THE COLUMBIAN ANL DEMOCRAT, JBLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. t (iioluwMnu bloomsbuiig, pa. Friday, Dec. 27, 1S72. With tho present number wo closd our sixth volume. Our circulation linn Kioiitllly Incroruod during tho ji.wt your without nny effort on our rmrt ami not withstanding wo liuvobcon compelled to drop many nnmod for iion-nnyinunt. Wonroposoto rovlso our list atlll fur ther, becauso wo nro unablo to publish tbo pnper for nothing. It Is nn easy inattor to py a years subscription, and no account should bo nllowcd to run longer. Tho amount for each is small, hut take tho wholo list, and tho aggro KiUo Is very largo. Pay up then at once. Independence or tlio l'rcss. No imn doubts Hint tho nowspapor press pxtrclsra a greater lnflucnco on public opinion In a civilized county than any other agency." In this country It has succeeded tho stump orator, and rivals tho pulpit. Whilst untrammolcd, and freo from dictation it is nn element for good, In tho hands of mon biased by p.ialon or corrupt motives It U an cn glnn for evil. If not itilluonccd by pntronago or tho pcrsonnl ambition of tho editor, It oft-llmra prostitutes Itt-Jpowcr. for a cheap nnd temporary popularity, and sacrifices principlo for expediency. An independent pnper should lead and attempt to mould opinion bo tho vanguard in tho inarch of civilization nnd not cater to tho wlilma or prejudices of tho times. How many such papers havo wo? Of tho many gifted Oil I tors in this Com mon wealth fow will,or dare assert their sentiment. So mo from corrupt motives. somo becauso they aro controlled by outsldo Influences, some becauso It will not pay. Whenjournallsm becomes iudopend ont , freo from thocontrolof party caucuses mid demagogical politicians its useful ness as a teacher will bo greater than that of tho pulpit or school. Tho Congressional election. Wo aro unablo to say who has been clectr d to fill tho vacancy caused by tho election of Judgo Mercur to tho Supremo Bench. Below wo glvo a fow scattering returns which indicate- that but littlo interest was takon in tho matter in this county. In fact tho mass of voters did not know that an election was to bo held 011 Tuesday. In Bloomsburg, wo carried tho town hy seven majority, nud again demon stratod that it is Democratic if work is gone i'loiett, Bunnell, 7 ma,). 30 votes 113 votes Bloomsburg, Berwick, Briarcreeli, Centralia. ClmaJ 10 mal. 13 37maJ. Coutro, 28 N. Conyngham, lOmaj. Oatawissa, Hemlock, 33maJ. Madison, 04 muj. Montour, 29 Scott, 20mJ. I he Presidential Election. Tho Electoral Colleges In twonty-nino States, aggregating 2SG Electoral votos, havo cast thorn for Ulysses S. Grant for Presidont, and Henry Wilson for Vice President. In two other States, Arkan sas and Iiouislana.double sets of electors claimed to havo been chosen, tho Ro publlcau electors in each voting also for Grant and Wilson ; tho six Democratic electors in Arkansas voting for B. Gratz Brown und Nathaniel P. Banks, and tho eight in Louisiana casting blank votes for President, and for B. Gratz Brown for VIco Presidont. Should Ar kansas and Louisiana bo counted for tho Bepublicans, tho total for Grant and Wilson will bo 300 out of an Elcctorlal Co?Iego of 3GC. Tho six undisputed States votingagainst Grant wero Mary land, Kentucky, Tennesseo, Missouri, Georgia and Texas. For Presidont theso Statoi cast 42 votes for Thomas H. Hen drlcks; 18 for B. Gratz Brown ; 3 for Horaeo Greeley; 2 for Charles J, Jon Kins, and 1 for David Davis, n total of CO. For Vico President thoy cast 47 voies for B. Gratz Brown ; 5 for Goorgo w. j uiiau ;g for Alexander II. Colquitt; o ior joun m. maimer; 3 for Thomas E, Bramlltto, and I each for 'William S, uroesDecir, JNatnanlel P. Banks and wmis is. Machen, Total GO. Tho Seizure of Business Books. Not tho least atrocious of tho many outrages on commerco doveloped by tho Custom-houso Investigating Com ml tteo in tho early part of this year was uio lawless selzuro of business men's books. It was pretty well established that under pretenco of forroting out rovenvo irauus Federal officials wero In tho habit of blackmailing merchants. threatening them with Interruption of wiuir ousiness unless certain demands wero complied with. Desoito theso rov. elatlonsitis only now that an effort is mauo to break up such nn infamous system of brigandage Mr. ICeris, of .Indiana, introduced on tho 0th Inst, n bill which, if adopted, will afford our merchants that protection thoy now so ruuen lacK. By tho terms of this meas uro there can bo no selzuro of invoices, books, or papers unless tho matter com plained of is distinctly stated, and tho uooks; ace, to Do Belzod particularly mentioned und described ; tho District- Attornoy is then to conulder tho com plaint and all tho facts of tho caeo, not forgetting a special attention to tho re pute of tho complainant, and Indorso on tho paper his approval or disapprov al of tho Jsjual of tho ordorofsoizuro therein prayed. If tho complaint bo disapproved tho collector or other chief cusoms officer of the district is tocertlfy in writing his belief that tho issual of a warrant Is necessary in tho interests of tho United Slarcs.and should tho Judge of tho United States, district court then think it advlsablo a warrant of solzuro to closely conform to tho complaint is t o Issue. Oa Eoizure.tho books invoices und papers nro, If desired by the owner, to bo forth with sealed by the officer making tho solzuro, tho seal not to bo broken, undor heavy penalty, until In thoprosenco of tho Judgo issuing tho warrant or by his order. Two days af ter tho solzuro tho examination shall bo had. If fraud appears tho usual punish incntsshall bo inflicted; but if it up pear that complainant ha3 with wilful falsity sworn out tho warrant ho shall "able for perjury. Any unnecessary harassment or any disclosuro of Infor mation officially obtained Is made punishable by an action on tho same, fhero aro minor provislons.but enough lias been said to glvo an Idea of the thoroughness of tlio remedy propo&ed, World. ' Tlio A'atlon'H Minnie. If theio Is n spectnelo to bring n blush of shntno to tho checks of nn American citizen it Is tho recent scones In th tnreo States of Louisiana, Alabama ami Mourn Carolina. In tho llrst th Governor, Wiirinouth, by nieiiim of political election law, designed hy Its authors (who. wo nro sorrv to conrosi oallod themselves Republican) to so euro tnclr political ascendancy, elects Stato ticket nnd Lcglslnturo by fraud His crlmo Is Immediately mot by nnothcr. A partisan decision by an sonllo juugo overturns tho Stato government and, sustained by vlolcnco, tho Inllu enco that dictated It will dcclnro a man Governor who Is Inollglblo to tho oulce. In Alabama nmbltlon to rctnln n sent in tho United Stales Sonnto on tho ono side, nnd tho violent dotormin ntion of tho peoplo to bo rid of a rulo of Incompetency nnd dishonesty on tho other, produco a legislative quarrol which culminates In tho organization of two distinct bodies, each claiming to bo regular. Tho result is anarchs with n probability of complications still moro chaotic unless Attornoy Gen oral Williams' comproralso is adopted South Carolina, last on tho list, Is ex cmpt from violence, but not from shamo. A Legislature, ono-half tho members of which cannot read, nor ono-thlrd write, Bonds to tho United Btatcs Sonato a person whoso rmallflca tions woro his long purso and know! edgo of tho weaker sldo of liumuu na turo. A fow hours after ho finds himself arraigned In tho courts for bri bery. Theso ovonls,shameful to freo instltu tions, nnd disgraceful to all concerned havo sprung from causes which aro now happily fading away. Tho political ad venturers who swnrmed llko locusts upon tho Southern communities at tho closo of tho wnr havo fulfilled their mission, and tho day for their tolora lion is past. For years they woro sus- talued by tho National Government and tho voice of tho North, becauso they wero tho conservators of tho peaco and tho protectors of tho negro. Thoso duties nro no longer necessary. Sec tional animosities, prejudices against raco, and disloyalty to tho Union aro being discarded by tho Southern peo plo, if only to rid themselves of a rulo that cats up their substanco and de stroys their political liDcrty. Tho War mouths and tho Moseses moy havo forced this political revolution, but it Is no palliation of their oxcesses to say that thoy fought tho battlo for negro suffrage and civil rights. Tho day hns como for their extinction. With It will disappenr tho nnarchy they havo evoked. Tho Administration has an extremely dclicato task, but an imporativo duty to perform in this crisis. Now is tho tlmo for a complete and lasting recon dilation. It will not hazard Itopubli can supremacy, but strengthen it, to crush out tho robbers who claim to lead Its columns at tho South. It will, with tho downfall of Warraouth and others of his stripe, win tho confidence of our fellow-cltizen3 there that aro sincere in their professions of friendship for tho negroand of loyalty tothoUnlon.anddo moro to establish commercial and busi ness prosperity than all the flno words nnd npt phrases that fell from tho lips of orators In tho last campaign' Of course, wowouiu not navo tno l'resl dent espouso either side in thoso fac- tional quarrels. Nono of tho parties are freo from blame. But let tho story of intelligent men, tho honest members of thoso communities, bo listened to, and their promises accepted, in preference to tho falsehoods and appeals of plun dcrers, whoso only titlo to corisidcra tlon is a pretenco of Republicanism. President Grant, by his appointment of of such men as Judges Orr of South Carolina and Mitchell of North Caro lina to high office, has shown a disposi tion to recognize only tho better elements of tho Republican party titthe south, nnd wo trust that ho will recol lect that thero nro thousands of mon there who aro worthier of his confidence than the Spencers, and Pattersons, and Narneis such men as Georgo W. Williamson of Loui3innn,J. W. Throck morton of Texas, nnd Wickham of Vir ginia who only need a little encour agement to co-operato with tho Renub- lican party in tho grand work of practi cal reconstruction. Press. 0 A Itemarkable Case. A very unusual and wonderful pho nomonon was found within tho body of wnunm Mlllaur, aged about nineteen years, son of Mr, Jo3cph Mlllaur, of oeclarvlllo, North Coventry township, Chester county, who died on Monday morning, Decembor 0. The deceased had been ailllcted for several years with curvature of tho spine, enlarged spleen and liver. Ascltcs.or abdominaldropsy , set in about eight months ago, as tho result of tho enlargomont of tho llvor and spleen, Interfering with tho proper functions of thobody.gradually increas ing until his death. Tho caso was undor charge of sovoral physicians of this vicinity ,stnco ho was first afflicted. Dr. J. Davis, who has been his attenditig physician for sovoral months past, performed a post mortem examination on Wednesday last, in tho presence orsoveral persons, and, strango to relnto, after having drawn about eight gallonsof dark colored serous fl uid from tho abdomen, found that tho llvor. spleen, kidneys, stomach and bowels wero completely absorbed, without leaving any portion of them remaining nothing being found in tho abdomen but a portion of tho omentum and tho serous fluid. How long .this had boon tho caso wo aro unablo to say, but cer tainly it could not havo boeu loutr. Jbttstoicn Ledger. That tho Constitutional Convontion will amend tho libel laws, is, wo tako it. absolutely cortain. Tho statutes on this subject nro illiberal, unjust, and un- worthy of tho ago wo llvo in. Their effect Is seen In tho dwarfed indopon deuco and enlorpriso of tho press of tho Stato and tho Immunity from public contempt and punishment or its Incom petent and dishonest officials. Sugges tions in tho mattor como to us by tho scoro; but what Is needed is a chnngo that will admit tho truth of tho nllegod libel to bo presented to tho jury, and such other ovidenco as will show that tho publication was from good motives and JustlQablo onds. This Is tho law of New York and should bo of Pennsyl vania. In Germany, when tho voto of tlio Jury stands six against six tho prisoner Is acquitted. A voto of seven against tlvo leaves tho decision to tho Court, and In a voto of eight against, four tho prisoner is convicted. "Moling tlio Crops." Thero Is tho smack of an nnclont nnd familiar llavor in ono portion of Secro tary Boutwcll's report, to wlt,tholcarn od nnd laborious parogroph which ro laics to tho crops and their transports tlon. Tho secretary's idea Is Hint thoro should bo grent flexibility in tho cur roncy, nnd that tho power to tlghton or loosen should rcslda In his hands, and this Is his way of putting It: 'Thero Is ii necessity ovcry uuttiinn for moving tho crops without delay from tho south and west to tho seaboard, that they may bo in hand for export und consumption ns wanted. Tills work should ho dono in tlio main boforo tho lakes, rivers and canals nro closed, nnd yot It cannot bo dono without tlio uso of lnrgo nmounts of currency. In tho sum mer months funds nccumulnto nt tho centres, but tho rcnownl of business in August nnd September gives omploy mout for largo sums nnd leaves littlo or nothing for forwnrding tho crops in October or November. Nor would this difficulty bo obviated by a permanent iucrcaso or u permanent reduction of tho volumo of currency. Tho difficulty Is duo to tho natural order of things, and increases with tho prosperity of tho country, ns shown In tho nbundanco of its harvests. Tlio crops cannotbo moved goncrally by tho aid of bank balances, checks, and letters of credit, but only by bank notes nnd United States notes paid nt onco to tho producers. This money finds its wny into tho channels of trado nnd to tho commorcial contrcs, but if It bo nllowcd to romaln for goncral uso after tho reason for Its Issuo lias ceased, tho volumo of currency would bo in creased permanently, nnd tho year fol lowing tho same process would bo re peated with tho samo results, and thus would tho country depart moro and moro widely from tho policy of resump tion. Tho problem Is to find a way of increasing tho currency for moving tho crops and diminishing it at onco when tho work is done. This is n necessary work, and inasmuch ns it cannot bo con lined to tlio banks, whero but in tho treasury department can tho power bo reposed? ' This hath tho sound of wisdom. It recks with political economy. But thoro is somohow a familiar tasto about it. Crops! Crops! Moving tho crops! It carries us back ou memory's wings, so to speak. In n dreamy way wo catch tho dull roar of a long-gono strugglo of bulls and boars through tho mist wo see a groat tanglo and snarl of men in Wall street, with ono broker gono mad and sovoral gono up, with gold at 1G0 and Flsk and Gould nnd Abel R. Corblu regulating the monoy markot so as to movo tho crops." Ah yes, wo havo it Mr. Boutwcll is nn impressible man This Is tho Idea of Mr. Ablo R, Corbin that grcat'and good political economist who felt himself called upon by his re latlonship to the President in Septcm ber, 18G9, to tako hold and movo tho crops. ICS, that Is it. wo knew wo recog, nlzed the flavor. Mr. Corbin had an editorial article in tho Times on the 25 th of August, 1SG9, broaching thi3 vlow, Ho impressed Mr. Jay Gould with it, In answer to tho Inquiry of somo official persons In January, 1870, Mr. Corbin said : 'Whiloat homo Mr. Gould used to call at my houso occasionally : and as I had heard that ho was a Wall street operator I always Improved tho oppor tunlty to talk to him. I look advan tago or every occasion to Impress upon him what I thought was a vital point and that was to let tho farmers and mo chanics and manufacturers havo good prices for thoir productions. I was Im pressed with tho idoa that gold should bo high, if wo would havo good prices for tho crops; and as ho was engaged in tho management of a railroad which was very much stigmatized, I told him I thought that tho truo road to popular! ty lay through tho fiold of usefulness, and I think so now. If tho crops brought but low prices wo could not ship them with profit. That was enforced again and again, I insisting that gold ought to bo high in order to movo tho crops Mr. Gould concurred in all that, and gavo mo a good many reasons hlmsolf. Ho talked to mo much on tho subject of gold." Mr. Gould was impressed. Ho impress cd Mr. James Flsk, Jr. Tho two im pressed President Grant; and thoPresb dont with tho aid of Fisk and Gould and Corbin Impressed Mr. Boutwcll. And when Mr. Boutwell grasps an idea ho holds on to it. Ah, it's a grand con ception there's financiering, andstatos manship and monoy In it this theory of tho flexibility and elasticity of tho currency, giving tho secretary of tho treasury power to pinch tho businoss interest of the country whon ho thinks thoy will bear pinching, and to expand tno currency as In his Judgmout It may bo expedient whenever it is necessary to move tlio crops. Thoflr3t experiment in behalf of tho crop3 was not n con- splcuous success ; but tho theory is a flno ono, and If Mr. Boutwell sticks to it ho will havo a splendid opportunity to raako something handsomo out of it. But tho credit of it Is Corbln's. N. Y. 'un. Kot Kndorscd, Tho Harrisburg Telegrnph, provious totuo election of John J. Patterson to tho United States Sonato by tho South Carolina Legislature, nnd sinco.has con tained artlclos highly eulogistic of Mr. Patterson, and pledginglilmtho hearty endorsement of tho Pennsylvania Re publicans. To this, that staunch old Republican Journal, tho Chambersburg Repository, doraurs, and rap3 tho Tele graph somewhat sharply for its pro sumption, It says of tho nrtlcio alluded to.- It mattord littlo to us whether tho incidents in tho life or this good and groat man bo correctly chrouicled or not, a fow more virtues or a fow less vices than aro his making littlo differ onco in tho Bummlngup. But we rovolt at tho last sentence tho Teleoranhdn. votes to tho Interests of Mr. Patterson. It ussures tho country that tho Renub. licans of tho Koystouo Stuto will heart ily endorso hl3 election. Tho mustor roll of the Republicans of tho Koystono Stato is protty largo, ns was demon strated at tho Into election, nnd somo of us would rather rosorvo tho right to do as wo think best about ondorslug tho oloction of such u man as John J. Pat terson is widely known to bo, to the United States Sonato. Tho Stnto of South Carolina hns sinned grevlously against tho Union nnd grovlously lias uho been punished, but her sinning has not been such ns to warrant tho imposition of such Hhnmn nnd Ignominy as tho elec tion of Mr. Patterson to tho Senate In tho days or our bitterest anger wo could not havo wished to visit upon her such unmitigated disgrace." Moro Trouble. Wo have boon anticipating legal nnd political difficulties in Arkansas, ond thoy havo como ton head. A gentleman who was a candldaio on thoLlboral Stnto ticket has applied to tho United Stales Circuit Court for an injunction to pro vent certain persons claiming nn elec tion on tlio Republican Btnto tickot from exorcising tho duties of tho offices to which thoy claim to bo elected. Tho Courtis also nskod to conipol Acting Gov. Ilndloy nnd others to deposit in tho custody of tho Court nil origlnnl election returns nnd documents thoro with connected. Tho complaint further charges tho Governor nnd canvass! ng Board with depriving niutiy persons of their right to voto, nnd or nltcrlng tho roturns nftor thoy woro tnado up. Tho proceedings nro ponding, nnd It will bo sovoral days beforo n decision can bo reached. This caso, asitstands in tho Court, is almost nn oxnet reproduction or Hint in Louisiana. Outsldo of tho Court It has thoso differences: (1.) Tho Louisiana suits woro In tho interest of tho Admin istratlon ; but tho Arkansas suit Is for tho othor sldo. (2.) Thero was less reason for complaint by tho Kellogg party In Louisiana than thoro Is for tho Brooks or Liberal party In Arkansas, In Louisiana it was sot up that tho Ro publicans would havo been elected iu.uuu moro colored people had been nuoweu to voto. Ju Arkansas It is claimed that tho Liberals wero actually elected, tho returns being falsllled nnd mnny precincts having boon thrown out. in Louisiana It is charged that oxacuy lu.uuu colored Hepubllcan voters woro refused registration and tho rlcht of suffrage In Arkansas it is alleged that Liberals who wont to tho polls with certificates of registration in thel hands woro deprived or t ho right to voto and wero told that their names woro not on tlio poll-books. Theso dlsfran chised men improvised polling-places and cost many thousand votes. But aside from theso, it is claimed that tho Liberal tickot was elected by n fair ma jority. it is proposed to resort to tlio oxtra ordinary and (possibly) unconstilution ai provisions of tho Enforcement Act to provont tho declaration of tho Ar kansas voto in favor of tho Republicans Whon this was dono in Louisiana, it was said in The Tribune that such n pro reeding wa3 clearly nt vnrinnco with tho commonest principles of right and justice This is no io33 truo of tho at tempt in Arknnsns. Whiio nntccodont circumstances in this last-named Stato may scorn to bo moro nggrnvntlng to tho Liberals than any which tho Louis inna Republicans suffered, it is truo that tho samo regular legal remedy is oponinboth cases. Equity demands that conclusions should bo tried who n tho person obtaining tho ccrtiflcato of election shall bo in ofllco. Kellogg snouiu navo compolled McEnery tt show his warrant for holding tho Gov ernorship of Louisiana, after ho had claimed to act as Governor ; tho Ar kansas Liberals should in the samo way proceed ngnlnst tho Republicans who aro to bo installed in office All other anticipatory proceedings under the revolutionary Enforcement Act aro n mero trick. It will be worth whiio to wntchfortho issue in Arknnsas; tho Louisiana caso furnishes a bad and violent precedont; but all conscientious and thoughtful peoplo will justify only that course which follows tho custom ary processes of law and leaves tho Issue with tho courts. Tribune. Tho feeling of confldenco in tho public mind as to tho character of tho incident which befel Jonah, which has long pro vailed, has recontiy been rudoly shakon by tho Investigations or a certnin Mr, Sands, who nfllrms,on what groun 1 wo know not, that luckless prophet escaped in a yawl boatinstead orbeing onimlph ed within tho digestivoabyssosortho whale. On tho other hand, certain uubitations In respect to somo ortho recorded particulars or tho journey or tho ark, and certain historic doubts of tho authenticity of Noahs which hav e Invaded weak understandings, aro Anally sot at rest by tho discovery of an Assyrian inscription in tho cuneiform character, precisoly verifying tho Biblical record, and sotting fortli also many additional and interesting par ticulavs. Mr. Smith of tho British Mus eum, an accomplished orientalist, is tho translator of tho stono. Who Mr. Sands. tlio promulgator of tho yawl-boat theory is, wo uon't know,und don't caro much. JNor is thoro nny ground for supposing mat tno position of Jonah in this com munity will bo in tho least changed by nny oi ills protended disco vorios. 2Vi uif. J Tlio Louisiana. Louisiana is to all Intents and pur poses a satrap Stato. The Fedoral Gov ernment paid in 1871 to postal contrac tors in tho Stato of Louisiana $238,835.- ij. mat this onormous sum for fim thinly populated Stato is an outrara uuu scanuai can best boludced bv com- paring it to tho cost for postal contracts for tho Stato of Tonnosseo, which is a larger Stato nnd hns moro population. in 1871 tho Federal authorities paid for postal contracts in tho Stato of Ton nesseo just $09,142.32. And to mako tho postal subsidy swindle in Louisiana still moro glaring wo will glvo tlio pop ulatlon of thoso respectlvo Statos : Celt or Stale.. -""'.'SI'0"- f2S?fSR- TcnncHseo 1J5H.5J1 fUlArMj iAiniiiuiia 7IW,(U5 2W.SJ3.ail Can any sano man reconcllo thoabovo dlsgraceAil discrepancy oxcopt on the ground that $110,000 moro or tho Fed eral monoy was uselessly oxponded in ljouisiana than in Tennesseo because tho services ortho hirelings woro needed in other ways than for what tho ostensiblo oxpendituro calls for V In tho gonoral squander $140,000 or oven $250,000 may uot bo very alarming uut tno most alarming part is that Fed eral monoy Is used mo3t lavishly In a Stato whero tho liberties of tho poonlo aro in the grcatestjeopardy. World. Justus Lawrence. It is with much regret wo an nounce tho death of Justui Lawrence at Yonkers, N. Y on last Saturday. or somo years ho lias been Presidont or tho Continental Life Insuranco Co., and Its unparallolcd success is mainly duo to his energy, sagacity nud porso- voranco. Ho was unsurpassed ns n bus- nugs man, was universally esteomod in social life, und his loss will bo Irrepara ble. iiut.fow men havocondonsod so much usefulness in so brief a space, und we trust that his example will not lio lost. Obituary. Edwin Forrest was born in Phlludcl tibia on tho ninth of March. 1800, nud In his twelfth yonr performed fomnlo parts nt tho old uoutu strcot tncniro. in mo following year ho assumed innlo clinr actors, nud on tho twentieth of Novem ber. 1820. ho mndo his debut nt tho Wn nut street thcatro ns "Young Nor vnl." In Homo's trnuodvof Doui'tas. A nrotrncted professlotinl tour In tho wo Urnrn eltles of thii Union onsucd.iind For rest returned to tlio east with a consul- crab o renulnllon for histrionic ability, Aftor sovornl RUccossful engagements in Albany and I'liiiadoipiun.iio appear ed In Now York In July, 1820, in "Othollo." Tho popularity ho onjoyed may bo said to onto irom tins occasion, Forsnvoral vcarshonctod In tho princi pal theatres of tho Union, nppoarlngns 'Othollo." "Mttcboth," ''Hamlet," "Richard III," nnd In other prominent Hhnitspenrcan parts, mm niso in n iium linr of nlnvs bv American ntlthnrs. In 1831 ho visited England nud ncted ills principal pieces with groat success. Dur ing n Bccond vlslttoEnglnnd,ln 1837, ho wns mnrrlod to Miss aincinir.dnughtor ofn well known singer or that name, with whom ho returned to his natlvo land in 1833. Ho went to England on nnothcr visit In tlio year 1811, nnd re mained in Great Britain and upon tho continent for two years. In 1810 Mr. Forrest sonaratcd from his wlfo. tilleg ing misconduct on her part. Not long nftcr this Mrs. Forrest brought nn action for dlvorco against hor husband on tho ground of Infidelity nndoutained a ver dict in hor favor.with nn annual nllow- nnco or$3000 nllmony. In tlio yenr 1858 ho temporarily withdrew from thostago io rest ior n tuno irom ins arduous la bors, but soon roturucd to tho stage Ho has played over slnco Hint tlmo In nil tho principal cltios in tniscouniry, mnking cnirngcmcnts with each sue. cesslvo season. For n year or two past his popularity has not boon as great us it deserved to bo. Si'eakino of tho movement to con vert tho patriotic sentiment of tho coun try into cash by n joint stock company celebration of tho centennial of tho birthday of American liborty.tho W orld remarks: "Tlutlono, unfinished, soli tary pllo which was to havo commcmo rated, but docs not, thonamo of the first President under tho shadow of tho fod oral capltol, is brought to mind by the fact that further subscriptions havo been lately made towards its coraplo tlon. It would bo monstrous to have a grand Joint stock company celebration of tho centennial ortho republic in 1S7G with tho Washington mouumont in complete Tho greater wo might np- provo oursol ves tbo keener would bo tho sneer of tho foreign visitor. 'Yes, I sco America is a great country, but a hun dred years pas3 without fitly coin- 'memorating Its pator patrito.' If tho joint stock company idea is to bo oper ated, lot congress mako It ono of tho duties oi tho corporation to-finish tho Washington monument out of tho s.ilo ofsomoorits bonds. Ten millions for n monoy making centennial nnd not a cent for our founder's memorial won't do." A Detroit man had n rover, during Which ho frequently asked for pickcls and cider. When ho had becomo so ill that his deatli was considered only a question of n fow hours, his wifo gavo him tho mucli-deslrcd. viands, and ho recovered. Relic op Fort Donelson. Dr. R. H. Little, of this placo, extracted on Wednesday last, from beneath tho shoulder joint of Charle3 Miller, a hugo conical shaped lead ball, which ho received at tho battlo of Fort Donolson. Attempts nt its removnl hcrotoforo, proving unsuccessful, being in closo proximity to importnnt bloodvessels, thereby rendering it nomowhnt dnngor- ous Merwic; Independent, CONGRESS Tho Seuato on Tuesday of lost week after acting on vurious matters, took up tho French Spoliation bill nnd dis- cussed It until adjournment. In tho Houso n bill was introduced relating to American exhibitors in tho Vienna Exhibition, and appropriating in aid thereof. Tho subject was discussed until tho oxpiration of tho morning hour, nftor which Mr. Brooks mado n personal explanation respectinir thochargo mado against him by Mc- Comb, which brought on a discussion about the Credit Moblller Investigating Committee as to whether tho invest! gation should bo public or private. Tho Senato and Houso spent somo tlmo on Wednesday of last week in listening to eulogies on tho lato Senator Garret Davis. In the nouso n bill wns adopted nuthorlzlng tho investigntion of tho nffairs of tho savings banks in mo ujsinct oi (joiumtiia. A bill was also passed by that body for tho settle ment of tho flvo par cont. land claim duo States of Ohio, Indiana, and Illl- nois. In tlio U. S. Sonato ou Thursday of last week, tho Houso bill to amend tho postal code was reported with amend ments changing tho rato or postngo on seeds, etc., in packngos to 1 cent for every 2 ounces or fraction of two ounces, and providing that all mall matter of tho third class must bo propald. Mr. Edmunds, from tho Judiciary Com mltteo, roported advorseiy tho bill to allow women to voto nnd hold ofllco in tho Territories. Mr. Edmunds nlso reportod advordoly,from tho samo com mittee, tho bill to ficllltato intornal commerco, nnd it was indefinitely post poned. Mr. bhorman, from thoFJnanco Committee, reported a substitute for Mr. Pouieroy's bill to prohibit the man- facturo, salo and importation of liquors In tho District of Columbia nud other Torrltorles. Tho bill proviJIug for tho exebango of registered for coupon bonds was discussed. Mr. Ramsoy. from tho Po3t.ofllcoCoramlttco,reported tho Postal Telegraph bill. Tho French Spoliation Claims bill was discussed. in tno nouso Mr. wood oiiered n series of resolutions on locking up gold and currency, which was followed by a report of tho Banking and Currency Committco on tho investigation or tho Tenth National Bank or Now York. Tho Houso shortly afterwards went into Coirimltteo of tho Whole upon tho Deficiency Appropriation bill, which nftcr somo discussion was roported nnd tho bill passed. Tho bill roported by tho Foreign Oommltloo, rolatlng to tho Vienna Exposition nud making nn appropriation of $100,000 for expenses, was then tuuon up und passed. In the Sonato last Friday, House bills, extending tho tlmo for tlio com pletion of tlio Winona and St. Poters's nanroau, anu appropriating spibjuu ior I tho expenses or tho Toxus Commission, were passed. After discussion, tho rcg- ular ordor, tho Indian Appropriation bill, wns callod by Mr, Wlndoin. Tho itiuiau, However, was inui asiuo ior tno Deflcloncy bill, und tho latter paasod nnd sont buck to tho Houso for concur ronco In nn nniotidmont. After nn ox cciilivo sosslon tho Sonnlo adjourned until January Gtli. In tlio House sovoral bills wero in trodticcd. amontr them ono by Mr. Porlor, of Va., proposing a Conslitu tional amendment making tho Pros! dent. Vico President nnd Sonnlors of tho United States olccllvo by direct voto or tho people An Ineffectual effort wns mndo to got various bills acted upon, among thehi tho Dcflcloncy bill, whon n call of tho Houso showed that no quorum wns present. Finally tho Houso ndlournod until January Gtli. NEWS Tlio floods in England uro unprccC' dented. Windsor nnd Eton aro Inundn dntcd. In somo sections of tho midland counties only tho tops of trees nnd hedges nro vlslblo.nndnt Peterborough, Northamptonshire, mnny residents hnvo taken rcfugo in tho upper stories of their houe3. In tho last ten days -119 persons havo perished by storms nt sea and thirty went down with tho Match less off tho coast or Northumberland. George Palmer Putnam, tho well known publisher, of Now York, died suddenly on Friday hist, In the 59th year of his age Ho wns bom In Bruns wick, Me, and began "tho lifo ofn publisher" nt tho ago of 15. Samuol G. Tumor, a prominent poli tical of Northern Pennsylvania, died on.Frlday at Wllkcslurro, after a short Illness. Tho Secretary of tlio Treasury has io- commended that tho appropriations for tlio now Post-offico in Philadelphia bo increased to $3,000,000. Coluuibus,Dccomber 21. Georgo II Gregory, who was crushed on Wednes day, whiio coupling cars, died yester day. It is a mystery how liolivod so long. For forty-olght hours no pulso was perceptible, and tho wholo lowor portion of his body was boniimbed and paralyzed. Nevertheless, ho remained conscious to tho lust moment. A locomotivo on tlio Cincinnati, Wnb.-whnnd Mlchlgnn Railroad became disabled botwoon Warsaw nnd Goslion, Ind., on Saturday night. Tho engineer and fireman woro frozen to death in at tempting to reach a houso ono mllo dis tant. Thero Is said to bo a lower stngo of water In tlio Mlssisippl at prcsont than at any tlmo for 53 years. Tho Houso Judiciary Commlttcoliavo agreed to report n bill increasing tho President's salary to $50,000 per annum, after March lth, 1S73. David G. Croly has resigned tho pos ition ormanaclng editor or tho Now York World. Thosliip Franklin, which sailed from Hamburg several days ago for San Francisco, with n largo number of emi grants on board, stranded on "tho coast of Vineland, an islnnd on tho Nether lands, in tho North Sea, and went to pieces. Eighty persons nro known to havo perished. Tho U.S. Sonato has confirmed tho nomination of Ward Hunt ns Justicoof tho United States Supremo Court, and Samuel F. Phillips ns solicitor of tlio Internal Revenue Bureau. U. S. Treasurer Spinner decides that national banks havo the right to refuso U. S. fractional currency offered in pay ment of debts duo them asforinstanco whero $10 is offered in ton cont notes. When offered ns a deposit, to tho credit of tho depositors' nccount, tho banks may receivo or refuso it nt their dis cretion. According to tho reluming Cuban correspondent of tlio Now York Her ald, thero aro still 12,000 Cuban Insur gents in tho flold. President Cespcdes told him that IT thero wero sufficient arms thero would bo-10,000 moro troops The Insurgents hnvo plenty or nmmu nltlon, but not enough guns. Tho cor respondent thinks tho strugglo will bo "indefinitely prolonged, unless outsldo parties intcfero." Jay Gould lias compromised with tho Erio Railroad Company, by agreeing to refund tho nino millions of dollars for which they had brought suit against him in tho courts, A train on tho Buffalo, Corry and Pittsburg lltilroad, ran off a tro3t!o bridge noaT Prospect Station, yesterday, Tho wrecked cars cau'jhtflro and wero partly consumod. At tho latest accounts, 10 dead bodies had been takon from tho dobris, and 35 passengers wero known to havo been Injured. A freight train of thirteen ears and a locomotlve.ontho Jefforsonvillo, Madi son and Indianapolis Railroad, "Jump ed tho track" at Ilenysvllle, Ind., yes torday, and was totally wrecked. Tho engineer, fireman and brakesman woro killed. A despatch from Wabash, Ind., ro ports sixty locomotives frozen up on tho Toledo, Wabash and Western Rail- road, botwecn Huntington und Peru, Ind., and they had been laid up forty eight hours. The cattlo, hogs and sheep on tho trains woro frozen to clout h, nnd mnny of tho mon employed on tho rail road had their limbs badly rrost-bltton. Cows aro bringing about $20 at auc tions in vnrious parts or Bradford couu ty- Paris, December 23. A dispatch from Bordeaux says tlio Liverpool packet Germania went ashoro ou Saturday evening during a violent storm, on a sand bank at the mouth of tho river ulronde. Tlio watorsoon began to break over tho vessol, and tho passongors and crow woro compolled to tako to tho rig ging, from winch thirty persons woro washed away und drowned. Tho re mainder, after passing tho eutlro night in tliolr perilous position, woro rescued on Sunday morning by a French stoum ship. Thero woro two lnrgo fires in Now York city yesterday. By tho llrst, Bar- nuin's Museum and Monagerlo, Qraco Chapel, nnd Groto'slvory establishment wero destroyed and soveral other build ings wero partly dc3troyod or damaged, Tlio Academy of Music narrowly escap. cd destruction. Only two of the animals in Barnum's Mcnsgorlo woro Buved. Tho total loss is estimated nt $1,000,000. By tho second Uro tho wholo block on tho west sldo of Coutro street, botwoon Leonard nnd Crosby, was laid in ruins, a number oi business linns and store keepers rnd many families being burned out. Tho loss by this ilro is estimated at $00,000. Two girls nnd two mon woro injured, ono of tho mon perhaps fatally, u'lioro was an "unconfirmed" rumor that Blx girls had lost their lives A. T. Stownrl,E!q.,or Now Yorl wns seriously Injured by n fall on tho Bleps of his houso in Fifth Avmiuo, on Saturday night. His leg was broken nud nnklo dislocated. , ,,, mi Now Advortiaouicnto. 7VTOT1CI3I All 1'crKnti-i Utinwtnir tliomnlvA4 fiulr-ltfn, A W SInler nro rf-n.netoil ta mnlto limnorilnto splllomont with William Mump, nt MUIvJIIg, Tit,, wlin linn chnrito or tbo hooks nud papers in i in nn i ni woo. aih-ugi-h re nmi nr inni. nr 1U1 111U lll",M,ll. Afirompi RtuioniciH in niwomicij- umrmmicu, DAVID if AS ri IK'S. deo S7. 5ir. MOTICR Ll Tho Oommlsilouors'niitlTrnMiirAi-'M nin-n will lio closed, ni to nny nulslil" lmsltio, trinu January 11 1S73. Tho County Aiiilltors, who nicot on tho Gtlinl Jnnunry, will HKi-iy iiutu up limb vuui4 nun i im we-'H precoti, lnacotnmenolrjir December 3). Tim (7nmmNinn. prsnnil Treasurer waul to tliomselvcs to stnto uieir nccoiiius nnu navo mom rcauy for lloanl oi Auuitors wiien uu-y inni-i. Attest! W.M. KlllCKllAUM, Clerk. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. XV. ESTATE OF AlUtAltAM 1ES llEO'll. Tho umlorslimoil iinnolnteil AmliLnr to ill trlhuto tho funds In llio linnils of tlio Ailmlnls will meet tlio parties lutcroito-t nt llio olllco of i:. Jnekson, Kmi., In tho town of llionms- liuru, ou (Saturday, January 18th, 1S7I, nt 10 ii ciouk, n m..wnou aim wnero nil pors-uis in terested, nnd having claims niMlust. tho estate. nro requested to piesont thorn to tho Auditor, "i hi uu turever iieuarruu irom comiug in ior hlinra of paid eslalo, K. H, MTTI.K December 27th, 1872-1 w T7XIJCUTOHS' NOTICR "l ESTATE Oi, ENOL-II l-nr. uicr'n. i Letters testamentary on tho estate of I'noch l-'ox. Into of LJae township, Columbia cou nty. ilBi-ensed., havo been frrnnlcil by tlio Kesls-croi Ham coiiniy to .oueiideo Hitter nnd John J.i ox.oi jorimu iwn. i.yconiingco, All per sons uaviuii vitiim-i ntiinsk mo csuiiu uro re niii-sti-tl to nrcsent Ilium to thn K?reriit.nrfl It lij coiulnt! county. Thoso luilobtcd to tho cstnto ellheron noto.JiidKment. inortRimo or book nc count will mako payment to tho Kxoctiiors without ueiny. .i;ni-;i)r,i; uiTl'EIl, JOHN J. I'lix. uov20 -Gw, I'xccntors ATOTIOE OF DISSOLUTION. 'llio co-partnership liorotororo exlstln between B. J. All. l'.Molloury Is this day dls solved by mutual consent. Helllements of ac counts can bo mndo with either member of tho latollrm. AllnccouuiH not kcuIim within thirty nays imiii uiiio uieruoi win uu pincuu ill 11 hands of n nroner olllco for collection. Tlio husluot will bi continued at tho old stand bv' li. J. .Mt-llonry, who respectfully hi lie Us iv contlnuauco of tho liberal custom give ine diu urm. V.. J. MolIKNIlV, u. i uuiikn'hy'. Btlliwalcr, Dec. 20th, 18Sl.-3t. PHI LA DELPHI A & HEADING It It C.VTAWISHA AND WII.I.IAMSl'OU'l' DllANUll. WINTER AIlBAXaHMIXrsJ. (Depot loot l'lno steel.) BOUl'II. NOIIT1I. Accom l'xiiresj I I Mall ai'Al'lUKS. Kxpiuksl Mall. 1'. M. A. It. Lu'v. Ar. 1". M. A.M. 6 mi s l'J A illl n ii li ?2 6 30 (I 4U II 17 7 W S III II oi o ll o ai o :u u ru in oi III OS 10 17 10 57 11 1) 11 'Jl Wllllamspjrt Mouiilvillo leave Hall's Muncy Allouwood Whlto Deer New Columbia Milton D.invlllo Itupert Uatiiwlssa s m 5 10 fl 0."i 1 fiH I .'II I SS I 'Jl 1 II :i a .1 is 3 II) It n H 8 27 K 8 fij 7 0: 7 1 o m R'll nrrs 10 u p 111 12 ii llltiRtown ox 1 01 Summit 1 X 1 111 Quaknlco 1 21 20 Tnmaneud 1 20 1 SO K. M. Junction 1 14 1 50 arrTamanua 1 00 An additional train leaves Herdln House .Wll llamspitrt, nt 'J.l.'jH. in. tucnnnccllou with trains irom tho West, for nil nolnts on Catawlssa llranch nnil main lino. IkturnliiR leaves Milton at 5.1)5 p.m., maklUL' direction ;at Wllllaiubporl Willi iritins ior uiu csi. M clinnn" oi ears between I'lilladelplim, Now York and Wllllatnsnort. Amnio time will be auuwuu t-acu way lur tucuerui rumaqua. ii. u. nuns 11 ai;t, (Superintendent. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE Funny Side of Physic 800 PAGES, 2o0 ENGRAVINGS An Illterostlnir nnil Amusln-- nn th Medical IIIuinbui:s of the oast nnil nrcsent. 1 raieui.-iit-uicino venuois.iNoieii i-cmaifl uneats, i-oriuuo Tellers and Mediums, nnil ulv-i-H Inter- estltiK accounts of Noted l'hvslclans Nar ratives of their lives. It reveals staitllmr secrets und Instructs all how to avoid tho Ills whluh iiesnisnuir to. Woglvo cxcluMvo territory nnd uuerai coiiiiiiiskious. l-or circulars anil term? nuuress tho publishers, J. II. liUHlt Si I1YDI3, IIAKTFOHD, CONN., or CHlCAao. ILL, dec 27 3m. book: AGENTS Foil THE OK Till! UNITED STATES : 1300 Pages and 500 Engravings Written by 20 Eminent Authors, Including JOHN II. aoUQH nml 1IOKACE GKEEI.EY This work Is a completo history of nil branclios ui luuusiry, jiroues.u. ui mauuiaciuro, OIC, Hull nges. It Is a completo encyclopedia of nrts nnd iniinuracturlos, and Is tho most enlertnlnlUK and valuablo work oflnforinatlon ou subJects.oi ecu. t-rul Interest ever ullorded to tlio public. Wo want. Astiiui in ovory town or tno united Htntet nud no aueuts can fall to do well with this imoir ono nnoni sold 13lrnplcs In eight duvs, another soldllbSlu two weeks. Our ncut lu Hartford hold 3-J7 In ono week, Hjieclmeus sent freo ou lUUVUH, Ul BIUU1I. 1873 THE WORLD 1873 A new political era Is opening beforo tho country. Tho neurn cycloofonr politics hns rounded to na euucui-tioiiH mrouxii civil wnr.sociai violctu-o ludustrlaldlhurder. and bus nn,li-ri in Kivtm, fro... l.'.om. V? .fn";. 'nlj"ns of tho negro race, uud the ballot tolls adult male. "J'lio old order chaugoth, yleldeth pU:o to tho now." Tlio politics of this now ora will c win homo to ovcry man's business and bosom as never bo toro.beliiK to prlvato piosporllv and tho ui.i..kii..ii-a u i. j.uiuuuraiiu itepuniic, l- or not only nro tho manirold encru ichmonts of 1-ederul iiponstatopuworiand nt both upon mo largo nueriyoi American freemen now as uiwuys ni uu rcpueu whu ceaseless vlgllanco not homo rulo or local nelf Government uo.w ns always to ha malutatue-l lor tho best Kuaiuuiue uieiii nuoriy nnu o uatlouil great ness, but besides, tho victories of peaco which nro to glvo spleudor to tno era imtstbu won ng.ilnst every ndvantago which ovon cuo- luiua Ul lieu jusuiuuou couiu ueslra or pos bess. A glgantlo ilobt, which the honor of tho coun try Is pledged to pay, cucumbers all our Indus, tries with Us oppressive burden Nevertheless or systemsof and stato taxation aro eruue, uni-tjiiui, anu ueiruuu llio poor to release the rich. Nevertheless our system or federal taxation Is inch an Infamous i,i)i-.tnrnin,-A ..r i,.. norancoHUd Incapacity, put to tlio vllo uses of iuuuu luii.isuuu i-ivuriius ami inieves ns never niivwncro has dlsuracHd tttmii-ii i-tviii7it i,.n slnco Louis XIV., with his methods of taxation miner man luiiuuouiu, paralyzed tho Industries of I-'ranco. And along with tho tarlir, which prohibits tho export of our manufactures, abrldses tho number of our Industries, cuts down tho profit upju tho oxports Irom nil our lartus, plantations, aud mines; abolishes our stilnnliiL: Irom olfilie hleii se.-is. nml ntr-tiau iruiu me peupie s pocueis every tlmo puts 81 lu tho U. H. Treasury ,-aIong with tho engine of oppression, stupidity, nud Irauds soas a eurron ey ol lluctuatlug value as tho measure nt v.ilnc lu evory act of domestic uxcliauge. Wtietevernartlnsm.ivurUitAp fill u,l..,n.-n. their defeat or triumphs, and whatever their uumes. Tho World now and always will remain .uu uunmuuiu); euttiupiu ul uu I-lUEItAI. I'KOailEMtVE HESIOCItACV whereof l-'reedom defended nad deflnod by Jus tice lu tho oolur star. As u vehicle of news, tho World will sparo no uiiuse, im uuerg , lu iimiiuuiu nun auvauco us piaco in mo ursL route oi metropolitan jour- iiuis. us iicau, uuunuuui. various, uuti accur ate news, comprising the wbolo cliclo of cuneut iiiieuigeueo nun nicraiure, win uiscuss as be comes a trustworthy oruau of onlnlnu. wlin run, dor, with steady devotion to sound public and privuio juurais, wnu special unowiougo ior spe cial themes, and with various and wido reach lug npprclicusloii of tho mauliold Interests of men uuu women in tuoir iiomos, their murket uiiees, uieir woncsuopg, uuu uieir xarius, The Daily Price for one mm- r,ir one your, 3iu,unciuuiug nuuuay Kdlllou. 112). uuuiiiiiiug any nay ; uuu ub luo same rulo ptr The World Aliuanaoljr ls7.1 fremlv nlmiit. .1n, t. iota; uuu uupy, posi paiu. e cents iivo copies post nald. l. DlftEimoNH.-Additions to clubs may bo made at any tlmo In tho year at lliaabovu elm. rates, unuitges in ciuu lists, mauo only on ro oucst of nersons reeelvlm- eltili tiiielciiirps. sfnl. lug dale of subscription, edition, postolilces. nud state to which It lias previously been sent. iui,.iq. uuu ,u wuvuueu. neuu imi.iuiiiuu money order, bank draft, or registered letter. Hills seat bv mull will ba ut the risk of bender. We nave no travcUug agent, (specimen conies. posters, Ac., sent .Ireo ut charge, wherever and whenever desired, Addro is all orders und loi ters to "TIIll WOULD," deo H, 187J. 83 l'ark How, Now York. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATU OF M1CIIAKI, LEMON, DtO'l). 'iiiounucfttiuuou nppoiuieu.uuuiior to uisirlb uluthofunds lu hands of Cyrus 11. Whu,. l!v. ecutnr.niuoug creditors and heirs of the Estate of Mlehuel Lemon, deceased, will meet thu tur tles Interested at thuiiillcu oft. (I. I i.i i if t n v. hi, Haturday, January lath, 1S73 at lu o'clock, a. in, when und where all parties luterested.aud hav ing claims uttnlust the esttde nro ro'iueslod tu riseui. uiuiii mi uiu A.uiiuor, ur vu uoioruver uo barred from coming lu lor n share of said estate. WAITED , , , u, li, llllllvl,l.l , dco20,4w Audltcr. THE .BLOOMSBUl' State Normal School AND LITERARY INSTITUTE lug nro tho onlyxkntfmiV Statopays'1 1,rnw- 3r" I IF T ""ST CENtS tt week on tho tuition of those over 17 , ago who nro t.rcparlug fir t?,.d?ei" ami5 Ca" DOLLAR! .eV;t0S,dVlK,V!l'? Normrl l,01m. nunl terms lu tlio'u I school, of llio SlftV Tho Second Winter Term Begin: January 2,1573 l-'or further particulars apply to BKV. JOHN IIKWITT, IT.INCIPAL, DLOOMsnUItO, COL. CO., .A Doc. 0, rpOTEAOIIEltS AND FHIENDS op Tlio Annual Hesslnu of tho Coluinhli fw, Teachers-1 nstltuto for tho year 18 2 , wll 2 , 'i at llloomsburir. In thn ' ,J0"M NORMAL SCHOOL BUILDING, commencing Moiulayjiec. S!J, a 2 o'clcicn.i., m, weJnk'10""8 FrWly 0VCnl"8 of ' "ami All persons toichlnc or preparing In tc ich s,.,. itcomo members, .in, I ur-. requested to on?,?1 bencllKr" 0t ,I,U lmMa n"1 ' '.cuve1!';; Tito exercises will consist of Class Wnrit. IJssays, Kloctit ou and Discussions d?,t"r !,'; day ( and Music, Keports, lleadlags it ,iSrii' lures lu tho evenluir. "'""ass ana Lcc- It Is our ileslro that every teacher In tlin... ty will surely bo present at, d ?,,,'f,t ', ' this Institute n decided success. ".iiUcs Hchopl Directors nnd all otliers feeling an In. terest In the schools or tho county are tell , fully lnvltod to attend, ' rcsrv.t. w. it. H.vm:u, P(n,t.., !,u,,,'v..H,.l.!,intenlUm, ,aa ti( AJXJMt itttllf 134. 1, pUlliADELlW.V KBAnfcu I-.xcurslon tickets for tho holMiys will In filled nt reduced tares bctwoen all regular tlous oriinilu lluonnd branches (excel t n i. . tween local points ou Oerinaulown nud Smnl'. town branch), good from ottk. Saturday, Dec. 21, 1S72, to Saturday, Jan. I vi both days inclusive. Passengers should secure their tickets liclor. 1",m dw i, ,i .. . Ami. Pupt. of Hug. Moi-ii'v Heading, I'n , Doc. IM, ls7J.-;t 1 Ji:ystonj; Cakkiacii: Won ,KS IU.00.1ISBIJ1U.', P.i. A. S. C 11 O S S L E Y lias on hand nnd forwilechcaper than thoclitiiii. mi'souTlolern11 """''"r old Wngomon CARRIAGES, II UGGIES & WAGONS of every description, both plain nud fancy. , - "i-hsito, ii'cu.,miKlcs, rum nnd fa ncy Platform Hnrlng Wagons all of I lie latisi stylo aud madu of gooil material and fully irnr. ranted. (Jlvo mo a call beforo purchasing (No where, ns I cannot bo undersold. 1 claim I mnkp tho best wagons for tho least money. L "in' l"Jlu,lllB trimming and repair nl,l uii.,.itn,u,iiiiu,imi springs wtiuea and warranted to stand or no pay. 1 will ex chango n pnrinblo top hugsy for any kind ef J umber, such ns hemlock, piuo, nsh, llun hickory ntlll lutnlfir In l.u .1.., I.....-...1 .. , ..... ... ?,rs!.!1 ,,m- Irondulo orders tako i nnd JIcKelvy Neul & Co.'s lor repairing as cai. 0, v.nurs.'si,!'. 1 Wisliarfc's Pino Tree Nature's Great Remedy FOll tiu: Throat and Lungs. It Is gratifying to us to inform tlio public Dr. L. (1. 0. Wlsharfs l'lno Trco Tar Cordial, for Throat and Lung Diseases, has galne 1 an envla- bio reputation irom tho Atlantic to tlio Pactb coast, and from thenco to somo of tlio llrst fann ies of Kurope, not through tho press alono, but- by persons throughout tho Stato actually Itcno- llttid nmlcurcd nt his olllce. While ho publish es less, so say our reporters, ho Is unablo to sup ply tho demand. It gains aud holds Its reputa tion First, Not by stopping cough, but by loosen ing nnd assisting uaturo to throw oil' the un healthy matter collected about tho throat nud bronchial tubes, uhich came. irritation. Second, It removes tho causo of Irritation (which produces cough) of tho muoous membrane and bronchial tubes, assists the lungs to act ami throw oll'tho uuhealthy so:retlous, nnd purities tho blood. (Third. II Is fi-eo from squalls, lobelia, Ipecac nud opium, of which most throat nud lung reme dies nro compose, I, which uliay cough only, aud dlsorgaulio tho stomach. It has n soothlui fi fed ou tho stomach, nets on tho liver aud kid uoys, and lymphatic und nervous regions, thus reaching to ovcry pal tot tho system, and la us Invigorating aud purllylng effects IthasgalncJ a reputation which It must hold nbovo all others 111 tho market. Tlie Pino Tree Tar Cordial, Groat American Dyspopsia Pills, AX1 ".VOIIM SUGAR DROPS llelng under my Immediate direction ,tliey shall not loso their curallvo qualities by tho uso of cheap and Impuro articles. Homy 11. Wisluirt, luiopmtrroK, FREE OF CHARGE Dr. L.Q. C. Wlshart's Olllco Tailors nro opcu u Jlonday, Tuesday and Wcduesday from U A . t. in fi i M.. for consultation bv Dr. Win. T. Magce, Wllhhlm nro associated two consulting physicians of acknowledged ability. Jius up- rortuutty Is not offered by nuy othor inslliuuou lu tho city. All I.olCersj must Ijo Addressed to L.Q. C, WISHART, M. D., NO. 232 NORTH SECOND ST. Philadelphia. dec. e 1372-0 m , BUSINESS OAHD3, VIHITINH OAKIW, DILL HKADH, 1'HOllltAMMElJ, 1'OdTKiW, ta, ( Noatlv nnd Olioaply Printed i10P"L prepnrlim to "bein1.1? ;'!! ui iirepar tig for col cg l is fa i t. - "", M oja the latest blyles or Typi nt lh
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers