sold only lull bottles. Ask for II. 1 Ktmkel'a littler Wlno of Iron, iiinl tnko no other. llvsrr.rsiA. Dvstei'sii. IivsriirsM II. I'. Kunkil's Hitler Wlno of lion, nmirociiio for Ihl) disease. II Iioh 1km.Ii ptcscrlbcd dally for tiiany )ears In the practice of eminent plosli tans with un paralleleilsuccosH. Sjlaptoms aif lossof iippellte, wind and ilslngof food, ilrjiicsR Inmoutli, head, ache, tltyliicss, sleeiilessncss and low siilrlLs. (let tho genuine. Not snld In bulk only f I bottles. Do Joiiwant, somethtlig lo hlreiiglliciooil, ora goodnppctllo'f Do j on want lo get rid ot nervous- ness 1 Ilo you want eiwrgy, sleep well, or lie cured ot iljRpepsl.i, kidney or liver dtsoaso? Try K. 1'. Kunkel's Hitter V Ino of lion. i:cry holllo guaian- teed tn do ns lecoiimieiided. Sold only In II bottles. Hepot nnd onlce, 2rJ Noitli Ninth St., Philadelphia, l'a. (lei Hie genuine. Sold hyall druggists. Ask for V.. I'. Kunkt I's, and lake no olher, 'twr. Woiut ltemoM-d allio witli head complete, In from two lo llirco hours, Nofi-o till rcmoied, by 11. r. Kunkel, v.'.!) Noitli Mnlh St., Plilladelplila. Seat, pin nnd stomach worinsalso leiomed. Cnllnndseo; tuHho free, or send for circular. Ask jour druggist fur Kunkel's Worm Sj rup. Pilee, II per bottle. o 1MP0HTAN I' HKSL'i.TS Pl.HASAN lt,Y ACIIItlVIM). Althnugh the dajs of Irrational medication aro InppHy passing nwny, and Intelligent plijslclaits have ceased tn measure tho supposed culcacy ot a leniedyby 1 lie lolenco ot Itselfecla, tlicro stlllllu- gerauniong tho older practitioners a few ot these pie- lllit llonslii favor ot "heroic" treatment, which II would bo lucky for their patients If they had aban doned, one of these Is a fnudiicss foradinbilsleilug drastic purgalhos, fttich as blue pill, calomel, J.ilnp anil eastoi' otl, A lontiast. of the t'fTeits of tlieso ilienchliigdrm,''! Willi llio intid and Is nellcletitoper- atloiiof IlOitler'sStoniiuli Hitlers, Is tho u-rybest nrgmni'iit liiat can ho nddiieed against tho wisdom of such ilei,l met no treatment. '1 ho old fashioned c.itlurllcs convulse Hie stomach, and relax llio bow els so abruptly and copiously an to weaken them. Ilnslelter's Hitters, on Ihecoutraty, necergilpo llio Intestines, hut piodueo a iaxalleo elTecl resembling tho action of nature. At the same tlmo Ihey remove llio cause of constipation, by arousing tho dormant liver to st-ereto tho bile necessary lo tlio icgular pel forma nee ot tho excretUo function, anil enablo the stomach lo thoroughly digest tho food. Indlges I lou biliousness bin Ing been thus ovet come, a regu lar habtt ot body Is tlio necessary conseipienee, which tho oee.istonal subsequent use of llio Hitlers renders ienuaiicnt. tilery dls.igree.ibIo sjtnptom w lilclt, lu the nbsenco of i rfecl digestion nml eeac iiatton, harr.is-e.s the Hjsletn, eanUiies under the tmlueiice of llio great national f tiunaohlc and allera tlie. Health amlvhroraro twin blessings that fol low Its use. - o st'iii:rt'K'hi PL'i.Mo.Nii' SYitup, rott tiii: cuki: C)l'' CONSUMPTION, COHllllS AND LOI.DH. Tho great vliluoof this ineillilno Is all that It ilp ns Ihe maltcr and throws it out of tlio sjstein, pu- illles tlio biooil, nml thus elTettH, i euro. SciliiNck's SseWKi.ii Tosie', ion uiik Critll oc 1ns- ria-sti, iNiui.iisTiox, Ae. The Tonic piodiices a heallhy action of the stom ach, ircatlngan nppellte, loriulngchle, and cm ing tlio most obstinate c.ues of indigestion. SCllKSCk'S MtMlUMti: Pll.l.s, I'Oll TIIK C.'llltE Of I.IVI.It I'osni.eisr, Ac. Ilieao pllijaro alleiallve, and produce n healthy uetloii of tho liver without, tho least danger, as they aio fieo from calomel, and yet moro olTuclous In rc aloilnga heallhy act lull of llio Hut. 'I hoso remedies aio uccitalu cure for consumption, as tho Piilinoide Sjrup ilpensllio maltcraiid puri nes too btod. 'Iho Maudrako Pills act upon Ihe llier, t reato a healthy bile, and renioio all disease of llio llier, olletui caiisoof consiuiipllon. 'iho Sea Weed Tonic gives lone and strength to llio stomal li, in. ikes agund dlgesl ion, and t nables tho organs to form good lilnud ; and thus creates u heallhy clicula- I Inn of healthy blood. 'Iho combined action of these medicines, aie thus explained, will cuto ecciy c.im) I eoiisuuipllou, II laken lu lime, ami tho ue of the inedlelue picsencd In. TIIK HKST PltlNTlNtl Ol-TIl'i:. Thu present Is a good nppoitunlty to remind the filenilsof tho paper, niidtho public geuerully, that the t'oi.uiir.UN .Ion Pkiniinii Ossici! has no supeilor lu tlds section, and, lu somo ress.-etH, tswlllioiitau ipial. Dm lug tho I Lsl ear we have completely re- iieui'd our li.is.-s mul made l.ugo adilltlons, unit It Is no idle boast to say tliat wo have now tlio Hest Presses, tho Hest Assol line-lit of Tip, llio Host sliH-k of IMper, Cards, Ac, and Iho Host Workmen In the country, our wiiikiueii iitosprt-fnll iulaitcdfot tlit'lr phiees, and wo make it n point lo always gpo our customers, a neal, cot reel and satisfactory Job. Wo tlo iiotilalm to do work- for loss than others, but wlllwair.ini It to boas che.ipxs can bo dononny w In-round yield n. decent proilt. All who nro In need of Job Priming of any kind-Plain or lu C'olois-wlll lind It to their Interest to i;lo llio L'oi.uuhian Oltlco a Hlal. We bavu on hand tuery variety ot Curds, 'aper, Ink, I!iiM-lopes, Tags, Ac, Unit Is likely to lw called lor, and can furnish iiny tpuiiillty or ntjlo of woikonshuil notice, lllndli g to order. tf. COUitT JJIOCL AArriOST. "riii:ni:As, tho lion, wim.iam Ki.whi.i,, y Pieslihnt Judge ot thu Court ofojer and Tel mini r and ot-iu-ral Jai Deilu-ry, court of tjuar- li-rSeaslonsof the Peace nnd tho Court of I'ouuiioii leasriul oipliniis' Coiut In llio 20th Judicial Hls- tiltt, eunipose-d of the counties of Columbia inul Moniiiiir, iiinl llio Huns. Iiiim Hiaiu and Iswc S. Mn:.-i:oi:, Assm-late Judges of Columbia eount, h.uo Issued llietr precepl, beiilni,' ililo lbei;thday of May., In Iho year of our lud ono thousand eight hundred and see:,ty-llve, nnd to inn directed lor hoMlngii t'nuit ofoir aiitl 'I'eriatner and (iencral ciuarlcr Sessions of tho Peae'e, Court ot Common rii-.is nnd tirpli.ius' Cotitt, In Hlooinsliurg, lu the county of Columbia, o 1 llio llrst Monday, being the 01 h ili of September next, tn continue tw'o weeks. Notices Is lieieby glien to llio Coroner, lo tlio Jus tices otlhii Peace, and tlio Constables of tliu Bald county of Columbia, that they be thou nnd 1 heieln there proper person ntln o'clock In tho fotcnoonof said oiliday of September. Willi tin Ir records, Inipit slllousniid other remembrances, to do those things which lo their unices a'eilaln to lw done. And those that aro hound hy recognizance lo piosecule against tlio prisoners Unit are or may be In llui Jail of the sold county of Columbia, lo bo then and theie lo piiiseciito them its shall bo Jut. Jurors uio 10 ipiesled lobe punctual In their atteiuhnce,ngi cenbly tothi lr notices. Hated at liloomsburg the llth day t-' ) of Aiurust, In the year of our Iird one 1 I., s, 'thoiisaiid eight hundix'il and seventy-mo I ) and In llio nlnely-nlnlli jear of llio liide peiiilencenr iho United stales of America. Micrirr.sorme, MieiiAi:t,(!i!ovi:n. liloomsburg, August II to Slieilir, 17XKun'oii',s noticu. iJ KSTlrBOl' I'UII.IC WII.S0N, IIKCllCSKII. U Hew leslameiilary on the estate of Philip Wil son, late of l lsbliigcreek township, columblaioiinlj, tleceasi'il, hae Ih-cii graiilt d liv the Heglsti-r of said eoiinty, InJiilla A. WIImiii and Jacob tl. Wilson, of I'hldiigeteek lownslilp, Columbia count), P.i. Hms! tilois, to whom nil s-rsoiis luilebleil losald c-slnto ino leipiesteil lo innkii payment, and those having claims or demands us'.iliM Ihe said est ale will make them known lo Iho said i:eenlfirsUllioulilel.iy. .1 1 'I.l A A. 1IMIN', JACOIIO. WILSON. A ug. 27, 'Jfj-Ct. llxecutors. " C1IAIITMII NOTfCR TOTICH IS IlLltKHV (ilVICN THAT A l'i t It lull fur Ihe lncnrnoratlou of Tho Mutual ro Insurate o Colon.) liv of Mlllclllc. has bei u me- seiited lothe Coin lot Coioiiion Pleas of Columbia county, mid Hied In Ihe onlce or the I'rolhonrit.iry of said count , and if no sulliclent reason bo shown, llio said Charter will lie granleil nit he September Term of com t next. II. PltANK ZAIIIt, Aug. 211-lc, Piulhoiioi.iiy, SAJiK OF VALUAULB REAL ESTATE! riMII'. Fiihscnlicr olhrs lor sale Ihe following descillied real cslalo Bltuato lu Muntourlowii siiii,Coliiiubl.i county, Pa., one mile from C.it.iwis.s.1, I luce, miles from Hlooiiishiirguud sou-ii lullcs fiom D.iliMllei onotr.ict contalliliig 111 A OWiS AND lilt IM'.KOIIMS, adjnlnliig lands ot fjiwls Itolh, heirs of Wm. (I. I I in ley, oilier lands ilescillHiI below, Andrews, ci.uk nnd ol hers, on wldi h utocreclcil uHooil llous,i. Hat n nnd other oul-bulldliigs, In good condition ami I c pair. Also ono other trait adjoining the iilsno de-M-rlU'il tract. Win. l!ol its, Joseph fry, Daniel Ui i.iu ami otliei's, contalliliig IM AtiillW AND 11 I'ICltOIIKS, Also mm tract of wood laud containing 1'OIITV ACM lis, niljolning thonliovo ilescillsd lint la, IjjwIs K.il In John W'eaiirninl William lloluuts, Thoiibiico ilesei'lbeil pioieiUea will Im sold sepai-alelynsnlioui tleicilbi-d, or the wliolo In ono trail if ittslicd, If the above propeily or any pait lliiieet shall icmalii unsold until Tlnu'srtay, SoiJlomliei' Otli, 1875, It will on that dry lupul up at public Hide on the iiiemlsf s at 12 o'eloik in, 'llio iihoui luonertles will Is- sold on Iho tclliinilit'foiidllloiix, t lihci ill pilule nr piihlli'Hilo! Ten H.rcciit,of Ihopuich.iso money lo Im paid oil the day of ale', balance nf tiie-llilrd of I lit- intnli.ro inniieV on Hie 111 si day of April A, l.. Is70, when pT-isInn will Ik- gpi-ii, I lie itiiialn jng twn-lhlitlsof Ihe pinciiiiso iiioni-j to lie sculled noun uilil llliill'-.iKi -nil in" I'loiiiii), I HU TWO-'llllltli.snf the iiuiclinsn money hose Clin U may, at llio oplloii or Hie puicluescr, icmulii 111 Iho pioiM ity (roiii llnec lu six inns, mien -ton aim! to be p.il.l iiliiiuauy. W.M..M.A1 Jaiii 1 li l.vni, Aui'lloneer, liloomsburg, July 3", 'ic-cw Juries for Sopl, Term, 1875 , , , UIIAN'I) .JtJUOliy, Hloom-C, p. Knapp, c, A. Mojcr. lierwli k -(', i:. liaieniHirl. Heaicr- John shum.in, llil.ileieck Hum Ail tins. Cciilie- Itlrain Whllinalilhoiiinfl llrolist. Cciilralla Haltd Welsh. Cunj ligliam-W llll.im (loodniau. 1 'rank 111 --Win. (I. 1'lslir.r. Il.tnlut 1lni,fft,it,il. -Ujensi-itobcii,, Wntklns, Hiioch hosier, l.saltli Mlllllu- isnnn Andrews, Aaron lless, Madison -Wash Wclllicr, John Metier. Montour-Henry lji?aius, Lewis Itolh, orniige-Abiam lillillne, Jacob Snjdcr, Scott -C.C. 'I'l elicit. Siigiirioaf-Wm. Iltirllnger. TltAVP.IWH .HJItOltH. CtllKT Wt V.IC . Illooin-Cnleb llnitoti, A.Terwlllger, I,. T. fliarn lesss, Andlew llunshiicer, Sol, Poster. i.rii,i.,n,ii, niiioiiaii. Hellion--Clark lirlnk. CaliiHlssa- llainlllou Usher, M.d. Hughes. Cenlie .lai-ob Sitislfr, John Winters. Coiiytigliain-Wni. Iliuiiuit, Cenirnlla John (lorey. (IrecnwiKiil-deorgodlrtoii, lianlol WcIIHcr. Hemlock- Samuel old, II. H, u-hiy, Jackson Henry Wagner. LtM-usl -Majlietrysiniiiir, Win, Irwin. Madison John M. Smllh, James Klsller. Mnln-H. H. llrown, .1. It. Jamison, Joslali Drum Ml. Plexsanl-Wm. Oman. .Mlllllu Inch llrown. Montour -Win. P. Moitser, Oiange-I). K. Hajniaii, C. W. Iflw. Hoailngcicek links lijer, Scolt-A. I'. Ilagi-iiliueh, ( li.iiles l.eo. Sugarloaf -W in. case, Umaiiiii-I Hlllz, A. Cole. SHCONII WKSK. Illooin-A. J. Hviiiis, W. s. Coniier, O. M. Knoir. IlerwIck-lAiwIs Kllli., D. V. Mcllenry, Muitlee.il Henlon John Kccli r. Iteuver NiiLlianl.-l Ili-pilliiMiilrT. fnm-ml iinnii..,.. der. I rl.ircreek Wm. II. rron. I, -el cnrtrt,,i.t catawlssa -lleiilinilii llninilt, Isaiah John, John .ie-iisril, i,i, n. uuiii., ,101111 1 Mlllln.lll, C. W, McHclvy. Cenlio -iieii, li, Hem, Wm. Heiinls, ll.li. Kiiorr. l''lsllllgCle.-k ll.ltili'l Hltillll. I.lnlil ISiri.tr 111.,,,. Crawford, l'i ttr lless, nreeiiwii.i.1 Matthias Kline. He-inloik r let- Werkhelser, Sr. Jackson -.1. hn Haul, A. J. Heir. Madison -John Allen, Ml. 1'leas.int Samuel Nolton. Mlllllu John Wltitcrsteen. Montour Alfred Hrln. orange lohn Vanllew. Scolt-.l.icoliTiTnlllegei-. Siigatloat-Wm. A. Kile. K(HSTHIl'.S NOTKJK. li Notice is llel'i'bv e-len 111 nil 1mr,f,iu nre.,1t. lins and other pi isons hilcresieil in the estates of tliorespectlve ileceinleiii.s mul minors, lhaltlio fol lowing nilioliiMr.il Ion and guinll.tii accoiinls li.ue lieell llleil lu Iho ollleii of Iho u,",uiiir ,.r i-,.iim..i.i., county, unit wlllbo piesenicil fur conllimallon nnd allowaneo In the orphan's court, to I hi IicM pi liliHiinsburg, on Weibn-sil.ty, the sin ilay of Seplem. her, ls73, at 2 o eh k, p. in, on said daj : 1. Account or William Mausl nnd Joseph Maust, i:eeutorsof JoM'iihMaust. lain or .Maoism, ii,uiia.ii deecaseil. 2. AcColllltof .loshll.l l'llt7.Ailtl)llitstr:itnr,.r Mlpi,,,, Uaker, late of .Ineksoii lownslilp, ilecease-il. 3. I-Ust ami llu.il aeeouiitof D.ielit M.isi,rs. (iit-,r. tll.uiof fowler L3oiis,mlnorchllilotltolx-rlJ. Ljoiis. I 111, Of t'llil, lii-,i.lil,, .1..........., " ' 4. Mrs! and llnal nceounl ot John II. IIi-iiIit l-von. tltor of Ik'lll.llllln Vohe. Lite of Mlllllu lim nsliln. ill.. ceased. f,. Tbo KCCOnil nml Hnill nns unit, nr lan.n l. l.rll- liaurn nnil.lusepli Ash, Adiulnlslralors of Jacob Aah, late nf Ilenton iownshli, ileeetseil. 0. Account of II. v. I'.altln. iti.iiiti.iii r,r .ii.im i Smith, minor ihlld of J. P. sniltli, lato of lircenwooil township, ileeeaseil. 7. l'lrstaiid llnal nceoiint. of John It. Hi tiinr. Ail. mliilslrator of W llll.un .1. Hannah, lato ot Minim township, deceased. 8. Second nnd Dlml ncronnt. or Jnlm It to. Mini- AdllllllM llltor of Xliillllrl I'rl. l.itimr MIOIlii Inwn. ship, dccciiseil. CI. Al-eOlllil. nf ItUntii'tnii tlliWli, AilmlnKlr-,,n,. t.t Isaac Selgfreld, lato of tho town of Hloomaburg, do le. Account of James H. MeMlneh (iii.iiiU.iii or Mary D. IViisteriii.iehei. intiioi- ,-hUii nr ini.is i.',n . stci inaehcr, late of Columbia count, deceased. II. First and llnal account of Amos K lleacock, Administrator lit lal.nVlli Kester. I ilnuf M.iillsini township, ileee.tsed. 12. Mrst account of William It. Cos.onn or Iho Ail. inlnlstr.ilois of Wi-sli"- .lolniston, lato of Madison n, iisiiii,, iifi-i-a-si'ii, 13. Second allliotemental ncenunt. nf 1'i.lrr Knt. IXeeiilor of Matthew .Ml! How I II. l.iln nf Senll. Inwn. ship, ileeeaseil. II. riist nnd llnal ni-ciiiitit. or rjiniiini it tnnn., t i:eeutorof Khoil.iAiin ltupett, lato ot thotowuot lllnomsburg, decea'eil. 1.1. ACCOUIlt Of J.ltlies AlcAko-lll-v. Kir-lllm-r.r tlnn. Loiigenbei ger, late of Heaicr township, deeeiised. b. l-listanil llnal aciountof Anna corrmnu. AO. uiliilstr.ililx or Moses Colliii.ui. l.ito or iho town i,r I'.loomsburg, ileeeaseil. 17. I'lrsl and llii.il account of IVceman Sltler ami Simon siller, .MlniliiMraiorsnf .Inhit Sltler, lato of Lent i o lownslilp, iiuecusi d. 1s. Account of c. II. Hi u. kwav, (luardlan of John linens, minor chllil nr John I., towns, i.itn nr ciu liimbla count), ileieisid. 111. l lrst nml luitltl uecountof Win. ll.inis and James A. Han-Is, AilinhiMr.ilors of Jacob Harris. late of lleiillis-k luwnsiilo. ileeeaseil. 2l. Atcollnt of Andrew IiiiIi:li h :nul .Toltii tl. Ijio. liaeli, Adiiilstralora of I'n-il.-rlel: l.uibaeh, lato of sugarloaf towuslilii, id ts-.misl. 21. Account, of John Itelnbolil mnl N.iinii,. Iti-ln. bold, Hsecillois ot James A. fox, lato of Us-usl lownslilp, ileeeaseil. 22. Second nml liii.il nceounl or Samtn I ci-easi . Ad. inliilslralorof llemy W. Creasy, lain of Scott town snil', ori-i-asi-ii. 2.!. l-'lrstaeeolllil. orsl.-iilien II. Mill, r. AilmliiUlrii- tor cum icstaiiii-iito annexn or John Hlger, lato of ni i,,n il l li,,, ll -.111 J l, III-, ,-il.M-ll , 21. Account of .liihli A. li'llii.liin. Ailiiiliil.C-iiliti-nr Wilson Allen, l.ito of Madison township, il.-ee.ueil. . 1-ltst nnd llnal aceoiuit. of l.i-iits cinasv. Ail. iiilid.sti.ilor of liaild cieasy, latoor .Mlllllu township, ileeea.seil. 20. The till ll account of Chmli-s icirtln.ili.eimrill.iii or John nun, uiiinir child of John t'lln, si., lain of ClltllWlssa, IWJI., lli-Ccasrll. lleirlslei'sonteo. I W. II. .IACOI1V. llloonisbiirg, July 13, ls7.i. f Itcghter. IISTOl-' CAUSKS I'Oll Till A L AT HK1' J 'I'HMIIKItTUIl.M, Islr.. Ml. Cainiel Saving Hank vs.l. 1). McIIcnry. P.lXSoli, Shulicl t ,v Co, vs J. li. Mcllein j. William ohey u Oliver H. Yohey. Oliver Yohej vs W llll.iiu Yohey. John J. Mcllenry ts .lonxs Doty ai.it Mlion l'i Hows. Iander c.iriii.in's Atliiir., vs William Api'leman. Chrlstl.tn Wolf va The NoitliK West llraneh H. It. Co. Wellington Hughes s Philip Spom-lnTger. K. II. Johns Ailiiir., vs Aaron (liovor. Hit Kcinllgva D tnlel Mm its. T, S. smllh vs 'llio School Directors of Ilenton HIs- trhl. William Snydei's I'.xi's. caTlioTown of liloomsburg. William Il.irils s llerwlck Hulling Mill Company. H. S. .Morgan ,V Co. vs. Samuel Johnson. sreosii wkkk. Aaron ll.iiiel v.sTho Incoming i ho Insiirniico Oom pmy. William T. Anihews s 1). I-'. Sejbeit. H. 11. (lutoia I.'. MciUcady. 1'lrst Nnlloii.il llanle of lllooomsbiirg vs Chailo.s leu, et ut. I'll st Nat tonal Hani: of liloomsburg es.Iesso D. Illco. U'll Klidey s N. S. Campbell. A. T. Ikeli-r n Jonas Holy. John lleu-nek vs. Jonas Hoty. I'.ndee, Muiklo (IiIitns II. tl. Creu-llng. i'hl Nalloii.il Hank of llloomshuig vs (leorgo Cava iicc, et ah Ch irles M. Marplo's Hxi 'a. vs laios Jacohy. Samuel .1. Case s.lnnas Duly. Wilson Cllblions a Jonas Duty. M. (1. Hughes csJcsse D. llh-e. M. (I. Hughes a. Oscar p. Hut. I. . I'. I i.u B vs. Ion. i-t Doty. Jesse Hart man vs .lonxs llnty. II. Calvin Dobbins vs HlMia Mmltr, et al. Vastlno liooiiii ca II. tl. ('leveling. John .7. Mcllenry va D. I.. A W. It. It. Co. fi.t li.it Ino MostilliT vs Anthony Slng'ey. 1 liu J n ul 1 1 W'lnl erst ecu vs William lloughten, St icy John va II. o. ('reveling, et al, Lll.is Miller vs Philadelphia Heading Hall ItoadCo. John Mec'alla's Hs'i'., vs Heorgo I.uce. Ch.ules W. l'r.uit.' ihc, vs Simon cliailes. Kesly & liodlno vs K. J. l'auv, et al, Ira i'l-ah r's Ailin'r., vs Sjlvesler Healer's Ailm'r. Tho Serow- Muwcr nnd Heapcr Co., use, va J. M. Turiibaeh. D. 1'. Sejbei t va Philip Appleman, .Mary Me.Mai nej 's use, va Simon 1'. Kase, ct al. It.u lie! Hnliblus vs shai ph-ss ,v Hon. D.ivhl.1. Waller vs I'lrsl National Haul; of lllooms- biirif, Joseph H. Hv.insvs Hllasfllger. I.', I.. Uraiiiervsfli.il lea It. Haines. Mlllnuch.iiles vs.l. D. Hlce, ctal. I'r.mcls llleheit use, va W. II. Kelnhnld, ct al. Jesse Coleiii til va Tho Town of liloomsburg. Isaac Yi Iter vs Jacob Hilling's Ailm'r. HlUalH lh W. Handera s William Sehcihteily. Williams .v, Chalfaiit va H. II. Ilule, Nilson llr.iudoii vs Willi. nil T. Sliuiii.in, Alhi.ts Colo's use, va Thomas 11. Cole, li rro tenant. Alliiaa (.'ole's im, va'I'hom.us 11, Cole, terro lenant. AIIii.ih Cole's use, vaThom.is II. Cole, teiio leu.iiil. Wllllain Mllues vs Michael drover, Klioiln". II. 1 HA Hit, P.lnoomsbui'g, Aug, 10 te. Prolhonotoiy. DlVOUCIi KOTIOK- 1 'an tij l' Jenkliis by her next filt-lnl William T. Shuiiian vs. John s, Jenkins, IlltllllCollllOf Coiiiioou Pleas of Ciilmnlila county. Alias Siibpicna In 1)1 vniie. To John S, Jenkins, itesponilciit : oil will nlcnse lake mil Ico that llio Coin L has nr. deled publication to lie made on Jnu tosliow cause why a illvoive, a vinculo iiiatiluionll should not Is' decieed In llio above casii. Wilt ii-tuiiiablouu thu II rM Monday of SepteuilH-r, A. D 17.'.. Personal service having failed lieciuso of your ah- Wilis'. AllCII.Uil, UIIOVKH. Hlwiinsbuig, Aug. v.'iti II Sherlir A D.MlNISTIlATon'.SNOTK'i:. KSTITI1 OF JOHN VIISI'. lltTKlKV'tl. Ullirs of Adiiitulslralli'ii on llio tsiuto of .lohn Yost, late or llil.ui lick lowiishtp,Cobuiililacouiity, doc-cased, have Isen t;i.iiili-il hy I lie KeglM, r or Mhi coiiuu.to Kll.us ost and Huiaiiu, 1 lost, or loi.n-. li eel, low 111 hip. All s I sons having claims against Hie esiaio hi t tic iii-ei-iiein, mo tt-iiit-bleit lo plcselil lliem or St ttlellli'llt. alldlhoH lluhbted tothni'hliili toiual.o pavinent to the iiiiilcrslgiiediuliuluUliatora vvituuiii uei.iy. i.i.ian mist, HMANI'lll. MIST. Aug, , 'Ih-ci.1 Administrators. ATKW Yoltlv TUIIIUNi:. "TIIK Llv'Al) r ino ami:iiicn Ni.whPM'int." tiii; iiuvr .viiv i.ni isimi .MLiui jl. nauy, fiuujcar. Si ml Post.tw n-eii (o the Shbscrllier, Hpecimeu Copies uilil Advertising Hates I'lce. Weekly. In clubs or Si) or iiiuin-ouiy ii, jiostago pnm, Auunta tiiktiu mjNt, is, i, jou isio-iy, SIIIOHIKIS SALES, 1)V vlrliiniif unnilrv u til of Venditioni R I pnnjinntid I'iorl hulas Iwiptl nut nt tlio Ctmit ot t'ominon ricn'tfi nf rnlitiiinl.M'numVi ntnl lo inn mi ivctiMi. wilt Ik- ixMwrtl Ittimhlte mW nt tin WH'HT IMU Ml';, III HIiMMMMiUr''-, (in Miiinliiy Hi ii Hilt day of SpploitiWr, 1875, nt ono oVluck, p in,, lliu follow intf (lowilU'tt pruin r- Alt llmt ivrtnln ronl cntitln Kltlintn In Hcott town- hlilp; iMnimUil on llu inutility Muin strcH or tliu unvii or i-ffpy, on inn i'Ub oy mi mio,v on iuy wiuiii Pviiii ulli'V. utul oti Hip wpkI m nlnt of Alono I hIlti. l'tnjf I7n' fitailfopaiiilHtfiv fiH't lii uMtli. Hltimto in rn-ciiL inwiif-iiip, ihuiiiuia iiMiniy, ncivnii m ncctnl ft tw(-stoil('(l Inuno Ihhiwj nml other out ImllitlnvH. K-lt iT, tnkcn Into rxrcntloM nml totioHoUlasllto pmiKiiy or Mt .', ,MCLouuin All Hint rortittn lot of Kind Mtnatn tn tho Town nf lUiMimsljiirir. I'tjltitf ill l;i cotintv. Ihiiiik It iloiillin nurlh liy it pnlillc io.ut leading lo j'jo, nn tlmrxst ly tot 01 a iooit, mi i no wiui ii uy uii unry, mm on 1110 TMt liy IM of M. i'. WoihIwhhI, In fiontN) Ret nml iniicpiii Hircci on u men urn cri'i n-a a nvt-.vury brtck ilut'tlliiLMioiiso. rrniiio Mntiluumt ouUbutliliiiL'H. Hi'lril, ttiki n Into I'M cutloii nml to txiwildiwUHj propeily oitioniMiMtt cinoinwi. ALSO, All that certiiln lot of trrouml Mtuitu In thu Tonu oi until vwvm, rtiiiUrt.i township, t 'oiiiiuoi.iuotihty im 1 1 fn i in i iiu iiui i ii i l'i it 1 uv ii tiii or 'inniniis i Jtnnicr, on thu oast ft.) hy puhtk ro.ul to Puiht .ii u i, iiu i iiu mm wi u i li ijj iui, in r, n, luiiani, iwi'l on I ho m-hL (irilLlliV 1'ouit iHtnt'I. oti wlitrh nrn I'urtvil a ono ami omt-hnir strory Unfiling Iiouhi", a hlnhlo nint ouMnilMlii, Nrucil, lAkcii into OMriitton alullo IwhoM n.s tho proptuy oi iSii.w luuinpsun, ALSO, All thntrcrtaln lot ot l.iml Mtimlo In tlmTiwn or UliiufllMillI V. Vi t lllOt.l CtHlIlt V. hnllllili'd IV llll II lU'V on Iho wosl, h lot of p.mkl Miller on iho uorih, hy muiim ni n i i nil i nu ivimi mniuiiniicy on uiUKOiiin, U'Iiil' nlHHitrnrt'i't tiifiont nml vim ni-t In ilcnth. ulHioon nro onctoil a two-story rmmo UvcUlu nunisu ;iuu iiiiiiiiikiiiik K'liil! tnki'ii Into oxiriitlon ami to U Hold ns thu pnijKTiy or a. r. M.ijia.in. AI-SO, All that rrrt.ilnro.il rstnto hoiihdid mi tlintuirth by iMnln hit eel of IlioTounoI l!npy, on tim oust by an al lev. mi thoHonthhv nil alli'. mul tin the wst ty lot, or Aton.o lmltf mliijf I73li reetdtrpandsiiv, ivol lti width, f-Uu.ilMln N'tttt t(nii-.ilit (.olumhli tounty, wlifuon U viecUd a tuo-stoiied rramo uouse ami uui-iniimwi. ALSO, All that certain nleeo of land slluato In I'.ilarcreek toiMislilp, t.'oluioiif leoiinty, mil' lining land ot John Van Pelt on Iho north. ArelilOalil fWlcr on tho south, Wm. Kllno on tho nest, and HeiinHMUciloii ino eiLsi. coniaimmr i i ncres mnio or less, niiere. on are elected u one ami one-half story liolel, nslieil i on oilier eiiii-iMiiiiiiu, N Ieit. taken into eccutIoti anil In lie sold ns tin. ptopcily of U llll. mi l.liulcii, s till notice lo tcrrc Ico nics. ALSO, All that, lot of land sllualn In tho Town of Hsnv. 1'olitmlil.i county, l'emis)ivanl.i, Ijotimli-i 1 ami ilc sirlljed as folloMS, to-Hll: llymi nl ley on tinniest nnd noitli, and on llio east, hy lolof fluller Hdgar, ami .south hy Main street, said lot liclng slvty feet lu front. ami ono liundicd aud seventy-llio feet deep, he Ihe same moro or less,iheieon ore erected n two story hoiiso nnd slotilo. Mi I7eil. tuKen Ililo execution mul lo Is; sol.l .m rim piostty of Hllslia II. Purscl. ALSO, All tlio right, title nnd Interest of tho defendant, . T. l'icnlel Hi llio folhmlm.' ie.it estate, to-un All thai ci l lain lot of land slluato lu tho ooroiiL'lior Iterulck. lu Iho colllitv or t'oloinlil.i. on MiiU, i- stns-t, udliihilng tho CtilholU! Cctiicli ry, lotot Wol llcer, nnd hy Jackson street, hcliiLrnoout titio htiii ilred uiiilllfiy h-i't tn front on Jaiksoit street, and one liiiinlred and eighty feet, more or less In depth: Also, one other lot. Iioutidt'd hy lot of said Wclllicr, said reuielerv lot hi lolof John Mijder.uud.Ucksoii st i eel, lieliicfoiiilv-llie feel front hy aliotit ono nun died and eighty feet 111 depth: Also, one other piece eonimeni Ing on Slid .l.uksoii street, ut curlier or lot of Miennau, theiico hy same to lolof At, At. Jackson. I hence hy J u ksmi'slol nine! v-lliere Unlet or Fleas Pro's., t hence hjtlio s.ime to.iacksou street urorcsnffl, thence tilling s.ild stiecl, nltit'ty-tlie feet iiiuin iii.i,,-,ii ui'i;iiiiiiii, iiii iiiiuiiaio creeieil u frame iliii'llliig house ami out-hulldtugs. heti'it. tiiki-n imo eeemiou and in ih sold as Iho propi-ity ot A. T. l icntel a. A. II. Mcc'iea. Al-SO, All that cci lain lot of irroimd slluato In thu loiin or Hspy, Seolt tounslilp, t'oluinhla county, hounded .M.ul.i I slieet on thcMcst, lolof Samuel lildleiaau on theiioilh, lol or Stephen Auc liinhaeh on t lie cast, unit an iillcvon the south, wlu-icou uto erccttd a Iratiie iliii'llliig house and oul-hulhlluirs, with tho uppiiiletiaiiees. N-leil, taken Into execution untile, ho sold as tho pioperlj oft'. W. Trump. ALSO, The uuillildcil ono.lhlrdnr alllh.it eerlnhi lol nr ground sliu.ile lu the township of scot I, In the coun ty or c'olumlil.i iirorcsnlit, homuli'd and iIcsi-iIIk-iI ns toliuws, lo nil : 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r at a stone collier In the nilil. lie of Jhirkel slreclot Iho Milage of Hspy, nnd rumiliiir llieiiee aloie' an nllev noun sivtv.stv unit one lourth tliwees, cast twenty pel dies nml llio n-i-i in ii i,M,un'i.i-i- a ii nor i.tiniot ii in. .Mimes not in iwenlj-tluei' and lline-riiiiith ilegn-i-s, west tlilr leen oi lehes cleeetl feel to a Host, theiieo liv I.iihU or same, south Mi-v- nmi onc-rouiih ileKfees, west iiicnlv pcielies and llcefiel. lolhn mhldleoi' mid Maiki I Heel. Ihi'iii'c hy mldill" of saiue, miiiih I w em i -I in i I'.iini im, e-ioiuili.sili",'ree.'t,c.l thhlecn perches nnd i li-ien reel tollie place of heejlnnhi, im.iiiiiiiLr one uiiinueii anu seiciueeii.uid a ha t pen-lies. ALSO, I'he lllidlitdi-d oiie-thlld o.ilt or anothi r lol. on tts wesi side of .M.uki'l st reel, hegliuiliu; lu the mlildlo or Maiket sttet t, i mining t In-nee soul h sixty ami one fourth ili-Kiees, west tiu'iilj-sli peiehcs nnd nine and it hair fei I to tl oust, tin-lice sooth iwi'iiii-.tlm-i. aiidlhree-roiirlhsili-nrii-R, east eleven reel loapo.-,l, inenio iiiitin sl.ly-six anil oue-rollllll Hi glees, cast six piielns ami tiiouliil olie-lhllil feel ton pott, theiieo urn l Ii Iwenlc-tliree and lliree-foiuilis ile k'rees, cast tluce peri'lies anil two and one-hair n-i i llieneo inn Hi slxii-slx andoiic-roiiilh degievH,e,isf nine K-iehes and two and une-llilnl reit, thence suiiih tweiily-tluce unit three-roiirlhs dcgn es, e.iM nine I'l'lehei unit eleven and oue-rnill th leetto an all, -y, Ihelieo nlong satd alley, noilh slllj-slx uud oiie-rniutli ilegiies, cast eleven ciThe.s and four unit imee-roiirius reel in inn uiiiiuieor Market street, theiieo nlotig mlildlo or saum, nurlh twcnlj'-tlireo and thri-e-roiiilhs ilek'iees, west Ihtrteen mill orio half iieiehes lotho place of tH'lmilm;, containing one aero nnd tvienty-llvo unit one-fourth iiereln-H, to gelher with the npiinii'ii.imcs. sel.t-il, taken lnio execulluii and to tin cold as the prop ty ot o. McColhuii. ALSO, All that cci tatn mcssiiatro or lot of iriound sltuale 111 tho Milage of Light direct ahm said, on Iho east side of n politic ru.ul lending from lllonmshiirg to tiramrevllle, huuiidi'd hy tho piihlletoad nforesaltl. laniHor cieort'o Ming, ueorire,iuiiu, tviei- While nml .Matthew .Mcliowell, coiit atiilin; seven ni res nnd ono hundred and twenlv-roiir perches, whereon ure ereeied a irood two-slorv frame ilivollhiir house and oiit'hullillm;s. M-ueii, taken into execution nml to no sold as io piopeity of P. P. Hilly. Al.teC ), All tliat ivitsln leal estato slluato In Hnheits' Ailillt Inn of the town of t'atawUsa, coliimhia cutm. ty, iHiiindeil on the nnrlhwesl hy tl,o puhlle load leading I nun ratawlvu to thu upicr Kerry, on tlio linllhe.ist liyl indlit W. II. LlllVltiUnntllosnlltheast hy seciind -lreet of said town, wheieon nrc erected a two-stury fraino ilwellliur house and out-houses. Coined, taken Into execution find to ho sold ns Ihe propel ty of W. 1'. Illhliy. ALSO, All Ihal. eeiiuln fariuor Iractot land slluato lu Scott township, e'olimihl.ieoiintc, on tho northern hank of thu North llranihof tl.o SiiMiuehana river, iK'lwecn Iho Town of Itloiiinshurgniid Hspy, houud- il on thc;iioiiii nviaini or a. nancy t'reieiimr.ou the 'ii-.t he laud of John shumaii, on the west hy land or I. tl I'li'VillnL' and Hdw.iid Itawllmr. lontidnhiL' ahoiit i-ji acres mnio or less, with appiirleuaecs, unit wheieonaio ereeteil one laigo (wo-stoiled hrlek dm llloghoiisn wllh in.iiisai'ilriinr.wllh lin.itlugrniik'o and water at t.ii-hmeiits.w llh stahleand waon house and outside hullillhirlii'lnicetiig to and coirciiiondlug wllh s.ilililelllie,'li'iil.e. Ni,.oiii'twn.stoii.iliraiiiH leiiam imuse anil taije oaui. oain wtiusneus anu ith'-r oiil-hiilhllncrs. 1 and in eooii stale of cultlca. Hon. 'Hn-propel ( will Is' mid In two pat eels or lo the ln'st aili'.iiit. tiros lo pmeiiai is and in-ullors, M-led, taken imo cxocuiloit anil to ho sold as tho pioK.'ily ot H.iiilel Snjdei. A L0, All that cet lain piece of ground sll uale In Scot t town--hlii.e.'iiliuiihl.icoiuil.hoiiiiili'iloii the in a Hi he l.unlv of A, Milder, iiii the west and east hv the same and on Hie siniili li I lie t ..ti kawaun.itV llloiimsliur Hall Hn.nl I'oinnanv. coiilalnlier two in res more nr less. whereon are eleeled a PI tiling Mill Hid all lll.lillln- y and ou1.lnillillu.i,rs and two ilwelllni,' Imusi's. Seli'd. t.ikiin Into exieiillnii and to ho sold us the proH'Hj of ll. snider A. Co. ALSO, Cine lot Rllu.ilo In tlio town of I'.sov. houinleil ns Pillows: cm the sunlit hy .Main si reel, west hi allei, lii,l 1 ll h.l .itle) and easl hy lolof Win. Sllnihlel ly. ln'lm?UV, lei l flout and 1IJ', leet deep, whi-u-ou Is ereeted ii two-story ilHellhig, InkL hank, aud frame slulile, with oul-hiillillngs. ALSO, flno olher lot hoiiniledou Ihe south liv an alloc. west hy alley, hoilhhy Sccoinl stiict nnileast liy Win. II. Ilinlcn. In In;; s.'i fi-i'ifinnt hv IT.iL, feet iiei'ii w iieieoii are ereeieii a 1,'j siory ouicuer sunp, ollieu nml ollt-hulldtllg'l. ALSO, (Ino olher: lol bounded nurlh hv Second street east hy 'I nomas W. Hduar, soulh hj alley nnd west ov .xt. .x. tiiee i n iiini'i ii ne iv in it. ii. i icii i- Ing, helng Hij fctl. front hy IHU, deep, whereon Is rei leu ll ewo-siory iiamo sianie. MHO, lino other lot hounded on noilh hy Seeoml si reel. west hy Light stieet load, houlli hy Int. or ,M. A. (Ireeii and cast hv other nrniieil v of li. II. t'tevellne'. ln-llig -on Sect ilnl stleel,- on l.l-Hd streel load, Wlieioii iseii'eieii .1 iwo-siory name iiwi'lliur a nt out-hiillillmrs. se en. .nan lino execution ami lo in su u as I no propetiy oi ii. ti. eieitung. MIC'IIAUI. (ItttlVHIt, Hlooinsliurg, August ij.'l.i-tc Mie-illT. WniM'W'S VITUAISHMHNTS. 11 Tlie rullowliiif niipruta'iiieiilx nf real nml lieiMiu.it priiieil h.l up. ii l lo wlilniisnr ileeeileiil li. lie lit-ell I eil 111 Hie I'll t'ti ur 1 he Itrelsler nf I'nl till, lil i , iiunl.l, miller I lie ItUle.H 'it Ciillll. nml Will I" pit wui eil inr iiliMilute ft 'till rtiiiit Inn tu tlie en iih. in i' i'niirt In lie lii lil III llluiiiie-liiii'i.'.lu nml fur i-.ilifimin 1.1, till Weilui'Ml.lJ.tlinMlnl.lJ'nf N'plelulM'r, 1-.7-1, ilt'i tielm-l. p. lu., uf huM it ly uiiii'-oi ei , pttuiii lu hut Ii etiiiiiini.iiiiiii inn I'leii'iu!,! tiii-il, nt Wlllill llll ie t euti-, in i i'l, -nil, , in Mm i-i.i.iii-B in i.ii.t- i,ii i, i-: 1. Willi iw uf Win. Ku.ite, l.iie uf I'Ulilu creek low letup, ileeeuiH'tl. Wlilow ut Henry Ihlttaln, I.U" uf llil.iicii't-1 luwiiiiip, iieeeatieii, :i, Wliliiw uf llllw Wllllimiii, l.iie nt llruri'iei'l, luwuMiip, uieeiiM'ii, 4 Wliluw I'f.liilill Klilltll, lite iI M.tillvilllliwll.'.lllp, iuei'ii.-M ii. r,. Wliluw uf I'll.ilt Mills, l.tle if JUilNiii low Millie ni'i i-ufi ii. II. W'I'liltV lit .ll'M4ll P.l'1'IH, l.lll "I llellllllt kltlWII1 lllp, ill-l l-.in,-,!. I.'iltl.'.ter'u Hfl'.iv, I . II, JAi'CillY, lilut'iiiKiiuiir, .Inly li, k:,. Id ibiir. A DVl.in'ISINti: fliean- (iotul: Sv leiiu V. He- All l-riw!mil,iii'iiiii'iiipateiiial.liu''i'iiii ll.e t.i Wttli llew-.paH'lrt lur tlie lus, 1 1 pill lifliilctr llseuieiil i, '.lit.tilil wiiil c iit.i In leu. p. I.'uwell k t o., 41 r,iik lluw. M wlnrk. fur llulr PAM1 lll.l'r IHiuK ciiliiili-stveiitli tilltliiii i iiuii.iliilii" IhHef uie-r m ni new -pit iters utul iMiuiaies, hlinwliiir tlie t'li'.t. AiUerlHillli litl luketi fur leuillli'4 paiien III luiiuy Mum ut uliviiii'iiJuua leiiuctluu liuiui-utt llslit-ib i nils, cm hie Look, Jnn, It'iMj, C3-OOIDS RECENTLY RECEIVED. ULACK CASHMERES, NEW MUSLINS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, NECKTIES, JtUCIIINGS, HACK COiI3S, LA11IES NEW KID GAUNTLETS. NICE ASSORTMENT DRESS GOODS FROM 25 CENTS AND UPWARDS. NEW FATTj P HUNTS TO AltUI.VU TMJS WUI2K AT THIS POPULAR CASH STORIC OK W. P. JONES & CO., CATilWISSA, PA. i.avto.v urNio.v. HARDWARE STORE. LAYTON RUN YON, & keeps consliintly on liaml n Villi unci ( 'oinvileto tock of HEAVY AHSTID SHCEIL.F HABDWABE, which r o will sell to tho l'tiblic nt Prices so Low rw to defy competition, mm stooic consisth in paut opj aa IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, MECHANICS TOOLS AND A6RI0ULTUEAL IMPLEMENTS of nil Qriidcri nnd Lntest Improvements, BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS, ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Euidon's lTorsc nml Mule Slioosi; Hoisu Nnils, etc. PATENT WHEELS. OLD'S AND WARNER'S PATENTS, Spokes, Heavy and Light, Carriage Mnllebcls, Axk'H, BpringH, Gum ami Oil dotlin, Valeuliucs Viiruishes, Spii'its lurpentiiio, nml a gcucrnl Stock of WAGON AN I) CAURrAG E MAKERS 000DS1 5uil(ling Matoi'iiild, Biicliua J) UNCANNON NA FLS, Lowis' Lead, Jest Ctjloi'8, Pure Oils, etc., as low as GIVE US A CALL AND Marin, ISTS-tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE! SUCCICt-'OIta TO J. F. WURMAN ,c CO., jlTT ' iiia-iia im itnlets, fiouitct, Tweezcr8 Vlie-rs, l'ots anil KctlliH, Pans ami Pric-rH, lle-t, 1'ansaiul 1'rtern, till mi Uuf liiiyers. 'jlflpl! I All tliin-'s fur Wo litivo ulso nelileil to our. filock PATENT WHEELS & SPOKES, WHEELBARROWS, GLASS, PUTT-Y, OUll STOCK IS COMPLETE In all its llrunclica, C'lUeftilly Beleeteil utul l'lirc'liiiNc-il low for Cilih giiug Atlvniitagea for Selling wliieli eim not lie excelleil liy any other Hardware Stoic m Cbuntry. GIVE US A CALL AND Wo ClUAltANTHH botli in TIllOK nml QUALITY of our Oooils. The Largest Store in the Country. J. SCHUYLER J!nrelil?,';s y Cnugli-t OjIiIi, Jlroii eliiti, Snre Tliruat, In llucnza, Croup, Wlitieip. lilt; CihikIi, lliKirMinf.1 I.iverCuinliiaint, I'.tiim or iSureneKi in tliu Clic-itnrSiile, liletHliiijr .it llio Lung, mul eve ry atTeelloii of HmTliroat, I.tincs ami Cliest, ureHreeil. Ily eui-eil liv tliousu nf int. Wi.-tTiit'it inmAiior Vn n t inuiuv, wiui'ii uei'H nni. ury ui;e euuioi nun te.nu tliee.ttise tii'lilua, ttsHtliu cilsd Willi iim-,1 li im-illi-H, liiilliKiM'ns II. ele.uisi'M tlio lunun unit ull.ijiclrrllii lou, Hun rouiuMns lliu c.uisu uf tlio cum jilnlnt. Consumption can bo cured liy.illmely resort tu tlili Htamlanl renieilv, lnulfil liy lilluilreils of lesllliliililiilc ll li.es leei an H 'lU'lJ. NnnoKcnulnotiiilem slcneil -'I. r.UTI'S" on tlio Mr.ilHH-r. wcenl.iainWI ulmiilo; laruo Imltles iiiticIitluielieuiH-r. Hi: I'll W. I'oWI.I-: X NINS, I'ruprleUjrs, Uuiton, Masa. Bulil liy Uojlera feu erally. J.in.Sii, 15-ly (lc: TO $20 per ilay. Agents wantcsl. All ip tj elasaes of worl.lrt peop'eof lulli sexes, ouni; tinU ukl, maku inorii iimney ul oi k fur us, In t heir own localities, cluiliurtlu-lr np.tru iiiouienl.s, or all the tline, titan at any tlitni; else. We ont r employ itieuC tlial lliu pay liailil'illieijr lut t-irtj- nuiii n iiutii. l'ml particulars, terms, A-c wml us your inliln-ssi at once. Hon t delay, Now Is the time. Iiuit'l looW lur ttoiieor tiu-.iiiessiieHiiere', tiiuiiytiuiiaeo learn, eil m hat m o oiler, ll, HriswiN .v Co., l'urtlaiiil, .Malm). uau, io iiiy. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE HU MOROUS WORK "QUAD'S ODDS." liy tlio "III'.TKOIT ritl'.K l'ltUSS MAN," uluiso faint) lias ii'iieheil evervwlieie. As u liumoitst li Is lie. Mnmleilneil In lio tlie peer of Murk Tvtilli, inul us u hkt it'll inner mis no euiiin tu tins euiiuiry. -me oti;. Kihl llilni; yel, Mill w llui sialic eien lu llieso tlull times, e-ie-ryliuily wants nml Mill Ikimi II, riiipau'es or Ms liest aitlclis nml v.vi eomlu euls. 'I'triltury nolntrriipiaiy. .In nl h apply at uiiee fur tlretllars tu ll. .Miki.NM.i dje.ii., vt nausoiu m., rutin, ATEllS'CONCEItTO PAItT.OIt OltOANff are luo iiiont itriiiilirul (ilklyle anit iierlrr t in luiiti ei er uitule. Tiie c.ei.c;i.ic rci Ki tiiffiu th ueti cvrriuuriMi in liny llr nun. It la priiilurnl lijun r irti aciirreuHi iu'eii llnrlv olit-il, (Ad I'lUT ilfukii-h li.MOsT I'llAltllMJniilscHII, HTlllltlNIl, 11 l.lll, Uh IMITATION iifllio II IT. HI AN TOIC'i: IK Kit. ri'.ltlt. WATIlltH' NHW OltC'lll-STItAI., VKMI'KIt, (lit AMI mi, I '7 in Unique l'rrurli('iieiit -ruiiiMno 1'lllllTV i.t VfllCIM! irfA prent Kiliniiou Inuoi tutliublii rl'Altl.Olt ,r I lll'ltl'll. AViVriJits ni:w scalu imanoh havt urcnt tioiierttiiJ a line Hliiitlimt tine, e-iti nil iiiiitlern ImiirovriiieiiU, cinil ar HI'.sT IM AMIS AIAIU:. Tltemi Oruiiiii nml I'liinti u iinrriiiitrtlerklx riin, ricll'I'.s r.'Hti:ili:. l.V I.IIW urcuklifr ,nr( I'linliaiii biilniii-ti in iiioniltly tininteniH. KiHouillliiiitl ln,lriiuii-ut fit urt-all Itiiranlim. I'ltintnt nml llriinnsln lent until pulil fur us nrrt iuitriu I. AllllNTS WAN. 'I'l'.l), Kierlnl liiiliireiiienlii tnllie iriule. A I lit Till tlliM-iillllI fii7Virlirijiti;iiiti,ri CliW'U,Seluu4it yi.rif, iut sii:irt:lH.i'iM.HiiKsM.tiit:u, IKIltAt'i; WATHIM A HIINH, 481 llrtniiliiu), Nr. iv VuiU. i; (I, lla ILVITc AW ciiaiii,i:h y, iiunyom. CO., BLOOjMSBURG, PA. OILS, G-LASS and PUTTY, tlicy can bo bought in (ho county. SEE FOR YOURSELF. LAYTON RUNYON & CO Keep cm I Faint tlio LARGEST STOCK OF HEAVY t W M Tn llio County. m mm G-IRIIISnD STORIES, ScO. SEE FOR TO TJJZSELF. & SON.'Blooiilsljui'g, Pa. A (MCNTS. lit) IJ.KliANTOll.ClillO.MOS, J iiiiiunleil.hleiixii mrl. : tsnfurl.i. ijirireHt i.uh-ly lu Iho eiuilil. NA'llo.NAI. C'llKIiMo en.. PlUl.iiitJplil.ul'n. " Tl Hi K I'INN MS A W (J AZIiTTli, A MONTHLY I'AI-KK, I'UI.I IfllEU AT ATiiANTA, tl.. -o Hovnteil in ltallio.nl lnteieit.s, Mlerature, Wit nml lltiiuor, trills per jear. I'luimio toeiery Miu- IK'lllier, AlllllthS KKNM.SAW IliZkllM, Atlanta, liu. ST A N DA 11 1) M AN UR ES" " Wo nro prxjiarwl tu IjutUh IUo rollnivtnir natiieel htariil.iril iulU.les nt Ki:iiL't'4,:n prices. ON GUARANTEED ANALYSIS. IIAUIIII'.S lluw lluniiNuii'i'-l'liiispliato. 11 Mil Ill's lllk'Hdriiile.MaiiiirofiirTuliiiecoiiiiaciriUii. llAlUJIl'M riiosj.lio I'Wt Cliuino. It.MlillI'S (ituirniitocil Pure ciriuinil l.'uw llonea. llAUlllr.H liuarauleeil l'uio llunu Meal. llAWUl'SA. A. Nllrok-eu. IIAV(lll'.-l lllgli (iriule .MKture. ('liallc!it;t Suir-I'liohpliato. USTHKI.I.A True Illril OUANO. No. 1 (lovernmeiit Permian (liiano. Plillailelpliliillrouiia U.iw llunrs. No. 1 l'tno llono Dust. Pure Dlssulvcd Hones. Clrouml uoiith cuiultria 1'ow.ll Hone, Aelilulaleil Suutlt Carolina tluanii. Deriniiii 1'oia.slt snlta "Kalult," Pure lliuuiullJiiul Plater. Hulpliato of Kml.i, Sulplialo of Putusli. hulpltato of Ainmoill.t. Oil of Vitriol. Nitrate ot Soil.i. Miul.Ho of Potash, Ak-rleullurnl Halt, Ae. Pi lees lurnMieil on application. JiAUCrM SONS. Manut.ufuieiH mul Importers, Ofllees 1 MS. lh-lawiiro Ami., Plillailelplua, Pa. ... Y ami meliuiise i) IM Smith Stieet, llattlmoai, Mel. Ilow Lost How liestored! TUST I'iililWuil a iiew-cslilion of Dr. CUI, t I.HW I'.I.IAS eelelii ateil isuy 0u u,u raaieal emu (without ineilleliit) of Sx'iinatonIia-n or Seminal Weakness, liiiulinitaryN'tu. -SL2 ,S?; 'f .......... hi. ..iriti j , ,,iviii,ii unit aUUnr liliyi cal Inealuii lie. lii.iw..li,..iu .. .M.lril.iire,ele,i uHu (Mn.iumpiin.i, i:plc,y, una 1'IU luilueeil liy BolMinlulirciiiv urheMuul cxliiivat'iiiico Piles, Ae. iMlTl'firt, in n mWivi inviluju; wily sir rent. The eililir.iloil uiiihor. lu lliln iiilniliulilo essay ele.uly ili imiiHi rates fruni a llilny ) eurs' nueee'Bf u pniellee, thitt Mm alaiinliiif eunseinuiienH of Hell alitise m.iy In- ratllenlly euieil iillltoutlhoilatneiuus uso of Interiml iiiwlli liio or tliu application ot the knife; in.lntliiir mil a iniliiof euro ittciiioonmplo certain, tilulelTec-tiiAl.liy inuuniiit uhleh uTei-y hut" feier, no in titer what Iilneeimlltloiimuy Iki, may cur hliusi'lf clieupU pjlialc ly, lllul lailloally, IWTIiW Uviuio hhouM Im in tho hauihof every yuulli ami every uau lu the t.u.il. Kent iiinier Heal, tu u plain envelopo, to any ait tltess, Kint p.uu, on rwe'lpt of bli eents, or two post bllllllH AililieHrtlhol'ulilii.liei-s, C1IVS. ,J,C KMNKA CO., W Uowcir, New VoiU. l'ost Oaico llox 4.6so. A lull lil, '!&- y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers