I ) 1 "jHAJOMSBUM-l'A." V v i a ay, S op lT7i , 18 7 5. Notice. At n. meeting of tlio Democratic fc-lnto Ooinmittcc, In llnrrlshur-r, March 1,1875, tho following resolution was uildptiMl, h. ; That Iho next Democ-nttR Ntuto ConMMitloii, fur tho purpose of nom1n.it Hit; enmlM.ites for i lorn nor ami .stnto Treasurer, lio held nt tho city of Hrlo.on Wednesday, tlm stli day of Sepleiulier, lsTr,, lit noon, Tlio Convention will consist of tlio Usual nifnihcr of delegates, viz.: ono delegate for each member of tlio Senate, anil Houso of Representatives. JOHN MIM,i;i!, Chairman. ACnrlist nriny was recently captured in fpnin which minilicreil WlO privates and "(10 ofliccrsl No wonder it Kiirrcndercd I Why don't tlio Coi.UMMAtf lelhits rentiers tliat tlio I'epiihlienns cairicd North Carolina by 20,000 linijority? J'epublican. Pimply hec.nic wcilo not indulge in un truthful statements. A ralu at Washington, 1). C. on Monday List, fairly deluged that city, l'crhaps there is no locality in America that ro much need ed thorough cleansing from coriiiption,but It will tako something stronger than water to do it. Wo regret to nee that 11. Krysinger, Ksq., ono of tho truest mid ablest editors in the State, has sold the Lcwislown True Democrat and retired from editorial life after a service of twenty-ono year, llo is an honest man aud was an editor of sterling senso and cour age. Wo hope liia successor, Maj. 1). Hough, may provo his equal. Tho WayncsburgJfisoiiffrG rceno county) long one of the best anil most serviceable Democratic papers in western Pennsylvania, lias been much enlarged aud Improved and decked in new typo. Tho present editor, W. II. T. l'aulcy, Esq. lias been connected with tho paper for forty-tlireo years. And now tlio Rnilical Stato Treasurer of New Jersey comes to tho front witlt a de falcation of f(i0,000. Jlo was continued In ollice last winter by the contumacious Radi cal Senato refusino-lo meet tho Democratic IIouso in joint convention , to elect a Treas urer, as the law required, and his sureties claim that this releases them from liability. So goes Radicalism I It is gratifying news that tho rotton crop of tho South this year is very largo and that thcro is plenty of money down there for tho trade. Tho "hick of confidence," says tho New Orleans Times, "has kept money locked in tho banks of tho South all summer, and now that safo investments demand it, there will be an abundaneo in market, and at a proper price for both buyers and hellers." A slight irregularity in tho marine corps at Washington has turned up which, it is estimatedrwill result in showing that Undo Sam has been swindled to about the tunc of 20,000. This is a small amount standing alone, especially in that city of big jobs and heavy swindling, but there are so many of theso littlo swindles turning up that, when put together, the sum of tho robberies is cnormus. The Prohibition candidato for Oovcrnor, Tlrowno, is slumping tho State, and is every wlicro greeted by larjjo audiences. Ho has spoken orwill speak in Lawrence, Allegheny, Bradford, Chester, Delaware, Lancastcr.&c, and wherever lie has been heard measures have been taken to put Temperance tickets, in tho field. Ho will visit every itnportait locality and probably every county in the State. He is said to be a man of largo abil ity and an interesting speaker. The allegory of '"Angel Sleep and Angol Death" will bo concluded in ono or two more issues. Tho fair authoress does justice to this dillicult stylo of writing, and her imaginative-narrative is of particular interest to religiously inclined pcofle, yet wo bnt seldom continue anythingovcrsolong. Con ciseness nnd brevity have become somtich tho fashion now-a-days that it is only in exceed ing raro cases that wo can agrco to continue an articlo beyond ono issue. In tho next and following issues wo will endeavor to conclude this one. The wholo board of county Commissioners in Schuylkill county were recently convicted of gross frauds in office. Tho proof was clear. In ono case, in building an almshouse, bam, they had embezzled about $0,000. Resides this, other frauds and ncgligcnco in office wcro proved. Uut tho coolest pieco of scoun drelism was in two of tho commissioners walking into thoir ofl'ico and directing orders to bo drawn in favor of thoatlornleswliohad defended thcni, amounting to SHOO, No in stitution except tlio penitentiary can curb Biieh genius. Among tho other discarded aristocratic customs of Europe that tho snobs at Wash ington havo adopted, as wo judgo by tho in sipid "anecdotes" of officials that are publish- i ed, is that of employing court fools. Treas urer New is tho hero of most of them now, but Postmaster Halo figured in tho character lately, as did Secretary Delano formerly. Sharp sayings as flat as tho butt end of a pumpkin, aro sounded nnd heralded as gushingly as tiioui they wero pure scintil lations of wisdum. In many counties of tho Stato tho town ship Auditors aro being prosecuted and fined for not publishing the annual settlements, as required by law. This is proper, for tho people have it right to know how their taxes are expended, and a refusal or neglect to publish, as required bylaw, raises ajust sus picion that somo of tho funds havo been misappropriated. All laws ought to bo com plied with, and when ollico holders refuse to comply with them it is always a sign of corruption and tho penalty for refusal ought to bo enforced. Tho next issue of tho Coujmwan will announce tho Democratic nominees for Oov crnor and Slalo Treasurer, tho convention meeting at Erio on tho 8th of September. Then tho struggle of tho fall camjialgn will comincuco in earnest; it will bo tlio most important ono that has occured in many years; tho truo and real issue being whether tho Flato and Federal governments shall bo ad ministered oxtraviintly or economically whether public plunder and oppression of tho people shall prevail, or Government be brought down to the necessities of tho peojdo ami honestly and cheaply administered, Tho local option nun aro ilettmilnul to door die IliU time, dwpllo tho BonliIng appeals made by tho Jlartriinftttw and Rawlcltc that they will furbcar. Tlio cold water men have learned to know that no fultli van bo placed in Repub lican pledgee, and hcncolmvo roolvtsl to paddle their own canoe this time, i THE Heavy failure -llnnl Times -Homed)'. Hard times Is not an apparition. As pre dicted when the day Cooko failure occurred, that win but the beginning of an end, how ever slow the approach might be. I'rom that llmo to the present, hard times have to n greater or less extent afl'ectcd every body and tho bottom Is oven now so far from being reach ed that tho surface Is yet scarcely penetrated. Had and cxtrarivjant government it at the bot tom of the whole of it, mid until there i n chanyc in thai time will he no relief. High salaries must be cut down, nil maimer of gov ernment thieves must bo clinked oil', tho tcr- riblo consuming indirect taxes must bo de stroyed, before thero can bo relief, nnd theso reforms cannot bo accomplished until thcro Is an entlro and complete- change in govern ment, Stato and Federal. Recently Duncan, Sherman fc Co., of Now York, failed for millions, and will ccttlo with their creditors for a few cents on tho dollar. Moro recently the bank of California failed for fourteen millions, with assets slated at seven millions. Plain inexorable facts will increase tho liabilities to perhaps twenty millions nnd reduce the assets to a few thous ands. Many other California banks, of less, er note, stock companies and manufactories, have followed, in all the cases noted, (ho head of each firm had built n private resl denco costing a million or moro, furnished at an expenso of half a million, and was maintained at a similar annual sum an ex travagance thai seemed necessary to main tain tlio kind of credit upon which the busi ness of tho firms was founded. These mag nificent gentlemen despised the simple unos tenlation of (llrard and Astor and ascribed it to penuriousness 1 Hut common souse is always frugal, and common senso alone can maintain and retain colloss.il wealth. Tho breaking of these millionaire firms of itself deserves no sympathy, but it is like toppling over a huge pile of bricks huge walls of bricks, with thousands, myriads of people, great and small, of all ages, sexes and conditions standing under them 1 Itisnot tho owners of tlio walls that sutler most nlateria'.ly tho poor creatures under them aro tho true subjects of pity, the humble and tho helpless, they who lose all their means and all their prospects, their bread. Look at your local newspapors I Every whero litorally filled with Sherilfs sales ! From ono column to twenty I Thcro is real distress I And in nine cases out of ten this is to bo traced to the Infernal indirect taxation and extravagance of government, inducing all otlfer extravagance, perhaps necessitating It. And yet men will blindly goto tlio polls and vote to keep tho very men in power who produco this state of ali.iirs. Hero, in Columbia county, with a pcoplo distinguished for frugality, industry, common senso, carefulness and hunesty, theso times aro not felt as xvc seo them around us ; yet oven here, where Sheriff's sales usually occu pied a very few inches of space in tho local newspapers they now rise to tho dignity of a column or morel In ordinary times such sales mean nothing moro than that some bo dy has been imprudent or exceptionably un fortunate Now it mean simply a game of confiscation I A game of your blood, in which heartless creditor and shrewd attorney arc sure to bo the winners. Hut, the public importance the whole dis tressing matter assumes is to ascertain the cause and what the remedy. Fortunately both aro palpable. Look at your President, with his salary doublcd-FIFl'Y THOUS AND A YEAH I Your Governor, bis sala ry doubled TEN THOUSAND A YEAIt! Your Congressmen, moro than doubled, from two to three thousand a year to seven thous and I Your Cabinet officers, and Judges, from two to fivo and ten thousand, and their numbers increased under specious names as twenty to ono! Your legislators, from about three hundred to ono and two thousand each, and contingencies so aptly denominated stealings I Look at tlio numbers of your office-holders where used to bo ono aro hordes now! In any necessary legal business you aro required to do look at tho enormity of fees you pay I Your tariffs steal perhaps moro than all, your Congresses squander your money and give away your public lands by millions of acres, and your Legislatures tax your farms, your products, all that you sell or buy ; tho Federal government doubles upon tho Legislature, both tax your fuel, light, tlio very grounds and coffins in which you aro buried in fact every thing tangible, and would tax your very soul if thev could reach it or provo that you aro possessed of ono that could bo sold at tax collector's or sherifl's sales, and plunders you besides with its multifarious corporations and chartered monopolies! Put, "you pays your money and you takes your choice." You (somo of you) go to tho elections annually and voto to sustain these oppressions and outrages. If men did that with their eyes open they would descrvo no better fate. Hut why will they not open their eyes to the facts that surround them ? A Plethoric Campaigner. The R(iuhlicui papers are just now laud ingtheearuestspeech in behalf of Hartranft mado at Hellefonto last week by Win. It. Mann. We havo lengthy paragraphs upon paragraphs piling up all tlie'pct adjectivesof praise tho books afford in behalf of tho "earnest ness" and "eloquence" of the speech, lint it U an old belief that n lawyer works very much in proportion to the pay ho lias in expectancy. Hartranft, while Auditor General, gave Ibis same Win. 11. Mann $30,- 000 of tlio pcoplo s money for a few days work said to have been performed in exam ining tho books of foreign insurance com panies. Whether any work was ever performed thero is no evidence, but that over fiiO.OOO of tho peoplo's money was certified by Auditor General Hartranft to be duo to Win. 11. Mann "for cxnminingthobooksof foreign insuranco companies" In 1807 and 1SC8, is proved by tho official statements of the Stato Treasurer. Maun may have done some work, but 10,000 would bo enough to pay him fur several years occupation, yet this work (whatever it was) was all donoiii 18GS, and without interfering with Mr. Mann's otheroeciipations! Well may ho mako "earnest" and "eloquent" "appeals" in favor of a candidato who confers an ordin ary fortune of tlio people's money upon him I Will Mr. Win. 11. Mann point out In the next speech ho makes how ho earned this .'10,000 insobrlef ft time? Under what law ho was employed? Whallaborhcperforiuedl Who fixed his compensation ? Our Granger friend should get out their cyphering books and demonstrate how many days of fair wages taO.OOO will pay. After that they can appreciate how Jliutrnaltiook caro of tho taxes they paid? Tho last mad dog story is from a Pittsburg paper and as an example of tho wonderful, beats all others ever manufactured, A child three years of ago was bitten but reached maturity, several years after which ho mar ried, then became tho father of u consider able family, but annually in August got mad (not singular except ns to regularity of time,) but on eacli occasion recovered, The last August ho felt tho fit coming on, started up stulrs.und seeing liU wtlo coming iiown, warned her, got mad, barked like a dog and then bit her. Hoth wife and hunband re covered. It U highly probuble, and much less wonderful, that some other poison than virus of a wad dog affected him. COLUMBIAN AND Tlio wife of Auditor General Temple died In Grceno county, while visiting nt tho rest deuco or her sister, on tho 20th of August, after a severe Illness, nged about 10 years. Her husband, three, daughters nnd ono son survive her. Thus Gen. Temple- Is called upon to bear the mint terrible afllictlon that can befall a devoted husband or bo received by a grief stricken f'unlly. Tlio harassing perplexities of an important public position, however sternly challenging his ability and patriotism, fall Into utter Insignificance when confronted by tho requirement of cold-handed Incxorablo death loseparato himself from tho earthly Intercourse nnd companionship of tho purest and most earnest nH'cctlons of his soul, tho most sacred and deeply cherish ed part and parcel of every Impulse that reaches tho Inward tcniplo of immortality, for whoso absence thcro Is no balm, tho depth of wlioso affections no quality of lultid can fathom or demonstrate, tho pearl nhovo price or description, the mortal to whom nlouo it is honorable to bow In adoration, tlio en shrincmcnt of nil that is nngcllc on earth, tho consecrated loved mother and wife, tho only names of all tho earth that harrow up every affection and mako captivo every senti ment ot honor and manly or heavenly im pulse. The ways of God aro jut death but transplants tho worthily mourned from tears to pcaco yet heart and soul will not bo calmed to quiet by tho subtilo philosophy or assumed faith, however sublime. "So do tlio modioli formulas of senso (lllilo sn.ikcw Iso t lirough my dreams ot nrtcrttmo ; So errors breed In I ho rceils and Brasses dense Th.it bank my singing rh iitels of rhyme, lly Senso rulo spaco nml Tlmoi but In (loci's I-and Then Intervals aro not, sawi such as llo llctn Ixt successlvo (ones In concords bland Whoso loving dlstnnoo makes ttio harmony. Ah, there shall neer come 'twltt mo nnd theo dross dissonances of (ho mile, (ho year; lint In (ho n-ultlehords of eesUsy our souls shall mingle, jot bo featured clear, And absence, rh tinned (o Intervals illrtne, Shall part, yet link, thy nature's (one and mine." Williamspoit is a dull placo for any kind of business except lumbering and marketing and (ho fact appears as boldly from the ad vcrthing columns of its newspapers ns though it wero directly stated. Hcnco if any body wants any thing bo thinks ho may get thcro it is necessary to writo for infor mation, to an editor or somebody else, who may or not go to the trouble of ascertaining nnd nnswering. Tho Gazette it Jlnllctin publishes a letter of this sort as a sample. We refer to this subject merely to impress upon business men every wlicro that adver tising not only pays thcni directly, but is of immense ndvnntago in presenting tho busi ness facilities of any town to the public and thus drawing profit to it. Hiisincss men and manufacturers every where, nnd energetic men in quest of business places, universally judgo of tho desirability and capacity of any town for business purposes, by tho adver tising contained in its local papers. Thus, taking towns in the same locality, Lock Haven, with half tho population, and much less than that proportion of tho lumber trade is a better placo for any kind of business than Williainsport,and this fact is illustrated in the advertising columns of tho local pa pers. So it is every where. Therefore when tho businessmen of a town fail to advertise extensively, they diminish tho importance and trade of tlio place, and permit tlio more enterprising localities to take tho latter from them. Although dono fortlioiriiidiviilu.il interests, advertisers should bo looked upon by citizens of the towns whero they reside as in some senso public benofactors, and should bo encouraged accordingly. One merchant whoadvertiscs extensively is worth moro to his town and its pcoplo than forty who never show themselves in print, and should bo for this reason alono preferred, assuming that he is of course a fair business man. Immense business failures. Resides tho great failure of tho bank of California and other banks and business firms in Hint State, thero aro also heavy fail ures in New York, Hoston, Raltimore, Jlon treal and throughout tho whole country. It is folly to disguiso tlio fact thai a most por tcnlious business crash is impending over tho country and it is equally folly to pretend that this stato of affairs is not directly pro duced by the extravagant and reckless legis lation of tho last fifteen years. During all that time, and especially for fivo or six years, it was palpablo to every good rcasoner and thinker that tho crash would come at somo time, but as temporary circumstances would in somo measure control tho exact moment of its commencement and rapid progress, just when it would occur could not so clearly bo foreseen. Temporary ex pedients may yet delay its entire fulfilment, but it will come in all its terrible force. Tho caiiso has long operated and tho trouble can not bo adjusted in a day.or the natural conso- quenco of immense bad action bo altogether avoided. It commenced with tho failure of Jay Cooko & Co., tho downward progress has been slow but sure, a new impetus is now givcu the financial difficulties, and tho worst begins to como clearly in view. All classes must suffer, but thoso engaged in or dependent upon commercial pursuits must bear tho burden of tho loss aud destruction that must ensue. lb-nutics of Postmaster Generalship. Somebody has described Postmaster Gen eral Jewell as a small specimen of a "skim milk yankco" probubly of tho while- oak cheese pattern. Since in office ho has been mousing around certain schemes of "fast mall lines," of course embracing heavy con tracts, and that, besides exhibiting "tho Postmaster General" nt various points where such a tiling is a curiosity, is about tho only official duty his wooden nutmeg excellency can see. A respectable lager beer wagon would deliver tlio malls moro promptly to tho North Hranch region than tho Lacka wana and H'.oomsbiirg railroad does it, yet tlio latter is paid at tho largest rates and never a finoisiniposed nor reprimand offered. In fact tlio P. M. O. is incompetent, and consequently worthless, liko Radical office holders generally, and tho pcoplo about hero may wait on and wait long before any thing is dono to relievo them, unless tho Radical officers aro disposed of. Tho Republican papers havo for somo time been crowing lustily over a statement that at tlio recent Democratic county convention In York Judgo Rlack had been beaten, "repu diated," or something llko that, Tho York 7Vcm indignantly denies tho statement, as serts that thcro'was no issue involving Judgo Illack or in which ho felt an interest, that at tho tlino of tho convention and for weeks previous ho had been absent from tho county attending to important public business in ad justing tlio Stato lino between Maryland nnd Virginia, and Hint ho had never taken nny part in a York county convention, Tho truth Is Judge Illack enjoys tho high respect ot every honest man in York county, Penn sylvania or tho United Slates, who knows his character or is ordinarily intelligent. He is siiiL'lcil out for abuse bv tho Republican press solely upon tho principle that slander loves a shining mark. All shades ot rogues nnve a lienltbv fenr of him but moro especially those engaged in plundering tho public, and they probably instigate tho slanders. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, An liiiiarlnnl Decision. Judge Pearson, of tho North Carolina Su premo Court, rendered an opinion which Is intcrcstlnc under certain clrcumstniices. In this case tho parties had mado a contract of iiinrrinco anil on tlio day previous to tlio marriage, tlio woman executed a deed of gut oi ncr real cstato to tno vniuo oi fn.ouu to her step-mother, without Iho knowlcdgi of tho man. After tho marrlagotho husband sues for the recovery of tho land back to tho wife, upon tho ground of fraud. Tho Court held Hint tho deed was fraudulent, Intended to deceive tlio man, nnd Iho step-mother Is ordered to convey back tho land to tho wife. Kichangr. Therefore; it Is very unsafe to buy ie.il estate from a "singlo woman," for If sho happens to marry afterwards (and sho will If shu lias a chance) "Judgo Pearson" will dccldo thnt tlio salo was fraudulent, tho cstato will go back to licr and sho will do as sho pleases about refunding tho money, and sho will plcaso to keep it. Just what real cstato or tho sale thereof has to do with marriage, or in what maimer it infcrcutlnlty enters into such contracts, tlio sapient "Judgo Pearson" docs not explain. Whether the law as expounded by this "second Dan-' iel coino to judgment" applies equally to "singlo men" who sell real estate bcfoie marriage, tho public is left in blissful igno r.mco by this learned Judge, Whilo look ing to real cstato In tlio matter of marriago is no new thing, courts havo not been in the habit of holding that it was to bo inferred that it constituted a part of tho marriage contract, or that it was in any wio to bo legally inferred that it was a consideration thereto. In fact, "old fogies" generally hold that when a man marries n wife lie takes her "for better or worse," as tho caso may be, without tho least regard to the real cstato sho may have recently sold. If greenback was at par with gold, says an exchange, wo would havo specio payments and tho only way to havo specio payments without injury to the industries of tho coun try is to bring them to par with each other. Tlio policy of tlio Radical leaders is" now and has been for years to depreciate green backs as much as posslblo to enable tho bond holders, tho gold gamblers and stock jobbers to get rich at tlio expenso of the masses, and tho so-called resumption act is intended to intensify tho difference between gold and legal tender currency. Tho Democratic po sition is not to inflato the quantity of the currency as falsely asserted, but to inflate its value and by giving full faith and credit to legal tenders to bring them up to the stan dard of par with gold, and thus reach a sound specio basis. On tiio other hand tlio Radi cal policy is todeprcciato tlio greenback cur rency nnd keep up tho prico of gold, thus giving tho pcoplo a fluctuating currency, and continuing tlio present commercial pros tration indefinitely. It is not a difficult matter to chooso between tho two policies. Clinton County. Tho Democrats of Clinton county have unanimously nominated S. R. Pcalo, Esq,, for Stato Senator, and also appointed him dclcgato to Eric, with instructions to support Col. Noyes for Governor. Mr. Pealo is n lawyer of ability and in that respect and in personal character will rank above the average Senator. Ho will bo n credit to tlio district if bis nomination bo concurred in. His competitor in tlio county.A. J. Quiglcy, Esq,, is also a gentleman of ability aud character and wan recommended for Sena torial delegafoto Erie. Thero is sonic pretty sharp practice in that combination of action, a general exchange of amiabilities with other politicians of tlio district no doubt be ing involved. They can mako n larger raft out of a square foot of timber up there than nny other locality wo know ot. AJdccision of a California court affirms that a woman whose husband is a convict in a penitentiary is in law a widow, Tlio hus band being without civil rights ho is held to bo (lead, in law. Wo belicvo this is in ac cordance with other decisions whenever tlio question lias been raised at least .generally. Under tho California decision a widow thus created, whose hunband is in the New York penitentiary for shooting her paramour, will inherit a largo estate from her deceased father, which it is supposed sho will Use to get her husband out of prison by somo hook or crook of law. In view of tho decision it will bo well for husbands to keep out of penitentiaries if they do not want their wives to bo regarded and treated by tho law as widows. A Head Conspiracy. A New York Jferald reporter interviewed Hon. Fernando Wood at Saratoga, not long since, when tho following languago was used : "You believe, then, Mr. Wood, that Iho Republican tarty is doomed to retire from power at the closo of President Grant's term of office 1" was tho question suggested by tho last remarks. Fernando Wood. "I believe Republican ism is dead and gimo with tho temporary causes which called it into existence. I do not regard it as ever having been entitled to tho name of a parly. Tho Democratic party is a portion of tho history, I may say of tlio institutions of tho nation. Its mission has been and will continuo to bo tho preservation of a government of tho people. It has exist ed in times of prosperity and in times ol mis fortune, in sunshine and in storm, through good report and evil report, and lias survived to seo its ephemeral opponents, ono by ono pass out of existence and almost out of mem ory. Ill Iho rebellion wo wero all rebels, it was said. Yet wo will still livo to guard tho constitution, to shield tho life of tlio lepub lie, to crush out treason and corruption, which, if left unchecked, must sap tho foun dations of frco government. Republicanism, I repeat, never attained tho dignity of a par ty. It was a conspiracy tlio conspiracy of a few men who found followers in fanatics blind enough to beliovo in their sincerity a. id in guerillas who looked to success as tho gateway to lieenso nod plunder. Tho war g.ivo it tho opportunity to rob at its will, to enrich its followers and to outrago liberty, it suddenly found its power unlimited and al most unquestioned and its patrouago increas ed to proportions never dreamed of in our former history. Whilo llieso things lasted, the conspiracy lived and flourished nnd tlio mob thai followed it ran riot in tho States. When tfio elements that produced it disap peared, Republicanism evaporated, It found nothing to feed on. It had no war, no plun der, no moro offices to fill, no moro contracts to bestow, and it died. It can no longer raise even tlio bugbear of tho Kit Klux to frighten tho timid nnd drive back tho advan cing forco of a constitutional party. To talk about Grant saving Republicanism, or Hlaino or Conkling saving It is nil nonsense, for there is no Republicanism to save, Tho newspapers aro giving general circu lation to tlio fact that StaloTrcasurcrMackey recently paid out 1,000.11 for walnut doors to Governor Ilartranft's horse stable Tlio Governor receives ten thousand dollars a year salary ; and If such a Governor Is worth that Bum it is a mean span of horses that isn't worthy of even mahogany stablo doors. If Hartranft is ro-clcctcd thcro will bo no doubt bo a bill presented for a german silver roof to the Stato stablo nnd a now set of pearl handle curry combs, Vtnango fyteta-, , tor. Tho Whole People Halo born I'luiulorril. Gen. Gcorgo W.Morgan.of Ohio, recently mado a speech nt Canal Dover, and con cluded with theso paragraphs! Hut tho Republicans luivo both plundered nnd then betrayed, 'flint Iho great body of people, Republicans nnd Democrats nllke, dcslro good government there U no doubt; but tho Republican or ganization is beyond tho control of tlio Itc publican voters, who hnvo no more to do with tho administration of our public nflitlrs than havo tho people or China. Let ns test tlio truth of this assertion. Tho men in power hnvo given to railroads nnd other corpora tions an amount of public lands equal to fivo times tho area of tho Stato of Ohio. What Republican now in sound of my voico or in tho good county of Tuscara was, aye, or In tho Stale of Ohio, was in favor of taking theso lands from tho pcoplo to whom they belonged nnd of giving thcni to tho railroad companies? Not one. And yet tills high-handed act was dono whilo two thirds of each liouso of Congress was com posed of Republicans. What Republican in tho sound of my voice, unless ho bo a bank er or bondholder, was in favor of incrensimr tlio taxes upon all tho property of tho peo ple and then exempting tho bondholders' wealth from taxation ? No voico answers ; but 1 do not believe thai such u man can bo found In Ohio. Yet it was dono and much more. Tho bondholder was not only ex empted from taxation, but Ills proportion of taxes wcro nnd nro added to tho taxes paid by tho property, and this was dono by a Congress with moro than two thirds of Re publicans. What Republican within tlio sound of my voico was in favor of paying tho bond holder gold interest on his bonds, whilo tlio merchant, tho manufacturer, tho farmer, and laborer, are, by Iaw,requircd to rcccivo their interest in paper money, while tho bond holder receives gold? In what school district in what township, in what county could such a proposition rcccivo a Republican vote, un less that Republican bo a bankor or bond holder? Thero is not one. What Republi can within tho sound of my voico was in favor of giving tlio Pacific Steamship Co $1,000,000 a year for carrying $20,000 wortli of mail? Not one; and yet Republicans are asked to keep theso men in power. Citizens I have done. This election is to decide whether this country of ours belongs to tlio bankers and bondholders, or to tho people. It is to decido whether prosperity is to bo restored to the land, or whether wo nro to continuo in tho downward courso to bankruptcy and pauperism. These questions aro with you as a people; for only by tho pcoplo nnd though the action of the pcoplo can relief bo obtained. Stato Affairs. Hy tho reports of ilio Stato officials, from 1SG0 to 1808, it appears that the Stato debt. inlSOO, was $37,909,84",r)0; and that tho amount specially set apart by law, mado in accordance with a constitutional requirement for the sinking fund from 1800 to 1808, amounted to $20,!! 17,751. Tho commission crs of tho sinking fund report, that only 218,208 wcro applied to the payment of the State debt during tho period from 1800 to 1808, leaving tho Stato debt nt $33,701,0 11,- 17, and tho sum of $21,120,013 to bo ac counted for. Had the amount set apart for the extinguishment of tlio Stato debt been duly applied, as required by law, tho debt would havo stood as follows : Debt in ISfiO $37,0(9,S 17,00 Amount set apart for sinking fund from 1800 to 1808 25,347,701,00 Total State debt, in 1808 $12,022,000,00 Whatbecaino of tho $21,120,043,99 is a conundrum that the Stato officials have never vet been able to answer. Tho tax payers of Penusylvnnsa would liko to know something about tho matter, and since it seems to havo escaped tho observation of tlio Houso investigating committee, appointed last session, to investigate tlio affairs of tlio Stato Treasury, it is now specially com mended to their attention, Tlicy will find the fads mentioned set forth, in full, in tho reports of tho Stato Treasurer and Auditor- General, and tho report of nil investigating committee, appointed about tho time tho deficiency was discovered, to inquire into tho matter. That committeo reported that such a deficit existed, but what beenmo of the money was left in a stato of profound mystery. Twenty-ono millions of dollars is a large sum, nnd could not get out of tho treasury without somebody knowing some thing about how it got out, and where it went to. Thcro aro laws on tho statute book of this Stato which make it a peni tcntiary offenco for a Stato Treasurer to do certain nets which, it is charged, have been done, nnd a very serious responsibility rest1 upon tho oommitteo now having this mutter in charge. Greenback Herald, 'iho Illack Hills'. Tho Philadelphia 7i'm, in alluding to this new Eldorado, says : Professor Jciincy is eminently cautious, as becomes a man of science. His description of his gold discover ies in tlio Hlack Hills, whilo it is sufficient to savo tlio reputation of General Custer, will hardly satisfy tlio anticipations of tlio great crowd of adventurers who havo been rapidly hastening to tills promised land. He did find gold there, "in paying quantities," but this is what ho says it will bo found to pay "A fair remuneration for laborceonomicnlly nnd skillfully applied, assisted by proper tools and nicchaiiic.il appliances, and nt least a moderato amount of capital," Wo should not adviso pcoplo with neither skill nor cap ital to rush out into tho wilderness for that. Hut Professor Jeiiuey well says, though with Homo poetic obscurity, that Custer was right when ho reported of that region that thero was gold in tho very roots of tho grass," only "it is not tho gold of gravel bars or quartz ledges, not the gold of tho miner or geologists, but tho future hoIIiI worth or tlio Hlack Hills that is to bo sought in tlio lux uriant growtii of tho lino grasses that every where spread over tho beautiful country." To put tlio whole matter in a few words, when civilization, in its natural westward progress, shall reach tho Hlack Hills, it will mako of lliein a rich mid prosperous country. Hut those who prematurely hasten its settle ment may perhaps loso tlio labor of a life time, and do littlo moro than open apatli for thoso who shall como after. Governor llarirauft has earned tho grati tude of nil who are interested in maintaining tho feo system abuse. Hy vetoing tho bill abolishing tlio feo system, nnd thus violating his obligations to tho.Constitution, ho has put hundreds of thousands of dollars in tho pockets of tho office-holders whilo continu ing tho burdens of tho pcoplo to that oxtont, Ho therefore counts on tlio actlvo support of tlio office-holders who can spend in his in terests largo sums of money wrung from tho people by means of this corrupt feo system. Had ho signed tho bill and thus cut off tho supplies of tho office-holding class ho would havo provoked their deadly hostility. Ho did not daro to ofi'cnd them. Ho preferred to insult tho pcoplo nnd trample on their Constitution. Tho result of tho election in November will show whether ho acted wisoly in taking his stand with tho official plunder ers against tho people. Patriot, l'.asy Wail, aii'l I'lciily nf fun, Our well-paid rulers aro Inking tho world easy ami making light of the general distress. The President, with every member of tho Cabinet, ami many of tho licaih of bureaus nml chiefs of divisions, to siy nothing of n multitude of subordinates, was absent from Washington al tho last accounts. Homo of these officials havo not been on duly for over two months, though they havo punctually drawn their full salaries for every hour of this prolonged ubsceiice. They nrn scattered in nil directions In nnd out of tho country. Soiim nro regularly established at thoscaslde, llku Grant at Long Hranch jolliers In Fiirope,othersliiI(!alirornln, olhcrs In New England, and others sllll in Canada. All of them nro bent on pleasuro and amusement, without tho leat concern for tli pi r obligations to tlio public. Until Grant becamo President, no such loosn nnd indefensible practice- as this was over known, or would havo been tolerated, llo set the example, and therefore could not rebuke those who followed it. To this caiiso may bo ascribed much of tho corruption nnd stealing which hnvo mado tlio present Ad ministration exceptionally odious. Every facility has been offered to vcnnl nnd weak employees In tho departments to abuse tlseir triuts, and to fill their pockets dishonestly. They have not failed lo im prove l!ic-o opportunities, ns Iho frequent thefts, collusion with Rings, nnd scandalous jobbery, which nro notorious, nttcst. Tho want of supervision nod of strict accounta bility has opened the door to fraud, and it will not bo closed until every vestigo of Gr.vntisn is expelled from the publicscrvice, Monroe Democrat. The editor ol the. Clarion Democrat, 11cm. R. H. Drown, nTtcr copying tho statement from tlio treasury books showing Hint Wil liam H. Mann was paid $..n,007.0S, in 1807 and 180S, for examining the accounts of for eign insuranco agencies in this Stale, adds tho following significant addendum : "During tlio session of tho Legislature of 1809, tho writer of this article, then a mem ber of too House, offered a resolution request ing the Auditor General to send in a state ment showing what services William H M nun rendered for this $30,000, and give his itemized bill. Tho Radical majority promptly voted down this resolution. It was well understood at tho time that it was'a barefaced steal, as any lawyer could have ex amincd all tho books of foreign insurance agents for $000, or less money. Hut becauso Maun was a high cockolorum in tlio party, and contributed liberally to tho election cor ruption fund, ho was shielded from exposure It is well to remeinbor that at tho recent Re publican Slalocoiivcntion, William D. Mann nominated Gov. Hartranft, nnd made a glowing speech in his favor. "Hirds of a feather," etc. It is also well to remember that Governor Hartranft as tho auditing officcrof the Stato had to audit nnd approve this swindle before Mann could get his money. Thero has been a sudden application of the brakes to tho headlong movement of Mr. Secretary Dristow upon tho whisky ring. It seems to bo tiio fato of every reformer in sido of the Republican organization, tho mo incut lie gels under fair headway, to striko upon some unanticipated lead that points so directly to tho Whito liouso that reform can only bo continued nt the risk of destruc tion. The lato painstaking publication of tho President's desiro for investigation is in tended to put tho public on a cold scent. It will not bo followed by fresh activity in the find of crooked whisky. Secretary Hristow lias already gono far enough to discover that the whisky ring was originally organized for the purposo of procuring money for politi enl purposes, and that its diversion to pur poses of private speculation was an episode of tho general plunder. Tho prosecution of tlio Chief Clerk Avery was a ficrco intima tion from the ring that it could striko back and that it would striko back effectually, if pressed. Tiio result will bo that Avery will not bo convicted, and that tho whisky ring will not be greatly molested hereafter. Sec retary Hristow will havo to submit or retire, as other secretaries have dono beforo him. Patriot. Two Democratic Councilmcn of Raltimoro havo been expelled for accepting bribes. Jiadieal Krchanyc. That is right. Tho party has determined to drivo all tho rascals out or send them to tho penitentiary. Look at tlio clean swcc: tho Democrats mado in New York. '"The Doss," Tweed, in (ho penitentiary, and all tho other rogues havo fled to Europe. Look ut tho notorious corruption in Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Washington and other cities gov cnied by Radical rogues. Who is expelled? Not one. Tlio corruptcst gang that ever in fested any city, has ruled tho National Capi tol for over five years, and havo stolen mill ions ; yet no ono has been punished. Clear field Jlrpublicem. The friends of Hartranft say ho has mado a "good Governor." If dear things are goud tlienwcadmitil, for certainly ho lias been the most expensive- individual that ever occu pied tlio Executive chair of tho State, Wo provo it thus : In 1809 tho salaries of tho Governor, tho Secretary of tho Common wealth, tlio Deputy Secretary, clerks, niessen pers and contingent expenses, fooled up only $10,170. In 187-1 tho peoplo paid $28,018.20 nlono for tlio clerks, messengers and contin gent expenses. Add tho Governor's salary of $10,000 nnd wo havo tlio gross sum of $18,018,20, or $21,843.20 moro for tho honor of having John F. Hartraull nt Harrisburg than it cost to have a gentleman liko Win, F, Packer, This is ono of tho tilings Chair man Unyt did not "point with prido" to In his recent nddress. hxehanye. 'I'll o following is Iho oath that all judicial, Slate and county ofiiccrsmusltake before en tering upon their public duties : I do solemnly swear (or alliriii)tlint I havo not paid orcoiilrlimteii, or promised lo pay or contribute, lithcr directly or indirectly, any money or other valuablo thing, toprocurowiy nomination or rleitton, (or appointment) ex cept for necessary and proper expenses ex piessly authorized by law ; that 1 havo not knowingly violated any elcciou law of this (Jommoiiweullii, or procured it io no uouo ny others in my behalf; that I will not know ingly reeel viyllrectly or indirectly ,uny money or other valuablo (hing for tlio performance ornou-performnncoofaiiyactorduty p retain ing to my omce, oiuer man uiu i-uiupsiisniioii allowed hy law, Tlio Pittsburg Pud asks nnd nnswers this" question : Docs any body doubt that the Republican party is rotten to tlio coro? Why, corruption has extended irom tho cen ter to tho circumference. Rings rulo tlio Government, lioldtho President with a strong grip, own members of tho Cabinet, shapo legislation, and subsidize subordinates in every sphere of tho public service. Frauds on a inimenso scale crop out in every direc tion, Tens of millions nro stolen from the revenues, and this loss is added to Iho bur dens which weigh down and dishearten la bor, cntcrpriso and energy. The worst Is not known, and never will bo until tho party is routed and tlio Administration changes hands. Tho only hopo is to crush out Grant- ism and all connected with it by tho success of tho Democratic party. fiii'iipcnii Nells. All inili-l In I'lirmie. nxcciit thill SOIIIO lirmlllres over which TlirkcV CXCIcisCS jurisdiction nro in rcvolt.bccnuso of excessive taxation, nml tho Spanish Meltons nro sun fighting. In tho former case, llussin.Prii'sia, Austrn,nnd Great Drilaln nro taking somo illiitniiiniln Inlorest nnd tii.iv becoiiio In volved. Tho Insurrectionists nro cliiclly Christians nnd .lews, wno protest against further Jlahoniiucdnii taxation or cniuroi Tho advantages so far seem to bo with tl Iio latter. Tim diiiiipslln wnr ill Snaill lirobablv is near lis end. tho Carlists being every wlioro defeated and demoralised, Tho Madrid government finds Itself strong enough now to despatch moro troops lo (Julia, to suppress tho Insurrection thcro,. which has now ex l.iml fur nbniil. seven vcar.s. Tho itreatcr pari of tho Island Is in possession of Iho patriots, who will leiam a in spun oi Span ish reinforcements. U Is llmo for other nations to put a slop to Iho struggle. t Itennbliean editors havo been telling tho peoplo that tlio tidal wave which swept over n n.irliim of tho country last fall, wrecking tho hopes of Radicalism, had spent its forco and that a returning billow would repair tuc dnniniro dono their party. Tho returns from Kentucky nro certainly not strong proofs of their capacity to predict political results. Tho causes which led to tlio ovcrthrow of tho Republican party in many States last fall aro still operating to their fullest extent. Tho dishonesty, corruption and cxtravnganco of tho National Administration and Its utter disregard of tlio rights, interests and welfare of tho people, havo aroused a spirit of hos tility to the Republican party which cannot bo appeased by promises to do better. Noth ing short of tlio utter annihilation oi mo n.irtv which has so irrossly abused its trust will satisfy tho public mind. Radicalism has had its day. Ohio will speak next, and then Pennsylvania. I'emj county ncmocrat. Tho campaign of the coming fall is n Stato canvass, involving Stato issues, and chielly for the correction of State abuses, nnd wo hopo tho platform to bo adopted nl Erie, while speaking in unmistakable protest against federal interference and federal cor ruption and extravagance, will confine itself to matters of Stale interest, for wo ol Peiin sylvnnia aro cliiclly interested that our State bo rightly and honestly governed. If our homo is properly ruled wo may reasonably feel certain that our representatives in tho federal Congress will do their duty in mat tcrs of national legislation. Weil Chester Jeffcreoniaii. The Republican papers mako light of tho fact that tho Democracy havo not charged the potato bug, grasshopper plague, tho Epizoo ty, tlio Duncan, Sherman &. Co. failure, tho Deccher scandal, and all that upon tlio lie publican party. Hccauso they havo not been is no evidence they will not bo. Ours is not tlio first nation thus nfllicted in consequence- of misrule and godlessness. Jerusalem, Ha- bylon and Egypt aro notablo examples. It is only since Republicanism rules nnd mis rules thnt our country has been thus nllnct- cd, nnd it is just as rcasonablo to suppose that theso plagues aro sent upon us as a pun ishment, ns it is to suppose they wcro not. Krchanyc. Tin: TiiMi'iiRANui: Movi:mi:nt. This or ganization is asuming formidable proportions Thcro nro now six journals in tho Stato sup porting tho Prohibition candidates for Gov ernor and Slate Treasurer. They aro : Our Pajierau The Timjitraiae Jllctisiny,o Phila delphia, the Altoonn I.mny Aye,o Millers town Jtti hu; the Pittsburgh Tunpcrance Agi tator nnd the Harrisburg Temperance Vindi cator. Resides, several regiments of clergy men hnvo taken tho stump for Drown and Penny packer. JCrehangc. The Greenback Jferald is the namo of a new newspaper candidato for public, favor just started in Philadelphia, by Volkmar & Co. 32 South 7th Saeet. It is a largo eigh page sheet, and is devoted to tho advocacy of making greenbacks full legal tenders, favors tho repeal ot tho National bank law opposes contraction, Ac. It is edited will ability and contains much valuable reading matter on a variety of subjects. $2 per year or 00 cents for tlireo months. Tho board of underwriters of Williams port, on behalf ot tho National board, pre sented Mayor Powell, of that city, with a splendid gold watch and chain for his efficient services in bringing incendiaries to trial and conviction. Tlio usual speeches o such occasions wcro indulged in, as well as usual adjournment to tho dining room, for refreshments, which nro naturally required after exhausting ceremonies. Tlio llmo for seeking nbility, integrity and modesty in tho public men of this State is coming very fast. Soon it will bo tho high est recommendation for official station and places of high honor that tho men chosen to fill them nover even sought either voles, dcl- or n HHHtfMHH siou 01 tin PPnrlnukoTms tho rulo in Ruehcases in tho future, Philadelphia Commonwealth. The Clarion Democrat gives an apt illus tration of tho system of "saving at tho spigot nnd wasting at tho bung," as practiced it n der our present Stato Government. Tiio advertising for proposals for stationery, fuel, etc., for tho various departments, nnd for tho Senalo nnd Houso, as per act of .May 10, 1871, Iho bills for which have recently been paid, amounts to over $8,000, whilo tho amount of supplies required will scarcely reach $0,000 ! Tlio expenses of Hart rnnft'sndminislration in 1874 wcro $1,090,103.03. This is a littlo over six hundred thousand moro than Cur tin's cost in 1802, nnd it is two hundred and fifty thousand dollars moro than Geary's ad ministration cost in 1808. This is tho kind of economy of which tho Radicals boast. Everything heavily taxed and expenses of Slalo nnd Federal governments on tho increase I JZc, If n Slalo Treasurer keeps Iwo millions of dollars nf tho people's money in banks at nt an annual r.ilo of interest of four per cent, it is easy to seo how a few years in of fice would cnablo him to amass a fortune. It's a good thing tho pcoplo havo put on their thinking cap, and Iho next election will put mi end to that kind of business, High tlmo for a change York Gazette, Ilxcerpls nml News Hems from Ilxcliiuiges. $100,000 a vear Is tho uvcriiLo amount ostium. till to have been embezzled bv lVimsvlv.qnla Statu Tieasiueis during tho past twelve years. And yet tho Republicans ask for campaign is sues, Tlio Iteiiubliean fuelions In Alli.rrlif.m-i-minlv . n j - j lire Plllltlll. OILcll Other III ntrwu inwl llm ili.r-llf.ii of tlio Democratic ticket is looked unonasoulla probable. In Franco tlio economists set down iho ufllic- tlons of tlio United BtuU-a t duo to Ihrco caimca: An excess of railroads (over 100,000 miles), paper money, nml n pioteclivo tarilf. A ,i r.tinii,rt, Ufit-d If i-il Wlllt'HiiJItiil I, l.!nM troubled with n gang of villains, And Iho edi tor might havo conlliiiicil llinl Auditor (I c-m-r.it Temple has found them nut to (he time of $.",. 200.07 nut of which Ilio bondholders attempted lo ehent the .State. Wr.M, HuiTolriT.P. Tho Imiidcd debt of ll.o city of Wllllnimporl, Is In round mnnts'rs $.132,000. Tlionnuii.il Interest being $37,020. A pretty good (nx for living ill style. Well, "whoever dances should pay lliu fiddler I" As it Is now llm f.ixlilou In spud rliildim. abroad to lo educated, many parents will ho glad lo learn that nn .American school has been established In Germany, at Stiillgait, where, with nit lliu eclat of n Hiiinpcau resldrnee, young ladles nnd gentlemen can ho !niidit Ilio auiu tilings as n uu-y uau taayen m Home. Tho grangers in Miwiuri number 100,000 persons, llu-y don t ineddlo with polities, but tieir nbililv (o di. m rMl-flK-oltf u-lmn i,"i.b... require Is n soureo of indirect political strength ...i.:..i. i., i, ..ir...i i.. i .!.... i. !.i. . niit ii.i-t in i-iii-ut til n-injiui ll!l IvllilllOU. Win. 11. Mann's ohoiiiiil. funwIi nt ItMh.ftttti.. contained no allusion to tlio $30,000 paid Mm for examining hooks of foreign Insurance mm- lames, inn liniid was approved hy .Auditor General lfarlranft, and il was shabby in Mann not lo explain, Colitmliia County Democratic N'omiiintiniH. HM.VATOU, CHARLES G. RARKLEY, Dloomsburg. j it mm, GEORGE SCOTT, Cnt.iwissa. ruontoNOTAUY, D. FRANIv ZARR, Dloomsburg, limisTt'.it nnd lii:roiti)i:ii, WILLIAMSON' II. JACOHY, Dlonmsburg. Tiin.viuiini!, Dr. HUGH V. Mo REYNOLDS, Hemlock. COM.MlSSIO.VnU!, SILAS W. MrllKNRY, Jackson. JOHN IIKRNKR, Locust. Al'lllTOltS, JOHN H. CASEY, Dloomsburg, MARTIN V. D. KLIN'E, Catawissa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A fTfiTNTK V A NT I?. I) LZJUh ureal Work, NldllT seu.Nlls in Tin: lillii.i:, mul a in.iKiitlieleiil. NKW lloniv Just fiom Piuss. .Sit. moss, ,i. u. Jie:i:i(DY .t Co., l'wi.uieiptii.i, r.i. MUD HEADING. FSVCOMAWCY. FASCINATION, Soul L'li.irinlni.', jtlcsmr-ilsm, nnd Murrl.iL'o nuMo, showlii" how either se-c may riisrlniitf- anil tf.iln Mm love nun iiiieruon or any irrson nicy enonse instant, ly. l'llci-liy mall, ro coins. liPineinlier, this Isnul a meroilii'iilur, hut n hook or mo iiuin-N. Aititresii. hunt k CO., 130 tsoutli 1th st i-hiUn.-lphl.i, l-a. PhKASANT" AX!) I'ltORITAllU-f JJM 1'I.OV.MKNT. "Ileautlfull" -t;ii:ti mliiK t' "Oil. how knclyl" "What aro they wnrthl" .vo. smh aro exclamations hy thoso who seo Iho largo i-u-ani new rhromos priHliieeil liy the nuroiieiiKnii Ainnr lean Chroino riihllshlritf Co. Hierj ono will wan them. 11 requires no tiilklntf In sell tho pictures they speak fur tlii-mseHes. CanviiSsei-s, agents, nnif luilles nml gentlemen, out erf employ nic-iit. will nml this tho 1m-.s( opi'iiliis: oor uncivil to iiml.ii money. For full .particulars semi stamp fur conn. iloiiilul rlmilar, Aildress, 1-. (ll.KAbo.N & co , ix Washington Mreel, Hoston, Mass. N0TI0KT0 TRESSPASSERS. VrOTIOKIS IIKKKnYUIVKN lo nil per Ll sons not to tresspass on tho premises of tho iinilerstKiii'il la liilnl Inir, ilshlngor olliernlso, as ll penalty of lliu law will in eery euso 1k enfoieeil iigaliist them. N. U e.inipliell, H. A. Miaru tts, ilt-nrgn Conner, I. . I. lless, Wm. II. Mahl, Siimui l lllill.iy, Isiuic creasy, J. 1). Alkinan. I.. A. Hutchison, S,-uniirl N(.)li:ml, I'lilllp Creasy, .Limes Trump, W. Illmieiislet!, In I Aikniiin, 1-'. II. lliigi'iiiiuih. Mep(. 3-31 ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. rOTJCI-: IS HKKHIIY (11VKN that tin, M uiiilerslgneil hxs heen upimlnteil an Asshrnen furthn ln'iielltot ttiucreilllorHofj. .). Hoagiami or Central!.'! horougli, In Coliimliln count-', ami Iuls tako nupon himself Ihoilullesof tho trust. All persons aro theri foro rci-ulrcil lim-lthmllh Mm, adjust nml pay liililmalliii eounls, ili'lilsniiililuesnf lhi's:ilil.l.,l. lIuaKluiiil; unil tluxo haunt; claims to submit thi'iu to tlio Assignee pru-icrly auiheiittculeil. MAHTINOASH, Sept. 3-Ct. l'axlnos, NorlliumlK.-rl.uiil Co., l-a. SHERIFFS SALE. Ilyvlrluo of suiulry wrllsof Fieri Fuel., lssueil outof Iho Com! of Common Ph-iisnml to mo illiti I-i-d, will ho soli! at public outery.nl Iho Court liouso in lllooinshiirg, Columbia cuunty, l'a., on Monday, Sc-ili-mlici' III, ISio, at ono nVluck p. in., tlio follow lug ttcsci Itieil proper ly, to.wlt: All that, certain lot or pleeo of groumlsltualo in tlm Town of lllnoiiiHliiirg, co'iimhl.i county, on (ho oast slilo uf l!.islstii'i't,hoiiiiiloilasrollou's,lo-'vll, : ln'gln nliig nt n corner mi nil nlk-y'uiiil Hnstslreer, thenni along s.'ilil Hast Btieetsoiitheaslivarillyr.'.feet In lot or Jncoli ShnrriT, thPiieo along saht lot of .liienh SIiuITit norllieiist-vtiriliy 10.1 feet lo Chestnut nlley. thi'iico liy snlil alley noilli-' cstwarilly rafeet to tho nlley lust iiieiitloni'il llienro liy snlil nlley iiorllmestwunf ly 19.', feet to Iho pliunnf beginning, whereon nro erected a tuissiory frnino dwelling liouso, a stablo mid ooUiiillilliigs. Seleil, uikcii Into execution anil lo bo sold ns Ilio propeily or Hyl ester Faux nml '1 lllin.m Faux. wiciiAur, ditovi:i!, Illoomsburg, August an, iws. .sheriff. Vi'o aro now prepared to sell for a .Short Tlmo our PHILADELPHIA GROUND BONES, In lugs, on Hoard Cars at Woiks, 100 Tons and oer, M " lo ii'' Tons, 3') " IOI9 10 " In v.i " I " to ti " f.io en per Ton si im " " 31 m " " 32 on ' " 33 ll-l ' " It packed lii barrels, (no tnro oiT) will mako a ile iliiellon of ta.oii iier ton from tlio iilun o prlees. l'ersons desiring lot.iko ndvniitnguor thonbovo low pikes, should scud In their orders nt once. ALSO, BAUGH'S Ground Raw Bones :i-(iuai!anti:':ii nmifsu At lliu following CASH I'lllCUH, loo Tonsnml ocr, f-H en Ml " to li'J Tons, llfitll I'll " to 4'i " Sll IH 111 " to i!'J " 31 II) I " to u " 3s mi This none Is (Iroiind Puro; Is not Monnieil or bak ed, nml Iho solid has been selected from It for Cur boulilng l'lirposv. Farmers nro requested to give (heir orders to tlm Ilenler enrly, and If they cannot get llAciiu's Smnii Aiui l Virni izkhh from Dealers, Ihoy will bo supplied by us direct. ' " Wo wish Dealers lo send tkclr onleiH ut once. Very Truly, 13 Trail sons. Aug. vu-st. I-IIII.ADI'I.PIIIA. VTOTIOK IS 1IICKKIIY CilVKN' Unit Iho 1 Him of liltuillilt, liliAV k CO., ut Unpen, l'a., has been dissolved hy mutual agreement and that (ho business will hcieatler bo earned on In lliu li.iiuu of Wlllnm .Mllnes, who assumes nil llm liiileblodiiess of said llrm, nml will transact nil Iho business rela ting thereto, through his ultornry In fact, Henri H. lieu'-. vOvi xnivi.'u Aug, 19. 1S76-31 IIY IIRNIIVS. HEAV, Attumey In fact. $38.00 PER TOKT. REGISTERED TRADE-MARK. A sen fowl ilojiosit iui-iorlnl exclusively hy ourselves Irani Sunlit America. S0UJHLE MARIWE G-UATtfO. AuimooiaM Snper-Pliosnhate- Analysis on each Ijii'-nnil ini illiv L-iiurnnieei!. Km samples mul clreuUrv,ou linml by ilualeaingeuci ully. .TOSIAII .1. AUHN'iS SONS, No. IH. liclaivaro Aveuuol'lillaililplil.i. GEORGIA 8FL0R1DASS 'arlles wanting In- riiiuiioii iiiuiui , nvorKli or tiiii,. should subserlbo for tho )Ioiininii nsws, published ut huMuiimn, da. nuiiy, iiu; viukiy, jv ir uniiiiin. Aduitlscis desiring custoineis In tlicta Mules, should uso Us lolums. 11 Is Iho lest paper In llm SGiUlu-nM. M.rihmii conies not on iiulil vt b rents, Address J. II- IM'lll.l-, Kuwiuiiuli, eia,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers