THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, Miscellaneous. 111',1,1'INU 1'A1VAANI) MAMMA. Hinting tho com nnd potatoes, llctplnf: to scatter tho foods, Feeding Iho hens and tho chickens, Freeing tho garden from weeds, Drlv Inif tlio oowa M tho posture, Vending dm homo In tho htnll Wo llttlo chlldieii nro busy ; Hiiro there'd work tor Us nil, Helping pnpii. Spreading Iho hay In tho Minshtno, Haklng it "P hf a 't la dry j Flocking tho apploa and poaches, Down In Iho orchard hard tiy, l'ltklng tho grapes In tho vlnoyard, (lathorlng Iho nuts In tho Fnll Wo lllllo children nro busy j Yes, theic Is work for us all, Helping papa. Sweeping, nnd washing tho dishes, llrluglng tho wood from tho shed, Ironing, sowing mid ktittllng, Helping to mal:o up tho lied, Taking good care of tho bahv, Watching her lost sho should fall Wo llttlo children nro busy j Oh, there la work tor ns n'l, Helping mimm,i. Woil: makes us cheerful aad happy, Makes us both active and strong ; Play wo enjoy nil tho better When wo have labored no long i Cllidly wo help our kind parents, Quickly wo come to their call Children should Ioto to bo busy, Tluro la so much work for us nil, Helping papa nnd mamma. A question before the California, Courts is, "Whether a woman is to bo considered n widow because) her husband is in tho Stato prison for life." A Fulton countv man canturint? a rattle snake, set about teaching it somo tricks. He was on tho high road to success when they had to bury him. It looks bad to see n dog preceding his master down tho street nnd calmly turn in tn tho first saloon ho approaches. It shows thoro is something wrong, something lack ing, a deplorable tendency on tho part of tho dog. An exchange well says : "Tho man who stops his paper to economize, is lil:o tho man who goes barefooted to save his shoes, and his intelligence nt tho end of the year will faro as badly as his unclothed feet." It is suggested that slates bo hung in tho vestibules of our churches to cnablo tho young ladies to register their names on en tering for evening service. If this plan is adopted, tho young men won't have to wait outside until church is out to seo if their charmers are present. 1J Wen Mail, Kind HriAimn. A man of Lombert- street cast, going homo at a lato hour in tho night, saw that tho occupants of a house, standing Hush with tho street had left a window up, and he decided to warn them and prevent a burglary. Putting his head into the window ho called out: "Hollow 1 good peop !" That was all ho said. A wholo pailfull of water struck him id tho face, and, as ho staggcrd back, n woman shrieked out : "Didn't I tell you what you'd get if you wasn't homo by nino o'clock?" Good fob Lean Women. If any ono wishes to grow fleshy, a pint of milk taken before retiring at night will cover tho scraw. nicst bones. Although now-a-days wo seo a great many fleshy females, yet thero arc many lean and lank ones who sigh for the fashionable measure of plumpness, and who would bo vastly improved in health and ap pcaranco could their figure bo rounded with good solid flesh. Nothing is more coveted by Thin women than a full figure, and nothing will so rouse) the iro and provoko tho scandal of ono of the "clipper-builds" as tho con sciousness of plumpness in a rival. In cases of fever and summer complaint milk is now given with excellent results. Tho idea that milk is "feverish" lias exploded, and it is now the physician's great relianco in bring ing through typhoid patients, or those in too low a stato to be nourished by solid food. It is a great mistake- to scrimp tho milk pitcher. Take moro milk and buy less meat. Look to your milkmen ; have large-sized, well-filled milk pitchers on tho table each meal, and you will also have sound flesh and light doc tor's bills. A Philosophical Colore! Man. An elderly colored man, with a very phil osophical and retrospective cast of counte nance, was squatting upon his bundlo on tho hurricane deck of ono of tho western river steamers, toasting his shins against tho chimney, and apparently plunged in a stato of profound meditation. His dress and ap pcaranco indicated familiarity with camp " life, and it being soon after tho siego and capturo of Fort Donaldson, I was inclined to disturb his reveries, and on interrogation found that ho had been with tho Union forces at tho place, when I questioned further. His philosophy was so peculiar, that I will give his views in his words, as near as memory will serve mo : "Were you in tho fight?" "I hndalittlo taste of it, sa." "Stood your ground, did you?" "No sa, I runs." "Run at tho first fire, did you?" "Yes, sa, an' would havo run soona, had I Juiow'd it was comin'." "Why, that wasn't very creditable to your courage.'" "Dat isn't my lino, sa ; cookln's my pro fession," "Well I but you have regard for your rep utation?" "Ileputation'd nufiiu' to mo by do sldo of life." "Do you consider your lifo worth moro than other people h." "It's worf moro to mo sa." "Then you must valuo it very highly 1" "Yes, sa, I docs ; moro dan all dis world, moro dan a million dollars, sa, for what would that be worth to a man wid do bret out of him. Sclf-prcberbation is do first law wld me." Hut why should youacton a different rulo from other men 1" "Cause, sa, diff'ront men acts diff'ront valuo upon desselvea ; my lifo is not In dor market." "But if you lost it you would havo the satisfaction of knowing that you died for your country." "What satisfaction would that bo to mo when do power of feelin was gouo 1" "Then, "patriotism and honor aro nothing to you,', "Nufiiu1 whatever sa." "If our soldiers wcro all .like you, Irai tors might havo broken up tho government wJtlwut resistance1" "Yes, sa ; der would havo been no help for It. I wouldn't put my life in do scales 'gainst no gubcrment dat ebcr existed, for no gubcrment could replaco do loss to me. 'Spect dough dat do gubcrment safe da all liko mo." "Do you think any of your company would havo missed you if you had been killed?" "Maybe not sa, A dead whito man ain't innch wid dese sojers, let alone a dead nlgga; but I'd a missed myself, and dat was do pint wld mo." Siy ami When Lamps Hxploile. All oxplosiom of coal oil lamps aro caused by tho vapor or gas that collects In the space, abovo tho oil. When Aill of oil of courso a lamp contains no gas, but Immediately m lighting tho lamp, consumption of oil begin', soon leaving n space for gas, which com mences to form ns Iho lamp warms tip, nnd after burning a short time sufllclcnt gas will accumulate to form an explosion. Tho gas lu u lamp will explode only when ignited, In this respect It Is liko gunpowder. Cheap or Inferior oil Is always tho most dangeiom, Tho flame Is communicated to tho gas In tho following manner: Tho wick tube In all lamps is mado larger than tho wick which is to pass through it. It would not do tn havo tho wick work tightly in tho burner j on tho contrary, it is essential that it movo up and down with perfect cmc. In this way it is unavoidable tint spaco in tho tube Is left along tho sides of tho wick sufficient for tho ll.tnie from tho burner to paw down into tho lamp and explode tho gas. Many things may occur to causo the flatno to pass down tho wick tube and explode the lamp. 1. A lamp may bo standing on a tablo or niantlo and n slight puir of wind from tho open window, or the sudden opening of n door, causo nu explosion. 2. A lamp may be taken up quickly from a tablo or mantlo and instantly explode. ft. A lamp is taken into an entry whero thero is n draft, or out of doors, and an explo sion ensues. 1. A lighted lamp is taken up a flight of stairs or is raised quickly to placo it on tho mantle, resulting in nu explosion. In all theso cases the mischief is done by tho air movement either by suddenly checking tho draft or by forcing air down tho chimney against the flame. 6. lilowing down tho chimney to extin guish tho.light is a frequent causo of explo sion, 0. Lamp explosions havo been caused by ming a chimney broken off at tho top, or ono that has a piece broken out, whereby tho draft is rendered variable and tho flame un steady. 7. Sometimes a thoughtless person puts a small-sized wick in a largo burner, thus leaving considerable spaco iu tho tube along tho edges of tho wick. 8. An old burner, with its draft clogged up, which rightfully should be thrown away, sometimes continued in' use, and tho final result is an explosion. Horses and Mules. Thero is no good reason why mules should not bo more generally used than they arc, especially by farmers. They are much hard ier and much moro easily kept than horscsi and what Is better still, they seldom becomo frightened or unmanageable, except when balky ; and it is better to have a balky mule, which can often bo cured by kind treatment, than a Billy horse that can only be prevented from tearing everything to peices by constant vigilanco and the use of all the muscle of a strong man. Many persons object to mules on account of their vicious propensities. It is truo that many of them are stubborn and treacherous, but such a disposition is often causod by the brutality with which they are treated when young. It is often supposed that nothing but blows will conquer a mule, but on tho contrary wo have seen mules (which wero not only family pets, but which showed fully as warm an attachment to those who fondled them as any pet horso would do. They are much less slow than oxen, and In theso days of noisy steam cars and shrieking whistles they are, except in appear ance, far preferablo to many of the Billy and easily scared horses everywhere to bo met with. Under tho saddle a trained mulo is easily ridden, and if not vicious or spoiled in which case it is almost suicide to attempt to rido him ho will amble along at a rapid and easy gait, with far less fatiguo than a horse. Tho day when the mulo will bo emancipated from canal boat drudgery by tho steam engine is rapidly approaching, aud it might bo well for farmers and horso train ers to pay some attention to tho training of the hitherto despised, but very useful animal, the mulo, for road and farm purposes. The Quakeress and tho ShcrilT. Some of onr readers may have heard of Reuben Summerton, tho Quaker, who lived for many years in Salesboro. Once iupon a time thero was a sectional difficulty in that unusually quiet town, and friend Reuben got somehow mixed up in it. A writ against him wa3 placed in the hands of deuputy Sheriff Seaman, and the ready officer Bet out forthwith to serve it. Arrived at tho Qua ker's house,, ho asked if Mr. Summerton was in. Tho good wifo Ruth had answered tho officer's summons, and sho said to him : "My husband is nt home, Bir, and it thee will come in and be seated, he will speedily soo thee." Tho Sheriff entered the clean sitting room and sat down. Ho waited until ho had be como anxious and tired, when seeing tho fair Quakorcsa in tiio yard he went out and hailed her. "Did you not promisothat I should speed ily seo your husband ?" "Nay, friend," with tho sweetest Brailo imaginable, "I promised that ho would see thee. Ho has seen thee. Ho did not liko thy looks, and thereforo avoided thy path, leaving tho houso by another way. Ho hath left his home, and may not return until this bad business is settled." Deputy Sheriff Soaman scratched his car as ho drovo out from tho Quaker's door yard. Tho American system for barreling rm pics for exportation astonishes Europeans greatly. In Lngland apples nro placed on shelves in fruit houses, constructed speci ally for tho purpose, and no ono thinkH of sending them long distances to market. Tho American apples, which now go to England in largoquanties, Burpriso them considerably. The Newton pippin was a few years ago the favorito American npplo in tho English market, but since the failure of that variety its place lias been taken by tho Baldwin nnd Rhode Island greening chiefly. Tho great point with tho American exportation of apples to England is not tho excellent con dition In which they arrive there so much as tho low- prico they can bo sold. A fine American apple can generally undersell the English homo article in tho Ixindon and Liverpool markeia. A SixouLAK Thee. In the island of Goa near Bombay, there is a singular tree called tho "sorrowful tree" because it only flour ishes In tho night. At sunset no flowers are seen, and yet, half an hour after, is qulto full of them. Thoy yield a sweet perfiimo: but the sun no sooner begins to shine than some of them fall off, and thus It continues flower ing in the night during the whole year. A Maine girl left her clothing in an open boat and hid herself, and when her parents were crying and saying if they only had her back they would obey her slightest wish, sho appeared and said sho wanted to marry George, Value tho friendship of him who stands by you lu tho storm ; swarms of Insects will surround you In thasunshiuo, I VEGETINE the Blood, Renovates and Invigorates tho Whole System. lln Mr.llml rroptrtlr arc ALTER ATI V H.T0N IO.SO LVBNT AND DIURETIC. Vfohtinr Is mado exclusively from Iho Juices ot carefully selected barks, roots nnd herbs, nnd no Mrongly concentrated that It will effectually eradi cate from tho Bjslom every talot of scrofula, scrofu lous humor, tumor, cancer, cancerous humor, cry Hpelas, salt rhoum, svphllltlc diseases, canker, raininess nt tho stomach, nnd nil diseases that arise from Impure blood. delation, tnilammatory nnd chronlo rhcuinatlsm.nctiralirla, gout and spinal com plaints, canoulT bo effectually curod through tho blood. Tor ulcers and eruptive diseases ot tho skin, pus tulca, pimples, blotches, bolls, tetter, scaldiiead and ringworm, Vkogtink has never fallud to effect n per manent euro. For pains In tho back, kidney complaints, dropsy, femalo weakness, leucorrlitoa, arise from Internal ulceration, and uterlno diseases and general debili ty, VKdKTiNZ nets directly upon the cauws of tliera complaints. It Invigorates and strengthens tho wholo system, nets upon secretive organs, nhajs In flammation, cures ulceration and regulate tho bowels. For catarrh, dvspopMa, habitual rostlvcness, pal pitation of tho heart, headache, piles, nervousness and general prostration or iho nenous svstcni, no medicine has ever gluui such perfect satisfaction ns Iho Vkoktink. It purines the blood, cleanses nil or tho organs, and iKmcsbOsn controlling power over tho nervous ByMcm. Tho rcmai kablo cures nrfectedbv Vsoktinr havo Induced many physicians and apothecaries whom wo know to prescribe and use It In Ikelr own families. In fact, Veiiktime la tho best remedy jet discolor ed for tho above diseases, and la tho only rellablo 111,001) l'lIHIl'llllt jet rlaccd before the public. Arc not the many testimonials given for the differ ent complaints satisfactory any reasonable person suffering from nny dHensc mentioned above, that they can bo cured? Head tlio testimonials Riven, ami no ono can doubt, lu many of theso coses tho persons say that their pain nnd buffering cannot bo expressed, ns lu coses of serorul.i, whore, apparently, tho wholo body wnj ono mass of corruption. It Vku ktink will relievo pain, cleanse, purity nnd euro such diseases, restoring tho patient to perfect lu alt h afler trvlng different physicians, mauy remedies, Buffering for j ears. Is not couduM u you nro n sufferer, you can bo cured ? Why Is this medl clno performing such great curea7 It works In tho blood, in the circulating lluld. It can bo called tho dreat mood Purlller, Tho great sourco of disease originates In tho blood : nnd no medlclno that dot's not act directly upon It, to purify and renovate, hns nny lust claim upon public attention. When tho blood becomes lUeless nnd stagnant, either from change of weather or of climate, wantot exercise, Irregular diet, or from nny other causo, tho tink will renew tho blood, carry ore tho putrid hu mors, elennso tho stomach, rcgulato tho bowels, nnd Impart n tone of vigor to tho whole body. The con viction Is In tho public mind as well as In tho medi cal profession, that tho remedies supplied by the Vcgetnblo Kingdom aro moro sate, moro successful In tho euro of disease, than mineral medicines. Veoktink Is composed ot roots, bai ks and herbs. It is pleasant to take, and Is perfectly sate toglvo to nn Infant. Do you need It 7 Do not hesitate to try It. You will net cr regret It. WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT VEGETINE FOR TEN TIMES UTS COST. Tho great bencnt I havo rocelvod from tho use nt Veoctinr Induces me to glvo my testimony In Us favor. Ibollevolt to bo not only of great value for restoring tho health, but a prevent fvo or disease peculiar to the spring and summer seasons. f would not bo without It for ten times lt.s cost, EDWAItl) TIM) FIN, Attorney and flencral Agent for Massachusetts of craftsmen's Life Assuranco Company, No. 49 Hears UnlMlng, Boston, Musj. Yegotino is Sold by All Druggists, j-EW STOCK OF CLOTHING. AND Gentlemen's Dress Goods. DAVID LOWENBERG invites attention to his largo andclegantstocfc of Cheap and FasliionaWe Clothifli, ;nt his store on; MAIN HTltEET, IN THE NEW BLOCK, llLOOMSUUUG, PA,, whero ho has Just received from New York and rhll adelplda n full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, including tho most fashionable, durable and oanosomo BRESS C0N3ISTINQ OP nox, SACK, FItOCK, GUM AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OP ALL SOItTS SIZES AND COLORS, no has also replenished his already large stock of CLOTHS AND CASSIMEItES, FIQUHED AND I'LAINiVESTS, STItlPED, flillltTS, CItAVATS SOCKS, COLLARS, IIANDKEUCIHEFS, QLOVES, ;SUSPENDEItS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. no has constantly on hand a largo and woll select ed assortment of Cloths and Vostings, wldch ho Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notlco, and la tho best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear and most ot It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATOIIUS AND JKWKLKY, OP EVEIIY DESCRIPTION, FINE AND CHEAP. HIS CASE OF JEWELRY IH NOT HURl'ASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND .EXAMINE 1113 GENERAL ASSOHT-J WENT OF Clothing, Watches, Jewl ry, &c. DAVID L0WENHEUO. uly l.fs-tf. AN J ACTUAL Ul'SINms INSTITUTION AND TEUtOKAI'lIIO INSTITUTE. For Information cU u Office ea tend for Cuixom Aorssuaaia, JweftVly A TTOItNKY'8 11LANKS, Common and r Judgment lionds, lust;LrJnlfdand lor taio at the. Coi.i-mWn omco. All V1ii(KTT7?tU)niej' blaoks either kept on baud or printed u order. CHEAP nam AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. The Columbian Printing Estab lishment is amply supplied with the necessary Presses, Types and other material for executing all kinds of Printing at low rates and in the most expeditious and satis factory manner. CALL AT THE Columbian Building, COURT HOUSE ALLEY, Bloomsburg, Pa. When special material is required it will bo promptly obtained. Books and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers, Largo and Small Posters, Letter and Bill Heads, Envelopes with Business Cards, Business, Pic Nic, Wedding and Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Fare, &c. Will all be supplied and excuted in superior style, at cheap rates and short notice. Tho best workmen aro employed and tho best material will always bo furnished, A liberal share of public patron- ngo is respectfully solicited. Bixjomsiiurq, June 18, 1875. mmn opening i BLIAS MENDENHALL HAVING resumed tlio liiKlncm of Mcrclian discing nt his Old Store, on MAIN STRUCT, HLOOiMSIlURO, NKAfc TUB r0S II0THI, Desires to call tho attention ot his Friends and tho FubllOKenernlly.o his NEW, FULL AND VARIED STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, And bollctta asliaro of public patronnuo HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF DRV (100DS, (1R00KI1IHS, qukknswaur, woodiinwaki:, w1ll0wwaru, hoots ,t siioi:s, IIARDWARK, FLOUR AND FEUD, In connection with his stock of Mercnandlso ho constantly keeps on hand in Ids yard. A FULL STOCK OF Dressefl and Mraeft Mer, AND SIIINOLESOF HIS MANUFACTURE. Bill Lumber made a speciality. CALL AND SEE. Oct. 8, 1S73 tf. J. EVANS, BEADY MADE AND CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. HE HAS THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES, AND EMPLOYS THIS BEST WOllKMEM For flood Fits and Promptness In nillng orders there Is tho placo to go. Ills goods are selected with earn and his CUSTOM WORK will compare favorably with tho best effort of tho faihlonablo City Dealer. HI! KEEPS A LARGE STOCK OF BOYS'&HI LDEEN'SLOTHLNG AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS'. At Astonishingly Low Prices. A. J. EVANS. July I, 1873-tf. GLAZING AND PAPERING. TVpi. F. IiODINK, Iron Street below sec- i T onu, juooinsDurg, ra., is prepared 10 uo ni biUUS UL PAINTING, GLAZING, and PAPER HANGINGS, In tho best styles, nt lowest prices, and nt short uouec. Parties having such wor to do wll nnvo money by work warranted to giro satisfaction. Order &UUC1 ICU WM. F. B0DINE. Mar. , 7l ly. PHILADELPHIA ADV'S. BEAUTIFUL IffBW SOKTO. "NO Krlendly Volco to (ireet .Me," by II. 1. Hanks. Sent noiwiaiu lor ivt ceui. uruer our cuuuukuu lur ioto. WM. II. IIONNKU ti CO., Jluslo Publishers. 1KB, niobium aireei, ruunaeipnia, i u. jmy itwaw, ESTEY'B COTTAGE OXIOATOS. Ornnns nnd Arlon Pianos. K. M. llltticu. 1308 Chest- uui St., puna., lormeny or is norm ?ui nt. jy.iMsw "yyAINWHIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE OROCERS, N. E. Corner Second and Arch Streets, FmuiDBLriiM, Dealers In TEAS, SYHUrS, COFFEE, SUOAR, MOLASSES l'.ICE, BrlCES, SIC1HB SODA, AC, 4C. IB-Orders wlllrccclvo prompt attention. sl.T-tt Grrarmfls-rni i7Ttrfl'!ifr?fnii(Mi A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. DAILY AND WEEKLY Independent in Everything Neutral in Nothing, Opposed to all Corrupt llings in !- 1 I TvT4!....l iUUUlCipUl, OUHO HUU .L1UUUUIU A Hairs. TIIK DAILY TIMES wlllbo issued on Saturday, the Itth of March next, and every morning thereafter, Sundays excepted, under th editorial direction ot A, K. McClure, printed compactly from clear, new type, on a lartre folio sheet, containing all the news ot the day, Includlnr tne ASSOCIATE PRESS TELE (IRAMS, Special Telegrams and Correspondence from all plnt of Interest, und fcarlfHS editorial dls cusnlons of current topics. Price, TWO CjSNTfl. Mall subscription, postage free, six dollars per annum, or titty cent er month, lu ailvnne o. Advertisements, fifteen, twenty and thirty cents per line, according to position. The Weekly Times Will bo Issued on Saturday, March SOth, weekly thcieatur, containing nil Important news of the week, and complete .Market aud Financial Report. Mulled, forono year, postage free, at tho following rale I ono Copy , tt.M Ten Copies .M Twenty Copies I?-1" ADVERTISEMENTS twenty-tlvo cents per line. Itcmltniiccs should bo mudoby Draft or Post Of. lllo Orders. Address TT-TE TIMES, . No. ii Souui Seven tli Ktrei t, tt PHILADELPHIA. Ayor's Cathartic Pills, For trio relief and cure of all dcrango meiils hi Iho Horn nch, liver, and bow els. They aro a mild aperient, nnd nn etccllcntpurgatlvc. llelng purely vcrc table, they contain no mercury or mine rnl vt hatct cr. Much porloufl plckncaannd suffering Is prevent ml br llielr (iniclv uo J nnd every family f hould have them on hand for their protection nnd roller, when required, Long cxperleneo ha proved thorn to bo tho paf est, rurcit, anil hct of all the Villi Willi which the market abound. Ily their occasional me, tho blood Is purllled, tho corruptions of Iho sys tem expelled, obstructions removed, nnd tho x hole machinery of lllo restored to Its healthy activity. Internal organs which become clogged and sluggish mo cleansed by Aptr'n ViUn, nnd stimulaled Into nctlon. Thus incipient dlscaeo Is changed Into health, tlio value of which change, when reckoned on tho vnst multitudes ho enjoy It, can hardly bo computed. Their sugar coating makes Uicm pleasant to take, anil preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they nro ever fresh, and perfectly rellablo. Although ri arrhlng, Ihey nro mild, nnd oiiernto without disturbance to Ilia constitution, or diet, or occupstlon, Vull directions are given on Iho wrapper to each box, how to use them ns a Family Physic, nnd for tho following complaints, which tnoso l'ltts rapidly cure! For lM'pln or Indigestion, T.UtleM. np, Languor And l,oss of ApiiPtltr.tlicy should bo taken moderauly to stimulate tho stom nch, and restore Its healthy tone and nctlon, l or Liter Cnuiulnlnt and Its vai Ions symp toms, UlllniiM lleimliicue, Kick 11im1. uclio, Jttunille or4Jrrfa Nlcknms, Jill I0114 C,llc and lllllniis Ifeterstllicy should bo Judiciously taken for each case, lo correct tho llsoased action or remove Uio obitnictlons which causo It. For Uyspntpry or ninrrhoFn,' but ono roild dose Is generally requited. For Itlicmimtlaia. Unul, O ravel, lul- Rlttstlon of the 11,'Mf-t, l'uln In tlio lilr, llncli and l.oliin, they should lie contin uously taken, ns required, to (hangc tho diseased nctlon of tins system. With such chango tlioso complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Ilropslcnl Nnrlllngs, they should bo taken In largo nnd frequent dobes to produce the effect of a drastic purge. lor NuiiprvMion. a largo dose should bo taken, as It produces tho duslrcd effect by sym pathy. As a mrnier J'llf, tako ono Or two rfts to promolo digestion and relievo the stomach. An occasional doso stimulates the stomach and bowels, rcstoics tho appetite, and Invigorates tho system. Hcnco It Is often advantageous whero no serious derangement exists. Ono who feels tolerably well, often finds that a doso of theso makes him feel decidedly better, from tliclr cleansing and renovating effect on tho dlgcstivo apparatus. nturAHKD nv Jr. .. C. A mi CO., Practical ChemMt, I.OWELTj, MASS., V. S. A. FOR SALU 11Y ALL DIIU00IST8 EVEItVWUEBll. A pill 10-75)1 NEW GOODS I A HEAVY STOCK, Cheaper tlian Ever! S. H, MILLER & SON Havo Just Received tho largest and best sniijily ol CHEAP AMD' FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, They havo ever offered totlielr friends and cus tomers. (Jlotlis, Cassimeres, and Satinetts for MEN'S WEAR, Cloths, Alapacas, Merinos, for LADIE'S WEAR, CALICOES, MUSLINS, OAMURICS, ami every variety of Dry Goods desired, Carpets, Mats, Ottomans, in great variety mid at the LOWEST CASH PEIGEB. FAMILY GROCERIES, including nil the varieties of COFFEES, TEAS and SUOARS, COUNTRY PRODUCE, and a general supply of articles useful for tlio table always on hand. CALL AND SEE. Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change for goods at cash prices. Oct. 30,'74-tf BLOOMSBURG MARBLE WORKS. T. L. G-UNTON, Proprietor, MAIN STKEET, HHLOW MAItKET. Manufacturer of and Healer in all limit oj MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS Wo uso tho test AMEItlCAN find ITALIAN Marblo, Ho has on hand and furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEADSTONES, URNS, VASES, &c. Every variety of Marblo cutting neatly executed at trio lowest miirnri. iirieea. a innr nrnctlcalexnerlenco nnd norsonal attention to Dullness makes the proprietor confident of giving satisfaction. All orders by mall promptly uttendeu 10. 1. U. UOX 'i'Ji, RSTN. Jl.Worlt delivered free of cliarcje. Aug. it, '74-1y. T. L. (1UNT0N, Proprietor, STANDARD MANURES- Wo aro prepared to furnish tho following named standard articles at ItEDUCEU prices. ON GUARANTEED ANALYSIS. IlAUOliy ltaw llono Super-Phosphate. HAUOII'H High flrado Manure for Tobacco and tlraln. HAUOII'S I'hospho Klsli Guano. HAUdll'S Guaranteed I'uro around naw Hones. llAUdll'S Ouarantecd l'uro Iiouo Meal. llAUOU'S A. A. Nitrogen. IIAUOII'H High Orndo Mixture. Challenge Buiier-rho&phate. KSTKULLA Truo lllrd fll'ANO. No. 1 Government Peruvian Guano. Philadelphia Ground Haw Hemes. No. 1 1''lno llono Dust. I'uro Dissolved Hones. Ground South Carolina I'ossll Hone. Acidulated South Carolina Uuano. German Potnah Salts "Kainlt." Pure Ground Land Plaster, sulphato of Soda. Sulphate of Potash. Sulphate ot Ammonia, oil of Vitriol. Nltrato of soda. Murlato of Potash. Agricultural Salt, &e. Prices furnished on application. RAUGH & SONS, Manufacturers and Importers, onices ) 20 S. Delaware Avo., Philadelphia, Pa. and y and Warehouso t) 103 South Street, Haltlmore, Md. BRIDGE LETTING. WE WILL MEET AT OUR OFFICE ON Monday. Kcntember the cth. IMS. between onu nnd two o'clock, p. m., to iet tho ro-bulldlng of a county llrldgoovcr Green Creek, InOranga lown- hhln. near M. 11. 1'ntt.ersnn's. Hit Is to rionn Alien liltlDOE, ono i,pan, nj feet long, and 10)tf feet high nbovo low water, to be built on old abutments suitably repaired, bpcctOcatloas can lie Mien at tho offlco. Wo will also receive bids tor n HHACE C0VEI1ED Hitman, on the plan of tho ono laiely built In Green, wood townsh'p, near Georgo Greonley's. All bid ders to put In proposals for uch of tho two kinds of bridges, and we rt servo tho right to award tho con tract for such kind of brtdgo as o may deem advis able commissioner!' omco, ) WM. I.AWTON, Hloomsburg, Aug. u, 1ST5, t JOHN 1IEIINE1I, Attisiti VYH.KuiCUtruJ JOHN ENT. Aug, 10-Jt Clerk, commissioners. Tins nrEit is on fius wit R DWELL & (HESWAN - Advertising Agents, THinP & CHESTNUT 8T8 ST. LOUIS, MO B USINESS CARDS, urn-Bit HEADS, HILLliliADS, POSTKItS, HO., AO., Neatly and Cheaply printed at thoCoLUM- JHAI4 U1IIUU, QtoviliiTfy'fonr Gompctttovs HORLD StoMSttfHIUlDElJ,HI0 RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES TDHILADELl'lIA AND BEADING KOAD JC WINTER AIUtANG EM ENT. NOV. Oth, 1874. T1U1N3 LE4VB KCrKKT AS r0I.t.0WS (SCNPATKXCErTKH For Now York, Philadelphia, Heading, Pottsvillo Tnmnqua, e., 11,53 a. in For Catawlna, 11,38 n, m. nnd 7,50 p. m. Tor Wllllamsport, c,M n. m. and 4,00 p. m. TiuiNs.'ron nui'KKT leave as iou,ows,(sfNnAv kx CEI'TKIl.) Leave Now York, 9,00 a, m. Leave Philadelphia, 9,15 n. m. Lcavo Heading, 11,3 1 a, in., rottsvlllc, 12,10 p. m, and Tnmaqua, 1,80 p. m. Lcavo Catan If sa, ,so a. m. and 4,00 p. ni. Leave Wllllamsport, s,20 n. in. nnd fi.oo p.m. Passengers to and from New York and Plilladch Thla go through without chango of cars. J. E. WOOTEN, May s, lST4-tf. General Superintendent. TELAWAItE. LACKAWANNA AND I W12STEUN HA1I.HOAI). BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Tlme-Tnblo No. 09, Takes effect nt 4:30 A, M. TIIUltSDAY, DECEMHEIt 10, 1S74, NOHTHi STATIONS. SOUTH. i.m. p.m. p.m a.m. n in. p.m 12 2S 1 451 1 41), 13 3 1 25 1 10, scrnnton llellcvuo TaylorMllc... . ..Lackawanna Plttston .. West Plttston... Wyoming Mnltby Kingston Kingston ..Plymouth June. ....Plymouth Avondato Nantlcokc llunlock's ( reck, ,.Shlckshinny... ...Hick's Ferry... ...Heach Haven... llerwlck .... ....Ilrlar Creek ..Willow drove.... Llrno Itldgc Kspy ...Hloomsburg IlUDcrt 10 uo 10 14 IS 10 10 17 10 25 10 29 10 34 11) 33 10 45 10 60 10 M 11 00 11 05 11 09 11 18 11 62 11 40 11 68 12 ll 12 18 12 1! 12 17 12 20 It 32 12 37 12 42 12 45 1 03 1 11 1 14 1 0) 0 U iJU 12 1) 12 10 11 45 11 3.1 11 21) 11 10 11 10 10 45 8 25 8 17 8 U 8 05 8 CO 7 46 8 30 8 23 8 13 8 in 7 t.'J 7 r,3 7 4S 2 20 2 33 i 41 i 60 2 65 3 Ul 3 OS 3 IB 3 20 3 25 3 80 a 30 3 40 0 SI 4 l5 4 21) 4 28 4 30 1 45 4 61) 4 60 B l B 12 fi 18 5 24 6 30 B 43 6 63 S 03 C 20 C 35 0 41 n 60 7 00 1 11 7 05 1 IS 1 00 7 11 7 10 7 25 7 35 7 ll 7 60 7 68 8 02 8 16 8 35 8 6i 0 05 7 00 7 12 7 1H 7 25 7 88 7 4H 12 M 7 33 12 4V 7 SO 12 41 7 25 12 (IB 7 10 12 Oil 7 15 12 -if, 7 IB It It 7 2D B 60 12 01 7 Ot S Ni 11 4(1 0 67 6 43 6 32 0 27 6 20 0 tlO B 63 5 61 B 44 6 40 6 IS B 01 4 65 4 30 o.m. 0 28 11 09 C 20 11 01 e, IS 11 22 0 (8 It 17 C 03 11 11 (53 11 02 fi 48 II) C5 5 40 10 49 6 34 10 43 7 47 7 65 8 12 8 TO 8 35 8 43 8 65 Catnwlssa Hrldgc, 6 SO 10 40 S 12 10 22' ..laarK'S mwiicu... Danville Chula&ky Cameron .Northumberland. C 02 10 11 4 57 10 OS 4 40 9 5 p.m. o.m. 9 20 p.m. p.m. DAVID T. HOUND. Sunt. Superintendent's Ofllcc, Kingston , March 6, 1U4. NORTHERN COMPANY. CENTRAL RAILWAY On nnd after November 20th, 1873, trains will lcavo SUNUUHYns follows: NOKTHWAItD. Erlo Mall B.20 n. in., arrlvo Elmlrn 11.60 n. m " Cnnandnlgun... 3.33 p.m. " llochester 6.15 " Niagara luo Hunovo accommodation 11.10 a. m. nrrUo Williams Port 12.65 p. rn. Elmlrn .Mail 1.15 n. m., arrlvo Elmlrn 10.20 a. m. Hulfulo Express 7.15 a. in. arrlvo Huffalo 8.60 n. m. SOUTIIWAHI). Huffalo Express 2.60 n. m. arrlvo Ilarrlsburg 4.60 n. m " Haltlmore 3.40 1 Elmlrn Mall 11.15 a. m., arrlvo Ilarrlsburg 1.60 p. m " Washington 10.30 " " Haltlmore 6.30 " " Washington 8.30 " Ilarrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. m. arrlvo Harris. burg 10.60 1). in. arrlvo Haltlmore 2.25 a. m, " Washington 0.13 Erlo Mall 12.55 n, m. arrlvo Ilarrlsburg 3.05 n. m. " Haltlmore 8.40 " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. V. M. HO YD, Jr., General Passenger Agcnti A. J. CASSATT, General Manager PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. riiiladelhlila & Erio 11. Ii. Division. SUMMERTIME TABLE. DN and after SUNDAY, MAY 23.1, 18VB. tho trains on tho Philadelphia. & 1'ilu liall ltoud Dlv Ison will run us follows : WESTWA11D. FAST LINE leaves New York 9 S5 a. m " " " Philadelphia 12.66 p. in " " " Halllmoro l.iu p. in ' " " llnrrlsburg n.oo p. in " " nrr. at Wllllamsimrt 8.66 p. m " " " Lockllen .10.2011. m - " " llcllefonto J 1.60 p. in ElilE MAIL leaves Now York 8,23 p. m " " " Philadelphia 11.55 p.m " " Ilarrlsburg 4.VS11. in ' " " Wllllamsport 8.35 a. in " " " Lock llau'U 9,45 n.m " " " llenovo 11.06 a. m " " nrr. nt Erlo 7.50 p. m NIAGAltA KXPItHSS lcaves'.l'ldladelphl.T. . 7.40 a. m " " " Halllmoro 7.35 a. in ' " " Hnrrlsburi,',..,l0.r5n. m ' " arr, at WIlllauiHp.irt., l.Mp. m " " " lock HllV l'll.... 3.1511. m " " " ltvuuvu....... 4.30 p.m EI.MIItAMAILlcaicsJI'hlladelphl.i s.Oda.m " " " H.illlmuio h.80 a. m " " " ll.iiilsbuig 1.25 p. m " " nrr. at Wllllainspoit a.lop, m ' " " Lock Haven 7,30 p. m :o: mSTWAlW. PIIIL'A EXl'HKSS leaves Loci: llavi!n. . . " " " Wllllams)oit., " " anlves at Ilarrlsburg " " " Hnlllmorii " plUladelplda... " " " Now YorSc , . (i.4n n.m ... 7.61 1 11. Ill . .11. J.I U. Ill ., 0.15 p, 111 ., 8.311 p. in . o.ji, p.m ... 9.1 1 a, m . m .11 iiin. iu .. b.o. ) p. m O.'J ) p. 111 ..916 )l. in .. U.'J 3 p. Ul .11. son. m DAY nSPItllHS leaves Henovo " " " Uick Iliivcn..,, " " " Wllllamsport.- " " arr. at Ilarrlsburg. .. ' " " Phlladeliitila.. " " " NowYoik " " " ualtimoro ElilE MAIL leaves Erlo " ' ' llenovo " " " Loel; Unveil..,. " " " Wllllamsport... " " nrr. at Ilarrlsburg " " " Halllmoro " " 11 I'hlladelnlda.... " " " Now Yorfc , . 8.1 '5 p. Ill . va 0 p. in lo.N) p.m . '.'.2 5 u. III .. 7.uia m . u.4.1 u. in ..'O.ii i u. in PAST LINI! leaves Wllllamsport 12.S5 n. m " " nrr. at Ilarrlsburg s.B5a, m " " Halllmoro 7.3 3 a. 111 " " " Philadelphia 7,".5 a. in " " ' Now York 10.25a. Ul Erlo Mall West, Niagara Eipress West, Elmlrn muii w est ana liny iuipros8r,a,si- maicu ctoso connec tion at Northumberland with I. 11. II. It. trains for niiifes.iiarro ami rirrnnion. Erlo Mall West, Niagara Kprcss West nnd Hlmlra Mall West m&kocloko connuction at Wllllarnsnort niiu n. j, 11. iy. inuiis nuiiu. Fast Lino West nnd Dar ExDresu East mako close tijiiiuieuuii ul lAictk iiaieii wuii 11, c v. it. K.. crams. jino au nasi anQ west coniwci at Krin uu trains on L. H. ic v. s. It. It., at corry with o. a. A. V. It. It., nt F.mnorlum with U, N. Y. & P. It. It, and at Driftwood vttlh A. V. It. It. Parlor Cars will run between Philadelphia and WUliamsport on Mngara Express West, Fast Lino West. Phlladalnhla Express East and Dnv Ifxnrosa Bast, SlooiJiy cars on all night trains. WM. A. JJAJjIJWJW, Jan. 8, to U General Supt B LANK MORTGAOIifl fornaW clionp at Uio SUI GENERIS. ffiPALMAMNqUli" ,yiMtn.UI7Fr.HATf ION & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. DNEQUALBDXUN APPROACHED In cnpifcolty anA cictllcnco hy any other. AwardiJ akd DIPLOMA OP HONOR" VIENNA, 1873; PARIS, 1867. nut V Ainrrlcnn Orgnnn ever awnnlod nny mMut U h L 4 Euro;o, or which rrwctit tuih rxlfiiorcll. n.iry cxcrllcnco m to commftnd n wide mlo there. AIM AVO ftwftnlal hlgheKt vrcm.nmd nt Inilmi. MLlI H I O Irlnl KijrnMtlon. In AmcrIrnHwc)l nn Kuropis Outot hundred thciu hnTu nut twun nil In nil lro ftny other ornm havo Uvn jTcferrcil. nrPT DoclarM liy Eminent MiiKlciftn", tn both ULO I hcmUphr tn Iki tmrl vnlcd. Bra 'lllsriMONTAL CIUCtir.An, with oiiinlor. ot inoro Uian Uuf Tholiftnitil (cint fruc). IliPlOT on ImtlnK r Mnwin k llamlln. Do not I u 10 I taXo nny othrr. Healer get unnrn com Misaiona fr aetiuitf inferior oivirtf, ami Jut ihl rtHAon rten try eery harit to tell something eiV. UrUJ OTVI HQ wlthmont hmorUiit Improve HCTi ul ILlo mpnts ccr mn.lo. Now ol ftntl CoiailiTrintlnii Stop. Stiprrh IHiirre nnd othtr ( hwcr cr iht dt'NlmiM. PIAHO-HARP CABINET OHGAN. qiilcii coinhiuatfutt of thvuo Instruments. EASY PAYMENTS , formonlhlyorqnartirly iiujnientn; cr runUnl until rent pays for the organ. PHTM flPIICP ""'1 Clrcnlnw, with full initio uAIHLUUUtO uliu, f ri'O. AddrimMAPOn HAMLIN II110AS CO., 151 Trrmont Struct, UOS. TONj 26 Union Siiunrc, HEW XOIIKS or fell & ti'l Almu St., CU1CA0U. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET IMS mat nr. obtained at WHOLESALE OE RETAIL OP Ii. B. POWELL, SCRAKTON, Pa. Gencrul Agent also for tho celebrated CHICKERING PIANOS. ALSO, OF I. K. MILLER, HLOOMSIWRQ, PA., Dealer in nbovo Instruments. March 10, '75 y 110LL1NS cSc HOLMES No. 17 Ccntro Stro . Plnmta Gas ant Steam Fitters JIAHUFACTUItKltS OP riisr "W ARE, lALVANizi:r ihon coit.Nici:, WINDOW CAPS, AWNINGS, Wiro TrelliscH, occ. Dcalern in Rtovca, Rang es, Kuniacen, llnltinioro Heaters, Low Down Grates, Mantels, PUMPS, Weather Strir, &c. Also G-AS FIXTURES (if the latest rloslcn. Special attention paid to ie iiiilrln" ScwlnL' MaililniH of evirv descrlntlon. Wales. ocks, lloll HiiiiRliiif, Key 1'lttliiK, Kc. lTUato llesl- deuces HcatcU bybtcamut abiuall costahovo Hot Mr. Feb. sr..'15-tf. DLATCHLKY'f I rrovert cucui WOOD l'UMP in th S Im- CUMllHH 1 tho uc- know ledired standard of tho market, by popular verdict, the lictl pump for tholcast money, Attention is lnvltoil to Illalclilev's Improved llrack- ct. tho Drop chick valve, which can li vvltliilran without 1lsturllni;thn Joints, nnd tho copper cliambcr wiiich never cracks, hcales or rusts ami will last a lllo time. Korsalo by dealcis and tlio trado Kcnerally. In order tubosuro tliat 3 011 get Ulatchlov's I'imip.tio careful and wo that It has my trndo mark as above. If you do not knnwwhero lo buy, di'scrlpllvo circulars, toKcthcr with the name and address ot Iho airent nenrest juii will bo furnished by addresslin; Willi stamp, CHAW. (1. IlI.ATClll.llV, .Manufacturer, Wl, Cominerco St., 1'hlladdpma, FOIt SAI.II 11Y J. SCHUYLER & SON, Bloomsturg, Pa. March 5 '75-0111 CARPETS ! CARPETS ! ! S. H. MILLER & SON HAVR JUST RKCKIVKD ami aro olTeriiif; for bale ntverylow prices 0110 of thobestns !Kirlinent ot t'Alll'CTH ever ofTered for fculo of tlio town of Illoomsburif. 'Ihey am all new nnd In tho very latest tli lea. Prices aryfrom isccuUito tl.50 per yard. Cull aud bee tlicra. Oct. S3, 'H-tf. NOTICE. TyrOTICE is lierehy Riven that tlio Illooms. 11 burir (las company will put In service pipe ami furnish meters to tlio citizens of Illoomsburs for whero Uio illstunco from tlio btrect docs not exceed M feet; excess of m feet will bo chanred at tlio rate ot 50 cents per root until Seplember Ibt 1SI5. C. W, MILLElt, becrttary. Sept. 11, 'U.-xt lIENMLIOTfS oi'PosiTi: tiii: cr.NTiiAL iiotki,. Has a complcto btock of pure and rellablo Dltt'CIS, MEDICINES, OIIEiHCAI-S, UY1S, ACIDS, SOAI'3, SODA, SODA ASH, I'AINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, VAIIKISIIES AND ALL rAi.iTr.ns srnTUE.s broNOHs, imusii IIS, I'EHVUMKKY, 4C AT VERY' LOW P1U0ES. Country Produco taken In exchango for Dnifs, Medicines, Dyes, Sc. -101- CENTRALS? STORE. Have a corefullybclectcd Bteck of cholco TEAS, COFl'JtlS, SOOAll, Sl'ICCS, SOAV, I'lCKIXS, BAUCIS, FISH, HAMS, CANNED FJIC1TP, VJMKTAI1LE8 AND OTlIKIt 1'INU QltOCHIl IBS, FORHION AND I)()MHSTI0 Fruilfl, Nuts nnd Cbnfcctionniy, mi at tho lowca poss)bIo prices, rwoountry rroduco take nt lu exthttDt'C.ufl Mouabliurif, ilanli lu, lK5-y A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers